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Trials of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

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"Things were starting to turn serious. So a certain someone decided to turn...
Omake - 7
EternitynChaos said:
Rias "Issei-kun... when they said 'Make Love, Not War' I don't think this is what they were talking about."
No no, they were talking exactly about this ^-^.
Smuthunter said:
IMO, this is too similar to DTAS. A shintai is supposed to be the penultimate expression of the yozi's themes. This expression has more to do with the Red Dragon Emperor than with Hyoudo Issei, or with the combination of Dream and Infinite that supposedly gets us into devil-tiger status.

Now, what our Shintai should look like I'm really not sure. We're a really weird rules-ignoring devil-tiger who came from a Solar and multiple power sources that aren't related to any of the Exalted. But I'm thinking maybe less an actual transformation and more the manifestation of something like warstrider armor. Our core is still that of a human, so our form should remain such as well. All the actual mutations are inflicted on Boosted Gear, like Juggernaut drive save that it's completely under our control.
Like someone said: Devil-Tigers are Windows, a Cosmic Dragon is Unix.

Ophis' related Charms should be something about increasing the amount of Essence available, while Great Red...something Craft related?

Surprise! Omake time!

A Solar Circle's Adventure Time

"Hurry up! There's too many of them!"

"I'm almost done!" You yell back without raising your eyes from the streams of numbers flashing on the screen, your fingers dancing on the Essence-infuse keyboard. You push a final button and turn to the raven-haired boy on your left. "It's open! Lelouch!"

"Alright!" He grabs the gate's handle and pulls. He also completely fails at moving it even of a millimeter.

"Oh, for the love of-!" You rush to him and pull the handle together with him. This time the gate opens and you and Lelouch enter.

"Quick! Come on!" You yell while keeping the gate open. A brown-haired guy and a girl in a black sailor uniform run inside, followed by a pink haired beauty firing with her rifle behind her. The first two give you a hand and together you quickly shut the gate. You hear the crystal, zombie-like monsters chasing after you slamming on the metal door and start banging on it in rage, but without success.

For now, you're safe.

"Aah.." You and your four comrades sit down on the ground, your breaths ragged. "Seriously Lelouch, do something about your body. You're too weak."

"Well, excuse me." He rolls his eyes. "I was busy organizing a rebellion against a continent-spamming military empire. I didn't have time to do exercises."

The girl with the sailor uniform chuckles. "Senketsu says you're a horrible liar Lulu. We're Exalted, we can do stuff like that in minutes. Just admit it: you just hate physical activities."

"I will not be belittled by a talking uniform, Ryuuko. And don't call me Lulu!!"

At this point you suppose an explanation is necessary.

You are Hyodo Issei, once a normal Japanese student. One day you were almost killed by your (fake) first girlfriend, but was saved by the Unconquered Sun who make you one of his Exalts, a Twilight Caste. Later you found out people were after you because you have Boosted Gear, a weapon capable of killing gods, in your soul.

From that point on you had many adventures, that lead you to a journey through multiple dimensions. It was during your travels that you me other Solar Exalts, whose Exaltations found themselves outside Creation like yours and bound with the natives of other planes, namely them. With your interests aligned you and the others formed a group.

You look at the black haired, with a single red bang, girl in a sailor uniform wielding the half of a giant pair of scissors. Her name is Ryuuko Matoi, a Dawn Caste. She came from an alternate version of Earth, and received her Exaltation while fighting a, in her words, 'tyrannical bitch with bushy eyebrows' while searching for the one who killed her father. Her uniform, Senketsu, is sentient and is capable of transforming into an armor that made her stronger. It also shows a lot of skin, so she doesn't use it often.

You look at the brown haired boy. His name is Shi-Woon Yi, and he is a Zenith Caste. He came from the Korea of another alternate Earth. Once a normal student like you, he was involved into the world of dark martial arts after a series of convoluted circumstances. He received his Exaltation while trying to save a little girl from a gang of martial artists bikers. His martial arts are powerful, but he's reckless.

You look at the pink haired beauty, a full woman even if her short height may hint otherwise. Her name is Lightning, a Night Caste. We're in her world now, a giant floating sphere with an entire civilization living inside called Cocoon. An ex-soldier, she received her Exaltation after avenging her sister who was turned into a crystal statue by a god-like being. Taking her Second Breath protected her from being turned into a L'cie, which is a curse that would eventually transform her into a mindless Cie'th, like those monsters that were chasing you. Sadly her friends weren't so fortunate, so now you and the others are helping her save them. She wields a weapon that his a strange mix of a sword and a rifle.

The last one, the boy with black hair and purple eyes, is Lelouch Lamperouge, an Eclipse Caste. Formerly a prince of a modern empire from an alternate Earth, he was disowned after her mother was killed and exiled. He received his Exaltation while fighting soldiers of his country, and used his new powers to lead a rebellion against his tyrannical father. His combat abilities...are lower than zero.

"I think that's enough rest." Shi-Woon stands up. "We can't afford to waste more time than necessary. We need to save Snow and the others."

"Umph." Light snorts. "Don't worry about the idiot: he is too stupid to die." She turns to look at you and frowns. "Issei, are you sure about...?"

"You heard Vanille. L'cie that complete their Focus become crystal statues, but wake up again if the Fal'cie who turned them needs their services again." You sigh. "This means that your sister is alive and that there is a method to save her. But I need to see her first and be absolutely sure, because I'm not trying anything before that."

"Just making sure." You turn around, but you catch a flash of smile. "Let's go."

You all stand up and follow her.

"Lelouch, if you want I can show you this method to train your mu-"

"If I say no, it's no Shi-Woon!"

Tough times are waiting for you.

I promised it some time ago, and today I finally delivered it. Enjoy 8)
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Omake - 8
Since those earlier Omakes can't count. Here's a REVEAL CASE File covering the incident where Issei first shows up to class with his improved appearance...

Prepared by Junior Researcher Uncover

The morning of [Redacted] was the first unambiguous sign of Machine Seductor Issei's protracted campaign to seduce women & advance the Machine Conspiracy. While later evidence(See CASE File 0017 for further details) suggests he may have engaged in some activities before hand, this marks the first time he could no longer easily conceal the changes in his behavior & appearance. This researcher believes the change in Issei's attractiveness were meant to put him at the epitome of human beauty & attractiveness. The following transcript was taken from an interview with a Researcher present at the time. Additional comments by me will be marked with []

(Can you state your name for the record?)

Tak-That's uhh Researcher Steel's Bane.

(Can you tell us about the events of the morning of [Redacted])

You mean the time pretty bo-That is Issei first showed up looking like a model?
[There's some...disagreement about the proper term to refer to Issei. While the majority opinion is that he was replaced by the Machine Conspiracy with a womanizing doppelganger there are those who believe that he had his conciousness uploaded or was converted by nanomachines. For the purpose of this report, we use the term Machine Seductor Issei to refer to his behavior after he began luring women to distinguish from his earlier lecherous, but unsuccessful with women behavior whatever the true distinction in his consciousness between those periods is]

(That incident. Can you walk us through what happened to you then?)

Oh sure. A lot happened that morning to me but I'll try to stick to what's relevant to Issei.

(That would be appreciated)

Well ten or so minutes before class started I got a text message from [Redacted] saying something about some unknown male bishonen in a student uniform. I texted them back asking if they meant Kiba. We argued for a bit since they insisted they thought the guy reminded them of someone from my class. Well that's when I was distracted by the noise coming down the hall.

(Is it uncommon for it to be loud before classes start?)

Loud? Nah that's common. People getting in some last minute gossip or arguments before class. It's not...the volume? I think that's the word, of the noises that caught my attention. It's...what they were saying.
[The interviewer gave a gesture to the witness to elaborate]

...It's...well knowing what I know now some of what they said is downright eerie. I think someone said it was impossible for that to be Issei. Another that...that...the Apocalypse was near.

[There is a pause of several moments before the interview continues]

(What happened next?)

Well I heard the door open. I didn't quite have a good angle to get a look at the person entering but I remember them asking them if they were late. The next bit was...pretty fast.


I saw both of Issei's friends literally jump to their feet & one ran up to punch him.

(Do you which one moved to punch him?)

Nah. Don't know them well. Plus their names both start the same, always get 'em mixed up. Better to just say it was one of them, then to try to pick one & be wrong.

Either way there's like a smack noise. Not the same kind of...crunching? You hear when you know a punch really connects. I could hear that Issei, the new guy anyways, had blocked it. Damn good reflexes to stop it when someone suckerpunches you like that.

Then they both go off at once demanding to know the new guy is, what he did to their friend.
Then Issei asked if they were still tired & told them his name. Both were pretty confused by that.

(Do you think their response was genuine?)

As opposed to faked you mean? Can't be totally sure since again I didn't see their faces, but they sounded sincere. I don't really buy that theory they are in on the whole thing. Though the next thing...

(The mirror incident?)

Yeah that. One of them passes Issei a mirror & he looks into it. Doesn't recognize the face reflected back.

(Did you believe his reaction genuine?)

Dunno. Like it sounds like the kind of thing you make up, like someone acting poorly does. And he fistpumped! Who does that? Considering how Issei can be so convincing now it felt...odd for him to get caught in that kind of lie. Though it does explain what happen next.

[There is considerable debate among REVEAL Researchers as to why Machine Seductor Issei failed to recognize his own appearance. One of the more prominent theories is that this is an obvious failure of a mirror test, a phase where children at eighteen months can generally recognize that the image reflected in a mirror. Clear signs of either a malfunctioning unit or hints at his artificial origins]

(Can you walk us through that?)

Sure. But I'm NOT rehashing this argument. I've seen people argue the most innane points of it. I'll tell you what I saw but I'm not offering an opinion.

So Issei hands the mirror back & asks the teacher if he can address the class. Honestly I kind of feel sorry for the poor teach having to watching all of this. Anyways he goes up in front of his desk & gives this weird as hell spiel. Said something about how he got dumped by his girlfriend, comments it was odd she went out with him in the first place given where they are on the food chain.

[This is no firm evidence but the woman Machine Seductor Issei refers to his is believed to be Yuuma Aman. Given the timeline of her hospital visit & the timestamp on the im conversation regarding her, it's believed that Machine Seductor Issei made this comment before memories of her were erased. Given he didn't mention her by name, the omission might have been purposeful.

Then he says he relied it was a setup, then had a moment of en-brighten-something?


Yeah that. He had a revelation. That he was trying to apply game & porno rules to the real world. His language was really metaphoric though? He mentioned died & starting over again. Then introduced himself again before one of his friends tried to do some kicking move on him. Things went back to normalish after that

[The argument the Subject is mentioning is a contested disagreement among Researchers whether Machine Seductor Issei was describing, if tangentially, the process he went through to achieve his current state. Those believing him to be upload take this as proof of evidence of his change. Some have posited it's proof for any entire different cause, that this Issei is some flash-imprint of his former self. Copying his memories, but no continuity hence the "death & reborn"]

(Can you discuss another incident later that day?)

Yeah sure. I imagine you mean Prince Charming showing up.

(Yuuto Kiba, yes. His & Machine Seductor Issei's interactions.

[Subject seems to scowl at the title assigned to Machine Seductor Issei, but gives no comment]

Alright but not much to tell. At the end of classes Prince Charming shows up & talks to Issei. It was pretty loud with everyone getting ready to go home but they didn't say much. They left the class quickly after. Though some of the girls where whisphering really loudly

[Subject shifts uncomfortably]

Some kind of pairing of them. Like that bullshit thing they do matching up which celebrities "belong" together.

(Did you think the description was inaccurate?)

[Subject stares baffled for a few seconds]

You mean if they should hookup? Dude I don't ship. That's just..

[Interviewer seems a little frazzled]

(I meant more if there were similarities between them. That they seemed of the same kind of class or crowd)

Oh. Ohhhhh! Well don't say things like that. Yeah the two of them...stand out together. But it's kind of odd seeing a guy look even...not prettier? Not...rugged either...Uhhh better? Yeah better looking than Prince Charming. I knew Issei had looked better than before, but standing right next to them...You really get a feel of the change in his looks.

[Transcript Ends here]

[Final Addendum Some Researchers argue that Yuuto Kiba was a prototype for Machine Seductor Issei. Their improved looks & their involvement in the "Occult Research Club" suggests a connection between the two. That Yuuto Kiba came to escort Machine Seductor Issei in the direction of the Club the exact morning his appearance changes is certainly odd timing.]
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Omake - 9
There's something I heard about on a television show once, that when a person is faced with a dangerous situation they fall back on primal reactions that humans still share with most animals – the fight or flight response, it's called.

When Yuuma-chan and I arrive at the deserted park in the middle of the city I know immediately that something feels weird about it, like in those stories when the hero says "there aren't any birds or animals around, there must be a predator nearby!" As for myself, I thought it seemed dangerous too. A dark wooded park in the middle of the city, who knows what kinds of unsavory characters might be lurking around in the shadows just waiting to do unspeakable things to my new girlfriend!

They can try! Hyoudou Issei won't let anything threaten people he cares about!

"It sure was fun today."

Yuuma-chan smiles at me, standing in front of the big water fountain in the middle of the park.

Kuu! Damn, she's cute. And with the sun setting behind her the atmosphere is perfect too!

"Hey, Ise-kun."

"What is it, Yuuma-chan?"

"There is something I want to do to celebrate our first date. Can you listen to my wish?"

Oh yeah. It's here!

This is it! This must be it!

The smell of my breath! Checked! My mental preparedness! Hmm! My heart is beating so fast~!

"W-What is the w-wish you want?"

Aaaaagh. The tone of my voice is deep. She will find out that I'm thinking of something idiotic!

I made the dumbest mistake after coming this far……

But Yuuma-chan just smiles at me.

She then says it to me clearly.

"Will you die for me?"


And the mood breaks in an instant. Yuuma-chan's words ring clearly in my ears; I couldn't possibly have misheard her. All of a sudden I'm extremely aware of the creepy mood in the park, and all my instincts scream an answer to a question I never thought to ask. She didn't mean that in a romantic way, like would I throw myself in front of a bullet for her!


Hyoudou Issei you fool! I can hear grandfather shouting at me from beyond the grave!

I am so engrossed in my own panic that what happens next barely phases me. Yuuma-chan's devilishly innocent smile becomes just plain devilish as a pair of angel wings burst from her back, only instead of real angel wings they're pitch black.

"It was fun. The short time I spent with you. It was like a play house with a little child."

Something appears in her hand with a buzzing sound like static on a radio. It's a spear of light, maybe a meter long or so, and in that instant I know that I am about to die.

...to hell with that! I'm still a virgin!

The spear of light thrusts forward, but I'm already moving myself. Hyoudou Issei does not have many things to be proud of, but in middle school I was on the track team for a while, and my reflexes have been honed by hundreds of hours of video games!

So as my ex-girlfriend thrusts the spear forward, I step forward into her!

She might be an angel-devil-yandere person but getting hit with a person's full weight will knock anybody around. Yuuma's spear goes flying past me as I shoulder-check her, and with a surprised squawk she goes flipping backwards into the fountain!

That's my chance!

I turn and run like hell itself is chasing after me while Yuuma flounders in the pool. My mind is racing with panic and desperation, and I ignore the open paths of the park to run into the cover of the trees, racing through the woods to put as much distance as I can between myself and the girl who just tried to murder me.

...but I hear wings flapping. Big wings, and they're gaining on me.

Stupid Issei! If you had taken the paths you could have been on the street by now! You could have gotten help!

"Issei~, where are you~?" Yuuma calls to me in a sickly-sweet voice. She has to know where I am, I'm making too much noise, snapping tree branches as I run past them. What I would give to be a ninja right now!

And then a spear hits the ground just ahead of me and I have to skid to a halt and turn to avoid it. A second later it explodes in an enormous burst of light, and I'm flung through the air, landing painfully against a tree.

Get up Issei! You've taken much worse than this from the girls at school! (Have I?)

Another spear lands beside me just as I'm getting up. I bolt forward like a professional sprinter and the explosion only throws me farther forward this time but now I know I'm out of options.

Yuuma... or whatever she is... can kill me whenever she likes. She's toying with me now, trying to force me out into the open so she can kill me in person. (How do I know this?)

Well fine then. One way or another I can't get to safety without going through her, so I'll give her what she wants and see if she can handle it! (Handle what?!)

I change my course and start racing for the edge of the woods. Spears rain down on me from time to time, but I keep running forward towards the light that shows the edge of a clearing.

Faster! I can still go faster! And if I'm just racing towards my death then I'll be sure to punch her in the face before she runs me through!

Power wells up in me. The branches that barred my progress before snap off as I brush up against them. My muscles don't burn like they did just a second ago, and my injuries don't hurt either. Like they just aren't there anymore.

I feel... more.

Right at the edge of the clearing, Yuuma lands with a spear in hand, turns towards me with cruel confidence in her eyes... but as if in a movie using slow motion special effects, I see confidence turn to confusion and then disbelieving horror.

Then I punch her in the face with all the force I can muster, with a massive hand armored in scales and edged in talons, and she goes flying across the clearing with a scream of pain.

I barely notice the terrible injury I've done to the girl I just spent the best day of my life with.

I have scales. I have talons. I'm glowing bright silver.

And there's one more thing; I have an irresistible urge to throw my head back and scream. So I do just that.


[Glad to see you're finally awake, partner!]


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Omake - 10
kinglugia said:
You know, when I mentioned the Radiant Dragon surpassing UCS, I do not mean surpassing his 4 armed form. I was referring to him at full power.
Because being that strong and all, at the top, looks lonely to me, nyan.
Look like an alternative to staying all day playing the Game of Divinity.

Of course, I doubt Yu-Shan or Creation as a whole will survive the continuous clash of those two for very long...
EternitynChaos said:
I don't see why not, as always ^^ no promises on getting it done quickly but that should be even easier then the original omake idea, and boy, is Desus/MoW going to wish he had been smart enough to just say no to the devil deal of Oblivion, after all, nothing is worth making Bright Shattered Ice your enemy... and that's what he's gone and done /laugh
Yep yep :D

I put more things here: http://questionablequesting.com/index.php?topic=641.0. As usual please review and comment.

Reading a certain story on SV inspired me this little piece:


"Oh, come on Yukari. Why not? All I ask is to enjoy a short vacation in your turf."

Yakumo Yukari, a Youkai Sage with the power to manipulate all boundaries, instead of answering immediately raised the cup of tea to her lips and took a long sip. As usual she wore a deep purple dress, a pink mob cap and red ribbons tied liberally on her dress. Her purple eyes and long golden eyes were the same everyone know.

In contrast the person seated at the other side of the table wore more modern attire. A boy that looked no older than seventeen, he wore a black blazer with gold highlights over a white, long-sleeved dress shirt with black highlights a red T-shirt underneath it, with both blazer and shirt being kept open. He wore matching black pants, and on the house's front door there were blue and white sneakers belonging to him.

However, his clothes were the only things normal about him. The youth's face was handsome, almost unnaturally so, while if one were to squint his eyes he could see golden and red glints in his short brown hair, and golden and green glints in his light brown eyes.

"I can understand the desire to take a break from duty and relax." She finally said, showing the youth an amused smile. "But allowing you of all people to spend three weeks in a place where the majority of the population is composed of young, nubile females? I think not Ise."

Ise, also known as Issei Hyodo, also known as the Radiant Dragon scoffed. "You make it sound like I am a sexual predator ready to assault any girl on sight."

Wordlessly Yukari pointed to a panting and deeply flushed Chen, held in the arms of Ran who was glaring balefully at Issei.

"All I did was pet her!" Issei defended himself.

"You made her orgasm."

"I didn't it on purpose!"

"That's the thing with you." She sighed. "I know you have the best of intentions, but it doesn't change the fact that where you pass daughters of all ages run away from home, wives leave their husbands and cults about you form like mushrooms after it rained. You could at least learn how to say no. How many wives do you have?"

"841." Issei answered without missing a beat, causing Ran to splutter. "That's part of the reason I decided to take a break: between taking care of them, running my kingdom, looking after Creation and the Exalts in place of the Unconquered Sun..." He sighed. "It's too much. And I am doing all of it with multiply bodies and delegating as much as possible, mind you."

"I feel for you, but the answer is still no. Ask Madoka."

"I did."

Yukari raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And her answer?"

Issei showed a half-amused, half-aggravated smile. "That I am the best teacher in the world, that she likes me a lot and is very grateful for everything, but that like hell she would allow me inside an afterlife full of prepubescent young girls with little to no experience with love."

"I concur." Yukari nodded sagely.

"But with Gensokyo is different." He tried to protest. "Aren't many of the resident powerful and ancient beings? Surely they build immunity against this sort of things and acquired great mastery of their emotions?"

Yukari didn't answer. On one hand, Issei was right: the thought process of many residents of Gensokyo could hardly being called human.

On the other hand, as usual the Living Concept before her was underestimating how good he was.

The Youkai of Boundaries sighed. "I know I am going to regret it...but alright. You can take your vacation here."

"Really?" His eyes lighted up. "Yes! I love you Yukari!"

"The worst is that you wholeheartedly means that. But!" She raised a finger. "There are rules."

"Name them."

"First, you will have a guide with you, whose duty will be to kept an eye on you and take you away the moment any member of the female gender start showing signs of infatuation."

"It will not happen." Issei stated with outmost seriousness.

"Can't believe you can say that with a straight face." Yukari shook her head. "Second, you will cover every inch of your body with thick clothes."

"Oh come on!"

[] To be continued...
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Omake - 11
I know the vote won't win, but... this deserves at least a mention.
Fight on bravely, Vote-chan! >:D

Omake: "The Lost Bet"

She lay prostrated before Issei, breathing heavily and looking utterly defeated.
"Hah...hah. Fine. You win, bastard."
She slowly stood up.
"I guess... hah... even with everything I did, men are still..." she mumbled.

Issei couldn't just let that go. A young girl's dreams- that was something he would defend to his dying breath.
"Stop. Don't dishonor all the effort you put into training by giving up after a simple loss."
Unexpectedly, she almost exploded with anger.
"A simple loss?! Hah... I didn't stand a chance! You basically played with me, never even breaking a sweat, Nidhogg, and you expect me to just-"

His raised hand stopped her mid-rant.
"No! What I'm saying is, don't trivialize it our fight by making it about our gender difference," the Solar shook his head, "you are strong. Never doubt that. And I'll look forward to any further rematches."

As Issei stretched his hand towards her for a handshake, Kisara couldn't help the feeling of reverence that grew in her. This guy, he really was...

"And don't forget your earlier promise either."
Of course, a guy had to preserve his own dreams as well.

Kisara's hopes crashed and burned, the respect rapidly dwindling.
"What? You can't expect me to possibly-" she started with an incredulous expression.
"Ah-ah-ah! A bet's a bet. You wouldn't be protesting if I was the one to lose, now would you?"
Issei was resolute, though. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he would be a fool to squander it. A cat-loving girl with slitted eyes?
Yes, it was obviously a reward for his good deeds.

"You promised."
"That's not-"
"Alright, alright."
She took a deep breath and posed, closing her eyes in embarrassment.
"Onii-chama, can I go now~nyan?"
One eye cautiously opened and beheld the still form of Issei.
"How was it~nyan?"
Issei was still frozen, but he managed to get out:
"Hnng. Too... much... moe."
Finally, he relaxed.

"Yes, that's all. But remember, unless you talk like that, I won't acknowledge you as my rival!"
"Issei, that's totally ridiculous and unfair!"
His eyebrow rose.
"What? Ugh, fine. Onii-chama, that's totally ridiculous and unfair~nyan... Oh, to hell with it. I hope to never see you again, asshole."
With that, she turned to exit the alley, though not before hearing his final words.
"It was all too short-lived, but I'll treasure this moment forever, Kisara."
"Go die in a ditch, pervert."


Hidden Base

"Mistress Kisara? Why is your face red?" Shiratori couldn't help but ask.
"We are never going after Nidhogg. Ever."
"But didn't Odin want to..."
"I said- we are not going to find him. If he joins Ragnarock, then I'm fucking out of there."
Her subordinate could only shrug and walk away, thus she never heard the last word.
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Omake - 12
thanks for the welcome

all right here are ideas for meeting Belladonna Blake, Weiss Schnee, Nora Valkyrie and Pyrrha Nikos.

Belladonna Blake:

Ah Kyoto...

one of the greatest cultural sites in japan.

any trip to the former capital of japan is enlightening if you know the right places and people.

none more so then a school trip to the kiyomizu temple.

those thoughts go through your head, about how a school trip to kyoto should be...

not the pair of sandals currently smashed in your face.

"take this Khaos Brigade!" a juvenile voice shouts as she leaps off your face and attempts to attack you again.

attempts being the key word.

it was almost comical watching her windmill her arms as you hold her back with one palm on her forehead.

wait what was that she said about the brigade? But before you can ask another person joins the scene.

"Kunou-ojousama you can't run off like that with your mother gone like she is-What is going on! who are you!"

instantly the little girl is gone. looking to the side you see the girl being held by another girl.

young woman would be more accurate. while most likely in her mid to late teens she was a sight to behold. with the proportions similar, if slightly less than Rias, her body was compact and athletic, similar to Xenovia's, her hair was a midnight black and her eyes a feral amber. she was dressed in near skintight corset/waistcoat that emphasized her tank-top covered Oppai and held up her smooth black stockings, you would call those grade A Zettai Ryouiki if her matching biker shorts didn't make a complete seal. the last thing he noticed was the bow on top of her head that seemed to twitch. looking back you should have realized that it wasn't a bow, just like you should have realised that she was a neko like Koneko; though you can be forgiven for not figuring out that she was a hanyo

Nora Valkyrie:

you sigh as you walk back home with extra groceries for the feast to welcome the Norse faction. you had volunteered to get the necessary ingredients but due to the nature of the foreign dishes you had to go out of the way to procure them. while you did manage to avoid the chaos of the preparations you are late.

walking back on the main road you notice something out of the corner of your eye.

looking closer you see a pair of panties under a skirt.

wait what.

looking back you can see a pretty girl curled up, clutching her stomach.

however that was not what caught you attention... nor her panties, you are not Vali

she was dressed in western Armour, her cuirass was broken into a 'corset' and a 'breastplate' obviously modified to accommodate for her well developed chest. below that she wore a pink armored skirt tied at the back with a green ribbon in a neat bow. even further she wore armored boots that went up to her knees, partially covering her Grade A Zettai Ryouiki. on her arms she wore fingerless gloves with armored grieves.

her face were scrunched up in what you assume pain, you go over to help her. when you are within two paces the orangette instantly bolts up, a strange look in her sky blue eyes.

"that smell... FOOD!" instantly she draws a warhammer that lay in the shadows. "Hahaha. Magical Valkyrie Nora Sifsdaughter will be your opponent, if I will you will hand over all that yummy things that you have."

...well at least now you have an excuse as to why your late.

Weiss Schnee and Pyrrha Nikos part 1:

for some reason that you can not remember you are attending a high class gathering with other high class people.

it is utterly boring.

sighing as you pick up some sort of alcoholic cocktail you move onto the balcony where you see her

her visage is breath taking under the moonlight. dressed in a white ball room gown she just seemed to glow. her white hair and ice blue eyes complemented each other as she looks down on you.

trying to strike up a conversation you say "To what ever we're gathered here for" as you held up your drink.

you manage to get her to smirk, "not how I would put it but yes, a toast to the foundation" she says as she clinks her glass with yours. before she brings it to her lips she asks, "What say you Pyrrha?"

sensing another presence you turn to see another woman in a red business suit. she had an attractive figure, not as voluptuous as some of the girls you know but above average, while her red hair and green eyes were a sight to behold her exotic tan was what made most attractive. he could tell from experience that this tan was from long intense work in the sun, more over the way she held herself was that of a warrior, a great warrior, the kind out of a myth.

quirking you lip you say "Indeed" before you down your own drink.

Weiss Schnee and Pyrrha Nikos part 2:

grunting as you move too a different section of the battlefield you can not help but curse Khaos Brigade. this offensive was completely unexpected. as you send Mooks flying you come face to face with a familiar face, or rather two.

scything through various ranks of your allies was Weiss and Pyrrha. they were dressed differently. expected because this was a battlefield.

Weiss was garbed in an odd blue and white dress that gave a familiar vibe, that of an Magnus. having learned learned how to differentiate Magnus from normal sacred gears from Blake you know that if the two of you fight it will not end well. Ddraig confirms, it is [Famine's cloak] it would drain vitality from it's surroundings and those near it. she also wielded a saber with deadly precision you doubt it is a mass production holy or demonic sword but you also doubt that it is any thing weaker then a sacred gear.

Pyrrha on the other hand was donned in bronze and red leather Armour that looked to be modified to look Grecian. in her right hand a great shield that seemed to shrug off what ever hit it, and in her left hand was a blood red mechanical weapon that changes rapidly, from short sword to javelin to a freakin anti Armour riffle. what was most aw inspiring and terrifying was the aura she was cloaked in. it was an unmistakable synergy, she possessed three Magnus of War.

Ddraig was right to classify the two of them as abnormal existences.

Omake: what if Pyrrha did not become Weiss' bodyguard

you groan as you try to sit up, that clinches it you would never get drunk again.

you freeze as you feel a blade touching the nape of your neck.

"What are thou doing on these Isles Man" a female voice in a tone that told him that she will kill him if he did not give a satisfactory answer.

"well could you tell me where here is, last thing I remember is getting drunk when someone spiked the punch" you say as you prepare for action

"this is themiscyra, and what 'punch' doth thou speak of?"

themiscyra? sound familiar... wasn't that-

"THE ISLES OF THE AMAZONS?!?!" you shout as you shoot upright then jump forward to avoid a strike that would have decapitated you.

looking at the girl who held you captive you could not help but blush. her armour was made of bronze and red leather, it honestly looked like a corset, pushing up her glorious oppai and showing off her slim waist before flaring out into an armored skirt that dropped to her knees. below that she wore knee length sandals. on her arms she wore gauntlets that, to my keen eye, looked miss matched to her main armour. on her back was a great shield and in her hands was a blood red mechanical spear. her red hair and green eyes complimented her exotic tan. it was expected if this really was the homeland of the amazons.

"Name thyne self Man, and prepare to fall at the spear of Pyrrha Nikos"

"Well shit" you mutter in disbelief, "How hard could this be?" famous last words

here you go 4 scenarios plus an omake based on those scenarios.

Belladonna Blake: Neko Hanyo that is the ninja bodyguard of Kunou and wielder of Pestilence's Magnus

Nora Sifsdaughter: Valkyrie accompanying Odin, she is the daughter of Thor and Sif with her own Mjolnir

Weiss Schnee: a backer of Khaos Brigade and wielder of Famine's Cloak and a second sacred gear that takes the form of her canon Myrtenaster

Pyrrha Nikos: Amazon bodyguard of Weiss and wielder of three of War's Magnus

tell me what you think of these
Omake - 13
You were brushing your yuki-onna's,Christie's, fur making sure it was pristine as fresh fallen snow and sighed once more. That boy, Hyoudou Issei, he was just so...gah it was just so unfair!

Seriously! A dragon and he has a yatagarasu as a familiar. Totally unfair, you couldn't get more unfair than that. He even had the gall to refuse your gracious invitation to join the tennis club! You sigh yet again as you remember him fleeing from your offer. Was rias-senpai really that great? I mean sure she has that super model figure, but you were no slouch either. Why you were even awarded most beautiful tamer 3 times in a row!

Maybe..Maybe you just came on too strong? But wouldn't issei's pervert nature make him choose you and the tennis club? ugh why are people so complicated?!? You would have even helped him have that stupid harem dream he used to spout off before he changed!

Your lamia, harpy, mermaid, yuki-onna and dullahan all get closer to as they sense your frustrations. you reach out and start to smooth out your harpies feather while getting out more pet supplies for the rest. Maybe you had issei all wrong? He did save you before he became such a hottie. He was a pervert but he never did force himself on the girls, other than the occasional peeking. mu...

AH! you got it. Appeal to his desire to save someone. hmm maybe stage a fight with one of your dad's beast? No to risky! You saw the rumored video of him turning into a dragon. So majestic, so powerful, so passionate! Your heart beats even faster as you flush remembering issei carrying you bridal style. Abe Hyoudou! kyaaaa!

You cover your face as you roll on your bed too embarassed at the mental image in your mind. You have to do something otherwise Rias will get her hooks into him, or the pervert kiriyuu, even asia and that new first year mittlet were seen going home with issei. nononono, were you too late!?!

Positive thoughts, positive thoughts, you winning the league of beast tamers. issei proposal, honeymoon....kyaa!


You are finishing cleaning out the tennis clubs equipment shed. Honestly of all the days for the rest of the girls to come down with the flu. hmph! no matter it means more time for you to ogle observe issei and maybe get closer to him.....a kiss..kyaa! You cover your face again at the embarrassing image that won't leave your mind. You had it bad even if you wouldn't admit it out loud.

You stop fantasizing when you notice rias approaching issei. you growl slightly in jealousy as she shamelessly flirts with him. He moves closer to her and whispers something and your heart feels like its about to burst as rias blushes and playfully slaps his arm. No! Issei you mustn't fall for her ojou-sama charms!


You spent double the time this morning making lunch than usual. Normally you would make honda and Christie's food first since it took the longest but not today. No! Today would be your first step to capturing Issei! If taming beast has taught you anything its that food is the best way to a beast's heart! Surely this must apply to Hyoudou!

Ouchie! you let out a cute cry of pain as you once again cut your finger while daydreaming of issei. Honestly how much will that man make you suffer. But you can't blame him. Those handsome roguish charms, that feverish passion that burns whenever he speaks that yatagarasu. You must have him! You finish boxing up his meal and begin working on your lovely pets food even as they stare at you like you've gone crazy.


You nervously wait outside issei's class waiting for him to come out so you can have lunch together. You can already picture him praising you for such a fine banquet and propose to you in gratitude. kyaa! Your face flushes once more. ah there he is... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Those harpies! They brought him each a boxed lunch! Rias, mittlet, asia, even koneko and Akeno!

N-no way....You heart shatters as tears threaten to spill from your eyes as you run down the hallway to the large tree in the courtyard. STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! You should have gotten to him earlier. Now those women have fed him he'll never want to eat your bento. WHY IS LIFE SO UNFAIR! you yell out to the heavens.


Your head whips toward the sound and there he is! The sun glistens off his face as he stares at you, concern radiating off him. All this as the sun shines behind him, making him look like an angel of beauty incarnate. kyaa! So handsome, so majestic! Your face heats up as your heart begins pounding like crazy!

"I-issei-kun! W-w-what are you doing here?" You quickly say cursing yourself for stuttering as you play with your hair making sure its perfect. gah where is a mirror when you need one !?!

"I saw you run off crying. Did someone try to hurt you again? Don't worry I'll protect you sempai!" he smiles that heart stealing smile as your heart kicks into overtime. Your mind short circuiting for moment as you try to come up with a response.

"N-n-nothing important Issei-kun." you fidget with the bento in your hand. "I-I made too much this morning a-and thought you might be a bit hungry, and I needed to apologize to you for last time we met and... you have already gotten those bentos so dont worry about it." you rush out the last bit as you can't stand to look at his face knowing he might reject you.

All of a sudden he sits down next to you and gently takes the bento from your trembling hands.

"hmm delicious Abe-Sempai! I have to go train later today so I'll need all the energy i can get! Thank you!" He smiles that lovely smile yet again and you feel your heart burst. He liked it! He accepted it! You feel like climbing to the highest mountain and proclaim "Abe epic win!" but you control that urge and smile sweetly to him while wiping away some of the tears on your face.

"I-its no problem Issei-kun. I got up earlier today to make food and I j-just happened to make too much." No stupid mouth. You wanted to confess to him!

"Ah then I am lucky indeed!" kyaa that smile! "Oh that reminds me senpai, I remember when we first met you couldn't bring out your beast to help protect you and I sorta came up with something to help you with that. Now I apologize in advance if it seems to nerdy but I had to get the inspiration from somewhere and it was on tv at the time. i'm rambling aren't I?" He rubs his head as he winks apologetically. How can he be so cute and handsome at the sametime! Too overpowering, your heart can't take much more of this!

He slowly takes out some sphere like objects from his bag and he hands them too you. NO WAY! Pokeballs? Honest to god pokeballs? "Now These don't work exactly like an actual pokeball, I'm still not good enough to actual compress space and time into an object yet, but these will allow you to summon any beast that is tied to one no matter how far away they are. It takes only a few seconds for the magic to build but now you definitely will be safer...um sempai?"

You hug him and just press your face to his shoulder so he wouldn't see you cry tears of happiness! He smells good, like a mountain after it rained with the sun shining. Maybe, just maybe, you still had a chance to win his heart. Maybe even a great chance if that rumor of issei being into buxom blondes is true!

"Thank you Issei-kun! These are amazing! I couldn't be happier!" He smiles yet again as he pats your head and your heart protest at such mistreatment as your stomach flips around in loops. Abe epic win! Abe VICTORY! "I love you Issei-kun" You slightly whisper making sure he doesn't hear you as you snuggle into his chest some more.

"Your welcome Abe-sempai! It was my first work at crafting items so I wasn't sure how if you'd like them. But I'm glad that you do!" He starts to separate from you as the bell signals lunch is over. You definitely must do this again! Being embraced by issei, you'll never get enough.

"Call me Kiyome-chan Issei. I think you deserve that much!" You quickly say giving him a peck on the cheek as you run off completely embarrassed but oh so happy!


omake time over. This thread has slowed down a bit recently and i know just the cure! Grade A Tsundere with 50% more dere! I love kiyome abe's character and my muse decided to oblige as i reread the story. Hopefully some of this gets made canon in this quest.

now let the likes and XP flow! O:)

seriously so moe!

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