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Tribulations of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

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"That's when I realized what I consider my most important lesson: the world is...
Ryozanpaku - Part 14


That is not dead which can eternal lie
Apr 24, 2013
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"That's when I realized what I consider my most important lesson: the world is vast, impossibly so. And it doesn't rotate around me."

Boosted Gear doesn't work. You can't contact Ddraig and Bright.

You're alone.

In that moment you almost freeze, uncertainty grabbing your hearth and mind in cold ice.

No no no no. You can't afford that. Not now that innocents are in danger. You can't stop like the time Raynare revealed her true nature.

Or people will die. And it would be your fault.

Never. Never Never Never Never Never!!!

You still have your Charms. You have months of training under two of the most powerful people you know.

You are Exalted. You cannot lose!

"Nevermind that!" You yell, more to yourself than others as you assume the Fist of The Daystar Form. And just like the time with Raiser more Charms come suddenly to you. Bright said you shouldn't abuse it, but this is an emergency. "What's the plan?"
Iron Kettle Body: -9m
Fists of Iron (Lethal): -3m
Orichalcum Fists of Battle: 0m
Fist of the Daystar Form: -4m
Bashing: 17
Lethal: 15
Aggravated: 0
"You know some magic mumbo jumbo right?" Sasaki asks, politely ignoring how you started to glow golden. "Try to distract that giant radish. Me and Akisame will rescue the kids."

"A wise course of action. How unlike you Shio."

"Shut up!"

"Are you done?"

The youkai asks. It stopped as you started talking, but now it resumes it advancing, moving closer to the prisoners.

"Usually I don't mind letting my preys babbling a bit, you humans say such funny things when in despair, but I'm too hungry now. Let me put those little morsels in my stomach first and I will torture you as you wish."

"As if we would let you do that!" You change forward, while Sasaki and Akisame moves towards the others.

Several tendrils emerge around the youkai and lash out, but you weave and dodge between them with relative ease. You decide to taunt it. "Seriously Ero-Shrub, I like Tentacle Porn as much as the next Japanese Guy, but keep the Yaoi away from me."

"I understood nothing of what you just said, but if it was meant to be an insult you are wasting your breath."

You flip over one particularly determined attack, just in time to see your target, the main body of your enemy. You springboard off another grasping branch and begin you attack. Your fist glows with golden energy as you rocket forward.
"Pillar-Breaking Blow!"

Your voice is calm, almost sleepy yet it becomes a roar as the point where your attack struck erupts in a fountain of golden sparks and debris. Bright orange blood erupt from the wound, exposing pulsing sacks that beat like an inhuman heart.

"Woah! I felt that."

The youkai shouts, yet there is no pain in his tone. The maw turns towards you and opens: from it an appendices with yet another smaller maw emerges and wrap around you.
You have ended in a Clinch!
"Argh!" What an error! You thought your blow would stun it enough to let you retreat to a safe distance; instead it took advantage of when you were in midair like a sitting duck to immobilize you. It's only the protection afforded by Iron Kettle Body that stop the teeth from doing more than slightly drawing blood.

"I was right, you are the most delicious one."

The main maw opens and closes. You suspect it's this monster's way of licking its lips.

"I can't wait to eat you and absorb your life ene-What the?!"

It turns around, and you with it. That's how you are able to see that the two Masters, while you were distracting the youkai, were able to take the kids to safety: their bodies are held in the arms of Sasaki and Akisame, while the roots and tendrils presents where the hostages once where are all either broken or tied together.

"How did you do that?!"

There is genuine shock in its voice. It's distracted, and it is not paying attention to you.

This is your chance!

First, you need to roll to free yourself from the Clinch:
[] Roll ([Strength or Dexterity] + Martial Arts). You can use Reflexive Charms or actions, as well as other Charms designed to function while held in a clinch.

After that:
[] Write-in.
Personal Essence: 20/20
Peripheral Essence: 26/49

Willpower: 7/8


"What happened? What the hell happened?!"

"Quiet! Let me works: I can fix this."

"Fix my red balls, you Sun-Bitch! I bet your meddling caused this! Get out of the way: I spent centuries in this thing, I know it better than anybody."

"You can't be sure! I understand the inner wor-Don't touch that! Stupid lizard, you will ruin my work!"

"Stop me!"


Welcome to the third thread of Trials of the God-Harem King! Another thread with 100 pages, another boon:

+15 Xp!
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Ryozanpaku - Part 15
[X] Debt buy Dragon Coil Technique

It happens again. Your mind and guts burn at how unnatural what you're doing feel. Blood leaks from your nostrils. But you cannot stop: it doesn't matter what happen to you, the kids are more important!
-1 Penalty from mental stress!

-0 [X]
-1 [ ] [ ]
-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]
Dying [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Normally you would be freaking out about getting eaten but the anger of Honoka getting kidnapped, combined with this freaky plant thing bragging about eating people and the panic from Boosted Gear not working has set your mind into overdrive focusing on completely obliterating this thing. A small part of you wonders if you inherited a dragons adrenaline response at attacking anything that wrongs them? It doesn't matter now as you use the leverage the plant thing has graciously given you by being overeager to try and eat you.

"Hey you overgrown weed! I think your confused on who's got who! Dragon Coil Technique!" You pull with all your augmented might and force open the secondary maw holding you captive. You twist and abruptly push down, causing the youkai to jolts violently and losing its footing, the enormous bulbous body eating dirt.


It thrashes around clearly in pain as it tries to get away, but found each and every of his limbs by translucent golden light shaped like eastern dragons.

"Nice trick brat!"

The masters, not missing a beat, get in close after leaving the kids in a safe place and start to cut the overgrown weed down to size while it still futile attempts to break out of your grip fail as you tighten even further to deal additional damage. Sasaki lets loose a flurry of punches, each one hitting with the force of a sledgehammer, opening a bloody path in the monster body. Akisame on the other hand uses fast finger-strikes to hit precise points of the youkai's hide, leaving behind a web of cracks that Sasaki ruthlessly exploits.

"I think I discovered its weak point." The Jujitsu master says. "It's like a flytrap, so logically the brain should be in the bulbous stem underground!"

"And how we reach it?" Sasaki asks.

"We should-"


The youkai screams. Feelers emerge from all over its body, shooting out orange and green spheres of pollen and unidentified liquids all around the area. The Masters pull away quickly enough, but you need to end Dragon Coil Technique first so you're half a second late.

"Urgh!" One of the sphere hits your left leg. Clothes and skin starts burning, exposing the muscles below. "Acid?!"
-0 [X]
-1 [X] [ ]
-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]
Dying [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]


It sounds nearly apoplectic now. The sacks around his body expand: letting loose an unearthly shriek they explodes, each revealing a mass of tentacles with hungry maws at the top.

"God, this guy is fucking nasty."

You agree with Shio.
Personal Essence: 20/20
Peripheral Essence: 24/49

Willpower: 6/8
[] Write-in.
Name: ??
Species: Plant-like Youkai

Attributes: Strength 10, Dexterity 1, Stamina 10; Charisma ?, Manipulation ?, Appearance ?; Perception ?, Intelligence ?, Wits ?
Epic Attributes: Epic Strength 3, Epic Stamina 4, ??
Virtues: ??
Abilities: Martial Arts 2, ??
Soak: 14L/20B
Health Levels: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X], ??
Dodge DV: 1
Essence: 4

Next post this evening.
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Ryozanpaku - Part 16
[X] Use Dragon Shot to burn away the tentacles and inflict as much damage as possible while avoiding the creature's ranged attacks. When it's a little safer to approach, clinch-and-heave to pull the monster up by the roots and expose the brain, allowing the masters to attack it.

"I changed my mind! I am going to eat you raw, starting from the limbs and leaving your head for last!!"

"For one who started so smug, he sure lost his marbles pretty fast." Sasaki dodges a blob of acid.

"Most likely its pride was hurt. It doesn't appear to be used to losing." Akisame redirects the path of two tentacles, causing them to tie each other.

You on the other hand are trying to come up with a suitable course of action. Your leg burns where the acid stuck moments ago, but that is minor compared to the burning thundering through your veins. You spread your feet, ready to dodge at any moment and steady your stance: dust rises around you in testament to the damage done by all, and even the Church is looking a little worse for wear. Maybe its you, but this is the second time you've fought something at a place like this. Maybe you're cursed? You cup your hands in front of you, fire answering the call of your essence and gathering in a tight sphere which you wordlessly let loose towards your foe with steely determination.

Dragon Shot hits a mass of tentacles, the vegetable appendices catching fire like dry wood.


Raising its remaining tentacles the youkai plunges them into the ground, causing a minor earthquake.

"Scatter!" Akisame commands. You wordlessly obey. "It's trying to hit us from below!"

However the monster's maw once again shows its own version of a demented grin. What the...?


The tentacles emerge away from the main body.

Directly around the sleeping kids


"No one move! Or I will bite their heads off!"

Sap-dripping teeth hover just a few centimeters away from their neck. You and the Masters, incapable of nothing but glaring with hate at the youkai.

"Now we're talking. Stay still and let me eat you, and maybe I will let them leave."

Not the monster is positively smiling like a crazy loon. However, before you can say anything.

"Monster! Leave Oni-chan and the others alone!"

You blood freezes in your veins. She didn't.

She did.

Honoka is there with the others, restlessly kicking one of the tentacles. There are tears in her eyes and she's obviously afraid, yet she isn't running away.

"Honoka-chan! Run away!" You and the Masters tell her, but she doesn't listen.

"What's this? A runt is trying to be a hero?"

One of the tentacles wraps around her and she's raised from the ground, directly to the main maw's level. "Shut up! It's the duty of little sisters to protect their big brothers!" She has it totally backwards! "Hyoudo-niisan, Sasaki-san and Koetsuji-san are fighting as hard as they can to protect Oni-chan and the others! I can't be the only one to run away!"

In another moment you would have praised her courage. Now you curse it.

"Annoying. Shut up. No, let me shut you up."

The maw opens.



No. No. No.

"Aahh.." Honoka trembles.

No no no no no no NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo----!!!



"NNNOOOOOOO!!!!" Honoka screams.

And then starts to emit green light.

Ba-Dump! Ba-Dump! Ba-Dump!


Vines of all size and species erupt from the ground, their blade-like ends piercing through the youkai.

Unbearable pain and heat spread from your chest to your entire body. You fall to your knees.

[Boost!] [Desire!]

The trees in the area elongate and wrap around the monster's body.

[Boost!] [Destruction!]

Honoka falls down, but an enormous flower grows under her and break her fall.

[Boost!] [Determination!]

Liquid fire spreads over your arms.

[Boost!] [Dragon!]

Since when...


Is Boosted Gear back?


Time stops. One moment you're standing on your knees.

The next moment you're in front of the youkai, your fist cocked back.




"Mmh..?" Honoka opens her bleary eyes, her mind a jumbled mess. "What happened...?"

Her eyelids shot open as the recent memories starts coming back. "Oni-chan! Oni-chan and the others are in danger."

She stands up in a hurry, only to discover she isn't near the church anymore. "A forest?" She says loud, warily eyeing the thick trees and the nearby stream. "Where I am? What happened to Oni-chan and the others?"

"Do not worry Shirahama Honoka." A solemn but gentles voices says. "Your familiars and friends are safe, both in body and mind."

The little girl turns around to see who spoke, and couldn't help but staring.


"A deer!?" She points. "A talking deer?!"

"I am a stag." The magnificent animal jumps down and approaches Honoka. "My name is Eikþyrnir, the sacred stag that once stood upon Valhalla eating the roots of Yggdrasil. My horns gave birth to the hallowed rivers Síd, Víd, Søkin, Eikin, Svöl, Gunnthrá, Fjörm, Fimbulthul, Gípul, Göpul, Gömul, Geirvimul, Thyn, Vín, Thöll, Höll, Grád, Gunnthráin, Nyt, Nöt, Nönn, Hrönn, Vína, Vegsvinn and Thjódnuma."

"Eeehhh!?" Honoka is thoroughly confused at the multitude of foreigner names.

"I greet you oh Shirahama Honoka, Bearer of my Spirit. I greet you, oh bearer of [Innovate Clear], the [Miniature Garden of the Green Tree of Innovation]."

It lowers its muzzle, its eyes meeting Honoka's.

"We need to talk."

Solar Lens: Lost!
Artifact Charm "Welsh Boost Overdrive": Lost!
Artifact Charm "Boosted Gear Prominence": Lost!
Artifact Charm "Boosted Gear Apotheosis": Lost!

Boosted Gear's Quality changed to Exceptional! Three +1s to divide among: Accuracy, Damage, Defense, Rate.

[] Allocate bonus points.

Boosted Gear's Parameters changed:

Speed: 5*, 6**
Accuracy: +1
Damage: +6L*, +5L**
Defense: +2*, +0**
Rate: 2*, 1**
Attune: 5m, 1w
Tags: M, C

*Right one, **Left one

Boosted Gear gained: One Artifact Charm!

Artifact Charm: "Welsh Boost Overdrive"

The Welsh Dragon Ddraig was a being of immense might, so powerful that he was considered on par with God. One of the reasons that made him so fearsome was his ability to increase his own power without limits.

-When activated with a miscellaneous action (Speed 5, -1 DV) the Boosted Gear creates an Overdrive Pool of Essence. The motes from it can only be used offensively.
-This Overdrive Motepool starts with [Current Personal + Peripheral Motes]/5 rounded down motes of Essence and doubles the amount of motes it contains every 10 ticks.
-The Overdrive Motepool can at most contain [Essence + Stamina]*10 + 10 Motes of Essence.
-Should motes from the Overdrive pool be used for any purpose, it stops doubling the amount of motes it contains.
-The Overdrive Motepool can be maintained for a full day, after which it disappears.


The character can activate this effect as an innate ability by spending 10 Overdrive motes. Until the fifth DV refresh after the ability's activation the character gains the following benefits:

-He counts his Strength rating twice for the purpose of calculating Base Damage, Feats of Strength, Jumping Distance and other values that use the Strength Attribute.
-He counts his Dexterity rating twice for the purpose of calculating Accuracy, Move and Dash Actions Defense and other values that use the Dexterity Attribute.
-He doubles his natural Soak, Aggravated Damage included if he possesses it.

The ability can be used multiple times and it's stackable, but it can be used only up to [Stamina+Resistance] times. After the fifth DV refresh the benefits end, the Overdrive Pool is removed and the character gain [(number of times the ability was used) - (Stamina/2 rounded down)] points of fatigue penalty.

-Activating Boosted Gear removes and replaces a still existing Overdrive pool, even if it was created by another effect. Benefits gained with the previous pool are retained as long as they otherwise would be, but still count towards the limit of simultaneous maximum uses allowed by Welsh Boost Overdrive.
-Users can reset and activating again the Overdrive Pool, and the doubling of motes, by spending the motes required for Boosted Gear's Attunement again.

"Double Boost Overdrive"

Ddraig's power allows him to double anything, even himself.

-This Charm is an Expansion Charm to "Welsh Boost Overdrive". It creates a second Overdrive Pool when "Welsh Boost Overdrive" is activated: it follows the same rules at the first one, but the motes from it can only be used for defensive purposes.
-The user doesn't need to spend additional motes when resetting the Overdrive Pools.



Nobody expected that, right? >:D

It wasn't a spur of the moment, I planned this since a long time ago.

Enjoy O:)
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Ryozanpaku - Part 17
What happened after that?

You blink. Slowly at first, then faster. You look around. "I'm in Tzatli? Does this mean-!"

"PAAAAARTNEEEERRRR!!" Twenty tons worthy of legendary dragon smash into you. "You're safe!!"

"AAAAARRRGGGHHH!!!" You feel more than half of your body being crushed to paste. "Get off me! Get off me! I'm dying! Don't hug me! DDDDDRAAAAAIIIGGGGG!!!!"

He releases you and starts crying. Yes, crying! "I didn't know what was going on. I was worried you know?"

"Stop that. It's creepy." You deadpan.

"Fufuh. They got along so well. I'm almost jealous."

"No I agree with the kid. That's creepy. Since when Ddraig is sentimental?"

"I believe it's called 'character development'. What do you think fair lady?"

"It's Empress for you peons."

"Hai, hai."

Bright-sensei's voice. And also unknown voices. You stand up and walk past Ddraig to see what's going on.

People. The same age or older than you. Male and female. Wearing all manners of clothes. Some are walking around in wonder, while the rest, together with Bright, are watching you with anticipation.

"...It says a lot that after everything that happened to me I don't have the force to be shocked anymore." You raise a timid answer. "So, in order: who are you people? Why Boosted Gear stopped working? What happened after it started working again? Can someone please answer those questions?"


"Fufuh. Please allows us to give you the answer you search, Sekiryuutei. My name is Elsha." A young woman with long wavy blonde hair and green eyes says.


"And I am Belzard. Nice to meet you, Hyodo Issei." A fashionably dressed man continues.

"They are the Sekiryuutei of the past, the former possessors of Boosted Gear." Ddraig, having recovered, explains.

"The former possessors of Boosted Gear? Does this mean you're my sempai?" Your eyes light up in wonder. "Wait. If so, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be...dead?" You try to be as polite as possible.

"True. All of us are, technically, dead." Elsha makes a sad smile. "Sadly, when God created Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing he also added a potent curse to them."

"You mean Juggernaut Drive?"

"That is part of the whole curse." Belzard continues. "The truth is that when a host of the Boosted Gear dies, no matter how, their memories are zombified and stored inside the Boosted Gear, while their feelings of pain and regret are used to intensify the power of the curse."

"..." You stare at them in shocked silence.

Then you choke Ddriag. "USELESS DUMB OVERGROWN LIZARD!!!"

"Gh-! Gah-! Uah--!!"

"Why didn't you tell me? What were you waiting for? For me to kick the bucket? Die die die!!!"

"Please calm down Issei-kun." Elsha tries to soothe you. The slight amused smile on her lips is unmistakable though. "Ddraig merely wished to avoid putting a heavy weight on your shoulders. He meant well."

You relax the hold and look at Ddraig. "Is it true?"

"Ha-! Yes..whee.." He wheezes. "Though, some times I just forget-! Gah!"

"Die die die!!!" You start choking him again.

After a few minutes they manage to calm you down. Ddraig is purple, but you don't deign him of a glance. "So..." You look around at your sempai. "Why don't you look...zombified?"

"It's because the curse is GOOOONEEEEE!!" A guy your age happily cries from the back.

"Like that?" You say in disbelief.

"Of course not." Belzard waves an hand. "It was a very strong curse. Me and many others try vary different methods when we were alive, but they all failed. That is-" He points at Bright. "Until the fair- I mean Empress came."

"I told you once, right? The Exaltation burns away all defects from the host at the time of the Second Breath." Bright leans forward, one hand sliding down her shapely leg. "Probably due to its uncertain nature it didn't remove Boosted Gear, but it registered the curse as such and so it purged it. However, by doing so it damaged the Sacred Gear quite badly."

"Is that why..." You put two and two together. "At the beginning, Boosted Gear didn't work like normal and didn't boost my power?"

"Correct. That's also why I heavily modified the Gear, to compensate the loss."

"A lot of good it did!" Someone cries. "You only made things worse, you crook!"

Five seconds later Bright is dragging the screaming guy away, various instruments of torture forming in her hands.

After you all wince Elsha continues the explanation. "However, even if damaged Boosted Gear is capable of self-regeneration. It took awhile, mostly because it needed to adapt to your new powers, but finally during the last battle the Gear kind of...'rebooted'."

"And we all got dumped here." Belzard smirks. "Meanwhile you Boosted to the maximum, defeated the youkai and fainted. It's a bit more complicated than that, but for now this is good. About us all...well, we're stuck here, so do you mind if for the time being we live here?"

"Uh? Sure, I don't mind. Go ahe...ad..." You start feeling sleeping. You close your eyes for a moment.

And disappear.

"Puoo." Elsha pouts. "He woke up."

"Uhmm..." Belzard humms. "I'm going to explore the city. Who want to come?"

"Me! Me!"

"I'm in!"

"Count me on."

"I want porn mag. With lolis."

They all turn and stare at the last one who spoke.



"...You are...awake." The first thing you see when you woke up are the very close light purple eyes of Shigure-san. "How...do you feel?"

"Uhm.." You move your shoulder. "Sore, but okay. How long I was out?"

"Just a couple of hours." You turn your head and see the Elder sitting to the side together with the others Masters. "Akisame and Shio explained to me what happened. How unlucky, to find such a dangerous and aggressive youkai so close to the city. But everyone is safe, and that's what matters."

"But damn, keep your strength under control brat." Sasaki crushes a beer's can. "After those strange gloves appeared on your hands you just stood there before suddenly attacking the youkai. You punched it so hard that it was like a bomb went off!"

You stand up and remove the wet cloth from your forehead. "Sorry about that: for various reasons my Gear had an unstable phase. But it's over now. Are the other truly okay?"

"Yes." Kensei says proudly. "I personally examined them. The pollen they inhaled was soporiferous, not poisonous. I administered an ancient Chinese remedy, they will wake up soon."

"An Honoka?"

"She fainted too, but for different reasons." Akisames seems tense. "Maybe you don't remember, but before you defeated the youkai many plants, moving on their own, attacked it and brought Honoka to safety. It was her doing: Honoka awoke a Sacred Gear."

Your right eyebrow twitches. "...You aren't joking."

"I'm afraid not. I saw it happening before: her internal ki shows traces of a foreigner energy that is without doubt from a Sacred Gear."

"Damn." You clench your hand. "If it isn't one thing it's another. Where is she?"

"She is-"


"Hyodo-nii!" Honoka opens the sliding door and tackles you.


"Are you alright? Did that big bully hurt you?" She looks all over your body. "Let Honoka check it out."

"I am okay." You grab her by the back of the shirt and delicately push her away. "Listen Honoka-chan. We need to talk about what happened at the church."

"About what?" She blinks owlishly. "If it is about my Sacred Gear don't worry: Eibi-nii explained it to me already."

"Yes it's about-" You stop, your eyes widen. The Masters mirror your action. "...Who is this 'Eibi-nii'?"

"I met him in my dreams. His real name is Ei-ch-bi-nil something, but I call him Eibi-nii because it's easier." She explains with a big smile. "He's a talking deer-ah no a stag. He said I have this thing called Sacred Gear with his spirit inside: it's called Innovate Clear, and he also said it is special because it's something called Loni...Longi..."

"Longinus." Your eyes lose focus. "[Innovate Clear], the [Miniature Garden of the Green Tree of Innovation]. One of the Thirteen Longinus."

"Yeah! That!"

You raise your head above.

'Damn you God!!!'


"A Longinus. A freaking Longinus." You walk back and forth. You throw your arms up. "What are the chances?!"

"Astronomical low." Akisame replies. Only you, him, the Elder, Kensei and Sasaki are in the room: Apachai and Shigure are with Honoka in another room, keeping an eye on the sleeping kids. "This complicate things enormously."

"Why?" Sasaki leans against the wall and crosses his arms over his chest. "Just because she has a rare item it doesn't means bad guys will automatically start to target her."

"They will. Even without a Longinus." You grimly interrupt.

"...Why do you say that?" Kensei looks up with a serious expression.

"...What I am about to say it's a secret in the History Compilation Committee. I don't know all the details." You clench your fists. "Recently a lot of Sacred Gear users, and other people with special powers, started disappearing all around Japan. The same it's happening in China and Oceania. The Committee believes it is the work of a single organization who is forcefully recruiting humans with special powers. For what aim, they don't know yet."

After your words the air in the room grows heavier.

"The hell!" Sasaki punches a hole in the wall. "I won't let some guys with shady intentions lay even a finger on Honoka!"

"We all share the same sentiments Shio." The Elder strokes his beard in contemplation. The others nod in agreement. "However, with the supernatural involved even us may be caught off guard. Tell me Hyodo-kun: what does Honoka's Longinus does?"

"...[Innovate Clear] allows the user to create and manipulate any and all plants. Only in an area around the user, and this area can at most covers a small island. However, the true potential lies in the second power. Eikþyrnir, the spirit inside the Gear, is an ancient spirit of knowledge who learned the secrets of the world by eating part of Yggdrasill, the World's Tree. It gives Innovate Clear the ability to stimulate ingenuity, making people learn incredibly fast and so well they become true genius. If used efficiently it can make even the most talented student into a very prodigy."

"Knowledge as a weapon. How dreadful." Akisame comments.

"Uhm...Hyodo-kun, what did you do when you discovered to have a Longinus yourself?"

"If you're asking me if I was targeted for it, the answer is yes." I admit. "I was weak then, so to ensure mine and my parents' safety I was recommended to align myself to a trustworthy faction. So I did." Telling them you're allied with Devils...yeah, it's not the right moment.

"Then we will do the same."

"Old man?" Sasaki blinks in confusion.

"Hyodo-kun. I don't have all the answers yet, but I can tell you right away that all our allies will accept the Committee's request of collaboration." He looks at you with a serious expression, one radiating authority and raw charisma. "And our first request in this collaboration will be to ask the Committee to help us protect Honoka and contain the news of her being a Longinus User."

Now you know why they follow him.

The old man is frikking awesome.


Sayanomiya Kaoru, who in truth is a 'she' rather than a 'he', is compiling important documents on her desk, in her personal office, when her phone rings. She picks it up. "Hello?"

"Sayanomiya-san?" Hyodo Issei's, the Sekiryuutei, voice. "I call from Ryozanpaku."

"Hello Hyodo-san." She smiles. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, yes. It's not certain yet, but they are almost ready to accept the invitation. However, while I was there something...happened and now they have a request."

"What is it?" Her hand keeps holding a pen and writing. "Nothing too serious I hope."

"Kinda." Hesitation. "Well, to put it bluntly: I discovered a new Longinus user, the possessor is the little sister of the dojo's only disciple, and the Masters want the Committee help so that she can live a normal life."

The pen falls from Sayanomiya's hand.


Ryōzanpaku Arc: Complete.

+4 Xp for successfully mediating
+2 Xp for defeating an elder youkai with help
+5 Xp for completing the quest


A few days later

"You look tired Ise." Rias asks with worry.

"Just mentally Rias." You pass a hand over your eyes. "A lot happened on my trip. I managed to find a solution to everything, but it wasn't easy."

Convincing Honoka to keep her new powers a secret from Kenichi and her family? Mediating between the Committee and Ryozanpaku? Training in the dojo's underground room for three days and three nights to complete the new Charms learning?

Not easy at all.

"Do I want to know?" She smiles teasingly.

You peek through your fingers with one eye. "I don't think that tea will be enough to calm your nerves."

"...No, I don't want to know." She deadpans.

"Anyway." You clap your hands together. "There is a little something I came up with recently, and I think you will be interested..."

Time skip of: one Week! In the meantime, decisions!

Choose who to make a Half-Caste (be aware than temporary Willpower will not be refilled until the next story. Learn the corebook to see how to recover Willpower):

[] Asia
[] Ruby
[] Yang

Issei decided to try the Charm "Dragon Steals The Root Method":
[] Decide who is included in the group (up to 10 people. Read other requirements)
-[] Decide what to teach.


Aaaand, stop. I will answer your questions in another post.
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Extra Arc: Stray Devils and... Shinobi? (Part 1)
[X] Plan EternitynChaos

"Do I need to get tea?" You think it was meant as a joke, but Rias' forced smile tell you clearly another story.

You raise your hands in a placating gesture. "No, no. I assure you it will not be necessary. It's something I had for awhile, but only now there is enough time to try it." She leans forward, now clearly interesting. "It's a training method, meant to concentrate months of training into weeks. I am not even sure it will work, so there is that."

"Training in what?"

"Physical attributes, ability to fight with and without weapons and the like." You answer.

"Uhm.." She taps a delicate finger on her luscious lips.

"Of course I am not bringing this up just because now I have time. There is more." You scratch your head. "The truth is, I discovered a glaring weakness of mine."


"I never had a battle that lasted long." You explain. "Every time I fought it was one against one, and something happened at the end that stopped following fights. So I never experienced a battle that wasn't straightforward and short. Most of all, I have no experience fighting alongside others."

The truth is that it was your sempai who pointed it out to you. However, it makes a lot of sense.

"Soon you will be old enough to participate in Rating Games, right Rias?" She nods. "So I was thinking, why not unite training with mock battles to simulate a Rating Game. This way both of our groups can gain valuable experience."

"Uhm..." She closes her eyes and humms before smiling. "I like it, I really do. It's a splendid idea. Ah!" She looks apologetic. "But, Yuuma, Dohna and Kala aren't there now: Beowulf-san brought them on a training trip a few days ago, saying 'that he wants disciples too', or something like that."

Disciples? Yeah, the world is full of disciples. "If they are with Beowulf-san then they're in good hands."


The three ex-Fallen Angels stare up at the thirteen meters tall Nemean Bear in front of them. "Please tell me you're joking..." Kala whispers in raw terror.

"Nope!" Beowulf shouts from the sidelines. "First task of the day: defeat an enemy stronger than you without using Light powers. Now, begin!"

Dohna opens his mouth to tell the Pawn what exactly he thinks of his training regime. Or to cry out in fright. Possibly both.

The bear is faster.


It's midnight. The majority of people in the city are sleeping.

You however are fully awake, running and jumping on the rooftop of the industrial area. [So, is this the place?]

"Yeah." You land on a chimney and sit down. "This is where Rias and the others fought and defeated the Stray Devil."

[But they were delayed because the guy has a lot of mooks, so by the time they managed to arrest him whatever he was working at was already completed and shipped to God know where. I remember that part. So let me ask again: why are we here.]

You shrug. "I just thought I could give a look. I am not going to pretend I thought I could find a hint where others more capable than me failed. Just a hu-"


You sharply turn around. "What was that?"

[I don't feel anything.]

"But I swear..." You stand up and activate your Dragon Senses. Your eyes become like a dragon, green and golden pupils glowing in the darkness of the night.


"Gunfire?" But there is something strange with the sound: it feels muted, and not because of the distance. Following the trail you arrive to an area where a building was recently demolished. And there, a few steps from you, there is...something. You don't know how to properly describe it: it's like a distortion in space, a barrier of translucent light that shift and move like a lake's surface.

[How nostalgic. To find one there...] Belzard's voice comes from Boosted Gear.

"Sempai? Do you know what is this?"

[It's a Kekkai Hyodo-kun. A barrier created through direct Space Manipulation. It is something Senjutsu excel at, but there are many ways to use one. Someone put up this one, probably to conceal something he didn't want others to see.]

"Do you know how to enter it?" You eye the Kekkai with wary eyes.

[It doesn't seem complicate, so it shouldn't be difficult. Manifest Boosted Gear and push through with it. That should do the trick.]

Following his instructions you form the gauntlets, rest your open palms near the barrier and step forward.


"Ahahaha! What's the matter little girl? Tired already?"

"Who are you calling little, you slimy-WAAAAHH!!"

Boom! Boom! Ratatatatatatata!!!!!

It's like you just entered a warzone. The moment the light subsides you are blinded by smoke and heat. Covering your face with your arm and retreating behind a piece of rubble you peek between your finger and try to see what is going on.

First, the scenery changed: you aren't in the city anymore, but a valley between tall mountains with a river nearby.

[The interior of a Kekkai reflects the tastes of the creator.]

And one mystery solved. Now, the cause of the mayhem.

The first one you recognize immediately, if only because he has his Devil wings out for anyone to see. Dressed in suit, he is leisurely floating in the air while magic circles around him constantly release monsters after monsters. Some are like the gorilla you fought, but others are so absurdly shaped that you even fail to understand how they move.

And the one fighting those monsters-

You blink. You close your eyes, rub them and open them again.

Nope, still there.

'Ddraig, what I am seeing?'


[Well, first I would say that is a loli. Also called a prepubescent girl.] His tone is utterly serious. [Wearing an European dress I haven't see around in two centuries. She doesn't feel like a Fallen, so those wings are probably fake. And she is shooting at those guys with her umbrella.]

[Don't forget the moe eyepatch!] Another of your sempai shouts.

[BAM! Oh oh oh! BAM! BAM! BAM!] Elasha's voice. [Lolicons are truly like cockroaches: they don't die even when you squash them. Oh oh oh! BAM! BAM! BAM!]

Your perverted sempai aside, you have now the confirmation you haven't gone insane.

This doesn't reassure you in the slightest.

Still, it's obvious who need your help right now!

[] Help the girl.
[] Attack the Devil.
[] Write-in.
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Extra Arc: Stray Devils and... Shinobi? (Part 2)
[X] Help the girl.

What are you saying? There is only one thing to do.

Go into the fray and save the girl!

[I don't think she needs saving.]

{The enemy coming at her from her blind side says otherwise.}

[Uh, you're right. Whaddaya know?]

'Less talking and more action. Ddraig, starts silent Boost!'

[On it!]

[Boost!] {Boost!}

You jump out of your cover and dash forward, uncaring of being spotted by the Devil. Essence floods your body, giving it the unyielding of steel and the strength of a hero of legend. In the night, a new sun is born.
Iron Kettle Body: -6m
Fists of Iron Technique: -3m
Orichalcum Fists of Battle: 0m
Fist of the Daystar Form: -4m (-1m)
Sledgehammer Fist Punch: -1m
Personal Essence: 20/20
Peripheral Essence: 27/49

Willpower: 5/8
Bashing: 17
Lethal: 15
Aggravated: 0
The mysterious girl keeps shooting with her umbrella-machinegun (yes, seriously), never noticing the gorilla coming at her from the left.

So you do it for her. "ON YOUR LEFT!" You shout before jumping.

"Eh?" She turns around, lone eyes widening at the giant fist raised above her.

And then you kick the youkai's back with enough force to blast a hole through its body, landing with a graceful twist next to the girl in a blaze of golden glory.

The youkai stands still for a few second before exploding.

One word: Badass.

"Wha-! Who are you?"

You flip your hair away from your face and show the presents a confident smile. "Just a passing through defender of the city."

[Boost!] {Boost!}

[Now he's pulling out Kamen Rider references?!] A sempai cries. [This is getting ridiculous!]

[The kid warps the laws of physics on a daily base.] Another replies. [We passed ridiculous a long time ago.]

Goodness, your mind is so crowded. Still, you just jumped out of seemly nowhere: she's right to being suspicious. "Don't worry, I am here to help you."

"What help? I don't need help!" She waves her umbrella up and down in denial.

You point to the youkai's carcass. "Yes, you need it. I was watching you very carefully, so I know what I am saying."

"Eh? Eh!?" For some reason she blushes and looks away. "You we-were...You noticed me?"

'Well duh! It was pretty difficult to miss a little girl fighting against horrors from beyond the veil.' However, before you can focalize your thoughts the Devil starts, of all things, clapping.

"As amusing as the sketch is, I am afraid watching kids posing as wannabe superheroes isn't high on my list of priorities for the night." The guy is totally looking down on you. He snaps his fingers, and the remaining monsters form a wall between you and him. "It matters little from where you come from. You meddled in my business, so I am going to kill you. Plain and simple."

[Boost!] {Boost!}

"Shut up! You point a clawed finger at him. "I recognize some of the monsters you use: a recently arrested Stray Devil used them too. Are you his accomplice?"

"No, he was just a consumer." He shrugs, his smile one of derision. "He needed expendable distractions on top of his own, so I sold some to him. Whatever business he had here, I don't know not I care. After finishing to collect the data I was ready to leave, but then the runt happened."

"Who are you calling a runt?!" The girl screams in indignation.

"You're short, and you don't have boobs." At the word 'boobs' the girl's expression freezes. "You're a runt. Or do you prefer to be called 'midget'?"

"Y-Y-You..." She starts releasing a murderous aura. "I will fucking kill you!!"

'Oh boys. She's like Koneko-chan, only more vocal. Note to self: never mention breasts and height near her.' You think while sweat-dropping.

"You! Pretty boy! Can you keep those bastards busy for a few seconds?" She asks you, livid with rage.

"For that and more." You flex your fingers and assumes a martial stance.

"Then get out of the way when I tell you!" At her signal you dash forward. The artificial monsters, because now you're sure they are mass-produced, change en-masse.

[Keep moving and aim at the eyes.] Elsha suggests. [Since the girl asked for time it's probable she is preparing a stronger attack. You can finish those than survive later.]

'Got it sempai.' You dodge an enormous fist and jump up. Your fingers mercilessly claw through the monster's face and eyes.

[Boost!] {Boost!}
Offensive Overdrive: 90
Defensive Overdrive: 90
Boosted Gear is full! As the youkai rears its head out in pain you use its chest as a stepping stone and shoot to the next one, a lanky mass of tentacles shaped like a tree. It tries to grab you in midair. In response you cleave through the appendices with a kick. You turn around as to land onto him while facing the ground. At the impact you burrow your fingers into its pseudo-flesh and run down all the way to the ground without removing the fingers.

Another monster chose to ignore you in favor of advancing forward, so you blast him with a Dragon Shot.
Offensive Overdrive: 81
Defensive Overdrive: 90
"Now!" You hear the girl shouting. You jump sideway, clearing her line of fire.

And unfortunately giving you a perfect view of what's to come.

"Hiden Ninpō!" Hiden...isn't that something a ninja from a film would say. Hell, you're pretty sure you read it in Naruto.

She reaches down and pull up her skirt. At the same time...

"Eh-?" (You)

[Oh-!"] (Ddraig)

[GAh-!!] (All Male Sempai)

Something pokes from inside it and starts standing up. Something enormous.

"OH-?" (You)

[MY-!"] (Ddraig)

[GOD!!] (All Male Sempai)

"Walküre!" She flips her skirt up.


Paralyzed from the shock you can only watch helplessly, and completely freaked out, as the unholy rod starts spewing its heavy load onto the damned souls-

"Wait a minute." You squint your eyes.

That's just a very big gun (albeit one put in a very compromising position).

And then you hit the ground, roll a few times and end up prone.

You lay down, watching as the monsters are shredded by a rain of projectiles designed to pierce tank's armor. 'Ddraig.'

[Yes partner?] Just like yours, the dragon's voice is lifeless.

'I think I am now mentally scarred.'

[As I am partner.]

[AND SO WE ARE!!!] All your male sempai cries.

[] Weep for your lost innocence.
[] Get your act together and go after the Devil.
[] Swallow the disgust and...kill the remaining monsters?
[] Write-in.


I dare you to watch the video and don't get mental scars. I dare you.
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Extra Arc: Stray Devils and... Shinobi? (Part 3)
You shake your head wildly. Now it's not the time to daydream: you need to get your act together and go after the Devil.

You will weep for your lost innocence later.

[I will weep for myself now then! Waaaaah!] Ddraig starts sobbing.

[Ugh, what a bunch of babies.] A female sempai snorts. [Elsha-sama, do we really need to assist those morons?]

[Now, now] She gently chides. [Everyone has something he is weak against.]

[I don't.] [Oh, really? Oh oh oh.] [Elsha-sama? What are yo-NOOO! PLEASE ELSHA-SAMA ANYTHING BUT THAAAAA!!] [Oh oh oh!]

You ignore the suggestive sounds coming from your mind and run towards where you last saw the Devil.

Just in time to see him fall from the sky. 'Did the girl hit him?' You think, only for your confusion to grow as he starts crawling away backward while gesturing wildly to the approaching loli.

"P-P-Pervert!!" He screams, his face ashen. Somehow, you feel a strange camaraderie forming between you and him.

"Who are you calling a pervert?!" She accuses back in outrage.

"That was a di*k! Who was the sick man who build a gun shaped like a di**?!" He makes a retching motion. "First that idiot with breasts, and now a midget obsessed with pe**ses! Where did dignity go?" He turns to you. "You feel the same right?"

Internally you agree.

Externally you grab him around the neck with the Gauntlets of Distant Touch, raise him in the air and smash him face first in the ground. "Surrender. You have a lot to explain to the Gremory and Sitri heiresses."

"Hell no." The girl protests, pulling out a grenade. "The contract said to take his head. And even without that I am not going to let him go after he insulted me."

You try to calm her down. "I understand you have your circumstances. But he admitted to have collaborated with a dangerous criminal. I need to interrogate him and discover what he knows."

"Do you really have the time to dilly-dally?" The Devil stands up and with a flap of his wings jump away. "I'm not good at fighting, so that's why I always have someone with me who can do it for me. Come, my beloved!" He takes out a vial full of purple liquid and smashes in on the ground.


The liquid instantly begins to expand at a fast pace, quickly reaching a height of ten meters and a mass probably equal to an autobus. Mouths filled with many rows of sharp teeth and eyes with multiple pupils appear everywhere on the surface.

"Behold! My ultimate creation, [Purucci Purucci N°31]!"

"Pu~Ru~Ru~Ru~!" The monstrosity intones with a hundred different voices.

Both you and the girl stare at him with deadpan stares. "Your naming sense sucks." She is the first to focalize both of your thoughts.

"Shut up! You're just jealous! Purucci Purucci, attack!"

"Pu~Ru~Ru~Ru~!" The thing starts advancing towards you.

[] Write-in.

This was meant to be serious. But somehow we fell back on comedy. Mysteries of the Universe ::)
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Extra Arc: Stray Devils and... Shinobi? (Part 4)
[X] Call Eiko for backup and sic her on the other demon to make sure he doesn't escape while you handle the tentacle monster.
-[X] Kill it with fire! {{Dragon Wave}}


"Pu~Ru~Ru~Ru~!" The blob monster opens its mouths and shoots out streams of sticky fluid. You and the girl jumps back to avoid them. It doesn't seem corrosive, but if there is a non-visible effect you are in no hurry to find out.

Geez, this is tough. And worst of all, unless he is supremely confident the Devil will get away while you are busy with his pet.

In that case! "Come! Eiko!" Using the mass of the monster to conceal your view from it master you put a hand on the ground and activate a spell.
[Teleport Familiar] Range: anywhere on Earth (5)(in DxD Teleportation is cheap). Duration: instantaneous (0). Area: 1 medium target (1). Movement: 1 medium target (10). Components: 16. Rank 1 Spell. Speed 6.
Personal Essence: 18/20
Peripheral Essence: 27/49

Willpower: 5/8

With a burst of pure white fire than made the blob reels back as if afraid, Eiko appears in her winged girl form. "Eiko heard Master's call. What can Eiko do for Master?"

"Eh? Eh?" The loli blinks in confusion.

You point to the monster. "Go and catch the Devil controlling that! I need him alive, so don't kill him."

"As Master command." Eiko gracefully bows before flying away.

"Don't worry, she's our ally." You tell the loli seeing her confused face. "Let's deal with the pet!" You cup your palm together, energy converges between them and forming a roaring sphere of fire. "Dragon Wave!"
Offensive Overdrive: 73
Defensive Overdrive: 90
The blazing beam heads straight for the blob. But before making contact with it a hole forms in its body, letting the beam pass harmlessly through it.

'The hell?'

"Raaaah!!" Your (for now) ally shoots with restless abandon at the blob-monster, umbrella-machine gun in one hand and a rocket launcher in the other. You can't help but praise her marksmanship, for every projectile hit true.

Or at least it would have if more holes like before didn't appear, each hit passing through without doing harm. The monster starts shooting fluid again.

{A defensive system. It must be automatic, that abomination doesn't seem to be intelligent enough.} Bright's voice. {Even Perfect Defenses have a Flaw that can be exploited. Find it.}


{Keep trying until something works.}

That's very useful! Not!

"Don't you mess with meeee!!" She too is clearly frustrated by the situation, as she lets loose wild bursts of fire even while dodging. By luck some of the bullets hit the monster.

And pierce the body.

'What?' You frown. 'She hit it. Why? Before it reacted the same way to any attack, so it can't be that the bullets just now were deemed dangerous enough. Bright-sensei said it must be automatic...Ah!' A bulb lights up in your head. 'That must be it!'

"I discovered its weak point!" You tell your ally. "It cannot defend while attacking! If we attack while dodging his own attacks we can damage it!"

"Yeah? That's good to know." She uses her umbrella to block, and grimaces as the sticky fluid doesn't come off. "Actually doing it is going to be a pain through."

True. But it can be done.

Issei needs to perform a counterattack to successfully hit the enemy.
[] Write-in.

In case this isn't clear you need a Stunt to succeed.
Extra Arc: Stray Devils and... Shinobi? (Part 5)
[X] Dragon Wave again, Fire once more, this time make it Holy with Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgment on top of that.

"Shoot as I do." You tell her. The moment the monster resumes its attack you prepare.

Golden yellow flames coalesce in your hands as you wait for your moment to strike. The moment the abomination in front of you strikes out once more you skid across the ground, raising a plume of dust as you and your current ally release your attack's to coincide with the monster's.

"Fire Dragon Shot!"
Offensive Overdrive: 62
Defensive Overdrive: 90
"PURUUUUUUU!!!" A hundred voices screams in pain, the entire blob's body being engulfed in flames and peppered by shots.

"Hiden Ninpō: Walküre!" Your eyes lose focus as salt and kerosene are rubbed on your mental scars.

[Oooohh!!] Ddraig and many of your male sempai cry.

"...Fire Dragon Shot." You repeat meekly, devoid of emotions.
Offensive Overdrive: 53
Defensive Overdrive: 90
The monster trashes wildly. Two dozen of grenades land on it.

They explode, and what remains of Purucci Purucci N°31 is scattered all around the area.

"Yes! We won! We...won..." Smiling cockily the girl turns to you, only to trail off as her mouth hang open and her eye widen.

You shake your head to get your bearings together (and get rid of the bad images). "Yes, we won...something wrong?" You ask, noticing her strange expression.

"...You have a dragon behind you."

"Oh that?" You wave your hand off. "It's just an imagine that pop up every time I use too much energy. It's supposed to be a representation of my soul or something. More importantly, the target?"

"Of the soul-You're right!" She starts running ahead. "Get here you sunovabitch!"

You hope that she's older than she looks, because that is not a language for a little girl to have. You follow her and soon find Eiko, standing above the supine Devil.

Supine, because he had his arms, legs and wings completely burned.

"Welcome back Master. Congratulation for your victory." As always Eiko bows gracefully. "Eiko fulfilled her duty and captured the scoundrel."

"You psycho bitch!" The Devil screams, tears running freely from his eyes. "You burned my limbs! I can't feel them!"

The loli stomps on the wounds. "AAAAAHHHH!" "This is for calling me a midget!"

You facepalm. "Stop. Just stop please." You tell the girl before turning to Eiko. "I just said to capture him."

"Eiko did as she was told. Lacking tools adequate for the task this was the best solution to accomplish your orders Master."

What is this that when you argue with her you cannot ever won? Oh right, is what make her so useful. Facepalming yet again you look down at the Devil. "Don't worry, I know someone who can heal all types of wounds. But you have a lot to answer to the Gremory family."

"Gremory? Are you a dog of those damn traito-!" He glares at you with hatred, but suddenly his eyes widen. "Wait, I recognize you! N-No way! You're the Sekiryuutei!"

How did he-right, that video with Raiser. "Yeah, that's me. Feeling more inclined to talk now?"

"...fu..fu fu..FufuahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" He chuckles before erupting in full blow laughers. "NEVER!!!"

He bits down hard on his lips, drawing blood. A magic circle appears in his chest, glowing ominously black.

Your eyes widen as your Aura automatically analyze the spell and give you the results.

Offensive Overdrive: 13
Defensive Overdrive: 90


Moving fifteen times faster than normal you kick the Devil's body away, blowing it more fifty yards away.


Just in time as it explodes, showering the area with debris.

"Oh my." Eiko mutters in slight surprise, fan blocking the debris from hitting her body.

"What...what was that?" The loli asks.

"A Dead Man Switch." You reply, feeling the rush of Explosion leaving you. "That bastard put a bomb on himself. Whatever he was hiding, he didn't want it to fall in the hands of others."

"Urgh. At least the mission is completed." She huffs before suddenly pointing a finger at you. "You!"

"Me?" You point at yourself.

"And you!" She points at Eiko, who merely hid her lower face (probably a smirk) with her fan. "You have a lot to explain!"

"Explain? Ah, I guess the recent events were pretty strange, uh?" You scratch your head before holding out a hand. "My name is Hyodo Issei, Second Year of High School. Nice to meet you."

"Eh? Ah? I'm Mirai..." Almost absentmindedly she shakes your hand.

"Nice to meet you Mirai-san. And she's Eiko." The Yatagarasu waves. "Uhm, let's see...Do the terms [Angel], [Fallen Angel] and [Devil] say anything to you?"

"Nope." She frowns.

"Then take a seat, because this will be a long talk..."

One long explanation later

Mirai is standing off into the distance, her expression the one of someone who discovered dinosaurs aren't extinct and that her parents still have sex in their old school uniforms. "God exists?"

"The one from Christianity, yes. Along with those of all other religions and mythologies." You explain. "For the after-life don't worry: even if you are an atheist there is a system of reincarnate-"

"Aaaahhh!" She screams. "What the hell? What the hell? What the hell?" She runs around, arms wailing wildly. "Why I was never told anything about this?"

Yeah, a standard reaction. You don't count. "That's what I found strange too." She stops to look at you. "I thought you would know since you have supernatural powers. If I may ask Mirai-san, what is the source of your powers?"

"Me? I am a Shinobi!" She holds out her chest in pride.

You blink. "Shinobi? As, a ninja? Forgive me for asking, but you don't exactly fill the- what was called? Oh yes- the stereotypical image of a ninja."

"That's because she's an elite." Surprisingly it's Eiko who answer you. "Master may not know, but the secrets of the Masters of Shadows are taught even today. The truly talented are able, with the use of arcane techniques, to reach superhuman levels of strength and ability, forgoing the need for specific clothes by creating preferred one through pure willpower."

[Isn't that basically a Magical Girl transformation?] Ddraig asks.

Damn straight it is.

"That's right! I am an elite." Mirai nods pleased.

"To reach such a level at the tender age of ten springs is truly commendable." Mirai nods again before freezing midway, the meaning of Eiko's words sinking in. "Eiko is impressed at the young Master of Shadows."

"What ten springs?! I am fifteen!" Mirai yells in indignation.

"Oh." For once Eiko's face seems to show true remo- "In this case you better abandon all hopes." Aaaand, nope.

Mirai starts leaking out killing intent again.

You quickly cover Eiko's mouth and push her behind you. "I am very sorry. Eiko is polite only with me. Please forgive her."

"...Umpfh." She snorts in irritation but lowers her weapon. "Just this once. And just because you told me a lot of important stuff."

She lifts up her skirt. You tense, expecting another mind violation, but luckily this time what appears is a mini-jet. Mirai hops onto it. "I'm going. Don't forget about me pretty boy, because this isn't the last you see of me!"

"Oh, don't worry: I am not going to forget about you anytime soon." You eyes lose focus again.

She blushes again before turning away. The engines of the mini-jet activate and she flies away, leaving behind a trail of smoke. At the same time the barrier disappears and you're back in the industrial area.

"Let's go back home Eiko."

"Hai Master!"

You still have to weep for your lose innocence. You will report to Rias tomorrow.


"Ehh?! Ninja can do that?" Mittelt smiles as she eats breakfast.

"Japan is truly an amazing place." Asia comments.

"I was just as surprised." Luckily both of your parents are out to visit friends, or it would be hard to justify this conversation.

Well, you could always tell them you were discussing an anime, but you don't think mother would appreciated 'making otaku out of the girls' as she would surely put it.

The doorbell rings. "I'm going." You stand up and walk to the door. You open it.

"Hello-Hic! Is this...mumble..oh yeah! Hyodo residence-Hic!?"


Slowly, very slowly you raise your head and put a hand over your eyes. "Please tell me what I am seeing is legal."

"Don't worry-Hic! I'm older than I look!" The drunken little girls with horns replies.

"That's good. Excuse me for the rudeness but now please enter before the neighbours, who don't know that, see you and get the wrong idea!" You step the side and motion to enter.

"Sure!-Hic!" She wabbles inside.

"Ise, who is-GRANDMA!" Mittelt flies in the newcomer's arms and hugs her.

"Granddaughter!" The horned girl returns the hug and spins Mittelt around.

...How are you supposed to react to this?

[] Write-in.

I think a draft of this moment would be perfect, because I can picture it in my head and it is too damn cute :))

Stop talking about Stands and talk about my post, which is way better.
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Extra Arc: Stray Devils and... Shinobi? (Part 6)
[X] Mittelt is happy so you will be happy as well. also be polite.
-[X] let's just be careful and ready to contain any damage though.


'So let's see if I got it right: Mittelt called her grandma, and she called Mittelt granddaughter. Meaning, she is Mittelt's grandmother.'

...Well many supernatural creatures live longer and age slower than normal humans, so while surprising it is easily explainable. What's matter the most is that Mittelt is happy so you will be happy as well. You just have to be careful and ready to contain any damage though. Even if this is Mittelt's family-

Mittelt's family?

Oh crap. Isn't this the girl... woman... person who made Azazel nervous just by thinking about her getting angry? 'Quick Ddraig: how strong she is?'

[*sniff* Be polite partner. Be very polite.]


"What is going on?" Asia approaches. "Oh, do we have a guest?"

"Yep!" When the girl puts Mittelt down the blonde fallen angel puts an arm over her shoulders. "Ise, Asia: this is my Grandmother, Ibuki Suika!"

"Nice to meet'cha-Hic!" Said Ibuki Suika shows the 'V' sign of victory.

"Eeh?! Mittelt-chan's grandmother?" Asia claps her hands together in delight. She doesn't doubt her friend's claims for even a second.

"Master, what is going-AAAAAHH! ONI! HELP! JIGOKU IS INVADING! RAISE THE CELESTIAL ARMY!!" Eiko comes into the room, sees Suika, blanches and promptly runs away screaming.

"Gyahahahaha-Hic! What a lovely and exciting place!-Hic!" Suika just laughs and drinks from a gourd she keeps on her side.


"-And so I decided to pay a visit. I wanted to get here sooner, but for some reasons it took thrice the time-Hic!" After the awkward first introduction you all transfer to the living room, where tea is prepared for everyone. Even if Suika keeps alternating between the tea and her gourd, which you discovered is full of sake.

"It took twice the time because you were too drunk." Mittelt huffs. "Don't let her foil you." She whispers to you and Asia. "She is perfectly capable of keeping herself completely lucid below a certain level, but she continuously goes beyond that because she is afraid of waking up sober."

Doesn't this mean that she is never sober?! Oni have an amazing liver!

"Ei ei ei. How dare you badmouth your dear grandma?" Suika pouts. She looks to her side. "Aren't you going to celebrate with us?"

The 'you' in question is none other than Eiko, who is trying to become one with the wall in an attempt to get as far away from Suika as possible without leaving the room. "Back off demon!" She holds out a bag. "I have roasted soybeans and no qualms about using them!"

"Gyahahahaha! You Celestial guys are always so spirited-Hic!"

"Please forgive Eiko's behavior." That's twice in less than twenty-four hours that you need to apologize for her. "She takes her duties very seriously."

"Gyahaha! That's alright! Alright!" She looks you up and down, an appraising light shinning in her eyes. "Yes, yes. You have the smell of a human but it's almost completely overpowered by a dragon's one and very strong divine power." You involuntary stiffen. "I can see why Mittelt would call you a Sun Dragon Demigod."

"Eh...eh.." Mittelt fidgets in embarrassment.

"Well it's not a wrong definition. I am a human who was chosen to wield the power of a Sun God, and occasionally I also become a dragon."

"Great guys the dragons!" She munches at the sweets Asia offered her. "They never shy away when asked for a battle and always fight straightforward. An oni cannot ask for a better opponent!"

"Ahaha! We dragons can say the same about oni!" A green jewel appears on your left hand. From it comes out Ddraig's voice. 'What? Ddraig?' "New trick partner. Yo everyone! I am Ddraig the Welsh Dragon, Heavenly Dragon, Red Emperor of Dragons and partner's partner."

"Ah! Nice to meet you Ddraig-san." Asia, always the well-behaved one, bows.

"Heavenly Dragon? Red Emperor of Dragons? Those are big claims-Hic!" The little oni just takes everything in stride. "Are you saying you're stronger than Ryūjin?"

"That old geezer don't hold a candle to me!" Ddraig guffaws.

You hit the jewel with a light hand chop. "Show some respect. And who are you calling an old man? You're ancient yourself."

"No no, as far as dragon's age goes I am pretty young. The time I spent in the Sacred Gear doesn't count obviously."

You hit the jewel again.

"Gyahahaha!! He's arguing with his left hand! Gyahahaha!" Suika guffaws loudly. "You're very interesting. I can see why Mittelt decided to make you her ma-!"

Mittelt shows the gourd in Suika's mouth. "Ohohoh! I changed my mind! Since you came all the way here just for me we need to host a proper party!" Her smiles seems a little..off? "There will be lot and lot of sakè. What do you say?"

"Sakè-Hic? Bring it on-Hic!"

"Ooooh!! Amaterasu-sama!" Eiko fervently prays to a little shrine, which you are sure wasn't there a moment ago. "You humble servant Eiko doesn't know what to do. Please give Eiko a sign! Preferably in the form of a lightning bolt to strike down the demon!"

Ehi ehi ehi, that's going a bit too far.

"Sakè? Sakè is a type of alcohol right?" Asia asks you. "But we're underage. Is it okay for us to drink?"

"No Asia, it is not." You pat her head. "Ibuki-san will be the only one to drink it."

"Mmh." She nods. "Then, should we prepare for a feast? Ah, but where do you buy sakè?"

"That's..." A pretty good question. Because there is no way you can buy it through normal channels, being a minor and all.



"Hello Ise. Fufufu, this is the first we talk through our cellphones."

"Yeah, you're right. Listen Rias, sorry if I get immediately to business but this is an emergency. Remember when you told me that, as a magician affiliated with the Gremory, I can buy special items with a discount? I am currently in need of something."

"Of course. What do you need?"

"All the high quality alcohol you can get your hands on. Preferably of Japanese origins."

"...Do I want to know why?"

"This time yes: Mittelt's grandmother came to visit her. She's a oni. Do you know those stories about them being constantly drunk? They're correct. And...we decided to host a party."

"A oni? A real oni?!" The panic in Rias' voice is instantly replaced by wonder. "Ooh, do you think she will let me interview her?"

"I think so. When she is not completely smashed. You and the others of course are welcome to join us. Oh, and I also need to tell you about something that happened last night."

"I never say no to a party. Don't worry, you can tell me later. Bye Ise: I love you."

"Love you too Rias. Bye."

"Oooh! Are you a player?-Hic!" Suika elbows you in the side after you end the call.
-0 [/]
-1 [/] [/]
-2 [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [ ] [ ]
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]
Dying [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
"As expected from a dragon!" She bellows, ignoring your self curling up on the ground in pain. "Still, I want grand-grandbabies so make sure to knock up Mittelt fi-!"

Mittelt kicks her away, a vein pulsating on her forehead. "Please shut up and drink grandmother." Then she hurries to your side. "Are you okay Issei-sama?"

"Uh...more or less." You shakily stand up. "Thank you for teaching me how to regenerate like a dragon Ddraig."

"Your welcome." He tells you from the green jewel.

"How dare you assault Master! Die your foul demon!"

"Gyaha-Ouch! Ouch! Please stop, it stings-Hic!"

"Wawawa! Please don't fight!"

You sigh the sigh of the damned. "Please help me stop them, or there will not be a house afterward."

Your cellphone chooses that moment to ring. You see who the caller is. "Uh. It's the Committee. This may be important. Can you begin without me?"

"Sure!" She confirms before going ahead.

You answer the call. "Hyodo's here."

"Good morning Hyodo-san." It's Sayanomiya-san. "Sorry to disturb you so early."

"Nah, I was already awake. Did something happened with Ryozanpaku and Honoka-chan?"

"No no, it was unexpected but everything there is going smoothly. The spirit inside her Longinus is teaching her directly so that front is covered too. No, I call because the high echelons have decided to give you another mission. I...." He hesitates. "I am not going to lie: this is going to be a lot more difficult."

"What is it?" You ask with confidence.

"In essence, we would like you to act as your ambassador again. This time, with the Youkai Clan that govern all the Youkai in the Kanto region: the Nura Clan."


Gained: +4 Xp


[] Please post again the schedule you have decided for the training. Remember that:
-Each member needs to dedicate the week to raise a single trait or learn a specific Charm
-Each member in a week can only raise a trait or learn a single Charm
-Different members can increase different traits of learn different Charms


Aaaand, stop. I am sorry to say that, due to various reasons, I will not post daily for a while?

Why? Because first I need to update the character sheet and index, the spell components list, complete the Quest Archive and make researches for the next Arc.

So please, wait until the graciously. Alright?

Those are Suika's Attributes by the way:
Str: ***** **
Epi: ***** **

Dex: ***
Epi: ***

Sta: ***** **
Epi: ***** **

Cha: ***
Epi: ***


App: ***

Per: ****
Epi: ****

Int: **

Wit: *****
Epi: *****

Essence: ***** **
Youkai Yakuza - Part 1
[X] Training schedule
-[X] Mittelt - Dexterity
-[X] Asia - Dexterity
-[X] Yang - Dexterity
-[X] Ruby - Martial Arts
-[X] Eiko - Martial Arts
-[X] Shougo - Martial Arts
-[X] Rias - Dexterity
-[X] Kiba - Melee
-[X] Akeno - Dexterity
-[X] Koneko - Martial Arts



"My win!" Suika cheers.

"Again!?" Yang furiously ruffles her hair, making them even more wild. "Another one! I am not going to stop until I win at least once! And don't you dare go easy on me!"

"Gyahahahah! Sure-Hic!" Suika takes another gulp from the bottle of sake before resuming the arm wrestling contest with Yang.

You politely, and cautiously, excuses yourself and leave the room. Just in time to run into Kiba, who has a glass of fruit's juice in hand. "That's the second party in a short time. Do you like giving them Issei-kun?"

"Who don't like celebrating?" You shrug. "But it was just a coincidence. I mean, right now I am just trying to keep my house intact."

CRASH! "Bring us another table!"

"Mostly intact." You correct yourself with a monotone.

"Ah ah ah." He quietly laughs. "But without doubt a lot of things happened recently. It made me realize the last years were too dull." He clench his fist while looking at it. "I can't wait to test myself with true challenges."

"Looking forward for the Rating Games?"

"Yes. I want to measure myself against other Knights and see how strong I have become."

"Heeyy~! Ise~! Look at this!" Rias suddenly appears, a healthily flush on both cheeks. She holds out a block note. "Ibuki-san told me a lot of stories about Oni and Jigoku! I'm so happy~! I will be able to make a great relation for the Devil School!"

Both you and Kiba blinks owlishly. "That's wonderful Rias, but...are you drunk?"

"Only a little~!" She giggles. "I drunk alcohol before, but Ibuki-san's special sake is a little stronger than I expected. Eheheh~!"


"H-Help!" Asia comes down the hall waving her arms. "Ibuki-san took off her clothes and now is trying to strip off Himejima-sempai!"

"I will go fetch Koneko-chan." Kiba wisely takes the less embarrassing (for him) choice of action.

"Damn." You put your face in your hands. You so want to go help (and yes, to get an eyeful), but with your parents' absence you are the master of the house, so you need to behave appropriately.

"Uhm..." You look up, and see Rias' scrunched up face. Then she grins: she takes you by the wrist and drag you to a closet, where she proceeds to close both of you inside.

"Rias, wha-!" Is all you can say before her lips lock up with yours. For a while your tongues interweave together before she leans back and show you a Cheshire Cat's grin. "You're going again, aren't you? Then, give me a good-bye gift before leaving~!"

"Now?!" You ask in shock. "With all the others present?"

"It's more exciting this way~!" She sing songs before kissing you again, her hands sneaking into your pants.

'Dear grandfather in Heaven, I have only one thing to say:

Life is great!'


The next week you, this time with a bag full of all the necessary to stay away from home, take the train at the station. Destination: Ukiyoe Town, one of the most traditional sections of Tokyo.

On the wagon seated in front of you is Eiko, in her human form and wearing one of Asia's spare school uniform.

You can't help but think back to the conversation that started everything.


"The Nura Clan?"

"Yes. Remember when I told you about the existence of organized groups of Youkai. The Nura Clan is a group that existed since the Sengoku Period, when the Youkai activity was at its highest. Their original form was the Hyakki Yagyō that followed the Youkai Nurarihyon."

"A [Night Parade of One Hundred Demons]? Isn't something that happen very rarely?"

"There are a very few groups that can rightfully claim to be one, yes, even if the more confident youkai may brag the opposite. Following the end of the Edo period they settled down and started taking control and organizing all the youkai in the Kanto region. Nowadays they act as an old type of yakuza society, keeping the troublesome nature of the various youkai under control to ensure a balance with modern society. The Committee had a good relationship with them during the time of the Second Head, but it deteriorated when, ten years ago, he passed away. Now, normally we wouldn't interfere in youkai's internal affairs, but in this case we are forced to do so."

"How so?"

"We received reports that youkai from Shikoku have started appearing in the Nura's territory and are fighting their members. We haven't a good relationship with the Shikoku's youkai too by the way. Now, please forgive me if I sound cold but it isn't the Committee's problem if youkai kill each other. However, should the fight involves many youkai..."

"Normal citizens would also be at risk, right?"

"Exactly. Youkai are naturally stronger and more powerful than normal humans, so even a few can cause a lot of damage. And there are about
ten thousand youkai under the Nura Clan, a little less in Shikoku."


"The worst scenario, but hopefully the least likely. Now, should the Nura clan manage to resolve their problems without endangering common citizens it would be great, but we can't be sure. What we ask of you, Hyodo-san, is to be our messenger and remind them the ancient pacts they agreed on, as diplomatically as possible of course. We just want insurance that they will keep the mundane world out of troubles."

"I accept. But, will they listen to me?"

"Youkai respects strength. And there are few creatures that project it as Dragons can. Especially in the East, where they are treated the same as Gods. Rely on your Dragon inheritage and you shouldn't have problem. Oh, but it would be a good idea to bring your familiar along."

"Eiko? Why?"

"A show of importance. Plus, I am sure she will help you understand the finer details of how Japan's non-human society works."


"Well, there's that. I hope it turns okay." You sigh.

"Is Master troubled? Eiko instead is very happy." Eiko jovially says. "Eiko will not be forced anymore to stand the presence of the foul demon~!"

"You know we are going to a place where there are only youkai, right?"

"Eiko is aware." Her happiness slightly lessens. "But at least the youkai living on the surface are a little civilized, unlike the barbarians from Jikogu. They will kneel in awe at Master's magnificence and give him the respect he deserves!"

"Uh, yeah." You try to change the topic. "Eiko, what do you know of the Youkai Nurarihyon?"

"The Nurarihyon?" She blinks. "Eiko heard of him. The Master of Darkness and the Leader of the Hyakki Yako. Many hundreds years ago he was considered one of the stronger youkai of Japan, on par with the [Three Great Evil Youkai]."

The [Three Great Evil Youkai]: the Ootengu Sotoku, the Nine-tailed Kitsune Tamamo-no-Mae and the Oni Shouten-doji. In a way they are comparable to the Maou of the Devils.

Eiko shakes her head. "But it's been a while it was last heard of the Nurarihyon. If he is still alive, it's probable his powers declined too much to be a threat anymore."

"Is that so? Hopefully we will never get the chance to find it out." Yes: you would prefer dialogue to violence.

This doesn't mean you aren't going to prepare for the latter.



"Huge." You comment aloud as you stand in front of the old-style Japanese mansion that, according to Sayanomiya-san, is the home of the Nura Clan main family.

"This is the place, this is the place~!" Eiko smirks. "I feel a strong spirit presence. So many youkai~!"

That's...good to hear?

Alright, how you should approach this?

[] Write-in.

I'm back! :D

A little foot note: The [Three Great Evil Youkai] were exceptional individuals, with Essence and Epic Attributes rated at 8. They were so powerful that even the Gods felt threatened by them. Luckily, nowadays they are all dead.
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Youkai Yakuza - Part 2
[X] Be Polite and Courteous but don't let yourself be walked all over, you're here for a reason, and these people are not the sort who respect someone who won't stick up for themselves, if all else fails follow Eiko's advice, unless it seems like an obviously bad idea.
-[X] Ask to see whoever is in charge and so you can explain why you've come here, make sure to let them know your just here for a friendly visit, not because you're trying to take over or anything stupid like that.


No need to overthink. You must be polite and courteous but don't let yourself be walked all over. You're here for a reason, and these people are not the sort who respect someone who won't stick up for themselves.

If all else fails you can always follow Eiko's advice, unless it seems like an obviously bad idea.

"Show time." You straighten your blazer (like Eiko you're in your school uniform) and raise your fist to knock on the door.


Only to instinctively step back as someone smashes through the door from the other side. A giant more than two meters tall, wearing an iron blue monk robe with a skull rosary around his neck.

"ALRIGHT YOU DRAGON BASTARD! COME GET SOME!" He bellows. "AND IF IT'S YOU TIGER STRIPPED DRAGON BITCH MEET MY-Uh?" He wildly looks left and right. "W-Where did it go?!?"

"Ahem." You cough. He lowers his gaze, and his pupiless eyes meet your brown ones.

"Ne, ne Master." Eiko points to the giant with a highly amused Cheshire Cat's smile. "Is this what they call a hooligan?"

The guy's right eyebrow twitches.

You sigh. "No Eiko. And either way it's disrespectful to call someone that."

"Oi Aotabou! This dragon?" Someone asks from behind the monk before four new guys pop out from the ruined door: a guy in a black monk robe, a cute onee-chan wearing a fancy kimono, is that a guy without a neck? and a little crow the size of an apple wearing tengu clothes.

"The Nura Clan I presume?" Before they can react both you and Eiko perform a formal bow for a full second. "Greetings. My name is Hyodo Issei, and this is my assistant Eiko. I came here on the behalf of the History Compilation Committee to request a meeting with the current Head of the Nura Clan in order to discuss matters of grave importance. Please hear my request."

Your behavior seems to surprise them, as for a few seconds they are too shocked to say something. Until the little crow, who you are sure is a type of Tengu, flies until he's hovering in front of your face. "How do I know you're really from the History Compilation Committee?"

Wordlessly you take out from your inner pocket a silver-plated badge and shows it to him: on its are displayed in a diamond pattern the kanji of the Four Families Seishuuin, Kuhoutsuka, Renjou and Sayanomiya together with the Four Sacred Beasts Suzaku, Byakko, Genbu and Seiryuu.

The Tengu inspects it for a full minute before nodding his head. "It's genuine. After all those years..."

"Wait. What about the dragon?" The guy without a neck asks.

"You mean me?" You let your eyes shift to their draconic counterparts, scales covering the skin around them and onto your cheeks. "Please forgive me if I don't transform completely. My clothes tends to get ruined when I do it, and that would be an inconvenience." You tell them with a fearless smile.

The tension goes back at full force. However, they don't look like they're going to attack. Yet.

[Youkai respects strength. Awe them, and they will follow you for as long as you can keep them awed.]

'Yare yare~. And I'm just a nice guy with a dream.'

Ddraig snickers.


The walk inside the mansion impressed you: they kept a certain distance from you, but everywhere you looked you saw youkai of all sizes and shapes staring at you. Is that a Kappa in the pond?

Eventually you end here, a large room who can house a large number of people. All those present are sitting seiza: you, with Eiko behind you to the right side. In front of you the Tengu, and behind him...


Well, either Nurarihyon ages really slow, or you're missing something.

[That little kid looks lost.] Ddraig comments. [Also, he feels like a human not a youkai.]

A human? How strange.


"I will now introduce the participants of this meeting." The Tengu declares, sounding like a character from a history drama. "My name is Karasutengu, Head of the Tengu Faction that serve the Nura Clan. And this-" He points to the kid behind him. "Is the Young Master of Nura Clan, Nura Rikuo-sama."

"Nice to meet you sempai!" Rikuo interrupts Karasutengu by bowing respectfully to you. "Please call me Rikuo."

"Young Master?!" The tengu looks scandalized.

Well, the ice is broken already. "Nice to meet you too Rikuo-kun. I'm Hyodo Issei, but feel free to call me Issei. She is Eiko." Your familiar smiles amiably. What is she plotting?

"Young master!" Karasutengu scolds Rikuo. "Please follow the protocol!"

"Aah, but Issei-sempai looks not much older than me. It would feel weird." He defends himself.

"It's the same thing!"

"Of course if the Master of the House wishes to honor us by discussing informally, we as guests will graciously accept his gift." Eiko says, looking as serious as Karasutengu a few seconds ago.

"Uuh..." Karasutengu looks like he wants to refuse but don't find the words.

"Uh uh!" Rikuo smiles, looking just like a normal kid his age. "Issei-sempai, Eiko-sempai: are you youkai too?"

"Er, not exactly. I am a Dragon, and Eiko is a Yatagarasu." Karasutengu's eyes almost pop out of their sockets when you say that. "We came here on the behalf of the History Compilation Committee."

"A-Allow me to explain." The little Tengu says, seeing Rikuo's confused face. "The History Compilation Committee is a human organization devoted to hide the existence of supernatural events in Japan from the public, and also organize the activities of all humans that practice supernatural arts."

"Like the Nura Clan?"

"Not Yakuza. More like a corporation." He answers. "I'm not up to date with their internal situation. The last contact was more than ten years under Rihan-sama, who was the one to stipulate a pact of mutual non-interference with them."

"Otou-san did?" Rikuo's eyes suddenly gain a deep interesting. Wait, Sayanomiya-san said the Second Head died...he must have been Rikuo's father.

Karasutengu nods. "[Humans will not interfere with youkai's affairs, and youkai will not interfere with human's affairs]. This was the agreement between Rihan-sama and the then leaders of the Committee. Youkai will be able to live freely as long as they don't harm human society, and in the exchange the Committee will cover their activities and stop the excessively zealous humans who hunts youkai without regards if they deserve it or not." He frowns. "Of course, the agreement lost value since ten years ago..."

"That's why I am here today." You tell them with a calm but firm tone, hands resting on your knees. "But before that, can I ask what that ruckus before was about? Why me being a dragon set you guys on edge?"

Karasutengu bristles. "I remember it like it was yesterday." And then he starts, of all things, crying while looking above, one hand above his heart and the other clenched in a fist. "Wakana-sama announced she was pregnant with Rikuo-sama. Rihan-sama and the rest of us were overjoyed. All the important members came to give their blessings, and we partied for three days and three nights straight."

He jumps up in the air, face set in a rictus of pure rage. "And then in the middle of it all this dragon with tiger-like stripes came down from the sky and began zapping everyone and everything with lightning bolts! Rihan-sama and us fought it to a standstill, but then it assumed a female human form and apologized, saying she saw us partying and felt offended she wasn't invited."

[Yuuup. That's a female dragon alright.]

'You guys are a bunch of beasts!'

[Well, duh.]

"And then she had the galls to auto-invite herself! She drunk all the sake! She ate all the ohagi! She shamelessly flirts with Rihan-sama even with Wakana-sama present! The last day she even drugged Rihan-sama and tried to kidnap him!"

Your forehead meets the floor with a deafening 'Thump!', groveling like you never did before. "In the name of all dragons, I beg for your forgiveness!!"

Eiko is looking behind her, trying to suppress the laughters.

"Waaa?!" Rikuo waves his arms wildly. "T-There is no need to apologize sempai! You didn't those things!"

Outside the room Kurotabou and Kubinashi are crying in a corner, remembering previously suppressed past sessions of 'bad touches'.

In another part of Japan, a woman with two elongated fangs that protrude from her top teeth and wearing pants with tiger stripes sneezes.


After another round of chaos you all managed to calm down. "Alright. Let's start from the beginning." Karasutengu says to you. "Why is the Committee contacting us after all those years? And what are those 'matters of grave importance' you mentioned?"

'Here we go.'

[] Write-in.

Isn't Karasutengu cute? :D
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Youkai Yakuza - Part 3
[X] It's probably best not to beat around the bush, explain things concisely, elaborating if required and offer your assistance in dealing with the trouble to come, you've never been the sort to sit idle while innocents are in danger after all, and if nothing else Asia could be of use healing people if needed other then the obvious of your own skills, besides Rikuo looks like he could use all the help he can get.

"The Committee would, first of all, wish to confirm his stance on the matter: that it has no intention of interfering within youkai's affairs. The pact of mutual non-interference is still valid." You take an intake of breath. "However, recently the Committee received disturbing reports."

"About what?" Karasutengu asks.

"..About youkai from Shikoku fighting members of the Nura Clan in their territories. Just this, no other information are available."

At your words both Karasutengu and Rikuo stiffens: they both look tense, but in Rikuo's case there are also traces of sadness. "And..?" The Tengu glares.

"Like I said, the Committee don't want to interfere in the affairs of youkai. However, the protection of normal humans from the dangers of the supernatural is still its first priority. The high-ups...well-" You scratch your head. "No sense beating around the bush: they want insurance that you will keep the mundane out of troubles."

"That-" Karasutengu begins.

"Is already too late." Rikuo finishes, causing the tengu to whip his head around to stare at the kid in shock.

"Young Master! This is a private matter of the-"

"No Karasutengu." He slowly shakes his head. "It stopped being private when they attacked Torii-san."

Ignoring his aide Rikuo speaks directly to you. "It's true: recently youkai non-affiliated with the Nura Clan, who declared they are from Shikoku, started attacking us. They killed Hihi-sama, one of the Senior Head, and almost wiped out his group. They rampage through the area. One of them started killing Land Deities, and even a friend of mine got injured before we managed to stop him." His eyes harden. "And just yesterday one of them attacked me in broad daylight during a school assembly."

Rikuo's words leave you completely stunned. 'Are they fighting a war!?'

"Ara." Eiko snaps her fan open and cover her lower face with it, her eyes half-closed in contemplation. "Your enemies sound determined to conquer your turf, Young Master of the Nura."

"Did you find out who is behind this?" You ask.

"He introduced himself to me yesterday, after killing the subordinate that failed to kill me." And just by that you know you are dealing with a real bastard. Rikuo crosses his arms. "Tamazuki, the Inugamigyōbu Tanuki. He said he's the leader of the Hachijuuhakki Yakou from Shikoku."

'Hachijuuhakki Yakou? [Night Parade of Eighty-Eight Demons]? A variation of the Hyakki Yagyō?'

"Oooh, how strange." Eiko suddenly comments.

"What it is?"

Eiko tilts her head slightly. "Eiko once read about the Hachijuuhakki Yakou, but remember it clearly. Under that name, with a force consisting of 808 youkai, the tanuki of Shikoku tried to take over Matsuyama Castle in Iyo Province, now Ehime Prefecture."

She lowers the fan, showing pearly-white teeth set in a smile. "They got massacred when the lord of the castle used a cursed weapon to fight back."

Trust Eiko to make your skin crawl even when speaking with a beautiful, soothing voice.

"Now that you mention it, I think I remember that tale." Karasutengu strokes his chin. "When was it...?"

"We are doing the best we can, but they are very cautious and don't leave traces. If only we have more help..." Rikuo's eyes lit up. "Sempai, are you strong? Can you help us?"

"WHAT?!" Karasutengu is roughly brought out of his musings. "You can't be serious Rikuo-sama! We can't invo-"

"If you will have me, of course I will help you." You declare. "I still consider myself green, but I am not the type to sit idle while innocents are in danger." Even without Rikuo's input you would have done something anyway. "I can't fight a war for you, but I will protect anyone in danger."

"What about the pact of non-interference?! Are you eating your own words?" The tengu protests.

"Oh, but neither Master nor Eiko are humans." The Yatagarasu remarks, fan once again covering her lower face. "Furthermore, Master isn't at the dependences of the Committee. He came here today as a favour to the Committee. His role has already ended, so from now on any decision he takes is his owns."

"Uh..." Karasutengu trembles, unable to voice an opposition.


Ooh! Clever. Did Sayanomiya-san predicted it? You need to thanks him when you return.

[Thank him for what?]

'For giving me the opportunity to help people in need of it of course.'

[...That's one helluva wicked logic you have there partner. But what the hell: this sounds fun!]

"Thanks a lot Issei-sempai! Would you help me protect Ukiyoe Town?"

"You don't even need to ask. Whoever needs my help, be a god or a devil, will surely receive it."

Both smiling, you and Rikuo exchange a handshake.

You think you just made a new friend.

A male friend.

....You think you needed it.


Later you find yourself sitting on the outside porch, staring at the beautiful garden and the graceful cherry blossom in the middle of it. Rikuo said that until the crisis is resolved you and Eiko can stay here in his house, but he first needs to discuss it with his mother and the other senior members. Likewise Eiko went to discuss something with Karasutengu.

Leaving you alone. In a house filled with tens of different types of youkai.

'...I want to explore the place.'

[Nothing is stopping you, you know?]

Right. So, looking around, the first interesting thing you spot is-

[] The blue robed monk who almost run you over.
[] The black robed monk with a conic straw hat.
[] The guy without a neck. Now that you notice it he's a bishonen too.
[] The cute one-chan with long, wavy brown hair and the gorgeous kimono.
[] A girl you didn't see before, wearing a furisode with a snowflake pattern.
[] The kappa in the pond.
[] There is a group of little youkai staring at you. Also, something stink of natto.
[] Write-in.


I will refer the right to veto any vote which can't be applied here.

Urgent news: for the next two-three days I will take a vacation. Have fun in the meantime ;)
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Youkai Yakuza - Part 4
Ruisu said:
[X] There is a group of little youkai staring at you. Also, something stink of natto.

Hi! I'm new here, take care of me
Welcome to QQ and my quest! ;)

[X] There is a group of little youkai staring at you. Also, something stink of natto.

In truth, the first thing that catch your attention is not something you sight, but something you smell.

[Woah! What is this reek?!"] Even Ddraig can smell it.

'This smell...natto?' Indeed, it smells just like the Japanese dish famous for having a string unpleasant odor. But where it comes from? Is the kitchen near your position? You look left and right, finding nothing. Then in a flash of inspiration you look up.

And see a group of little youkai, small like children, staring at you from the edge of the roof. You stare back at them.

"Guah! He spotted us!"



You look down at the bowl full of natto that fell next to you, luckily without staining your clothes, and then back up in curiosity.

"Great idea you moron! 'Let's pull a prank on him! If he falls for it, he's not a dragon!' Well looks at it: he didn't fall for it!"

"This is the end! Ye' dragon will eat us all!"

"First the foreigner youkai, then a dragon! The Nura Clan is finished!"

And just like that it degenerates into utter chaos. '...Are youkai usually so fickle?'

[Usually. They are beings born from emotions and lingering feelings, so their emotional restrains aren't the best.]

Still, you should do something. "Aehm!" You clear your throat loudly. Instantly they stop what they were doing and look at you.
First Presence Excellency: -5m

Personal: 15/20
"Nice to meet you. Do you want to talk with me?" You say in an amiable voice while pulling out your best friendly smile.

They blink. Then do it again.


"...Ye not gonna eat us?"

"For the fifteenth time, no I'm not." You tell the small red-skinned oni. After calming down the group of youkai walked down, and now you and them are talking seated on the porch. "Look, I heard you had a bad experience with a dragon before but I'm not like that. Honest."

"You mean the tiger-stripped lady? I didn't mind her: she told funny jokes." A youkai with only one eye says.

"You only say that because when she came you were knocked out by the sake! The left wing was reduced to a crater!"

"She had big boobs..."

"Shut up pervert!"

'Ah ah, they are so lively, they look like a big, close family.' You think, a small smile gracing your lips.

"So, if you aren't here to take over our turf..." A guy with no eyes and a strange forehead asks you. "Why are you here?"

"I came here to bring a message as a favor, and when Nura-san asked me to help him with the present problems I accepted." You answer.

"...Just like that?"

You proudly cross your arms over your chest. "That's how I am. If someone is in trouble I want to help him."

"Like?" From the back someone asks.

"Well..." You stroke your chin. "The first time, it was when I met a beautiful foreigner..."


"But of course he can stay!" Wakana Nura, mother of Rikuo Nura, cheerfully exclaims while walking next to his son. "I'm so glad you're making new friends Rikuo. And finally I can meet one: you never presented me those from your school."

"But mom, this is a house of youkai." Rikuo looks happy, but also troubled. "And Keikain-san is an Onmyōji: Natto and the others almost got exterminated that time they came here unannounced."

"And? I am a mother, and I want to meet my son's friends." She ruffles his hair. "Nothing that a little organization can't resolve."

"I am still advising against it." Kurotabou, who is walking behind them together with Aotabou, Kubinashi and Kejorou. "I find it extremely suspicious that he just showed up and agreed to help us straight away. We should be wary."

"Uh?" She makes a confused expression. "Doesn't it just mean he's a polite and generous young man?"

"A polite and generous young dragon." He stresses out. "Do you remember what happened the last time one came here Wakana-sama?"

"But he's not that bi-woman." The four males of the group stiffen, Wakana's smile suddenly unsettling. "So it's all right."

"..I'm still saying we should kick him out." Aotabou grumbles, one hand reaching for the sliding door. "And I am sure the others think the same."

He opens it.

"'I' he said. 'Lost' I finished for him." Issei Hyodo is posing under the sakura tree. "And then I hit him with an uppercut, sending him to the land of dreams!"

"WUUOOOHH!!" The crowd of youkai cheers loudly.

"Way to go Issei-dono!"

"You served him his ass on a silver plate!"

"Served that phoenix right! Bunch of snobs they are."

"We met one, when it was only us and the Supreme Commander. He was a hardcore homo who set his eyes on the Commander. We had to flew from Noshu to lose him."

"I remember! Poor Commander looked like a corpse for two weeks afterwards. What was he called? Gia? Gigana?"

"I think it was Gigai."

"Oh my. I think you may be wrong Ao-kun." Wakana cheerfully says.

The four youkai stares jaw-slacked.


"That was fun."

[Yeah. Be in awe at my prowess!]

'Your prowess?'

[What's yours is mine.]

'Hell no.'

As you finish to put your stuff on the room Wakana-san had so gently offered you stand up and check out your work. "Good enough. Now all that's left is Eiko's stuff. Speaking of which, where is she?"

You walk outside to look for her, and meets the guy with a conical hat. "Hello. Kurotabou-san, was it? Did you see my companion?"

He tilts his head forward. "Yes. She was still talking with Karasutengu when I saw here fifteen minutes ago."

"She's still at it?" You scratch your head. "I better make sure she's behaving. Can you tell me where you saw here?"

"Sure. But before that I have a request." At that moment something changes in his aura. You don't know why, but the tension in the air raises. "While I appreciate the help you are willing to offer to the Young Master, those are not lesser youkai that we're facing."

You raise an eyebrow. "...Go on."

"I will be blunt: I don't know if you're strong enough to be of help."

"And how you're going to ascertain it?"

"With a duel." He raises the tip of his hat, staring at you in the eyes. "You and me. The first to lose consciousness or admit defeat lose."

...Well, then.

[] Accept
[] Decline
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Youkai Yakuza - Part 5
[X] Accept

In the past, you find yourself thinking, before your Exaltation you would have probably shy away from such a request, for you were a mere perverted boy unaccustomed with violence.

That was before you discovered, through trials and hardships, that an honest and straightforward duel, while not as enjoyable as a pair of oppai, is nothing to scoff off and instead comes only second place.

[Women and fights?] One of your sempai says. [We only need to add alcohol and money and we have a perfect stereotypical young dragon.]

[Ah ah ah.] Belzard chuckles. [It's normal for young people to think mainly about simple, baser desire. Issei is coming up nicely, so I don't see nothing wrong about him enjoying himself.]

[As long as said enjoyment doesn't violate the law. Oh oh oh!] Elsha laughs.

'What are you my freaking parents?!' Then you remember who exactly your parents usually are. 'On second thought, please go on. I don't mind.'

[Uh, this is the first time someone consider me a good role model.] Another sempai comments.

[[[You don't say?]]]

Leaving the inhabitants of your mind/soul/whatever to their affairs you focus back to the real world and rewards the black monk with an excited smirk. "I accept. I trust you have everything prepared?"

"Yes. Please follow me." With that he turns around and walks away, you following behind him.


"Ooh, this place is very picturesque." You comment in appreciation, your gaze wandering around the area. "What was it? A theater."


(OOC: everything you see in the pic exists in the in-game scene)

"Yes." Kurotabou answers. "This place was famous during the Showa era, but fell in decline somewhen around thirty years ago."

"And became a hangout for youkai?" You ask, thinking the atmosphere fits nicely.

"Indeed it did. But..." He frowns, displeasure evident in his eyes before he shook his head. "It's nothing. Just an event of the past irrelevant now. Now this place is desert, and so it's the perfect arena for our duel."

"Eh." You smile widen. You spread your legs a bit more and bow forward with your torso slightly inclined to the. "First to lose consciousness or yield lose?"

"...You took the words out of my mouth." He slams his staff on the ground, only one eye visible from under his hat.

That eye...it tells you he's not going to hold back.

[] Stunt for Initiative? (write-in)

[] How to start? (write-in)
Youkai Yakuza - Part 6
[X] EternitynChaos

Personal Essence: 18/20
Peripheral Essence: 42/49

Willpower: 8/8
Power, hot and wild flows through your veins leaving change in its wake: your fingers morph into vicious claws, scales appear on your skin, your eyes slit and glow and your ears tapper to points. Draconic wings burst from your back, flapping once and then twice. You even notice your teeth seem a little sharper then they were as you grin across at your opponent, who, you give him credits, don't react at all. Next is the turn of Boosted Gear: the bracelets unfold and like flowing quicksilver cover your forearms and claws, armoring them in indestructible metal. You let yourself fall into a now familiar stance, your Sacred Gear and dearest weapon summoned for all the world to see.

Time stands still as you ready yourself, nether you nor your opponent willing to make the first move which could let the other gain an advantage.

All is silent, nothing moves.

Until it happens: a drop of water shimmering in the light and shadow falls from the sky between you and you're off, streaking forward, essence and dragon power roaring through you; shimmering gold against your skin, one moment you're standing across from your opponent, the next you're in his face striking out with a palm strike.

Kurotabou bends backwards, letting the blow sails above him, and at the same time raises his left hand towards you.

The glitter of steel.

And the next instant you disengage, your gauntlets slammed together to block the numerous swords, spears and other bladed implements emerging from the youkai's sleeve. Your wings flap and drive you back, outside the weapons the reach. Once your feet touch the ground again you grab the three-pronged hook embed in your side and pull it out.
-0 [X]
-1 [ ] [ ]
-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]
Dying [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
You eye the hook with interest before looking back at your opponent, seeing the other weapons recede into the sleeve and seemly vanish. "You a ninja?"

"A warrior monk to be exact." His smile is mocking, but the intent is not directed at you. "But for a while I worked as a assassin. Distasteful experience, but there is no denying the usefulness of the skills I acquired from it."

You nod. "I see."
Personal Essence: 15/20
Peripheral Essence: 42/49

Willpower: 8/8
You flick your wrist and shoot an Air Dragon Shot at Kurotabou. The youkai takes out a sword and with his staff tries to block it, but is blow backward as a result.

"Myself-" You continue, your grin returning at full force. "I prefer the direct approach. Not for lack of talent mind you: it's just that pretty much all my powers have the subtlety of a brick to the face."

"...I will take your word on that." Slamming the staff on the ground he summons another sword and assumes a dual-swords stance.

In response you explode in a corona of golden essence, Charm after Charm activating for the purpose of transforming you into the most perfect juggernaut of war.

"Shall we continue?"

[] Write-in.
Iron Kettle Body: -6m
Fists of Iron: -3m
Fist of the Daystar Form: -4m
Monkey Leap Technique: -3m
Personal Essence: 15/20
Peripheral Essence: 26/49

Willpower: 8/8

Nope: the 9 dices was Kurotabou, who made a One-die Stunt.

Yes: now your opponent can stunt too :))
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Youkai Yakuza - Part 7
I like them both, through yes the second one could be worded better.

Offensive Overdrive: 8m
Defensive Overdrive: 8m
"Let's." As the word rings out you are both in motion. The monk swings both swords in a double cross. Your arms cross in front of you, palms deflecting swords before the deflection transforms into an attack: with a 'Kiai!' that shakes the roof you stamp your heel into the ground splintering the stone and your drive both of your arms in a double palm strike, essence sparking along your arms.

He manage to deflect the blows, but his weapons shatter under the stress. Without missing a beat he takes out a chain with a weight on the end and tries to entangle your arms with it. You kick his stomach and use him as a leverage to push yourself backward, removing your arms from the entanglement before it can tighten.

Kurotabou coughs in pain, but recovers immediately and shoots out many weapons close to the ground. You jump up, and he's already there, having predicted your response, a spear aimed at your head.

Too bad you predicted it too. Flapping your wings you push yourself to the side to avoid the blow: then you use 'Gauntlets of Distant Touch' to grab his outstretched arm before spinning, slamming him into one of the suspended platforms. For an instant the splintered wood and the dust obscures him from you.

The next one a veritable storm of shuriken and flail's spiked balls shoots out of it, ready to make an urchin out of you. "Air Strike!" With the spell you blow away the weapons aimed at you, taking advantage of the fact they weight less than other kind of weapons.

Wood shatters above and you raise your forearms, blocking a two handed strike from Kurotabou, who used another platform as a stepping stone to change the direction of his jump and attack you from a blind spot. The force is too great and the both of you small to the ground, your back hitting it first.
-0 [X]
-1 [/] [ ]
-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]
Dying [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
You push him away and stand up. He lands a few yards from you and does the same.

"You're strong." Is your simple comment.

"You too." Is his likewise simple answer.

The both of you grin.

Then you run at each other, claws and swords raised and ready to strike.


"He what?!?" Yuki-onna shouts in disbelief and disapproval as she, together with the other Rikuo's Bodyguards, reaches the site of the duel. "What was he thinking? Dragon or not he's still Rikuo-sama's guest: you can't just challenge him to a duel for the heck of it!"

"Tsurara, I assure you we have a good reason." Kubinashi tries to calm her. "Dragons are a particular type of Ayakashi, and need to be deal with caution."

"Then explains it to me, because I don't understand." She pouts.

"Well, they are beings who wholeheartedly embrace 'freedom', often to its extreme." He explains as they land on the theater's roof. "And selfish too. You will hard pressed to find two or more equal to each other."

Tsurara's looks tells him to 'go on'.

"Honestly I don't believe he's an Assassin. It does not mean he's not a threat hoverer."

The roof in front of them explodes. A beam of energy slams through it with the force of a freight train, followed with a rain of swords and other weapon. Aotabou stops Tsurara and Kejorou with his enormous arm. The whole building shakes one, two three times.

Kubinashi kneels down the hole and looks down, a wry smile on his lips as he continues explaining to the shell-shocked Yuki-onna. "And since ancient times, it is said you can see someone's true self during a fight."

"It's also said fighting a dragon under any circumstance is already a bad idea." Kejorou comments.

The neckless youkai doesn't answer, his eyes locked on the two blurs below.


Your claw is deflected by a tetsubo, and you block the tanto with your palm. Then you both step outside the other's range, and you're back at the beginning.

[Uhahahaha!!] Ddraig's laughs. [This is great! This is really great! Keep fighting this guy partner, you're gaining precious experience.]

Of course. You were going to do it even without your partner's input.

[] Write-in.

Personal Essence: 17/20
Peripheral Essence: 26/49

Willpower: 8/8
Youkai Yakuza - Part 8
[X] EternitynChaos

Offensive Overdrive: 16m
Defensive Overdrive: 16m
'The second one! Both of us almost killed each other a dozen times, and it's only the second Boost! I risked my life on a rate of one time for second!' You think aghast.

Then you laugh. Not desperate or mocking, but full, honest and joyful laughers spill out of your mouth. You just can't help it!

'This is so much fun!'
Lightning Sprinter: -1wp
Once again you vanish in a blur of motion as pure dragon energy from the Dragon Emperor himself send your entire muscular system into overdrive, appearing behind your opponent's back. Stone breaks as you hop just in time to avoid a spear that hurtles towards you from his back.

With a graceful motion you land on its shaft and strike out at him with a haymaker as he turns to meet your attack.
First Martial Arts Excellency: -7m
Your fist smashes through his defense and hits him square in the jaw-no! At the last second an iron pole emerges from his robe's collar in the path of your attack. The force is still enough to send him flying back and into a wall. When he emerges his hat is half-ruined, and he spots an angry linear red mark on his cheek.

"There is something that bothers me." He massages his jaw. "Not in a worrying manner, just a curious one."

"And what would that be?" You ask back. A pause it's good, it gives you time to accumulate Boosts and think of a strategy.

"You're skilled. I was prepared for overwhelming strength, but this isn't unexpected. No, what puzzle me is that your skills aren't constant. One moment you're good, the next you're a master and the next yet again you're back to good."

"I may be taking it easy on you." You say teasingly.

"If so why going back once you've forced to reveal your true strength?" He shakes his head. Then he shoots you an amused stare. "No, what I think is that you increase your abilities artificially. Some people have skills to enhance their physical abilities. While you, you can enhance how efficiently you can use what you already have."

You can't help it. You gape at him. "I'm not going to deny it. I can't lie to save my ass anyway." Your lips stretch into a smile and you lick them. "You understood it in ten seconds. Ten. I know it's a bad thing, but I feel more and more the urge to stop worrying about thinking, entrust everything to my instincts and just enjoy it. Because this is the best fight I had since forever and we're just started."

"By all means." He tips his hat sideway, his smirk very visible under the rim. "Go wild."
First Martial Arts Excellency: -9m

The four youkai wince as a barrage of golden-blazing punches send Kurotabou again into the wall and through it.

"That wasn't a wise thing to say." Aotabou comments.

"Positive." Tsurara whispers, clearly impressed by what she's seeing. "But, listen: with that guy on our side, the Shikoku youkai aren't so much of a danger anymore, right? Maybe we can win!"

"The only problem-" Kubinashi frowns. "Is the possible loss of reputation if rumors about how the Nura Clan managed to do it only because they receive help from an outside source spread."

"Already working on that."

The four whip their heads around to look back and gasp at the sight. "Karasutengu!?"

"The Supreme Commander is the only one who can do things under my radar." The crow youkai lands near the edge of the roof's hole and sits cross-legged.

"Uh...We-" Kejorou stammers, but Karasutengu silences her by raising an arm.

"Later. Later we will discuss about this 'stunt' of yours." His voice holds promises of heavy scolding. "For now, let's watch."

They do.


Your fist shatters the sodegarami into pieces, forcing Kurotabou to retreat yet again lest he suffers a pummeling beyond his wildest dreams.


This is so much fun, you even consider going Dragoon. And fuck your clothes.

Deadly Dragoon Warrior?
[] Yes
[] No

What is your next action?
[] Write-in.

Personal Essence: 14/20
Peripheral Essence: 16/49

Willpower: 7/8
Youkai Yakuza - Part 9
Deadly Dragoon Warrior?
[X] No


This is so much fun, you even consider going Dragoon. And fuck your clothes.

...But on second thought it's better not. Clothes are important in the society of today, especially the part about the possible consequences for going around without them.

And unlike a Youkai you aren't invisible to normal people.

No, no need to cost yourself another pair of pants and break out the Dragoon form, it still needed work anyway.

Offensive Overdrive: 32m
Defensive Overdrive: 32m
The third Boost. The amount of Essence stored is enough to activate [Explosion] three times, thus making you eight times stronger than now.

You settled back into a ready stance again a grin on your face. 'Uhm, not now. Maybe later.' just as you came to that conclusion Kurotabou is again on the attack, this time with a Yari. Rather then taking the obvious route and dodging to the left or right you instead pressed your wings tightly against our back: as you reached out guiding the spear slightly down you sprung, launching yourself into the air and over Kurotabou's back. He swiftly turns, seeming surprised to find you not pressing the attack as you had previously when finding yourself in a similar position; instead you had taken a position some 10 feet away from him.
First Martial Arts Excellency: -9m
Dragon Coil Technique: -3m
His visible eye widens as he takes in where you are shrouded in your glowing anima banner, acting as if it was a part of you, which if you thought about it really it is. You motioned with your hand as if to grasp something and the massive dragon that was your anima banner reached out and seemed to pluck the dodging Kurotabou out of the air, then begins to squeeze.

"Gah!" He grimaces at the pressure. Weapons of all things bursts out of his robe, but since your anima is immaterial they pass through your anima and fall to the ground, the only difference being that the non metal parts have lost color, as if they stood for a long time under the midday sun.

"A word of advice." You tell him with a triumphant smirk. "Not only I can keep squeezing until you're paste."

A ball of energy forms in the palm of your free hand. "But I can also attack with my free hand. So. I know it's bad form but in this case I have to ask: do you yield?"

Kurotabou glares at you before his face relax and he shows an embarrassed smile. "Aah, I suppose it can't be helped: I yield. Victory is yours."

Nodding you release the hold and fly back to the ground, your draconian features reverting back to human ones. "So-" You ask him with a carefree attitude. "Did you got what you wanted?"

"Uhm, I suppose I did." He muses in a pleased manner. "In any way thanks for agreeing to my selfish request. For compensation, this humble monk will, tomorrow, give you a tour of Ukiyoe Town and its most interesting places hidden from humans."

"That would be appreciate, but-" You quirk an eyebrow in an amusing way. "[Humble]?"

"Absolutely." He says with pride.


"Yeah. Not." Aotabou scowls, while Tsurara and Kejorou snicker.

"Still, I didn't expect Kuro to lose." Kubinashi shakes his head. "Was he even taking it seriously?"

"He was." Ao suddenly says. "He just avoided using his stronger techniques, and that's because he can't be anything less than lethal when using them."

"Nonetheless, this match in its way was interesting." Karasutengu nods, before turning to the other four youkai. "Even if inappropriate."

They cringe, their hopes that he forgot smashed to little pieces.

The rest of the day passes uneventful. You make the acquaintance of Wakana-san, Rikuo-kun's mother, and the other youkai that live in the house: Aotabou, Kurotabou's best friend; Tsurara the Yuki-onna, and by how she behaves around Rikuo it's evident she has a massive crush on the young lad; Kubinashi, the no-neck guy; and Kejorou, the cute one-chan. And let's no talk about about the myriad of minor youkai living everywhere on the premise. Truly, it's like someone animated the picture from a book like the "Gazu Hyakki Yagyo"! This is Japanese culture at its finest!

[Wasn't the highlight of Japanese culture King Arthur being female and, the bigger the mecha the faster it moves?] One of your sempai asks.




[I suppose not. That girl was strange in any case: always wearing out of fashion clothes, all dark and gloomy...]




[What is 'fujoshi' supposed to mean anyway?]



'Do you, perhaps, always choose perverts as hosts?'

[No way!!] He cries out in denial.



The next morning you woke up before dawn and, after finding a secluded but open space in the large garden, starts performing kata as the first rays of the sun gently caress your skin and make the dew glimmer.

"Ehi Ddraig." You suddenly ask your partner. "Is the Dragoon the only form I can take when becoming a dragon?"

[No, that's only the intermediary level. People using it are called 'humanoid dragons'. If you raise your power you can change into a full western dragon, but for now it's too soon. Why do you ask?]

"It's because Dragoon is useful, but it's also has drawbacks." You flow from stance to stance like water in a riverbed, your limbs twirling in a deadly dance. "And I don't mean the ruined clothes. There are also the red dragon's urges and the fact I can't use Martial Arts with it. What I want to know, is if there is a way around that."

[Uhm, tricky question.] He thinks, hard. [...I never saw it in person, but I heard that the dragons the East use an alternate form of Dragoon: by honing their control to absurd degrees, they focus the power of a great form into a smaller, humanoid one while simultaneously suppress their instincts. I think it's called Sage Dragon or something similar.]

You stop and blink in amazement. "Truly? And how do I obtain it?"]

[No idea partner. Never saw it, remember?]

Oh really? That's helluva helpful. Not. Scoffing you resume training. Still, the idea has merits, and even if Ddraig don't know how to do it. surely there is someone out here that does. The trouble is finding him or her.

You can also try to recreate it by yourself. You're a Solar, it should be possible.

Of course, you also need to help the Nura Clan against the youkai from Shikoku. Today is also the day when Kurotabou offered to take you to see the city.

So much to do: you need to set up a program, or nothing productive will come out.

[] Write-in.

Everyday updates are back. Rejoice :))
Youkai Yakuza - Part 10
[X] Take Kurotabou up on his offer to show you around the city, after all you need to know the lay of the land if you want to help protect it right, and its always nice to see new places and meet new people

Your hopes aren't very high, but you decide to ask anyway. "Do you know any oriental dragon that live nearby?"

[Old man Ryujin.]

It takes you two seconds to understand, and then your right eyebrow starts twitching. "When I say nearby, I mean closer than being in the same nation!"

[Then no.]

That settle it. You're going to take Kurotabou up on his offer. You will worry about power-ups later.


Karasutengu slowly flies through the house's hall, reflecting on the events of the recent days. 'First the matter with Gyuki, then the youkai from Shikoku. And now the History Compilation Committee, after ten years of silence, sending a DRAGON of all things to talk. It wasn't so hectic since World War II.'

His thoughts go back to one Hyodo Issei. 'He's young, but full of talent. Like Rikuo-sama.' His beck curves into a wry smile. 'The next generation is definitely promising. Through, where in Shikoku went the Supreme Comman-!'

"Outo-sama!" A slightly panicked voice brings his attention back to the present world. Running towards Karasutengu is Sasami, his eldest daughter and member of the Sanbagarasu, the best investigation group of the Nura Clan.

"Sasami." He greets her. "What's wrong?"

"Outo-sama. It's..." She hesitates. "It's Kuroumaru and Tosakamaru." Her elder brothers and the other two members of the Sanbagarasu.

"What? Are they in danger? Were they get attacked?"

"No, they're fine. Too much fine." She says with a slightly disgusted tone before sighing. "They...it's about that new girl that came yesterday."

"You mean the Yatagarasu?"

Her eyes almost bulge out. "She's a Yatagarasu?! That explain everything." She sighs again in defeat. "Look, it's better that you see for yourself."

Relieved that his progeny isn't in danger, but now curious the little Tengu follows his daughter to another of the manor's numerous rooms. When he peeks inside, his face turns lifeless at the sight in front of him.

"So they just left? Great, I can still catch them!"

There, now wearing modern clothes, is Eiko the Yatagarasu. Looking very happy.

And in front of her are Kuroumaru and Tosakamaru: both with a pronounced blush on their faces, they are smiling and nodding like idiots with their pupils having taken the shape of a heart.

"Thanks Kurou-kun! Thanks Tosaka-kun! See you later!" She blows a kiss at them, which has the effect of making them swoon in pleasure, before running off.

"Bye-bye~." They wave their hands. "Eiko-chan is so cute." Kuroumaru says.

"An angel." Tosakamaru nods in agreement.


And then their little angle of paradise turns into hell as a staff whack their heads multiple times. Turning around to glare at the perpetrators, their faces lose all colors as they see their father covered in a bright, malevolent red aura.


Sasami closes the door, not heartless enough to leave her brothers 'Even if they deserve it, the horny dogs.', but neither crazy enough to put herself between them and their irate father.


Since walking around the city in your school uniform may attract the wrong type of attention (like, an officer asking why you aren't a school) you decided to wear a red long-sleeved shirt with a black undershirt and black pants. Nothing fancy, just a casual set-up that would not look out of place.


Something that didn't occur to Kurotabou, as he's wearing a pin-striped business suit with his hair tied back. Honestly? He looks like a reformed delinquent who is going to a job interview.

"Where are we going?" You ask him as the train starts moving.

"The First District." He answers. "I thought it was a good starting-"

"Isn't that-?" A young woman whispers to another girl, eyeing Kuro with a malevolent glare.

"Yes, it's the molester." The youkai goes stiff.

"What he's doing here? Why isn't he in prison?"

"Surely he paid his way off. Laws today are too lax."

"Don't go near him, or you will get molested!"

Kuro is now sweating bullets. As for you, the only safe reaction you decide to manifest is cautious confusion. "Er..."


"...I didn't say anything."


"-and this is the zone managed by the Bakeneko Clan." He gestures to a large and well-maintained boulevard. "There are night bars, restaurants and even gambling halls."

"What is bet? Money?"

"Since many youkai also live disguised in the human world yes, but it isn't valued much. It is preferable to bet valuable items, as a sign of wealth and power, or favours to repay at a later date. The 'fear' and excitement of not knowing if you will win big or lose everything is the source of the Bakeneko Clan's Osore."

You nod in understanding.

"Mh?" His eyes trail off. "Please wait a moment Hyodo-san." He goes to one stand and begins a discussion with the vendor.

Still curious about the place lead by cat youkai (do they have cat-girls? You sure hope so!) You let your gaze wander around, until-

[] You hear a couple of housewives discussing between them.
[] A short girl bumps into you.
[] You see someone that shouldn't be there.
Youkai Yakuza - Part 11
[X] You see someone that shouldn't be there.

You blink. Then you blink again, but unfortunately the image doesn't disappear.

{What are you surprised about? If she wasn't there, that would be aggravating.}

The 'she' in question is Eiko. She is on the other side of the road, leaning forward to see better the interior of a bookshop. In contrast to her kimono or Kuoh uniform she is wearing a sleeveless dress with floral trims that arrive just above her knees. On her feet she wears golden sandals, and there is a small white pursue hanging from her left shoulder. In short, she's beautiful. As if sensing her gaze she turns towards you, winks and goes back to look at the books.

You sigh. 'Honestly.'

[You know.] Belzard begins. [It always struck me as odd that you never tried to pursue her romantically. Unless, of course, there are circumstances..?]

'There are not. However, it's true that I never considered doing it.' You admit 'When I spent four months in my mental landscape I thought about it a lot.'


A wry smile appears on your lips. 'I surmised that it's my subconscious telling me that romancing Eiko is an all-around bad idea, even for my standards.'

[Very loose standards.]

A vein pops on your forehead. 'Oi!'

[Sorry, sorry.]

Any further discussion is prevented by the return of Kuro. "Done. Is everything alright Hyodo-san? You were spacing out."

"I was just thinking about something." You shrug to indicate it was nothing important. What-"

A couple of talking housewives pass near you. "Another one?"

Her friend nods wildly. "Same place, same day of the week. I tell you, this is the work of youkai!"

Both yours and Kuro's head turn sharply at the mention of the word 'youkai'. You are merely curious, but the disguised youkai is frowning. "Excuse me." He walks up to the two women. "I couldn't help but overheard. If it isn't too much trouble, could you tell me what this supposed 'work of youkai' is about?"

"Oh. Well..." The one who first spoke puts a hand on her cheek. "You know about the Toshusai Sharaku Museum? The one in the Third District that was closed two years ago? People have started disappearing while passing in the area, only to reappear a week later in front of the entrance."

"Yes, yes!" The second one continues with excitation. "Those who disappeared always appear back on Tuesday. And when they wake up they start rambling about getting trapped within a maze and being chased by Hi no Tama from what felt like eternity! My cousin that works in the hospital told me so!"

You and Kuro exchange looks. Seeing the hard expression on his face, it isn't something that he was informed of. And if him, a high ranking member of the Nura Clan of youkai that managed the land, doesn't know...it's possible this isn't the work of Nura youkai at all.

"One last thing." You ask them. "When did the first victim appear?"

"Three weeks ago."

You thank the two housewives and leave. "Three weeks. Is that...?"

"Yes." Kuro answers. "It's after the first attack from Shikoku..." His eyes light up. "But it's immediately after their Commanders first appeared in front of Rikuo-sama! And since I know for sure no youkai live in that area or operate that way-"

"There is a possibility of it being the work of a Shikoku youkai spreading his legend." You finish for him.

"Definitely possible." He muses. "The other attacks were performed at random places, but there was one who followed a pattern. If this is the same..."

Then you need to inform the others. Or, you and Kuro can deal with it yourself.

[] Tell Rikuo
[] You two are sufficient
-[] Go straight to the place
-[] Investigate some more
[] Write-in
Youkai Yakuza - Part 12
[X] Tell Rikuo

"We need to tell Rikuo-kun." You instantly decide. While you're confident both you and Kuro can take care of it yourselves, your junior is still the boss of the area and needs to make the decision himself. Presenting a strong front will also strengthen the clan's union.

"Absolutely." Kuro takes out a cellphone and dials a number. "Tsurara-chan? It's me Kuro. Is the Young Master there with you? Ah he's helping with the class' chores? Then relay to him this message: me and Hyodo-san found what we believe to the territory of a Shikoku's Youkai. Make sure to promptly escort him to home after school end: we will wait there."

After closing the conversation he bows apologetically. "I'm sorry, but I believe we need to cut the tour short."

"Don't worry, this is an emergency. Though, we should have time to take a quick look at the Museum. Even from a distance, we may collect useful hints."

"It's worth a try."


As agreed you and Kuro made a little deviation on the road back to the Nura compound, stopping in the Third District to see the building for yourself. At first glance it looks like any other modern edifice that was build in a hurry and then closed down for one reason or another, but Kuro felt minuscule traces of another youkai's Osore in the surroundings. We judged getting too close unsafe so we left shortly after.

Once back at the house Kuro excuses himself, saying he needs to report the news to his comrades. Once you are alone you sigh. "Eiko."

Her head pops out from around a corner. "Yes Master?"

"The next time you want to come, you just have to ask." You tell with a deadpan.

"Oh no!" She waves her hand, a blinding bright smile of (fake) innocence on her lips. "It is improper for a vassal to pretend to intrude into her master's private life!"

[She's enjoying it. She's definitely enjoying it.]

[What was your first clue Ddraig?]

You wonder if others have the same troubles with their familiars. But surely there aren't many whose familiar is a sentient, self-deciding being with the talent to cause its master headaches.


A few universes to the left


"Wait Louise I can expla-!"




"Okay, new rule." You tell her. "Unless I say otherwise, if I go to some place that isn't school you have my permission to follow me while staying at my side."

"Eiko hears Master's order and obeys." She deferentially bows.

"In the meantime.." An idea pops up in your mind. "I want you to find more about the Hachijuuhakki Yakou and how they were defeated in the past. It may prove useful."

"Yes Master. I will need to contact brethrens of the tribe, so it will take a few days, a week at most."

"I can wait."


You decide to wait for Rikou in the same room where you two first met. To pass the time you decide to study: you may have been suspended, but it isn't an excuse to slack off.
Intelligence: +1 day
A few hours after you started you hear a ruckus: many young voices talking to each other, and if your ears aren't betraying you one of those voices is Rikuo's.

"-hy here, of all places?!"

"Because it provides the right atmosphere! And we can discuss it in peace!"

The shoji is slid open, and whatever the new arrivals were saying die as they took notice of you, caught in the act of writing on your notebook. At the same time you take notice of them.

It's a group of boys and girls all of Rikuo's age. The first one has mid-length wavy black hair and sharp dark brownish eyes, with an aura of confidence and self-assurance around him like Rias and Raiser.
The second one is shorter than his friends, with light orange hair.
The third one is a girl with long brown hair and khaki colored eyes.
The fourth one is a girl with dark green hair tied in a ponytail and cat-like eyes that honestly make you think she is a nekomata or something similar.
The fifth one is a girl with long blonde hair, a large bust for her age and such an intense look of admiration on her eyes as she stares at you that it makes you feel like a pedophile.
The sixth one is a short girl with a petite build that make her seems younger than the rest. She has short, spiky dark hair and she's staring at you like you just sprouted a pair of white feathery wings and a halo.

And behind them is Rikuo and Tsurara, both waving their hands in a panic while silently spelling with their mouths "NORMAL HUMANS PLAY ALONG".

Why do you feel like you're standing in front of an executioner's axe?

[] Say nothing and wait
[] Say something:
-[] Write-in
Youkai Yakuza - Part 13
[X] "Ah Nice to meet all of you. I am Hyodo Issei."
-[X] when asked what we're doing here: "I've been in town on business and Rikuo's family has been kind enough to give me a place to stay while I finish that up.


Okay, the situation is tense: you didn't expect them and they didn't expect you. No problem, you can defuse the tension just right.

"Hi-" You begin.

Only to have one hundred pounds of amorous female latching onto your arm not even five tenths of second after you uttered the first letter. "Nice to meet you sempai!" The blonde girl looks up at you with eyes that have taken the form of hearts. "My name is Maki Saori! My hobbies are shopping and listening to Hikaru Utada's songs. I am also a huge fan of Isuna Hasekura."

In the ensuing deafening silence you could hear a pin dropping. In absence of that what was clearly heard is the sound of all those present, minus Maki, sweatdropping.

"But let's stop talking about me! Let's talk about you sempai! Are you single?"

The feeling of being a pedophile skyrockets through the rooftop.



Inside Issei's landscape, in what is a perfect reproduction of the once venerable, flying Creation city of Tzatli, under a sunless white sky the Heavenly Dragon Ddraig is resting on his back, limbs moving back and forth as if he is trying to run in the air and tail rhythmically slamming on the ground with earth-shattering force.

Oh, and he is laughing his ass off. More precisely as his current partner's later "predicament".

"Is that really the Great Welsh?" A past possessor whose age is close to Issei's dryly comments while slurping on a milkshake. "How the mighty has fallen."

"I wouldn't say that." Elsha, who is sitting nearby, speaks up. "Compared to us, who didn't bother to communicate with him and just used his power until we became drunk on it, the time with Ise-kun was much more lively. If anything, this is a much better result."

"Oh yeah? Because life is totally so kind to let this continue and don't get it to bite him in the back."

"Fate bows to the will of the Exalted." A new voice chides. "First to the Chosen of the Maidens, and above them to the Chosen of the Most High."

"Oh! Welcome back Your Highness." Elsha greets the ancient Solar, while the other possessor tries to become invisible with his mind. "It's been a while since we last met. You should leave your laboratory more, staying cooped up there all the time isn't healthy."

"No need. I have everything under control." She instantly dismisses Elsha's concerns.

The blonde frowns but decides to stay silent, knowing well that getting past the Solar's massive ego isn't something that can be accomplished in a few hours. "Al...right. Actually, there is something I want to ask you."

Bright looks out at the vast emptiness, the body in the pose of a ship captain who contemplate the sea while thinking about the great mysteries of life. "What is it?"

Elsha takes a deep breath. "Juggernaut Drive is still active." It was not a question, but a statement.

"What?" The other possessor shouts. "Wasn't the curse removed?!"

"The curse. However, Boosted Gear still retains the ability to temporarily release Ddraig's full power. Ise-kun will not go mad if he uses it, but his lifeforce will be consumed all the same."

"Correct." Bright says without turning around. "A weapon that kill the user as well is less than useless. That's what my researches are about."

"Your-!" Elsha's eyes lights up. "Did you find an alternative?"

"I did. Really, it was obvious."

Bright's lips peel up in a smirk.

"If you need a sacrifice, just use something else."


"-And that's how it is." After, somehow, removing Maki from your arm you and the others make the customary greetings. Turn out that they are Rikuo's classmates and members, together with him and Tsurara, of a club called "Kiyojuji Paranormal Investigation Squad" dedicated to investigate youkai.

Now, why two youkai would join such a club escapes you, but right now you have to give up on asking for an explanation.

"I've been in town on business and Rikuo-kun's family has been kind enough to give me a place to stay while I finish that up."

"Exactly!" Rikuo exclaims, sitting between you and Maki to act as a shield. "That's all there is to it. Nothing strange here!"

'Oh right, because that doesn't sound like a very suspicious denial at all.' You think with sarcasm.

"In that case I welcome you to Ukiyoe sempai." The one with wavy black hair, you learned his name is Kiyotsugu. They're a lively bunch.

"...." Except, you can't shake the feeling of someone staring at you with frightful intensity. Tilting your head slightly you discover that, yes, the petite girl, called Keikain Yura, is still staring at you. She's doing that since the beginning.

You decide to just ask directly. "...Do I have something on my face?"


Yes. Yes you have: because Yura just stuck something on your forehead.

"..." Everyone don't move a muscle, waiting with bated breaths.

"...Nothing?" There is shock and puzzlement in Yura's voice. "But, I was sure..."

You take off the thing she stuck. "An evil-repelling charm?" You ask with a raised eyebrow, waving the stick of paper with numerous kanji. "Should I feel insulted?"

"Wha-?! No no no no! Please forgive me!" Yura, in a panic, bows so deeply her forehead smashes on the tatami. After nursing the bruise she continues. "It's just, I was sure I felt a huge spiritual presence. But I couldn't identify it, so I didn't know what to do...I must have been mistaken."

"You see sempai, Yura-chan is an Onmyoji." Torii-san puts her hands on her shoulders. "She hunts youkai as a profession."

An Onmyoji? In a Youkai house? You aren't sure what to think of that.

Kiyotsugu claps his hands. "Okay! While usually one of Yura-chan's intuition is great news, today we have something even better prepared." Behind him the guy with orange hair, Jiro Shima, is assembling a projector and a screen. "Sempai, are you interested in the supernatural?"

"Er..." You look away, trying to steel on your features. "I listen to rumors. Do this counts?"

"No no! This is not enough!" He declares. "What I bring you are not just rumors, but fool-proof evidence!"

"Oh God." Maki laments. "Another youkai story?"

"Not this time!" They actually look surprised. "Today the Kiyojuji Squad will explore a new territory. What I bring today, is the story of the [Golden Dragon of Kuoh]!"

You are sure that, if you were drinking, you would have done a spit-take.


Luckily one of your sempai does it for you. So you settle for merely sweating bullets.

"Kuoh? Do you mean that famous school for rich people?"

"Exactly." He announces proudly, activating the projector and showing the slide of a web forum. "Originally girls-only, it turned co-ed two years ago."

You know. After all, you were among the group of males that has the honors of finally stepping inside the school premise.

"This happened two weeks ago." Kiyotsugu continues. "On a seemly normal day, the students who were taking classes noticed flashes of light that were coming from a closed-off area of the school. Then, before they stopped, this appeared."


Everyone gasps. And with good reasons: the pic is terribly out of focus, but you recognize it immediately.

It's the dragon from your Anima Banner. How the hell did they take it? Didn't the Student Council cancelled the witnesses' memories?!?

"Many of those present that day don't remember or have hazed memories, clearly an attempt to cover it up!, but some of those with a cellphone took pictures and sent them to friends living in another locations, and others texted on forums."

The prized Devil Magic, defeated by technology. Well to be fair only Fallen Angel Magic, thanks to Azazel, works on computers and the like, but still!

"Kuoh..?" Rikuo ponders, turning to you. "Isn't where you go to school sempa-!" He stops as realization hits him, but sadly the damage is already done.

All eyes turn to you. "Seriously?! You go to Kuoh?" Kiyotsugu asks.

You weakly nod, not trusting your voice at the moment.

"Awesome! Then, do you know what happened that day?"

'Oh, nothing much. That dragon was actually me: I am not a dragon, but I can transform into one because I have the soul of a godlike dragon sealed inside a god-slaying spiritual weapon that the God from the Bible put into my soul when I was born. That day a Devil Phoenix threatened to kill my friends, so I beat his ass in retaliation. This causes the barrier that kept supernatural events hidden to break, so the Student Council, who is composed of Devils, had to repair it and wipe the memories of all witnesses. But they didn't a good job.'


'There is no way I can say thaaaaaaaaaaatttt!!!!'

[] Write-in.

In case you're wondering Sona is still trying to delete all images from the Internet. With the results you can expect.
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Youkai Yakuza - Part 14
[X] "The truth is..." look side to side as if checking for eavesdroppers then lean in. "it's a secret."
-[X] "But seriously I got into a pretty nasty fight that day and both of us landed in the hospital so I'm the wrong person to ask."
--[X] "Bastard was stalking a girl and had... intentions I took exception to, violently."

Yay. No way. Nope. Absolutely not. 'Thinkthinkthink-! Idea!'

"The truth is..." You look side to side as if checking for eavesdroppers then lean in.

With your best shit-eating grin. "It's a secret!"

Wow, simultaneous face-fault from all seven, in perfect synchrony. Nifty. You the do your best to appear sorry. "But seriously, I got into a pretty nasty fight during that period and both of us landed in the hospital so I'm the wrong person to ask."

"A fight?" Tsurara asks. Beside her Rikuo is clearly relieved at the narrow escape.

You nod, clicking your tongue. "Bastard was stalking a girl and had... intentions I took exception to, violently."

"So gallant!" Aaand, Maki is back to trying to fuse with your arm. "By my Azure Prince too!"

'Sorry Maki-chan, I ain't touching anything below fifteen years old. Come back in a few years.

...Oh Ignis Divine, why thinking that make me feel so dirty?!?'

"A pity." Kiyotsugu says disappointed, unaware of your internal discomfort. "But I suppose it can't be helped. I prepared a presentation yesterday, but maybe..." He turns to Yura. "Keikain-san would like to regard us with her knowledge on the subject?"

"Eh?" By her expression it's clear she is not used to be at the center of the attention. "I don't...Onmyoji deals with youkai and evil spirits, so there isn't much I know about dragons. I'm still in training after all."

"Don't worry about it."

"...Okay." She takes a moment to collect her thoughts. Everyone shift their positions to look at her.

"Dragons come into two main categories." She begins. "The European Dragon and the Chinese Dragon. The one in the photo, if real, it's of the European variety."

Shima-san raises his hand. "What is the difference between the two?"

"First is body structure: they both have reptilian traits, but the European Dragon has a lizard-like body with wings, while the Chinese Dragon has the body of a serpent and lacks wings and often even limbs. There is also the matter of their personalities: the Europeans are violent and very aggressive while the Chinese's tend to be more calm, reacting badly only when provoked."

[That is discrimination.] Ddraig sneers.

'Isn't it the truth?'

[It's the principle of the matter!]

"The most important thing to remember, is that they are fundamentally different from other types of Ayakashi." She raises a finger. "Akifusa-niisama once told me that 'Dragons are what they are because of their ego'."

"What does that mean?" Kana-san asks.

"Ah, I didn't understand it well too..." She hangs her head down in shame. "He said that, while Youkai need to be feared in order to increase in power, dragons don't need to rely on outside influences. Because of their pride, arrogance and self-assurance they just need to age in order to gather power."

Rikuo and Tsurara looks at you. You shake your head and hand in denial.

"Their power is what define them, and their forms is just an accessory. They are said to be accomplished shapeshifters, because their physically form doesn't influence their strength. However because of their pride they refuse to assume anything but the largest and physically strongest body shape. Coupled with their immense spiritual power, in ancient times people worshipped them as gods. While they are few in number, it's not rare for the guardian deity of important places be a dragon."

"Wait. I just realized something." Maki stops trying to get past Rikuo to you and blinks in confusion. "What is an European Dragon doing in Japan?"

"That's...true." Kiyotsugu says slowly. "The material I found says they like to live in wild areas devoid of human presence, and usually don't cross seas."

[Usually. Albion and I used to cross the Mediterranean Sea a lot during the winters. I went to Iraq to mock Aži Dahāka in his seal, while Albion went to Egypt to fight Apophis.]

'...You know? It says a lot, that the two of you would consider picking a fight with two of the strongest and more dangerous Evil Dragons in existence for shit and giggles.'

[Ohi ohi, we didn't do it for shit and giggles. Apophis once tried to eat Albion, while Aži Dahāka once cursed me with a curse of misfortune: for a year I kept slamming my poor knee against absurdly hard boulders.]

What amaze you the most is that they spent thousands of years doing those kind of things and nothing else.

"This is obviously a mystery! And it's the duty of the Kiyojuji Paranormal Investigation Squad to investigate mysteries!" Kiyotsugu jumps up in palpable excitement. "That's why we will make a trip to Kuoh to investigate!"

"WHAAAAT!?" You shout together with the others.

Undaunted he continues. "Sempai, would you do the honors and be our chaperon? It would make things easier."

'For you, but not for me. Rias will understand, but Sona will have my balls as payment!'

[] Write-in.

Spoiler for vol.17:
They have a floating island in the Underworld. Maintained by Ajuka's servants, it's the origin of Evil Pieces.

Who want to bet that Bright will want to claim it and found Tzatli 2 once she sees it?
Youkai Yakuza - Part 15
[X] Explain that you're already on thin-ice for being caught fighting by the student president, who is pretty strict and probably would take a dim view of anyone besides faculty or attending students on campus without permission. Suggest they write her first, and if she authorizes it we would be willing to show them around.
-[X] First time you get the chance, give Sona or Rias a call and explain the situation to them, including the bit about the photo they missed...maybe ask for advice?

"I would love to." In a sense. "Buuut, I'm already on thin-ice for being caught fighting by the student president, who is pretty strict. She will probably take a dim view of anyone besides faculty or attending students on campus without permission."

You quickly suggest a solution. "However you should write her first and ask for permission, to show you follow the rules. If she authorizes it I will surely show you around."

"True, true." Kiyotsugu nods sagely. "We can't just show up out of nowhere. Plus I need to rent a house in the vicinity." He takes out a iPhone and starts typing.

'Uff. Crisis averted.'

"Master!" Eiko steps inside the room holding a tray full of steaming cups. "Eiko prepared green tea. Would Master like some?"

'...God hates me.'

[He has a hate-boner for serpents and dragons, yes.]


Luckily the others mistook Eiko for one of those working for Rikuo, and you ordered her telepathically to play along.

Even if Keikain Yura kept switching from staring at you to her and viceversa, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing but didn't know what to do either.

When they finally leave you and Rikuo breath out a sigh in relief. "That was close."

"Too much for my tastes." Rikuo silently cries. "This is only the second time, but I'm already hating it."

"Was what the Onmyoji girl said true?" Tsurara suddenly ask.

""Eh?"" The both of you turn to her at the same time.

She blushes slightly. "About dragons." She fidgets. "Alright I'm curious! So what?!"

Eiko covers her mouth with a fan.

"Nothing, nothing." You reassure her. "It wasn't...totally wrong."

You begin explaining, Ddraig occasionally telling you info you weren't aware of. "There are dragons, and then there are Dragons. With the capital 'D'. The first are things that look what you expect dragons to however they don't have the raw power of the ones you hear about in myth and legend. They are the first [stage] of dragons."

You make air quotes at the [stage] word.

"Dragons are not beings who acquired power. They are power. They began as massive masses of energy that somehow gained intelligence. They however had no purpose so they just raged around like wild animals. Most of the dragons that exist today are like that. A Dragon instead has gained a purpose for their power. With a specific goal comes greater focus and more intelligence, and that's how those who appear in legends and myths appeared."

"Oooh." Both children have stars in their eyes. "Does this make you a dragon with a purpose Hyodo-san?"

"Almost." You wave your hand. "I'm still young, but I cheat by having an elder dragon tutoring me and sharing part of his energy with me. We're teacher and student so to say."

[Never thought I would take a student. Then again nowadays few people take dragons seriously. What's with all of us dragons of legend either sealed or missing. Maybe new blood is what it takes.]

"Young Master!" Kurotabou literally jumps inside. "I finally found you!"


Once things calmed down you and Kurotabou explained your findings.

"Are you sure Kuro?" Rikuo asks with a worried expression.

"I double checked when I came back. No member of the Nura Clan was ever assigned to that place."

"Uhm..." He starts pondering with an intense expression. After a few minutes he speaks again. "Soon there will be a new gathering of the Heads."

"I am aware." Kuro answers. You didn't, but it isn't important.

"With their mistrust in my leadership's abilities and grandfather's absence, we will not be able to present an united front unless I show them some result to convince them. I already assigned a mission to Gyuuki, but..."

He seems to reach a conclusion. "Kuro. Hyodo-sempai. Can I ask you to investigate and stop this youkai? Not only because you were the one to find it, but in your case sempai I want the others to trust you. But without concrete proofs..."

You raise a hand to stop him. "Say no more. I said I will help, and nothing will stop me from respecting my promise. You can count of me."

"And on me Young Master." Kuro straightens his posture.

He smiles. "Thanks guys! Oh, but the gathering will be held in three days so you need to finish it before that."

A time limit. A new problem, but it will give you new experience for similar opportunities in the future.

[] Submit a strategy to handle the mission (write-in)

[] Optional. Do you what to do something before the mission?
-[] Yes. What? (write-in)
-[] No

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Youkai Yakuza - Part 16
[X] Lon

After the meeting with Rikuo you and Kurotabou debate about the best way to perform the mission.

"We know him, or they, have made the Toshusai Sharaku Museum into a base." Kuro begins. "But while it is the place where they spread the legend, we cannot be sure it's also the place where they reside. The culprit may not be always there, meaning-"

"Meaning there is the risk of missing him, thus potentially risking scaring him away and missing our chance to catch him before the meeting." You finish for him. This is trickier than you thought.

[Ohi Issei-kun.] Of your sempai, a female one this time, calls out to you. [What day is today?]

'Wednesday. Why?'

[Then I have a suggestion.] She then very carefully explains her plan. And what a plan it is.

"What about we spring their own trap?" At Kuro's questioning look you continue. "Those housewives said those who disappear always reappear on Tuesday. Today is Wednesday, so the last spirited away reappeared yesterday. I can try walking around the Museum and hope the youkai will choose me as his next victim.

"A daring plan, but it also carries a lot of risks."

"I won't be alone. You can stay on watch in a way that you will not be noticed by others. Also, I have a way to deal with potential mental attacks so I am protected on both fronts."

"Uhm..." He reflects for a long time. "I can't come up with a better alternative. Considering we are also on limited time: no risk, no gain as they say." He shrugs. "Let's do this."


Later, after the sun goes down the horizon, dressed in thick clothes you walk together with Kuro to the Third District before going on separate ways: him on the rooftops, while you on the streets below. Just in case you are wearing Boosted Gear in stealth mode, the bracelets fully changed with motes.
Offensive Overdrive: 90m
Defensive Overdrive: 90m
Lacking any clue about how it should be done properly you just opt to walk around without a clear destination, trying to cover as much area as possible.

The streets, you find out, are empty even though it's not even past midnight. Good, this will raise the probabilities of the youkai targeting you.

It's when you enter a rather tight alleyway that it happens. As if materializing from inside the darkness a figure steps in front of the exit. You look behind and, yes, another one is blocking the entrance.

"Well well, what do we have here?" The one in front of you begins to slowly walk towards you.

'This is it!' You prepare to activate your martial Charms.

He takes out something, a ray of light from the moon illuminating a metal surface. "Fancy gear you have there. Fancy to make a...donation to a poor brother?"

"Oh." You deflate in disappointment. "It's just a robbery."

[] Make yourself scarce
[] Beat those two, and then make yourself scarce
[] Convince them to re-evaluate their life's choices
[] Write-in.
Youkai Yakuza - Part 17
[X] Convince them to re-evaluate their life's choices
-[X]Use an in-depth cost analysis on their choices and cite how much they could make over the 5-7 years they will otherwise spend in jail if they wish to press on.
--[X]Beat em like a cheap drum if they don't get the hint.


"Donation? A donation?" You shake your head in sadness. "My dear brothers, as fellow humans beings that live under the same sky, if you really are poor it is not my charity that you need!"

Maybe it's the weird choice of words, or maybe your tone, but the two muggers stop their advance. "...Just out of curiosity. Before we, you know, beat the living shit of you and take your stuff, pray tell: what, is it that we need?"
One-die Stunt: +2m
First Presence Excellency: -4m
Irresistible Salesman Spirit: -3m
Personal Essence: 15/20
Peripheral Essence: 42/49
"Very well!" You make exaggerate gestures with your hands. "Tell me! Are you legal adults, sane of mind and body?"

"Unless Daiki picked up something from the prostitute of yesterday, I would say yes."

"What the hell brother!!"

"Then a life of robbery is far from the optimal choice available to you." You continue. "For example, do you know that among the jobs that currently make the top-five of [Japan's most demanded professions, the working hours/competence/pay rate is such that..."

For over a hour you continue on, carefully using an in-depth cost analysis on their life's choices and how they can be improved, citing how much they could make over the 5-7 years they will otherwise spend in jail if they wish to press on with their current course of action.

At the end the two brothers, Daiki and Nobuichi you learn, are shaking your hands while bawling their eyes out.

"What the hell I did all my life!?" Daiki cries. "I saw the light!"

"Thank you mysterious handsome stranger!" Nobuichi sniffs. "I promise that when I gain my first million I will commission a statue in your honor."

Both pass an arm over each other's shoulders. "Ready Daiki?"

"More than ready brother!"


And with that they're off in the night.

You hold out your chest with pride. "I did a good deed today. Tonight. Whatever."

[...Remind me again why we all thought being able to become infinitely strong was a good set of superpowers?]

[I don't think there was, at least in my case, much thought about it. More a surge of adrenaline.]

[Can we use it to get free stuff?]

"What are you talking about?" You ask your sempai.


"...Okay?" For some reason you don't feel like questioning further. Shrugging you continue your stroll, the interruption having taken care for.

However, you have time to make at least a dozen of steps before a most peculiar sight forces you to stop.

It's...well, it's a person, except you can see through him and instead of legs he has a tail made of white smoke, or maybe fog. Something along those lines. A young man in his twenties, with unkempt long black hair and glasses.

Who is currently bawling his eyes out in despair under the light of a street-lamp.

[That, partner, is a Ghost. A real one this time.]


[] Talk to him and ask what's wrong
[] Ignore him and continue your stroll
[] Maybe you should send him to the Afterlife...but you don't know how
[] Write-in.


The other choices included a drunkard, a female drunkard who don't understand personal space, a youkai that wanted to scare you, a youkai that wanted to eat your liver and a serial killer.
Youkai Yakuza - Part 18
[X] Talk to him and ask what's wrong.

While you aren't sure how to behave with a ghost, you can't just leave someone in distress like that.

"Excuse me." You walk closer. "Why are you crying like that?"

"Booh...Booh...Because-!" He whips his head around to stare at you with wide eyes. "Wait! You can see me?"

"Seem like it." You rub your head in embarrassment. "It's my first time seeing a ghost though. But I can't just leave you like that."

"Oh Heaven yes!" He shoots at and hugs you. What is surprising is that his limbs don't pass through you. "I can finally talk with someone! All the others just ignored me, no matter what I did!"

"Ghosts are supposed to be invisible." You pat your back to reassure him. "My name is Hyodo Issei. What's yours?"

"Sniff...I'm Sawabari Shoushouke. I know my name is long, so just call me Shou."

You nod. "Alright Shou-san. In return you can call me Issei. If I may, why are you here crying? You should have passed on already? Do you have a lingering regret?"

"Lingering regret?" He step-floats back, eyes alit with some indescribable emotion. "Lingering regret is too weak of a word! I shouldn't have die! No, there is no way that me dying was anything but an error in the world!"

This manner of speech. It reminds you of someone. Who?

"I recall it as if it was yesterday." He looks off into the distance, his eyes stopping seeing the present. "I was born in an average, normal family. My father worked hard to sustain both me and mother, so he was rarely home. At the same time many guys I never saw before started coming to pick up mother when she got out. Later I realized she was cheating on father with a new guy every week."

'Oh. Wow. Okay, what...fuck, what can I say to that?'

"As a child I was scrawny. My grades were good, but because of my weak looks I got bullied. During the second year of high school I couldn't endure it anymore and I ran away. I left behind everything. For two months I was a hobo, until I arrived at a charity society that let me live there in exchange for minor jobs."

You stay silent, not wanting to make him clam up.

"Then, when I was seventeen, a friend introduced me to the world of online videogames." His glasses light up. "World of Magicraft, Lord of the Staffs Online...It was awesome: there it doesn't matter who you are or how you look, there is just your character and the determination behind it. That time, I felt in love."

Y...eah. Personally, you prefer meeting people face to face and physical contact.

"And the best part? There are people paying to enjoy better perks of those games, and so there are also people willing to provide those services. I became a recluse, spending all my time playing on those games questing and collecting rare items for those people, and they paid me for that! At the cost of zero social life I managed to acquire a stable source of income that let me buy an house for myself and even a car directly from Germany!"

He begins crying again. "And then I had an incident the first time I ride on it! Who knew driving is so difficult without a license?!"

That should be obvious!! Still, a life like that is bound to produce a lot of regrets. "I understand. So, what is preventing you from passing on is-"


"I see you didn't-" At that point your brain stop working. "...What?"

He grabs the street lamp and begins banging his head on it. Without success, as his head passes through it like it was a mirage. "Sixteen Gigabytes of downloaded porno! An entire collection of 'Kiss Me Baby' with every possible fetish from boobs to leather! My master plan of making chicks fall for me with my new car! My first time was supposed to be an orgy with four supermodels!!!"


"But nooooo!" By this point Shou-san looks like a raving loon. "That *censure**censure**censure* cat had to traverse the street right that moment! And I like a *censure* idiot steered to avoid it, only to make a full frontal with a camion! I should have just run over that *censure**censure* son of a *censure* cat!"



What the hell is this....?

[] Write-in.
Youkai Yakuza - Part 19
This...is a cry for help! You can't let this poor soul wallow in misery and regret, for it is the duty of all oppai lovers in the world to support each other! You managed it, so why shouldn't he?

...Admittedly physical death is not a small obstacle to overcome, but how fortunate you have friends from the highest spheres!

"Shou-san!" You grab the ghost by the shoulders and force him to stare at you. "I will be honest. I can not say for certain where your karma falls on the scale of Salvation, or Damnation."

Mostly because you don't know what faith he is.

"What I can tell you,-" You continue with a perverted grin. "is that most Devils are hot as shit, and if the Fallen Angels are anything to go by, the Angels of Heaven will be much the same."

His eyelids quickly move up and down in surprise. "So otherworldly beings are also real? Ghosts are one thing, but..."

"It's true!" You nod energetically. "They also wear REALLY tight clothing. So you're sorta missing it out by sitting here lamenting about how the cards fell."

He raises an eyebrow.

"No, like seriously, REALLY TIGHT and your missing out on all of it."

"...And how do you know this?"

"Simple." You put one fist over your heart with pride. "One of my girlfriends is a Fallen and I do contract work for a Devil family. I guess I should reintroduce myself. Hello, My name is Issei Hyodo, and I am-"

[You DO remember that this is an undercover operation, right?]

'...Thanks Belzard-sempai.' "...A guy who dabble in the occult."


"More than one." You say with pride, completely missing the menacing aura that Shou-san started to emit and the way his hair now cover his eyes. You take out your cellphone and show him the photos of your friends and lovers. "That's because I am building a true Harem! See? This is Mittelt, Fallen Angel. Rias, a Devil. My friends from the same school club, also Devils. This is Akeno-san, this is Koneko-chan..."




"Please calm down Sawabari-san!"


What is going on? How did you go from showing photos to Shou-san to him chasing you around with two enormous scissors in place of his arms while surrounded in a dark aura of malice and hatred?


...Those words are horribly familiar. Didn't you, Motohama and Matsuda use to say the same to Kiba every time you saw him being stormed by girls?

...When you go back you're going to give Kiba a heartfelt apology and offer to repay him someway.

"Hyodo-san." Kurotabou appears running next to you, an expression of complete bewilderment on his face. "How, exactly, did you manage to make a recently deceased ghost collect so much malice that he instantly jumped half-way to being a Vengeful Spirit?"


Below the waist Shou-san's body becomes the lower half of a giant crab.

"...He has issues?" You offer lamely.

"Oh dear." Kurotabou signs the sigh of the damned.


[] Write-in.

I have so much fun writing this :D ( >:D ) :D
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Youkai Yakuza - Part 20
You have to make Shou-san see reason. Fighting each other is meaningless!

You turn to your fellow pervert. "Shou-san! Know that I, as a fellow-"


And double your running speed once he starts shooting freaking laser beams! "What we can do now?!" You ask Kurotabou.

With a sight the youkai turns around, runs to Shou-san-

And slams an enormous hammer the size of a car on the ghost's head.

That works.


Later a crew of small youkai shows up to tie Shou-san, pick him up and drag him somewhere.

"There is a medium that help ghosts passing on to the afterlife." Kurotabou explains. "She will be able to deal even with this case."

"That's good, but..." Relief for Shou-san leaves place for guilt. "I screwed up."

"Completely." Kurotabou's words are like knifes to the heart. "Then again, I doubt anyone would have been able to predict that."

"Still, it's my fault." You look down. "I was a...a..."


"Yeah. It's as you say Kurotabou-san: I was an idiot."

"Uh, I didn't say anything." The black clad monk seems confused.

You look up. "Eh?"

"An amazing couple of idiots if I say so myself. Honestly, believing that such a poorly made charade was enough to fool me even for a second."

"!" At the unknown voice you and Kurotabou get back to back, Boosted Gear unfolding and swords appearing in the youkai's hands.

"If you want to meet with me, you just have to ask."

Out of nowhere appear hovering balls of blue flames, forming a line heading in a precise direction.

The Museum's direction.

"...Shall we?"

"It would be impolite to turn down such an offer." You remark.

"Pointless too." Kurotabou scoffs.


As predicted following the flames' balls lead you to the Museum, where you find the main doors open.

The monk enters first, weapons ready. You follow behind.

The moment you're fully inside the doors slam shut, while more flames' balls appear around you to form a circle.

You two, and someone else.



A chicken youkai? No: his appearance may suggest so, but his abilities suggest something more.

"I am Youkai Inuhōō, one of the Shikoku Hachijūhakki Yakō's executives. Thanks for accepting my invitation." His tone is polite, but here it only sounds mocking.

You raise an eyebrow. "You mean, thanks for giving me the home advantage?"

He half-grins in amusement. "You knew, and still came? Such arrogance, or maybe you're just hopelessly foolish?"

"Why don't you come here and check for yourself?" You raise menacingly your claws.

His grin grows largem but he doesn't move. Beside you Kurotabou is silent, ready to spring into action.

What do you do?
[] Attack first.
[] Wait and let either Kurotabou or the enemy do the first move.
[] Speak with the enemy:
-[] About what? (write-in)
[] Check your surroundings
[] Write-in.