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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Something like that, yes. There's a bit more to it, though, of course, but she doesn't know or care...

Or simply failed utterly and gotten angry, and bam! Thousand years Moon!

"And just how toyetic it is? Seriously, it's like Equestria runs on toy-marketing concept art..."

Honestly, that's just irresponsible. I expect there are plenty of safety posts along the line to avoid poor timing.

That's what i said! The logistics of running it back and forth must be a nightmare!

Ah, Grayven. Fanboying again over the Mane Six?

The most adorable tyrant ever!

"What I want is some privacy so I can geek out over being in a position many fans would kill for, but...

There are understatements, and then there are understatements!

Let's hope it doesn't come down to pulling a 'Rabbit Season! Duck Season' gag on them...

Yep, Renegade as usual. Leaping in head-first regardless of danger or consequences...

Try listening, Grayven, this could be important...

"Come back here, you idiot! We need to do more research!"

Adorable as ever. and yet badass.

Why can I smell Ham?

Don't push her too hard, or she'll bust out The Stare!

Truly, a good actor. Not even being bucked in the face by a pegasus stops his monologue!

<facepalm> This is what you get for jumping in without looking, Grayven!

...Are they seriously buying this?:eek:

"Damn your genre-savvy companion!"

:confused:...Not sure if fooled, or merely playing along because it's funny...:p

Which Grayven doesn't know about because he hasn't seen Season Four, has he?

This is seriously getting embarrassing, Grayven. Stahp, pliss...:V

...Seriously, has that ever happened in the series?:confused:

Honestly, Grayven, You're already chewing the scenery. No need to go the whole hog.

Curses, foiled by contrary idiots!

Just make him stop, please. He's embarrassed himself enough already...

And cue Sunset fly-kicking him, having spontaneously developed flight abilities to do so.

Well, if anyone was likely to be afraid of him, they aren't now. If anything they'll pity him as a lunatic...
(Dangit, 'This Bites!' updated at the same time this happened? Curse you, internet! How can I focus on two awesome things at once?!)


...all I was interested in.

...expression as understanding dawns...

Is this meant to be unbolded, or is he mock-whispering?
Fortunately, being a drama queen is par for the course for everyone in MLP.
Hold up.... what is Gray,'s cutie mark?
"I suppose that makes sense. And… It… Might work. But I'm not sure that-"

Mother Box, boom tube.


"-it works on things that aren't a real-"


"-threat noGrayvenno!"
Grayven: "Right. Let's see if I can just startle them into blasting me."

Rarity's eye widen. "Twilight! We don't have the Elements-!"

"AT ANY TIME WITHIN THE NEXT-" Eyes staring, I check the arrivals and departures blackboard. Alright, only one track so it's the same train that leaves that goes back… "-THREE HOURS-" I turn back to the herd. "-BEFORE MY SPELL IS COMPLETE, THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY CAN STOP ME! AT ANY TIME AT ALL. THE ABSOLUTE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN FOR ME IS SOMEONE GOING RIGHT NOW TO FETCH THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY AND BLASTING ME WITH THEM!"
Grayven: "Damn, that didn't work. Eh, fuck it, I'm in the world of My Little Pony hamming it up, I'm just going to have fun with it."
Ah yes tomorrow's episode is going to be in the He-Man universe, the birthplace of Saturday morning cartoon villains.

Zoat are we going to see Yellow Lantern Paul in one of these alternate chapters?
Hold up.... what is Gray,'s cutie mark?
The Renegade doesn't know, as he's wearing armour.
Just imagine if he ended up in the version of Equestria seen in Equestria at War.
Equestria at War starts in... What, 1007? So none of that stuff would have started happening yet.
Equestria at war? Its that a fanfic or its that a movie starring King Sombrero?

And I am not thrilled with switching to the He-man universe now when we are going to miss Grayven explaining to the mlp cast that he wants to be purified because his father the god of tyranny, bequeather of suffering, flayler of worlds, and destroyer of free will cursed him because he wasn't evil (enough) and he is slowly turning evil. Lulu would emphatize with him and the others would be a tad scared from someone that has done those things to hundreds of thousands of worlds.
Equestria at war? Its that a fanfic or its that a movie starring King Sombrero?
A Hearts of Iron mod.
And I am not thrilled with switching to the He-man universe now when we are going to miss Grayven explaining to the mlp cast that he wants to be purified because his father the god of tyranny, bequeather of suffering, flayler of worlds, and destroyer of free will cursed him because he wasn't evil (enough) and he is slowly turning evil. Lulu would empathize with him and the others would be a tad scared from someone that has done those things to hundreds of thousands of worlds.
There's a brief gap. Grayven will be back talking to the Mane Six on Wednesday.
And.. I.. just need to visit the train station really quickly for no reason. Back soon!"

She vanishes in a flare of purple.

So, this is Twilight leaving the Palace...

I see the purple dot I know to be Twilight Sparkle appear in a flash of purple

And, Grayven and Sunset stayed to hear about the Elements, then they went to where they worked-out Twilight was going. And, watch her arrive there.

Have G+S time-travelled? Or, is the second Twilight flash-arrival one she uses after arriving at the Station, then standing, somewhere, and watching until her friends got off the train? Or, something even weirder?

Alternatively, I'm confused. :)

So, this is Twilight leaving the Palace...

And, Grayven and Sunset stayed to hear about the Elements, then they went to where they worked-out Twilight was going. And, watch her arrive there.

Have G+S time-travelled? Or, is the second Twilight flash-arrival one she uses after arriving at the Station, then standing, somewhere, and watching until her friends got off the train? Or, something even weirder?

Alternatively, I'm confused. :)

Twilight left the palace before the train arrived, then waited in the waiting room, then teleported after the train had stopped.
Are we going to see an alternate version of Paul that has achieved emotional enlightenment in this and the following episode?

Can Dr Mist use a power ring?
He has white enlightenment and seeing as the white light is a combination of the seven other lights I was wondering if he could use all the rings except black?

Did Dark Druid have a black power ring?
If he did then what is Paul doing about it?
Are we going to see an alternate version of Paul that has achieved emotional enlightenment in this and the following episode?
Can Dr Mist use a power ring?
He has white enlightenment and seeing as the white light is a combination of the seven other lights I was wondering if he could use all the rings except black?
Did Dark Druid have a black power ring?
If he did then what is Paul doing about it?
So Dark Druid was just tapping into the black light to power his magic without using a ring?

Can Maltusians shapeshift in your story?
I ask because of how the various factions, Guardian, Controller, Zamaron all seem to look a different way in order to state which faction they belong to.

Aside from her ring what other powers does Ghi'ta have?
Does she have those super bacteria the other Maltusians have?
Can she move mountains like Maltusians in the comics can?
So Dark Druid was just tapping into the black light to power his magic without using a ring?
Can Maltusians shapeshift in your story?
I ask because of how the various factions, Guardian, Controller, Zamaron all seem to look a different way in order to state which faction they belong to.
Form comes from function.
Aside from her ring what other powers does Ghi'ta have?
Does she have those super bacteria the other Maltusians have?
Can she move mountains like Maltusians in the comics can?
Perhaps? I haven't decided how powerful I want generic maltusians to be in this story.
Well Maltusians seem to be able to terraform planets, though i'm pretty sure they mostly use technology for that, but maybe they use a bit of their powers.
I am also pretty sure that renegade said the Guardians can destroy planets using nothing but their wills, but maybe they are just more powerful because they are connected to a Central Power Battery.
The Controllers can probably also do something like that now, though maybe not as skillfully at utilising their light as the Guardians because they have been connected to the orange CPB for several months now unlike the Guardians who have been connected to their CPB for at least a million years. The Zamarons, don't remember if they were connected to the violet light and just didn't know how to make rings, but now they can connect to their own CPB if they have one and hadn't before.

How long has Hinon been in her coma?

Was it around 3 billion years?

Can you elaborate on that 'form comes from function' about Maltusians and how they look?
Well Maltusians seem to be able to terraform planets, though i'm pretty sure they mostly use technology for that, but maybe they use a bit of their powers.
Mostly their powers, though it's not all that fast.
I am also pretty sure that renegade said the Guardians can destroy planets using nothing but their wills, but maybe they are just more powerful because they are connected to a Central Power Battery.

The Controllers can probably also do something like that now, though maybe not as skilfully at utilising their light as the Guardians because they have been connected to the orange CPB for several months now unlike the Guardians who have been connected to their CPB for at least a million years. The Zamarons, don't remember if they were connected to the violet light and just didn't know how to make rings, but now they can connect to their own CPB if they have one and hadn't before.

How long has Hinon been in her coma?

Was it around 3 billion years?
It's a little longer than the Green Lantern Corps has existed in its modern form.
Can you elaborate on that 'form comes from function' about Maltusians and how they look?
Their appearance is based on their epistemology. Guardians have a look, zamarons have a look, things like that.
So their appearance is more to show what they believe in and to distinguish them from their counterparts?
You know, this one line has me thinking that Grayven is doing his best Dr. Weird impression here.

Oh man, I don't even know. Sometime before I wrote the last 1st of April episode. I've got a bunch of segments written and I'm just discovering that I'm not going to be able to use them as they won't fit the story now.
Solution to that: Release them as a series of omake/deleted scenes. Perhaps on 1 April in realtime, for bonus humor!
Pinkie Pie narrows her eyes at me suspiciously. "Wait a minute. That's exactly how long it would take us to take a train to Ponyville, visit the library and then take a train back to Canterlot!"


She beams. "That's really convenient! I wish all our bad guys were like you!"


This was just too hilarious!!!!!

"BAWHAHAHA! I am Grayven, Alicorn of Conquest! I'm going to take over Equestria and when I do, I'm going to ban flying, cakes, apples, clothes, books and-" I jump, misjudge and have to activate my aero-discs to avoid falling on my face. With their help I land next to the cowering Fluttershy, crouching down so that my head is level with hers. "-bunny rabbits."

Isn't Graven kinda tipping his hand a bit here? He's never met these 6 before (and can't have learned about them from Sunset), and yet he knows exactly what they each enjoy most. Might back him into a bit of a corner if someone catches that.
Give a link to the episode with Equity on April 1, please. I can't find it myself.

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