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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Well I suppose my headcanon that grayven in earth 50 was another paul I suppose.
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But that's work I don't want to think about or work out how to do. Instead I brute force it by highlighting stuff one line at a time and pushing "Look up". The other option is to copy paste into another text editor.
I haven't done anything like that and I can highlight invisitext just fine
I read almost exclusively on a midget computer (Motorola Z3), and I can highlight and read invisitext just fine. I'm not sure it's even an iPhone/Android thing, as previously I have seen other Android users say they can't highlight the way I do.

Ironically, one of the new features SV debuted is a tiny eyeball button at the top of posts with invisitext, which automatically reveals all of it. Oh well.
I read almost exclusively on a midget computer (Motorola Z3), and I can highlight and read invisitext just fine. I'm not sure it's even an iPhone/Android thing, as previously I have seen other Android users say they can't highlight the way I do.

Ironically, one of the new features SV debuted is a tiny eyeball button at the top of posts with invisitext, which automatically reveals all of it. Oh well.
Of the three sibling forums, I think SV has the best implementation of XenForo, it's just not that active in my primary community.
Ah, Grayven, you magnificent trolling fanboy...

I see they have plenty of combat tactics worked out.

Because it's proper Kulcha! Waaaagh!

I'm going to put what i think are Grayven-50's works into an alternate color here... If only to try and keep it straight.

Yes, seeing what looks like your master fighting against you would be disruptive, I bet.

Ah, Raynor, fancy as ever. I bet those big, elegant constructs are energy- and concentration-intensive, aren't they?

Admit it, Grayven, you just want new toys, don't you.

Do not poke the frustrated kryptonian, it's bad for your health.

Is she sick of the 'puppy' references yet?

I'll bet she doesn't. But in all honesty, this could be a major challenge for our 'hero'. Facing a real Grayven, with only a decently-augmented human soul? This could end so badly. But it wouldn't be the Renegade without poorly thought-out, spur-of-the-moment decisions that are prone to backfiring.

Ah, people not worth executing.

Better than death, certainly.

You really love that angle, don't you, Grayven?

Yeah, that's a poke in the eye of the other guy.

If this was animated, this part would have to be done in a trippy Kirby-esque psychedelic style, wouldn't it? Something akin to the New God parts of Seven Soldiers... And it would look soooo cool.

And there's the first push-back. And a fascinating look at the Renegade's philosophy of Acquisition.
Seriously, He may have been poured into a shape aligned to Grayven's aspect of Conquest By War, but the Renegade hasn't earned most of what he's gained by strength of arms. He's formed alliances, collected followers through charisma and fellowship, and only resorted to force when needed as a last resort. He's not the New God of Conquest, he's the New God of Acquisition!

Ah, studying something by poking it. Always effective, even if it leads to explosive results...

And I'm impressed he cares so deeply for Scott Free and Barda, given his real origins...

New technique Acquired: Twisting the Weave! Gotta love those mid-combat moments of inspiration.

It's all about you, isn't it? But then, this is your story.

Ah, Grayven-50 has taken the field. Let's see just how stupid he looks, shall we?

Oh, wow. That was a mindbending experience. Every time I think you can't out-do yourself, Mr Zoat, you pull something new.
Admittedly, Readers on Mobile might be a little annoyed at you.:p
As a mobile aside, I can select and drag to see it, hopefully others can too.
Didn't Grayven learn his lesson about randomly pushing his soul into other people's arcane structures the last time he tried it? Sure, this isn't an extra-dimensional british castle, but still.

He is still lacking a permanent teamate that calls him own when he goes stupid like this.
I've got a bookmarklet for highlighting invisitext.

javascript:!function(){function e(){for(var e=document.getElementsByTagName("span"),t=0;t<e.length;t++)span=e[t],"transparent"==span.style.color.toLowerCase()%26%26(span.className+=" invisitext",span.style.color=null)}function t(){var e=document.createElement("style");css=".invisitext { border: 1px dotted red; padding: 2px; color: transparent; background: black }",css+=".invisitext:hover { color: white }",e.textContent=css,document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(e)}function n(){t(),e()}n()}();
Copy this and use it as the URL for a bookmark, and when you use that bookmark it'll highlight invisitext.

SV recently picked up a built-in invisitext highlighter, there's an eye button on any post with invisible text.
Conqueror's Moon (part 17)
27th December 2004
21:25 GMT -5

"-about t-to…"

All Shall Kneel [relates to] Moved by my Design.

A legion unseen kneel as the Hegemon-. I… I'm holding out my arms and acknowledging their fealty and.. I'm kneeling my-.

Like heck I am.

When we wound up the Light Mark 1, the Justice League mistrusted me and had found my plan distasteful. But they went along with it, because they had no better alternative and knew that the results of not doing so would be worse. I aided Jonathan and in return I am now considered a friend and valuable government advisor. I aided the Chinese and the same happens. And with the Light Mark 2 I am reshaping the world without any brutal displays of dominance.

Being made by me personally. And yet, my personal legitimacy increases without significant resistance. My ego is not so fragile that I need everyone around me to abase themselves before we do business, and I'm confident that they will come around to my way of thinking about things eventually.

All Shall Bow in Time [subverts] All Shall Kneel.

"Grayven?" I'm dimly aware of Kara floating next to me. "Are you okay?"

The network didn't completely shift away from me, though the strangely dissonant desire to kneel before myself did.. make it somewhat unclear who and what was taking precedence. I suspect that my alter ego knows that he's being assailed by another New God (or New God equivalent) but doesn't know their particular nature.

"I didn't expect this to be easy."

No immediate counter strike.

Challenge the Hegemon [subverts] All Shall Kneel.

Because naturally, if I'm challenging then I'm not kneeling. Or being kneeled to. My reach across the metaphysical realm of this planet is growing broader, if not stronger. And… Then I'm feeling the breadth of the region of space this Grayven has occupied, an… Impression of settlements and shipyards, workers and warriors all labouring both for themselves and for Me. For My empire. Dimly, I am aware of places where this is not happening, but they are small in comparison to the vast areas that are.

Beneath My Contempt [subverts] Challenge the Hegemon.

Because you're not really 'challenging' if the challenge isn't substantive.

And I can't argue the point. This isn't intended to be more than a feint or a raid. I came to him, he didn't come to me. On the other hand, if he's bothering to make an effort then I'm clearly not beneath his contempt. But… None of the counters I can think of really fit me. There are plenty of Divine Truths that could be spoken to counter that by Scott… Even by John or Diana, if they knew how to do it.


I remember killing Savage with little difficulty. I remember the League's bizarre attitude to Nabu and Klarion and their failure to predict that I might take active issue with it.

Attack Complacency [undermines] Beneath My Contempt.

"Grayven, Nightwing says the fleet is moving."

And suddenly we're worth dealing with. I doubt that he'll want to use his ships to carry out orbital strikes, but…

Flies Trapped in Amber

Wait, what? That felt different, and… Entirely unrelated to conquest. And weaker. It coils around everything, weakening the whole network because the idea that I'm in an invisible prison is something that no version of Grayven could possibly tolerate.

And yet, it's working. I can feel the results myself and I'm forced to consider: am I working in accordance with someone else's plan here? Could Grayven 50 have made a specific plan for this? No, it felt… More general. Like… People in general are trapped. It… Did he do something to Scott to make him say that? Or is there a New God of Unfreedom I don't know about? With Darkseid dead there's probably some metaphysical room opening up.

I… Again, I can't think of a counter I could-. I mean, against Scott I'd have all sorts of things about how most people with freedom keep doing all the same things they did when they didn't have it, but against the statement that everyone is trapped permanently… We're all connected to the Source, and… I haven't yet confirmed that there isn't a Divine Plan for each of us. I know that Destiny's book is a thing and that a few people have ducked it…

Ah, fuck it. If all that I've done hasn't broken me free by now then I can just work at it some more. I know that it can be done. Being trapped isn't inevitable.

Drive to Overcome.

"Found my brother yet?"

"Not yet." Rayner's got some sort of radar construct and he's waving it around. I'm reasonably confident that he knows what he's doing. "But I'm getting a whole lot less interference. Keep doing whatever you're doing."

Invisible Chains / Chains Willingly Embraced

The metaphysical landscape twists, all that I thought I'd claimed reverting and strengthening as-. They combined? That's a thing? Ugh, I was right: he does know more about this stuff than I do. Perhaps I could just directly-?

Uh, no no no no-


-no. How can I-? Okay, another Conquest-God, and from the sounds of it someone who downed a bit too much of the Anti-Life cool aid. I'm not supposed to be trying to directly fight either of them, just-.

I look at my left hand, my armour and device already picking up the orange glow. Not.. sure if this will work, but what the heck?


Nothing. No, of course, but how do I..?

Oh-. Fiddlesticks. I know full well that the Ophidian is in the Central Power Battery on Tamaran. I'm trusting Controller Hannanan to keep her under control. But she's a spiritual being I have a connection to who is one with the orange light. She should be able to bridge the gap… In theory. But: parallel universe. I could use my domain-powers to rein in an elemental nominally under my control anyway. The one here..?
Grasp the Nettle.
Ophidian. Ophidian.

My ring sparks and I feel a horrible force pulling at my metaphysique. I try.. pointing it at the power that is like mine in the local energy systems and it starts.. pulling at those as well.

Slap Down the Impetuous-.

The voice sounds like the gnat!

And the pressure's… Off. Mostly. And I feel the orange light permeating the local systems but whoever the gnat was, sounding like him is clearly enough to make the Ophidian come after you a little harder. Larfleeze, maybe? Not like I heard him talking. But it looks like Grayven 50 and whoever the other voice was weren't expecting-

"Got 'em! They're-. Oh cr-."

Boom boom boom!


I lose my connection to the metaphysical and to the Ophidian as a blinding light gagh! I shield as a gordanian destroyer drops through the atmosphere and opens up with its main gun. Okay, between Rayner and myself the barrier is holding, now if-.

Legions Undiminished.

Our shields fracture, and everything-.
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counter that by Scott… Even my John or Diana, if they knew how to do it.
*by John

Did he do something to Scott to make him say that? Or is there a New God of Unfreedom I don't know about.
The second sentence seems like it needs a question mark.

from the sounds of it someone who downed a bit too much of the Anti-Life cool aid.
Shouldn't it be kool-aid?
Oh, god, the Godspeech. I'ma just gonna recolor it in my commentary. G-50 in Plum, Renegade in Grey...
"-about t-to…"

All Shall Kneel [relates to] Moved by my Design.

A legion unseen kneel as the Hegemon-. I… I'm holding out my arms and acknowledging their fealty and.. I'm kneeling my-.

Like heck I am.
Cue the inspiring music!

When we wound up the Light Mark 1, the Justice League mistrusted me and had found my plan distasteful. But they went along with it, because they had no better alternative and knew that the results of not doing so would be worse. I aided Jonathan and in return I am now considered a friend and valuable government advisor. I aided the Chinese and the same happens. And with the Light Mark 2 I am reshaping the world without any brutal displays of dominance.
And it's quite impressive. It's only a matter of time until something breaks...

Being made by me personally. And yet, my personal legitimacy increases without significant resistance. My ego is not so fragile that I need everyone around me to abase themselves before we do business, and I'm confident that they will come around to my way of thinking about things eventually.
And this is why we like him, in part. He takes no shit, but is above petty thumping of insolent fools.

All Shall Bow in Time [subverts] All Shall Kneel.

"Grayven?" I'm dimly aware of Kara floating next to me. "Are you okay?"
Actual concern? I see she's able to overcome her natural annoyance at least.

The network didn't completely shift away from me, though the strangely dissonant desire to kneel before myself did.. make it somewhat unclear who and what was taking precedence. I suspect that my alter ego knows that he's being assailed by another New God (or New God equivalent) but doesn't know their particular nature.

"I didn't expect this to be easy."
But by the same extent, I doubt he expected anything like this.

No immediate counter strike.

Challenge the Hegemon [subverts] All Shall Kneel.

Because naturally, if I'm challenging then I'm not kneeling. Or being kneeled to. My reach across the metaphysical realm of this planet is growing broader, if not stronger. And… Then I'm feeling the breath of the region of space this Grayven has occupied, an… Impression of settlements and shipyards, workers and warriors all labouring both for themselves and for Me. For My empire. Dimly, I am aware of places where this is not happening, but they are small in comparison to the vast areas that are.
And to Grayven-50, those probably itch like hell on the metaphysical level.

Beneath My Contempt [subverts] Challenge the Hegemon.

Because you're not really 'challenging' if the challenge isn't substantive.

And I can't argue the point. This isn't intended to be more than a feint or a raid. I came to him, he didn't come to me. On the other hand, if he's bothering to make an effort then I'm clearly not beneath his contempt. But… None of the counters I can think of really fit me. There are plenty of Divine Truths that could be spoken to counter that by Scott… Even my John or Diana, if they knew how to do it.
The joy of working with a technique you've jsut learned and barely comprehend.


I remember killing Savage with little difficulty. I remember the League's bizarre attitude to Nabu and Klarion and their failure to predict that I might take active issue with it.

Attack Complacency [undermines] Beneath My Contempt.

"Grayven, Nightwing says the fleet is moving."
Oh, that's not good. Evidently Grayven-50 isn't above squashing annoying bugs... With orbital barrages...

And suddenly we're worth dealing with. I doubt that he'll want to use his ships to carry out orbital strikes, but…

Flies Trapped in Amber

Wait, what? That felt different, and… Entirely unrelated to conquest. And weaker. It coils around everything, weakening the whole network because the idea that I'm in an invisible prison is something that no version of Grayven could possibly tolerate.
Oh, G-50's skilled at this stuff. Not good.

And yet, it's working. I can feel the results myself and I'm forced to consider: am I working in accordance with someone else's plan here? Could Grayven 50 have made a specific plan for this? No, it felt… More general. Like… People in general are trapped. It… Did he do something to Scott to make him say that? Or is there a New God of Unfreedom I don't know about. With Darkseid dead there's probably some metaphysical room opening up.
A New God of Subjugation. I could see that as something descended from Tyranny.

I… Again, I can't think of a counter I could-. I mean, against Scott I'd have all sorts of things about how most people with freedom keep doing all the same things they did when they didn't have it, but against the statement that everyone is trapped permanently… We're all connected the Source, and… I haven't yet confirmed that there isn't a Divine Plan for each of us. I know that Destiny's book is a thing and that a few people have ducked it…
Unfortunately, you aren't one of them, Renegade...

Ah, fuck it. If all that I've done hasn't broken me free by now then I can just work at it some more. I know that it can be done. Being trapped isn't inevitable.

Drive to Overcome.

"Found my brother yet?"
Ah, one way to deal with it: Ignore it completely.

"Not yet." Rayner's got some sort of radar construct and he's waving it around. I'm reasonably confident that he knows what he's doing. "But I'm getting a whole lot less interference. Keep doing whatever you're doing."

Invisible Chains / Chains Willingly Embraced

The metaphysical landscape twists, all that I thought I'd claimed reverting and strengthening as-. They combined? That's a thing? Ugh, I was right: he does know more about this stuff than I do. Perhaps I could just directly-?
It's like a black belt taking on an untrrained child. But the child can do things the master wouldn't expect...

Uh, no no no no-


-no. How can I-? Okay, another Conquest-God, and from the sounds of it someone who downed a bit too much of the Anti-Life cool aid. I'm not supposed to be trying to directly fight either of them just-.
Oh, that's just cheating! Calling backup during a one-on-one fight?
I look at my left hand, my armour and device already picking up the orange glow. Not.. sure if this will work, but what the heck?


Nothing. No, of course, but how do I..?
Yep, you aren't as far along the Orange Shaman path as you need to be.

Oh-. Fiddlesticks. I know full well that the Ophidian is in the Central Power Battery on Tamaran. I'm trusting Controller Hannanan to keep her under control. But she's a spiritual being I have a connection to who is one with the orange light. She should be able to bridge the gap… In theory. But; parallel universe. I could use my domain-powers to reign in a elemental nominally under my control anyway. The one here..?
Grasp the Nettle.
Ophidian. Ophidian.
Oh, this is gonna fuck all the shit up. I just know this is going to have knock-on effects somehow.

My ring sparks and I feel a horrible force pulling at my metaphysique. I try.. pointing it at the power that is like mine in the local energy systems and it starts.. pulling at those as well.

Slap Down the Impetuous-.

The voice sounds like the gnat!
Interesting. Obviously not in the vocal sense. The tone of 'you belong to me!', presumably.

And the pressure's… Off. Mostly. And I feel the orange light permeating the local systems but whoever the gnat was, sounding like him is clearly enough to make the Ophidian come after you a little harder. Larfleeze, maybe? Not like I heard him talking. But it looks like Grayven 50 and whoever the other voice was weren't expecting-

"Got 'em! They're-. Oh cr-."
The joy of Scry-and-die tele-ganking. You bypass a critical experience and miss out on useful plot flags.

Boom boom boom!


I lose my connection to the metaphysical and to the Ophidian as a blinding light gagh! I shield as a gordanian destroyer drops through the atmosphere and opens up with its main gun. Okay, between Rayner and myself the barrier is holding, now if-.
Welp, G-50's definitely decided to squash the bugs.

Legions Undiminished.

Our shields fracture, and everything-.
<Concerned Commisar.png> Oh dear. This might be something not everyone walks away from...

Well... More pain for the Mobile viewer. One of the few times the invisitext works against the story. As for the content, it's a doozy. Grayven-50 has someone else working with him? Any ideas who, folks?
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Oh, god, the Godspeech. I'ma just gonna recolor it in my commentary. G-50 in Plum, Renegade in Grey...

Cue the inspiring music!

And it's quite impressive. It's only a matter of time until something breaks...

And this is why we like him, in part. He takes no shit, but is above petty thumping of insolent fools.

Actual concern? I see she's able to overcome her natural annoyance at least.

But by the same extent, I doubt he expected anything like this.

And to Grayven-50, those probably itch like hell on the metaphysical level.

The joy of working with a technique you've jsut learned and barely comprehend.

Oh, that's not good. Evidently Grayven-50 isn't above squashing annoying bugs... With orbital barrages...

Oh, G-50's skilled at this stuff. Not good.

A New God of Subjugation. I could see that as something descended from Tyranny.

Unfortunately, you aren't one of them, Renegade...

Ah, one way to deal with it: Ignore it completely.

It's like a black belt taking on nuraied child. But the child can do things the master wouldn't expect...

Oh, that's just cheating! Calling backup during a one-on-one fight?

Yep, you aren't as far along the Orange Shaman path as you need to be.

Oh, this is gonna fuck all the shit up. I just know this is going to have knock-on effects somehow.

Interesting. Obviously not in the vocal sense. The tone of 'you belong to me!', presumably.

The joy of Scry-and-die tele-ganking. You bypass a critical experience and miss out on useful plot flags.

Welp, G-50's definitely decided to squash the bugs.

<Concerned Commisar.png> Oh dear. This might be something not everyone walks away from...

Well... More pain for the Mobile viewer. One of the few times the invisitext works against the story. As for the content, it's a doozy. Grayven-50 has someone else working with him? Any ideas who, folks?
Smiley? (Probably not) Maybe one of the Thanagarian Gods?
Smiley? (Probably not) Maybe one of the Thanagarian Gods?
<Concern Intensifies> And remember, one of them was breaking loose, in Earth 16p. Grayven-50 working with Onimar Synn Or one of the other Demons? Bad. Very bad.

Perhaps the wording of the godspeech can help: Invisible Chains / Chains Willingly Embraced. One of them was Grayven-50, by context. (likely 'Invisible Chains', clearly symbolic of being conquered...)

The other... Chains Willingly Embraced... :eek: Could Scott Free have been comprimised? His god-nature inverted somehow? Oh, this gets more and more worrying.
<Concern Intensifies> And remember, one of them was breaking loose, in Earth 16p. Grayven-50 working with Onimar Synn Or one of the other Demons? Bad. Very bad.

Perhaps the wording of the godspeech can help: Invisible Chains / Chains Willingly Embraced. One of them was Grayven-50, by context. (likely 'Invisible Chains', clearly symbolic of being conquered...)

The other... Chains Willingly Embraced... :eek: Could Scott Free have been comprimised? His god-nature inverted somehow? Oh, this gets more and more worrying.
The Renegade realised that Flies Trapped in Amber was weaker and from a different New God.
Invisible Chains is in smaller text just like Flies Trapped in Amber, so they're probably both from the same unknown New God helping Grayven 50.
Is highlighting really so hard for other phone users? It's never been a big deal for me.

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