• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
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XF2 transition feedback

Im sure someone has already mentioned it but the banner/toolbar that has your account/alerts/search that follows you when you scroll down blocks threadmark buttons and chapter names and the (new) mark when you change to another threadmark. Really annoying.
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Something needs to be done about the amount of information each alert provides, especially when there are multiple alerts. It simply takes up too much space.

This feels like one of those YMMV thing that could be solved with a option in the Alert preferences to simplify the alerts by taking out the tags.

Unrelated. Are any other tablet users experiencing a thing where the normal option to correct/replace a mistyped word by just backspacing to it doesn't work on QQ? I keep trying that for my typos and it's just not working for me here specifically.
This feels like one of those YMMV thing that could be solved with a option in the Alert preferences to simplify the alerts by taking out the tags.
You can, actually. I just checked, and there is a checkbox for "Show tags in alerts". Just untick it, and the tags are gone.
Oh my god this is so fucking UGLY. New internet website styles need to die in a fire. I hope that eventually the old styles are able to be ported. The color styles are sear your eyes out bright, eyestrain dark or matte Grey in light, regular and dark grey. Its really bad. 0/10 please make the pain stop.

Ok I literally checked before posting if the styles were different. They weren't. I post, they're available. Ok then!
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One thing I noticed is that the thread marks, side story, index, and moderator tabs all got shoved under thread mark. It'll still send me to the correct chapter if I hit the arrow but if I scroll to the top of the page and click on the thread mark tab. It'll show all of them under it
Hey mods, can we get some kind of announcement with like a timetable or a schedule or like, even just a 'best guess' at when the old styles will be ported over to this new website to un-fuck it?

It would be super reassuring if we could get some information on what's going on behind the scenes, because right now (insofar as I have been able to find maybe it's just me) it looks like there's no plans to update the style of the website beyond what it is at the current time I'm posting this. Will there be any publicly posted information? I'd love to know!
Hey mods, can we get some kind of announcement with like a timetable or a schedule or like, even just a 'best guess' at when the old styles will be ported over to this new website to un-fuck it?

It would be super reassuring if we could get some information on what's going on behind the scenes, because right now (insofar as I have been able to find maybe it's just me) it looks like there's no plans to update the style of the website beyond what it is at the current time I'm posting this. Will there be any publicly posted information? I'd love to know!
So, the short answer, is probably not any time soon.

Longer answer is that XF1 themes and XF2 themes are fundamentally incompatable. We are unable to just lift a XF1 theme and drop it into XF2. What is worse is that many of the beloved themes we had before the migration have no XF2 versions, and the websites where we grabbed/purchased them from no longer exist. So, we are trying our best to get things into a working state that is within the "it is change and I hate it" realm instead of the "I actually cannot use this" realm.

Even longer answer is that what I've found out so far is that themes in XF1 and XF2 are some weird amalgamation of CSS, HTML layouts, and code that is all combined together. The selected theme is then served out to the user in a final html page and CSS that is made from that amalgam. From what I've gathered, enough has changed in how themes are structured or in the component parts I mentioned that updating a XF1 theme to XF2 or even just lifting the CSS portion from one to the other is non-trivial.

As far as other things going on, well, we just got the dice roller back online and working, amongst a ton of other small things.
See my previous post here.

2, and 3, seem to be solved. 1 still needs some work. Seriously, ask the folks at SpaceBattles to give you there "SpaceBattles - Light" theme. It's the best Xen 2 theme for reading fanfics. You really need it on this forum.

I hope you take my advice now.


Please make the avatars big square ones. The little circle cuts off the image. It's hard to see what it is.
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So, the short answer, is probably not any time soon.

Longer answer is that XF1 themes and XF2 themes are fundamentally incompatable. We are unable to just lift a XF1 theme and drop it into XF2. What is worse is that many of the beloved themes we had before the migration have no XF2 versions, and the websites where we grabbed/purchased them from no longer exist. So, we are trying our best to get things into a working state that is within the "it is change and I hate it" realm instead of the "I actually cannot use this" realm.

Even longer answer is that what I've found out so far is that themes in XF1 and XF2 are some weird amalgamation of CSS, HTML layouts, and code that is all combined together. The selected theme is then served out to the user in a final html page and CSS that is made from that amalgam. From what I've gathered, enough has changed in how themes are structured or in the component parts I mentioned that updating a XF1 theme to XF2 or even just lifting the CSS portion from one to the other is non-trivial.

As far as other things going on, well, we just got the dice roller back online and working, amongst a ton of other small things.
Do you still have the actual code for those themes? 'Cause we have enough expertise here for someone to look into it a little and tinker a bit. I could even maybe look into it myself. Maybe.

See my previous post here.

2, and 3, seem to be solved. 1 still needs some work. Seriously, ask the folks at SpaceBattles to give you there "SpaceBattles - Light" theme. It's the best Xen 2 theme for reading fanfics. You really need it on this forum.

I hope you take my advice now.
It'd at least provide us a template to work from. I mean, using it as a starting point and swapping the colors around would get us somewhat closer to where we were, I think.
So, the short answer, is probably not any time soon.

Longer answer is that XF1 themes and XF2 themes are fundamentally incompatable. We are unable to just lift a XF1 theme and drop it into XF2. What is worse is that many of the beloved themes we had before the migration have no XF2 versions, and the websites where we grabbed/purchased them from no longer exist. So, we are trying our best to get things into a working state that is within the "it is change and I hate it" realm instead of the "I actually cannot use this" realm.

Even longer answer is that what I've found out so far is that themes in XF1 and XF2 are some weird amalgamation of CSS, HTML layouts, and code that is all combined together. The selected theme is then served out to the user in a final html page and CSS that is made from that amalgam. From what I've gathered, enough has changed in how themes are structured or in the component parts I mentioned that updating a XF1 theme to XF2 or even just lifting the CSS portion from one to the other is non-trivial.

As far as other things going on, well, we just got the dice roller back online and working, amongst a ton of other small things.

Thanks for taking the time to post a response, I'm sure you're swamped with work right now because of the website UI situation and I appreciate that you're still open to communicate even while working.

See my previous post here.

2, and 3, seem to be solved. 1 still needs some work. Seriously, ask the folks at SpaceBattles to give you there "SpaceBattles - Light" theme. It's the best Xen 2 theme for reading fanfics. You really need it on this forum.

I hope you take my advice now.


Please make the avatars big square ones. The little circle cuts off the image. It's hard to see what it is.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. The only issue I can think of is this: will Spacebattles allow a website like QQ borrow their theme? Wouldn't they just say "No fuck off"? I thought there was beef between QQ and SB?
The site kinda doesn't work on mobile I'm using android and firefox.
One other thing that is driving me nuts is, when in Reader Mode, the 'View in Thread' button is now replaced with a tiny little icon instead. It's really not helping things now that I've had to scale down to 130% magnification from 250% to read, while still being okay-ish to see, so the entire site looks shrunken down to me as it is.

Also, if possible, I would dearly love to have the Light Responsive theme back.
That was a thing from before the switch, too. I'm pretty sure it's on imgur's end, not this site.

That was the case even before the update, ever since the server move. Imgur seems to be directly blocking us.
I can get it to work fine, by using the Media option, akin to posting a video link to YouTube.

My bigger issue is the lack of preview in emails.
When viewing a thread, on the top right you have a few button controls: Reader Mode, Jump to New, Ignore, Watch, and Thread Tools.

On the Light and Dark themes, these all line up nicely. In all other themes (Default, all Blackened, Lightened), the Thread Tools button does not line up with the others.

The Jump to New, Ignore, and Watch buttons are all a elements, while the Thread Tools is a div. It turns out that the a elements have display: inline-flex applied to them. If I add that to the Thread Tools div, the problem goes away and everything lines up properly.

It looks like you could add it to the .buttonGroup > .buttonGroup-buttonWrapper rule that gives the div a float property in order to fix things.
Don't know if it's just me but when I click on the notification bell to check new alerts, all the alerts from Tuesday to the most recent are showing up, instead of like before where once you clicked the bell to check the older alerts would clear out after a while, all the older alerts that have been read are all still there. Is there a way to fix that so it goes back to clearing them out after a while once they've been checked or is this the way it's supposed to be from now on?
Hooray! There are now options to disable floating header, remove tags from alert messages which helped in shortening them, and a high-contrast theme!

The only gripe that is left is the amount of unnecessary empty space around most of the elements. You see, with my bad eye sight, I use ~200% zoom... If only there was an option to increase font size only in the body of messages - and maybe thread names - across the entire site...







(for some reason, all images looked broken in a preview, so I added direct links to them formatted as "code", to prevent them being converted into media as the borders of imgur previewer appeared white for me, which would've looked bothersome for users of a dark theme).
So I believe it's either yahoo mobile or firefox mobile that's doing it as I was able to get to the site on google chrome on my phone.
Currently we're likely to add at least a few more themes. We've had a few candidates posted, including what's apparently a quasi-successor to the old Flexile theme; once I get a moment I'll compile a list and post a poll in the dedicated thread.

@tacobowl8 described well the issues with porting over the old themes. Unfortunately, realistically speaking our options there are "get an acceptably close approximation" rather than "make it look just like it did".

Do you still have the actual code for those themes? 'Cause we have enough expertise here for someone to look into it a little and tinker a bit. I could even maybe look into it myself. Maybe.

It'd at least provide us a template to work from. I mean, using it as a starting point and swapping the colors around would get us somewhat closer to where we were, I think.
If someone wants to actually do this, I'm happy to provide the information required.

The trouble is that XF themes are a giant mess. A theme has a couple of hundred templates associated, all in an obtuse custom template language that's painful to work with; it interpolates probably a thousand variables that can change things arbitrarily; and this all gets compiled down to single HTML and CSS outputs in a way that makes it really annoying to track what causes what. Lifting the old theme to the new system would basically mean writing a new theme from scratch to match it, and I don't have the time for this. However, if someone wants to take a stab at it I'm happy to work with them.
Something of a suggestion is to highlight the thread marker to change between chapters and enter the index like what was done on XF1, It's a small thing but really helpful. (also I exclusively use mobile so idk if it's just a mobile thing)

As it is the Thread marker just blends into the background.

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