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- - -

The sun slipped beneath the horizon, and the stars and city lights came out. The air was cooler, and the sounds of night took over the city. In a way, it was comforting to Blake: The night was where she did her best work. It was most familiar to her, like a cloak of protection.

"All right," she said quietly. She looked over the map of the docking area on her Scroll for the fifth time, as she, Team SSSN, and Jaune camped on a rooftop of a building just across the street from the docks, "Sun and I will go in. Everyone else, make sure no one can get out. That's the plan."

"Uh, yeah, question," Jaune said, raising his hand, "Why is that the plan?"

Her ears twitched as she turned an annoyed look on Jaune. Scarlet hid his mouth suspiciously, Neptune scowled, Sage was stoic as ever, and Sun also suspiciously covered his mouth.

"Sun and I are Faunus. We're more likely to talk White Fang down," Blake explained, slowly and calmly.

"Uh, yeah, and the fact my uncle said to bring in everyone? That-I think I said that, didn't I?" Jaune asked, glancing around at the circle, "Didn't I say that's what he said?"

"You did say that," Neptune said, "But come on! We can handle it."

"Two people is not the same as three teams," Jaune stated firmly.

"I know the White Fang," Blake insisted, "We're doing it this way. It has the best chance of success."

"If we're guarding the entrances, we won't be close enough to back you up if things go wrong," Scarlet observed, as Sage nodded. Neptune shrugged.

"Hey, she's a princess, what are the odds of things going wrong?" Neptune asked confidently.

Jaune turned his gaze to Sun, a hint of pleading in his eyes.

Sun shrugged.

"It's her show," he said.

"Yeah, and she's not my princess," Jaune stated firmly, eyes narrowed back at Blake. "Seriously, everyone else is out looking for you. Let me call them and-"

"No," Blake cut him off. Jaune held up his Scroll.

"I can literally have back up in a matter of minutes-"

"No!" Blake insisted. The two stared each other down intensely. Sun stepped between them, hands held up.

"All right, let's chill out," Sun said, "How about you two talk this out? We'll be over here, getting ready." He waved his arm and his team moved off, Neptune still throwing a scowl over his shoulder at Jaune. Jaune scowled back, then turned his eyes to Blake as he stepped closer to her.

"Seriously Blake, when my uncle says that we should bring everyone, we absolutely should bring everyone-"

"Your uncle is Roman Torchwick," Blake hissed back to him, yellow eyes flashing, "How can you trust him?!"

"We're literally trusting him right now!" Jaune whispered back.

"Only enough to get in and figure out what's going on!" Blake insisted in a whisper-yell. "To talk down the White Fang-!"

"Right, which worked out so well for you last time," Jaune said sarcastically. Blake stared in shock, speechless, as Jaune continued.

"Why can't we get backup?" Jaune demanded, quietly angry. "Why do you have to do everything practically by yourself?"

"Because... Because this is my..." She shook her head. "I left, all right? I left White Fang. I couldn't take it anymore. And without me, they've gotten even worse. I... I have to fix this. I have to turn them away. I have to guide them, so that... So that I can prove we're not monsters."

Jaune slowly nodded.

"I see... So it's not about stopping White Fang. It's about you."

Blake pulled back in shock. Jaune narrowed his eyes.

"You," Blake shook her head, "No, I'm not-! This is my mess, and I need to fix it!"

"Your friends are willing to help you, and you're turning it down-"

"They're not my friends! I... I can't trust that they are!" Blake growled. "If you saw Weiss' face... If you heard what she said-!"

"No, I didn't, but you're not helping things by trying to prove something!" Jaune shot back. Blake clenched her fists tightly.

"What do you know about it?! You can't possibly know how I felt! Leaving my parents to join the White Fang to make a difference, only for it to-For them to ignore me and become more violent, no matter what I said or did! Having to leave them, to try to start over-!"

"I take it you broke from your parents, right? Had a big fight? They tell you this was a mistake? That you were throwing your life away?" Jaune asked, eyes bright and focused. Blake stopped short.

"... They... You can't say that-"

"Yes I can. Because I did the same damn thing."

Blake glared, suddenly furious.

"No you didn't! I'm fighting for equality and liberty-!"

"And I wanted to become a legendary hero," Jaune said, soft and filled with anger and shame, "I told my mother she was done controlling my life. That she didn't know anything. That she was a scared old woman who hated our family, and that I didn't want anything to do with her, ever. Then I ran away. I thought I knew everything. I thought I would prove her wrong."

Jaune snorted.

"A week later, I was in an underground death match. I got tricked by some girl playing on my need to be a hero."

"Then why are you still here?!" Blake demanded angrily. "Why are you still trying to become a Huntsman?!"

Jaune sighed and smiled slightly. He rested his hand on the dagger Katherine gave him.

"Because... I still want to be a hero. I just realized I couldn't do it by acting like an idiot," he said. "You're acting like an idiot, Blake. Please don't do that. Look, I don't know what Roman's game is, but if he wants us here with back up? We should have back up. I've already had one friend die on me... I don't want any more."

Blake was silent for a moment, trying to draw on the night to calm herself down. She sucked in a deep breath.

"... Sun?" Blake turned back to the monkey Faunus, who was checking and rechecking his three-part staff in the least convincing way possible. Sun looked up.

"Yes?" He asked.

"... We're all going," she said quietly. "If... If you're willing to go?"

Sun smiled. Neptune spun his trident around with a dramatic spin and flourish and grinned.

"Time for the legendary hero to save the day and win the heart of the princess," he declared.

"Yes, because that will absolutely happen," Scarlet snarked.

"Your grasp on reality is stunning as always," Sage opined.

"Shut up!" Neptune growled.

Blake just glared, as Sun snickered and Jaune shook his head. He rubbed his face in exasperation.

"Oh good," Jaune muttered, "I feel better."

The loud noise of airship engines filled the air. The teens moved to cover, ducking down behind the air conditioning units on the roof. They looked up to see two Bullheads flying overhead. Blake narrowed her eyes as she saw several White Fang members in full uniform in the vehicles, loaded with weapons. The Bullheads circled around in a sweep over the docks, before settling in and descending towards a warehouse at the waterfront.

Blake checked her watch.

"They're early," Blake murmured in alarm. "Over an hour...! We have to go, now."

"Woah woah woah," Jaune said, holding up his hands, "We can't just-"

"Message the others to get here as soon as possible, but we need to get in there, now," Blake ordered.

She took the lead, leaping off the rooftop. Sun followed, with Neptune an eager third. Sage and Scarlet lingered. Blake heard Jaune frantically typing a message on his Scroll.

"You coming?" Scarlet asked.

"Well, she said everyone," Jaune said. Whether or not they got the message in time to help was the big question. Blake decided not to think too hard about that.

"Done?" Sage asked. Jaune nodded.


Jaune coughed.

"Also? I'm not confident in my ability to land without causing a lot of noise," he said. "Can I get a lift, Scarlet?"

Scarlet hopped up into the air and used his Semblance to glide over to Jaune. He grabbed the knight by his shoulders, and pushed them both off the roof. Scarlet glided down in a spiral, depositing Jaune on the sidewalk. The blond stumbled, then gave the red haired boy a thumbs up as he glided to a graceful landing nearby.


Sage just landed nearby, silent as a cat. Everyone else stared at him, and Jaune shrugged.

"What? I don't do stealthy."

They approached one of the side entrances in the wall. Sage took the lead, and pressed his hand against the keypad. His eyes glowed as his Semblance activated.

"Hang on... Lot of memories to sort through," Sage murmured. He then nodded.

"Got it."

He pulled his hands off, and tapped in the entry code. The door opened, and the teens shuffled in.

"We could have just gone over the wall," Sun pouted.

"Too many security cameras," Scarlet pointed out, as they dashed through into the dockyards properly.

"Not the kind of attention we want, I suppose," Neptune sniffed.

They stole through the dockyards, past stacks of cargo containers and silent forklifts. Docking Area 4C soon came into view, the only section with activity. The group took cover behind a stack of crates in front of a crane, covered from both sides. Blake narrowed her eyes as she watched numerous White Fang members at work, unloading crates of Dust onto forklifts, which carried them away to waiting trucks.

"Where's Torchwick? Can you smell him?" Jaune muttered. Blake took some deep sniffs.

"Yes... And..." She frowned. "Someone else... Someone..." She made a face, "Familiar..."

"Bad familiar?" Sun asked. Blake nodded.

"Very." She hissed. She shook her head. "Let's find Torchwick and confront him, first. Then we can talk to the White Fang leader, and make him back down."

"And if he doesn't?" Jaune asked. Blake was silent.

"There," Sun muttered, pointing at a familiar, slickly dressed redhead in a bowler hat. He argued with one of the White Fang members before he shrugged and headed into a large warehouse close to the water. Blake nodded.

"Let's get him," she stated.

"Just don't beat him up too badly," Jaune stated.

"Why are you so concerned about him?" Sun asked, raising an eyebrow.

"My uncle does accounting for him. don't want him to lose his job," Jaune deadpanned. Scarlet shook his head as Neptune winced.

"That's rough, buddy," Neptune said.

"Hm," Scarlet said. Sage said nothing, just stared at everyone intently.

They waited until a truck passed by, and used it as cover. They snuck past, one White Fang member almost spotting them... But turning away at the last minute. Jaune grit his teeth.

"I don't like this," he murmured, as they got to the side door of the warehouse. Sage again used his Semblance to find the passcode. "It feels like a trap."

It had felt like a trap from the beginning. Blake knew Jaune was most likely to say so. In some way, she was glad someone had said it.

"Yeah," Sun said with a grin, "Exciting, isn't it?"

"Come on," Neptune scoffed, as Sage opened the door and they headed into the warehouse, "How likely it is to be a trap?"

The warehouse door slammed shut behind them. The lights went on. Several White Fang members jumped down from the catwalks overhead, and pointed guns at them. The group looked up.

Roman Torchwick stood overhead, Neopolitian next to him. He was forcing a sadistic smirk on his face. Next to them towered a giant, bald Komodo Dragon faunus in shining gold and blue robes, his sharp teeth gleaming in a twisted grin. Flanking him was a twisted little rat Faunus who snickered, and a tall White Fang Sergeant with a large chainsaw-like weapon in his hands.

Blake looked up, eyes widening in horror.

"No," Blake whispered. Because she knew this monster, all too well.

"Welcome, Princess Blake," the dragon Faunus chuckled, his deep voice carrying far, "I am Thanh Qingquong. We've been expecting you."

"Fuck. I hate being right," Jaune sighed.

- - -
- - -

Oh for fuck's sake, Kid, you had ONE FUCKING JOB! Roman thought angrily as he kept up his smug face on the outside. On the inside, he saw the team of teenagers surrounded by the White Fang. Shit shit shit...

Okay... What are our options?
He considered. Can't stab Thanh in the back now... Maybe if he's distracted...

Which sure seemed to be the case, given the monologue that the reptilian creep was delivering.

"How long has it been since you left our happy family?" Thanh asked, rubbing his chin in faux wonder as his yellow eyes locked onto Belladonna, "Not too long ago."

"You were never part of the White Fang when I was there!" Belladonna spat back. "You're a murderer-!"

"Takes one to know one, Princess," Thanh said, gripping the railing of the catwalk with a sly, sadistic grin. "Did you never wonder how you got the intel to make the strike on the Caradras Mining Camp, mm? Did you never wonder where the guards went after you cut their throats?"

"No... No..." Belladonna muttered denials, her eyes wide in horror.

"Blake?" The monkey kid asked quietly. Belladonna's face screwed up in anger.

"You... You were kicked out-!"

"Plausible deniability," Thanh chuckled, "I did wetworks for Sienna, before and after you complained about it. From the start. I was good at it."

I-I didn't know-It can't be-!"

"Spare me!" Thanh laughed viciously, leaning over the railing. His drool slipped from his jaws. "You knew what you were doing! You weren't just warming Taurus' bed! You got your hands dirty just like the rest of us! You were the only one who whined about it though. How pathetic! The little princess ran away from her rich life to rough it, and couldn't stop whining about how barbaric the rest of us were, the ones doing the real work."

"You killed! You slaughtered!" Belladonna shot back, her voice trembling with emotion, "You're a monster!"

"I'm a real warrior!"
Thanh scoffed, "Not your pathetic excuse for freedom fighters! This is a war, and we're going to win! Victory is for us to be on top, and them the slaves! We're the predators, the top of the food chain! We should be in charge, not them! And the only way to do that is with force! That is what the White Fang is for! To seize power! To be monsters! So all that makes you..."

Thanh's cackled.

"Is a monster in denial."

"Not... Not like...!" Belladonna again faltered, "No! It can't be-!"

"You cat faunus and your mercurial attitudes," Thanh snorted, "Feh. Don't see why Taurus didn't grab another bimbo. Maybe I'll let him have you back..."

His grin grew wider and more salacious.

"After I'm done with you-"

"Try it and you're dead, you sick fuck!" The monkey growled, holding up his staff. The other teens held up their weapons, Jaune getting in front of Belladonna. It was kind of sweet of the kid to try and protect her, while she struggled to keep from fighting or running. Roman wasn't sure what was going to happen.

"Hahahaha," Thanh cackled, "You're welcome to try, brat! You and your little friends! But I am known as the Immortal... So I'm not too worried about a pack of whelps."

He sniffed the air significantly.

"Yes... Yes... None of you are blooded, save for the little princess... And..."

His eyes locked onto Jaune.

"You," Thanh hissed, "You reek of human blood... And... Gato Zapatos."

Jaune's eyes widened. Thanh grinned.

"Or at least his family... Tell me, how are they taking his death? A pathetic end, for a pathetic excuse for a 'hero'!"

Jaune grit his teeth. He began to breath hard, and fast. His grip tightened on his weapons as he tensed. Roman stared at him.

No, no, no Kid, don't! Stay calm, let me figure a way out of this for all of us-!

"After I kill and eat you, and have my fun with the little princess," Thanh leered, "Maybe I'll pay them a visit, too. Take my time, send them to join that pitiful little-"

"Shut the fuck up."

Thanh actually stopped talking, and stared down at the speaker.

Jaune's eyes narrowed. He took a deep breath.

"Shut. The fuck. Up. You reject from a petting zoo!" He snarled. "You want to fight or talk us to death?! Yap yap yap, all I'm hearing! You want to fight? Come on down. Take me on."

Roman's jaw fell.

Kid what the FUCK ARE YOU DOING-?!

"Time to create an illusion of an escape, Neo," he signed to his partner frantically. Neo looked at him, smiled... And shook her head. Roman nearly choked on his spit.

"WHAT?!" He signed with shaky hands.

"You're challenging me, boy?" Thanh asked.

"I don't see any other fucking creepy lizards who can't shut the fuck up, do you?!" Jaune demanded. He pointed his sword up at Thanh.

"Come on down. I win? You let everyone go. You win? You get to keep blathering. But I'll be dead, so at least I won't have to hear any more bullshit!"
Thanh's grin widened, even as his eyes narrowed. He reached for his coat, and unbuttoned it, allowing it to fall and reveal his scaly, muscular torso and arms. He then held out his hand.

"Banesaw," he ordered.

His sergeant nodded, and picked up a case nearly as tall as Thanh himself. He opened it. Thanh reached in, and pulled out a large, blue and gold monks spade. The front end possessed a double-edged head, shaped like dragon fangs, with Dust canisters embedded in the mounting behind the blade. The rear end possessed a tube, lined in silver.

"Thanh, buddy, this isn't necessary," Roman said, forcing his calm, "We've got a schedule to keep-"

"Sorry Roman, but your little nephew is no longer useful as leverage," Thanh hissed. He jumped off the railing, and landed in the center of the warehouse floor. He spun his weapon around over his head, the blade becoming a blur before he rammed the rear end into the floor, cracking the concrete.

"Let him forward," Thanh growled, "I may as well reward his foolish courage with a death from Róng."

Jaune moved forward, but Belladonna held him back.

"Jaune, no-"

Jaune held her, as though embracing her. She flushed as he whispered in her ear.

"Just be ready," Jaune muttered back to her, Roman only able to see that thanks to being above the floor.

Oh Gods, he has a plan, Roman thought miserably, he has a plan...

Neo grinned and licked her lips.

Jaune let her go, and marched forward towards Thanh. The guards pulled back, keeping their guns on him and the other intruders.

"Good luck, buddy," the blue haired guy added, "You got this!" He didn't sound very confident, nor did the other guys. Except the monkey kid: He looked at ease as Jaune and Thanh began to circle each other. Almost as at ease as Neo.

Am I missing something?! Because it looks like the Kid is committing suicide! Roman thought.

At least Belladonna looked appropriately scared, even with Jaune's reassurance.

Thanh struck first, swinging Róng in an overhead strike. Jaune dodged out of the way, the blow shattering the concrete where it hit with a loud crack! Jaune charged, shield up, and thrust for Thanh. The big lizard leaped aside, swinging his weapon to bisect Jaune. The Kid ducked underneath that blow, and the follow up, charging in to thrust for Thanh's chest!


Jaune stabbed Thanh right in the stomach, the blade sinking in deep. Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

No way, Roman thought, dumbfounded, It... It was that easy?! The Kid-?!

"HAHAHA!" Thanh slammed a punch right into Jaune's face, sending the kid flying.


Thanh yanked the sword out of his stomach, the blood oozing from it in a torrent. It slowed to a trickle, before stopping entirely. Scar tissue soon covered up the injury, and scales almost immediately after.

What the...?! Roman thought. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck...! He's got a Semblance!

Thanh laughed as Jaune struggled back to his feet, and tossed his sword back to him.

"Did you think I called myself 'Immortal' for no reason?!" Thanh mocked, as Jaune caught his sword. "Go ahead! Do your worst! But it all ends the same way-!"

He swung the rear end of Róng towards Jaune, and pulled a trigger. A stream of Fire Dust flames erupted, and Jaune barely leaped out of the way as a crate of dust exploded from the heat.

"-Your death!" Thanh cackled, sprinting forward to swing his monks' spade down on Jaune. Jaune narrowly evaded, taking a hit to his shield, before he resumed charging, trying to get in close. Thanh was driven back, but his swings were getting harder and harder for Jaune to dodge, or deflect with his shield. Every hit battered Jaune around, and even with his Aura, bruises and blood began to appear on his skin.

Thanh then leaped up over Jaune in a forward flip, firing his flamethrower right at him. Jaune again leaped out of the way, the flames nipping at his cloak. He swung around and tried to parry Thanh's blade, managing it three times before Thanh knocked it right out of Jaune's hand. He thrust, and sent Jaune flying backwards to crash into a crate.

"JAUNE!" Belladonna screamed, as Thanh advanced on the helpless knight. Roman again signed frantically at Neo, but the shortstack didn't budge!

What the hell is wrong with her?! Did I misread her?! Roman thought in desperation.

Thanh thrust the blade of Róng right for Jaune's chest. The knight barely deflected it, meaning it slammed into the crate behind him, cutting a gouge in his side armor. Jaune held onto the polearm, panting desperately, as Thanh laughed and leaned forward.

"What was Gato to you, brat, hm?"

"My mentor," Jaune gritted out. Thanh laughed mockingly, and drove the monks' spade harder against Jaune.

"Then he was a terrible teacher!"

"Well..." Jaune grinned savagely and drew the small dagger from his belt. It began to crackle with Aura energy, "He did teach me one thing...!"

Thanh's eyes widened in horrible realization... Far too late, as Jaune swung the dagger, and a MASSIVE wave of yellow-white Aura energy exploded from Jaune's swing. Thanh was blown right off his feet and blasted like a cannonball into the Dust crates piled up by the wall. The Golden Lion's Roar made contact with the crates of Dust, and exploded, consuming Thanh in a massive fireball that blew out the entire wall of the warehouse.

Neo's grin became rather saucy.

Numerous White Fang goons fell or scattered in the blasts. Belladonna and the other teens gaped in astonishment along with everyone else, Roman included...

But the teens reacted first.

- - -

Blake fired Gambol Shroud upwards at Roman, as Scarlet let loose with his pistol. They charged through the distracted White Fang troops, Sun casting his golden yellow clones at enemies as Blake dodged through with her own shadow clones. The one called Banesaw dropped down in front of them, swinging his massive chain saw at them. Blake flipped right over him, as Sage and Neptune clashed with the aggressive White Fang Sergeant.

"GET JAUNE! WE'LL HOLD HIM OFF!" Neptune shouted, expertly clashing with the beserker-like Faunus. Sage leaped up and struck the man in the shoulder, making him rear back in pain.

Scarlet flew around the flanks of the group, firing his pistol and swinging his sword to try and keep the heat off the others. Sun swung his staff around in three parts, unleashing shotgun blasts in all directions as Blake got to the fallen Jaune.

"Jaune? Jaune!" Blake shouted.

"Y-Yeah," Jaune managed, struggling back up to his feet, "I'm okay... Did you get my-?"

Blake swung Gambol Shroud out, wrapped it around the hilt of Crocea Mors, and pulled it back with a snap. She handed it to Jaune, who sheathed his dagger and smiled.

"Thanks... Geez, how's my Aura?"

Blake checked with his Scroll.

"You're at... Fifty percent?" She muttered. "But last time-!"

"Training with Ren and Pyrrha has really paid off," Jaune managed, shaking his head. "Or... I dunno, maybe the smaller blade? Let's talk about this somewhere else?!"

"But Torchwick-!" Blake shouted, as another Dust explosion went off. Sage and Neptune ran over, leaving a knocked-out Banesaw in their wake.

"We don't have the time!" Sun shouted. Blake grit her teeth, but nodded. They fled out, fighting through the White Fang soldiers who weren't running from the blasts. They exited out into the night air, flames and smoke billowing up high into the starry sky.

"Neptune?" Sun called, "Think you can use your Semblance to get this fire under control?"

"Well... Let me give it a shot," Neptune said, cracking his knuckles. He focused. Pipes nearby burst with a stream of water, which Neptune directed towards the flames with his hands. "That should help-"

A blast of flames erupted from the smoke. Neptune barely got a shield of water up in front of them in time, but the blast still hit and burst the water into steam. They were all blown off their feet, Blake barely scrambling up back onto hers after recovering. She looked up with Jaune as a hulking mass limped out of the fire. No right arm or leg as he hobbled his way free... But there was no mistaking who it was.

Thanh grinned savagely, the burns on his body healing away, He growled loudly, and screamed as a new leg sprouted from the stump it had become through his burned, ruined white pants. A new arm formed next, with another bellow of pain and almost-esctasy.

"Yessss... That's more like it... A real fight~!" Thanh snarled, pointing Róng right at them, "Don't leave when it was just getting interesting!"

"We weren't planning on it!" A familiar voice shouted. Blake looked back.

Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren stood there, all ready with their weapons. Thanh laughed brutally.

"THE MORE THE MERRIER!" He roared, and the battle was joined!

- - -

"Róng" is Mandarin for "salamander" depending on the characters used. It can also be used for 'Dragon".
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Cardin and Velvet's First Date
- - -

The diner Velvet took them to was actually pretty nice, all things considered. The large windows let in the light, as the jukebox played oldies from about twenty years ago. The tables were clean, and the walls were decorated in blue and white tile, with photographs and memorabilia from all over Vale. There was an old motorcycle suspended from the ceiling, bright red, a classic cruiser. The waitresses were all in pink striped white uniforms, and bustled about. Faunus and humans ate and drank- not really mixing, but at peace.

The booth they selected was out of sight of the windows. Velvet had insisted upon it, and Cardin couldn't blame her.

"Your team leader is... Kind of nuts," Cardin said, as they sat down and looked at the menus. Velvet flushed but nodded.

"A little. I mean, I love her to death, she's my best friend, but... She can be so controlling," Velvet sighed, "Like... Like I can't just go on a date and have fun without her looking over my shoulder. Do... Do you have friends like that?"

"Not exactly," Cardin said, "But Russel? Yeah, he keeps getting into trouble."

"What kind of trouble?" Velvet asked.

Cardin smirked.

"This one time? He tried to do a trick with a motorcycle he saw on TV. To jump a gap. He borrowed his dad's old bike, and set up some ramps at the junk yard. Of course he wanted me to film it."

Velvet held a hand up to her mouth.

"So... What happened?" She asked softly, leaning forward.

Cardin grinned, the memory still as hilarious as it was then.

"He'd fueled up the bike with too much Dust, and when it backfired? It blew up the ramp he was going to ride from," he said, "The whole thing fell down! It was only like, five foot tall and rickety-A strong wind would have blown it over-But bam! There he was, sitting in disbelief, surrounded by flaming wood and I just... I fell down laughing."

Velvet giggled. A small part of him found he liked the sound. He liked it a lot.

"W-Wow... Oh... My uncles were all teenagers when I was born? They got into crazy stuff like that all the time!"


"Yeah! One time they tried to make a waterslide out of Ice Dust," she snickered at the look on Cardin's face, "Yeah, they didn't take into account that sliding down it would so cold! They cried about how COLD it was when they splashed down into the pool! 'My tail, my tail is frozen!'"

Cardin laughed. A bunch of rabbit faunus hopping around with cold butts... Yeah, it was the kind of stupid stunt Russel would pull.

"Heh... Yeah. Russel loved to do crazy shit like that, all the time," Cardin smirked, "I'll have to suggest it to him."

They were interrupted by the friendly waitress. They gave their orders, and she bustled away with a knowing smirk. Cardin glowered a bit after her.

"You two are... Are really close, huh?" Velvet asked. Cardin turned back to Velvet and nodded.

"Yeah... My childhood was..." He shrugged. "It wasn't terrible. Just a little... My parents were always busy with their jobs. Our housekeeper, Chandi, did a lot of raising of me and my older sister. Russel's parents weren't as well off, but his dad and mine were old friends and so we hung out a lot growing up. He was always doing stupid crap and I guess I loved doing it with him... Or at least watching him do it."

Velvet giggled.

"It's hard to imagine a lonely childhood. I have twelve younger siblings."

"Twelve?!" Cardin gasped. Velvet shrugged shyly.

"I-I mean... I know it's a rabbit faunus stereotype but we do tend to have large families," she admitted quietly. "I-I learned how to cook, clean, and help out because I was the oldest."

"Geez," Cardin winced in sympathy. Velvet beamed.

"It could be rough, but it was also a lot of fun. That said, I'm really glad I'm not back home anymore. Having my own bed, my own space? It's wonderful."

"Yeah, I guess," Cardin murmured. His mind was suddenly on his large, often empty feeling house. Sure, all the history of the Winchesters of the past decorated it. It wasn't stuffy and cold like a museum. They did have parties for business and politics... But so many of his memories of that place were of him being alone.

Well, except for...

"So... Can you tell me about your sister?" Velvet asked. Cardin started and nodded.

"Yeah. Her name's Argenis. She was like, ten when I was born so we've always been a little... Separated, I guess."

"Oh, I see," Velvet said, frowning.

"Not that I don't love her, or anything," Cardin said quickly, "She just became an adult when I was still a kid. She's at Vale College, studying archaeology and history."

"Oh?" Velvet asked. Cardin nodded.

"Yeah. She was kind of obsessed with the 'lost history' of mankind. Probably gonna go out exploring when she gets her doctorate." He shrugged. "Guess I'll have a job protecting her out there."

"Is that why you became a Hunter?" Velvet asked, tilting her head curiously, "To protect your big sister?"

Cardin laughed.

"Nah, she's... She's always been tough," he shook his head. "It was just kind of expected of me, you know? Growing up hearing about the great heroes of the Winchesters in the past. It's hard not to want to be a hero, when you grow up hearing all that."

"Oh?" Velvet asked. Cardin nodded eagerly, a smile on his face.

"Yeah! Like Oliver Winchester, the Death Rider. He slew the Grimm Wendigos in the Wars of the West, riding his horse Mustang! Or Wyatt Winchester, the first Sherriff of the Vale, who shot down a hundred Nevermores! Or Absolom Winchester who... Fought in..."

He trailed off awkwardly. Velvet stared... Then flushed, and looked aside.


Things were silent when their waitress brought their food. She set it all down before she headed on her way. Cardin half-heartedly ate some of his eggs-They were really good.

"Sorry," Cardin mumbled.

"N-No, that's okay," Velvet said quietly, "It... It wasn't our war." She looked at him in concern and worry. "... Right?"

She looked so... Scared. So worried about what he might think.

"... No," Cardin murmured. "I guess... I just don't get why you... Why you care about..."

About me.

Stuff like that. My feelings, and crap," Cardin said.

Velvet smiled gently.

"Saving me from an Ursa by punching it out makes a... A girl want to know more about you," she admitted, blushing shyly. "But... Why would you be interested in me? I mean... I-I'm not that cute, not next to Coco..."

Before Arc's stupid stunt, Cardin would have asked the same thing. Ever since they'd been thrown into this ridiculous situation though, he'd learned... A lot.

"Are you kidding? You're hot," Cardin said bluntly. Velvet went bright red, and he had to admit... He liked how she looked.

The realization he'd just come out and said it made him try to be less blunt, though.

"I guess...And uh..." Cardin shrugged. "You're just... Nice. And you cook well. And... I like talking to you. You don't talk too much, so it's not annoying."

Velvet stared at him. Cardin bristled, feeling self-conscious.

"What? You wanted some kind of stupid love poetry or something?"

"Actually? I uh... I like this more," Velvet admitted. She grimaced. "Ever since Coco started doing my fashion, I'd get all these creeps trying to go out with me. You know, being smooth and clingy and singing love poetry. Especially online. I-I mean, I like looking good, but they all just come off as... Trying too hard. You? You're just... Direct."

She rubbed her ears, as she sipped her orange juice.

"Well, you were after... Ya know..."

Cardin winced. He found himself regretting tugging her ears, for more than the ridiculousness that followed. It was a strange feeling, but he was getting used to those by now.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I was... I was stupid. Really stupid."

Velvet smiled.

"I-I get it... I don't really know how to... What to do in a relationship either," she said. "It's all so sudden. You...?"

Cardin shook his head.

"I was friends with some girls in prep school but I uh... I didn't really think about stuff like that," he admitted, "My parents wanted me to be the best. I wanted to be the best. That didn't leave a lot of room for that stuff."

Velvet nodded. He studied her ears some more. She flushed again.

"Do... Do you want to touch them?" She asked quietly.

Cardin choked on his ranch potatoes.

"E-Excuse me?!" He managed.

"Do you... Do you want to touch my ears? Again, I-I mean," Velvet asked.

Cardin gulped. He suddenly felt very warm.

"Uh... I-I mean... Is that... Something you do, on-on a first date?" He asked.

He had no idea how it worked with Faunus! Why would he?!

"I-I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to, it's-it's not weird!" Velvet flustered, waving her hands, "A-At least I don't think it is! It's not among rabbit faunus, really! S-Since you already touched them!"

"Careful lad," An old hare faunus smirked as he walked by, his aged body held up by a cane, "In the old country, you tug her ears, you have to marry her."

Cardin dropped his silverware with a loud clatter.

"Marry her?!"

"Th-That's not true!" Velvet cried, red as a tomato, as the old Faunus laughed, "Don't say such things, Old Hazel!"

"Hahaha, what? An old hare can't poke some fun at the young?" He chuckled, limping away, "Oh, have your fun you two!"

"Hmph!" Velvet pouted, sitting down and glaring after him, "He's always such a bully."

"... S-So we're not... We don't have to...?" Cardin asked. Velvet stared at him. He held up his hands.

"Not that I'm saying... Uh... I'm not saying marriage-It's just-!"

Velvet shook her head and smiled comfortingly.

"He's just joking, honest," Velvet said. Cardin sighed in relief... And then coughed.

"I uh... No offense-"

"No, no, I'm uh... That would be a little fast," Velvet admitted, blushing with a cute smile.

"Y-Yeah," Cardin admitted. He returned to his food. It was still great.

"So... If you... If you wanted to...?"

Cardin gulped.

"... Not in public. Around that guy," Cardin said, jerking a thumb back over his shoulder at Old Hazel. Velvet nodded quickly, smiling in relief.

"Y-Yeah... Sorry. Um... It was impulsive. Again, no idea how to... How to relationship, or anything..."

Cardin frowned.

"You're... Not doing terribly so far," he admitted.

Velvet had a pleased blush as she went after her morning greens.

Shit... We're flirting... We have been flirting, all this time... And I don't want to stop...

Yet his mind was already racing in new future directions.

Shit, shit... What will Argenis say? Mom? Dad? How are they gonna react if... If this keeps going...? Dad's always talking about optics, what happens if some papparazzi catches us? They haven't shown much interest in me lately but what about the election season? Am I going to have to worry about that? Will they try to hurt her?!

She looked up from her breakfast... And looked at his plate.

"Ooh! I haven't tried their sausage before," she said cheerfully. "Can I have some?"

"Huh? Oh, sure," Cardin muttered. He speared it on his fork, and held it up. He was intending to plop it on her plate, he just had to avoid their tall glasses of juice... But she leaned over and chomped it off his fork. She chewed it with a happy smile.

"Mmm! Your sausage is great!" She said happily.

About ten seconds passed before she went bright red.

"Uh... I-I mean... Um..."

"I-I know what you meant," Cardin managed, bright red himself. She smiled... And his heart did flip flops.

Well... If she kept making him feel this way... Maybe he didn't have to worry so much about the future.

At least, not yet.

- - -
"Careful lad," An old hare faunus smirked as he walked by, his aged body held up by a cane, "In the old country, you tug her ears, you have to marry her."

Cardin dropped his silverware with a loud clatter.

"Marry her?!"

Better lock that cinnamon roll down, Cardin.

Thanks for the chapter!
Cardin and Velvet's First Issue
- - -

Combat Class was both Cardin's favorite and least favorite class. Favorite because hey, he loved to fight. The surge of adrenaline, the wielding of power-It was a rush, and a big part of why he'd chosen his path. He genuinely enjoyed it!

Least favorite because Goodwitch inevitably set him up against Arc. Sure, fighting Arc could be a challenge-Despite him looking like a hobo who just rolled out of a dumpster in their first match, he'd beaten Cardin. Then proceeded to set him up with his girlfriend!

Yeah, Cardin was still trying to figure that one out. Though he felt a lot less animosity towards Arc as of late, the guy still pissed him off with how he fought! Last time he'd just danced around Cardin! LITERALLY! The godsdamned troll!

Still, he would admit that training against smaller, faster, trickier opponents was a good thing. He was a paladin, built to fight like a tank. Small, speedy enemies were his biggest threat. Learning how to counter them was paramount.

Even so... Did it always have to be Arc?! He would take fighting Rose for her speed and range, or Ren for his agility and precision! Why was it always Arc?!

He saw Goodwitch look at him as the students finished assembling in the classroom. She opened her mouth.

"Mister Winchester," Goodwitch said primly, "You will be up first. Your opponent will be..."

A black clad arm went up.

"Professor," a smooth male voice said, "I would like to fight Winchester."

There was some hushed chatter. Cardin glanced at Arc. The blond looked back, and shrugged. Cardin looked at the volunteer as he stood up and walked into the light.

He was a Rabbit Faunus, shorter than him but lean and muscular as evidenced by the black bodysuit he wore. His head was covered by a sleek, motorcycle-style helmet whose chin angled down like the beak of a bird of prey. His black ears stuck out of his helmet, but so straight and sharp that Cardin could have sworn they were horns. On his back was a circular, black chakram, lined with silver.

Goodwitch nodded slowly.

"As you wish. Mister Skvader," Goodwitch said. Cardin shrugged, and headed to the ring himself. If someone else wanted to fight him, why not? It's what he'd been hoping for.

His eyes went to Velvet, as they often did. Usually she'd be wearing an encouraging smile as she sat with her team and his. Now though, she looked worried, and shot anxious, unhappy looks over at Skvader.

Cardin tightened his grip on Executioner as he hopped into the ring. Skvader faced him, unreadable due to his visor, yet there was an angry tension to his shoulders. He reached back, and unclipped the chakram. Another click, and he pulled them apart, wielding both in his hands. His Aura surged, as Dust activated on the edges of the charkrams-Green, Wind Dust. For cutting power. They hummed like chainsaws as Skvader got into a fighting stance. Cardin did the same, Executioner at the ready.

"The match goes until one fighter's Aura is in the red or forfeit," Goodwitch stated in a bland tone, like she did for every match, "Begin!"

Cardin charged, swinging Executioner down on the slim Faunus with a bellow. The Faunus leaped up, and a translucent hexagon formed under his foot. He flipped off it as it vanished, then formed another above him under his feet. He leaped down at Cardin, chakrams wailing for his throat!


Cardin blocked the first strike with Executioner, but Skvader's second fist drove into his neck. Cardin lashed out with his free fist, hitting nothing but air as Skvader backflipped away. The paladin gritted his teeth, holding his neck. His Aura had protected him but that had hurt.

"YEEAH!" He shouted, swinging Executioner down and unleashing his Semblance. The sand vibrated powerfully as the shockwave shot for Skvader, but the rabbit Faunus just leaped up, forming other hexagon shaped platform to bounce off of and dive for Cardin.

Cardin grit his teeth, held his ground... And pulled back, slamming his hand down into the floor with another Shockwave! Miraculously though, Skvader landed in a split, holding his body up over the narrow shockwave by his toes. Cardin gaped in disbelief.

Oh come on, how is that fair?! He raged. He swung his mace and fist for Skvader, but the nimble rabbit faunus twisted and maneuvered around like he was made of paper, and struck Cardin several times in quick succession with his chakrams.


Skvader kicked Cardin, and a hex platform materialized, blasting Cardin away. He stumbled backwards as Skvader backflipped out of range again. The rabbit faunus threw his chakrams, and Cardin swung Executioner like a baseball bat. He knocked one back at Skvader, which he caught.


A sharp pain to his back got the point across, and he staggered forward.


He looked around for Skvader. Where-?!

"ABOVE YOU!" Dove shouted. Cardin looked up just in time to see Skvader diving on him like an avenging angel feet first. His boots slammed right into Cardin's face, and the much taller paladin staggered backwards.

I just... Need... Contact...!

His Semblance lashed out through his face, and Skvader was blown back by the shockwave. The Faunus tumbled, and Cardin charged up Executioner.


A blast of Fire Dust lashed out at Skvader. The nimble rabbit Faunus took the shot head on, and was blasted right out of the ring. Cardin stood up, breathing heavily, as Skvader got up off the clear floor around the fighting ring.

"Winner, Mister Winchester," Goodwitch observed.

"I demand we continue," Skvader stated. Goodwitch shot him a look.

"You demand, Mister Skvader?" She asked, her tone dangerous. Skvader held his ground, his visor locked onto Cardin. Cardin had a feeling the rabbit Fanus was glaring hatefully at him.

"I... Request to continue," Skvader rephrased it, his tone still rough. "A ring out is not an accurate measure of combat ability. Certainly not for a lumbering ape like Winchester-!"

"I run Combat Class, Mister Skvader, not you," Goodwitch stated coldly, "Now come up so you can receive your assessments!"

Skvader hesitated, but slowly walked up to the ring. He didn't look at Cardin as they stood together in the center, in front of Goodwitch.

"Good save at the last moment, Mister Winchester," Goodwitch observed, "Have you been able to use your Semblance from your face before?"

"Ah, no, just my hands, ma'am," Cardin said quickly.

"Well, I trust you will train in that ability," Goodwitch stated, "Mister Skvader was dominating the fight from the start. Your Aura and armor protected you from the worst of it-You only just hit yellow. But had it continued, Mister Skvader would have won. You got lucky. Luck is not something you can rely on in the field."

Cardin nodded slowly.

"Yes ma'am."

Goodwitch turned to Skvader.

"Your rudeness notwithstanding," Goodwitch stated, "Excellent use of your strengths and Semblance, Mister Skvader. However, you still lack significant attack power and defense-That one hit from Mister Winchester sent your Aura into the yellows and your strikes did not do significant damage. Your fighting style relies heavily on stealth attacks, to hit vital areas, but in a prolonged fight you must remember to end it quickly."

Skvader nodded curtly.

"Next pair," she called out. Skvader headed off to his team in the back of the classroom, while Cardin marched over to sit with his and Velvet's. He sat down next to Velvet, who gave him a worried look.

"Are you all right?"

"Yeah, fine, just my pride," Cardin admitted. He shook his head. "Guy made me look like a chump out there."

"Two or three hits would have taken him down though," Dove observed.

"Yeah, but that's the trick," Coco smirked, "And he definitely didn't make it easy, did he?"

"No," Cardin muttered. He watched Skvader. The black clad rabbit faunus was staring across the classroom at him...? No... At...?

He looked at Velvet, who winced a bit. She forced a smile, and squeezed his hand.

"You'll do better next time," she said, "Fox fights in a similar way. You and he should train!"

"It would be nice to fight a tank other than Yatsuhachi," Fox said, his arms crossed as he reclined in a chair a row ahead.

"Or you could spar with him, Bun-Bun," Coco said with a grin, "A man who can vibrate all over?"

Velvet eeped, and turned bright red. Cardin was not much better.

"COCO!" Velvet hissed. Her team leader snickered.

"Huh," Sky said, "I guess that might come in handy-"

Cardin glared, and Sky coughed.

"For... Other things..."

- - -

After class, Cardin changed to his uniform and stepped halfway out of the locker room. He looked around for Velvet. He spotted her... Back to the wall, glaring. A familiar black rabbit faunus was standing in front of her, looming over her. Cardin pulled back a bit into the locker room and listened.

"...can't believe you're dating that human," Skvader said, "Is he blackmailing you? Using you-?"

"He's not doing anything like that," Velvet hissed back, "We're dating! That's all!"

"Oh? Is that all?" Skvader scoffed, "The scion of the Winchesters fell for a rabbit faunus girl with nothing but pure intentions-?"

"That's exactly what happened, Hex!" Velvet growled.

Skvader shook his head. Cardin's fingers gripped the locker room door, hard enough to make the steel creak.

"I don't buy it. Your team... I should have protected you-"

"I don't need your protection, Hex," Velvet shot back, "I don't even know you-!"

"We're rabbit Faunus, we stick together, especially against humans," Skvader sneered.

"I'm not just a rabbit Faunus!" Velvet retorted. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll-!"

He reached out his hand and took hold of her wrist. Cardin saw red.

"If you want a romance, I can provide that," Skvader stated, "Better than any human. Especially not some racist looking to use you for a fetish-!"

"Let go of me-! Don't-!"

That did it.

Cardin stormed up to Skvader. The rabbit faunus looked up in surprise, finally letting Cardin see his face. He looked like some kind of smooth pretty boy out of a Mistralian comic, with his pointed chin, large black eyes, and pointed nose. Or at least he did, just before Cardin's fist met his face.

"URGH!" Skvader grunted, tumbling back. He got right back onto his feet, as Cardin pulled Velvet behind himself.

"Piss off, you bastard," Cardin snarled, "Her business is her business."

Skvader growled, wiping blood from his nose.

"Think I'm gonna let some human filth use her?"

"You're the one grabbing her, Pointy Ears!" Cardin growled back, "Now beat it before I beat you. Again."

Skvader held his glare, even as his nose bled. He turned and stormed off. Cardin watched him go, before he turned to Velvet. She didn't meet his eyes.

"... Is this the first time he's done this?" Cardin asked. If it wasn't, he'd have words with Coco. If someone was harassing any of his team, he'd deal with it himself.

"The... The first time he grabbed me, yes," Velvet said with a nod, "I-I mean, I'm usually with my team so he keeps his distance. But not the first time he's... You know..."

"Why not tell Coco?" Cardin asked.

Velvet scowled.

"I'm not weak! I... I want to handle things on my own. Especially when it comes to... To faunus."

Oh. Yeah. There it was. Honestly, Cardin had been so wrapped up in his own worries about what his parents would think, he hadn't even thought what other faunus might think about Velvet being with him. Fuck, he felt like a louse right now.

"I... I see," Cardin managed. And he did. More than he liked.

She shook her head.

"You didn't have to-"

"I'm not letting my girlfriend get roughed up by some asshole," Cardin stated.

A pause. Velvet's cheeks went red.

"So... I... I'm your girlfriend now?" She asked quietly.

Cardin's own cheeks went red. He cleared his throat and tried to bluster, as he always did.

"We go on dates and I don't like other guys messing with you, so yeah, you... You're my girlfriend!"

If she wanted to. He really hoped she wanted to... More than anything he could remember.

Velvet smiled, and took his arm.

"I... Yes... Yes I am," she murmured.

Cardin let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Good," he said, "Let's get to the next class."


- - -

Hex Skvader is an OC, a black rabbit Faunus who is inspired by 0 from "Borderlands" and Rinzler from "TRON: Legacy". Not every human is going to be happy with Cardin dating a Faunus, and not every Faunus will be happy with Velvet dating a human.
On Healing Dust
In essence, Healing Dust takes the Aura from one person, filters it, and allows for it to be transferred into another person without the other person's Aura rejecting it. It is akin to Jaune's Aura Amp Semblance, but far less powerful. However, it can be used by anyone with an unlocked Aura and good Aura Manipulation. Of course, the more Aura you pour into a person, the less you have, and the percentage of Aura that actually gets into the other person is fairly low as the process is pretty inefficient. The best healers like Isabel Arc can transfer over half the Aura they pour into the Dust into the person they are healing, most others only see a 15-25 percent Aura transfer rate.

Healing Dust, like any other kind of Dust, is used up after usage and has to be "reloaded". It doesn't burn though instantly like combat Dust, of course, but it still gets used up through usage-The more intense the usage, the faster it's used up. It's also not a naturally occurring Dust, it has to be manufactured.

All of that said, Healing Dust has saved tens of thousands of lives across Remnant and is a hot commodity for manufacture and trade. Isabel Arc helped develop it thanks to using her Semblance to understand how Aura interacts with the human body, and how foreign Aura interacts with it. This breakthrough, which had help from several other Dust specialists and doctors, has made Healing Dust a critical resource for humanity in general, not just against the Grimm.
Pyrrha lashed out at Thanh first, moving like a blur as she slid under his swinging polearm. Ren and Nora struck next, moving as a perfect duo. Nora swung for Thanh's head, as Ren opened up with his twin SMGs.

Thanh took Pyrrha's spear strike right to his gut, but dodged the hammer blow and flared his Aura to take the bullet hits. He unleashed a blast of flames, Pyrrha expertly dodging around to strike Thanh again. She slid around Rong's swing, as graceful as a dancer, and slashed up his forearm like she was carving up a roast.

Nora landed behind and and swung for his legs. Ren leaped up high and provided more cover fire, joined by Ruby and Weiss who fired Dust rounds. They impacted on the huge dragon Faunus, blasting against his Aura and driving him back towards the fire. It was then that Yang joined the fight, propelling herself up, over, and behind Thanh. She lashed out with her fists, shotgun blasts striking the huge monster from behind.

Thanh roared his rage and pain, and the blade of Rong began to glow green, crackling with Aura. Jaune's eyes widened.

"GET DOWN! GET AWAY!" He screamed.


Thanh swung his great polearm around himself in a circle, and unleashed a green aura blade that shot out like a wave of death. Pyrrha, Yang, and Nora ducked and leaped out of the way. Ren summoned up his Aura as a shield, and the force of the blast sent him flying. Jaune, Blake and Team SSSN dove for the concrete: Save for Neptune, who threw himself at Weiss to shove her down as Ruby leaped over the wave.

"REN!" Jaune, Nora and many others shouted. Ren was sent smacking against the containers and he fell in a crumpled heap as the wave passed over him.

"WEISS!" Ruby shouted.

"AAAHHH!" Weiss cried. Her anger turned to shock as the wave slashed through the cargo containers around them, slicing through the metal and leaving molten steel in its wake.

Thanh laughed again, his teeth gleaming in the moonlight. His Aura burned like flames over his body, the wounds inflicted upon him vanishing and leaving him fully renewed.

Neptune and Weiss got back up, Neptune standing protectively in front of her as she glared at their foe with her piercing eyes.

Thanh laughed darkly, slathering his long tongue as he leered over his mostly female foes.

"So many to break!" He cackled. "So many to bring to heel! And so many to skin and take as my trophies!"

Pyrrha shifted Milo into rifle mode and opened up on Thanh, as Jaune and Nora ran to Ren. Sage, Sun, Scarlet, and Blake made to follow, but a few White Fang flunkies attacked and they fought them in their distraction.

Ruby got to Ren first, her Semblance letting her appear over the fallen Mistralian in a burst of petals. She held him up. Ren groaned, which sent a shock of relief through Jaune as he kneeled next to his friend.

"Ren? Renny?!" Nora cried, landing next to him.

"I'm fine… Aura's low," Ren grunted, "He's very strong."

"He can't hold out forever," Jaune reasoned, as Weiss and Neptune joined the fight, sending blasts of water and fire at the huge Faunus, "He has to use his Aura for fighting and protection-"

"No, but his control over it means the longer we fight him, the more dangerous it will get," Ren stated, eyes narrowed as Yang took a strike on her gauntlets and was sent flying. "We have to stop him now!"

Jaune gritted his teeth, watching as Yang tumbled and barely recovered. Pyrrha struck again to cover her, fencing with the great dragon Faunus with her usual skill, their weapons sparking from the force of their exchanged blows. Yang got right back into the fight, charging in and dodging around Thanh's wild strikes and Fire Dust blasts to open up with her shells.

"Nora, go help Pyrrha and Yang!" Jaune ordered. Nora glanced at Ren for a moment, but assured he was fine, charged back into battle. She unleashed a volley of grenades, and Thanh had to break from his fight with Yang and Pyrrha. He strode backwards, grinning as he spun Rong around in confidence. He used the rear section and opened fire, scattering the three powerful Huntresses-in-Training with multiple blasts.

Ruby stared intently at the fight, her face paler than usual-But she was forcing her fear back down.

"So we need to hit him with something big enough to finish him off instantly," Ruby mused. She looked about. Jaune looked with her, seeking out something, anything…

He caught sight of the SDC logo on a cargo container, held up by a crane pointed away from the open area where they fought Thanh. It looked heavy, and the doors had come apart. Crates of Dust were packed in.

Jaune and Ruby looked at each other at the same moment.

"I have an idea!" They said in unison. Jaune looked over at Sun, who had finished off the White Fang rabble and left them groaning on the concrete.



Blake looked away from her teammates. Jaune followed her gaze. A familiar man in a white suit and black bowler hat was fleeing towards the Bullheads.

"We have to stop Torchwick!" Blake cried. She looked back, meeting Ruby's eyes for a moment. She grimaced in anguish, before she turned and ran off. Sun sighed.

"GUYS! Follow their orders! I'll take care of Blake and Torchwick!" He ordered, turning and racing after her. Jaune swung his arm towards them. Sage moved to head over to them, but Scarlet grabbed his shoulders and glided them both over there. Weiss used a Glyph and sped herself and Neptune over. Weiss unleashed Ice Dust blasts at Thanh from range, intercepting several of his Fire shots and letting Pyrrha, Yang and Nora regroup to attack him from all sides. Neptune shifted his trident into a rifle, and fired Electric Dust blasts at Thanh.

Nora struck aggressively with her hammer, but in a move of dexterity Jaune hadn't expected, Thanh lashed out with his long tail and flung Nora past him. She slammed into a container, leveling it and the other crates it had been stacked with. She struggled furiously to get out of the mess as Yang and Pyrrha traded blows with Thanh.

"Scarlet, get Sage to the crane," Jaune said quickly, pointing out the crane's cockpit, "Sage, move that container over here. Scarlet? Protect him, there are still White Fang goons around!"

"On it," Scarlet said, grabbing onto Sage's shoulders, "Clench up, buddy."

Sage looked rather unamused, but was born away with his usual stoic expression up over the containers towards the crane. Ruby looked to Weiss and Neptune.

"Weiss, Blue Haired Guy-"

"Neptune Vasilias, shortstuff," Neptune said with a charming wink. Weiss flushed, but kept up her assault.

"Right, get ready to hit the Lizard Guy with Ice and Water," Ruby ordered, "We have to trap him! In the meantime, just keep hitting him from range!"

"Got it," Weiss nodded. She looked over to Neptune with a flush on her cheeks. "Shall we?"

"Don't worry, fair lady, I'll protect you every step of the way," Neptune said, bowing dramatically. Weiss's pale face turned even more red, and she nodded.

"Of-Of course, thank you!" She stuttered.

Jaune, Ruby, and Ren glanced at one another. Jaune could tell they shared the same thought.

Is she seriously buying those cheesy lines?

Weiss accelerated off on a Glyph and opened fire with Fire Dust rounds on Thanh, as the big dragon Faunus spun his monk's spade like a windmill to deflect the shots. Yang and Pyrrha seized the chance to strike him from behind, both ladies lashing out.

Thanh laughed and swung his arm about, unleashing green Aura blades from his clawed fingers! Pyrrha took the hits on her shield, protecting Yang, but both were forced back and hard. Neptune fired off a blast of water, snaking it around to try and flank Thanh.

Ruby jumped up high, firing her sniper scythe at Thanh. He took one shot right through the chest. He leered, and unleashed blasts at her. She used her Semblance to evade the fire, even as his Aura burned and the wound vanished.

The big lizard leaped away, unleashing another torrent of flames around himself. Jaune looked back at Ren.

"You up to covering us?"

The Mistralian held up Stormflower right at Jaune, and the blond's jaw dropped.


Jaune glanced backwards. A White Fang operative, slim and slinky like a weasel, fell behind him. Jaune turned and glared at Ren.

"Couldn't you have warned me?" Jaune demanded.

"I did," Ren quipped dryly, as Jaune helped him to his feet. Ren took off, dashing between the containers, and another White Fang member cried out and went silent in moments. Nora, meanwhile, had freed herself and charged back into the fight.


She fired grenades to burst over Thanh's head. The dragon Faunus roared in rage at the blasts, and unleashed another Aura Claw Slash at her-Staggering the blades. She dodged the first, rolled around the second, but the third met her hammer and sent her flying back. Yang tried to get in a hit as Pyrrha provided cover fire, but Thanh parried her punches with his free arm and grabbed her by the throat.

"HURK!" Yang cried out as Thanh lifted her up.

"One more step, and her pretty head comes off," Thanh snarled. Everyone froze, Pyrrha holding her Milo up in javelin form with a hateful look. Ruby took aim with Crescent Rose, but Jaune darted forward, into her line of fire.

"Take him down!" Yang shouted, punching at Thanh's arm. "Don't worry about-HURK!" Thanh tightened his grip, and her face began to go red as she clawed at his huge hand. "Nngh-!"

"All right, all right," Jaune shouted, moving forward with his hands lifted up, "What do you want?"

Thanh sneered.

"First… Where are my minions? Are you all suddenly cowards?!" He bellowed. "Did you forget you serve Thanh the Immortal?!"

A few more White Fang flunkies did appear, out of fear of Thanh or bloodlust, it was hard to tell through their masks. They pointed their guns at the Hunters-in-Training.

"Don't seem so immortal to me!" Jaune jeered. "Having to take a hostage just to survive?"

Thanh laughed again, a deep and unpleasant sound like the scraping of scales and teeth together in a deep, water-filled cave.

"We all do what we must to survive, to rise to the top," Thanh growled back, "You value the life of this little slut? You will do as I tell you."

"Fine," Jaune said. He could just see the crane moving out of the corner of his eye, the sound of the machine starting up muffled by the crackling of flames all around them, "What do you want?"

"To escape," Thanh growled, "Let me take my troops and leave."

"Let Yang go, and we'll let you leave," Jaune said carefully. The crane was moving, slowly, but surely getting the container overhead.

Thanh barked another unpleasant laugh, as Yang's face went blue. Her struggles lessened.

"No, no," he chuckled, loosening his grip just enough that Yang could suck in a breath. "I think not. I think I will take this slut with me. As insurance… And a snack…"

Red filled Jaune's vision.

"You're a sick disgusting worm!" Neptune sneered.

"And you're a bunch of pathetic humans," Thanh retorted, holding Yang in front of his body, "What's it to be, humans?"

Jaune locked eyes with Yang. She stared into his gaze… And slid a small Dust canister up between her fingers. Fire Dust, pressed up against Thanh's gripping claws. His facial expression didn't change, as the great container moved closer. He looked at Pyrrha, and gestured with his eyes. She looked up briefly… Then nodded.

"I'd say…" Jaune's eyes narrowed. "You can go suck all the dicks you want in Hell. NOW!"

Yang ignited the Dust charge on Thanh's fingers. He roared in pain from the blast, and dropped the smoking Yang. Jaune charged out and grabbed her, yanking her up to her feet and away just as Neptune's water surged around Thanh's legs and his lightning blasts seized Thanh to prevent his escape. Weiss unleashed her Ice Dust, the crystals sprouting up to encompass Thanh's entire lower body. He roared and struggled, igniting Fire Dust that began to melt and crack the Ice. The White Fang subordinates opened fire, but were taken out by Nora and Ren's fire, blown away or cut down by their fury.

Thanh sneered at them as he began to break out of his prison.

"What pathetic scheme have you-?!"

He heard Ruby's Crescent Rose ring out, and the screech of shattered metal. He looked up to see the container falling upon him, Pyrrha's black Aura guiding it down atop him. His eyes narrowed.

It fell like thunder, slamming onto Thanh. Even this great weight only drove him down, but did not crush him. He dropped his monk's spade to hold up the great container, struggling to keep it aloft. He grit his teeth and snarled at them.

"What cheap trick is this-?!"

Holding Yang's hand, Jaune held Crocea Mors in the other. It crackled with Aura. He held up his blade.

"For Gato," Jaune muttered, as he swung. The Aura Blade that was unleashed was wider than his first attack, but still glowed like the rising sun. Thanh's eyes went wide as the blast stuck the container. All of the Dust containers lit up.

"SCATTER!" Ruby bellowed. Weiss accelerated herself and Neptune away with a Glyph, Pyrrha yanked Ren and Nora away with her Semblance as she leaped off, and Yang grabbed Jaune and blasted them away with Ember Celica, just as the entire shipping container exploded.

The blast was massive, the shockwave sending all the sliced containers and crates skidding from the force. Yang tumbled in mid-air with Jaune, and it seemed as though the blast would consume them. A cloud of rose petals surrounded them, and they were whisked away by Ruby's grip.


Ruby fell with them, hitting the pavement and all three tumbled into a heap. Jaune groaned as Yang and Ruby both landed on him. Yang helped him up, though slowly, and held him tightly to her body as they got to their feet.

"You okay, Crybaby?" Yang asked. Ruby clung to his other side.

"Yeah, you all right?"

Jaune sagged, his Aura dangerously low.

"I will be…" He panted hard for breath as he looked in the direction of the blast, where a great plume of smoke rose into the night sky. Pyrrha, Nora and Ren parkoured over various crates to get to them, landing nearby. Neptune and Weiss arrived next, Weiss letting Neptune go with a blush as he grinned at her. Scarlet and Sage soon arrived as well, Scarlet dropping Sage to land first as he slid down onto the pavement.

"Did we get him?" Scarlet asked with a grin.

Jaune took two steps forward… And fell into Pyrrha's waiting arms.

"Let's… Let's find out," Jaune managed.

They limped towards the battle site. Several unconscious or injured White Fang members lay in their path-One was pinned under a fallen container. At Jaune's nod, Nora lifted it up off him.

"Oh… Thank you so much-"

Nora then knocked him out with a punch to the face.

"Don't they know they should stay down?" Nora scoffed.

"They should," Weiss gritted out.

They returned to the site of the fight, where the fires burned around where Thanh had last been. Twisted scraps of metal littered the area, shrapnel from the container. Neptune summoned up jets of water to douse the flames, spraying everything he could.

"Sure hope we don't have to clean up this mess," Neptune observed.

One of the piles of debris stirred from the water spray… And rose. Tall, gaunt, reptillian.

"Shit," Scarlet cursed, "The hell does it take to bring this guy down?!"

"I'll do it," Pyrrha said grimly, holding up her rifle as Thanh's blackened form staggered towards them. Almost everyone else did the same, but Jaune held up a hand.

"Wait," he muttered.

Thanh shuffled towards them, his tail and skin regenerating from the blackened ruin it had become. His pants were barely hanging on, burnt, and dark with charring. His eyes were narrowed, filled with hate, as he staggered towards them… Yet his motions were vague, as though unable to focus on anything.

He stopped in front of the Hunters and Huntresses in training, breathing hard, ragged breaths. Shakily, he lifted his claws hands up, to grasp, to strangle. Jaune stared him down, not moving.

… Not that he really could, given his Aura was nearly gone, but still.

At last, Thanh took another step forward… And fell, face first, right into the pavement. It cracked under the force of his fall. He twitched a few times… Then lay still.

Ruby used her Semblance to teleport up close to him, and poked him with Crescent Rose gingerly. Then more violently, jamming the scythe right into his back. He remained unmoving. Nora poked him a few more times with the hilt of Magnhild, and still he did not respond.

Relief filled everyone. Jaune leaned heavily against Pyrrha, who laughed softly. Yang slapped him on the back, and gave a thumbs up to Weiss and Neptune.

"Boy… Bet he's dino-sore!" She laughed.

Jaune snickered, even as everyone else but Nora groaned.

"Let's find Blake and Sun and get out of here-" Scarlet began, but the air was filled with police sirens. Black and white cars stormed into the area, driving around the scattered containers and fallen White Fang members.

"Fucking finally," Jaune muttered, as cops poured out of the vehicles with guns raised. He held up his hands. "Hey officers! Nice to see you-"

"Get on the ground!" They shouted. "ALL OF YOU ON THE GROUND!"

"HEY!" Ruby shouted angrily, "We're hunters in training, you can't just-!"


Jaune glanced over at Ruby.

"Ruby," he said, "I'm pretty sure I texted you to call the cops."

"I did! I did!" Ruby insisted.

"Didn't you tell them we had been lured to the docks, and we needed help?" Jaune asked.

Ruby blinked. Weiss turned a desperate glare on her.

"Ruby?!" She hissed.

"Oh… Shoot… Knew I forgot something," Ruby said, smiling nervously. "Um… So… What do we do?"


"I believe we have received our instructions," Sage deadpanned. Jaune sighed and held up his arms.

"Let's do as they say… And hope Professor Goodwitch is merciful enough to post bail."

"We're so screwed," Yang sighed.

- - -

Blake dashed through the shipping containers, breaking out into pallets piled high with goods and supplies wrapped in plastic. She locked onto Roman Torchwick, his shock of red hair still bright underneath his black bowler hat.

He made it to one of two Bullheads sitting on a landing pad right on a pier extending out into the bay. He began to climb towards it as the White Fang pilot started up the engines, just as Blake broke through the pallets.

"TORCHWICK!" She shouted.

Torchwick looked back and sighed in exasperation.

"Kitty Cat, you are getting really irritating," he stated. He motioned to two White Fang men who rose and held up machine guns. They opened fire, and Blake dodged thanks to a Shadow Clone. The shots passed through the decoy as she darted forward, dodging around the firing arcs.


She ran into an invisible barrier that cracked like glass. She recovered fast, flipping out of the way of the fire.

Sun dropped in, firing a shot from his staff that shattered the barrier. Blake rose up as a girl with pink and brown hair, in an outfit similar to Torchwick's, appeared. She smiled and spun an umbrella around her fingers. The gunners ceased their fire, as the petite but curvy girl smiled far too sweetly at them.

Sun scoffed.

"Too afraid to fight us yourself, Torchwick?" Sun shouted.

"Hell yes!" Torchwick shouted back, as he slapped the back of the pilot's seat. "Come on, come on, start up!"

Blake streaked forth, as Sun broke his staff into three and spun the pieces, firing Dust rounds in a hail of bullets. The silent girl shattered again, an invisible barrier falling apart from the shots. She appeared up over Blake, drawing a sword to plunge into her neck!

"Hah!" Blake went into a roll and came back up, swinging Gambol Shroud in sword mode to desperately parry the lightning fast strikes. Sun jumped in to flank her, but the gunners opened up on him. He spun his staff in a blur, deflecting the shots as Blake and the girl dueled furiously.

Can't get an opening…!

Blake shifted Gambol Shroud to its chain scythe mode, and swung it viciously. The girl was driven back, parrying each wild blow.

The Bullhead lifted off, ascending into the air slowly. A gigantic chain went up, up, tightening up as it went taut with loud, nasty creaking. It was anchored to a shipping container, which the Bullheard yanked up as it flew upwards.

Blake knocked the woman's blade aside. Sun, relieved of blocking fire, swung his staff right for the woman's bowler hat wearing head!

Again the air shattered like glass. The small woman leaped away, jumping up to grasp onto the swinging shipping container. She climbed up the side like a squirrel, and ascended up the chain. She swung herself up into the rear compartment of the Bullhead, and waved in a jaunty way down at them. Blake and Sun glared back up at it, as Roman laughed.

"Well! Nice try, Kitty Cat! Hope you and your boyfriend handle Thanh better!"

A massive explosion went off behind them. Blake and Sun looked back in horror.

No… No, please… Please be okay…!

Blake and Sun ran back, as Torchwick and his assistant flew off.

No, nonono… Please… They can't be… Not after all this…!

Together they vaulted up over the pallets, over the destroyed containers.

They landed in the burning, wreckage filled site of the battle… Much to the surprise of their handcuffed friends and several policemen.

"Guys! You're okay!" Sun cried.

"You're alive!" Blake gasped.

"DOWN ON THE GROUND!" The cops shouted. They piled on top of them both, and in their shock, both Sun and Blake were forced to the pavement.

"We're glad to see you too, Blake!" Jaune managed.

- - -

They were all handcuffed, and moved to sit in small groups as the cops went around. Assessing the damage, taking pictures with Scrolls and cameras, and cleaning up. The sky was turning orange and pink as the night began to slowlygive way to dawn.

It was Blake's luck to be put next to Weiss. She looked over at her. The Schnee heiress glanced back… And looked aside. Blake bit her lower lip.

Of course we'd be shoved together like this… I thought… I never…

She looked over at Ruby and Yang, in handcuffs as well. Ruby gave her a gooey look, as Yang scowled.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Blake," Ruby said eagerly. "I-I'm so glad… I was-We were so worried!"

"Yeah," Yang said with a nod, "I'm glad you're okay."

Blake worked her jaw. She looked back at Weiss, who was still looking anywhere but at her.

Her eyes went down to the harsh concrete. She sucked in a breath through her nostrils.

"... I'm sorry," she said quietly. Silence greeted her, save for the background noise of the police going about their business.

"I'm so sorry," Blake continued, "I… Weiss, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for what I said. I'm sorry for running off. I…"

She shut her eyes.

"When I joined the White Fang… I thought my parents were wrong. They wanted to try changing things with diplomacy and their own nation. Sienna, Adam… The other members of the White Fang said we needed to change things through bold action. I ran away from home and joined them because I believed in that. I thought we were doing good… And when we stopped doing good, I ignored my conscience. Every day, it seemed like there was a new line I swore I would never cross…"

Blake shook her head.

"And I kept crossing them. Until finally, I just couldn't take it anymore. If I'd known Thanh was working for them…"

She forced herself to look at Weiss, whose head was still turned away.

"Weiss. You… You didn't deserve this. Any of this," she said softly, "I-I know it's not much… But I am so sorry for what I said. All the bad things the SDC has done? You… You didn't have anything to do with that. You couldn't have. It… It isn't your fault."

Her chest felt hollowed out, as though she'd had to scrape out all her emotions. Weiss remained silent, and the hollow feeling became worse. Her gaze went back to the ground, between her feet.

"I hate my father," Weiss finally said. Everyone's eyes locked onto her, Blake's included. Weiss very slowly looked over into Blake's eyes. Her lower lip wobbled, but she continued.

"I hate him more than you do, probably," Weiss said softly, "From the moment my grandfather died and he took over the company, he dropped any pretense that he actually loved my siblings or my mother. My uncle was the only one who stood up to him, and he… He was killed in a security breach by Sienna Khan."

Weiss gathered her thoughts, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

"It's no wonder he turns Faunus into slaves… He treats everyone based on how much they're worth to him. He drove my older sister to join the military, just to escape his control. He drove my mother into alcoholism, hiding herself in her garden. He's turned my little brother into his good little copy, but never enough to threaten him…"

She turned to look Blake in the eyes, and gestured with her shoulders.

"I had to fight in a duel with a Grimm to earn the right to come to Beacon," Weiss continued quietly, "Gave me this scar over my eye. All that just to be free."

Ruby gasped softly, as Yang's eyes flashed red for a moment. Blake gaped in astonishment.

"And in the end, all I did was run away, too," Weiss murmured. She shook her head again.

"Blake," she said, "I… I don't know if we can ever be friends."

"Weiss-" Ruby tried, but Weiss gave her a look.

"I just want us to… To at least be able to work together," Weiss admitted. "I'm sorry for the things I said, too. I want to stay at Beacon, with you… With people I can trust."

Blake held Weiss' gaze for a long time. She nodded, her black hair shifting as her ears twitched behind her bow. The sun rose, and it's warm rays shone down upon them all.

"I want to be someone you can trust," Blake said softly, "That all of you can trust."

"Then please don't run away again," Ruby said, "I know it hurts to talk. I really do… But I want us to talk instead of everyone running away. Can we… Can we agree to that? Please?"

Weiss and Blake stared at one another. Blake could see no deception in the white-haired girl's eyes.

"I can," Blake murmured.

"So can I," Weiss said softly.

Inside, Blake felt her heart grow lighter.

It wasn't much… But it was a start.

And she had started over before with far less.

- - -

Jaune looked over with some concern at Team RWBY, who were held some distance away. They were talking at least, and nobody looked like they were trying to kill each other. So overall, that was probably a good sign.

Honestly though, this wasn't the weirdest thing that had happened today. Not even the constantly regenerating sadistic lizard man was that freaky.

No, that went to Pyrrha.

Despite the fight, despite the peril, despite being held in chains at gunpoint… She was smiling. Hell, she looked just as beautiful when covered in soot and grime as she did when not. Entirely at ease, like they weren't going to go to jail.

Nora shared her smile, as she snuggled next to Ren. Ren of course looked as calm as ever, despite the soot all over them both.

"So," Jaune offered, "I'd… Call that a win, right? Aside from being arrested."

"We will have words with Blake for pulling you into an obvious trap," Nora stated. Her face was beaming and her tone was light, but there was a dangerous light in her eyes. Jaune shook his head.

"No, no. I'll handle that," he said. "Really."

"Hmph," Nora grunted. Jaune sighed.

"Besides, she's… Gone through enough," he said quietly. Pyrrha scooted closer to him.


"Not my story to tell," Jaune said softly. He looked into the eyes of his team.

"But… Thank you for coming after me," he said, "I… It really means everything."

"Nothing would ever stop us," Ren said quietly, "From coming after you."

"Yeah!" Nora said cheerfully.

"We're with you," Pyrrha confirmed, leaning against him, "To the end."

Jaune nodded, looking down to hide his face. He didn't trust his emotions right now. That they wouldn't show up on his face.

Gato… Wherever you are, I hope I made you proud, he thought.

Pyrrha continued to smile. She nuzzled him.

"Pyrrha," Jaune said softly. Pyrrha beamed, and looked around at her team.

"Well, since we're not going anywhere for a while," she said, "I-I have good news! I broke off things with my mother."

Jaune looked at her, worry and concern filling his chest. Nora beamed more widely, as Ren stayed stoic.

"Are… Are you going to be okay-?"

"Yes, yes," Pyrrha said, nodding, "I do get my own money from my sponsors-Money she doesn't control. I'll have to talk to some lawyers and so on, but…" She turned her bright smile to Jaune.

"I'm… I'm free. All thanks… Thanks to you. All of you."

She said that, but her gaze was still locked onto Jaune. He gulped, heat rising to his cheeks.

"You-You don't owe me-Us-Anything-"

"I choose to be with you," Pyrrha said earnestly, "It's the… It's the first choice I've ever made that mattered. Will… Will you have me?"

Shit shit shit that's such a loaded question! Jaune thought. He looked over. He could see Team RWBY staring over at him. Yang with an unreadable, blank look, Ruby in confusion and concern, Weiss curious, and Blake with a raised eyebrow.

"As my partner and comrade? Yeah," Jaune said softly, nodding, "Always."

Pyrrha beamed.

"I know you don't think you deserve to be loved," she whispered, "I… Neither did I. Not for the longest time. Part of me still doesn't, but… But I want us both to be worthy. Someday."

Jaune slowly nodded. Pyrrha's smile became rather more predatory.

"And I never lose," she murmured with an intense look.

"Uh… To whom?" Jaune managed.

Pyrrha smiled and nuzzled up against him. Yang's eyes flashed red as Ruby looked hurt. Nora sighed.

"You really can be oblivious, Fearless Leader," Nora shook her head. She glared at Ren. "Did you make him that way?!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Ren stated in a monotone.

Come on, Jaune scoffed internally, There's no way Pyrrha… She's crazy! There's no way Yang or Ruby or anyone else has those kinds of feelings for me! It's stupid! It's ridiculous! We're friends, and I want to be a good friend before anything else…

He closed his eyes.

I have to be a good friend… Before anything else… I don't deserve anything more...

"Hey, Weiss right?" Neptune called out from where he and Team SSSN were being held, "After all this, you want to go on a date?"

Jaune looked over at her. Weiss turned bright red, and smiled.

"I-I would love to, Neptune!" Weiss cried happily.

"YES!" Neptune cheered, "Haha! We'll make a night of it, my Snow Lady~!"

And I don't want to look as sappy as that guy, Jaune growled.

- - -

Neptune turned to his fellow SSSN team members with a smug look.

"Well, not a princess, but I think I won the heart of a babe nonetheless," Neptune chuckled, "What do you say to that, Scarlet, huh?"

"Can't wait to see how you mess this one up," Scarlet deadpanned.

"I hope she leaves enough of your body for identification afterwards," Sage observed.

Neptune glared daggers at them.

"Oh screw you both!"

"Please, you are the definition of himbo," Scarlet snorted, turning his nose up, "I'd be slumming it."

"You would not! If I was that way! Which I'm not, but if I was, I want to make that clear-!" Neptune sputtered.

Sage turned to their leader.

"You've been uncharacteristically quiet, Sun," he observed.

Sun just smiled, and shrugged.

"I'm just proud of you guys," he said, "You did great, and I'm glad we got a great fight of this!"

"And survived… Right?" Neptune pressed. Sun hummed, his tail waving as he nodded.

"Well yeah! That should be implied," he said, "Can't fight any more cool battles if you're dead!"

"That's what he takes away from it?" Scarlet muttered, shuffling in his cuffs. "Seriously though, from what I've seen, serving a princess kind of sucks. We got in a fight, we got arrested, we almost got killed-"

"I got a date!" Neptune said cheerfully.

"See? Everything went wrong," Scarlett deadpanned.


Sun chuckled and shrugged, leaning back as the sun shone down onto him. It made his golden hair shine in the morning light.

"Well, adventure is part of helping a runaway princess," he spoke. "That, and…"

He looked over at Blake with a warm smile. She stared back at him, and gave the tiniest hint of a smile back.

"There are all sorts of rewards for serving your kingdom."

Scarlet rolled his eyes.

"Not you too," he groaned.

"Hormones," Sage deadpanned.

"Says the one with a steady girlfriend," Scarlet snorted. Sage shrugged.

"It grants great clarity in times such as these," he spoke. A commotion went up in the direction of the gate, and the three teams all looked towards the source.

An incredibly beautiful, stern and intimidating blonde woman dressed as a school teacher with a black cape walked up to them. A redheaded girl in green and tan dress accompanied her, beaming like the rising sun. The cops parted for them both. Ruby and Jaune looked up.

"Hello Deputy Headmistress Goodwitch," Jaune spoke first, "Would you believe that we all just happened to get roped into this by accident?"

"I would not," Glynda stated firmly. She sighed.

"However," she spoke, "Someone has cleared up this entire affair as one involving Menagerie and Atlas Special Forces."

"Of course," the redheaded girl said brightly, "It was General Ironwood's orders that Princess Belladonna and her allies be protected while preventing the White Fang from enacting their smuggling plan!"

"How… How do you know that, Penny?" Ruby asked.

Penny beamed.

"Because I am an ordinary girl from Atlas, Friend Ruby!"

Ruby smiled warmly up at Penny.

"Thank you Penny," she murmured.

"I only did as I was asked, Friend Ruby," Penny said, "Friends help friends, and we are friends, correct?"

"Correct!" Ruby chirped, nearly bouncing off the concrete. Penny beamed back.


Glynda shot her an intense glare that the redhead didn't even seem to notice. She heaved a great sigh as she returned her eyes to them.

"Don't take this as a sign you can get away with anything," Glynda stated, "Hunters who think they are invincible are the most vulnerable. You'll be taking your detentions with me for the rest of the semester."

Her eyes narrowed.

"And you had better do well on your final exams," she stated, "If you're going to get up to this much trouble, you must prove you have the skills to go with it. If you don't, I will be most…"

Her eyes glowed.


"Yes ma'am," Jaune said with a quick nod.

"Absolutely!" Ruby said quickly.

Even with his devil-may-care attitude, Sun slowly nodded.

"Of course, uh, Deputy Headmistress," Sun managed.

"You don't have final exams with me," Glynda stated, "But you'll be getting detention when you start next semester."

"Y-Yes ma'am," Sun stuttered.

"Step on me, Mistress," Neptune muttered. Scarlet elbowed him. "URK!"

Glynda turned her eyes to Blake, who fidgeted.

"I hope you will not abuse your position either, Miss Belladonna," she said.

"No," Blake said, shaking her head, "Never. I… I promise."

She glanced over at Sun, Jaune, and Ruby as she said this. Glynda nodded approvingly.

"Well, let's get up and going," she said, "Unlike you, I have a tremendous amount of paperwork to do about this incident."

Sun smirked a bit. Jaune nodded grimly, but his eyes laughing. Ruby looked relieved.

"Of course," Glynda said ominously, "Your team leaders will be helping me with that."

Their faces all fell.

"Crap," Jaune said succinctly.

- - -
Relief filled everyone. Jaune leaned heavily against Pyrrha, who laughed softly. Yang slapped him on the back, and gave a thumbs up to Weiss and Neptune.

"Boy… Bet he's dino-sore!" She laughed.

Jaune snickered, even as everyone else but Nora groaned.

Yang's pun was the most painful part of this fight.

"I know you don't think you deserve to be loved," she whispered, "I… Neither did I. Not for the longest time. Part of me still doesn't, but… But I want us both to be worthy. Someday."

Jaune slowly nodded. Pyrrha's smile became rather more predatory.

"And I never lose," she murmured with an intense look.

"Uh… To whom?" Jaune managed.

Pyrrha smiled and nuzzled up against him. Yang's eyes flashed red as Ruby looked hurt. Nora sighed.

The harem wars, begun they have....

Thanks for the extra long chapter!
- - -

The tavern was cluttered with memorabilia from all over the small town, ranging from hubcaps from the first cars built, to the preserved bones of Grimm slain by hunters. Instead of a jukebox, a small band played a warm and lively tune. A fiddler, a guitarist, a drummer, and a piper provided warm homey tunes for the worn wooden tables and the creaky wooden chairs. Beer in mugs was drunk, and in great amounts. Men laughed and discussed sports, while holoscreens showed off news from around Remnant.

Isabel and Qrow had taken a table in the back, both exhausted. Isabel was smoking hard as she looked over her Scroll, while Qrow just threw back beer after beer.

"Hmmm..." Isabel murmured, "I don't like this."

"What?" Qrow asked, leaning forward, "This is the best tavern in Rotofield! See that?"

He pointed, as a guy got thrown right out through the swinging doors.

"That happens every hour, along with a fist fight!" Qrow chuckled. "A more likely place you could never find!"

Isabel shot him an unimpressed expression. Qrow shook his head, and waved a free hand about.

"Come on... We found some clues, but we can't make any sense of them right now," he insisted, "Why worry about it?"

Isabel puffed her cigarette for a time, calming her nerves, before she answered.

"Well, we're not even sure they're clues," she said firmly, "I mean, that Spider Bitch didn't even coordinate the Grimm around the area! If... If she did that to Nick..."

Qrow's face fell into seriousness again. He reached out and squeezed her free hand.

"Maybe the sword prevented it," he said, "We don't know... But I do know that after what we've been through? We deserve a little fun. A little relaxation. You, especially."

Isabel worked her jaw slowly, and glanced down at the Scroll.

"I haven't... I haven't really done that in a while-"

"Then now's the time to start again," he said firmly. "You called your family, right?"

"Right, right," Isabel said with a nod, "Everyone's fine. Aqua's in trouble again." She smirked. "As she always is-"

"And you know Jaune is fine," Qrow said firmly. He squeezed her hands together gently, looking into her eyes. "Come on. You avenged your husband, and got his sword back. Nobody could ever say that wasn't a time to celebrate."

Isabel stared into his eyes. She smiled warmly. She sucked in a deep breath, and tucked her Scroll away in her vest pockets.

"Waiter! Four of your finest!" Isabel called. The waiter soon swept by with four mugs. Qrow raised an eyebrow as Isabel took one mug, and began to drink.

"That's a lot of booze for a little lady," He observed.

"Feh," Isabel scoffed, after finishing her first mug, "My Semblance means it takes a LOT for me to get drunk." She smirked over her mug at him.

"And as I recall? I always beat you in drinking contests."

Qrow smirked. He waved to the waiter.

"Oh? Because I remember that very differently."

"You would, if you could remember anything at all," Isabel snorted, as the waiter brought more beer mugs.

"Well then," Qrow said, holding up a fresh, full mug, "Let's see what you've got now, Isabel. Since we've both had one mug, we're tied."

"HA!" Isabel laughed. "You'll hit the LD50 LONG before I'm feeling anything!"

"I'll take that bet," Qrow smirked, knocking his mug against hers.

"It'll cost you~!" Isabel laughed.

"Yeah, but we're both guaranteed to have a hell of a good time," Qrow smirked, "And that way? We both win."

Isabel snickered, before she began to drink.

"Mmm... You're so damn corny!"

"Blame Taiyang."

"I always do!"

- - -

Well... Fuck. Qrow was no stranger to hangovers, but this? This was pretty rough, even by his standards. His mouth was dry and everything tasted like vomit. His head pounded like jackhammers were trying to extract his brain out of his skull. His legs and pelvis felt almost numb from exertion, and he couldn't move.

"Fuck," he muttered. He managed to get his eyes open, and scanned around. He was back in Isabel's Bullhead, in his bunk...

He was naked...

And there was someone equally naked pressed against him.

He very slowly turned his eyes down.

Please be a dude please be a dude please be a...

A familiar head of blonde hair was laying on his chest, while the rest of a very naked Isabel Arc was cuddled up tightly against him.

"... Fuck," Qrow muttered.

"Mmm," Isabel mumbled, "If you're gonna freak out... Do it quietly..." She winced.

"... And you aren't going to freak out?" Qrow managed.

Isabel sighed and snuggled up against him.

"I'll put it off... Just this once... Blame you..."

"... I have to pee-"

"Do it later," Isabel growled.

Qrow sighed and laid back down. He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her up close.

Sorry Nick... I will begin making amends, Gods know how... Later.

- - -

The trip back to Beacon was relatively short and easy... But Jaune's stomach did not care. He staggered out of the Bullhead first, and stuffed his head into the first trashcan he spied. Any food he might have had left in his stomach went right into the trash. He felt a strong arm wrap around him, holding him up. He took deep, slow breaths.

"It's all right, it's all right," the person murmured.

Jaune pulled his head up. JNPR was looking at him in concern, and half of RWBY. The other half... He glanced over at Yang, who was holding him tightly. Ruby was hovering nearby.

"We've got him," Yang said, "Go on. Go grab breakfast. We'll catch up."

"Are you sure?" Pyrrha asked, her eyes fixed on Jaune. Jaune shook his head, and waved his hand weakly.

"I'm sure... It's fine," he said. "Go on. I can't even think about food right now."

Pyrrha hesitated. She locked eyes with Yang and Ruby for a time. As though some kind of understanding came between them, Pyrrha smiled (albeit a bit tensely) and turned to head off. Blake's stare also lingered. Weiss was already hurrying up to catch Neptune, who was trailing behind the rest of Team SSSN, Penny, and Glynda Goodwitch. Nora grinned and gave Jaune a thumbs up, while Ren had an almost pitying look on his face as he turned and headed off.

"Haa... Geez," Jaune muttered. Yang helped him over to a nearby bench. Ruby sat on the other side of him. She worried her lower lip as he got himself back together.

"H-Hey, Jaune?" She asked.

"Yeah Rubes?"

Ruby smiled, and hugged him tightly. She drove her head into his chest, and nuzzled him.

"Thank you," she said softly, looking up into his eyes. Jaune blinked.

"For... For what?" He managed.

"I thought I was going to fail, I thought I was going to lose everything, but..." She smiled at him warmly. "But I didn't. I... I'm able to be a team leader. And a lot of it is because of you."

"It's mostly you, Rubes," Jaune said, reaching up to rub her head. She sighed happily. "I just... I just helped a little."

"S-Still... Thank you," she said. She looked at Yang intently. Yang smiled, and winked. Ruby beamed... Then stole a kiss from Jaune's cheek.

"Thanks!" She zipped off with her Semblance, vanishing in a cloud of rose petals. Jaune watched her go, all the way through the central park of Beacon and up to the door. He turned and smiled at Yang, who tightened her grip on his waist.

"So uh," Jaune said, "What... What did you want to talk about?"

"That obvious, huh?" Yang asked. Jaune nodded.

"Kind of."

"First, here," she said, pulling out mouthwash from her belt pouch. Jaune took it, and raised an eyebrow at Yang. She smiled shyly.

"Hey! It keeps you nice and fresh!"

"Thanks," Jaune said, sipping it and gargling noisily. He spat it out on the other side of the bench, out of Yang's sight. He turned back to her.


"So," Yang began, "Well... Thank you. For getting Blake back."

Jaune shook his head.

"I didn't really-"

"You did," Yang said firmly. "Her looks at you? They say a lot. You also went toe to toe with a monster for us... For me..." She beamed. "That... That means everything."

"You got loose-"

"With your help," Yang said softly. "I'm... I'm not used to being saved. I don't resent you doing it or-or anything, it's just... It hasn't happened to me a lot."

Jaune slowly nodded again, blushing at her proximity.

"Yang... I-I meant it. I will never leave you. Not if I can help it," he said softly, "I'll never abandon you. Not ever."

Yang nodded.

"I know... And uh, well..."

Jaune leaned in.

"What?" He whispered.

Their lips were mere inches apart. He traced the faint freckles on her cheeks with his eyes, the swell of her lips as she licked them. The details of her lilac-colored eyes.

"I uh... You mean a lot to me," she murmured, "To me... And-And Ruby. And I want..."

"Yes?" Jaune asked.

"I-I want us to be... Closer," she managed, her eyes darting to the side. She coughed.

"I know, that that's uh... I mean it's kind of lame, I just..." She turned her eyes back to his. Jaune gulped.

His heart was racing. His face was red.

"I just... I don't want to imagine life without you," Yang murmured, "I-I want us to do things together. To be close. To be..."

He could feel her breath washing over his face. He licked his own lips.


Yang's face went bright red.

"I... I..." She turned away. "Fucking damnit!" She cursed.

"What? What is it?" Jaune asked, alarmed. "Yang?"

"I just..." She closed her eyes and scooted away. "I can't say it."

"Say what?"

"It..." Yang sighed in frustration.

Jaune felt he was missing a lot. Sure, certain possibilities arose. Certain romantic possibilities. After Pyrrha's behavior, it was hard not to think about those kinds of things. But with Yang...?

No... No. It can't be... I'm not going to... Shit...

His arms wrapped around her in a hug. She started, and looked into his eyes again.

"Whatever it is," Jaune said quietly, "You say it when you're ready, okay?"

Yang stared at him for a while in silence. She then smiled. His heart pounded in his chest.

Shit shit shit... This is the part where we kiss, right? Do I want to kiss her? Does she want to kiss me?! What about Pyrrha?! His brain shouted. WHY WOULD SHE WANT TO KISS ME?! WHY WOULD THEY?! No, no, it's fine, it's fine, she doesn't want me to kiss her-

She leaned in and pressed her lips against the corner of his. His eyes went wide.

She's kissing me. SHE'S KISSING ME?!

It was a peck. Light, warm, and short. She pulled back, her entire face as red as his felt.

She kissed me?!

"S-So," Yang managed, "Uh... I-I mean..."

Jaune opened his mouth. Nothing came out.

Come on mouth, you're ruining everything for me! Say something! ANYTHING!

"I-I just... If... If you're fine with... With hanging out," she said quietly, "Having fun... Together...?"

Jaune slowly nodded.

"I... I would like that-"

"It's not dating," Yang said quickly. Jaune blinked.


"It-It's just two friends, who are very close, going out and having fun and-and it's nothing serious!" Yang said quickly. "Nothing to freak out about or-or run from! That... That was... Y-Ya know, just making sure the mouthwash worked!"

... Huh? Jaune managed.

"S-So! Uh... You cool with that? Friends? Just... Doing friend stuff?" Yang asked, almost pleading with him.

... Shit... Did... Did I just get friendzoned? He thought. A great weight left his shoulders. Oh thank the Gods, I was terrified... Or was I?

"For Ruby's sake?" Yang pleaded again.

Jaune managed to pull together the wherewithal to nod, stunned.

"S-Sure," he said.

"And uh... If anything changes," she said. She trailed off, again with that pleading look.

"... It will change?" Jaune managed. Yang sighed in relief... And hugged him tightly.

"And we'll face it together... Right?" She murmured.

Jaune nodded.

"Always," he said.

Yang beamed. She stood up, pulling away slowly.

"So... You good?" She asked.

"I'll uh... I just need a minute," he said. "Save some food for me?"

Yang laughed.

"Don't worry. I'll get you some flapjacks. Keep your stomach from doing flipflops, huh?"

Jaune actually managed a laugh.

"Holy crap that was awful," he chuckled.

"Still made you laugh," Yang shot back. Jaune beamed.

"Yeah... You always do."

She hesitated for a bit longer... Before turning and walking back towards Beacon. Jaune watched her go, his face all smiles. As she vanished into the school proper... He held the sides of his head with a groan.

"What the hell was that?" He muttered.

Unbidden, a mental Gato clucked his tongue in disappointment.

The senorita has made her intentions clear Juan, he said.

OH LIKE FUCK SHE HAS! Jaune mentally shouted.

- - -

Because Jaune was asking for such a complication in his life. He really was.
So how has Jaune not committed suicide with his negative self-esteem?

After Yang started kissing him I started skimming because it was just Jaune putting himself down.

But hey I remembered why I normally stay in the NSFW Section: less dense harem protagonists.
So how has Jaune not committed suicide with his negative self-esteem?

After Yang started kissing him I started skimming because it was just Jaune putting himself down.

But hey I remembered why I normally stay in the NSFW Section: less dense harem protagonists.
To be fair to jaune, yang just started sprouting shit about being just friends after kissing him let him calm down and think things though
To be fair to jaune, yang just started sprouting shit about being just friends after kissing him let him calm down and think things though

No... No. It can't be... I'm not going to... Shit...

His arms wrapped around her in a hug. She started, and looked into his eyes again.

"Whatever it is," Jaune said quietly, "You say it when you're ready, okay?"

Yang stared at him for a while in silence. She then smiled. His heart pounded in his chest.

Shit shit shit... This is the part where we kiss, right? Do I want to kiss her? Does she want to kiss me?! What about Pyrrha?! His brain shouted. WHY WOULD SHE WANT TO KISS ME?! WHY WOULD THEY?! No, no, it's fine, it's fine, she doesn't want me to kiss her-

She leaned in and pressed her lips against the corner of his. His eyes went wide.

She's kissing me. SHE'S KISSING ME?!

It was a peck. Light, warm, and short. She pulled back, her entire face as red as his felt.

She kissed me?!

"S-So," Yang managed, "Uh... I-I mean..."

Jaune opened his mouth. Nothing came out.

Come on mouth, you're ruining everything for me! Say something! ANYTHING!

"I-I just... If... If you're fine with... With hanging out," she said quietly, "Having fun... Together...?"

Jaune slowly nodded.

"I... I would like that-"

"It's not dating," Yang said quickly. Jaune blinked.


"It-It's just two friends, who are very close, going out and having fun and-and it's nothing serious!" Yang said quickly. "Nothing to freak out about or-or run from! That... That was... Y-Ya know, just making sure the mouthwash worked!"

... Huh? Jaune managed.

"S-So! Uh... You cool with that? Friends? Just... Doing friend stuff?" Yang asked, almost pleading with him.

... Shit... Did... Did I just get friendzoned? He thought. A great weight left his shoulders. Oh thank the Gods, I was terrified... Or was I?

After this I stopped engaging with the story: this is the last red flag that let me know this was going to go down the Dense Harem Protagonist trope. I would have rather there be no romance than this shit. DHPs mean there are going to be harem hijinks instead of a good romance together with the fight for humanities survival.
After this I stopped engaging with the story: this is the last red flag that let me know this was going to go down the Dense Harem Protagonist trope. I would have rather there be no romance than this shit. DHPs mean there are going to be harem hijinks instead of a good romance together with the fight for humanities survival.

Patience, patience! I'm just taking my time with the harem antics. In this case it's just Jaune's issues. Dude still feels responsible for Gato's death. That and a few... Other issues. Just be patient, the story is just building things up.
To be fair to jaune, yang just started sprouting shit about being just friends after kissing him let him calm down and think things though

Patience, patience! I'm just taking my time with the harem antics. In this case it's just Jaune's issues. Dude still feels responsible for Gato's death. That and a few... Other issues. Just be patient, the story is just building things up.

Even in Canon, Jaune clearly had issues to get to where we saw him, so I'm not really upset by his interpersonal problems here.

It's the air sickness that tweaks my nose the most, right now. The only reason it was ever in the series was for a cheap laugh at Jaune's expense.
Last edited:
- - -

They sat at the kitchen table in the Bullhead's living area. Qrow ate his breakfast, sipping coffee, staring across the table at Isabel. She was sipping her own mug, her keen eyes looking through holos and Scrolls and notepads scattered about it. It felt like she'd put a wall up between them, an impassable barrier for her own protection.

The wise move may have been to not say anything. To just move on.

"So... We're just not going to talk about it, huh?"

Qrow Branwen had never pretended to be wise.

"What's to talk about?" Isabel asked, her voice a monotone, "What happened, happened."

Qrow narrowed his eyes.

"And you're fine with that?"

"Of course."

Qrow sipped his coffee, letting her work in peace for a moment longer.

"Except you're doing the thing with your Semblance."

"What thing?"

Qrow's eyes locked onto hers.

"The thing where you're deliberately messing with your brain chemistry so you suppress your emotions," he stated.

Isabel's blue eyes locked onto his. Her face remained a blank.

"How do you know-?"

"I know," Qrow said quietly.

She looked back at her notebooks.

"I'm fine-"

"If you're turning your emotions off to not feel anything, that's not fine," Qrow stated, a hint of anger in his voice. Isabel sucked in a breath, then spoke.

"It's better for me to not feel anything right now."

"But you do."

"I don't-"

"You do," Qrow stated firmly, "You did it in combat, you did it when you treated patients... You did it when Nick died."

She shot a sharp look at him, but he continued.

"How often have you done it?"

Isabel looked away.

"... As much as I needed to," she said quietly. Qrow glowered.

"You call that healthy?!"

"I can't do it often, it's difficult," Isabel sighed, "But I just... I need the clarity."

"Fine. And?" Qrow asked.

"What good will talking about it do?" She asked softly. "I know what you'll say."

"You a mind reader, now?"

Isabel shot him another harsh look. She adjusted her glasses.

"... Last night was just us blowing off steam," Isabel said carefully, "I know you're not secretly madly in love with me."

Qrow shook his head.

"No. I'm not."

"I certainly don't feel that way about you," Isabel said softly. Her eyes narrowed in sympathy. "Sorry-"

"No, in fact, I'd be worried if you were," Qrow said, an apologetic smile on his face. She nodded.

"The alcohol did play a role in it," Isabel admitted, "And I do find you physically attractive."

"Same, same," Qrow said with a nod. "Which means... You're likely feeling like you betrayed Nick."

Isabel stared at him and the blank look in her eyes intensified. She slowly nodded.

"... Yes," she said softly.

"And you sure as hell don't want to feel like that," Qrow concluded.

She looked aside.

"... No."

"And you know it's stupid," Qrow said quietly, "You're probably running around in your head about how foolish you're being, feeling guilty. Right after avenging him, you go and knock boots with some loser like me. It wasn't meant to be a slight against your husband. You still love him dearly, and you're sure as hell not looking to me to replace him."

Isabel's stare just burned into him... But she managed a nod.

"... Yes," she whispered.

"But it doesn't change the fact it hurts," Qrow says, "And even if I tell you that you're not betraying him, you still feel like you did."

"Like you still feel that Summer's death was your fault," Isabel spoke. Qrow stared back at her, a flash of anger and guilt surging through him... Before he nodded slowly.

"Yeah," he said, "You told me that I wasn't responsible for that. And so, I'm telling you... You didn't betray your husband. We just got done avenging him. He was a hero, and you love him. Sleeping with me doesn't change anything."

Isabel sighed, and shook her head. Her eyes shone with unshed tears.

"... You have been listening to me, huh?" She asked in an even tone.

"What's the old saying?" Qrow asked dryly, "'Physician, heal thyself?'"

Isabel let out a snort that seemed halfway between a laugh and a sob.

"You... You were always a smart ass," Isabel muttered, crying more. Qrow hesitated for a moment, before moving around and hugging her. She leaned into him, sobbing softly.

He stroked her long hair, and rubbed her back, and let her get it all out of her system. He didn't pay any attention to the time that passed. By and by, she raised her face and sniffled. She wiped her eyes, and willed her face back into it's usual perfect form.

"I... That's better," she muttered. She rubbed her face. "Ugh... How many times have I done that? Just... Just turned my feelings off."

Qrow shook his head.

"It's a hell of a tool... Wish I could do that sometimes," He said quietly. "Alcohol just doesn't do the trick."

"No... No, it doesn't," Isabel again sort of laugh/sobbed. She sucked in a deep breath, and looked him in the eyes.

"Qrow... I... I don't want that to happen again. Not while we're working."
Qrow nodded.


Isabel blinked.

"Just like that?"

"Just like that," Qrow said. He sighed.

"Look... Maybe I'm thinking a bit better of myself lately. But I also know that you deserve a lot better than some bad luck charm with a drinking problem. We're partners. It means we'll be whatever we need to be to the other. But, truth be told? We both need a comrade a hell of a lot more than we need to get laid."

Isabel managed a slow nod.

"Thank you."

"Well hell," Qrow snorted, "Even if I was the kind of scumbag to force the issue, you'd rip me in half if I tried."

Isabel smiled softly.


"Besides," Qrow sighed, "I'm fine with it not happening again... Because your son and daughters would murder me."
Isabel smirked a bit.

"I think Tangy would let you live... But only to make you suffer more."

"She's the midget, right?"

"Don't let her hear you say that."

"Don't intend to."

Isabel nodded, and turned back to her holos and papers. Qrow leaned over, trying to make heads or tails of what she was looking at. Again, lots of numbers and chemicals that just turned his brain into ways it was never meant to go.

"All right," Qrow said, "So... What are you working on?"

Yeah, he was resting a lot closer to her than he had before. But she wasn't turning him into a pretzel, so she obviously didn't have an issue.

He hoped.

"The residue from the Spider Grimm," Isabel said, "And everything the Scrolls recorded on it."

"Thought we were calling it the Spider Bitch?" Qrow asked.

Isabel rolled her eyes with a small smile.

"Not in official documentation."

"All right, so what are you working on for the Spider Bitch?"

Isabel sucked in a deep breath through her nostrils as she went over the results.

"Something very strange," she said, "I sent the remains off to Radian's lab. And to share it with a lab Ozpin trusts..."

She narrowed her eyes.

"And that strange thing is?" Qrow asked.

"Well I won't know until the results get back via normal mail," she said, rolling her eyes. "I know Ozpin needs to be cautious, but they're just lab results! I can think of maybe a dozen people in the world who might be able to interpret them!"

Her Scroll flashed an alert. She looked at it, and sighed.

"Speak of the... Can you get the package for me?"

"On it," Qrow said, turning into a bird as she opened the hatch. He launched out and flew to the post office. He picked it up, paid for it, and flew back. He swooped in dramatically onto the table, knocking over some notebpads and books, and dropped the package on it. He turned back into human form as she scowled at him.

"Did you have to do that?"

"What? I can get a little messy delivering my package-"

Isabel groaned.

"Can we... Can we please not?"

Qrow chuckled, as Isabel sighed.

"Thought Tai was the one who made the bad puns," Isabel grumbled, opening the package and looking through the papers. Qrow shrugged.

"I blame him. Anyway, you should hear Yang, she's worse than-"

She dropped the papers onto the table. They shook. Qrow blinked and reached out to take one of her hands.

"Isabel? What is it?"

"I..." Isabel pulled her pack of cigarettes out of her pouch, and lit one up. She took a very deep, long drag off one, and let it all out as a plume. She closed her eyes, and reopened them, her eyes going blank. Qrow scowled.

"Isabel... I thought you said you weren't going to suppress your emotions anymore."

"I know."

"And you're doing it right now."

"I know."

"While smoking."

"I may also begin to drink," Isabel said, puffing hard on her cigarette. Qrow threw up his hands.

"Okay... And the reason for that is...?"

Isabel handed the papers over to Qrow. He held them in his hands and sorted through them. Again, much of what he read didn't really register. Numbers, protein sequences, and lots of chemical markers...

He finally got to some damn conclusions though, and that was laid out in perfectly clear English:


Qrow lowered the papers and stared at Isabel. He shrugged.

"They found human DNA in the Grimm's remains? Why is that a big deal? The Bitch had to eat-"

"The genetic material isn't from human remains," Isabel said, soft and terrified, "The genetic material... Is bonded to the Grimm itself. It was part of the Grimm."

Qrow's jaw dropped.

"Wha...? That's not possible-"

"So was the Grimm being controlled by one intelligence," Isabel pointed out.

Qrow grit his teeth. He held the papers up to his forehead and sighed.

"Well... Fuck."

- - -

Qrow lowered the papers and stared at Isabel. He shrugged.

"They found human DNA in the Grimm's remains? Why is that a big deal? The Bitch had to eat-"

"The genetic material isn't from human remains," Isabel said, soft and terrified, "The genetic material... Is bonded to the Grimm itself. It was part of the Grimm."

Grimmified Summer incoming?

Thanks for the chapter!
49.8% human is essentially meaningless, orangutans, I think, have a 98% match, and no one would consider them human. Anything less than a 90% doesn't really seem like it would matter.
The Mythology of Remnant
Because what we got for mythology kind of sucks. So, in a fit of pique, I decided to write my own take on it.

In the beginning, Adin created the universe. Taking from His infinite mind, He created beings lesser than him but still divine, the Ten.

The God and Goddess of Light and Dark.

The Goddess and God of Life and Death.

The God and Goddess of Air and Water.

The God and Goddess of Earth and Fire.

The God and Goddess of Time and Space.

Male and female he created them, to pair together and never be alone.

And they became His Hands, to bring His Creation into being. He provided them a place to work, where everything was at their whims. And this would become known as Vyrai, the Realm of the Gods. They toiled in Vyrai, fashioning all things of this universe. In this space did their own creativity blossom, and part of Adin's great plan was revealed, for in creating His servants, did He encourage them to create for themselves.

Yet alone they did not work, for they collaborated and shared ideas, creating the oceans of the deep and life to dwell therein, and birds of the sky to fly in the clouds above.

After uncounted time, at last, did they present their creations to Adin. He saw they were Good, and took them into His power. He rendered and worked His great power, and behold, all their works vanished.

Confused and dismayed, his Gods and Goddesses asked where it had gone. Adin reached out, and opened the doors of the Vyrai. The Ten walked out and looked down upon their creations: Pulled together, their work and toils had brought forth the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, and the Stars around them.

In wonder did they go out across their creation, and marveled at how all their labors came together. For each individually had not seen the full extent of Adin's great mind, yet each of their creations had come together into a greater whole.

Yet the God of Light and the Goddess of Dark were not content. Despite being second only to Adin Himself, still they looked upon the Earth in jealousy.

"WIthout light, all of creation is meaningless," Light scoffed, "For how can it be seen without my radiance?"

"Without darkness, all of creation is meaningless," Dark also scoffed, "For without contrast, would it not all be the same?"

Their brothers and sisters were content, but the discontent of Light and Dark continued to grow...

Then did Adin say,

"Just as I have created you with your own minds to create, so now shall you create beings with their own minds. I shall give you my designs, and you shall create them."

So did the Ten labor again. Collaborating and discussing, sharing and creating. Light and Dark too contributed, but insisted upon their orders being followed.

So did the Ten create beings like themselves yet lesser, and these were named the Legionu. And they went to work, making Vyrai, the realm of the Gods, a beautiful and wondrous place beyond imagining, and the Earth rich and bountiful.

Then did Adin say,

"Again, you have succeeded and created much, adding to the joy and wonder of the world. Now you shall complete my plan. I shall give you my designs, and you shall create them. For now is the coming of Man."

So did the Ten create Man, according to Adin's designs. Every bit of the ten elements was used to create Man, male and female were they made.

And when finished, Adin looked over Man, and saw it was good. Man was set down upon the Earth, asleep, to be awakened with the first day.

Yet Earth had snuck away to toil on her own. For in walking amongst the animals of the Earth, she had grown to love them and sought to create a bridge between Man and Beast. These she gave the appearance of Man, but her endless creativity rendered them with animal features and habits.

Life was surprised at the work when she discovered it, and aided Earth in improving her initial creation. Death was silent on the matter.

Water and Air helped as well, though they did not grasp the full scope of Earth's work given how busy they were.

Time was excited at the creation, but Time was everywhere and nowhere due to her nature. Space kept Time focused, ever practical was he.

Fire, being Earth's companion, had known from the start and warned her about it, but worked with her anyway.

Light and Darkness discovered her independent work, and admonished her:

"How dare you corrupt our vision, and work independently," they scolded her, "Your creations are an affront to Adin and our mighty work. You shall be punished and your creations destroyed."

Fire protested, for Earth was his companion.

"She was told to create, and create she did," Fire argued, "She exercises her will, as Adin has given her. Anyway, we are all in conspiracy to aid in the creation of Man and Earth's creations: You cannot just blame her."

Earth brought her creations before Adin, who inspected them.

"Do not be dismayed," Adin said kindly, "Earth, your love of all that live has led you to create something wonderful. I shall take these as my children also, as you all are my children, and I shall call them Faunus. They shall be your children as much as Man is, and the two shall live in harmony."

So it was, and though Light and Darkness were given charge of Man and Faunus, their discontent grew.

The Faunus were placed down on the Earth, asleep. Light was given the order to awaken Man, and on the first day of the new world, Man awoke.

Darkness was given the order to awaken the Faunus, and on the first night of the new world, Faunus awoke.

The day was the domain of Man, and the night the domain of Faunus.

And so did the Ten come among Man and Faunus. They taught them speech, letters, metal working, agriculture, wisdom, and magic. As with their creations via Adin, so did mortals used their minds to create. The Ten rejoiced as the mortals prospered, building mighty empires, great cities, and devising new and amazing creations. The way to Vyrai was open, and even mortals could travel to and fro from the realm of the Gods.

Yet as time passed, Light and Darkness' discontent grew. They met more frequently, saying to one another:

"Why should we only get some of the worship of the mortals? Why do they worship our siblings and Adin? We do all the work. We deserve more."

So did Light and Darkness begin to usurp their siblings. From Time and Space they learned magic, and began to gift their own followers in it. From Fire and Earth they learned science and agriculture, and gifted their followers in it. From Air and Water, flight and the secrets of travel by the sea, and gifted their followers in it. From Life and Death did they learn medicine and wisdom, and gifted their followers.

This still was not enough, and they used what they had learned to compel their followers to make war upon all others. The Eight confronted Light and Darkness, saying:

"Why are you warring upon our followers? Why are you destroying our creations?"

To which Light and Darkness spoke:

"Without us, you have nothing. Your power shall be ours, and after, even Adin's power will be ours!"

So began The First War. The Ten descended to Earth, and fought. Mighty armies wielded magic, unfathomable in its power. The Gods themselves warred, making minions to increase their numbers. Light used his radiance to turn the minds of Men and Faunus, and destroy those who would not be turned, while Darkness created monsters of night that consumed all.

Fire and Earth led the Eight against the Two. Grieved were they and their followers at the devastation wrought, and anger, hatred, despair, and sorrow were brought upon the Earth. These Darkness used to fuel her grim beasts and to empower her armies, as Light relied on his radiance to conquer.

Yet Light and Dark had underestimated their siblings, and the War on Earth was won, though at great cost. The lands were rent apart, the oceans swelled, the stars nearly fell from the sky.

In their rage and desperation did Light and Darkness ascend once more to Vyrai, to challenge Adin and usurp control of Creation. Only then did Adin intervene.


With a word, both Light and Darkness were cast down, their powers stripped. They crashed through the Sun and the Moon, both broken into pieces. The path to Vyrai was closed forever. They crashed down to Earth, and behold there was a great earthquake, and the land shook mightily before growing still.

The Eight were gathered in Vyrai before Adin.

"Light and Darkness's rebellion grieves me," Adin spoke, "For was not their power mightiest of all of you? Did they not awaken Man and Faunus? Did they not illuminate the world, and darken it in turn?"

So did Adin decree the Eight as Lords and Ladies of Creation. What was left of Light's full power was gathered back into the Sun, to illuminate the Earth at day. What was left of Darkness's power was gathered up into the Moon to illuminate the Earth at night. Yet not all the pieces could be fit together, and so it was left as a monument to The First War, when the gods fell, and the way to Vyrai was shut. The gods could no longer go out openly among Man and Faunus, for the damage was too great and the harm too much.

And the Earth was renamed Remnant, for it was all that was left of a much greater creation.

On Remnant did Light and Darkness rise. They blamed one another for their failure, for their disgrace.

"You have ever been a hindrance," Light said to Darkness.

"You have ever been the cause of our failures," Darkness replied.

So did the two go into hiding, now enemies, while the Eight descended and repaired what could be fixed on Remnant. Men and Faunus recovered, but magic was lost to most if not all. Cities had to be rebuilt. With the patient, hidden council of the Eight, civilization was born anew.

Yet Light and Darkness began their new war: Against each other. So did Darkness cause the creatures of Grimm to emerge to make war on the Earth for her revenge, and so did Light influence Man and Faunus to battle for his glory.

Diminished as they were, they were still mighty. Yet the Eight did not sleep, nor did Adin abandon Remnant. But worked in secret, so that one day Light and Darkness might be redeemed, and Remnant made whole once more...

- - -

The Ten (Deseti) then Eight (Osmee) Gods of Adin:

: God of Light. His domain was over all light and the Sun. He also possessed power over the mind, granting insight and wisdom, and could move faster than any other Deseti. He was the mightiest of the Ten alongside Chernobog. Tall was he, with a crown of great winged horns on his head. He worked with his companion Chernobog to create the stars and the Moon. They above all other Deseti were bound together. He rebelled and was cast down with his companion Chernobog, then began his war against her on Remnant.

Chernobog: Goddess of Darkness. Her domain was the night, the stars, and darkness itself. She also had power over the mind, in particular the darker parts of men and Faunus's minds and the deeper domains of thought. Tall was she, and beautiful, with a matching crown of horns on her head. She worked with Belobog to create the stars and the Moon. She too rebelled against Adin and was cast down, where she makes war upon her former companion out of revenge via the creatures of Grimm.

Ogan (Archaic Slavic for "Fire", the element): God of Fire, metalworking, war, courage, hope. He became King of the Osmee with the rebellion of Belobog and Chernobog. Companion to Mati, Goddess of Earth. He gave Men and Faunus passion, and is hotblooded but always focused on justice and good. A mighty warrior who nearly slew Belobog and Chernobog in the First War. He is revered in Mistral and Vale, particularly his warrior aspect. He is tall, wearing little but armor made of flames, and always has a smile and teeth that glint. His heir is red and his eyes are orange. His weapon is a great sword.

Mati (Archaic Slavic for "Mother"): Goddess of Earth, trees, agriculture, flowers, art, and the Faunus. Queen of the Osmee with the rebellion of Belobog and Chernobog. She loves all things that grow and leaves flowers in her footsteps, and can shapeshift. Her hair is long and pink, with flowers and creatures ever in it as it flows, with glowing yellow eyes. She fashioned the Faunus independently when Man was being created, but was allowed to keep them and Adin adopted them as His own. She is kind but strong, and helps to balance Ogan. He is her courage and champion, she is his wisdom and confidant. She is highly regarded by most Faunus, seen as their creator, though some interpretations make her the only god and a shapeshifter. She is well regarded in most of Remnant but her association with Faunus makes some regions downplay her. Her weapon is a spear.

Rusalka (Russian for "Female Water Spirits): Goddess of Water, sailors, sealife, ice and snow, rivers and springs, wine. She fashioned the waters of Remnant and crafted the first boat, Mara, which she sails upon the sea leaving sea foam or ice in her wake. She is companion to Piorun, God of Air and Wind, and works with him to create storms and rain. She is very cool and composed, almost frosty, but deeply caring behind her icy exterior. She has appeared in the guise of white haired women with glowing blue eyes to guide travelers through blizzards. She has a great following in Atlas and anywhere near the sea or major rivers. Her weapon is an ice axe.

Piorun (Old Slavic sky deity): God of the Air, Wind, birds, messengers, thunder and lightning, spies, pilots, archers, rainbows. Quick and cunning, he is energetic and cheerful, with a rainbow for hair, pink eyes, and a swift, tall form. He is messenger of the gods, their eyes and ears, and is the only one who can make Rusalka laugh with his jokes and good nature. Vacuo honors him greatly given the desert, but he has a great deal of followers in Mistral and Atlas given his association with Rusalka. His weapon is a bow and arrow.

Vrem (Modified term for "Time" in Russian): Goddess of Time, laughter, memory, chaos, earthquakes, change, song. Cheerful and energetic, Vrem is the Lady of Time. Always energetic, often chaotic, she serves as a reminder to mortals to enjoy life and treasure the moments it brings. She can see the future and the past, often simultaneously, and brings a sort of sorrowful joy wherever she goes. Her hair is a vibrant pink and her eyes vibrant blue. She is a protector of children and joy. Companion to Kosmo, God of Space. Well regarded in Atlas, Vale, Vacuo, and Mistral. Her weapons are gauntlets.

Kosmo (Modified from "Kosmos", Russian for "space): God of Space, builders, mathematics, philosophy, order, mountains and valleys. Black hair and black beard, with black eyes. Stoic and calm, rarely emotes, he can see all. He helped form the mountains and the shapes of things, and is associated with the deeper meanings behind things. He appears to those who seek to go beyond their limits. Vrem is his companion and together they shaped the universe. Well regarded in Atlas, Vale, Vacuo, and Mistral. His weapon is a hammer.

Zorya (From the Ancient Slavonic goddess of the dawn): Goddess of Life, childbirth, mothers, home and hearth, fertility, love, diplomacy. Tall and dark skinned, her hair is an aurora of color and her eyes the purest green. Quiet yet always authoritative, she is gentle and nurturing, yet strong as steel. Also a protector of children, she is seen as a goddess of romance (and sometimes lust). Underneath her calm exterior can be a passionate woman, but she keeps it in check (save for when she needs to). She animated all the life on Remnant, but her arts were stolen by Chernobog and Belobog for their rebellion. She is often seen as the mediator of the Osmee, the kind motherly hand to keep everyone focused. Often appears as an old woman with sage advice. Very well regarded throughout all of Remnant. Her weapon is a staff.

Wargan (From the Old Prussian for "Wolf"): God of Death, wisdom, mystery, fathers, sacrifice, kings, honor. Tall and pale, with a white beard and hair, with red eyes, he is often stoic but has a dark sense of humor. Despite his domain of Death, he is seen as a champion of life and protector of Remnant and the Osmee, for his strategems allowed the Osmee to triumph over Belobog and Chernobog. He greets the dying and appears in a form that is appropriate for what they need in order to face death: A gentle person from their life for good people, a demonic figure for evil people, and a terrifying form for those Death wishes to push to fight for their lives. He is the eldest of the Osmee with Alatyra save for Belobog and Chernobog, and their marriage is the strongest. His following is mixed all over Remnant, but every city has some honor given to him. His weapon is twin sickles.

In addition, the Deseti created many Lesser Deities (Called Legionu, or literally, "100,000" in Old Slavonic) to act in their stead and watch over Remnant and various aspects thereof. Belobog and Chernobog dragged their followers down to Remnant with them, and are seen as demons. These include Legionu of the other Ten Gods.

Come up with some if you'd like!

(Yes I know there's a lot of changes that have to be made but I am inventing a mythology out of wholecloth so point out and forgive me my errors.)

(And yes, Wargan is meant to evoke Death/Lobo from "Puss in Boots: The Last Wish." Draw your own conclusions.)

(Yes I'm borrowing a lot from Tolkien. But RWBY needs every bit of help it can get!)
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Well there IS religion, it's just poorly handled:


Also the entire plot is based on a tiff between the gods, enacted through their proxies in Ozpin and Salem, and therefore the entire story is religious in nature. A made up religion, but a religion nevertheless.

We never saw much of anything in the present time period in the show. It would have been interesting to see a temple or something of the sort. Although, I suppose you could argue the Relic vaults sort of were one.
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- - -

Breakfast had been more than a little awkward, and Yang was glad to be done with it. She'd sat far away from Jaune, sticking close to Sun, Blake and Ruby. Blake had looked almost as awkward, but Sun had done his best to lighten everything up. Ruby looked concerned and tried to probe her in her not-so-subtle way. When that failed, she headed off to the other table to talk with Jaune.

Not that that was easy, given how his team clustered around him. Especially Pyrrha.

The whole time she had to watch Pyrrha hanging all over Jaune, who shot her concerned and confused glances and tolerated the champion's attentions.

Not that Yang cared. Nosiree bob, not her. She wasn't concerned, not at all. That fork was bent for other reasons.

When they were done, she got up and intended to go and sleep forever... But Goodwitch was standing in the way.

"Time for the Team Leaders to do their paperwork," she stated. "Teams included."

"Huh?" Yang asked, "But the Team Leaders-"

"The Team Leaders will need all the help they can get," Glynda stated, her tone promising pain. Much groaning ensued. Yang saw Jaune trying to catch her eye, his face so concerned... Shit...

She managed to keep Team SSSN between herself and JNPR as they headed out first. Jaune was getting the evil eye something fierce from Goodwitch. That was categorically unfair, Yang thought: It was hardly his fault Blake roped him into thwarting international terrorists. Mostly.

Team RWBY followed the others. Goodwitch went on ahead, her glare promising pain for any who tried to escape. They made their way through Beacon, to the meeting rooms. Goodwitch then turned the final corner to where they would be imprisoned... And Ruby grabbed Yang's shoulder.

"We'll catch up, stall," Ruby said.

"Of course!" Weiss giggled, still enraptured with Neptune.

Blake nodded silently. They both vanished around the corner, and Ruby looked up into her big sister's eyes.

"Yang... What happened?" Ruby asked. "I mean, you and Jaune... I asked him and he said that you just wanted to be-To be friends!"

Yang coughed, and looked aside.

"I-I mean... Wouldn't that be better? For you?" Yang asked, laughing nervously, "I-I'm not gonna leave you Yanging, Ruby! You should-You should take your shot! You-"

"Yang!" Ruby scowled, "Why are you lying to me?"

Yang stared Ruby down.

"I'm not lying-"

"You totally are!" Ruby insisted. "I always know when you're lying! I-I mean, about important stuff! Not like who ate all the cookie dough!"

Yang smiled thinly.

"I guess I'm a roller pinhead about that, huh? Heheh..."

Ruby stared intensely, gripping Yang's elbows.

"Yang! We had a plan!" She whined. "I know I can't catch Jaune's eye! But you can! So why aren't you?"

"W-Well... Uh..."

"You're super experienced with guys!" Ruby insisted, nodding her head up and down like an excited bird, "You were always the most popular girl in school! You were always the one everyone liked-!"

"I... May have exaggerated things a bit," Yang coughed, looking to the sides for any means of escape. Goodwitch showing up would actually be nice right now.

Ruby kept moving with her gaze, staying in the line of sight. She couldn't escape her.

"How much? I-I mean, you've... Gone all the way, right? Carbo in Signal used to brag you did that!"

Yang's eyes flashed red.

"I'm paying Carbo a beating when I see him next," Yang growled. She noticed Ruby's concerned look, and shook her head.

"No Ruby, I haven't. I've never gone all the way with anyone."

"Oh..." Ruby's eyes widened. "Ohhh..." Her pupils shrank.

"Ohhhh... B-But... Uh... I mean... You've kissed, right?"

"Yes," Yang said with a nod.

"A lot?"

Yang sucked in a heavy breath.

"... Three times," she admitted. "And the third was today. With Jaune... Sort of."

"What do you mean, 'sort of'?" Ruby asked in disbelief.

"I... Didn't get his lips-"

"Why?!" Ruby demanded. "I-I mean... I know it's a lot to ask since you don't like him like that, I know I'm asking a lot-"

Yang turned to her little sister, and hugged her. She felt her breath come less steadily, but still she filled her lungs and looked Ruby right in her silver eyes.

"You're not asking a lot, Ruby," Yang whispered, "That's the problem. If I... If I get close with Jaune? ... I don't think I can let him go."

Ruby stared up at Yang. A lot of emotions passed over her face-Confusion, then shock, some anger, then sorrowful disbelief. Yang's heart hurt at every one.

"You-You mean... You really like him?" Ruby whispered back. Yang managed a slow nod.


"Like... How much?" Ruby asked.

Yang closed her eyes and let out her breath as a hiss before she answered.

"Like... I'm thinking of baby names like him," Yang admitted. Ruby stared. She bit her lower lip.

"I-I know... I know, I'm sorry," she murmured, head bowing in her shame. "I just... I didn't think he could do it for me but he does. All right? I don't know how to do this, it's all mostly... Mostly bluff..."

She shook her head.

"I won't stand in your way, Ruby. I'll help you get him-"

Ruby shook her head. A determined look emerged in her silver eyes as she looked right into Yang's.

"No... No Yang," she said firmly, "No. We're not doing that."

Yang blinked.

"I... We're not-?"

"As team leader," Ruby said, pulling away slightly, "I have to look out for my team, right?"

Yang nodded slowly.

"Yes? I mean, I guess?"

"And," Ruby continued, "I managed to get Weiss to agree to talk to Blake. And we're a team again."

Yang blinked again, raising an eyebrow at her little sister.

"Uh... Yes?"

"That was a 'command decision'," Ruby said, and Yang could picture the quotation marks she put around those words, "Those are tough. So... I'm making another one."

Yang slowly nodded, now getting a little irritated.

"Okay, and that is...?"

Ruby smiled.

"A strategic one," she said, "We'll both go after Jaune!"

Yang's jaw dropped, and she tilted her head. She kept staring at her softly smiling sister, waiting for a punchline. Praying for a punchline.


Ruby nodded.

"If neither of us try... We lose Jaune to Pyrrha," she stated, "Or some other girl! If we both work to do it, one of us has to get him! And... And I mean, it would suck if you got him but..."

Ruby's eyes shone.

"We'd be a family. A proper family! Isn't... Isn't that what we both want, Yang?"

Yang stared in amazement at her little sister. She was deeply touched.

"I..." She nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, it is."

Ruby beamed.

"So... We fight fair, and we get him. One of us does? We... We don't hate the other. Ever."

"Never," Yang said with a beam. It was... Strange, but she could see Ruby's reasoning. Still, it was amazing how far she'd come since coming to Beacon.

"You're really growing up," Yang said, a proud smile on her face. Ruby giggled.

"Not too fast though!" She beamed.

They shared a comfortable silence and hug.

"And uh..." Ruby blushed, looking aside, "If we... Have to... Two girls can't be beat, right?"

"... In what sense?"

Ruby blushed heavily.

"W-Well... If it came down to it... We could... Both be his girlfriends?"

Yang's eyes went wide.


"Well that's what Blake's books say!" Ruby insisted.


Yang's Scroll buzzed. She pulled it out and gaped at a message from Blake:

They're not even the hardcore stuff. And hurry up. Goodwitch is getting impatient.


I have very good hearing and you're loud.

Yang grit her teeth as her eyes flashed red.

"I've been too lenient on her," Yang growled.

"Forget it!" Ruby insisted, grabbing Yang's hands, "Come on Yang!"



- - -
"That was a 'command decision'," Ruby said, and Yang could picture the quotation marks she put around those words, "Those are tough. So... I'm making another one."

Yang slowly nodded, now getting a little irritated.

"Okay, and that is...?"

Ruby smiled.

"A strategic one," she said, "We'll both go after Jaune!"

My teammates are being turned into degenerates by that raggedy scoundrel! - Weiss Schnee

Thanks for the chapter!
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49.8% human is essentially meaningless, orangutans, I think, have a 98% match, and no one would consider them human. Anything less than a 90% doesn't really seem like it would matter.
Well unless you take into the account the fact that grimm are magical balls of hatred and destruction that don't typically have DNA in the first place. They dissolve into smoke even here, just to a lesser degree. Moreso, considering the fact that they are distinctly not animals and thus have 0 reason to share DNA with humans or any animal in general. This is also not that kind of test. It's not that it's "matches 48% with the DNA of a human" and more that "48% of this thing is bonafide human" as if one of it's parents were human.
- - -

They were gathered in a meeting room, around one long desk. It was the same room that Jaune and Ruby had come to after they were first selected as team leaders, decorated in the same white walls and wood trim and paneling as pretty much everywhere else. Right now though, it felt like a prison to Jaune. One meant to crush and break their very spirits.

The piles of paperwork now littering the tables before them were the means for their destruction.

He held up one of the forms in utter exasperation, staring at Goodwitch in complete disbelief.

"I'm sorry... How am I supposed to fill this one out, Professor?"

"It's very simple," Goodwitch stated, with infinite patience, "That is a Form 177TT: When a Huntsman-In-Training strikes something or someone with a bladed weapon."

"But it...!" Jaune waved the form. "It's asking me if I A: Cleaved the Target, B: Hewed the target, or C: Hacked the target!"

"Yes... And your question is?" Goodwitch asked.

"What the hell is the difference between those three?!" Jaune demanded.

"It's very simple, Mister Arc," Goodwitch said, her eyes shining even as the rest of her face remained professional and stoic, "To cleave a target is to cut them along the grain, a natural line of cutting. To hew a target is to cut them into a new shape deliberately. To hack them is to strike rapidly and irregularly, without forethought."

Jaune stared at her in a moment of silence.

"That's bullshit."

"I assure you, it is not," Goodwitch said, her lips twitching suspiciously.

Jaune groaned and slammed his face into the pile of paperwork before him. Pyrrha patted him on the shoulder.

"I can't even figure out what the hell this form is supposed to mean!" Sun groaned, holding one form up to the light. "These aren't words!"

Silently, Sage reached up, took the form, and turned it right-side up. Sun coughed.

"I uh... I knew that," he muttered.

"Of course," Sage nodded.

Scarlet and Neptune began coughing into their fists suspiciously. Nora nodded.

"I have trouble reading things upside-down too," Nora said. She held up a sheet of paper folded via origami into some kind of shape. "Look! I made a squirrel!"

"A crane, Nora," Ren said gently, filling out another form with his beautiful handwriting. Jaune found it in himself not to hate Ren for that.

"It looks like a squirrel to me," Nora pouted.

Weiss was sitting next to Neptune and dreamily filling out her paperwork. Blake was on the other side of the table across from Sun, and smiled softly in sympathy.

Ruby and Yang ran into the room, Ruby leading with a bright, nervous smile.

"S-Sorry for being late, Professor!" Ruby said cheerfully. Goodwitch glared.

"I trust whatever you needed to resolve is resolved?"

"Yes ma'am!" Ruby said. Yang nodded, grinning a bit nervously.

"Yep. Just some family matters."

"Good," Goodwitch said with a nod, "I have other things to do, but will be checking in on you periodically. In addition, my assistant will be by to help as well. Do not leave until you have finished all the paperwork."

She strode out of the room, Neptune watching her go.

"She can be a bit unfair, but she's an amazing teacher," Weiss gushed, "Don't you think Neptune?"

"Oh yeah, absolutely," Neptune nodded, his eyes below Goodwitch's waistline.

Ruby pulled up a chair next to Jaune... Then pushed Yang to sit in it. She then took the chair next to Yang, and pulled up her paperwork. She sighed as she looked it over, but brightened when she looked over at Jaune.

"So, how's it going?"

"I think I need a law or English degree to figure some of this shit out," Jaune opined. "At least hospital paperwork wasn't designed by a sadist."

Ruby nodded. She elbowed Yang. The two sisters seemed to communicate silently for a bit, before Yang sighed and nodded. She turned back to Jaune, smiling without nearly as much enthusiasm or cockiness. It was reserved... Almost cute.

No, no, don't go there, Jaune thought, She wants to be friends... I think...?

"Jaune," Yang said quietly, "I'm... I talked with Ruby. And... And I want to go on a date with you."

The room went quiet. Jaune looked at her. Yang flushed.

"I'm sorry. I was scared before, I... I mean an actual date. With romance."

"And the possibility of kissing!" Ruby added with a smile. Yang elbowed Ruby. She looked into his eyes.

"Is... Is that okay?" She asked quietly.

Okay... So... She unfriendzoned me... She was scared for Ruby... They talked... Well, I mean, this isn't a problem but-

Pyrrha leaned forward and shot the most terrifying smile at Yang Jaune had ever seen her make.

"Sorry, he's taking ME out on a date," Pyrrha stated. Yang's eyes flashed red.

"You didn't ask him!"

"He'll say yes!" Pyrrha growled, grabbing his arm and yanking him closer to her.


Yang grabbed Jaune's free arm and yanked him back towards her, his chair's squeaky wheels screeching.

"Let him answer first, P-Money!"

Pyrrha was shaken and blushed. In a far more normal tone, she asked:

"Jaune? I'm sorry for my overreaction, wouldn't you like to go on a date with me? Instead? Please?"

That would have been sweet and all... If she wasn't still using him for a tug-of-war.

"HEY!" Ruby cried, joining her sister and tugging him back, "He can go on a date with both of us! Two dates! Beat that!"

WHAT?! Jaune thought in shock.

"What?! You too?!" Pyrrha gasped. Ruby smirked.

"Yeah! You can't beat us both!"

"Watch me," Pyrrha growled, her slasher smile wide.

Weiss, gaping at this entire exchange, finally spoke.

"ARC! You did it! You finally did it!" She cried angrily, "You-You scoundrel! You barbarian! You drove half my teammates crazy!"

"I didn't-HOLD IT!" Jaune shouted, standing up and extricating himself from the three girls, "Hold it! All right? Just...!"

"S-Sorry Jaune!" Pyrrha cried, blushing, "I-I just had a moment-I lost control..."

"I uh, I might have gone a little overboard too," Yang said, waving her hands.

"We don't want you to think we're crazy!" Ruby said cheerfully.

"Yes, I'm certainly not planning on beating you all to death with your own weapons!" Pyrrha said, still polite and kind as ever.

"And we're back to violence being on the table," Yang said, her eyes glowing red.

"Was it ever off?" Ruby asked.

Jaune found himself praying to the Gods for some kind of salvation.

"Mister Arc! Miss Nikos! Miss Rose! Miss Xiao-Long!"

Everyone jumped when Glynda Goodwitch leaned into the room, glaring.

Oh shit, they were listening?! Jaune thought.

"Yes ma'am?" Jaune managed.

"I expect you to resolve your romantic issues like adults," she stated firmly, "You're Hunters, not children. Act like it!"

Jaune looked at the blushing girls around him... And sucked in a deep breath.

Okay... Well... Now what, Team Leader?

You have three lovely ladies who want you to take them on dates? Oh no. What a tragic life you lead. Take them you fool!
His Inner Gato voice shouted.

I can't date three women at once! Jaune protested.

They already know, boy! If any of them have a problem with it, then cross that bridge when it happens, his Inner Gato said.

But won't it cause problems?!

His inner Gato sounded even more sarcastic, just like he always had when Jaune was being stupid.

What, like being pulled apart like a wishbone? You already have problems! Move forward! Face different problems! Perhaps in doing so it will solve a few!

Jaune took a deep breath. He pointed to Yang.

"Yang... You asked first, so yeah. Let's go on a date." he said. He had to admit, seeing her light up in joy and triumph did some amazing things to his heart. He then turned to Pyrrha, just as her face fell (and boy didn't that do other things to his heart? Horrible, painful things).

"After that? Pyrrha? You're next. Just… Let's take it easy, and see what happens, okay?"

Pyrrha's face flitted through several emotions before settling on a determined excitement that worried Jaune slightly. Her blushing grin didn't help in that regard.

"N-No... You're right, that's perfectly fine," Pyrrha said with a beam.

Jaune turned to Ruby.

"And... After that? You and I can have a date," he said, "All right, Ruby?"

Ruby nodded with a bright smile and a wink.

"Yay! A big romantic date, with kissing and dinner and-"

"Let's start with dinner and see where things take us?" Jaune said quickly.

Ruby paused, then shrugged. "I hope it takes us to kissing."

Jaune sighed. "Perhaps. Is that okay? Everyone good now?"

The girls eyed each other, mostly the sisters eyeing Pyrrha and vice versa, Jaune noticed, but they all nodded.

He turned to Glynda.

"I think things are resolved, Miss Goodwitch."

"Hmm. I agree," Goodwitch said, her lips twitching again. "Ah! Simin!"

The tall, redheaded leader of Team SLVR appeared, wearing his reading glasses. He smiled cordially at the first years.

"I'll be helping you all take care of your paperwork," he said, "Shall we begin?"

The upperclassman walked in and took charge. The paperwork went a lot more smoothly after that, as Simin was very patient and understanding. Jaune focused on his work, though it was hard not to feel everyone's eyes on him.

Nora grinned and gave a big thumbs up. Ren looked faintly amused. Sun was giving him a thumbs up when he thought Blake wasn't looking. Sage was stoic. Scarlet couldn't stop laughing into his fist every time he looked up at him. Blake stared intensely at him, blushing every so often. Weiss glared in contempt, while Neptune glared in envy. Weiss glanced at her new boyfriend and patted him on the hand.

"Oh, don't you mind him, Neptune. You're nothing like that scoundrel!"

"No, no I'm not," Neptune grumbled.

Oh sure buddy, envy me, Jaune thought, See how well that works out for you!

Still... The smiles on the faces of the three women (who he wasn't related to) he cared about most in the world did make him feel a bit happier. Though his low self esteem and his trauma kept fighting him, he was able to maintain a bit of peaceful clarity.

Sort of.

Holy shit I'm really doing this, Jaune thought to himself. Three actual dates.

He saw their smiling faces... And the dark looks they bore for one another. Though not so dark between Yang and Ruby. Jaune mentally sighed.

Fuck... Yeah, I am doing this... I'm not worthy. Don't know why they're trying, but... Fuck it. I'll take this on... And keep them happy.


Wait. Do I have to plan three dates?


Somewhere, hopefully in Heaven, Jaune bet that Gato was laughing his ass off.
- - -

The rest of the morning and afternoon was spent just doing paperwork. They were allowed bathroom breaks and even lunch and dinner, but it was still a grueling, arduous process. Jaune was half-convinced Goodwitch threw in some of her own paperwork for them to do as additional punishment.

What, like she had never blown up a dockyard when she was young?

Simin Megister was a big help, but Weiss kept monopolizing him with eager questions about Dust research. Seems that despite Neptune's request, she still had plans for the teaching assistant.

Well, that was all on her. Not Jaune's problem.

Though he did enjoy Neptune's scowls at the handsome young professor. The guy just kind of seemed to ask for it, in Jaune's humble opinion.

After all, if Weiss was one of Jaune's sisters, he would have given Neptune the shovel and shotgun talk by now.

Given how he kept eyeing him in envy, he might still do it.

Still, by nightfall, they were done. Jaune finished the last sheet of paperwork with a soft sigh, and set it into the right file amidst dozens of files stacked neatly upon the table. He rubbed his wrist, and hit some pressure points to relieve the soreness.

"Oooh," Ruby groaned, "I think my hand is gonna fall off... Jaune?"

She held out her hand to him. Out of instinct, Jaune took her smaller hand in his and pushed on some pressure points, warming his fingers with a flash of Aura. Ruby sighed happily.

"Thanks Jaune!" She said cheerfully, leaping up to hug and kiss him on the cheek. Yang and Pyrrha's eyes could have bored holes in the little reaper, but she smirked at them without any care. Jaune sighed, and lightly bonked her.

"Ow! Jauuuune," Ruby whined.

"Don't be smug," Jaune scolded her, "You're a team leader, remember?"

Ruby smiled gently.

"I am," she said, with a strange look in her eyes. "Come on! Let's go!" She locked onto Weiss. "Weissy!"

"In a moment," Weiss insisted, her Scroll out with Neptune, "There, that's my number, add it in!"

"Of course, Snow Angel," Neptune said with a grin and a wink, "Can't wait to while away the hours to your voice."

"Oh! Oh, uh, I-I have performed several concerts!" Weiss said, bright red, as she fumbled with her Scroll, "I-I would love to share them with you-!"

Goodwitch cleared her throat.

"You can all handle that later, I believe," she said, "Mister Wukong? Kindly take your team back to your hotel, you're not allowed on campus yet."

"Yes ma'am," Sun said. He grinned and waved at Blake. "Later Princess!"

"Sun," Blake said with a nod and a soft look.

Sun saluted, and pulled Neptune away. Scarlet and Sage followed as Neptune waved at Weiss.

"Can't wait to see you again, Snow Angel!" He cried with a grin.

"I-I look forward to our date, Neptune!" Weiss cried back with a sappy smile. Ruby made a face, as did Yang. Blake grimaced.

"If you're all quite finished," Goodwitch said, "All of you out... Except for Mister Arc and Miss Belladonna."

Pyrrha and Yang looked concerned, as did Ruby. Ren stared at Jaune, and gestured outside. Jaune smiled and shook his head.

"I'm good. Go rest guys. You've earned it."

Ruby looked to Blake.

Blake shook her head.

"I'm not going anywhere," she said softly. Ruby grinned, and gave Blake a quick hug. Something the catgirl tolerated, for once. Then Ruby was dragging the lovesick Weiss and concerned Yang off. Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora headed out as well, Nora smiling a bit nervously at Jaune while Pyrrha gave him a gentle look.

"Miss Goodwitch," Simin said quietly, "The meeting is soon. Do you want me to wait for you?"

"No," Goodwitch said, "Go on ahead. I'll join you shortly."

Simin nodded, smiled at the students encouragingly, and headed out. He shut the doors behind him. Goodwitch shook her head slowly.

"Miss Belladonna," she said quietly, "Your entry into Beacon was... Shall we say... Unconventional. But the headmaster has assured me you have changed your ways. I expect you to live up to the trust he has shown you."

Blake nodded.

"I will. I-I promise," she said quietly.

Goodwitch then summoned a Scroll from seemingly nowhere, and handed it to Blake.

"A direct link to Kuo Kuana's chieftain's residence," she said quietly.

Blake slowly nodded, holding the Scroll as though unsure of what to do with it.

Goodwitch turned her formidable stare onto Jaune, who did his best to look her in the eyes.

"Mister Arc," she said, "You too have an... Unusual background. For instance... That Aura blade technique. Why have you never demonstrated it in class?"

Jaune held back a laugh.

"Because I can't really control it," he said with a shrug, "I mean, I'm not busting out a lethal technique for combat class."

Goodwitch nodded slowly.

"A wise decision," she said, "However, you should have shown what you could do sooner. That you can do it at all indicates you have great potential, but it must be trained to be useful for anything other than a last resort. We will work on it with you. I expect you to put in your all, understood?"

Jaune nodded.

"Yes ma'am," he said.

Goodwitch waved her riding crop, and the doors opened up behind them.

"Get some rest," she said quietly, "Finals are coming up, after all."

Blake and Jaune thanked her, and headed out quietly. They walked together in silence for a time, the nighttime sounds of the Academy soft and quiet. At length, they approached their dorms. Blake stopped, and so did Jaune. He looked over at her in concern. She sucked in a deep breath.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly, "If it wasn't for you... Sun and his team might be dead, and I might be..." She slowly shook her head. "I... You didn't have to go with us-"

"I did," Jaune said, just as quietly, "I wasn't going to let people get hurt or worse if I could go with them."

"Even... Even after everything I've done?" Blake asked.

Jaune nodded.

"Yeah," he said, "Because well... It's what my parents would have done. It's what Gato would have done."

Blake closed her eyes. She was fighting a lot of emotions. She sucked in a breath, and stepped up close to him. He instinctively backed up, confused and a little anxious.

"Uh, Blake?"

"Jaune, I..." She stared into his eyes intently. She even smiled. It was a pretty smile indeed.

"Uh... H-Hey," Jaune managed, nervously laughing, "You're uh... Not going to ask me out on a date too, right?"

Blake was silent.

"What if I was?"

Jaune's jaw dropped as Blake set a hand on his chest.


Blake's smile became coy. She pulled back, just a little.

"I don't think I'm up for romance right now," she said, "My last one was..."

She shook her head as she trailed off. He saw a lot of hurt in those eyes. He nodded slowly.

"Yeah... I get it," he murmured softly.

Blake smiled again.

"But with friends like you? Maybe... One day... I'll be able to again."

She winked.

"Maybe even with you. I have read a great deal about harems. It might be fun."

Jaune scowled at her, crossing his arms over his armored chest.

"Not funny."

Blake again smiled mysteriously. She stood up on tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

"Maybe it wasn't a joke," she whispered in his ear. Jaune gaped at her as she continued her smile. She turned away and headed for the door to RWBY's dorm.

"Goodnight, Jaune," she said, "And thank you again."

"Just... Thank me by calling your parents already," Jaune sighed, shaking his head, "You crazy catgirl."

Blake's smile became sad, but she nodded.

"I will."

She opened the door, slipped in like a shadow, then shut the door behind her. Jaune stared at the wood paneling for a while, and then rubbed his face with a soft groan.

"I swear, it's a conspiracy. They're all trying to drive. Me. Crazy," he muttered.

He was just about to go into his own dormroom, when his Scroll rang. He looked at the number but didn't recognize it. He shrugged and answered.

"Arc speaking."

"Mister Arc," an unfortunately familiar voice filled his ear. Jaune grit his teeth, but forced his voice to stay calm.

"Mrs. Nikos."

"I'll get straight to the point: How much do you want?"

Jaune blinked. He opened his mouth.


"How much do you want to stay away from my daughter?" Athena Nikos asked, "What will it take you to leave her alone? To convince her to come back to me?"

"I didn't convince her of anything the first time," Jaune said harshly. Athena snorted.

"You're telling me my loyal, obedient, good daughter just decided to embarrass us both in public? To break with me? To threaten legal action if I didn't back off? You had nothing to do with that?"

"Well, I mean, sort of, but I didn't tell her to do any of that," Jaune insisted.

"You're lying," Athena sneered, "You're a skilled manipulator, I'll give you that! But I know you're lying! How much will it take for you to leave her alone? To stop playing this game?"

Jaune's patience at long last ran out.

"Look lady, I don't know what the hell you think is going on, but Pyrrha is my friend and I care about her," he growled, "And the hour you spent grilling me and my friends showed me just WHY she's so socially awkward! She was absolutely terrified of you! I don't know what kind of hell you put her through, but I'm glad she finally realized she'd had enough! If my friends and I helped her do that, then good!"

"You don't get to talk to me like that-!"

"Well maybe someone should have!" Jaune shot back. "Despite how weird she can be, she grew up into a good, heroic, kindhearted person! One I'm proud to fight alongside! And I'm not going to forsake her! I'd die before I would ever let her come to any harm! And that includes being with you!"

Dead silence. Then...

"I'm going to make you regret this, Arc," Athena seethed, "You're going to give my daughter back!"

"And if you were an actual mother, you wouldn't have to make threats to get her back!" Jaune shot back. He ended the call, and blocked the number. He took deep breaths to calm himself down.

Geez... No matter how things with Pyrrha turned out, he was never letting her mother get her claws back into her. No one deserved that!

He sighed. He then turned to look out at the stars, and thought for a while, continuing to calm himself.

He then pulled out his Scroll, and tapped out a message.

Dear Mom,

I'm doing well. I'm sorry for running out on you. I'm sorry for the argument. No matter what our differences may be, no matter what horrible things I said to you that night, I love you. I always will. And I hope that the next time we meet? You can be proud of me.

Love, Jaune.

He sent the email. He sighed.

Jaune turned to finally head into his dorm... When his Scroll buzzed. He opened it back up in alarm.

Had she already replied?!

But no. It was a different email address. An unfortunately familiar one. Jaune read it through.

Hey Kid, your Uncle Alex here. Sorry about everything. I was confident you'd pull through though. I'll make it up to you, promise.

"Yeah, I'll bet," Jaune muttered under his breath.

The mutual friend of ours will be joining you after break. She'll be hard to miss. Mint's gonna be there too, so you'll have more backup. Just try not to make me a grandpa before I turn forty, all right?

Jaune snorted in disbelief.

One last thing: Don't worry about ol' lizard lips. We'll take care of him.

Jaune very slowly nodded. He sighed, and entered his dorm. Nora and Ren were cuddled up together, as usual. Pyrrha had moved her bed closer to his, and was sound asleep with a smile on her face.

Things were going to get a lot more complicated, and potentially a lot more dangerous soon, but he still felt a warm smile come over his face as he looked over his team and thought about the future.

He pulled off his armor, slipped into his PJs, and fell into the bunk next to hers in exhaustion.

For now? He'd done more than enough...

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