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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

x life. At least, with any luck, any theoretical offspring shouldn't be trouble for at least 5 to ten years

A Constantine and luck?

I'm predicting that think will be making trouble while still in the womb.

Gods help Earth if any baby of his is born with their phenomenal cosmic power.

Any deity with any sense will leave the planet once they hear what John has done.

Well, then you get to punch a Satan-wannabe in the face. Which John's powerful enough to do now.

He might be powerful, but isn't that good at controlling it.
When did the island get its name of Reformation Island? Was it named for some sort of eldritch horror being reformed under its surface, that will complain when the island is reinstated to its prior location and elevation?
I really feel like it probably would have made more sense to try someone who would be on earth here - expect would be fine to just send off OL to Alan's location, perhaps? Still, curious to see if this is a giant clusterfuck or no ^^
Also, I'm feeling for John here - It's not easy and he's made a good chunk of progress - don't think he would have been able to pull of a lot of this at the start, and doesn't sound like he's making no progress on the conventional reunification. There's no reason not to make use of all the power sitting there behind his seals, and it's not like he can't continue to train at it with less power behind him. The cosmic awareness stuff alone probably helps out a lot for him as a practical mage.
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Seems like the SI thinks of Chaos in much the same way it was defined to Ronnie Soak by Lu-Tze the Sweeper in Thief of Time.
When did the island get its name of Reformation Island? Was it named for some sort of eldritch horror being reformed under its surface, that will complain when the island is reinstated to its prior location and elevation?
It was intended to be a rehabilitation clinic for criminals so that they can rejoin society. The problem is that all it did was keep people away from the things that made them criminals rather than fix any of their underlying issues, plus the fact that they used mind control on the prisoners. They thought they rehabilitated Rose Canton/Thorn, the wife of Alan Scott, only for her to quickly go back to being a villain. The UN investigated Reformation Island and found it to be unacceptable, resulting in it closing down and all the prisoners being transferred except for Rose, who was stuck as her Thorn personality. Alan kept visiting her until the day she died, which is probably a big reason as to why the Amazons respect him so much.
It was intended to be a rehabilitation clinic for criminals so that they can rejoin society. The problem is that all it did was keep people away from the things that made them criminals rather than fix any of their underlying issues, plus the fact that they used mind control on the prisoners. They thought they rehabilitated Rose Canton/Thorn, the wife of Alan Scott, only for her to quickly go back to being a villain. The UN investigated Reformation Island and found it to be unacceptable, resulting in it closing down and all the prisoners being transferred except for Rose, who was stuck as her Thorn personality. Alan kept visiting her until the day she died, which is probably a big reason as to why the Amazons respect him so much.

If I remember correctly you're only half right.

The program was functional and they didn't use mind control specifically.

They used some enchanted gear to stop them from hurting others, but that's it.

McCarthy and his goons were the ones that spearheaded the initiative to shut it down, partly because McCarthy was just an asshole and if I remember correctly because the Amazons were pagans and some of the prisoners converted.

Though the thing with Rose did happen since the Amazons aren't used to dealing with people with extreme mental illnesses.
Let's hope it works as intended, then. And that OL doesn't get unavoidably sidetracked by popping out in a covert operation or the like.
Given that the title of the episode is 'Trivialities,' I'm a bit concerned about that happening. On the other hand, whatever problem Jade is having when he arrives might just become trivial due to the Illustres weighing in.
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What, NO! Come on Mr. Zoat, don't change Paul this way! The whole point of his type of crime fighting is that he ISN'T a cookie-cutter type hero and he does things very differently! 'Less Aggressive' I for one don't want him to be less aggressive!
Wasn't Earth-666 supergirl there too or am I misremembering?
I think she's either in the Tower of Fate or on Ambrose Bierce's property.
Supergirl 666 is already back on her Earth. Superman 666 was exorcised thanks to the combined efforts of Paul, the Justice League, a few exorcised heroes of Earth 666, the Wonder Woman of Earth 10, and the New Reichsmen of Earth 10.
Wasn't Earth-666 supergirl there too or am I misremembering?
As far as I remember, she went home. Though it would hardly be the first time I've misremembered something like that.
Supergirl 666 is already back on her Earth. Superman 666 was exorcised thanks to the combined efforts of Paul, the Justice League, a few exorcised heroes of Earth 666, the Wonder Woman of Earth 10, and the New Reichsmen of Earth 10.
Horay for the nazis!
And I told the Caliph that I'd take Jade to visit. Breaking that agreement -even if it was an informal, time permitting agreement- seems like a bad idea. And…
Ah, the """"""""good and wise king""""""""""" with child servants. For sex.

Well Jade, I enjoyed your stealth mission previously. Ready for regicide? Ready to upset mister Dream?
Hello, everyone. I have some questions and I hoped you guys may have the answers. I apologize in advance if those questions have already been answered and I just missed it.

By now, we've all seen the concepts of "Honden" and "Emotional Enlightenment" pop up from time to time in this story, kind of like when we see Paul get access to the Honden of Avarice and Orange Enlightenment, right?

Well, I was just wondering, are those two things actually canon, or did Mr. Zoat invent those things for his story? Is there a "Honden of Will" or "Green Enlightenment" in canon too? I'm asking because I've been trying to find them in canon DC, but I haven't been able to find anything about it yet. I even tried to check the DC wiki, but I can't find anything about it there and it's driving me nuts.

But on the other hand, if enlightenment does exist in canon, then I can think of a few characters who might have achieved it, so I'm really not sure if it's an actual thing or not in the GL mythos.

Can someone please tell me if it's canon or fanmade?
Hello, everyone. I have some questions and I hoped you guys may have the answers. I apologize in advance if those questions have already been answered and I just missed it.

By now, we've all seen the concepts of "Honden" and "Emotional Enlightenment" pop up from time to time in this story, kind of like when we see Paul get access to the Honden of Avarice and Orange Enlightenment, right?

Well, I was just wondering, are those two things actually canon, or did Mr. Zoat invent those things for his story? Is there a "Honden of Will" or "Green Enlightenment" in canon too? I'm asking because I've been trying to find them in canon DC, but I haven't been able to find anything about it yet. I even tried to check the DC wiki, but I can't find anything about it there and it's driving me nuts.

But on the other hand, if enlightenment does exist in canon, then I can think of a few characters who might have achieved it, so I'm really not sure if it's an actual thing or not in the GL mythos.

Can someone please tell me if it's canon or fanmade?
I made them up.

Edit: Though m'eelam na'aquall is canon, and it's perfectly possible to physically enter a central power battery.
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I made them up.

Edit: Though m'eelam na'aquall is canon, and it's perfectly possible to physically enter a central power battery.

Yeah, it was pretty difficult for me to find anything about the m'eelam na'aquall ritual, and when I finally found the comic it came from (Green Lantern: Willworld), I had to stop reading several times to ask myself what the hell I was reading because of how trippy and surreal it was.

Speaking of which, do the other lantern corps have their own equivalent of the m'eelam na'aquall? If so, is Paul ever going to go through the orange equivalent of the ritual? Or does he not need to do that because he's already enlightened?
Yeah, it was pretty difficult for me to find anything about the m'eelam na'aquall ritual, and when I finally found the comic it came from (Green Lantern: Willworld), I had to stop reading several times to ask myself what the hell I was reading because of how trippy and surreal it was.

Speaking of which, do the other lantern corps have their own equivalent of the m'eelam na'aquall? If so, is Paul ever going to go through the orange equivalent of the ritual? Or does he not need to do that because he's already enlightened?
Sinestro's Corps have the fear lodges, but that's not an advanced thing. That's their basic test of worthiness. Orange Lanterns don't have one yet, but it ends up being direct exposure to the Ophidian. If you don't go mad, you passed.
Sinestro's Corps have the fear lodges, but that's not an advanced thing. That's their basic test of worthiness. Orange Lanterns don't have one yet, but it ends up being direct exposure to the Ophidian. If you don't go mad, you passed.
I hope we'll get to see this in the story. Will this become a requirement to join the Honor Guard?
Sinestro's Corps have the fear lodges, but that's not an advanced thing. That's their basic test of worthiness. Orange Lanterns don't have one yet, but it ends up being direct exposure to the Ophidian. If you don't go mad, you passed.

Wait a minute, are you implying that The Green Lanterns do the same, but by being exposed to Ion instead? Is that why they need to go inside the central battery to do the m'eelam na'aquall? Because Ion is usually in there? Is that how it works for them in your universe?

Huh, You know, maybe that's how Parallax first started affecting Hal in canon. After all, when Hal went through the ritual in Willworld, Parallax was also inside the battery at the time, right? So, maybe he took advantage of Hal's insanity and fractured psyche to do things to Hal while he was doing the ritual, all without him noticing. Which kind of makes the idea of m'eelam na'aqual even more disturbing, because that means every Green Lantern that did the ritual before Emerald Twilight got sealed in the battery with Parallax!

Trivialities (part 15) New
9th April 2013
13:52 GMT +3

The next thing I'm aware of is the crystal around me cracking off, and Jade looking through my faceplate with concern.

"Are we at war with Zamaron now?"

"No." I push outwards with my environmental shield, partially-dissolved crystal crumbling off me as it disintegrates. "Just bypassing a cleverly unclever spell John Constantine cast. Do-?"

No, don't say 'do you need anything?' to the woman that you love. The people on Reformation Island have been fine for three months, they can cope for five minutes.

Jade gives her head a small shake. "We're not in immediate danger. This is a Darkstar training centre. Standard picket fleet-"

I send my spacesuit into subspace and embrace her warmly.

"-and sexual harassment in the workplace, apparently."

She's smiling as I rest my forehead against hers.

"This is unprofessional conduct at worst." I change the angle of my neck and gently kiss her forehead.

"I think that's worse."

"So does that mean that professional sexual harassment exists? I'll have to talk to Dox about that. Maybe there's a course I can do."

"You'll have to talk to Director Jeddigar about that. Unless you're planning on complaining about the Orange Lantern Corps not having them."

"No, of course not. I would never leave L.E.G.I.O.N. out. They need the help more."

One of the L.E.G.I.O.N. soldiers on duty snorts through his helmet. "Fuck you too, sir."

"I'm not a professional."

I sigh as I release Jade from my embrace, smiling at her as she smiles back.

"How's Earth?"

"About the same. Economists have stopped hanging themselves, but I think we can cope. I just need to-" I hoik the magic beacon into the air with a construct. "-get this thing to Themyscira and we'll get Reformation Island back."

"What about Atlantis?"

"I'm… Happy to make that someone else's problem."

She raises a sceptical eyebrow. "Really?"

I exhale. "Really. Sticking Earth's civilisation back together isn't… Something that really… I don't want to say 'interests me', but-."

"You want to fix something, see it get better and then stay fixed." I nod. "Has the Justice League talked about removing governments?"

"I am not allowed to talk about the Justice League removing governments."

Her eyebrows rise again. "That's oddly specific."

"Batman has learned to be specific around me."

"Who's the lucky country? Bwunda?"

"Adom's taken that one."


"There isn't a country there to take over anymore. I suppose we could give it to Mister Atom and see what he does, but the infrastructure's been sufficiently degraded that it might be better just to allow the villages to do their own thing for while."

"It almost certainly is. Could be a problem if the hospitals aren't working, though."

"Not from a civilisational standpoint. Regular access to really good medicine has really only been a thing in the richest parts of the world for the last fifty years or so. Barely any time at all in the history of the human species."

"Are things that bad?"

"Doctors had a reasonable survival rate. It's supply chains that didn't. Most medicines aren't made close to where they're used and the systems of distribution were completely wrecked."

One of the things I remember hearing about the destruction of the World Trade Centre was the ways that some companies had stopped existing. Not because the damage to their infrastructure caused them to lose money, but because everyone who worked there was killed. There was literally no one to continue the company's function.

Doctors have worked their way through the fixable injuries and illnesses by now... Or 'timed out', I suppose. But that's not much help to a diabetic without access to insulin. Or foods that they could use to regulate their blood sugar in an analogue manner, especially when disposables for blood sugar monitors aren't available.

And it's… Not worth me fixing that. Even if I was trying to keep particular individuals alive, I'd be better off correcting the condition rather than fixing a factory that makes palliatives.

I frown. Actually…

"Planning something?"

"Planning how to make the world a better place. And to make sure that I'm more emotionally engaged with the people of Earth."

She looks at me… Not nervously, but with a degree of concern. Then her expression shifts to amusement. "Do I need to warn Batman?"

"'Need to'? No." I look around. "What have they got you doing?"

"Teaching special forces soldiers from N.E.M.O. worlds how to be Darkstars. A hundred different doctrines, technologies and military histories. Not to mention the ones who have already been to war with the others." A quiet snort. "Half the time I think we'd be better starting with raw recruits."

"And the other half?"

"Then I'm sure. But that's probably not political feasible." She shakes her head. "I've got a shift to work. Go finish up on Earth before they try sending someone else."

I nod. "I will see you later." I smile and-. And turn to the Darkstar who spoke a moment ago. "Since we're not in the same chain of command, you probably shouldn't call me 'sir'."

"Al-right. What should I call you?"

"In formal settings, 'Illustres'. In informal settings, just about anything other than 'sir'."

"Okay… Arsehole."

The other guard stares at him in alarm.

"Yeah, like that."

Armour on, take physical hold of the beacon and step

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"What about Atlantis?"

"I'm… Happy to make that someone else's problem."

She raises a sceptical eyebrow. "Really?"

I exhale. "Really. Sticking Earth's civilisation back together isn't… Something that really… I don't want to say 'interests me', but-."

"You want to fix something, see it get better and then stay fixed." I nod. "Has the Justice League talked about removing governments?"

"I am not allowed to talk about the Justice League removing governments."

Her eyebrows rise again. "That's oddly specific."

"Batman has learn to be specific around me."
I really hope we'll get to see the POV of a Justice League member during their meeting about how they've become the world government. Also, that should say 'learned'.

Doctors have worked their way through the fixable injuries and illnesses by now... Or 'timed out', I suppose But that's not much help to a diabetic with access to insulin. Or foods that they could use to regular their blood sugar in an analogue manner, especially when disposables for blood sugar monitors aren't available.
Missing a full stop after that word.
9th April 2013
13:52 GMT +3

The next thing I'm aware of is the crystal around me cracking off, and Jade looking through my faceplate with concern.

"Are we at war with Zamaron now?"
And hopefully the magical gubbin John gave him survived the trip intact. I expect John made sure it would be hardened against all outside interference, at least from the Emotional Spectrum's more mystical energies.

"No." I push outwards with my environmental shield, partially-dissolved crystal crumbling off me as it disintegrates. "Just bypassing a cleverly unclever spell John Constantine cast. Do-?"

No, don't say 'do you need anything?' to the woman that you love. The people on Reformation Island have been fine for three months, they can cope for five minutes.
I think she gets the situation fairly clearly just from you saying 'Constantine'. She should be familiar with his work from OL's stories, at least. And nice of him to at least stop and chat with his girlfriend.

Jade gives her head a small shake. "We're not in immediate danger. This is a Darkstar training centre. Standard picket fleet-"

I send my spacesuit into subspace and embrace her warmly.
I expect it's been a few days since last he saw her, at the least. More likely weeks. She might well be one of the few humans in existence right now that wasn't touched by either the Anti-Life Event or the White Light Outburst. Be interesting to compare metaphysical scans of her to average people on Earth...

"-and sexual harassment in the workplace, apparently."

She's smiling as I rest my forehead against hers.
Yeah, if she wasn't into it, she'd let you know. With a blow to the delicates, if nothing else.

"This is unprofessional conduct at worst." I change the angle of my neck and gently kiss her forehead.

"I think that's worse."
Well, he is a talented amateur. Not any kind of professional soldier.

"So does that mean that professional sexual harassment exists? I'll have to talk to Dox about that. Maybe there's a course I can do."

"You'll have to talk to Director Jeddigar about that. Unless you're planning on complaining about the Orange Lantern Corps not having them."
I would expect there are plenty of standing rules about Orange Lanterns and various vices. Mostly consisting of 'do not do this, or at least do not use your Ring while doing so'.

"No, of course not. I would never leave L.E.G.I.O.N. out. They need the help more."

One of the L.E.G.I.O.N. soldiers on duty snorts through his helmet. "Fuck you too, sir."
Ooh, sassy. I'm guessing he's met Orange Lanterns before and knows how they work.

"I'm not a professional."

I sigh as I release Jade from my embrace, smiling at her as she smiles back.
No doubt enjoying a little high from the lingering Violet energy from the dissolving crystals.

"How's Earth?"

"About the same. Economists have stopped hanging themselves, but I think we can cope. I just need to-" I hoik the magic beacon into the air with a construct. "-get this thing to Themyscira and we'll get Reformation Island back."
Eh, they'll sort it out. Especially if or when Ploutos shows up for work.

"What about Atlantis?"

"I'm… Happy to make that someone else's problem."
You have enough on your plate to worry about, OL. Don't let the Protagonist's Burden weigh too heavily on you.

She raises a sceptical eyebrow. "Really?"

I exhale. "Really. Sticking Earth's civilisation back together isn't… Something that really… I don't want to say 'interests me', but-."
You didn't think you'd end up working on it the way you expected to come at it.

"You want to fix something, see it get better and then stay fixed." I nod. "Has the Justice League talked about removing governments?"

"I am not allowed to talk about the Justice League removing governments."
Now, is that a general 'no comment', or has he been...

Her eyebrows rise again. "That's oddly specific."

"Batman has learn to be specific around me."
...I withdraw my unasked question. :p The dark knight detective has learned!

"Who's the lucky country? Bwunda?"

"Adom's taken that one."
On of Kahndaq's southern neighbours, I presume. Or at least close enough for him to commute to work.


"There isn't a country there to take over anymore. I suppose we could give it to Mister Atom and see what he does, but the infrastructure's been sufficiently degraded that it might be better just to allow the villages to do their own thing for while."
Another of those small African nations that only exists in the DC Universe because real countries were a no-go.

"It almost certainly is. Could be a problem if the hospitals aren't working, though."

"Not from a civilisational standpoint. Regular access to really good medicine has really only been a thing in the richest parts of the world for the last fifty years or so. Barely any time at all in the history of the human species."
And in the average DC-Earth African county, not even that long.

"Are things that bad?"

"Doctors had a reasonable survival rate. It's supply chains that didn't. Most medicines aren't made close to where they're used and the systems of distribution were completely wrecked."
Which I assume some superheroes are trying to assist with, until proper route reopen.

One of the things I remember hearing about the destruction of the World Trade Centre was the ways that some companies had stopped existing. Not because the damage to their infrastructure caused them to lose money, but because everyone who worked there was killed. There was literally no one to continue the company's function.
No joke. I wouldn't be surprised to learn some brokerage firms had their only offices in the buildings.

Doctors have worked their way through the fixable injuries and illnesses by now... Or 'timed out', I suppose But that's not much help to a diabetic with access to insulin. Or foods that they could use to regular their blood sugar in an analogue manner, especially when disposables for blood sugar monitors aren't available.
I also wouldn't be surprised to find a lot of people who needed vital surgeries during the Anti-Life period died because they couldn't have them performed. Or those in pallative or critical care who succumbed because the staff just stopped working...

And it's… Not worth me fixing that. Even if I was trying to keep particular individuals alive, I'd be better off correcting the condition rather than fixing a factory that makes palliatives.

I frown. Actually…
Another option for introducing Kryptonian technology perhaps. Maybe not outright curing diseases, but providing tech that makes it easier to do so...

"Planning something?"

"Planning how to make the world a better place. And to make sure that I'm more emotionally engaged with the people of Earth."
To be fair, he hasn't really needed to be outside of 'all of this is mine'. But a stronger sense of 'mine' would help him focus on fixing things, perhaps?

She looks at me… Not nervously, but with a degree of concern. Then her expression shifts to amusement. "Do I need to warn Batman?"

"'Need to'? No." I look around. "What have they got you doing?"
I'm impressed that she'd be able to reach Batman.

"Teaching special forces soldiers from N.E.M.O. worlds how to be Darkstars. A hundred different doctrines, technologies and military histories. Not to mention the ones who have already been to war with the others." A quiet snort. "Half the time I think we'd be better starting with raw recruits."
It's that or brain-wipe the veterans. And thus loose everything that makes them veterans.

"And the other half?"

"Then I'm sure. But that's probably not political feasible." She shakes her head. "I've got a shift to work. Go finish up on Earth before they try sending someone else."
Ah, the joy of inadvertently visiting your girlfriend at work.

I nod. "I will see you later." I smile and-. And turn to the Darkstar who spoke a moment ago. "Since we're not in the same chain of command, you probably shouldn't call me 'sir'."

"Al-right. What should I call you?"
Well, he doesn't need a cab. Still, at least something respectful might be wise?

"In formal settings, 'Clarissi'. In informal settings, just about anything other than 'sir'."

"Okay… Arsehole."
...If he isn't at least a corporal-equivalent, promote that guy. He's got character.

The other guard stares at him in alarm.

"Yeah, like that."
I get the feeling that guy actually has met lanterns before and expected a stronger response.

Armour on, take physical hole of the beacon and step

Well, nice visit, back to the day job.

I suppose Jade wouldn't get many updates on Earth, being all the way out there. Especially if NEMO is staying hands-off with it to avoid drawing the Reach's attention to it. Still, good to see she's keeping busy with work, and probably making a name for herself. I expect tomorrow's segment will be quite a bit more eventful, though. Especially if OL forgets to warn Themyscira about what's about to happen.
What happened to Atlantis in this timeline again? I know in the Grayven timeline it was partially pulled into the dream but I don't remember what happened in the Paul timeline

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