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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Having read Gotrek and Felix, I wonder how surreal it'll be for Felix to witness Gotrek launch into an angry anti-elf rant, only for the dwarf to immediately calm down after being told that the Grudge held for The War of The Beard has been settled, and then nonchalantly change to subject to the matter of slaying trolls, or why anything dwarf-made is better than anything human-made.
Having read Gotrek and Felix, I wonder how surreal it'll be for Felix to witness Gotrek launch into an angry anti-elf rant, only for the dwarf to immediately calm down after being told that the Grudge held for The War of The Beard has been settled, and then nonchalantly change to subject to the matter of slaying trolls, or why anything dwarf-made is better than anything human-made.
It was settled. The dwarves killed the Phoenix King and looted the body.
The Peacehammer arc is probably my favorite thus far, I don't remember if Paul has any solution for the Skaven just yet though.
It was settled. The dwarves killed the Phoenix King and looted the body.
There's still everything that led to the war that Paul intends to settle.
Because I'm going to settle the grudges concerning the attacks by Malekith's followers that were the original casus belli, so all that's left will be Caledor the Second's insults and the Shaving, and… Those could probably be settled in a few hours, if your king were willing."
There's still everything that led to the war that Paul intends to settle.
...That's what killing Caledor and taking his crown settled, though. There's no outstanding grudge, just outstanding damage to Ulthuan's credit score. Getting blame tied to the Dark Elves would require proof of sufficient quality that a dwarf would consider it reliable. Even if one of Paul's brainwashing victims were willing to testify who had been around at the time, there remains the issue that dwarves may not consider the testimony of elves with scrambled brains reliable.
Veganism (part 14)
1st September 2012
15:32 GMT

He's a child.


I look around the Doomsday's bridge. Where did that come from?

I smile. The Military Council did love their ominous names. What was wrong with Large Capital Ship 1? That was what it was called when the Science Council designed it. But the Military Council insisted on individual names. I suppose that I can understand wanting to have something to call it, but couldn't they have made it a natural progression? If they'd named it for Krypton, then the larger support ships could have been named for cities…

It… I suppose it doesn't matter now. And Commander Karsta Wor-Ul won't want to change Military Council traditions, so I guess we're stuck with it.

But Kal-El's

a child. He has not completed the Kryptonian social ritual associated with coming of age

but that's a technicality. We don't call people who go off-world and missed their ceremonies children, they just do it when they get home. Besides, what do you actually learn from putting on a headband and watching someone shoot a caveman with a plasma beam?

He is unfamiliar with Kryptonian culture.

I slump a little. I'd… When Father put me in the pod, I… I thought I'd have to bring Kal up on some planet inhabited by alien barbarians. Instead, the alien barbarians brought him up. And he's

not one of us.

I mean, he seems like a good man, but he's like… Hatu-El or something. Modern El's aren't like that. Unless they have to be, I suppose. There have always been people like that in House El and we have statues of some of them, I just…

Actually, I can see Uncle Jor being pretty happy that he turned out like that. Father would hate it.

Hatu-El was a great man. There is no shame in following his example.

Not in a situation like this. I know perfectly well that all of the Great Houses were 'great' because they did a lot of great things for Krypton, and that there are a lot of ways to be great. That's what the Council system was all about.

Except House El is supposed to be all about science, and the two adult-. Biologically adult members of House El are getting ready to fight, one in a warship and the other in space so that he can punch enemy ships.

Hatu-El would be proud. And so would Uncle Jor-El.

So there's that.

I do another scan of the system with the Doomsday's sensors, and check the feed from the aliens' buoys. The Hny'xx facility must be protected at all costs. Any loss of alien life is acceptable.

But-. Whaw, I'm a lot more speciesist than I thought I was. Maybe Karsta Wor-Ul had a point about people who don't spend time off… Off Krypton.

Krypton will rise again.

Without really thinking about it I check the sensors again and shift the Doomsday's position as an anti-first strike measure. Rise again..? That-. I know I passed all the psychological screening Karsta Wor-Ul did after I got out of the regeneration pod, but I don't think I'm.. thinking like I used to. Like before… I mean, it could just be the psychological trauma, but those pods weren't ever tested in a situation like this. But, who could test it?

No one. My concerns are unfounded. I'm fine. There is nothing wrong with seeking Krypton's resurrection.

But I don't think we can 'resurrect' Krypton with Hny'xx. It's the wrong size, composition, the sun isn't Rao and we've lost so many records… We could take a new planet and call it 'Krypton'. Gray-Ven seemed like he would be happy to make that happen.

The alien is not to be trusted.

So I don't trust him. But that doesn't mean that he won't do it because it's in his interests to help us right now. He didn't have to help Karsta Wor-Ul set the facility up. Besides, the children are being raised by Tamaraneans. I don't think that they're going to want to be isolationist when their mothers and fathers are aliens.

That is not how things should be.

I sigh.

But lots of things aren't how they should be. The Science Council shouldn't have ignored Uncle Jor. The Science Council shouldn't have scrapped the fleet.

Isolation from the alien served Krypton.

But that doesn't mean that pretending the universe doesn't exist will actually make it go away. Karsta Wor-Ul was right; we could have used those ships to evacuate more people.

Or undo the destructive reaction sequence.

Ah... No, actually, that wouldn't have worked. Realistically, they were warships. Even the Doomsday's crystal projectiles wouldn't be able to stop the reaction once it got going. Their sensors might have made confirming Uncle Jor's readings easier, but unless the Science Council supported building more exploration or terraforming ships, I don't think they'd have been able to do anything about it.

We will need ships of those types.

And I'll add that to the list. I-.

I feel it as the Doomsday's sensors detect the Apokoliptian portals… Boom tubes, open on the other side of the Vega Cluster. Since they're in space they don't make any sound, but the gravity waves are quite distinctive. They're appearing in Karna's system. Sensors confirm ships of gordanian design.

Nothing that the Doomsday can't destroy.

Unless the evil version of Gray-Ven improved them. I send alerts to

Commander Karsta Wor-Ul and Kal-El

and then to Vril-Dox, as the Karnan and Imperial ships in that system begin moving to intercept them. Lanterns are hard to scan for, but I'm sure they're there too. I don't know if it's a good plan. I told Karsta Wor-Ul that just because I can operate the Doomsday that doesn't mean that I know anything about warfare outside of the historical context.

"Clarissi Vril Dox to Doomsday. Remain in reserve until the enemy's flagship is sighted. Out."

He recognises the superiority of Kryptonian technology.

That or it could be that he doesn't want to rush all of his forces to a first attack when he doesn't know what else Gray-Ven might have. But… Shields to full, charge faster than light drive, weapons to active. I don't know how useful crystallisation torpedoes would be against ships like this, but prepare them anyway.

Another boom tube opens… Here, they're coming here! Lanterns begin making orange barriers and the Tamaranean ships charge their weapons. I manoeuvre the Doomsday into a slightly better position, but it's really a medium ranged ship so hanging back isn't a sensible option.

"Doomsday to Clarissi Vril-Dox. Boom tube here."

"Understood. Engage at your recognisance."

"Ah, okay? Doomsday to Commander Karsta Wor-Ul?"

"What is it, cadet?"

"There's a boom tube here and

I would like to coordinate with you."

"The Doomsday is death to capital ships. Let the Lanterns deal with anything less than a quarter of your size and focus on them."

Huh. This is weird. I should feel nervous but

I really don't. I'm confident, and I've got a library of records of thousands of battlefields. And they're only aliens.
Last edited:
He has not completed Kryptonian social ritual associated with coming of age

'the Kryptonian'

Apparently that logic and science are better than passion and primitives.

He is unfamiliar with Kryptonian culture.


He may know a lot about it but more like a well informed foreigner rather than someone who grew up in said culture.

I slump a little. I'd… When Father put me in the pod, I… I thought I'd have to bring Kal up on some planet inhabited by alien barbarians. Instead, the alien barbarians brought him up. And he's

So this is Kara.

I mean, he seems like a good man

He's more than a good man.

Except House El is supposed to be all about science,

Well you also had a military leader, a writer and a priest.

But-. Whaw, I'm a lot more speciesist than I thought I was.

I think that's largely your Eradicator side.

Though you could have some subconscious biases.

That-. I know I passed all the psychological screening Karsta Wor-Ul did after I got out of the regeneration pod, but I don't think I'm.. thinking like I used to.

No, I doubt you are.

Rao and we're lost so many records

'we've lost'

Gray-Ven seemed like he would be happy to make that happen.

The alien is not to be trusted.

So I don't trust him.

I know this distrust is due to racism, but not trusting renegade isn't such a bad policy.

Besides, the children are being raised by Tamaraneans. I don't think that they're going to want to be isolationist when their mothers and fathers are aliens.

Especially since their parents are incredibly open and friendly.

Future generations of Kryptonians may not have as many issues and sticks up their asses as their ancestors did.

That is not how things should be

Well now they are like that.

Isolation from the alien served Krypton.

The giant pile of rubble floating where Krypton used to be strongly indicates that it didn't.

They're appearing in Karna's system. Sensors confirm ships of gordonian design.

Nothing that the Doomsday can't destroy.


Also these ships may have New God improvements, so destroying them may not be so easy.

Lantern are hard to scan for,



There's a boom tube here and

I would like to coordinate with you."


records of thousands of battlefields. And they're only aliens

Aliens that may have advanced tech and have the backing of a powerful god.

So Kara has the Eradicator in her head giving her advice and doing similar things.

Well it's good to know she still has a large part of her still in there.
This might be just the Doomsday interface.

In which case, it's AI is far more sophisticated than expected.

Or they really messed up her brain repair, enough for herself to notice.
It's not that they messed it up, it's that the standard mental template for clone soldiers is a good bit different than that of someone born and raised naturally.
1st September 2012
15:32 GMT

He's a child.
An interlude with Kara, I see. And stepping back a little while. No doubt so we can see the arrival of Grayven-16's fleet. Let's hope he doesn't lead off with the planet-killer attack like he did in the Paragon timeline...


I look around the Doomsday's bridge. Where did that come from?
The joy of getting her brain rebuilt by machines intended for culture intended to be xenophobes...

I smile. The Military Council did love their ominous names. What was wrong with Large Capital Ship 1? That was what it was called when the Science Council designed it. But the Military Council insisted on individual names. I suppose that I can understand wanting to have something to call it, but couldn't they have made it a natural progression? If they'd named it for Krypton, then the larger support ships could have been named for cities…

It… I suppose it doesn't matter now. And Commander Karsta Wor-Ul won't want to change Military Council traditions, so I guess we're stuck with it.
I'm honestly not surprised that the Military Council named it... Can't really intimidate someone into surrender with a ship named 'Large Capital Ship 1', after all. But Doomsday? Yeah, that's a name to run away from.

But Kal-El's

a child. He has not completed Kryptonian social ritual associated with coming of age

but that's a technicality. We don't call people who go off-world and missed their ceremonies children, they just do it when they get home. Besides, what do you actually learn from putting on a headband and watching someone shoot a caveman with a plasma beam?
It's a metaphor for reason and intellect triumphing over animal instinct and unreasoning brutality, I guess?

He is unfamiliar with Kryptonian culture.

I slump a little. I'd… When Father put me in the pod, I… I thought I'd have to bring Kal up on some planet inhabited by alien barbarians. Instead, the alien barbarians brought him up. And he's

not one of us.
No, Eradicator, he's better. Because he understands life and living... At least, I assume it's an Eradicator program. Or something similar designed to reinforce xenophobic tendencies in the Daxamites.

I mean, he seems like a good man, but he's like… Hatu-El or something. Modern El's aren't like that. Unless they have to be, I suppose. There have always been people like that in House El and we have statues of some of them, I just…

Actually, I can see Uncle Jor being pretty happy that he turned out like that. Father would hate it.
Yes, things changed over the centuries, and not necessarily for the better...

Hatu-El was a great man. There is no shame in following his example.

Not in a situation like this. I know perfectly well that all of the Great Houses were 'great' because they did a lot of great things for Krypton, and that there are a lot of ways to be great. That's what the Council system was all about.
And look where it got you. Sure, no internal wars, but no external contact either. That's not conducive to progress. Just the opposite, in fact. Without outside stimulus, Krypton fell into stagnation...

Except House El is supposed to be all about science, and the two adult-. Biologically adult members of House El are getting ready to fight, one in a warship and the other in space so that he can punch enemy ships.

Hatu-El would be proud. And so would Uncle Jor-El.
Because they'll be fighting aliens, huh? :rolleyes: Ah, Eradicators...

So there's that.

I do another scan of the system with the Doomsday's sensors, and check the feed from the aliens' buoys. The Hny'xx facility must be protected at all costs. Any loss of alien life is acceptable.
Given it's the largest concentration of Kryptonians in the galaxy right now, outside of Daxam? Yeah. And I suspect the Eradicator programming wouldn't count them as pure as the original breed.

But-. Whaw, I'm a lot more speciesist than I thought I was. Maybe Karsta Wor-Ul had a point about people who don't spend time off… Off Krypton.

Krypton will rise again.
Oh, I hope this programming gets found out and pulled out somehow. :D Maybe a trip to Equestria?

Without really thinking about it I check the sensors again and shift the Doomsday's position as an anti-first strike measure. Rise again..? That-. I know I passed all the psychological screening Karsta Wor-Ul did after I got out of the regeneration pod, but I don't think I'm.. thinking like I used to. Like before… I mean, it could just be the psychological trauma, but those pods weren't ever tested in a situation like this. But, who could test it?

No one. My concerns are unfounded. I'm fine. There is nothing wrong with seeking Krypton's resurrection.
Argh. Hard to second-guess something inside your own brain, and that keeps telling you everything's fine.

But I don't think we can 'resurrect' Krypton with Hny'xx. It's the wrong size, composition, the sun isn't Rao and we're lost so many records… We could take a new planet and call it 'Krypton'. Gray-Ven seemed like he would be happy to make that happen.

The alien is not to be trusted.
Ironically, he's been the best thing for the Kryptonian people since the disaster... Since, you know, he's responsible for there begin a Kryptonian people at all.

So I don't trust him. But that doesn't mean that he won't do it because it's in his interests to help us right now. He didn't have to help Karsta Wor-Ul set the facility up. Besides, the children are being raised by Tamaraneans. I don't think that they're going to want to be isolationist when their mothers and fathers are aliens.

That is not how things should be.
Tough luck, Eradicator, that's how it is.

I sigh.

But lots of things aren't how they should be. The Science Council shouldn't have ignored Uncle Jor. The Science Council shouldn't have scrapped the fleet.
Now that? That's true. But they refused to look outside their little box...

Isolation from the alien served Krypton.

But that doesn't mean that pretending the universe doesn't exist will actually make it go away. Karsta Wor-Ul was right; we could have used those ships to evacuate more people.
Not enough, though. Not nearly enough, even if you dumped them into the Phantom Zone too.

Or undo the destructive reaction sequence.

Ah... No, actually, that wouldn't have worked. Realistically, they were warships. Even the Doomsday's crystal projectiles wouldn't be able to stop the reaction once it got going. Their sensors might have made confirming Uncle Jor's readings easier, but unless the Science Council supported building more exploration or terraforming ships, I don't think they'd have been able to do anything about it.
I get the feeling the Eradicator programming is just salty that its' high-and-mighty Kryptonian Science couldn't have helped. But that would require it to have emotions it wouldn't have been coded for...

We will need ships of those types.

And I'll add that to the list. I-.
Hopefully not warships like the Doomsday, though. One is enough, and makes something of a big target, really.

I feel it as the Doomsday's sensors detect the Apokoliptian portals… Boom tubes, open on the other side of the Vega Cluster. Since they're in space they don't make any sound, but the gravity waves are quite distinctive. They're appearing in Karna's system. Sensors confirm ships of gordonian design.

Nothing that the Doomsday can't destroy.
Overconfident, Eradicator. At least the Karnans will get to work out some anger on these ships. Especially if they come down to the surface for a chance at some looting.

Unless the evil version of Gray-Ven improved them. I send alerts to

Commander Karsta Wor-Ul and Kal-El

and then to Vril-Dox, as the Karnan and Imperial ships in that system begin moving to intercept them. Lantern are hard to scan for, but I'm sure they're there too. I don't know if it's a good plan. I told Karsta Wor-Ul that just because I can operate the Doomsday that doesn't mean that I know anything about warfare outside of the historical context.
Yeah, sometimes nothing can prepare you for the real thing.

"Clarissi Vril Dox to Doomsday. Remain in reserve until the enemy's flagship is sighted. Out."

He recognises the superiority of Kryptonian technology.
No, he's probably more concerned with the likelihood that Grayven-16 will open up multiple attack vectors.

That or it could be that he doesn't want to rush all of his forces to a first attack when he doesn't know what else Gray-Ven might have. But… Shields to full, charge faster than light drive, weapons to active. I don't know how useful crystallisation torpedoes would be against ships like this, but prepare them anyway.

Another boom tube opens… Here, they're coming here! Lanterns begin making orange barriers and the Tamaranean ships charge their weapons. I manoeuvre the Doomsday into a slightly better position, but it's really a medium ranged ship so hanging back isn't a sensible option.
I mean, if nothing else, it can probably fly through the enemy ships without noticing too much, given the durability of Kryptonian material science...

"Doomsday to Clarissi Vril-Dox. Boom tube here."

"Understood. Engage at your recognisance."
Yep, Grayven-16 looks to be hitting multiple planets at once. Forcing the defenders to spread themselves out, obviously, but also thinning his own ranks... Will he be making a play for the Renegade's home base planet of Tamaran, I wonder.

"Ah, okay? Doomsday to Commander Karsta Wor-Ul?"

"What is it, cadet?"

"There's a boom tube here and

I would like to coordinate with you."
I suppose the programming does have some use. Pity about the xenophobia...

"The Doomsday is death to capital ships. Let the Lanterns deal with anything less than a quarter of your size and focus on them."

Huh. This is weird. I should feel nervous but

I really don't. I'm confident, and I've got a library of records of thousands of battlefields. And they're only aliens.
And that's a failure flag if ever I've seen one. I can't see Grayven-16 passing up a chance to strike down the Renegade's most powerful asset.

Man, that programming's really whispering sweet bullshit into Kara's brain, isn't it? I can but hope it gets noticed sooner rather than later, before she ends up going off the rails. At any rate, the fight's begun, Grayven-16's made his first foray into Vega, and the Renegade is about to get the call. This plotline's coming to a head real soon.
Oh, I hope this programming gets found out and pulled out somehow. :D Maybe a trip to Equestria?

Magical computer reprogramming.

Argh. Hard to second-guess something inside your own brain, and that keeps telling you everything's fine.

One of the main problems of someone with mental and emotional problems is them admitting that they have problems.

Yep, Grayven-16 looks to be hitting multiple planets at once. Forcing the defenders to spread themselves out, obviously, but also thinning his own ranks... Will he be making a play for the Renegade's home base planet of Tamaran, I wonder.

Conquering the place or destroying it may give him a metaphysical advantage over the Renegade.

Tamaran is fairly important to him.
Yeah, bringing an El back to life using eradicator adjacent tech? Bit dangerous.
Might want to get the Jor El sim to take a gander.

That's a flaw on the Renegade side that he lacks the access to the soft skills Paragon would to detect it.

Manchester Black might but he's not here.

Also, nice swerve from getting to the beatdown on whoever is attacking Lynne.

I'll be disappointed in Renegade if he didn't leave Shade behind as the bulwark since he can handle or at least slow anything short of a Crisis. Got to take advantage of those allied eldritch terrors!
Aaaaah, I love the Peacehammer stuff...

...though I am still curious about how Khalida reacted to the marriage proposal.

Because if she is restored to flesh... DAMN.

There is a reason why she was said to be one of the most beautiful women in Nehakhara.

Teclis getting restored will be delightful.

I also wonder when Paul is going to tell them the main reason the Curse of Aenerion exists is because Malekith pussied out of the fire too early...
...though I am still curious about how Khalida reacted to the marriage proposal.
He wasn't proposing. Marrage alliances are practiced in both the Reikland Empire and Nehekara. He wanted to know if she'd consider it, or if her religious vows prevented it.

After he said that there was an awkward pause before she checked that was what he meant.
Because if she is restored to flesh... DAMN.

There is a reason why she was said to be one of the most beautiful women in Nehakhara.
He could restore her flesh at once. But he couldn't make her feel it. It would just be meat over the bones she did control.
Teclis getting restored will be delightful.
Technically, he wouldn't be 'restored' as he's never been healthy.
I also wonder when Paul is going to tell them the main reason the Curse of Aenerion exists is because Malekith pussied out of the fire too early...
End Times goes into the box. I'll probably have Storm of Chaos as canon, though I'd actually use the game results and actually kill Archaon.
I honestly wonder if a version of Brainiac (or the Eradicator) have worked there way into Kara's mind? Or perhaps that's just the Doomsday "talking"?
I honestly wonder if a version of Brainiac (or the Eradicator) have worked there way into Kara's mind? Or perhaps that's just the Doomsday "talking"?
It's the Eradicator. Which is why she's wearing the Eradicator version of the Superx uniform and why they talked about Kem-El.

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