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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

The place that hosted the servers appears to have blown up.

Gotta hope things get back on track soon.

In regards to the episode/update I am not happy that we switched off Raúl this quickly...
That won't happen because the edition I'm basing it on is before that became a thing.
1st Edition RPG then? I find the later editions make more sense in some ways because things like "Battle Magic" didn't exactly come up with an explanation of how wizards can do something like "accelerate time" or create a zone of darkness when said wizard might have been trained in one of the Eight Lores where such spells might not fit in with.

At least Elementalism could be explained as practitioners manipulating the magical energy bound in nature, if not unknowingly using one or more of the Winds of Magic, (Chamon for Earth, Aqshy for Fire, Ghyran for Water, Azyr for Air, for example).
I think Raul is best as a sometimes treat. Like most side characters, he's a good choice for transitions, or simply switching things up now and again.
1st Edition RPG then? I find the later editions make more sense in some ways because things like "Battle Magic" didn't exactly come up with an explanation of how wizards can do something like "accelerate time" or create a zone of darkness when said wizard might have been trained in one of the Eight Lores where such spells might not fit in with.

At least Elementalism could be explained as practitioners manipulating the magical energy bound in nature, if not unknowingly using one or more of the Winds of Magic, (Chamon for Earth, Aqshy for Fire, Ghyran for Water, Azyr for Air, for example).
Warhammer Fantasy Battles 5th Edition. The first time Bretonnia and Lizardmen had army books.

There was in insightful piece on 1d4chan about the difference between knighthood in 5th edition when compared to subsequent editions, but that's sadly difficult to access. I don't think there's any porn on that page, but no promises.

For magic, see Battle Magic and Arcane Magic. The Light School loses Banishment, but gains Light of Battle.
I could write one more, but it's basically just him and Komand'r negotiating to use Zamaron as their wedding venue.

Is there much interest in that?

Not really.

At least to me.

Though it would be somewhat interesting to see some of the other Paul's, aside from future paragon and Lord Protector, go to other worlds.

If Raul goes on a recruitment trip like future paragon did then maybe there's a certain helmet wearing goblin hater he could recruit.

He can be an instructor for the RLC!

Priestess can give him a recommendation.

Assuming she survives after what she did to table.
Although that doesn't seem to be the case with "Warlantern Fantasy Battle" if the Mortuary Cult has it and this Alric, (any relation to the so-called "Savior of Apesto" who made Van Horstmann the man he is today?), says otherwise.
Ah, maybe? Alric is from the Battle Magic rulebook, and Egrim didn't come into existence until after that was printed.

There's a difference between Banishment the spell and banishment the act of removing chaotic influences.
Yes, it would have to be. Battle Magic Alric was Celestial, not Light.
Considering what Light Wizard Alric did, if Horstmann's novel speaks true, I imagine Celestial Wizard Alric would be glad that there's no relation between the two of them besides them sharing the same first name.
I could write one more, but it's basically just him and Komand'r negotiating to use Zamaron as their wedding venue.

Is there much interest in that?

100% yeah, it'd be amazing for Red Light Enlightened Raul to have a better relationship with Zamaron than the SI.

Also, Mood Swing Komand'r inviting Zamorans at the wedding to their marital bed as a nasty perverted joke at them but them all just accepting the offer cause Free Love Society and Komand'r suddenly regretting her decisions.
Mister Zoat did either Paragon-Paul or Renegade-Paul receive birthday present(s) from their Lantern Corps last September 17th, during the Resurrectionists chapter? All of their members ought to have biographical information on Paul (though Grayven's will have significant gaps) so I'm curious if any of the members learned about human culture and prepared a gift for their Illustres.

If the answer is "no," then I hope one of the Pauls will get a birthday party this year.
The Texas electrical grid!

Well not really but where ever it was they keep the server's they use lost power.
Sufficient Velocity got Whacked as well.

Apparently, they caught fire.

I know we used to joke that the sites would die in a fire one day, but this is a touch more literal than I think we were being.
Maladaptive (part 2)
21st July 2012
08:52 GMT -7

Lantern Rrab sets the rogue car down in the car park, letting the wheels touch the tarmac while still keeping hold of it just in case. But the wheels remain stationary-

"You have arrived at your destination. Have a nice day."

-and… And that came from the radio because the car doesn't have satellite navigation. Ring, are any radio stations in the area playing that at the moment?

None found.

I set Steven McCrae down next to his car, which he looks at with a degree of uncertainty.

"So… What do I do with it now?"

Lantern Rrab shrugs. "It's your car, sir." She takes-. I feel a moment of pride as she takes a rune stone out of one of her pockets and holds it out towards the car. Nothing. "I can't detect anything wrong with it, and you clearly weren't in control of what the vehicle was doing. I'll submit a report to the police. I can either leave the car here with you, or I can take it to the police impound yard so they can try investigating it."

"You can't find anything wrong with it?"

Hm. I send filaments into the car, poking through the interior plastic and metal and into the car's interior mechanisms. Just in case there's some sort of scan-blocking system. No, everything's more or less where it should be. There's a little bit of wear and a little bit of rust… Nothing that would stop it being road-legal, but that does suggest that what I'm detecting is what's actually there.

"Not a thing, I'm afraid."

I use a construct to take the door from Lantern Rrab, then reattach it. I leave the circle of glass out, because he might want to shout for help if that happens again.

"Cars don't just decide to drive themselves." He then looks uncertain. "Do they?"

"Not in my experience. Lantern Rrab?"

"Auto-drive's not that uncommon on advanced worlds, and sometimes they go badly wrong. But on Earth that sort of thing only really happens because people follow instructions from their navigation aides when they shouldn't."

"Is there a car-god or something?"

"Not that I'm aware of, though there probably will be one eventually."

Might be worth having Vulcan take a look at it, if nothing else turns up. He's got more car experience than Hephaestus.

"So you've got no way to know whether that'll just happen again or not?"

Lantern Rrab shakes her head.

"Not at this time. Orange Lantern?"

"The… Only possibility that comes to mind is a build-up of magic in the environment which 'caught' your car while it was passing through. That wouldn't explain why only you were affected, but it would explain why we can't find a trace on the car itself; it would only be there while the effect was active."

"So how do I stop it happening again?"

"I suggest an offering to Hephaestus."

"I'm Christian."

"Then I suggest an offering to Saint Frances of Rome."

"Ah… I'd have to check with my pastor whether we acknowledge him or not."

"Don't bother; it wouldn't work anyway."

"Heh." He bows his head. "Shit. You better take it. Just… Ah." He fishes a business card out of his jacket and hands it to Lantern Rrab. "Just let me know where it ends up so I can pick it up when they're done. You know, I… I've got the company medical today. Just hope my heart rate doesn't mess it up."

"I'm sure you'll be fine."

Lantern Rrab nods. "Have a nice day, sir. And good luck with your medical examination."

We both rise off the ground, Lantern Rrab carrying the car with her.


"Olympian god of the forge. Nice chap. Do you have a contact in the police?"

"Yes… But I don't think that the local police are going to find anything."

"Probably not. But it's their job to try. And they will be looking for the car -and us- by now." I look at her with my eyebrows raised. "What do you want to do?"

"Tell them what's happening, and then… Can we ask Hephaestus to look at it? Since we know it's not technology or regular magic."

I nod, eyebrows returning to the 'at rest' position.

"I suggest checking with the police first. And probably with Lantern Jordan."

She nods.

"Funny thing. I've got a medical examination coming up, too. Though I imagine that mine will be a little more thorough."

"With who? The Justice League?"

"No, the Controllers."

She frowns at me. "They didn't do that already?"

"Hinon Hee Hannanan did a quick check-up, but given what's happened to me I thought that it was a good idea to get something more in depth."

"When I got to Oa, that was the first thing that happened."

That surprises me. Power rings have built-in translators because it's virtually impossible for a Lantern to learn the hundreds of languages they'd need to in order to communicate with everyone in their assigned Sector. For much the same reason, the Green Lantern Corps doesn't have a chief medical officer. It's virtually impossible for anyone to have the necessary training to know how to treat all of the different species that make up the Corps.

"I thought that they usually leave medical matters to the Lantern's homeworld's physicians?"

"For long term things. But your partner might need to get told how to do first aid or field surgery, so they need a record of your exact state of health. Why doesn't the Orange Lantern Corps do that?"

I shrug.

"If an Orange Lantern is conscious, they can use their ring to heal themselves. And… Clarissi Dox organised the standard recruitment process. He tries to avoid me if he doesn't need me."


"I got him the job, am more powerful than him and I bailed him out when our first attack on the Reach went wrong. I undermine his authority, and neither of us want Corps members being confused about who's in charge. You contact the police, I contact Vulcan?"

She nods, then holds up her ring. "Call Jeremiah Jordan."

I lift my left hand to my left ear.

"Call Zencha Automotive."



"Good afternoon. Could you put me through to Seth Lans?"

"He's busy. Who is this?"

"A friend of his brother's. And I have a very interesting job for him."
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Is there a car-god or something?"

"Not that I'm aware of, though there probably will be one eventually."

I'm getting some American Gods vibes.

Might be worth having Vulcan take a look at it, if nothing else turns up. He's got more car experience than Hephaestus.

Assuming he's still on Earth and not on Thanagar.

Funny thing. I've got a medical examination coming up, too. Though I imagine that mine will be a little more thorough."

Hmm, now I'm thinking this episode may be more focused on Paul and him adapting to his new state, or more specifically the difficulties of adapting, like him nearly acting on others desires.

She frowns at me. "They didn't do that already?

They did a brief inspection, but then Kalmin went Kalmin.

That surprises me. Power ring's have built-in translators because it's virtually impossible for a Lantern to learn the hundreds of languages they'd need to in order to communicate with everyone in their assigned Sector

Plus it may be impossible for them to speak some of those languages due to differences in speech organs.

For much the same reason, the Green Lantern Corps doesn't have a chief medical officer. It's virtually impossible for anyone to have the necessary training to know how to treat all of the different species that make up the Corps.

Though they may have medical professionals that say are experts in certain types of biologies, like insectoids or mammalian, and may use their rings to get more info on it.

Plus there are the Guardians, who are super genius immortals, so they may also function as doctors sometimes.

need a record your exact

'of your'

Why doesn't the Orange Lantern Corps do that?"

They're still fairly young as an organization.

Spend enough time around Paul and you'll know.

Good afternoon. Could you put me through to Seth Lans?"

This Vulcan's secret ID?
I'm getting some American Gods vibes.
They were in the book, but I couldn't find a clip of them in the series.
Thank you, corrected.
This Vulcan's secret ID?
Fingers crossed this happens in a Warlantern 40k chapter.
No Mutie Marines in my grim dark future! Purity is non-negotiable!
Delamain, is that you?
This whole "OL and Dox avoiding each other because OL will undermine Dox" thing is getting to be a little much. If Dox can't stand on his own legs than he doesn't deserve to lead to the Corp. Furthermore, who is most powerful and who is suited to lead are distinct from one another. I don't think anyone would seriously suggest that OL is a better strategist/tactician than Dox. Dox has his advantages, which are better suited to leadership, while OL is more a battle commander/one man army type of person. I can understand OL distancing himself initially to give Dox room to shape the Corp without inteference, but at this point the hierarchy should be pretty clear to everyone, especially if its spelled out in black and white. Also it doesn't help that OL goes around telling people why he's keeping his distance; that kind of undermines the purpose of it.
Also it doesn't help that OL goes around telling people why he's keeping his distance; that kind of undermines the purpose of it.

If he told it to people inside the Corps, then it would undermine it.

However, so far he's only told it to people outside the Corps, whose opinion doesn't affect Dox.
Is Paragon's empathic vision always on to an extent or does he have to activate it? The text doesn't explicitly say he scanned the car with it so I wonder if it could have found something.

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