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Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

Should I post 2.9 a week early or keep to the normal schedule? 2.10 will be on 11/13 regardless.

  • Yes, post 2.9 on 10/23

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • No, wait until 10/30

    Votes: 14 51.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Note that SL has a Secret Society that has access to time travel.

I don't find it so odd that someone made use of this.
Oh, sure, that would've been fine. But note that the poster you were replying to was reacting to a WoG that no time travel was involved in setting Taylor up for this.
Oh, sure, that would've been fine. But note that the poster you were replying to was reacting to a WoG that no time travel was involved in setting Taylor up for this.

The Secret Society has layers, with different layers having different amounts of information. Those with more information tend to not interfere as directly in events while those with less information are given direction from the top.

Tricher was not put into place specifically to set Taylor up. Bob Ross and is section of Slut life was the next in line to be given access to a new segment of the multiverse, whatever that may have been, and Tricher was sent there in case he was needed to be a counter balance for the general benevolence of Ross's setup.

Had the next group to get a new section of multiverse been a 'bad' group, Tricher would have been there to smooth out those edges as well.

I'm not saying time travel couldn't have been involved, I'm saying it wasn't needed for the initial setup of having Tricher there and having him scam Taylor.

Please note that being directed by a higher up (at least two levels or so) who had actually *read* Worm is not the same as Time Travel.
The Secret Society has layers, with different layers having different amounts of information. Those with more information tend to not interfere as directly in events while those with less information are given direction from the top.

This sounds like a great way to end up with "You weren't taking care of that?"
"No, were you?"
"Nope, well, now that we observed it, we have to be able to still observe it even if it's one timeline to a nearly infinite number of other timelines."
"Sigh, gotta go fix them all, except this one, again."

The difference between "time travel being used to decide that Tricher needed to be there" and "Tricher being set up there happened without time travel, but time travel may or may not have been involved in the decision to spend that asset on Taylor".

Okay, I can see that.
Dethklok MUST have an Earth Bet tour now!

I will pay souls to see that show. Not money or live no SOULS.

Feel free to write it. Chances are, they would miss the correct Earth Bet and end up in a different one. Either way, I don't currently plan on having it happen.

Why do I have a feeling that with such a concert, Behemoth will emerge and immediately do the "I'm Not Worthy!" kowtow to an even greater avatar of destruction?
This sounds like a great way to end up with "You weren't taking care of that?"
"No, were you?"
"Nope, well, now that we observed it, we have to be able to still observe it even if it's one timeline to a nearly infinite number of other timelines."
"Sigh, gotta go fix them all, except this one, again."
That would only happen if the secret society had no stage magicans, cops, actors, or any other profession who'd be very aware that just because they saw something doesn't mean it happens.

There's a bunch of good depictions of how this could be done in Mastermind Hunting, a Harry Potter story which has Harry repeatedly observe something bad happen, then figure out how to prevent it while still making sure it looks to him like it happened.
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2428341/1/Mastermind-Hunting (not reccing it as a story but that's one of the good parts of the story).
That would only happen if the secret society had no stage magicans, cops, actors, or any other profession who'd be very aware that just because they saw something doesn't mean it happens.

"Wait, I think we just fixed every timeline by accident."
"So what sensors were you using when you observed those events?"
"Well that's going to take quite a bit of effort to spoof. Ugh. You owe me big for helping with this."
"Next time I'm totally going to check first if someone else is dealing with a possible issue, ugh..."
I think I lost interest in the fic at somepoint, I've still been reading it but... I dunno, it just lost it's charm? It just feels like it's dragging on and on, and the secret society plotline is detracting from the whole thing to me, there's obvious logical holes like the fact that the multiverse is infinite with references to people with concept fuckery and literally divine levels of personal skill and yet Worm rules still trump everything. I feel like the scaling is just, wonky and inconsistent.
and yet Worm rules still trump everything
Not sure where you got that. Maybe it's just me knowing a few spoilers, but I haven't seen anything about "worm rules still trump everything" other than Taylor having a lot of additional processing power. I'm pretty sure that the world of SL can easily match and out-pace that bit, it's just not commonly needed or done.
I think I lost interest in the fic at somepoint, I've still been reading it but... I dunno, it just lost it's charm? It just feels like it's dragging on and on, and the secret society plotline is detracting from the whole thing to me, there's obvious logical holes like the fact that the multiverse is infinite with references to people with concept fuckery and literally divine levels of personal skill and yet Worm rules still trump everything. I feel like the scaling is just, wonky and inconsistent.

If you lost interest, I'm sorry to hear it, but I knew going in this fic wouldn't be for everyone.

I'll admit to things dragging on, but that's primarily because I'm having fun setting things up and seeing where things go, rather than rushing head long into things only to find out later I don't know what I'm doing.

As for the 'obvious logical holes,' I'm not sure I see them.

As far as I can tell, no one, in story, has made reference to 'people with concept fuckery and literally divine levels of skill.' The only references to conceptual fuckery was made my other people discussing possibilities of who could be doing the hacking (they were wrong) and what implications that could have on the story.

The Worm rules trumping everything bit is a bit inaccurate as well. The only reference we've had to that was in regards to will power and mental protection as a defense against Masters, which, again, did not happen in story, it was in discussion. I'm also fairly sure I ended up agreeing that, yes, as written, proper mental training stop certain Master effects from working, at least in the long term.

The Secret Society plot line is mostly going to be remaining in the background, subtly directing things at most. I mean, I could skip any scenes including them, but then I'd have people complaining about not knowing why things are happening.

This was never going to be a standard "in it for the lewds" Slut Life story, and I'm sorry if I gave you the impression it would be.

In summery, I'm sorry this fic doesn't appear to be what you're looking for. If you change your mind, or decide you want to hold off a few months until a lot more is posted, I hope you'll enjoy it then. If not, I hope you have better luck finding what you're looking for elsewhere.
I think I lost interest in the fic at somepoint, I've still been reading it but... I dunno, it just lost it's charm? It just feels like it's dragging on and on, and the secret society plotline is detracting from the whole thing to me, there's obvious logical holes like the fact that the multiverse is infinite with references to people with concept fuckery and literally divine levels of personal skill and yet Worm rules still trump everything. I feel like the scaling is just, wonky and inconsistent.
If you can point out examples and suggest ways of fixing it, this might be more helpful.
Hmm, I will second the idea that an interviewer having that weak a stomach is a bit odd. Audience or staff with lesser runtime might be, but considering whay might be shown and what an attendee might be into...

A couple of the audience members were dumb enough to use the optional Smell-o-Vision. (This is at least partially a joke, but it really wouldn't surprise me).

More realistically, listening to someone gag or vomit almost always makes me try to vomit, so there's a decent chance that set a couple people off, which sets more people off, and so on.
A couple of the audience members were dumb enough to use the optional Smell-o-Vision. (This is at least partially a joke, but it really wouldn't surprise me).

More realistically, listening to someone gag or vomit almost always makes me try to vomit, so there's a decent chance that set a couple people off, which sets more people off, and so on.
Wait, so they went from a verbal interview to pulling her memories out of her head and broadcasting them in full simsense VR? Did they bother warning Taylor that would be a possibility?

The Secret Society plot line
I think the part that I don't like about this is that we're vanishingly unlikely to see Jacob again until after Taylor's SL run, and maybe not even then since the Secret Society is more likely to transfer him to a different universe after he burned his cover. As such, there's no real reason to show the SEELE-knockoff shadowy figures discussion here at all. The reason you would want to add something like this would be for dramatic irony purposes: if Jacob were to be a regular part of Taylor's life for the next several months, for example, this would have been a great addition because we in the readership would know that Jacob is a semi-decent person playing a role, while Taylor thought he was just a rat bastard. As it is, though, it's basically sort of hinting that dramatic irony should exist, but functionally there isn't any because Jacob is being put on a bus.

Put another way: if we remove that entire passage, what changes in Taylor's life, or in our experience of it? Does anything change? Or would it be better, and more dramatic, to just cut this section and, at least for the moment, promote the perception to the readers that Taylor's run isn't being heavily favored by a cabal of powerful beings interested in her well-being, that she's going to have to rely on her own wit and abilities?
A couple of the audience members were dumb enough to use the optional Smell-o-Vision. (This is at least partially a joke, but it really wouldn't surprise me).

More realistically, listening to someone gag or vomit almost always makes me try to vomit, so there's a decent chance that set a couple people off, which sets more people off, and so on.
A Smell-o-Vision, or full immersion package that makes them as if they are a live audience or one of the students from Winslow makes more sense. A good enough patch for the SoD, and also give an interesting insight to why Slut Life might be popular (ala Shadowrun's BTL chips), so best to slip those lines.
There was no time travel or a precog involved.
That... actually surprises me. I was pretty sure there was (or, rather, I imagined something PtV-style; not sure if that counts as "precog").
But the plan in general just makes no sense unless some sort of precog or time travel is involved.
Pretty much. (Again, assuming PtV or similar counts.)

The difference between "time travel being used to decide that Tricher needed to be there" and "Tricher being set up there happened without time travel, but time travel may or may not have been involved in the decision to spend that asset on Taylor".

Okay, I can see that.
I basically ended up with a similar idea (on second thought, not quite the same as the one described by you): judging by this particular Tricher interlude, even if the events involving Taylor did only come along due to a PtV-esque plan (and I still think they probably did - the whole thing is just way too weird for it not to be the case), both Tricher and Keel/Humperdinck/whatever were probably approximately as much (mostly) pawns in said plan as Taylor was (and, in particular, it wasn't set up by Keel).
Since he seems to be objecting to the parts I most enjoy about this story, I think his complaint amounts to "I don't like this kind of story", i.e there's no way to fix it.
To be fair, it might as well be that there is a way to fix it to his preference - it's just that this way would heavily diminish your enjoyment of the story.

In principle, "parts [you] most enjoy about this story" =/= "parts most important for the impression of this kind of story". Those two sets might well be very similar, but they can also be (almost) disjoint, they will almost definitely not be identical, and without more details it's hard to say how close they are in this particular case.
that Taylor's run isn't being heavily favored by a cabal of powerful beings interested in her well-being
Technically, it already is, if we count the Mad Scientist Organization :)

In any case, she's still going to have to rely on her wit and abilities, but at least we can be sure that nobody will actively be trying to kill her. Hopefully.

(Not that they're especially likely to succeed even if they do try...)
Either or really. I would think a secret society would make use of an advantage like that on at least a semi-regular basis. Using it daily would be too much in my opinion.
The problem with overusing time-travel:

"Wow Bob, last night must have been harsh, you look like you aged 10 years overnight!"
"Stan, is that you? It's been years!"


if ever I needed a Kung Fury reference, then by Jove you certainly delivered.
No spoilers, but for full enjoyment of a future chapter (2.2 IIRC), watching this will help:
In principle, "parts [you] most enjoy about this story" =/= "parts most important for the impression of this kind of story". Those two sets might well be very similar, but they can also be (almost) disjoint, they will almost definitely not be identical, and without more details it's hard to say how close they are in this particular case.
Point. my post really was lacking in information.
I was referring to the fact the story is showing the culture and society surrounding SL and how the secret society actually works.

The problem with overusing time-travel:

"Wow Bob, last night must have been harsh, you look like you aged 10 years overnight!"
"Stan, is that you? It's been years!"
Not an issue when the society also has the ability to set your biological age to anything you want.
Nonsense, if you don't get to talk about things that legitimately will have been being happened now and then your intertemporal lobe will atrophy. If the grammar starts looking confusing you definitely haven't been working those thinkymeats enough in this timeline.
Preparation 2.a
Preparation 2.a

AN: I'd like to thank all of the people who helped me come up with bits of this PHO-Style interlude. Any recognizable names are either used with permission or are coincidences. This PHO-style interlude was made primarily using the Myrddin PHO Interlude Wizard, serving most of your PHO interlude needs.

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♦ Topic: Taylor Hebert
In: Boards ► Discussion ► Interviews
(Original Poster)
Posted On Jan 11th 6349:
Man, did you see that new chick Slut Life picked up? They censored her interview. They CENSORED her INTERVIEW! What the fuck?! Anyway, they nicely posted the whole thing here. Now, there's some warnings about graphic content and shit, and believe you me, you're gonna want to read them. I sure wish I had. Graphic shit, man. Never seen the host blow chunks like that.

Apparently, the world this Taylor Hebert comes from is a shitfest. Don't believe me? Watch the damn video for yourself, just don't say I didn't warn you. Oh... and don't watch it if you're afraid of bugs. Seriously, just don't.

And by all that is holy, keep the damn Smell-O-Vision off if you don't want to puke. I'm serious here, don't do it.

(Showing page 1 of 76)

Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
Ha ha! First. Seriously, though. Don't watch that video unless you have a strong stomach or a complete lack of feels.

Or if you like having nightmares.

►Innocent?One (Verified Not Innocent)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
Hmm.... So that's what it feels like to spontaneously develop entomophobia. The real question now is.... Who will my mind healer go to for help with their new phobia once I'm done explaining how I developed my new phobia?
Because I'm gonna need to get over that phobia if I'm gonna go over and "comfort" that poor girl as best as I'm able!

Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
I dare you all to watch full vid. Seriously, that shit is fucked up.

If you don't cry you're not human!

►PrettySnek (Verified Naga)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
I take offense to that, @Challengair! Just because I don't have tear ducts...

►WingsOfIron (Verified Dragon)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
I'm a dragon and I cried!

That girl needs some serious cuddles.

Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
That video was HELLARIOUS!

►Dagon_Cult_Official (Verified Cultist)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
Having watched this interview in its entirety, High Priest of the Deep, Ichabod Diefenbach, has condemned the actions of those three girls and others like her to the deepest degree.

That disgusting display was nothing more an utterly depraved empowerment ritual. There are much easier and less distasteful paths to power.

►Innocent?One (Verified Not Innocent)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
Seriously Crimson? I knew you were fucked up in the head, but seriously?!

►Intergalactic_Psychic_Association_Official (Verified Psychic)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
We, at the Intergalactic Psychic Association hereby do condemn the actions of this Simurgh creature. She is not a member of our association, and would not be eligible for membership should she request it.

We stand for the responsible use of psionic talents and abhor the methods this creature employs and the goals it strives for. It is obvious that this creature knows nothing of ethics or honor.

►Dethklok_Official (Verified Musician)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
That was fucking BRUTAL!

We've got to include that place in our next tour! It'll be awesome!

Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
Sorry for my lateness on this guys. But that video triggered me so hard that I must have warped back around to lucidity. Anyway, I didn't trust myself to not rant up a storm after seeing...that. The bugs...meh. I've seen worse. Two words: Spider Rain. But that , appropriately named, Trigger Event horrified me. And I study Lovecraft-verses for a living.

Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
@Innocent?One Seriously man? It's Crimson Fucker. He's a professional troll. Dead serious. Go read his Twitter. I'd be more surprised if he didn't go straight for the shock value.

Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
They've got three eldritch abominations that stick around between attacks? Did someone screw up a summoning ritual trying to reenact one of those old Godzilla movies?

►Police_Girl (Verified Hellsing) (Verified Vampire)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
It's true. He is the biggest troll. We're a bit worried he'll decide to go on vacation again.

At least this time there aren't any Nazis involved.

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(Showing page 2 of 76)

Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
@Police_Girl (with the big tiddies), did you even WATCH the interview? The girl's home town is crawling with Nazis! Why, I might just need to find Ms. Hebert and give her some tips.

Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
I'm... not sure what to say... other than that that planet is fucked.

I hope Taylor, or someone she ends up recruiting, gets a planet out of this or something. If that was my world, I'd be looking to jump ship, not volunteering to head back.

At least it sounds like she'll be setting up a charity to help people around her home town and the rest of the planet. Maybe I'll see about donating a few dollars to it once they let us know what it is.

►Sir_Integra_Fairbrook_Wingates_Hellsing (Verified Hellsing)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
Alucard, don't you dare! We have enough things to worry about without you getting us into more trouble!

►Akaibu (Verified Magical Girl)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
oh by savi's star, i've heard some nightmares from some of the other girls about their school lives, but I don't think any even they hold a light to the foulness of that Hess girl and the so called former "friend" of poor Taylor was put through, i think i might get a few friends and pay a little visit to her world...

►Skynet_Overlord (Moderator) (Verified AI)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
@Akaibu Advocating violence against other sentients is a violation of the forum's Code of Conduct. Also note that this contestant is from a newly contacted universe; there are contact protocols that must be followed, and attempts at casual travel to such a world will only result in your arrest. I'll look forward to your court-mandated run on the show should this happen. I understand the subject matter of this particular topic is very sensitive, so it's just a warning this time, but don't do it again!

Lets try and keep things on topic and civil people.

Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
Fine, Mom (@Sir_Integra_Fairbanks_Wingates_Hellsing), I guess I'll leave her to her own devices instead of helping her kill Nazis. Seriously, though, can you be any more boring?

It's always "Don't do this," or "Don't do that," or "Don't burn down that orphanage with the burning kittens, and why are the kittens on fire?" with you.

►Innocent?One (Verified Not Innocent)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
I'm of mixed mind here… On one hand it's @CrimsonFucker… On the other hand, Taylor taking some of his brand of advice might actually help that world… And on the other hand, it's @CrimsonFucker!
And talking to the show's Contractee about possible actions to take on their world doesn't actually break any of the new universe contact protocols that I'm aware of...

►Akaibu (Verified Magical Girl)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
No advocating violence here Mr.Skynet, just a slightly strongly worded suggestion and a little show of frightful power to some girls who think they can get away with stuff like that, nothing more. but i get the point.

►Skynet_Overlord (Moderator) (Verified AI)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
And again, new universe contact protocols. And again, I'll look forward to your court-mandated run on the show if you try anything. Now drop it, or that warning will become a bit... more.

►Caped_Baldy (Verified Superhero)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
I wonder if I could visit Earth Bet. It sounds like fighting those End-thingies could be fun.

Oh well, no point worrying about it now. I'll see if I can once we've opened up contact or whatever.

Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
And still more proof that just because the abominations are cute and fight other abominations doesn't mean that they aren't out for your sanity and soul. ...Or they literally eat friendship energy or something. All the teams studying Magical Girls gave up and took up day drinking as a full time job. So we have no clue. Maybe if becoming a magical girl didn't stick you as a teenager forever, people would be more willing to stick around and learn about them.

►Cute_Julia (Verified Magical Girl)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
Hey now, @Not_That_Henderson, what's not very nice. For the most part, Magical Girls work to make things better. Sure, some of us need emotional energy to power our spells, but that doesn't make us monsters.

And you don't have to be a teenager forever. It depends on what type of Magical Girl you are, how you use your magic, and how long you stay transformed.

As for people like Akaibu? There's a reason we have teams dedicated to hunting down rogues.

►Nugar (Verified Former Contestant) (Verified Junior SL Producer)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
Huh. So the girl who controls spiders has great legs. Is that like, a pan universal constant? You want spider powers, you must have legs up to 'here'? Seriously, name one spider druid, summoner, priest, empowered, or arachne like species who doesn't have great legs. I'm not even a leg man and I noticed.

Anyway, I heard they're being cautious with Drone Queens and Arachne and the like. The control seems to be involuntary, instant, and range based, though no one is sure if there's lingering effects yet. They might have to set up nogo fields to keep our chitinous friends safe.

►Silk_Merchant (Verified Arachne)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
Controlling all those insects like that was so cool! On the other hand... if she can control Arachnes and Insect Queens that easily... Brrr.... scary.

I'm hoping they look into that soon, and very carefully, but I'm not going to volunteer to be one of their guinea pigs. No-siree-bob. I like being able to control my own actions, thank you very much.

On a less scary note, if she can control regular spiders that easily, she could produce some interesting fabric. I know us Arachnes are known for the clothing we can make, but it sounds like Taylor might make an even better tailor than we do, with some practice.

I don't relish the eventual competition she'll bring to the market, but I am interested in seeing what she can make.

Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
Hey, that brings up another scary thought. Are we sure it's just insects and arachnids and not "all invertebrates with simple neural tissue?" Because shoggoths count, if it's the latter.

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(Showing page 3 of 76)

►Nala (Verified Sphinx)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
What has six legs and no conscience?

Emma Barnes, Sophia Hess, and Madison Clements.

Not the best riddle, it's true, but I only took a moment to come up with it. I don't think I'll be keeping it, though, as it left a bad taste in my mouth.

Oh well, back to the drawing board.

►Nugar (Verified Former Contestant) (Verified Junior SL Producer)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
@Not_That_Henderson, I don't think anyone knows yet. I think they're planning on doing most of the research during the show itself, so you'll find out when we all find out. Also, don't shoggoths only have simplified nervous tissue some of the time? They morph so...?

►Science_of_Patience (Verified Scientist)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
That is a very good question, @Not_That_Henderson. We'll have to look into it. Thank you for the suggestion.

►Honeydew_Dreams (Verified Cutie)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
I only watched the broadcast version, and I have no intention of watching the uncensored version. When they were trying to pick someone to be Miss Hebert's Cutie, they told us being near her could be like being on Beelzajaab, and there's no way I was going to get involved with anything like that.

I heard one of our group got picked for the job, though. I hope she can put up with the bugs, because Taylor needs all the friends she can get.

►Tekeli-li (Verified Cultist)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
That's a horribly depraved power granting ritual! They didn't even fuck her to do it properly! What were they thinking?

On a different note... All Praise to Taylor Hebert:Queen of the Shoggoths!

Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
Oh god... my boyfriend dared me to watch that video, the prick. I don't like bugs, but I've seen a few clips of one of those Beelzajaab documentaries, and I figured, no way this could be worse.

I was wrong. So very, very wrong. Watching a camera be swarmed is one thing, if almost too much for me to handle. Watching the same number of bugs swarm a camera under the clear direction of an intelligent mind? Much, much worse.

I didn't watch the rest of the video after that, but my boyfriend will definitely be sleeping on the couch for the next few nights... unless I get nightmares bad enough that I need to have him in bed with me.

Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
@Tekeli-li I don't even think it's a ritual, just a thing that happens when people have psychotic episodes on their planet.

►Not_So_Ugly_Betty (Verified Contestant)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
@Star-Struck @Tekeli-Li It beats my home planet. There we just get the trauma. No cool powers, no ritual sex, just boring old psychosis.

►Hypno-Steve (Verified Hypnotist)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
It is my professional opinion that Miss Hebert has been subjected to stresses far beyond what would be needed to cause psychosis, as rightly pointed out by @Not_So_Ugly_Betty. Condolences on your world being shitty, by the way, but at least you got out, right?

Anyway, back on topic. Miss Hebert is apparently planning on returning to her own world. It is my considered opinion that such plans speak to her mental instability. She should seek out a proper therapist immediately.

Unfortunately, she has neglected taking a hypnotist as one of her owners, so I can only hope she will seek out appropriate treatment elsewhere.

Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
One the one hand, what Taylor went through is criminal and I feel bad for what happened to her. On the other hand, I keep wanting to laugh maniacally about what she's going to be going back there with.

I mean, she's got her bugs, and that's already terrifying, but she's also going to have the backing of Slut Life, and she's getting magical powers. Even if she turns out to be one of those boring low-tier magical girls, it should still be amusing to watch the fireworks once she's back home... assuming she takes a few camera drones with her, of course.

Anyway, this is definitely a matter of laugh or cry, so... MWAHAHAHAHA!

►Dreadskull_The_Malevolent (Verified Supervillain)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
I have seen great evil before, but nothing I've seen thus far has compared to the petty cruelty of those three girls.

Sure, I've held people hostage. I've assassinated a few mayors. I've even stolen candy from a baby (It was butterscotch! Butterscotch! Do you know how hard it is to get that these days?). But I would never engage in such a petty, long term campaign targeting one person.

If you want to kill someone, fine. Just do it. If you want to steal, sure, go ahead. If you want to destroy someone but leave them alive, break their kneecaps if they're an athlete, their fingers if they're a pianist, or their face if they're a model. You get the idea.

Drawing it out like those girls did is just... asinine. Evil should be more practical than that.

We should have standards, damn it!

►Mistress_Jane (Verified Sadist Dominatrix)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
You see that with the bugs? That, right there, is why none of the dominatrixes wanted anything to do with her. Our job depends on having control, and, with someone like Hebert, we can't have it without going to extreme measures.

Seriously, they had her in quarantine for a week. For someone who isn't radioactive and doesn't have a plague or something, that's insane!

We can't do our jobs if we have to keep watching over our shoulders for swarms of bees or something. I'm sorry to hear about what she went through, but I'd rather not have anything to do with her.

►Agent_Smith (Verified Agent)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
Damn... I'm sorry she didn't take an Agent as an owner. With the counter-surveillance capabilities of having a swarm of eyes to keep track of everyone in an area, the missions she would have been able to complete would have been mind boggling.

I'm getting hard just thinking about it.

►Alphonse Flemel (Verified Alchemist)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
Damn. I wish I was going to be one of her neighbors...

Just think of all the rare ingredients she could get me! Spider silk and venom, fresh honey, honeydew from aphids, and so much more!

Sure, I'd love to get my hands on other of her fluids as well, but there's a surprisingly large amount of stuff that would be easier to make with an army of insects on beck and call.

Whichever alchemist is lucky enough to be near her, assuming one of us is near wherever she ends up, will be one lucky bastard. Unfortunately, I can't leave Earth at the moment, important research and all, but if I weren't in the middle of a three-month long brewing cycle, I would be sorely tempted to follow her to wherever it is she's being sent.

►Denise_The_Menace (Verified Contestant)
Replied On Jan 11th 6349:
I'm not sure what the big deal is here. Some girl gets stuck in her locker for a little bit. Big whoop.

How much should we care? Zip a dee doo dah. Seriously, she's such a drama whore. Get over yourself, Hebert, no one gives a damn about you breaking your nail, or whatever.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... 74, 75, 76

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Heh. Nice interlude. The only thing I'd do different would be to use different symbols for and @, just to make it a little different from PHO. ⇒ or » and ⊕ or Ω maybe? *shrugs* just my two bits.

[Edit] I agree!
Denise_The_Menace needs time in her punishments if she's still an active contestant. Unless that was her way to get punished if she got the masochist mods. Hmm. Regardless, that did deserve a slap.
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Congrats on getting the exact type of person I'd be able to get over my semi-pacifism to punch them in the face right.
That was a good interlude, I had a lot of fun figuring out who everyone was based on their screen names and personalities. Good job capturing the feeling of a forum discussion.
Judging by screen name and comment, Denise_the_Menace is most likely one of those "everything must be about me" types who is perfectly happy to bear your scorn because it means she's the center of attention, not some new girl from some hick universe literally no one ever heard of before. To put it more directly, don't feed the troll, she's worse than Alucard. (Also, don't fuck the troll, she likes that. Off to the chastity dungeon with you, Denise, you get to come back if anyone misses you!)
Denise_the_Menace is going to get a LOT of the wrong kind of attention then what he/she is expecting. I hope Alucard gets to him/her first in a very long line people that want to punch him/her in the face.

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