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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

abdomen and her for a second her face is a picture of horror.

'and for a second'

Komand'r, you have achieved a level of spitefulness which surpasses every Tamaranean before you. I assure you: you have more than enough bitchiness to get through this with your character intact."

This is both kinda weirdly moving and weird as hell.

About what you'd expect from a Paul

closer so that her heads are level

'our heads'

happened while she and her sister.

Maybe add 'sister were enslaved'

And I see you changed it so that the both of them were enslaved here while in the canon material I think it was just her sister.

violence is a great healer.

It seems I was mistaken

Ya think.

We were going to castigate you about the meteorite. But this looks far more interesting."

Ahh, they're going to watch them fuck each other.

And Raul even has some horns for Komand'r to grab onto.

Is the next episode going to be paragon focused?
Why were they having this argument o er the love Lantern's planet?

Either they were just flying around and happened to get near the place, or they wanted their help.

Komand'r has been experiencing severe cases of extreme love right now and if she wants to get it under control then maybe the universes experts on love can do something about it.
Am I the only one who was expecting "Alright, we'll trade places and make ME the one who's pregnant with our child" as the resolution of this conflict?

And it honestly may have been possible here.

Even if red rings aren't all that good for things aside from destroying things, there's still all sorts of advanced tech that could potentially allow them to remove the fetus from Komand'r and put it into Raul, and allow it to somehow develop.
24th January 2006
08:15 GMT -5

Komand'r glares at me, though given her current mood swings it's a lot less intimidating than it used to be.
Ah, Raul... You don't know just how bad it can get, you know. If you thought human women got a little crazy while pregnant, that's low-balling it concerning pregnant Tamaraneans...

"Why not?!"

"Komand'r, love of my life, mother of my children-."
Now, I'd say he's getting ahead of himself, but given how bizarrely human biology interacts with other species in DC... We can't be sure there's not multiple babies coming.

She folds her arms across her chest and looks away.

"Child. You get one. I watched those videos and I'm not going through that more than once."
We'll see how you feel once it's done, you've shattered his hand from squeezing it and you're holding a squawling, messy little thing and it's sooo cute oh my god...

"We don't know how many you're having this time."

The corners of her mouth turn downwards, and her eyes widen as her head slowly turns back towards me.
"Why do you say these horrible things? Oh, sweet X'Hal, I'm dooomed!"

"That's wonderful-."

She blinks, grimaces, then flies over to a nearby asteroid, which she viciously headbutts! The asteroid explodes, flying out across the void, a small number of fragments entering Zamaron's atmosphere below us.
Oof. Probably not the best place to be having this out. That might get someone's attention, after all. Or did she just run.. er, fly...at super-luminous speeds and this is where she ended up?

That-. That's probably not going to reach the ground.

"Gah! Stupid rock!"
Hey, be glad it wasn't you, Raul. To be fair, She probably might do some damage to his environmental shield in this state...

"Komand'r stop trying to injure yourself. High stress levels are bad for the baby."

Her hands go to her abdomen and her for a second her face is a picture of horror. Then she jerks her hands to her side and glares at me again.
God, this is hilarious, watching her swing from hot-blooded warrior to upset mother and back... :( And also painful.

"No taking advantage of my baby brain!"

"I'm not going to hit you whenever you start being nice to people."
...Did she ask him to do that? :p Because I can honestly see her asking him to do that in all seriousness...

"You're being stupid." She rolls her eyes. "I know you're not strong enough to actually hurt me with your fist. You can use that electric rod thing you used in Polokistan."

"I'm not going to-."
Besides, that's for the bedroom! :D

"Why not? You used it on me before."

Our one foray into bondage. It doesn't really work when one party is as tough as she is and the psychology is different when that party used to be an actual slave.
:eek: ...I was joking... And honestly? I think she could probably have benefited from being the Dom...

"Komand'r, it only lasts a couple of months. Then you'll be back to normal."

"But what if I've lost my edge by then?!"
Honey, your edge runs so deep, if someone cut you, you'd bleed black. I'm honestly surprised you don't wear more black and red...

I float over to her, taking her hands in mind.

"Komand'r, you have achieved a level of spitefulness which surpasses every Tamaranean before you. I assure you: you have more than enough bitchiness to get through this with your character intact."
:rolleyes: Such a sweetheart.

"You're being so nice about-."

Her face twitches, then she raises her right fist and-.
Whoa, hey! No self-harm! Where do you think you are, the Dark Universe?

I wrap a construct manacle around her right forearm and pull it away with construct chains before she can follow through on her initial impulse to punch herself in the head.

And it says a lot that he's straining. Her anger makes her even more powerful than she usually is, after all...

And then I grab her left forearm with another manacle.

"No. Komand'r, stop."
Man, really good thing you have Enlightenment... That burst of Love would have been awkward if your ring shut off... Though I suspect someone below just took note of it...

She tries pulling against them for a moment, but while she can make progress she can't make her arms move anything like fast enough to hit herself. After a moment she realises that too and sags in her bonds.

I float closer so that her heads are level. She's looking down, avoiding my eyes. I reach out with my right hand and gently tilt her head back up, meeting my concerned gaze with an expression of tiredness. She looks wrung out, actually. It's a surprisingly moment of honesty; she usually hates showing weakness like this.
I'm not surprised. She really doesn't seem like she's ready for parenthood yet. Still stuck in that teenage 'rage at the universe' phase, albeit for legitimate reasons.

"Komand'r, talk to me."

"'m scared."
You should be, this is a big change...

"Okay. What about?"

"You make me feel… Things. And that's… Okay. I didn't… I didn't like it to start with, but it's-. It's fine. But now my own body's doing it without you even being there. I've liked people before so liking you more isn't that big a deal but this is-. I don't like everyone. It's like there's this alien thing in me that's changing who I am. It's like the-."
That's called Love, honey. It's amazing how it can worm its way into a heart hardened by rage and pain...

She squirms.

"It's like the Gordonians."
Oof. That's a painful association...


Komand'r… Hasn't wanted to talk about exactly what happened while she and her sister. And since we burned their civilisation to the ground I didn't think it was worth pressing her over; violence is a great healer.
Unfortunately, that healing is sometimes just papering over the cracks and assuming it'll hold firm... Eventually, it breaks...

It seems I was mistaken. That… Or we didn't kill quite enough, I suppose.

"There might be a way to stop it. Some sort of hormone regulating impl-."
Still the issue of whether it would affect the child...

"There isn't. And if there ever was it was one of the things that we lost when Tamaran got burned."

A red ring… Might work. She'd certainly end up getting all of her anger back. But I'm not sure what the ritual would do to the foetus. The other alternative…
:confused: Yes, a half-human, half-tamaranean child whose mother was soaked in blood-magic and Red Light... That'll either result in a buddha of kindness or the universe's worst monster ever.

"Do you not want to have this child?"

She rolls her eyes. "It's a bit late-." She blinks as I raise my eyebrows. "Oh. No, no, I don't-. That's not-. No."
Even without her own convictions, I have to wonder what Tamaraneans think of that line of thought...

"Okay. I want to have children with you. Do-."

"And I want to have children with you!"
Well, now. That's honest of her.

She blinks, her hands coming up to cover her mouth and her eyes giving the impression that she hadn't intended to say that.

"Was that you or the hormones?"
To be fair... You're floating over the home of the Star Sapphires. One of the most Love-saturated worlds in the universe... If you don't get such honesty as a matter of course, where would you?

"Iiiiiiiii think it was me."

And deep inside, some part of him is grinning like a little boy in pride.

"Look, you know this isn't like what the Gordanians did, because unsettling though it is it's something that every Tamaranean mother has gone through at least once. I'm sure that you'll rise to this challenge as you have every other. Or are you going to keep whining about it like a little bitch who doesn't know what she wants?"

Her eyes glow.
:rolleyes: Raul, what did you just say about high stress levels?

"I'll show you who's a bitch."

Glowing red horns appear on my forehead.
:sneaky: ...No. No, I am not going to say it. It's too low-hanging...

"I'm not as fragile as I used to be."

...Ah. Looks like they have company...

We both turn, and see the small crowd of Zamarons gathered to watch us.

"We were going to castigate you about the meteorite. But this looks far more interesting."
"Please, continue, it should be quite educational for our younger students...

Buuuus-ted. :oops: And just as they were getting warmed up. Still, it's interesting to see Komand'r isn't dealing with all this as well as she appeared to be earlier. But then, the girl has more issues than an entire news-stand. Going to be interesting to peek back into this over the coming months and see how things turn out. I foresee Raul getting quite vexed over some absolutely bizarre cravings... :V
Ah, Raul... You don't know just how bad it can get, you know. If you thought human women got a little crazy while pregnant, that's low-balling it concerning pregnant Tamaraneans...

And Komand'r is already crazy, even without the pregnancy.

Oof. Probably not the best place to be having this out. That might get someone's attention, after all

I doubt she cares if she breaks the property of others or angers them.

...I was joking... And honestly? I think she could probably have benefited from being the Dom

No, no.

This version may not have tortured her sister like her pre Flashpoint self did, but it's better to not let such tendencies come out.

I'm not surprised. She really doesn't seem like she's ready for parenthood yet. Still stuck in that teenage 'rage at the universe' phase, albeit for legitimate reasons.

'Legitimate reasons' isn't really a word that can be applied to Komand'r, given the things she does and the petty reasons she does them.

Yes, a half-human, half-tamaranean child whose mother was soaked in blood-magic and Red Light... That'll either result in a buddha of kindness or the universe's worst monster ever.

With Komand'r as the kids mother, the second one may be more likely.

If Kori gets involved however, then the Buddha one may happen.

Or the kid may be one of those that grows up to be a kind person, even though his parents weren't quite so kind.

No. No, I am not going to say it. It's too low-hanging...

I already said it.

And I know you want to say it too.

But then, the girl has more issues than an entire news-stand.

That's putting it mildly.

I foresee Raul getting quite vexed over some absolutely bizarre cravings

Ehh, given what we've seen of Tamaranean eating habits in canon, he probably won't be so weirded out.
Are these possibly from the whole Trigon thing or the red Enlightenment?
I forget if it was a Red Lantern thing.

The horns appeared during one of the Crisis episodes, so it was before enlightenment and Trigon.

Either it's some kind of battle state the ring gives its wielder, or Raul just likes doing it for some reason.

It may be his inner chuuni.
Was it when he found out Fatherbox had been secretly reporting everything back to Darkseid?


Although if you are right there, then it's not me forgetting the incident in the story, but rather a case of me forgetting my initial response to it.
By human standards a relationship based on so much rage and destruction would be considered unhealthy.

Eh, whatever.

This is the first Paul we see to have a bio child, right? I wonder how that will turn out, with his original soulles status and technically extra-dimensional genes
This is the first Paul we see to have a bio child, right? I wonder how that will turn out, with his original soulles status and technically extra-dimensional genes

It seems, what with how easy it has been for some alt.Pauls to get a soul, that his lack of soul to begin with was nurture not nature- When exposed to energies to form a soul, a soul forms. Gold Ring got his soul by getting dunked in the lazarus pit so many times, another got a soul from nomnoming on demons, etc.

Nor has there been any mentioned genetic difference between the Pauls and DC humanity, which I think at least one of the Pauls would have worked it into conversation over the years.
They have, but only for chocolate clearly marked as 'American'. It's made in a separate factory so that it doesn't infect their other products.
Why would you do that?

For trans-continental shipping you'll still have to build a few miles of each gauge track in each port, parallel to your existing loading track, but at least all the cranes are already in place.
If you are doing a worldwide system, might as well put forward an international gauge standard.

So trains, are actually a waste of time and effort entirely, if the dolman gate has no depth or travel time your real goal is maximize the speed at which you can pass things through it rather than moving the largest possible container through at any given time.
This is wrong. Because humans are human sized, and things made for humans are made for things human sized.
If you say 'size doesn't matter, just flowthrough' and think a fast line through a box sized portal is better than a lorry sized portal, you haven't spent much time as a human with stuff humans use.

The smaller the size of the opening, the less categories of shippable product you become able to transit. Which is why OL mentioned lorry sized. Aka, hopefully big enough for humans and most of their stuff. Being able to ship a major appliance through matters. being able to ship a transport through matters. being able to ship a group people through as a group matters. Not having to to break down items down into small parcel sized matters.

Because the law was created in a most violent era, when war between city-states was common. It was written with that in mind, and as Atlantis became increasingly peaceful it was left on the books because it didn't matter.

There's a law in England was dates back... Hundreds of years, which says that parishes are financially responsible for the upkeep of their local church. At the time it wasn't an issue because virtually everyone it applied to would have worshipped there. It's still active today. I have chancellery insurance, just in case I'm liable. If a church loses its roof, local Jews, Muslims, Hindus and everyone else can be required to pay for repairs.
How does that work? This is the state church, yes? Which being part of the state apparatus could be considered a quasi government building. Having local inhabitants responsible for the upkeeps sounds like it would be assessed as some tax levy equivalent. But an assessment divided among all residents normally isn't much per individual, at least when compared to insurance payments and insurance deductibles.

Is this something that came bundled 'free' with a renters or homeowners policy, are are you paying $5 dollars or so a month prevent your 1/whateverth share of a possible $20,000 roof repair levy?
This is wrong. Because humans are human sized, and things made for humans are made for things human sized.
If you say 'size doesn't matter, just flowthrough' and think a fast line through a box sized portal is better than a lorry sized portal, you haven't spent much time as a human with stuff humans use.

The smaller the size of the opening, the less categories of shippable product you become able to transit. Which is why OL mentioned lorry sized. Aka, hopefully big enough for humans and most of their stuff. Being able to ship a major appliance through matters. being able to ship a transport through matters. being able to ship a group people through as a group matters. Not having to to break down items down into small parcel sized matters.
Specifically, you want it to big enough to fit a standard shipping container through, because all the rest of the infrastructure is made to handle those, and most large products are designed to be able to fit into a standard shipping container.
Specifically, you want it to big enough to fit a standard shipping container through, because all the rest of the infrastructure is made to handle those, and most large products are designed to be able to fit into a standard shipping container.
Actually, I would go a bit larger than just a shipping container. Enough to fit a modular house (trailer) through. Because one of the benefits of transportation is the ability to construct at one place, and ship to another. Which would also cover a shipping container plus the thing moving it.

Then again, I'd also want to make sure to design the portals to do oval if at all possible.
The greatest flaw of the stargate, was you couldn't sent an inactive stargate through a stargate.
Because a stargate wouldn't fit through a stargate. And oval standard could bypass that.
Sent the portal and IT mages most of the way through the existing network, travel the rest of the distance on some transport that also fits through the portal, set it up, send new portal through as needed to extend network the same way.

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