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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Justice Segue (part 16)
17th November 2017
09:25 GMT -5

"Fifty-eight, fifty-nine…"

And time. I tug on the rope, and when it doesn't immediately slacken I pull on it hard. Senator Sandoval comes flying out and I catch him as gently as I can while signalling Mother Box to close the boom tube.


"Oh God. Oh God."

I set him down and he sort of collapses, shivering and staring into space.

"Oh God."

I kneel down next to him.

"Our Father, who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On Earth as it is in Heaven."

He appears to come out of it a little. He focuses on me, eyes still staring.

"What the Hell was that?"

"To put it simply, that was my Father's psychic aura." I offer a hand to help him up and he takes it, the shakes dying down a little. "Just being on the same planet as him makes everyone feel like that. You see why I want to keep him away from Earth?"

"Yeah. Yeah I do. God help me." He blinks, then focuses on me. "You..? You know the Lord's Prayer?"

I shrug. "My people are monotheistic… Sort of. And I've read up on popular Earth religions. So what did you think?"

"Yeah, that kinda evil-. We need to fight that."

"Excellent! I'll leave you to reorganise-" A red dot appears on my chest. "-Texas, but you should probably get off the roof now, because I think someone's about to try something 'clever'."

"It's not-. Ah, I didn't-."

"I know. Move."

He turns to his backing singers, still clearly shaken but rapidly recovering. "Alright everyone, move it!"

Subjekt-17 takes a few steps forwards, bending his neck to look at the red dot on my chest. "Finally."

"Yeah, sorry, I appreciate that it wasn't as interesting as it might have been."

Accomplished Perfect Physician shakes his head. "I found it quite educational. I had little time to study economics."

Adam nods. "Always good to know that the guy in charge has a plan."

I smile at them. "Aw, you guys…"

A canister of something hits me in the chest, green smoke rising off it for about half a second before I neutralise the… Nerve agent, and transmute the canister into a bobble head.

"Subjekt Seventeen, please remonstrate with whoever fired that."

He leaps off the roof, heading towards the edge of town.

Adam frowns. "What was that?"

"Nerve gas. Hippolyta… Not that I don't value your presence, but you're the squishiest person here and there isn't really anything else for you to learn. Perhaps it would be best if you evacuated as well?"

She looks… Up, towards the town centre. "I should brief my daughter first."

I follow her… Yes, that's Diana. Nice to know that she got her head out of her arse. She isn't coming in at full speed, but she is heading this way. "Do that-"


"-from another building."

She nods, and heads through the tube. Okay, scan, because-.

Two rays of green light hit Diana in the chest and knock her out of the sky!


Oh no. Brannon, you miserable little third stringer, I didn't want you, it's supposed to be-.

I sidestep, daiklave appearing in my hand to parry the short sword that appears to come out of nowhere! A second sword strikes a surprised Captain Adam in the chest, mildly discolouring the metal over his heart before the user flies back into the air.

"What the-?"

Not faster than light, are you Hotshot? I raise my right arm, fusion cannon construct forming-.

The air ripples as Physician opens his mouth, a green and barely visible blur slowing and then falling from the sky, swords dangling from cables attached to his harness. He hits the edge of the roof hard, then falls towards the ground.

"Separate, and call out attackers as you see them."

Adam frowns. "Who was that?"

"Captain Jonathan Banks, United States Navy. The loyalty of the American military hangs by a thread. For the first time in living memory the government isn't sure that its orders will be obeyed. So they're sending fanatics. The people they experimented on after seizing Lex Luthor's research on kryptonian technology." I rise off the rooftop using my aero-discs. "And I've got to stop Brannon killing Wonder Woman. I don't think-."

Something hits me and a fraction of a second later I'm looking up at the sky through a small hole in the earth and asphalt. None of Brannon's team are fast enough and strong enough to do that. Looks like Thundermind got approval for cooperation.


The earth around me explodes as I shove it away, tracking the locations of all likely attackers. One of the Thunderminds has recovered the recumbent Hotshot, while the other-. Hah! Just tried that lotus mind trick thing on Adam and got most of the flesh burned off his face for his troubles.

Follow Hippolyta.



I get my construct armour up as some sort of electrified kryptonite plasma slams into me.


"You know I'm not kryptonian, right?"

Sergeant Adams -no relation- keeps her arm blasters pointed at me, maintaining the flow of plasma. Got to be a salvaged kryptonian power source powering that, because turning kryptonite into plasma is a very energy-intense process. It's also easy to counter if you have a power ring. I just create a plasma shield of my own and the kryptonite just flows around it.

And then I notice that the civil servants and politicians aren't out of the combat area yet and while this plasma might not do much to me it would scythe though a normal building without too much difficulty.

Right then. I stride forward, point my fusion cannon directly at her and fire, the plasma beam overpowering her discharge and striking her hard in the chest! Her armour takes the hit, her weapons shutting down as she's thrown into the shop front opposite us.

Fine, time to clean house. She's no real loss-.

Subjekt-17 slams into my side!
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17th November 2017
09:25 GMT -5

"Fifty-eight, fifty-nine…"

And time. I tug on the rope, and when it doesn't immediately slacken I pull on it hard. Senator Sandoval comes flying out and I catch him as gently as I can while signalling Mother Box to close the boom tube.
Let's hope he's not too damaged by the experience he just had. He seems like a nice guy, so it'd be a shame to lose his assistance. After all, seeing one of the worst places in the universe is going to change a man.


"Oh God. Oh God."
"Closing it now. Do check on him, he seems a little shaken." To be fair, he did have something of a religious experience. Not a fun one, though.

I set him down and he sort of collapses, shivering and staring into space.

"Oh God."
...Anyone got some strong booze? Might need a little nip of something to shake him out of the cognitive loop...

I kneel down next to him.

"Our Father, who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On Earth as it is in Heaven."
Good plan. Give him something to focus on other than the overwhelming evil.

He appears to come out of it a little. He focuses on me, eyes still staring.

"What the Hell was that/?"
Closest thing to the actual place you'll get while alive, really.

"To put it simply, that was my Father's psychic aura." I offer a hand to help him up and he takes it, the shakes dying down a little. "Just being on the same planet as him makes everyone feel like that. You see why I want to keep him away from Earth?"

"Yeah. Yeah I do. God help me." He blinks, then focuses on me. "You..? You know the Lord's Prayer?"
Grayven's research is thorough. Not like the Renegade will mention the real reason.

I shrug. "My people are monotheistic… Sort of. And I've read up on popular Earth religions. So what did you think?"

"Yeah, that kinda evil-. We need to fight that."
All the better to work with people without triggering some denominational backlash.

"Excellent! I'll leave you to reorganise-" A red dot appears on my chest. "-Texas, but you should probably get off the roof now, because I think someone's about to try something 'clever'."

"It's not-. Ah, I didn't-."
I'll say this, it's probably not Task Force X. Their snipers would never be so pathetic as to use a laser scope.

"I know. Move."

He turns to his backing singers, still clearly shaken but rapidly recovering. "Alright everyone, move it!"
Hope that elevator is still there, and running in express mode downwards.

Subjekt-17 takes a few steps forwards, bending his neck to look at the red dot on my chest. "Finally."

"Yeah, sorry, I appreciate that it wasn't as interesting as it might have been."
To be fair, they expected some kind of armed response. It's just a matter of factoring in travel times.

Accomplished Perfect Physician shakes his head. "I found it quite educational. I had little time to study economics."

Adam nods. "Always good to know that the guy in charge has a plan."
And no doubt a well-thought-out plan, knowing the Renegade.

I smile at them. "Aw, you guys…"

A canister of something hits me in the chest, green smoke rising off it for about half a second before I neutralise the… Nerve agent, and transmute the canister into a bobble head.
Well, that's an insulting letter, addressed 'to whom it may concern...'

"Subjekt Seventeen, please remonstrate with whoever fired that."

He leaps off the roof, heading towards the edge of town.
Best option for it, as he can sense their mind...

Adam frowns. "What was that?"

"Nerve gas. Hippolyta… Not that I don't value your presence, but you're the squishiest person here and there isn't really anything else for you to learn. Perhaps it would be best if you evacuated as well?"
Sounds a bit insulting, yes, but it's accurate. Physician at least has his mystic abilities. 'Lyta is just strong and tough.

She looks… Up, towards the town centre. "I should brief my daughter first."

I follow her… Yes, that's Diana. Nice to know that she got her head out of her arse. She isn't coming in at full speed, but she is heading this way. "Do that-"
So, Invisible jet? Flying Armour? Lassoing her way from cloud to cloud? :p


"-from another building."
Polite of him to provide transport.

She nods, and heads through the tube. Okay, scan, because-.

Two rays of green light hit Diana in the chest and knock her out of the sky!
...Unexpected. Probably someone assuming she's backup for the big guys.


Oh no. Brannon, you miserable little third stringer, I didn't want you, it's supposed to be-.
...Honestly, what did you expect? It was something like them or a Suicide Squad team.

I sidestep, daiklave appearing in my hand to parry the short sword that appears to come out of nowhere! A second sword strikes a surprised Captain Adam in the chest, mildly discolouring the metal over his heart before the user flies back into the air.

"What the-?"
Well, good to see they're not strong enough to breach his armour. That would be bad.

Not faster than light, are you Hotshot? I raise my right arm, fusion cannon construct forming-.

The air ripples as Physician opens his mouth, a green and barely visible blur slowing and then falling from the sky, swords dangling from cables attached to his harness. He hits the edge of the roof hard, then falls towards the ground.
Possibly badly injured or dead, unless they have some decent physical augmentation.

"Separate, and call out attackers as you see them."

Adam frowns. "Who was that?"
An annoyance. I presume the Justice league are still assembling.

"Captain Jonathan Banks, United States Navy. The loyalty of the American military hangs by a thread. For the first time in living memory the government isn't sure that its orders will be obeyed. So they're sending fanatics. The people they experimented on after seizing Lex Luthor's research on kryptonian technology." I rise off the rooftop using my aero-discs. "And I've got to stop Brannon killing Wonder Woman. I don't think-."
So there's a good chance they may have a knock-off Doomsday or something The comics team did have a big guy.

Something hits me and a fraction of a second later I'm looking up at the sky through a small hole in the earth and asphalt. None of Brannon's team are fast enough and strong enough to do that. Looks like Thundermind got approval for cooperation.

I'm guessing gaining Physician pissed someone off in the Chinese camp.

The earth around me explodes as I shove it away, tracking the locations of all likely attackers. One of the Thunderminds has recovered the recumbent Hotshot, while the other-. Hah! Just tried that lotus mind trick thing on Adam and got most of the flesh burned off his face for his troubles.

Follow Hippolyta.
Yes, making mental contact with a swirling mass of quantum energy that thinks it's a man. :rolleyes: Very clever of him...

"That may be for the best, if they're targetting all of us." I suspect those sent in have one order: Kill anything that isn't one of theirs.

I get my construct armour up as some sort of electrified kryptonite plasma slams into me.

Noxious and highly annoying. Marvellous.

"You know I'm not kryptonian, right?"

Sergeant Adams -no relation- keeps her arm blasters pointed at me, maintaining the flow of plasma. Got to be a salvaged kryptonian power source powering that, because turning kryptonite into plasma is a very energy-intense process. It's also easy to counter if you have a power ring. I just create a plasma shield of my own and the kryptonite just flows around it.
Well, there probably were a few kryptonian weapons laying around Smallville or Metropolis.

And then I notice that the civil servants and politicians aren't out of the combat area yet and while this plasma might not do much to me it would scythe though a normal building without too much difficulty.

Right then. I stride forward, point my fusion cannon directly at her and fire, the plasma beam overpowering her discharge and striking her hard in the chest! Her armour takes the hit, her weapons shutting down as she's thrown into the shop front opposite us.
Right, covering the squishies. Wonder if the goons have any rules of engagement concerning them. Considering them enemy collaborators, perhaps?

Fine, time to clean house. She's no real loss-.

Subjekt-17 slams into my side!
And that'll be their big guy showing up...

And the face-punching has begun! ...Though not with the expected parties in the opposing side. I can only assume that Brucie-boy is still travelling about collecting the other candidates while Diana scouts the situation. And I'm surprised some variation of Task Force X isn't here as well. Unless they're lurking, waiting for a good moment to jump in. Probably just as the invaders are exhausted from taking down the Last Line crew.
Yeah I'm not seeing Brannon being a serious threat to WW at all.

Heck, I might be misremembering their storyline, but I don't even remember them coming across as a valid threat to Superman, despite all of them being Kryptonite powered.

Or to be more specific, their biggest advantage seemed to me that Superman has the patience of a saint. Well barring poor American Boy.

If Supes had actually gone evil ala Injustice Superman that millions of dollars of taxpayers money would have ended with a rain of limbs and internal organs.
I'm guessing gaining Physician pissed someone off in the Chinese camp.

Don't forget everything else like declaring himself their new ruler and releasing their secrets.

And the face-punching has begun! ...Though not with the expected parties in the opposing side. I can only assume that Brucie-boy is still travelling about collecting the other candidates while Diana scouts the situation. And I'm surprised some variation of Task Force X isn't here as well. Unless they're lurking, waiting for a good moment to jump in. Probably just as the invaders are exhausted from taking down the Last Line crew

Honestly, with renegade releasing all that info about various government people it's possible that the ones in charge of that group were killed.
I was gonna say that I didn't know who the heck these Last Line guys are but then noticed that they're from Superman/Batman.

So now it makes sense why I don't remember them, because they are even more forgettable than most of that comic.

And yeah, realistically I don't think they represent a danger to Grayven's crew; they barely qualify as D-Listers and their gear is anti-Kryptonian focused. Maybe some of the other Super Functionaries are there besides Thundermind? His presence is the only thing that prolongs this battle.
Moments like this are fun, but there's a tiny corner of my brain meats that sit there just remind me that once you have instant access to boom/hush tube tech, any goof that can't fly can immediately be Portal'ed to anywhere you want with very little in the way of options.

If it wasn't for all the fun and press he had knocking heads in the name of Conquest fights for Renegade could, with a wee bit of effort, look more like something from Dr Strange.

Just asking Motherbox to open a tube hush tube to low Venus orbit under their toes, take bets on how much of them survive to go splat on the surface.On to the Next. Done in time for dinner.

EDIT: Pardon if this ramble is a bit more disjointed then usual, Migraines do not make for great examples of grammar, prose or comprehensibility .
Lassoing her way from cloud to cloud? :p
[Bows head]
[Shakes head]
[Gestures to the heavens is dismayed incomprehension]
And I'm surprised some variation of Task Force X isn't here as well. Unless they're lurking, waiting for a good moment to jump in. Probably just as the invaders are exhausted from taking down the Last Line crew.
In theory, Mongal should be capable of fighting Grayven physically. But for some reason in this universe she's not much stronger than a normal human and died like a chump.
I just noticed this error. I think that should be 'signers'.
No. Backing singers. You know, the people who stand behind the lead singer and join in on the choruses.
Me said:
"What the Hell was that/?"
Thank me, corrected.
Yeah, American Boy is the most memorable of that group.

For those who didn't read that storyline, the government got a nice patriotic young soldier to volunteer for an experiment to make him immune to biological and chemical weapons, if memory serves.

What they didn't tell the poor schmuck was that they were going to do that by injecting him with Kryptonite and Doomsday DNA.

They then unleashed him to demolish Smallville, but the heroes pulled out the ultimate trump card- They fetched his parents.

Which reminds me that's something I've always wanted to see a telepathic hero do. The hero just pulls out a cell phone. "I'm calling your mother! So let's everyone calm down before Thanksgiving gets REAL awkward!"
The hero just pulls out a cell phone. "I'm calling your mother! So let's everyone calm down before Thanksgiving gets REAL awkward!"
- Wait, how do you know her number if I didn't memorize it?
- It's simple: right now I might be the Brainreader, but you also may know me by another name... BallsDeep69!
- Noooooo!
In theory, Mongal should be capable of fighting Grayven physically. But for some reason in this universe she's not much stronger than a normal human and died like a chump

Not exactly a choice that's unique to the movies.

The comics have shown various characters that are supposed to be uber powerful basically be chumps.

Thanos being arrested by ordinary cops, Deathstroke taking out the entire Justice League by himself even though they're all more powerful than him, Punisher taking out hundreds that are more powerful than him, Batman versus practically everybody etc.
Yeah, American Boy is the most memorable of that group.

For those who didn't read that storyline, the government got a nice patriotic young soldier to volunteer for an experiment to make him immune to biological and chemical weapons, if memory serves.

What they didn't tell the poor schmuck was that they were going to do that by injecting him with Kryptonite and Doomsday DNA.

They then unleashed him to demolish Smallville, but the heroes pulled out the ultimate trump card- They fetched his parents.
And he was never mentioned again. With everything that happened afterwards, up until the end of DC, there was a man with the powers of Doomsday sitting around and taking no part in it.

Such are the perils of a shared universe.
Thanos being arrested by ordinary cops
That was in their 'for small children' line.
Deathstroke taking out the entire Justice League by himself even though they're all more powerful than him
I saw him do that once against a weak lineup where he'd prepred the ground and made a surpirse attack. Another time he ended up in a similar situation and blew millions on using a super-flashbang so he could run away.
Mr Zoat, I was reading a fanfic, and it reminded me of Jason Todd. Considering all the things that have happened in the story, will Batman still adopt him? And if so, will you still have it so that he'll eventually see Paul as one of his best friends?
Mr Zoat, I was reading a fanfic, and it reminded me of Jason Todd. Considering all the things that have happened in the story, will Batman still adopt him? And if so, will you still have it so that he'll eventually see Paul as one of his best friends?
That... Was the original plan. Now? Don't know.
[Bows head]
[Shakes head]
[Gestures to the heavens is dismayed incomprehension]

I think it's a One Piece reference. There was a villain in the story who could control Strings and used them to fly across the ocean by literally lassoing himself from cloud to cloud.

It's One Piece, it's not meant to make sense.
I think it's a One Piece reference. There was a villain in the story who could control Strings and used them to fly across the ocean by literally lassoing himself from cloud to cloud.

It's One Piece, it's not meant to make sense.
No, it's a Wonder Woman 1984 reference. After the first film had a good launch and a good flight but a crash landing, the sequal was one big plane crash.
[Bows head]
[Shakes head]
[Gestures to the heavens is dismayed incomprehension
No, it's a Wonder Woman 1984 reference. After the first film had a good launch and a good flight but a crash landing, the sequal was one big plane crash.

The premise of the Wonder Woman character is a super powerful demigoddes that fights monsters and evil gods, was raised by immortal ancients, flies an invisible plane, wields a magic lasso, and can apparently be subdued using common materials like rope as long as the one that does it is a man.

Compared to all of these things, especially the last one, being able to lasso a cloud with a magic lasso made by the gods sounds tame.

It's DC, it's not meant to make sense.

Though I now have an idea about Wonder Woman somehow traveling back in time, or leaving the island early and inspiring the legend of Pecos Bill.
Subjekt-17 slams into my side!

Someone did the hit a mofo with another mofo, didn't they?

Such are the perils of a shared universe.

Yeah, there are reasons why I read only short run or contained stories these days. Marvel and DC are so interconnected that you have to get multiple series to understand what is going on. Then Crossgen comics failed and even got eaten by Disney.... and they seemingly used the IP JUST to bury the stories..... *sigh* Only get stuff like The Sword, Midnight Nation, Girl Genius, or Gargoyles (Weisman) now. Stuff that isn't part of the big comic universes.
Someone did the hit a mofo with another mofo, didn't they?

Yeah, there are reasons why I read only short run or contained stories these days. Marvel and DC are so interconnected that you have to get multiple series to understand what is going on. Then Crossgen comics failed and even got eaten by Disney.... and they seemingly used the IP JUST to bury the stories..... *sigh* Only get stuff like The Sword, Midnight Nation, Girl Genius, or Gargoyles (Weisman) now. Stuff that isn't part of the big comic universes.

A Practical Guide to Evil is getting a webtoons comic adaption.... eventually.
Justice Segue (part 17)
17th November 2017
09:28 GMT -5

I generate a crash mat construct as we go flying down the street, aero-discs straining to overcome our momentum! We hit it, slow, then we both slam our feet into the tarmac and try to stop before we hit-.

Darn it. That looked like a nice car, too.

I hear the heavy stamps of someone with super strength moving by bounding leaps, ready my daiklave as I turn and sidestep and slash.

The hulking suit of grey power armour with custom green radiation warning decals can't dodge fast enough to avoid getting its left arm cut, but the pilot stamps and twists, turning a swing that would have cut the arm clean off into a narrow slash that probably doesn't pierce the armour. Despite Sergeant Raymond Gibson being assigned 'Bruiser' as his codename, he is actually quite intelligent. And his armour is large enough that a normal sized man could comfortably stand inside one of his arms, if it were hollow.

Gibson himself is a dwarf, which I suppose means that there's more space inside for servos. Also means that I don't need to worry about stabbing him through the chest.

He leaps back, overbalancing and falling but tucking his limbs in and rolling with it.

"Subjekt Seventeen, switch opponents."

A wave of sound hits Gibson as he regains his feet, sending him flying backwards and embedding him in a wall. Glancing around I see Thundermind dive at Physician before something happens and he's suddenly flying downwards and slams face-first into the ground. Subjekt-17 obeys my instruction and heads towards Adams-. That's going to get confusing, think of her as Sekhmet instead. Heads towards Sekhmet, who has recovered enough to dodge past him and blast him in the side.

He barely reacts. And it's not as if I honestly need him to win. Just still be standing when the proto Justice League turns up.

"Gibson!" I march towards him as he pushes the wall away and braces for combat. "Compensating twice over?"

He approaches cautiously. I don't think that armour has a flight system, but he's strong enough to overpower mine. And unlike my comrades, he's practised fighting with that strength.

He leads with his right fist, well below his maximum possible speed. He's not sure what I can do and wants to test me. Normally I'd do the same but I do actually want to kill him. I lunge forward, meeting his fist with the edge of my blade. He pulls back before he can lose a finger and swings his left arm around to ward me off. Instead of backing off I continue my swing, tip of the blade catching him in the wrist and stabbing through the thinner joint armour. He jump-spins to try and pull it off the moment he realises what I'm doing, which mostly saves it, but means that he's facing away from me when I aim a fusion cannon at his back and fire.

That send him down on his front, outer rear armour slagged and smouldering. I get enough time for another shot at his left leg before he slams his hands into the ground to propel himself into the air.

Boom tube, Outer Hebrides.



The tube opens below him as he starts to descend and it turns out that I was right and he doesn't have an integrated flight system. Hope he enjoys the scenery. Now, Hippolyta.


"…who created Doomsday in the first place!"

Brannon is giving Diana both eye beams, and she's blocking with her bracers while trying to talk him down. Good, I approve. That's the proper way for a superhero to act. Now I need to grab-.

Brannon turns his head towards shield!

The tower shield intercepts his eye beams just before they can turn Hippolyta into charcoal, earning me.. a.. grateful nod from Diana. Huh? And it's not even a grudging nod, she's genuinely… Happy?

"Brannon." Darn, that face mask makes him look like Black Mask of the Future. "Waller trying to avoid the noose? With all those agents she murdered and innocent civilians she fed to the giant alien starfish, there's no way she's getting out of this. First against the wall."

He glares at me. "She was."

That was.. quick. "Who did it?"


Good man. "I'll have to get him some flowers or something. But what about you?"

"Waller being an evil bitch doesn't change anything for me. Idiots with superpowers killed my wife. You all need to be stopped."

"Lex Luthor killed your wife when he released Doomsday on an inhabited city, and he doesn't have super powers."

"Doomsday was a mutant based on General Zod's corpse. Zod wouldn't have come here if it wasn't for Superman."

"And if Diana hadn't stopped General Ludendorff and Doctor Maru using her gas weapon at the end of the First World War then neither you nor your wife would have been born. I will give you Lex Luthor's current location if you and your team get lost now."

"And just let you conquer the world?"

"Make up your mind. Are you doing this out of patriotism, or to stop anyone being killed like your wife was? Because if it's the latter, I'm far better equipped to prevent that than any of the people who've been responsible for it so far."


I block his eye beams with a construct shield before-.

My fusion cannon shot misses as Diana lassos him and yanks him over to her, hitting-. I wince, but it looks like everyone had an attack of common sense and stayed home today. I turn to her.

"Careful doing that! I actually like this city!"

"It would have killed him."

"Better him than a bunch of innocent bystanders!" Hm. She's touching the lasso herself… "Why are you here?"

"To join with you in stopping Apokolips and purging this world of evil."


Okay, just her, she can-.

The batwing zooms over my head, hitting Thundermind with an anti-tank missile and smashing him into the ground.

Well, he's a foreigner, and-.

The other Thundermind flies after the batwing, then gets shot out of the air by a beam of… 'Martian vision'.

"Ah." Focus. "Them too?"

"Cyborg is still recovering from interfacing with one of the Mother Box fragments."

I take a deep breath.

"Thank you for the vote of confidence. Brannon, is the fifth member of your team-?"

A building to our north collapses. Then another in a line between the first and us.

"I see he is. Justify that."

"I can't. I wouldn't have approved it, and if I'd known then it would have been me and not Flag who killed Waller. But he is what he is and we need to stop you."

Mother Box, boom tube to Themyscira.



"Hippolyta, get going. Now."

A moment of eye contact with her daughter and she goes. Brannon is smiling while Diana is starting to get nervous.

"What is it?"

"Joshua Walker. All-American Boy. Doomsday without the kryptonite vulnerability. This is going to be-"

I see a green blur, a hole appearing in the car park opposite and then pain!
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