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Trials of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

HypoSoc said:
You didn't get me either, but my choice is so far behind it doesn't matter much.

Megaolix said:
You missed me too Diller. I'm supporting the winning plan.

Damnit must've accidentally deleted your posts while I was copy and pasting everything because I remember seeing both of your posts give a sec to update it again.
Just a random vote. Probably won't even get any other votes...

[X] Use name-drops to your advantage!
-[X] "If your 'Odin-sama' couldn't get me to join, what makes you think you can Koneko-chan?" You tease as you mentally labeled her after the kitten she tried to save, even as you wall-bounced off to the roof and escape.
I don't fail to see how people understood that my plan meant inducing Kisara into the supernatural, but it was more like: you now work for me, not Odin. It didn't meant involving her into the supernatural, but rather developing a mundane branch. Not every battle means we have to be personally involved.

Well, you can tally me to troll vote. Its fun, if a little mean, but not in a bad way, and my own idea is hopeless.
Omake - 11
I know the vote won't win, but... this deserves at least a mention.
Fight on bravely, Vote-chan! >:D

Omake: "The Lost Bet"

She lay prostrated before Issei, breathing heavily and looking utterly defeated.
"Hah...hah. Fine. You win, bastard."
She slowly stood up.
"I guess... hah... even with everything I did, men are still..." she mumbled.

Issei couldn't just let that go. A young girl's dreams- that was something he would defend to his dying breath.
"Stop. Don't dishonor all the effort you put into training by giving up after a simple loss."
Unexpectedly, she almost exploded with anger.
"A simple loss?! Hah... I didn't stand a chance! You basically played with me, never even breaking a sweat, Nidhogg, and you expect me to just-"

His raised hand stopped her mid-rant.
"No! What I'm saying is, don't trivialize it our fight by making it about our gender difference," the Solar shook his head, "you are strong. Never doubt that. And I'll look forward to any further rematches."

As Issei stretched his hand towards her for a handshake, Kisara couldn't help the feeling of reverence that grew in her. This guy, he really was...

"And don't forget your earlier promise either."
Of course, a guy had to preserve his own dreams as well.

Kisara's hopes crashed and burned, the respect rapidly dwindling.
"What? You can't expect me to possibly-" she started with an incredulous expression.
"Ah-ah-ah! A bet's a bet. You wouldn't be protesting if I was the one to lose, now would you?"
Issei was resolute, though. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he would be a fool to squander it. A cat-loving girl with slitted eyes?
Yes, it was obviously a reward for his good deeds.

"You promised."
"That's not-"
"Alright, alright."
She took a deep breath and posed, closing her eyes in embarrassment.
"Onii-chama, can I go now~nyan?"
One eye cautiously opened and beheld the still form of Issei.
"How was it~nyan?"
Issei was still frozen, but he managed to get out:
"Hnng. Too... much... moe."
Finally, he relaxed.

"Yes, that's all. But remember, unless you talk like that, I won't acknowledge you as my rival!"
"Issei, that's totally ridiculous and unfair!"
His eyebrow rose.
"What? Ugh, fine. Onii-chama, that's totally ridiculous and unfair~nyan... Oh, to hell with it. I hope to never see you again, asshole."
With that, she turned to exit the alley, though not before hearing his final words.
"It was all too short-lived, but I'll treasure this moment forever, Kisara."
"Go die in a ditch, pervert."


Hidden Base

"Mistress Kisara? Why is your face red?" Shiratori couldn't help but ask.
"We are never going after Nidhogg. Ever."
"But didn't Odin want to..."
"I said- we are not going to find him. If he joins Ragnarock, then I'm fucking out of there."
Her subordinate could only shrug and walk away, thus she never heard the last word.
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Smuthunter said:
I don't want her to be a recurring character. She'll steal attention and screen time from girls who are more worthy of it, like Rias and company, by simple virtue of opportunity costs. Ergo, forget about her. She doesn't even have an interesting or novel character type. We have a vastly superior tsundere crushing on us already.

Cool your jets there, sparky. some of us actually like her.

She's actually one of (if not outright) my favourite characters from the setting.

She's got more personality than Moeblob-healbot Asia, that's for damn sure.

probably more than Mui, for that matter, Mui never seemed to get any deeper that "nice girl with kung-fu and boobs"

Personally, I would never have considered recruiting Beserker, if only because he's pretty much a blank slate with "likes fighting" written on it.

He's got no interesting gimmicks or tricks, or personality traits other than "likes to fight, and has natural talent at it" which is basically worthless in the legues we are moving into.

granted, we threw some essence at him and he might actually make something of himself now, but he's still dull as fuck.

[X] Short and sweet, respond to her "If I win, you will become my subordinate" statement with your own "and what if I win? Would you become mine instead?"

bonus points for working the phrase "become mine" into a (somewhat) innocent conversation.

"I guess... hah... even with everything I did, men are still..." she mumbled.

Yeah, if she actually uses a line like this at any point, in the fight or after we win (assuming we actually win, obviously) then we need to respond with something like this.

"Oh fuck off, You didn't lose because you don't have a penis, you lost because I'm stronger than you, nothing more. Train harder, become stronger, and for god sake, stop using your gender as an excuse."

Now, you can actually make a decent case for men having a physical advantage IRL, (but lets avoid the fuck out of that landmine, yeah?) but this is an anime-verse, specifically the Kenichi one, where some of the strongest martial artists ever are women, so I have a little less sympathy for someone who uses "because I'm a woman" as an excuse.

Yes, on the Low end of the skill scale (where Kisara is currently at) Natural physical build might actually make a big difference, but getting the point across that we think gender is absolutely no barrier to skill, would probably win us a bunch of points with her.

especially if made as a social attack.
Okay, here's a question that's actually worth reasoned debate over: what does Kisara bring to the harem? Actually forget about Kisara, this question applies to Miu and every other girl we recruit from this point onward.

We want a diverse harem with lots of different girls, but we also want those girls to be characters rather than pretty trinkets with shallow characters and no plot relevance, am I right? Well that's where the problem of opportunity costs comes in; every scene spent developing one character is a scene not spent developing another character, and Alex has only so much time and attention to give this quest so there's a limited amount of character development to go around. The more girls we recruit, by necessity the more shallow and undeveloped their characters will be.

Therefore, from this point onwards we should think carefully about which girls we recruit and why. Thus the question, which I'll also pose to Miu and Shigure as well as any other girls that show up in the future, is why should we recruit this character? What plots do they open up? How might they interact with the rest of the cast? And so on.
[X] Deadpan look. "That's the same thing."
-[X] You sigh before a line from an anime jumps at the forefront of your mind and you smirk...

"You can't get something without offering something of equal value in exchange." You raise a finger, and suddenly she is the one with a confused expression. "I accept your challenge, but if you lose, you will not bother me with joining Ragnarok again... Also, you won't tell your bosses that you saw me."
--[X] If she doesn't agree with the conditions, then look disappointed. "Hoo, so you make wagers that only work in your favor, huh?"
[X] Deadpan look. "That's the same thing."
-[X] You sigh before a line from an anime jumps at the forefront of your mind and you smirk...

"You can't get something without offering something of equal value in exchange." You raise a finger, and suddenly she is the one with a confused expression. "I accept your challenge, but if you lose, you must henceforth refer to me as Onii-chama, and when in my presence you must end all your sentences with ~Nyan."
--[X] If she doesn't agree with the conditions, then look disappointed. "Hoo, so you make wagers that only work in your favor, huh?"
Well Shigure get's us a master level fighter and weapons master. Also it really shouldn't be about what they give us and bring to the harem. Cause really that's a bad way of looking at things. Cause by that logic we shouldn't have asia be in the harem at all. She's a moeblob that provides healing.
Kisara: Disciple-level martial arts, which will upgrade to high-disciple-level martial arts when she creates her own style of Taekwondo (Nyakwondo), and will upgrade further when we give her essence. Plus, she probably has Nekomata blood in her, which may give access to another power-up.
Smuthunter said:
Okay, here's a question that's actually worth reasoned debate over: what does Kisara bring to the harem? Actually forget about Kisara, this question applies to Miu and every other girl we recruit from this point onward.

We want a diverse harem with lots of different girls, but we also want those girls to be characters rather than pretty trinkets with shallow characters and no plot relevance, am I right? Well that's where the problem of opportunity costs comes in; every scene spent developing one character is a scene not spent developing another character, and Alex has only so much time and attention to give this quest so there's a limited amount of character development to go around. The more girls we recruit, by necessity the more shallow and undeveloped their characters will be.

Therefore, from this point onwards we should think carefully about which girls we recruit and why. Thus the question, which I'll also pose to Miu and Shigure as well as any other girls that show up in the future, is why should we recruit this character? What plots do they open up? How might they interact with the rest of the cast? And so on.
While it IS a fair point to make, I'll note something else. Not every girl that joins the group need to become part of the harem. Take Ruby for exemple. Unless something happen, she'll just stay on friendly terms with Issei.

As for concern for characters losing screentime... That will happen anyway. Issei is set up to recruit more the more we advance after all.
Megaolix said:
While it IS a fair point to make, I'll note something else. Not every girl that joins the group need to become part of the harem. Take Ruby for exemple. Unless something happen, she'll just stay on friendly terms with Issei.

As for concern for characters losing screentime... That will happen anyway. Issei is set up to recruit more the more we advance after all.
Girls not joining the harem mega? That's crazy when you hear everyone else talk about it.
People, remember the number, 841, 841 and now we need 836 to go before we meet Yukari or Madokami.
touhou ranfuku said:
People, remember the number, 841, 841 and now we need 836 to go before we meet Yukari or Madokami.

Dude do you realize how long that would take or how many places we'd have to visit on dimension hopping trips we'd have to do? No way we're hitting anywhere near that number by the time the quest ends.
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nightblade said:
Well Shigure get's us a master level fighter and weapons master. Also it really shouldn't be about what they give us and bring to the harem. Cause really that's a bad way of looking at things. Cause by that logic we shouldn't have asia be in the harem at all. She's a moeblob that provides healing.
You're not giving her nearly enough credit. Asia provides healing that is unmatched even by Solar Medicine charms, and possibly even by elder essence Solar Medicine since that power set is explicitly more about being a really good doctor and not the kind of lay on hands stuff that Asia does. That's a really fucking big contribution.

And not to knock on Shigure's weapon skills, but is she better than the elder essence Solar living in our heads? Mind you, I'm all for becoming less dependent on Bright for everything.

Selias said:
Kisara: Disciple-level martial arts, which will upgrade to high-disciple-level martial arts when she creates her own style of Taekwondo (Nyakwondo), and will upgrade further when we give her essence. Plus, she probably has Nekomata blood in her, which may give access to another power-up.
What advantages does she offer that Yang and Berserker don't already provide?

Megaolix said:
While it IS a fair point to make, I'll note something else. Not every girl that joins the group need to become part of the harem. Take Ruby for exemple. Unless something happen, she'll just stay on friendly terms with Issei.
I keep expecting Yang to throw us at her sooner or later, actually. She loves baby sis more than the world but she also wants Ruby to come out of her shell a little more, and entrusting her to us is a logical step in that direction now that we've earned her trust. This is otherwise a fair point, but more characters still means less screen time to go around regardless of whether they're love interests or not.

As for concern for characters losing screentime... That will happen anyway. Issei is set up to recruit more the more we advance after all.
Is that a good thing and should we put a stop to it once we fulfill our motivation?
Megaolix said:
Remember what kind of building we got started on? What do you think it will be used for?
Given that Bright gave us the plans for it I expect it to be a piece in her plan to get back to Creation, so probably a portal construct or something. Why?
Smuthunter said:
You're not giving her nearly enough credit. Asia provides healing that is unmatched even by Solar Medicine charms, and possibly even by elder essence Solar Medicine since that power set is explicitly more about being a really good doctor and not the kind of lay on hands stuff that Asia does. That's a really fucking big contribution.

And not to knock on Shigure's weapon skills, but is she better than the elder essence Solar living in our heads? Mind you, I'm all for becoming less dependent on Bright for everything.
What advantages does she offer that Yang and Berserker don't already provide?
I keep expecting Yang to throw us at her sooner or later, actually. She loves baby sis more than the world but she also wants Ruby to come out of her shell a little more, and entrusting her to us is a logical step in that direction now that we've earned her trust. This is otherwise a fair point, but more characters still means less screen time to go around regardless of whether they're love interests or not.
Is that a good thing and should we put a stop to it once we fulfill our motivation?
So you don't plan to pick up konoka's sister? Or those to sword wielders? Also Shigure makes really good weapons and army.
yes but it is a convenient excuse to keep on recruiting people :p

as smut said he doesn't like kisara but i do she's cute O:) then again i know very little of HSDK just started reading it a few days ago.

all said and done votes and gm rulings are what matter.

even if she doesn't end up in the harem I'd still say recruit her. If things are still following canon we have a whole lot of enemies and organizations that are gonna be after us and want to bring a lot of destruction and destabilization to the world in large and not in a good way like issei's against social norms thing. We are gonna need a lot of allies if we plan on heading to creation in end game cause some of the things there can give rias brother a run for his money.
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Smuthunter said:
Given that Bright gave us the plans for it I expect it to be a piece in her plan to get back to Creation, so probably a portal construct or something. Why?
Well, manse is another place for manor. Damn luxurious place. And while I know nothing about Exalted, I expect it to be ridiculously big. More than the renovations Issei's place had in canon.

It will be a place to house projects, sure. I also expect it to house many, many people. So who do you think will fill the place?
nightblade said:
Also Shigure makes really good weapons and army.
Sure she does. For a mortal. I think her equipment is equivalent to Perfect gear. But the instant we stop being worst!Twilight and start pumping up our Craft ability instead of combat, we will surpass her in every way imaginable. She is unnecessary.
nightblade said:
So you don't plan to pick up konoka's sister? Or those to sword wielders? Also Shigure makes really good weapons and army.
Kuroka Irina and Xenovia? No, they're not high priorities for me. Maybe I'll change my mind once I see how Alexander has revamped their characters, but their canon characterization is so two-dimensional that I don't really have any attachment to any of them.

Megaolix said:
Well, manse is another place for manor. Damn luxurious place. And while I know nothing about Exalted, I expect it to be ridiculously big. More than the renovations Issei's place had in canon.

It will be a place to house projects, sure. I also expect it to house many, many people. So who do you think will fill the place?
If it's a portal structure or a shrine or something, nobody will be living there. Manse construction is one of my blind spots in the Exalted rules because it's anchored to that thrice-damned crafting system, but "manse" doesn't necessarily entail a manor or castle of some sort when Exalted uses the word.
Smuthunter said:
Kuroka Irina and Xenovia? No, they're not high priorities for me. Maybe I'll change my mind once I see how Alexander has revamped their characters, but their canon characterization is so two-dimensional that I don't really have any attachment to any of them.
If it's a portal structure or a shrine or something, nobody will be living there. Manse construction is one of my blind spots in the Exalted rules because it's anchored to that thrice-damned crafting system, but "manse" doesn't necessarily entail a manor or castle of some sort when Exalted uses the word.
I'm pretty sure it's going to be an actually place to live considering that we have no idea at all on how to get back to creation. I doubt it's going to be a portal.
Smuthunter said:
If it's a portal structure or a shrine or something, nobody will be living there. Manse construction is one of my blind spots in the Exalted rules because it's anchored to that thrice-damned crafting system, but "manse" doesn't necessarily entail a manor or castle of some sort when Exalted uses the word.
Made a quick check myself. Way too much stuff to read, but in summary? Defensive place with powers one can live in. So castle may actually be more right. More like manor if it's visible, since a castle would be weird to see for anyone else. Unless we make it hidden.
The Slumbering Crocodile said:
Sure she does. For a mortal. The instant we stop being worst!Twilight and start pumping up our Craft ability instead of combat, we will surpass her in every way imaginable.

The whole reason we're doing the reverse the evil pieces thing is so we can boost mortals to be more on par with suoernatural creatures. We're also planning on using it to be able to tell things like non-exalted can't use CMA or SMA to go fuck themselves.

If Shigure's really good now she'll be Glorious after being boosted by us.
The Slumbering Crocodile said:
Sure she does. For a mortal. I think her equipment is equivalent to Perfect gear. But the instant we stop being worst!Twilight and start pumping up our Craft ability instead of combat, we will surpass her in every way imaginable. She is unnecessary.
Issei can surpass freaking everybody. With that argument, everyone becomes unnecessary.
Smuthunter said:
Kuroka Irina and Xenovia? No, they're not high priorities for me. Maybe I'll change my mind once I see how Alexander has revamped their characters, but their canon characterization is so two-dimensional that I don't really have any attachment to any of them.
If it's a portal structure or a shrine or something, nobody will be living there. Manse construction is one of my blind spots in the Exalted rules because it's anchored to that thrice-damned crafting system, but "manse" doesn't necessarily entail a manor or castle of some sort when Exalted uses the word.
I'm pretty sure Ravel's canon characterization is two dimensional as well. And you still want to get her.
Megaolix said:
Issei can surpass freaking everybody. With that argument, everyone becomes unnecessary.

Hell our schtick as the Radiant Dragon will be being better then everybody else at everything. Embodiment of the concept of suoermacy after all.
i'm just looking forward to this update :) as for the waifu wars it looks like smut is in the very small minority of not wanting kisara and he won't change his mind. so rather than try to convince people that have already made up their mind lets go with what kind of things ragnarock and yami are cooking up. i expect chaos brigade to have its hands in yami with sacred gear replicas and all other bullshit they pull.
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