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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

It would be cool if there were a Davy Jones of space. A being tasked with traversing the void to find the souls lost to space and bring them to the afterlife. Charon might even be able to take up the job.

He mentioned he was going to talk to Mother of Mercy, so she may become that.
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Hmmm... as for the the Goku thing, I think that even aside from the amusement it's useful. Batman disappears without a sound when you're not looking because it unsettles people. What OL does has the opposite effect. It lets people know that he's about to poof without the suddenness that just proofing would have. Also it's not like it stops him from pulling a Batman if he needs to.
Hmmm... as for the the Goku thing, I think that even aside from the amusement it's useful. Batman disappears without a sound when you're not looking because it unsettles people. What OL does has the opposite effect. It lets people know that he's about to poof without the suddenness that just proofing would have. Also it's not like it stops him from pulling a Batman if he needs to.

It's also a nice way to trick enemies into thinking they can stop him from doing it by grabbing or removing his hand.

Imagine them thinking that by disabling his hand they can stop him from teleporting, only for him to do it without a hand.

The universe is almost empty.


There are seven brilliant lights. The beings composed of lights are trying to escape the containers. All except the being in the orange container.

The barrel of the metaphysical 'gun' is longer than the breadth of the Sol system, when Paul had first arrived on the moon of Terra. It was composed entirely of Black light, almost invisible in the emptiness of the universe. There was a white light, the size of a planet. In fact, it was a planet. An achingly familiar planet.

On the top of a mountain, in what would have been Rhode Island on the turn of Terra's third millenia AD, Paul meditated.

A godlike being in the armor of his ancestors floated down next to him. He wore a patch on one armband, the sigil of the Darkstars. "Illustres."

Paul turned, and smiled. "High Weaponlord Nauca. Are you here to keep your promise?"

The being who was once designated to be a test subject for showing too much free will, smiled at the second being in the galaxy, and the only being who was not a Qwardian, that he allowed himself to be subservient to.

"I said I would kill you last. If Kalmin's design works, the weapon will pierce the Source Wall, killing the Source itself. That will erode the Source Wall. He will then trigger the self destruct, and the incarnations of every emotion in the galaxy will devour themselves. It will be just the three of us, and we won't need emotions to kill each other. You will be the last, as the winner detonates you and him both with a Qwa Bolt."

"I'm flattered."

"You killed the Anti-Monitor. This isn't flattery, it is an honor."

Paul allowed Nauca to lead him off the planet. He had long since overcome death, which was useful, as all of the afterlives save the Ophidian's had been destroyed, and there was no more oxygen on that approximation of earth than there was in space.

He could see through the planet, the portrait of Terra as it used to be. He looked into its center, where seven figures were held contained within. The Endless, trapped by the White Light of Life, and magics Kalmin had appropriated from earth sorcerers. Even he had never managed to overcome those entities in his storied life.

The Dreaming was the source of all magic. Since it had already been destroyed, all magic now stemmed from Dream himself. Until he was destroyed, all of the magic he had, all of the magic in the known universe would be funneled into the only remained magical artifacts; the chains holding him and his siblings. Which would be broken when the Source was destroyed, and them along with it.

It was, above all, self-destructive. And that had ever been Kalmin's auteur.

The three of them stood side by side. "Well old friend, looks like it's finally time." Paul patted the ancient being on the shoulder. "Sooner or later, everyone in the Orange Lantern Corps gets what they desire."

Kalmin's smile was ferocious and predatory. "And this is literally as late as it will ever be."

"Was it worth it?"

"Oh yes. You have proven your worth to me, Illustres."

The planet of white light was loaded into the gun; the bullet that would kill the future.

It was fired.

Most would look at the Source Wall as it collapsed. But the Illustres of the Orange Lantern corps could only watch with a smile, at Kalmin's face. The last of his corps, the last of his friends, had finally achieved what he wanted in life.

It was wonderful.

The Source Wall faded, in time. The Entities ate each other. Surprisingly, the Ophidian was not the last one standing as the starving entities turned on each other, like wild animals freed from their cages. The Ophidian hadn't been starving since she'd been freed from Larfleeze's clutches. Paul waved goodbye, as she allowed herself to be devoured by Adara.

And then there was no emotion left. Paul couldn't appreciate his friend's faces as they faced each other in honorable combat. They each drew a Qwa-weapon, and launched themselves at each other. He felt a pang of familiarity, or nostalgia. The battle was decided in one strike.

Kalmin approached the Illustres. "Are you happy?"

"No. I am nothing but a weapon. But I am finally… fulfilled. I have killed what I was designed to kill. No more Destiny. No more… anything."

The Qwa-bomb erased them efficiently.

Kalmin opened his eyes.

"And so things begin again. How wonderful."

The Time Trapper hissed gleefully, the marking of the Orange Lantern Corps on her forehead shone as her purple cloak billowed.

"As they ever do. Just tell the Illustres I don't owe him any more favors."

The Infinite Man snorted in disgusted and wandered off, holding Kronos by the nape of his neck.

Kalmin took the universe in as stars began to shine again, and the Endless were born, to give birth to new gods and make the universe in their image. He frowned, and prodded his body. It must have been remade after he'd destroyed it. But he wasn't one to use the tools someone else gave him. He'd have to make himself a new body. Paul would probably have some advice on that front. Kalmin was no weakling to need this body in this new universe.

"I'm… alive?"

Kalmin looked to his left.

It took him a moment to place the weaponer, and then it came to him. It had been so long. "Varnathon!"

The other weaponer gave a start, and the whined. "Oh great. Killing me wasn't enough? You had to bring me back?"

"No, I think that was Paul's doing." Kalmin flexed. He'd definitely need to build himself a new body.

"The alien that you brought with you?" Varnathon looked around. "We're at the beginning of the universe! How!?"

"I destroyed the universe." Kalmin beamed proudly. "And it seems Paul called in a favor from Mr. Rugarth to ensure certain of us were here when it started back up again."

"You – but – " Varnathon looked around incredulously.

"The Weaponers will be reborn in this infinite loop. Don't go near them. I'm not upset with you for wanting to run an empire. I'm upset with you for taking the purpose of the Weaponers away from them, and lowering them to the level of any of the hundred substandard intergalactic empires. Go and rule one of them if that's your dream, but I want to see one of the other weaponers achieve their desires in this loop. Let them live their dreams."

"So… so that's it?" Hope must have been born again. He could hear it in Varnathon's voice. "You killed me, and now… now I'm alive again and you don't care what I do? Why!?"

Kalmin shrugged. "Paul always felt guilty over your death. He thinks you and he are alike. I'll not interfere with his wishes to give you a second chance. I've destroyed the universe. As long as you don't repeat your past mistake, I don't care what you do."

Varnathon looked enraged. "Wha – you – you didn't destroy the universe! It's right here! All you did was – was – turned it off, and then back on again!"

"I'm sure Paul sees it that way too." Kalmin shook his head. "I'll never understand him. Or you."

Varnathon looked hopelessly confused.

"Yes, I did essentially build a light switch for the universe. But I am the only one to ever build the switch. Let alone use it, praise be the Anti-monitor." Kalmin smiled sinisterly at Varnathon. "Go and raise a species to do with as you please, with their own culture molded in your image. I'm going to build myself a new body, and then… enjoy life. Don't corrupt the Weaponers with your ways again, or we will have words."
I think 'Kronos' should be 'Krona'.

Do you have a name for that omake?

"Try HADES! The new, exciting planet-to-planet FTL transport alternative!

Visit exciting new worlds, strange cultures and meet your dead grandmother on the way, trying to explain to her why you still don't have children of your own!


I don't think Zeus will authorize the "Erebos Spaceport", first, as King Of Olympus, that Hades is receiving a LOT of power from the Dead Aliens should make him unhappy. Two, Zeus domain is the Sky, if Hades just straight up saying "I'm getting SPACE added in my Domain reach" he would feel undermined. If it ever get an 'OK', he might do many things, such as: Making more Demigod, Fight with Hades, looking for a follower that would surpass OL!Paul, and all of the above. It's gonna be so entertaining if it happen though
I don't think Zeus will authorize the "Erebos Spaceport", first, as King Of Olympus, that Hades is receiving a LOT of power from the Dead Aliens should make him unhappy. Two, Zeus domain is the Sky, if Hades just straight up saying "I'm getting SPACE added in my Domain reach" he would feel undermined. If it ever get an 'OK', he might do many things, such as: Making more Demigod, Fight with Hades, looking for a follower that would surpass OL!Paul, and all of the above. It's gonna be so entertaining if it happen though

I don't think Hades gets power from souls.

If anything he's losing some of his power since he is using it to make the souls more lively.
I don't think Zeus will authorize the "Erebos Spaceport", first, as King Of Olympus, that Hades is receiving a LOT of power from the Dead Aliens should make him unhappy. Two, Zeus domain is the Sky, if Hades just straight up saying "I'm getting SPACE added in my Domain reach" he would feel undermined. If it ever get an 'OK', he might do many things, such as: Making more Demigod, Fight with Hades, looking for a follower that would surpass OL!Paul, and all of the above. It's gonna be so entertaining if it happen though
As it exists within his own domain, Hades doesn't need to ask Zeus's permission. Zeus could demand that he stop, but... Hades doesn't have much reason beyond 'habit' for respecting him.
11th July 2012
18:29 GMT

Hinon nods, a small smile on her face.

"Qward is in turmoil, their leader dead and their leadership decimated. A nearly entirely satisfactory outcome, and I wasn't actually expecting Kalmin to die. I'm actually quite-."
A mission nicely accomplished, all in all. I mean, yes, we all have our opinions on how he did it, but I for one have faith that things will turn out well from this.

She leans to the left, looking behind me as Kalmin's new students trail after him. Several of them are staring around in half-cringed caution, but Daciya refuses to look either left or right, striding purposefully through the Maltusian city.

"And suddenly I'm not. Would you mind explaining that?"
It's OL. You know how he works: If it can get more complicated, completely by accident, it will. I see Daciya is going to be that one friend, though... You know the one, who refuses to give ground on any decision made?

"Would you mind explaining how a Controller with the powers you do and the senses you have didn't know they were here until you saw them with your eyes?"

"I could." Her face becomes oddly blank. "Why don't you explain it to me?"
Eh, where'd that lampshade come from? Shoo! Gittouddahere! I suppose even Maltusians must answer to Narrative Conventions.

"You're millions of years old. Your whole 'irritable old woman' persona is affected for my benefit."

"Not just for your benefit. My interactions with almost every non-Maltusian has improved since I started openly brow-beating them."
Every last one of them probably see their own grandmothers in her. Those that have grandmothers, given the sometimes odd reproductive practices of some DC alien races. And even they respond to the Narrative.

"It's what we expect. It fits in with our preconceptions."

"The vast majority of sentient beings from social species expect a degree of punishment when they step outside of accepted bounds of acceptable behaviour. Minor insults meet that need while also stimulating a desire for praise."
Heh, how logical.

I frown.

"You don't need to act with me, Hinon Hee Hannanan. I'd much rather know the real you."

"I am very old, Illustres Paul. Without a shell personality I would barely be able to interact with young creatures like you. This is far more effective than the alternative. Trust me to know my business."
Indeed. Maltusians are total Time Abyss lifeforms. (Apologies in advance for any Wiki Walks taken.) They've forgotten more things than entire races have learned, if they even have the ability to forget things at all.

"I do. Alright, crotchety grandmother it is-."

Her face snaps back to life.

"I'm so glad that I have your approval. I don't know what I would have done without it."
Ah, lovely grandmotherly sass. Much more appropriate.

I bow my head for a moment, smiling-.

"The q'ardajin, Illustres. Why are they here?"
Now, back to the prior topic. Lovely little side conversations are fun, but staying on target does matter. :rolleyes:

"Kalmin wants to teach them how to be 'proper' q'ardajin. I want them to get used to interacting with other species as equals. Our ends are contradictory but our methods are the same: bring them here."

"You had the perfect opportunity to take the steps requires to exterminate their wretched breed. Instead, you brought more q'ardajin here."
Well, when you say it like that, it sounds bad. Come on, don't you want to do Science! here? Imagine determining whether Qwardians are jerks because of their culture, or if they're just naturally arseholes?

"Varnathon showed that they can be something else. Without prompting, even. We need to stop anyone trading with the Reach but I don't think that their species needs to go." Unless-. "Unless the Anti-Monitor is coming back and we need to deny him resources. Do we?"

"Not as far as we can tell."
Well, that's reassuring, at least. Unfortunately, Ol' Moebius has a tendency to pop up when you least expect him, so better to prepare for the worst and be pleasantly surprised when it doesn't happen...

"Then… That's why. Oh, and I need to schedule tests… Medical examinations, for myself. This whole incident has made me aware that no one knows what my healthy baselines are, and I need to fix that."

"Yes, that would be helpful. And perhaps you should keep a few spare clones of yourself laying around, just so we're prepared for your next death."
Finally getting around to that little note on the 'to-do' list, I see. Man, OL's bucket list must have so many revisions... He's starting to get a memetic reputation akin to Jean Grey by this point, I bet: "The Lantern who won't stay dead!"

"Ah. Maybe. I actually need to pop back to Earth first to make sure that I'm fully alive. I'll be back tomorrow."

"I will ensure that the physicians are lined up."
Ah, you're getting wise, Hinon. Who knows how much trouble OL can get into on Earth?

"Thank you."

I raise…

Do I really need to keep doing that? Copying Goku was amusing to start with, but it's honestly…
It's a useful distraction and warning. Between telling people you're about to not be there in a moment (as Queshire noted,) and making them think you have to do it to teleport (Darko put it best,) it make for a good mnemonic. Besides, can you imagine the faces of whatever Reach arses who might manage to take OL alive and restrained, thinking he can't get away, only for him to go, "No, leaving now." And promptly Do-Not-Want his way out of there.

I snort.

Just as amusing now as it ever was. I raise my fingers to my forehead
It also makes for an amusing farewell gesture, if you do it at the right angle.

step out, looking for large and long-denied desire to judge fairly and rule well, a desire I'm a part of as I saw to it being fulfilled. I see it and

reappear just outside Hades's palace, waving to a guard as I walk closer.

"Could you please let Lord Hades know that I'm here and would like to speak with him?"
"I'm rather worried I may have voided the warranty on my soul, and I'd like an expert to check it over..."

11th July 2012
21:47 GMT +3

"You really must try to stop dying like this."
It's not like he does it on purpose, you know. Things just seem to happen around him... Much like many a classical hero

"I'm not doing it deliberately, my lord."

Hades gives me a look of mildly frustration. It's almost paternal, really. After being told that I was visiting he decided to recess his court. Rather than being annoyed by the delay, the line of disorientated aliens outside were giving me grateful nods. It's nice to be appreciated.
Evidently a collective bit of apprehension at being judged, I take it. Or standing around waiting was boring as hell.

"I suppose I should be grateful for that much. There are Discordians who would have done, just to vex me."

"No part of me came here, then?"

"'No part'..? By Gaea, what killed you?"
Something that should never have existed in this universe in the first place... Seriously, the Anti-Monitor has a lot to answer for in the end...

"A qwa energy blast wave. But dying in deep space far from a living world doesn't work like dying on Earth. I needed to take a few hours to stick myself back together."

"I can only apologise for the poor service I was able to grant you. Again."
At this rate, OL may decide to switch after-life service providers. And I doubt anyone wants to elevate this case to the Underworld's retention department... They can be quite kindly...

"Thank you, but if I came here I might have felt obliged to stay. Though I… Was wondering..?"

"Give me a moment to fortify myself. … Very well, ask your question."
Ha! Even Hades knows to brace himself when OL has Ideas. At this rate, complete strangers will be asking for a moment before he ask a question...

"As a god, you're tied to Earth's thaumosphere. But you get a lot of your power from Erebos, don't you?" He nods. "And as a titan, Erebos doesn't have that same restriction. Or.. does it?"

Hades looks down the line of petitioners, then points. "Look you there."
I wonder what it could be? An alien, certainly... Something noteworthy?

I follow his finger, seeing-.

"A gordanian?"
Interesting. Gordanians aren't really religious, are they?

"He was on the wrong side of the ceasefire line. He tried hiding in that temple you built to me, but that only worked for a time before the mob killed him. But before his death, he read some of the literature you left and prayed to me, and that was sufficient."

"I'll let Mother of Mercy know."
Let me guess, she'll start packing pamphlets on the good word of Hades?

"He's not the first and won't be the last. However, as far as I can tell Erebos's reach only extends to those who are on planets. It might just be that no one who has been your work and become sufficiently devoted to me has died in space yet, or it could be something else. I genuinely don't know."

I nod. That's worth investigating further.

"Next question then: if Erebos connects to everywhere, how would you feel about a spaceport?"
Ah, so many unknowns. Unfortunately, any proper research process would require a whole other kind of evil to carry out... Kind of a pity the Psions are dead, they'd be useful for this...

And so OL's little post-revival excursion into the Anti-Matter Universe ends. Quite a few nice plot hooks added to the veritable forest of them still hanging. I expect we'll see a little more of Krono's troubles in post-apocalyptic America, then some Renegade entertainment. It'll be nice to see Grayven and company again after so long away. :eek: Seriously, almost six weeks real-time...
Well, when you say it like that, it sounds bad

It kinda is bad.

Come on, don't you want to do Science! here?

Probably not with a Qwardian.

Imagine determining whether Qwardians are jerks because of their culture, or if they're just naturally arseholes

If the Anti-Monitor did do something to them then they may be naturally destructive.

Varnathon may have been a mutation that lacked such tendencies.

It's not like he does it on purpose

Though you have to wonder after a while.

Evidently a collective bit of apprehension at being judged, I take it. Or standing around waiting was boring as hell.

Or both.

At this rate, OL may decide to switch after-life service providers

Don't blame Hades for Paul getting into his shenanigans.

Interesting. Gordanians aren't really religious, are they?

They may be worshipping Grayven now.

Though this one was probably desperate for any help.

Ah, so many unknowns. Unfortunately, any proper research process would require a whole other kind of evil to carry out... Kind of a pity the Psions are dead, they'd be useful for this...

The universe is full of irredeemable evil assholes.

Let me guess, she'll start packing pamphlets on the good word of Hades?

A pagan Jehova Witness?

It's also a nice way to trick enemies into thinking they can stop him from doing it by grabbing or removing his hand.

Imagine them thinking that by disabling his hand they can stop him from teleporting, only for him to do it without a hand.
even better, they see him put the fingers in the head and they all start looking to the sides for his teleportation... only for him to yell ' Special Beam Canon' qnd fire Piccollo's blast
Hmm. So we have seen Hera, Hephaestus, Hades, and a few others in a more modern environment. Worshippers will be able to recognize their value as service providers in their respective domains. Now let's look at hypotheticals.
What would a reformed Zeus look like? What would the best possible "service provider" Zeus look like?

A) Zeus is the king of the gods. He can unite fellow deities quickly when the need is great.
B) Magical and supernatural creatures, especially those of Greek mythology, are likely to hear him out for a variety of reasons, such as "joining the winning side."
C) Hades offers a retirement plan for souls. Zeus would be an independent "Big Brother" surveillance service and assassination expert once proper relay satellites are setup in various Sectors. Such a thing would be bureaucratic with minions helping to keep track of incoming prayers to Zeus from various worlds. Zeus could go through the reports in descending order of priority, glancing over the territories with a personal eye before moving on. If someone needs a smiting, he'll load up a lightning bolt.
D) Zeus is clever. He knows he only survived his father's plans thanks to his mother's cleverness. And I'd like to think he's learned at least a little bit from his fellow gods' schemes. If all of the gods are joined together for a cause like war, and modern weapons were on the table, I suppose Zeus would be the one to ensure there are still planets left after all of the bombs have been used. He'll keep the warmongers from going overboard and leaving deserts in their wake.
E) I reckon Zeus would be the most mystically capable of banishing unruly interlopers on Earth like the Parliament of the Green. If every city has a temple to Zeus, then invasions will be costly.
F) And lastly holidays honoring Zeus could be beneficial to lands with institutionalized negative relationships. The spread of free love, poly relationships, and new ways of understanding libido, I guess. Whatever gray area isn't covered by the other Olympians.
Hmm. So we have seen Hera, Hephaestus, Hades, and a few others in a more modern environment. Worshippers will be able to recognize their value as service providers in their respective domains. Now let's look at hypotheticals.
What would a reformed Zeus look like? What would the best possible "service provider" Zeus look like?

A) Zeus is the king of the gods. He can unite fellow deities quickly when the need is great.
B) Magical and supernatural creatures, especially those of Greek mythology, are likely to hear him out for a variety of reasons, such as "joining the winning side."
C) Hades offers a retirement plan for souls. Zeus would be an independent "Big Brother" surveillance service and assassination expert once proper relay satellites are setup in various Sectors. Such a thing would be bureaucratic with minions helping to keep track of incoming prayers to Zeus from various worlds. Zeus could go through the reports in descending order of priority, glancing over the territories with a personal eye before moving on. If someone needs a smiting, he'll load up a lightning bolt.
D) Zeus is clever. He knows he only survived his father's plans thanks to his mother's cleverness. And I'd like to think he's learned at least a little bit from his fellow gods' schemes. If all of the gods are joined together for a cause like war, and modern weapons were on the table, I suppose Zeus would be the one to ensure there are still planets left after all of the bombs have been used. He'll keep the warmongers from going overboard and leaving deserts in their wake.
E) I reckon Zeus would be the most mystically capable of banishing unruly interlopers on Earth like the Parliament of the Green. If every city has a temple to Zeus, then invasions will be costly.
F) And lastly holidays honoring Zeus could be beneficial to lands with institutionalized negative relationships. The spread of free love, poly relationships, and new ways of understanding libido, I guess. Whatever gray area isn't covered by the other Olympians.

He may also be able to provide good weather.

Ted did make those weather control drones but maybe Zeus can help increase their power.
Imagine if Hades is able to build a space resort and move Elysium there. It would inherently be very well protected, because of the high numbers of powerful spellcasters that are in Elysium...
Hmm. So we have seen Hera, Hephaestus, Hades, and a few others in a more modern environment. Worshippers will be able to recognize their value as service providers in their respective domains. Now let's look at hypotheticals.
What would a reformed Zeus look like? What would the best possible "service provider" Zeus look like?

A) Zeus is the king of the gods. He can unite fellow deities quickly when the need is great.
B) Magical and supernatural creatures, especially those of Greek mythology, are likely to hear him out for a variety of reasons, such as "joining the winning side."
C) Hades offers a retirement plan for souls. Zeus would be an independent "Big Brother" surveillance service and assassination expert once proper relay satellites are setup in various Sectors. Such a thing would be bureaucratic with minions helping to keep track of incoming prayers to Zeus from various worlds. Zeus could go through the reports in descending order of priority, glancing over the territories with a personal eye before moving on. If someone needs a smiting, he'll load up a lightning bolt.
D) Zeus is clever. He knows he only survived his father's plans thanks to his mother's cleverness. And I'd like to think he's learned at least a little bit from his fellow gods' schemes. If all of the gods are joined together for a cause like war, and modern weapons were on the table, I suppose Zeus would be the one to ensure there are still planets left after all of the bombs have been used. He'll keep the warmongers from going overboard and leaving deserts in their wake.
E) I reckon Zeus would be the most mystically capable of banishing unruly interlopers on Earth like the Parliament of the Green. If every city has a temple to Zeus, then invasions will be costly.
F) And lastly holidays honoring Zeus could be beneficial to lands with institutionalized negative relationships. The spread of free love, poly relationships, and new ways of understanding libido, I guess. Whatever gray area isn't covered by the other Olympians.

Honestly, Zeus doesn't really have any reason to adapt to a modern setting. His only real thing he can "bring to the table", as it were, is being debatably the strongest of the Olympian gods (traditionally, Zeus was straight-up the strongest, to a point where it wasn't a question of if he could beat another god, but how long it would take and who would die in the crossfire), and thus able to protect the Thaumosphere from other threats... But he's also an asshole and a piece of shit, so I doubt he'd interfere with that unless he had to.
Imagine if Hades is able to build a space resort and move Elysium there. It would inherently be very well protected, because of the high numbers of powerful spellcasters that are in Elysium...
Not... Really. Ancient Greece didn't have much of a magic tradition, and it certainly didn't produce high level casters. The notable thing would be the demigods but their abilities are mostly instinctual.
Not... Really. Ancient Greece didn't have much of a magic tradition, and it certainly didn't produce high level casters. The notable thing would be the demigods but their abilities are mostly instinctual.

Well there is Medea and Circe.

Though Circe's power is less her own and more the blessing of Hecate, while Medea is related to Helios, so her power may be mostly due to him, albeit she may know a lot of spells and magic, but the raw power is due to her divine heritage.
Well there is Medea and Circe.

Though Circe's power is less her own and more the blessing of Hecate, while Medea is related to Helios, so her power may be mostly due to him, albeit she may know a lot of spells and magic, but the raw power is due to her divine heritage.

Actually the two most revered magicians of Ancient Greece were Pythagoras and Orpheus.

Greeks didn't differentiate magic from not magic based on nature. Magic was a skill level, magic was a Charles Atlas superpower.

Orpheus making stones weep with his music was magic.

Pythagoras teleporting and bilocating because he was just that good at math was magic.

The cyclops forging lightning bolts was magic from being that good at smithing.

Asclepius raising the dead was because he was that good at medicine it was magic.

Witchcraft like Circe was far from the end all and be all of magic to the Ancient Greeks.
Actually the two most revered magicians of Ancient Greece were Pythagoras and Orpheus.

Greeks didn't differentiate magic from not magic based on nature. Magic was a skill level, magic was a Charles Atlas superpower.

Orpheus making stones weep with his music was magic.

Pythagoras teleporting and bilocating because he was just that good at math was magic.

The cyclops forging lightning bolts was magic from being that good at smithing.

Asclepius raising the dead was because he was that good at medicine it was magic.

Witchcraft like Circe was far from the end all and be all of magic to the Ancient Greeks.

Okay but in terms of spell casting I think Circe and Medea qualify much better than the others, at least when it concerns spell casting as it's portrayed in this fic.

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