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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Come to think of it, this team is pretty top-tier, isn't it? Wonder Woman, three different Lanterns, Dr Fate, Zatanna's dad, a Russian Superman-expy, and a (relatively minor) New God. Shows how seriously the Justice League is taking the threat.

Technically it's:

-Wonder Woman
-Dr Mist
-Accomplished Perfect Physician
-Canis Minor
-Blue Lantern
-John Stewart
-Captain Atom

Rhe others, like Fate and Zatara, are on Earth.
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listen guys, i know you don't know me, and that this may or may not be the most appropriate forum to drop this factoid in, but i have to because i don't know where or when i'll ever get another chance to say it:

goddamn, i would raw-dog the shit out of Beulah Bleak, and corrupt her in so many carnal ways. i've never been one to succumb to the typical comic hotties, but something about my dear Beulah makes me want to run that gauntlet and shoot for the goal, and every other metaphor that could be reasonably applied to the challenging uphill battle i would face when courting her.

now that my creepy confession is concluded, i'll go back to lurking. thank you for your time.

I uh... I can sort of see why, and with how astonishingly little art and art there is of her... I have to make this request: Send me the good stuff, if you have it.
Otherworld (part 8)
1st May
08:38 GMT -5

Brother Abednego looks mildly puzzled. "Who be that?"

New Plymouth's parliament building is constructed like a fortress. The interior walls are painted in dull, sombre tones, and the walls are decorated with pictures of long dead parliamentarians and metal warding-plates. The actual debate chamber is more similar in shape to the US senate or the Scottish Assembly than the House of Commons; arcs of seats facing a central point. I think that probably comes from the fact that early in they didn't really have political parties; everyone was just too glad to have survived Melmoth for that sort of tribalism to have emerged.

"Christopher Columbus? Italian explorer working for the Spanish crown?"

"I know the man not. The hell-fiend Melmoth was not given to preserving our history for our benefit. Even our knowledge of the Lord Christ comes to us only by chance; only two Bibles were held by our forebears when he stole them away from their homes."

Diana and Dr. Balewa are talking with their head of state, Lord-Protector Judah. The rest of us are… Not exactly under guard, but I've noticed that there are more than a few witch-hunters around.

And that most of them are carrying injuries.

"So… Who is it that your country is named after?"

"Saint Columba of Ireland, who preached to the heathens of Scotland and converted them to the worship of the Lord. As we ourselves came upon a strange and unchristian land and made it a place of God." For a moment he looks uncertain. "That is… I should not question, but I foolishly did not think to purchase a tome on the lives of the saints while we were upon your Earth."


"Yes, that's right. And if we establish a trading relationship, we can certainly include literature on the history of Christianity."

Abednego smiles. "T'would be a glorious thing, for all that you're a pagan damned to hellfire."

"You're welcome. You're impressively adaptable, for a man with the colour vision God gave a bat."

He looks away for a moment, taking in the walls.

"Tis true, we're not much given to frivolity, but I testify unto thee that mine eyes see just as clearly as thine. I feel the joy of colours when I look upon the natural world which God gave unto Adam, and feel no need to parody the good Lord's work with profane creations."

I nod at the witch-hunter shadowing Major Adams. His arm is in a sling.

"What's with all the walking wounded?"

"Witch-hunters are right busy folk. When our Lord-Protector called for our service, only those such as myself who walk as synchronicity pilgrims, or who were at the hospital here in New Plymouth could answer his call."

He's warded of course, and sheeda/human hybrids raised as puritans don't appear to have quite the body language I've been trained to read. Still, that sounded a lot like a lie to me.

"How do your elections work?"

"The business is naught too complex. Each five years every town and area of countryside elects a representative, who meet in the chamber to debate matters of import. The Lord-Protector is in turn elected by their number, to rule us and guide us."

"There are no permanent members?"

He frowns. "I don't follow your meaning."

"In Britain, at the time your forebears were abducted, our parliament had a second chamber. Its members were mostly hereditary, with a small number of bishops and judges providing spiritual and legal advice."

"'Bishops'? We have naught to do with that papist rot. Our church is overseen by a council of elders. And no, we have no lords but the Lord."

"Do you actually know what a 'papist' is?"

"Tis an object?" He looks mildly surprised. "I trow it be a synonym for wrong-headed and heretical."

"You really did lose the history of Christianity, didn't you?"

He nods. "As I spake unto you-."

"Brothers and Sisters!"

I rise from my pew as the Lord Protector marches into our antechamber, lizard familiar on his right shoulder. He's a powerfully built man, and a little taller than most of his contemporaries. But his face… He has almost no expression; as if the muscles which would normally animate it have been paralysed. I doubt that the local puritans go in for botulinum toxin injections, so maybe an injury? It makes him look more fearsome, but for all I know he's laughing on the inside.

"The heathens have requested that we allow them to send a mission to the warlock-breed!"

But he probably isn't.

Diana.. is standing just behind him, and she's got her diplomat-face on. Something odd is happening. Dr. Balewa hasn't accompanied them, so I'm.. assuming that he's already gotten to work? And Alan, Leonid and Major Adams aren't heathens, they're heretics at most. Or is that worse? I can't remember what puritans thought about other Christian denominations.

"I have granted licence for this, and for their study of the artefacts of the accursed sheeda which remain in our possession. In return, they shall aid us against the warlocks who now assail us! Brother Shadrach! You shall instruct them in the progress of the conflict. Brother Abednego! You shall escort their heathen missionary… For so long as you can stand it."

Abednego nods phlegmatically.

"Those of you who are injured, I thank you for the devotion which you show in heeding my call. Return to your sickbeds, that you may regain your full strength. All others, return to your duties."

He about-faces, glaring momentarily at Diana as he marches back out of the room. Him leaving appears to be a general signal to disperse, those carrying visible injuries being given room by their fellows to leave first.

I lean slightly closer to Brother Abednego. "Are there any restrictions on the medical techniques your people can use?"

"Anything involving demons, unclean spirits or changes to the sheeda part of our blood, though the latter is less for faith and more for practical reason."

"But a tool of profane magic is fine?"

"If that wert truly its nature, yes. Have you such a thing?"

I take a purple ray out of my armour and offer it to him. "A purple ray device. Press the trigger and it emits a ray of purple light that will heal anything it touches. Not immediately, but it's far faster than natural healing."

He takes it from me and… A sigil flickers over his right hand and the ray disappears.

"Thank yea. Tis a most generous thing."

Our team moves to gather around Diana as the last of the reassigned witch-hunters file out.

"As the Lord-Protector said, we will be sending a group to the 'warlock-breed'. As you know, when a citizen of Columbia breaks their vows they are transformed by their magic. When this happens they are made an outlaw, and they are usually killed by the witch-hunters. However, those who escape can sometimes establish their own settlement, or survive in the forests away from those who hunt them. It seems that they pass on their physiological changes to their descendants, and it is to one of those communities we will be sending people. Physician, you will take Orange Lantern and Starfire to the settlement Brother Abednego shows you. Learn what you can of them. The rest of us will be attending a lecture by Brother Shadrach. It seems that the Sheeda are more active here than we believed."
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'long dead'

I rise from my pew as the Lord Protector marches into out antechamber, lizard familiar on his right shoulder. He's a powerfully built man, and a little taller than most of his contemporaries. But his face… He has almost no expression; as if the muscles which would normally animate it have been paralysed. I doubt that the local puritans go in for botulinum toxin injections, so maybe an injury? It makes him look more fearsome, but for all I know he's laughing on the inside.

So he's either somehow deeply connected to Melmoth, or he may be just very good at controlling his face.

That, or the whole injury thing is possible.
"As the Lord-Protector said, we will be sending a group to the 'warlock-breed'. As you know, when a citizen of Columbia breaks their vows they are transformed by their magic. When this happens they are made an outlaw, and they are usually killed by the witch-hunters.

Okay... what are these vows?

Because this can very quickly become OL digging in his heels, and an occupation to begin.
Okay... what are these vows?

Because this can very quickly become OL digging in his heels, and an occupation to begin.

Most likely to follow the teachings of their version of Christianity and to not break them.

To not use any fey magic they may have from the Sheeda.

To not work for Melmoth of their own free will.

Here's a bit of what they shouldn't do:

"There are a few possible candidates, but I'm going to guess that you've sworn yourself to Melmoth. She called witch-men like you 'warlocks', because you broke the oath not to use the fey parts of your magic."

"A foolish commandment. As well to tell us to cut out our own eyes."

"Which I see that you've done."

"A side effect of this foolish curse." He shifts his weight slightly. "Know you then the name of the foe against which King Melmoth would lead us?"

Why do they cut out their eyes though, I can't exactly remember that bit in the comics?
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Okay... what are these vows?

Because this can very quickly become OL digging in his heels, and an occupation to begin.

Eh, worst case he shows Beulah his giant orange snake, she swoons, problem solved.

Why do they cut out their eyes?

They don't, it was a metaphor about not using their powers in taboo ways. It just happened to be literal because that's one of the things that happen when you break a magically enforced visn
Eh, worst case he shows Beulah his giant orange snake, she swoons, problem solved.

They don't, it was a metaphor about not using their powers in taboo ways. It just happened to be literal because that's one of the things that happen when you break a magically enforced visn

I think she's more likely to shout him if he tries that.

Though if she's a tsundere she may do that.

Along with shooting him of course.

When that guy mentioned his eyes in this chapter I thought it was more than just a metaphor.

Oh I can't wait for Paul to tell them he's been to both Heaven and Hell!

"Yeah, I used to be a demon for a short while. And there is one version if me with the Archangel Gabriel's wings"

Even Paul isn't reckless enough to mention the demon thing, as well as say that he once associated with a man that mutilated an angel.


Okay so he may do something like that...
1st May
08:38 GMT -5

Brother Abednego looks mildly puzzled. "Who be that?"
I love how you don't show OL asking the question (from context, I would assume he asked "Is your colony named for Columbus?") Leaves us in the dark a bit, lets us catch up as we go...

New Plymouth's parliament building is constructed like a fortress. The interior walls are painted in dull, sombre tones, and the walls are decorated with pictures of long-death parliamentarians and metal warding-plates. The actual debate chamber is more similar in shape to the US senate or the Scottish Assembly than the House of Commons; arcs of seats facing a central point. I think that probably comes from the fact that early in they didn't really have political parties; everyone was just too glad to have survived Melmoth for that sort of tribalism to have emerged.
So they're a little less confrontational in their dealings, barring feuds between villages. Workable for a population this small, I suppose.

"Christopher Columbus? Italian explorer working for the Spanish crown?"

"I know the man not. The hell-fiend Melmoth was not given to preserving our history for our benefit. Even our knowledge of the Lord Christ comes to us only by chance; only two Bibles were held by our forebears when he stole them away from their homes."
Huh. So, compared to the practices of the Puritans they echo, they may well have developed 'heresies' of their own. Not least the use of the Grundymen.

Diana and Dr. Balewa are talking with their head of state, Lord-Protector Judah. The rest of us are… Not exactly under guard, but I've noticed that there are more than a few witch-hunters around.

And that most of them are carrying injuries.
"It's a dangerous business, hunting the foes of Columbia."

"So… Who is it that your country is named after?"

"Saint Columba of Ireland, who preached to the heathens of Scotland and converted them to the worship of the Lord. As we ourselves came upon a strange and unchristian land and made it a place of God." For a moment he looks uncertain. "That is… I should not question, but I foolishly did not think to purchase a tome on the lives of the saints while we were upon your Earth."
I doubt any bookshop would have accepted his money anyway. Even in trade value.


"Yes, that's right. And if we establish a trading relationship, we can certainly include literature on the history of Christianity."
Heh. I wonder if that would cause a few arguments in the halls. Not about the purchase, about the content.

Abednego smiles. "T'would be a glorious thing, for all that you're a pagan damned to hellfire."

"You're welcome. You're impressively adaptable, for a man with the colour vision God gave a bat."
"Kill you later, you heathen monstrosity."
"You too, you Catholic sociopath... Whoops, tautology!"

He looks away for a moment, taking in the walls.

"Tis true, we're not much given to frivolity, but I testify unto thee that mine eyes see just as clearly as thine. I feel the joy of colours when I look upon the natural world which God gave unto Adam, and feel no need to parody the good Lord's work with profane creations."
And of course he misses the obvious jab OL gave him. I suppose they're not the most worldly of folks.

I nod at the witch-hunter shadowing Major Adams. His arm is in a sling.

"What's with all the walking wounded?"
A pertinent question. If there's some ongoing problem they can help deal with to earn the Witch-hunters' trust...

"Witch-hunters are right busy folk. When our Lord-Protector called for our service, only those such as myself who walk as synchronicity pilgrims, or who were at the hospital here in New Plymouth could answer his call."

He's warded of course, and sheeda/human hybrids raised as puritans don't appear to have quite the body language I've been trained to read. Still, that sounded a lot like a lie to me.
Hmm... I wonder what he could be hiding?

"How do your elections work?"

"The business is naught too complex. Each five years every town and area of countryside elects a representative, who meet in the chamber to debate matters of import. The Lord-Protector is in turn elected by their number, to rule us and guide us."
Again, a simple enough system for their current population. And I doubt they'll ever grow large enough to need to change it, giving the dangers of their world.

"There are no permanent members?"

He frowns. "I don't follow your meaning."

"In Britain, at the time your forebears were abducted, our parliament had a second chamber. Its members were mostly hereditary, with a small number of bishops and judges providing spiritual and legal advice."
Heh. Of course, that advice wasn't always solely motivated by piety or justice... I doubt these folk would go in for that sort of thing.

"'Bishops'? We have naught to do with that papist rot. Our church is overseen by a council of elders. And no, we have no lords but the Lord."

"Do you actually know what a 'papist' is?"
Besides a simple insult?

"Tis an object?" He looks mildly surprised. "I trow it be a synonym for wrong-headed and heretical."

"You really did lose the history of Christianity, didn't you?"
Add some history textbooks to their first order, methinks.

He nods. "As I spake unto you-."

"Brothers and Sisters!"
Boy, that guy can sure project. Volume, man.

I rise from my pew as the Lord Protector marches into out antechamber, lizard familiar on his right shoulder. He's a powerfully built man, and a little taller than most of his contemporaries. But his face… He has almost no expression; as if the muscles which would normally animate it have been paralysed. I doubt that the local puritans go in for botulinum toxin injections, so maybe an injury? It makes him look more fearsome, but for all I know he's laughing on the inside.
Interesting... Perhaps the result of some mystical pact or the like?

"The heathens have requested that we allow them to send a mission to the warlock-breed!"

But he probably isn't.
:rolleyes: Sounds like a pleasant fellow.

Diana.. is standing just behind him, and she's got her diplomat-face on. Something odd is happening. Dr. Balewa hasn't accompanied them, so I'm.. assuming that he's already gotten to work? And Alan, Leonid and Major Adams aren't heathens, they're heretics at most. Or is that worse? I can't remember what puritans thought about other Christian denominations.

"I have granted license for this, and for their study of the artefacts of the accursed sheeda which remain in our possession. In return, they shall aid us against the warlocks who now assail us! Brother Shadrach! You shall instruct them in the progress of the conflict. Brother Abednego! You shall escort their heathen missionary… For so long as you can stand it."
And there's what Brother Abednego was hiding. An uprising of outcasts?

Abednego nods phlegmatically.

"Those of you who are injured, I thank you for the devotion which you show in heeding my call. Return to your sickbeds, that you may regain your full strength. All others, return to your duties."
Least he's merciful enough to not order them into danger.

He about-faces, glaring momentarily at Diana as he marches back out of the room. Him leaving appears to be a general signal to disperse, those carrying visible injuries being given room by their fellows to leave first.

I lean slightly closer to Brother Abednego. "Are there any restrictions on the medical techniques your people can use?"
Oh-ho, feeling a little compassionate, OL? Getting a start on trading?

"Anything involving demons, unclean spirits or changes to the sheeda part of our blood, though the latter is less for faith and more for practical reason."

"But a tool of profane magic is fine?"
I see where this is going...

"If that wert truly its nature, yes. Have you such a thing?"

I take a purple ray out of my armour and offer it to him. "A purple ray device. Press the trigger and it emits a ray of purple light that will heal anything it touches. Not immediately, but it's far faster than natural healing."
Bet that'll go down well with the hospital folks.

He takes it from me and… A sigil flickers over his right hand and the ray disappears.

"Thank yea. Tis a most generous thing."

Our team moves to gather around Diana as the last of the reassigned witch-hunters file out.
Individual mission time. Just be careful about splitting the party...

"As the Lord-Protector said, we will be sending a group to the 'warlock-breed'. As you know, when a citizen of Columbia breaks their vows they are transformed by their magic. When this happens they are made an outlaw, and they are usually killed by the witch-hunters. However, those who escape can sometimes establish their own settlement, or survive in the forests away from those who hunt them. It seems that they pass on their physiological changes to their descendants, and it is to one of those communities we will be sending people. Physician, you will take Orange Lantern and Starfire to the settlement Brother Abednego shows you. Learn what you can of them. The rest of us will be attending a lecture by Brother Shadrach. It seems that the Sheeda are more active here than we believed."
Well, looks like a field trip.

I like Brother Abednego. He's a dour fellow, but there's a bit of humour under there. Glad we'll be seeing more of him.
Oh I can't wait for Paul to tell them he's been to both Heaven and Hell!

"Yeah, I used to be a demon for a short while. And there is one version if me with the Archangel Gabriel's wings"
And that would be the last time Diana and the League allow him to go on any diplomatic mission.
I honestly don't like these guys. Religious fanatics always tick me the heck off, in general. What with their "heathens" this and "condemned to damnation" that, I would be constantly responding in kind and calling them "fairy troglodytes", "hypocritical fanatics" or "hybrid abominations", to see how they feel about it.

I totally understand why Klarion went Lord of Chaos in this place. I don't understand how he didn't waste the place. Maybe I'm just projecting due to personal experiences and they aren't as bad, but since the first time they showed up, they have given me enough vibes to say... fuck 'em, and not in the fun way.
I doubt any bookshop would have accepted his money anyway. Even in trade value.

He could have just asked the League to give him some books, or even some spending money.

I doubt they'd have objected.

Heh. I wonder if that would cause a few arguments in the halls. Not about the purchase, about the content.

A bunch of isolated people that take their religion very seriously having an argument about a different interpretation of their faith that may cast doubt on their own belief system.

Of course they wouldn't argue about it.

"Kill you later, you heathen monstrosity."
"You too, you Catholic sociopath... Whoops, tautology!"

Are you hoping that at least one of the ones that went to Earth saw Boondock Saints and will quote it?

Are you also hoping that one of these witch hunters takes in a Japanese girl and a really boyish looking German girl to be his apprentices?

And of course he misses the obvious jab OL gave him. I suppose they're not the most worldly of folks.

He may have picked up on it, but just decided to ignore it and actually answer the question.

Hmm... I wonder what he could be hiding?

Potential war with the warlock breed.

He did spend time on Earth and possibly learned how the League does business so he may be worried that they will view their side as being in the wrong and help the warlock breed.

:rolleyes: Sounds like a pleasant fellow.

He could just be putting on a show.

Abernago said OL was damned to hellfire and yet he's fairly pleasant.

And there's what Brother Abednego was hiding. An uprising of outcasts?

Most likely.

Least he's merciful enough to not order them into danger.

Or he figures t would be impractical to do so.

I honestly don't like these guys. Religious fanatics always tick me the heck off, in general. What with their "heathens" this and "condemned to damnation" that, I would be constantly responding in kind and calling them "fairy troglodytes", "hypocritical fanatics" or "hybrid abominations", to see how they feel about it.

I totally understand why Klarion went Lord of Chaos in this place. I don't understand how he didn't waste the place. Maybe I'm just projecting due to personal experiences and they aren't as bad, but since the first time they showed up, they have given me enough vibes to say... fuck 'em, and not in the fun way.

The League is trying to get access and info on the Sheeda so they are trying to be diplomatic and not antagonize the Puritans, even if they are antagonizing them.

They're also probably used to these types of things.

Diana may have been called a heathen for most of her life by fanatical religious people after she left the island. Plus she's a diplomat and despite what some people believe diplomacy can sometimes degenerate into pure insults sometimes.

Dr Mist may have also been called that, along with a slew of other insults, so he's most likely indifferent to their insults.

Adams and Leonid are military so they're most likely keeping a calm mindset and not letting the insults get to them.

Yao was most likely insulted by at least two of his former team members so he's used to being insulted.

Stewart and Alan are also most likely used to insults and can keep calm when they are directed at them.

Canis may not consider them worthy enough of even killing.

OL once stole a fruit from heaven and was attacked by Angels, so a lot of people may still be sending him things like death threats.

If the price you have to pay for getting your world to survive a raiding army from the future is just getting insulted, then it's a fair price to pay.

Klarion most likely didn't destroy the place because he found the fact that they still lived in fear of him and couldn't do anything to stop him to be amusing.

Oh and a word of advice.

Nothing, absolutely nothing justified Klarion doing even a quarter of the shit he did, not even his upbringing.

Hell he may have always ended up being a horrible piece of shit even if he grew up in a more tolerant community.

Some people are just bad.

They can have the best upbringing possible and still be horrible monstrous people.
Maybe it's just me, but this storyline has me wondering if the Melmoth of the Crime Syndicate universe left a colony of clothing optional hippies, and if Crime Syndicate Klarion fled the family pot farm.

The Klarion from that universe potentially became a Lord of Order bent on imposing a no pot and no hippie lifestyle, as well as getting people to wear suits all the time.

And his familiar is most likely a dog, since boys like dogs and cats are only for girls, so Klarion, in all of his masculine glory, would use a dog because he's not a stinking hippie.
Maybe I'm just projecting due to personal experiences and they aren't as bad, but since the first time they showed up, they have given me enough vibes to say... fuck 'em, and not in the fun way.
Well. It's trickier in DC. We know there was a creator god, angels exist, and all the stories in the bible happened, sort of. I mean, the story of Cain and Abel didn't happen on Earth and Adam was probably Malthusian....

Not to mention practically every myth, urban legend and conspiracy theory seems to have a kernel of truth.

What seems suspect is the way the Melmoth react to warlocks. I'm getting a religious persecution vibe. They might have a good reason, we'll see.
Well. It's trickier in DC. We know there was a creator god, angels exist, and all the stories in the bible happened, sort of. I mean, the story of Cain and Abel didn't happen on Earth and Adam was probably Malthusian....

Not to mention practically every myth, urban legend and conspiracy theory seems to have a kernel of truth.

What seems suspect is the way the Melmoth react to warlocks. I'm getting a religious persecution vibe. They might have a good reason, we'll see.

I think Adam was most likely a human that the Angels made from clay, like Diana was, or was an ordinary human taken by them to the garden for some kind of experiment, and not a Maltusian.

Eve was also either made using biomancy, or just an ordinary girl given to Adam.

Cain and Able also probably existed.

They may have gone to the Dreaming after they both died, kinda like that guy in the Dreaming comics who was bored with his office job and ended up in the Dreaming after dying.

I don't think this story is one in which every single myth is true.

Zoat has already changed a few things that make it seem like that 'all myths are true' thing isn't factual.

For example Hera may not have committed any of her evil actions in this stories history, Hephaestus is still married to his wife, while in the myths it was said that they divorced etc.

I think you meant how the puritans reacted to warlocks, since Melmoth may like them because they may mostly work for him.

The word warlock is often associated with a male magician, but in actuality it means a magician that has broken an oath, so the puritans, who probably hold oaths as sacred, would have reason to dislike them.
Cain and Able also probably existed.

Multiple Cains and Abels have existed in DC. DC also has multiple Snow Whites and Evil Queens, and multiple Camelots with multiple Merlins. Santa Claus was also the last son of a dying planet of ice and cold rocketed to Earth where he was imbued with powers far beyond mortal men who built himself a base at the North Pole.

But the Cain and Abel reference made was to Sandman, where one of the duo mentions that their story is true- Brother kills brother, but that it didn't happen on Earth.
So I just had a thought, what about going the captain marvel route of enhancement using Hephaestus, Hecate Athena and hera. I just imagine Dr quinzel getting the boost becoming a great therapist who forged and crafted herself a hammer. Or a few different patrons pooling there domains together for an intelegence, crafter and creation based boost rather than the combat style than marvel and adoms combat types.

They can craft spellels and weapons to fight the sheeda.
So I just had a thought, what about going the captain marvel route of enhancement using Hephaestus, Hecate Athena and hera. I just imagine Dr quinzel getting the boost becoming a great therapist who forged and crafted herself a hammer. Or a few different patrons pooling there domains together for an intelegence, crafter and creation based boost rather than the combat style than marvel and adoms combat types.

They can craft spellels and weapons to fight the sheeda.
Craft spellels? Scary thought.

While something like that might work, they'd also need an ancient and powerful wizard prepared to act as an anchor. Dr Balewa might work, but there's no real advantage in benching him for another brawler.
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Craft spellels? Scary thought.

While something like that might work, they'd also need an ancient and powerful wizards prepared to act as an anchor. Dr Balewa might work, but there's no real advantage in benching him for another brawler.

Another brawler may not give them an advantage, but I think he meant more of a champion focused on crafting things like spells and magical items, as well as having a greater intellect than Adom and Billy.

Something like that may be of a bigger advantage than just another brawler.
Another brawler may not give them an advantage, but I think he meant more of a champion focused on crafting things like spells and magical items, as well as having a greater intellect than Adom and Billy.

Something like that may be of a bigger advantage than just another brawler.
Do you think that the Justice League is better served by having Captain Marvel in the field than it would be by Jedediah of Canaan?
Do you think that the Justice League is better served by having Captain Marvel in the field than it would be by Jedediah of Canaan?

Jebediah is a highly powerful and knowledgeable wizard, plus the League already has several brawlers in Superman, WW and Icon, so the League may honestly be better served if he was capable of going in the field.
Jebediah is a highly powerful and knowledgeable wizard, plus the League already has several brawlers in Superman, WW and Icon, so the League may honestly be better served if he was capable of going in the field.
Exactly. So how does it make sense to lose another archmage to get another brawler?
Exactly. So how does it make sense to lose another archmage to get another brawler?

I think there's been a misscommunication here, I meant that the League could use another archmage rather than a brawler, since they already have several brawlers, but not a lot of archmages.

A mage blessed by the gods using the divine power to empower his magic and spells seems to be more useful compared to Captain Marvel.
I think there's been a misscommunication here, I meant that the League could use another archmage rather than a brawler, since they already have several brawlers, but not a lot of archmages.

A mage blessed by the gods using the divine power to empower his magic and spells seems to be more useful compared to Captain Marvel.
they'd also need an ancient and powerful wizard prepared to act as an anchor.
Captain Marvel can be Captain Marvel because Jebediah of Canaan stays in the Rock of Eternity. That serves as an anchor for the gods' magic.

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