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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I'm glad Korra finally got the answer, even if Future Paul had to lead her to it. Though I am worried about how Tenzin will view him now that he knows "Master Renkun" did something to spirits that turned them into tools.

"Technically, I fed them to my patron, who then proceeded to turn them into rings and I just use them. Not like it's any different than what Koh does to anyone who shows even a hint of emotion when facing him."
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170 After Genocide, Late winter, a little later that morning

Breakfast with the air bender family is… Almost unbearably nostalgic. Tenzin's wife -an Air Acolyte named Pema- is doing circuits of the room with their youngest son, a boy named Rohan. And from the state of the table I'm guessing that Tenzin has tried to take up some of her usual duties in the kitchen, and done so not incompetently but certainly inexpertly.
Ah, the joy of a young child. x3 Late nights and early mornings taking care of inconveniently timed needs. Since babies don't work to anyone's schedule but their own. Still, Tenzin and Pema are experienced parents. I'm sure this is nothing new for them.

A distant memory from before I got my ring: my own father doing the same. I don't remember where Mum was at the time… Visiting friends? Ill? Was that back when my sister was born? I honestly don't remember, and there aren't many memories I can say that about anymore. He cut carrots into cross sections rather than strips.
Which, for fussy kids, could well have been enough to make them not want to eat...

Anyway, there are a two large flat balep loaves, one at either end of the table with no cutlery for cutting them. There's a pot of porridge in the middle of the table on a thick mat to protect the table from the heat, but the mismatched pile of bowls piled up next to it-.
Heh. Tenzin is evidently not the most 'housey' of husbands.

Tenzin's older son -a boy named Meelo- waves his hand and makes a gust of air throw a bowl off the top of the pile and land in front of him. He grins, then leans forward and peers around thoughtfully at everyone else's place setting. Jinora, Tenzin's eldest child, spots what he's doing and then looks expectantly at her father. Unfortunately, Tenzin hasn't spotted what just happened. In fact, he looks quite out of sorts. I do hope that he didn't spend all last night trying to copy my 'air bending'.
Honestly, I half expected Meelo or Jinora to start placing bowls for everyone using their airbending.

I pull a ladle out of my robe and then stand, leaning over the short legged oriental style lable. "Porridge, anyone?"

Tenzin snaps back to the present, spots Meelo and sends him back to his seat with an interrogative glare as I begin dishing out the porridge in a bending-free manner. Korra is sort of twitching as she tries to work out how I did that 'bending', her eyes pointedly avoiding looking at anyone. Mako and Bolin give her the occasional worried look, but appear to have decided to let her work through it.
The guest being the one to begin serving everyone? What a blunder of hospitality. :p I assume that sort of thing isn't done in the sort of pseudo-eastern households of the 'Avatar' universe, certainly.

"Master Renkun?"

Ikki, Tenzin's younger daughter, tugs lightly on my sleeve as I wave the last bowl at her father in the hopes of drawing his attention back to the present. He looks at it blankly for a moment, then nods in thanks before taking it from me. I smile at Ikki as I retake my seat next to her.
I bet she's noticed something odd about him.

"Yes, Miss Ikki?"

"Why are you orange?"
Well, now. I'm guessing she's seeing something that even the more spiritually-attuned Jinora can't.

"My tailor ran out of other colours. I'm just glad he had some grey left, otherwise people would mistake me for an air bender even more than they do anyway."

She frowns childishly. "No, not your clothes. Can't you see it?"
Oh-ho. This is a surprise. You'd think he'd have better control of his auras than that.

I'm wearing my rings of course, otherwise this conversation would be mutually intelligible. But my environmental shield is set to 'absolute minimum', and shouldn't be visible.

"Well, my patron spirit is normally orange, and after I introduced her to Korra last night she might be paying my surroundings a little more attention."
Which isn't necessarily a good thing, but might persuade more aggressive spirits to steer clear.

Tenzin looks up from his porridge. "You introduced Korra to a spirit?"

"The Ophidian and I have been together a long time. She can use my spirit as a point of contact with the material world. Korra just had to touch my chakra network to commune with her." I wave my right hand. "Rest assured, if I was going to bring a spirit like the Ophidian here in the material sense I would have ask your permission first."
You'd better. Having a kaiju-sized giant glowing orange snake pop out of the Airbender's island might raise concerns amongst the people of Republic City.

"Yes. And is that necessary?"

If she's going to be dealing with spirits, then she needs to know how to meet and greet them...

"By 'touching your chakra network' I assume that you are refering to energy bending." I nod. "Is that the only way to see the.. 'Ophidian'?" He frowns mildly, and then with only a brief glance reaches out with his right hand to redirect Meelo's spoon-hand to his mouth before he can attempt to convey his porridge there by flicking it in from arm's length.
Ah, the dad energy is strong in him, even distracted as he is.

"Technically, no, but the ways of thinking that she reponds to are fairly antithetical to those associated with air bending. You would-." I frown. "I was going to say, 'you would have to choose one or the other', but I suppose that Avatars manage it-" Korra comes out of it a little, looks at me to see if I was talking to her, then realises that breakfast is in front of her. "-every time. Or you could learn energy bending."
You'd think Tenzin would have remembered that, given his troubles training her. Assuming that 'Her' in there refers to Korra...

"I'm not sure that someone who isn't the Avatar-" At the opposite end of the table, Bolin breathes in sharply while Mako winces. "-can learn to-" He glances their way but can't work out why they're responding like that. "-do that."

"You never know until you try. Isn't that right,- "
Now that would be a fun thing. Tenzin discovering that others could learn Energy-bending. Though just the idea that she can grant bending might blow his mind as it is.


She's pointing at me, eyes slightly… Ah, crazed.
There's the crazy face again. Bugged-out eyes, gaping mouth... She gets a lot of funny faces, doesn't she?

I might have had a larger effect on her than I aimed for.

"-Avatar Korra?"
Gee, you think, OL? :rolleyes:

Tenzin shakes his head with a frown. "Korra, that's impossible. And a little rude. Please don't point and shout-" Meelo worms his way onto his father's lap and nods imperiously as Tenzin speaks. "-at our guests."

"Ah, Master Tenzin?" Mako realises that he'll have to take the lead. "Master Renkun… Did bend the four elements. He did a demonstration outside."
Dangit, I can just see Meelo doing that. He's a bit of a climber.

Tenzin frowns in confusion, then looks at me.

"Oh, come now. Avatar Korra, you energy bent me. You know that I'm not a bender."
Which is why it's totally doing her head in as to how you did it. :D


I smile politely, taking a spoonful of porridge. "How do you think I did it?"
And turning it into a teaching moment. Truly, OL has mastered the Way of the Old Master.

"Okay!" She gets up and starts pacing. "Either-. Either you are a bender, and you can hide it.. somehow-."

"Not-" I shake my head. "-on touch, though I can hide things at a distance."
Subspace, of course. Not that they'd know what that is. Just another 'thing the crazy shaman claims he can do'.

"Or you.. got a bender to do it for you while you did the gestures." She stops to stare at me. "Was that it?"

"Where would I find an air bender to help me?"
I mean, if Meelo had heard about this, you know he'd have been all over that prank. :sneaky:

For a moment her face falls, then she looks suspiciously at Meelo. He straightens up for a moment, then glares at her.

"I don't know what you think I did but whatever it was I wish I did it!"
See! Even they suspect him of it, despite it not happening.

Korra looks away, huffing.

"Come now, Avatar Korra. I already told you everything that you need to in order to work it out. I hope you were paying attention."
Plus, one obvious absence she hasn't accounted for in the 'benders did it for him' theory: Where's the waterbender?

Bolin winces harder.

"You..?" Tenzin's face has fallen a little, but his face naturally lends itself to that expression. "Aren't an air bender?"
Not specifically, no. But he can fake it good enough to fool an Avatar.

"Sorry, I just threw some pigment dust out so that it looks like I was bending something. As far as I know, that gesture-."

Now, now, Tenzin, no need to swear. ...Oh, wait, that wasn't him, was it? :p

I return my attention to Korra. "In the sense of-?"

She looks triumphant, grinning broadly. "You got a spirit to do it!"
Technically correct. But not quite there yet.

"A spirit, for all four elements?"

"Four spirits. You made a deal with four spirits, and they did the bending. Was that it?"
I think you may as well end her confusion, OL.

"Close enough. Well done. Which spirits?"

"I… Dunno." Her shouldesr slump.
I mean, that's fair, it's not like has a directory of Spirit names.

"Korra, I told you their names. It's what I was doing before I got here."

"Wait, you mean-? The Dread Wind of Mount Greyspire, the Reef The Hunts-" I nod. "-and-. You beat up a bunch of spirits, and now they work for you?"
A close approximation of what happened, I suspect. Certainly, I doubt he wants to reveal his more dangerous abilities.

I smile at her. "You got there eventually. Well done." I reach into my pocket, pull out the four rings they're bound as and drop them onto the table. "Once grevious threats, now useful-" Ikki reaches out to pick on up. I interpose my right hand and pull them away from her with a small shake my my head. "-tools. And if you ever want a four elements on four elements sparring match, I'll be happy to oblige you."
Probably a good idea to keep the mind-altering Power Rings out of the hands of impressionable young members of an endangered ethnicity.

Well, then. Looks like the 'assimilated spirits' guess was right? Or did he crib some notes from the Planeteers' Rings when he encountered then, perchance? After all, their rings would be tailor-made to absorb and channel mystical elemental energies. Regardless, just the idea of binding spirits that way might get some interesting reactions.

Mr Zoat, some corrections:
...short legged oriental style lable.
...short legged oriental style table.
...I assume that you are refering to energy bending."
...I assume that you are referring to energy bending."
...but the ways of thinking that she reponds to...
...but the ways of thinking that she responds to...
"I… Dunno." Her shouldesr slump.
"I… Dunno." Her shoulders slump.
"Once grevious threats, now useful-"
"Once grievous threats, now useful-"
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I thought Azula was invited to join them for breakfast. I guess she couldn't be bothered to deal with them.
I might have had a larger effect on her than I aimed for.
Multiple centuries, if not millennia, of experience and Paul is still incapable of talking to people without blowing their minds.

Also not sure why he is doing this. Unless he can teach them how to warp spirits into rings without his assistance all he is doing is showing off.
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I thought Azula was invited to join them for breakfast. I guess she couldn't be bothered to deal with them.
Oh, she was there. She just didn't have any reason to get involved in that conversation.
Multiple centuries, if not millennia, of experience and Paul is still incapable of talking to people without blowing their minds.

Also not sure why he is doing this. Unless he can teach them how to warp spirits into rings without his assistance all he is doing is showing off.
Drawing attention away from Azula
Looking for good Orange Lantern Corps recruits
Helping people
Oh, she was there. She just didn't have any reason to get involved in that conversation.

Drawing attention away from Azula
Looking for good Orange Lantern Corps recruits
Helping people

Tackling pre conceptions about spirits and how to handle them when communication is useless.

Appeasement of spirits to calm them down sounds nice until the spirit starts to demand that a children must be drowned in its waters during every solstice or that a person must be thrown into their volcano every year...

I can already see the incoming argument with Tenzin and to a lesser extent Jinora, yeah some spirits can be reasoned with and their demands aren't particularly difficult to meet, but others... Well, you only appease them until you find someone powerful enough to handle them.
I'm not sure that someone who isn't the Avatar-" At the opposite end of the table, Bolin breathes in sharply while Mako winces. "-can learn to-" He glances their way but can't work out why they're responding like that. "-do that."
I can practically see them screaming "Brace!" Like expecting a great force about to hit.
For a moment her face falls, then she looks suspiciously at Meelo. He straightens up for a moment, then glares at her.

"I don't know what you think I did but whatever it was I wish I did it!"
I need a fic where Meelo is introduced to the Weasley Twins.
Mediocre Morphin' Substitute Rangers
17th February 1996
14:14 GMT +3

Ninety nine thousand nine hundred and eighty five bottles of slime on the wall, ninety nine thousand nine hundred and eighty five bottles of slime! Take one down and…

What do you even do with bottles of slime?

I take another moment to look around my prison. I've got to hand it to whoever created this place, anything that can contain boom tubes, power rings and irate New Gods… This is some advanced kit. Unfortunately, it's advanced kit which is projecting its effect area from outside the area I'm contained within and the projectors are resisting my ring scans.

What sort of person leaves a place like this just lying around? Something's keeping the dust out of this bit, but from the way its built up outside-.

The cavern shakes. Earthquake? Ring?

Ability to detect environmental changes limited by unknown technology. Ability to passively detect environmental changes restricted by-.

Another shake, accompanied by a flash of green-white light from the direction of the entrance.

Amendment. Ionisation and luminant output consistent with plasma stream discharge.

Damn. From what little in the way of long wave radio I've been able to detect from down here it's late twentieth century Earth up there. Unless it's a one-off supervillain weapon, there's no way-

"…cave opened up, We can take cover in there!"

-they're advanced enough to fight whoever that is off. I'd offer my help, but…

"I don't know if this is a good idea. That hill is not big enough to shield anyone from a gun that big."

Hang the flip on. Is someone coming?

"I don't think we've got a choice, man. That thing was landing… Like, alien soldiers."

"What, you think they can't look in a-" I see a humanoid emerge from the entrance and stop, gawping. "-cave?"

"Hello, human." Pale skin, bushy hair cut to shoulder length, blue/grey jacket and jeans. Not an imposing specimen. "I was wondering-?"

"Agh! They're already here!"

"What?" A dark-skinned young woman with-. A waistcoat? Is this a steampunk Earth? The radio didn't say anything-. Anyway, she shoves him out of the way, spots me and then backs up, hyperventilating.

I raise my hands. "No, quite safe, I assure you."

"Who's quite-" Another youth walks in. "-safe..?"

I take a step closer and press my right hand against the barrier, which shimmers pale pink for a moment. "See. Trapped."

"Hey, who's trapped?" A dark skinned youth follows his compatriots into my little hole in the ground.

"Me." I raise my right hand. "Hello. I'm an alien in no way affiliated with the aliens outside."

Probably. Bombing random planets isn't Uncle Drax's thing but I can't guarantee that someone else hasn't taken the inadvisable initiative.

"Okay I didn't see anyone coming this way…" Another young dark skinned woman walks in, looking back down the passage as she does so. "But I don't know if-." She turns around and spots me. "Ohm'God."

"Take a picture. It will last longer."

"Ah…" Blonde bloke takes a step closer. "Are you really an alien?"

I roll my eyes. "No, I just have a skin condition and the pharmacy won't deliver down here." He blinks. "Yes of course I'm an alien, you nitwit. My name is Grayven, hello, how do you do?"

"And… You're in here… Because..?"

"Saw some interesting technology, came in to take a closer look, someone triggered this-" I press it again. "-containment device. I don't suppose one of you could-" I point to the closest projector. "-smash one of those with a rock, could you?"

Black woman one does a frown-sneer. "Why can't you do it?"

I crouch, pick up a stone, stand back up and hurl it at the projector. The shield appears and blocks it in mid-air. "The people who built this weren't stupid."

"Hey, Grayven?" Black youth comes closer as well. "Some other aliens are attacking the city right now. If we let you out, can you get rid of them?"

"I… Was planning on killing them all, but if you want me to restrict myself to moving them on… Sure?"

Black woman one shakes her head. "No, you can kill them." She turns away. "Any sort of rock..?"

I shake my head. "No idea. Just hit the thing."

"Wait a second, wait wait." Long haired white man comes closer, the group forming an arc around my prison. "How do we know we can trust you? I mean, we've only got your word for it you got stuck in there by accident."

"As I see it, there are two options. Either I'm a man of my word and will destroy your enemies in gratitude for my liberation. Or I'm an alien warlord who will destroy them because I don't want any rivals. Either way, the people-" Another shake. "-shooting up your city won't be a problem any longer, and your city won't have a bigger problem than they have now."

Black woman two shakes her head as black woman one picks up a rock. "That's not very-"

Black woman one brings the rock down and a force field appears around the projector, sending the rock flying out of her hands. "Ah!"

"-reass-" She turns around. "-uring."

Short haired white man shakes his head. "Looks like we can't get you out. Is there anything you can do from in there?"

"No." Ah. "Maybe. Do any of you have experience of combat?"

Short haired white man and black woman one nod. Black man shrugs. "Five years dance lessons?" Long haired white man shakes his head, looking worried.

I sigh. "Okay. Look. This isn't ideal, but I can empower some or all of you-."

Black man's eyes widen. "Like the Power Rangers?"

"Sort of." Surprised someone his age watched that, but okay. "You'll receive dramatically enhanced strength and endurance, and I can whip up some body armour. Unless you get me out that's the most I can do quickly."

Short haired white man looks around, making eye contact with each of the rest. They in turn sort of look at each other for a moment before they all turn back to me. They all nod, though only short haired white man is enthusiastic about it.

"Okay. Do it."

"But in return, if you live, I expect you to work at getting me out. Do we have an understanding?"

The other four look at him, and he hesitates. "I… Ah…" He takes a deep breath. "Okay. Unless we find out that you're totally evil, we'll try and get you out."

"Alright. Come right up to the barrier." He takes another breath, then steps forward. I reach out and hold my right hand against his chest. "This shouldn't hurt, but tell me if it does."

Ring, Danner infusion.

By your command.

Mother Box, Awaken.


And fabricate soul-bound armour. Make it… Orange. Oh, and make sure it's got that disguise mode thing Barda uses.

By your command. / Ping.

Orange light flickers over his body, and I hear his gasp as the armour appears. A moment later he staggers back, hands going to his helmeted head and torso.

"Whow." He looks himself over. "And this will let me fight them?"

"You're strong and tough, not unbeatable or immortal. But if they can't be beaten like this, they probably can't be beaten by a level of force at our disposal."

"Okay." Black woman one steps forward. "Do me next."
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"What?" A dark-skinned young woman with-. A waistcoat? Is this a steampunk Earth? The radio didn't say anything-. Anyway, she shoves him out of the way, spots me and then backs up, hyperventilating.
This link doesn't work.

Black man's eyes widen. "Like the Power Rangers?"

"Sort of." Surprised someone his age watched that, but okay. "You'll receive dramatically enhanced strength and endurance, and I can whip up some body armour. Unless you get me out that's the most I can do quickly."
I wish we could see the Renegade's reaction once he learns what world he's on.
17th February 1996
14:14 GMT +3

Ninety nine thousand nine hundred and eighty five bottles of slime on the wall, ninety nine thousand nine hundred and eighty five bottles of slime! Take one down and…

What do you even do with bottles of slime?
I don't know but I suspect drinking them would be a bad idea. Or worse, this could be a hentai universe and the slimes will... Get invasive, if you know what I mean? So, then. the Renegade has gotten himself trapped somewhere? I wonder how long he's been stuck in there, if he's resorting to a variation of 'ninety-nine bottles of beer'...

I take another moment to look around my prison. I've got to hand it to whoever created this place, anything that can contain boom tubes, power rings and irate New Gods… This is some advanced kit. Unfortunately, it's advanced kit which is projecting its effect area from outside the area I'm contained within and the projectors are resisting my ring scans.
Heh. It always seems silly when advanced captors put some sort of systems access inside the cell. Especially something like a food replicator.

What sort of person leaves a place like this just lying around? Something's keeping the dust out of this bit, but from the way its built up outside-.

The cavern shakes. Earthquake? Ring?
I'm guessing it's here to protect something, but I don't know enough to say what yet. Given we still don't know what universe he's in... Yet.

Ability to detect environmental changes limited by unknown technology. Ability to passively detect environmental changes restricted by-.

Another shake, accompanied by a flash of green-white light from the direction of the entrance.
...Either there's a fight on, or a fireworks display of exceptional size.

Amendment. Ionisation and luminant output consistent with plasma stream discharge.

Damn. From what little in the way of long wave radio I've been able to detect from down here it's late twentieth century Earth up there. Unless it's a one-off supervillain weapon, there's no way-
That explains the timestamp, at least.

"…cave opened up, We can take cover in there!"

-they're advanced enough to fight whoever that it off. I'd offer my help, but…
From the sounds of it, something or someone is coming your way.

"I don't know if this is a good idea. That hill is not big enough to shield anyone from a gun that big."

Hang the flip on. Is someone coming?
Ah, Renegade. So lost in thought you hardly noticed the fleeing civilians?

"I don't think we've got a choice, man. That thing was landing… Like, alien soldiers."

"What, you think they can't look in a-" I see a humanoid emerge from the entrance and stop, gawping. "-cave?"
Given the date, that could be any number of alien invasion movies. For all we know, this is the 'Mars Attacks' Earth. In which case, ready the Tom Jones.

"Hello, human." Pale skin, bushy hair cut to shoulder length, blue/grey jacket and jeans. Not an imposing specimen. "I was wondering-?"

"Agh! They're already here!"
Huh? A 'Power Rangers' incidental bystander? Guess the Machine Empire is rolling in. They were the first large-scale military to show up...

"What?" A dark-skinned young woman with-. A waistcoat? Is this a steampunk Earth? The radio didn't say anything-. Anyway, she shoves him out of the way, spots me and then backs up, hyperventilating.

I raise my hands. "No, quite safe, I assure you."
Maybe the lady just has classy tastes? She certainly sounds snobby enough in her details.

"Who's quite-" Another youth walks in. "-safe..?"

I take a step closer and press my right hand against the barrier, which shimmers pale pink for a moment. "See. Trapped."
Careful, don't you know too much pink energy is dangerous? :V

"Hey, who's trapped?" A dark skinned youth follows his compatriots into my little hole in the ground.

"Me." I raise my right hand. "Hello. I'm an alien in no way affiliated with the aliens outside."
...As far as you know, anyway. For all you know they're Apokaliptians.

Probably. Bombing random planets isn't Uncle Drax's thing but I can't guarantee that someone else hasn't taken the inadvisable initiative.

"Okay I didn't see anyone coming this way…" Another young dark skinned woman walks in, looking back down the passage as she does so. "But I don't know if-." She turns around and spots me. "Ohm'God."
Sheesh, an entire team's worth of teenagers with attitude. It's like the universe is built to make them gather.

"Take a picture. It will last longer."

"Ah…" Blonde bloke takes a step closer. "Are you really an alien?"
...Kid, he's eight feet tall, wider than two of you, and grey.

I roll my eyes. "No, I just have a skin condition and the pharmacy won't deliver down here." He blinks. "Yes of course I'm an alien, you nitwit. My name is Grayven, hello, how do you do?"

"And… You're in here… Because..?"
...Someone has an overly zealous security system, but can't be arsed to check on it when it gets set off?

"Saw some interesting technology, came in to take a closer look, someone triggered this-" I press it again. "-containment device. I don't suppose one of you could-" I point to the closest projector. "-smash one of those with a rock, could you?"

Black woman one does a frown-sneer. "Why can't you do it?"
If he could smash it from inside the forcefield, then it would be a very poorly designed cage, wouldn't it? :rolleyes:

I crouch, pick up a stone, stand back up and hurl it at the projector. The shield appears and blocks it in mid-air. "The people who built this weren't stupid."

"Hey, Grayven?" Black youth comes closer as well. "Some other aliens are attacking the city right now. If we let you out, can you get rid of them?"
If only to stretch his legs, certainly.

"I… Was planning on killing them all, but if you want me to restrict myself to moving them on… Sure?"

Black woman one shakes her head. "No, you can kill them." She turns away. "Any sort of rock..?"
Well, at least someone is willing to get down to business.

I shake my head. "No idea. Just hit the thing."

"Wait a second, wait wait." Long haired white man comes closer, the group forming an arc around my prison. "How do we know we can trust you? I mean, we've only got your word for it you got stuck in their by accident."
Oh, he's a smart one. He's getting a blue suit for sure.

"As I see it, there are two options. Either I'm a man of my word and will destroy your enemies in gratitude for my liberation. Or I'm an alien warlord who will destroy them because I don't want any rivals. Either way, the people-" Another shake. "-shooting up your city won't be a problem any longer, and your city won't have a bigger problem than they have now."

Black woman two shakes her head as black woman one picks up a rock. "That's not very-"
And in general, the Renegade is a quite benevolent alien overlord. He makes sure his conquered territories work properly.

Black woman one brings the rock down and a force field appears around the projector, sending the rock flying out of her hands. "Ah!"

"-reass-" She turns around. "-uring."
Damn, they really were clever. Shielding the emitter as well? I'd congratulate them, if you ever find them.

Short haired white man shakes his head. "Looks like we can't get you out. Is there anything you can do from in there?"

"No." Ah. "Maybe. Do any of you have experience of combat?"
Oh my god, he really is going to end up being a cut-rate Zordon...

Short haired white man and black woman one nod. Black man shrugs. "Five years dance lessons?" Long haired white man shakes his head, looking worried.

I sigh. "Okay. Look. This isn't ideal, but I can empower some or all of you-."
Pity you can't access the Morphin Grid. It seems to ensure every Ranger has some combat ability, even the ones who by rights shouldn't have.

Black man's eyes widen. "Like the Power Rangers?"

"Sort of." Surprised someone his age watched that, but okay. "You'll receive dramatically enhanced strength and endurance, and I can whip up some body armour. Unless you get me out that's the most I can do quickly."
Not hard to not watch it when they have regular battles in your town. As long as you're watching well away from the blast radius of the giant robot fights.

Short haired white man looks around, making eye contact with each of the rest. They in turn sort of look at each other for a moment before they all turn back to me. They all nod, though only short haired white man is enthusiastic about it.

"Okay. Do it."
Well, then. What method will he use this time, I wonder. Bound to have found quite a few options over the years.

"But in return, if you live, I expect you to work at getting me out. Do we have an understanding?"

The other four look at him, and he hesitates. "I… Ah…" He takes a deep breath. "Okay. Unless we find out that you're totally evil, we'll try and get you out."
...You know, that's actually reasonable. Don't want to have to face off against the guy who gave you your powers, after all. He might have an off switch.

"Alright. Come right up to the barrier." He takes another breath, then steps forward. I reach out and hold my right hand against his chest. "This shouldn't hurt, but tell me if it does."

Ring, Danner infusion.
I'm guessing that's the absolute limit of how far his Rings can reach. Also, Danner Infusion. Nice, haven't seen that in a while in any alternate.

By your command.

Mother Box, Awaken.

"As you wish. There seems to be a quite suitable local metaphysical network in place to support them." Dang, double-tapping. This is going to be one hell of a team.

And fabricate soul-bound armour. Make it… Orange. Oh, and make sure it's got that disguise mode thing Barda uses.

By your command. / Ping.
"I think I know just the design to give it." Ah, expanding the local colour palette just a bit, eh? Orange is quite the rare Sentai colour.

Orange light flickers over his body, and I hear his gasp as the armour appears. A moment later he staggers back, hands going to his helmeted head and torso.

"Whow." He looks himself over. "And this will let me fight them?"
:cool: Niiice. The Movie designs always did look a bit more heavily-defensive than normal. After all, plain spandex wouldn't play on the big screen.

"You're strong and tough, not unbeatable or immortal. But if they can't be beaten like this, they probably can't be beaten by a level of force at our disposal."

"Okay." Black woman one steps forward. "Do me next."

So, then. I wonder what colours this lot will end up as, other than Orange. Purple? Probably. Silver and Gold, perhaps? A dark gray, surely. And how likely will it be that the active Ranger team will peg them as evil copies made by the current bad guy? :sneaky: It's a classic misunderstanding plot, after all. Though I suspect these ones would walk over them.
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Kid, he's eight feet tall, wider than two of you, and grey.

There are people that can teach that height, and there are all sorts of odd skin conditions.

If he could smash it from inside the forcefield, then it would be a very poorly designed cage, wouldn't it? :rolleyes:

Unless the one who made it installed a weak spot in case they were ever trapped.

Oh, he's a smart one. He's getting a blue suit for sure.
I always wondered if the color scheme denoted some personality trait or quality.

I know that red was usually the leader, but the other colors tended to be fairly diverse in personality and role.

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