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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Okay, what happened in that episode?
I don't remember everything, but it turned out that SHADE controlled the USA from the shadows, led by Father Time, and they had an obscenely powerful metahuman called Paragon who was creating a robot to impersonate the president. I think that impersonating the president is what he is talking about.
Huh. Kinda reminds me of how Yahweh maybe-usurped El's position.
I had a DCAU fic idea way back when, part of which included Yahweh figuring out how to connect to the Source and thus transform from a local Semitic polytheistic god to his later monolatric/monotheistic self we're familiar with in real-life and DC comics. And 'El' is similar in terms of being the name of a specific (chief) god and a term for gods in general e.g. the originally plural 'Elohim'.

Now granted, my knowledge mainly also comes from wikiwalks, but hopefully I haven't said anything fundamentally inaccurate about comparative mythology and history, etc.
So you can see/reconstruct the idea that Tiwaz/Tyr was the original ruler of the gods until the cult of Odin (who I'm not sure has been linked to an Indo-European deity, though he's later interpreted as the Germanic equivalent of Mercury/Hermes by the Romans) presumably took precedence.

That does make sense since the Greek Hermes is actually a lot older than many of the other Greek gods having split off from Pan and is a trickster god with a large portfolio that includes taking thw souls of the dead to the under word. In the Dresden Files Donar Vadderung (Odin) not only used to be Hermes but also Lugh/Lugus/Lleu Llaw Gyffes after who London and Lyons were named.
So considering the whole Old Gods are the canon version of Asgard, with a 'Lokee', and Wotan is this OC Tyr all that will be showing up or will others be appears as more gods get involved?

No, the Old Gods who were the predecessors of the New Gods were Asgardians in SPACE...ACE...ACE.

It was literally a plot point in the New Gods that Darkseid was hesitant to outright attack Earth because of the Norse Gods, because he was afraid that their obvious but mysterious connection to the Old Gods would mean they'd rip his head off and play soccer with it.

Someone actually summoned Thor from Earth to Apokalips to kill Darkseid, hoping that Darkseid's concern was justified.

Sadly we'll never know, because Barda and Scott Free stopped him from even meeting Darkseid.

So while I'd love for this story to include Thor going all hammer time on Darkseid's face, I don't see it happening.
No, the Old Gods who were the predecessors of the New Gods were Asgardians in SPACE...ACE...ACE.

It was literally a plot point in the New Gods that Darkseid was hesitant to outright attack Earth because of the Norse Gods, because he was afraid that their obvious but mysterious connection to the Old Gods would mean they'd rip his head off and play soccer with it.

Someone actually summoned Thor from Earth to Apokalips to kill Darkseid, hoping that Darkseid's concern was justified.

Sadly we'll never know, because Barda and Scott Free stopped him from even meeting Darkseid.

So while I'd love for this story to include Thor going all hammer time on Darkseid's face, I don't see it happening.
At one point, the New Gods were decedents of the Marvel Norse gods from a previous crossover.
I don't remember everything, but it turned out that SHADE controlled the USA from the shadows, led by Father Time, and they had an obscenely powerful metahuman called Paragon who was creating a robot to impersonate the president. I think that impersonating the president is what he is talking about.

Yeah, Father Time has the power set, the connections in the US government structure and the connections with the apocalyptians to pull a switcheroo with Uncle Sam or even cause uncle Sam to have his comics split.

In the Paul time-lines he is still active with everything that entails.
Think he's heard about the binding spell that Hecate used and plans to bind the Spirit of America to himself (Presumably the Spirit of Political Corruption) or maybe the Light is planning on getting their own league of Gods on their side and go Titan Hunting.
At one point, the New Gods were decedents of the Marvel Norse gods from a previous crossover.

Actually he kept that up.

Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers is about Orion's son who is a space cop, who as a kid was haunted by the "impotent ghost of his grandfather."

Something I remember when people gush about nigh omnipotent Darkseid ala Morrison, I remember Kirby wrote his fate as to be a harmless ghost so pathetic he has nothing better to do than try to terrorize a little kid who was his own grandson.

So the New Gods have their origin in Marvel, then existed in DC, and had a sequel in Pacific Comics.

Reminds me of Mantis, who showed up in JLA as Willow in DC, and then as Lorelei in Eclipse's Scorpio Rose.
No, the Old Gods who were the predecessors of the New Gods were Asgardians in SPACE...ACE...ACE.

It was literally a plot point in the New Gods that Darkseid was hesitant to outright attack Earth because of the Norse Gods, because he was afraid that their obvious but mysterious connection to the Old Gods would mean they'd rip his head off and play soccer with it.

Someone actually summoned Thor from Earth to Apokalips to kill Darkseid, hoping that Darkseid's concern was justified.

Sadly we'll never know, because Barda and Scott Free stopped him from even meeting Darkseid.

So while I'd love for this story to include Thor going all hammer time on Darkseid's face, I don't see it happening.
It's a shame Zoat seems to be ignoring that for his whole "gods are just creations of the dream" thing given it's one of the more interesting story points to come out of the whole New God thing.
It can be both, as whatever it is that's steering Paul away from John is apparently opportunistic.

Well if it's John and his Laughing Magician powers, than he makes his own opportunities, manipulating probability itself and all that.

I'm now picturing an amalgam, Wanda Constantine, the Scarlet Hellblazer.
Something I remember when people gush about nigh omnipotent Darkseid ala Morrison, I remember Kirby wrote his fate as to be a harmless ghost so pathetic he has nothing better to do than try to terrorize a little kid who was his own grandson

I think Kirby's Darkseid was intended to be something like a paper tiger in a way that he only seemed powerful if people were afraid of him, but if they weren't then he wasn't that impressive.
I think Kirby's Darkseid was intended to be something like a paper tiger in a way that he only seemed powerful if people were afraid of him, but if they weren't then he wasn't that impressive.

Yes, Kirby based Darkseid on Hitler and Nixon- His Darkseid was a lying shit weasel and the "I'm a god among gods, bow down to me in despair!" was propaganda bullshit straight out of 1984.

Then DC has made Darkseid's bullshit true to hype up the loser who has faced defeat for decade after decade, some of them rather humiliating.

The Hunger had Galactus and the Silver Surfer go through all of Apokalips' defenses and Apokalips was saved just because it was such a shithole it wasn't worth eating, for example.

But sure, Morrison, he's a multiverse destroying omnipotent being who has just been cosplaying as a loser since 1970 because reasons.
Regnancy (part 12)
29th October 2012
23:52 GMT -3

Honestly, he acts more like a living statue than anything else.

It's not as if I bothered keeping track of Uncle Sam in any detail. Justice Society era records describe him as being stronger than he looks like he should be, tougher than he looks and able to fire Jubilee-grade bright lights from his hands. The one time I was forced to interact with him was at the ceremony marking the passing of the Citizenship Recognition Act, and he struck me as being… Really fake. Normally when someone goes on about principles that much while skipping actual policy, it's because they know their preferred policies would either alienate voters or be guaranteed to fail. I just decided to give him the benefit of the doubt because if anyone is going to be that patriotic, it's him, but…

But apparently it's not him.

My rings get confused when I try to scan him directly, but just asking for a visual image of the area he's in works fine. And he hasn't been doing anything particularly worrying in the half-hour or so since Lady Liberty alerted me to the possible problem, but…

For goodness sake, I'm supposed to be looking for John Constantine!

Okay, compose a message to Batman.


Have spoken to the American Goddess of Liberty. She has stated that the person posing as Uncle Sam is not actually Uncle Sam. I have no further information at this time. Send.


Shaking my head, I look down at the Garden of Brasília. Euanthe doesn't like cities. Though she isn't actively hostile to humans, with Brasília abandoned and in ruins she didn't see any reason not to have fun with the place with her new High Priestess. Her temple-palace is a huge eyesore of flowers and leaves, towering over the vine-wreathed trees that are busy breaking down the stone, concrete, steel and glass that was once a city. If I remember Dr. Isley's work, a good deal of that breaking down is being done by microscopic plants rather than raw green magic. There are a few humans around, but most of the former inhabitants of the inner city have left as refugees. The favela residents with nowhere else to go mostly went the same way, but some have stayed on. It's actually a little safer to live in the city now compared to what it was like in the gang-infested parts before the Sheeda Harrowing, though the amenities aren't as good.

Reminds me a little of planet O. Have to see about getting one of the natives to visit, and probably someone from Alstair.

After I find-!


Do I need an actual staff or something? People I can give these jobs to? And I can't even guarantee that I'm going to be able to give finding John my full attention after Hephaestaean is fully bedded in.

I fly over the woodlands, towards the temple-palace. Euanthe doesn't sleep but I think that Dr. Isley does. She still did at Arkham, and while she was active as Poison Ivy. But she hasn't been attending follow-up appointments while she's been in Brazil. Well, Euanthe's the one I want to talk to anyway.

I land on the… Courtyard? And walk towards the trailing fronds that cover the entrance. Hard to make a door out of living plants after all, and in Brazil keeping cool and dry is more of an issue than keeping warm.

"Euanthe? Are you at home?"

She can't ordinarily hear through plants, due to plants not having ears and so not being able to hear. But she should be aware of the pressure of my body against the plant surface that I'm standing on, and feel the plant spores on my armour.

"Yes! Come in!"

I push through the fronds, walking through into a segmented, woody hallway. No leaves in here due to the reduced light level, but there are closed flower buds at short intervals along the walls. That's a Poison Ivy classic; they'll no doubt be loaded with some sort of unnatural mental influence pollen, assuming that it's not something more deadly.

Either of them can rearrange plant life as much as they want, but that sort of thing would get annoying if there was more than one person living in a structure. 'Hey, I was using that room!' I suppose that's why there's an actual structure here, rather than Euanthe just making what she wants as she wants it. Or maybe she just feels that she should just guide the plants a little but that using them and throwing them away would be wrong. Not.. so much morally wrong as out of order.

I come to a crossroads, and…


Flowers along one of the corridors open, petals twinkling with bioluminescence. Not a characteristic those flowers usually have, so I guess that Euanthe has been listening to Dr. Isley.

I accelerate to a jog, hearing… Splashing ahead. I don't remember Euanthe needing to.. bathe. She's a plant. But maybe she likes the sensation of being rained on?

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"


That was Dr. Isley. She sounds awake at any rate.

I proceed to follow the flowers through the temple palace, eventually coming out onto a.. balcony. Above is a canopy of large bioluminescence petals, the walls covered in living vines and… The floor area is a plankton-filled pool. Dr. Isley is swimming in the deep part, and the water is green enough that I can't tell what she's wearing. Euanthe is sitting on a rock in the shallows, moisture from the shower-vines misting her as she plays with a pale-wooded miniature tree. As per normal, she's not bothered with any clothing, though her current body doesn't look 'feature complete'.

Dr. Isley stops swimming when she spots me, raising her right hand out of the water to wave. Her skin is back to medium green, which contrasts prettily with her red hair. Euanthe doesn't look up, but that's not unusual for her.

"What brings you here?"

"We overthrew Zeus. The new ruler wants to persuade Euanthe to branch out, and allow the other Olympians to proselytise here."

Dr. Isley breast strokes her way towards the shallows, leaves growing over her shoulders and down her torso as she emerges from the water. "What about Demeter?"

"She's the goddess of harvest and agriculture and she has tentatively agreed to return to work in that role. Rhea's not coming back-."

Euanthe's head jerks up. "You have seen Rhea?"

"No, but I met some of the children she had after she left. She's dead, I'm afraid."

"Oh." She freezes in place for a moment, then goes back to staring at her tree.

Dr. Isley fully leaves the water to stand on the wooden shore line. I fly down to her as she runs her hands through her hair, plankton blooming into decorative flowers.

"How long did it take you to learn that?"

"A little under a month. They don't last, but they're not supposed to. I'm glad I can understand that now."

I smile warmly. "So am I. What's with the tree?"

She looks around. "This one? I missed modern amenities. Euanthe tried to create plants that could provide them, but I don't think she really understood. Still, it's… Amazing, isn't it?"

"Yes, but I meant Euanthe's bonsai tree."

"She grew it from the wood you gave her from the Garden of Eden. Did that really happen?"


"Apparently, she's nearly managed to align it with the Green. When she does, every plant on the planet will burn any demon that touches it."

"And that's why we want her in the pantheon."
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"Apparently, she's nearly managed to align it with the Green. When she does, every plant on the planet will burn any demon that touches it."

"And that's why we want her in the pantheon."
Interestingly, the Green as a whole definitely continues to exist and function off world. Swamp Thing went to space a couple times. If we assume different thaumospheres have their own Parliments, I wonder if that trick might proliferate through trade.
Reminds me a little of planet O. Have to see about getting one of the natives to visit, and probably someone from Alstair.

After I find-!


Do I need an actual staff or something? People I can give these jobs to? And I can't even guarantee that I'm going to be able to give finding John my full attention after Hephaestaean is fully bedded in.

He's finally seeing to that.

remember Euanthe need to.. bathe.


"Yes, but I meant Euanthe's bonsai tree."

"She grew it from the wood you gave her from the Garden of Eden. Did that really happen?"


"Apparently, she's nearly managed to align it with the Green. When she does, every plant on the planet will burn any demon that touches it."

"And that's why we want her in the pantheon

Good, but Blue Devil may not exactly be a fan.
29th October 2012
23:52 GMT -3

Honestly, he acts more like a living statue than anything else.

It's not as if I bothered keeping track of Uncle Sam in any detail. Justice Society era records describe him as being stronger than he looks like he should be, tougher than he looks and able to fire Jubilee-grade bright lights from his hands. The one time I was forced to interact with him was at the ceremony marking the passing of the Citizenship Recognition Act, and he struck me as being… Really fake. Normally when someone goes on about principles that much while skipping actual policy, it's because they know their preferred policies would either alienate voters or be guaranteed to fail. I just decided to give him the benefit of the doubt because if anyone is going to be that patriotic, it's him, but…
And that's a big old warning there's something hinky about fake Sam. The real Sam would be more honest about things. Like the old saying: 'My country, right or wrong. If right, to keep it so. If wrong, to set it right.'

But apparently it's not him.

My rings get confused when I try to scan him directly, but just asking for a visual image of the area he's in works fine. And he hasn't been doing anything particularly worrying in the half-hour or so since Lady Liberty alerted me to the possible problem, but…
It's not like he'd be cackling to himself and rubbing his hands together in private...

For goodness sake, I'm supposed to be looking for John Constantine!

Okay, compose a message to Batman.
:confused: Still can't be sure if it's just OL's scatter-shot nature, flitting from interesting issue to fascinating problem, or if Constantine really does have a 'quit looking for me' effect running...


Have spoken to the American Goddess of Liberty. She has stated that the person posing as Uncle Sam is not actually Uncle Sam. I have no further information at this time. Send.

Batman's thoughts: "Oh, what the fu-..." Seriously, OL dropping something like this on him? Even he'll be a little put out.

Shaking my head, I look down at the Garden of Brasília. Euanthe doesn't like cities. Though she isn't actively hostile to humans, with Brasília abandoned and in ruins she didn't see any reason not to have fun with the place with her new High Priestess. Her temple-palace is a huge eyesore of flowers and leaves, towering over the vine-wreathed trees that are busy breaking down the stone, concrete, steel and glass that was once a city. If I remember Dr. Isley's work, a good deal of that breaking down is being done my microscopic plants rather than raw green magic. There are a few humans around, but most of the former inhabitants of the inner city have left as refugees. The favela residents with nowhere else to go mostly went the same way, but some have stayed on. It's actually a little safer to live in the city now compared to what it was like in the gang-infested parts before the Sheeda Harrowing, though the amenities aren't as good.
And that's just a matter of adjustment. After all, with a plant-demigoddess and a botanical scientist working together...

Reminds me a little of planet O. Have to see about getting one of the natives to visit, and probably someone from Alstair.

After I find-!
...And the 'leave me alone' effect hypothesis gets more likely. At this rate, he'll need to tell the Ring to remind him about Constantine every time he starts to get distracted...


Do I need an actual staff or something? People I can give these jobs to? And I can't even guarantee that I'm going to be able to give finding John my full attention after Hephaestaean is fully bedded in.
Such is the joy of taking all that responsibility onto yourself.

I fly over the woodlands, towards the temple-palace. Euanthe doesn't sleep but I think that Dr. Isley does. She still did at Arkham, and while she was active as Poison Ivy. But she hasn't been attending follow-up appointments while she's been in Brazil. Well, Euanthe's the one I want to talk to anyway.

I land on the… Courtyard? And walk towards the trailing fronds that cover the entrance. Hard to make a door out of living plants after all, and in Brazil keeping cool and dry is more of an issue than keeping warm.
True enough. At least they shouldn't have to worry too much about rot and decay, with living buildings.

"Euanthe? Are you at home?"

She can't ordinarily hear through plants, due to plants not having ears and so not being able to hear. But she should be aware of the pressure of my body against the plant surface that I'm standing on, and feel the plant spores on my armour.
...Unless she and Ivy have been getting creative.

"Yes! Come in!"

I push through the fronds, walking through into a segmented, woody hallway. No leaves in here due to the reduced light level, but there are closed flower buds at short intervals along the walls. That's a Poison Ivy classic; they'll do doubt be loaded with some sort of unnatural mental influence pollen, assuming that it's not something more deadly.
Hey, don't be hasty. Maybe it's just a mild sedative scent.

Either of them can rearrange plant life as much as they want, but that sort of thing would get annoying if there was more than one person living in a structure. 'Hey, I was using that room!' I suppose that's why there's an actual structure here, rather than Euanthe just making what she wants as she wants it. Or maybe she just feels that she should just guide the plants a little but that using them and throwing them away would be wrong. Not.. so much morally wrong as out of order.

I come to a crossroads, and…
Such is human nature. We like things consistent and reasonably reliable.


Flowers along one of the corridors open, petals twinkling with bioluminescence. Not a characteristic those flowers usually have, so I guess that Euanthe has been listening to Dr. Isley.
See? They have been getting creative. I bet the Parliament of the Green is paying very close attention.

I accelerate to a jog, hearing… Splashing ahead. I don't remember Euanthe need to.. bathe. She's a plant. But maybe she likes the sensation of being rained on?

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"
:D ...Cue hurried sounds of dressing, or otherwise tidying up from doing something...


That was Dr. Isley. She sounds awake at any rate.
I mean, with the right biological tweaks, she might well have abandoned the need for it. Or she's just up real late.

I proceed to follow the flowers through the temple palace, eventually coming out onto a.. balcony. Above is a canopy of large bioluminescence petals, the walls covered in living vines and… The floor area is a plankton-filled pool. Dr. Isley is swimming in the deep part, and the water is green enough that I can't tell what she's wearing. Euanthe is sitting on a rock in the shallows, moisture from the shower-vines misting her as she plays with a pale-wooded miniature tree. As per normal, she's not bothered with any clothing, though her current body doesn't look 'feature complete'.
...Ah, a hot springs episode. x3 How unexpected.

Dr. Isley stops swimming when she spots me, raising her right hand out of the water to wave. Her skin is back to medium green, which contrasts prettily with her red hair. Euanthe doesn't look up, but that's not unusual for her.

"What brings you here?"
Well, she's definitely flush with Green power. Hopefully being more respectful of it, though.

"We overthrew Zeus. The new ruler wants to persuade Euanthe to branch out, and allow the other Olympians to proselytise here."

Dr. Isley breast strokes her way towards the shallows, leaves growing over her shoulders and down her torso as she emerges from the water. "What about Demeter?"
Ah, the classic 'swimsuit of leaves' comic look. Nice.

"She's the goddess of harvest and agriculture and she has tentatively agreed to return to work in that role. Rhea's not coming back-."

Euanthe's head jerks up. "You have seen Rhea?"
Right, she'd been missing for a long time, wasn't she?

"No, but I met some of the children she had after she left. She's dead, I'm afraid."

"Oh." She freezes in place for a moment, then goes back to staring at her tree.
If you were expecting a more human reaction, then stop that, you silly person. :p Remember, as human as she looks, there's a very unique mind in there.

Dr. Isley fully leaves the water to stand on the wooden shore line. I fly down to her as she runs her hands through her hair, plankton blooming into decorative flowers.

"How long did it take you to learn that?"
No doubt just as potentially dangerous as those in the hall. Or she just likes the way they smell.

"A little under a month. They don't last, but they're not supposed to. I'm glad I can understand that now."

I smile warmly. "So am I. What's with the tree?"
So, no inclinations towards murderous rampages lately?

She looks around. "This one? I missed modern amenities. Euanthe tried to create plants that could provide them, but I don't think she really understood. Still, it's… Amazing, isn't it?"

"Yes, but I meant Euanthe's bonsai tree."
Perhaps if they could manage something for the human population, that'd be good...

"She grew it from the wood you gave her from the Garden of Eden. Did that really happen?"

Of course, it did piss off the original owners somewhat. But they're mostly assholes.

"Apparently, she's nearly managed to align it with the Green. When she does, every plant on the planet will burn any demon that touches it."

"And that's why we want her in the pantheon."
...That sounds like... Not such a great idea. What if it gives people more accustomed to using those energies a backdoor into the Green, never mind what it'll do to those Earth natives who might have issues with that sort of added feature?

So, fobbing the Uncle Sam thing off to the heroes, eh? Better than having him run himself ragged putting out brush fires, I suppose. It is interesting that even he seems to notice himself getting nudged away from focusing on John Constantine, though. Definitely making the likelihood that John set something up for privacy more probable. Let's just hope he can continue to deflect that deflection.
"She grew it from the wood you gave her from the Garden of Eden. Did that really happen?"


"Apparently, she's nearly managed to align it with the Green. When she does, every plant on the planet will burn any demon that touches it."

"And that's why we want her in the pantheon."
well......that's good. So now the anti demon defense is too just have people carry living plants to smack a demon with.........neat

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