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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

The only reason he's be hanging around would be…

'he'd be'

"The keep opening tubes near


I dealt with the gordanians but they've been sending robot

If she's developed some of her other powers aside from telepathy then those robots may be defeated.

Knockout and Persuader are getting annoyed."

They would.

They seem like the type that gets pissed.

Frankly, Knockout and Persuader are two of my most expendable assets.

They're super strong and good fighters, but aside from that they're nothing special.

I'd still put us ahead, and there's still no sign of Grayven 2

Technically, you're Grayven 2.

Assuming that all he has spare is his flagship

'he has to spare'

No. He's me. There's something-.

Technically he's not you.

I call up clan insignias on the ships in the first wave. Tearing Bite, Bloodied Claw, Gizzard Something-Or-Others… Yes, I suspected. Local clans, displaced by Tamaranean ascendancy

So they're back for revenge

The second wave have a more uniform clan emblem-.
"Daddy, they've sent golden women. I can't feel their minds, and-. Ah!"

The uniform symbol may be that Unending Conquest.

Also add a space between the two sentences

Persuader, smiley cruelly at me.


Gold woman turns away from the recumbent Persuader, smiley cruelly at me. Persuader's armour is battered and the left side of her chest is partially caved in.

"Are you our boss or their boss?"

Assimilate her. All Those Who Stand Before Me Die This Day.

That's not going to work.

Orange beams fly from my ring, slamming into the gold woman's chest. Her smile widens as they achieve precisely nothing.


Their boss. Ours wants you alive 'if it's not too hard'.

At least he's understanding.

How hard do you think you are?"

"Hard enough." Empower Loyal Vassal.


Persuader's axe exits the left side of 'Estrogina's' body, having cleaved her in two. The shock causes her grip to weakened

Stormwatch demonstrated that xenomorphs incubated in superhumans get their powers. So if that happened, they might be able to do something.

Non canon elseworld bullshit to make Xenomorphs relevant against comic book super humans in the same way Marvel has the punisher beat the crap out of wolverine or other super humans.

Xenomorphs are a silicon based life form that at the absolute most emulates traits of their "host" and have minor telepathic capabilities everything beyond that is non canon shit of a similar status to fanfiction.
Does Grayven-16 knows that ReneGrayven has basically set up his own lantern corps on Tamaran?
An anticlimactic but satisfactory end for Estrogina. Also, I wasn't expecting to see Persuader do anything like that. Mr Zoat, has the Renegade Awakened her?
End? The head's still exactly as a live as the Ra's and savage constructs.
Thank you, corrected.
No, that's fine.
Thank you, corrected.
is that stormwatch as in wildstorm comics?
Does Grayven-16 knows that ReneGrayven has basically set up his own lantern corps on Tamaran?
Have the genomorphs participated in heavy combat before in the Renegade timeline? I don't believe they were present for the attack on the Unmen town, Darkseid's appearance at the mountain wasn't really a fight, Lynne was protected by her bodyguard when British forces attacked team Grayven, Grayven took care of the Persuader, and I don't remember them helping against the bondage fairy invasion.

The genomorphs are an uncertain ally, going by comic book logic and their unique vulnerabilities. Any surprise could butterfly into concerning defensive measures down the road. Hmm. I wonder what the telepathic hivemind feels when one of their kind is destroyed by Grayven's omega beams.
What's Persuader's axe made of? Is it the same one from the future taken from the 'first' Persuader's corpse or New God tech? Being able to still make portals when Boom Tubes don't function is interesting (as is the fact that Boom Tubes don't work, hope we see how that happens. Scott's domain of Freedom might have helped deal with that problem if he was around); along with its ability to work on Estrogina (though I believe Renegade should still have the Sword of the Fallen as well).
Artemis has some sort of metaphysical connection to Renegade, so presumably that extends to Lynne too. She might be better at the whole tracking and hunting thing.

Bringing along the ponies might have been good to counter the Omega Effect.
Edit: Bud E already mentioned that, I see.

He has a partial piece of the Omega Effect, not Anti Life.
The use of black speech when it's being used does indicate that it's at least adjacent to Anti-Life, or something along those lines.
1st September 2012
15:45 GMT


Translation: "Started the cycle as soon as she spoke." I don't think anyone who knows the Renegade will have any doubt that things are going to get violent. I only pity those caught in the splash zone. :D



"Diana, I'm leaving this with you. Call Earth if you need help."
Abrupt, but she would have heard the child's voice. Even if she didn't know about Lynne, she'd know the Renegade won't hesitate to help a child... One who deserved it, anyway.

I step through the tube onto the bridge, Karras glancing around for a moment before returning his attention to the screen. At this point there's not much to do except wait for Dox to tell us where he wants us except that was my daughter.

Amazed he's not seeing red yet... I suppose that'll be saved for if Lynne or the succupire kids are hurt...

"Fleets are attacking Karna, Tamaran, Euphorix and our reserve units. Dox is directing us to Tamaran."

I nod. Orange Lanterns will fight much better for their own homes. "And their Grayven?"
So, focusing on the Renegade's more obvious allies. The homeworld of the gordanians, the Renegade's home base in the sector, and the next largest threat.

"No specifically Apokoliptian ships identified so far."


"In space, light on both sides. They're heavier on the ground. They're using boom tubes to perform raids on our shipyards and manufacturing centres."
Not unexpected, obviously. Presumably Grayven-16 intends to force them to rebuild to his design once he's won.

I'm not too worried about ground attacks. We have Lanterns. Fights between gordanian warriors and Lanterns only go one way.

"No attacks on Hny'xx?"
The Kryptonian creche-world? I suspect any fighting there would end up messily, between Superman, the Doomsday, and hundred of teenage kryptonians with military upbringings.

"No. Not yet."

The children thought it was a game, but putting super hard beams across every part of its internal space made boom tubing into the facility virtually impossible while not restricting the manoeuvrability of the g-elves significantly.
Interesting. Making the passages so tight that even a small Tube aperture can't be opened?

But no other Grayven. Why not? His ability to boost his servants with his god powers would be stronger if he were present, and he wouldn't even have to engage himself. If he's not here for the boost, he'd be better off attacking to maximise the advantage of his dreadnaught and omega effect. The only reason he's be hanging around would be…

Waiting for me? Waiting for Astarte? I mean, she wasn't exactly rushing
He wants to be seen beating you. Once you take the field, he'd make a beeline for you.

"Lynne, report."

"The keep opening tubes near me. I dealt with the gordanians but they've been sending robots. Knockout and Persuader are getting annoyed."
Since her powers can't affect mechanical brains... yet. Good to hear she's not worried.

They would.

"You've tried relocating?"

"Four times. They're locked onto us."
The benefit of Grayven-16 having locked onto the not-him fragment of 'Conquest' Lynne is holding.

But… How? There are other New Gods around; that was half the reason I asked Mr. Queen to come here. Three being in one place doesn't mean anything. Spies? Maybe, but there definitely wasn't anyone there when we discussed her fallback locations. Between my rings, our god senses and her telepathy there isn't anywhere to hide. So-.

She feels like me. And, presumably, him. Could he track her based on that?
Now you get it. Essentially, you turned her into bait. I mean, I'm not saying you did wrong helping her, but... Choices mean consequences, after all.

Could I track him like that?

I could go to her, but she's got boom tube access and… Frankly, Knockout and Persuader are two of my most expendable assets. Every robot-.
Yes, the dumb muscle ladies. Hardly the most powerful of New Gods, when it comes down to it.

"Apokoliptian robots?"

"I think so."

Apokoliptian robots are made to terrorise primitive people, but they're not actually that good against intelligent or well armed opponents.
So, largely a distraction for the Renegade's forces. Since they're both.

"Lord Grayven!"

I look up at the screen as a new wave of enemy ships appear, jumping in behind our fleets near Karna and Tamaran. We've gone from local advantage to mild disadvantage, but Dox is already moving ships and Lanterns to counter them. I'd still put us ahead, and there's still no sign of Grayven 2. Assuming that all he has spare is his flagship and its escorts, once we get back we'll have a comfortable advantage.
Never dismiss the chance of surprise reinforcements, Renegade.

No. He's me. There's something-.

I call up clan insignias on the ships in the first wave. Tearing Bite, Bloodied Claw, Gizzard Something-Or-Others… Yes, I suspected. Local clans, displaced by Tamaranean ascendancy. He's probably upgraded their ships a little and then released them to pin us down. They have to fight to have any sort of future, and since they're not loyal to him he doesn't lose anything when they die. The second wave have a more uniform clan emblem-.
So, gathering local forces with the lure of big prizes of slaves and wealth. Then using his own more dedicated and empowered troops to clean up those weakened by the trash.

"Daddy, they've sent golden women. I can't feel their minds, and-. Ah!"

Mother Box, boom tube.
<Grabs Malteasers> Ooh, things are gonna get messy...


Hush tube, then.
...Or not. It's possible to interdict Boom Tubes?


How did anyone block-? Persuader, Serve My Will.
Why Persuader? Because the lady with the time-displaced super-axe can cut anything, even distance.

An axe blade slices through the air in front of me before suddenly being yanked away. I dive through the portal, appearing back on Tamaran and seeing a solidly built woman with golden skin hurl Persuader violently to the ground!

"Stop." "Halt In My Name."
Ah, will he recognise the femazon pirate? Eh, I doubt he'll care either way. (Sorry, no reminder link, even the DC.Fandom wiki doesn't recognise her name... :p )

Gold woman turns away from the recumbent Persuader, smiley cruelly at me. Persuader's armour is battered and the left side of her chest is partially caved in.

"Are you our boss or their boss?"
Eh, that'll buff out. Quick hit of a purple healing ray, or a bit of mana...

Assimilate her. All Those Who Stand Before Me Die This Day.

Orange beams fly from my ring, slamming into the gold woman's chest. Her smile widens as they achieve precisely nothing.
Ah, yes... Her famed 'immunity to Spectrum energies'. At least we finally get to see the Renegade try to assimilate someone again. It's been a while.

"Their boss. Ours wants you alive 'if it's not too hard'." She cracks her knuckles. "How hard do you think you are?"

"Hard enough." Empower Loyal Vassal.
Not that you'd want to get near her. She probably likes it rough. As in, 'broken pelvis' rough...

I storm forward, not bothering to draw my blade. No idea who this is, but my daiklave hasn't exactly proven reliable against high end targets. Goldie appears to appreciate the sentiment, coming towards me and throwing a right hook. I lean around it and grab her arm, straining to shove it aside to try and get at her neck!

"Idiot! No one overpowers Estrogina!"
At least now he has a name for your tombstone... Oh, wait, he's not going to bother burying you...

She grapples right back, and she's strong enough that I'm not sure that I can win like this, which would be a problem if Persuader hasn't just gotten up with her axe at the ready.

Backstabbing with a Greataxe. Now that's style.

Persuader's axe exits the left side of 'Estrogina's' body, having cleaved her in two. The shock causes her grip to weakened, so I thrust my arms forward and grip her shoulders.

"Sever the head."
Let's see how well that Spectrum immunity works when you're dead?

The axe comes around again, a small amount of blood squirting into my face as her neck parts company with her shoulders. I drop her torso and catch her head, holding my left hand up to her neck hole.

At the least, you'll be able to find out what she knows of Grayven-16's plan. Probably not much, though, she's even dumber muscle than Knockout.

Assimilation in progress.

"Where's my daughter, Persuader?"

"They took her, master. The other two."
...Oh, boy. Better hope Grayven-16 is curious enough to not hurt her.

"Come closer."

She walks up to me immediately, no apparent concern for the fact that most Apokoliptians would kill her for a failure like that. Or that her own injuries might kill her in a moment.
To be fair, as long as the Renegade is concerned right now, all he needs her to do...

Assimilation complete.

I lay my left hand on Persuader's head and reach out for the other part of my soul. There it is.

"Cut open a portal. Now."
...Is open the way. Hopefully he remembers to leave a healing drone or purple ray set up on her...

And so the ground is set up for the two Gods of Conquest to face each other in person at last. To use the wrasslin' vernacular, this promises to be one hell of a slobber-knocker. I get the feeling Grayven-16 has no idea of what he's set loose on himself... But he's about to find out reaaaal soon. :D
I wonder how useful Estrogina's head is going to be as a construct-Lantern. Maybe she can construct a new body for herself, or just fly around headbutting people. If she retains her construct resistance, that would be useful.
Did the Zamaron Pirates meet the Citizenry at any point, or did Grayven keep them separated to avoid them both getting distracted just fighting each other or something?
It's not about what it's made out of, it's an atomic axe.

It generates a field that allows it to cut through matter on the subatomic level, has also been used to cut peculiar targets for an axe like gravity, electromagnetic energy, or the space-time continuum.

So think of it as basically a Crumbler axe, if one ignores that Zoat actually made up its ability to work on energy constructs for this fic.
It's not about what it's made out of, it's an atomic axe.

It generates a field that allows it to cut through matter on the subatomic level, has also been used to cut peculiar targets for an axe like gravity, electromagnetic energy, or the space-time continuum.

So think of it as basically a Crumbler axe, if one ignores that Zoat actually made up its ability to work on energy constructs for this fic.
Canonically, it can cut through Raven's soul-self and through parallel universes.

Why? Just...

I looked it up. She's a real character... Someone at DC actually came up with and decided to use that name.

But just... why!? The non-existent linguist/onomastist in me is crying.

She's a joke character for a joke series.

She ate Ted who was a chipmunk because he deflowered a three thousand plus virgin sorceress looking to mate for life.

What's weird about her is not her name, it's that she's supposed to be a Zamaron.

You know, the ladies who aren't known for being golden orange and are known for their psychic control over the power of love and not for being superstrong and invulnerable.

Why? Just...

I looked it up. She's a real character... Someone at DC actually came up with and decided to use that name.

But just... why!? The non-existent linguist/onomastist in me is crying.

Does she have a Ty-D-Bol hair color too? She even asked if Grayven was the Manager.
Stormwatch demonstrated that xenomorphs incubated in superhumans get their powers. So if that happened, they might be able to do something.
Fortunate that Superman was powerless, when a xenomorph incubated in him, perhaps. IIRC, he survived because he was just regaining his invulnerability when the chestburster tried to, er, burst.

Or, perhaps being inside his body blocked the xenomorphs kryptonian organelles from activating? Maybe kryptonians under yellow sunlight are naturally resistant to xenomorphs, even if they get implanted with a larva?
To chime in on the Alien crossovers with DC comics . . . Xenomorphs in the DC crossovers take on traits they shouldn't even be capable of taking on. There was this really fucking dumb black ops government program to use Hybrids to keep superheroes "in check" by splicing Xenomorph and Supervillain DNA. And for whatever reason they used Batman's villains as the source of the Supervillain DNA. (Our of universe because it was Batman vs Alien, fuck if I know the in-universe reason.)

The first Hybrids we see have the DNA of Joker, Scarecrow, Two-Face, Poison Ivy, and Mister Freeze.

And it's like, 3 of the 5 people just listed are just regular ass people. Joker just fell into a vat of chemicals, Two-Face got burned by acid, and Scarecrow was just a dude who knew how to make fear inducing chemicals. But apparently they're top picks for making these Hybrids.

And then they arbitrarily take on thematically appropriate traits.

The Joker Hybrid has his white and green coloration. The Scarecrow Hybrid for some reason looks like a gaunt ghoul. The Two-Face Hybrid has half of its body look burned. Shit that should be totally removed from their DNA, but if you splice it into something that's what you get.

Appearance wise, all the male Hybrids basically looked like Humans with Xenomorph heads and exoskeletons. The one made from Poison Ivy looked like a somewhat attractive woman with a Xenomorph's tail. (If you're into the GI Jane look.)

They were also sapient, sane, and perfectly capable of cooperating and following orders. And for some reason Batman was perfectly happy to kill them.

There was a final Hybrid made with Killer Croc's DNA, but he was a mindless killer who ended up killing the woman in charge of the program because I guess Killer Croc is such a vicious asshole on a genetic level that not even Queen pheromones will stop a Hybrid copy of him from slaughtering you.
The benefit of Grayven-16 having locked onto the not-him fragment of 'Conquest' Lynne is holding.

A bit of musing on this. Given Ace's canonical powers, and the fact Lynne is - for want of a better description - a 'bud' of Conquest/Acquisition, if she develops proper godly powers, would her 'niche', possibly, be Assimilation?
Checked the chapter. Not yet at the part where he killed her, but he was able to bypass her protection easily enough using x-ionized blades.

If you want to find out what happened then read the spoiler below, if not then you'll see in the chapter.

After he beat them some Citadelians and a Psion came and took her along with the rest of the Zamarons.
The Kryptonian creche-world? I suspect any fighting there would end up messily, between Superman, the Doomsday, and hundred of teenage kryptonians with military upbringings.

What most people forget is that most civilizations in DC that reached high levels of technology have weapons that can kill Yellowsun empowered kryptonians pretty easily. Because their empire was still a thing not like 200 years ago them retreating to krypton was only in the last few centuries

So most space civilization would have probably Develop a few weapons to Specifically fight them An example is The blue beetle scarab Has like a few 100 weapons that can be used against a yellow sun empowered kryptonian the psion probably had quite a few as well

I think the reason That Superman doesn't normally get his shit kicked in in space It's most likely because most civilizations don't normally keep those type of weapons on the hand even though they Probably have them
2 that the authors don't take into account krypton was only destroyed not that long ago and was an interstellar empire not long ago And only became isolationists very recently in galactic terms people knew about them and their abilities under Yellowsun most likely so the would have developed alot of countermeasures for them

(i love superman but even i see that most of his Ridiculous feats are things he should never have been able to do without Author Fiat. because if he could do those things without Author fiat that would have meant every other yellow sun empowered Kryptonian could to and if that's the case they probably would have taken over the universe
By this point)

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