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Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

Should I post 2.9 a week early or keep to the normal schedule? 2.10 will be on 11/13 regardless.

  • Yes, post 2.9 on 10/23

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • No, wait until 10/30

    Votes: 14 51.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Knives, forks and spoons have been improved to the point that there is no way to make them obsolete without extreme advances of tech.
You philistine, Knives, forks and spoons have all been obsolete for years now. One cutlery to rule them all rose, and the food eating business was never the same again!

Behold, the splendour that is... the Spork!
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Behold, the splendour that is... the Spork!
1: That would be a pain in the ass to hold because of the knife.
2: Those tines are too small (And due to shape/material, likely too blunt) to be usable.

I mean, I like spagheti, but if you hand me that to use I won't eat the spaghetti because I don't want to cut myself while getting bugger all food.
You philistine, Knives, forks and spoons have all been obsolete for years now. One cutlery to rule them all rose, and the food eating business was never the same again!

Behold, the splendour that is... the Spork!
I did say, "of another type that does everything it does, only better." While a spork can be used to emulate the functions of a knife, a fork and a spoon, it doesn't carry out the 'does it better' aspect. In fact, while it does all three, it's substandard at all three. The only thing it's better at is having all three functions in one item. Which means that while the concept of the spork will probably never die out (it has its niche) it will certainly never replace the standard-issue cutlery. Any more than the helicopter will replace the propeller plane, despite doing some things better.
edale, You do realize that I've seen that exact post style used completely seriously dozens of times?

Luc "Sarcasm Always Works" French
And here I thought I laced the sarcasm so think that even a grade schooler woulda caught on. ("one cutlery to rule them all"? "splendor of a spork"? serious posts don't typically have language like that from what I've seen)
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And here I thought I laced the sarcasm so think that even a grade schooler woulda caught on. ("one cutlery to rule them all"? "splendor of a spork"? serious posts don't typically have language like that from what I've seen)
Keep in mind that there's no statement so ridiculous, overblown or idiotic that someone (probably a dozen someones) wouldn't say it in complete seriousness on the web.
So, did Taylor get her discount for the safe-word or was she turned down and had to pay full price?
Entomology/Xenoentomology (although the roommate might help with this too)

This would be especially useful for picking up alien insects for use on Earth Bet (she can call them part of her power or something).

That would be a good choice, though knowledge on the subject doesn't automatically grant access, and if she has access, Taylor doesn't really need to be an expert of the specifics to make things work.

I probably get my xenoenomology on at some point and make up some alien bugs.

I can't seem to find it, so either I'm bad at looking or it was mentioned somewhere else, but someone suggested taking a course in combat training, which admittedly sounds more useful than computer science (or engineering as one person suggested). I'll have to think on it more. Luckily, it's one of those things that is reasonably easy to change out, even after a run is started.

So, did Taylor get her discount for the safe-word or was she turned down and had to pay full price?

Unfortunately, the people involved were still debating the subject when she signed the contract. That said, they may give her other things as compensation instead.
My problem with the safe word is that they can feel free to revoke it if you 'abuse' it. But there's no definition of 'abuse' in the description.

Use the safe word once, and have it taken off you forever more? I can see an asshole owner doing just that.
That would be a good choice, though knowledge on the subject doesn't automatically grant access, and if she has access, Taylor doesn't really need to be an expert of the specifics to make things work.

I probably get my xenoenomology on at some point and make up some alien bugs.

I can't seem to find it, so either I'm bad at looking or it was mentioned somewhere else, but someone suggested taking a course in combat training, which admittedly sounds more useful than computer science (or engineering as one person suggested). I'll have to think on it more. Luckily, it's one of those things that is reasonably easy to change out, even after a run is started.
Yeah, alien bug expeditions would be fun, as would the scientists engineering up ever more outlandish (and/or large) things for her to control to test the limits of what "bug" means.

Fast forward to Taylor coming home with an improved version of Atlas, trans-dimensional relay bugs, and an insect-based Guyer suit. :D To be perfectly frank, I'd almost rather "fade to black" for all of Taylor's actual run, especially given the "barely SFW" nature of the story: show her month of prep before going live, then flash forward to her waking up in the hospital bed next to her dad with all sorts of plans on how to derail things, with the occasional retrospective snip to give highlights on stuff that happened during/after her run. Heck, she might have been able to finagle a bit of a sneak peek onto Bet-that-could-be just before the rewind, so there could be elements of a Peggy Sue; those are fun when done right.

Frankly, combat training is probably something you can't flash-learn, or rather if you could it'd require a constant regimen of biological editing to fast-forward the muscle memory part of the skill. It's probably better not to open that can of worms at all; after all, she's going to be getting a lot of fitness training during her run along with free combat training with the magical girl job.

Unfortunately, the people involved were still debating the subject when she signed the contract. That said, they may give her other things as compensation instead.
Gotta agree with others here; if that wasn't settled, why did she sign? There wasn't a rush to sign, after all: she still had to get the scientists to okay her for interplanetary travel, work out the magical girl rituals, etc. There were enough complications to string things along for weeks before she had to sign anything; after all, she's determined to travel back in time 13 months after the show is over, what's another few weeks?

My problem with the safe word is that they can feel free to revoke it if you 'abuse' it. But there's no definition of 'abuse' in the description.

Use the safe word once, and have it taken off you forever more? I can see an asshole owner doing just that.
I would really doubt the owners could revoke the safeword; it'd have to be something like the producers, and only if she does it often enough to trigger a ratings slump (which it certainly would after more than a few times; this is after all a porn show), sort of like that "spankings if your ratings flatline" punishment.
Would effective communication be something that can be flash learned? Because that sounds important for what she wants to do.
Would effective communication be something that can be flash learned? Because that sounds important for what she wants to do.
Not only is Taylor being made into a Green Lantern, but Smaug is taking her under his wing for a year. If by the end of that Taylor can't assert herself in a conversation no amount of flash learning is going to help.
Just checking, did she know that that discussion was still ongoing? If so, why did she sign the contract before they were done?

I've thought it over more, and the conversation would have happened off-screen while she was reading through her final contract. It would go something like this.

"So, I see they didn't give me a discount on Safe Word."

"Yeah, they decided they weren't going to change the contract to reduce the price. Something about setting a bad precedent. On the other hand, they are still discussing if they should give you any off-the-books compensation for it, since they do see why you might want it."

"Well, that sucks. Still, I want my safe word. Hopefully they'll give me something neat, but if not... I don't really care."

And then she signed the contract.

My problem with the safe word is that they can feel free to revoke it if you 'abuse' it. But there's no definition of 'abuse' in the description.

Use the safe word once, and have it taken off you forever more? I can see an asshole owner doing just that.

The problem here is that the dictionary definition doesn't define what abuse is in concrete terms. The closest applicable definition is "use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse." Which is expanded with "make excessive and habitual use of (alcohol or drugs, especially illegal ones)."

What is the definition of excessive, habitual, or a 'bad purpose'? By the time you're done defining everything, you'd have half a page of text at minimum for this entry alone, and would then need to go and define every other ambiguous term. Granted, this is probably something that should be done for actual, real world contracts, but this is a CYOA and I'm not writing up any descriptions that could be considered legally binding.

Frankly, combat training is probably something you can't flash-learn, or rather if you could it'd require a constant regimen of biological editing to fast-forward the muscle memory part of the skill. It's probably better not to open that can of worms at all; after all, she's going to be getting a lot of fitness training during her run along with free combat training with the magical girl job.

Muscle memory is a misnomer. Actual muscle memory is still in the brain. On the other hand, just because you brain knows what you want to do, doesn't mean your muscles are developed correctly to do so effectively. Still, I'll keep stuff like that in mind.

Gotta agree with others here; if that wasn't settled, why did she sign? There wasn't a rush to sign, after all: she still had to get the scientists to okay her for interplanetary travel, work out the magical girl rituals, etc. There were enough complications to string things along for weeks before she had to sign anything; after all, she's determined to travel back in time 13 months after the show is over, what's another few weeks?

There was a pressure to sign sooner than later. If you push off signing, then other people could get annoyed and start trying to apply pressure or get you to sign up for things you don't want. More importantly, it was settled for the moment, just off screen.

As for the complications you mentioned? None of those exist until after she signs the contract. The scientists don't get to prod her to see how things work and if she can leave work until after the contract is signed, making them one of her owners. The magical girl rituals don't get set up until she's signed up to be a magical girl. Whatever preparations are needed for her body mods can't be started until they know what body mods she'll be getting. Nothing happens until after she signed the contract.

"But what about informing the Cutie and the scientists that they were selected?" That was a courtesy thing and Taylor could easily have changed her mind later with no repercussions (other than a sad Cutie and disappointed Scientists).

would really doubt the owners could revoke the safeword; it'd have to be something like the producers, and only if she does it often enough to trigger a ratings slump (which it certainly would after more than a few times; this is after all a porn show), sort of like that "spankings if your ratings flatline" punishment.

Pretty much this. If you're using your safe word to get out of every sexual encounter, they're going to stop you. If you use it because you're on your seventh blowjob in twenty minutes and are about to pass out from lack of oxygen? You're probably fine using it to get a breather if they won't give you one any other way.

Would effective communication be something that can be flash learned? Because that sounds important for what she wants to do.

Possibly, but it would also probably break the story. It's a bit hard to write something you don't know how to do, and I'm not a communications major. If I made the attempt, I'm sure I'd have angry hoards descending upon me because Taylor was suddenly able to social fu her way out of things while not actually acting in a manner that would allow it to work in the real world.

Not only is Taylor being made into a Green Lantern, but Smaug is taking her under his wing for a year. If by the end of that Taylor can't assert herself in a conversation no amount of flash learning is going to help.

I'm not sure why everyone seems to think Taylor is going to be a Green Lantern. She's not.

Also, Smaug Ironwing is explicitly *not* Smaug from the Hobbit.
Not only is Taylor being made into a Green Lantern, but Smaug is taking her under his wing for a year. If by the end of that Taylor can't assert herself in a conversation no amount of flash learning is going to help.
While true, in my interpretation there's a hell of a lot more to what's being asked for than simply that. Beyond confidence and the ability to get a word in edgewise, you've got:
  • Directing the flow of a conversation without being obvious about it
  • Rhetoric, logic, and persuasion topics
  • Tailoring/tuning your message to your target audience
  • Talking someone down, as in talking someone down from the edge of a building before they jump
  • Talking someone down, as in talking down an armed gunman with a bomb vest
  • Corollary to the above, hostage negotiations and such
  • PR, as in making yourself look like a hero in addition to acting like a hero
  • The stuff Cindy(?) is doing for Taylor
  • Any manner of "realizing what communication you're sending" stuff, including:
    • Learning your target audience so you can target your message to them
    • Reading your target audience so you can tell what message they're receiving, so you can correct what you're doing
  • [edit] How about something about body language when you're wearing a mask or something and can't do all the usual body-language/microexpressions tells[/edit]
and probably more besides.

Any or all of which would be helpful to Taylor's currently-targeted career as one part recruiter-saleslawyer and one part superhero.

I've thought it over more, and the conversation would have happened off-screen while she was reading through her final contract. It would go something like this.

"So, I see they didn't give me a discount on Safe Word."

"Yeah, they decided they weren't going to change the contract to reduce the price. Something about setting a bad precedent. On the other hand, they are still discussing if they should give you any off-the-books compensation for it, since they do see why you might want it."

"Well, that sucks. Still, I want my safe word. Hopefully they'll give me something neat, but if not... I don't really care."

And then she signed the contract.
Probably worth retconing something about this in for the sake of future readers. Probably also not worth further mention about such in the comments.

Ninja'd on the communications topics I see. I stand by my "these would be useful", but "I'm not going to write it because I'm not going to write it" is perfectly valid.
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To be perfectly frank, I'd almost rather "fade to black" for all of Taylor's actual run, especially given the "barely SFW" nature of the story: show her month of prep before going live, then flash forward to her waking up in the hospital bed next to her dad with all sorts of plans on how to derail things, with the occasional retrospective snip to give highlights on stuff that happened during/after her run.

Forgot to reply to this one earlier... and then someone else posted before I had a chance to edit it in, so I'll do it here instead.

I have a whole host of things planned for Taylor's year on Slut Life. I don't plan on showing the actual smut of her run, but, frankly, that is the bare minority of what will be happening. Just skipping to her return on Earth Bet would ruin the impact of a good number of my plans.

You'd also get a situation where several characters will show up more or less out of nowhere and act as though they've been around Taylor for a year, including in jokes and other things that will either require constant flash backs or exposition dumps.

While true, in my interpretation there's a hell of a lot more to what's being asked for than simply that. Beyond confidence and the ability to get a word in edgewise, you've got:
  • Directing the flow of a conversation without being obvious about it
  • Rhetoric, logic, and persuasion topics
  • Tailoring/tuning your message to your target audience
  • Talking someone down, as in talking someone down from the edge of a building before they jump
  • Talking someone down, as in talking down an armed gunman with a bomb vest
  • Corollary to the above, hostage negotiations and such
  • PR, as in making yourself look like a hero in addition to acting like a hero
  • The stuff Cindy(?) is doing for Taylor
  • Any manner of "realizing what communication you're sending" stuff, including:
    • Learning your target audience so you can target your message to them
    • Reading your target audience so you can tell what message they're receiving, so you can correct what you're doing
and probably more besides.

Any or all of which would be helpful to Taylor's currently-targeted career as one part recruiter-saleslawyer and one part superhero.

This is also why I don't want to have Taylor take it. I have a hard enough time writing her as is. I don't need to suddenly have her significantly more competent than I am at communicating. The first time it became plot-relevant, someone would complain about me doing it wrong.
Man, not having access to multi-quote is annoying.
Muscle memory is a misnomer. Actual muscle memory is still in the brain. On the other hand, just because you brain knows what you want to do, doesn't mean your muscles are developed correctly to do so effectively. Still, I'll keep stuff like that in mind.
Point is that all the other classes being described are all academic in nature, while any sort of combat training involves training many other parts of the brain, many of which are more important for learning a martial art than the parts that store academic knowledge. Ack seemed to think it was okay to teach Taylor Krav Maga in his thread, so it wouldn't bother me too much if you went that route too, but in his case that version of Taylor was (initially) only planning on a one week speedrun so it made sense; here Taylor is almost certainly going to get more out of actual combat training from her MG job than she ever would from an academic knowledge about any sort of martial art.

I'm not sure why everyone seems to think Taylor is going to be a Green Lantern. She's not.

Also, Smaug Ironwing is explicitly *not* Smaug from the Hobbit.
She's going to be linked to a well of power that responds to and enhances Willpower; you may have filed the serial numbers off and changed the color on the spectrum but it's still a Green Lantern.

Eh, Hobbit or not he seems to be articulate, forceful, and invested in Taylor growing as a person; I maintain that's more likely to help Taylor grow as a person than any amount of academic knowledge.
She's going to be linked to a well of power that responds to and enhances Willpower; you may have filed the serial numbers off and changed the color on the spectrum but it's still a Green Lantern.

Except Green Lantern is a specific powerset about manifesting hard light constructs, that is powered by Will. Taylor is going to be a Magical Girl that shoots stuff with a magic gun, that also happens to be powered by Will.

Just because an electric motor and a lightbulb are both powered by the same thing, doesn't make them the same.
Except Green Lantern is a specific powerset about manifesting hard light constructs, that is powered by Will. Taylor is going to be a Magical Girl that shoots stuff with a magic gun, that also happens to be powered by Will.

Just because an electric motor and a lightbulb are both powered by the same thing, doesn't make them the same.
The magic gun seems to be a construct too, at least that's the only explanation I have for why she needs to be wholly familiar with the inner workings of a firearm before she links to the power well. Or are you under the impression that Green Lanterns can't make guns? All this sounds more to me like a distinction without a difference, like someone who claims a Tesla Model S/X/3/etc can't be called a car because it doesn't have a gas engine.

Not sure what's up, but it works fine here.
Yeah, it was a bad configuration on my end. Works now.
She's going to be linked to a well of power that responds to and enhances Willpower; you may have filed the serial numbers off and changed the color on the spectrum but it's still a Green Lantern.

I've gone and looked up the Green Lantern powers... they are bullshit, but I'll provide a comparison below.

The magic gun seems to be a construct too, at least that's the only explanation I have for why she needs to be wholly familiar with the inner workings of a firearm before she links to the power well

She doesn't need to be familiar with how a gun works at all to make one that will fire magic bullets. If she wants to be able to fire *real bullets* as well, though? Then having all the internals correct might be important.

Energy Projection
Force Field
Energy Construct Creation
Superhuman Strength (using their constructs)
Environmental Playback
Invisibility and Light Refractiton
Energy Twin
Energy Absorption
Wormholes and Spacial Warps
Time Travel
Limited Cellular Regeneration
Electromagnetic Scanning
Galactic Encyclopedia
Universal Translator
Material Alteration
Ring Duplication
Emergency Beacon
Homing Beacon
Mind Alteration
Pocket Dimension
Resurrection (though this sounds like a misnomer, based on the description. Stasis sounds more likely)
Security Protocols
Preset Conditions
Thought Relay (Telepathic Link)

I suppose with a list of powers like that, *anything* related to Will sounds like a Green Lantern, regardless of any other considerations. I apologize for not being an expert on an entire range of DC heroes that, honestly, never really interested me. The only ones I've really seen are Hal Jordan (from the 1970s-1980s Super Friends cartoon) and John Stewart (From the Justice League cartoon).

As for Will-based Magical Girls, here is what they all have in common. Keep in mind, this is the lowest common denominator, not what any specific magical girl would have.

Will: The Well of Will is fueled by your ambition, motivation, and willpower. Will magical girls become the change they want to see in the world. They fight the hardest against evil.
Overdrive: Will magical girls can will their bodies to go beyond their limit. They can keep fighting even when out of energy or get huge bursts of strength at the cost of damaging their body.
Frost C: You can freeze any water or similar liquid within 10 meters of you nigh instantly. Doesn't work on the water inside people.
Motion C: You can lift and manipulate several small objects magically. You can't lift or apply much more force than a normal person's strength.
Arma C: You can conjure an unbreakable spirit weapon. Melee weapons have enough force to compete with firearm choices.
Blood C: You can infuse your own blood into your other spells, making them stronger and nigh-impossible to counter. (It is painful to do so.)
Strength C: You can lift as much as a trained, adult strongman (600 kilograms or more).
Mind C: You are wittier, more clever, and all-around better at thinking. This clarity makes magic easy.
Reserves C: Sometimes focusing on your Well in combat is hard. If you can't do that, you can store mana for later.

They all also have a tool, an outfit, and a familiar to help them out, but those are not standardized in any way.

Looking at the default powers a Will-based magical girl will have and comparing it to the list of every single power ever displayed by a single Green Lantern, regardless of who the writer was, I can see why you might consider them similar. I still maintain that you are wrong, though, as they work on completely different principals.

Also, one doesn't require a magic battery fueled by a bigger magic battery in the center of the universe, or wherever Oa is supposed to be. And, yes, I'm aware Green Lanterns aren't actually magical.

I'm sure now people want to know where the magical girl stuff is coming from, so here, have a link.
Motion C: You can lift and manipulate several small objects magically. You can't lift or apply much more force than a normal person's strength.
Have to be careful with this one; after all, it only takes about five pounds of force, properly focused, to kill someone (eg. clamping carotids closed, TK spike to the brain, etc), and there's no Manton limit listed here.

All in all, a bunch of C-level abilities; sort of disappointing from a cinematic perspective, but ripe for optimization. Are these standardized based on the Well, or does each MG get their own combo when they bond to the Well? If it's the former, I'd expect there to be a lot of standardized, optimized tactics for each Well, as each MG group works out tactics for how to maximize the utility of their Well; it'll sort of turn into an MG military academy, separated by Well. If the later, there'll be more mixing between the different Wells, and Taylor's particular combination might have more room for her to come up with unique combos all her own.
Have to be careful with this one; after all, it only takes about five pounds of force, properly focused, to kill someone (eg. clamping carotids closed, TK spike to the brain, etc), and there's no Manton limit listed here.

All in all, a bunch of C-level abilities; sort of disappointing from a cinematic perspective, but ripe for optimization. Are these standardized based on the Well, or does each MG get their own combo when they bond to the Well? If it's the former, I'd expect there to be a lot of standardized, optimized tactics for each Well, as each MG group works out tactics for how to maximize the utility of their Well; it'll sort of turn into an MG military academy, separated by Well. If the later, there'll be more mixing between the different Wells, and Taylor's particular combination might have more room for her to come up with unique combos all her own.

That's the bare minimum you can expect from a Will-based magical girl. A magical girl with a different main Well would have a different set of base abilities. From there, each girl is able to personalize their abilities to a large extent. Remember, Taylor mentioned healing bullets, but that's not a base skill Will-type girls get off the bat.

Taylor will be able to do a lot more than it says in that spoiler.
That's the bare minimum you can expect from a Will-based magical girl. A magical girl with a different main Well would have a different set of base abilities. From there, each girl is able to personalize their abilities to a large extent. Remember, Taylor mentioned healing bullets, but that's not a base skill Will-type girls get off the bat.

Taylor will be able to do a lot more than it says in that spoiler.
Ah, makes sense to me. BTW, the Frost C ability seems to me like it's also ripe for exploitation, although I guess it would have also needed Aqua C to really be massively OP.

A possible complication with your finalized CYOA for Taylor: you have seven people inhabiting a three bedroom apartment:
  • Taylor
  • Taylor Sib 1
  • Taylor Sib 2
  • Velma Platt (Bug Cutie)
  • So far unnamed futa
  • Succubus
  • AI/sexbot - I'm not sure Taylor would want to dehumanize the AI by having it powered down in a corner most of the time, especially if she plans on it being a lifelong companion, which means treating it as a full-fledged roommate.
There's a few problems with this arrangement:
  • Even with everyone sharing rooms that still leaves a remainder, who will have to either triple up or be left in a living room or something.
  • As much as Miss Platt and Taylor likely wouldn't terribly mind being covered in bugs I'm not sure how much the others would appreciate it, but perhaps that was by design.
  • Nobody's going to be terribly happy rooming with the succubus, although I guess pairing her up with the AI wouldn't be too bad.
A little surprised Taylor didn't hit on the "obvious" exploit of pairing Strength Booster with Mandatory Injection/Permanence, maybe even High Concentration. Maybe she was put off by the word "Experimental"?
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Ah, makes sense to me. BTW, the Frost C ability seems to me like it's also ripe for exploitation, although I guess it would have also needed Aqua C to really be massively OP.

A possible complication with your finalized CYOA for Taylor: you have seven people inhabiting a three bedroom apartment:
  • Taylor
  • Taylor Sib 1
  • Taylor Sib 2
  • Velma Platt (Bug Cutie)
  • So far unnamed futa
  • Succubus
  • AI/sexbot - I'm not sure Taylor would want to dehumanize the AI by having it powered down in a corner most of the time, especially if she plans on it being a lifelong companion, which means treating it as a full-fledged roommate.
There's a few problems with this arrangement:
  • Even with everyone sharing rooms that still leaves a remainder, who will have to either triple up or be left in a living room or something.
  • As much as Miss Platt and Taylor likely wouldn't terribly mind being covered in bugs I'm not sure how much the others would appreciate it, but perhaps that was by design.
  • Nobody's going to be terribly happy rooming with the succubus, although I guess pairing her up with the AI wouldn't be too bad.
Roommate Tetris a-go go?

A little surprised Taylor didn't hit on the "obvious" exploit of pairing Strength Booster with Mandatory Injection/Permanence, maybe even High Concentration. Maybe she was put off by the word "Experimental"?
As far as I can tell, she was actually put off by the word "injection". She basically struck off all drugs and injections from the list due to an inherent kneejerk reaction created by the Merchants.
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As far as I can tell, she was actually put off by the word "injection". She basically struck off all drugs and injections from the list due to an inherent kneejerk reaction created by the Merchants.
I think she mostly was actually put off by the word "drug", but the other two didn't help, and for once Cindy didn't try to explain why exactly it would be a good thing (IIRC, she listed a few sex-related options she liked that Taylor didn't want that much anyway, and forgot to list the Strength Booster that Taylor would have at least considered).

That said, the possible side effects are canonically a thing (I think for the Strength Booster they have to do with becoming much weaker? forgot the details), with Permanence an unlucky initial draw might well keep the side effects forever, and Taylor knows she isn't particularly lucky. So even if offered she might well have turned it down anyway.
A possible complication with your finalized CYOA for Taylor: you have seven people inhabiting a three bedroom apartment:
  • Taylor
  • Taylor Sib 1
  • Taylor Sib 2
  • Velma Platt (Bug Cutie)
  • So far unnamed futa
  • Succubus
  • AI/sexbot - I'm not sure Taylor would want to dehumanize the AI by having it powered down in a corner most of the time, especially if she plans on it being a lifelong companion, which means treating it as a full-fledged roommate.
There's a few problems with this arrangement:
  • Even with everyone sharing rooms that still leaves a remainder, who will have to either triple up or be left in a living room or something.
  • As much as Miss Platt and Taylor likely wouldn't terribly mind being covered in bugs I'm not sure how much the others would appreciate it, but perhaps that was by design.
  • Nobody's going to be terribly happy rooming with the succubus, although I guess pairing her up with the AI wouldn't be too bad.
That's not necessarily true. Taylor's contract uses the interactive Slutlife based on 3.0.3. It never explicitly defines how many bedrooms the Deluxe Apartment has. The normal apartment is specified to have 1 bedroom and one bathroom, and allows up to 3 roommates (4 people counting the contestant), which would seem to mean 4 to a room. he deluxe apartment is stated to be approximately twice as big and allows up to 7 roommates, but never actually specifies how many rooms it has. This would seem to suggest it has 2 bedrooms that can each house 4 people, but the sub options allow deluxe bedroom to be taken up to 3 times. This would in turn imply there are probably three rooms (which is more than twice the number in the normal apartment), but then makes the specified limit of 8 people total odd, since it doesn't evenly divide into 3 (it could admittedly be an arbitrary limit by the staff of the show).

It's also possible there are actually 4 rooms, but you can only upgrade 3 of them for some arbitrary reason. In Jonakhensu's own version of the CYOA, the rooms are mostly standardized to two people to a room, and the room counts are specified with the the standard apartment having 2 bedrooms (for 4 inhabitants), and the deluxe apartment having 5 bedrooms (for 10 inhabitants).

Of course that is not the version Taylor got to use (if she had, I suspect she'd have gone with a maze, for the cheaper access to more rooms alongside various options of decreasing the price some of which might prove helpful for training, and the main drawback being largely negated by her power), so at present we don't know the room count breakdown to figure out the split of roommates.


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