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Trials of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

[X] Deadpan look. "That's the same thing."
-[X] You sigh before a line from an anime jumps at the forefront of your mind and you smirk...

"You can't get something without offering something of equal value in exchange." You raise a finger, and suddenly she is the one with a confused expression. "I accept your challenge, but if you lose, you will not bother me with joining Ragnarok again... Also, you won't tell your bosses that you saw me."
--[X] If she doesn't agree with the conditions, then look disappointed. "Hoo, so you make wagers that only work in your favor, huh?"
Silver W. King nightblade EternitynChaos Diller Prince Charon Selias hunter09 Least Devotee cross_grave Noctum juracc Ben Bladesman Enohthree Megaolix Kinglugia

15 votes
This won I think. Update coming.

And with that I hope to put an end to the waifu war *shudder at the mere mention of it*
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yup that won also changed my vote to winning vote since it seems i forgot to add the last part.
mishie said:
Wait wait wait, let me get this straight, Smuthunter is against going for Kisara because he doesn't want clutter shit up with random girls that we'll end up not caring about (which is 100% legit and I completely support despite the fact that I'm also a fan of Kisara), but he was cool with us randomly hooking up with Aika despite the fact that not only is she weaker than Kisara (and all the others), she has less characterization than Kisara (and all the others), and at the rate this quest is going she'll be in fewer updates than Kisara (and legit everybody in this quest apart from Issei's parents).

tl;dr Somebody not being important and the fact that they'll be forgotten about right about sex has never stopped people from wanting smut with them, and well, it isn't going to stop any time soon from the way things are going.
This is a surprise why? I have pointed out that that is very bad double standard.
Diller said:
To be fair to Smut he's said on multiple occasions the main reason doesn't want the other girls because he doesn't like their personalities and feels they'll take away time from girls he does like.

Others might disagree but it is a valid position. Though Alex asked we stop this kind of conversation and I really don't want another 1-2 pages on this shit again so please end this train of thought now.

It will only cause tempers to flare and people to start acting like assholes to each other on purpose.
That about covers it. His opinion is as long as the girls he likes get screen time it doesn't matter that girls other people like that he doesn't don't. Also it's not a valid position considering that it means he treating it like his opinion alone matters. Also it's hilariously bad double standard considering he get's upset when someone calls him out on it. I mean from how I see it it means he's thinking that it's fine if a girls he likes get screen time even through I don't like her while if a girl I like get's screen time that he doesn't it's wrong. And he as far as I can tell see's nothing wrong with that at all. Thankfully he doesn't seem to have that point of view anymore or if he never did and I was reading way to much into what he was saying.
nightblade said:
This is a surprise why? I have pointed out that that is very bad double standard.That about covers it. His opinion is as long as the girls he likes get screen time it doesn't matter that girls other people like that he doesn't don't. Also it's not a valid position considering that it means he treating it like his opinion alone matters. Also it's hilariously bad double standard considering he get's upset when someone calls him out on it. I mean from how I see it it means he's thinking that it's fine if a girls he likes get screen time even through I don't like her while if a girl I like get's screen time that he doesn't he get's all upset about it.

Except he's just giving his opinion and arguing why he feels this a waste for us. Which the main point is that it means less screen time for girls he likes. Its just that his opinion he's not forcing anyone to vote a certain way but trying to convince them to join. His side. Just like any other time there is an opposing plan and people try to argue why they feel their option is more valid.

He might come off as a bit rude and aggressive but he makes a fair point. That doesn't mean we have to agree with him. I mean a few of the girls he doesn't like I want in the harem.

But seriously Alex wants us to stop the Waifu wars.
Diller said:
Except he's just giving his opinion and arguing why he feels this a waste for us. Which the main point is that it means less screen time for girls he likes. Its just that his opinion he's not forcing anyone to vote a certain way but trying to convince them to join. His side. Just like any other time there is an opposing plan and people try to argue why they feel their option is more valid.

He might come off as a bit rude and aggressive but he makes a fair point. That doesn't mean we have to agree with him. I mean a few of the girls he doesn't like I want in the harem.

But seriously Alex wants us to stop the Waifu wars.
I added a edit that didn't get added before cause my internet decided to crap out on me. He doesn't seem to have that view anymore or at least isn't being vocal about it. Also I disagree about it being a fair point. If I were to say the same thing to him about a girl he doesn't I bet you he would get upset about it.
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nightblade said:
I added a edit that didn't get added before cause my internet decided to crap out on me. He doesn't seem to have that view anymore or at least isn't being vocal about it. Also I disagree about it being a fair point. If I were to say the same thing to him about a girl he doesn't I bet you he would get upset about it.

Sigh. I'm not about to restart the circle. Alex please update soon so we can have something else to talk about.
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mishie said:
Wait wait wait, let me get this straight, Smuthunter is against going for Kisara because he doesn't want clutter shit up with random girls that we'll end up not caring about (which is 100% legit and I completely support despite the fact that I'm also a fan of Kisara), but he was cool with us randomly hooking up with Aika despite the fact that not only is she weaker than Kisara (and all the others), she has less characterization than Kisara (and all the others), and at the rate this quest is going she'll be in fewer updates than Kisara (and legit everybody in this quest apart from Issei's parents).

tl;dr Somebody not being important and the fact that they'll be forgotten about right about sex has never stopped people from wanting smut with them, and well, it isn't going to stop any time soon from the way things are going.
Prior to this I wasn't thinking much about having too many girls in the harem. It wasn't really an issue when the harem hadn't been formed yet and we were only dealing with a handful of characters outside the occult research club. Also, Aika got introduced in a manner that made me curious about how Alex was developing her character while Kisara and Shigure and so on show no such promise any more than Berserker did.

nightblade said:
I added a edit that didn't get added before cause my internet decided to crap out on me. He doesn't seem to have that view anymore or at least isn't being vocal about it. Also I disagree about it being a fair point. If I were to say the same thing to him about a girl he doesn't I bet you he would get upset about it.
The solution to this is to convince everyone else to help me smother you with votes against whatever it was you wanted, not to get mad about it.
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That's it.
Please take your flirting to another room, you guys, or else...
Rekindling the ashes of waifu wars is explicitly forbidden~
Ryozanpaku - Part 8
You give her a deadpan look. "That's the same thing."

"No it's not! It's a bet!"

You sigh before a line from an anime jumps at the forefront of your mind and you smirk.

"You can't get something without offering something of equal value in exchange." You raise a finger, and suddenly she is the one with a confused expression. "I accept your challenge, but if you lose, you will not bother me with offers of joining Ragnarok ever again... Also, you won't tell your bosses that you saw me."

"Ah! Why not?" She smirks. "There is no way I am losing anyway."

"Confident. I like that." You put down your bags, step to the other side a little and assume a stance. "Shall we?"

"Here I co-"


Beads of sweat starts appearing on Kisara's face. Honestly, she looks like someone caught in a big moral dilemma. "...Shall we?" You try again, unsure about what is going on.



"Nyaaa!" She goes stiff like a statue before waving her hand with an embarrassed, and beet red, face. "Oh no! I suddenly remembered that I promised my dear, dear grandmother I would help her today with the shopping! I would love to continue our fight, but I can't leave my dear, dear grandmother who can't walk very well to drag around horribly heavy bags without help, can I? Can I" She stresses the last words, and you can't help but dumbly nod. "Let's postpone the match, okay?"


"Perfect! Bye!" And with that she bolts out of the alley, running so fast that she leaves a cloud of dust in her wake.

"..." You stare at her disappearing figure.

[What...just happened?]

"I...have no idea." You wrack your head searching for a possible explanation, only to come up with blanks. "Maybe it's that time of the month for her?"


What awaits you at your return is an almost unusual scene.

The Elder dozing off on a massage chair? Curious but understandable.

Kenichi powering said machine by running on a tapis roulant, ropes binding his limbs on the back of the massage chair? Less so.


"Interesting contraption." You comment.

"It's one of my hobbies." Koetsuji-san says with pride. "I'm in charge of Ken-kun's physical training-What's the matter? The speed has dropped!" He chastises Kenichi by whipping his butt.

"HIIIIIIIAAAA!! If you want me to speed up, it'd be nice if you could reduce the weights!!"

"If I reduce the weights then we wouldn't be training your [Soutenshu]." Koetsuji-san gleefully chuckles. "Kensei asked me to have you do this 10,000 times today."

"10'000 IT'S TOO MUCH!!"

"Is it?" You ask aloud. "It's been awhile since I did anything less than that."

"See Kenichi? Take example from your sempai." He turns to look at you. "You must have dedicated teachers Hyodo-kun."

"Yee..aah, I suppose you can call them that." You rolls your eyes. "One doesn't know how to hold back, another is a former hooligan and the last one is too damn enthusiastic with his job...Now that I think about it you and him are similar Koetsuji-san. He too uses machines he built himself to train me." Even if they're honest-to-god ninja Sith robots.

"Oh? Sounds like an interesting person. I would like to meet him."

"He is away for work at the moment, but I would gladly arrange a meeting if you want."

That's when a big guy in monk's robes lands unconscious on Kenichi, destroying Koetsuji-san's machine.

"...Need help?"

"That would be appreciated, yes."


"So, what does Ryonzanpaku teach?" You ask the Elder while eating Anmitsu made by Miu-san. "I saw Kenichi practicing Karate, Ju-Jitsu and also Kempo."

"Each Master has his or her own specialty." Furinji-san explains while eating his granddaughter's dessert with gusto. "For Akisame Jujitsu, for Shio is Karate, for Kensei is Kempo, for Apachai is Muay Thai while Shigure has her own Kosaka style, who is said to have mastery above all manners of weapons."

"And you Elder?"

"Me?" He laughs boastfully. "In my youth I was a little too temperamental to learn, so I developed my own style! Since I never lost a battle they used to call me the [Invincible Superman]!"

'Prideful much?' "So Kenichi is learning all that?" You ask, impressed by your junior's determination and fervor.

"Beside mine and Shigure's styles. The first because it's a family secret, and the second...well, truth be told Ken-chan is terrified of weapons."

"Eh? How so?"

"You don't think weapons are scary?" He raises an eyebrow.

"If I were to be scared, it would be of the one holding the weapon." You shake your head. "One of my friends is an accomplished swordsman, I learned a lot from him." You tap your chin. "And it was me who asked him to go as hard as he could on me. So...I can't really complain?"

"Ahahahaha!" The Elder laughs even harder. "I wish Ken-chan would have even a quarter of your spirit Hyodo-kun! Say..." He grins. "While you're here, would you like to learn together with Kenichi?"

On the other side of the room Shigure's head appears upside down from the hole left by a removed ceiling's panel.

"Sure! Personally I am interested in-"

[] Karate
[] Kempo
[] Jujitsu
[] Muay Thai
[] Weapons
[] Write-in
[X] Jujitsu
-[X] Give Koneko a call and see if she's interested in formal lessons.

[X] Weapons
-[X] "I would like to continue helping Shigure-san with her weapons research, and I don't mind spending my time sparring with a weapons master."
-[X] Give Koneko and Shougo a call and see if their interested in formal lessons.

Jujitsu is most similar to Crane style, which is pretty excellent as CMAs go. It's not a sure thing that one leads into the other or gives us bonuses for learning or whatever, but it couldn't hurt to try it out.

I spoke about Koneko with Alex in PMs. While she might have a dojo that she's learning from already she also might be self-taught. We should ask either way -- the worst that happens is she says no but recognizes that we're thinking about her.
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[X] Weapons

We have too long neglected the sharp 'n pointys.

Either this, or just straight sparring, because I want to see how we stack up against the masters.
[X] Everything
- [X] Why limit yourself to one? You are EXALTED, and breaking your own limits is a daily occurrence.

[X] Weapons
-[X] "I would like to continue helping Shigure-san with her weapons research, and I don't mind spending my time sparring with a weapons master."
-[X] Give Koneko and Shougo a call and see if they're interested in formal lessons.
[X] Jujitsu.
-[X] Give Koneko a call and see if she's interested in formal lessons.

[X] Weapons
-[X] "I would like to continue helping Shigure-san with her weapons research, and I don't mind spending my time sparring with a weapons master."
Is there a reason to invest in weapon skills when we already have the most powerful weapon we'll ever possess bolted to our fists?
Alexander said:
"Nyaaa!" She goes stiff like a statue before waving her hand off with an embarrassed, and beet red, face.

"Yee..aah, I suppose you can call them that." You rolls your eyes. "One doesn't know how to hold back, another is a former hooligan and the last one is too damn enthusiastic with his job...

"And you Elder?"

"Me?" He laughs boastfully. "In my youth I was a little too much temperamental to learn, so I developed my own style!

Thanks for the snip~nya!
[X] Weapons
We have a legitimate excuse to spend time with a beautiful woman.
Straining ourselves, getting sweaty, using long, hard sticks...
...I mean, weapons are the best! Weapons, ho! :D
Smuthunter said:
Is there a reason to invest in weapon skills when we already have the most powerful weapon we'll ever possess bolted to our fists?

We train with Shigure to learn how to counter supernatural weapons users in the future.
Disminded said:
[X] Weapons

We have too long neglected the sharp 'n pointys.

Either this, or just straight sparring, because I want to see how we stack up against the masters.

Hmm we did say we wanted to look into actually learning how to use lightsaber as an actual weapon. Plus if we get Asaclon like in canon then I'd like to be able to use it as a sword. Plus it could help us with teaching Ruby and Miltet TMA for their weapons. I would also like to see how our skills compare to the masters.

HypoSoc said:
[X] Everything
- [X] Why limit yourself to one? You are EXALTED, and breaking your own limits is a daily occurrence.

Well depending on how long we stay there it might be best to focus on one or two thing to get the most out of our time.

Hey Alex how long are we going to be here?
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touhou ranfuku said:
We train with Shigure to learn how to counter supernatural weapons users in the future.
That's a fair point.

Also can we bolt the Koneko vote on to every option? It doesn't actually matter what style we learn as long as we let Koneko know what's going on, so it's not contradicting anyone's vote to do so.
[X] Everything
- [X] Why limit yourself to one? You are EXALTED, and breaking your own limits is a daily occurrence.
touhou ranfuku said:
We train with Shigure to learn how to counter supernatural weapons users in the future.

That'll come in real handy with the hero faction. Especially with Siegfried ad Gram which happens to be a dragon slayer and we're weak to dragon slayers.
Diller said:
Hmm we did say we wanted to look into actually learning how to use lightsaber as an actual weapon. Plus if we get Asaclon like in canon then I'd like to be able to use it as a sword. Plus it could help us with teaching Ruby and Miltet TMA for their weapons. I would also like to see how our skills compare to the masters.

Well depending on how long we stay there it might be best to focus on one or two thing to get the most out kg our time.

Hey Alex how long are we going to be here?
A few days, so...3-4 days.

Also, I would like your input about how to translate Martial Arts to this quest's (Exalted) system. I think it was Eternity that suggested using the World of Darkness system. Examples are:

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Alexander said:
A few days, so...3-4 days.

Also, I would like your input about how to translate Martial Arts to this quest's (Exalted) system. I think it was Eternity that suggested using the World of Darkness system. Examples are:


So not that long.

[X] Weapons
-[X] "I would like to continue helping Shigure-san with her weapons research, and I don't mind spending my time sparring with a weapons master."
-[X] Give Koneko and Shougo a call and see if their interested in formal lessons.
--[X] Pay the required fee even if it's expensive, we can afford it after all
Berserker could benefit greatly from this as well. After all Ogata who becomes his master in canon learned from Ryozanpaku.
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Diller said:
That'll come in real handy with the hero faction. Especially with Siegfried ad Gram which happens to be a dragon slayer and we're weak to dragon slayers.

I'm more into Ruler if we manage to convince Arthur after Vali success in capturing Fenrir, though Ascalon is not bad, honestly I want Kiba to keep Gram like canon.

So, 3-4 days huh? We should have a friendly spar with Miu and every masters at the end of our staying while maximum our time in sparring with Shigure, some bromance with Kenichi is fine, too.
[X] Everything
- [X] Why limit yourself to one? You are EXALTED, and breaking your own limits is a daily occurrence.
touhou ranfuku said:
I'm more into Ruler if we manage to convince Arthur after Vali success in capturing Fenrir, though Ascalon is not bad, honestly I want Kiba to keep Gram like canon.

So, 3-4 days huh? We should have a friendly spar with Miu and every masters at the end of our staying while maximum our time in sparring with Shigure, some bromance with Kenichi is fine, too.

I want Kiba to get Gram too.He'll need the power bossy by then. I just was saying that knowing how to deal with weapon users against such a skilled swordsman with such a strong sword like Sieg is a good idea.

If we get Xenovia to join us then we should go full stream with Ex-Durandal. though we need to make her learn to use it efficiently. I know the girl likes being straightforward in fights but technique coupled with power is always better then just technique or power alone. Plus it's not like we can't borrow it every now and then.

I like that last bit. Some spars to finish our trip off sounds good.
[X] Weapons
-[X] "I would like to continue helping Shigure-san with her weapons research, and I don't mind spending my time sparring with a weapons master."
-[X] Give Koneko and Shougo a call and see if their interested in formal lessons.
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