Lines of Succession 2
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This part of Vale was known as Old Town, which stretched from the river to the main walls. The neighborhood had been old but stately, with numerous shops and homes lining well kept streets. When the Vytal Attack had happened, most of these places had been abandoned. The city's automatic defenses had been disabled, thankfully, but the Atlasian drones had done plenty of damage to the populace.
Now the streets were deserted. Except for the Grimm, of course.
An Ursa roared and charged Jaune. He held his ground, Crocea Mors burning with Aura in his hands. He waited, waited, waited for the Ursa to get close enough. It rushed for him, extended its claws and fangs...!
Jaune sidestepped the Ursa, and brought his sword down on the bear-like Grimm's neck! It went right through, and the Grimm's head went flying from its neck. The rest of its body dissolved into smoke, as Jaune turned to face the next Grimm.
Several more Ursa barreled through the ruined shops, roaring as they went right for him. Jaune fell back a bit, as the large gang of Ursas headed right for him. He waited, waited...
Nora and Cardin emerged from their hiding place, Ren's Semblance bleeding away their colors. Cardin swung his mace and unleashed a massive blast of Fire Dust. Nora let loose with her grenades, unleashing another huge blast. These combined, blowing apart the Grimm's first line.
The Ursas at the back of the mob slowed and turned to head away... But Ren and Blake appeared in front of them and mercilessly cut them to pieces.
The street fell silent, as the monsters were all slain. Jaune took some deep breaths, and nodded to his companions.
"Good work everyone," Jaune stated. He tapped his earpiece. "Professor Goodwitch? Section 33-A is clear."
"We're updating the map now, Your Majesty," Glynda replied, "Also, it is unnecessary to call me that, King Jaune."
Jaune wore a wry look.
"You gonna stop calling me that?"
There was a poignant pause.
"... It is what I must call you-"
"Then no, Professor Goodwitch it is," Jaune replied. His friends held back smirks. He could only imagine Goodwitch's exasperated expression.
"Very well, Your Majesty. Also, Chief Ranger Arathorn would like to inform you that his forces will be there momentarily."
Jaune slowly nodded, as he heard a Bullhead's engines overhead.
"Good. We could use the back up."
"Also, Chieftain Belladonna's party will be arriving in three hours," Glynda stated, "You and your fiancé will probably want to attend."
Jaune sighed, and looked over at Blake. The cat Faunus winced a bit, but nodded.
"Right, we'll be right there," he said. The Bullheads came in for a landing, their engine wash clearing the Grimm dust away from the area. Jaune headed up to the Bullhead, Blake joining him and taking hold of his hand. She smiled nervously at him as they got up into the cabin of the aircraft.
"Just when it was getting good," Cardin grumbled.
"I know right?" Nora shouted. She hugged Renny. "Such is the life of the Royal Guards! Fun one moment, then boring dinner parties the next!"
"Indeed," Ren observed wryly.
"Hey Jaune!" Nora said cheerfully, as the Bullhead lifted off and headed back towards the central towers of Vale's government city, "When we gonna get like, knighted for real? I wanna be a Duchess!"
"There are a few steps before you get there," Jaune observed wryly.
- - -
The Admin Center of Vale was a large complex of many towers, arranged almost like a modern take on a castle. During the Vytal Attack, the Atlasian drones had turned on the government and slaughtered almost everyone in the area.
One of the few government officials who had survived had been Councilman Rufus Winchester, Cardin's father. The tall, broad shouldered redheaded man had relied on his own personal security, and not taken the offer of Atlasian robots for his detail. It had saved his life, though he had been badly wounded nevertheless. Jaune and Cardin's team getting the automated defenses back online had saved his and the lives of thousands of other people in the Admin Center.
Councilman Winchester awaited them on the airship pad on city hall, his arm still in a sling. A pale woman with green hair in a smart blouse, jacket and skirt stood at his side, holding a Scroll.
The young King and his friends came out of the Bullhead, Jaune leading the group. Rufus smiled and nodded as the engines died down.
"Welcome, Your Majesties! Son, Lady Nora, Lord Ren!" He greeted.
"I didn't make those official yet," Jaune said wryly.
"How soon will my father arrive?" Blake asked. Rufus looked to the pale woman, who checked her notes.
"In about two hours, Your Majesty," she cried, "We were able to resolve his flight plan faster than we thought."
"Good," Blake said with a nod, "Please send the rest of our itinerary to our Scrolls. We'll be retiring to our quarters to get ready."
"Yes your Majesty," the assistant said cheerfully.
"I've put together the meeting schedule for the summit... And the wedding," Rufus added. He looked over at Cardin. "You have a Best Man candidate yet?"
Cardin smiled. Jaune coughed.
"Ah... No offense, but I was gonna ask Ren," he said. Cardin drooped a bit, but nodded.
"That's fair," he sighed. "Can I still be in the wedding party?"
"Definitely," Jaune said. Cardin grinned.
"Yes! Bridesmaids!"
"WOO! Go get 'em, Cardy!" Nora cheered. Rufus Winchester, dignified Councilman... Laughed indulgently.
"Ah well... Maybe you'll get the King to be your Best Man for your wedding, son. Hope you're working on that."
"Er... Yes Dad," Cardin managed, blushing a bit.
"We'll see it all later," Blake said, smoothly leading Jaune off to the elevator. He sighed quietly as the elevator doors closed behind them.
"Thank you so much," he muttered.
Blake chuckled.
"I did have some practice escaping meetings with officials in Menagerie," she said softly.
The elevator doors opened on their floor. They walked into the ambassadorial suites. They were usually reserved for heads of state visiting Vale. Jaune had originally tried to just get a normal hotel room, but given the dangerous situation in Vale, he'd bowed to the logic that the King of Vale needed to be somewhere secure.
The room was at least tasteful. Not covered in gold and silver. Just nice hardwood floors with fine furniture and a large bed. The balcony was secured with fine blinds. A bed Blake led him to.
"Um," Jaune tried. Blake turned to him, blinking.
"Yes?" She asked softly. Jaune blushed.
"Er... I-I mean..."
Blake slid her fingers between his, and smiled softly.
"We've been sleeping together for the past few nights, you know," she said quietly. Jaune slowly nodded.
"Y-Yeah, but... Not like that," he said. "And uh... Your parents are coming."
"I know," Blake said quietly. She closed her eyes tightly for a moment. "I haven't seen them in years... But they did agree to help us. Helped save Vale."
Jaune nodded.
"Yeah... If I married you," he said quietly.
Blake stared up into his eyes.
"I'm willing to do whatever I have to in order to make this happen, Jaune," she said softly. "Do you want me to a wear a collar? Want to invite more women into our bed? I'm willing to do it."
Jaune shook his head.
"Would... Would that make you happy though?" He asked earnestly.
Blake flushed.
"Geez... You're asking me that when we're already engaged?"
"Yeah," Jaune said.
Blake sighed, and hugged him tightly.
"... Things could have been much worse, for both of us," she murmured.
Jaune patted her on the back, feeling a bit confused.
"Er... Yeah, I guess..."
He cleared his throat.
"So, um... Your mom and dad... What do they feel about, uh... Me?"
Blake sucked in a deep breath.
"They'll be concerned, but I... I know they'll see what a good man you are. I did, after all."
Jaune flushed.
"Thanks," he murmured. He kissed the top of her head. Blake blushed.
"Er, sorry, was that too much?" Jaune asked.
"We're engaged," Blake pointed out.
"So... Yes?"
Blake sighed, and gently bumped her head against his.
"You dork."
"So I've been told," Jaune deadpanned.
- - -
The throne room was in the oldest of the Admin Center buildings. It had been made when the position of King was formally abolished, so it was fairly modest. Vaulted ceilings of plain white, with little alcoves in between the columns that led to the throne. In each alcove was a suit of armor, holding a weapon.
The throne itself was made of black marble, blocky, plain and functional.
It was also uncomfortable, which is why Jaune was fine with not sitting in it any more than he had to. He stood in front of the throne with Blake. He was in a well tailored suit with a sash over his chest in the colors of the Valean flag. A simple gold band was around his head.
At his side, holding his hand, stood Blake. She was in her black dress from the Beacon Dance, as it was the best they could find for her on such short notice. She wore a silver band around her head, and her ears were bare.
The rest of their friends, guards, and the surviving government officials stood on either side of the throne room as a long red carpet was rolled out.
The door to the throne room opened, and several Menagerie Knights in bronze and black armor marched in. They took up station on either side of the carpet, holding up their weapons. Under this protection walked in Ghira and Kali Belladonna. Both in ornate black and purple robes of Fuujin style, they approached Jaune and Blake with grave expressions.
Ghira himself was a bear of a man, gigantic and powerful. Kali was shapely but athletic, and her golden eyes bored into Jaune's. He held it as best he could, matching her stare.
He smiled politely as they stopped a few meters away. He inclined his head respectfully, a motion Blake copied.
"Chieftain Ghira, Lady Kali, it is an honor to meet you," he said, "We thank you for your aid and assisting us in our hour of need."
Ghira glowered at him.
"You're King Jaune, huh?"
Jaune blinked. Blake became tense next to him. Cardin, Nora, and Ren began to go for their weapons discretely.
"Yes sir."
"You marrying my daughter?"
"Yes sir."
"You gonna treat her right, even as a king?" Ghira went on.
Jaune slowly nodded.
"I would die before I let any harm come to her," he swore. Blake blushed severely.
Ghira stared intently at him... Before grinning and hugging him.
"Thank you!" He cried happily, as the rest of the Valeans stared at him in disbelief. "You've saved our daughter from a life living with some genocidal maniac!"
"Or alone in an apartment, her only joys a can of tuna or a new book!" Kali sobbed, hugging Jaune on his other side. "Oh, thank you, wonderful son in law!" She hugged Blake next. "Congratulations, Blake! Are you pregnant yet? When can we expect grandkitties?!"
Jaune let out a long sigh of relief, even as Rufus Winchester chuckled and Goodwitch pushed her glasses up to pinch the bridge of her nose.
Well... Least they're not big on decorum, he thought.
- - -
This part of Vale was known as Old Town, which stretched from the river to the main walls. The neighborhood had been old but stately, with numerous shops and homes lining well kept streets. When the Vytal Attack had happened, most of these places had been abandoned. The city's automatic defenses had been disabled, thankfully, but the Atlasian drones had done plenty of damage to the populace.
Now the streets were deserted. Except for the Grimm, of course.
An Ursa roared and charged Jaune. He held his ground, Crocea Mors burning with Aura in his hands. He waited, waited, waited for the Ursa to get close enough. It rushed for him, extended its claws and fangs...!
Jaune sidestepped the Ursa, and brought his sword down on the bear-like Grimm's neck! It went right through, and the Grimm's head went flying from its neck. The rest of its body dissolved into smoke, as Jaune turned to face the next Grimm.
Several more Ursa barreled through the ruined shops, roaring as they went right for him. Jaune fell back a bit, as the large gang of Ursas headed right for him. He waited, waited...
Nora and Cardin emerged from their hiding place, Ren's Semblance bleeding away their colors. Cardin swung his mace and unleashed a massive blast of Fire Dust. Nora let loose with her grenades, unleashing another huge blast. These combined, blowing apart the Grimm's first line.
The Ursas at the back of the mob slowed and turned to head away... But Ren and Blake appeared in front of them and mercilessly cut them to pieces.
The street fell silent, as the monsters were all slain. Jaune took some deep breaths, and nodded to his companions.
"Good work everyone," Jaune stated. He tapped his earpiece. "Professor Goodwitch? Section 33-A is clear."
"We're updating the map now, Your Majesty," Glynda replied, "Also, it is unnecessary to call me that, King Jaune."
Jaune wore a wry look.
"You gonna stop calling me that?"
There was a poignant pause.
"... It is what I must call you-"
"Then no, Professor Goodwitch it is," Jaune replied. His friends held back smirks. He could only imagine Goodwitch's exasperated expression.
"Very well, Your Majesty. Also, Chief Ranger Arathorn would like to inform you that his forces will be there momentarily."
Jaune slowly nodded, as he heard a Bullhead's engines overhead.
"Good. We could use the back up."
"Also, Chieftain Belladonna's party will be arriving in three hours," Glynda stated, "You and your fiancé will probably want to attend."
Jaune sighed, and looked over at Blake. The cat Faunus winced a bit, but nodded.
"Right, we'll be right there," he said. The Bullheads came in for a landing, their engine wash clearing the Grimm dust away from the area. Jaune headed up to the Bullhead, Blake joining him and taking hold of his hand. She smiled nervously at him as they got up into the cabin of the aircraft.
"Just when it was getting good," Cardin grumbled.
"I know right?" Nora shouted. She hugged Renny. "Such is the life of the Royal Guards! Fun one moment, then boring dinner parties the next!"
"Indeed," Ren observed wryly.
"Hey Jaune!" Nora said cheerfully, as the Bullhead lifted off and headed back towards the central towers of Vale's government city, "When we gonna get like, knighted for real? I wanna be a Duchess!"
"There are a few steps before you get there," Jaune observed wryly.
- - -
The Admin Center of Vale was a large complex of many towers, arranged almost like a modern take on a castle. During the Vytal Attack, the Atlasian drones had turned on the government and slaughtered almost everyone in the area.
One of the few government officials who had survived had been Councilman Rufus Winchester, Cardin's father. The tall, broad shouldered redheaded man had relied on his own personal security, and not taken the offer of Atlasian robots for his detail. It had saved his life, though he had been badly wounded nevertheless. Jaune and Cardin's team getting the automated defenses back online had saved his and the lives of thousands of other people in the Admin Center.
Councilman Winchester awaited them on the airship pad on city hall, his arm still in a sling. A pale woman with green hair in a smart blouse, jacket and skirt stood at his side, holding a Scroll.
The young King and his friends came out of the Bullhead, Jaune leading the group. Rufus smiled and nodded as the engines died down.
"Welcome, Your Majesties! Son, Lady Nora, Lord Ren!" He greeted.
"I didn't make those official yet," Jaune said wryly.
"How soon will my father arrive?" Blake asked. Rufus looked to the pale woman, who checked her notes.
"In about two hours, Your Majesty," she cried, "We were able to resolve his flight plan faster than we thought."
"Good," Blake said with a nod, "Please send the rest of our itinerary to our Scrolls. We'll be retiring to our quarters to get ready."
"Yes your Majesty," the assistant said cheerfully.
"I've put together the meeting schedule for the summit... And the wedding," Rufus added. He looked over at Cardin. "You have a Best Man candidate yet?"
Cardin smiled. Jaune coughed.
"Ah... No offense, but I was gonna ask Ren," he said. Cardin drooped a bit, but nodded.
"That's fair," he sighed. "Can I still be in the wedding party?"
"Definitely," Jaune said. Cardin grinned.
"Yes! Bridesmaids!"
"WOO! Go get 'em, Cardy!" Nora cheered. Rufus Winchester, dignified Councilman... Laughed indulgently.
"Ah well... Maybe you'll get the King to be your Best Man for your wedding, son. Hope you're working on that."
"Er... Yes Dad," Cardin managed, blushing a bit.
"We'll see it all later," Blake said, smoothly leading Jaune off to the elevator. He sighed quietly as the elevator doors closed behind them.
"Thank you so much," he muttered.
Blake chuckled.
"I did have some practice escaping meetings with officials in Menagerie," she said softly.
The elevator doors opened on their floor. They walked into the ambassadorial suites. They were usually reserved for heads of state visiting Vale. Jaune had originally tried to just get a normal hotel room, but given the dangerous situation in Vale, he'd bowed to the logic that the King of Vale needed to be somewhere secure.
The room was at least tasteful. Not covered in gold and silver. Just nice hardwood floors with fine furniture and a large bed. The balcony was secured with fine blinds. A bed Blake led him to.
"Um," Jaune tried. Blake turned to him, blinking.
"Yes?" She asked softly. Jaune blushed.
"Er... I-I mean..."
Blake slid her fingers between his, and smiled softly.
"We've been sleeping together for the past few nights, you know," she said quietly. Jaune slowly nodded.
"Y-Yeah, but... Not like that," he said. "And uh... Your parents are coming."
"I know," Blake said quietly. She closed her eyes tightly for a moment. "I haven't seen them in years... But they did agree to help us. Helped save Vale."
Jaune nodded.
"Yeah... If I married you," he said quietly.
Blake stared up into his eyes.
"I'm willing to do whatever I have to in order to make this happen, Jaune," she said softly. "Do you want me to a wear a collar? Want to invite more women into our bed? I'm willing to do it."
Jaune shook his head.
"Would... Would that make you happy though?" He asked earnestly.
Blake flushed.
"Geez... You're asking me that when we're already engaged?"
"Yeah," Jaune said.
Blake sighed, and hugged him tightly.
"... Things could have been much worse, for both of us," she murmured.
Jaune patted her on the back, feeling a bit confused.
"Er... Yeah, I guess..."
He cleared his throat.
"So, um... Your mom and dad... What do they feel about, uh... Me?"
Blake sucked in a deep breath.
"They'll be concerned, but I... I know they'll see what a good man you are. I did, after all."
Jaune flushed.
"Thanks," he murmured. He kissed the top of her head. Blake blushed.
"Er, sorry, was that too much?" Jaune asked.
"We're engaged," Blake pointed out.
"So... Yes?"
Blake sighed, and gently bumped her head against his.
"You dork."
"So I've been told," Jaune deadpanned.
- - -
The throne room was in the oldest of the Admin Center buildings. It had been made when the position of King was formally abolished, so it was fairly modest. Vaulted ceilings of plain white, with little alcoves in between the columns that led to the throne. In each alcove was a suit of armor, holding a weapon.
The throne itself was made of black marble, blocky, plain and functional.
It was also uncomfortable, which is why Jaune was fine with not sitting in it any more than he had to. He stood in front of the throne with Blake. He was in a well tailored suit with a sash over his chest in the colors of the Valean flag. A simple gold band was around his head.
At his side, holding his hand, stood Blake. She was in her black dress from the Beacon Dance, as it was the best they could find for her on such short notice. She wore a silver band around her head, and her ears were bare.
The rest of their friends, guards, and the surviving government officials stood on either side of the throne room as a long red carpet was rolled out.
The door to the throne room opened, and several Menagerie Knights in bronze and black armor marched in. They took up station on either side of the carpet, holding up their weapons. Under this protection walked in Ghira and Kali Belladonna. Both in ornate black and purple robes of Fuujin style, they approached Jaune and Blake with grave expressions.
Ghira himself was a bear of a man, gigantic and powerful. Kali was shapely but athletic, and her golden eyes bored into Jaune's. He held it as best he could, matching her stare.
He smiled politely as they stopped a few meters away. He inclined his head respectfully, a motion Blake copied.
"Chieftain Ghira, Lady Kali, it is an honor to meet you," he said, "We thank you for your aid and assisting us in our hour of need."
Ghira glowered at him.
"You're King Jaune, huh?"
Jaune blinked. Blake became tense next to him. Cardin, Nora, and Ren began to go for their weapons discretely.
"Yes sir."
"You marrying my daughter?"
"Yes sir."
"You gonna treat her right, even as a king?" Ghira went on.
Jaune slowly nodded.
"I would die before I let any harm come to her," he swore. Blake blushed severely.
Ghira stared intently at him... Before grinning and hugging him.
"Thank you!" He cried happily, as the rest of the Valeans stared at him in disbelief. "You've saved our daughter from a life living with some genocidal maniac!"
"Or alone in an apartment, her only joys a can of tuna or a new book!" Kali sobbed, hugging Jaune on his other side. "Oh, thank you, wonderful son in law!" She hugged Blake next. "Congratulations, Blake! Are you pregnant yet? When can we expect grandkitties?!"
Jaune let out a long sigh of relief, even as Rufus Winchester chuckled and Goodwitch pushed her glasses up to pinch the bridge of her nose.
Well... Least they're not big on decorum, he thought.
- - -
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