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Regrets and guilt. These were the main motivators for Qrow Branwen. He was a man who had...


Versed in the lewd.
Apr 24, 2015
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Regrets and guilt. These were the main motivators for Qrow Branwen. He was a man who had lost so much, so many people. His regrets loomed over him like a murder of... Well, crows. Always looking over his shoulder.

So, he did three things to cope.

One, he drank.

Two, he leered at hot and buxom women.

Three, he tried to keep any more regrets from joining the flock he had following him.

He wasn't as close to Nicholas and Isabel Arc as he had been to his old team. But Nicholas had fought alongside him fearlessly, and Isabel had patched him up and kept him alive so many times that it was like she was immune to his bad luck. A good thing for a combat medic.

Nicholas and Isabel had gotten out of the game, and retired to the Arc Manor back in Radian Village. They'd had eight children, Isabel somehow getting her doctorate in medicine in between all that business. Nicholas had taken to training Hunters... And died on a training trip when their youngest was only eight.

That youngest was why Qrow was out searching along the main road between Vale and Radian. It was long and winding, crossing through Grimm territory and a dozen little villages and outposts.

Somewhere in all this, it was hoped that Jaune Arc was still alive.

Given the length of time it had been since the kid had gone missing... There wasn't a lot of hope left. Three months out in the wilds? If the kid hadn't gotten eaten by Grimm, there were any number of things that could have gotten a young teenaged boy with nothing but old armor and the family sword.

By all rights, Qrow shouldn't even still be searching. He should have given it up, long ago...

Yet here he was, still out here. Hoping that maybe he could bring home some good news to an old friend for once.

A siren sounded from over the treetops. A Grimm attack alarm from a nearby village.

Qrow turned and flapped his wings, headed for the disturbance. This was barely ten miles outside of Vale's walls. The CCL would be hot with messages and requests for help-Help that might not make it in time.

Well... He could.

He descended on the town, shifting to human form and unleashing gunfire from his scythe-weapon. He took out three Beowulves before he landed. Most of the civilians had fled to the shelters, the streets were deserted.

All except for Grimm... And a man trying to get his little girl away from a few Ursas. The gang of Grimm roared and charged them, drawn by the raw fear they exuded. Qrow grit his teeth-He couldn't get there in time for the man, the lead Ursa, a Major, was already pouncing.

Maybe the little girl-?

A figure in a worn, green cloak dove from a rooftop, plunging a sword into the lead Ursa's neck. The figure kicked off the Ursa's back, dragging his blade through the rest of the monster's throat. Its head fell, and the body collapsed as it began to disappear. The figure pulled out a kite shield and held it up, ducking under the second Ursa's swing. The claws nearly took the figure's head clean off, but popped back up and swung his sword, taking the Ursa's forearm clean off.

Another Ursa closed in on the green-clad figure, flanking him. The figure dove and crawled through the gap in the legs of the monster, barely avoiding the second Ursa's pounce. The figure jammed his sword up between the legs of the Ursa, making it roar in pain.

Despite himself, Qrow allowed himself a snicker. It was the kind of thing he would have done as a teenager... But it wasn't enough. The rest of the Ursa gang was upon the figure. He stood defiantly, his sword and shield burning with Aura. He looked back over his shoulder briefly: He saw the father and daughter make it into a shelter. He turned back, bellowed a roar... Had his sword and shield up, ready to battle the monsters all alone, like he was prepared to make a last stand...

Not today, kid, Qrow thought.

He fired his gun, blowing out the heads of the Ursas. He dropped down, swinging his blade and taking them all apart in the blink of an eye. The Grimm faded away, as the figure gaped at him in amazement.

Qrow reached out and yanked down the kid's hood. Blond hair and blue eyes greeted him. His armor was patched up from months of hits and strikes. His clothing was dirty and similarly patched up, sewn up with random bits of cloth. He had pouches on his belt and a worn messenger bag hung from his shoulders. Various potions, tonics and medicines, assembled in random bottles, clinked in said bag.

The kid himself looked roughened, lean, and strong. He was tall and lanky but stood strong despite the obvious exhaustion in his eyes. A far cry from the chubby-faced little crybaby his nieces had beat up once or twice.

"Jaune Arc, I presume?" Qrow quipped. "You're a long way from home."

Jaune grimaced, and scowled, bowing his head.

"I uh... I don't know who you're talking about-"

Qrow rolled his eyes.

"You're still a lousy liar, kid. Have been ever since your seventh birthday party."

Jaune's eyes widened in shock.

"Uncle Qrow?!"

- - -

The rest of the Grimm were soon dealt with by a few security teams and local Hunters. Qrow got them back to Vale proper via a bus. He dragged the kid to a cafe-One of the few that served booze and breakfast.

Which is why it was among Qrow's favorites.

The old place was packed with workmen coming off the night shift and workmen getting ready for the dayshift. Qrow took his usual table in the back, and his usual waitress-She was at least a Double Dee and wore her hair long. Jaune stared at her intensely, before blushing and averting his eyes as she took their orders.

Breakfast was delivered, two plates packed full of food. Jaune dug in immediately, eating like a starving man. Qrow raised an eyebrow as he sipped his morning beer.

"Well... You're a hungry one," he observed.

"Mmmph... Took me three days to get to that town," Jaune admitted between bites, "Ran out of food before then. Usually, I could get meals from the farms in exchange for doing some chores or taking care of some local Grimm, but there wasn't anything between Bail and that town!"

Qrow looked the kid over.

"You're not telling me that that's how you've been living these last three months?" Qrow asked in disbelief.

Jaune shrugged, eyes down on his breakfast.

"Well... Uh... My Scroll broke three days on the road... Couldn't access my accounts, so..." He shrugged, mumbling a bit under his breath.

Qrow sighed and motioned to the waitress. This would require something harder than beer.

"Your mom's been worried sick," he said. Jaune grimaced harder.

"I uh... I know... I'm sorry," he said. He sighed. "But she just wouldn't listen!"

Qrow shook his head, staring at the young man with a pitying look in his eyes.

"You didn't either," he stated. He leaned over, elbows on the table.

"Kid, you got accepted into the Valean Medical Research College," he said, "Your mom wouldn't stop gushing about you finally giving up on your 'silly dreams'-"

Jaune slammed a fist into the table. He glared at Qrow.

"They're not silly!" He growled. "Was my dad silly for becoming a hunter? Was my grandpa? My great-uncle?"

"Maybe not, but you are," Qrow stated, slapping the kid on the back of his head, "Why would you give up a career as a doctor? You'd be rich, with your pedigree and mom's connections. Hot and cold running interns. Maybe your own bullhead-"

"That's not what I want," Jaune growled, "That's what my mom wanted for me. I want to be a Hunter... That's all I've ever wanted!"

Qrow stared intently at him. Jaune didn't break his gaze, holding his ground.

The waitress came back and set down a tumbler glass of whiskey. Qrow took it and drank it down. He lowered the glass and shook his head.

Isabel was going to murder him.

"Well... I'll say this for you, kid. You're my kind of stupid."

Jaune's eyes widened in shock.

"You... You're not going to take me back?" He asked. Qrow sighs, and reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose.

"You got a plan for getting into Beacon Academy?"

"I uh... I got accepted," Jaune said. He coughed.

"I had to... Get a little creative with a few things in my background, but I've got my Aura unlocked, and I think I've got my Semblance... Kind of sort of figured out, and I've killed a lot of Grimm-!"

Qrow sighed heavily. He motioned for another whiskey.

"Well... I can't exactly fault you for that," he muttered, thinking back to his own time at Beacon. "Look, I won't drag you back. But you're writing her right now and letting her know her youngest son is alive and well."

Jaune grinned.

"Uncle Qrow! You-You'd do that for me-?!"

"I will do it for you," Qrow said, "Because if I did take you back, you'll run out again and get yourself killed. And then your mom will definitely kill me."

- - -

They dropped off Jaune's scroll at a local repair shop before they stopped by the post office. Jaune took a while to write up the note-He had to restart a few times. He finally got it down and put it into the mailbox. He sighed, and gave Qrow a smile.

"Again, thanks Uncle Qrow-"

"Don't thank me," Qrow grunted, "You're making a terrible decision, you know. You could have been a doctor, and now you're here. This is literally the stupidest choice you could ever make."

Jaune shook his head.

"There's a girl and her father who wouldn't still be here if I had made the other choice," Jaune said quietly, for once looking like a man and less like some defiant teenager. Qrow closed his eyes. It was too familiar.

"Yeah... Yeah," Qrow grunted. "Anyway... You'd better not pull that stupid bullshit you did before. Fighting like you're gonna die."

"I-I wasn't gonna die," Jaune insisted, "I've fought way bigger Grimm and I made it-!"

"You can't survive on luck, kid. You can't trust it, take it from me," Qrow said, punctuating his statement with a harsh smack to the back of Jaune's head.

"OW!" Jaune yelped, glaring up at the older man. "Hey!"

"Which is why you're going to that damn school and they're gonna correct your bad habits," Qrow stated. "You're lucky you set out so early. Now, keep an eye out for Ruby and Yang, this is their first year too."

"Ruby and Yang?" Jaune asked in shock. Qrow nodded.

"Yup. Remember them?"

"Kind of," Jaune said, wearing a sour look, "Yang's the one who made me eat dirt and called me Crybaby. Ruby's the little kid who made me dress up for tea parties with toy guns."

"They've changed too," Qrow laughed. Maybe he should give the kid the 'shotgun' speech... But it would be a lot funnier to see how things went now. He had to get some entertainment out of this debacle. Maybe that's why Ozpin had let the kid in.

Speaking of...

"I uh... I was thinking of getting here early and maybe brushing up on some reading, but it took me too long," Jaune admitted, "I wanted to firm up my fundamentals. I lost track of time, when does the Academy semester start?"

Qrow sipped from his flask and smirked.

"Oh, in about... Twenty minutes?"

Jaune choked.

"TWENTY MINUTES?!" Jaune shouted, holding his head. "WHA-WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO-?!"

Qrow pointed at the airship port, some distance away. "Better get a move on, kid."

"YOU SUCK, UNCLE QROW! YOU FUCKING SUCK OLD MAN!" Jaune shouted, running as fast as he could towards the airship port and shaking his fist at him. Qrow laughed, and drank more from his flask.

"Haaa... Nicholas, your boy's just as stupid and lucky as you," he muttered, watching the young man sprint as though for his very life.

Still... Three months surviving on his own? The kid was going to do fine.

It wasn't like he'd run into anything too big or important during his trip here. He wasn't that unlucky.

He would know.

- - -

In the forests of Vale, far from the walls, one Adam Taurus of the White Fang glared at the overturned train car.

Here, there were supposed to be Faunus slaves and Dust to liberate for their cause.

Roman Torchwick's intel had put them here... And yet the train had already been liberated. The Dust had been recovered. The Faunus had run off and were now scattered amongst the various towns and hamlets. None had any interest in joining their cause, replacing his lost soldiers.

It was a great blow to their plans... Cinder Fall would be angry.

There were few humans whose wrath he feared, but she was at the top of the list.

"Who did this?" He demanded of one of his lieutenants. The Faunus coughed.

"Most of the Faunus didn't get a good look at it, but... Some knight in white, with a green cloak. A human."

Adam seethed.

"We're going to find out who this 'white knight' is... And we're going to kill him."

- - -

Yeah, I don't know. My muse is insane. I didn't get the chance to write a RWBY fic with a different Jaune Arc, so I may as well do that. If you'd like more, then say so. Because I do actually have a plan... Sort of.

Pairings are undecided.
- - -

Ruby Rose didn't know what to do with herself, she was so full of energy! Getting accepted into Beacon Academy was... A dream come true!

She was scared about it, too. She was really scared and nervous. That was part of her nervous energy. She nearly felt like bouncing out of the airship!

She could barely stay still, as she wandered around the crowded airship, nearly ready to jump into her Semblance in excitement. So much to see...! And so many people she could talk to!


If she got the inclination.

And had some preparation time. Like, an hour. She could see herself making some eye contact too, for longer than a few seconds.

The trip was pretty short, the only really interesting thing happening was some guy in a green cloak constantly throwing up in the bathroom. Poor guy.

The moment they disembarked, she turned to her big sister Yang and beamed.

"So! Where do we go from here?" She asked.

"You go to the Opening Ceremony Speech, right away!" Yang laughed. "Me, uh... I've got friends to catch up with!"

And then she was gone. And Ruby was alone. She gaped after her big sister.


Her sense of shock is probably why she ran into a cart full of Dust, and caused some of it to explode.


Her face slammed into the pavement. She looked up with a groan, into the eyes of an angry, platinum blonde girl in fancy white and blue clothing.

"What are you doing?! You could have blown up all my Dust!"

"Why are you dragging all this around?!" Ruby groaned, rubbing her face. The girl scoffed.

"Some of us are taking this seriously, thank you!"

She pushed the cart away, along with a lot more luggage besides. And Ruby was alone again.

"Hey... Need some help?"

She looked up. The boy from the airship stood there, his hand out to her. She took it, and let him pull her up to her feet. She blushed brightly.

He was... Kind of rugged. Like he'd been on the road. His weapons were worn and well used, his cloak waved slightly in the breeze.

"Thanks... Uh... Nice cloak!" She said. She gestured to her own. "I'm uh, an aficionado too!"

"Yeah," the boy said with a nod. "Uh... Ruby Rose, right?"

Ruby's eyes widened.

"Wha...? How'd you know that?! Is your Semblance to be psychic or something?!"

"No," the boy chuckled, "But I owe you for a few tea parties."

Ruby blinked in confusion. Her eyes then widened in recognition.


"Jaune Arc. Rolls right off the tongue, huh?" Jaune chuckled. Ruby immediately hugged him tightly, burying her head in his chest. "OOF!"

"Oh I haven't seen you in forever! You're so... Tall! And you've got a cloak! And-And..."

She made a face as she pulled away, but kept her arms on his sides.

"You stink!" She declared. Jaune chuckled.

"Yeah... Didn't get a chance to shower, sorry," he admitted. Ruby pulled back, waving air away from her nose.

"Geez... Also that sword and shield need some polishing! That's a lot of Grimm residue!"

She immediately took his weapons off his belt, and pulled out his sword. She retrieved her weapons cleaning kit from her luggage, and set to work.

"Oh, the shield expands and contracts, cool! The mechanisms are still good but you need to use more oil," she muttered, "The sword's seen a LOT of Aura sharpening but you need to sharpen it manually too..."

In a few minutes, she presented the now shiny sword and shield combination back to Jaune. He took his weapons with wide eyes. He looked them over in wonder.

"Wow... It's like they're brand new!" He said. He grinned and hugged Ruby with one arm. "You're a miracle, Ruby!"

"Heheheh... I know my weapons!" Ruby grinned. "So! I didn't see any mechanisms on your sword."

"It cuts and stabs things," Jaune said dryly, "That's what a sword does."

Ruby presented her Crescent Rose, unfolding it and showing it off proudly.

"My High Caliber Sniper-Scythe, Crescent Rose! I built it myself!"

"Woah," Jaune said, looking over the complex, interlocking mechanisms, "Now that's awesome..."

He smirked up at her.

"And not a bunny or kitty sticker to be seen!"

"HEY! I grew out of that when I was, like, eight!" Ruby protested, blushing hard. She stowed her weapon and stomped in what she thought was a very mature way. "I'm gonna be a Huntress, darn it!"

"I know you are," Jaune said, a sincere smile on his face. He nodded. "Me too... I'm glad I'm doing it with some familiar faces."

"Same," Ruby admitted. "So uh... How are your mom and dad? I kind of remember them."

Jaune's face tightened. He spoke calmly.

"Dad... Died on a training mission," he said quietly, "Saved his class from some high-level Grimm."

Ruby's face fell.

"O-Oh... I'm so sorry, Jaune... My mom, she... She also..."

She bowed her head. Jaune reached out and squeezed her shoulder.

"Sorry," he said.

"It's okay."

"My mom's head surgeon at the hospital," Jaune said, moving on with warm energy, "She does a lot of consulting on Aura-based healing. Saphron got married, she lives in Argus with her wife and works for a publishing house. Aqua is a nurse, Verdy and Coral are still at college, Lilac is engaged to some banker, Orchid is doing some bookkeeping for the hospital and I think Tangy is trying to sell refrigerators up in Mantle."

"I still can't believe your mom named one of you after fruit," Ruby giggled. Jaune nodded.

"Better her than me, that's for sure," he said. "How's your dad?"

"He's a teacher at Signal," Ruby said cheerfully, "He's doing great!"

They continued their chat as they made their way to the audience hall. The Headmaster, a grey-haired man in green with a cane and glasses, was giving an opening speech.

"Let us all work diligently, and remember we are here to protect Remnant from the forces of Darkness..."

"I hope we didn't miss anything important," Ruby muttered. Jaune nodded.


The platinum blonde from before spotted them... And huffed, sticking her nose up in the air. Jaune and Ruby wisely took some seats far in the back. The rest of the speech went on... And on... And on...

Ruby groaned, and turned back to Jaune.

"So, why do you look like you ran around in the wilds for like... Six months?" She asked. "Is... Is that normal for you?"

Jaune shook his head with a thin smile.

"Three months, actually," he said, "Just got into town. Your uncle says hi."

"Uncle Qrow?! You got to see him?!" Ruby whisper-shouted, leaning forward. Jaune nodded.

"Yeah... He bought me breakfast... But he's still a dick."

"Sounds like him," Ruby giggled. "But seriously? Out in the wilds for three months?! What happened?!"


"Aside from you not getting any showers," Ruby giggled. Jaune sighed, and ruffled her hair affectionately. "ACK! Hey!"

"Plenty, thank you," Jaune chuckled, as Ruby batted his hand away. She pouted at him.

"You need to quit doing that," she insisted, "I'm gonna be a Huntress, ya know! I'm basically a full-grown woman!"

"You'll always be a little brat to me, Ruby," Jaune chuckled, continuing to mess up her hair.


- - -
- - -

A great deal of speeches, lectures, and generally boring stuff later, the sun was setting and the prospective students were gathered in a gymnasium. Small groups had formed of various teenagers, all preparing to sleep in pajamas and sleeping bags. Yang had picked out a nice place near some windows, and Ruby had joined her. A black-haired girl wearing a bow sat on the windowsill, reading a book and ignoring everything else going on around them, but otherwise they were fairly isolated.

Yang raised an eyebrow at her little sister's broad smile.

"So," Yang said with a grin at her little sister, "Saw you paling around with the Vomit Boy."

Ruby grinned, happy to have a secret that Yang hadn't figured out yet.

"Yup! I sure was!" Ruby said cheerfully, as she set out her sleeping bag with a flourish. Yang grinned, like a shark smelling blood in the water.

"Aw... Is my little sis finally hearing the siren call of romance?" Yang asked, sighing theatrically with a hand pressed to her forehead. "Or in this case, the stink of young love?"

Ruby blushed furiously.

"N-No! No! But he's an old friend!" Ruby insisted. Yang blinked.

"An old friend? What kind of...Nnngh...!"

Yang rolled her shoulder, wincing. Ruby frowned in concern.


"Ugh... Those damn twins got in a hit on my shoulder," Yang grumbled. She froze and laughed nervously over at the girl wearing the black bow.

"I-I mean, I overstrained myself at the gym and certainly didn't get my injury while doing anything borderline illegal, ahahaha!"

The girl gave her a neutral expression with her yellow eyes, and returned to reading her book. Ruby sighed.

"Yang, seriously?"

"I'll be fine," Yang insisted, "Besides, how many old friends could you have-?"

Ruby brightened and waved her arm happily.

"Hey! HEY! Jaune! OVER HERE!"

Yang looked... And her jaw dropped. She certainly had an appreciation for the male form... And this was quite the form. Tall, a bit gangly, but definitely packing muscle underneath his official Beacon Academy gym shirt and shorts. Blond hair, blue eyes, a sharp chin devoid of baby fat...

"Hey Ruby!" Jaune greeted with a smile, as he walked up to him. He lugged a few small pouches and a messenger bag with him, "Cute PJs."

"You too," Ruby giggled, "Where'd you get those?"

"Headmistress Goodwitch took pity on me and let me buy some stuff from the gift shop," Jaune chuckled. He grimaced and tugged at the shorts. "They're a little tight, but ya know, beggars can't be choosers and all..."

Yang ceased her ogling as her brain caught up with her mouth.

"Wait-Crybaby Jaune?!" Yang yelped. Jaune grinned and bowed mockingly.

"Yo! Firecracker Yang! Been a while, huh?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah," Yang managed, flushing a bit at the nickname, "Geez... Uh... It's been, what, eight years? Last I saw you, you were eating dirt."

"That you fed me," Jaune deadpanned. Yang winced.

"W-Well... You are a growing boy, right? Gotta provide fertile soil," she chuckled. Jaune laughed, holding a hand to his stomach.

"Aw man... Your jokes are still terrible!"

"My jokes are amazing!" Yang laughed back, "Only sophisticated comedy palates can appreciate them!"

"Or they built up a resistance," Ruby snarked. Yang swung at her, and Ruby dodged with a playful giggle. Yang sighed, and looked back to him with a smile.

"Still... It's good to see you again," Yang said. She winked. "And no bunny onesies?"

"Couldn't take them with me," Jaune deadpanned. He looked at the black bowed girl. "Yo. I'm Jaune Arc."

The girl looked up from her book.

"Blake Belladonna," she said quietly. Jaune extended his hand. She stared at it for a moment.

"I swear, I grabbed a shower," Jaune said, glancing at Ruby, "Because someone complained about my manly scent."

"You mean you smelled like you rolled around in garbage," Ruby teased back.

Blake slowly reached out her hand, and took Jaune's. He shook it. She pulled back gently, and Jaune nodded back to her.

"Why were you going around in that ratty cloak and all?" Yang asked. "Your mom make you hike all the way here from... Uh...?"

"Radian? Kind of," Jaune admitted. Ruby popped up, grinning and nodding eagerly.

"Yeah! He had to make it here all the way on foot!"

Yang scoffed.

"Oh come on! Really?"

"Didn't have money for the train, and I get airsick real bad," Jaune said. Yang winced and rolled her shoulder again. Jaune locked his eyes onto her. "You okay?"

"Ugh, yeah, just a pulled muscle or-" Yang said, but Jaune walked behind her, and pressed down at the junction between her neck and shoulder. "AH! Hey!"

"Hmmm," Jaune mused, "Tendons are a little overstressed. Hang on."

He rummaged around in his pack, and pulled out a small bottle of what had once been People Like Grapes. He opened it, poured some green liquid out onto his hand, and rubbed Yang's shoulder and neck quickly. A minty scent filled Yang, Ruby and Blake's nostrils.

"H-Hey... Shouldn't you buy me dinner first if you're gonna get this handsy with me?" Yang joked, though she had a slight blush on her cheeks. Jaune pulled his hand back.

"How's that?" He asked. Yang rolled her shoulder, and blinked.

"Huh... It's gone!"

"Folk remedy from my village," Jaune said, "My mom helped isolate the active ingredients years ago. That stuff is concentrated and a lot stronger, but this is cheaper to make and works just fine on little injuries like this." He handed the bottle to her. "Apply it overnight, and you'll be back up to one hundred percent in no time."

Yang blinked.

"I... Thanks?"

Jaune grinned.

"Hey, we still got this initiation coming up, right? And I'd prefer to be on a team that's at their best."

"Jaune's mom is super cool, huh Yang?" Ruby asked. She got up and wrapped her arms around Jaune's arm. "So! Got any more potions that might help our chances?"

"Maybe a few," Jaune said with a shrug, "Though most of them are basically energy drinks."


A muscular redhead shot up, grinning broadly.

"Caffeine, right?!"

"Uhhh," Jaune managed, "Y-Yeah...?"

"Can I have some?" The girl asked. A dark-haired boy with a pink stripe running down his bangs walked up, and took the girl's hand.

"Sorry about her," the boy said calmly. The girl pouted.

"But Rennnnn!"

"No buts, Nora," Ren stated, leading his partner away. Yang, Ruby, Jaune, and Blake all blinked.

"That was... Weird," Yang observed.

"Yeah," Ruby said, "Though I think I like her!"

"You would," Yang snickered. She grinned at Jaune, brushing her hair back and tangling a finger in her golden locks.

"So Crybaby, you gonna get some shut-eye, or should we progress to painting nails and gossiping about boys?"

Jaune gave the stare of a haunted veteran of No Man's Land. But his grin was savage.

"I have seven sisters, do your worst."

"Oh, I intend to-"

"Children!" Professor Goodwitch called out, drawing every eye in the room. "To sleep, now. Boys on one side, girls on the other. You have a busy day tomorrow."

"Guess we'll have to take a Yang-check," Yang chuckled, "But I can see you in electric blue!"

"Please, I'll rock electric blue nail polish," Jaune said with a confident grin. "Night ladies!"

He headed off to the other side of the room, Yang's eyes locked onto his posterior the whole time. Ruby pouted at Yang.

"Yaaang," Ruby whined. Yang blinked.


"No," Ruby scowled. Yang blinked again.

"No what-?"

"No. Flirting," she growled. "It's gross!"

"Aw," Yang chuckled, ruffling her little sister's hair, "Is my little sister feeling jealous~?"

"I AM NOT!" Ruby pouted. "Just-Don't be mean to him!"

"What if I want to be nice~?" Yang teased.


- - -

The next morning, Jaune was checking over his gear in the locker room. They'd checked it all in the day before, where it had been gone over by the Engineering section of the school. He was gratified to see his armor was cleaned up and properly repaired. His sword and shield were in pristine shape, but only a little more than what Ruby had done.

His clothing had been cleaned, at least. Still pretty patchwork, but now that he had access to his funds again courtesy of Uncle Qrow, he could buy some new clothes. Still, this hoodie had served him well for three months-Maybe it was lucky?

He'd lost his jeans-Cheap freaking denim-So he'd upgraded to some hardy carpenter's pants a farmer had let him have. It had a lot of pockets, which was useful. HIs sneakers hadn't lasted much longer either, and he'd gone around in sandals for a while until another farmer had gotten him some heavy boots.

He pulled the armor on last, fastening the pauldrons on with practiced familiarity. This stuff reacted to his Aura, and a surge of his soul's power seemed to make it all... Fit better.

He couldn't really explain it. Maybe he'd ask Ruby about it.

He backed up, turned around... Nearly ran into a tall redhead in skimpy but functional armor. She wore a golden tiara, under which were bright, bewitching green eyes.

"Oh, uh, sorry," the girl said with an apologetic smile that seemed made for fashion magazines. Jaune's cheeks flushed a bit.

Woah, Jaune's mind went, I should say something cool.

"For what?" He asked.


"Uh, almost bumping into you," she said quickly. Jaune shrugged.

"You didn't though. So... No reason to apologize," he said. Geez. Poor girl. Did she have self-esteem issues? Was she like those ultra serious pretty girls who were all broken up inside or something?

Oh, she was still talking. He should probably pay attention to that.

"It's great to be here at Beacon, huh? It's been my dream," she said happily. She extended her hand. "I'm Pyrrha Nikos."

Jaune extended his hand and shook hers firmly enough to be manly, but not too firm. Though given how strong her grip was, maybe he should have squeezed harder...

"Jaune Arc," he said with a smile, "It's nice to meet you."


A platinum blonde in light blue, expensive looking clothing and what appeared to be gogo boots skidded to a halt, panting hard.

"The Pyrrha Nikos?! I-I had heard you were at Beacon but-My locker room-Wow-I'm Weiss Schnee, of the Schnee Family!"

"Uh, it's very nice to meet you too," Pyrrha said, carefully pulling her hand from Jaune's and shaking Weiss'. Well, Weiss seemed to be doing all the shaking-Hard enough that certain assets of Pyrrha's were moving-

Nope! Nope! Just because he'd been on the road for three months didn't mean he was going to gawp like a caveman at a pretty girl, nope. All of these women could murder him in incredibly creative ways, he didn't need to give them any reason to do so!

It was time for him to say something intelligent again.

"So... She's a big deal then?"


Weiss shot him a disbelieving sneer.

"Are you kidding?! Where did you grow up, under a rock?! She's the four-time Mistral Regional Tournament champion! The so-called INVINCIBLE GIRL!"

Jaune blinked.

"Oh... Good for you," Jaune said with a slow nod to Pyrrha. Pyrrha flushed.

"It's-It's no big deal-"

"She graduated first in her class from Sanctum Academy!" Weiss continued eagerly. "She's a fashion model for Amazons!"

Pyrrha's smile was looking a little brittle. Like his mom's whenever she had to entertain some rich councilman or businessman.

"Nope, never heard of you before," Jaune went on, smiling apologetically.

Weiss looked almost desperate.

"She's the mascot for Pumpkin Pete's Cereal! You have to have heard of THAT, at least!"

Jaune shook his head.

"My mom was a big health nut, so I never ate it. My uncle got me this Pumpkin Pete's hoodie but that's all," he said.

Weiss groaned, and slid in front of Jaune to put herself fully in Pyrrha's view.

"I'm so sorry you have to put up with such ignorant lummoxes!"

"I uh, it's not a problem-"

"Listen, if you join my team, it would be such an amazing alliance! My family's connections, your talents...!

Now, had Jaune not been three months on the road, fighting for his life, he might have just let that go.

And if Pyrrha didn't shoot him a look that said, quite clearly, 'Help me,', he might have also let that go.

But he hadn't. So he didn't.

"Actually I might have heard of you," Jaune said quickly, grabbing Pyrrha's hand. She flushed as he stepped right into her personal space, coincidentally bumping Weiss out of the way.


"Don't interfere!" Jaune said quickly, "Our families made a pact long ago to join our families in marriage! At last, I've found you, my beautiful fiancé!"

Pyrrha's face turned an even brighter red. Jaune took her hand and kissed the top of it. Weiss goggled.


"Oh-Oh yes!" Pyrrha cried, forcing a swoon. "My darling! We must discuss our plans! Sorry Weiss, maybe another time? I've been hit with a LOT and I need to sort it out!"


"Hey! Your family had your chance!" Jaune cried. "Don't paw at my wife!"


Jaune led Pyrrha away, leaving the sputtering Weiss to watch them go.

Once they were outside in the bright sunshine, Jaune let go of Pyrrha's hand. He coughed.

"Ah, sorry," he said, "Some chick tried that on me to get out of some guys trying to shake down her family shop for money. I thought it would at least be confusing."

"It was," Pyrrha giggled. She beamed at him. "Thanks... Seriously? No idea who I am?"

"Not even a little," Jaune said, shaking his head, "Sorry."

"No, no, that's okay," Pyrrha said, waving her hands. "But um... I'm glad we'll be going to Beacon together."

Jaune grinned at her.

"Same," he said.



Ruby tackle-hugged him, beaming up at him like an eager puppy.

"Come on, come on, we're going to be late!" Ruby said eagerly. She leaped off and grabbed Jaune's hand, dragging him off. Jaune sighed, looking back over his shoulder. Pyrrha covered her mouth to giggle, as she followed them.

"Right, the initiation thing... So... Anyone know what this is supposed to be? Like... Do we get baptized with oil or touch a dead unicorn or something?"

"Something like that," Pyrrha agreed.

- - -

They assembled on the top of a cliff overlooking a verdant, beautiful valley, and Headmaster Ozpin gave his instructions.

"The rules are simple: You will be launched into the Emerald Forest, where you will employ a landing strategy. Once down on the ground, the first person whose eyes you meet will become your partner for the next four years. This is non-negotiable-We are monitoring the entire area."

Aw crap, Jaune mentally groaned. He glanced around at the other students. Sure, maybe they weren't all jerks or weirdos... But given Weiss, did he really want to take that chance?

"You will fight your way to the ancient ruins, killing anything in your way, and retrieve the ancient relics. You will then make your way back to the Cliffs. The risk of death is quite high, but you are the best of the best, so I have every confidence in your abilities."

The headmaster paused and then sipped his coffee.

"And you all signed the waivers," he said.

Was that a joke? I can't tell! Jaune thought. Still...

"Any questions?" Ozpin asked.

Jaune raised his hand.

"Er, Headmaster?"

"Yes, Mister Arc?"

The headmaster gave Jaune a probing look, that made him feel as though the older man was seeing right through him. It made him feel incredibly uncomfortable, but he pressed on.

"How... Are we going to be launched?"

"The catapults you are standing upon," Ozpin said dryly.

Jaune looked down and blinked.

"Huh. I completely missed those," he muttered.

He heard Weiss What's Her Name groan in disgust. Yeah, that just hardened his resolve.

"If there are no more questions-?"

"Oh, uh, Headmaster?"

Ozpin again raised an eyebrow, and sipped his coffee.

"Yes, Mister Arc?"

"Do we need to be launched one at a time?" Jaune asked. Ozpin blinked.

"The catapults are rated for a maximum weight of several thousand kilograms, so technically, I suppose not-"

"Great!" Jaune said cheerfully. He got off the catapult, walked over to Ruby, and picked her up. She squeaked and blushed as he put her on his back, and walked back to his catapult.

"H-Hey, Jaune-!"

"This way, we'll be partners," Jaune said with a nod. Ruby beamed.

"Oh yeah! WOOHOO!" She threw her arms up into the air.

"That's a GREAT idea!" Nora cried, immediately vaulting herself over to Ren and getting up onto his back. Ren sighed.

"Nora, you don't have to-"

"Shush, Ren, you're my noble steed! You don't talk!"

"Aw, shooting right for my little sister, Crybaby Jaune?" Yang laughed. "I'm hurt-No consideration for me?"

"She's less annoying and smaller," Jaune shot back. Ruby smacked his head. "OW! What the-?!"

"I-I'M STILL GROWING!" Ruby growled, blushing furiously.

"I-I know, but I mean you're shorter-OW!"


"OKAY OKAY! SHEESH!" Jaune groaned. A lot of other students laughed, but he couldn't find it in himself to care-

"Pyrrha!" Weiss cried, immediately latching onto the taller redhead, "We'll work together!"

"Uh, um, that's nice, Weiss," Pyrrha managed.

"We'll be the greatest team, I KNOW IT!"

"If you're all quite finished," Ozpin stated, "We shall begin the launching. Good luck!"

He sipped his coffee as the catapults powered up.

"Oh, also," he said, "The aerodynamics of the human body ensure that you'll most likely be separated from your chosen partners the moment you are accelerated... Unless you hold on very tightly."

Weiss blinked.

"Wait wha-?"

The catapult tossed her and Pyrrha up, up, and away. Ruby tightened her grip.

"It will also ensure you may end up almost anywhere," Ozpin stated, "So... Good luck with that."

"Wait, I-"

Jaune and Ruby were launched, tumbling through the sky, holding onto each other desperately.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" They both screamed. Ruby was able to look up as they tumbled. Her eyes widened.



Ruby let go, and slammed into a gigantic, black bird. Jaune sailed right underneath the squawking Grimm, tumbling through the air like a screaming, flailing rock.

Okay... Okay... Calm down... What do I do? What do I do?!

Jaune spread his legs out, and his cloak. That helped a little, in that he was now no longer tumbling, but the looming ground coming up remained a problem.

All right... Don't have a flying Semblance or aerokinesis or wings or anything else... So...

He pulled out his shield, and poured his Aura into it. He spread his cloak out as far as he could with his arms and legs.

Right... Slow down, slow down... Arrest your momentum... Just rely on my aura and shield... Tuck and roll... Hope I'm tough enough to tank a few trees.


He descended, and he pulled his limbs in to hide behind his shield as much as possible.

Right... Right... And... First tree...!

He smashed through it. It rattled his bones, but the tree broke and he didn't. That was most important.

He smashed through a second tree. He was still going pretty fast, but not as fast. And he still didn't break.

Third tree... Didn't break. He finally tumbled and fell to the ground.


He grabbed onto a branch... Which snapped. He grabbed onto another branch... Which also snapped. He held his shield up and smashed through several more branches... Until he tumbled out of the tree and landed with a hard thud on the ground.

"Ugggghhh... Perfect landing... Just as I planned," Jaune managed, breathing hard. He tried to get up... And fell over against the tree trunk.

"Ahhh... Yeah... Let's uh... Strategic rest, yeah," Jaune nodded, his aura regenerating, "Just to get my bearings... Totally to get my bearings..."

He didn't even know why he said that, not like there was anyone around to be impressed.

"Oh! Hello Jaune!"

Jaune blinked, and looked at the speaker. The female, smiling speaker.

"You need more time to get your bearings?"

Okay, so there was someone around to impress...
- - -
- - -

Over the past three months, Jaune Arc had learned a hard lesson: Angry people make stupid mistakes. And you make them angry by talking shit.

So Jaune had become a pretty damn good shit talker. Which meant you had to be quick-witted. Clever. Brilliant.

"Uh," Jaune began, as Pyrrha Nikos stood there smiling at him.

Right now, he didn't feel like any of those things.

I hate you brain, I really freaking hate you right now.

"So... Uh... How'd you find me?" Jaune managed.

"My Semblance," Pyrrha said, walking up to him. She held out a hand. "I can track you magnetically after touching anything metal on your body."

"Well... That's not weird or creepy," Jaune muttered, accepting the hand and letting Pyrrha pull him up. The Spartan-like warrior immediately flushed and covered her cheeks.

"O-Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry! I-I didn't think of how, uh... I mean... Oh you must think I'm crazy! I'm really, really sorry!"

Jaune blinked and held his hands up. Now was the time to be diplomatic.

"... Yes, I do think you're kind of crazy."

Her face fell.


"But uh, my uncle used to say that all the best hunters were a little crazy!" He said quickly, "I mean, I'm nuts! I'm here with a sword and shield! I may as well be running around with stone tools and furs!"

Pyrrha... Giggled a little. She cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry. I must come off as a little... Uh... Aggressive."

"Juuust a little," Jaune said with a nod, "Like, there was this one girl-The one who said I was her long lost fiancé? She actually wanted me to fight some criminals menacing her shop... And then she tried to get me with a shotgun wedding. Like, literally. An actual shotgun."

Pyrrha stared at him, her lips twitching.

"Is that another joke?"

"I really wish it was," Jaune said with a nod. "So uh... You tracked me down? Was my overwhelming charisma too much for you to handle?"

Pyrrha again giggled.

"Something like that," she agreed, "But there's another, far more selfish reason. You see... I do know about the Arc family. Your mother's Doctor Isabel Arc, right?"

Jaune shivered. Pyrrha frowned.

"You okay, Jaune?"

"Oh yeah! I'm totally fine!" Jaune said quickly. He knew Uncle Qrow wouldn't blow him in to his mom, but just the thought of her right now scared the HELL out of him.

"Just uh... Yes, she's my mother. So you know her how-?"

"Her Aura healing skills are first rate," Pyrrha said, "Her techniques helped me recover after some severe injuries in the second Mistral Tournament. I-I wouldn't have been anywhere near as successful without her expertise. She was also very kind to me. Treated me... You know... Normally. As just another person."

She smiled warmly.

"Kind of like you did."

Oh. A celebrity who desperately wanted a real, human connection? One who had tracked him down with her powers?

"You... Do realize that makes you sound like even more of a stalker, right?" Jaune asked.

Pyrrha's eyes widened in shock.

"O-Oh dear... Oh my... I-I just-! I didn't-!"

"Just relax, Pyrrha, I'm messing with you," Jaune said. Mostly.

Pyrrha flushed.

"It's... Annoying and endearing when you do things like that," Pyrrha admitted. "I guess... I just haven't had this kind of sincerity with another person before. Someone I know comes from good people. It is selfish, maybe I went overboard with it-"

Jaune reached out, and rested a hand on Pyrrha's shoulder. She started, and looked up into his eyes. He sighs.

"Okay, look. I totally get being selfish. This is... Me being selfish. My mom wanted me to be a doctor. And I'm going to be a Hunter, so... Yeah."

He smiled brightly.

"So, now that we've got that connection, we'll be fine as partners! Unless you're, ya know, secretly going to drug me and marry me against my will."

Pyrrha gaped, bright red.

"N-NO! No! I-I would never-I couldn't-!"

"Joking again, Pyrrha," Jaune sighed. Pyrrha gaped... And then snickered.

"You're just... Impossible!"

"Well that's not going to make our four years together any better, is it?" Jaune chuckled.

Oh shit. Wait. Are we flirting? Am I really flirting with the crazy girl who used her Semblance to track me down? The celebrity super Invincible Girl who is WAYYY out of your league?

"Well... Um... I might be able to get used to it. Eventually," Pyrrha said with another soft, polite laugh.

Shit. I totally am. The last thing I need is another crazy girl after me... I need to let her down easy. Or wait, do I want to do that? If she's crazy she'll just go full Shotgun on me! Maybe if I told her I just want to be friends...

"Cool. Then we'll be friends," Jaune said cheerfully. "The best of friends."

Pyrrha stared intently at him. Her eyebrow might have twitched. Jaune blinked.

Oh. Right. I told Iridescent that I just wanted to be friends and that led to the shotgun... Shit... SHIT-!

"But uh... Maybe... Possibly... We can rethink that at a later date or something... OH HEY! We're in the middle of a test!" Jaune realized loudly.

Pyrrha nodded furiously, as desperate to escape the awkwardness as he was.

"Oh! Oh, absolutely!" Pyrrha agreed. "The test!"

"We-We should get on with that!"

"Y-Yes! Absolutely!"

"You're magnetic, which way?"

Pyrrha pointed back towards the cliffs in the distance.

"That way!"

"GREAT!" Jaune said, grabbing her hand and racing off. "Let's get going and-"

The growls of a few Beowulves greeted them, just before the Grimm emerged from the trees. Jaune sighed, and let Pyrrha's hand go. He drew Crocea Mors and unfurled his shield.

"You assholes couldn't have shown up... FIVE MINUTES SOONER?!" Jaune roared, charging into battle alongside Pyrrha. She took down two Beowulves with two shots from her transforming rifle, while he slashed his way through two more at close range. They moved together so easily, almost like she was dancing with him. She smiled warmly at him as they set up for another wave of Beowulves.

Crap. There was going to be a shotgun in his future, he just knew it.

- - -

Headmaster Ozpin observed the initiation from his office, his ever present cup of coffee serving him faithfully and without complaint as he watched the young students battling their way towards their goals. At his side was Professor Goodwitch, the assistant headmistress, who watched with her usual cold expression.

"I still can't believe you let him in," Glynda sighed, as she watched Jaune Arc and Pyrrha Nikos fight their way through some more Grimm, "The boy's transcripts were too good to be true."

"And yet, his performance demonstrates the opposite," Ozpin commented, as the green cloaked knight slashed off the front legs of an Ursa, then stole out of the way of the beast to allow his partner to take it down with her spear. Glynda frowned.

"That... Is a strange contradiction," she allowed, "His form is far rougher and less... Refined than a graduate of a combat school should be."

"He could have easily been homeschooled and simply used the combat school as cover. Many students have done far worse," Ozpin said.

"That puts his motives into question," Glynda argued. Ozpin handed her a scroll. She frowned and looked over the contents.

"What are these?"

"Reports along the main road between Radian and Vale. Five days after our young Mister Arc set out from Radian, by his own admission," Ozpin stated, "A Nevermore terrorizing the small town of Edge was dispatched before local hunters could arrive."

Glynda flipped to a picture of a Nevermore being hit by a train. She flipped to the next picture, which showed it dissolved. She snorted.

"What's the connection?"

"Check the first picture. Notice anything?"

Glynda flipped back. Her keen eyes locked onto a small green figure on the train station platform, caught by the cameras along with the unfortunate Nevermore. The cloak was less torn and ragged, but still familiar. And there was no mistaking the sword and shield the figure carried.

"Just because Mister Arc may have been there," Glynda stated, "Does not mean he was able to defeat a Nevermore-"

"Check the next article, about the Faunus being liberated from being used as slave labor," Ozpin said. Glynda flipped to the article, as Ozpin's keen eyes stayed glued to the screens.

"I... Yes, another sighting, but that still-"

"Once is coincidence. Twice is happenstance. But there are at least ten incidents where an individual matching the description of Jaune Arc was there, and just as quickly vanished," Ozpin said. Glynda flipped through, reading the articles. Her disbelieving expression shifted away from doubt, to concern, to shock.

"How on Remnant could one boy get into so much trouble?" Glynda asked.

Ozpin sipped his coffee, and considered his answer.

"At first... I considered the possibility that he was one of her agents," he said. "It would not be the first time Salem has tried to sneak a spy into our midst."

Glynda's eyes narrowed at Jaune Arc, who even now was arguing with Pyrrha Nikos about something. The poor girl looked torn between guilt and... Was she blushing? What?

"However," Ozpin said, "Given her age, she falls into a pattern of behavior. One she can't escape entirely, no matter her efforts. Such agents in the past were too... Squeaky clean. Too artificial. Too good to be true." He nodded to Jaune on the screen, who threw up his hands as part of the argument.

"Mister Arc is certainly not that," Glynda deadpanned.

"Indeed," Ozpin said, "Furthermore, she usually wouldn't go this far to stage so many incidents to make her agents look genuine. Too much at once makes them look like frauds."

He rubbed his chin.

"However," he said, "The Arc Family does have a history of individuals with very powerful Auras-Almost superhuman stamina when it comes to that, if properly trained. As well as unusual Semblances, with strange side effects. It is entirely possible that Mister Arc is unconsciously using such a Semblance, and has yet to master it."

He shook his head.

"It does not fully eliminate the possibility he is a spy, or has his own agenda counter to ours. However, in either case, it is far better to have him here to keep an eye on him."

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?" Glynda asked. Ozpin smiled.


- - -

Jaune sighed.

"Look, I'm just saying I didn't like your cereal. You don't have to apologize for it! It's not your fault!"

Why she'd brought along a sample was... Well, Pyrrha had a habit of keeping things in her pockets, and he had been curious... She'd just wanted him to not think she was weird.

Maybe sharing a free sample of some cereal she was the mascot of that she'd been carrying around wasn't the best way to do that.

Pyrrha flushed, and nodded quickly.

"I-I know... I'm sorry-"

"AND STOP SAYING THAT!" Jaune shouted. Pyrrha's jaw dropped.

Honestly, even her parents had never shouted at her like that. Her trainers, sure, but never with that raw kind of anger and frustration. They'd never needed to!

Jaune grimaced, and held up his hands.

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouted at you in anger. I was the one out of line. That's my bad. But you gotta stop apologizing all the time for stuff that's not your fault! It makes you seem, ya know, weak willed! I mean, what if I was one of those creepy, pushy guys out of a Mistralian hentai comic who blackmails you into doing naughty things?!"

He paused, seemed to realize what he'd said, and blushed bright red. Her own face wasn't much better.

"N-Not that I... Read those things, of course!" He forced a laugh. "I-I've only heard of them! Yup! Only heard about them!"

"I-I mean... You would never do that," Pyrrha insisted. Jaune scowled.

"You don't know that! You just met me! For all you know I am a creep!"

"I've seen how you fight," Pyrrha insisted, "You can't hide your true nature when you fight!"

"You can if you turn invisible, or-or something!" Jaune shot back. Pyrrha's eyes widened. Jaune, noticing this (and possessing basic pattern recognition skills), swung around and got his shield up. A Beowulf lunged at him, its jaws knocking his sword out of his hand and latching its jaws onto his shield.

"JAUNE!" Pyrrha cried... But Jaune was already reacting. Namely, by charging up his fist with Aura... And punching the Beowulf right in the face.







The Beowulf staggered back, as Jaune hefted up his Aura charged shield and brought it down onto the Beowulf's head, smashing its skull open.

"THOUGHT YOU WERE SMART, DIDN'T YOU MOTHERFUCKER?!" Jaune shouted, kicking the dissolving remains of the Beowulf.

Pyrrha watched the fight with wide eyes. Jaune's fighting style was... Rough. Unrefined, but thoroughly savage. Unrestrained. If he didn't have a massive Aura pool to draw on, he'd have been finished by now. But he was still going, albeit winded. It was so different from her precise, constantly drilled forms.

So... Honest and brutal.

And the profanity!

She bit her lower lip and blushed. This was doing something to her. Jaune was doing something to her.

Why did she like it so much?


She wasn't so distracted she missed the two Beowulfs trying to pounce her from behind. Two shots from Milo over her shoulder, without even looking, and both were dispatched. Jaune's eyes widened in genuine amazement.

"Oh... Uh... Wow," he said.

"Like I said," Pyrrha replied, "Your fighting style is all I need to see to know you. And I know you're... Very honest. Trustworthy... And a bit um... Unrefined."

She winced.


"Do not say that again!" Jaune shouted. "Just say something else! Seriously!"

"... I apologize?"


- - -

Ruby Rose rushed through the Emerald Forest, hot on the trail of Jaune. He had wanted her to be his partner, and she really wanted to be his!

... His partner! Yes! Absolutely his partner!

Yang's teasing was just annoying, that's all. She'd just made a friend, a real friend! Someone who had looked out for her and chosen her! Her! Someone she'd known since her childhood, and had grown up into a really great guy!

Why wouldn't she want to find him?

That stupid Nevermore had gotten in the way. She had jumped off after crashing into it, letting the Grimm go off. She had more important things to worry about.

She skidded to a halt in a small clearing. She heard the sound of steel crashing against Grimm bone plating. She grinned.

That has to be him! He can't be too far away! She zipped off in the direction of the sounds. They got louder, and louder. She could spot a flash of steel shining in the sunlight, as she heard a Grimm die.

"JAUNE! IT'S ME!" Ruby shouted, bursting into the clearing, her smile wide.

Her silver eyes met blue eyes... And her face fell as she skidded to a halt in front of the student.

"No," Weiss Schnee groaned, "No... Not you. Anyone but you!"

"HEY!" Ruby growled. "You think I'm happy to see you?! You jerk! I didn't mean to blow up your Dust! You should have been handling it better!"

"I WAS handling it correctly! You slammed into it!" Weiss shot back, her eyebrow twitching as she pointed her sword at Ruby. Ruby huffed.

"You didn't have to get angry about it! You're the one dragging explosive materials around!"

"Uggggghhh," Weiss groaned, smacking her hand against her face, "I can't believe this... Look, let's just go off in separate directions, all right? You can go find your weird boyfriend-"

"HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Ruby shouted, her pale face going bright red.

"-And maybe I can find Pyrrha Nikos," she sighed, "The faculty has to make allowances, right?"

"What, for your lesbian crush?" Ruby snarked. Weiss's pale cheeks went paler as she glared.

"I am not a lesbian, you-you crude little-! I just prefer to partner with people who aren't completely inept!"

"Ya know, you two are making a lot of noise," drawled a happily familiar voice. Ruby's eyes lit up as Jaune entered the clearing.

"JAUNE!" She shot towards him, tackling him in a hug and wrapping her arms and legs around him like an aggressive tree sloth.

"OOF!" Jaune grunted, and patted her on the head. "Hey! Sorry about that... Not my best idea, the catapult thing-"

"Nonono, it could have worked!" Ruby insisted, "But now you're here and now we can-"

"Ah, hello," Pyrrha said, waving awkwardly. Ruby's eyes widened and she looked up at Jaune. They were filled with hurt and betrayal.

"You... And her...?"

"We're partners, dumbass, we're not going to get married," Jaune grunted, lightly cuffing Ruby's head.

"OW! Hey!" Ruby scowled up at him.

"Oh come on!" Weiss groaned, walking over, "You and the ignorant farmboy? Seriously?"

"If it helps, she's a weird stalker," Jaune commented dryly. Pyrrha flushed deeply.

"N-No I'm not!"

"I KNEW IT!" Ruby cried.

"She is not!" Weiss insisted. "How dare you libel her!"

"Joking, everyone, joking," Jaune said, sighing heavily. He looked at Weiss, and shrugged.

"Well... Since we're now a four person team, we should probably try to get to the relics now."

"We are not a team," Weiss growled.

"Fine. We'll all just walk in the same direction, and fight Grimm separately and not work together as a team at all," he said dryly, "That work?"

"You're just absolutely infuriating!" Weiss groaned, "You and your little girlfriend!"

"HEY!" Ruby shouted.

"Not my girlfriend," Jaune said. Ruby squeezed him painfully. "URK! RUBY!"

"Time is wasting. We should get moving, please? Sorr-"

"Pyrrha," Jaune stated flatly.

Pyrrha winced.

"I mean, if you please...?"

"You're just fine, Pyrrha," Weiss said quickly. "It's nice to know someone has their priorities straight around here!"

"I'd heard aristocrats were inbred but I didn't think it was this bad," Jaune muttered. Weiss whacked him over the head. "OW! HEY!"

"You-You RUFFIAN!"

Jaune cuffed her on the back of her head.

"OW! Wha-You can't do that!"

"Just did," Jaune stated flatly. "We going or not?"

Weiss moved to hit him back, but Pyrrha rested a hand on her wrist. Very tightly.

"He's right, let's focus on the task at hand, mm?" Pyrrha said, her smile now a bit... Frightening. Ruby was also glaring, hugging onto Jaune even more tightly.

Weiss coughed, and decided to remember her manners.

"R-Right... You're right of course, Pyrrha. I'm terribly sorry... Let's get those relics!"

"And can you let me go?" Jaune asked.

Ruby grinned, and snuggled into his chest.

"Nope! You'll have to carry me the whole way!"

"Brat," Jaune sighed, ruffling her hair... Before he shoved her to the ground.

"ACK! Hey!" Ruby protested.

"We can hug when we're not in constant danger, all right?" Jaune said. Ruby pouted, but nodded.

"We'd better!"

- - -

Yes, this Jaune is a believer in True Gender Equality.
- - -

The Deathstalker was ancient. It had been asleep for a long, long time. Not that Grimm cared about such things.

It had gone into hibernation to conserve its strength, as it hadn't had any prey for a while.

All that changed when it felt... Anger. Lust. Rage. Spite. Jealousy...

The Deathstalker then heard... voices. Human voices.

"Ruby, why would the relics be in a cave?!" A whiny, screechy voice said.

"They're always in caves, come on! It would be cool, right?" An equally childish voice retorted.

"As cool as it would be to explore the dark and dangerous caves... Aren't the ruins over there?" A young, reedy male voice asked, sounding both fond and exasperated.

"Oh... Uh... Oops?" The second voice apologized.

"You're like a freaking puppy," the male voice sighed.

"In all the best ways!" The second voice said cheerfully.

"It's all right, Ruby. I should have spoken up, it's my fau-" A fourth voice, female, apologetic and kind, interjected, but was interrupted.

"No, no it's not," the male voice said. "Seriously, stop that."

"Why don't you hit her when she says something wrong, you barbarian?" The first voice said mockingly, getting further away.

"Because she's not a grade A bitch, that's why!" The male voice retorted.

"Why you-!"

The sources of emotions got further away... But the Deathstalker was now hungry.

It began to unfold itself from its long hibernation.

- - -

Jaune Arc wasn't stupid.

... Mostly.

Yes he had spent three months fighting and walking his way to Beacon after forging his transcripts and lying to his mother. After he broke his scroll due to swinging his sword too hard during training.

... Training that involved trying to cut an apple in half in a cool way and-Okay so maybe he was a little stupid. Unwise? Okay, yeah, let's go with unwise.

He was unwise. But he wasn't stupid. Ozpin and the other professors were watching their every move, and would assign teams based on their performance together.

So he really, really, really prayed that the people watching this didn't think these four were a good fit. Okay yes, he would have loved to have been paired with Ruby. She was a friend and he liked her. He was the baby of his family, she was the baby of hers, and they both sucked at social situations and loved to talk hyper nerd.

As annoying as she could be, he knew she was going to be something amazing someday, and maybe he could help her realize that. Or at least not be dead weight.

Pyrrha too, for all her annoying qualities, wasn't a bad partner. They'd gelled pretty quickly in the fights they'd gone through. She just needed some confidence. Confidence enough to realize that she could do so much better than maybe/sort of stalking him.

Okay, so maybe he also had confidence issues. Sue him. He could fight, that didn't mean he was any good with anything else. His little journey made him about as subtle, refined, and elegant as a pillowcase full of bricks.

Probably why he was dreading the prospect of Weiss being put into this... Team. Okay, yes, she was clearly very talented, intelligent, and she was good with her sword. The Beowulf she silenced that was lurking near the Ruins went down in a single thrust demonstrated that. She clearly had some skills.

"We wasted so much damn time and now there's only two relics left!"

She was also a pain in the ass. He was perfectly happy to be Ruby's big brother and Pyrrha's... What, life coach?

But Weiss... Yeah. He did not have the patience to deal with a spoiled little princess. No thank you. He'd dealt with his sisters long enough to know that sucked and he wasn't having any part of it. He wasn't a siscon, thank you very much, and Weiss thought him some uncouth lout or whatever. Putting them together would be a disaster.

But anyway, they'd finally made it to the ruins. They were on a small plateau, separated by a narrow canyon near the base of the cliffs. Several ancient pillars stood like stepping stones to the stone... Gazebo maybe? They'd hopped on those, and gotten into the heart of the ancient... Temple maybe?

History was not Jaune's strong suit. Especially not ancient history. But he recognized the two relics easily enough-Oversized chess pieces. A knight, and a rook. The only ones left.

"At least there are relics left to take," Pyrrha suggested. "So, which one do we take?"

Ruby hummed. "I guess we'll take-"


Yang and... Blake? Yeah, Blake, arrived, jumping from pillar to pillar. Yang grinned broadly, her eyes and hair still burning from the power of her Semblance. Blake was silent, as usual, and eyeing everyone like a well fed cat.

"YANG!" Ruby laughed. "Nice to see you! And you too, Blake!"

"Yeah, we got through it all," she said, "Seen anyone else?"

"No, they're all ahead of us," Weiss groused, "Since someone thought this was a field trip and not a serious mission!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Ruby whined, waving her hands, "Will you just let that go?"

"Look, we can get our relics and then run," Jaune pointed out, "They don't give you points for how quickly you get this done, right?"

"Well... No," Weiss groused, "But reputation matters a lot at Beacon, too!"

"Oh come on Weiss-cream, so we're taking our time," Yang chuckled, "Just means we're going to be fashionably late. You always save the best for last-"


A giant Ursa broke through the treeline. Atop it was that redheaded girl and her calm, pink-eyed friend. The redhead waited until the Ursa had stampeded right to the edge of the small canyon that separated the ruins from the rest of the valley, before she hefted up her hammer, and slammed it down on the panicking Grimm's head.

In that same motion, she and her friend leaped, using the leverage of the tumbling, dissolving Ursa to launch themselves over the gap. They tumbled through the air like acrobats, and landed on the stone tiles just outside of the little... Gazebo the relics were lying in.

Yang and Ruby clapped. As did Jaune.

Weiss gaped in disbelief as the two strode in. The redhead (Nora, right?) waved and beamed.

"Hey! Sorry we're late! I mean, I wanted to ride an Ursa, and that was a lot more fun than walking here-OOH! HORSEY!"

She grabbed the relic that resembled a knight, and beamed.

"All ours! No takebacks!"

The boy (Ren, yeah) nodded, looking stoic and calm as always. Also neatly coifed. Jaune felt his hand go up to his ragged, messy blond locks with a frown.

Geez, he needed a haircut. He hoped Beacon had a barber.

"Isn't... Isn't anyone going to comment on how... Bizarre that was?" Weiss weakly asked.

"What? That was awesome!" Ruby cheered.

"Maybe we should have thought of that, save some time, eh Blake? It was a bear to get here," Yang giggled, elbowing her stoic partner. She actually looked like she was considering it.

Weiss looked to Pyrrha in desperation. The Spartan smiled and shrugged.

"It did seem effective... And a bit fun," she said.

Weiss's jaw slowly closed. She held her head between her hands with a groan.

"I'm surrounded by lunatics," she mumbled.

"Please, we're all perfectly sane," Jaune said cheerfully. He grabbed the rook and tucked it in his messenger bag.

"I mean, do we need to get more?" Ruby asked, worried. "Do we need to find one for each person-?"

"No! It's just one for each four person team! Didn't you pay attention to Headmaster Ozpin at all?!" Weiss said angrily. Her eyes widened, looking around. A horrible realization hit her. "Oh no..."

Ruby wore an evil grin.

"Yup... Looks like you're stuck with us!" The little reaper giggled. Jaune bonked her on the head. "OW! JAUNE!"

"Come on, she feels bad enough," Jaune scolded her.

Weiss's gaze softened just a little. Perhaps she'd slightly misjudged the brute. He was crude, yes, violent, but maybe not entirely beyond redemption-

"And she actually expressed something other than 'bitch', we want to encourage that," Jaune said. Ruby beamed and nodded.

"Ohhh! Reward her for good behavior?"


Pyrrha sighed, and held Weiss back. Jaune stepped back, ending up in Blake's orbit nearby the ruined stone table.

"Woah, chill out Weiss!" Jaune said.

"That's my line," Yang whined, as Weiss reached out her well manicured fingers to strangle the blond.

"I'll show you good behavior, you-!"

The mountain behind them rumbled violently. The young hunters in training all turned to look.

"Ohhh... That's where the cave was," Ruby observed... Just before the cliff face shattered and a truly gigantic, scorpion-like Grimm burst out with a roar. She winced. "Ohhh... Crap."

From above, gigantic razor sharp feathers rained down upon them like javelins. Everyone took cover as the giant feathers slammed into the ground, bouncing off the stone but going right through anything less dense.

A Nevermore missing some tail feathers shrieked as it roared overhead, ascending to come about for another run even as the gignatic Deathstalker charged for them.

Jaune stood up from behind the fallen stone pillar he'd taken cover behind, a slightly shaken Blake rising with him. He'd yanked her out of the way just in time.

She would probably have been okay, but... Instinct was instinct. And what were Jaune Arc's instincts telling him now?

"Okay! We have the relics, and we don't want to be killed by Grimm, so I vote we run for it! Yay or nay?"

They all bolted, Jaune included. But he still couldn't help being a smartass as they did.

"The yays have it! I love democracy!"

"SHUT UP AND RUN!" Weiss bellowed.

- - -
- - -

Geez. Right after Qrow had found Jaune, Ozpin had another mission lined up for him. Wasn't that the way?

Still, at least he got to hitch a ride on an Atlas military transport most of the way. It cut the trip time down considerably, and he could just jump out the hatch and glide down to earth. No sweat.

In this case, he was just dropping by an airship trading outpost on the way to Atlas-Fairly big with a lot of airship traffic, but not a lot of local citizens given the mountainous terrain. It was called Apex, and it was cold as fuck.

Still, he got into the airship port easy enough, returned to human form, and headed for the nearest bar. It was fairly swanky, all things considered: Clean, with uniformed staff and table cloth. A little too swanky for his usual digs, but hell, Ozpin was paying for his expenses, so Qrow decided to go ahead and indulge a little.

He had just made it to the bar, when he spotted her: A curvy blonde woman. Her figure was dynamite! Her hair was in a nearly wound braid down her back-The kind of style that drove him a bit wild. She was dressed in sensible business clothing, too-Nothing too fancy, so she wasn't an elite, but not too poor she didn't fit in.

Well, while he was splurging... Maybe he could see if some of Jaune's good luck had rubbed off on him. He slicked his hair back and walked casually down to sit one stool away from her.

"So. What brings a gorgeous woman like you to the middle of nowhere?" He asked in his most charming voice.

The woman turned around. Qrow felt his mouth go dry and his stomach fall.

The lady was gorgeous from the front to the back, thankfully. MILF-tastic would be the best way to describe her, and those gorgeous blue eyes were framed and enhanced by those silver-rimmed glasses.

Eyes widened in shock, as her pretty cheeks blushed.

That wasn't why Qrow couldn't talk right now though.

"Qrow?! What are you doing here?!" Gasped Doctor Isabel Arc. "Why are you hitting on me?!"

Okay. Okay. Think fast, Qrow. Think fast.

"Because I have... Fantastic news!" Qrow said, turning the charm up on his smile as high as it would go. "It's about Jaune-!"

Isabel grabbed his hands in hers and stared intently into his eyes. It would have been pleasant, if not for the fact that her grip was painful. Also, judging from the smell of her breath, she'd been drinking a fair amount already.

"Really?! Is he all right?! Is he safe-?!"

"Ah, yes, he is just fine," Qrow said quickly. "He's safe."

As safe as you could get in a Hunter's Academy.

Isabel sagged... And then pulled Qrow into a bone-crushing hug. While Qrow enjoyed the fact her boobs were pressed tightly against his chest, her grip was hard enough he was having trouble breathing.

"Oh that-that's WONDERFUL, Qrow!" Isabel sobbed. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"It's-It's okay, it's okay," Qrow gasped, "Mind uh...?"

Isabel coughed and loosened her grip.

"Sorry. It's uh... It's been a while since I enhanced my strength for anything other than lifting the couch," she said, embarrassed. She sighed deeply.

"Honestly, I'm so... I'm so ashamed of myself. I've been so worried, and guilty... We had such a horrible fight before he left, and I..."

She broke down in tears. This was something Qrow was really not equipped to handle. But since she was still hugging him, he could at least pat her on the back.

"Hey... It can't have been that bad-"

"It was horrible," Isabel sniffled, "I-I said so many horrible things... But... Well... I'm so glad!"

She kissed his cheek. He smelled her perfume. She was grateful and happy, and Qrow's depression was easing just a little...

"So where is he?"

Ah. Yeah. Right back in force. Okay, think Qrow. There had to be a way to get out of this without betraying Jaune... Or Isabel ripping his spine out.

She said it couldn't be done, but he remembered that mission he and Nicholas had gone on with her. Maybe she just had to be drunk enough to do it? Since she was already tipsy, he wasn't taking any chances.

"Well... Ozpin's keeping an eye on him while he recovers," Qrow manages.

Isabel stared intently at him. She began to flex her fists worryingly.

"You told me he was fine-"

"He is! He is! But three months out in the wild? It's rough on a kid," Qrow said, maybe a little too quickly. "He's just recovering."

"I should go see him," Isabel began, already getting up, "I can heal him-"

"Woah woah woah!" Qrow said quickly, seizing her arm. She stared intently at it. A similar expression she had made before she had smashed the skull of an Ursa Major trying to chow down on her future husband with her bare hands.

"Listen..." He licked his lips. "Listen... For the last three months, he's been carrying that argument with you inside of him. It drove him to prove himself. Honestly, the kid survived stuff I might not have at his age. If you swoop in right now, like you are, you're just gonna bring all that back up and drive him away again."

"But... But he's my son," Isabel protested, "I know what's best for him-!"

"And that kind of thinking drove him away," Qrow said gently. "Just... Give him some time, all right? Live your life. He'll be writing you letters-I made sure he sent you one the moment I found him. Let him recover psychologically... Then you can go see him, all right? He's been living his own life like a man. Let him be a man for a while longer, and then you can see him."

"I just... I want to see him so badly," Isabel sighed, "I want to apologize, I want to hug him and hold him-"

"Build things back up with him slowly, at first," Qrow said, "Again, that was a rough argument. You don't want to just charge in because he will run off. And I might not be able to find him this time. You don't want that, do you?"

Isabel sighed.

"I... No, no, I suppose not," she murmured. She glared at him. "He's not actually in the Hunter's Academy, right?"

Well. Shit. Now what, brain? Qrow thought.

"... I think he applied, and I don't know if he made it in, but I do know that Ozpin is keeping him in Beacon," he said.

It was... Technically true. He didn't actually know if Jaune had made it past Initiation. He was pretty confident the kid could, after seeing what he could do. A solid team to back him up and he'd probably do pretty well.

If he didn't piss them all off, of course.

Isabel sighed.

"I guess I just have to wait for him to be rejected," she stated. "Maybe I can talk to Ozpin and get him to make Jaune a medical intern. I can do that for him at least-"

"No!" Qrow said, again far too quickly. "No more meddling, no more manipulation! You want to rebuild your relationship with him, right?"

Isabel grimaced, but... Finally relented.

"... I suppose you're right again," she said. She bowed her head. "I... I was so... So broken when Nick was killed... Jaune wanting to go down the same path, I..." She burst into tears again. "Ohhh Qroowwww!"

Qrow coughed and patted the sobbing woman again on the shoulder. She again embraced him, so hard his ribs creaked.

He looked up at the bartender.

"Hardest stuff you got," he said.

"For you?"

"For both of us," he sighed.

That kid was going to owe him for this...

- - -

Why am I feeling irritated with Uncle Qrow all of a sudden? Jaune mused to himself as he and the others ran through a large, ruined gate structure. The overgrown weeds and vines couldn't hide that it was once a beautiful gatehouse, and even now had an ancient splendor.


Well, had an ancient splendor. The Deathstalker smashing through it and reducing it to rubble kind of ruined all that.

"THERE'S THE BRIDGE!" Yang shouted, pointing ahead at the long and far too thin looking structure across a truly massive canyon. They kept running, even as the Nevermore screeched overhead and dove to strafe them again.

"GEEZ!" Ruby shouted, shifting Crescent Rose to sniper rifle mode. She tried to lock onto the Nevermore, but it was a futile effort while running. "I CAN'T GET A BEAD ON-!"

"PYRRHA! SHOOT THE DAMN THING!" Jaune shouted. Pyrrha pulled out Milo, shifted it to rifle mode and fired a few quick, inaccurate bursts at the Nevermore. The huge crow-like Grimm screeched in rage, launching more javelin-like feathers that went wide and hit everything but the young students. That was good.

Two of them went wide and struck through the bridge ahead, and the ancient stone structure shuddered as a very large section of it collapsed into the fog-filled abyss below.

That was bad.

The group skidded to a halt as they watched the bridge fall and the Nevermore fly overhead, pulling up with another deafening screech.

"That's a problem," Blake observed.

"Last thing we want is to be stuck between that and these things on a bridge," Jaune agreed. He sighed as the massive scorpion rounded the corner and headed right for them. "Okay then! Guess we're fighting."

He looked at Nora, Yang, Ren, and Blake, who had stayed loosely clustered the whole time they were fleeing. Maybe one of them would be willing to step up and be leader? He already felt like a put upon babysitter as it was.

"What's your plan?" He asked.

Nora stepped up, hefted up her mighty hammer, and swung it around with a flourish.

"SMASH 'EM!" Nora shouted with a wide grin. Jaune slowly nodded.

"Okay... Anyone else have a plan to take down one of these guys?"

"Aw!" Nora pouted.

Weiss opened her mouth, but Ruby beat her to it.

"Wear down the Nevermore with long ranged fire, hit it from above to get it low, and then hit it with melee attacks to take out its wings!" She said eagerly. Jaune nodded.

"Okay! Take who you need and I'll take who I need to take out the Deathstalker! Nora, Ren, Pyrrha, with me!"

"Wh-Why not me?!" Weiss demanded angrily.

"Your Semblance lets you get airborne, you're better suited to taking out the Birdy!" Jaune shouted, running towards the Deathstalker as it charged them. Ren, Nora, and Pyrrha followed. Weiss flushed.

"He-What is-?!"

"Flirt later, Weissy, fight now!" Yang shouted, opening up with Celica Ember on the diving Nevermore. Blake contributed her own fire as well, being surprisingly accurate with her shotgun though not doing major damage to the huge monster.

"Get me up high, Weissy! Stop flirting!" Ruby shouted.

"I'M NOT FLIRTING!" Weiss shouted, even as she quickly created some Glyphs in mid air. Ruby obligingly hopped up onto one, took aim, and opened fire on the Nevermore. Weiss contributed by launching ice missiles at it as it dove in for another pass. The huge Grimm took multiple hits, but like a bomber in the terminal phase it still unleashed a withering payload of javelin-like feathers that rained down upon them.

The team managed to evade the shots, Blake using a clone to take the hit for her. Ruby scowled up at the Nevermore as it flew off and wheeled around, going into another dive.

"Is it just me, or does it seem to be carrying a grudge?" Yang asked.

"Well... I did cut off half its tail feathers when I crashed into it," Ruby observed, "I guess that would make it pretty mad."

"Gee, imagine that!" Weiss sneered.

- - -

The Deathstalker's huge stinger shot out like a cannonball. Jaune pumped everything into his shield and Aura, and stood his ground even as Pyrrha, Ren and even Nora dodged. Pyrrha's eyes widened in shock and her mouth opened in warning...


The stinger had hit his shield, hard, and drove him back. His aura fluctuated. Jaune groaned. He felt like maybe a quarter of his aura had gone with that hit... But he was still alive and combat capable. Most importantly, the Deathstalker's attention was all on him.

"HIT IT!" Jaune shouted. Nora and Ren went to work immediately, Nora launching grenades at the Deathstalker's head from the right while Ren opened fire with his dual SMGs. The Deathstalker roared angrily, holding up its claws to defend its eyes. Pyrrha went to work, adding additional fire from Milo from the left flank. Ren proceeded to get behind the beast, laying down a withering fire of bullets that bounced off its thick armor.

It pulled back, and Jaune raced forward to join the fight. He slid under the Deathstalker's waving claws and came up to hit it in the face. It lashed out with large mouthparts, and Jaune again tanked the hit with his shield. The stinger also came down again, nearly knocking Jaune off his feet as he fell into a crouch. He gritted his teeth, the strikes hitting so hard his bones felt like they might rattle out of his body!

"JAUNE GET OUT OF THERE!" Pyrrha shouted. Milo struck one of the Deathstalker's eyes, driving in deep. The monster howled in agony, falling back and trying to grab the projectile with its huge, clumsy claws. Nora landed a hit to the Grim with her hammer, right on the head, and narrowly avoided a stinger strike thanks to Ren yanking her out of the way.

Pyrrha landed next to Jaune, as Nora and Ren regrouped with them. Pyrrha held out her hand, and Milo flew from the wounded Grimm right back to her hand.

"Okay... Armor's too tough for our weapons to pierce," Jaune panted.

"Not on the underside," Ren observed, "But now that we wounded it, it won't let us get that close."

"Yuppers! That's how they work!" Nora contributed.

"Okay, so we need to flip it over," Jaune concluded, "Or..."

He eyed the stinger.

"Okay. New plan," he stated, "Ren? Keep the claws busy. Nora? Get it to attack you with the stinger. When I yell, you hit the stinger when it comes off and drive it into the thing's head!"

"All right, how do we get the stinger off though?" Pyrrha asked gently, as the Deathstalker charged again. Jaune took a deep breath.

"Throw me at it," he stated, "With your Semblance. As hard as you can."

"Got it, Fearless Leader!" Nora cheered, leaping back into the fray and unleashing several grenade shots from Magnhild. Ren dashed forward with his usual grace, dancing around the Deathstalker's huge claws as he fired quick bursts into its face.

Pyrrha gave Jaune a concerned look, even as they ran to the right flank of the huge Grimm.

"Are you sure about-?"

"I am completely sure," Jaune said, holding Crocea Mors with both hands, and charging his Aura. His sword glowed white as he narrowed his eyes at the Deathstalker.

"Once I hit it, help Nora and Ren finish it off," he ordered. Pyrrha flushed, and nodded. Her aura ignited orange, and she held out a hand to touch Jaune's shoulder. Jaune rose up from the ground, held aloft by his armor. Strangely, her own Aura began to shine more brightly as did his. A warmth filled her, despite the desperate situation. Like her very soul was being embraced. She felt a blush crawl up her neck.

"I-I take it you've done this before?" Pyrrha asked.

"Once," Jaune admitted. "I got lucky that time... And it was a Nevermore... And there was a train-"

The Deathstalker tensed as it pulled back, its tail quivering. It launched its stinger right at Nora-!


Pyrrha threw her hand forward, and Jaune shot forth like a rocket! So fast and hard was the acceleration, it ripped a scream from his throat.


No... FOCUS... The telson joint... Focus on the telson joint... End segment of all arthropods, the joint is the weakest part...!

He swung his sword, overcharging his Aura as much as he could...!

The stinger came off as he flew through the sudden gap between body parts he had opened. He tumbled through the air, which let him see Nora leap up high, and bring the hammer down on the stinger... Before he slammed into a tree.



The force of Nora's blow sent the stinger downwards... Right through the head of the Deathstalker. It screeched in agony, Grimm ichor oozing out of its mortal wound. Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora poured more shots into the armor gap, and the monster collapsed before dissolving into a fine mist.

Pyrrha lowered her weapon, and her keen eyes locked onto a still, green and white form.


Nora and Ren followed her, running over to the fallen tree Jaune lay by. Pyrrha was by his side in a moment, checking his pulse.


"Uggghhh," Jaune groaned. Relief flooded Pyrrha's face as he slowly sat up, rubbing his armor plate.

"You all right?" Pyrrha asked. Jaune nodded, holding up a hand.

"Y-Yeah... That was... Just a really hard tree..."

"They tend to be," Ren said. Jaune looked up at the stoic teen. He couldn't tell if the guy was joking or not.

"Was that scream the signal?" Nora asked eagerly. "I thought it was! You never specified what the signal was, by the way, so I just went with what felt natural!"

"... Yeah, that's on me," Jaune admitted. He slowly got up, and Pyrrha hugged him tightly. "Ah... Easy there, Pyrrha, I'm okay-"

"I-I know," Pyrrha said with a warm smile, "I just... You feel... Very comforting."

"Uhhhh... Sure," Jaune managed. Crap. He was in deep. He was going to have to figure out how to get away from her sooner than he thought.

No, don't focus on that, focus on what was important! Like Ruby and the others' lives!

He looked around.

"Where are the others-GAH!"

A wingless Nevermore crashed in front of them, making the whole team take a step back. An instant later, a spinning red and black cyclone fell upon the neck of the bird-like Grimm. Its head came clean off from the multiple blows, and the entire Grimm soon dissolved like the Deathstalker had. The cyclone slowed, revealing itself to be a very dizzy Ruby Rose.

"Ugh... H-Hey... Jaune..." Ruby managed, staggering forward. Jaune, as was his instinct, moved forward to catch her.

"What was that?!" Jaune shouted, as Yang, Weiss and Blake ran up to join them.

"Well," Weiss huffed, "We injured it, got it down to low level... Then this little maniac decided to jump onto it and cut off its wings!"

"It worked, didn't it?" Ruby managed, her eyes still spinning and her face green. "Ooogh... Think I used... My Semblance too much..."

She bowed her head... And barfed all over Jaune's boots. Weiss held a hand up over her mouth, Yang immediately reached out to hold her shoulder, and Blake made a face. Nora grinned, Ren remained stoic, and Pyrrha grimaced in sympathy.

"S-Sorry!" Ruby managed. "I-I'm so sorry...!"

Tears were at the corners of her eyes. Jaune sighed, pulled out a handkerchief, and wiped her face clean.

"It's fine... Good work," he said, "That was pretty awesome."

Ruby beamed... And then collapsed into his arms.

"You used up most of your aura, you idiot," Weiss sighed, though not as harshly as before.

"You overdid it, Ruby," Yang sighed, ruffling her little sister's hair in relief. "You'd better be careful. Don't want you to end up eating crow-"

"Ugggggh," Weiss moaned, as Yang giggled.

Blake stood awkwardly by, seemingly not sure how to respond, but she did look concerned.

"Ooogh... I feel terrible," Ruby moaned. "Jaune... Will you carry me...?"

Jaune sighed... And pulled her onto his back.

"Hold on tight," he said, "Let's all get out of here before any more show up."

"Aw, but that was fun!" Nora whined. Ren squeezed her hand.

"We can have pancakes for dinner," he said.

Nora beamed brightly.

"We can smash more Grimm tomorrow!" She cheered.

"The bridge is still an issue, but I can get us across with my glyphs," Weiss said, a bit hesitantly. Jaune gave her a tired smile.

"Thanks Weiss... Come on..."

The party headed for the bridge. Ruby nuzzled into his neck with a happy sigh.

Jaune for his part shook his head. He had no idea why any of these people had followed his orders. He was glad they did, because it meant they'd won, but... Ugh. He couldn't afford to think about that now.

Worrying had never gotten him anything. Just getting shit done.

Besides, it wasn't like the other members of their little party were fretting over anything, right?

Well maybe Weiss, but eh...

- - -

Pyrrha watched Jaune intently the whole trip back. She barely took her eyes off him.

He was... Oh... He was something. She knew it. His audacity, his determination, his... Lack of refinement...

She bit her lower lip.

No, no, it wasn't healthy, perhaps... But she'd been denied so much over her life. She had denied herself so much. And here was a boy-No, a man who had demonstrated that he didn't care about her reputation, titles, or anything else: Just her problems. Her... Weaknesses.


She had weaknesses. She had... Problems. She was normal, in his eyes!

Well, okay, maybe she was a little crazy in his eyes but... That was better than being seen as a perfect, unapproachable goddess!

He'd taken charge of the fight almost immediately, had figured out the strengths and weaknesses of everyone involved, and had devised effective strategies to win!

And that Semblance of his... She knew it had to be his Semblance! She'd never felt that strong, that much in control, that warm...

Yes, Ruby Rose had taken out the other Grimm with her 'team'. But Jaune had gotten them into action.

Speaking of... Ruby did look genuinely exhausted after that fight. She could sense her Aura exhaustion from here. It was good of Jaune to carry her all the way back to the cliffs. Really.

Ruby, her head pressed against Jaune's, caught her gaze... And shot her a tiny but undeniably smug smile.

Pyrrha kept up her smile... But her fists were clenched, and a vein was tightening over her right eye.

She would have to get that looked at... Yes... Maybe have Jaune take a look at it, he was the son of a doctor after all...

- - -

Nora, for her part, was glad she'd gotten such a great team! Pyrrha was a lot of fun, and Jaune was pretty smart and tough! He took trees like no one's business! It was going to be a lot of fun for them all to play together! That was for sure!

I wonder if I can use him as a missile in the next fight?

She looked over the group. She saw Pyrrha, Weiss, and Yang all giving Ruby and Jaune very intense looks. She hummed.

Hmm... I'll have to ask. These girls don't look like they like to share their toys...

- - -

Ren was just glad they'd triumphed and found some worthwhile allies and potential teammates. Pyrrha had proven extremely powerful offensively, but also very fast and agile-She was almost like a mixture of himself and Nora, which definitely maximized their fighting potential.

Jaune too had been fairly surprising-He'd been able to tank several hits and stay on his feet, and also devise an effective strategy to take down their opponent utilizing all of their strengths. He'd even been willing to use his own durability to make himself into a flying guillotine, of sorts.

That took courage... And more than a little insanity.

But he was used to that. He lived with Nora, after all.

- - -

A good scrap and victory made Yang want to curl up on the couch and relax with a nice hot meal. She felt the good kind of tired, like after a very hard workout.

Her partner was a little... Odd, but definitely spoke with actions rather than words. Blake was pretty fun to tweak. Sure, she didn't say much, but her reactions to her puns were hilariously understated.

Ruby had pulled through, of course. Yang knew she could do it. Her being bossy might take some getting used to, but hey, better Ruby than her. She didn't want to do any big picture thinking, just beat the tar out of Grimm and remain the cool big sis.

And she had to admit, Ruby's little jealousy fits over Cryba-Jaune, were pretty cute. He tolerated it like a good big brother should. She couldn't help but admit she liked how he handled Ruby.

It put some thoughts into her head. Some... Dangerous thoughts.

He didn't come off as some insecure boy who didn't know himself... He came off like a man. A real man, who went into battle and fought like hell, knowing how to win. And he laughed at her puns-Like, genuinely.

He had come a long way from those days when she beat him up and made him eat worms.

So had she.

Uh oh... She eyed Pyrrha Nikos. The Invincible Girl was... Blushing over Jaune?! How in the hell had that happened?!

Even Weiss-cream was giving him looks. Infuriated, sure, but that blush didn't come out of nowhere.

Well, crap. She'd intended to just tease Ruby about her crush and maybe get to know Jaune better. See if he'd be any good for some dating. She wasn't some kind of romantic who thought it would lead immediately into marriage and happily ever afters, she wasn't Ruby, but he seemed like he might actually be... Fun. Maybe train him up so that when Ruby was older, he'd be perfect for her and they'd be happy.

But if other girls were already looking his way... She might need to rethink some things...

- - -

Blake had kept herself calm throughout this entire situation. She was glad they had all pulled through-She didn't know the others very well, but it was good they'd all come through in one piece.

She was presented with a number of conundrums though.

Ruby Rose, a 15 year old rookie pushed forward into this class. She was powerful, and skilled, clearly a prodigy. She had more than demonstrated that, as well as decent tactical aptitude and some leadership skills. It was easy for her to follow her lead, as taking that kind of responsibility was...

Well, not something she wanted anymore. Responsibility in general was not something she wanted any more.

Even if it was to a 15 year old, at least said 15 year old seemed to be fairly competent.

Weiss Schnee, the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company. The arrogant young woman had rankled her something fierce, but when push came to shove, the heiress had stepped up and fought alongside her without any issue. She didn't intend to get any closer than she had to, but it was... Nice... That she was at least somewhat dependable. Though the Schnees were duplicitous by nature, so she wasn't going to hold her breath.

Yang Xiao-Long was fiery, powerful, and full of terrible puns. She was also very kind to her, despite them knowing nothing about one another. She was cocky, brash, and... Well... Fun. Seeing her fight and fighting alongside her was like going to a fireworks show: Explosive and filled with joy and laughter.

She'd almost smiled many times. It was a difficult effort around Yang to keep her stoic composure.

She might have considered her a friend... If Blake was someone else.

Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren were both curious oddities. Nora was energetic and childlike, while Ren was stoic and almost supernaturally calm. They were bound together, she could tell, and had been for a while. Some moments, she could almost see hints at what it was. Some kind of mutual tragedy that forged the pair? She didn't know for sure.

Pyrrha Nikos. She'd heard so much about the famous champion that she had been expecting her to be like a slightly more modest Schnee. But instead, she got an excessively polite, almost shy young woman. Obviously she was incredibly skilled and powerful, but to have such a meek personality? It was strange. Yet she was smiling and a bit looser than she had been at the start, like a bird whose cage was opened and she was figuring out what her wings were for.

She was allowed to be poetic. She read enough books.

And finally, Jaune Arc. Strange, he almost looked familiar. He went around like some kind of wandering ranger-His weapons and armor smelled of hard travel in the wilds, and a great deal of use against Grimm. His eyes were hardened-Not unlike how she was, when the first White Fang protest she'd been part of had been gassed and riot police had attacked without mercy.

Like he had seen the ugliness of the world.

Yet he made jokes. He fought hard. He'd protected her without hesitation or even knowing more than her name.

Again... Maybe someone she could have been friends with, if everything was different.

But it wasn't. And she had to accept that.

- - -

Weiss Schnee was flabberghasted at the start of the day, and after everything she'd gone through... She was straight up exhausted. She'd come to Beacon expecting... Well... Maybe the same professionalism she'd seen in Hunters and Soldiers she'd met in Altas.

Instead, she got what amounted to a strange circus. Xiao-Long seemed to think everything was some sort of comedy routine. Valkyrie and Lie were the perfect example of the jokester and the straight man, only their routines were complete violent fever dreams. Blake Belladonna had seemed normal, but she was just better at hiding it!

(Appropriate given she fought like some sort of ninja).

Rose was... Ugh. "Puppy" seemed a perfect appellation for her. A killer puppy-Goofy, annoying, almost endearing one moment, and then savage and bitey the next! Under her kind of/sort of leadership, they'd managed to take down a Nevermore with a freaking scythe!

It was as impressive as it was ridiculous.

Pyrrha Nikos had been her last hope. Such an incredible champion, a lauded and accomplished woman-She had to have been normal!

And yet... She was blushing and swooning over ARC!

She glared daggers at the back of his head. Remembering his mistreatment of her.

Weiss had never been... Put in her place like that! Not even by her father! Arc acted like some crude, barbaric lout, cussing and disrespecting her! Even smacking her upside the head like she was some misbehaving, lower class moppet!

The fact he also seemed to be competent, albeit rough around every edge, was even more infuriating!

The others, she might have been able to tolerate, but this jerk acted like she was some-some floozy one moment, and then was almost kind to her!

What was his game? What was..?

It came to her in a moment of perfect clarity.

She knew what he was! He was a classic bad boy! He looked like some sort of cheap, knock off knight in white shining armor, but she knew his game! He was a bad boy, gone down the wrong path, a delinquent in the making! A rough, savage fighter who knew how to use women and get what he wanted from them!

She'd read all about them in romance novels. Well... She was onto him. His insults and attentions on her were designed to lower her defenses and make her... Submit!

Well... Too bad, lout! Weiss Schnee was not some heroine in a bodice ripper who would succumb to the advances of a cruel, savage pirate! Or let herself get carried off by some gentleman thief!


- - -

Ruby Rose had gotten into Beacon Academy two years early, made her first real friend (Who turned out to be a beloved childhood friend), and had led a team of Huntresses to take out a gigantic Grimm. She'd even delivered the finishing blow, right in front of said first real friend!

Oum, she must have looked so cool...

Before she threw up, anyway.

But even then, Jaune had been Jaune: Cleaned up her face, complimented her, and was now carrying her back to Beacon. Her. Not Pyrrha Nikos, not Weiss Schnee, not her big sister-Her!

Oh yes... Today could only get better with a plate of cookies... And maybe reading comics with her super best friend!

Her stomach lurched, and she nuzzled against Jaune's neck.

Okay... Maybe she'd wait on the cookies...

- - -
- - -

"... For retrieving the black bishop pieces, Cardin Winchester, Russel Thrush, Sky Lark, and Dove Bronzewing, I dub you Team Cardinal..."

Jaune yawned as he leaned back in his seat at the Beacon Auditorium. The team had been called up to the stage, announced by name, and given their team designation by Professor Ozpin. It was supposed to have a certain majestic gravity, he supposed, but right now it was just making him want to find a bed and crash.

Honestly, he was pretty beat. Healing himself and keeping himself going with his Aura like that all day was pretty tough, especially with all the trees he'd run into. Ruby looked about as exhausted. Everyone else in their little group seemed to be okay, though-Hell, Pyrrha was practically glowing.

Then again, she was sitting next to him, playing with her hands and hair, and shooting glances at him.

Before he set out for Beacon, some girl like this being into him? It would have been a dream come true. He could admit, he was desperately lonely.

Now... Okay yeah, he was still lonely, but not so lonely he would take advantage of a girl who was clearly messed up like him.

Well maybe not totally like him but still... Who knew what went on behind those green eyes? Sure, he'd seen Pyrrha in battle... She was ruthless, efficient, and deadly. Given all the crazy girls he'd run into on the way here? He just... He couldn't trust that she wasn't secretly a psycho.

One yandere chaining him up and holding him at gunpoint was more than enough for him, thank you very much.

Ruby was clinging to his other side, still resting against him. Poor girl. Sure, she was clingy, but his brotherly instincts wouldn't let him just ignore her. He kept an arm around her as she dozed.

He saw Pyrrha glance at Ruby. His instincts rose again.

"Pyrrha," he muttered, "You're not allowed to make Ruby into a skin suit."

Pyrrha's eyes widened in shock and horror.

"Wh-Wha-I would never do that-I swear-!"

"Kidding, Pyrrha, kidding," Jaune murmured. He shook his head. "Geez, how do you get through interviews?"

"Um, it's mostly pre-scripted," Pyrrha muttered back, looking down at her hands. Jaune sighed, and rubbed his forehead.

Goddamnit... I'm so tired...

"Look," Jaune said, "I'm... Fine with being your friend, okay? Your actual, sincere friend. I want to be that for you, even if I totally suck at it. Okay? Even if I'm an asshole, I'll never lie to you, which is a key part of being a friend... I'm told."

He looked her in the eyes as he said that. Pyrrha stared intently at him... And then smiled beautifully.

It looked good enough for a magazine cover, yet felt... Warmer?

"I want to be your friend too, Jaune," she murmured, squeezing his free hand tightly. "Sorry for coming off as crazy."

"See, that you can apologize for," Jaune said with a nod, "And I forgive you. Cause that's what friends do... Apparently."

Pyrrha continued to beam.

"Will you uh... Keep helping me, then? Maybe... Providing some negative reinforcement when I... I do the wrong things? Maybe that's not the right word. Maybe you could um... Instruct me? Punish me-?"

Jaune sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You're making it weird again, Pyrrha."


"Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkerie, and Lie Ren, please come up," announced Headmaster Ozpin.

Jaune slowly got up, but Ruby clung onto him. He very gently tried to pull away, but she held on with a fearsome tenacity.

"Just let her have your cloak," Yang suggested, "It'll keep her at bay."

Jaune stared at the green cloak. It was ragged, dirty, torn to hell, covered in patches... It was probably the rattiest thing he'd ever owned. He'd gotten it from a farmer when he'd been given a hot meal and a barn to sleep in for doing some chores.

It had seen rain, fire, wind, Grimm, and bandits. It had kept him warm and dry, and let him sleep. The green had let him hide among the foliage. It had let him escape getting shot a few times, the waving motion of the cloak throwing off the aim of those bandits. It had covered up his bright blond hair and kept him anonymous.

It had been as dependable and vital as his sword and shield.

He tightened his grip on it.

As silly as it sounded... The idea of just letting it go was... His brain wasn't letting him finish that thought or action.

Yang took his hand, and smiled gently.

"It's okay," she said softly, "You know we'll look after it for you. It's not going anywhere."

Jaune... Relaxed. He slowly pulled the cloak off. Yang took hold of it, almost reverently, and let her dozing sister take it. She wrapped her arms around it and held it close with a soft, happy sigh.

Yang nodded and smiled at him. He managed a smile back... Then hurried up to the stage.

Headmaster Ozpin didn't seem to care about how long it took him to join the others on the stage. He simply waited with that bland look of his, sipped his coffee, and nodded as Jaune finally got up there.

"Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, and Lie Ren... For retrieving the rook relic... You are dubbed Team Juniper."

All this attention on him wasn't really his thing, but Jaune could smile and nod at the polite applause. It was nice being recognized for something he did. Not his father. Not his mother. Not his family lineage. Him.

... Well, him and his team.

Best of all? No Weiss! He could take thing easy! Mostly! After all, Pyrrha was the champion, the Invincible Girl. She'd be made the leader and everything would work out-

"And for his performance during the Initiation, Jaune Arc is your team leader."

His eyes widened. Pyrrha beamed at him, as Nora gave him a bear hug and Ren nodded in approval.

"Congrats, Fearless Leader!" Nora squealed. "Now you can lead us into battle all the time!"

"Oh... Good... Great," Jaune muttered.

Well... He had had an inkling, but this definitely confirmed it beyond a shadow of a doubt:

He, Jaune Arc... Was fucked.

- - -


He was running. Scratch that, he was sprinting like the Final Girl in a horror flick through these trees. He chanced a glance back over his shoulder-No... It was still after him.


Still screaming his name! Smashing through trees like they were made of plywood!


He fell hard. He tried to get back onto his feet... But a powerful force flipped him onto his back. He looked up in horror at the furious figure standing over him.

"JAAAAUUUNNEE... WHY DID YOU RUN AWAY?!" His demonic looking mother bellowed as she cried tears of blue flame. "JAAAAAAUUUUNNEE!"


Jaune sprang up in his bed, breathing hard, covered in sweat. He focused on his aura, on the energy within. That had often calmed him down-It was a technique used to help patients with aura stay focused when they were badly injured.

Something his moth...er... Had taught him.

He sighed and rubbed his face.

He took deep breaths to calm himself down further. Honestly... It was probably this damn bed.

For the last three months, he'd slept in barns, haylofts, and on the ground under shelters he had built. It had sucked at first, but like everything else, he'd... Gotten used to it. It was almost comfortable, even.

This bed though... Too damn soft. He kept feeling like he was going to be smothered.

Right... Right... But he wasn't. He wasn't. So... Let's focus on the positives.

Team JNPR and Team RWBY (Ruby's team, she was so ecstatic despite her tiredness) had been assigned connecting dorms in one of the older buildings. Two large dormrooms, separate bathrooms, all connected to a common living area. It was... A little weird, but given the large amount of empty dorms, Jaune supposed they had the space. That was actually nice, that he got to hang out with... With his friends.

Let's see, what else... Oh!

Being team leader meant he had to deal with a lot more paperwork. Sure, fine. Not too much of an issue, really. He'd helped his older sisters with hospital paperwork, this would be a relative breeze. The fact he was responsible for his teams'... Everything was annoying, but hell, he'd kind of asked for it by taking charge like that. He'd just gotten so used to stepping up and making decisions for himself, he'd started doing it for others.

But they didn't seem to mind. They... Trusted him. That was nice.

The extra attention on him? That was... Annoying. He could only imagine what his mom might think. Hopefully, Uncle Qrow had that covered.

He knew his mother would catch on eventually. He just hoped he could be established enough that she would accept it.

Because if she had been vehemently against him becoming a hunter for almost nine years, surely a few weeks or months of him being at Beacon would change her mind, right? Right?

He sighed. He had made himself depressed again.

... Maybe he was being completely stupid. But fuck it, it was his choice. He would own it.

Jaune sighed. He'd wasted enough time on musings. He could see just the tiniest hint of the rising sun through the window. As loathe as he was to leave his nice, warm, cuddly bed, he did have to-

Wait. Back up. Cuddly?

He looked over... And saw Pyrrha in his bed, cuddled up next to him. He carefully lifted up the blankets... And breathed a sigh of relief. They both still wore their pajamas.

"Pyrrha," Jaune muttered, "Wake up."

She stirred, and sat up, going from asleep to alert in less than ten seconds. Damn impressive, really.

"Ah, good morning Jaune," she said with a warm smile. "Sleep well?"

"... Mostly," he said. "Didn't we talk about the whole 'creepy' thing?"

"Ummm..." Pyrrha blushed. She pointed at Nora and Ren, who were tightly cuddled together in a single bed. "They were doing it, so, you know, I thought maybe-EEP!"

Jaune shoved her out of the bed onto the floor. She looked up at him in shock.

"Pyrrha," Jaune said calmly, "We ask people if we can cuddle with them in bed first."

Pyrrha flushed deeply.

"May... May I cuddle with you in bed, Jaune?" She asked. "Please?"


Pyrrha looked down.


"This is kind of progress though, since you're only apologizing for things you have actually done," he said, focusing on remaining patient.

Okay, yes, cuddling with the super hot champion girl would be, in principle, awesome. But again, after a hot girl goes nuts on you, one violating your boundaries so soon after was not awesome.

It could become awesome, if you stopped being so paranoid,
a somewhat whiny part of his brain suggested.

Shut up you! You're the one who got me into that mess in the first place!

"Can I... Can we cuddle in bed... At some point in the future?" Pyrrha asked.

Jaune stared at her.

"... I'll think about it," he said. Pyrrha beamed.

"All I ask."

- - -

Cardin Winchester was the son of one of the richest and most powerful men in Vale. His father was on the Council, and had held that seat for decades despite tenacious efforts to vote him out. Their family had started as Hunters in the distant past, then used that early fame to help build this very city.

'This city's blood flows in your veins, son,' his father had told him, many times, 'never forget that.'

So it was obvious that he should be the big man on campus already. He and his team had met in their preparatory school before, and had great coordination. He was the powerhouse, the rest supported him. They'd blazed through the Initiation, and gotten back first, only engaging a few Grimm.

After all, that was the point of the mission. Their orders had been to retrieve the relics, and kill anything in their way. They should have been heroes! They should already be basking in glory!

And yet... And yet. What was on everyone's lips in the cafeteria?

"Did you hear that Rose prodigy took down a Nevermore? So incredible!"

"I heard that Arc kid took down a whole Beowulf pack while he was out in the wilds!"

"No way! I heard he's the son of the Bandit King himself!"

"No, Ruby Rose is the Bandit Princess! She's here to destroy the school from within!"

It all sounded ridiculous... It was all ridiculous... But most importantly?

None of it was about him and his team.

Cardin wasn't about to pick on some fifteen year old midget. That would make him look bad.

But he could rough up this Arc kid. A little public humiliation, and he'd know his place.

So, he waited. He spotted Arc easily enough-The tall, shaggy haired blond had dumped a whole pile of food on his tray and was heading for a nearby table. A gaggle of girls awaited him: The Invincible Girl, that hammer chick and her quiet pink-eyed friend, the bombshell Xiao-Long, that quiet dark haired girl, the Schnee Heiress-And little Ruby Rose, waving at him with a happy grin.

Geez. This guy was shameless. Who did he think he was, some kind of playboy? It was disgusting. He was probably doing everyone a favor, cutting him down to size.

He stuck out his boot to trip him up. It was a classic.

Arc fell, his food going flying. He caught himself, but still went to his knees. Laughter filled the air, as Arc slowly got back up and brushed himself off.

"Better be more careful, Arc," Cardin chimed in, as his team laughed behind him, "Wouldn't want you to get hurt, now would we?"

Arc turned back. He was all smiles... But that smile gave Cardin pause.

"I'll say the same to you, Cardin," Arc said, "Let's not get carried away, shall we? It's only the first day."

That cheeky smile. That cheeky fucking smile.

He was asking for it. He was asking for it.

Arc turned and headed back to the buffet line, waving back at his teams with that same smile. Cardin growled. He got up and followed.

The buffet was in a small, separate hallway attached to the main cafeteria. As Cardin entered, he saw that no one else was inside-Only Arc. Who was setting up another tray of food.

Cardin smacked the tray out of his hands, smashing it up against Arc's uniform. Arc was frozen for a moment... Then slowly turned to Cardin. He was still smiling... But those eyes were hard. Those eyes were dangerous.

"Got a problem, Cardin?" Arc asked.

"Yeah, you," Cardin sneered. "Seems like you don't know the pecking order around here!"

Arc stared... And then laughed. He laughed, like he didn't have a care in the world.

"Wha-What the hell is so funny?!"

"Ah, sorry, sorry, not you," Arc snickered, wiping an eye, "I'm just... Feeling nostalgic. This kind of thing used to be my worse nightmare, but now? It's almost... Quaint. Isn't that weird?"

Cardin grabbed Arc by his shirt and snarled down at him, pulling back a fist.

"You don't want to do that, Cardin," Arc said calmly.

"No, no, I think I do," Cardin growled, throwing the punch-

- - -

Glynda Goodwitch entered the buffy alcove. Her eyes widened in shock.

"Mister Arc! What are you doing?!"

Jaune was helping Cardin up onto his feet, not an easy task for the much slimmer, shorter young man. But he turned and smiled pleasantly at Glynda as Cardin groaned.

"Oh, Cardin here just collapsed," Jaune said. "He fell and slammed my tray of food into me. I'm a bit of a mess. I'll drop him off at the nurse's office before I go change."

His smile didn't change. Glynda checked over Cardin with her Aura senses. Her eyes narrowed.

"Mister Winchester's aura is broken."

"Is it?" Jaune asked, blinked with wide eyed innocence. "Weird! Maybe he's got an aura related illness! I think my mom wrote some papers on those! Maybe he should take this as a warning, huh?"

Winchester twitched. Glynda's glare intensified.

"He may have soft tissue damage."

"Ouch. Well, I can't tell for sure," Jaune shrugged, "I mean, there aren't any obvious bruises."

Glynda raised an eyebrow.

"How do you know there aren't any bruises? Why would there be bruises?"

"Who knows? He can't really speak right now," Jaune said, "Sorry, my mom like to talk a lot about her cases. How she'd go through lots of different possibilities for someone's illness out loud until she found the right diagnosis. Guess I picked up the habit. Guess I should keep my mouth shut."

"Indeed," Glynda said dryly, her emerald hard eyes boring into his.

He kept up that far too innocent smile.

She closed her eyes and focused on suppressing her headache.

"In any case," Glynda said, "Get Mister Winchester to the nurse's office, and then get changed. You don't want to be late for your first class."

"Not at all, Miss Goodwitch, thanks!" Jaune said, again far too cheerfully. He patted Winchester on the back, far too hard.

"Come on buddy! Let's get you fixed up! Wouldn't want something else bad to happen to you, now would we?"

Cardin groaned in response. He could have told Goodwitch everything... But the pain and the terrifying smile on his assailant's face suggested that that would be a bad idea...
- - -

Arc had covered for him. Arc had covered for him! WHY?!

Did the bastard want Cardin to owe him or something?! Did he think him that weak?! This kind of fucking insult-Oh nooo. It was going to be repaid, in full.

"We could shove him in a locker," Dove suggested, as he and the rest of CRDL headed for Combat Class, "Short sheet his bed? Maybe we could pants him in front of the whole class-"

"That's all fucking bullshit," Cardin snarled, hefting up his mace, "Kid's stuff. He's gotta pay, damnit!"

"Uhhh," Russel began, "Does he? I mean, right now? He did just... Kind of... Sort of-"

"I'm fine," Cardin snarled, "He pulled some Aura trick! In my full armor, in combat, I'll kick his fucking ass!"

- - -

Glynda Goodwitch had observed a few sparring matches in her combat class. As usual, she observed their performance and after the end of the fight, she would lecture the combatants on where they did well, and where they needed improvement. So far, there hadn't been many surprises.

Pyrrha Nikos, of course, fought brilliantly against Yang Xiao-Long, though the brawler gave a very good performance and even made the Mistral Champion work for it. Shade Lamont had tried to use her Shadow Semblance against Lie Ren with some clever moves, but Lie Ren was just at good at normal stealth as he was at emotional stealth from Grimm. So far, so good for a first year class.

"Who would like to fight next?" She asked. Nobody immediately volunteered, so she zeroed in on Jaune Arc. "Mister Arc?"

The blond had been in discussion with Ruby Rose and Xiao-Lang near the back of the class. He was back in his ragged green cloak again-Though at least he'd washed it. Honestly, while allowing the students to have their own combat outfits wasn't a terrible idea, his choice in clothing was a mishmash of things better used as cleaning rags. Ozpin had told her he'd arrived with just the clothes on his back, but she didn't think it was this literal.

"Hm? Oh, sure, cool," Arc said, getting up and heading for the fighting circle.

"Who would like to fight Mister Arc-?"

Cardin Winchester immediately raised his mace, and headed for the ring.

"I'm game, Miss Goodwitch!"

Glynda held back a sigh.

"Of course, Mister Winchester, by all means," she said dryly. She closely observed the two.

Arc was smiling again. That rather unconvincing and unsettling smile of his. Winchester was, predictably, murderously angry, but putting up a pathetic attempt at a friendly smile to try and cover it.

"I owe you one, buddy," Winchester snarled.

"If you say so, pal," Arc replied cheerfully.

Glynda felt the need for more headache medication. She'd get it after.

"Begin!" She announced.

Winchester stormed in, immediately trying to close the distance with Arc to hit him with his mace. Arc sidestepped and danced away, just as Winchester's mace slammed down on the floor. He sent a rumble through the floor with his Semblance, the shockwave nearly knocking Arc off his feet.

"Wow! You can make earthquakes?" Arc cried out, grinning, "That's cool! I'll have to be careful about that!"


"That's what your mom said!" Arc taunted. "Or maybe it was the last three guys she banged-?"

"Shut up and stand still, Arc!" Winchester roared, again charging and slamming his mace down. This time he unleashed a burst of Fire Dust at Arc, trying to hit him while his Shockwave Semblance radiated out right at Arc.

Again, Arc stumbled around, almost drunkenly, and managed to tank the hit from the Fire Dust with his shield. Winchester charged again, closing the distance between them to take advantage of the smoke. It was a good tactic, though he could have used more Dust to throw up more smoke for the ploy. Winchester's rage was obviously making him impatient.

He brought his mace down. Arc tried to parry with his sword, but the greater weight and momentum of the mace trapped it against the floor. Arc let the sword go, and Winchester smirked nastily...

Just before Arc slammed his shield into his face.


Then Arc grabbed Winchester's shoulders and swung his knee into his crotch, his Aura blazing. Winchester squeaked loudly, falling... Into Arc's fists, which he used to pummel Winchester's eyes and nose. The larger boy got up, trying to defend as he dropped his mace. He swung a fist into Arc's face, staggering the smaller boy briefly, but Arc just rammed his foot into Winchester's ankle which brought him back down again.

Arc then took his shield in both hands and bashed it over Winchester's head, over and over, before kneeing him in the mouth.

"That's enough, Mister Arc!" Glynda shouted... And Arc immediately stopped. "Mister Winchester's Aura has hit the red."

"Oh... Cool... How bout that?" Arc managed, between deep, hard breaths. He wiped some blood off his cheek. "Yeah... That's gonna bruise..."

Winchester growled up at him, face far bloodier and bruised. Arc extended a hand to him.

"Take his hand, Mister Winchester," Glynda stated. Winchester grumbled curses under his breath, but accepted it. Arc leaned back, as the taller boy got back to his feet.

"As you can see, Mister Winchester employed good tactics to try and trap his much smaller, and faster opponent," Glynda announced to the class. "However... Mister Arc employed brutal, unconventional tactics to enrage Mister Winchester, and get in close enough to do him harm."

She looked over the students grimly.

"Take this lesson to heart: There will be battles that are desperate, and can only be won with sheer grit, determination, and what might be considered dirty tactics. While Mister Arc's tactics are... Inappropriate for formal dueling, never forget that in a real life or death struggle, your opponent will not follow the same rules."

It was a difficult lesson to learn. One she sometimes struggled to teach. But as brutal as Mister Arc was... She knew full well the trap of thinking that practicing tactics and forms were the only necessity to win a fight.

She had lost far too many students to that kind of thinking.

She could see some eyes light up with this new knowledge... And a fair number of scandalized faces. Still... It did give her some hope.

She looked over at the fighting ring... Where Arc and Winchester were still gripping eachother's hands and smiling in terrifying ways at each other.

"You may hit the locker rooms, Arc, Winchester," she stated. Arc smiled and waved.

"Thanks Miss Goodwitch! Great fight, Cardin. Let's do it again some time!"

Winchester ground his teeth, his smile so intense it was liable to break some of his teeth.

"Any time, buddy..."

Glynda sighed. Forget the headache medication-She needed a drink.

- - -

Dinner was a boisterous affair in the dining hall. All the students were relieved to be free of their first day of class, and were eating, talking, laughing, and otherwise relaxing.

Ruby again looked to Jaune in concern.

"Hey Jaune? You're not getting... Like... Bullied by Cardin, right?"

Jaune shook his head, sipping his drink and swallowing before he answered.


"He did trip you and smash food into your clothing," Ren observed. Jaune shrugged.

"Eh... It was an accident," he said.

"He also tried to brutalize you in combat class," Pyrrha said, sounding worried.

"That's kind of the point of combat class, right?" Jaune said.

"We could break his legs for you?" Nora asked, grinning eagerly. Jaune shook his head yet again.

"Nah... Well... Maybe. If he really pisses me off-"

"Jaune," Pyrrha said, in a mixture of exasperation and concern. Jaune looked away from her eyes-Goddamnit, he thought was immune to such manipulation!

He focused on Ruby... Who was doing the best damn puppy dog eyes he'd ever seen. Even his little sister Aqua's puppy dog eyes weren't this bad!

"Yang?" He asked, looking to her for salvation. Yang's lower lip wobbled, her eyes shone with tears... Before she broke down into laughter.

"Ahahaha! Sorry, sorry, I can't do it! Ahahaha!"

"YANG!" Ruby scolded.

"Still Arc," Weiss said, "While I certainly don't like you personally, you shouldn't lie to your teammates! And... Friends! Or acquaintances!"

Blake gave her an intense look. Weiss scowled.


"Nothing," Blake murmured, returning to her book.

Jaune sighed.

"Look, yeah, he's trying to bully me... But when actual people have tried to kill you? It's like... Ya know... Meh?" He spread his arms out. "How am I supposed to react?"

"I suppose that makes sense," Nora said with an eager nod, "Lots of people have tried to kill Renny and me! Bullying seems kind of lame next to that!"

"I know right?!" Jaune said, nodding happily, "See, Nora gets it! Why can't you all be more like her?"

Much staring.

"It... Even so, and we will talk about that later," Weiss said with a scowl, "And despite the fact you are a ruffian and lout... No one should have to put up with such things."

"It's actually kind of fun," Jaune said with a grin.

"You shouldn't bully him either!" Pyrrha scolded.

"I'm not bullying him," Jaune insisted, "He starts shit and I just respond. If he was actually trying to be a threat, then I'd do something serious. But he isn't, so I'm not. What's the worst he could do, make me do his homework?"

"OW! Pl-Please, quit it!"

"Or he could find a new victim," Weiss sighed. Jaune looked up. There was Cardin again, tugging on the ear of a rabbit faunus girl. A... Seriously hot rabbit Faunus girl.

Aw crap. Damnit hormones, not now.

Wait, hormones...

Jaune's eyes widened in realization.

That's it!

- - -

"Seriously, you shouldn't run around with these hanging out!" Cardin laughed. The rabbit faunus winced as he tugged harder. Ah, this was good. Some Faunus filth to take his anger out on.

"Pl-Please, don't! I didn't do anything!"

"You did plenty-!"

And a very strong hand was now on his wrist, squeezing pressure points and causing pain to scream through his arm. Cardin yelped, and released the Faunus girl. He looked over at his assailant-And snarled.


"Woah woah woah! Slow down, buddy!" Jaune said. He looked at the rabbit faunus girl apologetically, "I'm so sorry about this. I really should have talked with him before hand! You're the girl he's after, huh? What's your name?"

"V-Velvet Scarlatina," she managed, wincing as she rubbed her ear. Jaune smiled, and looked back at the enraged Cardin.

"Seriously bro: We're not in elementary school any more. You can't just tug on the pigtails-or ears in this case-of the girl you like!"

"WHAT?!" Cardin and Velvet cried in shock. Jaune nodded, and tightened his grip as his Aura flared around his hand. Cardin grit his teeth, paralyzed by the pain.

"Yeah! I mean, I know he looks like a big racist asshole, but I assure you, he's got a heart of gold! He's just ridiculously shy... Isn't that right, buddy?"

"Y-Y-Yeah...!" Cardin gasped. "I... I'm... Shy...!"

"See? He's tearing up!" Jaune said with a nod. He looked imploring to Velvet.

"I know you guys got off on the wrong foot. Again, so sorry. But if you could find it in your heart to forgive him, and give him a chance? I'm sure he can be a great boyfriend! The best!"

Velvet looked up at Cardin in confusion. Cardin for his part wasn't sure what kind of face to make, as Jaune dug into his pressure points harder.

"Smile, and apologize," Jaune muttered to Cardin. He managed a grimace. Velvet smiled back nervously, as though unsure how to react.

"I uh... Well... I'm... I'm sorry for tugging on your ears! Really, really sorry!"

"Now ask, come on, do it properly," Jaune said. Cardin bit back a groan.

"I... Would you... Like to go... Out with me... Sometime?!"

"He can take you to a fancy restaurant, with like, violins and stuff," Jaune encouraged, "He's got some pull!"

"I-I wouldn't really feel comfortable in s-such a fancy place," Velvet murmured.

"Something nice and simple then!" Jaune said cheerfully. "Like out to a park?"

"I um... I do like photography," Velvet admitted. "Um... I... I'll think about it." She smiled at Cardin.

"I forgive you for grabbing my ears... I should have known you were just nervous. But uh, I didn't really think a guy as big and strong as you could be nervous."

And now Cardin was blushing at the compliment. What the fuck was wrong with him?!

"I uh... Er...!"

"Oh, he's a big softie," Jaune laughed. "But thanks for not totally rejecting him. He'll do better next time, huh?"

"S-Sure," Velvet nodded with a smile. She turned and headed to her table, where her team was staring intently at Jaune and Cardin. A girl in a beret with sunglasses gave them a very intense look.

"Seriously Arc, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" Cardin muttered to Jaune.

"Do you want to be seen as a racist bully, or a cool guy who is trying to figure love out? Besides, I tried to hook you up with one of the hottest girls I've seen at this school," Jaune muttered back, "How am I the bad guy here?"

"B-But she's a faunus-!"

"Look me in the eyes," Jaune said, calmly letting Cardin's wrist go, "And tell me she isn't hot. Go ahead. Do it."

Cardin glared at Jaune. He grit his teeth. By all rights, he should be punching this asshole... He should be...

Velvet laughed. He looked up at her. She blushed, and looked back at her food.

... Fuck, that's cute, a voice in his head said.

"I uh... I..."

Arc smirked. He turned and headed back to his table. He waved back.

"Let me know how the date goes, buddy!"

There wasn't going to be a date. There wasn't going to be a date. His father would disown him. And...

Velvet was again looking at him shyly... And looking back at her plate of food.

Cardin slumped.

"Fucking Arc," he muttered.

- - -

Jaune sat back down at the table, and smiled at his disbelieving friends.

"And now we're friends. See? Problem solved!"

"How... What even...?" Weiss tried. "WHAT."

"That was... Nice of you, Jaune," Pyrrha said, "I think?"

Yang and Ruby were laughing their asses off. Ren rolled his eyes. Blake blinked several times, and tried to go back to her book.

Nora grinned.

"Teach me your ways!"

"Nope, it was traumatizing enough when I learned them," Jaune said.

"What, how to be an infuriating lunatic?!" Weiss demanded.

"I mean, I guess? They called it improv."

- - -
- - -

The Forever Fall Forest was breathtaking. Honestly, it was. Every tree's leaves were red, and piles of said leaves littered the region in big piles. The light fog over the mountains added a hint of beautiful mystery to the place, like they were entering a land out of fantasy.

Too bad they were here to do chores.

"Now students," Glynda Goodwitch stated, bringing the attention of all the students onto her, "You are here to harvest sap from the trees. This sap will be used for multiple culinary applications for the school, and will be sold to the general market."

"So, we're basically free labor for the school's budget purposes," Jaune muttered, as he arranged his bottles in a box, "Fantastic."

"There are creatures of Grimm in the forest," Glynda continued, "So stay with your team, and stay in contact with one another. No wandering off."

She nodded to a group of older students, just disembarking from a bullhead. A tall, red-haired man with brown skin in an elaborate jacket with a high collar led a cocky, grinning blond wolf faunus man in a martial arts gi, a pale but lovely green-haired woman wielding a bow, and a purple-haired human woman in white and violet witch-like clothing onto the ground in front of the gathered groups of first years.

"Team SLVR, our student-teachers for the year, will be coordinating things under my command. If you need help, ask them," Glynda said.

"Don't hesitate to ask," the leader called out. "I'm Simin Megistus, by the way."

"Lycan Arcadia," the blond wolf Faunus introduced him with a toothy grin.

"Vella Moisia," the green-haired girl said next with a friendly smile, "Let's all work hard!"

"... Ragoria Cinarum," the witch girl finally said. She summoned a large purple demon head, causing many students to gasp... Before Ragoria calmly hopped onto it and sat down like it was her easy chair.

"Team SLVR," Weiss breathed, "They're the top students at Beacon. They've been on a lot of missions, some for the Headmaster personally!"

"Aw, and here I thought you only had eyes for Pyrrha," Ruby teased. Weiss shot her a venomous look.

"It's not like that, Ruby! Shut up!"

Ruby laughed.

After they received their supplies, Jaune led his team into the forest, RWBY accompanying them. Ruby herself began walking alongside him with a bright, eager smile.

"Ohh... There's so many piles of leaves, I just wanna jump in all of them!" She giggled. Jaune couldn't help a fond smile at that, but he became serious once more.

"We can frolic later," he said. Ruby pouted.

"I don't wanna frolic! Well... Maybe..."

"As long as you stop rambling, this will almost be tolerable," Weiss muttered with a sigh.

"I don't ramble! I just talk a lot!" Ruby protested.

They reached a long corridor of trees, cut by loggers judging from the tracks left behind by heavy machinery. Jaune nodded in approval and started handing out gear.

"Okay. Pyrrha? Use your Semblance to tap the trees."

"On it, Jaune," Pyrrha said. She used Polarity to make all the metallic taps float and then sent them flying into multiple tree trunks.

"Nora and Ren? You guys put the bottles to the taps. Go!" Jaune said.

"On it, Fearless Leader!" Nora saluted, grabbed some bottles, and rushed off at high speed. Ren followed, slightly slower but not breaking any bottles.

Jaune himself began to walk along the logging road with Pyrrha alongside, both monitoring the bottles as they began to fill up. Nora hummed and looked around carefully... Before she moved a bottle aside and stuck her tongue out to catch the sap.


"Ren, bonk her," Jaune ordered. Ren complied.

"OW!" Nora scowled. "HEY!"

"Mind on the job, Nora," Jaune stated.

"Why didn't you bonk me, then?" Nora pouted.

"Because Ren bonks you, not me," Jaune said, with a nod to Ren. Ren almost smiled, as Nora hummed and thought it over.

"That's fair!" Nora said cheerfully. "I only want Renny to bonk me!"

"As it should be," Jaune said. Pyrrha giggled softly.

"They're quite a pair, huh?" She murmured. "I'm not sure if they're siblings or lovers."

"Same," Jaune muttered back. There was a crash, and both looked over at Team RWBY. A pile of broken glass lay between Yang and Weiss.

"SERIOUSLY YANG?!" Weiss shouted. "You broke all the bottles?!"

"Hey, it's pretty shattering to me, too," Yang snickered with a shrug, "We're not being graded on this, Weissy, chill out!"

"We have a job to do and we should do it properly!" Weiss protested. Ruby nodded.

"Seriously big sis, not cool," Ruby sighed. Weiss glared at her.

"And you're drinking the sap!"

"I only had a little!" Ruby protested. "Honest!"

Weiss twitched and growled. Ruby held up her hands.

"Okay, okay, it's fine Weiss. Yang and I will go get more bottles. You two just stick with JNPR, okay?"

Weiss' grimace became even more pronounced, but she nodded along with Blake.

"We'll be back in a sap!" Yang joked, as she and her little sister headed off. Weiss sighed heavily and rubbed her temples, as Blake went off to read her book in the shade of another tree.

"It's all right, Weiss," Pyrrha said encouragingly. She walked up and patted her on the shoulder. "It's not the end of the world."

"No, but it's extremely aggravating," Weiss sighed. She huffed. "Honestly... Even though I'm not team leader, I feel like I have to act that way a lot of the time."

"Then talk to Ruby about it," Jaune interjected. Weiss shot him a glare.

"Don't you know not to eavesdrop on people, lout!"

"It's not eavesdropping if you're complaining out loud, dumbass!" Jaune shot back. Weiss growled.

"Dumbass?! You crude, insolent-!"

"Blah blah blah," Jaune sighed. "Look: You probably want to solve your issues with your team leader since you want to do well. But if you do or don't, doesn't matter to me. What does matter to me is Ruby and Yang. So if you've got problems, solve them, 'cause problems like those can get people killed. Especially out here."

Weiss gaped at him, her jaw moving up and down without sound coming out. Pyrrha had a proud smile on her face. Jaune nodded to the Schnee Heiress.

"Good, stay like that."

Weiss glared death at him.

"Do you always have to ruin the moment?!" She snarled.

"Oh, sorry. Were we having a moment, princess?" Jaune deadpanned. Weiss's pale cheeks flushed.


"Well I can't call you 'Bitch' in public," Jaune said, "That tends to aggravate a lot of people."

"You spiteful lout!"

"Spoiled sow!"

"Uncouth guttertrash!"



Jaune... Clapped with a wide grin.

"Hey! You finally used a word with punch! I'm proud of you, Sweetheart!"

"GRAH!" Weiss tried to attack him, but Pyrrha again held her back.

"Calm down, Weiss, he doesn't mean anything by it," Pyrrha consoled the furious heiress.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Nora chanted. "Then kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Weiss's entire face lit up like a tomato. Jaune grimaced.

"That's not how it works in real life, Nora!" He shouted back. Nora grinned.

"That's not what my Mistralian comics say~!" She giggled. Jaune glared at her.

"Nora... Were you drinking sap?"

"Wh-What? Me? Nooo! Nooo, of course not! What-What gave you that idea? You're silly, Jaune-Jaune! Super silly!" Nora laughed nervously, her eyes darting left and right.

Jaune pointed to his cheek.

"You've got some leftover there," he said dryly.


"Ren, bonk her."

Ren dutifully complied.

"OW! Rennyyyy~!"

Jaune went over to scold Nora some more. Weiss glared after him, as Pyrrha giggled at their antics.

"You really should loosen up," Pyrrha said, "He only attacks when someone attacks him first, after all."

"His entire existence is an attack on me," she grumbled, "I know his type. Think that they can get me to lower my guard, lower my standards, just because he doesn't treat me like a princess. And then... Then... He swoops in and takes me for everything I've got, acting like a-a rough-hewn savior!"

Pyrrha blinked.

"Jaune isn't anything like that," Pyrrha said, "After all, he already has money. He's an Arc. Out of Radian."

Weiss blinked herself.

"W-Wait... He's one of those Arcs?!" Weiss hissed. "Doctor Isabel Arc's son?!"

Pyrrha nodded with a smile, as Nora tried to put Jaune in a headlock.



"No thank you."


Weiss shook her head in utter disbelief.

"I thought they were refined, brilliant healers and scholars," she muttered, "He's one of them?"

"He's just finding his own path," Pyrrha said with a gentle smile, "Not unlike you, right heiress to the Schnee Dust Company?"

"I... I guess so," Weiss murmured, staring at him.

"So maybe you two do have something in common?" Pyrrha pushed.

"Maybe," Weiss murmured. "Wait... Does that mean...?"

Weiss gaped in horror.

"Was he flirting with me this whole time?!"

"No, no he wasn't," Pyrrha stated, her smile more than a little brittle and terrifying.

- - -

Jaune went off a little ways to start collecting some full bottles. Nora and Ren he sent out to patrol (and to stop attempting mutiny). Weiss and Pyrrha had gone off to see what was taking Yang and Ruby so long. He paused when he saw Blake already up and collecting the full bottles of sap with him. He nodded in thanks, and she gave him a brief nod in return.

Weird, he thought to himself, she also looks really familiar... Where have I run across her before?

He racked his brain over the question for a while as he collected the bottles into his crate. When it was full, he set it down carefully near their packs and supplies, before he picked up another box. He turned... And nearly jumped when he saw Blake right there.

"Guh! ... You do sneak around a lot," He observed. "Gonna have to put a bell on you!"

The girl narrowed her eyes... And her bow twitched. Jaune blinked. His mind put some facts together, and he wondered how he'd missed it before.

"Oh. Sorry... Also, your ears," he said, gesturing to her bow. Blake blinked back, then looked aside.

"I don't know what you-"

"Your ears... Are moving... Your bow," he said softly, but with emphasis. Blake's eyes widened. He held up a hand.

"Relax... You've got your reasons for hiding it, so I won't say anything," he murmured, "But you might want to mind your emotions better."

"I... Th-Thank you," she muttered. Jaune shrugged, heading to the next set of trees with full bottles.

"We've all got our secrets," he said. Blake followed along, helping to retrieve bottles.

"Yes, I suppose so," she mused quietly. "Thank you."

"Hm? For what?" Jaune asked.

"For... Not saying anything," she said. "And for... Standing up for Velvet."

Jaune shook his head, grabbing another bottle and setting it down in his crate with a loud clink.

"That was just to get Cardin off my case," he said, "Entirely selfish. Either he gets a girlfriend and chills out, or he's dealing with stupid drama and leaves me alone. Either way, I win."

"Do you believe that? Or do you just use that bluster as a cover?" Blake asked softly. They stared at each other intently for a moment. Jaune shook his head.

"Everyone lies," Jaune finally said, "You lie. I lie. It's how the world works."

"Because the truth can be terrifying," Blake agreed, "And some people won't see it for the truth, no matter how much evidence is put before them."

"Yeah," Jaune said quietly, staring at her. He was sure he had seen her before somewhere. It just wasn't coming to him.

"So, what's the truth here then?" Jaune asked her. "What truth are you seeking, Blake Belladonna?"

Blake stared back at him, and then out at the rich, red forest.

"I don't know," she said at last. "Does anyone?"

Jaune chuckled and resumed pulling bottles down.

"I guess not," he said. "Maybe we know it when we find it."

"Maybe," Blake agreed.

Geez, this is surreal, Jaune thought, this is probably the longest I've ever spoken to her-Hell, might be the most words she's said since we started. And why do I keep thinking I know her...?

- - -

Radian. That's where Blake knew him from. Her father had been injured in a protest turned riot. The police had deployed with lower-power Dust bullets, but they were still hard-hitting enough to cause a lot of injuries. She'd ended up in the local hospital and had been forced to wait in the waiting room as humans went to work on her father's injuries. He had taken a shot to the gut that had caused internal injuries, necessitating surgery. Her mother was outside, talking to the press and dealing with the police.

A little blond boy had walked up to her, as she sat alone on an uncomfortable plastic chair in a cold, hostile waiting room. He had smiled.

"Don't worry... My mom's working on your dad," He had said, "Nothing bad will happen to him. She's the best!"

He'd stayed with her, reading some magazines with her and generally trying to cheer her up. It had worked.

She still remembered how happy she had been to see her father emerge from surgery, alive and smiling. She hugged him tightly, as a tall blonde woman in glasses patted her son on the head.

"You'll be fine in a few hours," the doctor had said, "Just try not to overexert yourself."

"You sound like my wife," Ghira had laughed. He looked down at little Jaune. "You took care of my little girl?"

"Yes sir!"
Jaune had said. Ghira chuckled and ruffled his messy hair.

"Thanks for that. What a polite young man. Say goodbye, Blake."

she had said.

"Bye," he said back, with a happy wave. They had been forced to run that night, to avoid jail time. It was the last time she would ever see him... Until now.

He probably doesn't remember, Blake thought to herself. So much the better. He was shrewd enough to see through her disguise. As kind as he might be behind all that sarcasm and bile, she doubted that he would be kind to even a former White Fang terrorist.

Still... After all she had seen and done, it was nice to have reminders that not all humans were terrible people.

It kept her from turning into Adam.

- - -

Cardin Winchester grumbled as he retrieved another full bottle of sap. He tossed it down to Dove, who put it into his crate.

"Geez... Can we at least get a Grimm attack or something? This is so boring," Cardin grunted.

"Yeah," Dove muttered, adding the full crate to the large stack they had built up, "A little action would be nice. Take our minds off of things."

Cardin shot Dove a glare.

"You want to explain that?"

Dove coughed, and looked aside. Sky and Russel looked at their boots awkwardly, as though the dirt on the ground was the most interesting sight in the world.

"Spit it out, damnit!" Cardin demanded. His three teammates looked at eachother, in silent conversation. Dove apparently lost the debate, sighed, and looked Cardin in the eyes.

"Cardin, bro... Why didn't you tell us you were sweet on that rabbit girl? Why'd you have Arc help you out?"

Cardin's face burned bright red.

"I-I'm not! I didn't! There's nothing to tell!" He growled.

"So, what," Russel scoffed, "You're telling us that he just randomly decided to help try and hook you up with that hottie?"

"She's a faunus!" Cardin said, "I-I can't date a faunus! You have any idea what my parents would do if I did?!"

"Man, your parents won't care," Sky insisted, "When's the last time you actually talked to them? Like a month ago?"

"They will care, and-and I'm not even sweet on her!" Cardin growled. He waved his hands. "It's some weird mind game by Arc! He's messing with me! Trying to make me look bad!"

"He hooked you up with a hottie to make you look bad?" Dove asked slowly, his eyes and tone full of doubt. Cardin looked almost desperately for support from his other friends, but they were just as incredulous.

"Look! Stop that, right now! There's nothing going on! I don't have any feelings for her, I'm not interested!" He insisted. He shook his head angrily. "Now get back to work!"

The three Hunters-in-Training, still shooting him dubious looks, got back to work on the tree sap collection. Cardin sighed and turned around. He scanned the area, as he had been trained. The other teams were still at it, harvesting sap or lazing around. A few had broken out lunches.

... And a certain rabbit faunus was approaching, carrying a large bag. She smiled warmly and waved as she approached.

"Hi Cardin!"

Cardin ground his teeth.

He could feel his team members staring at his back.

"Hello Velvet," he managed in a neutral tone. Velvet blushed.

"Ah... It's uh... It's almost lunch time," she said, "And I'm my team's cook... And I made some extra, so I was wondering if you'd like to, uh... Eat with me? Just... Just us...?"

Cardin stared intently at her. Her ears wiggled a bit in her anxiety.

His stomach growled.

Shit, that's cute, his brain again betrayed him.

"... Fine," he said. Velvet lit up, which did things to his stomach.

"G-Great! Uh... I mean... We could call it a date... Or not call it a date, wh-whatever you want!" She said quickly. "Um, I-I have a blanket set up over there, so we can sit together-!"

"That's fine," Cardin said, "I'll... I'll be there in a second. Just gotta take care of my team."

"Great!" Velvet beamed, and fairly skipped off towards the tree in question. Cardin slowly turned to his team, who were all looking in opposite directions.

"I'm hungry and she's offering, that doesn't mean anything!" Cardin growled. "And if you guys say anything, I'll beat you all into the ground!"

"Sure thing, Cardin," Dove said, trying (and failing) not to smirk.

Cardin groaned, turned, and stormed off towards the smiling, waiting rabbit faunus. First Arc, then Velvet, and NOW his team?!

When had the world decided to go insane?!
- - -

Ruby hated being bored. Boredom was the enemy, the absolute worst. If there was a Grimm responsible for causing boredom, she would eliminate it posthaste without a shred of mercy!

At the same time, boredom did let her brain move in different directions. And that could sometimes pay off.

Like now. She and Yang were carrying crates full of empty bottles to replace those Yang had broken. They couldn't go very fast or risk smashing them all up again, so that left Ruby and her big sister alone in the quiet. Bored.

And so Ruby's mind began to wander, into new directions and frontiers, making connections just to stave off the horrible, crushing boredom!

Possibilities were considered, discarded, and reworked... Until one of these thoughts finally decided it needed to be known. It needed to be shared with the world.

Or more specifically, one person in the world.



"You should date Jaune."

Yang's jaw dropped. She nearly lost her grip on the crates of new boxes stacked in her arms as she gaped at her little sister.

"Wha-What?!" She laughed incredulously. "Do you-Is this your idea of a prank, little sis? Because I can think of a lot better than-"

"No, no, I'm serious!" Ruby insisted as they stood in the path facing each other. Well, facing each other around the crates of empty glassware.

"Okay, you got my attention," Yang admitted, "Now the next part is... Why?"

"You see how he has to deal with Pyrrha's weird obsession, and Weiss's tsundere stuff!" Ruby said earnestly, "He doesn't like it! He went through some stuff those three months, and those two are making him feel bad!"

"Uh huh," Yang said skeptically, "And?"

"And," Ruby said, "You should date him so they'll back off."

"I'm not sure they'll back off, Ruby," Yang said dryly, "Especially not Pyrrha."

"Well, okay, maybe not, but you can at least help keep them away from him!" Ruby insisted. "I-I mean, I'd do it myself but..." She frowned.

"He doesn't, ya know... See me that way..."

For all her flirting and hugging, he still looked at her the exact same way: Like a little sister. And that hurt, in ways Ruby wasn't entirely sure she understood yet.

"You are underaged, Ruby," Yang pointed out, "If he did try anything, I'd beat the shit out of him-"

"But-But he's not! Because he's a good guy!" Ruby insisted. "And because he's a good guy, and my best friend, I don't want him to have to suffer! He wouldn't date me, but he'd totally date you!"

"And what makes you think I even want to date anyone?" Yang laughed. "Especially Jaune?"

Ruby sighed heavily, and looked her sister dead in the eyes.

"Yang... When Mom died, you stepped up," she said, "You took care of me. You worked so hard for us, for me. I'm not stupid, I know that you beat up anyone who made me cry at Sanctum."

"Well of course I did that-!" Yang protested, but Ruby went on.

"So you didn't really get to go have as much fun as you should have," she said. "I'm sorry about that, sorry I was such a-"


Yang held her crates with one arm, while the other reached out and rested a hand on her little sister's head.

"You're my little sister. You were never a burden, and you never will be," Yang said, calm but firm as a mountain. Ruby flushed, and looked down.

"Th-Thanks," she murmured, and she beamed down at the ground. She looked back up with a determined expression.

"Which is why you should date Jaune! We know he's a good guy, and you two can go have fun! You protect him from those... Those crazy girls, and you get to have some fun on your own!" She beamed.

"It's win-win!"

"And maybe when you're older, you can get a chance at dating the Crybaby after I've trained him into boyfriend material?" Yang asked, her loving smile back to a cocky smirk in an instant. Ruby blushed as red as her cape.

"M-Maybe... I-I know it's not like in fairy tales, I'm not stupid... But um... That would be nice...?"

"And if Jaune says no?" Yang asked. "I can't make him do anything."

"At least try, Yang? Please?" Ruby begged.

Yang sighed heavily, and readjusted the crates in her arms.

"... I'll ask him out as friends, and we'll go have fun," she said, "I want to know what all he's been up to anyway. But that's it, all right?"

Ruby beamed.

"Thanks Yang... I really appreciate it!"

"And you have to promise to snipe Weiss and Pyrrha if they try to murder me."

"They won't! ... Probably!"

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Qrow groaned quietly, returning to the world of the living with his brain threatening to beat its way out of his skull. He narrowed his eyes against the glare of the rising sun. He rubbed his face, muttering curses under his breath. He was on a lot more comfortable a bed than he thought he'd wake up in.

"Good morning!"

He smelled coffee. He looked over at a familiar blonde woman in an elegant bathrobe, still looking heartstoppingly beautiful. Qrow immediately ran his hands over his body-He was still clothed. Qrow let out a soft sigh of relief.

"Relax, my hotel suite has a guest room," Isabel said reassuringly as she handed over a full, steaming coffee mug to him, "You staggered in here at 3 AM and passed right out."

"Well... Thanks for letting me stay," Qrow said, sipping the coffee. He sighed softly as the caffeine did its job. He looked back up at her.

Isabel's keen eyes looked him over as she smirked.

"Disappointed?" She asked.

Qrow was suddenly right back at the wedding day. Isabel and Nicholas were at the altar, kissing passionately, as rice was thrown and people cheered. Taiyang and Raven were there, along with Summer and Glynda. Oobleck dashing around like a hummingbird. That time he'd gotten to dance with Summer... And they both kept laughing when they stepped on each other's feet.

It had been such a beautiful day. The kind of day that twisted a knife deep inside his chest now, like so may others.

"... Maybe a little," Qrow admitted, his eyes dipping to the hotel room floor.

"If it helps, I'm a little disappointed myself," Isabel chuckled. Qrow coughed, looking aside.

"I... It wouldn't be right-"

"Qrow," Isabel said softly, "It's all right to be attracted to me. I'm honestly glad. Means I'm not some old hag."

"With your Semblance, how could you ever be one of those cept by choice?" Qrow chuckled. Isabel closed her eyes, focused... And she shrank down in height and overall mass. In a moment, he was looking at an eighteen-year-old Isabel... Who still filled out the robe quite nicely.

Yup, Total Body Control was pretty amazing. Isabel had lucked out, and gone even further beyond with it: Figuring out that if she could use Aura to control her Semblance and alter things about her body, she could do the same to other bodies.

"You're sweet," she said warmly. She returned back to her usual form. Qrow let out a little laugh, and she raised an eyebrow.


"That's how you looked the day I tried to ask you out," he chuckled. Isabel flushed.

"Of course you'd remember that," she sighed.

"Sure was memorable for me," Qrow grinned, "You gave me a black eye."

"Hey! I did worse to Nick when he hit on me-Right after you did," Isabel said defensively, "Broke his nose!"

"And you ended up marrying him," Qrow pointed out with a grin. Isabel flushed and nodded.

"Yeah... Well... You were both jerks. But I liked him a lot more."

"Guess that's lucky for me," Qrow laughed. Isabel nodded slowly. She bowed her head.

"I'm sorry about Summer," she said quietly. Qrow worked his jaw and nodded.

"I'm sorry about Nick," he apologized.

Isabel sucked in a deep breath, and let it all out through her nostrils. She slowly sat down next to Qrow, her gaze far away as she sipped her coffee.

"I hated it."

Qrow looked over at the blonde woman.

"Everyone... Everyone told me sorry. Condolences. Told me he was a hero. Just like all the Arcs before. He married into the family but... You'd have never guessed," she murmured. "He fought with Crocea Mors like he was born to it. Just like my father Ander, who fought in the Faunus Revolution for freedom. Just like Uncle Adrian, the Yellow Star. Just like Lionel Arc, the Golden Lion, the hero of the Great War. Just like the legendary Jean de Arc, the founding matriarch, the Maiden of Fire, who fought against the Darkness."

She bowed her head.

"... And all I could think about was that Nick was dead, and I couldn't... I couldn't do a damn thing about it," she murmured. "I wasn't there for him. I'd been there for him for years, fighting alongside him, healing him. We'd had a few close calls, but we... We'd laughed those off. Moved on..."

Isabel thinned her lips and glared into her mug.

"I went through training when I became a field medic. More training when I became a doctor. It was simple... You can't take failure personally. If someone dies, and you did everything you could for them? You're not at fault. Death is not personal. Death is. If you take it personally, it will destroy you."

"But this wasn't just any patient, it was Nick," Qrow said softly. Isabel nodded slowly, her fingers tracing the rim of the mug.

"Yeah..." She sighed. "Every time Jaune spoke about wanting to be a hunter, just like his dad... Before that? I was happy. Proud. After? I... I couldn't hear it. I couldn't stand it. I did everything, everything, to push him in another direction."

She shook her head.

"He's got talent. He's smart. He's hard-working. He got into the medical training college, with almost a perfect score. He did all the internships I made him do, and he worked hard. But he wouldn't give up on becoming a Hunter. He told me he'd applied to Beacon, and... And I lost it."

She shut her eyes tightly, trembling.

"... I told him that his father died because he was stupid enough to keep being a Hunter. To not give it up. To still take it seriously, and not just retire and do something safer," Isabel whispered, tears again coming to her eyes, "That if he wanted to be stupid and die, just like his father, then he should go and do it. Why am I surprised he ran away after that? How could I say anything like that-?!"

"You were scared, and you were angry," Qrow said softly, squeezing her shoulder.

"That's no excuse," Isabel sighed miserably, "I'm such a horrible mother. A horrible wife. How could I say those things about Nick? I-I loved him! I loved him so much and I... I dishonored his memory like that...!"

Qrow grit his teeth. He hesitated as Isabel sobbed, before he spoke.

"I always... I always had a thing for Summer. We worked great together. She was fun, beautiful, smart, kind. She was... Everything I could ever want in a woman. After Raven and Taiyang settled down, I started working with her. We were a great team. I was... I was working up the courage to tell her how I felt. I mean... What if I ruined everything we had? What if I scared her off? I just kept putting it off."

Isabel stared at him, silent.

"Then Raven ran off, Taiyang was devastated, and Summer went to comfort him," Qrow sighed, "I stayed on the job, even tried to find Raven. When I got back... They were married."

He looked up at the ceiling.

"I remember thinking, 'Fucking Taiyang. Always getting everything I want.' He was the team leader. He was the ladies' man. He was the success, and me? Unlucky. Always unlucky. I told them I was happy for them both, and lied to their faces, while I seethed inside. Hell... For a moment... I wanted to kill him. Him. My best friend, my brother."

Qrow looked over at Isabel, who had stopped crying. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders and squeezed him tightly.

"I broke up the partnership. Told Summer I didn't want to be in the way of her new marriage. Semblance like mine, I stay away from people anyway, but them? It... It just gave me more incentive."

"You didn't get Summer killed, Qrow," Isabel said urgently.

"We all make stupid mistakes, Isabel," Qrow said quietly, "That was mine. If I'd been there-"

"You weren't," Isabel stated firmly, "Neither of us were there. And we have to accept it... Or we'll lose everything."

Qrow lowered his head.

"I already have-"

"You have me, Qrow," Isabel stated, "You... You have me. And Jaune! You found him, he'd better think well of you! Your nieces, and Taiyang!"

"Yeah... But..."

She squeezed his shoulders. Qrow glanced at her. She smiled softly.

"I took personal time to look for Jaune," she said, "I... I had a lot saved up."

"That makes two of us," Qrow said with a wan smile. She returned it.

"Yeah... But while I'm off, I... I'd like to connect with you. Talk with you. I have a lot of good friends in Radian and at the hospital, but..."

She shrugged.

Qrow nodded.

"They don't... Get it, do they?"

"No," Isabel admitted.

Her scroll went off. She got up and took it up, checking the caller ID before she pulled it open.

"Headmaster Ozpin? This is a surprise," she said, raising an eyebrow. "Is something wrong with Jaune?"

"No, Jaune is fine," Ozpin said.

"He's recovering and his application to Beacon is up in the air, last I checked, Ozpin," Qrow said, perhaps a bit too quickly. Isabel gave him a curious look, but Ozpin didn't miss a beat.

"Yes... He would not be able to begin the training program if he had been injured during his wanderings," Ozpin said, and again Qrow marveled at how Ozpin could say the absolute truth while still lying his ass off.

"Is he able to get up and about?" Isabel asked.

"He is recovering nicely, and has made some friends," Ozpin said, "I am sorry I can't keep a closer eye on him, what with my responsibilities-"

"No, that's fine, I understand," Isabel sighed.

"Actually, I was hoping to ask you for a favor," Ozpin said, "If you have a month or two of free time?"

Isabel frowned.

"I did turn down your offer to work as your agent before, Headmaster," she said, still polite, but there was distant thunder in her voice, "I'll turn it down again for the same reasons-"

"You would not be my direct agent. Think of yourself as an independent contractor," Ozpin said, "Qrow is investigating several Grimm attacks along the frontier. All very unusual. All at the same time as several strange crimes. Qrow is doing a very good job, but a woman with your talents would be very welcome."

Isabel hummed.

"It's a little vague, Headmaster," she said.

"I am aware," Ozpin said, "We can provide more information... But only if you agree to work with us. Personally, I feel Qrow would appreciate the company."

Qrow coughed as Isabel shot him a look. She looked back to the scroll, worrying her lower lip.

"I have been out of the field for a while-"

"Then you can simply support Qrow," Ozpin said, "In all honesty... I fear something big is on the horizon. I don't know what, exactly, but the more powerful allies I have, the better."

Isabel hummed, while Qrow hid his shock. Ozpin, being this direct? He must want Isabel on their side bad.

Not that Qrow could blame him.

"... All right," she said with a nod, "I'll do it. But! No secrets. You give me all the information you have, when you have it, as soon as you can. I am not walking into an ambush, and you shouldn't let us walk into one without doing everything you can to ensure it isn't. I don't care if it's partial or imperfect, I just want as much as I can. And no games, Ozpin."

Isabel narrowed her eyes, smoothly setting aside her coffee mug. She clenched a fist and held it up to the scroll camera.

"I may be out of practice... But I'm perfectly willing to repeat the Solstice Festival Incident."

Ozpin stared intently... And then slowly nodded.

"Agreed. Do you mind if I speak with Qrow in private?"

"Sure, I need to grab a shower anyway," Isabel said, giving Qrow a soft smile as she handed over her scroll, "I'll be right back."

"Thanks," Qrow said with a nod. She strode out of the room, and shut the door behind her. Qrow activated a jamming device, just in case-This was a woman who could make her ears as sensitive as a bat's if she wanted to.

"Not that I don't appreciate the back up, but my Semblance-"

"I meant what I said," Ozpin said, "We're going to need all the help we can get, and you can get her back into fighting shape. You also could use the assistance."

"And you want to keep her as far away from Beacon as long as possible, right?" Qrow said sarcastically. "Why? The kid?"

"Some parties of the enemy have taken an interest in Mister Arc due to his little adventure," Ozpin said smoothly, "He is much safer here where we can keep an eye on him."

"You do realize she is going to absolutely slaughter you when she finds out, don't you?" Qrow said dryly.

Ozpin sipped his coffee.

"Qrow, last time she was unhappy with me, she threw a city bus into my office," Ozpin stated, "No one, especially you, can blame me for trying to put off the inevitable for as long as possible."

"And what about me?" Qrow hissed, "What do you think she's gonna do to me when she finds out?!"

"That is one of the risks of being a field agent," Ozpin said.

"You're a dick, Ozpin."

"So I have been told..."

- - -

Weiss was still in some shock as she walked with Pyrrha on the path. A few red leaves spun in front of her, and if not for her reflexes they'd have smacked right into her face.

It was just... Incomprehensible. She'd seen so many ridiculous things but even with all that, this just flummoxed her entirely!

"He's... One of those Arcs," Weiss said.

"Mmhm," Pyrrha said with a nod.

"B-But that's impossible!" Weiss insisted, "My father hired Doctor Arc to give my siblings and I yearly check ups! She's one of the best doctors in the world! That... That ruffian is her son?!"

She glared back over her shoulder, as though the delinquent could feel her contempt.

"Her youngest son," Pyrrha corrected, her smile still tense. Weiss shook her head.

"How did he turn into that? Why isn't he home, becoming a doctor? I've seen his Aura, I've seen his power! If she trained him, he could be...!"

She had seen Doctor Arc's work. Her father insisted she know who was a potentially valuable asset, and who wasn't. Doctor Arc was counted by him as a 'very valuable asset'. She'd been kind and professional every time she'd seen her. There was a warmth in her eyes she seldom saw with her family or their servants.

A warmth that her son didn't share. Not with her, anyway.

"One might say the same thing about you, Miss Schnee," Pyrrha said, her smile still friendly but that edge was unsettling. Weiss stopped and stared intently at the champion.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well," Pyrrha said, shrugging, "Being a Huntress or being a wealthy heiress... It doesn't seem like a hard choice, does it? So why are you here?"


Weiss frowned deeply. Pyrrha continued, whether because she thought Weiss was thick, or because she wanted to twist the knife.

"I was offered the chance for private training. To continue onto the professional dueling circuit," Pyrrha said, "Live a life of luxury. Billion lien deals, 'the adulation of millions', I was told. Yet I'm here, too."

Pyrrha's green eyes focused intently on Weiss'.

"Why do you think that is?"

Because it isn't what I wanted... Because I wanted to be more than an extension of my parents...

Weiss froze for a while. She watched the leaves flutter through the breeze. She felt them crunch under her boots. She looked up at Pyrrha, her smile still polite but strained.

Weiss, as it turned out, had a great deal of familiarity with smiles. Smiles in her world were screens, polite fictions. Yet you couldn't hide everything.

Maybe that's why she had kept going. She was used to smiles not meaning anything. Or hadn't cared enough about the people wearing them to press further.

Exactly like how... Her father...

She looked intently into Pyrrha's eyes and bowed her head.

"I'm... I'd like to apologize," she murmured. "I just... I stormed in, and tried to butter you up, all for my own agenda... And didn't think of you as a person. That was... Shameful of me."

She lifted her eyes back to Pyrrha, slowly.

"Could... Could we posdibly... Um... Start over?"

She very slowly held out her hand.

"Hello, I'm Weiss Schnee. It's very nice to meet you, and... And I hope we can be friends."

Pyrrha blushed.

"I um... I would... I would like that. Y-Yes! Certainly, if you would too?"

She slowly reached out and took Weiss' hand in hers, she smile awkward but far more genuine looking.

"I'm Pyrrha Nikos, and I would very much like that."

Weiss beamed, immediately grasping Pyrrha's hand in both of hers.

"You won't regret this. I promise, I'll be an amazing friend-A-A real friend! It will be so great-!"

She saw some tension in Pyrrha's face, and she coughed.

"Ah... S-Sorry. I am genuinely a big fan of yours."

"I-I know. I appreciate that," Pyrrha stuttered, "And uh, thank you?"

"You're welcome!" Weiss beamed, letting go of Pyrrha's hand.

"That's great," Pyrrha sighed.

She paused for a moment, then spoke again carefully.

"Um... There's someone else you need to apologize to."

Weiss stared at Pyrrha for a moment... And then groaned.

"Arc? Seriously?"

"Sorry, but if you want to be friends with me, then yes, you absolutely need to," Pyrrha stated. Her smile was still up, but there was a dangerous glint in her eyes. Weiss blinked a few times.

"You... I mean... You and he-?"

Pyrrha blushed.

"N-No! We're just friends! R-Really! For the moment! Possibly! Kind of!" She insisted. "And he's not that bad once you get to know him, he's very genuine, and um...!"

Weiss held in a sigh. That wouldn't help this fragile moment.

"All right... But I reserve the right to hit him if he's being a brute!"

"No. No, you don't," Pyrrha stated, her eyes narrowing. Weiss coughed.

"If he hits me first?"

"He won't," Pyrrha stated firmly.

Geez... What could she possibly see in him to react that way?

Well, she was going to have to find out, it seemed.


Weiss turned and let out her sigh, though this time it was one of relief, as Ruby and Yang approached with crates full of empty glass bottles.

"Finally! Come on, let's go," she stated. "I will not allow Team RWBY to fall behind anyone in sap collection!"

"All righty, Second in Command Weissy!" Ruby cheered.

"Second in command, huh?" Weiss mused. Ruby nodded.

"Yup! Right after Executive officer Yang!"

"Wha-THAT'S THE SAME THING!" Weiss shouted.

"Nuh uh!"

"Don't be jealous, Weisscream," Yang laughed, "It's just the Yang of command~!"


Now she understood a bit of Arc's desire to lash out with violence at these idiots!

- - -

Nora was having some fun as she swung her hammer around one hand, looking about the nice red leaves and pale trees as Ren kept pace behind her.

"On patrol... We're on patrol~... Super duper on patrol~!" Nora sang. "Gotta keep positive~! So no Grimm show up~!"

She frowned and slowed her walk and swinging.

"Wait... If I'm being positive, then the Grimm will stay away... But if they stay away, I won't get to smash them and so I'll be sad... Wouldn't that attract the Grimm anyway? If I'm being sad about being happy, but then happy about being sad...?"

Nora hummed and considered this great conundrum with her most serious face, getting into a crouch. She looked up at her steadfast companion with a pout.

"Rennn... My brain hurts! I'm trying to figure stuff out!"

"That was your first mistake," Ren deadpanned. Nora pouted harder.

"You don't haveta be so mean!" She huffed and hugged him tightly. "There there. You're a grumpy pants, but you're my grumpy pants."

She patted his head affectionately.

"I'm not grumpy," Ren stated, "Jaune is the grumpy one."

"I'm not gonna cuddle Jaune," Nora grinned. "Well, maybe if he's super grumpy. I think Pyrrha or Ruby wants to do that more though! Don't wanna horn in on their gig!"

She hummed and shot him a saucy grin.

"Ya know, Goodwitch is grumpier than everyone put together~! Maybe I should cuddle with her, huh?"

Ren stared unnervingly into Nora's eyes, not even blinking as certain images raced through his mind.

"If you wish," Ren said. Nora cheered and held up her hammer.

"YAY! I shall plan to cuddle with her immediately!" She declared.

Ren allowed himself the smallest of smirks.

"You'll get detention."


"No, just the regular kind," Ren said, the slightest hint of a smile on his face. He and his best friend set off again. She held his hand in his, swinging it merrily.

Despite his apparent detachment... Ren squeezed her hand back. Not too tightly, though: She tended to make that a contest, and he just didn't have the raw strength to compete with his best girl.

A loud sound cracked through the woods, and both teenagers broke apart, weapons out in an instant.

"Large caliber rifle, don't recognize it," Ren stated.

"Came from the southwest, maybe a mile away," Nora murmured, choking up on her hammer.

It was then that several Grimm erupted from the trees-A few Ursa, Beowulves, Boarbatusks, and many others-All stampeding in a wild, massive rush.

Nora grinned.

"YAY! I'm gonna have a LOT of fun today!" She cheered. "No more philosophical headaches!"

Ren hit his Scroll as Nora charged into battle, bringing her hammer down on the head of a Beowulf and squashing it flat with a very loud crunch.

"Jaune, this is Ren. We have massive Grimm movement in the forest, some kind of stampede. Alert everyone else, now!"

He should have gotten Miss Goodwitch's contact information, but a look from Nora had squashed that idea. Women were extremely confusing creatures, indeed.

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Omake: Jaune the Barbarian 1
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Blake wasn't obsessed with fish. She wasn't a stereotype, for Oum's sake. She loved fish, sure, but it wasn't like that's all there was to her!

Just because she perked up at the smell of fresh fish being cooked on an open fire out on the campus did not make her one of those stereotypical cat faunus girls who would do anything for fresh fish.

(That she was very well aware of such sexual fetishes being explored in erotica was immaterial.)

She just liked fish. And fresh fish moreso. So it wasn't unusual for her to follow the scent, walking away from Yang as they walked between the campus buildings.

"Blake? You okay? Blake!" Yang called.

Blake ignored her, jogging lightly towards the source of the scent. There was a well-stocked river that flowed by Beacon proper, though most fishing was further up or downstream.

She froze as she locked onto a familiar blond young man near the river, a few caught fish hanging from a hand-made fishing pole and a few more cooking over a small campfire. He looked up in surprise.

"Oh! Hey Blake, hey Yang," Jaune greeted them, in naught but his pants. His jacket and shirt for his school uniform were carefully folded on a rock nearby.

"Uh, hey Jaune," Yang said, tilting her head, "You do know they serve food here, right? Food you can buy? Precooked?"

"Yeah, but I learned how to fish and cook outside before I set out," Jaune explained, shrugging his bare shoulders, "And I... Kind of got used to it? Want some?"

"N-" Yang began, but Blake shook her head as she sat down with him.


"Sure," Jaune said. He wrapped one fish in a paper towel, and handed it to her, "There you go. Careful, it's hot!"

Blake took a bite... And groaned happily. The seasonings were simple, and maybe it could have used more butter, but the taste of something cooked right outside... Of fresh fish cooked outside... It was heavenly.

"Nyyaaahhhmmm-!" She slapped a hand over her mouth and blushed. Yang shot her a strange look, then realization hit. She smirked at Jaune.

"I'll have what she's having-"

"YANG!" Blake hissed.

Jaune chuckled.

"I could do a lot better... I dunno, I just like cooking outside. After being under my mom's thumb all the time, it just felt... Satisfying, you know?"

Blake nodded. Yang chuckled.

"Careful there Jaune the Barbarian. Don't let freedom go to your head. Next thing you know, you'll be building a log cabin and dragging a female student off after bashing her over the head with a club."

If he cooks like this, Blake thought, gulping down another fish, maybe I wouldn't mind him-

NO. No, none of that! How could she think that, after Adam and White Fang?

It was fish! JUST FISH!

And a hot shirtless blond guy who caught and cooked them just like in some stories she-NO.

Jaune frowned for a moment deeply... Then relaxed again and let out a small laugh.

"Well... Maybe not a club," Jaune said. Yang laughed back, that easy familiarity between them wiping away whatever unease he'd had before.

Though Blake still noticed it. She filed it away with a lot of other little tics and unconscious actions he'd made since he'd arrived.

"MISTER ARC!" Glynda Goodwitch shouted. "WHAT ON REMNANT ARE YOU DOING?!"

All three looked over to see Professor Goodwitch glaring in shock nearby.

"What?!" Jaune called out to the aghast professor, "I'm following the fire code!"

"PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON AND COME HERE THIS INSTANT!" Glydna shouted. Jaune sighed, doused the flames with water, and quickly wrapped up his cooked fish in some foil. He handed it over to Blake, along with the rest of his catch.

"Guess I gotta face the music," he said.

"We'll notify your next of kin," Yang snickered.

"Please, don't," Jaune groaned, pulling on his shirt, jacket, and tie before heading up to the angrily waiting Professor Goodwitch.

Yang shook her head.

"Sheesh, I can't help but think he acts out like this deliberately sometimes," she grumbled, "I'm supposed to be the rulebreaker! Maybe I should step up my fish and game, huh Blake? ... Blake?"

"Mmhm, mmhm, sure," Blake nodded, eating the last cooked fish happily. Yang shot her a sly look. Blake shook her head.

"It's good fish, I don't want it to go to waste," she insisted.

"Sure Blake, I believe you," Yang said with a nod.

Blake waited. Yang said nothing. She held up another chunk of fish to her mouth, opened it... Bit down on the seared deliciousness...

Still she waited for Yang to say something... But nothing came. Blake began to chew, enjoying every bite...

"Though I bet it doesn't taste as good without a shirtless Jaune around."


The blonde cackled.

- - -

What other wild habits might Jaune indulge in? Whether he's trolling or not is very much based upon the situation...
- - -

There were times when Simin Megitus regretted accepting the position as a student-teacher. Granted, it was quite an honor to be selected. He and his team had worked hard over the past three years to be recognized as the best Beacon had to offer. And after fighting alongside his team for so long, he was proud and happy to call them his friends.

But... That didn't mean they couldn't still be annoying.

"Uggggghhhh," Lycan Arcadia moaned, kicking his feet up like an impatient puppy, "Why did we get stuck with babysitting duty for these brats?"

Simin sighed, relaxing in the shade of a tree as he watched the first-year students hard at work harvesting sap.

"Ya know, we were brats just like them not too long ago," Simin reminded him.

The wolf Faunus huffed, finally settling back in the grass and glaring at the children all over the clearing.

"Nah," Lycan snorted, "We weren't."

"Geez Lycan, chill," Ragora Cinarum stated, resting comfortably on the head of her familiar, Cormo. The giant purple demon head floated peacefully nearby, as its mistress rested her Arc Fire Shot Glaive, Hexentanz, against its prominent teeth. "It's not every day we get a mission just to relax and boss around the newbies."

"It's still work," Lycan grunted. Simin laughed.

"Man, you haven't lifted a finger!" He pointed down at the fourth member of their team, "Vella's been the only one running around doing anything!"

The aquamarine-haired girl was tending to the various crates of red sap-filled containers, taking down the numbers each team had collected and their names with a friendly smile. She zipped about like a bird on the water, a creature of absolute grace.

"Oh, that's wonderful Shade! Yes, yes, very good Coco!"

Simin watched her intently, a small smile on his face. Lycan grunted.

"So... You gonna keep gawping at her like an idiot, boss?"

"I'm not gawping at her," Simin immediately said. Ragora snorted.

"You should have asked her out years ago. What's stopping you?"

Simin shook his head.

"Look... Team leaders can't date within the team. It leads to disaster, every time," he stated firmly. "I mean... We all agreed it would be bad, right? If any of us dated and broke up, that could kill the team dynamics."

He shook his head.

"And that can get us killed."

"Right," Lycan agreed, "Ain't like Ragora and I have that problem. Despite the fact we have banged multiple times, I still find her personally repulsive."

"Love to hate you too, Wolfy darling~," Ragora laughed in a witch-like cackle, "But you and Vella? You have that problem. It's not going to go away."

"First off, when did this happen?!" Simin demanded, throwing his arms out wide. "You two banging?! It had better not have been in the dorm room! And second? No, we don't."

He fixed his eyes on the pale, green haired sniper. She caught his eyes, smiled, and waved. He waved back, using the high collar of his Synchronized Dust Projection Jacket to hide his red cheeks.

"I can smell that you're lying, you know that, right?" Lycan asked, deadpan as always.

"I don't even need that, I have eyes," Ragora snickered.

"Oh shut up, both of you," Simin grumbled. "Act your age! You're carrying on like those kids down there!"

"You mean the ones actually acting on their feelings?" Lycan asked. He jerked a thumb over to a small corner of the clearing, where a brown-haired rabbit faunus girl was sitting on a picnic blanket with a tall, armored human boy. The wolf Faunus made a face.

"Ugh! I can smell their awkward pheromones from here!"

"The sweet scent of love," Ragora sighed, clasping her hands together, "It's so precious! Bet Vella would love to have a picnic with you under the trees!"

"No she wouldn't," Simin grunted, "She prefers being by the lake or other bodies of water for picnics... Or so I've heard."

"You're killing us, Boss," Lycan sighed, "You're really killing us."


"Just because you dress like a monk doesn't mean you have to act like one," Lycan grunted, "Believe me, if you just asked Vella out, she'd say yes. Then maybe you two could stop acting like the world's most boring soap opera."

"'Will Simin and Vella get over themselves long enough to fuck and maybe act like normal people? Find out in three years and counting!'" Ragora stated in a TV announcer's voice. Both she and Lycan laughed. Simin rolled his eyes.

"I can't murder them... Gotta graduate... Can't murder them... Gotta graduate..."

"Hey Simin!"

Simin started, and stood up. Vella stood there with a nice, warm smile.

"Hey Vella! What's up?"

"I could use some help with some of these loading programs for the bullhead cargo lifts," she said. She shrugged helplessly. "Three years of this stuff and I'm still terrible with computers! Silly, huh?"

"Yeah, silly," Simin said with a nod. "Sure, I would love to help."

He shot a glare at Lycan and Ragora.

"That doesn't mean anything else."

"Of course it doesn't," Ragora chuckled, now spinning in a slow circle.

"Like we'd ever think something might happen," Lycan teased.

Simin and Vella wore nearly identical blushes. They turned and headed back to the cargo pallets, walking close together... But not too close together.

Lycan growled and rubbed his eyes.

"Oh for... Can't we just get them drunk and lock them in a closet or something?! This is really starting to piss me off!"

"Patience, Lycan, patience!" Ragora laughed. "It's much more satisfying when they finally just let loose of their own free will."

"I swear if they don't start humping and making me some nieces and nephews, and keep up this high school bullshit, I am gonna kick both their asses," Lycan growled. He glared down at the faunus rabbit girl and human in armor.

"Even the first years are making more progress than Boss and Vella! It's just embarrassing for us upperclassmen!"

"Right," Ragora nodded, "We should all be a pack of raging, hormonal teens wrestling in broom closets like in trashy young adult fiction."

"Damn straight!"

- - -

Qrow checked over Harbinger one last time, ensuring the mechashift mechanisms were well-oiled and functional, as the bullhead flew through the air towards their target drop zone. He sighed as he finished his checks, finding everything in working order... Then checked again.

"Glad you pay attention to details," commented Isabel from the cockpit.

"Well, I'd look like an idiot if my weapon froze between forms in battle," Qrow commented. He looked up, catching a shadow of Isabel changing her clothing. Her form was-

No. No. He wasn't doing that. He puts his eyes back on his weapon.

"As opposed to how you usually look?" Isabel teased.

"Your jokes certainly haven't improved," Qrow grunted.

"I was once considered the funniest girl in Beacon, you know."

"Yeah, because everyone was too scared to not laugh."


A moment later, she entered the cargo area. She stood in front of him, a slightly nervous expression on her face.

"So... Uh... How do I look?" She asked.

Well, if she was inviting him to ogle her, that was different. He leaned back and looked her up and down.

She had the classic Arc Family white plate armor for her top, though it was shaped so that there was no question as to her gender. It was a sleek, modern, tear-resistant mesh with armor plating over vital areas shaped like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. She wore gauntlets of the same design around her wrists. Underneath this armor, she wore a stretchy green turtleneck, nice, comfortable, and warm.

Her pants were regular military fatigues, the shade a darker green than her turtleneck, with white armored knee pads and similarly armored military boots. Her belt was covered in pouches filled with medical gear, and she wore a small backpack with even more supplies attached to the back of her armor. The twin yellow crescents, the sigil of her family, decorated her chestplate and gauntlets.

She wore her hair in a tight, short ponytail, but had ditched the glasses.

"You always dressed like you weren't gorgeous," he observed.

Isabel snorted.

"Nick always said I was gorgeous in anything," she said, a hint of red staining her cheeks. Qrow grinned.

"He was right."

There was a beep from the cockpit. Isabel checked her scroll and looked at the navigation app that linked it to her ship's systems.

"We're over the coordinates," she said, "My bullhead will orbit in low fuel consumption mode. We can call upon it for fire support if needed."

She collapsed her scroll and tucked it into an armored pocket on her belt. She took a few deep breaths, her eyes closed. Qrow stood up, and rested a hand on her shoulder.

"You're gonna do fine," he said softly, "There's no one I'd rather have at my back than you."

Isabel nodded.


"I mean, you do own a luxury bullhead with heavy weaponry," Qrow said, grinning craftily, "Bet you win at every medical association meeting you ever go to."

"They don't have awards for things like that," Isabel chuckled softly.


The rear hatch opened. She made to head out, but Qrow held her back. She looked back at him in curiosity. He rummaged around in his belt pouches and pulled out a set of black leather gloves.

"They have Fire Dust woven into them," he said, handing them to her, "As I recall, you were pretty good with that element back in the day."

She flushed and then smiled as she gratefully pulled on the gloves.

"Yeah... Guess I was," she said. "Thank you."

"I'll go first, clear out the landing zone," he said, "You follow after I land."


Qrow dashed out of the hatch into blinding sunlight. He dove down, the wind rushing around him as he plunged for Remnant below. His keen eyes soon adjusted. Their target was a village that was recently overrun by Grimm. The villagers had all evacuated, and the casualties were minimal, but the reports were the strange part.

Even now as he fell for earth, he could make out multiple kinds of Grimm, all congregated in the village proper... Not fighting one another.

That might make things complicated.

He shifted Harbinger to gun mode and opened fire, the heavy rifle rounds breaking the still morning air. Several Grimm went down in moments, his precise fire blowing right through their heads and sending them to oblivion soon after. Others panicked, running like scared animals. He landed in a graceful crouch, using his Aura to disperse his momentum into the ground without shattering it.

Qrow stood up, shifting Harbinger back to sword mode as he glared at the surrounding Grimm. After the initial panic of his entrance, they were regrouping. The smaller ones fled behind a large building-A grain storehouse, he thought.

The ground rumbled... And a truly gigantic black form smashed through the grain storehouse doors, roaring and thumping its chest. It snarled in challenge, as Qrow sized up his opponent casually.

"Huh... A Kong Beringel this far north?" He commented, "That's unusual."

The Kong Beringel, a bit taller than a two-storey building, roared again before it thumped the ground with its mighty armored fists. Qrow still held his ground, and waited.

He heard a familiar sound, a whistle and the crackle of Aura energy. He looked up. The Kong Beringel looked up too...


Just in time for Isabel's fist to meet its face.

The Kong Beringel folded in half as Isabel drove its massive armored head right into the ground with an earthshattering boom! Debris was kicked up as though a bomb had hit, and Qrow deflected a few stray flying rocks with Harbinger. The dust and smoke slowly cleared, revealing a panting Isabel standing up in a crater. The Kong Beringel's head was paste, squashed flat into said crater.

Isabel strode up out of the crater as the body of the massive Grimm began to dissolve behind her. She turned as numerous other Grimm stared at her as though in shock.

It only took a moment though, before they charged in rage and hunger. Qrow stood alongside her. He looked over at her.

She was sweaty, and still a bit unsure... But a familiar grin was growing on her face.

"All warmed up?" Qrow asked.

She slammed her fist into her palm. It sounded like thunder.

"Absolutely," she replied.

"Then let's get to work!"

- - -

One of the bigger irritations about RWBY? How empty the world feels. I know they had limited budgets for animation but COME ON. Do some more world-building! Give us some names of people offscreen! Make the world seem less like a big, empty stageplay!

So, we have
Team SLVR of YouTube fame filling in as senior students helping Glynda out with security for our first years. Glynda, Port, Oobleck, and the never seen Professor Peach can't do everything by themselves, after all. So they get student-teachers to handle certain tasks and fill in for them when they're out sick or otherwise indisposed.

Given they're at Beacon though, they also go on missions for Ozpin, sometimes against the organization Pandora, which has its own nefarious and mysterious agenda. But we won't get much into that. It's just good to have some upperclassmen about.
Omake: Jaune the Barbarian 2
- - -

Ren, Nora, and Pyrrha entered the common room between their dorms. There sat Jaune and Ruby at the dinner table, with a few piles of assorted junk lying around. Ren raised an eyebrow as he, Pyrrha and Nora advanced to sit at the table and better take in whatever was going on.

"What's all this?" Ren asked.

"All the junk I had in my pack, pouches, pockets, and anywhere else I brought to Beacon," Jaune admitted.

"Wow, you're even better than us, Jaune-Jaune!" Nora laughed, holding up a potion bottle and peering at it thanks to the electric lights overhead, "We need to use luggage!"

"You're like Professor Spacetime, bigger on the inside!" Ruby said cheerfully. She blinked and turned a small electronic component over in her hands. "Eh? What's a Farmatron 260 doing in this pile? This is a control circuit for mechashift weapons!"

"Oh, that," Jaune said. He hummed and shrugged. "No idea. Maybe it was in a pile of junk I rooted for and I scooped it up by mistake. Can you use it?"

"Sure can!" Ruby said. She leaned over and hugged him, planting a kiss on his cheek. "Mm! I love you, Jaune! This is great!"

"You're welcome, Ruby," Jaune sighed indulgently, patting her on the head as she blushed cutely.

Pyrrha's eyes twitched again at this display of affection. Ren wisely scooted closer to Nora, who was sniffing the potions and laughing.

Something caught Pyrrha's eyes. She reached out and picked up a pair of cuffs.

"Aura suppression cuffs, Jaune?" Pyrrha asked.

"Oh," Jaune frowned deeply, "Ya remember that crazy girl who tried to marry me against my will? She used those on me."

"Oh, that girl," Ruby and Pyrrha growled, almost in synch. Nora grinned savagely, hefting up Magnhild. Ren too felt an urge to reach for his weapons.

"Don't worry, Fearless Leader," Nora said with a nod, "If we see her again, we'll break her legs! In three places, each."

I'll cut her hair off... And then maybe her head," Ruby swore.

"I'll do worse," Pyrrha snarled, clenching the cuffs in her fist.

Ren just nodded coldly.

Jaune smiled warmly at his friends.

"That's... Terrifying, but it... Means a lot to me. Thanks guys. I really appreciate you being so willing to harm someone else for me like that."

"That's the real power of friendship!" Nora chirped. "Violence and guns!"

- - -

Later, Jaune headed to his dormroom to grab his Scroll to join in on the RWBY/JNPR game night... And stopped short.

On his bed, in naught but her PJs, Pyrrha lay with the cuffs on her wrists. She grinned up at him, as she posed like a slave girl on a swords and sorcery book cover.

"Oh... Jaune! The most terrible thing happened! I accidentally put the cuffs on me, and I can't get them off!"

Jaune stared at her. She continued her posing, now holding a palm up to her forehead.

"My Aura and Semblance are both suppressed! I'm... I'm so weak! Utterly helpless!"

She shifted to another pose, on her stomach, looking up at him with red cheeks and eager eyes.

"Why... Anyone could do anything they'd like to me! No matter how depraved or humiliating, I-I'd have to go along with it! They could break me into their good little breeding sow! My mind would be gone, filled with nothing but love and lust for the man who broke me! My Master~!"

She rolled onto her back, looking up at him as the buttons on her pajama tops hung half-undone.

"Yes... That man, whoever he is... Possibly standing in this very room... Would break me into his obedient, loving pet and I just wouldn't be able to do anything to resist him! In time, I'd stop resisting and become loyal! My mind would be filled with nothing but the desire to please him in any way he wanted! And oh, how I would please him~..."

Jaune stared at her in silence. He then finally sighed.


"Yes, my beloved Jaune?" She asked, hearts practically shining in her eyes.

"First off, the cuffs don't work anymore, I burnt them out," Jaune stated.

Pyrrha paused.

"... Are you sure?"

"Very. And second?"

He walked over to her, undid the cuffs with the key, and pulled them away. He lightly bonked her on the head.


"No," Jaune stated firmly. "None of that. We're going to play games with our teammates, and then? You are off to horny jail."

"... Will you put the cuffs back on me for horny jail-?"

This part written by UnknownAnon

- - - - -

"Seriously, Vel?"

The rabbit faunus frowned up at her teammate as she finished the last of her preparations for her picnic date with Cardin.

"Seriously what?"

"You didn't honestly buy that story Arc sold to you about Winchester liking you, right?"

Velvet huffed. "Not this again, Coco. You're just being overprotective."

"I'm really not. That guy came up to you the other day in the middle of the cafeteria and tugged on your ears. Why would he do that?" Coco asked, giving the other girl a stern look.

"Because he wanted me to notice him!"

"And you don't think it's weird that he chose THAT method? Acting like a racist prick?"

"Hey, let he or she who has not acted weird or rude to hide their feelings from a crush cast the first stone." Velvet replied with a smile as she stretched her legs on the blanket she'd set down. "I actually once threw rocks at a boy I liked in elementary school because it was the only way I could think of to get his attention. It was dumb too. That thing with Cardin was just the same! It was like pulling pigtails, like Jaune said!"

"That's… you know how ridiculous that sounds, right?" Coco gave an exasperated sigh at her best friend's logic. "We're not kindergarteners at a playground. We're practically adults here. There were SO many other better ways he could've gotten your attention. I'm telling you, that guy is-"

"Dammit Coco, let me have this!" Velvet snapped, making the fashionable girl blink at how waspish the faunus had gotten all of a sudden. "You attended the same huntsman prep school as me, so you know what I was like before!"

Coco tilted her head in confusion. "What does that have to do with-"

"I was a total nerd! A dork! I still am, and I only stopped looking the part after I finally caved and gave you control of my hair and wardrobe last year!" Velvet pouted before an excited smile made its way to her face. "I-I've never had a boy notice me before! Not only that, but he's tall, and muscular, and, and looks like all those jocks that used to ignore me all the time-"

That just confused Coco more. "But you always talked about how lame those jocks were and I-"

"I just said all that stuff because I wanted to feel better! OBVIOUSLY I want to have handsome boys notice me!"

Coco just gaped at that confession. She'd befriended Velvet during the tail end of their prep school years and looking at the rabbit faunus's slender build, tight covered legs, and long chocolate colored hair, a stranger would have never guessed the girl had once been a frumpy looking girl with messy hair who didn't believe in wearing makeup and had almost always worn a heavy jacket and baggy jeans everywhere she went because she preferred being comfortable over being fashionable.

It was a mindset that was a cardinal sin in Coco's eyes, and finally taking Velvet to a salon and customizing her wardrobe had been one of the greatest days of Coco's life. But Coco had NEVER known that Velvet had ever felt like this, not when she had initially been completely unwilling to put effort into her looks because she preferred to use that time reading books, taking pictures, or working on her weapon.

To think that she'd been this hungry for attention from the opposite sex this whole time was something of a shock.

"So now that it's finally happening, don't mess it up for me!" Velvet pleaded, eyes widening when she spotted Cardin approaching from over Coco's shoulder. "H-Here he comes! Go back to Fox and Yatsu! Shoo, shoo!"

Coco nodded numbly and meandered back over to where Fox and Yatsuhashi were sitting a few meters away. The two other members of Team CFVY noticed their leader's nonplussed expression as she sat down between them.

"...I take it your discussion with Velvet about her possible paramour didn't go the way you thought it would?" Yatsuhashi ventured after a moment.

"...She's convinced herself that the guy's being genuine." Coco muttered, watching with hawk eyes as Cardin sat down on the blanket Velvet had spread out for them. "Tch, guy could look a little more enthusiastic…"

Velvet was all smiles, chattering excitedly while the young man in armor sat across from her with his arms crossed over his chest. While normally Coco would be both proud of Velvet for coming out of her shell and snaring a man, it wasn't a spectacle she could enjoy since the picture of Cardin roughly tugging on her friend's ears the other day was still fresh in her mind.

"That jerk tries anything funny or gets rough with her, he's gonna get it." Coco growled under her breath, one of her hands drifting toward her handbag.

She couldn't wait for Winchester to give her an excuse. There were few things in life more entertaining than bringing a handbag along to a fight, then looking at the expression on her victim's face when her best accessory transformed into a giant turret gun.

She was more than prepared to turn Winchester into a fine paste if he hurt her best friend.

- - -

"Beacon is making me insane." Cardin thought to himself as he sat down onto the picnic blanket.

It was the only explanation for why he suddenly found himself sitting down in front of a filthy faunus as she handed him a can of soda and a sandwich wrapped up in some foil. The girl was beaming at him as she got herself settled, taking out her own drink and sandwich from the basket at her side.

This was all Arc's fault! His teammates had all gotten the wrong idea, and now he was suddenly sitting down for a picnic with some cute faunus girl.

"Not cute!" Cardin reminded himself in his head, quashing the previous thought that had suddenly popped up. "Remember, she's a faunus! She's probably a White Fang sympathizer or something! Her pretty face and long legs are just there to trick you! Don't let her fool you!"

He just had to set the record straight. Given the way she was smiling, this Velvet girl had gotten the wrong idea about him just the same as everyone else. She'd somehow actually bought into Arc's idea that he had a crush on her. Well, he had no problems shooting her down! He'd tell her to her face how little he was actually into her and show this faunus her place!

A loud groaning noise came from Cardin's stomach.

"Just as soon as I finish eating." Cardin promised himself, flushing a little at the knowing smile the rabbit girl shot him after his stomach spoke up before he could. Walking around the forest in heavy armor took its toll, and it wasn't like he or any of his teammates had brought anything to eat themselves. Not one of them knew how to cook, and while they could've packed some snacks, they'd all woken up a bit late and didn't have time to grab anything before they rushed out of their dorm room.

Being a little hungry was better than incurring Goodwitch's wrath for being late to this field trip.

"Go ahead and eat up!" Velvet smiled, gesturing to the wrapped sandwich Cardin was holding. "Er, you're not allergic to cheese or anything, are you? Or any dairy?"

"I don't have any food allergies." Cardin replied gruffly.

"That's good then. My uncle is allergic to some dairy products. It was really scary when he tried out one of my dishes when I first started cooking and his face got all swollen." Velvet said with a laugh. "I'm glad I don't have to worry about that with you. Take a bite and tell me what you think!"

Cardin scoffed and unwrapped his sandwich, eyeing the ham and cheese he could see between the bread. Looked edible enough.

"No carrots?" Cardin smirked, patting himself on the back for the dig at her animal parts.

"Nope! Just some ham, bacon, cheese, a little honey, and some greens!" Velvet smiled, his insult going completely over her head.

Cardin growled under his breath. That was a missed opportunity, but he had another chance. Once he'd taken a bite out of her sandwich, he'd throw it to the ground and show her just what he thought about her and her cooking.

Smirking at the thought, Cardin took a large bite out of the sandwich and chewed.

"Holy shit."

Cardin's eyes fluttered and he let out an involuntary groan as his tastebuds sang in chorus. The huntsman-in-training's fingers curled slightly harder into the foil wrapping, as he was suddenly struck with an intense fear of accidentally dropping it. Forget his mom's homemade tuna melts or that hole-in-the-wall sandwich shop that he and Russel had found last week. The combination of bread, meat and veggies that was in his hands right now put them all to shame. Cardin wished that he had a semblance that allowed him to reverse time so that he could experience and savor that first bite again.

"This doesn't make any sense. A sandwich shouldn't taste this good!" Cardin thought as he wrestled back his senses, noticing that Velvet was fidgeting nervously in front of him.

"I-I hope it came out okay. To be honest, I slept in a bit this morning and was kinda in a rush when I made it." Velvet confessed sheepishly. "I might have overdone it with the cheese."

She made this in haste and it still came out as a piece of perfection? Cardin would have demanded what kind of witchcraft Velvet had performed to make it taste so good but he was too busy chewing.

"It's really good." Cardin said around his mouthful, too swept up in flavor paradise to even think to lie about the taste.

Cardin felt his heart beat a little faster in his chest as the smile his comment elicited from the girl.

"That's a relief to hear! I'm pretty proud of my sandwich-fu." Velvet joked as she shuffled closer to him and gave a little wink. "The secret ingredient is spicy pepper jam. Don't tell anyone, okay?"

"...Shit, that's cute."

Cardin turned his head away from the girl and wished that it wasn't so hot outside. His face was feeling pretty hot.

"So while I admit the sandwiches were a rush job, these weren't!" Velvet said proudly as she reached into her bag and pulled out a bag of cookies. "These are what'll really knock your socks off! Um, if you'd like to try them, anyway."

Cardin knew the correct move was to slap the offered cookie bag away. But after tasting the sandwich, he REALLY didn't want to. Especially when those cookies looked like…

"Those oatmeal cookies?"


Dammit, those were his favorite kind.

"Well… I guess I wouldn't mind a couple." Cardin allowed, taking the bag out of her hands and pulling

Seeing Velvet's smile, Cardin tried to convince himself that the squishy feeling in his stomach was just from the good eats, and absolutely WASN'T because seeing the rabbit girl happy made him feel good or anything.

"Ah, dammit, it's hot out here today!" Cardin complained loudly to distract himself.

"Well, you are walking around in all that armor." Velvet commented as she peered up at him. "I mean, I understand why when there are Grimm out and about, but we're just eating right now so… m-maybe you could take the chest piece off? To cool down?"

"...Yeah, that might be good." Cardin nodded, reluctant to admit that the faunus's idea was sound. Reaching up, he unclasped the straps on his shoulders before unbuckling the straps around his chest, giving a sigh of relief as he set the armored chestplate down at his side.

The sound of a shutter going off made Cardin blink.

Turning, he saw Velvet pointing a fancy looking camera in his direction. Lowering it down from her face, Velvet gave a sheepish smile as her ears drooped. "Ahaha… sorry, I guess I should've asked for permission before I snapped a pic?"

"...What were you taking a picture of just now?" Cardin asked suspiciously. Was this it? Was she showing him her true colors? Was this an attempt at blackmail?

Cardin felt his anger surge, and insults were ready at the tip of his tongue, but Velvet ducked her shoulders and answered before he could start shouting.

"Y-You just looked really cool just now. Regal. I had to get a picture."

The insults he'd been about to fling at her died on his tongue and Cardin felt his face heat up even more at the girl's words.

"Cool? R-Regal…?"

"Y-Yeah. Just y'know, with you taking off your armor, and the angle… sitting against a tree, looking off to the side while you place your equipment down… it's kinda like a hardworking knight taking a minute to appreciate the beauty of nature." Velvet explained with red cheeks, shuffling closer to him as she took out the picture her camera had spat out. "Take a look. I think it came out really well!"

Looking at the image, Cardin's mouth fell open at how… picturesque he appeared in the photo. At the moment of the shot his arms were off to the side and his head was turned at a forty-five degree angle, giving the impression that he was observing the area around him. The relieved smile he had after removing his armor looked soft and melancholy, and with the forest as a backdrop and leaves fluttering around him, it really did look like a picture out of those old knight stories his dad used to read to him as a kid.

Cardin had never thought much about photography until this moment, seeing it as a lame hobby or a fake profession. Now though…

"I look epic." Cardin heard his own voice say.

"Right? I'm totally gonna put this in my portfolio!" Velvet grinned before she ducked her head. "Er, I mean, if you don't mind. I did take it without your permission so-"

"N-Nah, it's fine. It's a damn cool photo of me." Cardin grinned, actually a little flattered at the thought of her showing off a picture of him. "You're uh… pretty good at this photography thing."

"T-Thanks! A lot of people think it's silly and Coco doesn't really get it, but I love it!" Velvet smiled with a cute blush. "Um, I actually brought a photobook with me. S-So I have a place to store any photos I take out here. It's actually got some old photos I took in it and maybe I could… show you some? If you're interested…?"

"...Bring 'em out." Cardin replied, surprised by his own answer.

He was even more surprised by the pleasant feeling in his stomach when his words earned a big smile from the rabbit-eared girl.

"O-Okay!" Velvet cheered, practically leaping over to her bag and pulling out a book before she returned and plopped back down so she was sitting hip to hip with Cardin. "A month back me and my parents took a trip to Vacuo to celebrate my getting into Beacon. People say its just a city of sand, but there's some really neat places to visit if you look!"

Cardin leaned over and looked at the photo Velvet displayed as she talked about where she'd taken each photo and how she'd taken them, and if there were any famous landmarks she'd share a bit of trivia she'd learned. Cardin hummed and nodded as she flipped through the photos, munching on his delicious sandwich and enjoying cookies as they relaxed.

It was only after ten minutes of listening to her talk that Cardin realized the error he'd made.

"Dammit, why am I getting along with her?!"

Beacon really WAS making him go crazy! This was all Jaune Arc's fault!

Cardin steadfastly ignored the sense of gratitude that had welled up inside him.
Skipped a few chapters :p

Nah, I just combined these smaller chapters into much bigger ones for QQ. Such as this one:

- - -

Ren's call made Jaune's blood go ice cold. He looked to Blake: She was already up and had Gambol Shroud out, having set the sap bottles down on the amber grass.

"Ren, this is Jaune, we're on our way!" He shouted back.

"I've turned on the tracker app on my scroll so you can reinforce us," Ren replied, still as calm as ever despite the loud sounds of gunfire and explosions in the background, "Please hurry."

"On it!"

They ran down the logging path, Jaune pointing his scroll in the direction the tracking app indicated.

"Should I go on ahead to reinforce them?" Blake asked.

Jaune shook his head.

"No, we want to get as many people there at once as possible-You're stealthy, but even you can't outstealth a whole stampede of Grimm. Better for us to arrive in groups to join up."

Blake nodded, showing no visible effort as she sprinted. Jaune gritted his teeth: It wasn't like he was out of shape, but heavy armor and lack of training meant Blake could hold a higher speed than him quite easily. He focused, his Aura flaring, and he sped up. Blake kept pace quite easily, even as Jaune's Aura continued to flare through his muscles.

"What are you doing?" Blake asked.

"Boosting my speed with my Aura," Jaune said, "I know I'm slow, so I'll try to push myself as fast as possible."

"Be careful about that," Blake warned, "You don't want to run out of Aura before we fight."

"I will be, don't worry," Jaune said with a wave. He hit the communications app, and selected Miss Goodwitch.

All the team leaders had gotten her contact info, after all. Nothing weird about that.

"Miss Goodwitch!" He called, "Members of my team are being attacked by a Grimm stampede! We need reinforcements, about…"

He checked the app map.

"Two and a half miles from the landing area, southwest! Around the Lazy River!"

"We're getting some Grimm attacks here as well, Mister Arc," Glynda reported, as calm as she would be doing attendance, "Once we've dealt with them I'll dispatch reinforcements. Hold out as best you can. Run and hide if necessary. Don't be heroes-Your objective is to survive!"

"Understood," Jaune said. He hit Ruby and Yang's numbers next.

"Ruby! Yang! We've got problems!"

- - -

Jaune's call sent a surge of fire through Ruby's veins. She, Weiss, Yang, and Pyrrha were running in the same direction, having heard the shots over the quiet forest.

"Nora and Ren can hold out," Pyrrha said, "Depending on how many Grimm there are. But if we're all being attacked…"

"We'll just rendezvous with them, and then do a fighting retreat!" Ruby said with a grin.

"That's rather sensible," Weiss said with a nod.

"Well yeah! Not like this sap is worth our lives!" Ruby insisted, "No matter how tasty it is!"

"We'd be saps to believe that it was," Yang laughed. Weiss bit back a groan.

"I'll go ahead and reinforce them!" Ruby said, "I'm a lot faster than you all!"

"Just be careful, Little Sis," Yang said, suddenly serious, "We get together, then a fighting retreat, all right?"

"Come on, Yang, it's my plan!" Ruby laughed, throwing her short hair back with a dramatic flourish, "See you guys soon!"

She accelerated in a burst of rose petals, the Forever Fall Forest turning into a blur of red, white, and amber as she shot through gaps between tree branches and around trunks. She passed by Jaune and Blake: Blake was jumping through the trees while Jaune kept pace as best he could on the ground underneath her.

Ruby left them in the dust, and the trees thinned in front of her. She came to a landing in the upper canopy of a very tall tree, and scanned the river plain beneath her.

The entire area was swarming with Grimm, all streaming out of the forest on the other side of the river. Nora and Ren were targeting Grimm as they entered the river, trying to stack them up using the natural obstacle, but many were getting through and trying to surround the pair. They used some of the boulders for cover as they tried to pull back, but more and more Grimm began to circle behind them.

Her silver eyes widened in shock. Ruby's first inclination had been to just dive in and start slashing away… But so many Grimm? She'd cut herself off.

No, better to play sniper here, and support her friends as they pulled back to the trees.

She converted Crescent Rose to gun mode, and peered through the scope. A particularly menacing looking Ursa barrelled through Ren's gunfire to get at him, throwing up cascades of water as it forded the river.

She pulled the trigger, and with a loud boom, the Ursa's head evaporated. She took out another, and another, and another, focusing on those stuck in the river to try and help stack them up even more.

It was starting to work. Nora and Ren were clearing the Grimm trying to cut them off, and moving for cover. That's when she heard gunfire.

Gunfire that was not Nora and Ren's. Something further away.

She saw some Grimm shake and roar near the far side of the river, like they'd been hit by something. Ruby pulled her eye from the scope and swept her gaze over the battlefield.

She caught a glint of sunlight reflecting off glass, and she turned her scope to focus on the source. She zoomed in on a tree across the river. Her eyes widened.

She saw a person, also wielding a sniper rifle. A person in camouflage fatigues and a mask of some kind.

Ruby held up her Scroll to the side of her face, and called everyone without looking away from the opposing shooter. She had arranged her own interface, after all.

"Teams, there's a sniper-I don't recognize them-!"

The unknown sniper shifted their barrel towards her, and Ruby instinctively pulled the trigger… Just as Crescent Rose's scope exploded in her face.

"AUGGH!" She cried, trying to shield her face from the blast. She lost her balance, and tumbled out of the tree. She hit a branch, then another, and another. Her Aura protected her, but the shock and pain of the blast to her face meant she could only hold up her arms as she tumbled down, down to the ground.

She heard familiar voices screaming her name from her Scroll as it tumbled away. She felt branches break under her as she kept falling, and falling…

Ruby hit the grassy ground, hard, and everything went black.

- - -

Ruby awoke with a groan. Pain was coursing through her body like fire, and she felt weird... Things crawling around her...

She opened her eyes. She felt a sense of relief she could see through both of them.

Boy, am I glad I got the extra strong scope for Crescent-


She shrieked as she saw large Grimm rats crawling all over her. In an instant, she activated her Semblance, vanishing in a cloud of flower petals away from them... And coming out of it scant seconds and meters later, slamming against a tree. She shuddered as she looked over her shoulder at the glowing red eyes of those horrible little things.

"Gah...! Horrible... Evil... Gross...!" She muttered, trying to stand upright. Pain shot through her ankle and she felt tired.

Grimm venom... Poison bite... Right, Vermin do that, Ruby thought. And think of the devil, the little monsters were advancing on her. Behind them, illuminated by the sunlight through the trees, came canid-like Beowulves and Reynards slinking through the brush. And behind them were Ursas and Boarbatusks and who knew what else?

All being driven towards them. Towards Ruby.

She could still hear Nora's grenade and Ren's sub-machine gun fire in the distance, so they were still alive... But her?

Gritting her teeth, she spotted her Crescent Rose lying on the ground. She hobbled towards it... Then fell onto her hands and knees.


She was sure Yang and Uncle Qrow would forgive her swearing, given the situation.

Ruby pushed herself, that feeling of weakness getting worse and worse. She heard the Vermin squeaking, and the Reynards and Beowulves snarling. She dragged herself, inch by inch, until her scrabbling hands finally got back around her beloved Crescent Rose.

It took so much effort-She felt like she was lifting a car-But she swung around, and pointed her rifle at the approaching horde. She leaned her back up against a tree, and pulled the trigger.

The shot sounded like a bomb going off, as a Beowulf evaporated from the passage of the round. But the smaller Grimm all evaded. They were scattered, but soon came back into their packs and began to advance once more.


Ruby fired again, and again, and again. Her right wrist was burning in pain, but still she managed to aim. She felt herself drooping. Her Aura was getting weaker, and weaker...!

One of the Reynards jumped just as she pulled the trigger, avoiding getting splattered like two of its packmembers, and landed right next to her. It lashed out, and Ruby held up her arm out of instinct. She screamed as its jaws clamped down on her wrist. She felt her blood pool and ooze through her skin and clothing, saw the Grimm tighten its jaws, saw the others all advancing on her...

She was angry. She was furious. She was in so much pain...! Her eyes were burning...!

"GET AWAY!" She screamed.

She felt something erupt from her eyes, like an invisible wave. It washed over the Reynard, over the Grimm Vermin, over the Beowulves stalking behind and the gang of Ursas following them. In an instant, they all turned to stone... And shattered into dust.

Ruby gaped in disbelief as dozens of Grimm literally fell apart.

Wha... What in the...?

For the second time that day, darkness took Ruby Rose and she passed out.

- - -
Some kind of fox grimm?

I would call the rats either Skaven or Hamelin's.

Yup! Hold on, I put together Info Cards:


The Vermin (Or Ratatosk in older literature) is a species of Grimm that has taken the form of a very large rodent, similar to the Muridae family of mammals. Ranging from 15 to 25 centimeters in height, and up to a meter in length, these Grimm seem to fulfill the role of a scavenger in Grimm ecosystems, consuming smaller scraps and remains left behind by larger predators. Unusual for Grimm, they are omnivorous and can devour virtually anything. While small and weak, easily dispatched even without the use of Dust or Aura, they possess three features that can make them very dangerous.

One, they possess a poison bite. This can hamper Aura regeneration in Hunters and also acts as a damaging venom to the human body as a whole. One or two bites on adult humans will have little effect, but multiple bites will begin to affect the victim's ability to channel Aura and move, making them weaker and weaker until they are overcome.

Two, the Vermin's nature as a scavenger means they come into contact with numerous pathogens. Through some method of Grimm biology, these pathogens are mutated and become far more virulent. The Fall of Mavro, the great city of the Ancient Vacuoans, to the Grimm was attributed to the various plagues brought about by Vermin infestations that weakened the city's defenses. Their small size means they can get through multiple defenses meant to stop larger Grimm.

Three, they reproduce rapidly and in very large numbers.

Modern hygiene, medicine and pest control efforts have done much to reduce the threat the Vermin Grimm pose to civilization, but the constant evolution of pathogens and the Grimm themselves means that it is foolhardy to underestimate them-Especially if they appear in large numbers.


The Reynard is another canid-like species of Grimm, but this one appears to be modeled on the Vulpini tribe of canids, better known as foxes. Much less robustly built than their Beowulf cousins (at about half the size and weight, on average), the Reynards have traded brute strength for speed and intelligence. Unlike real foxes, the Reynards operate in small packs, though lone individuals and duos have also been observed in the wild.

Their ability to coordinate and communicate is rare among Grimm, and the Reynard vocal abilities are very sophisticated-Researchers have argued that they have a rudimentary language, and they can imitate sounds made by humans. They will ambush prey and strike from multiple angles, using sophisticated tactics to wear down their prey. They will send in lone 'scouts' to attract attention, and lure humans into traps by using a member of the pack as bait or imitating human speech to feign being an ally or someone in trouble. In addition to their strong bites, they have excellent night vision, a fantastic sense of smell, and razor sharp bone spikes they can use to slash their prey.

Tests on captive individuals confirm their surprising intelligence. They can learn to open doors, to solve simple puzzles, and distinguish between different humans based on sound, size, threat poential, and smell. These Grimm can be found all over Remnant, and strangely enough, have an aversion to attacking humans unless directly threatened or are attracted by powerful negative emotions. They plan and coordinate to preserve themselves. As a result, older specimens of Reynards can be especially dangerous to the unwary.

(A/N: Basically, one day in this universe Salem asked, 'What if I made Jurassic Park velociraptors but as kitsune to appeal to the weeaboo furry base?' And this is what she came up with.)
Omake: Jaune the Barbarian 3
- - -

Weiss Schnee held a special animosity towards Jaune Arc-NO! She had no special feelings for him at all!

That's how he would get her! She knew his type! Slovenly and somehow charming, like a working class hero, but after her money and title with no regard for her!

She decided that she simply didn't like him, and that was enough. He seemingly didn't like her either... Which was probably part of his plan!

So, she only singled him out in the RWBY/JNPR common room when she saw him doing something that would get them all in trouble! Otherwise, she was content to let him destroy himself!

"Are you drinking alcohol?!" Weiss demanded, as Jaune swigged from a flask. He looked over at her, still sipping the foul smelling stuff.

"Yes. Yes I am," Jaune said with a nod. "What's it to you?"

"That's against the rules!" Weiss sputtered. "All the regulations of Beacon prohibit alcoholic beverages!"

"Huh? That so?" Jaune asked. He continued to sip. Weiss seethed.

"Get rid of it, NOW!"

"What? I'm the only one drinking," Jaune protested with a pout. Weiss growled.

"It's guilt by association! I'm NOT getting expelled because you were a selfish drunk!"

"I am not a drunk, I can quit any time I want," Jaune said, taking another swig. Weiss, furious, stomped over and tried to slap it out of his hand. He caught her wrist in his grip, and tightened it-Not painfully, but it was definitely uncomfortable.

He shot a baleful look over at her.

"Schnee, sweetheart, princess, I have literally seen men die in front of me. I think I'm entitled to drink some booze every now and again as long as I don't hurt anyone else, okay?"

Weiss gaped. Arc's lies were usually audacious, delivered with a cheesy, almost heroic smile that somehow sold them to the gullible. This though... His eyes looked dead. His face was as stone.

She yanked her hand away, scowling at him, as he continued to drink.

"Fine," she said, sitting on a chair across from him, "But I'm making sure you don't do anything to get us in trouble! Like run around like an idiot or-or try to steal women's undergarments!"

"If I wanted those, I'd just ask Pyrrha," Jaune said.

Weiss sneered.

"Bet you'll be a drunken, lecherous beast any minute now! You have to be a lightweight!"

"Nuh uh," Jaune insisted, "My high Aura capacity means I don't get drunk easily!"

"Oh yeah?" Weiss challenged him.

"Yeah!" Jaune nodded. "I can drink all night!"

Ten minutes later...

Jaune was sobbing. He was sobbing. Weiss, that expert on all things interpersonal, was stuck staring at him.

"Snakes... Can't have hugs, damnit!" Jaune sobbed. "It's-It's NOT FAIR, DAMNIT!"

"I... Yes, it is indeed unfair," Weiss deadpanned, patting him awkwardly on the palm. He sniffled.

"And... My dad... Died... And my mom... Turned into a total bitch... And this great guy I met? This super great guy? He taught me, like, sword stuff... He died too!"

Jaune sniffled.

"How the fuck do you deal with that in a healthy way?!"

"I... I don't know," Weiss admitted. She was tempted to reach out and comfort him... But that warning remained in the back of her mind.

It could all be a trick to get your guard down!

"Like... And then... Like you and me," Jaune mumbled, "I wish we could be friends... Cause like... I kind of get it."

"Get what?" Weiss asked, blinking.

"Like, you can't trust anything cause of how you were raised," Jaune said, "And I got a crash course in how fucking evil some people are. They betray you and use you and... You can't trust 'em! But you can't trust anyone else! It fucking sucks, right?"

"I..." Weiss very slowly nodded. "Yes, Arc, it does indeed 'suck.'"

"You looked like... Suuuper lonely, and junk," Jaune went on, "And I thought, maybe we could be friends! That'd be nice! Cause we'd... Get it! We don't wanna be mean, right?"

"Right, right," Weiss said, feeling a bit dazed.

"We wanna be nice, and play guitar, and go around shirtless!" Jaune insisted. He tried to get another swig of his drink, but Weiss calmly pulled it away.

"Oh no, you've had enough," Weiss said.

"But you're like still... Nice nice... Mean nice. Nice to be mean, and... Stuff," Jaune said with an urgent look in his eyes, "Cause you care about... Bout Ruby, and junk..."

He scowled at her.

"But you're like a total bitch, and I'm a jerk, and so we can't be friends! It fucking sucks!" He glared moodily at the window.

"I... Yes, yes it does," Weiss admitted, her cheeks flushing. "I would... It might be... Nice? To be friends?"

She paused.

"You... You're sure you don't feel anything else about me?"

She couldn't help her curiosity. So far he'd spilled a lot of information but none of it really made sense. Maybe, if he was really drunk, he'd reveal... What? That it was all a ruse? So far, that didn't seem likely.

Maybe she should stop, not press him. She already felt guilty as it was-

"Well I do think you're really hot."

Weiss's entire face went bright red.


"Yeah! SUUUPER hot," Jaune insisted with a happy grin. "You hear that all the time, probably, but you're hot. If I had a thing about getting stepped on? I might have put up with it. Melting the Ice Queen, and-and junk."


"Or maybe you want someone else in charge, that you can trust, and shit," Jaune shrugged, "Dunno! I know Pyrrha wants me to make her into like a pet or something but... She deserves waaayyy better than me. So do you. So does, like... Everyone... I'm just a meat shield and... And heal slut. And a jerk."

He sniffled again.

"That's all I am."

"Jaune," Weiss said, torn between mortification and compassion. He looked so despondent. Trick or not... It moved her.

"You-You can't really think that way! I-I mean... Yes we have our problems, but I do actually... Appreciate you as a person! Really! I... I don't hate you or look down on you! Well... I kind of do but just because you're slovenly, and rude, but... Sometimes, I actually think you're-!"

He bowed his head... And threw up all over her shoes.


- - -

The next morning, the rest of Teams RWBY and JNPR returned. Jaune was making breakfast, covered in bruises that were healing thanks to his Aura. Weiss was sitting on the couch far away from him, shooting him a death glare.

"Hey Jaune!" Nora said cheerfully. "Making pancakes?"

"Among other things, and not so loud," Jaune groaned. Yang looked him in the face, and burst out laughing.

"Oh geez... You must have had a rough night! Too much whiskey?"

"Maybe," Jaune grunted.

"You were drinking?!" Ruby gasped. She shot a glare over at Weiss, one Pyrrha copied. "What did you do while Jaune was drinking?!"

"Nothing!" Weiss insisted. "The idiot threw up on my shoes and I beat him up! Nothing else happened!"

She shot her glare right at the back of Jaune's head.

"You're paying for those!"

"You can pay for those, you're rich."

"You're the one who did it!"

"You're the one who was in the way!"

"Ugh, I hate you, impossible man," Weiss grumbled, holding up a book to hide her suspiciously red face.

"Love you too, Ice Princess," Jaune snorted.

- - -
Flashback to the Underground
- - -

Jaune got thrown roughly into a cage by the two goons. Jaune groaned as he hit the straw covered floor, and slowly pushed himself up. He turned around and glared out into the gloom of the large circus tent.

"Hey... I haven't fully healed yet from that fight," Jaune called back, fiddling with the Aura suppression collar on his neck, "Can't I get a little more time?"

"Yeah right, nice try kid," one of the goons laughed, "You ain't getting out that easy."

"Maybe when you've paid off Iridescent's debt we'll let you go. Shouldn't take more than a few years, a few hundred more fights," taunted the other, "Boy, was she lucky to find such a powerful sucker!"

They laughed, walking away, as Jaune glared hatefully after them. He punched the straw covered cage, hard, and was rewarded with a sharp pain. He hissed, and rubbed his sore knuckles. He fought back tears.

He had been trying to help... And then ended up fighting a pack of Beowulves for a baying crowd's bloodlust. And he was going to have to do it for the rest of his life...

"I was so godsdamned stupid," he whispered angrily, "Stupid!"

"Ah... Lured in by a woman," a smooth, baritone voice spoke behind him, "Yes, that is a tale I am quite familiar with."

Jaune looked back, eyes wide.

"Huh? Who's there?"

Out of the gloom, into the dim torchlight, a man stepped forward. Jaune looked him up and down.

He was a Faunus, a cat he thought-His hair and ears were almost entirely white from age, with only a streak or two of red left. He wore a striking mustache and beard, brushed to perfection that, with his cat-like ears poking out from under his broad feather crested hat, made him look like a musketeer. His clothing was worn, but had once been quite fancy: Leather tunic, breeches, and very tall boots. A tattered cape hung from his shoulders, and he wore bracers upon his wrists inlaid with gold.

His eyes were green, and glowed lightly in the dim light. He smiled, doffed his hat, and bowed dramatically.

"You may call me Ser Gato Zapatos, my young friend," he spoke, "You?"

"Jaune Arc," Jaune admitted, slowly rising and giving an awkward bow back. "What are you in for?"

"Ah, sport," Gato shrugged, "Alas, I was on a trip to see my grandchildren in Vale. My wife had gone to see them, but I wanted to go out on my own."

He chuckled self effacingly.

"I suppose I wanted to prove I was still capable in my dotage. I too was lured in to save the innocent... And was thus imprisoned. And you, young Juan?"

"Jaune," Jaune corrected him, before he winced, "Sorry. Uh... Well, I'm making my way to Beacon. I want to become a Hunter, and well... This girl said she needed help. I fought off some goons, she asked me to help deal with the boss..."

Jaune bowed his head in shame.

"She... She slapped some Aura suppression cuffs on me, knocked me out... And here I am."

"As I said," Gato said with a nod, "A familiar tale. One I fell for again. Even after all this time... I cannot resist the urge to be a hero."

He smiled at Jaune kindly.

"Neither can you."

"I was stupid," Jaune sighed, "What am I even doing? I got into Beacon but... I-I have no training! I don't belong there! Not if I got caught so easily-!"

"Do you regret having your dream?" Gato asked. Jaune looked up in shock.


"Do you regret your dream? Do you forsake it?" Gato asked calmly. Jaune glared.

"I-I don't! I want... I do want to be a hero-!"

"Then accept that you are going to run into obstacles on the path to your dream," Gato said, sitting down with a slight groan. "You knew the path wouldn't be easy, si?"

"No... No, I knew it wouldn't be easy," Jaune admitted, "But... Captured like this?"

"Think of it... As an opportunity," Gato said, his whiskers twitching with his smile. "Me? I have been in worse spots. Far worse. And I have gotten out again."

"Then... Then you know how to get out of here?" Jaune asked quietly, though he was hesitant. What made him think this random old man would be any better than Iridescent?

"I know of a way... But I do require your help," Gato said calmly. "Not to say you will not gain something other than freedom! I saw your performance in the ring."

Jaune leaned forward.


"It was..." The old cat faunus worked his jaw, "Not terrible... Exactly."

Jaune slumped.

"I know. I suck. All I've got going for me is my aura-"

"Ah, but that is a good place to start," Gato said eagerly. "To have the means of going on past the point others quit! Do not underestimate the power of that, my boy. Still... As a swordsman myself, I must say..."


"You handled it like a club," Gato winced, "I had to shut my eyes at many points, seeing how clumsy you are. Your poor weapon, she weeps in her humiliation."

Jaune slumped again. Gato chuckled, and rose. He picked up two wooden sticks from the floor, and tossed one to Jaune.

"But you are in luck! For I know how to handle a blade, and can teach you how not to embarrass yourself and everyone else who wields weapons!"

"Gee, thanks," Jaune said wryly, "But are you sure? I mean..."

The old man looked frail, and he was shorter than Jaune. Gato chuckled.

"Well, I appreciate your concern, my young friend. Why don't we see how well I've held up over the years, mm?"

Jaune had seen plenty of kung fu movies. He knew this had to be a bad idea, but... He still charged and thrust the wooden stick at Gato.


He ended up flipped onto his back, his wooden stick knocked right out of his hands, and a smiling Gato looking down upon him.

"Seems I might know what I'm talking about, hm, young Juan?"

Jaune just groaned.

- - -

Jaune could say with complete honesty that training under Gato and fighting Grimm in death matches? Was the worst experience of his life.

Even worse than cramming for the medical school entrance exams.

They'd been allowed out of their cages to train, but always under heavy armed guard and only with wooden swords and shields.

Gato didn't look like he could hit Jaune that hard, but the spry little Faunus could move like a flash of lightning, and took him down with almost no effort. Underneath the circus-like tent of the arena, Gato trained Jaune harder than Jaune had ever been pushed before.

"Show me your stance," Gato said, on the first day they were out in the sandy pit of center ring, which was lowered like an elevator, and surrounded by automatically erecting electric fences for the fights with the Grimm. All around them were empty bleachers, save for a small observation box perched in front of a lot of recording and power equipment. Oh, and the armed guards, of course.

Jaune took a combat stance. Gato clicked his tongue... And jabbed Jaune in the gut.


"You're standing too stiffly."

He jabbed Jaune in the knees.


"Knees are too far bent, and too close together."

Gato slid around like a dancer, even included a pirouette, before he stabbed Jaune in the neck.


"Lower your chin."

He slapped the wooden sword against Jaune's butt.


"You're too tense! Loosen up a little!"

Gato then slapped and pushed on Jaune's arm joints.


"There, much better," Gato said. "Show me a strike."

Jaune swung his sword. Gato sighed heavily.

"No no no, Juan, no! Here, like this."

He made a thrust, a swing, and a parry, as fluid as water. He nodded to Jaune.

"Now you try!"

Jaune copied. Gato hummed.

"Little better. Again!"

He smacked Jaune's butt again with the flat of the sword.

"OW! What was that for?!"

"The look on your face," Gato snickered as Jaune scowled. "But hey, you'll be thanking me when you're not Grimm chow, si?"

- - -

It continued on. It felt like Jaune had to make his body perform a hundred different things all at once perfectly. He did it over and over, and every time he made a mistake, Gato hit him or put him on his back.


"Urgh... R-Right!"

Two weeks of this and Jaune did feel like he was improving a little. Gato didn't look as disgusted with his movements. And the Grimm we going down more easily. Though those were still a challenge.

Ursas, Creepers, Beowulves, Boarbatucks, Reynards, and dozens of others! He was certainly getting a crash course education in what he would fight as a Huntsman.

"Form 1, again," Gato said, as Jaune struck in the instructed pattern. "Form 2."

Jaune performed it. Gato nodded.

"And Form 3."

Jaune went through it, finishing with a harsh thrust.

"Haa... Haa... Why just these?"

"You're a beginner, and you need to master the basics before anything else," Gato explained. "Now, again, Form 1..."

Jaune performed it... And Gato shook his head with a sigh.

"What? What am I doing wrong?"

"Nothing, you're doing fine," the Cat faunus said, "However... In a fight to the death, you cannot just be a perfectionist. There's so much more to battle than you can learn in so short a time. You can't just be acting like a student in class, Juan. You'll die."

He struck furiously, and Jaune defended. But like a lightning fast serpent, Gato got around Jaune's shield and sword and knocked him flat on his back again.


"I had hoped to teach you to be an artist with the blade, my boy," Gato said, walking around the groaning teenager with his sword resting on his shoulder, "Elegant, swift, precise. But I am beginning to think that is not who you are!"

"It isn't?" Jaune had groaned, face in the sand of the ring. He slowly pushed himself back up to his feet, as Gato hummed thoughtfully.

"No! You do not fight with cold elegance. That is not truly you. You... Are a brawler. A savage. A tank!" He pointed Jaune in the head with his wooden sword, and Jaune scowled up at him. "You ran away from home in defiance of your mother, did you not? That means there is a punk inside of you! You must bring him out! It is not something that gets all ladies' motors running... But those who appreciate it are worth your time!"

"Okay, so how do I do that?" Jaune asked dryly. Gato chuckled, twirling his wooden training sword between his still dexterous fingers.

"Allow me to demonstrate. I will fell you without using the blade of my sword."

"How are you gonna-?"

Gato drove his pommel right between Jaune's eyes, breaking his nose. Jaune reared back with a cry, as Gato knocked Jaune's sword and shield aside with his gauntlet and then kicked him in the balls. Down went Jaune, whimpering, as Gato nodded.

"Do you get it now, Juan? Or must I promise that when I escape, I shall go fuck your mother-?"

Jaune saw red.

He grabbed some sand and threw it into Gato's eyes, just before he rammed his fist into Gato's balls. The cat Faunus coughed, and fell back as Jaune struggled back to his feet.

"How's... That... You mangy... Bastard?" Jaune had managed.

Gato grinned... And again knocked Jaune's weapons out of his hands with barely any effort and kicked him in the face.

"That's more like it, boy!"

This on top of having to fight Grimm in deathmatches virtually every night.

He barely got any sleep or rest. They did get fed well, with rich high protein meals, but that was the only good thing about the experience!

On top of that was the training Gato put him through in the cage, when they were alone. It was all to channel his Aura, as best he could, through a stick and wave it. But every time he did that, he had to do some stupid salute!

With the aura suppression collar on him, it was all he could do to simply make the stupid stick glow a little!

He did it all though. He trained until he couldn't even move. He channeled his Aura even though he could only feel a trickle. He fought until the Grimm were dead.

The roars of the bloodthirsty crowd started to sound like wonderful music to him, because it meant he could rest.

Finally, one night, after Jaune had put down a Geist Armor (and hadn't that fucking sucked?!), and he and Gato had finished their meals, he looked up from his empty bowl with a smile.

"Good news, Juan! We're going to fight together tomorrow night!"

"Uh huh?" Jaune asked, having long since given up correcting Gato on his name, "How is that a good thing?"

"Because that's when we'll escape."

Jaune looked up at Gato in shock. Gato nodded grimly.

"Si. This little circus is going to pack up and leave after our battle. We may not be aware of where we are after that. The time to escape is nigh," he said. He smiled at Jaune. "You are ready for this, Juan."

"I... Are you sure?" Jaune asked. "All I've done is survive, and make that stupid stick glow-"

"You have come a long way in such a short time," Gato said with a smile, "You say you didn't go to Hunter school?"


"Well... Perhaps you were better suited to learning in the real world, as I did," Gato said. "In any event, tomorrow's the night. Once more... Focus...!"

- - -

They'd rested. They'd eaten. They'd trained all day, as usual. And they were brought into the center ring, which, with loud mechanical whines, dropped down into a pit they couldn't climb or jump out of- especially not with the electrified fences that stood up to enclose them. The crowds roared in approval, as the announcer warmed up his mike.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We have quite the treat for you! From parts unknown, a swashbuckler and his knightly apprentice, I give you... SER GATO ZAPATOS, AND THE RAGGEDY KNIGHT!"

The crowd roared loudly, through speakers and through the cages around them. One large reinforced box slowly descended into the pit, creaking ominously. It was the size of a small barn, and something growled from its insides.

"Stand fast, Juan," Gato said softly, as the massive crate settled on the sandy floor, "When I give the signal..."

"Right," Jaune breathed.

"And their opponent for the night! We bring you only the very best! A massive specimen from Wallace Island, we give you... THE KONG BERINGEL!"

The crate opened up... And an ape-like Beringel, the height of a two-storey building, emerged with a roar. It beat its chest and began to advance on Gato and Jaune as the crowd cheered and whistled.

"I will distract it," Gato said, holding up his rapier-like sword, "You get ready! Target exactly where I told you!"

Gato shot off like a streak, immediately leaping into the air and thrusting in a blur. He stuck the Kong in its side, and the monster roared as it swung its huge forearms like battering rams. Gato artfully dodged, flipping and dancing through the blows like a leaf caught in a breeze.

"Okay.... Okay..." Jaune took deep breaths. He held up Crocea Mors in a duelist's salute. He slashed up and down, right and left, and spun the blade in a a dramatic flourish... Only to drop it. "Shit!"

"AGAIN, JUAN!" Gato shouted, climbing up the back of the Kong Beringel and slashing across it's face. The monster howled, and both hands slammed into its jaws as it again missed the quick Gato.


Jaune picked up the sword. He went through the routine. He channeled his Aura, and the blade began to glow white hot. He completed the moves before he pulled back with the blade. It thrummed with energy, and crackled with it like lightning was trapped within the steel.

"HOLD IT, HOLD IT...!" Gato shouted. The Kong Beringel grabbed his cape, and yanked him back into its grip. Jaune's eyes widened.


"NOT YET!" Gato shouted. "NOT YET... NOT YET...!"

The Kong brought the Cat faunus right up to its drooling, gaping jaws...

Gato glanced up. He grinned toothily as he saw the Boss of this little affair and most of his cronies were right behind him in an enclosed room with large windows.


Jaune swung... And a wave of yellow white energy radiated outward, the backlash knocking Jaune right off his feet. It shot through the chest of the Kong Berengil, through the electrified cages surrounding the pit, and through the control box and the surprised boss and subordinates.

The electronics went up in a massive explosion, and the tent caught fire.

The lights failed, people screamed... But thanks to the flames, Jaune was able to see the top of the Kong Berengil fall off its bottom half with a tremendous thud. Gato elbowed his way out of the evaporating Grimm's grip, and rushed over to Jaune.

"Wonderful, Juan, wonderful!" He shouted over the screams of panicking people, "Now, let's get going!"

"I..." Jaune sagged, and Gato held him up.

"Ah, yes," Gato nodded, "The little drawback of that move, Golden Lion's Roar? Someone with as terrible aura control as you will drain yourself into the red if you use it."

"You... Couldn't have told me that... Sooner?!" Jaune demanded as they hobbled their way to the side of the pit. One of the fences keeping them and the Grimm inside had fallen, and Gato easily climbed up with Jaune as a burden.

"You should be more grateful!" Gato insisted, "That's one of my signature moves! I no longer have the Aura to do it so powerfully, but you! Ah, such savage power! You're gonna get a lot of senoritas with that one, believe you me!"

They made it up into the darkened, panicked circus tent. They pushed through the confused crowd, out through the exit as the flames spread. The guards shouted, and some began to open fire as the lights came back on. Gato and Jaune ran, even as Grimm broke out of their cages and started to rampage. A fire ignited, spreading all over the tents.

They turned a corner of this bizarre travelling show, and there she was. She was tall, beautiful, with darkly tanned skin and a shimmering color to her hair, like an aurora. She was dressed in a nice dress, with a jacket over it. Her blue eyes widened as she beheld Jaune, who found the strength to hold his blade on her.

"You?!" Iridescent gasped.

"Iridescent," Jaune growled.

"Did... Did you just slice a Kong Berengil... Right in half?" She gasped.

"Yeah," Jaune snarled, "And I'll do worse to you, you-!"

Iridescent squealed, and held her hands together under her chin. She smiled unnervingly, her pale eyes turning red.

"Ohhh... You were magnificent!"

Jaune blinked. She didn't sound angry, or upset, or gloating. She sounded kind of like she was...

"You did... I knew you were strong, oh, how I knew... And the boss! His subordinates! You sliced them all apart, too!"

Jaune coughed. He felt Gato's hand squeeze his shoulder comfortably.

Sure... Those guys had been scumbags, but... Killing people...?

"I-I didn't-!"

"You did... It was wonderful," Iridescent giggled. She held her cheeks, her grin shining like a knife.

"Ohhh... I knew you were strong, but to do all that...? I must have you for myself!"

"What," Jaune managed. Iridescent advanced on him, opening up the buttons on her dress with that same unnerving smile.

"Yes... You're a conquering beast... And I'm your prize! Oh, take me, you magnificent predator, you! I'll be your everything, and you'll be my monster."

"I believe she is the wrong kind of senorita for you, Juan," Gato said, "Shall we escape?"

"YES PLEASE!" Jaune shouted. They turned and ran, even as Iridescent pursued. She shouted after them as they fled into the forest.



Iridescent was cut off when several Grimm barreled out of the circus, roaring monstrously. A pack of Beowulves raced around them.

Jaune and Gato kept running, finally breaking out of the trees into a small clearing. They could hear rushing water, and thanks to the light of the broken moons, saw a raging river ahead.

They skidded to a halt in front of the raging rapids, as more howls filled the night air.

Jaune and Gato turned to see many pairs of glowing red eyes leering at them in the darkness. Gato shook his head, and sighed.

"This? ... This is for me, Juan."


Jaune looked over at him in disbelief.

"We can take them together-!"

"No... No we cannot."

"Your wife-Your grandchildren-!"

"Your aura is in the red... These beasts will tear you apart..." He brandished his sword. "Get out of here, Juan. I will buy you time to escape."

"I won't leave you-!"

Gato chuckled, and shrugged.

"In the end, Juan... No one can run from Death forever. You must fight for life every day. You must not give into despair, or fear. You must keep up the good fight... That is what heroes do. And you? You will be that someday... If you stay true to yourself. Live your life, Juan Arc. Live it well... And when you meet him? Greet Death with a smile. I will put in a good word for you."

He spun around and kicked Jaune... And the young man went tumbling into the water. He swam frantically, struggling for breath. A log ran into his chest, and he grabbed on. He yanked himself up out of the water with a gasp, barely holding on against the weight of his armor and cloak, and looked upstream.

"GATO! GATOOOOO!" He shouted. He saw a gigantic Alpha Beowulf rearing up over the tiny form of Gato. He saw them clash... Just before he lost sight thanks to the riverbend.

Jaune bowed his head, and sobbed.

"Gato... I swear... I-I'll never forget you," he murmured, as the river carried him ever further.

- - -
- - -

"Ruby?! RUBY! RUBY!"

Jaune grit his teeth as Yang shouted over the Scroll. He checked his tracker app again, as he and Blake dashed through the thick forest.

"Yang! Yang, Blake and I are close to Ruby! You guys go help Nora and Ren!"

"But Ruby-!"

"We'll get Ruby! Don't worry!" Jaune insisted.

"All right... You're right... Just-"

"We'll bring her back. I promise," Jaune insisted.

"I can smell her," Blake announced calmly. Jaune nodded. "Along with a lot of Grimm."

"Shit," Jaune muttered. "Yang, we'll get her. Go save Nora and Ren."

"On it. See you soon, Crybaby!" Yang shouted back, a bit of her typical cockiness coming through.

"Don't you get hurt either, Jaune," Pyrrha insisted.

"We won't," Jaune said. He turned off the scroll as they started seeing daylight ahead.

Blake leaped from tree to tree, twisting and turning through the branches. It was honestly breathtaking to watch, and Jaune would have appreciated it any other time. Like when he couldn't hear the howling of Grimm. Or Ruby wasn't...


Blake raced ahead of him towards a small, red cloaked form lying near some trees. A few Reynards were stalking towards her, cautiously. Blake immediately went to work, letting loose precise pistol rounds into the heads of the Grimm. Two were slain instantly, but the third dodged and leaped back with a snarl.

"Cover us!" Jaune shouted, as he finally got to Ruby and landed on his knees next to her. He immediately checked her pulse, and opened his scroll to synch with her aura. She was so still, so pale... It just didn't seem right for her to be so motionless... She was breathing, faintly, but her pulse...?

Come on, come on...!

Jaune felt her heartbeat. And her aura synched with his scroll-Well into the red, but still there. He let out a soft sigh of relief, as Blake went to work behind them.

"She's alive!" Jaune shouted.

"Good!" Blake shouted back, before firing several rounds from Gambol Shroud. While she was distracted, Jaune continued his check up as quickly as possible. He saw the blood covering her right arm, and tore her sleeve right off. He quickly yanked out antiseptic, bandages and antibiotics from his messenger bag and applied them. He noticed other, smaller bite marks, and tilted Ruby's chin up.

"She got bit by Vermin, gonna give her an antitoxin-!"

"Jaune, hurry!" Blake insisted.

Jaune glanced over his shoulder. More Reynards and Beowulves were closing in on them, along with very large Ursas. Blake was a very competent and skilled fighter, but the Reynards and Beowulves were striking in teams-Two hitting her from one side, two waiting to strike while she was distracted.

They're coordinating between species...?!

"Almost done!" He poured the antitoxin down Ruby's throat, and helped her swallow. He pulled it back, bottled it up, and stuck it into his bag. He yanked Ruby up into his arms and turned around-


Just in time to get his shield up against a Beowulf. It slammed him and Ruby up against the tree, and it snarled viciously as its jaws snapped.

Godsdamnit... No sword... Can't use the shield... So...!

Jaune grit his teeth and slammed his head down against its jaws, his Aura-enhanced skin and strength knocking it back. A pistol round from Blake went right through its head, and the monster fell back, turning into smoke.

Turning from the fallen foe, he nearly tripped over something metallic-Crescent Rose, he spotted. He yanked it up off the ground, only a little shocked when it shrank and compressed into a much smaller form. He stuffed it into his messenger bag.

"Blake, call the others, tell them we got Ruby!" Jaune shouted. He began to run, as Blake easily kept pace with him as the Grimm chased after them all. "LET'S GO!"

- - -

Outnumbered, out of ammo, and surrounded. Not how Lie Ren had hoped he would go out.

Though he knew it was a distinct possibility. He knew what Grimm could do-His and Nora's ruined village was a potent testament to the fearsome power of the Grimm. The many memorials to those taken by them made clear the price you might pay as a defender of humanity.

He had just hoped it wouldn't happen so soon.

He and Nora had done plenty to make the enemy struggle though. They'd slain many of their enemies and those that they couldn't kill had fled around them. Some of the Grimm were acting cautious, afraid.

It was not much of a tribute... But there was a satisfaction to be had in making the enemy pay dearly. In making them fear you.


Nora dashed out from behind their cover again, swinging her hammer and bringing it down on the edge of the river bank. She again sent a pulse of electricity out through the water, outright killing many small Grimm and hurting the larger ones, but the swifter predators struck out at her and she had to retreat. She leaped backwards, landing next to Ren, as they stood back to back. A Reynard lunged for them, but Ren swung Stormflower out again and sliced through the Grimm as it passed. Another Reynard lunged behind, as a third feinted at Nora. Nora grunted as one slashed its bone blades across her forearms, adding to the large collection of cuts and bruises across her body. Ren, despite his skills, was not much better.

Both Grimm were dispatched, falling to the ground to join the bones of their fellows, but like all the other attacks, it had done its job-Worn Ren and Nora down. Both were panting heavily-Even Nora's prodigious stamina was running low.

"Strange, isn't it?" Ren commented, "How they've been... Coordinating like this..."

"Yeah... Like someone's in control of them," Nora murmured back, "How does that work?"

"No idea," Ren observed. "I should have liked to know the answer."

He twitched his hands towards his belt-But of course, there was no ammo left.

"Nora," Ren began softly.

"Yes Renny?"

"If it is to be our end... I would like to say something," he said.

Nora tilted her head, looking expectantly back at her best friend, her partner, her everything. As she was to him.


"... I do not know what a sloth actually sounds like," he admitted.

Nora drooped a little.


Ren sucked in a deep breath and tapped into his Semblance as much as he dared. His Aura was so low, but... He needed its fortitude to speak.

"Also... I... I love-"

An Ursa charged them, as Beowulves attacked from behind. Ren gritted his teeth, his emotional calm deteriorating-

Nora swung Magnhild to uppercut the Ursa, then in the same motion, grabbed it by the neck and judo threw it right over Ren's head to slam it into the Beowulves.

Ren blinked.

"SO RUDE!" Nora growled. She turned to Ren with a bright smile. "You were saying, Renny?"


Rifle fire erupted out of the trees, blowing apart multiple Grimm's heads in an instant. A moment later, shimmering Glyphs appeared, and exploded with ice and fire, driving back any Grimm that wasn't frozen or burned.

From the treeline, Yang waved at them, as Weiss and Pyrrha unleashed their weapons and powers upon the Grimm cutting them off.

"RUN YOU BITCHES!" Yang screamed.

Ren was, quite frankly, exhausted, but he still found it in himself to run as fast as he could for their friends. Nora ran alongside, grinning at him.

"So Renny, what were you gonna say?" She asked, as they ran past Pyrrha, Weiss and Yang. The three other girls joined them, and they all sprinted through the trees.


"What was he saying?" Yang asked.

"Well, it started with 'Also', and included 'I', and then there was another 'I', then he said 'love', and after that-!"

"We can talk about it later," Ren said quickly.

Nora pouted heavily, despite how tired and injured she was.

"But I wanna knooow!"

He felt three sets of inquiring, female eyes on his back. Ren tapped into his Semblance harder.

"Later. When we're not in mortal peril."

"I'll hold you to that, Renny!" Nora giggled.

"Yes, we'll help," Yang grinned with an evil glint in her eyes. Weiss looked... Intrigued. Even Pyrrha was blushing.

Ren scowled.

Damnit... That's what he got for losing hope.

- - -
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Omake: Jaune The Barbarian 4
- - -

Yang Xiao-Long scowled as she stomped out of Combat Class, her eyes still burning red and her hair flowing like flames.

"Wow Yang," Ruby said cheerfully as she kept pace with her older sister, "You nearly blasted that guy through the window!"

"It was, I suppose, impressive," Weiss observed, walking on Yang's other side while Blake trailed behind, "But a bit overkill, don't you think? You gave Sky Lark a concussion."

"Doesn't matter, he'll be fine," Yang growled, "And! He deserved it."

She grabbed a bit of her hair as the flames died down, and looked mournfully at the sloppy cut the unfortunate young man had made.

"He cut my hair, Weiss," Yang stated, "If he cut me anywhere else, I would have been able to handle it. But the hair? No."

"And people say I'm prickly," Weiss muttered. Yang sighed in despair.

"It's a whole week to the weekend... I can't go around like this!" She moaned.

Team JNPR walked up to them in the hallway. Jaune was rolling his shoulder.

"Hey Jaune!" Ruby chirped, "Hey Pyrrha, Ren, Nora! Saw your fight, Jaune! You did great!"

"I lucked out that Coco is terrible at close range," Jaune groaned, "But that minigun of hers is no joke."

"You did fine, Jaune," Pyrrha said encouragingly. She smiled in apology over at Weiss. "Sorry for defeating you, Weiss-"

"N-No! No, that's absolutely fine!" Weiss said with a smile, "It was an honor to be defeated by you!"

"Well, um, good! No hard feelings, keep training!" Pyrrha said nervously.

Silence fell for a moment, as Yang glared glumly at her hair. Jaune cleared his throat.

"I could help you with that, Yang."

Yang blinked and looked at Jaune.


"I know how to cut hair," he said.

"How?" Ruby asked. Jaune shrugged and sighed.

"I have seven sisters, and while we're pretty well off, we also live in the middle of nowhere," he explained, "So we had to be fairly self sufficient. I can give you a quick trim, even it out."

"Well... I mean..." Yang tried. It wasn't that she didn't trust Jaune, but... Having anyone touch her hair was a tall order.

Jaune managed a small smile.

"Then on the weekend, you can go to a pro stylist to get it done properly. Sound good?"

Vanity warred with trust in Yang's mind... Then she saw the look Pyrrha was giving her. She even felt the looks Ruby and Weiss were giving her.

Her competitive nature and desire to never back down joined the battle.

"Sure thing, Crybaby. But if you mess this up..." She grinned and slammed her fist into her palm.

"Don't worry. I won't," Jaune said with a confident nod.

Shit. He's cute when he does that, she thought.

- - -

"I don't see why we all have to be involved," Nora whined, pouting in the common room. Jaune set Yang up in a chair, and threw a towel over her clothing. He pulled out some scissors from his messenger bag, and had gathered beauty supplies from all the girls.

"I'm just waiting for Arc to get punched through the wall," Weiss snarked, sitting on a couch. Jaune smirked, and swung the scissors around his fingers far more dexterously than he did his own sword.

"Not to worry, Weiss. This? This is my home turf," he stated. "Just relax, Yang. Pyrrha? Can you hold up the mirror?"

A mirror salvaged from a bathroom floated in front of them.

"Sure Jaune, anything you'd like," Pyrrha said, her smile stiff and unnatural as her eyes blazed with jealousy. As badass as Pyrrha was... Yang did enjoy getting one over on her. At least, until she could get one over on her in the ring.

"All right..."

Jaune began to snip, his fingers running through her hair every so often to position her locks. His touch was gentle, and she could feel the warmth of his Aura through the contact they made with her scalp. She bit her lower lip-It felt... Wonderful...

"Okay, now some moisturizing against frizz..."

"Oh," Yang murmured, her eyes crossing. "Oh... W-Wowwww..."

That same magic touch was all over her scalp... And it went through her entire body~!

"And... Finishing touches... There we go! Pyrrha? Hold up the mirror, please?"

Yang blinked at herself. Her hair was smooth and flowing, like a golden river. It was held in two pigtails on either side of her head. She glanced up at him.

"Pigtails, huh?"

"Keeps it out of your eyes, and harder to hit in a fight," Jaune said with a smile. "So... How do you like it?"

Yang worked her jaw. She saw Ruby's hopeful/jealous expression.

"I love it," she said. "Thank you, Cry-Jauny boy."

"You're welcome," Jaune said with a smile. He sighed. "I'm gonna clean up-"

"I'll help you, Jaune~!" Pyrrha said cheerfully, already up and sweeping Yang's trimmings from the floor, "Wouldn't want anyone to take advantage of you, would we?"

"Pyrrha, seriously, chill," Jaune said, "It's just a haircut."

"Yeah Pyrrha," Yang grinned, wrapping her arms around Jaune's, "You're not afraid of me stealing your partner, are you?"

"N-No!" Pyrrha insisted. "I know his feelings! We're friends! Very good friends!"

Her smile became unnatural as she twitched, glaring death into Yang's challenging eyes.

"The kind of friends who would do anything for eachother-!"

"Okay, knock it off," Jaune sighed, "Yang, we're trying to help Pyrrha. Don't push her crazy, all right? There's nothing worth competing over here."

"If you say so, Jaune," Yang said, smiling warmly, and defiantly, right into Pyrrha's eyes.

She caught Ruby's expression out of the corner of her eyes, and felt a brief stab of guilt.

Doing this for Ruby... Just for Ruby...

She smirked.

Doesn't mean I can't have fun in the meantime, though...

- - -
- - -

"Qrow? Qrow!"

"Ugggh," Qrow mumbled, sitting up from the cot in the back of Isabel's Bullhead. He looked up at Isabel. She held up his scroll, which was ringing loudly.

"Mind answering this?" Isabel asked. Qrow waved his hand as he sat up, and groaned.

"Right, right," he took his scroll and tapped the answer button. "Yeah?"

"Hey Qrow, finally connected with you," Taiyang said, his grinning face appeared on the scroll screen. Qrow sighed.

"Hello Tai. How's it going?"

"Pretty good. The girls are doing great," he said, "How are you?"

"Same old same old," he mumbled.

"Ozpin still riding you hard, huh?"

"Dude, don't say it like that," Qrow groaned.

"Yeah, I suppose that would leave you a little 'hoarse'," Taiyang snickered.

"Ohhh Gods," Isabel groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose, "He's just as bad as I remember..."

"Wait, is that who I think it is?"

Qrow rolled his eyes and turned the scroll around. Taiyang's eyes widened.

"Isabel! You haven't aged a day!"

"Neither have you," Isabel deadpanned, "If you're still cracking jokes like that."

"Hey, I'm a dad, I am legally required to make jokes that bad," Taiyang laughed, "Still! It's great to see you. How's Jaune?"

"He gave us all a scare, but he's in Vale recovering," Isabel said with a smile, "How are Ruby and Yang?"

"At Beacon. Ruby got in two years early, my little prodigy," Taiyang gushed. "Yang's doing great in her combat classes! Also, they met some guy, they can't stop talking or writing about him."

"Oho~?" Isabel asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking a bit, "Did they now?"

"Yeah, you said Jaune was in Vale? I think that's him. I didn't know he was in training at Beacon!"

"He's not," Isabel stated firmly, blue eyes cold as ice, "He just got into some trouble and he's recovering under Ozpin's supervision. But he is not training."

"Are you sure? Because-"

Qrow had gotten behind Isabel and made the old Team STRQ hand signals for 'Do not reveal this or we are so screwed!'

It had come in handy many a time.

"-I thought that was his dream when he was little," Taiyang said, so smoothly it seemed natural.

"His dreams changed," Isabel said firmly, "He got accepted into a medical preparatory school. We're very proud."

"Well now, that is impressive!" Taiyang chuckled, glancing nervously at Qrow, "Heh. Well, every parent does hope their little girl will marry a successful doctor..."

Isabel giggled.

"Taiyang, you surprise me! I thought you'd be getting out the shotgun!"

"I'll save it for when I meet him," Taiyang chuckled, "Besides, given how Yang is, I'm half expecting her to end up a teenage mother. Better it's to Jaune than some bum."

"I hope that's a joke."

"Fifty-fifty," Taiyang said, waving his hand in a 'so-so' manner, "So, you and Qrow huh? Working for Ozpin?"

"He convinced me to help out, and I have time off now that Jaune is safe," Isabel shrugged. "We're using my Bullhead to get around."

"Sure saves on the flight time," Qrow said with a smile. Taiyang raised an eyebrow.

"Good for you. I always thought Qrow spent way too much time alone anyway," he said kindly, though there was a glint in his eyes Qrow didn't appreciate, "Well hopefully with you along, he'll call a little more often. Would be nice to know you're still alive."

"You're so passive-aggressive," Qrow grunted, "You're like this when I crash on the couch, too."

"Would it kill you to do some chores when you visit?"

"I do chores, like 'teach your little girls how to be badass'," Qrow stated firmly.

"I do that while holding down a job and keeping a clean house."

"Yeah yeah, woe is Taiyang," Qrow scoffed playfully.

"Should I leave you two alone?" Isabel asked with a smirk, "I don't get in the middle of lover's spats."

"Never heard that one before," Taiyang laughed, "But yeah, Isabel? I do need some bro time with Qrow?"

"Sure," Isabel said. She beamed. "It is good to talk to you again, Tai. I'd like to do it more often."

"Anything for you, Isabel," Tai chuckled.

Isabel went back into the cockpit and checked on their flight path. She closed the hatch behind her.

"Jaune's training at Beacon and she doesn't know, does she?" Taiyang asked in a deadpan voice. Qrow sighed.

"Ozpin's keeping it secret. The kid ran into some trouble while he was wandering and that's the safest place for him."

"And you're distracting Isabel so that she doesn't demolish the place."

People thought Taiyang was just some himbo, but there was a reason he was Summer's second in command.

"No!" Qrow said defensively. "Well... Sort of... She's been a big help." He shook his head.

"Tai, something big is on the horizon," he murmured, "I can't say a lot on an open frequency but..."

Taiyang slowly shook his head.

"No, no, I get it. I've been keeping up as best I can, too. I'm increasing my training regimen, getting back into shape. Honestly, I'm glad you've got a partner to watch your back."

He smirked.

"And that you're not just doing one-night stands anymore."

"It's not like that," Qrow growled. "All right?! She lost her husband, and thought she lost her son! I can be a bastard, but... Not to her."

Taiyang's smirk grew.

"So it's serious, then?"

"Oh knock it off, you himbo," Qrow groaned, exasperated.

"Still man... I do think you're looking a lot better," Taiyang said, "I'm happy for you."

Qrow glanced at the cabin door, then back to the scroll screen.

"Tai... I... I just want you to know, I do appreciate everything you do," he said. "I mean it. I... Never had a brother before meeting you. And I'm glad to have you as one."

Tai stared back at him. He slowly smiled.

"Same, Qrow."

He grinned.

"Your new girlfriend make you say that?"

Qrow sighed.

"She's using psych shit on me, it's weird," he stated, "But... I dunno, it kind of helps."

"Good to hear, Qrow. I mean that. Take care, huh?"

He winked.

"And don't worry about a thing. As long as Jaune marries Ruby, you can get married to Isabel without it being too incestuous."

"Just for that, I hope he marries both of your daughters," Qrow shot back.

"Oh like hell you do, you'd be right alongside me kicking his ass if he did that!"

"Of course I would be! But I'd give him a headstart just for the look on your face."



"Later, bro."

"Yeah yeah..."
Omake: The Cake Trap
Weiss: "You bake cake?"

Jaune: "Again, seven sisters, mom's a famous doctor and sucks at cooking. Most of us had to learn how to cook to survive. Here, try some."

Weiss: eats it "..."

Jaune: "Sorry if it's a little too squishy, that recipe can be complicated-"

Weiss: "Jaune... I want to hire you as my cake butler."

Jaune: "... Pardon?"

Weiss: "You. Make cakes for me. I pay you. You bring me cakes. I pay you. FOREVER."

Jaune: "Uhhhhh... No."

Weiss: "I'll pay any price-"

Jaune: "NO."

Weiss: "I'll offer my body-!"

Jaune: "STILL NO!"

Weiss: "PLEASE JAUNE! This... This is the best cake I've ever tasted! It transcends any regular cake! I... Wait... YOU! You must be using your... Your Semblance! Or Dust! This cake can't be this good! You're trying to get me to love you so you can take my money and titles!"

Jaune: bonks her "Cut that out!"

Weiss: "OW!"

Jaune: "Gods, why am I the sanest one around here? Weiss, it's JUST CAKE."

Weiss: "You don't understand, Jaune! This cake is... is a revelation! ALL CAKE BEFORE IT WAS A SHADOW BEFORE THIS CAKE PERFECTION! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT!"

Jaune: bonks her "No. Stop being crazy. No more cake for you."


Jaune: sighs, turns and leaves with the cake

Weiss: "That was... Close... Too close..." sobs "Oh Klein, my beloved cake butler... I'm so sorry! I've betrayed you! HIS CAKE IS TOO GOOOOOD!" sobs "I'VE FALLEN FOR HIM! JAUNE AND HIS DIABOLICAL CAKE SCHEMES HAVE CAPTURED MY HEART!"

Ruby: "..." Looks over at Yang and Blake "Uhhh...?"

Yang: "Let's just ignore her. Geez... All this over cake, when she doesn't even have any herself!"


Blake: sighs "I'm going to go read. Let me know when she's stopped being crazy."
Omake: The Social Network
Jaune was on his Scroll with his team and Team RWBY in their common room.

Yang: "Come on, Jaune, you can't have forgotten all your social media passwords!"

Jaune: "I was three months without my Scroll fighting for my life, that didn't seem as important! Okay... And... There we go."

Ruby: "Hurry up! I wanna friend you on Dustbook!"

Jaune: "I'm in and... The fuck?!"

Ruby: "What? What is it?"

Jaune: "I've got... A million hate posts and comments? 'Stay away from her you bastard'? 'Shifty blonde dickhead'? What's going on-Pyrrha. I know that smile."

Pyrrha: "Um, this smile?"

Jaune: "Yes, the 'I'm terribly uncomfortable and embarrassed smile.' Like Aqua when her booze is found at home. What did you do?"

Pyrrha: "N-Nothing! Nothing! I just had a talk with my manager, and he wanted some pictures of my team for promotional purposes-You did sign the waivers, after all-"

Ren: "We're getting paid, right?"

Pyrrha: "Absolutely! Just give me your financial info, you'll get reimbursed!"

Nora: "YAY! Finally, our lives as traumatized orphans is paying off!"

Ren: "Indeed."

Pyrrha: "And of course they wanted to know about you, Jaune, so I gave a brief-Very brief and complimentary-interview via Scope, and uh..."

Yang: deadpan, holds up her scroll and plays a video "You mean this one?"

Lisa Lavender is in one window in her office, and Pyrrha is in another window in an empty room at Beacon.

Lisa: "So Pyrrha, who's the leader of your team? Many of your fans are upset you aren't leading it."

Pyrrha: "I'm glad for it. Jaune is... He's really something. A cunning, clever, tactical mind. We fight together so well, we have such good synergy! He's so brutal and savage and yet calculating! Like a barbarian king who fought his way up, ready to challenge the world and uh..." Blush "We get along very, very well!"

Lisa: "Sounds like you two are very close, hmmm?"

Pyrrha: "Well... I mean... We're keeping it professional... You know..."

Lisa: "I don't~."

Pyrrha: "No comment!"

The video ended. Pyrrha blushed hard, as Ruby, Yang, and even Weiss glared death at her.

Pyrrha: "I was being honest!"

Weiss: "That's the last thing you should be in an interview!"

Jaune: groans
- - -

Yang had never wanted to be a leader.

Being responsible for the house, for Ruby, after Summer died and Dad just… Fell apart? That had given her an early taste of how bitter it was to be in charge. To have to make decisions, big decisions, that would affect lives.

She'd made that stupid decision to go out into the woods with her little sister in a wagon, to seek out a mother who hadn't even been there. It had nearly gotten them killed, if not for Uncle Qrow.

Responsibility was a bitter thing. It meant you were left holding the bag if other people decided to call it quits. Or to die.

But someone had to do it. Ruby had needed her. So while Dad slowly pulled himself back together, and Uncle Qrow went off to work and earn money for them while drinking, Yang learned to cook. Yang learned to clean. Yang lied to the service lady that their dad was tired from going out hunting. Yang did homework with Ruby, told her stories, and held her when she cried.

She'd become the popular party girl at Signal just for the sake of Ruby-Who would pick on the kid sister of the most popular girl in school? But most of her reputation was just… Just smoke and mirrors. She trashed nightclubs and danced because she liked it, but… It was all a sideshow compared to the energy she put into her family. She'd gone on dates, but nothing had ever happened.

Nothing could happen, while Ruby needed her.

She loved her sister and would do it all over in a heartbeat, but it was hard to trust further than that. That's why she'd been fine with Ruby becoming team leader. She had charisma, she took initiative, and she worked hard despite her lack of experience.

But Ruby wasn't here. Neither was Jaune, and hadn't he shown he could handle barking orders and making decisions in a pinch!

It was obvious the rest of their two teams weren't really suited for it. Pyrrha was either far too compliant or way too aggressive (and hopelessly obsessed with Jaune in either case). Weiss had experience barking orders but didn't command respect or inspire hope. Ren was calm under pressure, but not very forthright. Nora was a ball of chaos and violence.

So that left her.

She didn't want to take responsibility… But someone had to.

"Weiss! Keep throwing up Glyphs!" Yang shouted, leaping into the air with an assist from her Gauntlets. She twisted in mid-air and landed briefly on a Glyph the Schnee heiress had summoned, firing back into the mass of Grimm chasing them through the forest. "Pyrrha! On your right!"

Pyrrha landed with perfect grace on another Glyph Weiss frantically threw up as they ran, and casually dispatched the Reynard lunging for them without even looking. Yang grit her teeth a bit in jealousy, even as she blasted away with Ember Celica and brought down two more Beowulves running ahead of the main mass.

Ren and Nora kept running, still staying ahead of them despite their Aura exhaustion. They didn't need to do more, though it was clear they wanted to.

No, focus…!

She backflipped off the Glyph, and landed on another, still firing into the mass. It was getting smaller, though whether that was from the casualties they were inflicting or members of the mass getting trampled or what? She couldn't tell.

But it was still too much for just the five of them, especially when they were running down a smooth, dry riverbed path through the forest. It had twists and turns, which, with their fire, had slowed the Grimm down, but now they were coming up to the straight bit. And they were slowed, the Grimm weren't.

Their only hope was to keep running, and stack them up until they got back to the main body of students.

Even over the shots of their weapons, Yang could make out another gun going off nearby… Getting closer…

"It's Jaune!" Pyrrha cried happily, just before the raggedy clad knight emerged over a ridge. Blake was with him. In his arms he carried-


Jaune and Blake jumped down onto the riverbed and merged with them, keeping up as they rounded another corner. Ahead was daylight, straight ahead, gleaming through the trees… But still so far away.

"You guys okay?! Sitrep!" Jaune shouted.

"Aura depleted, no ammo, but fine!" Ren called out.

"Need pancakes and syrup!" Nora shouted.

"Aura at 60 percent, running low on ammo Jaune!" Pyrrha called out.

"I'm only a little under that!" Weiss shouted.

"I'm fine!" Yang shouted, her eyes on her little sister."Is she-?!"

Jaune flashed her a grin.

"She'll be okay! Broken wrist, some blood loss, bit by Vermin, gave her anti-toxin, aura depletion," Jaune shouted, "How long is this straight?"

"Half a mile!" Weiss shouted back.

Yang saw Jaune grimace. Yeah, he realized it too. They'd be run down and overwhelmed.

"Hwah…?" Ruby's eyes fluttered open. She looked around, and realized where she was with a blush. "J-Jaune? Where-?"

"No time!" Jaune shouted. He looked around, eyes locked onto the trees framing the riverbed like the arches holding a tunnel up. "Blake! Take Ruby!"

The black-clad ninja girl took Ruby into her arms and up over her shoulder without question. Jaune looked over at Weiss.

"Weiss! You got any Ice dust left?!"

She held up some Dust rounds.

"Last ones!" Weiss shouted.

"Throw up an ice wall behind us and keep running!"

Weiss complied, the Glyphs flashing into existence behind them and a ten foot wall of ice burst up out of nothing across the riverbed.

"It won't hold long!" Weiss shouted, and everyone saw as the Grimm rammed into it that the ice was splintering and cracking.

"Long enough!" Jaune shouted, skidding to a halt and running back. Yang's eyes widened in shock and disbelief, and hers weren't the only ones.

"JAUNE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" She screamed, because Pyrrha was gaping in horror and Ruby was too exhausted to shout.

"ARC! DON'T BE A HERO!" Though even Weiss was flabbergasted. Nora just gave a little grin, as Ren looked a tiny bit alarmed-For him.

"JUST GRAB ME AFTERWARDS!" Jaune shouted, stopping only a few meters away from the crumbling ice wall. He held up his sword in a dueling salute… Then swung it up and down, then back and forth, his feet stomping in what appeared to be an elegant dance. A Beowulf burst through the ice wall and sprinted for him, gearing up to lunge for his throat.


No, nonono, don't go crazy now, don't go crazy now! Yang begged whoever was listening. Not Jaune, not like this, not-!

Jaune pulled his sword back like it was a baseball bat, swung it… And a wave of yellow-white energy erupted from it. The Beowulf came apart as the wave passed through it… As did all the Grimm breaking through the ice wall. Then the next line of Grimm, then the next.

The wave battered the next line, and dissipated by the fifth… But by then, the aura strike had sliced through the trunks of all the trees lining the riverbank, and those fell like collapsing pillars onto the rest of the horde. Fires broke out, burning the trapped Grimm alive, and impeding the Grimm still trying to pursue.

Yang's jaw was somewhere around Remnant's core, as Jaune Arc calmly turned around. The fires formed a backdrop for him, a slight breeze kicked up his cloak to make it wave behind him like a flag. Smoothly, he twirled his sword around his hand, and slid it back into its sheath with a stern, almost heroic look on his face.

Her cheeks went bright red as she felt warm.

Oh shit… Okay… I think I can date him. I think I can date him no problem now, Ruby…

"Was… Was that… Did that country yokel just use an aura blade technique?!" Weiss cried out in shock.

"Oh yes he did," Pyrrha purred, gazing upon Jaune like he was her everything. It was hard to blame her at that moment though. Yang was having similarly naughty thoughts about the former Crybaby.

Down girl! He doesn't like crazy clingy chicks! Yang thought to herself.

"W-Wow," Ruby murmured, her eyes shining and her cheeks red. Ah, yeah, that was only expected. Little Ruby was definitely hitting puberty now.

"Golden Lion's Roar?!" Blake muttered, staring back over her shoulder like she had seen a ghost. Ah well, not everyone could appreciate a man showing off like a total badass.

"WOOHOO!" Nora cheered. She glanced over at the ever stoic Ren, and cooed.

"Aw. I like your Aura blasts better, Renny, don't you worry!"

"I wasn't worried about that," Ren said, "However, given Jaune's Aura control-"

Jaune Arc took two steps… And then fell flat on his face.


Pyrrha reached out, and black Aura surrounded Jaune's body. He flew from the dirt, all the way into Pyrrha's arms. The group resumed running, as a few Reynards managed to get around the fiery blockade.

Yang ran alongside Pyrrha, and grabbed Jaune's scroll out of his belt. She gaped in disbelief at the Aura reading.

"You're at one percent?!" She demanded.

"Haaa… Well… Did better than I thought I would," Jaune managed to mumble."Last time I did it, I was at full, then collapsed immediately,"

"Small wonder," Ren commented, "His reserves are massive, but his control is terrible. We will work on that, Jaune."

"Thanks Ren, you're a bro," Jaune slurred,

"I'll happily train you in Aura Control and anything else you'd like, Jaune~," Pyrrha crooned, cradling Jaune in a bridal carry.

"That's nice, please don't molest me," Jaune stated.

"I-I'm not molesting-"


Yang elbowed Pyrrha, and yanked Jaune out of her arms.

"Take out those flankers, P-Money!" Yang shouted. "Flirt later!"

Pyrrha nearly glared… Then threw her shield like a discus to slice three snarling Reynards in half without sparing them a glance.

"Thanks Yang, she needs her hands free," Jaune groaned.

"So does she!" Pyrrha insisted.


"THEY CAN DO BOTH!" Nora shouted.

- - -
- - -

"You gonna finish that?"

Coco slapped Fox's hand away as he reached for her sandwich. "I'm still eating."

"No, you're spectating. All you've done is hold that sandwich in your hand for the past ten minutes while you stare at Velvet on her date." Fox retorted. "If you're not eating, then you're letting Velvet's food go to waste."

"For which we'll need to oust you from your position as leader of Team CFVY, as that is a crime that cannot stand." Yatsuhashi said in assertion to his teammate's comment. "We would happily go to war for Velvet's cooking."

Coco rolled her eyes and took a large bite of her sandwich, making an overdramatic show of chewing and swallowing before turning back to stare at where Velvet and Cardin were sitting. "I just need to be ready for my moment."

"What moment?"

"For when Winchester shows his true colors and Velvet needs me to rescue her from that jerk." Coco replied, earning sighs from both boys.

"You're still on about this?" Fox groaned. "You're not Velvet's mom, Coco. Just let her enjoy her picnic date in peace."

"While I'll admit his first impression left something to be desired, we are all prone to being fools when blinded by passion." Yatsuhashi said. "Why is it so hard for you to believe that Cardin's feelings for Velvet are genuine? Why default to suspicion?"

"Because Velvet's… well, Velvet!" Coco insisted, earning unimpressed looks from her male teammates. "Look, you guys didn't know her before, but she was a bundle of shyness and insecurity before I cracked that shell. I worked hard on that girl to make her the kickass bombshell she is today! I just don't want her to have a bad experience!"

"You cannot protect her from everything. Let her have both good and bad experiences on her own." Yatsuhashi advised.

While it was sensible advice on paper, Coco wasn't having it. "I'm not just gonna sit back and let some jerk like Winchester trick her into-"

"Hey, that's our leader you're talking about there."

Coco, Fox and Yatsuhashi all jolted when a new voice suddenly made an interjection into their conversation, and the trio turned to find another trio crouched in the bushes next to the tree they were eating underneath.

"You are the other members of Team CRDL, yes?" Yatsuhashi asked.

"That's us." Russel answered before shooting a glare in Coco's direction, with Dove and Sky adopting similar harsh expressions toward Team CFVY's leader. "And we're not gonna let you mess this up for Cardin!"

"Jaune got the ball rolling on this whole thing and we're gonna help our leader get a hot bunny girlfriend!"

"And that means being good wingmen and NOT letting a helicopter teammate ruin his date!"

"Helicopter teammate?!" Coco gasped, offended by the accusation while Yatsuhashi and Fox shared a smile and an understanding nod behind her back. "I'm not…! Look, I'm just being a good friend and looking out for my girl! And I don't think your leader is good enough for her!"

"Cardin is plenty good enough for her!" Dove objected.

"Yeah! He'd be a great boyfriend for your teammate! Cardin's pretty solid when you need a solid guy." Sky added firmly.

"Plus he's super loyal. Once he and Velvet go official you can bet he'd move mountains for his girlfriend." Russel finished.

"You all seem to have rather high opinions of your leader." Yatsuhashi spoke up before Coco could make her retort to the trio's words.

"I've known the guy since we were kids." Russel continued at the larger teen's prompting. "He can be harsh to strangers, but he'll go the distance for his friends. I guess he looks harsh to some people, but that's because he's been raised in a family with expectations for him."

"Winchester…" Yatsuhashi mused. "I thought I recognized the name. That's a very old family name, tied to the founding and establishment of Vale itself."

"There's a Winchester on the Vale Council too." Fox pointed out. "So Cardin's from that old family, eh?"

"A family that's known to view the faunus none too well." Coco said, finally edging some words in.

"I mean, I know Cardin's grandparents used to describe the faunus pretty harshly before they passed, but I never heard Cardin's parents talk negatively about any faunus except those in the White Fang." Russel said defensively.

"Thanks for the trivia about Winchester's family life, but I've got a question for you, mohawk. if you've been Winchester's chum for most of his life, what's he trying to pull with Velvet?" Coco asked with a glare. "Because I'm gonna be honest with you, when I think about your leader tugging on Velvet's ears and laughing about it I'm inclined to believe that he molded his attitude to be more like grandpappy and grandmommy and is just leading Vel on so he can put her down later…"

"Yeah, honestly, we kinda thought that too. Cardin did kinda get rough and talk down to some faunus in the past. We thought at first he was just moving onto the rabbit after he and Jaune hashed things out." Dove muttered.

"...But thinking about it, weren't most of those faunus he messed with before women?" Sky asked his two teammates. "Remember that one girl who got injured while running track back in prep school? She was a rabbit faunus too, and when she got hurt he told her in front of the whole class to stop wasting her time running and do something more suited to what she was."

"So Velvet's not the first rabbit girl he's messed with." Coco said decisively, more sure about her assumptions of Cardin than ever before.

"Yeah, I mean, calling her out like that in front of everything seemed bad… but didn't she actually wind up taking his words to heart and went on to become an ace on the pole vaulting team after that?" Dove mused. "Before graduation I heard she was in talks with agents to get in on the actual sports circuit."

Team CFVY exchanged looks at that odd piece of information.

"...I mean, it's a bit of a stretch to say that Cardin's responsible for that girl's growth." Yatsuhashi allowed when Coco gave him an expectant look. "Do you have any other examples of Cardin's interactions with the faunus race?"

"Well, there was that dog faunus he beat up in our last year of prep school." Russel remembered.

"Ah ha! So he IS a racist bully!" Coco cheered, feeling validated.

"...But that guy wound up being a White Fang sympathizer and had actually been trying to coerce other faunus students to join up with the White Fang after graduation." Russel continued. "A lot of faunus students were actually really happy Cardin took him out, especially after teachers apparently found evidence of him extorting students in some notebooks that were confiscated."

"...I mean, you can't really praise someone for assaulting someone randomly even if that someone turned out to be a criminal by coincidence." Fox shrugged, following Yatsuhashi's lead in trying to placate their leader and support her position.

"Hey guys, didn't that girl Cardin confessed to in our first year way back when… wasn't she a faunus?" Sky asked.

"I don't think so. It was Cardin's first and only confession to another girl so I think we'd have noticed if she had animal parts." Russel muttered uncertainly.

"No, she was a faunus." Dove said firmly. "She was a rhino faunus, her bangs just hid her horn. Later on Cardin told me he only asked her out on a dare and didn't know she was a faunus… but seeing him with Velvet now, maybe back then he was just covering up his embarrassment?"

"We sure he actually tried confessing and he wasn't just messing with her?"

"I dunno. It happened so long ago…"

Coco scoffed as Team CRDL got lost in their discussion. "I mean, from what's been said… it can be said that Cardin has issues with faunus-"

"But an alternative perspective is that he's had positive interactions with faunus to a degree." Yatsuhashi argued.

"Or he just sucks at being a racist." Fox suggested.

Yatsuhashi nodded. "Or that."

"Whatever. I'm still not convinced Winchester really likes Velvet." Coco insisted. "He could just be making-"

A roar from the left suddenly cut her off, and upon turning toward the source of the sound her eyes widened when a group of Ursa Grimm suddenly tore out of the foliage and started rampaging around the area she and the other teams had chosen to settle down and eat at.

The shock wore off quickly enough, as even if no one present aside from Glynda were licensed Hunters, everyone knew how to react when a Grimm suddenly attacked. People were already dodging out of the way and those who had been smart enough to keep their weapons close at hand were already pulling them out, with Coco herself reaching across her team's picnic blanket and grabbing her handbag minigun.

Coco cursed when she saw an Ursa barreling toward Velvet and Cardin. Velvet was scrambling across the blanket while Cardin had shot to his feet. The leader of Team CRDL didn't appear to have his weapon on him and Velvet didn't have time to get her own out, which left them defenseless. And even as her finger pressed the trigger of her minigun, the startup time to fire meant that the Ursa would be upon those two before she could-

Coco's sunglasses nearly slipped off her face when, to the shock of everyone looking, Cardin suddenly stepped up and slammed a haymaker punch directly into the charging Ursa's face. With Cardin's heavy armor and aura combined, the Ursa staggered and face planted into the ground from Cardin's blow. While clearly disoriented, the punch was far from a killing blow as the Ursa growled and pushed itself back up as it prepared to charge once more.

But before it could kick off again, Coco's bullets tore into its body and reduced it to black ash after a few seconds of concentrated fire.

"EVERYONE, HIT THE DECK!" Coco screamed and swept across the picnic area with her gun.

Students dropped to the ground and her bullets tore into the bulky Ursa, as even when she wasn't aiming their bodies were large enough that her sweeping motions still punched them full of dust bullets. Injured, the remaining Ursa lost their momentum and growled as they lumbered around the grounds as they swept their claws at nearby students or hobbled toward the trees in an effort to retreat.

Coco wasn't about to let that happen.


Her second command prompted everyone in possession of a weapon to jump up from where'd they'd huddled down and immediately descend on the weakened Grimm. There'd only been a half a dozen Grimm, and with four times that number of huntsman-in-training in the clearing they'd all been relaxing at, the remaining Ursa were reduced to black dust in a matter of seconds. Her teammates as well as Cardin's own helped see to that.

"Nice show of leadership there, first-year. Maybe you should fly over to Atlas once you graduate. You could make for a good general."

Coco glanced up to see Ragora floating above them, sitting atop her familiar and looking like a queen observing her people from her throne. Coco scoffed and planted a hand on her hip as she glared up at the senior student over her sunglasses.

"And what, you were just floating up there watching the whole time?" Coco asked.

"Actually I was busy helping my team fight off another group of Grimm trying to flank this group from the other side." Ragora quipped with a coy smile. "Finished up just seconds ago. Now I'm acting as a lookout, and there's suddenly quite a commotion in this forest. I sense shenanigans."

Coco opened her mouth to reply but the rest of Team SLVR emerged from the other side of the clearing, with Simin calling out instructions to everyone present.

"Everyone, please proceed southwest back to the bullheads! We've got a sizable horde of Grimm that have popped up and we're erring on the side of caution here. We're gonna leave and head back to Beacon instead of fighting the Grimm off as an additional job!" Simin announced. "No arguments! And there won't be any extra credit for anyone trying to play hero or racking up a kill count for the Grimm! Get packed and get moving!"

"You heard the boss!" Ragora called out. "Pack up, kids! Stay together and don't leave anything or anyone behind. That includes the sap you've gathered."

"Shouldn't we leave it behind?" Dove asked. "Is the sap really that important?"

"Not to us, but it IS still our job to gather it up and it's a hunter's job to see jobs through to the end as best they can. So long as it doesn't pose significant risk to themselves, of course." Ragora smiled.

"And while the Grimm attacking in these numbers is unexpected, it's not so much that the dozens of teams present here can't evacuate and complete the job that we've been given at the same time." Simin finished for his teammate. "Ragora, stay high and keep looking out for any Grimm. Vella, I want you on the treetops and take out any stray Grimm or impede any groups of them coming our way. Ragora, you're also gonna be her spotter from up there."

"I'm on it!" Vella said, snapping a salute and springing up into the treetops.

"My eyeballs are at your disposal." Ragora drawled as she lazed atop her skull, but even if her tone was lazy and her body looked slack, her eyes were sharp as she scanned their surroundings from up high.

Simin nodded at the girls before he turned towards his last teammate. "Lye, you're gonna lead the pack. Make sure everyone here gets to the bullhead landing and be ready to receive anyone else who's not in this group.

"Seriously, boss? More babysitting?" Lycan whined, holding up a hand as Simin opened his mouth to reprimand him "But yeah, I hear ya. I'll get everyone to the bullheads safely. Goodwitch better give us extra credit for this…"

Lycan waves his arms and corralled all the teams together before he started leading the way back to the landing zone. Teams quickly packed up their lunches and belongings while dividing duties to carry the jars of sap they'd gathered.

"Coco, right?" Simin asked, eyes on Team CFVY's leader as he approached their group.

"That's me." Coco nodded.

"You think you and your team could form up a rearguard with me? Lycan's gonna lead, but I could use some help making sure our backline isn't rushed by Grimm."

"Team CFVY's gotcha covered." Coco confirmed, giving the upperclassman a thumbs up.

"Good. Though… where's your fourth?"

"Over here."

The group turned and all blinked when they came across the sight of Cardin carrying Velvet bridal style in his arms. The rabbit faunus's face was bright red while the armored teen looked extremely put out by his own actions.

"This one twisted her ankle." Cardin informed them all, gesturing down to the girl in his arms. "Because she was too busy panicking when the Grimm showed up."

"I-I wasn't panicking!" Velvet protested in Cardin's arms. "I-I was just surprised! And I was afraid my photos were gonna get ruined and I tried to put them away, but lost my footing and fell down wrong so-"

"Photographs or your life, remind me which is more important?" Cardin growled, causing Velvet to duck her head in embarrassment. He glanced over at Velvet's largest teammate. "You wanna take her off my hands?"

"I suppose I-" Yatsuhashi started before Russel stepped in front of him.

"Nah, you can take care of her Cardin! Me, Dove and Sky will help cover your backs!"

"Yeah, you can get Velvet to the bullheads safely! We'll help out Team CFVY in her place!" Dove said, giving their leader a thumbs up.

"I got your breastplate too!" Sky added, hefting up the piece of armor Cardin had removed earlier. "Leave watching your backs to us!"

Cardin just gave his teammates a flabbergasted look. "What are you guys on about? What does it matter if I-"

"You better get going, man!" Russel said, speaking over Cardin. "Aura's great an all, but it can't heal breaks and sprains like it can cuts and bruises! The sooner we get back to Beacon is the sooner we can get Velvet to the nurse!"

"…He's not wrong." Simin said with a small nod. "Would you mind carrying Velvet back to the bullheads."

Carding gapped at the group, looking from the teams that were staring at him and back down to the girl he was carrying, who wrung her hands together nervously as he held her in his arms.

"I-I mean, you don't need to carry me…" Velvet mumbled quietly. "Yats can do it…"

"…I'm fine with carrying her back." Cardin announced to the group, turning his head away from them as he made his decision. "It's the least I can do after she let me eat a good meal."

Cardin ignored the encouraging grins his teammates were giving him. They OBVIOUSLY still had the wrong idea from before. What he was doing right now didn't mean anything! He was just returning the favor Velvet did for him. It was thanks to her that he didn't go hungry during this outing!

Keeping his eyes ahead of him and not looking back at his team or looking down at the girl he was carrying, Cardin jogged off to follow the groups of teams Lycan was leading back toward the bullhead landing.

As the armored team retreated away from them, another leader suddenly had a revelation as she watched him.

"I get it now." Coco whispered as she saw Cardin carry Velvet off.

"Get what?" Fox asked.

"What that guy's deal is."

"...Don't tell me you're still gonna go on about-"

"That guy is in tsunderes with Vel!"

Both Yatsuhashi and Fox whipped their heads around to look at their leader.


Coco ignored the bewildered looks Fox and Yatsuhashi were giving her as she threw her head back and laughed. The gruff demeanor, the rude comments, the embarrassment he was so desperate to hide… if Coco hadn't seen it for herself she would've still been on the Winchester hate train, but it looked like her fears had been for nothing! That first interaction with the ear pulling really HAD been a front! Thinking about it, if the guy really was a faunus hater he would've just rejected Velvet's lunch invitation instead of dragging it out, or just insulted her outright from the get go. He also would have just ran off and left Velvet to fend for herself when the Grimm attacked since he'd been without a weapon.

Instead, he'd gone and punched out an Ursa to protect her!

"Big macho man has a crush on our little bunny but is too deep into his tough guy persona to show some real affection." Coco chuckled to herself. "Hoo boy, if I had a dollar for every guy I met with an attitude like that. Always gotta try being the strong man instead of letting any vulnerability show. I'd call it juvenile chauvinism, but I can see the chivalry hidden under the sour attitude. It's cute how bad he is at hiding his feelings, but it'll never get anywhere if someone doesn't get him the push he needs. And Vel certainly ain't gonna be the one to step up."

Giving another bark of laughter, Coco strode over to Cardin's teammates.

"Boys, walk with me. Talk with me." Coco smirked as she threw her arms around Dove and Russel's shoulders and shot a playful wink at Sky. "And let us plot about how we can make your leader a little more honest with himself so he can make my favorite bunny happy."

Yatsuhashi and Fox stared after Coco as she and other members of Team CRDL began discussing the blooming romance Cardin and Velvet had going on. Fox rubbed his forehead in exasperation.

"All that fuss she made about Winchester before and now she suddenly decides to flip her opinion about him…?" Fox sighed.

"You know our leader. Her moods are as unpredictable as the fashion brands she religiously tracks." Yatsuhashi chuckled as he pulled out his greatsword.

"True enough." Fox acknowledged as he pulled out his own weapons. "Let's follow along then back to Beacon."

"Right behind you."

Simin watched the two last members of Team CFVY follow the crowd, and after glancing around the clearing to make sure there were no stragglers left behind, made to follow after.

"You could learn a thing or two from them, boss." Ragora called down from her perch. "Those first years are already way farther along than you and-"

"Eyes on the forest, not on the drama brewing among the other students." Simin interrupted her with a roll of his eyes. "Goodwitch should locate the rest of the students not in our group and get them to the bullhead. Keep focused and give a shout if you notice any groups of Grimm headed our way."

"Will do, will do." Ragora sighed. "Seriously though, you could really-"

"Drop it, Ragora."

"Fine." Ragora pouted. "I'll just remind Lye to pick it up for me later. You really need all the help you can get."

Simin held back the urge to jump up and knock his teammate out of the sky for her commentary.

- - -
- - -

Teams RWBY and JNPR broke out into daylight, still running as hard as they could. Ruby was still grinning brightly, even while carried over Blake's shoulder like a bag of laundry. Jaune was smiling a little himself, even if he had to be carried by Yang.

"We're gonna make it, we're gonna make it...!" Ruby cried.

The group slid to a halt. Ruby, tired as she was, managed to crane her neck to look over her shoulder.

"What's all the-Oh."

"For fuck's sake," Weiss, of all people, cursed.

Two dozen Ursa with several other smaller Grimm were gathered along the road they'd been gathering sap in just this morning. They looked a lot less organized, but it was still a big group. And the horde behind them was still coming if delayed.

"I'll handle this," Pyrrha said immediately, holding up her spear-rifle-sword and shield, "The rest of you run-"

"I'll stay behind, give you cover," Yang started, "My Semblance activates when I'm hit-"

"I'm team leader, I'll stay behind," Jaune said, trying to stagger up to his feet, sword and shield up.

"Like fun you will," Ruby stated firmly, "I'm team leader too!"

"Why are we arguing for who will be left behind to die?!" Weiss demanded. "We can think of something, right? Right?"

A spear composed of glowing green energy landed in the center of the gathered Grimm, and a tornado kicked up. All of those with combat skirts pushed them down as the wind whipped up debris and Grimm. The tornado sucked up multiple Grimm into its vortex, before another, fiery spear struck it.

The hyper-accelerated air, combined with the Dust-powered flames, resulted in a small but quite deadly fuel-air explosion going off, destroying the tornado and taking the Grimm to oblivion with it. The blast nearly knocked all the members of RWBY and JNPR down. Jaune nearly fell, if Yang and Pyrrha hadn't caught him at the same time. Nora held Ren tightly and didn't let go.

"... Good work, Weiss," Yang quipped.

"Wha... What was that?" Weiss managed, managing to get some words out.

The remaining Grimm in the vicinity soon began to grow green Dust arrows, which exploded and blew the monsters into smoke in short order. Anything left was swiftly dispatched by a blond wolf Faunus boy with ninjas claws and Dust-enhanced clones, and a witch-hat-wearing girl with a purple demon familiar and a hatchet that doubled as an auto-shotgun.

Out of the smoke, looking every inch the heroic upperclassman and future Hunter he should be, strode Simin Megitus. He joined his fellow teammates, Lycan Arcadia, and Ragora Cinarum, as they walked up to the two first-year teams. Weiss sucked in a dramatic breath, her eyes filled with stars.

"You all alright?" Simin asked.

"Sure are," Yang said, "I see that was a breeze for you, huh?"

"YANG!" Weiss growled, as the boxer laughed. She looked back to Team SLVR, and bowed.

"I'm sorry. Please, ignore her, we all do," Weiss implored.

"We don't!" Nora laughed.

"That's fine. Miss Goodwitch is gathering up the rest of the students as we pulled out," Simin went on, professional and polite, even as Ragora and Lycan snickered a bit at their interplay, "You have injured?"

"Yeah," Ruby said with a nod, "I got shot by a sniper. I was lucky they hit my scope, but..."

"A sniper?" Lycan asked, frowning hard.

"Yeah, they got my-?" Ruby looked around, in sudden distress. "Where-?"

"Here, I got it for you," Jaune said, pulling out the folded-up Crescent Rose and handing it to her. Even as weak as she was, Ruby squealed and held her weapon to her chest.

"Oh baby, you're safe! You're alive! Thank you Jaune, so much!"

"Can you remember where you saw the sniper?" Simin asked. Ruby nodded.

"I-I can, I can! Right across the Lazy River, about one thousand yards southeast of where I was shooting from! If you escort us, I can-!"

"She's injured, she's not going back there," Jaune said firmly. Ruby scowled at him.

"But I-!"

"You're not going back there," Yang stated. Ruby looked for any allies, but her teammates and friends all seemed to be in agreement. She huffed.

"I've been there," Blake said quickly, "Everyone else who has is suffering from Aura exhaustion or injury."

Jaune shot her a grateful look. She didn't seem to notice.

Well, it had been a long day for everyone, Jaune supposed.

Simin nodded.

"All right." He tapped his scroll. "Vella, you and Ragora maintain overwatch for RWBY and JNPR. They'll be bringing in wounded... And any sap they can carry."

"WOOHOO!" Nora cheered. "Hear that, Renny! We get to take some home!"

"Hooray," he deadpanned.

"All right. Lycan, myself and Miss...?" Simin glanced at Blake.

"Blake Belladonna," she said. Lycan's eyebrows went up at that, but he said nothing.

Simin nodded.

"Belladonna. We'll check it out. Rest of you, get moving."

"Yes sir," Jaune said, with a jaunty salute, "C'mon guys."

- - -

Blake led the two upperclassmen through the woods, leaping from tree to tree. Both kept up easily, hopping through the trees above the Grimm, and she felt both of their eyes studying her intently when they weren't scanning for Grimm.

They moved fast and soon arrived at the scene, Blake pointing out the tree with scope fragments under it. Lycan sniffed significantly and examined a patch of ground with his keen eyes.

"I can smell the leftover dust," Lycan reported, "High-grade stuff. It's a weird mix of a lot of elements. Anything familiar to you, Boss?"

Simin knelt on the ground, all business. A Grimm snarled nearby, but Lycan summoned up a Smoke clone he infused with Lightning and sent if off as a suicide bomber. The Beowulf went up, but the flash of power didn't even disturb the leader of Team SLVR as he sifted the remaining Dust in his hands. He examined it closely and licked it.

"Yeah... The mix is designed for quick ignition, lots of light and noise," he deduced. "Perfect for stirring up Grimm."

Blake's blood went ice cold.

"You mean... This stampede-?"

"It would have taken time to get the Grimm concentrated here and ready," Lycan pointed out, shaking his head, as Simin held up his Scroll and began to record everything he could, "Lot of wrangling, requiring a lot of hardware or people with Huntsman training."

"So they planned this out," Simin said, almost detached, as though trying to solve a puzzle. Lycan nodded grimly.


Blake shivered. Someone deliberately putting up this many Grimm against barely trained teenagers...?

Simin's frown deepened. He looked up to the tops of the trees, back down to the ground, and appeared to do some mental calculations.

"That way," he pointed, and they headed off again. He summoned a boost of Wind Dust from his jacket, letting him jump off the air itself across the river with ease.

"Show off," Lycan muttered, chasing after him with Blake on foot. They easily evaded any of the remaining Grimm, before ending up on the other side of the Lazy River. Simin turned to Lycan.

"Got anything you two?"

"Me?" Blake asked quietly. Simin gave her a wry look.

"The bow isn't a very good disguise for your ears, Miss Belladonna."

"Scent also gave it away," Lycan snorted. "You wanna hide who you are, that's fine. The name's a little on the nose though." He grinned cockily. "Lotta Belladonnas, but they're all in Menagerie."

"I... Well..." Blake tried.

Blake was finding that her usual excuses weren't holding up. Honestly, she thought that Huntsmen-in-Training would be less observant, but...

"Whatever," Lycan snorted, sniffing around, "You do you, Kitty Kat. I ain't gonna..."

Lycan froze, and Blake caught the scent too.

"Blood," he said, "Faunus blood. Lot of it. That way."

Lycan ran into the trees, Simin activating a Fire Dust sword and following with Blake alongside. They ran for about ten seconds before Lycan came to a stop at a tree. He grimaced.

"It's not pretty, Boss," he pronounced. Simin and Blake walked around the tree. Blake hid her mouth with her hand, as Simin studied the mangled corpse with a mortician's detachment.

"Fell out of the tree," he pronounced, looking up and down the trunk, "Right into the Grimm's path."

Simin grimaced slightly before he knelt to examine the damaged sniper rifle lying near the body.

"Scope's blown out on this one... Miss Rose is a very good shot," he observed.

"Worse news, Boss," Lycan said, as he scavenged around in the dirt away from the tree. He held up a mask, and a pit opened up in the bottom of Blake's stomach.

No... It can't be...

Simin's eyes narrowed.

"White Fang," he spat.

"Fucking murderous scumbags," Lycan snarled.

"Record everything," Simin ordered, "We'll bring back what we can. Thanks Miss Belladonna. Just wait, and we'll all get back to the Bullheads soon."

"Sure," Blake mumbled, staring at the mask as though it was taunting her. Outwardly, she kept herself as calm and collected as usual. On the inside...

Adam... What have you done...?

- - -

"Hey Ruby. How are you feeling?"

Ruby flushed as she saw Jaune walk up to her in the Beacon infirmary. He was still in his armor and cloak, looking like a warrior out of some comic book after fighting through an army.

Which, well... They'd pretty much done this entire day. The moon was already out! So much for a quiet field trip.

"Me? A lot better. Nurse Tsune says I'll be out tomorrow, everything's healing great."

Thanks to you, she thought. She recognized the bandages as the same he kept in his bags. It wasn't hard to figure out what he'd done… Done for her.

She fixed her silver eyes on Jaune.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah," Jaune shrugged, "Just… Aura exhaustion."

Ruby scowled at him.

"That's dangerous."

"You don't have room to talk," he said, and she blushed harder.

"I guess… Where's your team?"

"They're doing okay, just got out of the infirmary," he said. "They're in our dorm by now, I hope."

Ruby held up her arms expectantly. He sighed, and walked over. He pulled up a chair, sat down, and pulled her into a hug.

She breathed in his scent, her eyes tightly shut, as she listened to his heartbeat.

"That… I… Today sucked," she managed.

"Yeah, yeah, it did," Jaune said, stroking her back soothingly.

"... I was so… So scared," Ruby muttered. "I-I almost… I was stupid, and…" She growled.

"I've killed Grimm before, and… And I just fainted…!"

Jaune nodded.

"The worst part was… Was the fear," Ruby mumbled. "I felt so… So helpless…"

"I know," he said. "I hate it, too."

"... I thought I was fearless," Ruby mumbled.

"You're not. No one ever is," Jaune said comfortingly. "Me? I was terrified when I saw you lying there."

"They taught us emotional control exercises at Signal. I used them, I really did… But when I was hurt, and tired, I-I just… I couldn't…" Ruby shut her eyes tightly.

"Does-Does that mean I'm not cut out for this? Does it mean I shouldn't be here? I ran out ahead of everyone on my own, and I got shot, and I almost…"

If it was for… Whatever that was… What was it? A dream? Ruby wondered, thinking back to that flash from her eyes.

Jaune grunted.

"You're not weak, Ruby. You kept trying throughout it, even as injured as you were. All right? You're not weak."

"I felt so weak-"

"Well you're not," Jaune stated firmly. "You were poisoned, had almost no aura, a broken wrist, a broken ankle, and you still kept trying to fight. That takes strength. It doesn't matter if you were scared, you didn't let it distract you."

"How did you deal with it?" Ruby asked softly.

Jaune smiled softly.

"Simple… If I failed? You would die… And I wasn't going to let that happen. No matter what. Just like the rest of us."

"That simple?"

"That simple," Jaune said with a nod. He sighed. "I used to overthink everything in a fight. That… That almost got me killed a few times. Until I realized, I couldn't deal with any of that crap if I died. So… I had to just focus on what mattered. In this case? You mattered more than anything else."

Ruby blushed deeply, and hid her face in his chest.

"S-Still… You could have died," she murmured.

"As long as you were alive, I was okay with that-!"

Ruby looked up into his eyes, shocked and angry.

"Well I wouldn't have been!" She cried angrily. She glared up at him. "S-So, you're not allowed to die, got it? Co-Team Leader's orders!"

Jaune shut his eyes tightly.

"Ruby… When it comes down to it… I'm the most expendable person around-"


They got a look from Nurse Tsune over at her desk, but Ruby fought through her blush. She stared down at his chest, sniffling a bit.

"You're not," she growled, "You're not. Don't you ever say that again! I… I'll break all your bones if you ever say anything like that again! I promise!"

"I…" He looked genuinely shocked. Ruby wet her lips.

"It sucked when Mom died, all right? I-I can barely remember her, but every time I see a picture, hear her name… It hurts. I barely knew her and-and it still hurts. I don't want to feel that way losing you, Jaune! I don't!"

"... I know," he murmured, hugging her. "I know… I'm sorry. I just…"

His eyes looked away. Ruby wondered what he was seeing. His father's death, maybe?

"... I can't stand the thought of losing you. Any of you," he muttered. "I barely know you but I can't… I can't go through that again. I care too much."

"Then don't you ever think of making us go through it," Ruby insisted, still crying, "Please Jaune? Please?"

He swallowed nothing. He patted her on the back.

"... I promise."

"Thank you," Ruby murmured, still sniffling. Jaune got her a tissue. She took it from him, and wiped her own face.

"I can handle it," she said, "I-I'm not a kid. I'm not your little sister."

"I know," Jaune said softly, "I just want to do it for you. Because It's you."

Ruby turned bright as the tips of her hair.

"Geez Crybaby, already making my little sister cry?"

They both looked up to see Yang walking in, her smile bright and confident even if her eyes were concerned. Weiss entered after, quiet, with a few gifts in her arms.

"Yay! Most of my team finally came to visit me!" Ruby cheered, pulling away from Jaune quickly. Yang took his place and hugged her little sister tightly.

"Sorry… Lots of official paperwork crap," Yang admitted, kissing Ruby on the top of her head, "No more running off on your own, okay? We're a team, right?"

"Right. And I promise," Ruby said.

"She means we had to go through a lot of debriefings," Weiss sighed, setting the gifts down by Ruby's bedside. "I brought you cookies."


Weiss looked over at Jaune, and cleared her throat. She shot a glare at Yang, who smiled and winked.

"Ah… Arc. I just… While you're here, and all… I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I've been a bit… Well… Rude, and a talk with Pyrrha helped me see I was being unfair. So…"

She held out her hand to him.

"I hope you can forgive me."

Jaune stared at her hand. He reached up his, and shook it slowly.

"Sure. I get it. Kind of. Family stuff?"

Weiss nodded slowly, clearly holding back some irritation at how blunt he was. Ruby rather liked that part about Jaune. Most of the time.

"Yes… In a sense. You?"

"Different, but… Kind of, yeah," Jaune admitted. "And for what it's worth… I am kind of a jerk. So, I'm sorry too."

"I… I guess I don't mind honest dislike," Weiss said, "Better than you simpering after me for my favor."

"So if I really wanted to rile you up, I just have to hit on you?" Jaune asked with a little grin. Weiss scowled at him, though Ruby couldn't help a grin despite her anger.

He's feeling better! If he can tease Weissy, he's feeling better!

"Don't you dare, Jaune!" Ruby growled.

"What? She's cute when she's mad!" Jaune insisted. Weiss's face turned red, and she glared cold death at his smirking face.

"I really hate you, Arc. I want that to be clear, got it?"

"Well I don't actually hate you, Ice Princess. That better, or worse?"

"Ugh!" Weiss groaned, glaring at Ruby and Yang, "How do you stand him?!"

"Helps that he's easy on the eyes," Yang giggled. She looked over at Jaune awkwardly. "So uh… I mean…"

She glanced at Ruby, who nodded with a big smile. She looked back at Jaune.

"What is it, Yang?" Jaune asked.

Come on, Yang, come on, please… Ruby thought, You're so confident! This should be nothing!

"You… Uh… You saved my sister, and I feel like I should do something-"

"We all saved her," Jaune said, "You and Pyrrha dragged me along when I became luggage. You don't owe me anything, okay?"

He smiled at her.

"You guys being alive and well is all I want. Really."

It was completely sincere, but with how he was speaking to her earlier… Ruby bit her lower lip in worry.

If Yang noticed this, she didn't say anything. She just blushed.

"Geez Jaune, you get replaced by aliens or something? You're acting so smooth. Even Weiss might start to melt for you despite her tsundere ways."

"I'm not tsundere," Weiss growled, as she opened another package of cookies for Ruby to eat.

"Eh, life or death situations make teenage drama seem like nothing in comparison," Jaune said, shrugging. "I mean… It's fucked up but it kind of helps to put things in perspective?"

"Yeah, yeah, it kind of does," Yang said, looking almost shy, "'Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die' kind of thing?"

"Nobody is dying," Ruby stated firmly, "That's Rule One. Period."

A dark cloud settled over the room. Yang broke it with some laughter.

"Relax Ruby. We're not going out with a Yang any time soon," she joked, even as Weiss groaned softly, "Though Jauney-boy might be going out with one."

Jaune blinked, looking up at her in confusion.

"I… Wait, what?"

Yang flushed deeply. She cleared her throat. Ruby shot her pleading eyes.

"I'm uh… I'm asking you out," she said. "Ya know. On a date. With me. Some time."

Jaune blinked a few times. Yang coughed, and laughed nervously.

"That uh… Don't leave me Yang-ing, Jaune?"

"I-uh-N-No, I mean, sure?" Jaune managed. "If you want to? When?"

"Uh… Well, we're confined to Beacon for the next two weeks so… Some time after that?" Yang asked with a smile. Jaune slowly nodded.


"Hello Ruby!"

Ruby jumped. Pyrrha had entered, her smile wide and scary looking as she entered. She carried some flowers she was holding too tightly. A few bedpans began to bend while surrounded in Black Aura energy.

"I'm so glad you're okay, I was worried about you for a little while," Pyrrha laughed, her eyes slowly locking onto Yang with an intensity that made her flinch. They were hollow, filled with nothing but death.

"Hello Yang. It's been a bit since we talked, huh? And fought together. To save everyone. Including Jaune, my partner, whom you just asked out-"

Jaune sighed, stood up, and bonked Pyrrha on the head.

"OW! Jaune-!" Pyrrha moaned.

"Pyrrha, relax," Jaune said gently, "All right? Friends. Friends."

"I uh…" Pyrrha nodded. "Y-Yes. Friends."

She looked shyly over at Ruby.

"I'm very glad you're alright, Ruby."

"Thank you, Pyrrha," Ruby managed.

"And uh…" She looked at Yang, wincing a bit, "If-If you're going out with Jaune, I'm totally… Totally fine with it-"

"We're going out to have fun, we're not getting married," Jaune sighed. "Yang's a lot more fun than I am. It would be nice to just get out and have fun. For all of us."

He shook his head.

"In two weeks."

"R-Right, two weeks, of course," Pyrrha said quickly. Yang winced.

"I'm uh, kind of, sort of, really-"

"No, no, you didn't do anything wrong," Jaune said, smiling warmly at Yang, "Thank you. I'm looking forward to going out with you and having fun. Because we're friends, and that's what friends do, right?"

Yang nodded, her eyes shining.

"Yeah… Yeah, it is."

Yay! It's working! Ruby thought happily. But why does my chest hurt over this…? Shouldn't I be happy…?

Weiss shoved another cookie into her mouth.


"That should help," Weiss sighed.

"R-Right," Yang admitted, before speaking up with confidence again, "P-Money, try to dial down the yandere, okay? Your senpai and I are just having some fun."

Pyrrha flushed.

"I-I'm not a yandere-!"

"The scary grin is back, Pyrrha," Jaune sighed.

"I-I'm working on it! Really!" Pyrrha insisted. Jaune hugged her tightly… And she melted into his embrace.

"I know you are, and thank you," Jaune said, "Just… There are better boys to obsess over."

"Don't we know it," Weiss muttered.

Yang and Ruby scowled at Weiss.

Pyrrha opened her mouth, but Jaune coughed and waved his hands.

"Actually no! Don't obsess over boys in general! Just… Let's be chill, okay? Focus on friendship. Making more friends. You've been doing that, right? That's good! You should do more!"

"... R-Right, of course," Pyrrha murmured softly. She did cheer up a little when Jaune hugged her again. He smiled tiredly at everyone else as he broke away from the pouting Pyrrha.

"What, no hug for me?" Yang asked. "Don't leave me out in the cold, Jaune!"

"Of course," Jaune said, giving her a tight hug. One Yang returned eagerly… Maybe a little too eagerly, to Ruby's eyes. Definitely to Pyrrha's, though the redhead just looked away and muttered to herself.

"Mmm… Top ten hugs, easy," Yang giggled, "For you too, huh Jauney-boy? There are two big pluses?"

"Yes, yes there are," Jaune deadpanned, chuckling a bit as his ears turned red, "Geez, tone it down a little. Been a long day."

"Yeah, it sure has been," Yang sighed.

"Well… Uh… If there aren't any other personal things to get off our chests," he said, ignoring Yang's very mature snicker, "I will see you ladies in the morning."

"Bye Jaune!" Ruby said happily, waving cheerfully.

"Good night," Weiss stated calmly but politely.

"Later, Lover Boy," Yang winked. It actually made Jaune flush a bit.

"I'll see you in our room, Jaune," Pyrrha said, still smiling a bit scarily.

"Right, right," Jaune said, as he headed out.

Pyrrha turned and sighed.

"I'm… Really sorry about all that-"

"It's okay," Yang said, waving her hands, "We're all… Well…"

"Hopelessly socially inept, but we can fix that," Weiss deadpanned. She looked at Ruby seriously.

"Ruby? I think we need to increase our training. We can't afford to slack off."

"Hey, we did okay-" Yang argued, but Ruby shook her head.

"No, she's right. We… We got lucky."

If it hadn't been for that… Whatever it was with my eyes… No. Don't think about it. It was just too weird…!

Not until she could talk to someone who might know more.

"Hence, we need to get good enough so we don't have to rely on luck," Weiss said.

She looked at Pyrrha. "Pyrrha?"

"Ah, yes?"

"Would it… Would it be all right if our team could train with you?" Weiss asked. "Especially Ruby?"

"Please?" Ruby asked.

"Er, Ruby," Yang began.

"She's trying to be more normal, right?" Ruby asked. "And make more friends?"

Ruby grinned at Pyrrha.

"Wouldn't… Wouldn't this help you? And help us?"

Pyrrha considered it in silence.

"I… I would like that very much," she admitted. "Sorry for before-"

"Geez, Jaune's right, you do say that too much," Ruby sighed. Pyrrha flushed, but she wore a small, genuine smile.

"I… Yes. Well… I mean, I'll talk to Jaune about it, but I-I'm sure he'll agree. We all work very well together, after all! Um, g-goodnight!"

Pyrrha hurried out, in the same direction that Jaune had gone.

"Great! I'll tell Blake about it when she gets here." Ruby sighed. "Sure hope she shows up soon."

"I'm sure she will," Yang said encouragingly, "She'll just be fashionably… Blake."

"Ugh," Weiss moaned, "That one doesn't even make any sense!"

"Well, with just us three, I can't help being WRY about things!"


Well, at least she's a lot happier if she's making bad jokes again, Ruby mused, still munching on sweets.

- - -

Jaune took a few steps out of the infirmary, heading down the hallways… Before a black figure grabbed him by the collar. "URK!"

"Jaune. We need to talk," Blake Belladonna stated, yellow eyes practically glowing.

"... Kay?"

She forced him to walk ahead of her. Rather than feeling threatened, Jaune was more confused.

"Can I get a-?"


Jaune was too tired for this kind of shit. Really. But he was also too tired to protest against it.

Thus, he let Blake push him along to one of the empty floors of the Academy-Hard to avoid when it was so big and so many students quit.

She opened a door to an unused room, and gestured him inside. Her eyes were watchful, harsh… As though he'd do something to her?

Jaune entered, sighing heavily. He walked into the room, devoid of anything but some generic furniture being stored away, all illuminated by the moonlight coming through the windows. Blake shut the door behind them, and turned, her yellow eyes glowing in the dim light.

"Blake, can you please tell me what the hell is-?"

"Golden Lion's Roar," she stated.

Jaune's mouth went dry, as Blake glared at him. He slowly nodded, and swallowed.

"Y-Yeah… That's what I did-"

"It's a singular move. An invention of a Faunus Huntsman turned mercenary and outlaw," Black continued, in that firm, angry tone. "He only taught it to a few students over the course of his life. All Faunus. He was a Faunus I know personally…"

"Ser Gato Zapatos," Jaune whispered.

Blake held up her scroll. An article from the Valean Herald was displayed.


In the center of the article was a large picture of the cliff… The cliff…

In the middle of a pile of Grimm remains, there stood a freshly dug grave. Plunged into the head of this grave was a familiar sword. Atop it, caught mid waving in the breeze, was an equally familiar cape and feathered hat.

"Edge is between Radian and Vale," Blake whispered, "You said you traveled there… You…"

Blake's voice was lost in the rushing sound that flooded his ears. It was the sound of the river below. There were snarls and growls of Grimm all around him. He could almost see their glowing red eyes.

There was Gato… Smiling that same sad smile…

"Live your life, Juan Arc. Live it well... And when you meet him? Greet Death with a smile. I will put in a good word for you…"



Jaune grabbed the Scroll out of the still speaking Blake's hands, and swung his fist with it into a table. It split in two, his Aura having recovered just enough. Jaune swung his fists into a chair, sending it flying. He heard it smash but didn't care. He grabbed another table and swung it into the wall, watching it break and fall to the floor.

Another table. Another piece of furniture. He smashed through it all as the moon kept glowing on, and on, just like that night-!

"Live your life, Juan Arc. Live it well…"

"Live your life, Juan Arc…"



He had lifted another table right up over his head when he felt strong arms wrap around his chest from behind. He looked back wildly… Only saw wide, yellow eyes filled with shock and fear.

He trembled… He dropped the table with a crash. He went with it soon after, collapsing to the carpeted floor. He raised his fist and slammed it into the floor, over and over again, cracking his bones or the wood underneath-He didn't care.

Jaune's body came back to him in an instant-His lungs burned as he panted hard for breath, his feet and fists hurt, his heart pounded. His throat was raw from screaming.

Blake… Shifted around, on her knees with him. She kept her arms wrapped tightly around him, her eyes boring into his. He looked down at the carpet. He slowly lifted a hand to stare at its bloody surface.

"Jaune…" Blake whispered softly, "Jaune…? Can you hear me? Are… Are you all right?"

"... It should have been me," he hissed between harsh breaths.


"It should have fucking been me," Jaune husked out his ragged throat. Hot tears poked out of the corners of his eyes. He thought he was done crying, but…

"What… What do you mean…?" Blake asked, soft and concerned. It was so different from her usual tones, he barely recognized her.

Jaune didn't look up once as he told the story. About how stupid he'd been. About how he'd been trapped with Gato, and had to fight for his life. How Gato had trained him, taught him that technique, and they'd escaped… Except…

"It should have been me," Jaune whispered, "I should have died… He sacrificed himself to save me, and I… Why? He had a family… He could have gotten away… Why… Why me…?"

"Jaune," Blake said softly. She reached up and tilted his face towards hers. He tried to look away, but her stubborn strength held him trapped by her gaze.

"Jaune.. I-I'm sorry. I was… I knew him. To find out he was dead, and you could wield his technique, I…" She shut her eyes tightly. "I'm sorry… I was angry. I… I thought…"

She shook her head, and then reopened her eyes.

"I knew him. He was a close friend of my father's. I grew up with him around-I-I called him Uncle Gato. I know that he would do anything to save another person's life. Even at the cost of his own. That's the kind of Faunus he is… Was. He… He was a hero. He saved you because he cared about you, and it was the right thing to do. If he hadn't, you would both be dead. You talked to Ruby about this… How do you think we would feel if that happened to you? Or your family? You… You're not expendable."

Jaune sniffled, as Blake stared into his eyes. She worried her lip before she continued.

"I know what it's like to live with grief, and guilt. You're always thinking… Thinking you could have done something more. The what ifs. In my case…"

She looked like she was about to continue, before she shook her head.

"It doesn't matter… But in your case… There was nothing you could have done. And Uncle Gato wouldn't want you to be like this. If he put effort into training you, he clearly thought you were worth any sacrifice… Even sacrificing himself. It's not your fault."

Jaune stared at her, a few tears still slipping down his cheeks. He took a shuddering breath.

"I… You mean that?"

"I do," Blake insisted. "I wouldn't lie about this. I promise."

Jaune stared at his hands instead of looking into her eyes. Blake sighed.

"Let me… Let me fix up your hands," she said softly.

She helped him get his gloves and gauntlets off, and, using supplies from his bag, dressed the bruises and cuts on his fingers and palms. With his Aura so low, the wounds were fairly noticeable, but would heal quickly.

"Thank you," he murmured. Blake gave him a hug, and helped him stand up slowly.

"You're welcome," she whispered back. Jaune shook his head.

"I… I'm going to bed," he said, "And you… You should see Ruby. Now."

He gave her an intense stare, the last of his emotional energy.

Blake slowly nodded.

"I will."


- - -

Jaune turned and walked out of the room, leaving Blake to stand there in silence. Her bow twitched as she heard someone familiar moving with lightning speed, away. She frowned.

She shook her head free of such distractions.

She let out a long, slow breath. Things had gotten so complicated, so quickly.

This was supposed to be a clean slate, a fresh start… But her past just kept catching up with her.

The White Fang… What are you thinking, Adam?

She closed her eyes. She could see nothing but Ruby, unconscious, underneath that tree as Grimm advanced on her…

What kind of truth are you seeking?

The truth was… She couldn't do anything about the White Fang right now. But there was something she could do.

Blake opened her eyes back up. She turned and headed out the door.

She had a team leader to check up on.

- - -

Jaune made it up to the JNPR dorm. He walked in as quietly as he could, and yanked off his armor and clothes. He was pretty sweaty and gross, but sleep took precedence.

He was down to boxers and T-shirt as he staggered past the sleeping Ren and Nora-cuddled up together, as per their usual. He got to his bed… Where Pyrrha was waiting.

She was in her pajamas, her hair down, and utterly disheveled. As though she'd just recently changed, but Jaune couldn't spare any thought to that.

"Jaune," Pyrrha asked softly, "Can I cuddle with you tonight, please?"

"... Sure," Jaune managed, as he sat down onto the bed. "Just… Shut the blinds. No moonlight, please."

Pyrrha nodded, and scooted over to let him lie down next to her. "Of course, Jaune."

The blinds shut on their own. Guess there was some metal in there for Pyrrha to use. She cuddled up to him, as he pulled up the blanket over them both.

"Sweet dreams, Jaune," she murmured.

"Thanks Pyrrha," he mumbled.

He closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

- - -
Eighteen: Forever Fall Coda
- - -

Cardin had taken Velvet up to the Bullhead, held her the whole way back to Beacon, carried her down and deposited her (gently) in the Infirmary. He'd nodded to her and headed out as Nurse Tsune went to work. She'd thanked him happily, and he'd just waved back to her as he left.

His team had been strangely quiet after that. They hadn't mentioned a thing about their day. Maybe it was just because they were all pretty tired.

Yeah. That might be the case. But Cardin's dad was a politician, so something didn't feel right.

Still... It wasn't that fact that kept him staring up at the ceiling that night.

Why had he given her a chance? Why had he just... Gotten along with her?

Maybe she's just a cute girl? His subconscious provided, but Cardin snorted.

His dad still got cold and distant when the anniversary of the Faunus Revolt passed. His gaze would turn to the portraits of Cardin's uncles on the wall in the living room: His father's brothers, who had been killed in the war.

His mother couldn't take a trip near Fort Castle, or the old town of Rifle Butte. Fort Castle had been sacked by the Faunus forces, not a human left alive. Rifle Butte had been the Duvalier Clan's second home away from Vale, his mother's family, where so many of her family had resided...

Until the Faunus forces massacred them, too.

Thirty years... Thirty years wasn't long enough for their hurt to go away.

Didn't help that White Fang kept targeting their businesses. That Faunus children had called him the grandson of a murderer. Absolom Winchester had fought the Faunus, and later fought the White Fang. His medals and decorations for his bravery were still visible in the family mansion, in his dad's sitting room.

He'd been killed by a White Fang terrorist when Cardin was only seven. How... How could he even be thinking of doing anything with a faunus girl?

She didn't do any of those things,
his subconscious reminded him.

No... But with White Fang out in force again, killing and causing mayhem... What if... What if she had to choose sides?

He tried to imagine himself in her place. Would he really side against his family if it came down to a war? Could he?

Could anyone?

- - -

He got up late. He hated it when he did that. It felt like a betrayal of his team: If he was the leader, he should get up first and set the example.

He grabbed a shower and dressed in his uniform, even though it was the weekend. Stifling a yawn, he headed downstairs, intent on the cafeteria. The food wasn't great on the weekend, but it was better than nothing.

He caught sight of his team waiting on the quad outside the cafeteria building. He shot them a glare as he approached. Dove leaned against a tree, trying to look casual (and failing). Sky and Russel were discussing something in low tones with a Scroll between them.

"The hell are you guys standing around for?" Cardin asked angrily. All three looked up at Cardin, unsteadily.

"Oh, well..." Russel listened to his scroll, and nodded. "Ya know. Just for you!"

"Yeah," Sky said with a nod, "Just for you. We can go eat now!"

Cardin narrowed his eyes.

"Okay... Why are you acting so weird?"

"Maybe you're being weird," Dove stated.

"Oh yeah? I'm the one standing around outside and not having breakfast?" Cardin growled. He shook his head, and stormed towards the doors. Dove smoothly got in front of him, waving his hands.

"Woah woah woah! Wait a second, Cap! We were just waiting for you! We'll all go in together, you leading..." He glanced over at Sky and Russel. "Nnnnow!"

Cardin scowled, and pushed Dove aside. He resumed his march for the cafeteria doors.

"Finally! I'm starving, let's-"

The doors flew open... And a familiar rabbit Faunus girl ran into him.



Funny enough, he went down with her on top of him. His arms had intinctively gone around her waist to hold her steady. She looked up slowly from where her face was buried in his chest and her body was pressed against him and holy shit she was so soft and warm and a girl what the-?!

"Oh, uh, um, I-I'm really sorry!" Velvet said quickly. "I-I didn't mean to-!"

"Aw, Velvet, you had to go and knock your boytoy over?" Coco Videl asked, grinning as she walked out of the cafeteria with her other teammates, "You gotta watch where you're going! Good thing he was there to catch you!"

"Y-Yeah, good thing," Velvet murmured shyly. She looked up at him... Blushed... And turned away. "Uh, um..."

Shit that's cute...

Cardin scowled and stood up. He lifted Velvet up just long enough to set her back down, and she squeaked as he did so.

"It's fine," he grunted, "Watch where you're going next time-"

"I-I will, sorry-!"

"You-You'd better be!"

Shit, his face was red. He could feel his team snickering behind their back.

"So! Since you two are... Close," Coco said with a smile, as Fox and Yatsuhashi shared a dubious glance behind her, "We'll let you two have some time to yourselves!"

"I'm getting breakfast-" Cardin protested, but Coco gasped loudly.

"Oh no! Cafeteria just shut down breakfast. Too late. Ah well. But! There's this great little cafe in Vale," Coco said with a grin.

"Oh yeah, that's the best!" Sky said with a nod.

"I know the one!" Russel grinned.

Dove rolled his eyes and shared a commiserating look with Fox and Yatsuhashi.

"So! You two go on! Your last date got interrupted, after all," Coco said.

"It wasn't a date, it was just lunch," Cardin growled. "So seriously, I don't know what you're doing, but-"

Velvet held his hand, and gave him a pleading look. Her hand was warm. Her eyes were wide.

"... Fine," Cardin growled. He pointed at Velvet. "But you're paying, since you knocked me down!"

"S-Sure!" Velvet said, smiling widely through her blush. Cardin turned and stormed off, Velvet moving quickly to keep up with his longer stride.

"I know a different diner, it's somewhere Coco would never eat, let's go there," Velvet muttered.


"Because Coco's got it into her head she has to watch over me all the time and I'm sick of it!" Velvet hissed. She then caught herself and blushed deeply.

"I-I'm sorry... I think she also roped your team into this, too..."

"Yeah, I noticed," Cardin grumbled.

"I'm... I'm really sorry..."

The look on her face... Shit... Was there a tear there?

"Don't cry," he said quickly, reaching out to wipe it off, "Or she'll kick my ass. Why are you crying, anyway?"

"I-I'm... I mean..." Velvet sighed. "You... You saved me and you could have gotten hurt and now Coco's causing you and your team trouble and I... I didn't want any of that... Not for you."

She looked up into his eyes... Her eyes...

He sighed heavily. He closed his eyes.

He didn't see his uncle's portraits. He didn't see his mother's silent grief. He didn't see his father's scowl.

He opened them again... And just saw Velvet.

Just... A girl.

"... I'm hungry anyway... A diner sounds nice," Cardin mumbled, "And... And you don't have to pay. I'll get it. It... It's not your fault."

Velvet lit up... And his heart skipped a beat. She eagerly took his hand and now she was leading him.

"Oh, you're gonna love it! I'm working on some recipes from there, too, the owner's a friend of mine, I know you'll love it...!"

He was not blushing. He was not smiling. He was... He was just going to get some breakfast with a nice, cute girl. A nice cute girl who happened to be a Faunus, in order to escape her insane team leader who had clearly brainwashed his teammates into helping her sick, twisted plan.

More than likely, Arc was involved somehow.

That's all it was... Really.

- - -

Adam Taurus had no particular attachment anywhere. The very concept of a home had lost all meaning in the SDC Dust Mining Camps.

The humans had seen to that.

He was a nomad, his only purpose to keep moving towards the future. A future free of pain, free of sin.

Free of mankind.

He sat in his office in the latest White Fang hideout in Atlas, loyal Illya at his side, as a holoscreen communication appeared over his desk. A lone operative stood there in a similarly nondescript location.

"Report," Adam ordered.

"The Geist Grimm you got from that woman worked," the operative reported, "The Grimm were controllable, to a point. We shepherded them to the target point, and drove them with the rifles."


The operative sagged.

"We lost five operatives. I'm the only one who escaped. The Geist... It didn't make us immune to the Grimm ourselves."

"Casualties for the enemy?"

The operative paused.

"We may have wounded a few... But no fatalities," the operative reported, bowing his head. "Apologies."

Adam shook his head slowly.

"Martyrs to the cause," Adam said gravely, "Do not lose sight of our goals. Record their names and send them to me. I will inform their families."

"Yes sir. There was... One other thing. I read your messages, concerning a certain person of interest?"

Adam leaned forward.


An image appeared on the screen. It was blurry, and hard to make out... But Adam tensed all the same as he identified a young man in a green cloak, white armor, wielding a familiar sword and shield.

"The Raggedy Knight is what they're calling him," the operative said, "He appears to be attending Beacon."

"I see," Adam murmured. He nodded. "Good work. Obtain more information on this Raggedy Knight, and submit it to me at the next check in."

"Yes sir," the operative said, giving the White Fang salute before he vanished. Illya frowned deeply as Adam rested his chin on his hands in contemplation.

"The plan was a long shot," Illya admitted, "They were badly organized. Even with that Fire Bitch's help-"

"I know," Adam sighed, "I know. Even a few dead students would have been useful."

"So we don't claim responsibility?"

"No, that would make us look like a laughingstock," Adam mused, "Victories are what we need, not defeats. This though..."

He reviewed the picture the operative had sent on his own Scroll.

"This could be very useful... Send to the cell and Torchwick: A bounty on the Raggedy Knight. Fifty thousand lien for his head."

"That much?" Illya asked, worried. Adam nodded.

"This is twice now at least he has interfered in our operations... There won't be a third."

"Yes sir," Ilya said. She paused for a moment. "There's been news about Zapatos. If you were interested?"

Adam was silent.

"He was found dead near Edge, in Vale," Ilya spoke quietly.

Adam remained motionless. Very slowly, he nodded.

"I see... How?"

"Underground deathmatches. He tried to escape... But was overcome by Grimm," Illya said.

Adam stared out into nothing.

"I see," He murmured.


"... He went out as he lived... A fool to the end," Adam stated coldly. "Go. I have work to do."

"Yes sir," Illya said with a quick nod, leaving as fast as she could without appearing to flee.

No matter his words, the aura that Adam projected said far more than his mouth ever would on the subject.

- - -

And that's it for Forever Fall, or the "Jaundice" so-called 'arc' of RWBY for White Knight Errant. Next time? Roman Torchwick returns, and Yang and Jaune try to have their first date!
Team SLVR Information
Five to one odds it's a gaddamn false flag operation. No way THE White Fail have such a well trained operative that can shoot the fucking scope of a sniper rifle from so far away yet COINSIDENTALLY get got like a bitch in such an obvious spot.. No way they have such an actually well trained operative PERIOD, considering their usual MO is human wave terror tactics.

Also who and why are those supa kewl OCs? Or are they canon somewhere?





In order: Simin Megister, Lycan Arcadia, Vella Moisia, and Ragora Cinarum.

In this universe, they're teacher-aides and essentially teaching assistants at Beacon. They are all fourth-year students, seniors, in their final year at Beacon who work as teachers to graduate. They will probably do this teaching assistant job part-time even after graduation. They are highly regarded as the finest team of young hunters in Vale.

They are not in on Ozpin's Group or Salem, but do some missions for Ozpin in service of countering Salem.

They are very close to Glynda Goodwitch, who is pushing them as a replacement, in a sense, of Summer, Taiyang, Qrow and Raven's team, STRQ ("Stark").
Last edited:
Nineteen: "Black and White" Arc Begin
- - -

Three weeks later...

- - -

Weiss came into the common room, yawning a bit as she stretched. She'd indulged herself a bit, sleeping in late at the start of the weekend, but had been drawn out thanks to the smell of breakfast cooking. She opened her eyes and scanned around.

Her teammates were eating at the table with most of JNPR, all still in their pajamas. She could see a familiar mess of blond hair working at the stove in the kitchenette, obscured by cabinets above and the range below. Jaune Arc looked her way, and smirked a bit.

"Morning, sleepyhead. If you want breakfast, better hurry! It's going fast!"

"Yes, yes," Weiss yawned, as Jaune stepped out from behind the kitchenette, "I'm sure whatever slop you're cooking is acceptaaaaaHHHHH?!"

Jaune blinked as Weiss reared back like a cat that had been splashed with water.

"What? The apron was the only one I could find at the school shop!" He protested, the too-small apron with Beacon's logo barely covering up his nipples. Indeed, it only seemed to accentuate his bare body.


"What? No!" Jaune scoffed. He turned around. "See? I have some boxers-Also from the store-"

"COVER UP YOU DEGENERATE!" Weiss shrieked, her face bright red. "YOUNG LADIES ARE HERE!"

"We don't mind," Yang said with a happy grin, "Let Jaune wear what he wants! It's a free country!"

"Y-Yeah," Ruby mumbled, her face bright red as she peeked through hands covering up her eyes. "Yang let me see!"

"Not on your life!"

"It-It's perfectly fine with me," Pyrrha managed. She looked over at Jaune's mostly bare physique, and swooned. "H-He's my partner and whatever makes him happy makes me happy... Sooo happy..."

"It's fine," Blake mumbled, red face behind a book.

"It's cool! As long as Jaune doesn't tempt Renny," Nora said cheerfully. She gave Jaune a glare. "You're not trying to steal my Renny, are you Jaune?"

"Wouldn't dream of it, Nora," Jaune said, "We're just friends."

"Indeed," Ren deadpanned.

"Good! All is well!" Nora nodded with a cheerful smile.

Weiss looked up at the ceiling, blushing down her throat.

"Where-Don't you have anything else-?!"

"I literally have three outfits, and they're all in the wash," Jaune said patiently.

"You-Don't you have money now? Can't you buy some clothes?!"

"Well, I haven't had the chance to," Jaune said. He shrugged, and that just made Yang grin more widely.

"Weren't-Weren't you going to take Yang on a date, you-you pervert?!" Weiss demanded, still looking anywhere but directly at Jaune. Jaune snapped his fingers.

"Hey yeah! I was!" He grimaced. "Shit... I don't have anything to wear."

"We can just make that part of the date," Yang said cheerfully, "I want us to match. Wouldn't want to wear... The Jaune outfit, eh?"

Jaune laughed. Of course he did, Weiss thought unhappily. He was enjoying her discomfort, the scoundrel!

Then... She had an idea. An awful idea. A wonderful, awful idea.

"But why stop at one outfit?" Weiss said, sing song. "After all, you only came here with the clothes on your back, Arc."

Jaune blinked.


"Why, surely the rest of our teams have some suggestions for outfits they'd like you to wear," Weiss said, grinning evilly. "Which we could all make you model, to see if it works well on your... Form. I'm sure your date would appreciate it... As would we all."

Yang blinked... Then grew a similar evil grin as Weiss's.

Ruby perked up, Pyrrha drooled, Nora grinned, and even Blake looked... Intrigued. Ren did nothing save give Jaune a pitying look.

"Er... I wouldn't want you to spend any money on me, Princess," Jaune tried to counter attack, "After all, I'm not a charity case-"

"I'll consider it a public service," Weiss said, chuckling darkly, "To make a mangy, dirty ruffian look even somewhat presentable in public."

Weiss smiled to her sister Huntresses-in-Training.

"What do you say, ladies? Shall Mister Arc serve as our doll for the day?"

"He'd be a doll if he played along," Yang chuckled. Weiss let her have that one.

"I didn't really play with them growing up, but I'd love to learn," Nora grinned.

"Ooh... It kind of sounds... Fun!" Ruby giggled.

"I suppose it might be a bit... Enjoyable," Blake allowed.

"Oh yes, yes, yesss," Pyrrha nodded eagerly.

"It seems we have reached an accord!" Weiss said, turning back to the paling Jaune Arc, "Don't you worry, Arc. We'll make a real man out of you, somehow."

The other women rose and began to advance on him. Jaune gulped, and began to back away slowly with his hands up.

"Ah, er, that-that's great and all, but uh-I have somewhere to be... Getting ready for my date..."

He stole for the door to the JNPR dorms... And one of Weiss' Glyphs blocked him. He tried for the door to the hallway, and Ruby appeared in front of him in a burst of petals. He coughed... And ran for the window.

Some pots and pans flew up and barred his way, courtesy of Pyrrha's Polarity. He turned and smiled as best he could as the Huntresses continued to advance.

"Now... Ladies... Can't we talk this out? Or could someone like Ren please HELP ME?!"

"You're on your own, Jaune," Ren said, sipping his tea, "You have seven sisters, you'll be fine."


- - -

"Seriously bro, I don't get you."

Neptune Vasilias looked over from his suitcase, rummaging around for his haircare products, as his team leader Sun Wukong pulled on some jean shorts, a button up shirt he (of course) left open, and his usual sandals. The other two members of their team, Sage and Scarlet, had already left the hotel room to do whatever. Not that Neptune was going to interfere.

"What's not to get?" Sun asked, laughing, "We only got this hotel room because I agreed to take a job. Someone's gotta be responsible."

"Yeah, because that word somehow applies to you," Neptune snorted, still rummaging. "Shit, where's my hairspray...?"

"I'm plenty responsible!" Sun protested. "I'm taking the job, right? It's a secret mission!"

"Right, that your uncle Sean gave you all the way from Menagerie, and you can't tell us what it is," Neptune sighed.

"What part of 'secret mission' don't you get?"

"Hey, I'm not complaining! Though going to the Beacon dorms from a swanky five star hotel is gonna suck. Why'd he put us up like this?"

Sun rolled his eyes.

"It's the perfect cover. We just look like four guys enjoying ourselves before we transfer into Beacon," Sun emphasized, checking the ammo for his shotgun nunchakus. Neptune rolled his eyes back.

"We are four guys enjoying ourselves before transferring into Beacon," he stated.

"So it's the perfect cover!"

"Still don't know how you made the headmaster excuse us a few weeks before semester's end," Neptune mused, walking into the bathroom to begin his daily beauty routine. Took a lot of effort to look this handsome, after all.

"Menagerie's still a kingdom, even if it is the smallest," Sun retorted, "'Great diplomatic need', 'would greatly appreciate it', blah blah blah, hand over a grant and we're here! Stop complaining!"

"I'm not complaining."

"You totally are, bro!"

"I'm not! I'd just... Ya know... Would love to know what the hell we're here for. I'm not complaining, just curious," Neptune said, adding some product after combing his hair just right. He checked himself over in the mirror three times, then winked.

Satisfied... For now... Neptune emerged from the bathroom and grinned, shooting finger guns at his Faunus friend and leader.

"How do I look?"

"The same douche you were when you walked in," Sun grinned.

"Dick," Neptune scoffed. "Seriously though... If you need backup-"

"Eh, it's fine," Sun said, waving his hand with a smile. "Just keep your Scroll on, all right?"

"Yeah yeah... Still... Can't I at least get a clue?"

Sun opened the hotel glass doors, and headed out onto the balcony. He grinned, and hopped up into a crouch onto the balcony railing. His golden tail waved like a flag.

"I'm finding myself a princess!" He cried, before he jumped off backwards. Neptune rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah. That helps," he grunted. He checked his Scroll. Scarlet and Sage had messaged him down by the pool. They had pics of ladies in bikinis.

Neptune grinned. Eh, Sun could look after himself. Whatever his weird uncle wanted, he was sure Sun would find it.

He had more important things to worry about.

- - -

Roman didn't often go out with Neo in public. Sure, he would go about to make sure his "clients" were paying up properly. To make an impression on a shopkeeper who wasn't budging. To perform heists. Out in the daytime? When the heat was this high?

No. He was confident, not stupid.

So he'd gone out in disguise. Nothing fancy: A plain, boring suit and tie, his hair colored blond instead of red, a pair of glasses, a fake beard, and voila. No more Roman Torchwick, just a mild mannered looking guy with his black haired daughter at an ice cream shop.

Easy peasy. Being discovered by the cops was, in fact, the least concerning thing to him right now.

"We're fucked, Neo," he sighed without preamble, as Neo dug into a tall sundae, "Royally. I mean, the White Fang's barely giving us any muscle, even after we gave them all those weapons! Ungrateful animals, the lot of them! And You-Know-Who's sending fire up my chimney about it!"

Neo nodded, and made a few hand gestures. Roman snorted.

"No, no, killing some of them wouldn't send the right message."

Neo elaborated further.

"No, you can't kill all of them. That would make the problem worse," He groaned. "And after that Forever Fall stunt of theirs... What were they thinking?! 'Oh, I know! We'll try to murder a bunch of students training to kill Grimm with... Wait for it... LOTS OF GRIMM!'"

Roman moaned, and massaged his temples. Neo shrugged.

"Well maybe it would have worked if this year's crop weren't all freaks," Roman sighed, "But they are! Even Red's still alive and kicking! Which makes sense, as she was barely a match for me."

Neo gave him an extremely deadpan look.

"What? I escaped! That counts as a win! Wasn't a loss!" Roman grumbled.

Neo shrugged again, and signed some more thoughts of hers.

"No, I don't know why they want Beacon," Roman stated, "Sure not for money or normal reasons. Honestly, I think we've fallen in with a bad crowd, Neo. No two ways about it."

Neo looked questioningly at him. He shook his head.

"Well, people like that tend to want things that make business hard for folks like us after... If they don't just plan to kill us themselves. Which, let's be honest... That's likely to happen with Miss Light up My Life."

Neo stroked her chin, looked very serious, and signed again. Roman burst out laughing.

"Hahaha! What? Change sides to Ozpin? Go straight?! That's a hell of a joke, Neo! You're a riot!"

Neo laughed silently... Then went serious again. Roman shook his head.

"Come on, Neo. Ozpin's not that much of a bleeding heart idiot! And neither am I! He wouldn't buy it! Not out of the blue! I'm not even convinced that's the right move and I'm scared as shit!"

Neo ate some more ice cream, licked her spoon, and then waved her arm around in a circle. Roman grumbled.

"What we need is... An inside man who can get to Old Ozzy. Give us some real info. Work as an asset, give us more options... Someone we already know-"

Neo pointed out the window of the ice cream shop. Roman followed her finger.

On the sidewalk across the street, in the middle of... What, five huntresses in training? There walked a familiar, grumpy young man in a ratty green cloak. Leading the pack was a familiar girl in red, who was smiling far too happily. The girls were basically shepherding the unhappy young man forward. Behind them, trailing a bit with a short, stacked redhead in pink, was a black and pink-haired boy in light green. He wore the same expression Roman himself would wear for the young man in the green cloak:

Pity, and some relief he hadn't been chosen by these ravenous girls.

"... Oh, when the stars align," Roman chuckled, as Neo grinned brightly. "Be on your best behavior, Neo. Our little Jauney's about to get a visit from his dear Uncle Alex, and his cousin Mint."

Neo signed something eagerly.

"No! Killing isn't part of 'best behavior'!"

Neo pouted, but nodded as she motioned to the waiter for a to-go box.

- - -

New Arc begin!
Omake: SLVR Lining 1 "Simin Megister"
- - -

One of the most unpleasant surprises Weiss Schnee got when she came to Beacon was Jaune Arc. Not only did they have to share the core curriculum classes together, not only did they have to share a common room, but he had to have her favorite class as well!

"What do you even need Dust class for?" Weiss scoffed, walking ahead of Jaune as they headed to the classroom. Jaune shrugged.

"Well, my mom did figure out how to heal people by pushing her Aura through Medical Dust," Jaune said, "So it stands to reason I should know more about it too."

"A Dust she invented," Weiss growled, "You should know all you need to about it!"

"This was better for my schedule, unfortunately," Jaune retorted, "Otherwise I'd be taking it with Nora!"

"You could have adjusted your schedule so you weren't taking it with me!"

"All right," Jaune sighed, rolling his eyes as he came to a stop, "What's up your ass this time?"

Weiss glared death at him right outside the classroom.

"There's nothing up my-You ruffian! You...!"

She sucked in a deep breath.

"Okay, look... Professor Megister teaches this class part-time, right?"

"Right," Jaune nodded. It was hard not to recall the leader of Team SLVR, their professor, who had saved all their asses with how much Weiss gushed about him... His eyebrows went up. He grinned.

"Ohhh! I get it! You're sweet on him! That's adorable! Little Miss Ice Princess has a crush-"

Weiss jabbed him in the chest.

"Shutupshutupshutup I do not!" Weiss hissed, her cheeks bright red, "Even if I did, I-I would never act upon it! Th-That would be against the regulations, even if he is still a student! He'd be fired, lose his whole career! I-I can't do that to a man as brilliant as Professor Megister!"

Jaune rubbed his chest, glaring.

"Sounds like you could conveniently get him to work for you that way-"

"I would never do that!" Weiss whisper shouted. "But-But it's always a good idea to ingratiate yourself to future talent! When I become CEO, I-I want people of integrity to work for me! Professor Megister has revolutionized the use of Dust, and he's only twenty! He's also a brave, kind man, who could have been hired by my father but prefers to work to teach the next generation and protect the innocent!"

Weiss beamed brightly.

"I want to befriend him so that, one day, I can convince him to work with me to revolutionize the Dust industry and make things better! Better for everyone!"

Jaune stared at her.

"And you also have the hots for him."

"No I don't!" Weiss hissed, her face lit up like a stop sign. "J-Just because he's handsome, young, muscular, a genius-!"

"Weiss, I have seven older sisters," Jaune stated flatly, "You're not fooling me."

"Look," Weiss growled, "I happen to like him a lot, I have plans for the future involving him. So don't-Don't mess anything up for me, got it?! You just transferred into the class, after all! Just be quiet, take notes, and don't be a ruffian!"

Jaune sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Fine... Also?"

He punched her in the shoulder.

"OW! You-You brute! You'd hit a woman-?!"

"I believe in gender equality," Jaune said blandly.

- - -

The class was actually worth putting up with Weiss. Simin Megister may have only been three years older than him, but the guy knew his stuff.

He entered the classroom, got everyone's attention, and started the lesson. He broke things down like an expert, allowing even someone with only second hand experience with Dust usage to grasp the theory behind it. He was like a kindly wizard, who tried to convey the wonder he held about the subject to his students. He often succeeded, too.

He was also very understanding: If you genuinely didn't get what he was saying, he would work with you personally until you got it.

Of course, given that the vast majority of the class was female, he had to do this a lot for girls who were clearly plotting to get up close and personal with the handsome young professor.

Plots that Weiss ruthlessly thwarted whenever possible.

"Oh Professor," A red-haired girl named Candy simpered, "I'm having trouble with the Dust equations in the last chapter. Could you please show me where I went wrong?"

"Of course-" Megister said, but Weiss jumped into the empty seat next to Candy with a tight smile.

"Don't worry, Professor! I can handle it," Weiss said with a gracious beam to the Professor. She pointed her perfectly manicured nails down at some text. "See? You just forgot to carry the three for this step. Not a problem!"

"Why, thank you Weiss," Candy smiled tensely back.

"I'm always happy to help resolve problems," Weiss said, her smile just as fake, "For my slower classmates."

"Yes, you always just seem to know how to get in my way," Candy giggled, "I-I mean, help me on my way!"

Megister went back to his lecture, as Candy fumed and Weiss smirked. Jaune shook his head as he focused back on the lesson.

By the end, Megister dismissed the class with some readings for homework. The girls took their time filing out, naturally, so Jaune was stuck in his row until Weiss moved.

"Miss Schnee, a word please?"

"Of course, Professor Megister!" Weiss gushed happily. Her smile grew at the grumbling of the other girls as they filed out. Jaune got up, headed out, but lingered by the door.

Sure, Weiss was... An enemy? A friend? A... Frienemy? But his big brother instincts were telling him to stick around. If only for blackmail material later.

"Thank you for helping in class, Miss Schnee," Megister said, sounding genuinely grateful, "I get inundated with so many requests for help it can be hard to stay on task."

"Not to worry, Professor," Weiss said, as smooth as silk, "I know the struggles of dealing with... So many drains on one's personal time! Honestly, between your own classwork and your duties as a professor, you probably need some kind of assistance!"

Gods, she wasn't even trying to be subtle.

"It would be nice," he sighed. "I am allowed to appoint a student as a classroom assistant. I've gotten a lot of applications but none of them really want to focus on the work."

"Oh?" Weiss said, a touch too loud, "I-I mean, really?"

"Yeah, they're all girls who have the wrong idea about what the role entails, and none of them have the indepth knowledge required," Megister said, "Just... Girls with crushes."

"O-Oh! Yeah, that... That is the worst," Weiss said, probably nodding furiously.

"But you actually know your Dust, Miss Schnee," he said. "And you're meticulously organized. It might cut into some of your free time on the weekends, as I might need a lab assistant too-"

"Nonono! That-That is perfectly acceptable!" Weiss said happily.

A tall, green haired woman walked up, silent as a stalking cat. She smiled warmly at Jaune.

"Hello, Jaune Arc, right?"

"That's me," Jaune said with a smile, "Hello Professor Moisia."

While Jaune didn't have any of her classes, she was always a kind, friendly assistant teacher and knew everyone's names.

The archer/sniper for Team SLVR looked into the classroom.

"I was just waiting for Simin to finish so we could... Get..."

Her eyes narrowed as she saw how Weiss was fawning over Megister. Her hands twitched, as though she wished to reach for her Bladed Compound Sniper Bow she kept folded up on her back at all times.

"Oh!" Megister smiled. "Hey Vella! Miss Schnee here and I were talking about her becoming my assistant."

"Oh? Were you?" Moisia asked, forcing a smile on her face. She walked up to Weiss, her eyes locked onto the Schnee heiress like she was calculating how many arrows she could fit into her all at once

"Ah, um, yes Professor Moisia," Weiss said quickly, "I thought I could help him with his work, since he's also a student like you! And uh, I-I have a great deal of Dust expertise myself-!"

"It... Would mean you'd get more time on the weekends, Vella," Megister said, as though he knew there was a ticking time bomb in front of him but wasn't sure why, "You wouldn't have to help me out in the lab, given your class load."

Moisia... Sagged a bit. Her anger vanished from her eyes, but sadness replaced it.

"Oh yes, that would be nice. How thoughtful," Moisia said quietly.

Jaune mentally sighed. He'd seen that look on his older sister's faces a lot, too. Moisia would be crying in private soon.

Godsdamnit... I am too nice.

"Hey Weiss!" Jaune called out brightly, entering the classroom, "We're running late for lunch!"

"I-Uh-You-" Weiss tried. Jaune strode up alongside her, and wrapped an arm around her small shoulders.

"Sorry, we just started dating and she's so nervous about it all," Jaune confided. Weiss's eyes widened.

"We're what-?!"

"Oh! You... You have a boyfriend already!" Vella said, eyes wide. She smiled brightly to Megister. "That's a relief! After the last assistant-!"

"Yes, I know," Megister said with a quick nod to move along from the subject as quickly as possible, "Miss Schnee, that's wonderful for you two. Consider yourself my assistant. I'll see you here bright and early next class to run through your duties."

"I-You-Really? I-Thank you!" Weiss said, nodding as she tried to figure out the turmoil of emotions inside of her.

"Just uh, keep it on the downlow for us, huh? She's the Schnee heiress, I'm just some guy," Jaune said, but Megister and Moisia just waved it off.

"No, no, we completely understand," Megister said.

"Though, until she's fully trained on her duties," Moisia said with a smile, "I'll still help you out in the lab, Simin. You do have a tendency to over do things, after all. And a student can't really order a teacher to bed, can she?"

Megister smiled back.

"No... No, I suppose she can't," he said.

Jaune quickly guided Weiss out of the classroom. He had to give her credit-She managed to hold off on screaming at him for about three minutes.

"What was that?!" Weiss growled. Jaune shrugged.

"Me getting you what you wanted!"

"But-But saying we're dating-!"

"I'm lying, Weiss! I'd never date you!" Jaune insisted, "But at the very least, you're not a threat to Megister and Moisia's thing!"

"What thing?! They're... They're friends! They always insist upon that!" Weiss shot back.

Jaune rolled his eyes.

"Did she look like she was 'just friends' with him? I was trying to save you from getting 'accidentally' shot in the eyes by her, Princess! Show a little gratitude!"

"I..." Weiss ground her teeth, almost audibly. She sighed. "I... Well... You apparently got me the position so... Thank you. I guess."

She wagged her finger at him.

"But if you think you can take liberties with me just for the sake of my career, you've got another thing coming!"

Professor Moisia rounded the corner... And Weiss immediately grabbed Jaune's arm and put it around her shoulders.

"Hello Professor, how are you?" Weiss asked.

Moisia beamed.

"Just fine! I'm so glad you'll be helping Simin and myself! Though uh... Don't worry about the weekends too much, all right? I can handle his needs."

I'm sure you can, Jaune thought.

"Yes, yes, of course," Weiss said with a nod. Moisia smiled at Weiss kindly.

"And I'll try not to keep you from your boyfriend too often."

"Th... Thank you," Weiss muttered, blushing in anger.

"Yeah, we're just so attached," Jaune chuckled, "Sometimes she just loses control and drags me off! She puts up this front of hating me but she can't get enough-URK!"

Weiss drove her elbow into his gut and her foot onto his.

"Yes, and sometimes he just can't keep his mouth shut," Weiss giggled.

Moisia nodded, beaming.

"Well... Good luck you two," she said, heading off with a skip in her step.

The moment she was gone, Jaune pulled his arm off her and elbowed her back in her ribs.

"OW! You monster! I'll claim you're an abusive boyfriend!"

"Five minutes of listening to you, they'll know why!"

- - -
- - -

The shop's name was simple and elegant. Or at least elegant: Allerleirauh. The interior was warm and cozy, with numerous kinds of clothing and armor lining the wooden shelves and metal racks. The proprietor was an older cat Faunus with dark black hair and ears, and dressed in a black and white suit. He smiled kindly and walked up to Weiss, bowing to her.

"Ah, Miss Schnee! What a pleasant surprise," he chuckled.

Weiss's eyes widened, confused.

"Uh... Do we know each other, Mister-?"

"Schwartz! I was the tailor for your gowns when you went on your singing tour!" Schwartz chuckled. "Oh, forgive me, I'm sure you don't remember!"

"I uh, no! No, those were wonderful dresses!" Weiss said, smiling kindly, "I'm sorry I didn't get to thank you personally! Or... Or meet you! That was incredible work!"

Blake's eyes narrowed a bit as the Faunus man continued to gush happily.

"Not at all, not at all! It was an interesting order, lacing Dust in to shimmer in just the right way," he said, waving his hand, "But please, do come in! And who will be my model? Do you require anything, Miss Schnee?"

"Not for myself on this trip," Weiss said, "But we have a vict-er, a model for you."

Jaune tried to sneak out... But Yang grabbed him by his cloak and pulled him back.

"Come on, you've got this coming," Yang murmured, as she pushed Jaune up to the front of the group. He stared at Schwartz in shock, focusing on his bright green eyes and mustache.

"I uh..."

"This is Jaune Arc," Weiss said with a smile, "He needs a new wardrobe and his current... Ensemble requires a great deal of work."

"Hm, yes, yes, I see," Schwartz said with a nod, looking Jaune up and down with keen insight, "Hmm... Close Range Fighter, but able to move about. Armor is light, antique I see! Northern Valean style, from the Great War, I would gather?"

"Y-Yeah... Have... Have we met before?" Jaune whispered. Schwartz chuckled and shook his head.

"Possibly, possibly, I have so many customers! I try to remember them all, but alas, my mind just isn't what it used to be. Now! Come along, come along!"

He ushered Jaune to a dressing room.

"Strip, young man, and hand it all to me!" He called.

"I don't suppose I could convince you to let me go?"

"Could you convince them?" Schwartz deadpanned.

"... Good point," Jaune sighed. He pulled off his clothes and armor, and lifted it up over the dressing room door. Schwartz took it all and placed it into a box.

"Uncle Perrito!"

An old Faunus Dog man in a comfortable sweater and jeans came out, his scruffy hair short as his ears wagged.

"Yes, Schwartz?"

Schwartz smiled kindly upon the older Faunus, and handed him the box of clothes.

"Please bring this to Opal, I can't wait to see what she does with it!"

He paused, and held up his Scroll over the door to take a photo of Jaune.

"HEY!" Jaune shouted.

"This is all she needs to match the colors, he looks like a summer," Schwartz said. Perrito nodded, taking the scroll.

"Of course, of course! I'll be right back!"

"Don't push yourself too hard, Uncle!"

"I won't!" Perrito tossed back, but he still loped to the back of the shop like an eager puppy. Blake looked incredulous.

"A... Dog Faunus is your uncle?"

"Has been since I was born," Schwartz chuckled, "He's taking a break from his work to help me with the shop. Now then, young ladies! This young man is your prey..."

He grinned devilishly, a look reflected on all the faces of the females of Teams RWBY and JNPR.

"How shall we dress him?"

- - -

Jaune stomped out, glaring at everyone as he got up in front of the triple mirrors. The rest of his team and RWBY were sitting in chairs. Nora had popcorn.

"Seriously guys? This is how you repay me?" He demanded, now wearing very short khaki shorts, a tan vest, and a half-buttoned up white shirt with sandals.

"A casual beach look, perhaps best offset with some gold jewelry on his neck," Schwartz presented.

"Oh... My," Pyrrha murmured, staring at him with greedy eyes.

"Well, I suppose if he's bathed it would be somewhat acceptable," Weiss opined.

"I'm gonna dye your hair polka dots for this, Princess!" Jaune growled.

"HA! Like that even makes sense!" Weiss giggled.

"Come on Jaune, I just chose something that I thought you'd look good in," Yang giggled and winked, "I think you pull it off! Right Ruby?"

"I dunno, Yang," Ruby mumbled, "He looks... A lot like Dad."

"What? Pfft. Come on, there's next to no resemblance!" Yang said, shaking her head.

"I've seen pictures of your father, Yang, he looks a LOT like him," Weiss said, giving Yang a weird look. Yang shook her head.

"I don't find him attractive because he looks like my dad! He just... Looks a lot like him! I-I'm sure I look kind of like his mom!"

"Oh geez," Ruby mumbled.

"Oh... Well now that you mention it," Jaune blinked. "N-Not that I'm attracted to my mom or anything!"

"Of course not!" Yang laughed.

"Really?" Blake asked, still reading her book, "You don't think you're in an Elektra complex?"

"I AM NOT!" Yang growled.

"Then call him Daddy."

"Wha... Why would I-?!"

"Just as an experiment," Blake said.

Yang turned to Jaune, and cleared her throat.

"Uh... Just to prove there's nothing to this... Daddy~."

Yang, Jaune, and Ruby's cheeks went red. Jaune coughed.

"Uh... Oh... Oh wow, okay... That uh... I'll admit, that... Does something for me. You uh...?"

"Y-Yeah," Yang nodded, "M-Me too."

"Well... Fair is fair," Jaune said with a shrug, looking right into Yang's eyes, "Mama~."

Yang's entire face went bright red. Ruby gulped. Pyrrha was panting.

The blonde boxer nodded slowly, licking her lips.

"Oh... Oh wow, I am learning... So much about myself today-"

"I will hose you all down, I swear it," Weiss growled.

- - -

Jaune trudged back out to the platform. He sighed as he stepped onto the platform.

"Stand up straight!" Weiss ordered.

"Seriously?! What the hell is this monkey suit?!"

"Classic Atlesian Butler wear, about a decade old," Schwartz said, as Jaune stood in a fancy and sleek black suit with a cravat.

"Are you kidding?! A butler's outfit?!"

"You actually look somewhat presentable now!" Weiss giggled.

"I will poison your cake, you little brat! Do you hear me?!"

"I kind of like the tails, they'd go 'swoosh' when he ran!" Nora laughed.

"Oooh, I didn't even think about that!" Ruby grinned. "But nah, capes are still better!"

"When you wear this, you had better serve it up hot! Don't want it Weiss-cold!" Yang giggled.

"I think it looks very elegant, Jaune," Pyrrha sighed happily, "Though I'd rather serve you instead."

"Gloves would make him seem more unapproachable," Blake said.

"They would!" Weiss gasped. "And who wants his grubby mitts all over everything? Schwartz, please give him gloves! Nice white ones!"

She paused.

"Also a serving tray, I want to see how he looks doing honest work for once-"


- - -

Jaune emerged in a black school uniform, common to Mistral. It consisted of black pants, a white undershirt, and a black coat with a round collar. It was closed with round white buttons. He frowned.

"Who's choice was this?" Jaune asked.

"Mine," Blake said, holding up her hand. Jaune shrugged, looking just as confused as the others.

"I mean, I guess it's okay? But I already have a school uniform."

Blake got up and walked to Jaune. She unbuttoned the jacket, rolled up the sleeves, mussed up Jaune's hair, and backed away.

"Look me in the eyes," Blake ordered.

"Uh... Kay?"

Jaune, confused, did so. Blake backed up until her shoulders were pressed up against the mirror.

"Now... Slam your hand against the mirror, just next to my head," Blake ordered.


"Do it."

Jaune did so. Blake sucked in a breath and shivered as her cheeks went bright red.

"Y-Yes... Now tell me... 'You're hot for a bookworm!'"


Pyrrha looked caught between rage and longing. Ruby wasn't much better. Weiss just facepalmed. Ren remained as stoic as ever, while Nora just giggled.

"Blake," Yang began, her smile dangerous, "Did you dress Jaune up like a character from your smut books?!"

"Demon of High School is not smut! It's action erotica with an intricate plot, well-written characters-!"

Jaune placed his arms in a big 'X'.

"Nope! Nope! None of that! NOPE!"

- - -

"I'm not coming out!"

"Come on, Jaune," Yang called, "It can't be as bad as the others!"

"It's worse."

"Don't be a pussy!" Nora shouted. "Ah, no offense."

"None taken," Schwartz chuckled, even as Blake fumed.

Jaune came out... And everyone went quiet. He wore black leather armor that he didn't seem to be wearing, but painted on. It had interlocking armor segments across his chest, thighs, and groin. His toes were individually wrapped in fibers, with metallic claws added to each one. Silver and bronze segments highlighted his muscles and a headset covered his ears. His lower jaw was protected by a similar skin-tight armor material. A sword was attached to his thigh. He stood in front of them with a sigh, as a visor unfolded down in front of his eyes.

"This squeezes my everything and I hate it," Jaune pronounced.

"But it's the latest in nanofiber armor!" Ruby cried, her entire face red, as she huffed hungrily for air through her nostrils, "It's got interlocking artificial musculature! Intergrated Dust circuits that react to Aura impulses! Sealant layers to keep you from bleeding out! Weapon interlocks to allow for multiple targeting interfaces, including neural feedback-!"

"Breath, Miss Rose, breath," Schwartz chuckled, "That's reserved for an Atlas Specialist, I'm afraid. Cutting edge stuff!"

"Then why are you letting me wear it?!"

"To see how you'd look in it, of course!"

Pyrrha fainted dead away with a happy smile. Yang was just as red, but mustered a response.

"S-So... Is that a sword in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?"


"Ruby, is your nose bleeding?" Weiss asked.


- - -

Jaune emerged next in a sensible suit-Stylish, dark blue, with a red tie that attracted attention. He smiled as he walked up onto the platform again.

"You know, this is pretty nice!" Jaune said, looking at himself in the mirrors.

"I must agree, though it's a bit plain," Weiss said.

"For you, anything would be plain," Yang laughed, "But yeah! Lookin' slick, Crybaby!" She wolf whistled.

"It-It's okay, I guess," Ruby said, pouting a bit that Jaune wouldn't be wearing the Atlesian Cyber battle armor anymore.

"Very formal," Ren commented.

"You look like you're gonna run a bank! Or maybe shoot it up!" Nora commented cheerfully.

"Thank you Nora," Jaune deadpanned.

"Ah, a suit for women is like catnip for cats," Schwartz chuckled.

"That's racist," Blake muttered, even as she stared intently at Jaune.

"So, who chose this one?" Jaune asked.

"Oh, uh, I-I did, Jaune!" Pyrrha said, holding up her arm. Jaune smiled at her.

"Well! This is a great choice, Pyrrha! Thanks!"

"Oh, wait, the finishing touch!" Pyrrha said cheerfully. She got up and walked to him. She presented some glasses.

Jaune blinked.

"Uh... I don't need those-"

"Please, Jaune?" Pyrrha pleaded. Jaune sighed, and pulled the glasses on.

"How's that?" He asked.

Pyrrha trembled, her face turning bright red.

"J-Just fine... Can... Can I call you... Professor Arc?"

"... Why?" Jaune asked.

"J-Just to show my respect to you, as an authority figure!" Pyrrha stammered. She held her cheeks as she trembled. "An authority figure I've displeased... Wh-Who will hold me back after class... Tell me I'm a bad girl... A-A naughty girl, and then-!"

"No, no, none of that," Jaune stated, even as several other girls blushed, "Stop it or back to horny jail with you!"




- - -

Jaune blinked as he looked at himself in the mirror. The green tunic, the white pants... The pink highlight in his hair...

"Nora, why did you dress me up like Ren?"

"You can't improve upon perfection!" Nora chirped cheerfully. Ren raised an eyebrow... And looked just the tiniest bit smug.

"I really hate you right now, bro," Jaune growled.

"I know," said Ren.

- - -

More to come...

"Allerleirauh" is a classic fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm about a princess demanding several dresses of various impossible materials, which seems fitting for such a shop in RWBY.

Naturally Ruby's choice is based upon Raiden from "Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance." It seemed like the kind of thing that would get her heart pumping.

And you've all probably guessed who Schwartz is the son of, given his Uncle Perrito...