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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Unless he comes back to Earth why would Grayven care? He's bothering a bunch of space pilgrims not anything important. OL only cares because going after him might result in better information on the main Sheeda invasion.

Actually, shouldn't the Witch Hunters have shown up in the Renegade timeline to hunt Klarion down as well? Or was it more clear that he died there because his Chaos energy was just absent instead of being rerouted into someone like in the Paragon timeline?
Actually, shouldn't the Witch Hunters have shown up in the Renegade timeline to hunt Klarion down as well? Or was it more clear that he died there because his Chaos energy was just absent instead of being rerouted into someone like in the Paragon timeline?

They may have come to hunt him down but discovered that he already died, probably by seeing it on a TV or asking someone about it, and just waited until they could go back home.

If they didn't try to contact the renegade then chances are low that he would have met them.
I don't remember it being clear in Seven Soldiers why having seven people was important. I think it was something that the Seven Unknown Men set up, but I'm not sure. If so, the fact that they don't exist here means it's not really an issue.
It's important because there is a True Prophecy...
Zoat can't read your comments.

You... do realized that, right?
Whose comments?
Actually, shouldn't the Witch Hunters have shown up in the Renegade timeline to hunt Klarion down as well? Or was it more clear that he died there because his Chaos energy was just absent instead of being rerouted into someone like in the Paragon timeline?
If they did, there's no obvious reason for the Renegade to know about it.
would that work? i dont know lick about the seven soldiers of victory comics but shouldnt the seven be like chosen by destiny or something? i figured that trope would appear here.

The Sheeda didn't target individuals to stop their prophesied defeat, they targeted groups of seven.

It's implied that the newsboy army, consisting of a dog and six newsies could have defeated the Sheeda invasion if they hadn't left the dog behind.

Since the threat level of six prepubescent newspaper slingers and a dog and seven actual superheroes is (usually) quite large.......
OK, I have a dangerous question.

In Paragon OL timeline, are the Sheeda invading Earth but they don't know it because they are in the alternate dimension where Columbia is? Because, in Graveyn's timeline, they invaded after the point where Paul and the members of that team went to Columbia.

I am just wondering if there is already a ticking clock in Paul's timeline and the Earth is currently under attack.
My only issue with this chapter is after using such a big yellow light attack and walking casually into an enemy's castle, didn't elicit any sarcastic responses from Sinestro.
Otherwise great performance by Grayven. I hope we get some good unusual solutions to the Sheeda instead of just Righteous Punching
Rule 1 Warning
I have an almost instinctual drive to mock and correct idiots like Vaermina on their mistakes and stupidities.

The sad thing is that a lot of Vaerminas contrary barking doesn't fall on deaf ears, and there are people who actually consider a lot of his words to have some degree of truth to them.

Yeah he can make some intelligent comments sometimes, like when he mocked Tangseid, but most of it is still just garbage that sadly some people actually buy.

That you for your concern though.

And thank you for complementing my skills.
Threadban, three days. You were warned.
Nice entrance from grayven, I'm curious for the next episodes!

I have an almost instinctual drive to mock and correct idiots like Vaermina on their mistakes and stupidities.
Please consider that while you may think that you are somehow defending other users from his stupidity you're actually giving V. a platform. And unless I'm mistaken when you quote him people that have him blocked will read what he said. I'm a stalker who rarely reads the comment but I'll have you know that Vaemina is one of the few posters I recognize because people are always arguing with him and thus making his remarks reach an wider audience. If you dislike what he says, ignore it.
Faed Away (supplementary, Renegade option)
4th May
20:07 GMT -5

"So confident."

"Yeah." I smile, nodding. "Pretty much."

I look left and then right.

"These guys are… Veterans, right?"

"These are High Born. Augmented by Sheeda science and magic to be far greater than any man."

"But you're the only one with head cancer." I frown. "Might want to get that looked at."

The right-hand handmaiden hisses, showing off her fangs.

Can I get homesick for a place I've never lived? Because if they worked a little red or blue into the monochrome colour palette in here this could actually be Apokolips.

"Derog? Kill this intruder."

A male Sheeda in armour plucks a spear off the wall and spins-.

I shoot him in the chest with an energy pulse and he slams backwards into the wall.

He drops to his feet and smiles. "Foolish, Child of Spring. My armour-"

I draw my daiklave and generate a fusion cannon construct.

"-is now impervious to-"

I fire, and only the photosensitive properties of my goggles allow me to see Derog parry a beam of ultra-hot high pressure ions, in a way which somehow nullified the energy therein completely rather than sending it into one of the neighbouring stations. The goggles also allow me to aim the tip of my daiklave as I make a ring-assisted lunge, shoving the point through his philtrum and into his spine. Then I swing it around to the right in an arc, taking away his body's support and causing it to collapse.

"That was fun." I turn away from the growing blood-pool-. I shoot Derog in the face until his head is entirely disintegrated because I don't know how well Sheeda aristocrats regenerate. "Might want to consider helmets."

"You're not wearing one."

"I'm not seeing anything that's actually a threat to me. You, on the other hand-."

The amulet splutters and dies.



"You're not her. You're a body double." I shrug with both arms. "This is what I get for fighting idiots for so long; it confuses me when I run into someone moderately clever. Pretty good effort for someone with no direct exposure to Apokoliptian technology."

"Kill him."

Right handmaiden lunges for me with more than human strength and speed. Guess they don't know that much about Apokoliptian technology, then. The challenge is still in effect, and if whoever-that-is on the throne sends people at me without having the other party designate them her champions…

Fortunately, I have more than human speed too. Sword's out of position but she's not wearing a helmet either. My left fist hits her in the side of the head and sends her flying, though she's tough enough that her skull didn't shatter. In the fraction of a second when she's still in reach she tries to cut my gauntlet with her nails and.. scores a tiny scratch which doesn't penetrate. Not bad for a fingernail.

"Bored now."

I raise my fusion cannon and shoot the queen in the exposed midriff. The shot bores right through her and into the throne, and almost immediately her outline changes from demon prostitute to… Humanoid insect thing.

Meeting a distraction with a distraction. I'll admit to being mildly impressed.

Wreck the Empty Throne.

The barrel of my gun widens as the Sheeda form up behind me, swords, spears and shields and I've no doubt that they're all quite good with them. Instead of fighting them I fire again, the left handmaiden diving aside as the throne and the wall behind it are annihilated.

And then I run through the hole, leaving the command crew behind.

"Mother Box, get me a location for Sivana."


Because now the command crew have to choose between doing their jobs-

An arrow plinks off my back plate.

-and pursuing someone who has demonstrated the ability to kill them.


"Are you sure, because-?"


"Okay, no need to take that tone! Boom tube."


Fine. Angle?


I point my fusion cannon just a little to the left of the focus of the ship's temporal manipulation effect and fire a wide beam, carving a line through the ship's internal structure. Then I fly, trusting my armour to keep the heat and poisons off me. Flying out-.

There's a green bubbling pit surrounded by some sort of ritual space. A heavily bleeding Thaddeus Sivana shoots the Queen though the head with.. a gun that hurts my eyes to look at. She's-. Why are there arrows-?

Sivana shoots her through the heart, collapses, then props himself up just enough to shoot her through the neck, fully severing her head.

Artemis drops down from a crenellation. "I was going to take her alive!"

"And I wanted her dead, so I killed her."

I frown at her. "Artemis, what are you-?"

She glances at me, frustration evident though her mask. "Mister Miracle found a back door."

Someone else who decided to ignore my advice. "Right. I don't know…" Sivana pulls a device out of his coat and draws a rune on the floor in his own blood. "Doctor?"

"This is the centre of their time drive. The green substance is literally trans-temporal."

"Okay, yes, good-."

His device glows.

"I'm going to use it to erase the ship from the present. If I'm very lucky, I'll wind back what they did on Venus-." He coughs up some blood. "But I doubt it."

"Is there a reason why you're rushing this? If we capture the ship-."

"You're going to prevent them from ever being. I can't take the risk of this ship disappearing on us. I think I should be… Sorry, but I barely care about myself at the moment and I certainly don't care about you."

"Artemis to team, get out of here!"

Sivana smiles peacefully. "Two…"

I step forward grab Artemis and fly at-


-the pool!

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"You're not her. You're a body double." I shrug with both arms. "This is what I get for fighting idiots for so long; it confuses me when I run into someone moderately clever. Pretty good effort for someone with no direct exposure to Apokoliptian technology."
Except the Sheeda had a Father Box for hundreds, possibly thousands, of years.

"And I wanted her dead, so I killed her."
Your ray gun isn't a thing that can actually kill her.

So no you didn't.

"I'm going to use it to erase the ship from the present. If I'm very lucky, I'll wind back what they did on Venus-." He coughs up some blood. "But I doubt it."
Sorry, while that might normally work, Paul fucked up the way time works so now it won't.
4th May
20:07 GMT -5

"So confident."

"Yeah." I smile, nodding. "Pretty much."
Well, not laughing in his face, but she seems unconcerned. This is going to be messy.

I look left and then right.

"These guys are… Veterans, right?"
Ha, applying Warhammer 40,000 logic, eh? Even pretty close in terms of Dark Eldar units: Trueborn, who basically are elite warriors.

"These are High Born. Augmented by Sheeda science and magic to be far greater than any man."

"But you're the only one with head cancer." I frown. "Might want to get that looked at
So, she does have the head tentacles. Good to know, if a little disturbing.

The right-hand handmaiden hisses, showing off her fangs.

Can I get homesick for a place I've never lived? Because if they worked a little red or blue into the monochrome colour pallet in here this could actually be Apokolips.
Amusing. I doubt they'd appreciate the comparison. though.

"Derog? Kill this intruder."

A male Sheeda in armour plucks a spear off the wall and spins-.
Not so fast, knife-ears. Critical mistake, not having a weapon in hand already.

I shoot him in the chest with an energy pulse and he slams backwards into the wall.

He drops to his feet and smiles. "Foolish, Child of Spring. My armour-"
-Isn't as invulnerable as you think it is, pretty-boy. Watch and learn.

I draw my daiklave and generate a fusion cannon construct.

"-is now impervious to-"
While I know it's not what it's meant to look like, I can't help but see Megatron about to smack down Starscream once again...

I fire, and only the photosensitive properties of my goggles allow me to see Derog parry a beam of ultra-hot high pressure ions, in a way which somehow nullified the energy therein completely rather than sending it into one of the neighbouring stations. The goggles also allow me to aim the tip of my daiklave as I make a ring-assisted lunge, shoving the point through his philtrum and into his spine. Then I swing it around to the right in an arc, taking away his body's support and causing it to collapse.
Guess it only protects against one thing at a time, huh? Bit of an oversight, but handy for you.

"That was fun." I turn away from the growing blood-pool-. I shoot Derog in the face until his head is entirely disintegrated because I don't know how well Sheeda aristocrats regenerate. "Might want to consider helmets."

"You're not wearing one."
He's tough enough to not need it against trash like you, Queenie.

"I'm not seeing anything that's actually a threat to me. You, on the other hand-."

The amulet splutters and dies.
I do hope that wasn't a protective charm... Otherwise he's now wide open...



"You're not her. You're a body double." I shrug with both arms. "This is what I get for fighting idiots for so long; it confuses me when I run into someone moderately clever. Pretty good effort for someone with no direct exposure to Apokoliptian technology."
Heh. caught off guard by an enemy being genre-savvy. No doubt the Queen is hidden away in a well-protected bunker deeper within the Castle. Time to go a-roaming, then.

"Kill him."

Right handmaiden lunges for me with more than human strength and speed. Guess they don't know that much about Apokoliptian technology, then. The challenge is still in effect, and if whoever-that-is on the throne sends people at me without having the other party designate them her champions…
A Champion might be capable of harming him in this state. A mere Minion? a Peon, worthless trash to be thrown into a meatgrinder? Like rain against his face.

Fortunately, I have more than human speed too. Sword's out of position but she's not wearing a helmet either. My left fist hits her in the side of the head and sends her flying, though she's tough enough that her skull didn't shatter. In the fraction of a second when she's still in reach she tries to cut my gauntlet with her nails and.. scores a tiny scratch which doesn't penetrate. Not bad for a fingernail.

"Bored now."
Probably good she didn't hit skin. I doubt her nail polish is anything pleasant.

I raise my fusion cannon and shoot the queen in the exposed midriff. The shot bored right through her and into the throne, and almost immediately her outline changes from demon prostitute to… Humanoid insect thing.

Meeting a distraction with a distraction. I'll admit to being mildly impressed.
Assuming she actually realised it was a distraction. Now... Where's Sivana?

Wreck the Empty Throne.

The barrel of my gun widens as the Sheeda form up behind me, sword, spears and shields and I've no doubt that they're all quite good with them. Instead of fighting them I fire again, the left handmaiden diving aside as the throne and the wall behind it are annihilated.
That'll leave him with a nice boost to his Godly nature for a while. Time to go door-knocking.

And then I run through the hole, leaving the command crew behind.

"Mother Box, get me a location for Sivana."
No doubt the good Doctor has located the real Queen? I presume that's what they were planning.


Because now the command crew have to choose between doing their jobs-
And their fear of their Queen's displeasure...

An arrow plinks off my back plate.

-and pursuing someone who has demonstrated the ability to kill them.
Looks like they fear her more than they do you. Pity there's no time to teach them otherwise.


"Are you sure, because-?"
Now, now, Grayven. You've worked with her long enough to trust her judgement, surely?


"Okay, no need to take that tone! Boom tube."
I see she set him straight. And no need for subtlety now, either.


Fine. Angle?
Shielded against Boom and Hush Tube formation? That'll be learned from that Father Box Vaermina mentioned, eh?


I point my fusion cannon just a little to the left of the focus of the ship's temporal manipulation effect and fire a wide beam, carving a line through the ship's internal structure. Then I fly, trusting my armour to keep the heat and poisons off me. Flying out-.
Ah, the Takamichi Nanoha method of navigating a large ship. Find the target, then drill.

There's a green bubbling pit surrounded by some sort of ritual space. A heavily bleeding Thaddeus Sivana shoots the Queen thought the head with.. a gun that hurts my eyes to look at. She's-. Why are there arrows-?

Sivana shoots her through the heart, collapses, then props himself up just enough to shoot her through the neck, fully severing her head.
"Decapitation!" Probably not enough to be permanent, unless his gun is is as very, very nasty as its description implies.

Artemis drops down from a crenellation. "I was going to take her alive!"

"And I wanted her dead, so I killed her."
Besides, I doubt a few pointy sticks were going to bother her much, even with a New God shooting them.

I frown at her. "Artemis, what are you-?"

She glances at me, frustration evident though her mask. "Mister Miracle found a back door."
I assume Grayven suggested they leave this to him, and they promptly went 'lulsno, facepunching time!'

Someone else who decided to ignore my advice. "Right. I don't know…" Sivana pulls a device out of his coat and draws a rune on the floor in his own blood. "Doctor?"

"This is the centre of their time drive. The green substance is literally trans-temporal."
Timey-wimey stuff, eh? It sure looks pretty wibbly-wobbly.:V

"Okay, yes, good-."

His device glows.
Doctor, care to explain for those in the audience who aren't multi-disciplinary polymaths with a dozen degrees?

"I'm going to use it to erase the ship from the present. If I'm very lucky, I'll wind back what they did on Venus-." He coughs up some blood. "But I doubt it."

"Is there a reason why you're rushing this? If we capture the ship-."
Maybe because he appears to have a fatal wound? Okay, sure, you could patch him up, but I don't think he cares.

"You're going to prevent them from ever being. I can't take the risk of this ship disappearing on us. I think I should be… Sorry, but I barely care about myself at the moment and I certainly don't care about you."

"Artemis to team, get out of here!"
Because of course the other kids are here. Why wouldn't you send sidekicks into the flying palace of the murder-sadist future elves? Even after one of your allies says he's got this.:rolleyes:

Sivana smiles peacefully. "Two…"

I step forward grab Artemis and fly at-
What's your exit strategy, Grayven? Because shit is about to get trippy.


-the pool!

Huh. Now, where will they end up? The future of the Sheeda, Earth-16R? The past? another timeline?

Huh. Well, I assume this will at least stop the Harrowing here in this timeline. With any luck, it'll render this period off-limits to the Sheeda. So... Mission accomplished? Besides the whole 'possibly lost in time' thing Grayven and Artemis are about to go through.

The shot bored right through her...
The shot bores right through her...

"Kill him."

Right handmaiden lunges for me with more than human strength and speed. Guess they don't know that much about Apokoliptian technology, then. The challenge is still in effect, and if whoever-that-is on the throne sends people at me without having the other party designate them her champions…

Meeting a distraction with a distraction. I'll admit to being mildly impressed.

Wreck the Empty Throne.
Huh. Well, I assume this will at least stop the Harrowing here in this timeline. With any luck, it'll render this period off-limits to the Sheeda. So... Mission accomplished? Besides the whole 'possibly lost in time' thing Grayven and Artemis are about to go through.
Unfortunately short of Dues Ex Machina it won't.

The Queen and Melmoth are still alive, and either one of them can just rebuild the time machine.
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Fortunately, I have more than human speed too. Sword's out of position but she's not wearing a helmet either. My left fist hits her in the side of the head and sends her flying, though she's tough enough that her skull didn't shatter. In the fraction of a second when she's still in reach she tries

While someone superstrong having superspeed makes sense, muscle power being a factor in speed, Elephants have been known to hit 25 mph/40 kph for example, I don't remember Gravy demonstrating superspeed without taking a dose of Garrick before.
Something else to keep in mind, this isn't Independence Day.

Taking out the mothership won't cause the harvesters to crash into the ground powerless. They will just keep on harvesting till they're destroyed, and without Sivana and Grayven around, it's going to be left to the League to save the world.

And they won't be able to in time to prevent catastrophic damage from happening to most other countries.
I wonder if Grayven is going to be erased from the timeline and all story posts mentioning him erased from the forum.

That seems like a very Zoat thing to do.

Get rid of the Paul tl because its baf, haven't read it since, I want to say that one with the angels, but I'm sure I've accidentallyed a chapter or two since then.
Your ray gun isn't a thing that can actually kill her.

So no you didn't.
actually an emotional desperate and obsessive super mad scientist willing to do anything, can do what is thought to be impossible, so this trope is appropriate. so yeah sivana probably killed the bitch.
Actually an emotional desperate and obsessive super mad scientist willing to do anything, can do what is thought to be impossible, so this trope is appropriate. so yeah sivana probably killed the bitch.
It's not thought to be impossible, it is impossible.

She can only be killed by the sword Excalibur, and that gun isn't it.

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