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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I have been thinking on why i find normal OL so dull and its because he seems like a budget Dr Manhatten to me, nearly emotionless, overly powerful, some both able to navigate all situations with ease yet coming off as completely socially inept. Grayven on the other hand feels so much more real because hes deeply flawed and constantly has to overcome situations often brought upon him by his own hubris, while on the other hand OL has situations brought upon him by external factors and he can even die and just come off as a bit "miffed".

I find paragon more interesting, and I struggle to really quantify why. How much he interacts with the main (canon) cast definitely contributes, but I'd have to give WTR a reread to properly measure things out.
I think that people like paragon more than renegade is because they view the renegade as being well a power wank fantasy about someone getting extreme godlike powers and basically making canon look like shit.
The fact he is a massive asshole can also be something that turns people off, while the paragon is more polite, supporting and nurturing.
The renegade basically lucked out and became a god overnight, destroyed the villain team and humiliated the League, the only really major struggles we saw him be in was when he was sent to earth 50 and when Darkseid paid him a visit being those that come to mind, while the paragon may have similarly lucked out when he became enlightened he still struggled to gain that enlightenment and he is still struggling with his life, this probably makes him more relatable.
Another fact is that we were first introduced to the paragon and have grown accustomed to him
For me a big negative for Grayven is that he's mostly fallen into the habit of behaving like a comic book character, he's an asshole who lets his pride control him and then acts shocked whenever things don't go well, whereas Paul has maintained his objectivity and ability to maintain good relations even if he doesn't agree with people.

Basically, things go wrong because of Grayven and in spite of Paul

It's also interesting seeing people being more comfortable with Grayven even though he's a total asshole but one who maintains a fairly human view of morals than Paul who by and large is a good person but with a view of morals that doesn't perfectly match the typical human one
Zoat mentioned that the paragon no longer has a completely human mindset while the renegade has one, albeit maybe a bit unusual, though not to the extent of the paragon.
The renegade probably go his mindset from gaining the soul of Grayven and Zoat quoted someone that said that gods were essentially just people.
Not even close. UK infant mortality in the interwar period was around 6%, I doubt Germany was much higher.

That's what experimenting on "undesirables" is for.

Why would they bother? They'll just take a few bits of choice land when they want it and ignore the rest. Africa is really huge, Sudan alone is the size of Germany, France, Poland, Italy and the UK combined
As long as the native population stays out of the way where they don't have to deal with them they aren't going to care too much.
Maybe after a while they might start doing some sterilization here and there as they move inwards and take more land, but that'll be decades later.
I was thinking more of epidemics that wiped out measurable chunks of people - things like death of vitamin deficiency and diseases like polio and flu. Though that might have happened earlier, now that I think of it.
Zoat mentioned that the paragon no longer has a completely human mindset while the renegade has one, albeit maybe a bit unusual, though not to the extent of the paragon.
The renegade probably go his mindset from gaining the soul of Grayven and Zoat quoted someone that said that gods were essentially just people.

But, considering what humans have done a human mind set is not necessarily a positive.
Paragon's mindset is one of his best features.
Cotton trousers rather than jeans,
Jeans are generally made of cotton, and I'd assume they also count as trousers, but I think I take your meaning. Something like this? I'd have thought you'd want something closer fitting for a work site, but on the other hand it does look like it'd help keep cool in the heat.
I'll only point out, loggers don't clear fell.

With the only exception being plantations.

There's no value to logs under a certain age, you can't get any wood from them, so loggers will only take the oldest trees, usualy about 1 in 10, once per year, in any given section of forest, then won't be back to that section for 10 years or more.

Clear felling is almost always to set up farmland.

They only take the big trees. but they trample down and kill all the smaller trees bringing the big equipment in to take down the ones they want. They clear out entire sections of forest leaving the broken fallen trunks of the ones they didn't want all over the ground. If you ever seen a wooded property after the trees were sold off , you would know this as I do.
Man, it's kind of funny to me that people find My Little Pony more objectionable than the Nazi stuff. So much so that they plan to just ignore the thread until Grayven's adventures in Equestria are over.


As for wondering why the Nazis would bother with trying to administer huge fucking chunks of Africa. It was part of their efforts to reclaim and expand upon Germany's old colonies. Well, the colonies they had in Africa. They ended up abandoning claims to Germany's Asian and Pacific colonies when Hitler agreed that those regions were part of Japan's sphere of influence.

You had essentially two organizations within the Nazis dedicated to this goal. The Office of Colonial Policy, who would naturally dictate their policy on colonialism, and the Reichskolonialbund to actually manage the colonies.

The office prepared plans for a vast colonial domain in Mittelafrika from Ghana to Namibia and from Chad to Tanzania. In conjunction with the SS a central staff was assembled for the hostile takeover of colonies from Germany's war enemies. It prepared blueprints for the establishment of colonial law as well as training courses for potential future colonial administrators. In particular, it also drew up plans for racial segregation under a "Colonial Blood Law" (Kolonialblutzgesetz).

The Bund was important enough that it had its own separate wing of the Hitler Youth that wore the badges and insignias of the Bund.


And a hypothetical flag for if the Nazis had been able to establish Mittelafrika.


Historically, both the Office and the Bund were disbanded in 1943 as the war effort turned against the Nazis and Hitler wanted to just focus as much as possible on trying to beat the Soviets.

On Earth 10, with Kryptonian technology and Overman letting them conquer all their foes, including the United States, they probably would have gone about ruthlessly establishing Mittelafrika.
Jungle Gym (supplementary, Renegade option)
18th March
12:39 GMT -5

"How is she getting on?"

On the other side of the living room Cassandra and Barda are playing Ludo. I think. Board games don't appear to have been a major part of either of their childhoods, Barda lacks the patience for abstract instructions and we're still not totally sure if Cassandra can read. Dice are being rolled and pieces are being moved, but-.

Scott smiles fondly at his adopted daughter. "She's much better at engaging with us directly, now. She still tries to hide if we creep up on her, but other than that…"

Cassandra looks around, and… She doesn't smile as she sees me, but there's a sign of recognition in her eyes and she doesn't tense up.

I smile and kneel down, fingers ready for signing.

"Hello Quiet Girl. How are you?"

Not hurt not hungry not tired.

"Do you like it here with Escape Man and Big Woman?"

Escape Man hide escape.

I frown interrogatively at Scott, who looks a little guilty.

"The first time she saw me do my escapology act, she didn't realise that it was a trick. She tried tearing the stage apart to get me out."

"Escape Man is very good at escaping."

Barda scowls at me over her daughter's head. "You're ruining my concentration. Don't you have a check-up to get to?"

I nod as I stand and let Scott lead the way to his science basement.

"You decided not to Awaken her?"

"Given how messed up her development's been already, we didn't want to risk making things worse."

I nod as he opens the door for me, then I walk in and take my accustomed position on the scanning bed. Scott plugs his Mother Box into the head of the bed and a moment later-


-we're done. And from the look on his face it isn't good news. I… Get a decidedly unsettled feeling starting up in my stomach.

"So… Not getting a lolly, then."

Scott shrugs, and makes an effort to smile.

"You can have a lolly if you want."

I nod. "Yeah, that makes it less fun. I'm… Guessing that using the Anti-Life fragment against my alter ego wasn't a good idea."

"Whether it was a good idea or not isn't the point." He sighs. "The good news is that the cage I built is still mostly there. It's a bit looser, but as long as you don't try using it again the fragment isn't going to get free."

"What will the effect on me be?"

"Have you noticed anything?"

I think for a moment.

"No. But then.. I'm not sure I would."

"You're the longest surviving living Anti-Life vessel other than Darkseid. Everything Mother Box learns from you is new. I'm actually a little surprised that Metron hasn't turned up to take a look at you."

"Would it help if he did?"

"Ah… I doubt it. He might not have seen another vessel last this long before, but he hasn't seen one having a complete breakdown before either."

I purse my lips, then raise my eyebrows.

"'Complete breakdown'."

"The Anti-Life Equation fragment is… Merging, with the interior of the cage."


"I.. don't know exactly what that means. But if I had to guess-."

"It's inserting itself into all of the emotions we used to make the cage, and will gradually… Corrupt them?"

"Either that, or adapting so that it will be able to affect people with a strong emotional reason to believe that life isn't always painful."

"I.. don't suppose that you've had any luck working out how to get rid of it, have you?"

He looks down, exhaling sharply through his nose. "Your father or mine?" "Tyranny or Monarchy?"

"No." "Neither."

"I know that asking Darkseid isn't a good idea, but Highfather-."

"Dumped you on Apokolips. Fuck him."

"As the one who got dumped, I've got a whole lot more reason to be mad at him than you do. And while I don't have any great desire to speak to him… He could fix you."

"He could blast me to the Source Wall with his staff."

"That's why I'm not insisting." He leans back against the laboratory wall behind him. "Bottom line? I don't think you're in immediate danger, but this is only going to get worse."


"It's gradual, but it's ongoing." He shakes his head. "I can't tell when it's going to change you.. radically, or if we'll even notice." I nod solemnly. "Do you have some other way of dealing with this?"


"Sunset Shimmer's people?"

"Yes. They have… Arcane weapons for dealing with… Things like this. I'd thought about getting them to take a look at me anyway, but if the damage is ongoing… I need to prioritise it."

"Your best hope for a cure is… Getting blasted.. by.. pony-magic?"

"Yes. Their knowledge of thaumaturgy is basic to say the least, but the background magic level on their world is so high that high end artefacts just sort of.. turn up."

"And you don't think they'll have any side effects?"

"It's more that I don't think those side effects will be worse than the Anti-Life Equation." I shrug. "I'm pretty sure that Sunset could undo petrification, I have boom tubes in case of banishment and if it strips me of my other power as well and.. turns me back into my adolescent form…" I shrug again. "That should only take me a few months to fix. I wasn't planning any heavy combat in that time anyway."

"That's… Surprisingly trusting of you."

"Scott, they're.. ponies. I've heard Sunset tell a lot of stories about her people, and I can't see them responding to my desire to cleanse myself of an Anti-Life fragment negatively."

"You know that the Anti-Life Equation isn't the only way to mentally change one of us with magic, right?"

"I'll survive becoming the New God of Cultural Victory. The universe won't survive Darkseid getting the Anti-Life Equation."

"And what are you planning on doing if he turns up to find out what happened to it?"

"Get the ponies to shoot him."

"After you come back."

"Depends on what he does." I shrug. "He can destroy the Earth whenever he wants. You know that, I know that, the League knows that. If I do destroy a fragment and if he does destroy the Earth in retaliation… The universe still comes out ahead. Or maybe the preparations I've made so far are enough." "Anything we do could set him off and I refuse to live in fear."

"Then I guess the ponies are your best shot." He quietly snorts with amusement at the idea. "Make sure your Mother Box monitors the whole thing. If this works… This could change everything about how Apokolips and New Genesis deal with each other."

"If Apokolips can be purified by pony magic, that still leaves hundreds of billions of Lowlies to relocate and a planetary civilisation to rebuild. But… Yeah, it would be an improvement." I stroll past him and pull on the door handle. "So fingers and hooves crossed."
Last edited:

Please tell me their will be a fetch quest to gather the Elements of Harmony on Earth?

"Wonder Woman who represents Honesty! Superman who represents Milk-Toastness! And Batman who represents the Spirit of Edginess!"
Honesty: Wonder Woman
Kindness: Captain Marvel
Laughter: Plastic Man
Generosity: Grayven
Loyalty: Captain (Is he a Major in Renegade's timeline?) Atom
Magic: Doctor Fate
18th March
12:39 GMT -5

"How is she getting on?"

On the other side of the living room Cassandra and Barda are playing Ludo. I think. Board games don't appear to have been a major part of either of their childhoods, Barda lacks the patience for abstract instructions and we're still not totally sure if Cassandra can read. Dice are being rolled and pieces are being moves, but-.
Ah, Sweet family fun with the Frees. A good break from the misadventures of Cake Man and Nazi girl.

Scott smiles fondly at his adopted daughter. "She's much better at engaging with us directly, now. She still tries to hide if we creep up on her, but other than that…"

Cassandra looks around, and… She doesn't smile as she sees me, but there's a sign of recognition in her eyes and she doesn't tense up.
Good to see she's settling in nicely.

I smile and kneel down, fingers ready for signing.

"Hello Quiet Girl. How are you?"

Not hurt not hungry not tired.
Which, given her father's treatment, must feel like heaven.

"Do you like it here with Escape Man and Big Woman?"

Escape Man hide escape.
Loving their names for the Frees. Perfectly accurate.

I frown interrogatively at Scott, who looks a little guilty.

"The first time she saw me do my escapology act, she didn't realise that it was a trick. She tried tearing the stage apart to get me out."
Be glad she was so willing to help, at least.

"Escape Man is very good at escaping."

Barda scowls at me over her daughter's head. "You're ruining my concentration. Don't you have a check up to get to?"
Gee, mommy Barda, feeling a little left out?

I nod as I stand and let Scott lead the way to his science basement.

"You decided not to Awaken her?"

"Given how messed up her development's been already, we didn't want to risk making things worse."
Given her current state, she'd likely become the New God of Ninja.

I nod as he opens the door for me, then I walk in and take my accustomed position on the scanning bed. Scott plugs his Mother Box into the head of the bed and a moment later-


-we're done. And from the look on his face it isn't good news. I… Get a decidedly unsettled feeling starting up in my stomach.
Ah, New Genesis tech. so quick and painless.

"So… Not getting a lolly, then."

Scott shrugs, and makes an effort to smile.

"You can have a lolly if you want."
I doubt it's going to make the imminent bad news any easier to hear...

I nod. "Yeah, that makes it less fun. I'm… Guessing that using the Anti-Life fragment against my alter ego wasn't a good idea."

"Whether it was a good idea or not isn't the point." He sighs. "The good news is that the cage I built is still mostly there. It's a bit looser, but as long as you don't try using it again the fragment isn't going to get free."
Using the Anti-Life for anything is a bad idea. And now you have confirmation of it.

"What will the effect on me be?"

"Have you noticed anything?"
I don't know, has he been lurking in dark rooms, listening to Emo music or dressing in more black than usual?

I think for a moment.

"No. But then.. I'm not sure I would."

"You're the longest surviving living Anti-Life vessel other than Darkseid. Everything Mother Box learns from you is new. I'm actually a little surprised that Metron hasn't turned up to take a look at you."
Mr Nosy Parker can go jump in the lake. I doubt if he knew anything he'd tell them, and If he learns anything new, it's going right into the same place as everything else.

"Would it help if he did?"

"Ah… I doubt it. He might not have seen another vessel last this long before, but he hasn't seen one having a complete breakdown before either."
...That doesn't sound good at all.

I purse my lips, then raise my eyebrows.

"'Complete breakdown'."

"The Anti-Life Equation fragment is… Merging, with the interior of the cage."
No, not good at all. So far past Not Good, it's looking at Good from the far side.


"I.. don't know exactly what that means. But if I had to guess-."

"It's inserting itself into all of the emotions we used to make the cage, and will gradually… Corrupt them?"

"Either that, or adapting so that it will be able to affect people with a strong emotional reason to believe that life isn't always painful."

"I.. don't suppose that you've had any luck working out how to get rid of it, have you?"
Don't say Highfather, Don't say Highfather...

He looks down, exhaling sharply through his nose. "Your father or mine?" "Tyranny or Monarchy?"

"No." "Neither."
Dammit! And I doubt Darkseid would remove it either. He'd probably be pleased to see it fitting into Grayven's mind so well.

"I know that asking Darkseid isn't a good idea, but Highfather-."

"Dumped you on Apokolips. Fuck him."
Let's not get into the other stuff, especially in the continuity whose name shall be mocked.

"As the one who got dumped, I've got a whole lot more reason to be mad at him than you do. And while I don't have any great desire to speak to him… He could fix you."

"He could blast me to the Source Wall with his staff."
Yeah, very much channelling the Old Testament style.

"That's why I'm not insisting." He leans back against the laboratory wall behind him. "Bottom line? I don't think you're in immediate danger, but this is only going to get worse."


"It's gradual, but it's ongoing." He shakes his head. "I can't tell when it's going to change you.. radically, or if we'll even notice." I nod solemnly. "Do you have some other way of dealing with this?"
Besides requesting a six-point Harmony strike on his posiition?


"Sunset Shimmer's people?"
Not like there are any other sapient equines running around, you know... Unless previous MLP Generations are different planets... <Shudder>

"Yes. They have… Arcane weapons for dealing with… Things like this. I'd thought about getting them to take a look at me anyway, but if the damage is ongoing… I need to prioritise it."

"Your best hope for a cure is… Getting blasted.. by.. pony-magic?"
It's not like it's fatal. Probably more pleasant than say, Nanoha's Beams of Befriending.

"Yes. Their knowledge of thaumaturgy is basic to say the least, but the background magic level on their world is so high that high end artefacts just sort of.. turn up."

"And you don't think they'll have any side effects?"
In other words, could the cure be worse than the disease?

"It's more that I don't think those side effects will be worse then the Anti-Life Equation." I shrug. "I'm pretty sure that Sunset could undo petrification, I have boom tubes in case of banishment and if it strips me of my other power as well and.. turns me back into my adolescent form…" I shrug again. "That should only take me a few months to fix. I wasn't planning any heavy combat in that time anyway."
And that's just the canon effects...

"That's… Surprisingly trusting of you."

"Scott, they're.. ponies. I've heard Sunset tell a lot of stories about her people, and I can't see them responding to my desire to cleanse myself of an Anti-Life fragment negatively."
Twilight Sparkle might be willing, but would Celestia?

"You know that the Anti-Life Equation isn't the only way to mentally change one of us with magic, right?"

"I'll survive becoming the New God of Cultural Victory. The universe won't survive Darkseid getting the Anti-Life Equation."
Too true. Whatever works.

"And what are you planning on doing if he turns up to what happened to it?"

"Get the ponies to shoot him."
That would be hilarious.

"After you come back."

"Depends on what he does." I shrug. "He can destroy the Earth whenever he wants. You know that, I know that, the League knows that. If I do destroy a fragment and if he does destroy the Earth in retaliation… The universe still comes out ahead. Or maybe the preparations I've made so far are enough." "Anything we do could set him off and I refuse to live in fear."
That's a lot of maybes...

"Then I guess the ponies are your best shot." He quietly snorts with amusement at the idea. "Make sure your Mother Box monitors the whole thing. If this works… This could change everything about how Apokolips and New Genesis deal with each other."

"If Apokolips can be purified by pony magic, that still leaves hundreds of billions of Lowlies to relocate and a planetary civilisation to rebuild. But… Yeah, it would be an improvement." I stroll past him and pull on the door handle. "So fingers and hooves crossed."
The Guardians might well give him a medal. Reluctantly of course, because that would mean they were wrong.

So, raising the stakes for the upcoming Equestria roadtrip, eh? I'm worried the episodes won't live up to the hype, but I have confidence in you, Mr Zoat. And anything will feel great after the whole Overgirl plotline, to much of us.

Laever, hceepsdog!
"I.. don't suppose that you've had any luck working out how to get rid of it, have you?"

He looks down, exhaling sharply through his nose. "Your father or mine?" "Tyranny or Monarchy?"

"No." "Neither."
"Depends on what he does." I shrug. "He can destroy the Earth whenever he wants. You know that, I know that, the League knows that. If I do destroy a fragment and if he does destroy the Earth in retaliation… The universe still comes out ahead. Or maybe the preparations I've made so far are enough." "Anything we do could set him off and I refuse to live in fear."
So Paul is dealing with a Nazi and Grayven about to get involved with a bunch of ponies, so are the other alternative Pauls/OLs dealing with the rest of the 4chan boards? I feel really sorry for whoever get stuck with /d/

On a related note I would like to formally request that we please get some Eros thread updates for the /d/ plot line.

Please have there be a /d/ plot line.
They only take the big trees. but they trample down and kill all the smaller trees bringing the big equipment in to take down the ones they want. They clear out entire sections of forest leaving the broken fallen trunks of the ones they didn't want all over the ground. If you ever seen a wooded property after the trees were sold off , you would know this as I do.
You in the US?

If so, and a few other places around the World, they have managed forests, there. They have been cutting down a section of the forest every year in an organised way, allowing it to regrow, for hundreds of years.

It's not like that in Australia.
What is the relationship between paragon Scott and Izaya like?
I know that they both talked and have contact, but is their relationship live one of superior and subordinate or something else right now?
Scott would have good reasons to be angry with Highfather, though I am sure he accepts it may have been necessary to give him up.
Small wafts of fear, but it's all… Failure to deliver penalties and danger to his crew. I'm not seeing any sign that he's worried about us. Which means that if there's any kind of put-up job going on that he almost certainly isn't part of it. Which is nice.
I don't know if that has been seen before. We know he can see emotions, and more then that, see into the specific details and root causes of that emotion.

BUT! When that has been done previously, it was seeing the specific details and relevant vision in the context of their Avarice. Here is getting pertinent details on the Fear based parts of the emotional spectrum, not Avarice. I think that is new.

Zoat, is this something conventional Orange Lantern Corps users can do with a ring (an Ophidians Eyes Advanced Technique), or is this something more personal stemming from his Enlightenment?

They only take the big trees. but they trample down and kill all the smaller trees bringing the big equipment in to take down the ones they want. They clear out entire sections of forest leaving the broken fallen trunks of the ones they didn't want all over the ground. If you ever seen a wooded property after the trees were sold off , you would know this as I do.
Also, I thought unmarketable trees were useful for fieldworks. I remember seeing a mining show where the trees in the area were used by depositing the limbs and underbrush in the routes the construction equipment used, and whole tree logs laid down over muddy unstable ground to make it solid enough to be driven over safely. Zoat mentioned hauling in rock chips at great expense, when the 'unusable' limber and foliage is right there for the 'exploitation'.

To beat us into submission for the ponies.
This is frighteningly possible. Intentionally making sure the episode before the April Fools episode is something controversial and divisive content he know will have detractors, so the Equestria episode will feel like a comparative breath air, instead of getting bashed by the pony haters like the last time it happened.

It is a shame that the 'controversial and divisive' content is being a decent person to those with core beliefs you think are fundamentally wrong and harmful, and condemning the belief in an earnest and critical but non-hostile and non-aggressive manner.

Seriously, the comments you have been making here have been filled with so much vitriolic spite and bile, the more I hear it, the more I cringe internally and instinctively feel sorry for the person you are spewing the hate at as a victim. Because of how unthinkingly self righteous and dogmatic you come off.

So... Thanks for making be subconsciously side with the Nazi in the scenario. I really appreciate so fucking much.

If I lived in a world where various supernatural critters were real, I'd probably learn what they are even if I wouldn't have any interest in them in the real world.
It's never lupus is a trope, but all the (TV) doctors have still heard of lupus.

Please tell me their will be a fetch quest to gather the Elements of Harmony on Earth?

"Wonder Woman who represents Honesty! Superman who represents Milk-Toastness! And Batman who represents the Spirit of Edginess!"

Earth doesn't have those. And if you mean the Equestria Girls version of the mane six, is quite evident this portal doesn't lead there.
check-up? IIRC this is usually hyphenated.
Pretty sure that should be 'moved'.
Thank you, corrected.
What is the relationship between paragon Scott and Izaya like?
I know that they both talked and have contact, but is their relationship live one of superior and subordinate or something else right now?
Scott would have good reasons to be angry with Highfather, though I am sure he accepts it may have been necessary to give him up.
They don't have all that much to do with one another. Scott certainly doesn't work for him or consider himself to be a New Genesis citizen.
I don't know if that has been seen before. We know he can see emotions, and more then that, see into the specific details and root causes of that emotion.

BUT! When that has been done previously, it was seeing the specific details and relevant vision in the context of their Avarice. Here is getting pertinent details on the Fear based parts of the emotional spectrum, not Avarice. I think that is new.
I don't.. think it is.
Zoat, is this something conventional Orange Lantern Corps users can do with a ring (an Ophidians Eyes Advanced Technique), or is this something more personal stemming from his Enlightenment?
It can't be done by a normal Lantern.

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