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Trials of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)


This has devolved to "No you !" level of stupid, so stop it already !
Motion seconded. We've been over this already, some of us had fucking enough. Don't start it up again.
cross_grave said:
Motion seconded. We've been over this already, some of us had fucking enough. Don't start it up again.

Thirded. Seriously we were asked to keep this in PMs now.

Now pleases turn your attention to Noah'z omake which needs likes for the xp and the fact was it was good.

Good going Noah. Tsundere Abe in Dere mode was adorable. This gets an up vote.

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...Let's change topic.
I'm thinking of making some sort of CMA (when we have the time and all...and when we get to turn everyone in our Harem into Half-Caste, well, how does making a CMA that mimics the two Heavenly Dragons? As something that emulates their strength and all?
I'm having some trouble making the Charms for it, since I want to make them actually thematically appropriate with Ddraig and Albion, and since this world is all on power levels instead of reality warping bullshit, it might be more powerful than normal CMA.

So, um...only two Charms are done, both needing someone to fluff it out, so...halp plz?

Heavenly Dragon Talon
Cost: 2 motes
Duration: One Action
Type: Reflexive
MA level: Celestial
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Enhanced
Minimum MA: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Description: The martial artist enhances his attack to be capable of dishing out lethal damage.

Heavenly Dragon's Scale
Cost: 2 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
MA level: Celestial
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Minimum MA: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Description: The martial artist can spend motes to increase his resilience against an attack by spending 2 mote to increase his natural soak by (Essence) Bashing and (Essence/2) Lethal damage soak. He can spend a maximum of 10 motes for this Charm.

Not sure whether the second one is too OP for an introductory charm, since the power levels of this world and the Epic Attributes makes this more likely.
Also, if someone can make this CMA more...HAM-ish, I'll be quite grateful, because all I had in my mind in this CMA is that it is made in honour of the two Heavenly Dragons, and to emulate their strength (collectively of the dragon race) and abilities (Boost and Transfer, Divide and Steal).
Ryozanpaku - Part 10
noahgab1133 said:


+1 Xp to Noah.

[X] Take advantage of your bishie looks and ask the girls around school where Kenichi can usually be found.

Well, you're a bishonen now (the power of an Exaltation is amazing!) so why don't use it?


"Excuse me..."

"Yaaah! He talked to me!" She faints.


"Can I ask you..."

"Die you good-looking bastard!" He tries to punch you.


"Sorry to disturb you..."

"Noooo! Younger boys are NO GOOOODDD!" You quickly walk away from the bespectacled teacher.


"I feel for Kiba. What has the world come to?" You lean your head against the wall. "Why I can't have a normal conversation without people freaking out?"

[Well...] Ddraig sticks out his tongue. [Maybe it's something in the water?]

The hell.

{Those mortals are simply unable to withstand the glory of a Solar Exalted. Ignore them, you don't need their help.}

'Except, I need their help!'

"Uhm, excuse me?" Someone says. You tilt your head and see a couple of school girls, one with glasses and the other with long hair. "We heard you are looking for Shirahama Kenichi...?"

Fast as the wind you take their hands in yours. "You know where he is? Please tell me!"

They blush. "A-A-Ah-! We-We heard he's friend with a weird guy who took over the old Physic Club's room for one of his projects. It's on the second floor-!"

"Thank you!" You shake their hands before running towards the stairs.

He's yours now.


"I am a little busy and I will have to move on to work." Nijima Haruo tells Kenichi, Ikki and Ukita. "Everyone, please re-"

Knock! Knock!

"I'm going." Kenichi replies absentmindedly, still glad he managed to avoid Miu for the day. He opens the door.

And then bolts for the nearest window. Before he can reaches him an incredibly good-looking boy the other three never saw before tackles him to the ground. "No escape!" Hyodo Issei shouts while taking out a robe and tying Kenichi's limbs. "Kosaka-style, Rope Technique!"

"H-Hyodo-san! How did you find me!?" Kenichi is hysterical. "Wait- Kosaka-style? Since when-!"

"Kosaka-san is a very good teacher!" He grins.

"Hey! What are you doing to Kenichi?" Ikki and Ukita stands up.

"Be at ease!" The two ex-delinquents stops, as if they are hold back by an invisible pressure. "I come from Kenichi's dojo. He skipped his training and must go back!"

As the boy named Hyodo launches in a monologue to prove the veracity his claims Nijima Haruo's eyes start shinning. He feels it, the new arrival is strong, very strong. If he could convince him to join the Shimpaku Alliance he will become a great asset.

'Niijima Eye!' While the others are busy he uses his special scanning technique.

And freeze. Haruo doesn't move, he doesn't blink. He doesn't even breath.

If he makes even the smaller rumor he will be eaten.

It's a dragon.

His scales glow crimson and golden, as if someone trapped sunlight into physical form and drenched it in blood. His eyes and maw are like the entrance to the core of a star.

Haruo doesn't move. And while he doesn't move he understand.

This...is out of his league.


"You should have told me Shirahama-san!" You pat the other boy on the back. "Of course friends are important! They're a reasonable excuse for having a break."

"Y-Yeah..." He nervously laughs.

"But tomorrow we're going back to the dojo. Koetsuji-san repaired the [Massage Chair Special] and now it works even better!"

He cringes. Uhm, maybe he prefers to do something more serious? You can arrange that.

"So, how do you two know each other?" The blond tanned guy, Ikki, asks.

"I am running an errand for associates of Kenichi's Masters. I'm-"

"Done!" Nijima claps his hands together. "With this, we'll definitely increase the number of followers!" He shows you the screen. "What do you think?"


"Uh..." You blink in contemplation as the others beat Nijima down. "Honestly? It's like the homepage of a cult."

"He's right!" Kenichi punches. "Quit making weird stuff."


"Oh, a mail."

"WAHAHAHA!" Haruo slips out like a eel and sits in front of the computer. "It says: [I am an officer of Ragnarok and they call me Loki]-What! Loki?!"

"For real? It is really Loki from Ragnarok?" Ukita shouts.

"Ragnarok, as Ragnarok the gang?" You ask Ikki. "Why are you freaking out?"

"Why? They're our enemies! They're after us!"

'Oh?...Ah I see.' You nod. 'Clearly this [Shimpaku] is like Ragnarok, a heaven for young martial artists. And right now they're competing for the title of the strongest between them. And they look so intense, it seems it's really a battle of life and death.'

[...He got it wrong. He got it totally wrong.]

{Leave him be. It's his fault for misunderstanding the reality of facts.}

"Kenichi, he says he's waiting for you at the abandoned church on Block Three and to come alone. You've gotta be kidding me. It's a trap, don't go Kenichi."

"Found it." You type on your cellphone. "Let's go! It's time to put your training on test! Show them your spirit Shirahama-kun!"

"Sempai!?!" Kenichi's eyes are teary.

"Wait." Haruo stops you. "There's an attached file." He opens it.

It's a photo of Honoka-chan, tied up and biting on an arm with a glove identical, save for the number, to the one worn by Kisara.


Your face loses all emotion, becoming a mask of stone.

[] Write-in.
[X] Kidnapping girls. KIDNAPPING GIRLS.
-[X] Right, so where was this place again and who's skull did we have to bash in again?
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[X] Kidnapping girls. KIDNAPPING GIRLS.
-[X] Right, so where was this place again and who's skull did we have to bash in again?
-[X] Should a situation come up where we need to talk someone into letting Honoka go so we can get her out of harms way, Go into EXP debt to buy Hypnotic Tongue Technique

It will rain fucking blood today.
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Hey, remember what I was saying about hostage situations?

[X] Kidnapping girls. KIDNAPPING GIRLS.
-[X] Right, so where was this place again and who's skull did we have to bash in again?
-[X] Go into EXP debt to buy Hypnotic Tongue Technique
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hmmm, may be better to wait until we are going to use it to buy it up, though maybe putting in an option with it saying if we need it we are willing to go into debt for that technique?
[X] Kidnapping girls. KIDNAPPING GIRLS.
-[X] Right, so where was this place again and who's skull did we have to bash in again?
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noahgab1133 said:
My love for her increases tenfold. There is just something about a girl willing to become an avatar of death and righteous fury for you that is endearing...
kinglugia said:
...Let's change topic.
I'm thinking of making some sort of CMA (when we have the time and all...and when we get to turn everyone in our Harem into Half-Caste, well, how does making a CMA that mimics the two Heavenly Dragons? As something that emulates their strength and all?
I'm having some trouble making the Charms for it, since I want to make them actually thematically appropriate with Ddraig and Albion, and since this world is all on power levels instead of reality warping bullshit, it might be more powerful than normal CMA.

So, um...only two Charms are done, both needing someone to fluff it out, so...halp plz?

Not sure whether the second one is too OP for an introductory charm, since the power levels of this world and the Epic Attributes makes this more likely.
Also, if someone can make this CMA more...HAM-ish, I'll be quite grateful, because all I had in my mind in this CMA is that it is made in honour of the two Heavenly Dragons, and to emulate their strength (collectively of the dragon race) and abilities (Boost and Transfer, Divide and Steal).
I think it's a good start (the second one is overpowered for that level). An Exalted MA rotates around a single Concept: in the case of Ddraig and Albion, the first one is big on Offense while the second is Big on Defense. So...four starting Charms, two for Ddraig and one for Albion, then a Form Charm that unite two fundamental aspects of the two as Dragons. This is a start I think.
[X] Kidnapping girls. KIDNAPPING GIRLS.
-[X] Right, so where was this place and who's skull did we have to bash in again?
-[X] Should a situation come up where we need to talk someone into letting Honoka go so we can get her out of harms way, Go into EXP debt to buy Hypnotic Tongue Technique
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[X] "Odin and I are going to be having words concerning this matter." You seethed. "Kenichi, I'll slip in through the back while you go in through the front. You're the target so they will focus on you while I extract your sister. Once she is safe we move in and deal with Ragnork's forces. Leave Loki to me." Invoking the first presence excellency Issei turned to others in the room as the light in the shifted casting part of his face in shadow the overshadowed eye seeming to glow and shift to a dragon's for a moment."Nijima, wait five minutes after me and Kenichi leave then follow with all available martial artists in your group, Shinpaku is to establish a perimeter and ensure that no one escapes without my permission, make sure one of you has a cellphone to call in the paramedics when I'm through with Loki." Issei strode to the window opened it and picked up Kenichi by the waist. "Time to go to war." A strong gust of wind ripped through the room as you launched out the window, passgner silent in his worry.
Deathwings said:

This has devolved to "No you !" level of stupid, so stop it already !

Final mention on this, because i feel it needs to be said.

I wasn't bringing Kisara up again, nobody was saying "no u" and it doesn't need to be taken to PM. i was stepping up and saying that just because some (very vocal) posters think one way doesn't mean everyone agrees, and only the votes will tell how this plays out.

how about you chill out, eh?
[X] Kidnapping girls. KIDNAPPING GIRLS.
-[X] Right, so where was this place and who's skull did we have to bash in again?
-[X] Should a situation come up where we need to talk someone into letting Honoka go so we can get her out of harms way, Go into EXP debt to buy Hypnotic Tongue Technique
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[X] Kidnapping girls. KIDNAPPING GIRLS.
-[X] Right, so where was this place again and who's skull did we have to bash in again?
-[X] Should a situation come up where we need to talk someone into letting Honoka go so we can get her out of harms way, Go into EXP debt to buy Hypnotic Tongue Technique
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[X] Kidnapping girls. KIDNAPPING GIRLS.
-[X] Right, so where was this place again and who's skull did we have to bash in again?
-[X] Should a situation come up where we need to talk someone into letting Honoka go so we can get her out of harms way, Go into EXP debt to buy Hypnotic Tongue Technique
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[X] Kidnapping girls. KIDNAPPING GIRLS.
-[X] Right, so where was this place and who's skull did we have to bash in again?
-[X] Should a situation come up where we need to talk someone into letting Honoka go so we can get her out of harms way, Go into EXP debt to buy Hypnotic Tongue Technique

Can we not say 'again' twice in the same sentence? It ruins emphasis.
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[X] Kidnapping girls. KIDNAPPING GIRLS.
-[X] Right, so where was this place again and who's skull did we have to bash in again?
-[X] Should a situation come up where we need to talk someone into letting Honoka go so we can get her out of harms way, Go into EXP debt to buy Hypnotic Tongue Technique

blood for the blood god! skulls for the skull throne!
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[X] Kidnapping girls. KIDNAPPING GIRLS.
-[X] Right, so where was this place again and who's skull did we have to bash in again?
-[X] Should a situation come up where we need to talk someone into letting Honoka go so we can get her out of harms way, Go into EXP debt to buy Hypnotic Tongue Technique
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[X] Kidnapping girls. KIDNAPPING GIRLS.
-[X] Right, so where was this place again and who's skull did we have to bash in again?
-[X] Should a situation come up where we need to talk someone into letting Honoka go so we can get her out of harms way, Go into EXP debt to buy Hypnotic Tongue Technique
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[X] Kidnapping girls. KIDNAPPING GIRLS.
-[X] Right, so where was this place and who's skull did we have to bash in again?
-[X] Should a situation come up where we need to talk someone into letting Honoka go so we can get her out of harms way, Go into EXP debt to buy Hypnotic Tongue Technique

We are going to mount that fucker's head on a pole.
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[X] Kidnapping girls. KIDNAPPING GIRLS.
-[X] Right, so where was this place and who's skull did we have to bash in again?
-[X] Should a situation come up where we need to talk someone into letting Honoka go so we can get her out of harms way, Go into EXP debt to buy Hypnotic Tongue Technique

Time to stuff our foot right up his ass.
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[X] Kidnapping girls. KIDNAPPING GIRLS.
-[X] Right, so where was this place and who's skull did we have to bash in again?
-[X] Should a situation come up where we need to talk someone into letting Honoka go so we can get her out of harms way, Go into EXP debt to buy Hypnotic Tongue Technique
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*raises hand*

So Ruby & Yang are at school right now right? Unavailable to help?

They were there when we met Ragnarok, before. Seems fitting they should be here now. That picture also makes me want to see vicious Yang in action.
Loki is carrying a knife right? take it, pin his hand to the wall and break his other arm. he's not worth anything more then that.

megrisvernin said:
*raises hand*

So Ruby & Yang are at school right now right? Unavailable to help?

They were there when we met Ragnarok, before. Seems fitting they should be here now. That picture also makes me want to see vicious Yang in action.
I think they just got out of class, we just need someone to teleport them to us.
Devil Teleportation only works for members of that family, so that's out, and only we know the Fallen Angel version of the Teleportation spell so that's also out, We may be able to get Eiko, but I think this is something we are going to be alone for, not that we really need the extra help for this really.
[X] Kidnapping girls. KIDNAPPING GIRLS.
-[X] Right, so where was this place and who's skull did we have to bash in again?
-[X] Should a situation come up where we need to talk someone into letting Honoka go so we can get her out of harms way, Go into EXP debt to buy Hypnotic Tongue Technique
I think it was to make a statement or something(the bringing Yang and Ruby), tough our mere prescence alone should be good enough,can we not kill loki?, he might be an asshole but he is a quite good detective/spy/information broker with the right backing........
i think i have the Cao Cao syndrome, wanting to recruit everyone........
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Also, if we do have to fight, I'm really hoping we can grab this on debt as well

Iron Kettle Body
Cost: — (+4m); Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Durability of Oak Meditation
Required for Charms: Armored in Righteousness Stance, Unbroken Chain Resolve

The Lawgivers are armored in righteousness; many need no other hauberk. This Charm upgrades Durability of Oak Meditation. The Solar may pay a surcharge of four motes to increase the soak bonus of the Charm to (Essence + Stamina + Resistance) and extend its duration to one scene. He cannot do so if he is wearing armor; donning armor later immediately ends any upgraded activations of Durability of Oak Meditation.

rather then using Durability of Oak Meditation every time we take a hit like in our past fights, it also soaks more then DoOM which is a bonus, but I guess thats for when we get ready to throw down rather then heading off
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