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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Is this Paul's version of going baby crazy?

This must be the work of Constantine!

Ot course, it makes perfect sense!

After Paul told Ambrose that he'll try and find Constantine, Constantine's spell must have affected him and now he's here talking to Jade instead of looking for him.
Did he forget his whole realization that Jade herself wasn't the woman he thought she was given she was re-enacting the same exact pattern of being a weapon for others? Killing in the name of the cause, but more or less ambivalent regarding the precise nature of the cause so long as she can continue to do so without social penalties? Because that felt like it was perhaps treated with a lighter touch than it was maybe built up to be or should have been

Also, Paul has made any number of thoughtful sacrifices or taken Jade's feelings into account, yet we haven't to the best of my knowledge seen the reverse. Like he's a highly advanced relationship fulfillment robot designed with only the best partner satisfaction protocols designed by one hell of a Megacorp, bundled with an absence of any personal desires which would conflict with it failing to fulfill it's design purpose or breach their customer satisfaction guarantee.

I don't know. This whole relationship doesn't really feel like one as a reader. It doesn't ring true as convincing at least to me whenever Jade segments come up, and it honestly feels like a square block is trying to be forced into a round hole narratively speaking for the sake of signaling that the character is in a relationship that is meaningful and true where there is actually a lack of anything genuinely of significance or substance.

This. Grayvens seemed more realistic to me personally due to crossed wires and breakdown.
Counterpoint: Reed Richards and Susan Storm, who had their 47th anniversary this past year...
Ok you see, this just ends up reminding me how unlikable Tony Stark can be without Robert Downey Jr.
You know,
I came across a theory a while back, that believably postulated that stark spent the entire duration of civil war (and a fair time before) legally not in his right mind/mentally compromised-which would fit with how badly his clone/post-neural backup restore stark took finding out about civil war/killing one of his oldest friends…

there was allegedly an incident involving him and several other supers and a freaky Friday-flip/morality inversion incident shortly before the arc started,
and apparently he was never shown being cured/reverting on-page…
Great Ceasers Ghost! I forgot how awful Reed was portrayed in Civil War... Not to say Reed has never been an awful husband & father cause he's skirted the line from abusive to villainous on multiple occasions. But to not be able to tell your children apart who are of different genders and ages and forgetting how many you have when you are around them constantly is so neglectful it's criminal.
Great Ceasers Ghost! I forgot how awful Reed was portrayed in Civil War... Not to say Reed has never been an awful husband & father cause he's skirted the line from abusive to villainous on multiple occasions. But to not be able to tell your children apart who are of different genders and ages and forgetting how many you have when you are around them constantly is so neglectful it's criminal.
Just to be clear, that's from a parody comic. Not actual Civil War.
Past Participant (part 4)
16th September 2012
13:24 GMT -5

I can't help but smile as I look down on the Earth. Sure, Jade had to go to work, so we didn't really have time to discuss things in detail, but… Yeah, feeling good. I-.

There's a near-hurricane force wind, and then New Kara is floating in front of me.

"Hey, Paul! How's Kara doing?"

"Which one?"

Her eyes widen. "Is Demongirl talking?"

"Ah, yes, but she's not responding to external stimuli."

She tilts her head to the left. "So how do you know her name's Kara?"

"Basic pattern recognition. She's not just a Supergirl, she's a kryptonian Supergirl. Based on all of the examples I have, those are called 'Kara'. But, yes, technically I don't know for certain."

She smiles, tilting her head back proudly.

"Then I'm technically right, and that's the best kind of right!"

"Sure. I don't know that her name's 'Kara'. The other Kara is recovering."

"So are you two going to date now?"

"No. Still dating Jade."

She looks at me uncertainly. "Are you dating Jade? I was starting to think she was Canadian."

"Yes, and after a brief talk about our relationship, we're going to be moving in together in the Darkstars barracks."

She blinks. "Are her parents okay about that?"

"Ah… Her mother is? … Did you want something?"

"Yes. I… Kinda need a job? Or something?"

"Oh, right."

"I've got plenty of qualifications but none of them of them are for Earth and… All my referees are dead. I could probably stay in High Admiral Har-Zod's asteroid, but it wasn't really designed for long-term habitation."

"Your Zor-El didn't send you with a device to seed your own Fortress of Solitude?"

"I would still need somewhere to put it, and everywhere is owned by someone."

"Not everywhere. Plenty of space in Bir Tawil. The sand should be enough for your c-."

Uh! Crushing!

"I can move in with you?! Thank you!"

There's a little more meat on this Kara than on Old Kara, and it's currently pressed against me as she celebrates her new residency. Alright, use the rings.

"While you can live in the trade post if you want, it's more that I was offering you somewhere to plant your crystals."

"I can live there while it grows?"

"Certainly. It'll add visual interest."

She leans back, grinning.

"So we'll be roomies?!"

"Ah-. No, as I said, I'll be living with Jade in the Darkstar barracks, so you'll… Pretty much have the place to yourself."

"Oh." She sinks in the air, mood subdued. "That sounds lonely. Are there any cute animals?"

"No, not really. There's basically nothing there; that's why no country actually wants it. You could.. always build a habitat?"

"Then I could have all the animals I want!"

"All the animals you can look after, certainly. Ah… Kara." I frown. "I've been meaning to ask: I don't seem to be able to see your emotions. You sound very upbeat, but if you're feeling-."

"Torquasm." She nods. "Uncle Jor was a huge fan of ancient Kryptonian society, and Grandpa Seyg actually let him study things like that, so he really encouraged us to learn it. It'll be fun to work on it with Angelika!"

"I'll be nice for her to have access to someone who could study the original texts. Ah, I don't.. really have anything that needs my attention right now, so I can help-"

"Connection made to monitored phone line."

"-you… Move in. Sorry. Answer?"

"Hey. Paul."


"Nice. Trick. With. Super. Hearing. Have. To. Use. Voice. Modulator. And. Even. Better. Sound. Proofing."

"Why are you phoning me, Truggs?"

"I'm. Explaining. My. Plan. We."

"I'm not interested in listening to you w-."

I glance at Kara.

"Pleasure yourself to the sound of your own voice, Truggs. I'd put up with it if I thought there was any chance of you turning your back on the Light, but that's clearly not going to happen."

"Demon. Supergirl. There. Are. More. Where. She. Came. From."


"They. Know. We. Took. Her. And. They. Know. Where. We. Are."

"Why am I not surprised?"


I could ask 'why?', but I don't suppose that it matters at this stage. There are plenty of reasons for travelling between parallel universes, and I can't check his motivation.

"You. Could. Send. Her. Back."

"I'll check with an expert or two, but I really doubt that Demon Earth will just give up like that. If they can reach us, we'll become their next expansion target. It's not worth trying to give them anything to delay things."

"Your. Choice."

"No, it's not, and I'll be warning the Justice League."

"Thank. You. For. Getting. Rid. Of. The. Legion. Not. Thank. You. For-."

"Just go away, Truggs. End."
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Then I'm technically right, and that's the best kind of right!"

You're right even if you're not fully right.

She looks at me uncertainly. "Are you dating Jade? I was starting to think she was Canadian."

An easy mistake to make.

She blinks. "Are her parents okay about that?"

Her mother probably is.

If her father isn't, then she's all the more likely to do it.

Not everywhere. Plenty of space in Bir Tawil. The sand should be enough for your c-."

Uh! Crushing!

"I can move in with you?! Thank you!"

Paul, you really need to stop getting close to teenage girls.

Torquasm." She nods. "Uncle Jor was a huge fan of ancient Kryptonian society, and Grandpa Seyg actually let him study things like that, so he really encouraged us to learn it. It'll be fun to work on it with Angelika!"

Well she can help the other Kryptonian, or part Kryptonians, get more powerful.

Angelika is helping them but she only has partial knowledge of Kryptonian martial arts.

I'm not interesting in listening to you

'interested in'
Paul, you really need to stop getting close to teenage girls.
I think the scenario here is more "teenage girls getting close to him and also they're superstrong so nobody can stop them" aaand I realize as I'm writing this that this isn't actually less creepy, is it.

Well maybe a bit.

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