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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Ok see in the common sense verse the response would be "Fuck no, John Constantine can bloody well stay lost."

I love it when he's on screen/page causing mayhem, but one does start to wonder if it'd be better of the inhabitants of the world if he just wandered off and stayed wandered.

Actually, it would be far worse. The entire point of the Laughing Magician is for Humanity to punch over it's weight class against gods, monsters and demons.

Without John and his line humanity would have been fucked a hundred times already.
"But how did it know my name?"

"Has your name ever been used without reach of its speakers? Or… Did you fill in a warranty?"


"This is Gemma. Who am I talking to?"

'HE110 CE∩∩∩∩Ħ'

You just told your name to it? Or is the name thing something that started before she introduced herself?

'1 H∩0UU UUHEĦE J0H∩ 15'

With the connection with John firmly established, it seems like the nascent god of tech may have been how John was casting his "erase all significant information about me" spell. And the last time he cast that, he did so with the power of a Lord of Chaos. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some carryover influence from the burst of power.
I am too. Can someone help translate 'clock speech', or tell the trick of understanding it?

Huh. I'm surprised that a place like the internet doesn't appear to have any 'Proud to Gatekeep' meme images.

Lets talk
'HE110 CE∩∩∩∩Ħ'
Hello Gemma
'˥HE ˥1∩∩E 15'
The time is
Lets talk
'1 H∩0UU UUHEĦE J0H∩ 15'
I know where John is
'C0∩∩E F1∩0 ∩∩E'
Come find me
I can feel it as her father stares at the back of my head. I was allowed in because Zauriel has officially okayed me, but Anthony Masters is one of many people who aren't at all happy about the fact that magic use is working its way into the mainstream.

Did Zauriel 'okay' him publicly offscreen? Or is Paragon referring to their initial meeting before the Silver City invasion?
It is public knowledge that Zauriel and the SI are on reasonable terms.

Where did that come from, specifically? I know Zauriel's active on Earth so did someone interview him, or did Paragon or the League issue an official statement or something? Maybe I'm reading too much into Paragon's use of the term 'officially okayed me,' but I'm still curious if there's a specific source for that info.
Where did that come from, specifically? I know Zauriel's active on Earth so did someone interview him, or did Paragon or the League issue an official statement or something? Maybe I'm reading too much into Paragon's use of the term 'officially okayed me,' but I'm still curious if there's a specific source for that info.
Maybe they amiably met up multiple more times in public?
Where did that come from, specifically? I know Zauriel's active on Earth so did someone interview him, or did Paragon or the League issue an official statement or something? Maybe I'm reading too much into Paragon's use of the term 'officially okayed me,' but I'm still curious if there's a specific source for that info.
Yeah, I've been waiting for the whole "marked for death by angels" thing to rear its head in a PR sense. Did he ever actually explain that no, God doesn't hate him, he was just involved in a minor civil war in Heaven?
I'm a be honest as soon as the clock did this I'm right there with dad and handing the fella a flame thrower after dousing the thing with holy water. It brought up John Constantine by saying it knows where he is, If it was John he'd have contacted them through something much more practical like the phone. The only conclusion I can draw is that a Demon is involved, and that's an instant nope not doing anything that thing tells me or asks me to do I'm a burn it to ash, and then any other inanimate object I own that tries to talk to me like that. Dat's some bad bad mojo.
i have $5 on it being Daemon Constantine if he hasn't been permakilled!

Anyone have odds?
i have $5 on it being Daemon Constantine if he hasn't been permakilled!

Anyone have odds?

Someone made a suggestion that it may be Richard Simpson, a friend of Constantine who became a tech demon, and Zoat left a like on that post, so it's probably Simpson.

That would explain how John is connected to this.

Demon John may be helping Simpson.
Maladaptive (part 11)
22nd July 2012
19:21 GMT

Mrs. Masters frowns.

"Is he missing? I just thought he'd wandered off again."

"I.. don't know how often he's usually in contact with you-."

"If we're lucky, we get a phone call at Christmas. What happened to him?"

"When I last saw him, he'd just gained a huge amount of raw magic power and was working on getting it under control. And since he told me not to get in contact with him, I was leaving him to it."

She sighs the long-suffering sigh of someone all too often involved in John-adjacent shenanigans.

"Our John wants keeping an eye on."

"Strangely, he's been involved in less arcane chicanery in the year after than he was in the year before. But I understand what you mean."

"Terry's ready to start pulling his hair out. And of course Gemma wants to get right to it."

"I believe John thinks there's a curse on the Constantine line, to be fascinated with magic. I suspect that it's more to do with the adrenal glands. Or it could be the fact that magic is just that interesting." I shrug. "I've got no guarantees for you, but she'll be wearing a personal force field and a ward, and I'll be with her every step of the way." I frown. "Actually…"

I raise my left hand.

"Orange Lantern to Kara."

My ring shimmers for a moment, then a phone construct appears.

"Hey Paul."

"Are you free right now? I've got a lead and I could do with some more muscle."

"Don't you have an entire Lantern Corps for that? And a fleet? And a Justice League?"

"I don't want the L.E.G.I.O.N. fleet involved in case whatever's doing this can affect their armour and weapons. And the same for the Lanterns; I'm unusually protected but they're not. Your abilities are part of your biology. And yes, I could ask the team for help, but do you really think you're going to get anything useful out of Ted while he's got this to play with?"

I hear a quiet sigh.

"No. He's already given the robots name badges."

"Did it have a measurable effect on their performance?"

"I hate living on a planet where that's a sensible question. … Not as far as I can tell."

"I'm not expecting anything to happen; this is just to put Missus Masters' mind at ease."

"Do I have to wear a costume?"

"Not if you don't want to. Actually, low visibility would probably be better."

"Okay, I'll tell Ted. Give me twenty seconds."

I frown. Given her maximum speed and the distance involved


"Ted's on Cadbury's Gate network. Twenty seconds."

"See you then." I shut off the construct. "That should cover it."

"Who was that?"

"Kara Zor-El. One of the Supergirls." I shake my head. "It's not my intention to put Gemma in danger. So far, none of what's happened has put human life in danger. I don't know exactly what the talkative radio wants, but Gemma will just be there so that whoever it is puts in an appearance."

"What if I say 'no'?"

"I'll understand, and try and resolve the problem some other way. And because Gemma is a Constantine and you can't watch her every moment of the day-."

"She'll bloody sneak out, won't she?"

"That would be my guess."

"John was the same. What if-?" The doorbell rings, and she walks toward it. "What if me or Terry come along?"

"Then we'd have an extra civilian to protect, and a potential aggressor would have an extra target. To reiterate, I'm not expecting any threat, but if it turns out there is one I'd rather not have to worry about two people."

"No, I suppose-" She opens the door. "-you wouldn't."

She turns to greet Kara, who's smiling broadly. "Hey. I'm Kara Zor-El."

Mrs Masters takes in her blouse and neatly pressed trousers. "Supergirl?"

Kara's eyes drift over to me for a moment. "Only when I have to be. Are we ready to go?"

Gemma hurries down the stairs, clock radio in a shoulder bag, her father watching on disapprovingly from the first floor.

"We off, then?"

Missus Masters embraces her daughter, kissing her on the top of her head. "Be careful, Gemma."

"Don't worry, Mum. Unlike Uncle John, I've got superheroes looking after me."

Missus Masters turns as Gemma walks over to Kara-

"You're not wearing an 'S'."

-and looks at me.

"I didn't feel a force field."

I nod. "Gemma, hold still a moment."

She's wearing a.. coat that looks a little like John's trench coat. Heh. I add a kinetic belt -with the flight system slaved to my ring- and an armoured vest. A ward appears on a thong around her neck.

She looks down at it. "Does this make me a superhero?"

"No, it makes you an escort mission."

Her face creases up.

"But those are rubbish!"

"One, I grew up playing Lemmings, which is basically one big escort mission. Two, you said it, not me."

She gives me a mild glare.

"So where does the clock radio want us to go?"

"Where else? London."

"Then off to London we go."
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"If we're lucky, we get a phone call at Christmas

And if you're extra lucky he may not show up.

Our John wants keeping an eye on."

Preferably at a distance.

Orange Lantern to Kara."

My ring shimmers for a moment, then a phone construct appears.

"Hey Paul."

"Are you free right now? I've got a lead and I could do with some more muscle."

This may not be such a good idea, what with Kryptonians not reacting all that well to magic.

Your abilities are part of your biology

As is her weakness to magic, assuming Zoat added it here.

Kon, Osiris, Donna, Loriel and Canis could also probably help.

All of them are super strong and have powerful mystic abilities, as well as having more combat experience.

Canis and his Mother Box may also be of great help for god related stuff.

The others also probably have more knowledge on the divine, what with Osiris' sister and brother-in-law having divine power running through them and probably telling him a lot about it, Kon and Donna receiving instruction from Diana or other Amazons, and Loriel and Canis growing up in a society where divine power was common.

"I hate living on a planet where that's a sensible question

Welcome to Earth.

Don't worry, Mum. Unlike Uncle John, I've got superheroes looking after me."

John also has them looking after him from time to time.

It doesn't end well.
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So they are going after a magical badguy (maybe, maybe not... It's Constantine misson, of course there will be magical badguys) and he picked a kryptonian as a bodyguard...

This can only end well.

Hopefully that mystic Kryptonian martial art Angelika has been teaching them works.

Hey, how many Supergirls are there at this point? I'm thinking three counting Overgirl, but maybe I'm wrong.

There's Kara, though aside from the Sheeda thing that was mentioned, she doesn't really do superheroing.

There's Angelika, or Overgirl.

And there's Linda Danvers, or Noriel or Loriel now, who in this universe has the power and memories of a fallen angel grafted to her instead of some cross dimensional plasma entity, and who had her personality subsumed by the angel or at least merged with it.
"But those are rubbish!"

"One, I grew up playing Lemmings, which is basically one big escort mission. Two, you said it, not me."

She gives me a mild glare.
At least she doesn't have a busted AI who will run towards the danger and is likely to listen to instructions like wait in cover and such.
So they are going after a magical badguy (maybe, maybe not... It's Constantine misson, of course there will be magical badguys) and he picked a kryptonian as a bodyguard...

This can only end well.

Not only that, but of the three super girls he picked the one that is weaker to magic. Even if Overgirl taught Kara the fundamentals of the martial arts she knows, she would still be weaker to magic than Loriel and Overgirl.

Also how come Cornwall boy isn't on this mission? A mission in the UK screams Cornwall boy.
22nd July 2012
19:21 GMT

Mrs. Masters frown.

"Is he missing? I just thought he'd wandered off again."
To be fair, that is a legitimate possibility with John Constantine. Which only makes the paranoia worse, because a Constantine in the wind is a Constantine getting into trouble. And that usually means bad things for anyone standing around them.

"I.. don't know how often he's usually in contact with you-."

"If we're lucky, we get a phone call at Christmas. What happened to him?"
It's rather a long story, starting with a magic helmet holding the consciousness of an ancient magician...

"When I last saw he, he'd just gained a huge amount of raw magic power and was working on getting it under control. And since he told me not to get in contact with him, I was leaving him to it."

She sighs the long-suffering sigh of someone all too often involved in John-adjacent shenanigans.
At least she's been distant enough to avoid the inevitable shit-splatters. Mostly.

"Our John wants keeping an eye on."

"Strangely, he's been involved in less arcane chicanery in the year after than he was in the year before. But I understand what you mean."
John Constantine being quite and keeping his head down should make you more worried, OL, not less.

"Terry's ready to start pulling his hair out. And of course Gemma wants to get right to it."

"I believe John thinks there's a curse on the Constantine line, to be fascinated with magic. I suspect that it's more to do with the adrenal glands. Or it could be the fact that magic is just that interesting." I shrug. "I've got no guarantees for you, but she'll be wearing a personal force field and a ward, and I'll be with her every step of the way." I frown. "Actually…"
Honestly, Lantern Rings are like cheat codes for escort missions like this. Unfortunately, he's escorting a Constantine. And that throws so many luck modifiers onto encounter rolls, it triples the difficulty...

I raise my left hand.

"Orange Lantern to Kara."
:eek: ...Are you really calling in the weak-against-magic Kryptonian in on this? Seriously, don't you have better magically-empowered options to call on? Osiris, for one, unless Adom isn't willing to let him fly solo yet. Then again, young Magical Guy, young Constantine girl... :confused: Nope, nothing but trouble that way!

My ring shimmers for a moment, then a phone construct appears.

"Hey Paul."

"Are you free right now? I've got a lead and I could do with some more muscle."
Though Kara is more than muscle, you know. I suspect her brains will come in handier on this thing. Which is probably why you didn't call in the embodied Angel...

"Don't you have an entire Lantern Corps for that? And a fleet? And a Justice League?"

"I don't want the L.E.G.I.O.N. fleet involved in case whatever's doing this can affect their armour and weapons. And the same for the Lanterns; I'm unusually protected but they're not. Your abilities are part of your biology. And yes, I could ask the team for help, but do you really think you're going to get anything useful out of Ted while he's got this to play with?"
Oh. He's tossing her something to do while Ted geeks out over tech stuff, huh? :rolleyes: How.. nice of him. Still, I suppose it avoids having to explain this shit to anyone else...

I hear a quiet sigh.

"No. He's already given the robots name badges."

"Did it have a measurable affect on their performance?"
...I can honestly see that happening. Because Earth.

"I hate living on a planet where that's a sensible question. … Not as far as I can tell."
Aw. Guess they aren't smart enough to notice.

"I'm not expecting anything to happen; this is just to put Missus Masters' mind at ease."

"Do I have to wear a costume?"
Well, that depends on the costume. Does it involve a bare midriff? Or a bizarre pair of briefs that looks vaguely like a nappy? Or is it a nice sensible body stocking with accents?

"Not if you don't want to. Actually, low visibility would probably be better."

"Okay, I'll tell Ted. Give me twenty seconds."
Um, that would mean flying at quite a few multiples of the speed of sound...

I frown. Given her maximum speed and the distance involved


"Ted's on Cadbury's Gate network. Twenty seconds."
...Ah. So she can step from the local node to the factory, then a short hop just shy of Mach one. I bet Superman would have just flown, or hit up the Zeta Tube network... Goes to show who's smarter. :p

"See you then." I shut off the construct. "That should cover it."

"Who was that?"
Give her a moment, she'll be able to explain in person.

"Kara Zor-El. One of the Supergirls." I shake my head. "It's not my intention to put Gemma in danger. So far, none of what's happened has put human life in danger. I don't know exactly what the talkative radio wants, but Gemma will just be there so that whoever it is puts in an appearance."

"What if I say 'no'?"
She'll try to head out without your permission? Better she have an actual escort than play future teen hostage.

"I'll understand, and try and resolve the problem some other way. And because Gemma is a Constantine and you can't watch her every moment of the day-."

"She'll bloody sneak out, won't she?"
Ah, motherly insight. Probably thinking of her own teenage years.

"That would be my guess."

"John was the same. What if-?" The doorbell rings, and she walks toward it. "What if me or Terry come along?"
One escortee is tolerable. Two or more just becomes a pain. Especially if one decides to run off.

"Then we'd have an extra civilian to protect, and a potential aggressor would have an extra target. To reiterate, I'm not expecting any threat, but if it turns out there is one I'd rather not have to worry about two people."

"No, I suppose-" She opens the door. "-you wouldn't."
Hey now, be nice. And he's right. One person is a lot easier to protect than two... I've done quests in Champions Online involving whole groups of five or more, but they're dumb enough to simply walk a path and cower from enemies.

She turns to greet Kara, who's smiling broadly. "Hey. I'm Kara Zor-El."

Mrs Masters takes in her blouse and neatly pressed trousers. "Supergirl?"
Not even red and blue, are they? Such a disappointment to see capes in civilian clothes, isn't it?

Kara's eyes drift over to me for a moment. "Only when I have to be. Are we ready to go?"

Gemma hurries down the stairs, clock radio in a shoulder bag, her father watching on disapprovingly from the first floor.
Oh, I bet there'll be a bit of a row once they're out the door...

"We off, then?"

Missus Masters embraces her daughter, kissing her on the top of her head. "Be careful, Gemma."
To be honest, she's a Constantine. She'll come out fine, if mildly traumatised. It's everyone else who has to worry.

"Don't worry, Mum. Unlike Uncle John, I've got superheroes looking after me."

Missus Masters turns as Gemma walks over to Kara-

"You're not wearing an 'S'."
And you're not smoking a cigarette. Not every sidekick or junior partner has to copy their mentor. :rolleyes:

-and looks at me.

"I didn't feel a force field."
Boy, she is raring to go, isn't she? We can but hope that adventurous confidence gets dampened a little after this...

I nod. "Gemma, hold still a moment."

She's wearing a.. coat that looks a little like John's trench coat. Heh. I add a kinetic belt -with the flight system slaved to my ring- and an armoured vest. A ward appears on a thong around her neck.
I wonder if her parents even knew she had a coat like that? Because it bodes ill for her not joining the Trenchcoat Brigade somewhere down the line...

She looks down at it. "Does this make me a superhero?"

"No, it makes you an escort mission."
And when even OL can call that out, you know it's been sloppily coded. Probably fobbed off on an intern over a weekend...

Her face creases up.

"But those are rubbish!"
Yes, well, perhaps you can buck the trend by being smarter than the average NPC.

"One, I grew up playing Lemmings, which is basically one big escort mission. Two, you said it, not me."

She gives me a mild glare.
*Gemma Will Remember That* And I wonder if she's ever even heard of Lemmings.

"So where does the clock radio want us to go?"

"Where else? London."

"Then off to London we go."
I wonder if Maps has noticed anything unusual. What with being the Shaman of London and all. Perhaps we'll see him tomorrow.

Man, I have to wonder why he hasn't called in more of the Team for this? Trying not to involve them in a Constantine mess? Because he has plenty of better Companions to work with than the one weakest to magic, after all. Sure they aren't all busy doing something else? At any rate, Gemma might be one of the best protected Escort Mission NPCs in the game's history, between a Lantern, a Kryptonian (hopefully with heavy magical warding?) and the freebie equipment...
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Getting interesting.

Hopefully we will see Orange Lantern actually challenged with this.
because a Constantine in the wind is a Constantine getting into trouble.

A Constantine anywhere is a Constantine getting into trouble.

And that usually means bad things for anyone standing around them.

Or anyone in general.

The ones around them are the most at risk, but so is everyone else.

Seriously, don't you have better magically-empowered options to call on? Osiris, for one, unless Adom isn't willing to let him fly solo yet

There's also Canis.

Super strong, god powers, advanced tech and knowledge of divine things.

Though with this being a tech issue it is possible for that to become a liability.

There's also Loriel.

Then again, young Magical Guy, young Constantine girl... :confused: Nope, nothing but trouble that way!

Okay, I take back what I said about Canis.

If he sees the ruin a Constantinecan can bring then he may be inspired.

And if Gemma and him get together...well I'm sorry for any nightmares I just gave you about a Canis and Constantine baby.

Hell, there also the possibility of him getting together with John.

We know John and Canis are both bi or even pansexual, and this wouldn't be the first time John has gotten into an ill-advised relationship.

Once more I apologize for any nightmares I just gave you.

Though Kara is more than muscle, you know. I suspect her brains will come in handier on this thing. Which is probably why you didn't call in the embodied Angel...

She is very smart, but most of her knowledge is tech related, not magic.

Loriel is knowledgeable about mystic matters, what with having memories of magic that can stretch from thousand, to potentially millions or even billions of years.

And you're not smoking a cigarette. Not every sidekick or junior partner has to copy their mentor. :rolleyes:

Especially their worst aspects.

Granted, John can sometimes come off as being just one worst aspect.

Like Kirito and Asuna from SAO Abridged he's more like a loose collection of character defects.

We can but hope that adventurous confidence gets dampened a little after this...

Ahh, I see you're back with Murphy.

You two deserve each other.

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