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Trials of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

[X] Channel Compassion, use Soaring Whirlwind Sprint, use Monkey Leap Technique
-[X] Bark shatters under your feet as you streak forward on wings of wind. Loki hears your approach several instants too late -- you plow feet-first into his face, wrapping an arm around Honoka as you go flying off the edge of the balcony. With a graceful tumble you land gently on the ground, your passenger none the worse for wear. The same can't be said for Loki, who goes tumbling into a hedge, his broken nose bleeding profusely and the rest of his face rapidly turning into one giant foot-shaped bruise.

yes yes! this is gonna be glorious! hopefully we can recruit hermit to our side to further screw ogata's plans cause that guy needs to go the way of the dinosaurs.
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Unlikely, we are basicly the reverse of EVERYTHING Hermit believes, if he dislikes Kenichi, he's going to downright hate us once he gets to know us
[X] Channel Compassion, use Soaring Whirlwind Sprint, use Monkey Leap Technique
-[X] Bark shatters under your feet as you streak forward on wings of wind. Loki hears your approach several instants too late -- you plow feet-first into his face, wrapping an arm around Honoka as you go flying off the edge of the balcony. With a graceful tumble you land gently on the ground, your passenger none the worse for wear. The same can't be said for Loki, who goes tumbling into a hedge, his broken nose bleeding profusely and the rest of his face rapidly turning into one giant foot-shaped bruise.
Introspective Tinkerer said:
What did he believe again? It's been a while.

Eternity explained it awhile back.

EternitynChaos said:

Hermit's whole thing is he's lost everything to people lying, his sister, his adoptive father, people tried to steal his father money/company and kill him. He's lived his whole life since convinced that the only way to be strong is to hide behind a mask and be able to kill anyone who trys to take anything from you basicly.

While we have had similar things happen to us, and have basicly remained unchanged, and continued on without a care, always honest, unable to lie, unneeding to lie gathering friends and subordinates to us like moths to a flame, yeah he's going to hate the fuck out of us
Diller said:
Eternity explained it awhile back.
That comparison is really shaky. Hermit lost everything he cared about, while we lost a girl we knew for a day or two. If it comes to us giving him a rebuttal, we ought to say something like "Don't assume the whole world lives down to your expectations. Just because you got dealt a bad hand doesn't mean you stumbled onto a universal truth."
[X] Channel Compassion, use Soaring Whirlwind Sprint, use Monkey Leap Technique
-[X] Bark shatters under your feet as you streak forward on wings of wind. Loki hears your approach several instants too late -- you plow feet-first into his face, wrapping an arm around Honoka as you go flying off the edge of the balcony. With a graceful tumble you land gently on the ground, your passenger none the worse for wear. The same can't be said for Loki, who goes tumbling into a hedge, his broken nose bleeding profusely and the rest of his face rapidly turning into one giant foot-shaped bruise.
Diller said:
The reason I mentioned BG in bracelets mode is so the people who are unaware of the supernatural don't go wtf at the red bracelets magically appearing on our arms while we're kicking Loki's ass. I want to put him in alot of pain very quickly and BG in bracelet mode is perfect for that purpose. We probably could activate it while we're in the middle of the speed boost

BG is already in bracer mode, Bright makes sure we ALWAYS keep it active.

[X] Smuthunter
[X] Channel Compassion, use Soaring Whirlwind Sprint, use Monkey Leap Technique
-[X] Bark shatters under your feet as you streak forward on wings of wind. Loki hears your approach several instants too late -- you plow feet-first into his face, wrapping an arm around Honoka as you go flying off the edge of the balcony. With a graceful tumble you land gently on the ground, your passenger none the worse for wear. The same can't be said for Loki, who goes tumbling into a hedge, his broken nose bleeding profusely and the rest of his face rapidly turning into one giant foot-shaped bruise.
[X] Channel Compassion, use Soaring Whirlwind Sprint, use Monkey Leap Technique
-[X] Bark shatters under your feet as you streak forward on wings of wind. Loki hears your approach several instants too late -- you plow feet-first into his face, wrapping an arm around Honoka as you go flying off the edge of the balcony. With a graceful tumble you land gently on the ground, your passenger none the worse for wear. The same can't be said for Loki, who goes tumbling into a hedge, his broken nose bleeding profusely and the rest of his face rapidly turning into one giant foot-shaped bruise.

Another vote for DYNAMIC ENTRY.
[X] Channel Compassion, use Soaring Whirlwind Sprint, use Monkey Leap Technique
-[X] Bark shatters under your feet as you streak forward on wings of wind. Loki hears your approach several instants too late -- you plow feet-first into his face, wrapping an arm around Honoka as you go flying off the edge of the balcony. With a graceful tumble you land gently on the ground, your passenger none the worse for wear. The same can't be said for Loki, who goes tumbling into a hedge, his broken nose bleeding profusely and the rest of his face rapidly turning into one giant foot-shaped bruise.

at that point we need to turn to Kenchi and tell him "Ok, sister rescued the fight can continue." just to watch Kenchi BSOD
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[X] Channel Compassion, use Soaring Whirlwind Sprint, use Monkey Leap Technique
-[X] Bark shatters under your feet as you streak forward on wings of wind. Loki hears your approach several instants too late -- you plow feet-first into his face, wrapping an arm around Honoka as you go flying off the edge of the balcony. With a graceful tumble you land gently on the ground, your passenger none the worse for wear. The same can't be said for Loki, who goes tumbling into a hedge, his broken nose bleeding profusely and the rest of his face rapidly turning into one giant foot-shaped bruise.

That is a very exalted way of doing things.
after loki pulls out the knife...

[X] the branch under your feet turns to a cloud of splinters and dust as you launch yourself forward, essence surging to increase the power in your legs. your legs are half bent as you approach the ground sending you into a crouch as you land. your legs drive into earth under your feet catapulting you back into the air and towards the wall. your hand seizes the edge of the ledge Loki sits upon, as you heave yourself up one handed your the free hand darts out and seizes the knife by the blade even as cuts into your palm. As shock overcame Loki's smug expression you crushed the blade in your hand, using a bit of essence to prevent further harm to your hand. the look of terror that replaces the shock does nothing to sooth your anger. "Odin claimed martial artists should keep their fights among themselves, if Ragnorak can not practice what it preaches then it's time for me to take your martial arts away."

suitably heroic for a solar exalt.

out of curiosity sake how will we pull off no 20 if we do decide to make her an ascended extra?
Crow said:
Also i seem to have forgot to mention it and i dont know if someone else pointed this out but Alex has been using invisi-text, i cant quote it because right now im otherwise occupied but yeah, wanted to tell you guys.
I did. Occasionally I still do.
soul ice said:
Hey all found this via TV tropes hope no one minds if I join in
Welcome to QQ and my quest! 8)
Quick question have we started teaching Shougo a TMA or are we leaving him to develop on his own.
He's developing his own moves. Guy is just that talented.

Also has anyone given thought to Serafall's reaction to learning we are trying to make magical girl pieces :-X? I can't decide if she would lock us in a room with Ajuka until we finish, give us puppy dog eyes until we agree to make her a set, or take us right there in front of everyone. Wonder how Sona would react >:D.
Oh, Serafall...?

nightblade said:
You know what let's ask Alexander. Alex does Issei gain limit from hurting woman in a fight?
A woman he finds attractive? And hurting her enough that she shows obvious distress?

The answer is yes (a spar isn't counted as such). To dispel doubts, the third point of Limit was gained when Issei saw Mittelt kicking Kalawarner. Yes, it works like that, not because Bright messed with BG.

Smuthunter said:
If this conversation came up once before then I don't remember what Alex's previous answer was. By a strict reading of the rules I would say that Iamnuff is correct, however a strict reading doesn't appear to be what Alex is using, and as the storyteller he's the one who tells us when to roll for limit gain.

The trick is what does "duress" or "peril" consist of as well as what is "attractive." For example we didn't gain limit when Raynare was about to murder Asia despite the fact that Asia was in immediate danger of being harmed, nor did we gain limit when we came to save Mittelt from those pavement youkai things despite similar circumstances.
Aia wasn't aware, so it doesn't count (I mean she wasn't distressed, nothing happened so it doesn't count). Mittelt was fine and was just irritated.

Le me be clear: I am not going to have Issei gain Limit Points for shallow reasons, so yes: I am interpreting "duress" and "peril" as more than simply "oops, an attractive maid tripped and hurt her butt. oops, I gain a Limit Point".
I'm not sure what exactly we got limit from when we punched out Raynare; it might have been Bright's upgrade to Boosted Gear but it might also have been punching her. If it wasn't punching her then we didn't gain limit either because Raynare was the source of someone else's peril and therefore was disqualified from being attractive, or because the scars we gave her from holy fire still hadn't healed yet and her Appearance had taken a hit as a result.
Appearance having taken a big hit, and the fact Issei was so furious at her that in his mind she stopped being attractive at all.

The next post will be the last one for this thread (Holy Shit, we burned through 100 pages way faster than last time). You can still vote here, but the answer to those post will be posted on another thread.
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Alexander said:
The next post will be the last one for this thread (Holy Shit, we burned through 100 pages way faster than last time). You can still vote here, but the answer to those post will be posted on another thread.

And I thought this thread could hold off until SUNday.

First quest in QQ reaches second thread. Check.
First quest in QQ reaches third thread. Check.
hey alex what will you be calling the next thread?
i attribute the rapid filling of thread mostly to all the new people. it was like over 40 since the beginning of second thread. with the occasional waifu wars take a small chunk of the thread as well.

edit: Hope we get to say this to loki

"You made her cry! That alone is enough for me to beat you up in the name of the Unconquered Sun!"

we haven't used that quote you came up with touhou so lets use it now XD

still no invisitext found yet.
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I still think it's missing something. Like, the original line was much better without any mention of UCS.
[X] Channel Compassion, use Soaring Whirlwind Sprint, use Monkey Leap Technique
-[X] Bark shatters under your feet as you streak forward on wings of wind. Loki hears your approach several instants too late -- you plow feet-first into his face, wrapping an arm around Honoka as you go flying off the edge of the balcony. With a graceful tumble you land gently on the ground, your passenger none the worse for wear. The same can't be said for Loki, who goes tumbling into a hedge, his broken nose bleeding profusely and the rest of his face rapidly turning into one giant foot-shaped bruise.

[X] Channel Compassion, use Soaring Whirlwind Sprint, use Monkey Leap Technique
-[X] Bark shatters under your feet as you streak forward on wings of wind. Loki hears your approach several instants too late -- you plow feet-first into his face, wrapping an arm around Honoka as you go flying off the edge of the balcony. With a graceful tumble you land gently on the ground, your passenger none the worse for wear. The same can't be said for Loki, who goes tumbling into a hedge, his face rapidly turning into one giant foot-shaped bruise.

EternitynChaos, Unelemental.

[X] the branch under your feet turns to a cloud of splinters and dust as you launch yourself forward, essence surging to increase the power in your legs. your legs are half bent as you approach the ground sending you into a crouch as you land. your legs drive into earth under your feet catapulting you back into the air and towards the wall. your hand seizes the edge of the ledge Loki sits upon, as you heave yourself up one handed your the free hand darts out and seizes the knife by the blade even as cuts into your palm. As shock overcame Loki's smug expression you crushed the blade in your hand, using a bit of essence to prevent further harm to your hand. the look of terror that replaces the shock does nothing to sooth your anger. "Odin claimed martial artists should keep their fights among themselves, if Ragnorak can not practice what it preaches then it's time for me to take your martial arts away."


[X] Channel Compassion, use Soaring Whirlwind Sprint, use Monkey Leap Technique
-[X] Bark shatters under your feet as you streak forward on wings of wind. Loki hears your approach several instants too late -- you plow feet-first into his face, wrapping an arm around Honoka as you go flying off the edge of the balcony. With a graceful tumble you land gently on the ground, your passenger none the worse for wear. The same can't be said for Loki, who goes tumbling into a hedge, his broken nose bleeding profusely and the rest of his face rapidly turning into one giant foot-shaped bruise.

Least Devotee, Smuthunter, cross_grave, Diller, Disminded, Fellgar, Introspective Tinkerer, noahgab1133, MerelysSoul, Ben Bladesman, iamnuff, EVA-Saiyajin, nightblade, kinglugia, Justbrowsing, soul ice, cyberswordsmen, Brandark, Deathwings.

[X] Channel Compassion, use Soaring Whirlwind Sprint, use Monkey Leap Technique
-[X] Bark shatters under your feet as you streak forward on wings of wind. Before anyone can notice you land in front of Honoka and a startled Loki, You give him a cocky grin and as his grasp momentarily loosens you strike garbing hold of Honoka before he can react and getting her to safety with Miu and the others, with that done you turn a cold glare back towards the manipulator as your rescue finished you have some punishment to dish out.


[X] If we save Honoka give Kenichi a speech. "Kenichi, you are right that friends support each other in difficult times. That being said you must have the strength to protect and support those you care about. Prove to both yourself and the world that you have the drive necessary to achieve that goal!


[X] the branch under your feet turns to a cloud of splinters and dust as you launch yourself forward, essence surging to increase the power in your legs. your legs are half bent as you approach the ground sending you into a crouch as you land. your legs drive into earth under your feet catapulting you back into the air and towards the wall. your hand seizes the edge of the ledge Loki sits upon, as you heave yourself up one handed your the free hand darts out and seizes the knife by the blade even as cuts into your palm. As shock overcame Loki's smug expression you crushed the blade in your hand, using a bit of essence to prevent further harm to your hand. the look of terror that replaces the shock does nothing to sooth your anger. "Odin claimed martial artists should keep their fights among themselves, if Ragnorak can not practice what it preaches then it's time for me to take your martial arts away."


Am I missing anything?
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[] Attack with your fists!
-[] Stunt: (Write-in)
[] Find a weapon or something!
-[] Stunt: (Write-in)
[] Run with the girl. But how?
-[] Stunt: (Write-in)
[] "Brat! Use my power!"
Here in part 5 of the genesis arc
One down, three to go.

"What the hell? What the hell are you, you freak!?" One thug with a Mohawk stutters as he stares wide-eyed at you, his two friends mirroring his actions.

You smirk and step forward confidently. You flip back a bang of hair, you Caste Mark appearing for an instant.
"...Is this really the same perverted kid from before?"
"I am a Hero."
"I told you so, dragon."
Part 6
It takes almost a minute but it finally sinks that, yes, the super-ultra bishounen looking back from the mirror is you.
"Ahahahahaha! I was right, this is hilarious! Ahahahahaha!"
"What is this noise? I told you to not disturb me, dragon!"
Part 2 new popularity arc
[] Adventure Time Potential Gaining Activities (Xp farming). You can choose one for every day, but they will take an unknown amount of time. When selected you will be given a list of possible options one more horrible than the other.
Part 7 new popularity arc
If all you have to do is interacting with others, then taking part in collective games on the internet called "Quests" and convincing people of your ideas being beneficial to them probably counts as training for this, right?
P.S.: Issei's username is "HaremKingILoveOppai'OO'"
Training days week 1 part 5 i think
there is more but im a little busy right now, will continue later.
Ryozanpaku - Part 13 & Link to New Thread
"Wish me good luck." You whisper.

"Eh." Sasaki grins like a shark. "Don't disappoint us, brat!"

Bark shatters under your feet as you streak forward on wings of wind via Soaring Whirlwind Sprint.

Loki hears your approach several instants too late. "Wha-Ough!" You plow feet-first into his face, wrapping an arm around Honoka as you go flying off the edge of the balcony. With a graceful tumble you land gently on the ground, your passenger none the worse for wear. The same can't be said for Loki, who goes tumbling into a hedge, his broken nose bleeding profusely and the rest of his face rapidly turning into one giant foot-shaped bruise.

"Loki-sama!" The girl with him goes to help him.

"Who are you?" Hermit eyes you warily.

"H-Hyodo-san?" Kenichi's face brightens.

"Hyodo-niisan!" Honoka exclaims happily.

"Me." You grin cockily before starting to untie the ropes. "Sorry for the wait, but I had one shot and I wanted to make it counts."

"W-Who dare-?" Loki stands, one hands over his nose. His eyes widen behind his glasses. "N-Nidhogg?! What are you doing here?"

"Helping a friend, saving an innocent-" You count out. "And, most of all, stopping a cowardly asshole who resorted to kidnap!"

"That's right!" Honoka shouts. "Filthy coward! Sneaky rascal! Scoundrel! Rat!"

"Grrr! Hermit, gets him! Shirahama is on his last legs. Together we can defeat both!"

"That is, unless they receive help."

The group composed of Nijima, Ikki, Ukita and Miu steps forward, ready to battle. Except for Nijima, who for some reason looks like he's on his last leg.

"Feh..couldn't those useless shadows of mine have kept them away for then more minutes?!"

"So, you still think you can defeat all of us?" You taunt him. "Just a moment Honoka-chan, I am almost done." You finally undone the knot. "Here!"

"Thank you Hyodo-niichan!"

"Now go-"

[Partner! DOOODGE!!!]

You automatically react at Ddraig's urgency. You wrap your arms around Honoka and use Soaring Whirlwind Sprint again to get as far away as possible.

Just in time for a bright orange cloud erupting out of nowhere to cover the area with the others. You and Honoka barely escapes it.

"Onichan!? W-What is going on?" Honoka trembles. You want to know that yourself.

[This...is bad.]


Sasaki and Koetsuji land on your sides, looking more serious than ever. "Chè! Of all the damn times.." Sasaki scowls. "Akisame, is what I think it is?"

"Yes. What a terrible timing. But to appear here, it's a bold one."

You don't understand what they're talking about, but know it is nothing good.

The cloud recedes as fast as it comes, letting you see what happened to the others. They are unconscious, but don't seem hurt. However their bodies are bound by thick roots growing out of the earth.

This...this isn't a natural occurrence.

"Aww, the best prey escaped. Oh well, I still got good appetizers."

A horrible distorted voice booms. The ground cracks and like a mole something massive comes out.


Monstrous. That's the only way you can define it. Monstrous...and deadly.

'Ddraig? What the hell is that?!'

[A Youkai, partner. But not like those guys you fought a few days ago. This one is older...and way more dangerous.]

"H-Hyodo-nichan?" Honoka is trembling as she stares wide eyed at the monster. "What...is that..?"

"Something you shouldn't have never seen." You give her a reassuring hug before pushing her back. "I will explain later. Go take cover behind a shelter, possibly not a tree or another plant."


"Don't worry." You smile. "Me, Koetsuji-san and Sasaki-san will save Kenichi and the others. We will definitely do it."

She hesitates before shakily nods and run away.

"Appetizers? Surely you are not talking about the children?" Akisame asks calmly, but in truth killing intent is rolling off him in waves.

"Oh, but human flesh is just so tasty. The younger, the better."

It advances, vines bigger than a full grown man slithering like snakes.

"Sadly I don't have many occasions to taste it. Nowadays not many come around here. The last time was two months ago, when a pair of humans chose to sleep in the building."

You know it's impossible, but you can swear the maw...is stretching into a grin.

"But today, a big hunt! I will enjoy dissolving your bodies with the acid inside my stomach, and absorb all the tasty nutrients!"

"Not if we have anything to say." Faces twisted in total fury, the two Masters are ready to fight.

And obviously you can't fall behind. "Let's go! Boosted Ge-"


"Eh?" What was that rum-


The armlets around your wrists twist and vibrate before fading away.

"Wha? Boosted Gear!" Nothing happens. "Boosted Gear! Boosted Gear!"

"Hyodo-kun, what's happening?"

"I-I don't know! I can use my Sacred Gear!" 'Ddraig, what's going on? Bright-sensei?'


'Ddraig? Bright? Guys?'

Boosted Gear: DISABLED
Artifact Charms: DISABLED
Dragon Knacks: DISABLED

[] Write-in.

Personal Essence: 20/20
Peripheral Essence: 42/49

Willpower: 8/8

-0 [ ]
-1 [ ] [ ]
-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]
Dying [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Yes, I have just been that much of a bastard >:D

Is this difficult enough?

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