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Tribulations of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Also, I just googled Operation Wyldhand. What the fuck, Elder Solars!?
Elder Solars were dicks... there is a reason why I said that Bright Shattered Ice, for all her flaws is one of the NICE Elder Solars
Pretty sure Bright voted to authorize that operation...then again, she wasn't very interested in politics and just followed what the faction she was part of wanted because of deep loyalty..which may be even worse, because it would mean she just didn't give a fuck most of the time. Still Eternity is right, she is one of the NICE Elder Solars...which say something.
burnie CAST & CREW
Monty Oum hospitalized
It is with great regret that I must inform you that our co-worker and our dear friend, Monty Oum, has had a medical emergency. He is currently hospitalized in critical care and it is not known if he will recover. He is receiving the best medical care possible and is surrounded by both family and friends who love him very much. While we wanted you to know as soon as possible, we also have the utmost respect for Monty's privacy and we hope you will understand and share in that respect.
Monty is a tremendous talent who has accomplished so much in his young life. He has an amazing creative ability and the drive to put it to use. That is a rare combination and we are proud to have shared in it. We expect that this news will be shocking to most of you and very difficult to process. It has been for many of us as well. Our hearts are with Monty, his wife Sheena and his brothers & sisters. They will need your good thoughts, your prayers, whatever kindness you have to offer.
A fund has been been established to assist Monty's family with his medical expenses. If you wish to show your support in that fashion, please visit this link.
We love you, Monty.

From the Rooster Teeth web site
I've heard there were a few who were, they were just very, very, rare.
Bright Shattered Ice was one of the nicest Solars in the first age. She also was one of the Chief architects of Malfeas, may have been the one to propose imprisoning the Primordials in the first place, quite possibly the most skilled demonologist ever, known for her horrifying punishments of criminals (though to be fair, that one was mostly due to her limit break) and is very heavily implied to now be a Deathlord.
I meant Mittlelt, Asia, Ruby, Yang, I doubt that Shougo would like one, and if you include Homura Crimson Squad as Issei friends.

Thank you for answering.

Hope Mounty Oum recovers.
I'm wondering if we should get an occult specialty in either supernatural races, or for magic.

Supernatural Races would help with identifying faction members, knowing how to act with them, and (if needed) how to fight and kill them.

Magic would help with spells.
Magic isn't an immediate concern unless we're planning to use DxD magic, which so far we haven't used outside of the beginning chapters. It'll be awhile before we can bring in the big guns, from what I understand. And all things considered, Issei's been doing reasonably decently around a wide variety of supernatural races, so I wouldn't consider it an immediate concern either. If there's something we should really consider training up, I'd say it's either diplomancy or sword skills, now that we actually have a sword worthy of a Solar. I'd kinda hate to see our tiger friend languish, forgotten.
The sheet has us knowing ten DxD spells already.

Plus, we're a Twilight, so learning some combat magic would definitely fit.
We're a lot more effective when punching things rather than fireballing it, though. Or going dragon.

And Sorcery is not something we could consider an overnight project. I think Smut (could be wrong, but I think it was him) once mentioned we'd need Occult Excellencies and dots in the right skills to make combat magic a cost-effective combat method for us, compared to punching things, too.
We're a Twilight, so getting the Excellency in Occult would be relatively easy. Not to mention, since we're dealing with the Three Factions, an Occult Excellency is something we should be getting soon anyway.

Only other thing I can think of would be to get dots in Archery or Throw, to maybe help with accuracy, but that would be it.
We actually have the First Occult Excellency already. We just don't have much in the way of other Occult charm investments because Solar Occult charms are kinda shit if there's no immaterial beings around to deal with.
We actually have the First Occult Excellency already. We just don't have much in the way of other Occult charm investments because Solar Occult charms are kinda shit if there's no immaterial beings around to deal with.

Since Youki are a thing, there are probably immaterial beings around.

But I was saying that, since some people are saying we should act more like a Twilight, and less a Dawn, we should get combat applicable DxD spells, as that would fit a Twilight, and would help prepare us as we know we're going to need to deal with combat a 'lot' in this quest.
I think once we get the evil pieces analyzed we will start acting more like a twilight than a dawn.
With how little progress we have left, I suspect we could get it done quickly if we put extra effort into them once any sort of "break period" hits, since we won't be needing so much essence for fighting.
I have been wondering how the Vampires and Werewolves are going to act in this quest?
Well, in DxD, with exceptions like Valerie and Gasper, they are some of the most arrogant beings on Earth.

As for werewolves, besides Sona's rook, we don't know a thing about werewolves in DxD, so that's kind of up in the air.
I wonder if a dancing band named the Pigeon River Howlers exist in this universe?
I wonder what is the opinion of Homura and the rest of her squad of Issei?

How hard the quest would have became if we selected the difficulty level at Lunatic, Phantasm, or Insane?

Also if the Hebijo Clandestine Girls' Academy knows that we recruited Homura and her squad they are going to be pissed off, but Issei is not going to be pleased if they attack his friends, there is also the Gessen Girls School with Homura being an "Evil" shinobi.

Thank you for answering the last questions Alexander.
Hebijo won't be a problem, the whole point of them is for the girls they train to go out and find independent employers, unlike the 'good' girls who work for the government, we are paying them, we are a power, we are an acceptable client
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I meant Mittlelt, Asia, Ruby, Yang, I doubt that Shougo would like one, and if you include Homura Crimson Squad as Issei friends.
Yes, they can get one. If they want one.
I have been wondering how the Vampires and Werewolves are going to act in this quest?
Mortal enemies.
I wonder if a dancing band named the Pigeon River Howlers exist in this universe?
...Is that a reference?
I wonder what is the opinion of Homura and the rest of her squad of Issei?

How hard the quest would have became if we selected the difficulty level at Lunatic, Phantasm, or Insane?

Also if the Hebijo Clandestine Girls' Academy knows that we recruited Homura and her squad they are going to be pissed off, but Issei is not going to be pleased if they attack his friends, there is also the Gessen Girls School with Homura being an "Evil" shinobi.

Thank you for answering the last questions Alexander.
In order:
1) They're still forming one, but until now, despite appearing cocky and over-confident, Issei proved he can back up his claims.
2) Very, very hard. For starters, there would be more elements of Creation involved, thus more people who know just how dangerous Issei is.
Hebijo won't be a problem, the whole point of them is for the girls they train to go out and find independent employers, unlike the 'good' girls who work for the government, we are paying them, we are a power, we are an acceptable client
3) Not quite. Actually there are Shinobi after Homura and the others. Now that they are in Rias' territory and have Issei's money they got a lot more difficult to trace, but their pursuers are not the kind to give up.

Also...new thread! :D

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