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Tribulations of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

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"That's when I realized what I consider my most important lesson: the world is...
Character Sheet
Character Sheet


Name: Issei Hyodo
Exalted Name: Sovereign of the Radiant Scales
Quest Difficulty: Easy
Exaltation Type: Solar
Caste: Twilight
Motivation: To become a Harem King, a person worthy of the affection of multiple girls
Battle Theme: I Burn Remix
Virtue Flaw: Imprudent Infatuation
Anima Banner: A great western crimson dragon with scales of orichalcum, its maw burning with the cleansing flames of the sun, flying above a great city made of glass.
Solar Exalts of the Twilight Caste may perceive Essence through their Anima, allowing them to hone their senses for magic (this is considered a free-cost Essence Sight). By spending five motes a Twilight may add (Essence) automatic successes on any (Intelligence + Occult) roll to identify a Charm or to analyze it with Essence sight, and on any (Perception + Awareness) roll made to notice a magical effect or Charm. In addition, this supernatural perception easily pierces through deception, adding a +3 bonus to the Solar's Dodge MDV against unnatural Illusions. These effects come into play automatically once the Solar spends 11+ motes of Peripheral Essence.

  • Strength: OOO
    Dexterity: OOOO
    Stamina: OOOO

    Charisma: OO
    Manipulation: O
    Appearance: OOOOO

    Perception: OO
    Intelligence: OOO
    Wits: OOO
  • Archery:
    Martial Arts: OOOOO
    Melee: OO

    Integrity: O
    -Presence: OOOO
    -Resistance: OOOOO

    -Craft: OOO (Earth, Wood, Water)
    -Investigation: O
    -Lore: OOOO
    -Occult: OOOO

    -Athletics: OOO
    -Awareness: OOO
    -Dodge: OOO

    Linguistics: O (Indo-European Languages Family)
  • Defying the Established Social Order (Presence): OOO
    Eroge (Lore): OOO
    Sexual Techniques (Performance): OO

  • Selective Conception: The character has full conscious control on his own fertility. He cannot ensure pregnancy, but he can prevent any undesired one.
    Common Sense: The character has an inner voice that warns him when his present course of action is unwise or dangerous, a voice that sounds remarkably like that of the Storyteller.
  • Ward 2 [Harem]: At the start of every month the character rolls to choose two girls of his Harem (those girls who have a romantic relationship with him). Then he rolls again once for each of them and based on result applies the following:
    10: Minor, easily fixed trouble (Example: Asia needs help shopping, Ruby found a minor evil spirit that needs to be exorcised).
    7-9: Minor trouble (Example: Asia got lost, Ruby accidentally showed off her powers).
    2-6: Trouble (Example: Asia got lost in a bad part of town, Ruby accidentally pissed off a local supernatural being).
    1: Major Trouble (Example: Asia is being attacked for her Sacred Gear, Ruby stumbled across a dangerous supernatural being).

  • Contacts (Abe Kiyome): O
    Mentor (Ddraig and Bright Shattered Ice): OOOOO
    Backing (Gremory Clan): O
    Allies: OOO
    Followers: O
    Demesne: O (1 Void Aspect-Level 2 Demesne)
    Demesne: O (1 Wind Aspect-Level 2 Demesne)
    Cult: OOO (there are thousands of people that admire you)
    Familiar: OOO (Eiko the Yatagarasu)
    Resources: OOOO
    Backing (HCC): OOO
    Contacts (Ryozanpaku): OO
    Contacts (Kii and Mii, Bakeneko Clan): O
    Contacts (Nura Clan): OOOO
    Backing (Hyodo Clan): OOOOO
    Influence: OOO
  • -Immortality: the familiar will not age or die until its master does.
    -Sense Sharing: the master can share one of the familiar's senses (at a time) when the familiar is within 100 yards.
    -Telepathy: the master can communicate with the familiar telepathically, and vice versa, provided both of them are within 100 yards of each other.
    -Essence Pool: the familiar allows the master access to an additional 5 Personal motes when in contact with him.
  • Compassion: OOOOO
    Conviction: OOO
    Temperance: OO
    Valor: OOO
    The character has the unfortunate tendency to become romantically obsessed at the drop of a hat. When the character's limit breaks, he will fall head-over-heels in love with someone whom he considers attractive, and has met under stressful circumstances.
    Uncontrolled: the results can range from the merely embarrassing, such as spending weeks attempting to court a comely shepherdess rescued from a landslide, to the downright suicidal, such as storming a Deathlord's castle in a desperate attempt to confess undying love to a beautiful deathknight. No matter how unsuitable the object, the character's infatuation knows no bounds. He will be incapable of thinking of anything aside from his beloved, probably spending much of his time composing overwrought poetry and the rest stalking the unfortunate person like a love-struck teenager. He may even go so far as to threaten suicide if anyone tries to deny him his love. The character will come to his senses after a number of days equal to his Compassion score, but until then, not even overt scorn or violence from his beloved will dissuade him.
    Trigger: the character witnesses someone attractive in peril or duress (even if the character himself is the cause of that duress).
    Partial Control: The character will not be forced to place himself in danger to gain his love's attention
    Limit Points: [X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
  • Harem (Dream)
    Beautiful Females (Lust)
    Parents (Filial Love)
    Perverted Trio (Friendship?)
    Aika Kiryu (Friendship/Sex)
    Asia Argento (Love)
    Mittelt (Love)
    Ruby Rose (Mentorship)
    Yang Xiao Long (Friendship/Sex)
    Occult Research Club (Friendship)
    Shougo Kitsukawa (Friendly Rivalry)
    Rias Gremory (Love)
    Eiko (Trust)
    Ryōzanpaku (Respect)
    Nura Clan (Respect)
    Rikuo Nura (Sworn Brothership)

Essence: OOOO
Personal: 20/20
Peripheral: 42/49
Committed (Personal): 0
Committed (Peripheral): 7
Committed (Total): 7

Willpower: 8/8

Bashing: 4
Lethal: 2
Aggravated: 0

-0 [ ]
-1 [ ] [ ]
-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]
Dying [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Join Battle: 6
Dodge DV: 6

Join Debate: 6
Dodge MDV: 6
Parry MDV: 3

    • Duration: Permanent
      Dragons are at the top of the food chain, and those who attempt trickery against them soon find out why. When an unexpected attack targets the user with this Knack but he fails to get enough successes on the (Wits + Awareness) roll to notice the attack coming, he instinctively defends himself with his highest applicable DV plus half of it rounded down. The character cannot preemptively attack his attacker or even shout out a warning to his comrades, as he's reacting to an attack that's already taking place, but he is much more likely to dodge or parry that attack. Nonetheless, the user cannot actually join battle himself until everyone else does after the unexpected attack is resolved.
    • Cost: 1m; Duration: One day
      The user of Dragon Power learns how to change a limited part of his body into that of a dragon. He doesn't have to invoke every mutation whenever he uses this Knack: he can choose all or only one. The possible mutations are:
      -Claws: the user's hands acquires short but sharp claws (S:5/A:+1/D:+3L/D:+0/R:3)
      -Enhanced Senses: The user's five senses become unnaturally acute. He gains two dices on all Awareness rolls. The mutation is physically obvious in the eyes, who are slitted like a dragon and glow.
      -Scales: The user's skin changes and he is now covered in delicate but sturdy scales. Add 2B/2L to Soak. He gains one die in all Survival pools and he does not need to wear clothing to protect himself against the elements.
      -Wings: The user has a pair of wings with a wingspan of six yards and can fly. He flies at two times his normal running speed, ascends at his normal running speed and can dive at 10 times his running speed. He does not need to make checks to pull out of dives.
    • Duration: Permanent
      Dragons are eternal: not so easily are their mighty bodies slain. This Knack gives the user additional health levels. He may purchase this Knack multiple times, but no more than once per dot of Stamina. Each purchase provides 1 additional Dying health level and the following:
      -Additional three -2 health levels
      -Additional three -2 health levels
    • Cost: 2m; Duration: One scene
      The user can shift into what the Lunar Exalts call the War Form, a monstrous amalgam of human and dragon. He gains several feet in height and increases proportionally in mass. Muscles ripple across his form, which has fearsomely long and sharp fangs and claws. He is three meters tall and has a wingspan of twelve yards, with a tail one yard and half long. When the user is in War Form he heals even faster: halve the healing time for all wounds save Aggravated.
      -When the user is in War Form he adds two dots each to Strength, Dexterity and Stamina. This increase can bring physical Attributes above five and only affect the user when he is in War Form. Any improved Attributes are considered natural.
      -The user gains all mutations from Dragon Body Hybrid plus: Bite (S:5/A:+0/D:+3L/D:-/R:2); Claw Feet (S:5/A:+0/D:+5L/D:-2/R:2); Tail, which is purely cosmetic.
    • Cost: -/2m/4m; Duration: Indefinite
      This Knack super-charges the dragon's healing abilities beyond anything it knew before. After purchase it allows the character to heal 1 level of Bashing damage every 10 ticks, this increases to 1 level of Bashing per 5 ticks or 1 level of Lethal per 10 ticks at Essence 4 and 1 level of Bashing per tick and 1 level of Lethal per 5 ticks at Essence 5. The character also gains the ability to spend power to enhance his healing to even greater heights: as a reflexive action he may spend 2 motes per level of Bashing damage and 4 motes per level of Lethal damage healed, however he may only spend a maximum of (Stamina + Resistance) motes every 10 ticks until he gains Essence 4 at which point this cap is removed.
    • Cost: 6m, 1wp; Duration: Permanent
      Those who Dragons favor carry a mark of greatness on their souls: this Knack grants the Merit "Touched by Dragon" to a person the character has a positive Intimacy to. Characters with this Merit finds themselves at ease interacting with Dragons, and vice versa. When those who have the Merit "Touched by Dragon" channels or rolls one virtue, selected when they gain this Merit, add one die.
    • Duration: Permanent
      Primordial Dragons were born from magma, the life-blood of Earth. This Knack permanently enhances the "Scales" mutation, giving the user an extra +4 soak against all fire attacks.
    • Cost: 1 Willpower; Duration: One scene
      This Knack doubles the amount of distance the character can cover in a Move and Dash action. What's more, it negates the movement penalties a character should accrue for dashing through water or mud as long as the user began his Dash action on terrain with no such penalty and continues to perform consecutive Dash actions. As long as he keeps dashing his feet skim the surface of the water or muck like a skipping stone. If he should slow down or stop, however, he sinks into the sucking terrain to suffer the normal penalties. He may purchase this Knack multiple times, but no more than once per dot of Dexterity.
    • Cost: 5m; Duration: (Stamina) ticks
      The user draws a deep breath - deeper than seems possible - before breathing a vast stream of fire elemental essence. He can maintain this exhalation, and its effects, for a number of ticks equal to his Stamina rating, and during this time can redirect the breath as he like, covering an area
      roughly his Essence in yards across on each tick. The bolt is targeted with (Dexterity + Athletics) or (Dexterity + Archery), whichever is preferred, with a range of (Essence x 10) yards. It inflicts damage on any target across a circular area with a radius equal to the user's permanent Essence in yards, dealing (Essence+Stamina) dice of Lethal damage every tick.

    • Cost: 5m, 1wp
      Mins: Integrity 1, Essence 1
      Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
      Keywords: Combo-OK
      Duration: One day
      Prerequisite Charms: None
      The Sun's Chosen define their own reality. This Charm protects the character from any Shaping effect that directly alters her mind, body, spirit or traits. This includes instantaneous Shaping effects and any new alterations caused by long-term Shaping effects. This Charm also protects the character from any undodgeable, unblockable Shaping attacks. Wyld energy cannot create a serpent inside the character's stomach or turn her armor to lava, whether it's manipulated by an enemy or its own random whims, because these effects inflict immediate damage and the character's DV is not applicable. This Charm does not protect against the miscellaneous dangers of the Wyld. If a Wyld effect creates a hundred-headed snake monster with burning chalcedony eyes that then eats the character, this is not directly altering the character's body through shaping. Nor is it an "attack" when a Wyld effect transforms the character's armor into harmless gossamer spider webs—simply an undesirable effect.
    • Cost: 1m per die
      Mins: Presence 1, Essence 1
      Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)
      Keywords: Combo-OK
      Duration: Instant
      Prerequisite Charms: None
      Lawgivers with this Charm are known for their moments of brilliance. The Exalt's player can invoke this Charm when making a roll based on the relevant Ability. This Charm then adds one die to that roll for each mote spent. This Charm is the paradigmatic dice adder. The rule that Solars are prohibited from increasing a dice pool by more than their (Attribute + Ability) almost always refers to the purchase of dice through the use of this Charm. Characters can also use this Charm to enhance unrolled uses of the relevant Ability, usually to increase a Defense Value, for example, by increasing (Dexterity + Dodge) to protect against a physical attack. When enhancing static values, her player rolls one die for each mote spent on the First Excellency. Each success increases her effective (Attribute + Ability) rating for the task by two. Therefore, each success on the First Excellency roll increases an applicable static value by one. Characters cannot use this or other Excellencies or diceadding Charms to "create" actions. For example, if a character attacks on tick 3 and will attack again on tick 8, she cannot buy dice for an attack on tick 4 that only exists because she used the Excellency to conjure dice for it. A character who uses this or other reflexive Charms to add to an attack can also use it to enhance her defense until the next tick when she acts, but she must spend Essence for each separate roll she wishes to modify. This Charm can be part of a Combo or used together with the Second Excellency, but it is incompatible with the Third Excellency. It can never be used on the same roll as the Third Excellency.
    • Cost: 2m
      Mins: Presence 1, Essence 3
      Type: Supplemental
      Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious, Social
      Duration: Instant
      Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency
      The Solar ignites her spirit with the Essence of the Unconquered Sun. This Charm can enhance a physical attack. This Charm makes the attack Holy and causes the attack to inflict aggravated damage against creatures of darkness. This Charm can also enhance social attacks that create guilt, shame or fear, or where the Exalt uses a stunt to draw on these emotions. It makes the attack Holy. This Charm makes creatures of darkness treat the social attack as unnatural mental influence that costs one Willpower to resist. This Charm also halves the creature's base MDVs against the attack. This Charm is specifically permitted to enhance rolls based on other Abilities.
    • Cost: 2m
      Mins: Resistance 2, Essence 1
      Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
      Keywords: Combo-OK
      Duration: Instant
      Prerequisite Charms: None
      A boy cannot cut down an oak tree with a kitchen knife. No more can a mere mortal slay the Solar Exalted with petty blows of mundane steel. The Solar adds (Essence + Resistance) to his bashing and lethal soak against a single attack.
    • Cost: 1m per post-soak damage die removed
      Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 2
      Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
      Keywords: Combo-OK
      Duration: Instant
      Prerequisite Charms: Durability of Oak Meditation
      The unconquerable flame of the Solar's spirit armors her against attack. She invokes this Charm after an attack hits her but before damage is rolled. This Charm reduces the post-soak damage of the attack by one die for each mote spent. This Charm may not reduce an attack's damage below one die.
    • Cost: 2m
      Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 3
      Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
      Keywords: Combo-OK
      Duration: One tick
      Prerequisite Charms: Durability of Oak Meditation
      Mortal weapons are as the stings of wasps and hornets to the Lawgivers reborn. All attacks against the Solar have their minimum damage reduced by one die for the duration of this Charm.
    • Cost: 2m per success
      Mins: Craft 1, Essence 1
      Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)
      Keywords: Combo-OK
      Duration: Instant
      Prerequisite Charms: None
      Solar Exalted with this Charm are known for their unwavering perfection. The Exalt's player can invoke this Charm when making a roll based on the relevant Ability. The Exalt then spends up to (Attribute + Ability) in motes. This Charm adds one success to a roll for every two motes spent. Each success purchased with Essence Triumphant is the equivalent of purchasing two dices with the First Excellency or some other dice adder. Therefore, if a Solar had a (Dexterity + Melee) total of 8, he could purchase up to four successes with the Second Excellency. Any magical effects that hinge on the character buying dice will then react as if the character had just bought eight (Dexterity + Melee) dice. The character could not add dice from the effects of other Charms because he has reached his maximum of eight by purchasing the four successes. The Exalt can also use this Charm to enhance unrolled uses of the relevant Ability. Each two motes spent increases his effective (Attribute + Ability) rating for one task by two. This means that every two motes spent on this Excellency increase a static value like a DV by one. The First Excellency is thus considerably more efficient for increasing static values than the Second Excellency, but not reliably so. This Charm can be Comboed or used together with the First Excellency, but it is incompatible with the Third Excellency, and it can never be used on the same roll as the Third Excellency.
    • Cost: 5m
      Mins: Craft 2, Essence 1
      Type: Simple (Speed 5)
      Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
      Duration: One scene
      Prerequisite Charms: Any Craft Excellency
      The things of the world strive to serve the Solars well. This Charm makes an object more difficult to break. It increases the number of successes necessary to damage the object by the character's Essence. It increases the (Strength + Athletics) rating necessary to break the object with a feat of strength by the character's Essence. No combination of Charms that includes Object-Strengthening Touch can increase these totals by more than the character's Essence.
    • Cost: 3m
      Mins: Craft 3, Essence 2
      Type: Simple (Speed 6 in long ticks)
      Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
      Duration: Instant
      Prerequisite Charms: Object-Strengthening Touch
      The craftsmen of the Unconquered Sun shore up the Essence of the world. This Charm increases the number of successes necessary to damage the object by one. It increases the (Strength+ Athletics) rating necessary to break the object by one. These effects are permanent, but no combination of Charms that includes Durability-Enhancing Technique can increase these totals by more than the character's Essence.
    • Cost: 3m
      Mins: Athletics 1, Essence 2
      Type: Reflexive
      Keywords: Combo-OK
      Duration: One scene
      Prerequisite Charms: None
      The heroes of the dawn leap with the grace of a flying crane and the speed of a striking hawk. For the rest of the scene, the character can jump with a movement action instead of a miscellaneous action, and she doubles the length of all jumps. While this Charm is active, the character may reflexively Jump only once per action, on her action tick. This does not replace her Move actions, and she may still only Jump once per action.
    • Cost: 2m per 4L
      Mins: Essence 2
      Type: Simple
      Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Heretical
      Duration: Instant
      Prerequisite Charms: None
      The greatest weapon of a Dragon is his breath. Solars agree there is no need for fancy tricks if one has sufficient power. This Charm permits the Solar to fire a bolt of Essence. The bolt is targeted with Dexterity + (Athletics or Archery) with an Accuracy bonus equal to the Solar's Essence and a range of (Essence x 20) yards. The bolt inflicts 4L every 2 motes spent, up to a maximum number of motes equal to (Stamina)x2. By spending 1 additional mote the Solar can add an elemental aspect to the bolt and trigger one of the following effects:
      -Holy: instead of lethal the bolt inflict aggravated damage to creatures of darkness.
      -Fire: set the target ablaze for a single action (+4L to the attacker's damage pool).
      -Air: buffets the target, subtracting two dices from her next action.
      (Additional possible effects can be added afterwards once the Solar learn how to manipulate the corresponding element through another ability)
    • Cost: 8m
      Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 3;
      Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
      Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
      Duration: Instant
      Prerequisite Charms: Spirit Strengthens the Skin, Iron Skin Concentration
      Driven by her purpose and her Virtues, the Exalt becomes invincible. The Solar invokes this Charm immediately before the damage of a physical attack or similar effect is rolled. This Charm is a perfect defense against the raw damage of the attack, reducing it to zero after all other effects. As a point of clarification, this Charm (and its Abyssal Mirror Wounds Mean Nothing) reduces the raw and final damage of an incoming attack or similar phenomenon to zero after all other modifiers and effects. Damage added to an attack after soak is applied, such as by Fire and Stones Strike, cannot harm a character who activates Adamant Skin Technique.
      Conviction Flaw: Charms carrying this Flaw do not function when the character has taken some action during the scene that is contrary to her Motivation. If, during the scene, she has acted against any Intimacy, or a Virtue she has rated at 3+, then Charms with this Flaw add a +3m surcharge to their activation cost.
    • Cost: 3m
      Mins: Presence 4, Essence 2
      Type: Supplemental
      Keywords: Combo-Basic, Social
      Duration: Instant
      Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency
      The glamour of the Lawgivers inspires others to dream of glorious things. This makes the Solars the ultimate salesmen and recruiters. Irresistible Salesman Spirit enhances a Presence-based roll to exert mental influence and make a favorable bargain or encourage a specific action. This Charm doubles the Solar's successes on the roll before comparing them to the target's MDV.
    • Cost: 1m per die
      Mins: Presence 1, Essence 1
      Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)
      Keywords: Combo-OK
      Duration: Instant
      Prerequisite Charms: None
      Lawgivers with this Charm are known for their moments of brilliance. The Exalt's player can invoke this Charm when making a roll based on the relevant Ability. This Charm then adds one die to that roll for each mote spent. This Charm is the paradigmatic dice adder. The rule that Solars are prohibited from increasing a dice pool by more than their (Attribute + Ability) almost always refers to the purchase of dice through the use of this Charm. Characters can also use this Charm to enhance unrolled uses of the relevant Ability, usually to increase a Defense Value, for example, by increasing (Dexterity + Dodge) to protect against a physical attack. When enhancing static values, her player rolls one die for each mote spent on the First Excellency. Each success increases her effective (Attribute + Ability) rating for the task by two. Therefore, each success on the First Excellency roll increases an applicable static value by one. Characters cannot use this or other Excellencies or diceadding Charms to "create" actions. For example, if a character attacks on tick 3 and will attack again on tick 8, she cannot buy dice for an attack on tick 4 that only exists because she used the Excellency to conjure dice for it. A character who uses this or other reflexive Charms to add to an attack can also use it to enhance her defense until the next tick when she acts, but she must spend Essence for each separate roll she wishes to modify. This Charm can be part of a Combo or used together with the Second Excellency, but it is incompatible with the Third Excellency. It can never be used on the same roll as the Third Excellency.
    • Cost: 4m
      Mins: Essence 3
      Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
      Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Heretical
      Duration: Instant
      Solars rule the world because they are Chosen, Dragons are born to do it. When a Dragon command the air, wind itself answers to carry him forwards with the speed of the storm. The Exalt invokes this Charm in response to an attack. The attack must not be unexpected. This Charm increases the Exalt's Dodge DV by three for a single action. Regardless of the outcome he dodges by leaping away from the opponent: this Charm allows him to jump up to ([Strength + Dodge] x 3) yards vertically or twice this distance horizontally. The Exalt chooses the exact direction and distance of this leap, so long as it is away from his attacker. The Exalt can use this Charm without the need to dodge an attack: in this case treat the Charm's use as a Jump action.
    • Cost: —
      Mins: Essence 3
      Type: Permanent
      Keywords: Enlightening, Heretical
      Duration: Permanent
      Dominion is the realm of the Dragons. Excellence is the purview of the Solar Exalted. Neither will bow to the other, but they can learn how to work together. The Lawgiver learns how to channel the power of Dragons and alter his body to make himself similar to the Sons of Gaia, acquiring Knacks that can be accessed at will. At Essence 3, he can select 9 Knacks. This Charm must be repurchased at each new increase of Permanent Essence to unlock more Knacks. To successfully acquire the first iteration of this Charm the Exalt must perform a Dramatic Action: he starts meditating and rolls (Wits + Resistance) at the end of each hour of uninterrupted meditation, with Difficulty set at 3. After he accumulates 15 success, he learns the Charm.
    • Cost: 3m
      Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1
      Type: Reflexive (Step 1 offensive, Step 2 defensive)
      Keywords: Combo-OK, Hero
      Duration: Scene
      Prerequisites: None
      The pugilist infuses her body with the glorious might of her Essence, striking with unbridled power. While this Charm is active, the base damage of her unarmed Martial Arts attacks is increased by her Essence rating. Her unarmed Martial Arts attacks may inflict Lethal damage if she so chooses, and she may parry Lethal damage unarmed without penalty. In addition, the pugilist's natural punch, kick and clinch weapons are considered Perfect quality. The points granted by this status are allocated when the Charm is purchased, and may be altered after the fact for 1 XP.

      Accuracy: +2
      Damage: +1
      Rate: +1

      Hero: In addition to Perfect quality, the Solar adds the Orichalcum Magical Material bonus (+1 Accuracy, +1 Defense, +1 Rate) to punch, kick and clinch, and adds the Piercing tag to punch and kick. These weapons count as Orichalcum Artifact weapons whenever that status would be beneficial. At Essence 3, the Charm may be activated as an Innate Ability. At Essence 5, it becomes Permanent with no mote cost.
    • Cost: -
      Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
      Type: Permanent
      Keywords: Obvious, Holy
      Duration: Permanent
      Prerequisites: Fists of Iron Technique
      The heroes of the dawn are first and foremost matchless weapons, forged to slay the errant makers of the world. This Charm enhances Fists of Iron Technique. While Fists of Iron Technique is active, the Solar may choose to activate this Charm's effects on any given attack during Step 1 of attack resolution or during the resolution of clinch crushing damage as an Innate Ability. As an Obvious effect, add the Solar's highest Virtue to her punch, kick and clinch weapons' Accuracy and Damage. As a Holy, Obvious effect, attacks made by those weapons inflict aggravated damage to creatures of darkness. Blows thus enhanced always produce an Essence display, which must thematically resonate with the Solar's iconic anima banner.
    • Cost: 1m per die
      Mins: Presence 1, Essence 1
      Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)
      Keywords: Combo-OK
      Duration: Instant
      Prerequisite Charms: None
      Lawgivers with this Charm are known for their moments of brilliance. The Exalt's player can invoke this Charm when making a roll based on the relevant Ability. This Charm then adds one die to that roll for each mote spent. This Charm is the paradigmatic dice adder. The rule that Solars are prohibited from increasing a dice pool by more than their (Attribute + Ability) almost always refers to the purchase of dice through the use of this Charm. Characters can also use this Charm to enhance unrolled uses of the relevant Ability, usually to increase a Defense Value, for example, by increasing (Dexterity + Dodge) to protect against a physical attack. When enhancing static values, her player rolls one die for each mote spent on the First Excellency. Each success increases her effective (Attribute + Ability) rating for the task by two. Therefore, each success on the First Excellency roll increases an applicable static value by one. Characters cannot use this or other Excellencies or diceadding Charms to "create" actions. For example, if a character attacks on tick 3 and will attack again on tick 8, she cannot buy dice for an attack on tick 4 that only exists because she used the Excellency to conjure dice for it. A character who uses this or other reflexive Charms to add to an attack can also use it to enhance her defense until the next tick when she acts, but she must spend Essence for each separate roll she wishes to modify. This Charm can be part of a Combo or used together with the Second Excellency, but it is incompatible with the Third Excellency. It can never be used on the same roll as the Third Excellency.
    • Cost: 4m
      Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
      Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -1)
      Keywords: Form-type, Obvious, Hero
      Duration: Scene
      Prerequisites: Sledgehammer Fist Punch, Dragon Coil Technique
      The pugilist suffuses her body with the Essence of the Sun. She becomes a paragon of strength and skill, radiant with the power of a legendary hero returned. She may reflexively spend 1 mote in Step 7 to count bonus successes on her unarmed Martial Arts attack rolls twice for the purposes of damage.

      Dynamic Form Transition: Fist of the Daystar Form may be activated reflexively as an Innate Ability if any of the following conditions are met. Extras do not meet the activation conditions under any circumstances, as they are inherently unworthy opponents.
      - the pugilist successfully inflicts knockdown or knockback with an unarmed Martial Arts attack against a resisting opponent.
      - the pugilist successfully wins a clinch control roll against a resisting opponent and elects to crush or throw.

      Hero: For a Solar Exalt, this Charm is Combo-OK. It is activated as a Reflexive (Step 1) Charm instead of Simple. In addition, the Solar adds Essence to raw damage when using the Charm's activated power on top of the overflow success doubling. The prerequisite is Fists of Iron Technique. At Essence 5, this Charm no longer counts towards the number of Form-type Charms the Solar may have active at any given time.
    • Cost: —
      Mins: Dodge 2, Essence 2
      Type: Permanent
      Keywords: None
      Duration: Permanent
      Prerequisite Charms: None
      Required for Charms: None
      The Solar Exalted understand the humble wisdom of the reed and the willow. The greater the force directed against them, the more nimble they become to avoid harm. Whenever the Lawgiver uses his Dodge DV to avoid a physical attack, he adds a bonus equal to half the attacker's Essence, rounded up. This bonus counts as dice added by a Charm.
    • Cost: 10m, 1w
      Min: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4
      Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
      Keywords: Obvious, Touch, Training, Heretical
      Duration: One Week
      Prerequisites: Any Form-Type Martial Arts Charm
      Neither Solars nor Dragons take being told they can't do something well. Unlike mortal men, however, their response to this is invariably to prove the person spouting these lies wrong. This Charm is the culmination of that principle combined with Hyodo Issei's desire to guard and empower those he cares about. On a personal level this charm reduces the Xp cost for all Terrestrial Martial Arts Charms to 4x, or 5xp if Martial Arts is not a Caste or Favored Ability, and their training time is halved. Learning this charm excludes the Solar from learning the Charm Swallowing the Lotus Root.

      As a Secondary ability this Charm works like Tiger Warrior Training Technique, except it requires both trainer and students, up to Magnitude 1, to share a positive intimacy of some sort. It allows training up to the Solar's own rank in that area (but not beyond the natural cap of the target) in any of the following: Martial Arts, Melee, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Terrestrial Martial Arts Charms and any Excellency's that can be learned by the student.
    • Cost: — (+4m)
      Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 2
      Type: Permanent
      Keywords: None
      Duration: Permanent
      Prerequisite Charms: Durability of Oak Meditation
      Required for Charms: Armored in Righteousness Stance, Unbroken Chain Resolve
      The Lawgivers are armored in righteousness; many need no other hauberk. This Charm upgrades Durability of Oak Meditation. The Solar may pay a surcharge of four motes to increase the soak bonus of the Charm to (Essence + Stamina + Resistance) and extend its duration to one scene. He cannot do so if he is wearing armor; donning armor later immediately ends any upgraded activations of Durability of Oak Meditation.
    • Cost: 3m
      Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2
      Type: Supplemental
      Keywords: Combo-OK, Hero
      Duration: Instant
      Prerequisites: Fists of Iron Technique
      The pugilist's killing intent blazes for a moment, fierce and powerful, and she strikes like the judgment of the Unconquered Sun. This Charm supplements an unarmed Martial Arts attack, doubling base damage. Against inanimate objects, it doubles raw damage instead. This alternate use was known in the First Age as the Pillar-Breaking Blow.

      Hero: For Solar Exalted, this Charm is Reflexive (Step 1) and costs 1 mote.
    • Cost: 3m
      Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2
      Type: Reflexive (Step 1 offensive or Step 2 defensive)
      Keywords: Combo-OK, Hero
      Duration: Action
      Prerequisites: Fists of Iron Technique
      The grip of the heroes of the dawn is inexorable. The pugilist may, if she chooses, crush the life from the strongest opponent. This Charm adds half the pugilist's Essence in bonus successes to all clinch-related rolls, as well as adding her Essence to the base damage of clinch crush attacks and her Strength + Athletics total for dragging a clinched opponent.

      Hero: While this Charm is active, the Solar may act freely while maintaining a clinch that she controls. If she is in control of a clinch, she may defend and fight normally without the usual restrictions placed on grapplers. In addition, she needs only one hand to maintain a clinch, no matter the size of the enemy.

    • [Fireball] Range: 10 yards (3). Duration: instantaneous (0). Area: 1 medium target (1). Damage: 6 Lethal (18). Energy: Fire (1). Metaspell: Silent Spell (2). Components: 25. Rank 1 Spell. Speed 6.
      [Air Strike] Range: 10 yards (3). Duration: instantaneous (0). Area: 1 medium target (1). Damage: 9 Bashing (9). Energy: Air (-1). Metaspell: Silent Spell and Fast Spell (3). Components: 15. Rank 1 Spell. Speed 3.
      [Shield] Range: around caster (2). Duration: 1 minute (3). Area: affects you (0). Protect: soak 1L/3B, 10 Health Levels (18). Components: 23. Rank 1 Spell. Speed 6.
      [Teleport Familiar] Range: anywhere on Earth (5). Duration: instantaneous (0). Area: 1 medium target (1). Movement: 1 medium target (10). Components: 16. Rank 1 Spell. Speed 6.
      [Restoration] Range: touch (2). Duration: 1 Action (1). Area: 6 yards (11). New Power: restore (10). Components: 24. Rank 1 Spell. Speed 6.
      [Hypnosis] Range: 10 yards (3). Duration: 1 minute (3). Area: 1 medium target (1). Control: alter memories (10). Components: 17. Rank 1 Spell. Speed 6.
      [Language] Range: only you (1). Duration: permanent (50). Area: only you (0). Divination: translate 1 language (3). Physical Medium: 1 small object (-40). Components: 13. Rank 1 Spell. Casting the spell takes 1 hour.
      [Bind] Range: touch (2). Duration: 1 minute (3). Area: 1 medium target (1). Control: restrain (10). Components: 16. Rank 1 Spell. Speed 6.
    • [Notice-Me-Not Field] Range: originates from the caster (2). Duration: permanent (50). Area: 70-yards radius sphere (55). Control: compulsion to forget and leave (10). Metaspell: affect anyone but those recognized as friendly (10), casting takes one hour (-3). Components: 124. Rank 4 Spell. Casting the spell take 1 hour.
      [Fallen Angel-Type Teleport] Range: anywhere on Earth (5). Duration: instantaneous (0). Area: all targets inside 3-yards radius sphere from the caster (6). Movement: all targets (40). Divination: fix spatial coordinates (5). Components: 56. Rank 3 Spell. Speed 6.

      • 2lncrr5.png

        Artifact: N/A (rating subjected to change as the Artifact evolves)
        Description: Soul-bound Artifact
        Quality: Exceptional (+3 to Defense)
        Form: Two gauntlets covering up to the elbows
        Speed: 5*, 6**
        Accuracy: +1
        Damage: +6L*, +5L**
        Defense: +5*, +3**
        Rate: 2*, 1**
        Attune: 5m, 1w
        Tags: M, C
        *Right one, **Left one
      • Paying one mote, the character can shift Boosted Gear into a pair of red metal armlets worn around the wrists. The Artifact loses its Bonuses, but it still allows the character to use the Artifact Charms. Changing back to Gauntlet Mode costs one mote.
      • A force-projection weapon, it works by transmitting the kinetic impact of a close combat weapon across intervening distance as an invisible pulse. This allows wielders to use their weapons to strike at range using their close-combat training, rather than learning an entirely separate curriculum of combat. By charging Boosted Gear with an additional commitment of three motes an invisible aura of force forms around both hands for the rest of the scene. During this time, the character may perform any task that would normally require his hands simply by making the appropriate gesture (the action uses its normal dice pool and difficulty), and the Exalt may affect any objects within (Essence rating x 3) yards. From a utilitarian standpoint, the gauntlets can levitate objects (but not the user), manipulate them, pull them close or push them away. In combat, the gloves can deliver ranged Martial Arts hand strikes or clinches that benefit from close combat magical material bonuses. Such attacks also impose a -1 penalty to the opponent's Parry DV because of their invisible nature. Finally, a character wearing charged gauntlets can parry attacks directed at anyone else in range, though each such parry cumulatively decreases her Parry DV by -1 until her next action. All close and ranged attacks made using gauntlets of distant touch are considered unarmed for the purposes of compatibility with Martial Arts Charms.

        When Boosted Gear is in Stealth Mode perfectly fitting red gloves form on the Exalt's hands. The gloves add the Fine Quality (+1 to Defense) bonus to the character's unarmed punches and allow unarmed parries of lethal and ranged attacks.

        • The Welsh Dragon Ddraig was a being of immense might, so powerful that he was considered on par with God. One of the reasons that made him so fearsome was his unique ability to double everything without limits, even his own strength.

          -When activated with a miscellaneous action (Speed 5, -1 DV) the Boosted Gear creates an Overdrive Pool of Essence. The motes from it can only be used offensively.
          -This Overdrive Motepool starts with [Current Personal + Peripheral Motes]/5 rounded down motes of Essence and doubles the amount of motes it contains every 10 ticks.
          -The Overdrive Motepool can at most contain [Essence + Stamina]*10 + 10 Motes of Essence.
          -Should motes from the Overdrive pool be used for any purpose, it stops doubling the amount of motes it contains.
          -The Overdrive Motepool can be maintained for a full day, after which it disappears.


          The character can activate this effect as an innate ability by spending 10 Overdrive motes. Until the fifth DV refresh after the ability's activation the character gains the following benefits:

          -He counts his Strength rating twice for the purpose of calculating Base Damage, Feats of Strength, Jumping Distance and other values that use the Strength Attribute.
          -He counts his Dexterity rating twice for the purpose of calculating Accuracy, Move and Dash Actions Defense and other values that use the Dexterity Attribute.
          -He doubles his natural Soak, Aggravated Damage included if he possesses it.

          The ability can be used multiple times and it's stackable, but it can be used only up to [Stamina+Resistance] times. After the fifth DV refresh the benefits end, the Overdrive Pool is removed and the character gain [(number of times the ability was used) - (Stamina/2 rounded down)] points of fatigue penalty.

          -Activating Boosted Gear removes and replaces a still existing Overdrive pool, even if it was created by another effect. Benefits gained with the previous pool are retained as long as they otherwise would be, but still count towards the limit of simultaneous maximum uses allowed by Welsh Boost Overdrive.
          -Users can reset and activating again the Overdrive Pool, and the doubling of motes, by spending the motes required for Boosted Gear's Attunement again.

          "Double Boost Overdrive"

          Ddraig's power allows him to double anything, even himself.

          -This Charm is an Expansion Charm to "Welsh Boost Overdrive". It creates a second Overdrive Pool when "Welsh Boost Overdrive" is activated: it follows the same rules at the first one, but the motes from it can only be used for defensive purposes.
          -The user doesn't need to spend additional motes when resetting the Overdrive Pools.
        • Those who are Exalted transcend all limits. And in the hands of such heroes even common items answer the call to glory.

          -This Charm allows the user to apply the effects of "Welsh Boost Overdrive: Explosion" to a weapon, armor or other object. This last until the fifth DV refresh of the one using the item, after which the item returns to its normal state.
          -Weapons have their base damage doubled.
          -Armors have their Soak and Hardness doubled.
          -Other items have their effects doubled, the details are up to the GM to decide.
        • Cost: 15m, 2wp;
          Mins: Essence 3;
          Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
          Keywords: Enlightening, Obvious, Touch, Heretical
          Duration: Instant
          The power of "Transfer" from Boosted Gear resonates with the overflowing golden Essence of the Sun-Chosen. This variation on the better known Power-Awarding Prana immediately and permanently blasts open a willing target's doors of perception, opening him to the world's currents of Essence. The Charm requires a short ceremony to steel both donor and recipient for the awesome forces they shall unleash. The ceremony takes whatever form the participants feel is appropriate to solemnize the event. Then the target and the Exalt simply touch—and the cataract of Essence flooding through the recipient's soul knocks him out for (5 – his Stamina) hours.

          The caster and the target must have a positive Intimancy towards each other (the two Intimancies can be different, but they must still be both positive). After the target recovers he becomes a Half-Caste, as if he was one from birth, capable of challenging Essence aligned to the source of the Exalt's power. If he was an un-enlightened mortal, he gains a point of permanent Essence.

Lightsaber: weapon used by Exorcists. It's a hilt that generate a blade of light. Very cool.

Speed 4, Accuracy +2, Damage +5L/2*, Defense +1, Rate 3, Attune 5. Tags: O
*Aggravated Damage against Creatures of Darkness
"Jan-Inhan Chujeog" ("Relentless Chase") [Saingeom, Daiklave]

"The Heaven calls down the Jeong (Spirit), and The Earth helps the Yeong (Soul). The sun and the moon are shaped, mountains and rivers are formed, and Lightnings strike like storm. Move North Heaven to destroy evil in the land, make for righeousness in the natural order."

Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage +56/3, Defense +2, Rate 4, Attune 6. Tags: 2, O, R

Special Skills:
-Can change shape to a certain degree
-Can harm disembodied spirits
-Inflict double damage to spirits and other beings powered by negative energies
-Mystical forces pull the sword towards the above targets, granting +2 accuracy in combat

Armor: //

Current: 33 Xp
Total acquired: 265 Xp
Xp/Training debt for Charms

Sometimes you need a Charm to get outside a dangerous situation, but you don't have the time or the Xp required? This feature will enable you to acquire a Charm instantly, but you will get into debt: all the Xp you gain go to it until the cost is met and your free time will be dedicated to the skipped training (In-Game Issei will work out the kinks of it), again until the cost is met.

This works only for Charms: you can't raise Attributes and Abilities this way. Also, you can't learn a Charm if you don't meet the requirements.

The maximum number of Charms that can be under debt is: 3
Gaining bonus Xp with Omakes and Fanarts

-A single omake can neat only 1 Xp. 2 if it is judged of exceptional quality: the other readers must agree too, and the post must be liked by at least 10 people.
-A fanart is also allowed and follow the same rules.
-Only 2 omakes and 1 fanart can be rewarded per IC week. You can post more, but you will not gain Xp.

-The omake must not be from Issei's POV.
-The omake must show other characters off-screen or their actions/reactions to something that happened in the quest. If it's in character and makes sense I can even can rule it as canon for the story.
-The omake's length must be at least 1200+ words.
-Grammar must be good.

Training Time:
Intelligence: 16/30 days
Strength: 10/30 days (1 Month completed!)
Dexterity: 10/30 days (1 Month completed!)
Perception: 0/30 days (1 Month completed!)
Socialize: 0/6 days (1 Week completed!)
Performance: 0/6 days (1 Week completed!)
Charisma: 7/30 days
Stamina: 11/30 days
Wits: 22/30 days
Manipulation: 12/30 days

Initiation to Terrestrial Circle Sorcery:
Trial of Humility: Passed.
Trial of Tutelage:
Trial of Journey: Passed.
Trial of Fear:
Trial of Sacrifice:

Side Quests:
[Magical Man Child Mil-tan] Conditions for victory: make Mil-tan a girl; give Mil-tan magical powers that satisfy her; do it before the time limit expire (Three Years)
[Discover the secret of the Evil Pieces] Progress: 74.99/100%
[Find the mystical land of Ryusenkyo] Conditions for victory: find Ryusenkyo; don't get killed
[Lord Phenex's Request] Conditions for victory: meet with Lord Phenex; do so before time limit: [UNKNOWN]
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Main Continuity

I will become God-Harem King of the World
Trials of the God-Harem King
Tribulations of the God-Harem King
Advent of the God-Harem King

Issei's Forces - Character Sheets
God-Harem King - NSFW Stuff

List of important people in the story:
Raynare. Human disguise: Yuuma Amano. Fallen Angel Devil.
Yuuto Kiba. Devil. Sacred Gear "Sword Birth" user.
Kiyome Abe. Human. Beast Tamer.
Mr. and Ms Hyodo. Humans.
Ddraig. Heavenly Dragon. The Welsh Dragon.
Bright Shattered Ice. Elder Solar Twilight Exalted.
Aika Kiryu. Human.
Matsuda and Motohama. Humans.
Rias Gremory. Devil.
Akeno Himejima. Devil.
Koneko Toujo. Devil. Nekoshou?
Tomofuri. Local Kami of Fertility and Pregnancy.
Dohnaseek. Fallen Angel Devil.
Mil-tan. A...thing. Kiba's customer.
Ruby Rose (Kougyoku Mizoguchi). Human. Sacred Gear "Crescent Rose (Death's Scythe)" user. Solar Half-Caste.
Asia Argento. Human. Sacred Gear "Twilight Healing" user. Solar Half-Caste.
Mittelt. 3/4 Fallen Angel, 1/4 Oni. Solar Half-Caste.
Kalawarner. Fallen Angel Devil.
Shariel. Fallen Angel. One of Grigori's Leaders.
Yang Xiao Long. Human. Ruby's big sister. Sacred Gear "Ember Celica (War's Gauntlets)" user. Solar Half-Caste.
Eiko. Yatagarasu. Issei's Familiar. Solar Half-Caste.
Sona Sitri. Human disguise: Sona Shitori. Devil.
Tsubaki Shinra. Devil.
Azazel. Fallen Angel. Governor General of the Fallen Angels and One of Grigori's Leaders.
Sayanomiya Kaoru. Human. Member of the History Compilation Committee.
Grayfia. Devil. Queen of Maou Lucifer's Peerage and his wife.
Beowul. Hero Descendant and Devil. Pawn of Maou Lucifer's Peerage.
Shougo Kitsukawa. Ex-gang's leader. Solar Half-Caste.
Raiser Phenex. Devil.
Ravel Phenex. Raiser's little sister. Devil.
Sirzechs Lucifer. Super Devil. Leader of the Four Maou.
Ryōzanpaku. A group of Master Martial Artists. Followers of the Katsujinken.
Honoka Shirahama. Human. Longinus Sacred Gear "Innovate Clear" user.
Elsha. Strongest Boosted Gear female possessor of the past.
Belzard. Strongest Boosted Gear male possessor of the past.
Mirai. Ninja?
Kii and Mii. Bakeneko youkai. Twin sisters.
Rikuo Nura. 3/4 Human, 1/4 Youkai. Head of the Nura Youkai Clan.
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Experience and Training
Experience and Training

Favoured or Caste/Not Favoured or Out-of-Caste

New Trait Xp Cost Training Time
Ability 2/3 Immediate/6 days (3+ hours for day)
Specialty 1/2 Immediate/6 days (3+ hours for day)
Charm 8/10 (Min. Ability) days (3+ hours for day)/(Min. Ability + Min. Essence) days (3+ hours for day)
Sorcery Spell 8 (spell circle) weeks (6 days, 3+ hours for days)

Improve Trait Xp Cost Training Time
Attribute 6/7/8* 1 month (30 days, 3+ hours for day)
Ability 3/4 Immediate/6 days (3+ hours for day)
Specialty 2/3 Immediate/6 days (3+ hours for day)
Essence (current rating) x8 (current rating) months (30 days, 3+ hours for day)
Virtue 3 Immediate
Willpower 3 Immediate
*(6 Xp to improve it from 1 to 3, 7 Xp to improve it from 4 to 7, 8 Xp to improve it from 8+)

Spells and Abilities from DxD don't follow this scheme and don't require Xp. They require a teacher and training time, that can be shortened with enough dots in an ability/abilities that resonate with them.

Bright and Ddraig are very good tutors, so they can reduce the time to train the stuff they knew best in life.
Bright can use a spell to transfer knowledge directly from mind to mind, so the training time for (Attributes, Abilities, Specialties, Spells, Charms, Essence) is shortened to 1 hour per dot. Bright's rating in that trait must be greater than Issei.

Things you do during the game can count as training to related things. For example spending a week crafting things count as 7 days of training Craft Charms. Spending a day chatting with your friends counts as training for Socialize. Etc...

You can stunt your pure training actions, which will reduce the time needed for something to count as your day of training. Same goes for having a good teacher.


DxD World's Magic Systems

Every Magic System follow a Paradigm: a core concept that define it. Spells that resonate with this concept are easier to cast (+1 to Casting roll and Target roll for every Proficiency Rank in it).

Sacred Gear. "Wish" Paradigm. Component allowed: all of them.
Norse Magic. "War" Paradigm. Component allowed: Conjure, Damage, Divination, Energy, Enhance, Heal, Movement, New Power, Protect.
Devil Magic. "Destruction" Paradigm. Components allowed: Control, Damage, Energy, Enhance, Metaspell, Movement, New Power, Protect.
Angel Magic. "Blessing" Paradigm. Components allowed: Conjure, Damage, Divination, Energy, Enhance, Heal, Movement, New Power, Protect.
Fallen Angel Magic. "Glamour". Components allowed: Conjure, Control, Damage, Divination, Energy, Illusion, Metaspell, Movement, New Power, Protect.
Black Magic. "Curse" Paradigm. Components allowed: Control, Damage, Energy, Illusion, Metaspell, Movement.
White Magic. "Cure" Paradigm. Components allowed: Conjure, Divination, Energy, Enhance, Heal, New Power, Protect.
Fairy Magic. "Nature" Paradigm. Components allowed: Conjure, Control, Divination, Energy, Enhance, Heal, Illusion, New Power, Protect.
Summoning Magic. "Travel" Paradigm. Components allowed: Control, Divination, Metaspell, Movement.
Spirit Magic. "Natural Spirits" Paradigm. Components allowed: Conjure, Control, Divination, Enhance, Metaspell, Movement, New Power.
Dragon Magic. "Might" Paradigm. Components allowed: Damage, Energy, Enhance, Movement, New Power, Protect.
Runes. "Symbol" Paradigm. Components allowed: Conjure, Control, Damage, Divination, Energy, Enhance, Heal, Illusion, Metaspell, Movement, New, Power, Protect.
Onmyouji Arts. "Purification" Paradigm. Components allowed: Conjure, Control, Damage, Divination, Energy, Enhance, Heal, Illusion, Movement, Protect.

The following arts are not considered magic systems, but they follow the same rules:

Ki Manipulation. "Ki" Paradigm. Components allowed: Control, Damage, Divination, Energy, Enhance, Heal, Illusion, Movement, Protect.
Touki. "Ki Mastery" Paradigm. Components allowed: Damage, Enhance, Movement, Protect.
Senjutsu. "Chakra" Paradigm. Components allowed: Control, Damage, Divination, Enhance, Heal, Illusion, Movement, New Power, Protect.
Reversal Magic. "Reverse" Paradigm. Components allowed: Metaspell.


Spells of every Magic System are divided into Ranks. The Rank of a Spell is determined by the number of its Components:

001 - 025 Rank 1: kill a person, destroy a motorcycle
026 - 050 Rank 2: Kill a Low-Class Devil
051 - 100 Rank 3: Kill a Middle-Class Devil
101 - 150 Rank 4: Kill a High-Class Devil
151 - 200 Rank 5: Kill an Ultimate-Class Devil, decimate an army, destroy a city
201 - 250+ Rank 6: vaporize a big army, kill a god, wreak a region the size of Saitama's prefecture (every 50 Components add +1 to Casting Difficulty)

-The roll to see if a Spell Casting is successful is: [Int + Lore + Occult + Essence]. The Difficulty is the Rank of the Spell, Casting is an automatic success if the Difficulty of the Spell is less than half of [Int + Lore + Occult + Essence].
-If successful there is another roll to see if it hits: the roll is Dexterity+[Attribute](it varies depending on the Magic System)

-When casting a spell you take one level of Exhaustion Damage (-1 penalty to all actions. Internal Penalty) per Rank of that Spell. The is reduced for each Proficiency gained: IE Rank 3 casting with Rank 1 Proficiency inflicts 2 levels of Exhaustion damage.
-This damage heals at a rate of 1 level per hour resting for mortals, 1 level per minute for Characters with Essence of 2 or more, and 1 Level per 10 Ticks for Characters with Essence of 6+.
-Motes can be spend to reduce Exhaustion. The motes cost must be spent separately for every Level:
-First Level: 2m
-Second Level: 4m
-Third Level: 6m
-Fourth Level: 8m
-Fifth Level: 10m
-Sixth Level: 12m
-7+ Level: 14m

Learning Spells

Extended Roll measured in days (3+hours for Exalt Issei).

Rank One. Requirements (Int+Lore+Occult+Essence) = 3, Successes 10
Rank Two. Requirements (Int+Lore+Occul+Essence) = 4, Successes 15
Rank Three. Requirements (Int+Lore+Occult+Essence) = 5, Successes 30
Rank Four. Requirements (Int+Lore+Occult+Essence) = 6, Successes 50
Rank Five. Requirements (Int+Lore+Occult+Essnece) = 7, Successes 75
Rank Six. Requirements (Int+Lore+Occult+Essence) = 8, Successes 100


Rank One Proficiency. requirements (Int+Lore+Occult+Essence+Speciality) = 3, Successes 10
Rank Two Proficiency. Requirements (Int+Lore+Occult+Essence+Speciality) = 6, Successes 30
Rank Three Proficiency. Requirements (Int+Lore+Occult+Essence+Speciality) = 9, Successes 60
Rank Four Proficiency. Requirements (Int+Lore+Occult+Essence+Speciality) = 12, Successes 100
Rank Five Proficiency. Requirements (Int+Lore+Occult+Essnece+Speciality) = 15, Successes 150
Rank Six Proficiency. Requirements (Int+Lore+Occult+Essence+Speciality) = 20, Successes 210

-Specialties are for example, Norse Magic, Angelic Magic, Devil Magic Etc.



Create Spells

Ask the GM. If you have a spell, and he approves, the GM will tell you the details of the Dramatic Action necessary to learn it.
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