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Tribulations of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

EternitynChaos claims it was a joke charm from an Aprilfools ExXxalted joke.

I just though I'd post it here for you guys to use.
Somehow, I can't see Bright as ever having learned the Swallowing Darkness Style. Or teaching it to Issei even if she had.

As for any other stuff from the Scroll of Swallowed Darkness... as nice as it would be to have the Moonsilver Pantaloons they are a unique artifact probably still owned by Luna, a many-stalked flower of delights might come in handy at some point and Satiated Primordial Pillow Talk* would actually be a useful charm for Issei.

*Socialize 5, essence 3, 6m 1wp: allows the Solar to perfectly sate anyone's sexual desires and then make a perfect social attack which, if successful, reduces the target's social MDV to 0 for the rest of the scene unless they spend willpower equal to double the Solar's compassion to resist it.
[X] Eldritch
-[X] Without turning away, you ask, "That's the sword, isn't it?" Because of course it is, your luck demands nothing less.
*Socialize 5, essence 3, 6m 1wp: allows the Solar to perfectly sate anyone's sexual desires and then make a perfect social attack which, if successful, reduces the target's social MDV to 0 for the rest of the scene unless they spend willpower equal to double the Solar's compassion to resist it.

Personally I'd re-write it so you need to satisfy them on your own, THEN you get the perfect social attack if you succeed, if you can't handle your partner in bed, then the charm just doesn't work.
Personally I'd re-write it so you need to satisfy them on your own, THEN you get the perfect social attack if you succeed, if you can't handle your partner in bed, then the charm just doesn't work.
It's a pre-first age charm meant for handling Primordials in bed. And note that it only guarantees that your partner will be satisfied. Surviving satisfying something like She Who Lives In Her Name with all of her powers unbound and at intimately close range is your own damn problem.
Unfortunately for that charm, its Martial Arts are focused more on the womanly parts, and failing that, the holes, instead of manlier parts.
[X] Eldritch
-[X] Without turning away, you ask, "That's the sword, isn't it?" Because of course it is, your luck demands nothing less.
Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 6)
[X] Tiger

Tiger. A concept you're acquainted with very well thanks to a certain crazy fallen angel that, somehow, own several packs of the noble feline, international regulations be damned.

You think you hate tigers.

Without turning away, you ask, "That's the sword, isn't it?" Because of course it is, your luck demands nothing less.

As if answering your query something strikes the front of the shop from inside with immense force, causing it to shatter outwards and spewing forth a deep curtain of dust. The onlooking crowd that yet remains backs even further up, and looks well intent to flee.



Your first perception of the 'sword' comes in the form of a loud, rhythmically booming sound that you recognize as the steps of something massive moving forward. Next is the sight of an enormous silhouette, easily eight meters tall, forming past the dust.

"..That's one hell of a sword." Kensei replies with a collected, yet tinged with disbelief tone. Shigure is just looking up, mouth forming a small 'O' of surprise despite her persistently apathetic gaze.

"Waaaaa-?!" Renka-sen's answer is cruder but way more to the point.

From the direction of the presence a strong gale of wind blows away the dust, letting you see the being behind clearly for the first time. With an humanoid form, it's a giant even bigger than you thought, standing at ten meters of height. The body is covered by a scale armor the color of bronze with black iron pauldrons and greaves. The style feels vaguely Chinese, but it may also be Korean or Vietnamese. In its right hand it holds a massive straight sword with many symbols and ideograms carved on the blade.

And where the head or a helmet should be located, there is instead a close-mouthed tiger's head made of black metal with yellow stripes, the eyes a pair of holes burning with red-orange fire that surge and bulge like no fire should.

"천국은 성령을 호출하고, 지구는 영혼을하는 데 도움이됩니다!"

The bellow doesn't come from its jaws, that remains sealed shut, but from within its chest cavity. It lowers its gaze and notices your little group.

"챔피언스! 당신의 기질을 증명!"

With that it raises its sword and, with a speed that it shouldn't possess, brings it down on you.


Before it connects you do the sensible thing and run the fuck away, Renka still in your arms.

"Wait! What is that? Why it's attacking us? Why are you running?!"

"Not now!"

Turning behind a corner you wait until the wall hid your frame before switching direction, entering an alleyway on the other side of the street.

Once you're sure the colossus isn't moving in your direction you put Renka down, cover your head with your hands and squat on the ground. 'Ddraig?'


'Your previous comment about my luck....I think you were right.'

[And what else?] He asks with a tone that hints at a smug smile on his lips.

'...That I need to listen to those older and more experienced than me?'

[Damn straight.]

"What the hell was that?!" Renka demands. She seems to holding herself pretty well, yet the slightly larger than normal pupils tell you she's experiencing notable panic and shock. "Did you Japanese got so crazy with your obsession with giant robots that you build a real Gundam?"

"First I need to ask: where, exactly, does that look like a Gundam?" At most it can pass for the GaiGar form of GaoGaiGar. You scratch your head. "And for what...well…"

"That, Issei-kun." Kensei jumps in front of you two, his large sleeves joined together to conceal the hands. "Is part of a talk that I will have with my daughter later."

"Papa!" The girl stomps to the old master, relief evident in her voice. However it quickly turns to annoyance as she grabs the front of his shirt. "Are you keeping something from me?"

He frowns before signing with a resigning tone. "For good reasons, but it's a moot point now. Please wait for a little while Renka."

"How's the situation?" You ask Kensei, steering the conversation away from what you recognize as a delicate matter.

"Dire." He separates his sleeves and shows his hands. Renka gasp at the bruises on it. "Its entire surface is incredibly hard, and it doesn't have any Tenketsu I can manipulate."

That's when Shigure join you, jumping down from the rooftop. She is looking at her sword with a slight betrayed look. "Can't...cut. Look iron...but stronger."

"Yeah, magic tends to push any most any material way past its limit." You run your fingers through your hair. "We need to know more. Kosaka-san, what is the name of the sword you were searching for?" Something magical that can transform like that is bound to be famous...or infamous.

The sound of more stuff being demolished in the distance reminds you that you have not much time left.

She puts a finger over her lips, eyebrows furrowing in concentration. "Sai...Sao...no, Saingeom."

You don't recognize the name, but judging from his reaction Kensei does. The old Kenpo master facepalms, eyebrows twitching and lips twisting in a grimace. "A Saingeom? And a very ancient one?" He mumbles some words in Chinese, from the tone they sound like curses.

"Kensei-san? What's a Saingeom?" You ask.

"The Saingeom (Four Tigers Sword), also known as Sainchamsageom (Four Tigers Evil-Cutting sword), is a special type of Korean sword." He begins. "Since it can only be forged during the Tiger hour of a Tiger's day in a Tiger's month, a metalsmith can make only one in his entire life. It's supposed to possess powerful Yang force that can destroy corrupted monsters and evil spirits."

He gestures in the direction of another boom- a closer one you notice. "Of course, those made during the Joseon Dynasty and before are way different from the ones made today. Forged with the aid of magic, blessed materials and complex rituals, they have many special abilities."

"Including becoming a giant metal warrior?"

"Including becoming a giant metal warrior."

"What are you talking about? Magic?" Renka pouts and crosses her arms. "Believing in magic is foolish."


'Now it's not the time, oh sempai of mine.'

"Why...rampaging…?" Shigure asks.

"Uhm…" Kensei puts a fist under his chin. "My Korean is rusted, but at the beginning he said something like 'Prove your mettle'."

"...So it wants a fight?"

"Seems like it."

That something you expected from a dragon, not a tiger.

[In Chinese mythology tigers and dragons are seen as archrivals.] Belzard helpfully explains. [They saw the two species as being very similar in character, and so incompatibles. Equals repel, or something like that.]

[That is pure bullshit!] Ddraig protests. [I never argued with a tiger in my life.]

Meaningless chatter aside…

What to do?
[] Plan?
-[] Stunt?


This part is fairly simple: write a plan to deal with the current problem, and if you want add a stunt. The whole sword business will end in the post anyway, and then we will proceed to the Phenex meeting. Again in the same post.
[jk] Whelp, looks like we're doing what we do every night Pinky. We're going to kick it's ass.

Anyway, I guess I'll come up with a basic plan and see if anyone can stunt it up or something.
Is it possible to lead it somewhere barren? Or place a barrier around the area to prevent bystanders from being hurt? Like that Mage or Ninja did?
It would be easier to get everyone to flee the place and fight it right here. Sure, there's gonna be collateral damage, but it's easier and less likely to backfire in case he loses interested mid-pursuit. And there'd be collateral damage anyway, plus you never know who might waltz into the "line of fire" when we're running, so to speak. Besides, we don't even know if he's going to pursue, or simply stand there and just attack anyone who gets close.
It would be easier to get everyone to flee the place and fight it right here. Sure, there's gonna be collateral damage, but it's easier and less likely to backfire in case he loses interested mid-pursuit. And there'd be collateral damage anyway, plus you never know who might waltz into the "line of fire" when we're running, so to speak. Besides, we don't even know if he's going to pursue, or simply stand there and just attack anyone who gets close.
Well, I'm mostly counting on the fact that we can create one of those barriers that prevent anything from affecting the inside or outside world like that one ninja or mage did.
I don't think we ever learned any sort of barrier-making skills. Gonna have to suck it up, I think.
Um.... Issei speaks and understands Korean fluently. It's the same language family as Japanese. Just like he knows Italian from learning English.
Is it possible to lead it somewhere barren? Or place a barrier around the area to prevent bystanders from being hurt? Like that Mage or Ninja did?
Leading it away? Sure. But creating the barrier require a hour, time that you don't have.
Um.... Issei speaks and understands Korean fluently. It's the same language family as Japanese. Just like he knows Italian from learning English.
No, Korean is not part of the same linguistic family as Japanese.
[X] Call Rias to quickly explain the situation. Then activate the Boosted Gear and start preparing for as large a boost as practical. Since tigers are the enemies of dragons the sword might hold dragon slaying properties so try to fight defensively to see if you can confirm you suspicion as well as to prepare as large a boost as practical.
Just by curiosity , what the other choice would have done ?
Yeah that sounds about right, considering how xenophobic the Asian nations were throughout their history due to their interactions with each other and Westerners.
The very next opportunity we get we should sit down with the shinobi girls and learn that barrier.

Alexander does transferring Motes by explosion count towards our Anima flare. If not then I favor playing support for the masters by amplifying them.we really need to avoid a big show.
Why the hell does the barrier spell take an hour to cast when Raynare throws it up instantly in the first episode? While also performing a transformation sequence for that matter!
Why the hell does the barrier spell take an hour to cast when Raynare throws it up instantly in the first episode? While also performing a transformation sequence for that matter!
Two possibilities: We're going off of the LN's instead, can't recall which it is at the moment. Or she has more practice and actual skill with the spell, we've been kinda neglecting our spell casting in favor of punching everything in the face.

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