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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

1st May
07:01 GMT -5

The 'portal' manifests as a thin circular outline picked out in white-blue flecks paired with a distant 'dot' and a strange sense of distance. Major Adams and I glance at Dr. Balewa as he and John Quinn do a quick check, then Dr. Balewa places his hands on his chest. A moment later glowing green lines float over his skin in a protective layer.
Always have protective spells in place before entering uncertain portals. Classic adventuring 101, and a part of the classic 'Scry-and-die' method. and yes, I know they're not hoping for trouble, but always prepare for the worst.

"The portal is stable. I will take the lead, in case there are any difficulties in the journey which require a specialist. Follow me in thirty seconds."

Diana nods, and he strides into the circular outline, almost immediately… Shrinking towards the vanishing point in the distance… And he's gone.
Bet he's loving the chance to experience something new like this. Man loves life, after all.

John Stewart purses his lips. "How do we know he made it through?"

"Kcart Rotcod Tsim."
With Hax magic, of course.

Mr. Zatara's eyes flicker for a moment, his expression growing a little vacant.

"He is travelling through the path without any difficulty." His eyes clear. "This device appears to make following the correct pathway instinctive." He turns to me. "Did the witch-hunters you spoke with say how long passage took?"

"No, I'm afraid not."
Well, that was unhelpful of them... It's like they don't want visitors or something. :rolleyes:

Alan gives me a lopsided smile. "So who gets to go next?"

"I will." / "It is my-." / "Me?"
Look, as interesting as the ride is, you can't all go next. It's one at a time.

Leonid, Diana and I look at each other. There's no obvious reason for Leonid to take the next spot; he has no way to communicate back. Canis is the logical person, then either me -because if something goes wrong I can try to hop into the Honden to dodge it- or Diana due to her arcane resistance.

Diana smiles at me. "It is my responsibility."
Also, it looked like fun. Like freefall in the horizontal.

"Right, but whether you get through or don't, how will we know?"

"As you have said, I am a Titan. If I were to die, Doctor Fate would swiftly become aware of it."
That's taking a big risk on something you don't know for sure.

Hm. "Canis, if you went through, how quickly could you open a boom tube back?"

"Mother Box would have to adapt to the local physics. Perhaps a few hours, perhaps a few days…" He shrugs. "Perhaps longer. If you wait, this pathway will not still be available."
In other words, shit or get off the pot, to put it crudely.

"A Lantern could... Probably send a message back."

Alan frowns. "I thought we were sure this wasn't going to kill us?"
Man has a point, and he's the hopeful one, so you know he means it.

Diana nods. "It is unlikely, but we are taking the possibility that we are wrong into account in the thirty seconds allotted to us. Which have now elapsed." She rises off the ground and flies forward. "Thirty seconds, and then if there is no sign anything is wrong, follow me."


Alan smiles as Diana disappears. "It's a bit like a camping trip, isn't it?"
A camping trip in an alternate dimensional pocket thing that vaguely resembles Puritan-era Massachusetts. I guess that's fun?

"Not if I can help it. It we turn up in the middle of nowhere, I'm building a log cabin."

Major Scott smiles. "Don't like roughing it, Orange Lantern? I thought you were supposed to be a military officer."
If an Orange Lantern has to rough it like that, something has gone very badly wrong with their situation.

"Post-scarcity special forces, not industrial-age infantry. I went camping when I was younger, and in the unlikely event that Jade and I produce an outdoorsy offspring I may reacquaint myself with it. Otherwise, I fight to preserve civilisation and houses are far more civilised than tents."

He snorts with amusement, while Alan frowns.
I know, right? OL as a father? Not an image anyone can picture easily.

"You and Jade talked about kids? I though you said the plan was for the two of you to be engaged for years?"

"Not in.. specific terms. I'm just saying that if we did-."
Unfortunately, unless you do discuss it with her, it's not likely to happen anyway. Given she'll be doing most of the work and all.

"That's thirty seconds." John looks at the magical duo. "Doctor Fate? Zatara?"

Zatara nods. "As far as I can tell, they both made passage successfully."
Well, that's as close to 'the light is green' as they're going to get.

John Quinn nods in agreement, and John Stewart nods an acknowledgement.

"Look like we're up." John generates green armour for himself and then flies forward into the portal.

Brut and Canis bound through next, followed closely by Leonid. Major Adams walks forward at marching speed as Alan and I armour ourselves. We fly forward slowly with out personal lanterns in hand, letting Adams pass through the aperture before accelerating after him.
Onwards to Witchworld! Mind the gap and watch your head.

Pass into the witch-path… Doesn't feel like anything, and a quick glance at Alan doesn't show any particular response. In front of me if… Nothingness, with faint blue-white guidelines..? Reminds me a little bit of the animation that used to play on Stargate whenever anyone went through the gate, only less rollercoastery. Alan's still next to me, but I can't see Major Adams or anyone else. I'm.. getting a vague sense that there are other passageways here, curving up or down or off to the side. But… The one I'm on is most readily apparent, not… Brighter, exactly, but its existence is clearer.
Hooray for Science! triumphing over wild magic.

Right, well, I don't know a lot about fae magic, but I do know that getting distracted around them is a bad idea. So no use of the orange light beyond the armour I've already got, no scanning and certainly no Ophidian. Just following the path, just following the path. There's no real sense of space; we could have been flying for miles of have barely moved. I could try talking to Alan but I'm.. concerned that might result in things going wrong.
Best not to risk it, really. Even with the Sivanas' Science!, anything could go wrong.

Can't see anything ahead, and I'm not turning my head to check behind. The blue glow from Alan tells me that he's still there.

Huh. I wonder if arcane technology has advanced to the point where formerly dangerous forms of magic transportation are now safe? Definitely need to follow up with Morpheus and Mammon about magic-based starships. I doubt that the Sivanas would have made a temporary portal if a permanent one was possible, but if we can get Sephtian out to Gotham to dismantle the machine and work out how it works, we could learn all sorts of thi-.
I don't know, isn't Sephtian already busy enough?

The light at the end of the tunnel appears to be getting closer. It's been a fairly smooth journey so far, so I'm-.
Let's hope it's not an oncoming Shiftship...

The light appears to leap at us, and we appear in a ring of menhirs in.. an area of pastureland. A flock of sheep are already sleepily ambling away from our party -quick headcount, yes, everyone's here- as the group gets its bearings. It's night time here, though I'll hold off on making wide scale scans until I know who might get offended by that. Bit off that there's no security-.

Dr. Balewa waves his hands at the closest exit from the menhir… No, it's not just a ring. There's a geometric arrangement that just happens to have a circular outer ring. He gestures at the exit.
They managed to land in a prepared teleportation circle, or something similar? The local equivalent to a Dolmen Gate, perhaps?

"There are bound spells of detection and protection. The protective spells are not designed to stop humans, but… Wonder Woman, Orange Lantern, you may be somewhat affected."

"Oi! Who goes there! Jeremiah, you lubberwort, if you're sneaking out to vex the landswarden again you'll feel the heel of my shoe!"
Oh, dear, the locals are already coming. Should be fine, as long as he's not waving a scythe or similar farming implement threateningly...

Diana smiles faintly. "Canis, can Motherbox tell you how long she will need?"

Translation: "You could just ask me directly, you know..."

"She says that something is obscuring her senses. Weeks, perhaps, if it remains active."

A lantern glowing with eldritch green fire appears through the boughs of a nearby copse.
The local farmer, eh? Wonder how he's going to react to a band of brightly dressed adventurers.

"Doctor Mist, is the ward dangerous?"

"I do not think it would trouble you greatly. It would be more on the level of a mild discomfort, and perhaps a reluctance to pass it."
No something they could power through if need be. Not a big hassle, then.

"Orange Lantern, Starfire. Survey the local area. Green Lantern, go into orbit and scan the system. Doctor Mist, see what you can learn about local magic without disturbing the local people. Blue Lantern, remain here with Canis. Major Adams, accompany me as I greet the local watchman."
A solid plan. Let's see how much goes wrong with it.

And so the road trip begins. Wonder how much hilarity will ensue? Hopefully the locals are tolerant of any cultural misunderstandings... Then again, given the Witch-Hunters' attitudes...
On the contrary, his empathy could allow him to more easily view the emotions of his children, so all those dramatic moments where parents and children can't understand each other practically won't exist with him.

He is also capable of experiencing other emotions to a great degree, as his ability to use a violet ring has shown.

He also greatly cares for those around him and is always trying to help them.

He's shown to be good boyfriend to Jade, as he helped her with various issues, helped her get a job she likes, and is fully willing to wait before they get married and have children, and will have children with her if she likes it.

Renegade and the various other version of him who've adopted children have shown themselves to be good parents to their new children, so chances are very high paragon is also going to be a good father.

True his parenting most likely wont be typical, but it wont be bad, just different.

I wonder what enhancements and buffs he'll build them with?
Always have protective spells in place before entering uncertain portals. Classic adventuring 101, and a part of the classic 'Scry-and-die' method. and yes, I know they're not hoping for trouble, but always prepare for the worst.

And remember the most important lesson on any adventure.

Never split the party!

Bet he's loving the chance to experience something new like this. Man loves life, after all.

Well he did meet its embodiment.

With Hax magic, of course.

Ah OP bullshit, never change.

Well, that was unhelpful of them... It's like they don't want visitors or something. :rolleyes:

Yeah, those inhospitable bastards.

A camping trip in an alternate dimensional pocket thing that vaguely resembles Puritan-era Massachusetts. I guess that's fun?

Well the Samaritan from Astro City goes to a pocket dimension every other year to have dinner with his 'former' archenemy, so them deciding to go to another dimension for a camping trip isn't all that weird.

If an Orange Lantern has to rough it like that, something has gone very badly wrong with their situation.

Unless they actually desire to have a rough life.

I know, right? OL as a father? Not an image anyone can picture easily.

You technically can, given we've been shown renegades parenting.

Maybe a bit softer and less focused on some of the things renegade did, but maybe not completely different.

Unfortunately, unless you do discuss it with her, it's not likely to happen anyway. Given she'll be doing most of the work and all.

Paul can just build an artificial womb for the baby.

And do I have to remind you of this:

Oh, dear, the locals are already coming. Should be fine, as long as he's not waving a scythe or similar farming implement threateningly...

I don't think the team is going to be jumpy if someone is waving around a scythe at them.

They can tank most things thrown at them.

Translation: "You could just ask me directly, you know..."

She may not be able to understand her.

The local farmer, eh? Wonder how he's going to react to a band of brightly dressed adventurers.

Probably yell at them for wearing such brightly colored clothes.

Maybe call Diana a whore, assuming she's not wearing her new armor, which is highly unlikely seeing as they are going into unknown territory.

And so the road trip begins. Wonder how much hilarity will ensue? Hopefully the locals are tolerant of any cultural misunderstandings... Then again, given the Witch-Hunters' attitudes...

Maybe at the end of this episode one of the puritans will go with them back to Earth and he can try to fit into modern Earth society.

Kinda like this:

Just imagine OL setting someone like that up with a potential romantic partner.
I wonder what enhancements and buffs he'll build them with?

He'll most likely give them enchanted things as they grow up so they can be protected, as well some advanced technology.

As for actually enhancing them, well most of the the enhancements formulas he has are alchemical and his body doesn't react all that well to them, so he may not use those.

However he does Compound V, so if Sivana figures out a way to safely use it he may inject his children with it.

He may still use the alchemical formulas he has if they figure out a way to administer them to him.
If the SI had a kid they would most likely become a supervillain, like children are already selfish dicks, and now imagine one born filled with orange light and no enlightenment. And it's pretty clear from thr Show that Jade wouldn't be a good mother.
It's surprising that there is a local system.

I thought it would be one of them pocket universes with psychedelic physics.
Have you got any idea how much those cost?
White quote marks.
'with our'
'me is...'
Thank you, corrected.
Has she been practicing some of her more esoteric and arcane abilities?

I remember OL thinking that it was good she was practicing them during the whole thing with the Angels.
If the SI had a kid they would most likely become a supervillain, like children are already selfish dicks, and now imagine one born filled with orange light and no enlightenment. And it's pretty clear from thr Show that Jade wouldn't be a good mother.

Paul could just adopt a kid, or he doesn't even need to get Jade pregnant by having sex with her.

He could just make her pregnant by using his ring, or some other advanced alien tech he has, but not add any of his DNA into the mix.

Couples in which the male is sterile can use the sperm donated to a sperm bank by another man to have a child.

Paul also probably wouldn't care that the child is not biologically his, the other versions certainly don't care.

This stories version of Jade is very different from the one in the show.

The one in the show went back to the Shadows, while in this story the Shadows are destroyed so she has no one to back up any cultlike brainwashing they may have done.

This stories version has a better relationship with her mother and sister. So she has a better emotional support network.

Most of the people that would have cause to harm her if she betrayed them are either dead or are a non issue, the Shadows are gone and her father is in prison, so she has no reason to fear that those she cares about are going to be killed for her actions and believe she needs to abandon them to keep them safe.

This stories version is also different in a more biological way now.

When she got out of prison and OL got her to heal those people in Vietnam with his ring she had the ring improve her brain.

One of the things this did was give her more empathy, so she may find it emotionally more difficult to do some of the actions she did in the show.

Hope we see some of them soon.
Paul could just adopt a kid, or he doesn't even need to get Jade pregnant by having sex with her.
Fair Enough
This stories version of Jade is very different from the one in the show.

She was raised by Sportsmaster and the League of Shadows that didn't change. And the first thing she did after making herself more empathic was starting ot work for the mob. And while the Darkstars are a better than all that, they aren't particularly nice either.

Let's just say I doubt she'd turn out to be a much better mother than Canon Jade.
Fair Enough

She was raised by Sportsmaster and the League of Shadows that didn't change. And the first thing she did after making herself more empathic was starting ot work for the mob. And while the Darkstars are a better than all that, they aren't particularly nice either.

Let's just say I doubt she'd turn out to be a much better mother than Canon Jade.

I'd say that she would turn out to be a better mother than her show self.

Yes she worked for the mob for a bit, but I don't think she acted as anything other than a bodyguard, and not say as an enforcer or leg breaker.

Paul would have stepped in to stop her, and I think she genuinely wanted to turn a new leaf, but she couldn't find work due to her criminal record.

Yes she was raised by Sportsmaster and spent time in the Shadows, but she's also spent time with her loving boyfriend who has done a lot to help her become better, has a better relationship with her family members, has friends in Holly, Karon, Selina and possibly others.

Yes the Darkstars aren't nice, but they also aren't a group of brainwashed cultists who believe that wiping out 90% of a planets population is a good way to fix the planet. They're a group of people that want to stop an evil empire.

Her father is in prison, and even if he escapes Paul can just track him down, so he can't be near his daughter, who doesn't even want to see him, to influence her further.

The fact that she'll probably be in space for several years would also make it difficult to do that.

Most of the negative influences in her life were removed, while the positive influences were increased tenfold.

We've already seen what positive influences have done for Bat Jade and GL Jade, so it's highly likely they will do a lot for paragon Jade.

I'd say she's going to be fine.
Wait, why is Paul going? They already don't like the heretic and they've got two other lanterns?
Wait, why is Paul going? They already don't like the heretic and they've got two other lanterns?

He's highly skilled and powerful, more so than the other two.

He did also play a part in killing Klarion, who I'm guessing is one of the worst criminals their society has produced, so that should give him some good points in their books.

He's also someone that can potentially take months off, since due to some time shenanigans months could pass on the other side.
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Beulah doesn't like him. She doesn't speak for the whole country.

He was killed by an army of angels and allied with Hell. While they don't necessarily know that it's still a crazy risk for a guy who skill set is already on the mission roster by two other people.
He was killed by an army of angels and allied with Hell. While they don't necessarily know that it's still a crazy risk for a guy who skill set is already on the mission roster by two other people.

In order to find that out they may need to summon a demon, which is about as likely to happen as George R.R. Martin finishing his book.

Or they could try to summon an Angel, but the Angel can just tell them that they made a mistake when they tried to kill him and even tell them that he helped them by exposing at least two corrupt Angels, which may give him more good will among the puritans.
On the contrary, his empathy could allow him to more easily view the emotions of his children, so all those dramatic moments where parents and children can't understand each other practically won't exist with him.

He is also capable of experiencing other emotions to a great degree, as his ability to use a violet ring has shown.

He also greatly cares for those around him and is always trying to help them.

He's shown to be a good boyfriend to Jade, as he helped her with various issues, helped her get a job she likes, and is fully willing to wait before they get married and have children, and will have children with her if she likes it.

Renegade and the various other version of him who've adopted children have shown themselves to be good parents to their new children, so chances are very high paragon is also going to be a good father.

True his parenting most likely wont be typical, but it wont be bad, just different.
Paragon has almost nothing in common with those other versions that you're citing at this point.

Also you seem to be forgetting that he's almost incapable of saying "no" to someone he cares about in concerns to their desires. And has the attention space of an goldfish with ADHD. Both of which would make him a horrible parent just in general.

Further he's been a horrible boyfriend to Jade, heck, they aren't even really dating any longer, he's just too thick to notice.
Paragon has almost nothing in common with those other versions that you're citing at this point.

Except the fact that they all care for their teammates and those they love, try to better the world by advancing it, are brave and heroic people who have greatly improved many things both on their world and in the wider universe.

Truly they have nothing in common.
( I'm being sarcastic in case you aren't capable of comprehending sarcasm. Just wanted to make sure you didn't assume I was agreeing with you)

Also you seem to be forgetting that he's almost incapable of saying "no" to someone he cares about in concerns to their desires. And has the attention space of an goldfish with ADHD. Both of which would make him a horrible parent just in general.

You remember that he was able to say no to Kaldur, a close friend and teammate, when he asked him to stop associating with Venturia?

And there was that thing with Raquel, another teammate, and Angelika.

And that thing when he rejected Zatanna, a very close friend, when she tried to romance him.

Or did you forget this like many other things you tend to forget to try and justify your position?

He is fully capable of saying no to someone if he believes they are in the wrong, even if the person he is saying no to is someone very close to him.

He also is capable of having a very high attention span, seeing as he kinda planned to kill Nabu for months. That's not exactly something a person with a low attention span can do.

And even if he sometimes seems to have a low attention span, calling it lower than a 'goldfish with ADHD' is a bit, no, a lot too far.

Further he's been a horrible boyfriend to Jade, heck, they aren't even really dating any longer, he's just too thick to notice.

You remember that he helped her with her prison sentence being so low because of his advice to her that made her fight the other prisoners during the breakout and got her transfered to a nicer prison with a lower sentence?

You remember that he put her father, who has abused her and her sister and would have continued to have an influence on her even after she left, in prison for life?

You remember that he helped her reconnect with her family?

You remember that he helped her find her new job in the Darkstars, which she has grown to like very much?

Jade has a job she likes now, but that job can make it difficult to meet up with Paul since she is fighting an evil empire and her missions may take at least weeks to finish.

Paul and she also communicate and probably meet up whenever her schedules is free, as has been shown many times.

Jade has been shown as loving Paul, but also needs to focus on her career now, which Paul is fully supportive of. Not a lot of people would be if it happened to them.

As far as boyfriends go, Paul is pretty high on the list.
Except the fact that they all care for their teammates and those they love, try to better the world by advancing it, are brave and heroic people who have greatly improved many things both on their world and in the wider universe.
Congratulations, you just generically described millions of people on the planet.

Fact is, Paragon is nothing like his other selves, he's not even like other humans with how badly he mindfucked himself.

And even if he sometimes seems to have a low attention span, calling it lower than a 'goldfish with ADHD' is a bit, no, a lot too far.
Orange Light Morrow says otherwise.

As does all the things he starts then never checks back up on.

As far as boyfriends go, Paul is pretty high on the list.
And they haven't even talked in month and now he's running off on a long term mission to another dimension.
Congratulations, you just generically described millions of people on the planet.

Congratulations, you forgot that paragon had all those qualities and used a pathetic excuse to justify your position.

Fact is, Paragon is nothing like his other selves, he's not even like other humans with how badly he mindfucked himself.

Fact is, paragon has a lot of similarities to his other selves that have adopted children.

Yes he isn't an exact copy of them, but he has a lot of similarities to them.

And humans can sometimes be absolute bastards, so saying that he's not like them can also be seen as a compliment, kinda like how saying someone is nothing like Adolf Hitler can be seen as a compliment.

Orange Light Morrow says otherwise.

As does all the things he starts then never checks back up on.

He doesn't want to even think of Morrow now because he discovered that he may be influencing how he thinks and feels.

Paul isn't exactly all that comfortable mind controlling people, even if he's done it on occasion.

He also asked the Controllers to figure out a way to turn assimilated people back to normal.

This was a smart thing to do as they probably know more of the orange light than anyone in the universe.

Currently he can't do anything to turn Morrow back into an ordinary human, so visiting him is pointless.

You also forgot that in one of the previous episodes we saw him visiting the various things he started and checking up on them, though I guess we shouldn't be surprised you did that, you've certainly done it before.

The most severe case of him not checking up on something he started was the Vega thing, and now he checks up on it.

He warned the Crown Imperium not to try to take over Vega, and before you say that it's just that single time he checked up do remember that he does do things off screen and having it stated in every single episode what is happening in Vega would most likely get boring after a while.

And that whole thing with him not knowing about Manga Khan can be explained as him not knowing every single member of his organization because a lot of people aren't going to know every single member of their organization if it numbers in the thousands.

And they haven't even talked in month and now he's running off on a long term mission to another dimension.

Jade and he had lunch in the previous episode.

They also most likely talk through communication devices off screen when they can't see each other.

Jade also may be used to not seeing someone for months given her lifestyle and occupation, yet still manages to have a relationship with them.

Jade is also a big girl who can take care of herself and doesn't need her boyfriend to be with her all the time to help her.

Hell she may actually resent him if he tried to do that, seeing as she could think that he considers her incompetent and incapable of taking care of herself, which she would be offended by because she takes pride in her skills as a warrior.
Jade and he had lunch in the previous episode.

They also most likely talk through communication devices off screen when they can't see each other.

They are, remember when they talked via ring about how Zatanna tried to bang him? But don't worry, he won't acknowledge this, he's just Vaermina-posting
Fact is, paragon has a lot of similarities to his other selves that have adopted children.
Actually he doesn't.

Also you are comparing him to Renagade, a person who had pretty much his entire identity re-written by Fatherbox.

Side note, Renagade is also horrible at being a "father".

And that whole thing with him not knowing about Manga Khan can be explained as him not knowing every single member of his organization because a lot of people aren't going to know every single member of their organization if it numbers in the thousands.
Yea... You don't get to claim all the things we see are exceptions and him not being that way totally happens off screen.

Jade and he had lunch in the previous episode.
Thanks for reminding me, I had forgotten that chapter.

Your going "oh they are totally still dating because they met up and had dinner for the first time in months last week" however isn't really a sterling example of them being in an actual relationship.

They also most likely talk through communication devices off screen when they can't see each other.
Prove it.
Actually he doesn't.

Actually he does, you just choose to ignore them, because acknowledging them would mean that you have to admit you're wrong.

Also you are comparing him to Renagade, a person who had pretty much his entire identity re-written by Fatherbox.

Except it didn't, since they still share a lot of similarities, like their uplift desire, with each other other.

Renegade is prone to being more ruthless and use more intimidation than the paragon, but he didn't have his entire personality rewritten, since I'm fairly certain that if the Box did that it would have made him into just a generic villain that conquered things without any of the subtle methods he currently employs, as well as make him only care about himself and maybe serving Darkseid.

He's not a generic villain, he uses subtle methods to get his way, he cares about other people aside from himself, one of his ultimate goals is to stop Darkseid.

And remember that he's not the only other version that adopted kids.

Side note, Renagade is also horrible at being a "father"

You remember that he rescued his children from horrible, horrible places and circumstances?

Lynne was being used as a living weapon and later on was being used to channel the Anti Life Equation.

The hybrid children were left to starve and actually ate some of their older members when they reached a certain age.

Renegade gave them ways to control their impulses, taught them valuable lessons on taking their medicine, and actually shared a piece of his soul with Lynne, which saved her from the thing that killed her in canon.

He showed them love and care, something they probably don't remember receiving from an older individual in their entire lives.

And now he's going to potentially marry a pony, who will be their step mother.

All of these things are good indicators that he's very much good at being a father.

His parenting style isn't typical, but it isn't bad.

Yea... You don't get to claim all the things we see are exceptions and him not being that way totally happens off screen.

You make claims that have no basis in reality most of the time.

My claims actually have some basis in reality, so I'm going to make claims that can actually make sense.

I suggest you try it.

Thanks for reminding me, I had forgotten that chapter.

Yeah you do that a lot.

Your going "oh they are totally still dating because they met up and had dinner for the first time in months last week" however isn't really a sterling example of them being in an actual relationship.

I'm assuming you've never had an actual relationship that's worked out.

Paul has stated multiple times that they are dating and Jade hasn't exactly corrected him that they are not, so I'm going to take a wild guess and say that they're still dating, even if it isn't your standard dating.

Jade doesn't have anything to fear from Paul since she probably knows him well enough now to know that he's not going to do something as petty as take away her job if she breaks up with him.


Why there's even a part where she says she loves him and has Violet colored speech.

Here's another part, just in case you say in happened just once.

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Otherworld (part 7)
1st May
07:06 GMT -5

"What time of year is it?"

I look down at the nation of Columbia. I hesitate to say 'sleeping' nation because I don't want to trigger alerts by trying to scan houses that from the look of the glowing sigils on their eaves are probably warded. There are eight large towns that I can see from this height, and about a hundred smaller settlements ranging in size from farming hamlets with a few houses to market towns and mining towns with a few dozen. It looks like a successful colony from the era their ancestors were kidnapped.

"I'm not sure. I don't know for certain that they have seasons here."

"The planet's orbit is completely even? Their rotational axis is vertical?"

"I don't know. I'm trying to avoid scanning anything I don't have to. Why do you ask?"

He shrugs awkwardly. "Since I was enhanced, I have been less sensitive to temperature and the… Pressure of the wind. As I have moved around the world, I do not always know what the temperature is. Or what time of year it is." He shakes his head. "I was curious. It does not matter."

"You didn't mention anything about numbness. Is it something I can help with?"

"No, it is not-. I am not numb. If you touch me I will feel it without you needing to punch me. It is that I do not…" He takes a moment to think through the sentence. "My brain does not receive it in the same way."

I nod. "Otherwise you'd get overloaded when someone in your weight class did hit you."

"That would be a problem. Please, continue with your task." He smiles faintly. "I will watch out for houses with chicken legs."

They've got road… Turnpikes? They appear to use the Macadam method, rather than covering them with tarmac. I also can't see any evidence of steam power, though I suppose with grundymen providing physical power they wouldn't need it. I can see horse drawn carts but no cars or sedan chairs. Sedan chairs would make sense, wouldn't they? A grundyman front and back and they could carry the occupant easily enough.

"Wrong mythology. Though I think I was right about the seasons." I point upwards towards a glowing dot in the sky. "I haven't checked because I don't want to trip an alert, but I think that's a white dwarf."

They've got canals and I can see boats on the rivers. Rivers that appear to have been straightened in places. I suppose that one thing this place isn't short on is manual labour. I know that the Seven Soldiers version had a prohibition on the menfolk performing certain types of manual labour in the belief that they should be done by grundymen while the men focused on their religious obligations, but the witch-hunters I met didn't seem to find manual labour particularly offensive. I can't see the sea from here, but the rivers appear to be draining to somewhere. Planets with liquid water on the surface but no seas are quite unusual.

"I see." He nods. "I had wondered why it was so light at night. I had thought that we were near dawn." He takes another look at the landscape below. "The plants have leaves, so there must be a normal sun as well."

"There are a couple of different arrangements that can work, but we're not in anything weird like a black hole system."

He raises his eyebrows. "Those exist?"

"They're uncommon, but yes. I'm only aware of two naturally occurring systems like that, where planets formed a very long way away from the star and survived its pre-collapse expansion. There's another one astronomers think was a capture of a rogue planet and a fourth where a sufficiently godlike being just moved a planet there."

There are people up and around. I can see people entering and leaving what I assume to be homes and businesses. A lot of them are accompanied by a grundyman, but I'm not seeing any grundywomen? Is that a cultural prohibition, or are they just employed in different work?

"Are they dangerous?"

"A black hole only has the same mass as the star it was before its collapse. I mean, ultimately, everything in the universe will crash into everything else, but a lucky planet can circle the drain for a very long time. You probably wouldn't want to live on one, though. Most species don't react well to not having a light in the sky."

The churches are easy to identify, and they're relatively modest affairs. Actually, that appears to be a theme in their architecture; frivolity and gaudiness are completely excluded. Externally, at least. Oh, I can tell the wood-built houses of the poor from the stone houses of the rich, but there's nothing flamboyant about the homes of the wealthy. No marble fascias or decorative columns. No stained glass. They've got leaded glass, but I'm not seeing any single-pane large windows.

Huh. Not seeing any overt use of Sheeda technology. That could be a taboo of some sort as well…

"I think I've got enough of a map for us to be going on with. Anything you want to take a look at before we head back do-?"

A blast of purple fire explodes next to us! I create a construct barrier between us and the blast while Leonid just raises his right arm to shield his eyes, the fires burning… It's eating at the construct but not going right through it. Progress!

"There." Leonid points down. "It came from there. We should-. Ask Wonder Woman for permission to engage?"

I look down and ah! My favourite witch-hunter! Who's busy reloading her jezzail while grundymen hold her barrel rest and ammunition pouch.

"No. These people may be dangerous for sixteenth century refugees, but they aren't much of a threat to us and we're not here to pick fights. Please go and tell Wonder Woman what's happening while I try talking Mistress Bleak down."

"This is the woman-." He nods, already floating back towards the menhirs. "I understand."

Beulah raises her miniature artillery piece again and I drop, dimming my glow in an attempt to throw off her aim. I didn't think that she was 'kill-on-sight' angry with me when we parted, but perhaps all she can see is an orange dot in the sky? I watch her grimace as she loses sight of me, her attempt to track my most likely location spoiled by the unresponsive nature of her gunnery crew.

I land a short distance away, raise my hands and step into her line of sight.

"Mistress Bleak. May I ask-"

She fires, and this time the projectile doesn't explode. Instead it strikes my construct barrier and keeps coming, bending my construct back in the effort to repel it. I opt to simply step aside and then dismiss my barrier, letting the projectile carry on into the nearby trees.

"-why you're shooting at me?"

She levels the jezzail at my chest, her motions slightly.. twitchy.

"Are you alright?"

There is a flicker of light from some of the sigils embroidered on her shawl, then a little of the tension leaves her.

"Well enough not to need aid from the likes of you, pagan. What dark turn of fate brings you to our shores this night?" She shakes her head in irritation. "T'was you who opened the witch-path, deny it not."

"That's how I got here certainly, but it wasn't me who opened it."

She regards me with a level, frustrated gaze. "How many?"

"Eight, including our most capable arcanist. We're here-."

"Why are you here?"

"Because Queen Gloriana Tenebrae's Sheeda are going to be attacking our Earth before too long, and we need information from you."

"We made war upon her husband and his accursed followers. We care not a whit for her."

"But she cares about Melmoth, and I doubt very much that the witch-paths will remain obscured to her if she defeats us."

She nods with clear reluctance. "Perhaps."

"Would you like to speak to the head of the mission, to discuss the matter in more detail?"
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