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Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

Should I post 2.9 a week early or keep to the normal schedule? 2.10 will be on 11/13 regardless.

  • Yes, post 2.9 on 10/23

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • No, wait until 10/30

    Votes: 14 51.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Funny how she's concerned about dangerous things in combat and then goes with the most dangerous thing to have in combat: an obvious weakness.

Like attaching metal rings to your flesh, tying string between them tight enough to pull on the skin they cover skin, and then running into battle like that's a Good Idea?

Could you please explain how being pierced with metal rings for a total of four hours a week, while you are not at one of your jobs causes an 'obvious weakness'? I'm not sure how something she'll heal from in probably less than an hour, thanks to her repairbots, would cause her any issues while fighting.

Corset Piercing: Once a week, you will be put in a corset piercing for four hours.

Isn't refractory removal for guys? Woman can already do multiple orgasms (if they are incredibly lucky).

Woman can have something similar enough to a refractory period to count. From Wikipedia:

The female sexual response is more varied than that of men, and women are capable of attaining additional or multiple orgasms through further sexual stimulation.[3][4] However, there are many women who experience clitoral hypersensitivity after orgasm, which can effectively create a refractory period. These women may be capable of further orgasms, but the pain involved in getting there makes the prospect undesirable.[13]
Huh, I just had a thought. Magical girl guns don't have to be technically functioning weapons. Does that mean that she could theoretically design bug mechs with working guns? Can you imagine the sheer horror she could be with thousands of flying bug guns all perfectly coordinated?
Huh, I just had a thought. Magical girl guns don't have to be technically functioning weapons. Does that mean that she could theoretically design bug mechs with working guns? Can you imagine the sheer horror she could be with thousands of flying bug guns all perfectly coordinated?

Given I did calcs on how to deliver kilotons TNTe per second of energy to an area using the weakest fairies I thought reasonable i.e. basically laser pointers and found it took very little room?
Like this: https://forums.spacebattles.com/thr...hat-dungeon-worm.620521/page-99#post-46501795

Yes, we can imagine. It's an XKCD what-if level (see the laser pointers and Moon question) issue, but we can imagine.

One fairy per square centimeter of the outer surface area, firing a 4-milliwatt laser, at 70 kilometers radius near-hemisphere, project an average of of 6 megatons TNT equivalent per second per square meter on a 10-meter-radius target area, discounting the effect of differential spread patterns (i.e. a circular beam hitting at angle = an oval is lit up).
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Could you please explain how being pierced with metal rings for a total of four hours a week, while you are not at one of your jobs causes an 'obvious weakness'? I'm not sure how something she'll heal from in probably less than an hour, thanks to her repairbots, would cause her any issues while fighting.
oh. I think I missed that part. although I did just remember that this is Taylor "Kill Me Please" Hebert so I guess it makes sense anyway even if it did stay attached...

Since when has Taylor ever acted like someone who's actually properly read all those famous books that her background claims? Never, so don't be upset at her for being an idiot. Be upset at Wildbow for giving her such a vastly out of place and inappropriate mother instead.

Because most bestsellers I for one have read do NOT teach people to lie down and keep being beaten like a rug, or to just bottle it all up until they crack.
"Pfft-heh-HAHAHAHAHA!" is laughter although you do have a point, nothing she did in Canon fell in line with a literate modern girl who sounds like she was only ever either at home or in a library when not at school. Everything she did was one Bad Idea after another and her Background didn't make much sense either*. The best answer for it could be that it's all Flavour Text.

*just to start her mother sounds neglectful and/or an idiot: she is a Professor so why did Taylor get sent to Winslow (which is supposedly known to be shit), why was her mother stupid enough to drive while on the phone in Brockton Bay (if it was literally anywhere else it would make sense), why did Annette allow a twelve year old to choose her school (especially over something like friendship when she could see Emma after school, on the weekends, and holidays). From the sound or it stupidity is a genetic disorder for Taylor and raises the question "Did Annette actually leave Lustrum's movement early or was she thrown out?" because a woman this dumb wouldn't have prematurely guessed it would turn violent. Next is Emma and how being raised close enough to be considered a sister made her latch onto Named Rando #1 rather then Actual Sister #1 (Anne) or Actual Sister #2 (Taylor) when traumatized. And The List Goes On...
"Usually, New Game+, as I usually see it, has a sub option," Cindy began, "called New Game++, that lets you keep your memories. If you want, I could try to make a stink with the higher ups. We could probably get you sent back to when you started, while keeping your memories, without having to have sex at all."

Taylor had to admit that the option was tempting. However… "Would I still be able to be a recruiter?" Taylor asked. "Or would this let Tricher continue fucking people over on Earth Bet?"

Cindy winced. "Probably the latter," she admitted. "Most of the staff here are part of the secret society, even if it is at a low level, so I'm not sure they'd be interested in having you working for us as a recruiter if you're not part of it."
So is the "New Game++" and the "Secret Society" option mutually exclusive? Because I honestly can't imagine Taylor not choosing to sacrifice a few extra features in exchange for keeping her memories. I don't understand the in-character logic of picking "Was it all a dream?" over that .
So is the "New Game++" and the "Secret Society" option mutually exclusive? Because I honestly can't imagine Taylor not choosing to sacrifice a few extra features in exchange for keeping her memories. I don't understand the in-character logic of picking "Was it all a dream?" over that .

"Was it all a dream?" and "Secret Society Membership" is the workaround Cindy came up with so that Taylor could keep her memories under the wording of the available contract, which doesn't have a good option to keep your memories while returning home when you left. In fact, none of the original CYOAs has a New Game++ option. You either go home without your memories, or you're away from home for however long your run was.

In this section, Cindy is offering to try to find a way to get Taylor out of having to have sex at all, at the probable cost of not being a Secret Society member. Cindy also said that Taylor probably can't become a recruiter without being part of the secret society. This leaves Tricher in charge of recruiting from Earth Bet, and Taylor doesn't like that.

Taylor has decided that going through a year on the show as written in her contract is preferable to letting Tricher fuck over more people from her home.

Hope that helps.
"Was it all a dream?" and "Secret Society Membership" is the workaround Cindy came up with so that Taylor could keep her memories under the wording of the available contract, which doesn't have a good option to keep your memories while returning home when you left. In fact, none of the original CYOAs has a New Game++ option. You either go home without your memories, or you're away from home for however long your run was.

In this section, Cindy is offering to try to find a way to get Taylor out of having to have sex at all, at the probable cost of not being a Secret Society member. Cindy also said that Taylor probably can't become a recruiter without being part of the secret society. This leaves Tricher in charge of recruiting from Earth Bet, and Taylor doesn't like that.

Taylor has decided that going through a year on the show as written in her contract is preferable to letting Tricher fuck over more people from her home.

Hope that helps.
Oh, I missed that the "Secret Society" reward trumped the memory loss from "Was it all a dream?" to allow her to keep her memories. That was my disconnect. Too many stories I'm tracking so I miss details sometimes. Thanks!
"Because I can't see why I'd care about having a long tongue."
Clearly Taylor underestimates the potential benefits of having a foot long flexible prehensile appendage that most people will overlook if they attempt to bind you, if they even have the necessary tools on hand to bind your tongue/muzzle you. I mean, it may be a little gross to use it in such ways, but it could be well worth it.

Of course, Taylor seems to have overlooked that, and I'm not surprised Cindy wouldn't consider that usage so it isn't strange that Taylor doesn't take it.
Because most bestsellers I for one have read do NOT teach people to lie down and keep being beaten like a rug, or to just bottle it all up until they crack.
I see you complaining about this kind of behaviour regularly, but from my understanding, people in bullying or abusive situations usually are not helped by the intellectual knowledge that they should do something about it, though the reasons vary from case to case. Plenty of otherwise intelligent and competent people have suffered from such situations, despite said competence elsewhere. Perhaps you should do more research into the psychology of such situations before assuming that people who fall prey to chronic abuse are either uneducated or moronic.
just to start her mother sounds neglectful and/or an idiot: she is a Professor so why did Taylor get sent to Winslow (which is supposedly known to be shit), why was her mother stupid enough to drive while on the phone in Brockton Bay (if it was literally anywhere else it would make sense), why did Annette allow a twelve year old to choose her school (especially over something like friendship when she could see Emma after school, on the weekends, and holidays)
It's considered the poor school in town, but still likely is considered to teach well enough (at least when you aren't being bullied to an excessive degree, nor disregarding your education in favour of gangs, drugs, or delinquency). Just because it isn't the high end clean school that Arcadia is, does not mean it is terrible for everyone, or even most people (keep in mind what we see in worm is heavily coloured by Taylor's own experiences and views). Additionally, Taylor would have gone to Arcadia, but chose to go to Winslow to stay with Emma (though I'll point out that while Taylor presumably could get into Arcadia on grades in middle school, having a college professor for a parent does not provide some automatic get into the good school card).

As for the stupid enough to drive while on the phone, I fail to see why the bit about being in Brockton Bay would matter. As far as the risk of car accidents, the relevant issue is going to be the roads and traffic, which are likely similar to most cities. Crime might be a concern, but the city is fairly functional, and she isn't a part of any demographic that is especially at risk (particularly if she's not driving in the worse parts of town). It also is uncertain the specifics around the crash. While I'm uncertain if it's canon or was from a fic, I've seen some mention that she crashed because she was answering a phone call she received (and had momentarily glanced away from the road to do so), which would mean she might have planned to use some hands free method of talking like speaker phone, rather than having been actively talking and holding the phone up to her ear while neglecting to pay attention to the road for a prolonged period of time. That said, talking on the phone while driving without taking proper precautions is dumb regardless of where you are, yet plenty of people who were smart or educated still did it prior to features and devices that mitigate the worst issues becoming wide spread.

For the last point, it's high school, not college. Given Winslow probably isn't considered as bad as Taylor makes it out to be, it probably wouldn't be seen as that terrible a thing for Taylor to go there, nor something that would ruin her future. Additionally, Taylor is noted to have not been great at socialising (even before the bullying), and to have generally relied on Emma to help her with that kind of stuff. It's possible that Annette judged the schools close enough in the education offered (for a intelligent and motivated hard working student), as to prioritize the social benefits of going to school with a close friend (admittedly, that didn't work out, but she had no way of knowing that). Also, she died over a year before Taylor started high school, so it's entirely possible she wasn't really involved in the final decision making process.

"but we've had issues of tampering before at other branches, so we want to be sure you're signing up for what you actually agreed to."
Gee, I wonder where you got that from.
*Looks at Ack's fic*

Anyhow, when it comes to Slut Life I take all the drugs as nanobots, and then apply the Controller mod (Not in 3.03.). Around 150 points to make me a Changer/Brute 2, as well as some sex fun. Also much more preferable to all the punishments she's given herself.
I may as well toss this up now, since I already added it on FFN. Here's Taylor's finalized CYOA. All future CYOAs will be presented as a spreadsheet, because copy/paste and automatically calculated totals are a lot less annoying than doing everything by hand. It is spoilered for length, as it is lengthy.

Taylor Hebert SL CYOA

Difficulty: Easy (Bribe from the Scientists)

Body Modification:

New Body:
Age: 15
Height: 5'8"
Face: Girly
Chest: B-cup
Ass: Apple
Genitals: Fertile Vagina
Penis Size: N/A
Penis Girth: N/A
Testicle Size: N/A
Hair Length: 24"
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Pale/White
Body Type: Athletic
Voice: Feminine
Breasts: One Pair
Primary Genitalia: Fertile Vagina
Hair Removal: We'll permanently remove any hair on your body that you don't want.
Masochist: You now feel pleasure from pain.
Manual Control: You can choose whether or not you feel pleasure from pain.
Sensitive Body: Your entire body is now extra sensitive.
Erogenous Body: Your entire body is now an erogenous zone.
Right Moment: Your body's erogenous zones will only be 'active' when you're horny.
Magic Hair: Your body will maintain a constant length for your hair (on your head).
Refractory Period: You no longer have to deal with a refractory period (that is, you'll be able to cum multiple times in a row in a short period of time.)
Menstruation Control: You no longer have to deal with menstruation or it's effects.
Gag Reflex: Your gag reflex is removed.
Flexible Holes: Makes all of your holes much more flexible than they would be naturally. Also increases natural lubrication.
Open Cervix: Your womb can be entered with little effort.
Always Perky: You no longer need to wear a bra.
Easy Pregnancy: Makes your pregnancies much more bearable.
Healthy Babies: Your babies will be strong and healthy.
Flexible Body: Your body is much more flexible. Good for yoga and doing splits.
Reduced Sleep: Instead of 8 hours, your body can easily work with only 4 hours of sleep.
Perfect Metabolism: Maintaining muscle tone/body condition is trivial, however you must consume at least 2,300 calories a day.
Optimized Digestion D: You no longer need to defecate.
Optimized Digestion U: You no longer need to urinate
Cleanliness: You no longer need to shower/bathe. Also includes some internal parts, such as teeth.
Perfect Homeostasis: Your body will maintain its internal temperature perfectly, meaning you no longer need to wear clothes, even in sub-zero temperatures.
Timeless: You will stop aging once you reach between 24-26 years old.
Infinite Telomeres: You no longer age at all.
Hourglass: You can control your age at will. This includes the ability to, for example, revert to your teenage years and grow into an adult again.
Repairbots: Special nanobots will be injected into your body. They are capable of repairing minor wounds and damage, but cannot do anything for major wounds (e.g. a cut-off limb).
Hyper-Immune System: Your body can quickly and effectively fight poisons, toxins, diseases, and other dangerous conditions.
Genetic Cleansing: Your DNA will be 'cleaned' to remove any possible genetic imperfections (e.g. genetic diseases.)


Apartment: A small apartment with a bedroom and a bathroom.
Deluxe Apartment: Your apartment will be upgraded to approximately twice the original size.
Deluxe Bedroom: Your bedroom will be upgraded to include a king-size bed, a closet, and a full dresser with a mirror.
3/3 Selected.
Walk-In Closet: a large walk-in closet for all of your clothes.
Deluxe Bathroom: An upgraded bathroom with more space to store your hygiene products. Your toilet will also be upgraded to include a built-in bidet. No more wiping!
Walk-In Shower: Your bathroom will be upgraded to include a walk-in shower with full-body spray, in addition to your bathtub.
Luxury Bathtub: Your bathtub will receive a jacuzzi upgrade.
Kitchen: A standard kitchen with plenty of storage and counter space. Comes with a fridge, stove, and microwave. You must purchase food/additional appliances.
Living Room: A separate room to spend your time in. Comes with a sectional sofa, a table, a wall-mounted television, and a nice view.
Balcony: A small balcony for looking at the view from your room. Can be attached to either your bedroom or your living room.
Empty Room: An empty room. Useful if you need somewhere to store something bulky.
3 selected.

Shared Amenities:

Shared Amenities: Includes access to all listed amenities: Arcade, ball pit, bath house, brothel, convenience store, gym, indoor pool, library, mess hall, movie theater, night club, outdoor garden, recording studio, recreational room, tavern.


Plain Closet: A decent selection of plain, no frills outfits.
Walking Billboard: At least one piece of visible clothing you wear must have a Slut Life logo, a logo from one of its partners (Whores R Us, Sex Toys Ltd., etc.), or something lewd.


Hygiene Essentials: A basic selection of body care products and make-up. Nothing fancy.
Advanced Health Care: All contestants receive basic health care. However, you can purchase an upgraded health care package. You will receive the best health care money can buy.


Primary Food:
Baby Food: Your diet will consist of mushy food from a jar. If you wish, someone will feed you.
Additional Food:
Drink Bar:
You will have access to an unlimited supply of (non-alcoholic) drinks you want.


Custom Sexbot: A standard sexbot, made to your exact specifications. Over time, they will learn to adapt to your liking. Additionally, you can choose to keep them afterwards.
Extended Functionality: Your sexbot will use your AI to become useful for everyday tasks.
Owner: (Velma Platt) Cutie (See below)
Owner: Futanari (submissive)(See below)
Owner: Sibling 1(See below)
Owner: Sibling 2(See below)
Owner: (Swanhilde) Succubus(See below) (She-Who-Always-Needs-Hugs-In-Large-Doses-Everyday) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/25105395/


Marcus: A personal trainer who sincerely wants to help yo get fit. He'll invite you to workout sessions, along with other contestants, and even some of your owners. You should expect some competition from the others.
Jenny and Martha: A former contestant and her owner who decided to take things kinda monogamous after the show. They mainly talk about their past experiences, their latest sessions, and things they'd like to try.
Crystal: Likes to make lots of cute cosplay outfits. Will often ask (beg) you to model for her.
Henry: An alchemist. Needs your fluids for, uh, 'reasons.' Will hook you up with high-quality potions as payment.
Tanya: A hotdog vendor that wants free advertising from the show. She'll give you free, high quality sausages, but you're responsible for getting them on air. Mustard probably won't be enough.

Cell Phone: A standard smartphone. Comes with a basic processor, basic communications (WiFi + 3G), a camera, 16 GB of storage, a microSD slot, and an 8000mAh battery. Also includes a pair of headphones and unlimited data. You may keep it after the year is up.
4G LTE Radio: Support of 4G LTE on all major networks
FTL Communications: Can send and receive FTL Communications
Porn: A selection of porn magazines and DVDs. Also removes the porn blocker from all your devices.
Viewer's Choice Porn: Restricts porn across devices to a weekly selection chosen by viewers.
Education: Using state-of-the-art technology, you can learn up to three year's worth of information on up to three subjects in just one year. Topics may not be overly broad.
Slut Life Legal
Making Fabric and Clothing Design and Construction
Computer Science (unless a better idea comes up quickly)
Personal AI: A personal AI program. Its personality can be modified at any time. It is also capable of 'hopping' between devices that you own.
Own Will: Your personal AI will have a much stronger will/personality and is not guaranteed to listen to your commands. However, it will act in more 'human' ways. Depending on its personality settings, you may expect more banter/tricks. Cannot disable or change the AI's personality after initial setup without a complete reset.
Computer: A mid-end computer with fast, unlimited internet access. You could get in trouble for doing illegal things, but since you're on another planet, you don't really have to worry about draconian laws on other planets.
Webcam: A webcam for you to provide 'private' shows for your fans. Must cam for at least 1 hour each week.
Laptop: In case you wanted a laptop instead of a desktop for some reason.


Cutie: A sweet, lively girl that just wants to have fun with others. Typical activities include shopping, visiting amusement parks, and other activities she likes.
Funtime: Extra four hours/day with this owner.
As roommate.
A cute, submissive futa girl. She just wants somebody to love her.
Funtime: Extra four hours/day with this owner.
As roommate.
Slime Girl:
A friendly, gel-like girl that likes to 'play' with others. Please note that her definition of 'play' involves invading all of your holes with her body.
Siblings: Your two sisters and/or brothers will have fun with you. What's that, you didn't have any siblings? Well, we may have taken a sample of your DNA after your body was modified and used that, so you do now.
Funtime: Extra four hours/day with this owner.
As roommate.
Mad Scientist:
Somebody had to make the drugs and nanomachines. You'll be their number one test subject, and they have all kinds of plans for what to try next. Don't worry: they're contractually obligated to put you back to normal. Eventually.
Funtime: Extra four hours/day with this owner.
Succubus/Incubus: A literal sex demon. They are well versed in making people cum, and will have you begging for more when they're done.
Funtime: Extra four hours/day with this owner.
As roommate.
A large (in more ways than one) male dragon. It'll hurt at first, but you'll get used to it.


Meet 'n Greet: Twice a year, you will be required to go on a week long tour to have a meet and greet with your fans.
Raffle: You will be required to service a lucky fan who one a raffle.
Spanking: If the weekly rating drops below a certain point, you will be spanked.
Buttplug: You must wear a butt plug at all times. It will only be removed if you need to use the bathroom.
Double-Dildo Underwear: You will be forced to wear latex underwear with two inflatable dildos attached to it, one for each hole. It will be taken off if you need to do your business.
Vibrator: You will be required to wear a vibrator at all times. It will either be in your vagina or attached near the top of your penis(es) (or in both locations, if you have both). All of your owners will receive a remote control to control them.
Vibrators Everywhere: Vibrators will be placed in/on certain areas, including, but not limited to: asshole, clit, nipples, vagina, penis(es). The following punishments will also include vibrators: Double Dildo Underwear, Urethral Play, Chastity, and Buttplug.
Urethral Play: Like the buttplug, your urethra will be plugged at all times. It will only be removed if you need to use the bathroom.
Public Humiliation: Once a week, you will be stripped naked and placed on display for four hours.
Corset Piercing: Once a week, you will be put in a corset piercing for four hours.
Water Chamber: Once a week, you will be stripped naked and put into a sealed tank filled with water for four hours. You'll be testing out our new genetic modification to give humans gills; hopefully they work. Oh, by the way, we gave you gills.
Breast Expansion: The size of your breasts will be controlled by your owners.
Manual Control: We'll give you a remote control to control your breast size.
Tentacles: A portal will appear in your room to a tentacle pit. You'll probably want to avoid it, unless you want to get trapped for several hours (though your owners may not appreciate it).
Climax Control: A special chip will be implanted into you to prevent you from being able to cum. As a side effect, when you do climax, all previous climaxes will come 'crashing down' on you at once. All of your owners will receive a remote control that they can use to allow you to climax.
Edging: The edging you experience will be stronger and last longer depending on how long it has been since you came.
Manual Control: We will give you a remote control for the chip.


Brothel Cleaner: You will be cleaning the brothel instead. Marginally more exciting than cleaning rooms.
Part time.
Magical Girl:
You get to be a cute magical girl! Your age must be less than 25. Must not be a biological male.
Job Modifiers:
Cash Money: You may spend the money from the jobs you receive during the show.
Raise: All salaries are doubled.
Donate: 30% of your salary is donated to charity.

Adjustments I:

Adjustments II:

Safeword: You will be allowed to select a safeword. Be careful, if you overuse it you will be prohibited from using it.


"Was it all a dream?": At the end of the show, you will be sent back to before you started. You won't remember being a contestant, but you will keep your new body. You also receive $3,000,000.
Secret Society Membership: You will gain a lifetime membership to a secret society that oversees the entire multiverse. This is probably the most control you'll ever have in your life. You may also choose two other rewards for free.
New Home: After the show, you will be able to keep your apartment and all your furnishings, entertainment, and roommates. In exchange, your new home will be here. You can choose to continue the punishments/owners/jobs if you wish. You also receive $800,000.

If people are interested in seeing the original CYOA I did for Taylor, before I properly thought about what she would pick, let me know and I can toss it up as well, along with the CYOA for Hania Lowe, the no longer existing Fennec fox morph roommate.
Taylor's taking a lot of sex options, I notice.

Including (but not limited to):
1) Fucking a random fan twice a year
2) Potentially fucking Henry the alchemist (who knows how he plans to extract those fluids?)
3) Doing lewd things with sausages on-air to sell them for Tanya
4) Potentially being guilted into sex by her futa girlfriend (with all the other sex she's gonna be having, I'd be astonished if she didn't get naked with this one too)
5) Being slime-fucked by a slime girl
6) Being potentially double-teamed by her siblings (see comment to 4)
7) Being experimented on by mad scientists ... possibly involving one or more of them having sex with you to "test the effects of their latest experiment"
8) Being fucked for twelve hours straight by a succubus (if her idea of 'hugs' doesn't involve sex, I think she needs to turn in her succubus card)
9) Testing the limits of her Flexible Holes with a dragon cock
10) Butt-plug ... meh, I'll give her a pass for that one :p
10a) Double-Dildo Underwear, both vibrators, controlled by her owners. So she'll have a vibrator in her pussy and her ass, controlled by someone else. That can never go wrong ...
11) Potential tentacle rape
12) Working as a magical girl. More potential for tentacle rape

... yeah.

Those rewards better be worth it.
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...Russia? IIRC, they're actually supposed to have a fairly decent economy in Worm.

Or maybe India? Central America? Somewhere in Indochina?
Or even actually Mexico; it's sufficiently not a cartel land that the Protectorate is investing in it canonically.

More on-topic - I agree with Cindy about the usefulness of both Tight Fit and Stretchy Tongue, and I agree with owrtho that Taylor probably wouldn't have thought of it that way.
That said, aren't Easy Fit and Tight Fit a "choose one or the other" thing? This version of Taylor's CYOA build doesn't seem to have her choosing either.
why did Annette allow a twelve year old to choose her school (especially over something like friendship when she could see Emma after school, on the weekends, and holidays).
As a note, it's not really that unrealistic. I was allowed to choose my elementary school (to be fair Russia doesn't have elementary/middle/highschool division, it's all the same school), even though it was mostly "Do you want to go to mom's school or to dad's school?".
Ignoring Mexico, the rest of 'Central America' falls under the umbrella of South America, and Wildbow decided that it was run by all the Cartels. Of course, they probably do manufacturing as well instead of just drugs and fighting villains/(Or, as the rest of the world calls them, heroes.), there's only so much money drugs can make.

Also, you double posted, might want to delete that.
  • Like
Reactions: Ack
Also, you double posted, might want to delete that.
Thanks! My browser sometimes keeps the reply window on screen when posting, which means that the newly posted comment starts out off-screen - so it's not always clear whether it came through or not. This time, I mistakenly thought it didn't.

As a note, it's not really that unrealistic. I was allowed to choose my elementary school (to be fair Russia doesn't have elementary/middle/highschool division, it's all the same school), even though it was mostly "Do you want to go to mom's school or to dad's school?".
As it happens, my own twelve-year-old brother had been pestered for much of the last week on which school he wants to go to (though, again, it was only a choice of two, and one of them was the school he was already in).

He never did end up deciding one way or the other, but that was more about his general undecisiveness than anything to do with his age (well that and it really was a fairly hard choice).
Taylor grinned. "It's really convenient," she declared. "I've even got a bit of web stuck to the light switch, so I can have my ants turn the lights on and off for me. Now I don't have to go to bed in the dark."
It's amusing what sort of things will be jarring when reading a fantasy story. Gods, demons, tentacle monsters? Sure. Kidnapping people to serve on a sex based reality show? Sounds great. Using 20th century guns in the far future? I don't see a problem with that...Needing to flip a light switch and walk to to bed in the dark? SoD Broken :D

Fake edit:Just to make sure it's clear, not really complaining about the line, or saying it broke SoD, but it did make me pause which I find very amusing.
Taylor's taking a lot of sex options, I notice.

Including (but not limited to):
1) Fucking a random fan twice a year
2) Potentially fucking Henry the alchemist (who knows how he plans to extract those fluids?)
3) Doing lewd things with sausages on-air to sell them for Tanya
4) Potentially being guilted into sex by her futa girlfriend (with all the other sex she's gonna be having, I'd be astonished if she didn't get naked with this one too)
5) Being slime-fucked by a slime girl
6) Being potentially double-teamed by her siblings (see comment to 4)
7) Being experimented on by mad scientists ... possibly involving one or more of them having sex with you to "test the effects of their latest experiment"
8) Being fucked for twelve hours straight by a succubus (if her idea of 'hugs' doesn't involve sex, I think she needs to turn in her succubus card)
9) Testing the limits of her Flexible Holes with a dragon cock
10) Butt-plug ... meh, I'll give her a pass for that one :p
10a) Double-Dildo Underwear, both vibrators, controlled by her owners. So she'll have a vibrator in her pussy and her ass, controlled by someone else. That can never go wrong ...
11) Potential tentacle rape
12) Working as a magical girl. More potential for tentacle rape
... yeah.

Those rewards better be worth it.

Well... anything will sound terrible if you only look at the negatives and then exaggerate some of them further. Though, to be fair, I'm reasonably sure a good number of your exaggerations are incorrect extrapolations, coming from faulty assumptions.

As for rewards, let's see how my list compares to the supposed downsides. The rewards include, but are not limited to:

1. $3,800,000 just from her rewards.
2. $163,200 from her jobs over the course of the year, which she will be able to spend as she wishes.
3. $28,800 given to the charity of her choice, which will be put toward helping Brockton Bay.
4. The potential for additional moneys to be earned, both for herself and for charity.
5. As yet unannounced magical abilities that include, among other things, Healing Bullets.
6. A home on whatever planet she ends up on.
7. Biological immortality.
8. Immunity to most diseases and minor injuries.
9. Gills, which can be useful if you're fighting Leviathan, something happens to you, and Leviathan isn't after you specifically.
10. An advanced cell phone with FTL capability that will work on any network.
11. An AI companion, along with a robot body for said AI.
12. Membership in the Secret Society.
13. Three years worth of learning and experience in each of the following: cloth making and sewing, Slut Life-specific legalese, and Computer Science (Assuming these are set in stone at the onset of the contract).
14. More than a year's experience working with her insects, including having multiple people suggesting new ways of using them.
15. Significant job training and experience dealing with different levels of threats as a magical girl to prepare her for cape life back home.
16. A year's free personalized work with a personal trainer.
17. Menstruation Control.
18. Any additional amenities purchased by Taylor' siblings.
19. Access to a wide range of amenities.
20. Access, both during and after the show, to high-grade potions.
21. Tricher will be prevented from fucking over more people from Earth Bet (probably).
22. A body she'll be more happy with than with her original.
23. Never needing to shave.
24. A perfect metabolism, and no longer needing to worry about defecating or urinating.
25. Being assured that she doesn't have any genetic diseases and isn't carrying any dangerous recessive traits that could cause genetic diseases.
26. Being assured that any future pregnancies will be easy and the the babies will be healthy.
27. A decent (for Slut Life's tech level) laptop. It's probably generations better than anything on Earth Bet, considering it can store an AI on it without needing a server farm.

Personally, I think the rewards more than balances out the risks, especially as I don't agree with at least half of your list. Granted, that is in part due to me having a better idea of what is going to happen in the future, but... yeah.

That said, Taylor definitely did sign up for quite a lot of sex. She just felt it was worth it for what she was getting and to keep Tricher from continuing to trick people from Earth Bet.

It's amusing what sort of things will be jarring when reading a fantasy story. Gods, demons, tentacle monsters? Sure. Kidnapping people to serve on a sex based reality show? Sounds great. Using 20th century guns in the far future? I don't see a problem with that...Needing to flip a light switch and walk to to bed in the dark? SoD Broken :D

Fake edit:Just to make sure it's clear, not really complaining about the line, or saying it broke SoD, but it did make me pause which I find very amusing.

I had someone else mention it as well, though I forget who. I figure light switches are just one of those things we're likely to keep, especially in places where not everyone would have or would necessarily trust an AI. After all, how many people use the Clapper? That thing has been out for at least a decade at this point.
I had someone else mention it as well, though I forget who. I figure light switches are just one of those things we're likely to keep, especially in places where not everyone would have or would necessarily trust an AI. After all, how many people use the Clapper? That thing has been out for at least a decade at this point.

If they're handling out AI's like cooking, why not implement "Smart House"? It's already a thing, and in the future i totally would expect smth like "okay googleAI, lights off" (unless it's like rehabitation facility to avoid future-shock or whatever)
Hold it!

I know this came to in discussion, but I don't recall it coming up in-story before just now. Is this a retcon?

It was primarily mentioned in discussion, but this is the first blatant reference. There were earlier oblique mentions, primarily Ross saying he sometimes hates his job.

So, the original contract not being valid is a retcon, kind of, but that took place around chapter 4, without any posted text changing to that effect, though Cindy was retconned to not be an actual lawyer.

If they're handling out AI's like cooking, why not implement "Smart House"? It's already a thing, and in the future i totally would expect smth like "okay googleAI, lights off" (unless it's like rehabitation facility to avoid future-shock or whatever)

Well, Taylor is currently in a quarantine satellite, so it would make sense that they'd be trying to prevent future shock among other things. Mostly, it's a matter of control and how people don't like to give up that control. For instance, if the AI goes rogue or is currently in a robot body, the mechanical tentacles, your phone, etc., how would it also control the lights? Or, if your AI has its own will, what is to stop it from trolling you?

Light switches are one of those things I don't think will be going away anytime soon.
Well, Taylor is currently in a quarantine satellite, so it would make sense that they'd be trying to prevent future shock among other things. Mostly, it's a matter of control and how people don't like to give up that control. For instance, if the AI goes rogue or is currently in a robot body, the mechanical tentacles, your phone, etc., how would it also control the lights? Or, if your AI has its own will, what is to stop it from trolling you?

Why would you want a fully sentient/sapient AI for house light control (in fact, is should'n be called an AI in the first place here)? obviously, there would be lots of AI tiers from stupid to super-clever ones.
Well, Taylor is currently in a quarantine satellite, so it would make sense that they'd be trying to prevent future shock among other things.
Sure, but then I'd expect that statement to provoke some sort of reaction (surprise, confusion etc..) before her guide realized what she was talking about.
However I'm not even talking about AI control. Using current technology I could design a house with no electrical wiring (possibly except for the kitchen) with electric sockets, light fixtures, light switches etc... all being simply glued to the wall/ceiling where ever you wanted them, and programmed as to what their function is (i.e you could access your house app and change the button by the bed from turning the lights on/off to starting the coffee pot, or registering a dozen new switches you bought and stuck next to your bed and have each of them control something). This is not done today because something like that would cost thousands more than the traditional way, and that's before you got the added FCC inspections needed. However even 10-20 years from now it might be quite practical to do it that way, assuming it doesn't all get done from your phone implant.

For a society on the level of SL not having that sort of control so common they don't even think about it seems odd.
For a society on the level of SL not having that sort of control so common they don't even think about it seems odd.

Let's put it this way:

A manual switch system for the normal lights (emergency lights are a different matter) hooked up to a reality engine generator and power distribution system via wormhole power transmission, or whatever you call any combination of things in your local slang, is useful for one big reason:
"The kids managed to convince or reprogram the household AI to turn lights off one by one until the last light is centered on me, so that they can act all dramatic. I mean I get they want to go into performance arts, but it's annoying after a few takes on the scene."

Kind of like this, but with annoying kids instead.

And then there's the risk of "DID SOMEONE FORGET TO UNWIRE THE AI LIGHT CONTROL ROUTINES FROM YESTERDAY'S PARTY?" When you try playing a little music for yourself and the lights go nuts.

So overall? Reaching over to flip the switch or smack a button when entering or leaving a room (off might be computer-controlled) seems like something that might have a solid fandom far into the future.
The thing about switch technology is that it's mature.

This is something that some people don't seem to get about technology. There are stages.

Stage 0: Potential (Someone has the idea that this might be possible)
Stage 1: Experimental (Someone kitbashes together something that demonstrates the possibilities of the technology in question. Only he knows how it really works)
Stage 2: Prototype (A proof of concept that actually works for more than five minutes without requiring rebuilding. Many bugs. Versatility is limited.)
Stage 3: Cutting-Edge (Can be manufactured, but extremely expensive, and in no way commercially available. Flaws are being worked out, but still very limited).
Stage 4: High-End (Commercially available, but still quite expensive. Most of the flaws have been worked out).
Stage 5: Common (Easily commercially available. As bug-free as it gets. High-quality and low-quality versions available)
Stage 6: Mature: (Been around for quite some time. Ubiquitous. Many variations on the concept available.)
Stage X: Obsolete: (Has been superseded by Common or Mature technology of another type that does everything it does, only better).

Note that tech can go from any stage to Obsolete, more or less overnight. Also, that some tech just won't go Obsolete. Take cutlery, for instance; apart from upgrading the metal or plastic it's made from, it will never go out of fashion. Knives, forks and spoons have been improved to the point that there is no way to make them obsolete without extreme advances of tech.

As I was saying about light switch technology; it's mature. We've had manually operated light switches for more than a hundred years. There's no variations of light switch that hasn't been tried and tested, somewhere. It works. Voice or sound operated switches do the job, but have a more than zero percent chance of false positive or false negative. The only way for a manual light switch to fail is for the actual switch to suffer a structural failure.

And that's the other thing about technology. It's not enough that it works perfectly within a very narrow standard of operating conditions. They've got to work when things are less perfect, as well. Thus, redundancies are built in, and are in fact the mark of Common and (especially) Mature tech.
Stage 6: Mature: (Been around for quite some time. Ubiquitous. Many variations on the concept available.)
Stage X: Obsolete: (Has been superseded by Common or Mature technology of another type that does everything it does, only better).

Note that tech can go from any stage to Obsolete, more or less overnight. Also, that some tech just won't go Obsolete. Take cutlery, for instance; apart from upgrading the metal or plastic it's made from, it will never go out of fashion. Knives, forks and spoons have been improved to the point that there is no way to make them obsolete without extreme advances of tech.

As I was saying about light switch technology; it's mature. We've had manually operated light switches for more than a hundred years. There's no variations of light switch that hasn't been tried and tested, somewhere. It works.Voice or sound operated switches do the job, but have a more than zero percent chance of false positive or false negative. The only way for a manual light switch to fail is for the actual switch to suffer a structural failure.

And that's the other thing about technology. It's not enough that it works perfectly within a very narrow standard of operating conditions. They've got to work when things are less perfect, as well. Thus, redundancies are built in, and are in fact the mark of Common and (especially) Mature tech.

Breastfeeding is another such tech that has evolved long enough (as long as mammals have been around, over 100 million years of iterative testing) for it to never go obsolete without so much effort being put in every single time (food synthesizer for baby, temperature-sensing bottles and hormone injections for mom) that you might as well just pick the brat up and put them to your nipple.

Meanwhile in Britain many (I've heard numbers like "about half") of the women somehow think it's unusual to breastfeed. Well we figured out why the British Empire caved... the inertia of Victorian fake-propriety stupidity! Victorian-era baby bottles were almost impossible to clean, and were touted as "modern and scientific"... the nickname later put to them was "murder bottles" for good reasons.

And then there's eating through one's mouth, which has at least 600 million years of iterative refinements in our chordate lineage compared to the effort of ingesting food through one's skin, anus, nose, or other orifices. It won't go obsolete anytime soon.

For light switches, there's also consideration of "how quickly and subtly can someone fuck it up?" and "how quickly can you roll back the fuck-up's consequences?" For a manual switch it takes much longer to modify than hacking a program (if it has any means of data input at all, such as sound, it is hackable) and will strictly be equal or less subtle, and you can just flip the switch back off unless it trigges something irreversible like a bomb or something.
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Breastfeeding is another such tech that has evolved long enough (as long as mammals have been around, over 100 million years of iterative testing) for it to never go obsolete without so much effort being put in every single time (food synthesizer for baby, temperature-sensing bottles and hormone injections for mom) that you might as well just pick the brat up and put them to your nipple.

Meanwhile in Britain many (I've heard numbers like "about half") of the women somehow think it's unusual to breastfeed. Well we figured out why the British Empire caved... the inertia of Victorian fake-propriety stupidity! Victorian-era baby bottles were almost impossible to clean, and were touted as "modern and scientific"... the nickname later put to them was "murder bottles" for good reasons.

And then there's eating through one's mouth, which has at least 600 million years of iterative refinements in our chordate lineage compared to the effort of ingesting food through one's skin, anus, nose, or other orifices. It won't go obsolete anytime soon.

For light switches, there's also consideration of "how quickly and subtly can someone fuck it up?" and "how quickly can you roll back the fuck-up's consequences?" For a manual switch it takes much longer to modify than hacking a program (if it has any means of data input at all, such as sound, it is hackable) and will strictly be equal or less subtle, and you can just flip the switch back off unless it trigges something irreversible like a bomb or something.
Well, I was talking about tech that someone actually devised to cover a need or a lack, but I suppose evolved strategies also work :p
Well, I was talking about tech that someone actually devised to cover a need or a lack, but I suppose evolved strategies also work :p

I forgot to put "and if you're hooking up a light switch to a bomb, you REALLY don't want it to be remote-activated lest your bomb fail to do its job, so even saboteurs prefer mechanical switches as they are less failure-prone", oops.
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I forgot to put "and if you're hooking up a light switch to a bomb, you REALLY don't want it to be remote-activated lest your bomb fail to do its job, so even saboteurs prefer mechanical switches as they are less failure-prone", oops.
The only thing worse than the trigger mechanism malfunctioning so that the bomb doesn't go off is if it malfunctions so the bomb DOES.

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