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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

You realize that's the entire reason they're there? Skipping it would literally be antithetical to the storytelling we've come to expect here.
Zoat has a tendency, on occasion, to jump forward past events and then talk about them later, especially if they're not IMMEDIATELY vital.

He wouldn't skip over finding the cause, but jumping over putting the anger in Orion to just immediately see results is not out of the realm of possibility.
That should say 'fulfill'.
No it shouldn't.
No, that's correct. The cities have experienced a degree of linguistic drift and don't all use the same word. See 'Caesar', 'Kaiser' and 'Tzar'. Or 'Dux' and 'Duke'.
Zoat has a tendency, on occasion, to jump forward past events and then talk about them later, especially if they're not IMMEDIATELY vital.

He wouldn't skip over finding the cause, but jumping over putting the anger in Orion to just immediately see results is not out of the realm of possibility.
It's tomorrow. I'm not skipping it.
Is that how the Indigo's emulation works? I thought they just had some basic access to any colors.

Also, if Abin Sur founded it, does that mean he found maltusians willing to work with Indigo light since he went and continued as a green lantern? Just trying to understand the logistics of how the Indigo Corps is running itself.

Edit: I wonder how easy Paragon will find finding the Indigo Corps. He got Amon Sur arrested so he can't do what Renegade did to get their attention.

The implied rule in the comics which is actually proximity.

They were introducing coming across a Sinestro corpsman and a Green Lantern fighting.

They chased off the Sinestro corpsman with a giant yellow construct beast and then mercy killed the injured green lantern with a green construct.

The Indigo tribe seems perfectly capable of emulating another lantern- if there's one in proximity. Stewart was even able to emulate a black lantern and blow up Mogo with a black construct sniper rifle.

So pretty much the exact opposite of how Zoat has them here.

And Sur created the Indigo Tribe as an anti-Guardian force. He was distressed by how sociopathic they sometimes acted and helped create the Indigo Tribesman with the intention of forcing them to feel empathy if they ever crossed the line.

So the whole "recruit people by forcing them to feel empathy" thing that was mentioned? The Guardians were the intended targets.
as hilarious as that would be, did that maybe get autocorrected from 'Maltus'?
If I remember correctly, the particular weirdo Maltusian Paul talked to about helping out with making a red power ring actually hung around on planet Tulsa, and not on Maltus. So I think this is correct.
as hilarious as that would be, did that maybe get autocorrected from 'Maltus'?
No, it's Turi. Thank you, corrected.
They chased off the Sinestro corpsman with a giant yellow construct beast and then mercy killed the injured green lantern with a green construct.
That was really more of a 'mercy' kill. It would have been easy enough for them to heal him.
So pretty much the exact opposite of how Zoat has them here.
'We can do all the lights' just seemed a bit OP.
And Sur created the Indigo Tribe as an anti-Guardian force. He was distressed by how sociopathic they sometimes acted and helped create the Indigo Tribesman with the intention of forcing them to feel empathy if they ever crossed the line.
And that seemed a bit 'the Guardians are evil'.
Either missing a word or a comma somewhere.
Thank you, corrected.
"Which one restores the reason of the afflicted miners soonest?"

(claps) Way too many depictions of Orion overlook this aspect. Is this heroic ideal natural to Orion or is it the desire to make himself to the anti-thesis to everything Darkseid? Does it matter? I'm sure the miner won't care the motivation.
Butcher's Blood (part 14)
21st January 2013
11:44 GMT

"Okay, so I don't know exactly how this is going to work, or what it will feel like to you."


"I am familiar with rage." His full attention is focused on the caged berserker in front of us. "That was why you asked for me."

"True, but I don't know if that makes it better or worse. So I'm going to move it to you, and if you can't cope, tell me and I'll reverse-."

"Do not insult me by completing that offer." He takes his helmet off, and I'm struck by how… Normal he looks. Aside from the heavy brow and helmet-hair, I don't think I'd look at him twice if I passed him in the street. "Begin at once."


"Alright. One moment."

We look at the madman, the angry red coils still burrowed around his desire-strands. We look at Orion, his…

"Orion, we need you to reduce your defences against external interference. While we respect your caution, we are deliberately attempting to-."

"I understand."


And now we have a.. better look. It's a bit more complicated than a human's network, but the largest thing is that some desires… They look like they're… External? Connected to things I can't see inside and outside of his own psyche. I guess that's to do with however New God powers work.

We reach into the miner's psyche, towards the red strands. And then we call upon Orion's desire to remove the strands from their current host, using that to link the two psyches together. To begin with, the movement is slow, the strands almost reluctant to leave their current home. But then-.


Then they see something that makes them feel a part of something greater than themselves.

We wince as elemental rage and hate flow past us, from the miner and into Orion, where it seems to… Hesitate, as if not quite knowing what it's supposed to do or where it's supposed to go. We're anthropomorphising again. Then we see the moment where it… Collects itself and then spreads outwards, grasping at the network-



-before being pulled in, lining up with structures that are already there. We wait a moment, but nothing else appears to be happening on Orion's end. On the miner's end, we see… The desires are frayed, awareness only moving sluggishly around the network. But we have access to the Honden, and as such we can easily recall what should be there and restore it.

And back in the room. Orion's put his helmet back on, but otherwise seems to be managing perfectly well.


"What… What's happening?"

The miner doesn't know what's going on, but that's hardly unreasonable.

"Why am I-?" His hands find the collar and his eyes widen in terrified shock. "I'm not-. But I'm not-."

"You were, but we found a way to fix that. Now, I'm afraid that we'll need the chief warden to check you over before we can release you, but you should be returned to the bosom of your family by the end of the day."


"One moment." I step out of the cell. "Warden! We appear to have had a success!"

"You do?"

He strides over, walking into the cell and staring at the inmate.

"Kellen? Are you back with us?"

Kellen the Miner nods. "I didn't know.. I'd been gone. I just.. remember getting annoyed about Tullan dropping his pick, and then…" He shakes his head, his gaze growing distant for a moment before snapping back. "Then… Then a blur, and I was here. How.. long..?"

"Half a year."

"That's… That's a relief, actually. I don't know what I'd have done if it'd been years. My… My family?"

"All well, as far as I know. We had a… Well, a volcano erupted, but that's been taken care of and all of the farms should be alright."

"Taken… Care..?"

He looks me over.

"Oh. Right. Ah. How?"

"I transferred the rage into Orion."

Who's put his helmet back on and is looking… Tense.

"Orion? I ask this because of our fellowship and not because I doubt your capacities, but-."

"I'm fine. Take me to the next."

"They've been here for months already. If it would-."

"I said, that I'm fine."


"Alright. Warden, could you please take us to whoever's been here longest?"

"Aye, I can. Think calming thoughts, Kellen. We'll have the Dar's physician check you over, and then you'll be out."

Kellen steps away from the bars and sits on the cage's bench, trying to centre himself.

"Orion, I think-"

"How many times-?"

"-I can speed it up so we can do multiple at once. From what I could see of your network you should be able to absorb that much, but I leave the decision up to you."

"Do it."

"Alright. You'll need to remove your helmet again."

His jaw tightens, but he removes his helmet. He doesn't exactly look well, but his eyes are his own and the anger he feels appears to be focused.

We look deeper, and the red light he absorbed appears to be accreting around rage that he already feels. We suppose that makes sense; perhaps the issue that the locals have is that they're not as accustomed to rage as he is.

We look around, form a connection of need to each of the inmates and pull.
Last edited:
He takes his helmet off, and I'm struck by how… Normal he looks. Aside from the heavy brow and helmet-hair, I don't think I'd look at him twice if I passed him in the street.

Were you expecting him o look a bit like his nio dad?

Honestly even Darkseid looked normal once, but his appearance partially changed when he desired to make people more intimidated by him.

Orion doesn't want that and does not want to have anything to do with that ugly statue.

And now we have a.. better look. It's a bit more complicated than a human's network, but the largest thing is that some desires… They look like they're… External? Connected to things I can't see inside and outside of his own psyche. I guess that's to do with however New God powers work.

It may also be Mother Box's connection to him.

Orion? I ask this because of our fellowship and not because I doubt your capacities, but-."

"I'm fine. Take me to the next."

"They've been here for months already. If it would-."

"I said, that I'm fine."

This..does not look good.
21st January 2013
11:44 GMT

"Okay, so I don't know exactly how this is going to work, or what it will feel like to you."

"Only one way to see what happens, sweetie." Well, that's true. Orion may be accustomed to his Rage. But there's a difference between the rage of a single man, even a New God, and the leavings of the primal incarnation of the Universe's Fury.

"I am familiar with rage." His full attention is focused on the caged berserker in front of us. "That was why you asked for me."

"True, but I don't know if that makes it better or worse. So I'm going to move it to you, and if you can't cope, tell me and I'll reverse-."
He might soak it up like a sponge. Or it'll flow right in, and then right out of him and into someone else, like water across a hydrophobic coating.

"Do not insult me by completing that offer." He takes his helmet off, and I'm struck by how… Normal he looks. Aside from the heavy brow and helmet-hair, I don't think I'd look at him twice if I passed him in the street. "Begin at once."

"Don't mind him, sweetie. All this anger around here's getting him a little... Well..."

"Alright. One moment."

We look at the madman, the angry red coils still burrowed around his desire-strands. We look at Orion, his…
...And his metaphysique's locked down like a fortress, isn't it? Logical enough, given the dangers of New God memetic warfare...

"Orion, we need you to reduce your defences against external interference. While we respect your caution, we are deliberately attempting to-."

"I understand."

"Opening a door now, dear. Be quick, this isn't exactly easy, if you please."

And now we have a.. better look. It's a bit more complicated than a human's network, but the largest thing is that some desires… They look like they're… External? Connected to things I can't see inside and outside of his own psyche. I guess that's to do with however New God powers work.

We reach into the miner's psyche, towards the red strands. And then we call upon Orion's desire to remove the strands from their current host, using that to link the two psyches together. To begin with, the movement is slow, the strands almost reluctant to leave their current home. But then-.
Ah, an interesting chance for him to get a look at the Godhead, eh? That little fragment of the Source that binds to them when they take their Godname...


Then they see something that makes them feel a part of something greater than themselves.
Heh. Baiting the infection with a bigger, juicier Hate.

We wince as elemental rage and hate flow past us, from the miner and into Orion, where it seems to… Hesitate, as if not quite knowing what it's supposed to do or where it's supposed to go. We're anthropomorphising again. Then we see the moment where it… Collects itself and then spreads outwards, grasping at the network-
Like pouring water into a piping system. Except that the pipes are see-through, and the water is neon red...

"Oh, my. That's... A peculiar sensation, isn't it, dear?"

-before being pulled in, lining up with structures that are already there. We wait a moment, but nothing else appears to be happening on Orion's end. On the miner's end, we see… The desires are frayed, awareness only moving sluggishly around the network. But we have access to the Honden, and as such was can easily recall what should be there and restore it.

And back in the room. Orion's put his helmet back on, but otherwise seems to be managing perfectly well.
And it looks like the infection did some damage to the host, eh? Just like a cancer, indeed.

"Well, that went better than expected. Shouldn't be too much trouble for us."

"What… What's happening?"

The miner doesn't know what's going on, but that's hardly unreasonable.
So, the Rage poison effectively blocks all thought and memory in the victim, then...

"Why am I-?" His hands find the collar and his eyes widen in terrified shock. "I'm not-. But I'm not-."

"You were, but we found a way to fix that. Now, I'm afraid that we'll need the chief warden to check you over before we can release you, but you should be returned to the bosom of your family by the end of the day."
And won't that come as a shock to them, I wonder? Still, at least they won't be the only family getting a loved one back... Not if OL or Orion have any say in the matter.


"One moment." I step out of the cell. "Warden! We appear to have had a success!"
Don't sound too pleased with yourself, OL. That's one person. It remains to be seen how well Orion handles the rest.

"You do?"

He strides over, walking into the cell and staring at the inmate.
I'm guessing he didn't hold out much hope, eh?

"Kellen? Are you back with is?"

Kellen the Miner nods. "I didn't know.. I'd been gone. I just.. remember getting annoyed about Tullan dropping his pick, and then…" He shakes his head, his gaze growing distant for a moment before snapping back. "Then… Then a blur, and I was here. How.. long..?"
So, that moment of anger did open him up to the poison. With any luck, he remembers where, to give them a starting point on narrowing down the source.

"Half a year."

"That's… That's a relief, actually. I don't know what I'd have done if it'd been years. My… My family?"
Yeah, imagine that culture shock. It may still happen with some of the older cases...

"All well, as far as I know. We had a… Well, a volcano erupted, but that's been taken care of and all of the farms should be alright."

"Taken… Care..?"
...Lantern. :p Sure, wrong colour, but honestly, no-one's arguing about that part.

He looks me over.

"Oh. Right. Ah. How?"
Yeah, having a glowing fellow who's obviously not local either screams 'Lantern'... Or 'Alien God.'

"I transferred the rage into Orion."

Who's put his helmet back on and is looking… Tense.
...Doing okay there, big guy? Not... Grinding your teeth or anything?

"Orion? I ask this because of our fellowship and not because I doubt your capacities, but-."

"I'm fine. Take me to the next."
...Not reassuring, Orion. That could be eagerness speaking... Or addiction.

"They've been here for months already. If it would-."

"I said, that I'm fine."

"I reserve my judgement, but so far, so good..."

"Alright. Warden, could you please take us to whoever's been here longest?"

"Aye, I can. Think calming thoughts, Kellen. We'll have the Dar's physician check you over, and they you'll be out."
And hopefully get the chain off. Unless he swings that way. :p

Kellen steps away from the bars and sits on the cage's bench, trying to centre himself.

"Orion, I think-"
Good to see him so calm. I wonder if the over-exposure has left him better adjusted in that sense? So that his resting level of temper is much lower...

"How many times-?"

"-I can speed it up so we can do multiple at once. From what I could see of your network you should be able to absorb that much, but I leave the decision up to you."
...Baby steps, OL. Baby steps. Don't be like Tony Stark, trying to fly before you can walk.

"Do it."

"Alright. You'll need to remove your helmet again."

His jaw tightens, but he removes his helmet. He doesn't exactly look well, but his eyes are his own and the anger he feels appears to be focused.
Though, to be fair, he always seems a little angry.

We look deeper, and the red light he absorbed appears to be accreting around rage that he already feels. We suppose that makes sense; perhaps the issue that the locals have is that they're not as accustomed to rage as he is.

We look around, form a connection of need to each of the inmates and pull.
Though I suspect repairing their desire networks will take a little longer after this. Since each is a little different.

Well, time for Orion to try drinking from the fire hose, now that he's mastered the garden hose. Wonder what the chances of him gaining Enlightenment from all this is? I mean, he's already well accustomed to mastering his rage. How much more of a push would he need to be able to examine and accept it all? I suppose we'll find out eventually.

...and as such was can easily recall what should be there and restore it.
...and as such we can easily recall what should be there and restore it.
"Kellen? Are you back with is?"
"Kellen? Are you back with us?"
We'll have the Dar's physician check you over, and they you'll be out."
We'll have the Dar's physician check you over, and then you'll be out."
I am not certain that Orion can currently gain enlightenment, I mean at least from how I see it he would need to understand his anger and accept it along with what causes it. Currently he sees his anger as something he must endure, I don't think that is helping him for enlightenment.

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