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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Really, the mermaid interpretations were kind of iffy. Mythologically, they were more like harpies than merfolk. Kind of a different strain, with a different vocal talent.

Yeah, mermaids would probably be very, very different compared to the Little Mermaid.

...Huh. I'm guessing they had some manner of illusion or shapeshifting magic to hide their... More exotic features.

Or they just played it off as some eccentric makeup and style.

.I wonder, have there ever been any harpy-siren relationships before? x3

They're Greek mythological beings.

It would probably be easier to list the things they haven't had relationships with.
Interesting. I mean, sure, basically being a different kind of harpy is more mythologically accurate. But I don't think that's how DC chose to portray them. They either looked like normal, blonde women or sea serpent style mermaids from what I remember.

The blonde ones got turned into trees by Aphrodite. Wonder Woman kicked the serpentine mermaid one's ass, but it's revealed all the siren did was fuck off to Norway to kill fishermen there instead of targeting Greek fishermen.

Put it in spoilers because it's kind of big, but here's an image showing the mermaid style one off. Well, its human looking half anyways.


But that aside . . . Uh . . . Good on these sirens for not being evil anymore.
Interesting. I mean, sure, basically being a different kind of harpy is more mythologically accurate. But I don't think that's how DC chose to portray them. They either looked like normal, blonde women or sea serpent style mermaids from what I remember.

Siren of Vandal Savage's anti-Titans Tartarus is a hypnotic, green mermaid.

According to the wikipedias, her origins purportedly lie in the Loa and not Grecian mythology.
Reconstruction (part 12)
5th March 2013
08:28 GMT +3

Unusually new statues are easy to detect once I know what I'm looking for, and for the second time in my professional career I disconnect my own eyes. Diana has fought Medusa before, and the petrification gaze definitely isn't a Laundry Files-style transmutation effect, or a metaphor for an instinctive response to extreme ugliness. It's a magic effect, and she needed direct eye contact to petrify her targets.

And… Their clothes, apparently. That's a Justifier, and his helmet and armour are fully turned to stone along with his flesh. There's a small house built of stone and mortar up ahead, and I smile as I consider how much easier having a power ring makes something like this. Perseus did this with a blindfold and a shiny shield, and he was up against all three of them.


"Just a moment!"

There's a strange sort of echo to the shout, but I assume that it's because the shout is travelling through an irregular space or something. I frown at the petrified goat leaning against the wall. Scan for-. Ah. A small scale farm, isolated location… Ah… Scan for-. Yes, several places that have been used to site an outhouse.

And then she steps out of the house. Unlike with the siren, there's nothing here disrupting my scans, but it still takes me a moment to get my head around what I'm seeing. She's wearing a mask, one with no eye holes and a gorgon decoration on the front.

"Who is it?"

"Orange Lantern, one of Princess Diana's students."

She pulls back slightly. "They attacked me!"

"Yes, I suspect that you're telling the truth. That's a Justifier, someone whose sense of self was destroyed by the Anti-Life to turn them into an obedient thug. Ah, I already deactivated my own eyes, so if you want to you can take the mask off."

"Deactivated-? No, I'll leave it on. I can't afford to keep petrifying my own goats. What do you mean, 'deactivated'?"

"I got into a fight with a man called Johnny Sorrow a while ago. He has an ability quite a lot like yours, but by severing my own optic nerve I was able to bypass it entirely."

"You blinded yourself?!"

"I can undo it. I just didn't want to take the risk of making accidental eye contact."

I hear a quiet hissing, as if from a dozen different mouths.

"Alright, Orange Lantern. What do you want?"

"Are you alright?"


"The Greek government is in crisis, and the Amazons are absent. They're concerned that certain powerful individuals might take advantage-."

"No no no.. no. My sister-. I've made something of a life for myself here. How could I rule a country where everyone who makes eye contact with me turns to stone?"

Hm. I had considered this earlier, but with Medusa in Tartarus and no idea where the other two were, I never put it into practice.

"Does your power come from your eyes, or does that just trigger the connection? Or if you don't know-."

"No, it comes from our eyes. Circe checked for Medusa, many years ago. Why?"

"I could just replace your eyes as I've replaced mine several times. Either with cloned eyes, or with mechanical ones."


"Ah, I'm sorry. I wasn't sure whether you'd know the term or not."

"Hephaestus-. Hephaestaean sends me letters. Sent me letters. I don't get a lot of visitors."

"You do live out of the way, here."

I land in front of her, holding my hands out to the side palms upwards and fabricate both a cybernetic and an organic eye. Cloning tissue from innately magical individuals is a risky business, as what you get either isn't magical -and hence inclined to not work- or is magical -and so does the exact same thing as the original- but I think I know what I'm doing. If it's part of the spell Athena used, the swapping out the original eyes should be enough. In theory, it might even trigger her to turn back into a human, but magical inertia would usually prevent that.

"I can install either, but-."

"Come inside so that I can take a look without turning something to stone."

"Lead the way."

She walks back into her house, reaching up to pull off her mask the moment she's through the door. I follow her, letting the ring fill in for my eyes. Simple, well-construct furniture, the result of having unlimited time and… Well, hands.


She turns around to face me, laying the mask on a table as she does so.

"I thought you and the others were supposed to be ugly."

"Oh gods, tell me you're not some sort of snake-cultist. What were they called…? Cobra?"


"That's what I-. With a 'K'?" I nod. "That doesn't even make sense. They're Hindu. Their original holy texts were written in Kannada."

"I thought they were from India?"

"No, 'Kannada' with a 'K', the Indian language."

"Ah, right. Well, their prophesied saviour was an American."

"And suddenly it makes sense."

"I'm not a member, though I admit to being familiar with the appearances of other species. Your face is still symmetrical, your scale-pattern is regular and-. Okay, the snakes are a bit disturbing, but I'm sure they could grow on a person."

"Yes. They did." She takes a step closer and picks up the cybernetic eye. "And this… Works?"

"Assuming that your body is mostly normal flesh, yes, they will work. I'd offer to implant one in myself as a demonstration, but that would risk turning me to stone. Oh! Ah, semi-related issue, I can also fully upgrade your house if you want. I imagine that you find getting work done a little difficult."

"New eyes and a new house. You're kind of leaning into the snake-fetishist thing…"

"I like fixing problems. And I'm affianced, so that's not an issue. Though… I do know a few people who might be, if you want me to put you in contact? You're basically human on the inside, and this sort of isolation isn't psychologically healthy."

"I'm… Not sure. I've had my eyes for a long time."

"Heh. To quote the author Sir Terrance Pratchett, 'my bum has been a bum for a very long time, but I don't have to listen to anything it says'."

"Hah! Uh. I don't think that one of Diana's students would lie to me, I just-."

I close my eyes and reconnect my optic nerve. Then I step close enough that her snake hairs could bite and deactivate my environmental shield.

"I'll replace them one at a time, and you can bite me if it doesn't work. I'd swear an oath to Gaea again, but the grove went with the island."

"Uh." Oh, I-. Probably violated her personal space there. "Uh. Okay, then. I've never liked my right eye anyway."
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5th March 2013
08:28 GMT +3

Unusually new statues are easy to detect once I know what I'm looking for, and for the second time in my professional career I disconnect my own eyes. Diana has fought Medusa before, and the petrification gaze definitely isn't a Laundry Files style transmutation effect, or a metaphor for an instinctive response to extreme ugliness. It's a magic effect, and she needed direct eye contact to petrify her targets.

And… Their clothes, apparently. That's a Justifier, and his helmet and armour are fully turned to stone along with his flesh. There's a small house built of stone and mortar up ahead, and I smile as I consider how much easier having a power ring makes something like this. Perseus did this with a blindfold and a shiny shield, and he was up against all three of them.
So definitely a fully magical effect. Hopefully painlessly swift, because the alternative is feeling your flesh transforming into stone slowly, feeling the loss of sensation crawling up your body... :confused: It doesn't sound like a fun way to go.


"Just a moment!"
Well, at least she's not openly hostile. I expect she's taking care in case of visitors, though.

There's a strange sort of echo to the shout, but I assume that it's because the shout is travelling through an irregular space or something. I frown at the petrified goat leaning against the wall. Scan for-. Ah. A small scale farm, isolated location… Ah… Scan for-. Yes, several places that have been used to site an outhouse.

And then she steps out of the house. Unlike with the siren, there's nothing here disrupting my scans, but it still takes me a moment to get my head around what I'm seeing. She's wearing a mask, one with no eye holes and a gorgon decoration on the front.
A logical safety precaution if her power relies on eye contact. Have to wonder how she sees with it on, but that can be explained via magic.

"Who is it?"

"Orange Lantern, one of Princess Diana's students."
A good idea to lead with that. No telling how she'd react to any random tom, dick or harry turning up. Given her last visitor's state. :p

She pulls back slightly. "They attacked me!"

"Yes, I suspect that you're telling the truth. That's a Justifier, someone whose sense of self was destroyed by the Anti-Life to turn them into an obedient thug. Ah, I already deactivated my own eyes, so if you want to you can take the mask off."
Now, an important question to ask: Can she reverse the effect? Or is Justifier guy (and the goat) just plain gone?

"Deactivated-? No, I'll leave it on. I can't afford to keep petrifying my own goats. What do you mean, 'deactivated'?"

"I got into a fight with a man called Johnny Sorrow a while ago. He has an ability quite a lot like yours, but my severing my own optic nerve I was able to bypass it entirely."
Though it did take him a little time to get used to seeing through other methods. I expect he's using virtual cameras or similar to sense her right now. Ideally with a smart censor 'blindfold' over her eyes.

"You blinded yourself?!"

"I can undo it. I just didn't want to take the risk of making accidental eye contact."
Ah, that casual reminder that OL is totally willing to maim himself in the line of duty. Remember when he force-fed that Spider Guilder his own leg? :p (OL's leg, not the Guilder.)

I hear a quiet hissing, as if from a dozen different mouths.

"Alright, Orange Lantern. What do you want?"
...Ah, yes. The snake hair. That might be how she's seeing, maybe, if their senses are linked to hers.

"Are you alright?"

Come now, surely you've heard of a 'welfare check' before? Or at least the idea of 'check on the powerful yet dangerous person'?

"The Greek government is in crisis, and the Amazons are absent. They're concerned that certain powerful individuals might take advantage-."

"No no no.. no. My sister-. I've made something of a life for myself here. How could I rule a country where everyone who makes eye contact with me turns to stone?"
True, and ruling by proxy hardly feels like ruling at all.

Hm. I had considered this earlier, but with Medusa in Tartarus and no idea where the other two were, I never put it into practice.

"Does your power come from your eyes, or does that just trigger the connection? Or if you don't know-."
...And which of the sisters is she? Stheno or Euryale? I don't remember if DC ever implied much difference in character between them, though.

"No, it comes from our eyes. Circe checked for Medusa, many years ago. Why?"

"I could just replace your eyes as I've replaced mine several times. Either with cloned eyes, or with mechanical ones."
...Bit extreme, OL? Also, who's to say whether the spell would remain with the removed eyes, or simply transfer to the new orbs?


"Ah, I'm sorry. I wasn't sure whether you'd know the term or not."
They can have all manner of additional functions, too. Like having a mobile phone built into your vision. Which could probably be more trouble than it's worth.

"Hephaestus-. Hephaestaean sends me letters. Sent me letters. I don't get a lot of visitors."

"You do live out of the way, here."
For good reason, I would think. Interesting that Heph has been keeping in touch with her, though, at least before the Anti-Life. Presumably sympathy over the divine 'fuck you' she got. (Which is said to be Athena's fault, changing all three of the sisters for Medusa's supposed 'crime'.)

I land in front of her, holding my hands out to the side palms upwards and fabricate both a cybernetic and an organic eye. Cloning tissue from innately magical individuals is a risky business, as what you get either isn't magical -and hence inclined to not work- or is magical -and so does the exact same thing as the original- but I think I know what I'm doing. If it's part of the spell Athena used, the swapping out the original eyes should be enough. In theory, it might even trigger her to turn back into a human, but magical inertia would usually prevent that.
...Man, OL really comes across as a villainous tempter, sometimes. And good, willing to test the theory that the curse is bound to the person, not just the organ.

"I can install either, but-."

"Come inside so that I can take a look without turning something to stone."
Hopefully it has a range limit on it. I'd hate to imagine her accidentally stoning someone on a far hillside without knowing it simply because they were looking the wrong way at the wrong moment (via binoculars or not...)

"Lead the way."

She walks back into her house, reaching up to pull off her mask the moment she's through the door. I follow her, letting the ring fill in for my eyes. Simple, well-construct furniture, the result of having unlimited time and… Well, hands.
Heh. I assume she's also close to human in form, rather than the more modern 'snake-demon lady' like 'Clash of the Titans'.


She turns around to face me, laying the mask on a table as she does so.

"I thought you and the others were supposed to be ugly."
Hey, now. Be polite, OL. The lady's been through a lot, she doesn't need teasing like that. :rolleyes:

"Oh gods, tell me you're not some sort of snake-cultist. What were they called…? Cobra?"

And of course OL is able to correct the pronunciation, despite the sounds being similar. (I assume the villainous sect is dubbed 'cob-rah' rather than 'coh-bra')

"That's what I-. With a 'K'?" I nod. "That doesn't even make sense. They're Hindu. Their original holy texts were written in Kannada."

"I thought they were from India?"
...And then he promptly has the same issue. Or he's just ribbing her. :D

"No, 'Kannada' with a 'K', the Indian langue."

"Ah, right. Well, their prophesised saviour was an American."

"And suddenly it makes sense."
:V Heh. Indeed.

"I'm not a member, though I admit to being familiar with the appearances of other species. Your face is still symmetrical, your scale-pattern is regular and-. Okay, the snakes are a bit disturbing, but I'm sure they could grow on a person."

"Yes. They did." She takes a step closer and picks up the cybernetic eye. "And this… Works?"
Ooh, nice comeback, dear. The lady has a wry wit.

"Assuming that your body is mostly normal flesh, yes, they will work. I'd offer to implant one in myself as a demonstration, but that would risk turning me to stone. Oh! Ah, semi-related issue, I can also fully upgrade your house if you want. I imagine that you find getting work done a little difficult."

"New eyes and a new house. You're kind of leaning into the snake-fetishist thing…"
Nonsense! He's just being a good guest. And potentially heading off minor issues that might trigger dangerous situations alter.

"I like fixing problems. And I'm affianced, so that's not an issue. Though… I do know a few people who might be, if you want me to put you in contact? You're basically human on the inside, and this sort of isolation isn't psychologically healthy."

"I'm… Not sure. I've had my eyes for a long time."
Honey, believe me, there are a lot of people who would be falling at your feet. certainly, there are plenty of xenophiles and lovers of cryptological beings around, if the internet is anything to go by...

"Heh. To quote the author Sir Terrance Pratchett, 'my bum has been a bum for a very long time, but I don't have to listen to anything it says'."

"Hah! Uh. I don't think that one of Diana's students would lie to m, I just-."
Seriously, I don't think the modern world is going to be ready for this lady.

I close my eyes and reconnect my optic nerve. Then I step close enough that her snake hairs could bite and deactivate my environmental shield.

"I'll replace them one at a time, and you can bite me if it doesn't work. I'd swear an oath to Gaea again, but the grove went with the island."

"Uh." Oh, I-. Probably violated her personal space there. "Uh. Okay, then. I've never liked my right eye anyway."
Yeah, coming on just a wee bit strong there, OL. Especially to a lady who's probably starved for physical contact.

Hopefully, once the Olympians come out of their self-exile, Athena doesn't learn about the possible sidestep of her curse and re-inflict it on the lady. I'd like to hope she'd have cooled off somewhat in the last couple of millennia. As for using enchanted glasses or contacts, why take the risk of them being removed or damaged at the wrong moment? Replacing the organs in question is still a bit extreme, though...

"No, 'Kannada' with a 'K', the Indian langue."
"No, 'Kannada' with a 'K', the Indian language." (Unless that's some obscure term...)
...And which of the sisters is she? Stheno or Euryale? I don't remember if DC ever implied much difference in character between them, though.

Well, if Fate/Grand Order is to be believed, my money would be on Euryale, since she is the nicer of the two sisters. :D

. . . Aside from that, I have to say that is a very nice workaround to the Gorgon curse.
That should say 'by'.
Thank you, corrected.
What are the odds she'll have a thing for OL because of this?
She doesn't meet a lot of people.
"No, 'Kannada' with a 'K', the Indian language." (Unless that's some obscure term...)
Thank you, corrected.
Considering she can't see his optic nerves and he closed his eyes anyway, I'm not sure how she was supposed to know that.
Technically she didn't, but when someone who had their eyes open and staring blankly before suddenly closes them and you're a gorgon, it isn't hard to guess.
Quoting PTerry is always a good thing! Also quite relevant since the Discs version of the nice Lady OL is talking to is very likely a member of the Ankh-Morpork city Watch.
Reconstruction (part 13)
5th March 2013
08:44 GMT +3

I wave my rune stone around another part of Mount Olympus that should register as thaumically active. No reaction, not even something indicating a residue of an old spell. Whatever happened was surprisingly thorough.

Euryale blinks excessively hard as she looks around the mountainside.

"Managing alright over there?"

"Some-. I'm seeing things that I haven't seen before."

"Do you remember what your vision was like when you were a human?"

Whatever Athena did to transform her it wasn't bound to her eyes, though we proved that the petrification effect was by testing it on a sparrow.

"I thought that I did. Is this how humans see things?"

"The cybernetic eyes can see a far wider range of colours than human eyes, but by default it just has a slight expansion on the normal visual range so that your brain can cope."

"Do they need to be cleaned or maintained?"

"They're designed to be cleaned in the same way as organic eyes. Just blink every so often-. Not like that; I mean naturally. As for repairs, I'd normally say 'no', but given how long gorgons appear to live…"

Ring, appointment calendar.


"You should be able to contact me by the Themysciran embassy at any time, but I'll make a note to seek you out in fifty years and make sure that they're still working properly."

"Thank you."

Her eyes-. She's sort of trying to look at me with three thousand plus years of instinct telling her not to make eye contact with the helpful human. But since we tested this I just fly directly in front of her and stare into her eyes. Her eyes momentarily widen in shock, then she realises what happened and smiles, bowing her head slightly.

"Can I offer eyes like these to my sisters?"

"To Stheno, certainly. To Medusa… I'm not sure whether she has a material body or not, but I don't think that Lord Hades is going to be moderating her punishment anytime soon. Whatever offence the gods gave her, she took it out on a lot of people."

"Offering it to Stheno would be difficult as well; she was on Themyscira."

"Um. Did they know that she was there?"

"Princess Diana did; I don't know who else she told. She wanted to live somewhere with people who wouldn't forget to avoid her gaze."

"Bit of a shame that there isn't a simple reversal for it, really. It would be easy enough for me to track down the parts of old and broken statues."

"I-. No, it doesn't work. Even if you turned them back into flesh they would still be dead. Circe tried that once."

"She undid your petrification spell?"

"No, she created a spell that did the same thing and then reversed that."

"I'm… Assuming this was some time ago…"

"Oh, yes. This was back when Circe had only recently become immortal. She wouldn't have visited us without being sure that she could avoid petrification herself."

"Okay. Did you have any other ideas about getting into Olympus?"

"I never studied magic in any detail. I can tell you where most of the old paths are-. Or, were. But that's it. It's not like any of the gods like me."

Yeah, that's… Fair. Huh. I wonder-.


Euryale shrinks back. "What?"

"She's nominally my patron. I haven't actually spoken to her directly for a little while so-."


I wipe the custard pie off my face.

"I know that's a classic, but this isn't really the time-."

There's writing on the foil case. I-.

The pie is construct-proof.

That would be interesting to study if not for the fact that the construct-proofing means that I can't put it into subspace. Instead, I shake the remains of the pie out and read it.

"'To: Pavlos. If you're reading this, then you've become too predictable. This is automatic. Try harder. Eris.'"

Okay, and true, but that doesn't actually help me-.

The pie case isn't construct-proof, so I can put it into subspace and get a wizard to try using it to track her. That's very nearly progress.


"Eris and I have an irregular relationship. She-."

"She p-p-hah-hah-hah-haha!"

"It's a classic for a reason-. I've still got some on my face, haven't I?" Fabricate a damp flannel and a mirror, wipe… "Right, ah… This has been fun, but the world's in a pretty sorry state at the moment and I need to get back to work. Are you aware of any other Greek mythos persons of interest who might need 'managing' after being exposed to the Anti-Life?"

"How many people do you think I meet in a year?"

"Yes, that's a reasonable point. Anything else I can build for you?"

"No, I'm fine with just the oven. I wouldn't know what to do with modern appliances."

I nod. "Transition in two, one." And we're back at her house.

"Thought… Ah." She looks awkward.

"Do you want me to show your picture to men who might be interested in snake women? I could just give you a computer so you can set up a dating profile."

"Those things are a terrible way to meet people. I'm not saying-. If there was someone you could refer personally?"

"No one springs to mind immediately, but I'll ask around. Good day."

I transition upwards, to the edge of the atmosphere. I'm glad I could help her, I really am, but the rest of the world-. And I haven't found anyone who might be causing magic-based trouble in Greece. Ah. Maybe they didn't have a specific individual in mind, and it was just an in-case thing?

Ring, scan the country, and if you don't find anything then I'll just give them an emergency beacon-.

Missus Hall? What's sheshit!
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