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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Paul should Really know better than to tempt fate like that.

I sense mass slaughter ahead.

He might even meet fate at some point (Destiny of the Endless or the Kindly Ones would both probably qualify).

Paragon and Renegade generally deal with the aftermath of conventional superheroes, either in Earth-16 or beyond. It's nice to see them dealing with the repercussions of their own actions too.

On another note, can anyone explain the abundance of randomly voiceless characters in sporadic episodes of season 3? I'm not sure if it's some budgetary issue or not, but it's quite jarring.
It shouldn't hurt if I disappear for a little while.
Oh jeez, really Paul? Certainly you are genre savvy enough to notice the trap of that thinking.

At the very least you should have told the parties involved you would be right back so no one thinks to try anything once they realize you are gone.
If Paul thinks that Zattana has recovered well enough to still recieve gifts and such, it might be worthwhile to see if she could do well with a different colored power source - perhaps getting Kalmin to make a blue light device, or asking a Controller to create an orange light system. It's probably something worth pursuing, since I don't *think* that the limitations of magic in space would particularily apply to the energy drawing system that she was using.
If Paul thinks that Zattana has recovered well enough to still recieve gifts and such, it might be worthwhile to see if she could do well with a different colored power source - perhaps getting Kalmin to make a blue light device, or asking a Controller to create an orange light system. It's probably something worth pursuing, since I don't *think* that the limitations of magic in space would particularily apply to the energy drawing system that she was using.
If he really wanted Giovanni to shank him, yes, he could do that.
If he really wanted Giovanni to shank him, yes, he could do that.
*shrug* Suppose so.
Still, it might be worthwhile to see if other magic users can take advantage of it - Wouldn't be surprised if say, Bierce could get a lot out of it or the atlanteans on the team.It has the added bonus that the R&D for it has probably basically already been done, since it seems like all that would be required would just be sticking a lantern or ring on the staff of.
And for the forgetful among you . . . Lex knew about Paul's ability to rewrite the desires of others and, in his paranoia, assumed that was the reason he was considering going straight.

Honesty the best thing you can do to mess with Luthor is point out how Lex Luthor is his own worst enemy.
It would probably be more useful to give a orange power source to Robert instead of Zatanna, since we know that his abilities also allow the absorption of emotional light and his greatest desire seems is to become a Superhero similar to Superman. It would also be good replacement for the Sword of Beowulf. But maybe include that guide about the Orange Light so he doesn't end up like the comic version of himself.
I have no recollection of saying that.

I think you did say something of the matter, but I am not sure of the context.

It may have been a response in jest since at the time people were debating a lot about Paul being a spider fucker. I think the comment was more among the lines of how this Spider Guild strand was heavy into biotechnology and how the queen could/would change her appearance to make future diplomacy with aliens easier... However I don't remember if it went beyond the hypothetical.
I raise my right hand to my forehead and focus on the desire network of Strand-Captain Fhomalhopos. And… There he is. Feels like he's in the general vicinity of their Control Nest. I should get a general idea of how the treaty is panning out before I meet with the Queen.

I step out
Paul procrastinating because he doesn't want to meet with his spider girlfriend amuses me greatly.
I think you did say something of the matter, but I am not sure of the context.

It may have been a response in jest since at the time people were debating a lot about Paul being a spider fucker. I think the comment was more among the lines of how this Spider Guild strand was heavy into biotechnology and how the queen could/would change her appearance to make future diplomacy with aliens easier... However I don't remember if it went beyond the hypothetical.

Surely it must be done now?
It would probably be more useful to give a orange power source to Robert instead of Zatanna, since we know that his abilities also allow the absorption of emotional light and his greatest desire seems is to become a Superhero similar to Superman. It would also be good replacement for the Sword of Beowulf. But maybe include that guide about the Orange Light so he doesn't end up like the comic version of himself.

I don't recall Robert ever absorbing emotional light...did he do that in the fight against the dragon? It does seem plausible but I'm just not sure.

Kon should give Robert that sword Paragon forged in the Queen of Fables episode, seems like it would be conducive to enchantment. In fact I hope all League and Team members have at least some oricalchum or other mystic-metal implements for use, just like simple knives. Oricalchum-thread to reinforce armor or shape runes on everyone's equipment could be cool too- I believe you can use tunes to gather and channel ambient magic so non-magic users should also be able to benefit, if relatively less so.
I don't recall Robert ever absorbing emotional light...did he do that in the fight against the dragon? It does seem plausible but I'm just not sure.
No, but we saw his father absorb the black light from one of Dark Druids zombies.
Kon should give Robert that sword Paragon forged in the Queen of Fables episode, seems like it would be conducive to enchantment. In fact I hope all League and Team members have at least some oricalchum or other mystic-metal implements for use, just like simple knives. Oricalchum-thread to reinforce armor or shape runes on everyone's equipment could be cool too- I believe you can use tunes to gather and channel ambient magic so non-magic users should also be able to benefit, if relatively less so.
Thanks to the training of his great grandfather his offensive potential shouldn't really be lacking, what he really needs at the moment would be a power source for his spells. And I doubt there is enough magic in his surroundings outside of places like Themyscira or Atlantis, to allow him to recharge faster than his costly spells like flying would cost him.
Jiggity-Jig (part 13)
8th February
22:18 GMT


back in, surprised Spider Guild members scuttling back nervously. I'm on an… Open-plan bridge, on a space station of some kind. From the rough-hewn walls I'm going to assume that they built it into an asteroid. Not a normal Guild practice, but I suppose that they did rather have to hit the ground running with regard to their treaty refit commitments.

"At-will teleportation?" Fhomalhopos steps off his dais, though given how Guilders move it looks more like he's flowing. "Is that new, Orange Lantern?"

"I've learned it since I last left Vega. How have you been doing?"

He makes a rasping-sigh noise. "Busy dealing with the constant nagging of our new partners. I decided to rush our first dock rather than build the entire generation in a more efficient manner in order to satisfy them. Dealing with inefficient alien egotists isn't something I thought would be part of my job… But as the Queen commands."

"No big problems?"

"We're making ships and guns for people I instinctively believe should be our enemies. Beyond that, nothing worth talking about."

"So if I took a look in your refrigerators..?"

"The meat would genetically match various people, but it's all cloned from tissue samples. It is no longer practical for us to kill intelligent prey."

I shake my head. "Why..? Did you do it in the first place?"

"I'm not sure." He comes level with me and stops. "A combination of our distant ancestors' primary source of food also being intelligent and thus us never really developing an instinctive aversion to the practice, and the social conditioning of growing up in a society where such things are normal. Of course, we are having to cut down on the usual manifestations of our dietary habits now. It will be interesting to see whether they survive more familiar contact with other species."

He turns his head around to take in his subordinates and makes a rasping-click noise. Slightly crouched in shame, they return to their work stations.

"What can we do for you?"

"I'm checking up on you. And I want to speak to the Queen."

"She is.. not directly involved in this work. I will be happy to show you anything you like." He gestures to the doors. "We have even modified former holding pens into places for humanoid entertainment."

"The two requests weren't dependent. I want to speak to her regardless of what I find here."

"She cannot presently leave her current environment. Is your environmental shield sterile?"


"Then you will be able to visit her." He flows past me and heads for the door out of the room. "Would you like to interview our current guests?"

I look around, staring through the rock and metal surrounding us. Guilders are distinct enough from humanoids that I can tell the difference easily enough. Ring?

Scans are unimpeded. Multiple members of local irregular groups present. None significantly injured or in distress.

Which matches with what… I'm… Seeing…

I tilt my head slightly at-. Really? I mean, consenting adult sophonts in private, but really?

"No, that's… Fine. Are you having any trouble with the other Guild Nests?"

"Some have made representations. Offers of aid in exchange for our virtual enslavement. We have passed on all so far."

He accelerates and I float behind him as we pass through another door and down a corridor.

"Strand-Captain, if there are any problems emerging, it would behoove you to make me aware of them now, while I can still do something about them."

"Oh?" Three eyes rotate my way. "You didn't say that you were acting as a guarantor for our agreement. Has something happened?"

"The karnans are in the process of reconquering Karna."


"As you may remember, I dislike pointless slaughter."

"What I heard from Amalak's people about your treatment of the last Citadelians suggests that your dislike is not universal."

"No, it's just not overwhelming. For example, if you'd told me that you were eating slaves, I would have overcome it."

"It would be impractical to get enough." A couple more of his eyes focus on me. "And impolitic, given that they would be the same species as our business partners."

"I suppose that's an adequate reason."

He enters a code to open the door, granting us access to a short section of corridor to the next door. They're both reinforced, designed to form seals in the event that part of the station becomes decompressed. The door we just passed closes firmly before the next one begins opening. The wall on the far side is transparent, giving anyone looking a clear view of a colossal space within the asteroid.

Fhomalhopos scuttles out and gestures towards the scene on the far side. There are eight ships of various classes and in various states of assembly parked around the edge of the interior space, work crews of Guilders and robotic drones visible all around. Using them to judge scale… Not huge ships, but certainly not tiny.

"We're working on the ships of some of the more vocal officers here. Small ships will be serviced in more conventional space docks. Commodore Amalak is 'giving' us some of his older ships to allow us to accelerate our dock-building program."


"I thought that it was admirably rational, given that we would primarily be using them for him. Would you like to see them?"

"And there weren't any explosives or monitoring devices in them?"

"Bombs, no. Monitoring devices, yes. We left them in place. We would not be so foolish as to do anything we wished to keep concealed where they could easily see it, and their presence may reassure him."

"And are you doing anything you wish to keep concealed?"

He wiggles his mandibles.

"Strand-Captain Fhomalhopos, I want this region peaceful. I'm not exactly going to be impressed-."

"We do not plan to initiate martially aggressive action. It would be foolish of us to do so. If you wish to know more about our plans, you will have to speak to the Queen."

"That's something else I want to ask you about. Why do you even have a Queen? Shouldn't the title be Guildmaster or 'Hive Father' or 'Hive Mother'?"

His eyes wheel in all directions. Discomfort and embarrassment. "Those who would have ruled this Nest were killed in transit. We do not believe that the people who killed them even realised who they had killed. The Queen took over organising us after that point."

"Alright, but what is she? I know perfectly well that female Spider Guilders don't usually look like that."

"That is something which you will have to ask her as well. I-." He touches his collar for a moment. "Ah. It seems that she is ready to receive you."
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back in, surprised Spider Guild members scuttling back nervously . I'm on an… Open-plan bridge, on a space station of some kind. From the rough-hewn walls I'm going to assume that they built it into an asteroid. Not a normal Guild practice, but I suppose that they did rather have to hit the ground running with regard to their treaty refit commitments.
Expediency at its finest.

Dealing with inefficient alien egotist isn't something I thought would be part of my job…
Dealing with inefficient alien egotists isn't something I thought would be part of my job…
(unless it was an accent?)

"The meat would genetically match various people, but it's all cloned from tissue samples. It is no longer practical for us to kill intelligent prey."
Because they can kill you harder now?

"I'm not sure." He comes level with me and stops. "A combination of our distant ancestors' primary source of food also being intelligent and thus us never really developing an instinctive aversion to the practice, and the social conditioning of growing up in a society where such things are normal. Of course, we are having to cut down on the usual manifestations of our dietary habits now. It will be interesting to see whether they survive more familiar contact with other species."
Impressive self-reflection.

"She is.. not directly involved in this work. I will be happy to show you anything you like." He gestures to the doors. "We have even modified former holding pens into places for humanoid entertainment."
That would make for an interesting atmosphere...

"She cannot presently leave her current environment. Is your environmental shield sterile?"
She's in the middle of laying eggs, isn't she?

I tilt my head slightly at-. Really? I mean, consenting adult sophonts in private, but really?
Am I missing something, or did you post the wrong picture?

"Strand-Captain, if there are any problems emerging, it would behove you to make me aware of them now, while I can still do something about them."
Despite my first instinct, 'behove' is an actual word. I presume 'behoove' is an americanisation.

"Not seeing how that relates to us..."

"It would be impractical to get enough." A couple more of his eyes focus on me. "And impolitic, given that they would be the same species as our business partners."
Extra space at tail end... And is he suggesting he would if he could get enough?

"We're working on the ships of some of the more vocal officers here. Small ships will be serviced in more conventional space docks. Commodore Amalak is 'giving' us some of his older ships to allow us to accelerate our dock-building program."
Double space here.

"Bombs, no. Monitoring devices, yes. We left them in place. We would not be so foolish as to do anything we wished to keep concealed where they could easily see it, and their presence may reassure him."
"Besides, they are quite expensive."

He wiggles his mandibles.
Naughty naughty?

"We do not plan to initiate martially aggressive action. It would be foolish of us to do so. If you wish to know more about our plans, you will have to speak to the Queen."
But if others attack them, they'll defend themselves.

His eyes wheel in all directions. Discomfort and embarrassment. "Those who would have ruled this Nest were killed in transit. We do not believe that the people who killed them even realised who they had killed. The Queen took over organising us after that point."
Ah, it's not an entirely official title.

"That is something which you will have to ask her as well. I-." He touches his collar for a moment. "Ah. It seems that she is ready to receive you."
Oh boy, embarrassment imminent.

Let's see what entanglements OL can get into this time... After all, Guy needs new ammunition :D
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Dealing with inefficient alien egotist isn't something I thought would be part of my job…
Dealing with inefficient alien egotists isn't something I thought would be part of my job…
(unless it was an accent?)
"It would be impractical to get enough." A couple more of his eyes focus on me. "And impolitic, given that they would be the same species as our business partners."
Extra space at tail end...
And is he suggesting he would if he could get enough?
"We're working on the ships of some of the more vocal officers here. Small ships will be serviced in more conventional space docks. Commodore Amalak is 'giving' us some of his older ships to allow us to accelerate our dock-building program."
Double space here.
Thank you, corrected.
His eyes wheel in all directions. Discomfort and embarrassment. "Those who would have ruled this Nest were killed in transit. We do not believe that the people who killed them even realised who they had killed. The Queen took over organising us after that point."
Ah, it's not an entirely official title.
History teaches a lesson, often in blood: the rightful king queen is the one who gets crowned.
I tilt my head slightly at-. Really? I mean, consenting adult sophonts in private, but really?
Am I missing something, or did you post the wrong picture?
Just a reminder what they look like.
That's one accommodating spider.

Everyone in this fic is so rational. Are we sure Paul isn't radiating some kind of "cooler heads prevail" field?
You mean, is the guy whose power is making things he wants to happen making people do what he wants?


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