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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I know he had the piece of the Equation destroyed, but I don't think it was ever mentioned that he was immune or resistant to the Equation anymore.

It has been shown that while still a God on Conquest; Grayven now runs on Harmony, he even gets called out if it a few times.

So while not quite enlightenment, is gonna do something.
It has been shown that while still a God on Conquest; Grayven now runs on Harmony, he even gets called out if it a few times.

So while not quite enlightenment, is gonna do something.

Yeah, the only thing I remember is him getting Harmony to get rid of the Equation in him.

I don't remember him now running on Harmony, or anyone mentioning that, or him now being immune or resistant to the Anti-Life or Omega Effect.

If what you're saying is true, them please provide a link.
Getting exposed to the Elements certainly changed him, but 'runs on Harmony' is overstating it.

Harmonius Conquest?

Is kind of hilarious how he and Artemis developed a codependency similar to Celestia and Luna.

That being said I honesty want to see more of Artemis in Equestria.
Negetiations (supplementary, Renegade Option)
11th August 2012
16:21 GMT

Balls balls balls balls balls.

"His Grace Duke Oswin will see you now, Lord Grayven, Lord Tawny."

Alonzo's butler ushers us from the lounge where we'd been deposited on our arrival and leads us through Oswin's manor. It used to belong to the pirate Amalak, but since Komand'r's Lanterns and Oswin's fleet annihilated his organisation Oswin's made it his base of operations in his new duchy. I-.

I frown at the display case in the centre of a large corridor intersection. It's a cube about five metres on each axis, and the… Thing inside it-.

"Excuse me."

The butler turns back, eyebrows raise. "Sir?"

"What is that?"

"Some sort of monster the Spider Guild were keeping in their burrows, sir. The marines who killed it presented it to His Grace as a trophy, and he had it preserved for display."

I give it a quick scan. Huh, based on their own genetic structure. Weird. The Spider Guild are pretty big on robotics, but it's unusual for them to get into biotechnology.

I nod. "Impressive."

"Just so, sir. If you'll follow me?"

We follow him to the artfully designed doors of Oswin's receiving lounge, the butler pulling open the doors and stepping inside just ahead of us.

"Lords Grayven and Tawny, Your Grace."

"Thank you, Rychen. That will be all."

I steps aside and… Okay, Oswin's a friendly face, a worthy ally and we've got a good working relationship. I don't know what Kalista and Pren are doing here. I don't want them to be here and I don't want to have to pretend that they matter in the grand scheme of things. If for no other reason than that they probably aren't happy about Komand'r's realpolitik campaign or Regent Alonzo's continued isolation. I mean, I haven't been boasting about it or anything but I'm sure they know that I'm employing Euphorians by now.

"Admiral!" I stride over to his sitting area as he rises to greet me. A polite grip around his forearm while he grips the heel of my hand. "Good to see you."

"Oh no, Grayven. It's quite wrong to continue calling me Admiral. The Crown Imperium's law is very clear on the subject. The only fleet I command is that of my duchy's patrol fleet."

Which just happens to be comprised of virtually the entire royal fleet that was assigned to attack Vega under his command. Only those ships loaned from other duchies have actually left the region, which given how volatile it was makes a good deal of sense.

"I stand corrected." I release his arm. "I believe that you met Michael?"

Michael's slightly larger than me in his humanoid form these days. Being a renowned warrior has agreed with him, as has fatherhood. He and Oswin clasp arms for a moment before Oswin stands aside to formally introduce his other guests.

"Queen Kalista and Lord Pren."

I nod and lie. "Good to see you both."


Kalista is probably about as glad to see me as I am her, but she manages a polite smile. Regular meals and sleep clearly agree with her far more than life as a terrorist. I have no idea how she feels about the Crown Imperium's annexation of so much extra space. Not like Euphorix had any claim to it, but it could be awkward if she's trying to work out how to set Owsin and me against each other.

Pren is there.

Oswin points to a pair of chairs clearly reinforced for the benefit of plus-sized guests like myself and Michael.

"Please, sit, and tell us what brings you here."

I sit at once, whereas Michael takes a moment to get comfortable. At home he usually shifts back into his quadruped form when he wants to get really comfortable, but clearly this rates a greater degree of formality.

"Short version: there's two of me, and the other one's heading this way with a fleet of gordanians."

Oswin blinks. "Two of you? Do you mean to say that you have a twin brother?"

"It's possible that Father cloned me. Or.. cloned him and created me. Or that another New God did; really, it's… A bit of an imponderable. He exists, and he's coming here."

"And when you say here..?"

"He's mostly coming to kill me, but he's got an army of gordanians. Which is why I brought Michael."

"Ah. Yes. Do you have any idea on numbers?"

"Not much of one. At least one Apokoliptian dreadnaught, so I suggest that your sensor officers should wear their brown trousers when he gets here. If he's anything like me -and for obvious reasons he should be- then the ships the Gordanians will be using will be significantly upgraded compared to what their local brethren use. Plus whatever odds and sods he's picked up in his travels."

"These… Gordanians. Where exactly did he acquire them?"

"Pass. Until yesterday I honestly thought he was doing the intelligent thing and avoiding me. But there are plenty of Gordanian clans around the region who were losing out in Vega and could have been co-opted."

Michael nods. "The Karnans have good intelligence on the clans with an actual presence on Karna. But for all of the others..."

Oswin nods. "We only kept approximate tabs on them as well. Below a certain level they weren't really a threat to us, so we didn't prioritise it. How did you come by this information?"

"The Controller who's on Tamaran to oversee the Central Power Battery. Her name's Hinon, and she's got access to all of their intelligence infrastructure. It seems that my alter ego had been planning on targeting the Reach… You may not have heard of them, but they have a fair sized empire on the other side of the galactic core."

"No, no, I've heard of them. Never met one, but I know who you mean. You mean to say that a force a man of your strategic acumen believed could threaten the largest empire in the galaxy is heading here."

"It's possible that he meant to spend some time gathering allies in-situ, but essentially, yes."

"This fleet will be armed with weapons built by the most technologically advanced species in the galaxy."

"On that score I've got a little good news. Unless he's got other New Gods with him, no. Our weapons require New Gods to operate them, and unlike humans and other Earth-native life forms the gordanians aren't compatible with the Awakening. The other Grayven can buff his fleet and followers, but that's all flowing from him."

"So: assassination."

"That's… Prohibitively difficult. With Apokoliptians, it's more a duel between the two faction-leaders, and unless you're much better with a sword than I am, I suggest leaving that job to me."

"Single combat? He'll settle this with a duel?"

"No, it's more complicated than that. Either of us killing the other will allow us to step into the other's divine… Shoes, so to speak." Though I will be talking to Kanto just in case I've misunderstood how it works. "Last time I killed a version of me I was effectively able to give commands to his followers in the immediate aftermath and have them obeyed. Not sure what happens if he kills me, but it would probably be rather bad for you."

"So we're involved whether we want to be or not."

I shrug. "Sorry. I'll compensate you, of course, and share whatever benefits we get seizing his holdings. But if it's all New God technology, you're just not going to be compatible."

He nods. "Regarding our Orange Lantern Corps candidates."

"Stop sending callow young nobles bucking for promotion. They don't have the mindset or life experience to handle it."

"Oh, I know. I just wanted their families to stop bothering me. On the other hand, the three of us-" He indicates oh why! "-are a little more stable and focused."

"Make a will and designate an heir, and I'll oversee your induction myself."

"Then we have an agreement in principle." He smiles broadly. "Let's kill you."
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I frown at the display case in the centre of a large corridor intersection. It's a cube about five metres on each axis, and the… Thing inside it-.

"Excuse me."

The butler turns back, eyebrows raise. "Sir?"

"What is that?"

"Some sort of monster the Spider Guild were keeping in their burrows, sir. The marines who killed it presented it to His Grace as a trophy, and he had it preserved for display."

I wonder what this is; the corpse of the Spider Queen, or something else?

Though I will be talking to Kanto just in case I've misunderstood how it works.

I think this is referring to Kanto from the Justice Lords timeline/universe, right? Is he hanging around Earth-16R? I suppose Renegade has theoretical access to the Kanto from his universe but that doesn't seem like a feasible option.

Michael's slightly larger than me in his humanoid form these days. Being a renowned warrior has agreed with him, as has fatherhood.

To the best of my knowledge/recollection, this is the first indication that Tawny has become a father in-story. Correct me if I'm wrong on that front, but if not then I'm a bit tired of interesting character and plot points happening offscreen a lot (definitely my personal bias, since I especially wanted to see the Renegade-Nabu situation being resolved onscreen).

How does Kalista rank in terms of Euphorian magic-users? I don't think Renegade has really focused on recruiting mages from there. I'd be interested to see a magic-user wield a power ring (I guess we have Hieronymous in the Paragon timeline now, though he hasn't appeared that much yet).
"Some sort of monster the Spider Guild were keeping in their burrows, sir.

I'm betting it's the Queen.

I give it a quick scan. Huh, based on their own genetic structure. Weird. The Spider Guild are pretty big on robotics, but it's unusual for them to get into biotechnology.


I'm sad that renegade won't experience the joy of spider fatherhood like Paul.

Oh wait, he abandoned his little girl, the utter bastard.

stepping inside just ahead of is.

'of us'

Being a renowned warrior has agreed with him, as has fatherhood.

How did he become a father?

Were some Karnans interested?

and for obvious reason he


You may not have heard of them, but they have a fair sized empire on the other side of the galactic core."

'fair sized' is a bit of an understatement.

of your strategic acumen believed could threaten


No, it's more complicated than that. Either of us killing the other will allow us to step into the other's divine… Shoes, so to speak."

I think I remember that in the the first April Fools episode there was a small segment where renegade killed some evil god in the Captain Planet universe and absorbed some of his power.

I know that in the comics it's said that Darkseid kills and absorbs the powers of pantheons and in the n52 that's how he became a god in the first place.

t have the mindset of life experience

'or life'

"Then we have an agreement in principle." He smiles broadly. "Let's kill you."

Cheeky bastard.
I think I remember that in the the first April Fools episode there was a small segment where renegade killed some evil god in the Captain Planet universe and absorbed some of his power.

I only remember future-Paragon showing up in the Captain Planet universe; do you have a link or any keywords to search for?

How did he become a father?

Were some Karnans interested?

I assume a lot of them were, since Renegade's said he basically looks like a Karnan demigod. I'm imagining an anthropomorphic feline version of Hercules, both in terms of appearance and cultural significance on Karna.

Even though there's absolutely no chance of it because Zoat's characters never really loose.

What stories would you say have the main characters suffering setbacks and/or losses in a satisfactory manner?
I only remember future-Paragon showing up in the Captain Planet universe; do you have a link or any keywords to search for?

I assume a lot of them were, since Renegade's said he basically looks like a Karnan demigod. I'm imagining an anthropomorphic feline version of Hercules, both in terms of appearance and cultural significance on Karna.

What stories would you say have the main characters suffering setbacks and/or losses in a satisfactory manner?
Yeah, the only time I remember him fighting another Grayven was in the justice lords universe segment, not fool's canon.
Who was Michael again?

Michael Tawny was the tiger the Team brought over from that mission involving the Brain.

Due to the enhancements the Brain made Tawny became sapient and renegade later Awakened him.

Tawny later helped him with the liberation of Vega.

And if it's going to end in a duel anyway, why involve Vega at all? Just fly to OtherGrayvens fleet and challenge him

Grayven may try to attack Vega, so renegade may want them to be prepared in case he fails.

He could kill Grayven and usurp his forces, but there's also the possibility that they both kill each other and Grayven's forces try and attack Vega.

I think this is referring to Kanto from the Justice Lords timeline/universe, right?


Is he hanging around Earth-16R?

I think he's on Earth 50, but renegade can just Boom Tube there and meet with him.

How does Kalista rank in terms of Euphorian magic-users?

She is royalty, so she may have received extensive training, but magic may not have been the focus on her studies compared to politics or combat, so she may be weaker than a professional mage.

I don't think Renegade has really focused on recruiting mages from there.

He is allied with that regent guy, so he may have recruited some offscreen.

I only remember future-Paragon showing up in the Captain Planet universe; do you have a link or any keywords to search for?



Just scroll downwards, it's not an actual chapter though, just something Zoat wrote to show how renegade would do there.

Renegade of course makes some crude sexual jokes.
Who was Michael again?
Michael Tawny. Talking tiger.
And if it's going to end in a duel anyway, why involve Vega at all? Just fly to OtherGrayvens fleet and challenge him
Confronting another God of Conquest surrounded by his followers isn't going to go well, particularly if you don't know where he is.
I think this is referring to Kanto from the Justice Lords timeline/universe, right? Is he hanging around Earth-16R? I suppose Renegade has theoretical access to the Kanto from his universe but that doesn't seem like a feasible option.
Kanto 50 is still around, yes.
To the best of my knowledge/recollection, this is the first indication that Tawny has become a father in-story.
How does Kalista rank in terms of Euphorian magic-users?
Gifted amateur.
'of us'
'or life'
Thank you, corrected.
No, I think that's right.
How did he become a father?

Were some Karnans interested?
He's basically a karnan demigod and hero of their liberation war. He got plenty of offers.
What stories would you say have the main characters suffering setbacks and/or losses in a satisfactory manner?
First one off the top of my head? The Invisible Library series.

There are many many more of course, but that's because most author's writing serious stories understand that you need to thread the line of having the hero's win, while leaving the reader with the belief that at any moment those hero's might lose.
11th August 2012
16:21 GMT

Balls balls balls balls balls.
Now, is he swearing, or merely thinking of big parties? Given he's visiting an aristocrat, it could well be the latter. Good to see he went straight to local allies, though. Given how powerful we saw Earth-16p's Grayven had become, it will be necessary.

"His Grace Duke Oswin will see you now, Lord Grayven, Lord Tawny."

Alonzo's butler ushers us from the lounge where we'd been deposited on our arrival and leads us through Oswin's manor. It used to belong to the pirate Amalak, but since Komand'r's Lanterns and Oswin's fleet annihilated his organisation Oswin's made it his base of operations in his new duchy. I-.
Sucks to have been Amalak. Pity you missed out on sweet assets like his Coluan aide-de-camp, though. Or those Spectrum-resistant warrior women...

I frown at the display case in the centre of a large corridor intersection. It's a cube about five metres on each axis, and the… Thing inside it-.

"Excuse me."
Oh-ho, what could this be?

The butler turns back, eyebrows raise. "Sir?"

"What is that?"

"Some sort of monster the Spider Guild were keeping in their burrows, sir. The marines who killed it presented it to His Grace as a trophy, and he had it preserved for display."
Maybe not the queen. She was a known quantity, if I remember right... Then again, it has been a long while since I've been reading to archive. Been busy catching up with Constellations (only 40 pages of thread on SB left!) then I'll be back to Taylor Varga (600 pages of SV thread left out of nearly 1800...)

I give it a quick scan. Huh, based on their own genetic structure. Weird. The Spider Guild are pretty big on robotics, but it's unusual for them to get into biotechnology.

I nod. "Impressive."
Then again, it might well be the Queen. She was an experimental proof-of-concept for dealing with humanoid species, wasn't she?

"Just so, sir. If you'll follow me?"

We follow him to the artfully designed doors of Oswin's receiving lounge, the butler pulling open the doors and stepping inside just ahead of is.

"Lords Grayven and Tawny, Your Grace."
Ah, Grayven brought Mr. Tawny with him? He expects the Karnans to see some involvement in the coming fight?

"Thank you, Rychen. That will be all."

I steps aside and… Okay, Oswin's a friendly face, a worthy ally and we've got a good working relationship. I don't know what Kalista and Pren are doing here. I don't want them to be here and I don't want to have to pretend that they matter in the grand scheme of things. If for no other reason that they probably aren't happy about Komand'r's realpolitik campaign or Regent Alonzo's continued isolation. I mean, I haven't been boasting about it or anything but I'm sure they know that I'm employing Euphorians by now.
They might think they can poach a few of Grayven's Euphorian recruits. Given that he himself said they were people not particularly welcome back home...

"Admiral!" I stride over to his sitting area as he rises to greet me. A polite grip around his forearm while he grips the heel of my hand. "Good to see you."

"Oh no, Grayven. It's quite wrong to continue calling me an Admiral. The Crown Imperium's law is very clear on the subject. The only fleet I command is that of my duchy's patrol fleet."
A technicality. Mostly to legalise his occupation, I suppose?

Which just happens to be comprised of virtually the entire royal fleet that was assigned to attack Vega under his command. Only those ships loaned from other duchies have actually left the region, which given how volatile it was makes a good deal of sense.

"I stand corrected." I release his arm. "I believe that you met Michael?"
As I thought. Presumably the rest of the nobles expect him to shape things up and they can push for preferential trade deals...

Michael's slightly larger than me in his humanoid form these days. Being a renowned warrior has agreed with him, as has fatherhood. He and Oswin clasp arms for a moment before Oswin stands aside to formally introduce his other guests.

"Queen Kalista and Lord Pren."
Oh-ho. I guess Micheal's been getting his mack on with some of the Karanan ladies, then? And he's taller than Grayven? Wonder if that's some expression of his Godhead?

I nod and lie. "Good to see you both."

Heh. No love lost there.

Kalista is probably about as glad to see me as I am her, but she manages a polite smile. Regular meals and sleep clearly agree with her far more than life as a terrorist. I have no idea how she feels about the Crown Imperium's annexation of so much extra space. Not like Euphorix had any claim to it, but it could be awkward if she's trying to work out how to set Owsin and me against each other.

Pren is there.
He is kind of forgettable, isn't he? Mr 'Generic hero type'... I suppose she's enjoying the good life, then, even provided by a nominal rival.

Oswin points to a pair of chairs clearly reinforced for the benefit of plus-sized guests like myself and Michael.

"Please, sit, and tell us what brings you here."
The man thought ahead? Wonder if he keeps them stowed safely for when Grayven turns up, or if they're regular parts of the room's decor...

I sit at once, whereas Michael takes a moment to get comfortable. At home he usually shifts back into his quadruped form when he wants to get really comfortable, but clearly this rates a greater degree of formality.
Chair's not built for tailed folks, eh?

"Short version: there's two of me, and the other one's heading this way with a fleet of gordanians."

Oswin blinks. "Two of you? Do you mean to say that you have a twin brother?"
If only it were that simple.

"It's possible that Father cloned me. Or.. cloned him and created me. Or that another New God did; really, it's… A bit of an imponderable. He exists, and he's coming here."

"And when you say here..?"
To make it clear: Conquest has set his eyes on Vega as the heart of his domain. Too bad Acquisition has gotten there first.

"He's mostly coming to kill me, but he's got an army of gordanians. Which is why I brought Michael."

"Ah. Yes. Do you have any idea on numbers?"
Besides 'Lots'? And as for why Tawny is here? The Karnans and Gordanians shared a homeworld. With the Gordanians initially on top.

"Not much of one. At least one Apokoliptian dreadnaught, so I suggest that your sensor officers should wear their brown trousers when he gets here. If he's anything like me -and for obvious reason he should be- then the ships the Gordanians will be using will be significantly upgraded compared to what their local brethren use. Plus whatever odds and sods he's picked up in his travels."

"These… Gordanians. Where exactly did he acquire them?"
In other words, the Crown Imperium and company might well be outclassed...

"Pass. Until yesterday I honestly thought he was doing the intelligent thing and avoiding me. But there are plenty of Gordanian clans around the region who were losing out in Vega and could have been co-opted."

Michael nods. "The Karnans have good intelligence on the clans with an actual presence on Karna. But for all of the others..."
And I suspect there were a great many who left the sector. When one or two manage to dominate the local trade, it's usually a good idea to seek greener pastures elsewhere.

Oswin nods. "We only kept approximate tabs on them as well. Below a certain level they weren't really a threat to us, so we didn't prioritise it. How did you come by this information?"

"The Controller who's on Tamaran to oversee the Central Power Battery. Her name's Hinon, and she's got access to all of their intelligence infrastructure. It seems that my alter ego had been planning on targeting the Reach… You may not have heard of them, but they have a fair sized empire on the other side of the galactic core."
To be fair, who knows how far word of them has spread? Especially since they're known for giving the Green Lanterns one of its biggest defeats.

"No, no, I've heard of them. Never met one, but I know who you mean. You mean to say that a force a man of your strategic acumen believed could threaten the largest empire in the galaxy is heading here."

"It's possible that he meant to spend some time gathering allies in-situ, but essentially, yes."
'Allies' meaning conquered populations repurposed into service...

"This fleet will be armed with weapons built by the most technologically advanced species in the galaxy."

"On that score I've got a little good news. Unless he's got other New Gods with him, no. Our weapons require New Gods to operate them, and unlike humans and other Earth-native life forms the gordanians aren't compatible with the Awakening. The other Grayven can buff his fleet and followers, but that's all flowing from him."
Which leaves one obvious weak point. Not that he's actually that weak. With so much successful conquest, he should be running hot.

"So: assassination."

"That's… Prohibitively difficult. With Apokoliptians, it's more a duel between the two faction-leaders, and unless you're much better with a sword than I am, I suggest leaving that job to me."
Meanwhile, the Renegade gave up a lot of the power he'd gained in the Sheeda future, when he and Artemis returned...

"Single combat? He'll settle this with a duel?"

"No, it's more complicated than that. Either of us killing the other will allow us to step into the other's divine… Shoes, so to speak." Though I will be talking to Kanto just in case I've misunderstood how it works. "Last time I killed a version of me I was effectively able to give commands to his followers in the immediate aftermath and have them obeyed. Not sure what happens if he kills me, but it would probably be rather bad for you."
Yes, unlike the Earth-50 Grayven, this will be a much tougher fight for the Renegade...

"So we're involved whether we want to be or not."

I shrug. "Sorry. I'll compensate you, of course, and share whatever benefits we get seizing his holdings. But if it's all New God technology, you're just not going to be compatible."
And from what we saw of the Paragon's encounter with them, it will rely heavily on it...

He nods. "Regarding our Orange Lantern Corps candidates."

"Stop sending callow young nobles bucking for promotion. They don't have the mindset of life experience to handle it."
Sure, they might want the power, but these Orange Lanterns don't have the same safety net that the Paragon's do. I wonder how many have succumbed to Avarice overload since their founding...

"Oh, I know. I just wanted their families to stop bothering me. On the other hand, the three of us-" He indicates oh why! "-are a little more stable and focused."

"Make a will and designate an heir, and I'll oversee your induction myself."

"Then we have an agreement in principle." He smiles broadly. "Let's kill you."
Heh. Wonder how well they'll handle the Want...

This promises to be an amusing plot-line for the next Renegade episode, then. A battle-royale between the Renegade's Orange Lanterns and their Vegan allies versus the real Grayven and his Gordanian followers. The biggest concern will be how many planets get fucked up by Grayven-16's dreadnought. Because you know he'll want to show off and posture with it.
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Even though there's absolutely no chance of it because Zoat's characters never really loose.
Yeah, but the characters don't know they have plot armor. Instead they end up thinking they're just that good... Or lucky, when they're feeling humble.
Not sure that has happened on-screen.

Also, you would totally loathe Emperor's Domination.
Even though there's absolutely no chance of it because Zoat's characters never really loose.
Have we been reading the same story?

Hell, Paul has died several times already, almost been killed a bunch more times, failed in his goals even more times, and more.

And did you forget when Grayven got horribly traumatized, emotionally crippled, and has his soul violated in his own home, along with his own adopted daughter, by Darkseid's mere presence? And found out that the Father Box he had relied so heavily upon had actually been spying on him and telling Darkseid everything the whole time?

And those are just the main characters.
Have we been reading the same story?

Hell, Paul has died several times already, almost been killed a bunch more times, failed in his goals even more times, and more.

And did you forget when Grayven got horribly traumatized, emotionally crippled, and has his soul violated in his own home, along with his own adopted daughter, by Darkseid's mere presence? And found out that the Father Box he had relied so heavily upon had actually been spying on him and telling Darkseid everything the whole time?

And those are just the main characters.
But he isn't irrevocably damaged nor does he lose his ability to enjoy existence or achieve his overarching goals. He's also proactive in getting rid of as many of the negative effects from any of those minor inconveniences as he can and the problems are then rendered meaningless.

If Zoat isn't willing to do give Paragon or Renegade their equivalent of a lopped off and cauterized foot, and have it last for a few years then it doesn't really mean anything because in the end it won't really matter.

This is me attempting to imitate Vaermina in case anyone actually thinks I believe this.
If Zoat isn't willing to do give Paragon or Renegade their equivalent of a lopped off and cauterized foot, and have it last for a few years then it doesn't really mean anything because in the end it won't really matter

The Anti Life renegade got hit with could count.

Though I don't think it really affected him all that much since he basically felt the same as he did previously.

The time in the Sheeda lands could also count, but aside from just a scene or two of him not remembering some people, there wasn't much else and he seems to have returned back to his old self.

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