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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Transformational (part 3)
5th February 2014
12:36 GMT -7:00

I hop out of Slipstream's cockpit and onto the tarmac of the Jasper Airforce Base, Slipstream transforming the moment I'm clear. Some of the soldiers and ground crew regard Slipstream nervously for a moment, but they mostly get back to their job as Agent Fowler marches past.

"You got someone?"

Fowler glances at me… Something odd in his eyes. "We got someone."

"A dying member of the Joint Chiefs-?"

"He's a kid."

O-oh. "A.. child? Why would-?"

"Tried to steal some energon crystals from the Chinese government, only they were unstable and the whole pile blew up in his face. He's been suffering from severe energon exposure on top of everything else." He shakes his head, eyes not entirely focused. "They were using him as a test case, but it's pretty clear that he isn't going to last all that much longer. How fast can Shockwave work?"

"Pretty.. fast. Didn't that happen to… Ah, Ralph?"

"Raf got infected with dark energon. It's not the same." He shakes his head. "We can't treat him here."

Which is a bit odd, now that I think about it. The local humans evolved on Unicron's outer surface. If anything, I'd have thought that they'd be at least a little compatible with dark energon.

I nod. "Sounds like a good candidate. Are you bringing him here?"

He nods. "Jet's arriving in a few minutes."

"Alright. Do his parents want to come along and watch? I assume they've-."

"As far as we can tell, he's an orphan." Fowler shakes his head. "Doesn't even have a family name. He just goes by Kyansa."

"Is he in any state to have input on his treatment?"

"Not according to the Chinese." He glances over to where a group of American soldiers are setting up an expansive medical tent. "How much we can trust that remains to be seen."

I feel Slipstream's puzzlement, but she usually prefers to let me handle other humans.

"Has there been a development in international affairs that we've missed?"

Fowler looks at me, then up at Slipstream. Then he turns around and stares up at Darkmount, the world's biggest sundial needle and the reason why the US government is bothering to rebuild Jasper.

"Everyone's scrambling to grab hold of whatever cybertronian technology got left on Earth. And all of the energon deposits that are still here."

Slipstream smirks. "Eating energon doesn't sound like it goes well for you."

"We don't have the technology to refine it, we can't make more and it makes a much worse warhead than a fission bomb. That isn't stopping everyone who doesn't know what you and-" He looks back at me. "-I know convincing themselves that it's a vital resource. I'd have thought that you'd have been getting offers."

Slipstream shrugs. "Do I look like a miner? Ooh." She looks down at me. "We should get a miner."

"If what Agent Fowler says is correct, that might be a bad idea. How tense are things?"

"At the moment, everyone knows that the US knows more about cybertronian technology than everyone else. So they assume that if anyone knows anything about advanced alien weapons, it's us."

I shake my head. "China copied half of its arsenal from America because of your terrible data security. If you knew, they'd know."

"That-." He shifts awkwardly. "We do know more about energon processing than anyone else. And we got hold of more raw materials than any other country, thanks to M.E.C.H. and this place. That's what China wanted in exchange for their prisoner."

I shrug. "Better for the environment than coal, I suppose. Have you got Darkmount's space bridge working?"

He nods. "Not that we want to let the Chinese -or anyone else- know. If anyone asks, it's yours."

I nod back. "And what do we owe you for their prisoner?"

"The full technical schematics of your implants."

"Sure. It's about a century in advance of anything Earth could make, but it's yours. Anything else-?" I frown. "Or was that a personal request for Misses Darby?"

"Ah, of course not." He shakes his head. "And I wouldn't be so sure that it's too advanced for us. Colonel Bishop used a similar system to control Breakdown's body."

I shake my head. "The setup he used wasn't sustainable. I'm amazed he lived long enough for Airachnid to kill him without getting every part of his body infected with something."

"Sure. We also want an agreement not to trade cybertronian technology with anyone. Other than the US, of course."

Slipstream snorts.

"You realise that Earth isn't exactly short of terminally ill people, don't you? I asked you first as a courtesy, not because you were our only option." I glance over to the base's tank hangar. "We gave you those null cannons to shut this place down, not to try and make you planetary hegemon."

"You sold us those null cannons." I shrug. "Fine. Weapons, then."

"We'll agree to limit weapon sales to the US, India and Britain."

I feel Slipstream's disquiet as she underestimates the ability of my countrymen to bypass arms embargos.

"India… I guess you've already got contracts with them." We've got infrastructure that we want to defend. India can't afford our guns. "Britain?"

"Where did you think I got this accent? Malaga? The important thing is, not China, not Russia, and not anywhere in the Middle East, which is basically what you want."

"I guess that-." We hear the roar of a jet engine and look up as-.

Slipstream's eyes narrow. "You've got Stratosphere doing cargo pickups?"

"The Autobots wanted to trade for any of the relics we find. And they want to keep an eye on Unicron."

Hm. I hoped that we'd negotiate on setting up a watch, though I suppose that for the Autobots, reaching out to a human government they already had good relations with makes more sense than trying to work with me. I'll have to try and get an appointment with Emirate Xaaron to set up a system for coordinating our efforts, at least.

Stratosphere lands on the runway, puts down his ramp and waits patiently for the physicians to move the patient towards the medical tent for a check-up.

Agent Fowler watches him go. "What are his chances?"

"Literally no one has ever died during a headmaster conversion. Shockwave has been researching human physiology at my request." I shrug. "I don't know how injured Kyansa is or what sort of problems the energon poisoning is causing, but I can't think of anyone who could do more."

"I hope he pulls through." He nods. "Let me know how it goes."

"Me too. I will."
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Which is a bit odd, now that I think about it. The local humans evolved on Unicron's outer surface. If anything, I'd have thought that they'd be at least a little compatible with dark energon.

Even if they are, it may have still been too much.

Humans are compatible with water, but too much and they drown.
5th February 2014
12:36 GMT -7:00

I hop out of Slipstream's cockpit and onto the tarmac of the Jasper Airforce Base, Slipstream transforming the moment I'm clear. Some of the soldiers and ground crew regard Slipstream nervously for a moment, but they mostly get back to their job as Agent Fowler marches past.

"You got someone?"
Otherwise this will be a short meeting. I do wonder if any of the local servicemen are looking at the giant robot lady and getting ideas. Especially when they see Paul hanging around her acting kind-of friendly.

Fowler glances at me… Something odd in his eyes. "We got someone."

"A dying member of the Joint Chiefs-?"
...Now that would be an amusing crossover. Imagine Glider-form Aerial Vehicons... Though honestly, they're halfway there anyway.

"He's a kid."

O-oh. "A.. child? Why would-?"
...Hey, wait...

"Tried to steal some energon crystals from the Chinese government, only they were unstable and the whole pile blew up in his face. He's been suffering from severe energon exposure on top of everything else." He shakes his head, eyes not entirely focused. "They were using him as a test case, but it's pretty clear that he isn't going to last all that much longer. How fast can Shockwave work?"

"Pretty.. fast. Didn't that happen to… Ah, Ralph?"
True, pure energon does not play nice with the human body by itself. A bit richer than we're used to.

"Raf got infected with dark energon. It's not the same." He shakes his head. "We can't treat him here."

Which is a bit odd, now that I think about it. The local humans evolved on Unicron's outer surface. If anything, I'd have thought that they'd be at least a little compatible with dark energon.
Again, probably a little too pure for him.

I nod. "Sounds like a good candidate. Are you bringing him here?"

He nods. "Jet's arriving in a few minutes."
Ah, a little too prompt in their arrival. Still, better early than late.

"Alright. Do his parents want to come along and watch? I assume they've-."

"As far as we can tell, he's an orphan." Fowler shakes his head. "Doesn't even have a family name. He just goes by Kyansa."
Heh. Nice. And maybe after the whole 'realign Shockwave's emotional coding' thing is done, if he wants to keep being awesome, they could build a predacon-ish Transtector for him.

"Is he in any state to have input on his treatment?"

"Not according to the Chinese." He glances over to where a group of American soldiers are setting up an expansive medical tent. "How much we can trust that remains to be seen."
Ah. So, comatose at best, actively on life-support at worst.

I feel Slipstreams puzzlement, but she usually prefers to let me handle other humans.

"Has there been a development in international affairs that we've missed?"
I don't know, the reveal of giant alien robots might well shake up human culture just a bit. :p

Fowler looks at me, then up at Slipstream. Then he turns around and stares up at Darkmount, the world's biggest sundial needle and the reason why the US government is bothering to rebuild Jasper.

"Everyone's scrambling to grab hold of whatever cybertronian technology got left on Earth. And all of the energon deposits that are still here."
Which are quite plentiful, I bet. Not even the Decepticons could mine them all.

Slipstream smirks. "Eating energon doesn't sound like it goes well for you."

"We don't have the technology to refine it, we can't make more and it makes a much worse warhead than a fission bomb. That isn't stopping everyone who doesn't know what you and-" He looks back at me. "-I know convincing themselves that it's a vital resource. I'd have thought that you'd have been getting offers."
So better to stockpile it until the can use it. Or at least keep people from licking the crystallised evil god-blood.

Slipstream shrugs. "Do I look like a miner? Ooh." She looks down at me. "We should get a miner."

"If what Agent Fowler says is correct, that might be a bad idea. How tense are things?"
On the upside, they can do quite the act on the talk show circuit.

"At the moment, everyone knows that the US knows more about cybertronian technology than everyone else. So they assume that if anyone knows anything about advanced alien weapons, it's us."

I shake my head. "China copied half of its arsenal from America because of your terrible data security. If you knew, they'd know."
...Not touching that one with a fifteen-foot pole.

"That-." He shifts awkwardly. "We do know more about energon processing than anyone else. And we got hold of more raw materials than any other country, thanks to M.E.C.H. and this place. That's what China wanted in exchange for their prisoner."

I shrug. "Better for the environment than coal, I suppose. Have you got Darkmount's space bridge working?"
Let's hope no MECH survivors are still in the wind, and possibly looking at overseas travel. ;)

He nods. "Not that we want to let the Chinese -or anyone else- know. If anyone asks, it's yours."

I nod back. "And what do we owe you for their prisoner?"
Since I doubt they're going to just hand him over out of the kindness of their hearts, much as Fowler is a nice guy.

"The full technical schematics of your implants."

"Sure. It's about a century in advance of anything Earth could make, but it's yours. Anything else-?" I frown. "Or was that a personal request for Misses Darby?"
No no big loss there. Curious that June would be asking about the implants. Or that she'd have any significant involvement, given she's a civilian nurse who got caught up in this largely by circumstance.

"Ah, of course not." He shakes his head. "And I wouldn't be so sure that it's too advanced for us. Colonel Bishop used a similar system to control Breakdown's body."

I shake my head. "The setup he used wasn't sustainable. I'm amazed he lived long enough for Airachnid to kill him without getting every part of his body infected with something."
Or simply burning his nerves up from the inside out. Not a pleasant way to go either way.

"Sure. We also want an agreement not to trade cybertronian technology with anyone. Other than the US, of course."

Slipstream snorts.
I suspect the rest of the world would be a bit upset about that kind of exclusivity.

"You realise that Earth isn't exactly short of terminally ill people, don't you? I asked you first as a courtesy, not because you were our only option." I glance over to the base's tank hangar. "We gave you those null cannons to shut this place down, not to try and make you planetary hegemon."

"You sold us those null cannons." I shrug. "Fine. Weapons, then."
And they're not exactly reproducible yet, are they? Best to stay on the good side of your dealer.

"We'll agree to limit weapon sales to the US, India and Britain."

I feel Slipstream's disquiet as she underestimates the ability of my countrymen to bypass arms embargos.
Yeah, once this stuff gets out in the wild, it will find its way everywhere, given the right amount of money to grease some palms.

"India… I guess you've already got contracts with them." We've got infrastructure that we want to defend. India can't afford our guns. "Britain?"

"Where did you think I got this accent? Malaga? The important thing is, not China, not Russia, and not anywhere in the Middle East, which is basically what you want."
And presumably the UK would be free to sell them on to the rest of the EU. ;) Or not.

"I guess that-." We hear the roar of a jet engine and look up as-.

Slipstream's eyes narrow. "You've got Stratosphere doing cargo pickups?"
Ah, one of the big guys. Presumably in his earlier, non-screen form rather than his later official one.

"The Autobots wanted to trade for any of the relics we find. And they want to keep an eye on Unicron."

Hm. I hoped that we'd negotiate on setting up a watch, though I suppose that for the Autobots, reaching out to a human government they already had good relations with makes more sense than trying to work with me. I'll have to try and get an appointment with Emirate Xaaron to set up a system for coordinating our efforts, at least.
Since Earth does seem to be littered with old Cybertronian relics...

Stratosphere lands on the runway, puts down his ramp and waits patiently for the physicians to move the patient towards the medical tent for a check-up.

Agent Fowler watches him go. "What are his chances?"
...Flip a coin? Presumably one of the first steps will be cleansing his system of Energon poisoning.

"Literally no one has ever died during a headmaster conversion. Shockwave has been researching human physiology at my request." I shrug. "I don't know how injured Kyansa is or what sort of problems the energon poisoning is causing, but I can't think of anyone who could do more."

"I hope he pulls through." He nods. "Let me know how it goes."

"Me too. I will."
See, there's that big ol' softie under the abrasive secret agent.

An interesting bit of canon immigration there, with one of the human Decepticon agents from the Japanese 'Super-god Master Force' series turning up. The joy of fanfiction, of course, welding together different bits without having to worry about an Editor blocking it. Interesting that he was trying to steal crystals, though. For who, I wonder?
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No no big loss there. Curious that June would be asking about the implants. Or that she'd have any significant involvement, given she's a civilian nurse who got caught up in this largely by circumstance.

Well this Paul is the only other human with an extremely close relationship to a Cybertronian, so she may be curious if her son and Arcee pursue something similar.

Since Earth does seem to be littered with old Cybertronian relics...

It was built around a Cybertronian relic.
A dying member of the Joint Chiefs-?"

"He's a kid."

O-oh. "A.. child? Why would-?"

"Tried to steal some energon crystals from the Chinese government, only they were unstable and the whole pile blew up in his face. He's been suffering from severe energon exposure on top of everything else." He shakes his head, eyes not entirely focused. "They were using him as a test case, but it's pretty clear that he isn't going to last all that much longer. How fast can Shockwave work?"
And why would USA care about that Kid enought to Pay chinese for him?

And why would they put chinese Kid into Shockwave when they could instead put in somebody with more pro USA aliegance?
...Fowler does remember that this procedure is also to help Shockwave as well right?

How on earth has he not thought of the implications of giving the currently reforming mad scientist Decepticon the impulse and emotional control of a child?

A child, a thief, a Chinese citizen, and someone poisoned by alien energy stuff? Is there a worse possible candidate this guy could suggest?

He should be looking for someone actually experienced with all the emotions and how to healthily handle them. Someone with strong morals and ethics to act as a better conscience. Preferably someone with his own country's ideals and loyalties rather than those of another country or culture. And does anyone even know how energon poisoning is going to effect the procedure? I can't believe he would even suggest this person, or that anyone would accept them.

And they had to PAY for him as well? Wtf?! We have tons of rich old or crippled people that would pay for the privilege of becoming an immortal God machine. Is it an actual requirement that they be near death? Tons of people that are at full health would still rather be alien robots than humans.
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And why would USA care about that Kid enought to Pay chinese for him?
They don't. But if all the Chinese want in return is something they know is useless, why not give it to them? They're more worried about proliferation.
And why would they put chinese Kid into Shockwave when they could instead put in somebody with more pro USA aliegance?
Anyone on the US side with that clearence would know a tonne of classified information they wouldn't want Shockwave to learn.
A child, a thief, a Chinese citizen, and someone poisoned by alien energy stuff? Is there a worse possible candidate this guy could suggest?
A terminally ill Joint Chief.
He should be looking for someone actually experienced with all the emotions and how to healthily handle them. Someone with strong morals and ethics to act as a better conscience. Preferably someone with his own country's ideals and loyalties rather than those of another country or culture. And does anyone even know how energon poisoning is going to effect the procedure? I can't believe he would even suggest this person, or that anyone would accept them.

And they had to PAY for him as well? Wtf?! We have tons of rich old or crippled people that would pay for the privilege of becoming an immortal God machine. Is it an actual requirement that they be near death? Tons of people that are at full health would still rather be alien robots than humans.
The list of terminally ill people is very long. The list of terminally ill people with that sort of security clearence and no knowledge that is classified is 0.
...Fowler does remember that this procedure is also to help Shockwave as well right?

How on earth has he not thought of the implications of giving the currently reforming mad scientist Decepticon the impulse and emotional control of a child?
That was my first thought too.
Seemed like a weird choice to me as well, but I'm willing to accept that there was a lot more going on behind the scenes than Fowler wanted to explain or maybe even knew about.

Zoat's revelation that they wanted to avoid giving Shockwave too much information weighs on one end, and I can vaguely see a big argument about who "deserves" it ending with Kyansa as a compromise candidate who everybody could feel sorry for and everyone could be assured wouldn't be advancing any agenda.

Will he be helpful to Shockwave? LOL, who cares, Shockwave is Cybertron's problem, and if the SI wanted a bunch of criteria about wisdom and emotional stability he should have stated that at the beginning.
Anyone on the US side with that clearence would know a tonne of classified information they wouldn't want Shockwave to learn.
Excellent point! Plus, a child is more likely to enjoy exploring space, as opposed to an adult's desire to see Earth again. If Shockwave returns to earth, traditional decepticons are likely to follow- to hunt for whatever materials or device caught his eye.
No. I'll try and remember to put something in somewhere. If I haven't done it within a month, nudge me.

also, we never cleared up where all the supergirls were coming from. We know where demon supergirl and future supergirl aka Diane dearden and maybe nazi supergirl (time trapper/krona causing the portals to open?) but not new Kara or why they all seemingly appeared on one earth over a relatively short period of time.
Only if they are stupid enough to think Human information security is enough to keep a Cybertronian out.

it's enough to keep out a mad scientist who is halfway across the galaxy and has no reason to come to earth unless they give him one.
Someone should remind Shockwave to check Kyanas for booby-traps. The Americans might be trustworthy, the Chinese...

Shockwave has a lot of enemies willing to chance a deniable Op.
What? No, they're Greek Orthodox Christians. Most of them have a strong negative association to Hellenism.
That doesn't really jive with how ot works IRL. Greeks learn the hellenic myths in school at third grade. Being Orthodox is more about national identity than it is about piety and theological thought for most. And Hellenism is part of that identity. They don't actually believe in those myths (except for for a few oddballs and a few even bigger weirdos who manage to somehow believe in muddled parts of it while still calling themselves Orthodox Christians), but they are still damn proud of it.

That said, in a world where they clearly know that the Greek Gods are real, yet turned away from them for Christianity regardless and constantly have to compromise with the actual mythical creatures that are still around and have been preventing the government from controlling several of the Greek islands all of this might be very different.
Transformational (part 4)
5th February 2014
20:14 GMT

Slipstream drums the fingertips of her right hand against the railing between us and the operating area. It's all… Pretty automatic at this point, though I admit that seeing Shockwave walking around with his head off was a little disconcerting. He's had to remove quite a lot of his torso plating while the machine works…

Kyansa… Well, he hasn't regained consciousness at any point. Given the amount of damage he'd received… I'm not sure if it was from the original explosion or from exploration by the Chinese scientists working on him, or some combination of the two. Whatever it was, Shockwave decided that replacing several organs with Nebulon-based cybernetics was the best avenue for treatment. And since transformers don't have a psychological aversion to seeing transformer internals and given that Cybertron is almost completely sterile, Shockwave had the chirurgical machine start cutting without any sort of coverage.

I'm not used to seeing humans internals like that.

"I… I need to ask you something."

I look up at her with a frown, trying to feel what she's thinking. She's definitely unsure and.. worried about something, but I can't quite work out what.

I reach over and pat her on the shin "You can ask me anything, Slipstream."

"When… Shockwave…" She looks down at me for a moment, then returns her attention to the operating theatre. "Offered to make you my Headmaster, you… You hated the idea. Did I..? Did I do something wrong?"

Oh, she did feel that. I was wondering… "No, of course not."

Her expression and the feedback I'm getting from our bond suggests that she isn't convinced. "I… We're bonded, and I-. I think of you as my conjunx endura, even if-. You don't have a spark case, so we can't-."

"I know." I nod. "I feel the same way. You-" I tap my spinal implant. "-know I do."

"Then why did-?" She steps away from the railing, facing me. "Why did the idea of becoming that close to me disgust you? I don't… Understand."

Right. Because that's something that transformers do. Merging… Hm.

"Slipstream, do you remember when you found out that humans shed hair and skin cells constantly?"

She recoils in disgust. "Why did you have to bring that up?"

"Because it's the nearest equivalent. Why is it that you find it disgusting?"

"Because it's… It's like you're… Falling apart the whole time."

"For humans it's perfectly normal. We discard damaged parts from our exterior and grow new ones from the inside. But for a transformer it's… Well, if they're empathic, it's disgusting, because you don't grow replacement parts like that. Right?"


"But what if you could? It would save on repairs and spare parts-."

"Ew! Are you.. going somewhere with this, or are you just trying to see if you can get me to do an emergency oral fuel evacuation?"

"Humans don't naturally plug into each other like that. For our ancestors, being locked in place like that would mean that they were helpless and doomed or a burden on their tribe. And the idea of effectively becoming one person… If I was going to do it with anyone it would be you, but-. Having parts of myself…"

I find myself glancing towards Kyansa's torso, skin and muscle pinned back for better access.

"Removed, or radically altered so my… Outline changes. Humans don't-" I shake my head. "-transform. That's… Not something I can accept. Psychologically."

Slipstream's face relaxes a little, but she's still clearly unhappy. "Oh. But-. Nothing?"


"You can't… Change. You don't want to…" She shakes her head. "You're-. You-. Humans…"


"You don't… Live.. long. Not.. anything like as long as we do." She crouches down, bringing her face closer to mine. "Even if Shockwave makes you a.. transformer body of your own, your body will wear out in-. Less than a vorn. I don't-. You're the only reason why I'm not still in stasis lock… The only reason why I don't just put myself back in stasis lock."

I nod, reaching out to put my hand on her cheek.

"I'm-. Yeah. I'm probably not going to live as long as you. My brain just isn't as sturdy as your brain module. I don't mind-. Nebulon synthetic organs. When I eventually need them. I'm not rejecting.. every change. Subtle changes are just easier to accept."

She nods. I think she's… Not better, but…

"Is there something else?"

She nods again. "Alright, since we're doing this now. You were surprised when I brought up forming a team. We talked about getting other transformers to come to Earth. I told you about my old team mates. Why were you surprised?"

"I'm not clear-. I got the impression that conjunx endura relationships were… One to one."

She nods. "Yes. At.. least… I think so."

I shake my head. "What do you mean by that?"

"Slaves don't get love. Slaves don't get told how it.. works. I've.. read stories, but I don't really… I haven't… Had anyone I've.. felt about how I feel about you. Before this, my relationships with my team mates were the.. closest thing."

"Are 'people we work with' the same as a 'team', or is it different?"

"A team is people we work with a lot. I don't think we'll be that close to.. whoever it is right from the start, but… We should get that close."

"Right. It's-. Some of the things I… I'd like to do once you get a human-scale avatar are the sorts of things I.. thought I'd only do with you, my conjunx endura, and not with team members. Because while they're both close, one is closer."

"Right! Human mating." She frowns. "Wait, you think that's weird? What about all those videos we watched?"

"Ah…" Yes… Those. "Slipstream, those were… Paid actresses portraying a fantasy to… Stimulate an audience. That's not something-. Well, alright, a few people do that, but it's pretty uncommon. You know what I said about using the internet as a guide-."

"Yes, I know, it's not always obvious what's real and what isn't. But you seemed to like watching them."


"And transformers don't reproduce like that. So it doesn't have the same significance for me. Maybe with humans you can only do that with your… What do humans call it?"


"Right, but I don't care. I enjoy it because we're linked and you enjoy it, but I don't have human breeding-instincts." She frowns, but I can feel that she's a lot less disturbed. "Why would you only have one 'wife' if you were human? It takes nine months for human women to fabricate new humans. I know you can perform bio-injections more than once every nine months."

"Resources. Humans focus resources on a small number of children. Our biology pretty much requires it. So while a human man can impregnate many human women, that effectively makes them all competitors for the resources he can provide. The more they can get, the better provisioned their offspring will be. And while the man's genetic material passes on through all of his children, the woman's is only passed on through the children she gives birth to. One-to-one generally works better."

"Huh." She thinks, then shakes her head. "None of that applies to me. I don't mean I.. want you to, but it's not a problem for me. Does that mean they don't need to be light frames with high pitched voices?"

"I think we should focus on skills and personality compatibility over that. Like you would for a normal team." She nods. "Feeling better?"

"A little. It's a bit… Intense."

"Where am I?" Slipstream and I blink at each other, then she picks me up and stands, looking into the chirurgical suite where Shockwave is.. standing up. "Why am I so high up?"

And then I see Shockwave's face, purple and silver and unnervingly expressive as he stares around at the laboratory.

"Where am I? Who are you?"

He-. I assume this is Kyansa, raises his hands and stares at them.

"This is crazy."

"Yes." Shockwave's voice comes from his chest. "I suspect that this is indeed what insanity feels like."
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"I'm-. Yeah. I'm probably not going to live as long as you. My brain just isn't as sturdy as your brain module. I don't mind-. Nubulan synthetic organs. When I eventually need them. I'm not rejecting.. every change. Subtle changes are just easier to accept."
That should say 'Nebulan'.

"Where am I?" Slipstream and I blink at each other, then she picks me up and stands, looking into the chirurgical suite where Shockwave is.. standing up. "Why am I so high up?"

And then I see Shockwave's face, purple and silver and unnervingly expressive as he stares around at the laboratory.

"Where am I? Who are you?"

He-. I assume this is Kyansa, raises his hands and stares at them.

"This is crazy."

"Yes." Shockwave's voice comes from his chest. "I suspect that this is indeed what insanity feels like."
Hopefully this doesn't lead to Kyansa going mad with power, especially as he's attached to someone else who'd have different interests from his.

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