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Trials of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Introspective Tinkerer said:
I have a question. Were there any First Age Solars that didn't go batshit?
The very young ones.

Anyway, before leaving I issue two things:

-To make authors more interested when there is the need of a lemon, I put the following reward: for every smut scene requested by me, you can buy a free Xp Solar Charm.

-A little challenge to keep you busy until the next update. It consists into writing an alternative Character Sheet for Issei:
-Lunar Issei
-Infernal or Abyssal Issei
-Scion Issei

You can also add a short scene to show how Issei either gain his Exaltation, or discovered he's the son of a God. The rewards are Xp.
Alexander said:
The very young ones.

Anyway, before leaving I issue two things:

-To make authors more interested when there is the need of a lemon, I put the following reward: for every smut scene requested by me, you can buy a free Xp Solar Charm.

-A little challenge to keep you busy until the next update. It consists into writing an alternative Character Sheet for Issei:
-Lunar Issei
-Infernal or Abyssal Issei
-Scion Issei

You can also add a short scene to show how Issei either gain his Exaltation, or discovered he's the son of a God. The rewards are Xp.

hmm, child of Amaterasu for scion.
Do you think we could recruit Kisara? Her story is extremely fascinating to me. I want to see how she would react to a guy that actually approves of her dream and treats her fairly.
Alexander said:
-A little challenge to keep you busy until the next update. It consists into writing an alternative Character Sheet for Issei:
-Lunar Issei
-Infernal or Abyssal Issei
-Scion Issei
Abyssal Issei is the easiest to figure out, but is also no fun because he'd wind up killing everyone he knows with Resonance discharges.

Now Lunar Issei on the other hand...

Why bother, she's fine with Kenichi's group, in fact I'd say she's better with Ken-chan then she would be with us, probably dosn't help that I can't stand her character myself so that maybe my bias talking but /shrug there are a lot more interesting character out there we could recruit then her, One's that actually need someone to get them out of the situations they are in for example, if we do nothing Kisara is going to be fine, other characters on the other hand that can't be said about.
MerelysSoul said:
hmm, child of Amaterasu for scion.
Aren't that good, actually. I looked it up, and was severely disappointed at the lack of "Burn EVERYTHING" considering she's probably the most powerful sun god(ess) and the most powerful of the Japanese pantheon.
EternitynChaos said:
Why bother, she's fine with Kenichi's group, in fact I'd say she's better with Ken-chan then she would be with us, probably dosn't help that I can't stand her character myself so that maybe my bias talking but /shrug there are a lot more interesting character out there we could recruit then her, One's that actually need someone to get them out of the situations they are in for example, if we do nothing Kisara is going to be fine, other characters on the other hand that can't be said about.

I'm mostly just asking for the humor value of her spazzing about the demon cat girl
Ah, but you see we still get that when we introduce her and Miu to Koneko-chan after we get to know that Ryouzenpaku ^^

And her whole thing is she doesn't need or want a teacher, she's going to teach herself
EternitynChaos said:
Ah, but you see we still get that when we introduce her and Miu to Koneko-chan after we get to know that Ryouzenpaku ^^

And her whole thing is she doesn't need or want a teacher, she's going to teach herself

I didn't mean teaching her. What I mean is just give her Essence and see what she does with it. A Science experiment if you will.
...You do not give Essence to Children as an experiment, I.. thats.. Gah, that's the sort of thing I'd expect from a First Age Elder, one of the Stupid Ones >.< yesh, whats next handing out Essences based WMD to kids to see what happens o_O
EternitynChaos said:
...You do not give Essence to Children as an experiment, I.. thats.. Gah, that's the sort of thing I'd expect from a First Age Elder, one of the Stupid Ones >.< yesh, whats next handing out Essences based WMD to kids to see what happens o_O

Sorry. :-[ I don't know Exalted so I didn't know if that was a bad idea.
kinglugia said:
There is also a Resistance Charm known as Invincible Essence Reinforcement, which buffs our Soak. Permanently.
I tried it once, and found out that a mere Essence 5 character can get up to 18 Soak total.
To put this in perspective for non-Exalted players, I seem to recall that a modern Tank has 15 soak.
EternitynChaos said:
...You do not give Essence to Children as an experiment, I.. thats.. Gah, that's the sort of thing I'd expect from a First Age Elder, one of the Stupid Ones >.< yesh, whats next handing out Essences based WMD to kids to see what happens o_O
Nnnot really. See, even with awakened essence it's really hard to get it to do anything except boost your strength and speed slightly without a teacher. And even with a teacher, mortals can't really get anything too game-changing. It's still a dumb idea, but only because we wouldn't really learn anything from it, not because it's dangerous.
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The phrase is dodge a "wrench."

Even as tempered as Issei is now, I doubt he would want to dodge a "wench."
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Odysseus2099 said:
Nnnot really. See, even with awakened essence it's really hard to get it to do anything except boost your strength and speed slightly without a teacher. And even with a teacher, mortals can't really get anything too game-changing. It's still a dumb idea, but only because we wouldn't really learn anything from it, not because it's dangerous.

Our way of giving people Essence is turning them into Half-Castes... that's a tiny bit more then just awakening there essence...
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I wonder what Berserker's been up to. I know that he's battle crazy and we gave him Essence. So What do you think he's been doing with it.
Omake - 9
There's something I heard about on a television show once, that when a person is faced with a dangerous situation they fall back on primal reactions that humans still share with most animals – the fight or flight response, it's called.

When Yuuma-chan and I arrive at the deserted park in the middle of the city I know immediately that something feels weird about it, like in those stories when the hero says "there aren't any birds or animals around, there must be a predator nearby!" As for myself, I thought it seemed dangerous too. A dark wooded park in the middle of the city, who knows what kinds of unsavory characters might be lurking around in the shadows just waiting to do unspeakable things to my new girlfriend!

They can try! Hyoudou Issei won't let anything threaten people he cares about!

"It sure was fun today."

Yuuma-chan smiles at me, standing in front of the big water fountain in the middle of the park.

Kuu! Damn, she's cute. And with the sun setting behind her the atmosphere is perfect too!

"Hey, Ise-kun."

"What is it, Yuuma-chan?"

"There is something I want to do to celebrate our first date. Can you listen to my wish?"

Oh yeah. It's here!

This is it! This must be it!

The smell of my breath! Checked! My mental preparedness! Hmm! My heart is beating so fast~!

"W-What is the w-wish you want?"

Aaaaagh. The tone of my voice is deep. She will find out that I'm thinking of something idiotic!

I made the dumbest mistake after coming this far……

But Yuuma-chan just smiles at me.

She then says it to me clearly.

"Will you die for me?"


And the mood breaks in an instant. Yuuma-chan's words ring clearly in my ears; I couldn't possibly have misheard her. All of a sudden I'm extremely aware of the creepy mood in the park, and all my instincts scream an answer to a question I never thought to ask. She didn't mean that in a romantic way, like would I throw myself in front of a bullet for her!


Hyoudou Issei you fool! I can hear grandfather shouting at me from beyond the grave!

I am so engrossed in my own panic that what happens next barely phases me. Yuuma-chan's devilishly innocent smile becomes just plain devilish as a pair of angel wings burst from her back, only instead of real angel wings they're pitch black.

"It was fun. The short time I spent with you. It was like a play house with a little child."

Something appears in her hand with a buzzing sound like static on a radio. It's a spear of light, maybe a meter long or so, and in that instant I know that I am about to die.

...to hell with that! I'm still a virgin!

The spear of light thrusts forward, but I'm already moving myself. Hyoudou Issei does not have many things to be proud of, but in middle school I was on the track team for a while, and my reflexes have been honed by hundreds of hours of video games!

So as my ex-girlfriend thrusts the spear forward, I step forward into her!

She might be an angel-devil-yandere person but getting hit with a person's full weight will knock anybody around. Yuuma's spear goes flying past me as I shoulder-check her, and with a surprised squawk she goes flipping backwards into the fountain!

That's my chance!

I turn and run like hell itself is chasing after me while Yuuma flounders in the pool. My mind is racing with panic and desperation, and I ignore the open paths of the park to run into the cover of the trees, racing through the woods to put as much distance as I can between myself and the girl who just tried to murder me.

...but I hear wings flapping. Big wings, and they're gaining on me.

Stupid Issei! If you had taken the paths you could have been on the street by now! You could have gotten help!

"Issei~, where are you~?" Yuuma calls to me in a sickly-sweet voice. She has to know where I am, I'm making too much noise, snapping tree branches as I run past them. What I would give to be a ninja right now!

And then a spear hits the ground just ahead of me and I have to skid to a halt and turn to avoid it. A second later it explodes in an enormous burst of light, and I'm flung through the air, landing painfully against a tree.

Get up Issei! You've taken much worse than this from the girls at school! (Have I?)

Another spear lands beside me just as I'm getting up. I bolt forward like a professional sprinter and the explosion only throws me farther forward this time but now I know I'm out of options.

Yuuma... or whatever she is... can kill me whenever she likes. She's toying with me now, trying to force me out into the open so she can kill me in person. (How do I know this?)

Well fine then. One way or another I can't get to safety without going through her, so I'll give her what she wants and see if she can handle it! (Handle what?!)

I change my course and start racing for the edge of the woods. Spears rain down on me from time to time, but I keep running forward towards the light that shows the edge of a clearing.

Faster! I can still go faster! And if I'm just racing towards my death then I'll be sure to punch her in the face before she runs me through!

Power wells up in me. The branches that barred my progress before snap off as I brush up against them. My muscles don't burn like they did just a second ago, and my injuries don't hurt either. Like they just aren't there anymore.

I feel... more.

Right at the edge of the clearing, Yuuma lands with a spear in hand, turns towards me with cruel confidence in her eyes... but as if in a movie using slow motion special effects, I see confidence turn to confusion and then disbelieving horror.

Then I punch her in the face with all the force I can muster, with a massive hand armored in scales and edged in talons, and she goes flying across the clearing with a scream of pain.

I barely notice the terrible injury I've done to the girl I just spent the best day of my life with.

I have scales. I have talons. I'm glowing bright silver.

And there's one more thing; I have an irresistible urge to throw my head back and scream. So I do just that.


[Glad to see you're finally awake, partner!]


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That's beautiful. :'(
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That was awesome smut!
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*brushing imaginary lint off his shoulders*

I think that counts as a 3-die stunt, do you?

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