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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

Weiss: "You-You think I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!"

Jaune: "I suppose so, Weiss. I just had to be honest with myself. It's not that you're not a gorgeous, amazing girl yourself, but-"

Weiss: "But you thought I was more obtainable than Yang?!"

Jaune: "Well... Yes?"

Weiss: Eyebrows Twitch Violently "No... Nonono... You can't possibly... YOU CAN'T THINK SHE WAS HARDER TO GET THAN ME! YOU-YOU GOT HER!"

Jaune: "Well... I mean, I guess I was wrong?"


Jaune: "What? WHAT?!"

Weiss - "I, a Schnee heiress, was your version of settling for less?!?"

Jaune - "I guess you were kind of like a safety school?"
So, just read MHA and I realized something. Anyone ever thought if a person have a semblance that could take, copy, combine and give Semblance? Like All For One but a bit more superior version. I mean Mercury dad could steal semblance, that's how Mercury lost his. In RWBY: Arrowfell, Bianca Prisma can copy semblance.

So what if Jaune can have that semblance but he made business out of it. Like selling semblance or take people who don't like their semblance.

Jaune: Hey Mercury, wanna buy a semblance? How about a clone semblance for 400 lien?

Mercury: What else you got?

Jaune: I got a super speed, a stealth semblance that can cancel any noise you make, and an illusion semblance.

Mercury: What does the illusion one do?

Jaune: It chance your appearance but you need to feed aura to maintain it.

Mercury:*Thinking of ways he could prank Emerald.* The illusion one. Do you take card?

Jaune: *pulls out card scanner for his phone* Yep.

Mercury would definitely be his customer.

Ironwood would also be a customer since he wants to see if people can have 2 semblance and protect Remnant better.

Pietro want to see if it is possible to give semblance to Penny.

The most popular semblance to be sold is the metal skin. Hunters want more protection against Grimms.

There should be an Auction house for this. Arc Auction Avenue or Semblance Shop.


So, just read MHA and I realized something. Anyone ever thought if a person have a semblance that could take, copy, combine and give Semblance? Like All For One but a bit more superior version. I mean Mercury dad could steal semblance, that's how Mercury lost his. In RWBY: Arrowfell, Bianca Prisma can copy semblance.

So what if Jaune can have that semblance but he made business out of it. Like selling semblance or take people who don't like their semblance.

Jaune: Hey Mercury, wanna buy a semblance? How about a clone semblance for 400 lien?

Mercury: What else you got?

Jaune: I got a super speed, a stealth semblance that can cancel any noise you make, and an illusion semblance.

Mercury: What does the illusion one do?

Jaune: It chance your appearance but you need to feed aura to maintain it.

Mercury:*Thinking of ways he could prank Emerald.* The illusion one. Do you take card?

Jaune: *pulls out card scanner for his phone* Yep.

Mercury would definitely be his customer.

Ironwood would also be a customer since he wants to see if people can have 2 semblance and protect Remnant better.

Pietro want to see if it is possible to give semblance to Penny.

The most popular semblance to be sold is the metal skin. Hunters want more protection against Grimms.

There should be an Auction house for this. Arc Auction Avenue or Semblance Shop.



If Jaune's Semblance evolves into draining and nullifying enemy Aura; he could theoretically also steal Semblances (or if not steal, then at least gain a permanent copy of them); since his Amplification effect would combine with his Nullification effect. Not only that, but Jaune's version of that Semblance would be stronger than the one he stole it from, since Amplification makes it stronger from the get go.

**Inb4 Jaune gains a juiced-up version of Polarity due to subconsciously drawing out and amplifying the remnants of Pyrrha's Aura from within him.

By that same line of thinking, he could give Semblances in the same way he shares his Aura. Though unlike Jaune, the one's to inherit it gain the original, unboosted version of the Semblance (they can still be temporarily boosted by Amping them, though).

It's like having One for All and All for One at the same time.

------EDIT to avoid doubleposting------

I wanna see how we can push the Semblances to their absolute Limits.

Let's start with the obvious ones: Ruby, Weiss, Jaune and Pyrrha have, by every metric measurable, the single most bullshit Semblances of their generation.

Ruby's Petal Burst is just plain Molecular Manipulation; not just that but it has been shown to also affect the things she touches, including people. And as her fight with the Curious Cat has shown us, she can also use it on herself to imitate a Logia wielder from One Piece too.

So, a Ruby Rose perfectly aware of how absolutely ridiculous her power is, is a terrifying Ruby; completely disintegrating an enemy's weapon into a flurry of petals up to outright no-selling having her limbs cut off or her head lopped off by just becoming a cloud of petals and reassembling herself. Hell, she could even use extra Aura as substitute for molecular matter (manifested as petals) to forge items and weapons "out of nothing", provided she knows their material makeup and components.

Weiss' Glyphs are pretty much just "Fuck you, it's Glyphs; I ain't gotta explain shit". They pretty much gain new powers and uses as the plot demands; and they are as versatile as Weiss' creativity allows them to be. Time Glyphs, Element Glyphs, Shield Glyphs, Summon Glyphs....and if there is such a thing as Summon, it means they are invoked from somewhere, so consider adding Gate Glyphs as well on top of it. Hell, she could even forgo the monster and just go Localized Gate of Babylon by just summon-shooting multiple, miniaturized Arma Gigas swords from Gate Glyphs.

Pyrrha Nikos' Polarity is just plain Magneto moveset potential. And also, consider that it is potentially control over Electromagnetism; AKA: One of the four fundamental forces of creation, that allows for a LOT of leeway.

Jaune Arc's Aura Amp, or as I'd like to call it, RWBY's "Get Out of Death Free" Card. Aura Amp shares the user's Aura and temporarily amplifies other's Aura, but if I may be allowed to expand upon this; it could also, in theory, also drain and temporarily nullify other's Aura as well, depending on the user's intention. When draining Aura, the user would also gain an imprint of the drained Aura's Semblance. Jaune's Semblance won't steal other's Semblance with it's Aura Draining, but it can amplify the presence of the imprint that was acquired during the drain, allowing it to permanently establish that imprint within Jaune's Soul as a new power of his Semblance.

In other words; Jaune doesn't so much gain a new Semblance as instead has a powered up version of that Semblance as one of his Semblance's new abilities (kind of like the Schnee's Glyphs, many powers but still one Semblance). And yes, this also means that Jaune could discover this facet of his Semblance when he accidentaly manages to somehow use a powered-up version of Pyrrha's Polarity by amplifying the leftover imprint of Pyrrha's Aura within him.
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If Jaune's Semblance evolves into draining and nullifying enemy Aura; he could theoretically also steal Semblances (or if not steal, then at least gain a permanent copy of them); since his Amplification effect would combine with his Nullification effect. Not only that, but Jaune's version of that Semblance would be stronger than the one he stole it from, since Amplification makes it stronger from the get go.

**Inb4 Jaune gains a juiced-up version of Polarity due to subconsciously drawing out and amplifying the remnants of Pyrrha's Aura from within him.

By that same line of thinking, he could give Semblances in the same way he shares his Aura. Though unlike Jaune, the one's to inherit it gain the original, unboosted version of the Semblance (they can still be temporarily boosted by Amping them, though).

It's like having One for All and All for One at the same time.

Aura Amp also being Aura drain would make Jaune even more OP. Semblance copy and taking would make it even more so.

As an aside, in lewd works, some make it so Jaune Semblance is some variant of Aura Amp as base part of Jaune's Semblance plus Semblance copy via sex.
Aura Amp also being Aura drain would make Jaune even more OP. Semblance copy and taking would make it even more so.

As an aside, in lewd works, some make it so Jaune Semblance is some variant of Aura Amp as base part of Jaune's Semblance plus Semblance copy via sex.

It wouldn't be stealing it so much as taking in the Auric imprint of the Semblance, Amplify it and adapt it as a new sub-ability. So yeah, rather than copying, it's adaptation.

This is not unprecedented in RWBY, by the way; Another rainbow-themed character has a Semblance Copy Semblance (say that twice as fast) with much less requirements for activation.

https://rwby.fandom.com/wiki/Bianca_Prisma (the Character...)

https://rwby.fandom.com/wiki/Refraction (...and her Semblance)
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So, just read MHA and I realized something. Anyone ever thought if a person have a semblance that could take, copy, combine and give Semblance? Like All For One but a bit more superior version. I mean Mercury dad could steal semblance, that's how Mercury lost his. In RWBY: Arrowfell, Bianca Prisma can copy semblance.

So what if Jaune can have that semblance but he made business out of it. Like selling semblance or take people who don't like their semblance.
If Jaune's Semblance evolves into draining and nullifying enemy Aura; he could theoretically also steal Semblances (or if not steal, then at least gain a permanent copy of them); since his Amplification effect would combine with his Nullification effect. Not only that, but Jaune's version of that Semblance would be stronger than the one he stole it from, since Amplification makes it stronger from the get go.

**Inb4 Jaune gains a juiced-up version of Polarity due to subconsciously drawing out and amplifying the remnants of Pyrrha's Aura from within him.

By that same line of thinking, he could give Semblances in the same way he shares his Aura. Though unlike Jaune, the one's to inherit it gain the original, unboosted version of the Semblance (they can still be temporarily boosted by Amping them, though).

It's like having One for All and All for One at the same time.
Personally, I always like power coping or stealing powers to have some twist or actual limitations (and not just the bare minimum) to them, otherwise they kinda get generic in my opinion.
In MHA Monoma's copy Quirk has a bunch of backdraws, like how can copy up to 4 Quirks, but only can only use one at a time and only for five minutes at a time.
This means that he has a lot of versatility, and can be placed n almost any position as a supporting role, but on his own he's much less effective, and when he's in a fight he turns it into kind of a guessing-game what Quirks he has stored and is going to use next.

In Grrl Power, Varia gets powers that are similar, but not identical, to those whom she touches (and only for as long as she's touching them).
For instance, Harem (a teleporting duplicator) allows her to teleport alongside her, while Jiggawatt has lightning abilities but gives Varia magnetic control instead.

Another couple of examples happen in Worm
  • First there is a Cape (Upperhand) who can copy powers but with the output changed to crushing gravity.
  • Another (Grue) can drain someone's power only as long as who they're stealing it from are in darkness clouds he creates.
  • Then there's someone (Echidna) who can create clones whose powers are some different variation.
  • There's also a whole group (the Yàngbǎn) who share the powers of all members among each other but at the cost of being proportional reduction in the potency, but they get around this by having a member who can amplify the powers of others
    The interaction between the two goes some way to mitigating the above downside, and the super who can power-share also appears to be able to use his power on multiple groups at once, creating multiple subgroups with differing specialities.
  • My personal favourite has to be Glaistig Uaine, who takes the powers from dead supers, and instead of using those powers herself (so she can't simply make herself super tough by using someone with a super-toughness power), she summons them as immortal ghostly spectres (which are completely physical in how they interact with things) up to 3 at one time (they changed this in the sequel so she can maintain more than that at the cost of significantly reduced individual power, but whatever).

So to go with the buying and selling idea, maybe Jaune can only make a copy or take of someone's semblance after he has done some kind of favour for them, or has made a deal with them for their semblance (selling someone a power could be seen as a favour or deal, so he might be able to exchange powers that way).
This way he can't just steal someone's semblance, and become overpowered very quickly, but also doesn't make it too weak or useless, and you could get some interesting workarounds and situations because of the requirements.

Now when he's "selling" a semblance to someone, he might be able to add stipulations and restrictions in their deal without telling the other about it, like how any semblance will be returned to him the moment they try to use it to hurt him or any of his friends (no matter if they succeeded or not), possibly with interest or a time limit of a few months.

On NightDranzer's idea of Jaune's version of copied/stolen Semblances being stronger, I think that is going to make him very overpowered very quickly.
Remember that the greatest strength from power coping/stealing isn't just that they get powers, but that they can have multiple powers at once, so they have something suited for every situation and can combine abilities in a way that others just can't.
One example of this is Yang's Burn and Nora's High Voltage; with the first absorbing damage to enhance the user, and the second can create and channel electricity to enhance the users strength and also absorb electricity to further enhance their strength (but it doesn't make the user immune to being electrocuted), which means the user gains a ridiculous boost in strength when they take any damage from electricity.

My solution for this is that Jaune's copied versions start out weaker than the original (untrained base level, or maybe even weaker), which he can compensate by amplifying them with his Aura Amp semblance when he needs to.
If you really want Jaune's to be stronger than they could grow like normal, or even quicker than with the original user, and he could still train with them to get better using them

As for draining Aura, don't, or at least only reserve it for villains.
Tyrian's Semblance, Aura Disruption, is already extremely powerful in canon, as it leaves the victim defenseless to a killing blow, and it shows in his track record of murdering multiple experienced Huntsman.
And his semblance only disrupted Aura for a pretty short duration in a small spot, but draining Aura means that it's not only gone completely and gone longer, but also that it makes the other even stronger and tougher.
If you really want to give an Aura draining ability to a hero, don't make it very powerfull, but more something like Kazuma Drain Touch, which is much more usefull for transfering mana and health to another it is as an actual attack.
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Lines of Succession 3 New
- - -

Jaune had asked for a brief break before meeting with his in-laws properly. This let Blake and her parents go into the conference room first. Jaune walked off to a bathroom. He went to the sink washed his hands. He stared into the mirror, and took a deep breath.

"Professor Oobleck?"

The glasses-wearing professor zipped into view behind him.

"Your Majesty."

Jaune sighed. Oobleck chuckled.

"You will need to get used to that eventually."

"Eventually," Jaune mumbled. He turned and looked at his professor. "So...?"

Oobleck sipped his coffee from a thermos. He hummed thoughtfully.

"You know as well as I do that nobody does anything for free in politics."

"Yeah, Empires at War taught me that," Jaune muttered. Oobleck smiled.

"Oh? You played that?"

"Yeah, the board game too," Jaune admitted, "Nana Arturia made me play it and Diplomacy, Stock Market, dozens of others. They were really brutal."

Oobleck chuckled again.

"Well, that's good to hear. I thought you were a complete novice, Your Majesty... And you are. But at least you've got some grounding in the game you are playing."

"But the stakes are real, and you can't reset the board," Jaune said quietly. Oobleck nodded. "So... What will they want?"

"Of the Aspirant Kingdoms that seek to become great powers like the Four? Menagerie is probably the closest to becoming the Fifth. Their economy has expanded by leaps and bounds, their cultural production is becoming fairly strong, and their industry is advancing. They are also one of the few Kingdoms that can actually project power through a Navy, though not easily. Deploying their navy all the way to Vale is no doubt very costly, as is deploying their forces and bringing in aid. They're mostly just replacing our existing logistics, but it's still expensive."

He sipped his coffee.

"And of course, they offered their daughter as your wife and our Queen. A full formal alliance is the least they will ask for, along with full diplomatic and trade ties. We can catch up, rebuild our military forces and the damage done... But they're here now. As the saying goes, it doesn't matter if you have a machine gun if it's at home and a man has a knife to your throat."

Jaune grimaced.

"Kind of an awkward saying."

"Well they can't all as pithy as 'never fight a land war in Animus', can they?" Oobleck smirked, "In short, Your Majesty, Ghira Belladonna has the opportunity to make Menagerie into the Fifth Kingdom. He will not squander it."

"And like you said... He's got a potential knife to our throats," Jaune muttered, looking back at the mirror and setting his hands down on the sink.

"I don't think he'll push too hard," Oobleck said, "But he's a canny political operator. He didn't get his kingdom to where it is by being soft. You are young and inexperienced. He will know this too. My suggestion? Be as open and honest as you can. Don't try to bluff. If you don't know something, admit it. But don't let him dissemble, don't let him be vague. Make sure you don't take vague or half-hearted answers. Be polite, but firm."

Jaune sucked in a deep breath and nodded quickly. He stared into his own eyes intensely.

"Right, right," he murmured.

Oobleck patted his shoulder.

"If it helps? I think he likes you," he said, "His daughter was a virtual hostage of the White Fang for years. The fact you are marrying her and working with him is probably more than he or his wife could have hoped for. He also respects strength. You've demonstrated that."

"And it's exhausting," Jaune sighed. Oobleck chuckled.

"Well, that's the nature of the world: There are nothing but tradeoffs. But someone's got to do the business of leading, and it is preferable that it is a good man: Or as good a man as can be found who takes possession of power."

"Yeah, my Nana Arturia said a lot of stuff like that," Jaune sighed, rubbing the back of his head.

"And you listened! Good to know!" Oobleck nodded.

Jaune smiled at his professor and shrugged.

"Mostly. Thanks, Professor. You're a real help."

"We're all in this together, Your Majesty," Oobleck said, patting him on the back. "Now, go on. You have your in-laws to attend to."

"Thanks," Jaune sighed. "Also, uh... Check on Pyrrha and the others for me? I heard Pyrrha is going to try walking again, I want to be there for her."

Oobleck nodded.

"Of course, your Majesty," he said.

- - -
"I don't think he'll push too hard," Oobleck said, "But he's a canny political operator. He didn't get his kingdom to where it is by being soft. You are young and inexperienced. He will know this too. My suggestion? Be as open and honest as you can. Don't try to bluff. If you don't know something, admit it. But don't let him dissemble, don't let him be vague. Make sure you don't take vague or half-hearted answers. Be polite, but firm."


We all know Kali's going to be the tough negotiator in that room.

Thanks for more of this!
Cowboys of Remnant: The Trigger New
- - -

Despite the fact he was a rugged cowhand, Weiss did appreciate that Jaune Arc kept himself clean, neat and tidy. He rarely shaved, but it suited him somehow. It made him look older, more mature.

So it was a shock to see him walk up to breakfast with pink splotches on his uniform jacket. Pyrrha frowned as the blond young man sat down at his usual spot with his breakfast. His face was as calm and placid as ever though. Ruby leaned forward.

"Jaune? What happened?"

Jaune sniffed.

"It seems Mister Winchester thought ruining my laundry was a good practical joke," Jaune stated. Nora grinned.

"Want me to break his knees?"

Jaune appeared to give this serious thought. He then shrugged.


"A wise decision," Ren nodded. Nora pouted.

"His wrists?" She offered.

"Don't break anything on him until I say so," Jaune ordered firmly. Nora pouted, but nodded.

"Aye aye, Captain!"

Weiss shook her head, scowling a bit.

"He can't get away with harassing you, Jaune," Weiss sniffed.

"I agree, Jaune," Pyrrha added, "You should go to a teacher!"

Jaune huffed.

"When you've been on a few cattle drives, bullying's not something I pay much mind to," Jaune said with a shrug, beginning to eat his food, "Winchester's got his issues, but they ain't mine."

"Yes, but we don't like seeing you get bullied," Ruby pouted. Jaune shook his head again, sipping his coffee before he answered.

"My Pa and Mister Duke said there are only a few things a man should fight for. Some prissy jock who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth thinking he'll put me in my place ain't one of them."

"O-OW! OW!"

A loud female cry filled the cafeteria. All eyes went to a young rabbit Faunus girl. She winced and cringed in pain as Cardin Winchester yanked on one of her ears, his other teammates around her and laughing.

"See? Told ya they were real! She's a genuine freak!"

Jaune's jaw was set like stone. He set down his silverware, wiped his lips with a napkin, and stood up.

"Excuse me," Jaune stated, his voice quiet but there was a fury boiling underneath it.

"Jaune?" Pyrrha asked. Jaune stalked right up to Cardin Winchester. The redhead looked over at him and sneered.

"What do you want, hillbilly?"

"You. Me. Outside," Jaune stated coldly. Cardin scoffed.

"Really? Want to try to fight me like a man?"

"Big talk from the coward picking on a lady," Jaune stated coldly.

Cardin growled. He let go of the Faunus girl, who scampered away. Cardin smirked and cracked his knuckles.

"You've been asking for this for a long-!"

Jaune threw a haymaker that knocked one of the redhead's teeth out. He staggered back, putting a hand over his cheek in shock. Jaune didn't stop there, grabbing his shoulders and ramming his knee into the bully's crotch. The other three members of Cardin's team swarmed Jaune, punching and kicking him. He was put down on the ground, even as he kept swinging his fists and kicking his feet.

Pyrrha intervened, punt kicking one of the boys right in the face and sending him flipping off Jaune. Nora and Ren were next, slamming the bullies back. Cardin was back on his feet, as was Jaune. Cardin roared in rage and charged. Jaune took the hit from the big Huntsman in training, but returned a punch right to his gut. Other students got up and surrounded them in a ring, cheering and shouting...

Telekinetic force swept over them, and both sides of the fight were pushed apart. The other students parted like the sea before a boat, as Glynda Goodwitch walked up. Her glare was a thing of legend.

"Students! Who is responsible for this fight?"

Silence fell. Glynda's eyes narrowed.

"Who threw the first punch?"

Weiss opened her mouth. Pyrrha moved to step forward. Jaune shot them both hard looks. It was harsh, commanding, manly-No! No no no! Don't think like that!

"But Jaune, he-!" Ruby tried, but Jaune shook his head.


Ruby pouted at him.

Jaune sucked in a deep breath, and let it out through his nostrils. He stepped up.

"I did it, Ma'am," Jaune stated, "I threw the first punch. This is my responsibility, and I'll take the punishment for it, ma'am."

Glynda stared intensely at him. Cardin gaped at him in shock.

Glynda then slowly nodded.

"Very well, Mister Arc. Detention with me tonight. You'll be helping me with paperwork."

"Yes ma'am."

Glynda waved her riding crop, and the damage to the floors and furniture wrought by the brawl was instantly repaired.

"Back to your meals, all of you," she stated, before turning and walking off. Jaune looked around.

"You heard her, back to breakfast," he stated flatly.

"Nothing to see here!" Ruby ordered as well.

The group broke up. Cardin shot Jaune another disbelieving look. The Faunus girl blushed as she looked at the blond as well. Jaune pointedly ignored both of them, as he sat back down to resume eating.

"That was very kind of you, Jaune. Very brave."

All eyes went to Blake Belladonna, who was looking intently at Jaune.

Jaune nodded slowly.

"Like I said. there are only a few things a man should fight for. A lady is one of them."

"Even if she's a Faunus?" Blake pressed. Jaune frowned.

"What difference does that make?"

Blake gave him a very small smile, and returned to her ever present book. Weiss frowned in confusion at her teammate.

What was that about?

"Also friends?" Nora asked, a bit softer than usual. Jaune smiled.

"Of course."

Pyrrha's own smile became much softer at that. It made Weiss's hackles rise...

Because her idol wasn't paying any attention to her, of course! Th-That's all it was!

- - -

Tsundere Weiss is so much fun to write.

GentlemanRogue Hope you enjoyed it.
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- - -

"Who threw the first punch?"

Weiss opened her mouth. Pyrrha moved to step forward. Jaune shot them both hard looks. It was harsh, commanding, manly-No! No no no! Don't think like that!

"But Jaune, he-!" Ruby tried, but Jaune shook his head.


Ruby pouted at him.

Jaune sucked in a deep breath, and let it out through his nostrils. He stepped up.

"I did it, Ma'am," Jaune stated, "I threw the first punch. This is my responsibility, and I'll take the punishment for it, ma'am."

Glynda stared intensely at him. Cardin gaped at him in shock.

Glynda then slowly nodded.

"Very well, Mister Arc. Detention with me tonight. You'll be helping me with paperwork."

"Yes ma'am."

- - -

"That was very kind of you, Jaune. Very brave."

All eyes went to Blake Belladonna, who was looking intently at Jaune.

Jaune nodded slowly.

"Like I said. there are only a few things a man should fight for. A lady is one of them."

"Even if she's a Faunus?" Blake pressed. Jaune frowned.

"What difference does that make?"

- - -

"Also friends?" Nora asked, a bit softer than usual. Jaune smiled.

"Of course."

- - -

Despite everything, it's still Jaune. XD
So, some ideas on this nice Sunday morning:

-What if Jaune got the survivors of the fall of Vale up to Radian instead of Patch? Out of sheer panic, grief, and desperation, he managed to get Yang, Ruby, Ren, Nora and a few other survivors up to his hometown to recover. How would that change things for Volume 4?

-Nick Arc actually does like farming the Arc Farm in Radian! But he struggled a LOT to figure out how to do it, and now mostly leaves things up to a farm manager while he runs Radian's militia. But he does actually enjoy farming! He's just not very good at it.

Teams RWBY and JNPR visit during Spring Break and see Jaune's exasperation with his father's attempts at farming.

Here we experience Arc's Farm. (Yes a riff on Clarkson's Farm).

-How do the negotiations between King Jaune of Vale and his father-in-law, Cheiftain Ghira Belladonna, go in "Lines of Succession"?

-Weiss tries to slum it to get Cowboy!Jaune's attention... But she's not the only one.

-Ren and Nora learn they're going to be parents. Reactions from the others are all over the place!

-Cardin is asked by his father to try to date a Faunus girl to improve their political standings. Reconciling and dating Velvet was just supposed to be a temporary thing, just until the next election... Until they both caught feelings.

-Sky Lark is the nerdy member of Team CRDL, and just went along with Cardin to be part of the group. He tries to make up for it to Teams RWBY and JNPR.
-Nick Arc actually does like farming the Arc Farm in Radian! But he struggled a LOT to figure out how to do it, and now mostly leaves things up to a farm manager while he runs Radian's militia. But he does actually enjoy farming! He's just not very good at it.

Teams RWBY and JNPR visit during Spring Break and see Jaune's exasperation with his father's attempts at farming.

Here we experience Arc's Farm. (Yes a riff on Clarkson's Farm).

Jaune's father decides that farming faster is better, so he, Yang, and Ruby supercharge/mechashift the Arc family tractor.

Chaos, disaster, and shenanigans ensue. In other words, classic Top Gear.

-How do the negotiations between King Jaune of Vale and his father-in-law, Cheiftain Ghira Belladonna, go in "Lines of Succession"?

Kali decides Menagerie's generosity in negotiations will be determined by the number of grand kittens promised.
So, some ideas on this nice Sunday morning:

-What if Jaune got the survivors of the fall of Vale up to Radian instead of Patch? Out of sheer panic, grief, and desperation, he managed to get Yang, Ruby, Ren, Nora and a few other survivors up to his hometown to recover. How would that change things for Volume 4?

-Nick Arc actually does like farming the Arc Farm in Radian! But he struggled a LOT to figure out how to do it, and now mostly leaves things up to a farm manager while he runs Radian's militia. But he does actually enjoy farming! He's just not very good at it.

Teams RWBY and JNPR visit during Spring Break and see Jaune's exasperation with his father's attempts at farming.

Here we experience Arc's Farm. (Yes a riff on Clarkson's Farm).

-How do the negotiations between King Jaune of Vale and his father-in-law, Cheiftain Ghira Belladonna, go in "Lines of Succession"?

-Weiss tries to slum it to get Cowboy!Jaune's attention... But she's not the only one.

-Ren and Nora learn they're going to be parents. Reactions from the others are all over the place!

-Cardin is asked by his father to try to date a Faunus girl to improve their political standings. Reconciling and dating Velvet was just supposed to be a temporary thing, just until the next election... Until they both caught feelings.

-Sky Lark is the nerdy member of Team CRDL, and just went along with Cardin to be part of the group. He tries to make up for it to Teams RWBY and JNPR.

-Jaune's family helping the group recover, may also try to HALP Jaune hook up with one of the girls, they each have their favourite.

-Nick Arc should act like Remnants version of Clarkson, He keeps trying to add more POWER and SPEED to everything, Jaune suffers since it was his job to clean up after his dad, his dad's two idiot friends and his mysterious cousin that also pops in, some say he once found the One Piece and then hid it again and that he once seduced the Queen of the Grimm, all Jaune knows is that his name is The Stig.

-Jaune and Ghira keep trying to be serious and talk real political stuff but Kali keeps twisting it to be about grandkitties and when can she expect them.

-Weiss tries but she's really bad about it and keeps messing up, her tsundere nature doesn't help, Pyrrha is just to polite and can't get out of her shell, Ruby is chaos incarnate, Blake keeps getting swarmed by the animals (real Disney princess moment) and keep messing it up for her, Nora joins Ruby in the chaos because it looks fun, Ren is trying to keep Ruby and Nora in control and Yang is a natural, she meshes with Jaune like magic, much to the anger of all the other girls.

-While everyone is panicking about it, Jaune and Yang are the calm in the storm, both have experience with kids and help guide both Ren and Nora to being good parents, may also realise that they would make good parents themselves.

-Don't care much for Cardin and Velvet stuff so skipping this.

-I got nothing.
Sanctuary New
- - -

The man in black with redhair stood over her. She screamed in pain, the stump where her right arm was bleeding and burning with agony. She scooted back away from the man as he advanced, his red katana gleaming ominously.
"Time to finish what I started," he hissed. He held the sword up, brought it down upon her-


Strong arms held her shoulders against a bed as she thrashed. She opened her eyes, frantically looking around as a woman spoke to her.

"Calm down! Calm down! It's all right, it's all right, you're safe, you're safe..."

Yang Xiao-Long looked into blue eyes. They were kindly and compassionate, outlined by black framed glasses. She took deep breaths, her chest heaving as her heart threatened to beat right out.

"That's right, that's right, calm, calm," the woman said softly, "You're safe, you're safe."

The panic slowly subsided. She managed to focus her eyes as her heartrate slowed.

She was in a warm room, covered in red wood paneling. A large window, covered in blinds, was to her left. She was in a hospital bed, with several beeping machines on either side of her. The woman was older, curvy, but beautiful. Her light golden hair was tied in a bun. She wore green scrubs underneath a white labcoat. Her chin was pointed, her lips red, and her cheeks rather round with light freckles from the sun scattered across them.

She looked a few inches shorter than Yang, but her grip was so strong Yang couldn't even think of breaking free.

Then again, she thought, the ghostly feeling of nothing under her right shoulder, I... I'm not exactly in good shape myself...

The thought made something inside her break. Tears began to pour from her eyes. She clutched at her stump with her remaining hand, as sobs began to tear their way out of her throat.

The woman wrapped her strong arms around her, and hugged her tightly. She stroked her back, then rubbed circles into her shoulders.

"It's all right, it's all right," the woman murmured, "It's all right, I'm right here. You're safe..."

"... R-Ruby?" Yang gasped between sobs.

"She's safe, she's all right," the woman said, "Jaune got you, her, and a few others here. You're all going to be all right, I promise."

"Where... Where's here...?" Yang whispered.

The woman smiled against Yang's forehead.

"Radian, Gallia Province. North Sanus."

She held Yang as she cried, comforting her. It might have been drugs, it might have been the emotional exhaustion, but Yang slipped back into unconsciousness.

At the very least, she didn't have any bad dreams this time around.

She woke up some time later. The blinds had been opened, and sunlight streamed in. She blinked back against the glare, and her eyes slowly adjusted. Again, her hand went to her stump. Her heartrate skyrocketed again but she forced herself to calm. She breathed again and again, as deep as she could. She grit her teeth huffing and puffing through her nostrils.

C-Calm... Calm... Calm... Calm...

Yang opened her eyes. She looked at the open door. A small form in a blue sundress and ill matching black boots stood there with wide silver eyes and short black hair with red tips.


Ruby sobbed, and practically tackled Yang in her hug. Yang wrapped her arm around her, tears pouring down her cheeks. Ruby was ugly crying, loudly sobbing into her hospital gown.

"Y-You were so pale--I-I couldn't hear your heartbeat-The whole trip-I didn't-I couldn't-!"

She broke down into incoherent sobs, but all were very thankful and relieved. Yang hugged her little sister tighter, resting her chin on the top of her head as she cried too.

"It's okay, it's okay... It's okay... A-Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Ruby looked up and shook her head. She glanced over at Yang's stump, and winced. She buried her face in Yang's chest and sobbed again. Yang sniffled, but held her tightly.

"It's okay... I-It's okay," she managed, her voice choked with emotion.

The two sisters cried for a time. Yang didn't really know how long, but Ruby finally pulled herself together long enough to look up into Yang's eyes.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I... I should have-"

As painful as it was... Old instincts came to Yang. She shook her head.

"This isn't your fault, Ruby," Yang said firmly, "O-Okay? This-This isn't your fault..."

"I... I could have... I should have..." Ruby whimpered.

"It isn't. Your. Fault," Yang said firmly, even as her voice wavered, "It isn't... It isn't, okay?"

Ruby still whimpered and hid her face in Yang's chest again. Yang found her fingers going through her short hair, just as she'd comforted her little sister when she was much younger.

"It's okay, it's okay," she whispered. "It's okay..."

"Hello? Can I come in?"

Yang and Ruby looked back at the entrance. The blonde woman from before stood there, smiling gently.

"S-Sure," Yang managed. Ruby smiled and looked up at Yang.

"Th-This is Isabel Arc. Um, Doctor Isabel Arc," she said, "Jaune's mom."

Yang's eyes bugged out as the older woman walked in and began to check on the various machines plugged into her hospital bed.

"Y-You're Vomit Boy-Um, I-I mean, Jaune's mom?"

"Guilty as charged," Isabel said wryly, taking Yang's remaining wrist and checking her pulse. She then shined a penlight in her eyes. "Good, good... May I check your injury?"

Yang winced, but managed a nod. Isabel kept her eyes locked on hers, a kind, gentle smile on her face.

"It's all right, I'm just going to examine it," she said softly. She pulled up the sleeve, and ran her hands over the bandages that wrapped the base up. She sighed softly as she pulled some up, and checked the stump itself.

"Good, good... No infection," she said, "It's healing properly. We'll be able to attach the prosthetic properly."

"Prosthetic?" Yang asked, shocked. Isabel nodded with a small smile.

"Yes. We're relatively close to Atlas, so we get good rates on Hunter and Military-rated prosthetics. The neural interfaces take some getting used to... But you'll adjust, and be back to 100 percent."

Isabel nodded and squeezed Yang's other hand.

"I know this is probably the last thing you want to hear right now. And it will take time to heal in... Other ways..."

Yang winced. Isabel reached up and squeezed Yang's shoulder.

"But I promise... You're going to be okay again," Isabel said softly. "Okay?"

Yang looked down at Ruby. She managed a nod.

"O-Okay," Yang whispered.

"You-You mean it?" Ruby asked. Isabel again smiled warmly, and reached down to rub Ruby's head. For a moment, Yang saw another woman in her place. A redhead with silver eyes and different features, but the same kind, maternal warmth radiating from her.

"I mean it," Isabel said quietly. "Now... Do you feel up to another visitor? He's been very anxious since he brought you all in."

Ruby gave Yang a pleading look. Yang managed a slow nod.

"I... Sure," she murmured.

"Come on in, Jaune!" Isabel called. A moment later, a tall blond young man walked in.

For a moment, Yang was confused.

"Jaune?" She asked quietly.

The young man looked... Different. He wore a long brown coat over his armor and jeans, but his sneakers were replaced with muddy boots. His face was covered in thin stubble. There were bags under his eyes... Eyes that looked so hard for a moment.

Then, relief flooded his features.

"Yang? Y-You okay?"

He walked over to stand at her side. Yang managed a slow nod.

"I... As much as... Yeah," she finally decided on. "Mmph!"

Isabel shoved a straw into her mouth, a straw attached to a water bottle.

"Sip, sip, sip," Isabel ordered, and Yang obeyed. Ruby scooted out from under her arms to stand by Jaune. "Good, good... You're being hydrated by the saline but the old-fashioned way is best. You'll be getting meals from now on and you're going to eat everything you get, understood?"

"Mmph... Y-Yeah," Yang agreed, after sipping the entire bottle down, "How long was I out?"

"A week," Jaune said grimly. Ruby sniffled, and Jaune wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Ruby barely left your side."

Ruby flushed. Yang managed the tiniest of smiles at her little sister.

"The nurses will be bringing your food," Isabel said, sighing as she checked her watch, "We've got a lot more patients to look after."

She turned and hugged Jaune and Ruby tightly.

"Take it easy for a while you two," she ordered, "Or I'll find out and make you."
"B-But, Mom-" Jaune tried, but Isabel's steely glare shut him up.

"No excuses. For either of you," she stated. Ruby winced, but nodded.

"Y-Yes ma'am," she said weakly.

Isabel smiled, and strode out of the room. Jaune slowly walked to some chairs near the far wall, and dragged them to the side of Yang's bed. Ruby sat down in one, and Jaune took the other. Yang stared intently at Jaune, this feeling of disbelief still strong inside her.

"I... What happened, Jaune?" She asked. "How the hell did you get us all here?"

Jaune sucked in a breath, and rubbed his face. Ruby squeezed his other hand.

"Well... Pyrrha..." He paused for a moment. He gritted his teeth and didn't look her way.

"What... What happened to Pyrrha?" Yang asked. "What happened to everyone? What happened to Vale?!"

"Yang, I..." Ruby bowed her head and looked at the floor. Jaune forced himself to sit up straight and looked into her eyes.

"Beacon... Beacon was overrun by Grimm," Jaune continued, "Vale is... Vale is in bad shape. The CCTNet was hit pretty bad. We're getting reports from it sometimes, and the radio networks still work, but... It looks like at least half the city's been wiped out. The police, local militias and Hunters are being organized by the surviving members of the government and Professor Goodwitch. We're doing what we can, so are other provinces, but it's ugly."

Yang stared intently at him. Jaune shook his head.

"Pyrrha... Pyrrha went to fight Cinder on her own," Jaune continued slowly, as though he was trying to force the words out, "Shot me away in a rocket locker. I landed near the library. Some... Some of my friends from Radian had brought their own airship here to watch the Festival, and managed to get to me to lead us to where they'd landed. Nora and Ren met me, they'd fought their way with a few of the other students. We... We found you in the wreckage of the library with Blake. She'd bandaged your wounds as best she could, then handed you over to me before she ran off. I uh... I carried you to the Bullhead."

"I... I see," Yang murmured.

Jaune sucked in another breath. Ruby pressed her face into his shoulders and bit back a weak sob.

"Pyrrha... Pyrrha fought Cinder on the top of Beacon tower," Jaune said quietly, "But then a Grimm dragon broke out of Mount Axis, attacked the tower and..."

He bowed his head, before looking back up and staring right into Yang's soul.

"Pyrrha's dead. Cinder killed her," he muttered, his voice dead and empty of anything.

"Gods, Jaune," Yang breathed.

Jaune fell silent. Ruby hugged onto his arm, and he held her close, trying to comfort her.

"I... I saw her kill Pyrrha," Ruby whimpered. "I... S-Something happened, and... I-I blacked out..."

"The dragon turned to stone after that," Jaune took over quietly, "We managed to get to my friends' Bullhead. We crammed as many people as we could into it... Then your Uncle Qrow showed up and handed over Ruby. She was unconscious. He told us to take care of her, and he'd meet back up with us later."

"He-He has," Ruby said quietly, "He's helping us out. Dad's gonna come and visit soon."

"G-Good," Yang managed. Jaune nodded.

"Yeah..." Jaune took a deep, slow breath. "A-Anyway... Ren and Nora made it with us, along with Velvet, Cardin, Neptune, May Zedong, and a few others from the other schools. Weiss got taken by her dad's people to Atlas. Blake... No idea where she is. I'm sorry."

Yang shut her eyes tightly and slowly shook her head.

"I... I'm sure she's all right," Yang muttered, but her heart wasn't in it. She was a little grateful to Blake but... Where did she go?

"Anyway... Um..." Jaune tried, "We've been working with the militia. My dad runs it here in Radian. We've been rebuilding the outer walls, taking in refugees, fighting Grimm... Ruby was sleeping at my family house."

"They uh, they loaned me this dress," Ruby mumbled.

"The outer walls?" Yang asked. Jaune nodded.

"Yeah. Uh, Radian... Radian used to be a lot bigger when it was the capital of Gallia. We've got the current walls but outside of those are the old walls which we stopped using. But there's a lot of ruined houses and fields and rivers for people to stay in, so we've been rebuilding the old walls and clearing out any Grimm. We've been getting a lot of refugees. The CCNet sabotage and the panic caused by Vytal caused a lot of Grimm attacks. We have't been the hardest hit but... It's rough."

"I see," Yang whispered. Jaune managed a small smile.

"It's going to be all right. I promise," he said.

She knew the look in his eyes. It was a look she was familiar with. One she'd seen on her face in the mirror, dozens, hundreds of times, when Mom died and Dad just... Checked out.

He was holding it together. He was hiding his pain, and his fatigue, all for the sake of everyone else.

"I..." Yang shakily reached out her hand to Jaune. He stared at it for a moment, as though not sure what to do. He then reached out and squeezed her hand.

"Thank you," Yang whispered. Jaune shook his head.

"Don't," he said quietly, "You-You don't have to-"

"I do," Yang insisted, her eyes flashing red for a moment, "I do."

Jaune met her gaze, then slowly nodded.

He squeezed her hand back, tightly.

"We're going to make it through this, I promise," he said.

He said it with such conviction. The same conviction that was in his mother's voice.

Despite how empty and wrung out she felt right now, it was like a little candle lit up inside her.

"I know," she murmured. "I know..."

- - -

Bit random, but... How would this work out? What would happen? How would these characters manage in this situation?
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"Yeah..." Jaune took a deep, slow breath. "A-Anyway... Ren and Nora made it with us, along with Velvet, Cardin, Neptune, May Zedong, and a few others from the other schools. Weiss got taken by her dad's people to Atlas. Blake... No idea where she is. I'm sorry."

Did Arslan make it out with Jaune's group?

Bit random, but... How would this work out? What would happen? How would these characters manage in this situation?

Jaune and his parents probably have it out over him running away, Cardin finally admits to Velvet about why he was bullying her, May and Jaune reconnect....
Blake... No idea where she is. I'm sorry."

Personally, I would have said she's either still in Vale, is currently trying to find them and/or going to them, or if she has family she might have gone to them... after something like the Fall of Beacon, I'd also want to visit my family, even if just so they know I'm still alive.

An easy excuse for why she dropped Yang off and then ran off is maybe she'd gone to try to help others. It's what Jaune would have done, and in that kind of situation it's not hard seeing her do it too.

Bit random, but... How would this work out? What would happen? How would these characters manage in this situation?

Well, Jaune seems like he's been hit quite hard, and is just... bottling everything up inside. Which is the complete opposiye of healthy. I'd know, I did it so much I pretty much forgot how to not do that. So I can see him getting into the habit of doing it.

Good thing is Yang isn't stuck inside a tiny little cabin with only Taiyang and Ruby, with Qrow being around sometimes. Ruby doesn't know how to handle these things, Taiyang is likely to shut down for a time to cope with almost losing both his daughters after losing both his wives, and... no disrespect to the man, but; Qrow is Qrow.

But in this case, Yang's in Radian. A pretty big settlement with lots of people. Sure, there'd be a dour mood. But the work necessary to keep them safe and to set up everything for the refugees is likely to give Radian a more lively atmosphere. Seeing people come together in a time of crisis will help prevent the feeling of the world around her collapsing.

This isn't the end of the world. It's a big deal, don't get me wrong. But being in Radian is likely a far better option for Yang than Patch. Having people like Jaune's big family around, his mother being a doctor, will make her acceptance of the prosthetic go much faster.

There's a difference when it's a doctor telling you that you'll be "back to 100%" than when it's family.

I have had an idea for a few days now

Jaune Arc gets kidnapped by Salem long, looong before canon starts. She saw him through a seer and recognized his potential like Ozpin, so she wanted to get him on her side.

She awakens his aura, and teaches him. Ge takes to her training well. Not as good as Cinder did, but decently enough. What gets her attention is his mind. Sure, he isn't educated enough to be highly intelligent, which can be fixed by having Watts tutor him, but is incredibly cunning.

He makes for a shrewd and relentless tactician. He's strong, but other than raw strebgth and aura he's nothing more than a middle-ranked Huntsman.

But he makes expert use of what he can and proves himself. So after proving himself capable, Salem asks him what he wants as a reward. He asks for magic.

So, Salem grants him half of her magic. Salems much better at magic than Ozma, especially since he lost his while she kept experimenting with it. She set the conditions for it to return to her with his death. Plus, since he's male, there's no chance of Ozma's Maiden magic going to him and fucking up the conditions she set.

So she trains him in its use. He has more than a Maiden, and so has more than just basic elemental manipulation.

Turns out Jaune Arc is a prodigy when it comes to magic. A straight up genius. In terms of potential, he's better than Salem. However, in practice he has no chance against her. She's had far more time than he ever would to practice and learn, after all.

But still he proves himself powerful, intelligent, wise and most importantly... insatiably curious! He prods Salem with questions. Questions she's all too happy with answering for her star pupil. But his curiosity is simply too much. He has too many questions. She can't answer them all. Some of them not even she knows! Still, she answers as best she can.

Under Salem's guidance, he begins developing his own spells and rituals. Many of them things Salem already knows, but the fact he came up with them on his own impresses her even more.

Jaune goes to Arthur, and asks him about all of his experiments. He asks about how magic could interact with technology. How does the soul work? How do aura or Semblances work? Is immortality possible through mankind's hands, or only the divine? Is it possible to transfer souls to another vessel? If you can transfer souls, how many can fit in one body? Are Semblances fragments of magic? If they are, and transfering of souls is possible... Could they transfer many souls into a single body, and then extract the magic from that composite soul?

Jaune's questions are things that Arthur struggles to provide answers for, even with Salrm's aid. But they're also questions that inspire him. Is it possible to transfer souls to another body? Well, it seems it's up to Arthur Watts, genius extraordinaire, to find out!

So, Salem watches as Jaune and Arthur begin experimenting. She watches them bring in prisoners and drain their souls and auras into other people. She watches, in disgust and just a smidge of curiosity, as the two shove over a dozen souls into a single body.

She watches as her greatest pupil uses a ritual she's never seen, and tears the composite's soul to pieces to extract the magic inherently contained sithin all souls. Then, Jaune's own magic increases. Not by much, but it does increase.

Truly, her star pupil is a genius beyond words! For not even she had thought up such a ritual! The closest she got was using the Grimm as parasites, to go inside someone and act as a container for the magic filled soul of a Maiden while having the ability to steal one. But Jaune didn't use the Grimm, empty soulless vessels. He went a step further. He didn't take in another soul to use its magic, no... He simply destroyed the souls. Extracting only the magic, without any of the person it belonged to.

Maybe... Just maybe...! Jaune Arc is who she's been looking for all these years! If he trains more, if he has more magic... He just might be able to circumvent her curse!

So... The idea is just to have Salem teach Jaune magic, and he is stupidly good at it. And having magic drives him to learn everything he can and to start pushing the boundaries on what is and isn't possible. He starts doing things everyone believed impossible. Because, to Salem and Ozma, magic is normal. But to Jaune Arc, magic is something that should be impossible, yet exists. So what is possible? And he takes that and runs with it, making the impossible, possible. Treading upon the domain of the divine in the process!
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I had a similar idea, but comin from the opposite direction: Jaune does not inherit the large aura pool of the Arc bloodline, this makes it so all his attempts at being a hunter fail, making him turn to technology as a way to close the gap. It fails multiple times, even getting him laughed out of both Vale's and Atlas' institutes of technology. But catches the attention of Watts. You see, Jaune was trying to create a suit of aura-powered power armor, and while his prototypes weren't exactly the best because Radian didn't have the resources to allow a better model, the theory was sound. So Watts recruits him under the guise of an industrialist looking for his next product.

To cut a long story short, Jaune discovers magic independently of Salem telling him and uses that to power his Golem suit. This is the final test for him to get recruited into her inner circle, and once there he begins working on how to meld technology and magic, to the point that when Cinder finally strikes at Vale, there are hundreds of Golem suits among her forces.

With the power of a Maiden in hand, Jaune then develops his own way to extract and store magic, succeeding where Watts had failed.
He makes his own Penny, an artificial lifeform capable of using magic.
Honestly Blake running off will never not be a stupid thing.
And yet fully in character.

She already hates dogs like a cat, and loves fish like a cat.

Why not run off like a dumbass like a cat?

(Fucking seriously. My buddy has a cat that saw the door was open and ran outside and was so confused by no AC or bed that she started having a panic attack.)
I had a similar idea, but comin from the opposite direction: Snippity Snip

Yes. Yes! YEEEEES!!!

Another idea regarding Jaune being more on Salem's side of the equation...

Jaune gets kidnapped after the Fall of Beacon. Arthur Watts needs someone with lots of aura for an experiment, and the Arcs are said to usually be born with powerful souls with tons of aura.

With Salem's permission, Arthur subjects the young boy to torturous training. He forces him to learn every weapon imaginable. If he fails to master a weapon in a certain time frame? Torture. If he performs below expectations during tests? Torture. If he acts against Arthur's wishes at any time? You guessed it; torture.

Arc's immense aura lets him recover from training and torture much faster than normal. And with the incentive to succeed, Jaune Arc eventually begins to excel. Learning and mastering fighting styles, combat tactics and more in a fraction of the time it takes a normal person.

Arthur doesn't even let Jaune sleep until he runs out of aura. And over time his aura learns how to do more with less, letting him last longer and longer each time. And with his amplification Semblance, it becomes so much more effective than before.

Arthur also never refers to Jaune Arc as "Jaune Arc". He only ever calls him "Lancelot", in reference to an old fairy tale about a Black Knight who guards the road to a Kingdom ruled by an Evil Queen. A Queen who a King, the protagonist, is seeking out to end a curse on his own kingdom. The Knight and King meet and do battle. The Knight proves his superior strength of arms and defeats the King, who escapes. Yet the King returns after learning an important lesson, and cuts down the Knight. The Black Knight, with his final breaths, reveals his name to be Lancelot, the "Perfect Knight" who served his Queen loyally to the very end.

When Jaune has learned everything Arthur wants him to learn... It's time for the experiments to actually begin.

Arthur, with some help from his fellow allies of Salem, has created and improved upon, a special set of armor, and an even more special sword, made in the image of the Black Knight, Lancelot.


It was made with the intention of creating a "perfect knight" to act as one of Salem's loyal followers.

So, once Arthur believes the Arc to be ready, the doctor binds him in the armor. It's a permanent addition. The armor is bound to his body and soul, practically becoming one and the same.

Only through Salem's magical enchantments, and Arthur's genius, is this possible. The armor acts as a form of "Secondary Pseudo-Semblance". It can be 'dismissed' and it will vanish from the Arc, but it's still technically there, it's just dematerialized into his aura.

His armor is incredibly durable, made out of metal created by Salem using the ichor from the Pool of Darkness she bathed in. As it is made of the same material as Grimm, it can absorb them to repair itself.

The bladed tassels on the back act as extra limbs. Controlled by the wearer, they are prehensile and can extend a great distance to grappble, slash, stab or anything else.

The armor, upon fusing with Jaune Arc's soul, also causes some further changes. Changes that didn't happen to Arthur's previous experiments with earlier versions of the armor. In fact, they only happened because Jaune's Semblance is Aura Amplification, and it amplifies Semblances, and because the armor fuses with the soul to become a "Pseudo-Semblance".

This all together means his Semblance amplifies the armor as well. This causes the Pseudo-Semblance that is the armor, to begin... "mutating" for a lack of a better word. New abilities appear, influenced by Jaune's experiences, those surrounding him, Salem's magic, and more.

A "Tertiary Pseudo-Semblance" born from Jaune Arc's armor. It is simple in effect. It is a "aontinuously active" type of Semblance. It sacrifices some of his higher cognitive functions in exchange for sheer physical power. Increases his strength, durability, speed, agility, reaction and senses. Can be further increased at will, allowing him to perform inhuman feats.

By default, Jaune's thoughts are unhindered except for a tendency towards negative and violent thoughts. While his overall ability to communicate is not affected, his ability to speak is. His vocalizations are restricted to short bursts of understandable language. However, while be struggles speaking with language, he can understand it and people perfectly fine.

But... At higher severities, Madness Enhancement strips away nearly all of his higher reasoning capabilities. At this point, Jaune Arc loses all ability to communicate. The only thing he can do is express his rage and bloodthirst. He can only scream, roar and make other noises. The only intelligable thing he can say is screaming the name "Arthur" at the top of his lungs. No form of communication will get through to him, and Jaune becomes a raging, rabid dog.

This madness has tainted Jaune Arc's very soul. His once bright white aura is stained black and red from hatred, despair and maddening pain.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3uSS09bTPw&pp=ygUZQmVyc2Vya2VyIGxhbmNlbG90IGFydGh1cg%3D%3D

This ability came about as a reflection of Jaune Arc's Aura Amplification Semblance, and the torture Arthur Watts inflicted upon him.

An overall weak "Tertiary Pseudo-Semblance". Simply makes Jaune resistant to the effects of hostile magic.

This ability was born because of the continuous presence of Salem's magic inscribed in the armor while it was undergoing evolution.

This "Tertiary Pseudo-Semblance" allows Jaune to increase his "luck" during combat. Only works during combat, or at least something he recognizes as such. When Madness Enhancement is at higher levels, Protection of the Spirits is always on.

This ability was born from Jaune believing he was doomed to misfortune because of his exleriences.

This "Tertiary Pseudo-Semblance" allows Jaune Arc to use knowledge and expertise of weaponry no matter what. His skills with weapons will never decrease. A "continuously active" type Semblance. Even if Jaune's mind was destroyed beyond repair, his body would still be able to fight as good as it did with his mind still present.

This ability came about because of the training Arthur had beaten into Jaune Arc.

"Tertiary Pseudo-Semblance" that manifests as a black fog similar in appearance to that found around mature Grimm. This smog conceals Jaune's identity. Even if he were to reveal his face, so long as For Someone's Glory is active, recognizing his identity is not possible.

This black mist acts as a means to blur Jaune's outline. Making it harder to tell how tall or short he is, how wide or thin he is, or even exactly how close he is. As it is a Semblances that "hides one's true identity" it is possible for Jaune to assume the identities of others. The black fog will take their shape and transform Jaune into the intended target. However, Jaune still cannot speak very well, even at the lowest 'setting' of Madness Enhancement. Therefore this use of the ability is only useful in certain situations, and in short bursts.

Finally, the black smoke is able to conceal Jaune's identity even from the Grimm. Despite Madness Enhancement's constsnt anger and thirst for blood, Grimm will treat the Black Knight as one of them. At least, so long as he does not attack them.

This ability was caused by Arthur Watt never referring to Jaune Arc by name. The torture could be healed through, yes, but it did still do plenty of mental damage. Jaune's confusion on why he couldn't remember who he was, and his refusal then eventual acceptance of the name "Lancelot" birthed For Someone's Glory.

For Someone's Glory is sealed when Arondight is unsealed.

A "Tertiary Pseudo-Semblance" which gives Jaune the ability to use nearly anything as a weapon. It is similar to Eternal Arms Mastery, except ehile that allows him to always fight as a master with any weapon he knows, even when hindered by madness, Knight of Owner lets Jaune fight as a master with any weapon, even if he doesn't know it.

"A Knight does not die with empty hands."

As the "Perfect Knight" of Salem, anything in Jaune's hands that he recognizes to be "a weapon", he can use as a weapon as a master fighter.

However, Jaune Arc must be able to recognize it as a weapon. A chair is not a weapon, yet if he tears off a chair leg, it is a weapon. A door in a home is not a weapon, but a door by itself is. A lump of scrap metal is a weapon. Spare tires are weapons. Loose bricks are weapons. Broken or empty bottles are weapons. A lightpole, if ripped from the ground, is a weapon.

This extends further than simply things Jaune can hold in one or both hands. Even things such as vehicles or buildings can be weapons. A house cannot be a weapon, however a wall lined with turrets is. A car or bullhead is not a weapon, but an Atlas battleship is a weapon.

While weapons can be infused with aura by Huntsman and Huntresses, Knight of Owner goes a step further. Jaune's aura infuses the weapons and chsnges them. Their coloration becomes blackened and glowing red vein-like markings cover them. It looks as of the objects had become Grimm.

This infusion grants the Black Knight Arc the ability to wield the object as if he was a master fighter specializing in its use. No matter how convoluted or unconventional its shape. He will display flawless technique with it in repeated offensive and defensive maneuvers.

However, Jaune himself is not the only ome enhanced by Knight of Owner. As it is his aura infusing into the weapons, and constant exposure to his Semblance over long periods of time has permanently enhanced his aura, the weapons too experience this. Even a wooden branch can match a Huntsman-grade weapon for repeated blows.

Knight of Owner's enhancement is such that an enhanced gun would have increased durability, less recoil, higher muzzle velocity, increased range and higher force imparted with each round when compared to an unenhanced gun.

Though this enhancement is not absolute, however. An enhanced branch will not keep up with Harbinger or Crescent Rose for more than a few dozen hits before breaking.

When Knight of Owner ceases affecting any weapon, it will return to its original appearance and capabilities. However, there is a few seconds of delay. This allows for Lancelot Jaune to utilize ranged weapons such as guns, bows or throwing weapons.

If an object is far too large, such as a battleship, Jaune can use the bladed tassels on the back of his armor like tentacles to take control by embedding into the weapon.

This ability was born from multiple sources. Influenced by the basic aura technique of infusing aura into weapons. Jaune's Aura Amplification. The pressure of training to be able to use pretty much anything as a weapon at an expert or master level.

It is the most powerful of Jaune's Tertiary Pseudo-Semblances.

The Unfading Shadow of the Lake

Jaune's other "Secondary Pseudo-Semblance".

The sword, Arondight. It was originally created by Salem herself using the very same Pool of Darkness which transformed her into what she is now. It was modeled after the Sword of Destruction, and os, in essence, it's sister sword. It does not match the Relic in strength, but is still one of the most powerful weapons in existence. A sword that surpasses all others of human make. A weapon of blasphemy that treads upon the divine with its very existence.

It is a virtually indestructible blade that shines with the dark radiance of the lake of black ichor. Salem created it only for her "Perfect Knight". A true "Lancelot" to replace the old fool who took up the name previously.

When unsealed and summoned, it enhances all of Jaune's capabilities. His swordsmanship ascends past what he was capable of before, becoming unparalled.

Salem created the weapon to combat the Gods who cursed her. So Arondight naturally has "Anti-Divine" and "Anti-Dragon" properties.

Jaune Arc's madness and resentment has further tainted the blade of darkness, and now no mortal hands may wield it without succumbing to that same madness. It has transformed from an "Unholy Sword" into a "Demonic Sword" in all aspects.

Using Arondight, Jaune can push his aura into the Shadow of the Lake. This will awaken the tiniest fragment of the God of Darkness' destructive power. This creates a slash that will pass through a target unharmed, but passes onto the target a fragment of "Destruction" in the shape of that slash. It is only a fragment, but it is a lethal technique nonetheless. While it is possible to survive, it is a difficult task. This technique is known as "Arondight: Overload".

While Arondight is unsealed, both For Someone's Glory and Knight of Owner are sealed away. They cannot be used by the Black Knight Jaune Lancelot Arc.

However... When Jaune uses his Aura Amplification in tandem with Arondight, as a Pseudo-Semblance, it is enhanced as well. It undergoes a permament change.

The God-Shattering Sword of the Black Knight

The enhanced form of Arondight. Where previously the blade could not rival the Relic it was based on, now it surpasses it.

The original Arondight belonged to Salem. It was built to slay the Gods yet could never hope to accomplish it. But now it has transformed into a truly Divine Weapon. One capable of slaying Gods, of gifting death to the deathless.

At the same time, its owner loses the ability to age. It is not true deathlessness, but rather biological immortality. Jaune Arc, the rabid dog, can still be killed. But unless he is killed, he will continue to live. Even sealing Arondight will not remove his agelessness.

Arondight's enhanced form also increases how much it enhances Jaune's own body. At this stage, no single combatant can fight and win without extenuating circumstances. However, he is still not beyond humanity's ability to defeat. Just because no single person compares, does not mean whole teams do not.

"Arondight: Overlord" is enhanced as well. While Jaune can still make use of the original version, it has new ways to use its Destruction.

Instead of imparting the power of Destruction into an opponent, it can instead project that power outwards. It does this in blasts. It can fire weak blasts which can do only as much damage as a Dust crystal exploding. Or it can be strong enough to vaporize a path straight through a city.

So yeah. That's my idea. I tried to give a good excuse to give Jaune the powers and abilities of Berserker Lancelot. I feel I did pretty good.

I tried not to make him too powerful. However, I realized that Jaune's Aura Amplification is actually stupidly overpowered. So I added the enhanced Arondight section. The idea behind that is he only unlocks it at the end. Otherwise he is an incredibly powerful opponent, who is tricky to fight but isn't an insurmountable opponent. Qrow could beat him, but couldn't rely on his Semblance to do so.

With Arondight unsealed, Qrow could still be able to beat him in a 1v1. But it'll probably be a mutual kill, if it happens at all. He'd also need to be at peak serious and not hurt, drunk or have any interruptions breaking the flow of combat.

Some things that make him hard to fight other than his skill at arms and his physical strength and speed, is that he doesn't use aura to block attacks. The armor is tough enough and he can use aura on his other stuff. The fact you can't reliably disarm him, since pretty much any junk he picks up off the ground he's going to be just as good at using. You can't accurately judge his shape or distance and pretty much need to rely on imstincts. He doesn't move like a human does, and can bend like a contortionist in combat to avoid your attacks while delivering his.

While he loses a lot of these when he uses Arondight, its boost to his stats is pretty big, especially alongside Madness Enhancement. They don't stack, but it ends up being close to tripling his stats when both are at use. Plus, his skill skyrockets. And you can't disarm him of Arondight. It's now a literal part of his soul, and he can just summon it back. Oh, and the insta-death slash. But that consumes so much aura it's pretty much not worth using unless Jaune's about to die, and if he misses... He's kinda fucked.

He's pretty bullshit. Yet not unbeatable.

Well... kind of. It's just an idea, anyway. Just had it in my head and wanted to get ot written out somewhere.
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I might develop this later, might not, working the service industry is anything but consistent

Whitley goes to Beacon one month after graduation on orders from his dad to check on Weiss. There he meets Ruby and its love at first sight.

So far so standard. But here's the kicker: je gets hit with the Schnee Rebellion Syndrome and talks his dad into allowing him to attend bussiness school in Vale. His dad is approving of this, afterall, having his only son and heir going to the equivalent of an ivy league university in another kingdom is good both for his son's education and his future bussiness connections.

Cut to Weiss and Yang being appaled that Ruby would befried the ice queen's lil bro, only for her to list all the little things they did innocently but to their grown up ears just sounds like dates.

Also, he starts looking like a k-pop boyband member in his university uniform.
Yes. Yes! YEEEEES!!!

Another idea regarding Jaune being more on Salem's side of the equation...

Jaune gets kidnapped after the Fall of Beacon. Arthur Watts needs someone with lots of aura for an experiment, and the Arcs are said to usually be born with powerful souls with tons of aura.

With Salem's permission, Arthur subjects the young boy to torturous training. He forces him to learn every weapon imaginable. If he fails to master a weapon in a certain time frame? Torture. If he performs below expectations during tests? Torture. If he acts against Arthur's wishes at any time? You guessed it; torture.

Arc's immense aura lets him recover from training and torture much faster than normal. And with the incentive to succeed, Jaune Arc eventually begins to excel. Learning and mastering fighting styles, combat tactics and more in a fraction of the time it takes a normal person.

Arthur doesn't even let Jaune sleep until he runs out of aura. And over time his aura learns how to do more with less, letting him last longer and longer each time. And with his amplification Semblance, it becomes so much more effective than before.

Arthur also never refers to Jaune Arc as "Jaune Arc". He only ever calls him "Lancelot", in reference to an old fairy tale about a Black Knight who guards the road to a Kingdom ruled by an Evil Queen. A Queen who a King, the protagonist, is seeking out to end a curse on his own kingdom. The Knight and King meet and do battle. The Knight proves his superior strength of arms and defeats the King, who escapes. Yet the King returns after learning an important lesson, and cuts down the Knight. The Black Knight, with his final breaths, reveals his name to be Lancelot, the "Perfect Knight" who served his Queen loyally to the very end.

When Jaune has learned everything Arthur wants him to learn... It's time for the experiments to actually begin.

Arthur, with some help from his fellow allies of Salem, has created and improved upon, a special set of armor, and an even more special sword, made in the image of the Black Knight, Lancelot.


It was made with the intention of creating a "perfect knight" to act as one of Salem's loyal followers.

So, once Arthur believes the Arc to be ready, the doctor binds him in the armor. It's a permanent addition. The armor is bound to his body and soul, practically becoming one and the same.

Only through Salem's magical enchantments, and Arthur's genius, is this possible. The armor acts as a form of "Secondary Pseudo-Semblance". It can be 'dismissed' and it will vanish from the Arc, but it's still technically there, it's just dematerialized into his aura.

His armor is incredibly durable, made out of metal created by Salem using the ichor from the Pool of Darkness she bathed in. As it is made of the same material as Grimm, it can absorb them to repair itself.

The bladed tassels on the back act as extra limbs. Controlled by the wearer, they are prehensile and can extend a great distance to grappble, slash, stab or anything else.

The armor, upon fusing with Jaune Arc's soul, also causes some further changes. Changes that didn't happen to Arthur's previous experiments with earlier versions of the armor. In fact, they only happened because Jaune's Semblance is Aura Amplification, and it amplifies Semblances, and because the armor fuses with the soul to become a "Pseudo-Semblance".

This all together means his Semblance amplifies the armor as well. This causes the Pseudo-Semblance that is the armor, to begin... "mutating" for a lack of a better word. New abilities appear, influenced by Jaune's experiences, those surrounding him, Salem's magic, and more.

A "Tertiary Pseudo-Semblance" born from Jaune Arc's armor. It is simple in effect. It is a "aontinuously active" type of Semblance. It sacrifices some of his higher cognitive functions in exchange for sheer physical power. Increases his strength, durability, speed, agility, reaction and senses. Can be further increased at will, allowing him to perform inhuman feats.

By default, Jaune's thoughts are unhindered except for a tendency towards negative and violent thoughts. While his overall ability to communicate is not affected, his ability to speak is. His vocalizations are restricted to short bursts of understandable language. However, while be struggles speaking with language, he can understand it and people perfectly fine.

But... At higher severities, Madness Enhancement strips away nearly all of his higher reasoning capabilities. At this point, Jaune Arc loses all ability to communicate. The only thing he can do is express his rage and bloodthirst. He can only scream, roar and make other noises. The only intelligable thing he can say is screaming the name "Arthur" at the top of his lungs. No form of communication will get through to him, and Jaune becomes a raging, rabid dog.

This madness has tainted Jaune Arc's very soul. His once bright white aura is stained black and red from hatred, despair and maddening pain.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3uSS09bTPw&pp=ygUZQmVyc2Vya2VyIGxhbmNlbG90IGFydGh1cg%3D%3D

This ability came about as a reflection of Jaune Arc's Aura Amplification Semblance, and the torture Arthur Watts inflicted upon him.

An overall weak "Tertiary Pseudo-Semblance". Simply makes Jaune resistant to the effects of hostile magic.

This ability was born because of the continuous presence of Salem's magic inscribed in the armor while it was undergoing evolution.

This "Tertiary Pseudo-Semblance" allows Jaune to increase his "luck" during combat. Only works during combat, or at least something he recognizes as such. When Madness Enhancement is at higher levels, Protection of the Spirits is always on.

This ability was born from Jaune believing he was doomed to misfortune because of his exleriences.

This "Tertiary Pseudo-Semblance" allows Jaune Arc to use knowledge and expertise of weaponry no matter what. His skills with weapons will never decrease. A "continuously active" type Semblance. Even if Jaune's mind was destroyed beyond repair, his body would still be able to fight as good as it did with his mind still present.

This ability came about because of the training Arthur had beaten into Jaune Arc.

"Tertiary Pseudo-Semblance" that manifests as a black fog similar in appearance to that found around mature Grimm. This smog conceals Jaune's identity. Even if he were to reveal his face, so long as For Someone's Glory is active, recognizing his identity is not possible.

This black mist acts as a means to blur Jaune's outline. Making it harder to tell how tall or short he is, how wide or thin he is, or even exactly how close he is. As it is a Semblances that "hides one's true identity" it is possible for Jaune to assume the identities of others. The black fog will take their shape and transform Jaune into the intended target. However, Jaune still cannot speak very well, even at the lowest 'setting' of Madness Enhancement. Therefore this use of the ability is only useful in certain situations, and in short bursts.

Finally, the black smoke is able to conceal Jaune's identity even from the Grimm. Despite Madness Enhancement's constsnt anger and thirst for blood, Grimm will treat the Black Knight as one of them. At least, so long as he does not attack them.

This ability was caused by Arthur Watt never referring to Jaune Arc by name. The torture could be healed through, yes, but it did still do plenty of mental damage. Jaune's confusion on why he couldn't remember who he was, and his refusal then eventual acceptance of the name "Lancelot" birthed For Someone's Glory.

For Someone's Glory is sealed when Arondight is unsealed.

A "Tertiary Pseudo-Semblance" which gives Jaune the ability to use nearly anything as a weapon. It is similar to Eternal Arms Mastery, except ehile that allows him to always fight as a master with any weapon he knows, even when hindered by madness, Knight of Owner lets Jaune fight as a master with any weapon, even if he doesn't know it.

"A Knight does not die with empty hands."

As the "Perfect Knight" of Salem, anything in Jaune's hands that he recognizes to be "a weapon", he can use as a weapon as a master fighter.

However, Jaune Arc must be able to recognize it as a weapon. A chair is not a weapon, yet if he tears off a chair leg, it is a weapon. A door in a home is not a weapon, but a door by itself is. A lump of scrap metal is a weapon. Spare tires are weapons. Loose bricks are weapons. Broken or empty bottles are weapons. A lightpole, if ripped from the ground, is a weapon.

This extends further than simply things Jaune can hold in one or both hands. Even things such as vehicles or buildings can be weapons. A house cannot be a weapon, however a wall lined with turrets is. A car or bullhead is not a weapon, but an Atlas battleship is a weapon.

While weapons can be infused with aura by Huntsman and Huntresses, Knight of Owner goes a step further. Jaune's aura infuses the weapons and chsnges them. Their coloration becomes blackened and glowing red vein-like markings cover them. It looks as of the objects had become Grimm.

This infusion grants the Black Knight Arc the ability to wield the object as if he was a master fighter specializing in its use. No matter how convoluted or unconventional its shape. He will display flawless technique with it in repeated offensive and defensive maneuvers.

However, Jaune himself is not the only ome enhanced by Knight of Owner. As it is his aura infusing into the weapons, and constant exposure to his Semblance over long periods of time has permanently enhanced his aura, the weapons too experience this. Even a wooden branch can match a Huntsman-grade weapon for repeated blows.

Knight of Owner's enhancement is such that an enhanced gun would have increased durability, less recoil, higher muzzle velocity, increased range and higher force imparted with each round when compared to an unenhanced gun.

Though this enhancement is not absolute, however. An enhanced branch will not keep up with Harbinger or Crescent Rose for more than a few dozen hits before breaking.

When Knight of Owner ceases affecting any weapon, it will return to its original appearance and capabilities. However, there is a few seconds of delay. This allows for Lancelot Jaune to utilize ranged weapons such as guns, bows or throwing weapons.

If an object is far too large, such as a battleship, Jaune can use the bladed tassels on the back of his armor like tentacles to take control by embedding into the weapon.

This ability was born from multiple sources. Influenced by the basic aura technique of infusing aura into weapons. Jaune's Aura Amplification. The pressure of training to be able to use pretty much anything as a weapon at an expert or master level.

It is the most powerful of Jaune's Tertiary Pseudo-Semblances.

The Unfading Shadow of the Lake

Jaune's other "Secondary Pseudo-Semblance".

The sword, Arondight. It was originally created by Salem herself using the very same Pool of Darkness which transformed her into what she is now. It was modeled after the Sword of Destruction, and os, in essence, it's sister sword. It does not match the Relic in strength, but is still one of the most powerful weapons in existence. A sword that surpasses all others of human make. A weapon of blasphemy that treads upon the divine with its very existence.

It is a virtually indestructible blade that shines with the dark radiance of the lake of black ichor. Salem created it only for her "Perfect Knight". A true "Lancelot" to replace the old fool who took up the name previously.

When unsealed and summoned, it enhances all of Jaune's capabilities. His swordsmanship ascends past what he was capable of before, becoming unparalled.

Salem created the weapon to combat the Gods who cursed her. So Arondight naturally has "Anti-Divine" and "Anti-Dragon" properties.

Jaune Arc's madness and resentment has further tainted the blade of darkness, and now no mortal hands may wield it without succumbing to that same madness. It has transformed from an "Unholy Sword" into a "Demonic Sword" in all aspects.

Using Arondight, Jaune can push his aura into the Shadow of the Lake. This will awaken the tiniest fragment of the God of Darkness' destructive power. This creates a slash that will pass through a target unharmed, but passes onto the target a fragment of "Destruction" in the shape of that slash. It is only a fragment, but it is a lethal technique nonetheless. While it is possible to survive, it is a difficult task. This technique is known as "Arondight: Overload".

While Arondight is unsealed, both For Someone's Glory and Knight of Owner are sealed away. They cannot be used by the Black Knight Jaune Lancelot Arc.

However... When Jaune uses his Aura Amplification in tandem with Arondight, as a Pseudo-Semblance, it is enhanced as well. It undergoes a permament change.

The God-Shattering Sword of the Black Knight

The enhanced form of Arondight. Where previously the blade could not rival the Relic it was based on, now it surpasses it.

The original Arondight belonged to Salem. It was built to slay the Gods yet could never hope to accomplish it. But now it has transformed into a truly Divine Weapon. One capable of slaying Gods, of gifting death to the deathless.

At the same time, its owner loses the ability to age. It is not true deathlessness, but rather biological immortality. Jaune Arc, the rabid dog, can still be killed. But unless he is killed, he will continue to live. Even sealing Arondight will not remove his agelessness.

Arondight's enhanced form also increases how much it enhances Jaune's own body. At this stage, no single combatant can fight and win without extenuating circumstances. However, he is still not beyond humanity's ability to defeat. Just because no single person compares, does not mean whole teams do not.

"Arondight: Overlord" is enhanced as well. While Jaune can still make use of the original version, it has new ways to use its Destruction.

Instead of imparting the power of Destruction into an opponent, it can instead project that power outwards. It does this in blasts. It can fire weak blasts which can do only as much damage as a Dust crystal exploding. Or it can be strong enough to vaporize a path straight through a city.

So yeah. That's my idea. I tried to give a good excuse to give Jaune the powers and abilities of Berserker Lancelot. I feel I did pretty good.

I tried not to make him too powerful. However, I realized that Jaune's Aura Amplification is actually stupidly overpowered. So I added the enhanced Arondight section. The idea behind that is he only unlocks it at the end. Otherwise he is an incredibly powerful opponent, who is tricky to fight but isn't an insurmountable opponent. Qrow could beat him, but couldn't rely on his Semblance to do so.

With Arondight unsealed, Qrow could still be able to beat him in a 1v1. But it'll probably be a mutual kill, if it happens at all. He'd also need to be at peak serious and not hurt, drunk or have any interruptions breaking the flow of combat.

Some things that make him hard to fight other than his skill at arms and his physical strength and speed, is that he doesn't use aura to block attacks. The armor is tough enough and he can use aura on his other stuff. The fact you can't reliably disarm him, since pretty much any junk he picks up off the ground he's going to be just as good at using. You can't accurately judge his shape or distance and pretty much need to rely on imstincts. He doesn't move like a human does, and can bend like a contortionist in combat to avoid your attacks while delivering his.

While he loses a lot of these when he uses Arondight, its boost to his stats is pretty big, especially alongside Madness Enhancement. They don't stack, but it ends up being close to tripling his stats when both are at use. Plus, his skill skyrockets. And you can't disarm him of Arondight. It's now a literal part of his soul, and he can just summon it back. Oh, and the insta-death slash. But that consumes so much aura it's pretty much not worth using unless Jaune's about to die, and if he misses... He's kinda fucked.

He's pretty bullshit. Yet not unbeatable.

Well... kind of. It's just an idea, anyway. Just had it in my head and wanted to get ot written out somewhere.

Personally I would give it the wolf-like appearance of the Berserker Armour from Berserk, so it's appearance would allude somewhat to that of a Beowolf and to The Hound (the first and most numerous/iconic Grimm, and the most elite and intelligent artificial Grimm that also has a human/faunus at it's core).
That's just an estetic thing, it's abilities couls still be very much be those of Fate Berserker Lancelot, or possibly both (like a broken arm being pieced together by the armor injecting thin spines from itself into the broken bones.)
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Meet Tanya and Lilac Arc New
At breakfast, Jaune's Scroll went off. He opened it up, checked the caller ID... And groaned.

"Trouble, Jaune?" Pyrrha asked in concern.

"Yes," Jaune sighed.

"What kind of trouble?" Blake asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Just my family and-"

The Scroll screen changed, and a window opened. A doll-like blonde woman with very intense blue eyes glared out at Jaune. Jaune yelped.

"What the-?!"

"You were taking too long to answer, little brother," the young woman spoke coldly. Jaune winced.

"Um... I was just thinking about how to greet my wonderful sister after not seeing her for so long?" He said with a smile.

The woman's eyes narrowed to slits.

"You're an absolutely terrible liar."

"Well you didn't teach me anything now did you?!" Jaune demanded. The woman huffed.

"I did. You just didn't pay attention."

Jaune sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I should have called sooner."

"You should have," the girl stated.

"Who is that?" Ruby asked.

"My sister Tangerine," Jaune sighed.

"Tanya!" Tanya growled.

"It's what Mom and Dad named you!"

By this point, everyone had stopped pretending not to watch and had crowded around behind Jaune.

"And they named me wrong, so there," Tanya huffed, "Anyway, given that I ran off into the world to do my own thing, I can hardly fault you for doing the same. I'm glad you did."

"Oh... That's good," Jaune said with a nod.

"But I'm still annoyed it took you this long to pick up a Scroll," Tanya growled.

"I-I had to get a new one!" Jaune protested.

"Sorry, not good enough," Tanya stated, "Now you get your REAL punishment."

Jaune blinked, and paled.

"You didn't tell Mom. Please, tell me you didn't-!"

"Of course I didn't!" Tanya scoffed. "I'm not that sadistic! You'll have to work your shit out with her yourself!"

Jaune sighed in relief.

"Thanks sis."

"Don't thank me," Tanya coldly hissed, "I have a far worse punishment for you in mind."

"What kind of-?"

The image shifted to one of a very beautiful, matronly looking young woman with her blonde hair in a high ponytail. She was sitting in a comfortable looking living room, the walls covered in photos of the Arc family. She wore a blue and white farm dress, simple but elegant. She had the same features as Jaune and Tanya-The chin, cheeks, and eyes were nearly exact. But this woman looked so sorrowful it made Jaune feel like someone had reached into his chest and squeezed his heart.

"L-Lilac...?" Jaune whispered.

"Jaune... I missed you... S-So much...!" Lilac sniffled and sobbed. "I-I thought you were dead! I was so worried! We all worried for so long and looked for you-Ohhh Jaune...! How could you...?"

She sobbed so painfully that Jaune clutched at his chest. He bowed his head as shame filled every part of him.

"I... I'm so sorry Lilac! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to... I just... I got so wrapped up...!"

"You brute!" Weiss sniffled. "She's devastated! How could you do that?!"

"Not cool, Jaune," Nora nodded.

Jaune sighed. Even Pyrrha was looking hurt. He turned back to Lilac.

"I am so, so sorry Lilac. I did you so much wrong... Please, forgive me, and I will do better. I promise."

Lilac ceased crying, as though someone had flipped a switch. She was all smiles.

"Oh, I can't stay mad at you, my snookie wookie pumpkin little brother~!"

Tanya stomped back on camera and glared.

"Damnit Lilac! That wasn't nearly long enough!" Tanya complained.

Lilac sighed.

"But he looked so sad, Tangy! I can't bare to see my pookie wookie baby brother so sad!"

"UGH! You're impossible!" Tanya groaned. "And it's Tanya!"

Lilac turned back to the camera, all smiles.

"Anyway Jaune, since you're gonna be a big strong Huntsman, I got you a gift!"

She pulled out a large rocket launcher and held it up proudly.

"Is that a Mk. 41 Spelunker Surface to Surface Missile launcher?!" Ruby gasped in ectasy.

"Where did you get that?!" Tanya demanded.

"My boyfriend Primo fixed it up when Mister Lopez wrecked it! He said we could have it! Though unfortunately, I don't think I can mail you the ammo. Apparently that's illegal." Lilac huffed. "Which is just so silly! How are you supposed to work the thing if they don't include the ammo?"

Tanya blinked.

"Wait, your boyfriend fixed it? He works on cars and motorcycles, not military hardware!"

"Oh come on, how much difference does that make?"
Lilac laughed. She held up the rocket launcher scope to her eye. "Hm, I think this is the night vision button."

The launcher ignited, and a Dust powered rocket flew out the back of the launcher through the window. There was the sound of a distant explosion and a car alarm going off. Lilac blinked as Tanya and Jaune both gaped in disbelief.

"Well, that wasn't the night vision. I still can't see anything!"

Tanya scowled at Jaune.

"I'm going to fix this, but you're gonna get it even worse, you brat."

"Bye Jaune! Love you!"
Lilac waved cheerfully.

The call ended. Jaune winced, and slowly turned to face his staring friends.

"... What?" Weiss managed.

"Is... That normal for your family?" Yang asked.

Jaune sighed, leaned back against the table, and shrugged.

"Prrretty much."

"And so much is explained," Weiss muttered.

Ruby grinned.

"I don't see anything wrong with this!"

"Me neither!" Nora cheered. "Can you adopt me, Jaune? Can you? Can you?!"

"We'll see," Jaune deadpanned.

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