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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

A bit of musing on this. Given Ace's canonical powers, and the fact Lynne is - for want of a better description - a 'bud' of Conquest/Acquisition, if she develops proper godly powers, would her 'niche', possibly, be Assimilation?
Probably Subjugation.

Which is going to have interesting effects on her relationships when she's older.
In this Xenomorph scenario, does Paul remember Xenomorphs?

If he does, it will be a curbstomp as soon as he realizes what he is dealing with.

If he doesnt, it will just take slightly longer.

Even at his most reckless (Tangside, Grayven), I doubt Paul is dumb enough to break quarantine on an unknown alien egg. He definitely doesnt break quarantine on someome who falls unconscious right after an egg hatches.

Even with exotic abilities such as a Kryptonian, he can still likely contain them. The Power Rings are incresibly strong.
I know Hinon has mentioned she could do magic, do we know why ring scans are absolutely nosold by even unpowered wards, even though Paul has discovered the problem?
Also, did we ever get back to unmiserabling Akhlys?
I know Hinon has mentioned she could do magic, do we know why ring scans are absolutely nosold by even unpowered wards, even though Paul has discovered the problem?

It's possible that while Controllers can do magic they may still not know enough to get pass some restrictions.

Also seeing as magic is pretty rare in this story they may not have placed it as a priority.

Also, did we ever get back to unmiserabling Akhlys?

No, I don't think so.
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Also seeing as magic is pretty rare in this story they may not have placed it as a priority.
We know they haven't placed magic in general as a priority but any planet with an even minorly active arcane field becomes a massive security threat because they can hide things from Lanterns by scribbling shapes on a sticky note.
What most people forget is that most civilizations in DC that reached high levels of technology have weapons that can kill Yellowsun empowered kryptonians pretty easily

You are working off of a flawed premise here.

The Kryptonian empire was not spread by their solar powers but their technology.

The sunstone warships are planet killers that can shoot missiles made out of sunstone that will consume your spaceship or planet while turning the mass into killer robots to go Skynet on you.

Warships that work under a red sun, green sun, any sun, no sun.

The counter to Kryptonians is having better technology, and species that can brag about that are rare.
I know Hinon has mentioned she could do magic, do we know why ring scans are absolutely nosold by even unpowered wards, even though Paul has discovered the problem?
Ring scans, if done by a skilled user, can get past wards. They just destroy the ward in the process. And when the ward is watermarked into every important document, you're gonna have a lot of trouble from being forceful. I'm also sure that there are some other, higher tier wards that require more finesse or power to get by. Then there is the quintessential waveform scan that only energy based life forms, like the Ophidian, Paragon, and elementals, can do. That seems to be a slow, near guaranteed success. Looking forward to more of that in the future. The OL core should hire on some information greedy elementals to do wave form scans for them.
You are working off of a flawed premise here.

The Kryptonian empire was not spread by their solar powers but their technology.

The sunstone warships are planet killers that can shoot missiles made out of sunstone that will consume your spaceship or planet while turning the mass into killer robots to go Skynet on you.

Warships that work under a red sun, green sun, any sun, no sun.

The counter to Kryptonians is having better technology, and species that can brag about that are rare.
I know it flawed but its not completely flawed because when OL went to daxim he encountered them useing sunstone armor that gave them the powers of a yellow sun and karsta has mentioned the same thing so that means their ground troops would most likely be yellow sun empowerment in armor because i would find it really ridiculous if the military caste would not take advantage that their species has under a yellow sun.

I also agree with you that their technology was near the top in DC as well so that help but i think you might agree with me that the military and science not taking advantage of yellow sun empowerment on their soldiers really would stretch belief.

While i dont know much about those in charge of the military caste the ones that we have seen Zod, Astra care about their soldiers and people and i can't see any competition general not taking every advantage they can get their hands on including making themselves and troops as close to physical gods as you can get without being one.
I know it flawed but its not completely flawed because when OL went to daxim he encountered them useing sunstone armor that gave them the powers of a yellow sun and karsta has mentioned the same thing so that means their ground troops would most likely be yellow sun empowerment in armor because i would find it really ridiculous if the military caste would not take advantage that their species has under a yellow sun.

I also agree with you that their technology was near the top in DC as well so that help but i think you might agree with me that the military and science not taking advantage of yellow sun empowerment on their soldiers really would stretch belief.

And you missed the point.

Sunstone armor is self-replicating shapeshifting material.

Kryptonian soldiers in Sunstone armor would have all the options a Reach Scarab Warrior would have- able to create any weapon, any defense system, any sensor system, and medical systems.

To be able to kill a Kryptonian soldier the aliens would need to jump the hurdle of having superior technology first.

The first design hurdle a weaponmaker would need to jump to kill a Kryptonian soldier is not their solar powers but their armor.

What good do you think it would do for aliens to make weapons attacks that would bounce of ablative sunstone armor, be deflected by personal forcefield generators, or won't even reach the kryptonian thanks to missile defense systems?

And you missed the point.

Sunstone armor is self-replicating shapeshifting material.

Kryptonian soldiers in Sunstone armor would have all the options a Reach Scarab Warrior would have- able to create any weapon, any defense system, any sensor system, and medical systems.

To be able to kill a Kryptonian soldier the aliens would need to jump the hurdle of having superior technology first.

The first design hurdle a weaponmaker would need to jump to kill a Kryptonian soldier is not their solar powers but their armor.

What good do you think it would do for aliens to make weapons attacks that would bounce of ablative sunstone armor, be deflected by personal forcefield generators, or won't even reach the kryptonian thanks to missile defense systems?
Wow i did not know that their armor was so much bullshit.
But most of that tech superman doesn't have and i don't think karsta has had the time to make it so they are Relying on the empowerment by yellow sunlight most likely and i might be remembering it wrong but it was show in the chaper that OL does an evaluation of the Justice League most civilizations military spaceships have weapons that are of sufficient power to kill them in a few shots.

Question then if they are this bullshit how come they haven't taken over most of their galaxy before because we know that they have gone thru multiple periods of military expansion before they became isolationists and i cant imagine that they're would have many civilizations that could slow them down. We know that the guardians dont really stop that type of thing so they most likely wouldn't be to much of a problem as long as they broke no rules from the book of Oa
I can see the Reach being able to put up a fight and maybe the Dominator if they arent taken seriously. Apocalypse definitely vega if they are given time to prepare. Thanagor definitely with nth metal the armor wouldn't matter their but not many other that i can think of but I will admit that I'm not a ridiculous lorebuff on DC in space
Veganism (part 17)
1st September 2012
15:48 GMT

Space breaks at Persuader's axe-swing and I fly though without bothering to issue new orders. She's in no shape to fight right now, but there aren't any opponents left where she is. She can soak in a purple healing ray until she looks less like an animated-

Two more golden women, one with Lynne under her arm, are taking fire from heavily armed and armoured gordanians in what appears to be Grayven 16's clan colour. They're not taking cover and their coordination is excellent-. Lynne's controlling them.

-corpse, and then she can join me.

As I watch the gold woman with both arms free charges a squad who appear content to maintain fire without trying to evade their attacker as she raises her fists and smashes down, cracking skulls and shattering ribs! The guns don't seem to be doing anything, but it's costing Grayven 16 resources so I can't complain.

**Daddy, what's the plan?**

The golden woman carrying Lynne glances back at me with a frown.

**Let's try…** I straighten slightly, a sombre expression affixing itself to my face. "Thank you for fetching her. I will take her now."

She ignores the incoming fire and frowns at me. "Are-? Is that Estrogina's head?"

Oh, right. "When I give simple instructions, I expect them followed at once." Respect My Authority.

"Just do what he says, girls."

She doesn't look completely convinced, while her colleague picks up a troop transport shuttle and sends it rolling end over end towards the largest concentration of gordanian soldiers, pancaking them into the deck.

"Where's the rest of-?"


A new tube opens, and… Grayven 16 walks through, hands held loosely at his sides and that is some gaudy armour. Some of the surviving gordanains shift their fire to him, but it doesn't do anything other than make him frown very slightly.

The boom tube closes, and he folds his arms behind his back.

"Pretender." "Disgusting lesser being with delusions of mediocrity. Know that you have written your own fate."

I smile, raising my right hand in greeting. "Hi bruh, what's up!" "Yeah, that was the aim. Why aren't you doing that instead of stealing mine?"

He looks me over, eyes alighting briefly on his henchwoman's assimilated severed head. I on the other hand take a moment to look around. Some sort of launch bay? Looks mostly empty, aside from the soldiers and a few armoured shuttles. I assume that their escort fighters are already outside. Either that or they deploy by boom tube.

I dismiss Estrogina's head, causing it to decay to orange mist and flow into my ring. Ah, Zamaronian synthetic organics. That would explain the ring-proof skin. Grayven hired them as elite fighters by guaranteeing them fights in their weight class. She doesn't know anything about his wider ambitions.

Ring, where are we?

Scans inconclusive.

That's a bother. This does look like an Apokoliptian ship, and those can certainly mess around with power ring scans. Especially with a powerful New God in command.

Grayven 16 has moved from studying me to studying Lynne.

"This child. She is yours?" "There is nothing that you can have that I cannot take away."

"Yes indeed." "I don't have this problem with her other uncles."


"Why?" A stray plasma beam hits my right pauldron. "Ah, Lynne, poppet, could you..?"

I gesture to the gordanians gradually being mashed, and they pause in their firing to put their guns under their chins before firing once more. The rampaging gold woman jogs dejectedly to a halt as her targets slump to the deck.

"Thank you."

"Why do you have..? Her? Why does she exist?" "Why does she feel like us?"

"Esak tried using her as a living Anti-Life broadcaster. I couldn't be having with that. So I got rid of it, and used my soul to restore her." "You might want to try investing in individuals some time."

"Your… Soul." His eyes narrow. "Fraud, my soul is not yours to give away."

"Look, if you're annoyed about both of us existing, take it up with Desaad or something. I don't know why we both exist. The first I knew that you were a thing was when that Citadelian got hold of you." I make a gesture of appeal. "But I don't understand the hostility. You want to fight the Reach? I'll help you fight the Reach. You having trouble with Father-?" Implicit Unity of Purpose.

"I do not believe for a moment that Darkseid is your father."

"You don't see the resemblance?" "You don't feel the resemblance?"

"Appearances mean little. I half-believe that when I cut you down, your face will change to back to that of whatever chimeristic being you truly are." "I feel a trespass."

The gold woman holding Lynne raises her over her head. "So do you want me to keep holding the girl-?"

Other Grayven takes his eyes off me for a fraction of a second to glare her into acquiescence. "Hold."

"You need to train them better, bruh. But, seriously, I get that you don't like me 'diluting your brand'. What I don't understand is why you're prioritising me? You had a good thing going with the Reach. You could have tried to kill me once you'd built up a bit. Or co-ordinated with me until it was just us. I'm sure that our mother would-."

"My mother is dead."

His eyes start to glow with-. Purple light? I wasn't expecting purple.

I shake my head.

"Lady Mortalla is alive and-."

"Mortalla is one of Darkseid's concubines. She is not my mother." His eyes narrow. "So, you are not a duplicate. A true duplicate would know that as I do. Unless you actually are Mortalla's son by Darkseid, in which case I can only see your existence as an attempt to replace me."

Ah. Well, that's what I get for jumping to conclusions. And Mortalla wasn't likely to correct me over something like that, not as she was when she first arrived. She clearly knew Grayven when he was young, so perhaps..? She just thought I was referring to her maternal role rather than literally being my mother?

It seems to me that this man has exactly the same reason as me for wanting Darkseid dead. One last attempt at cooperating…

"Okay, but that doesn't answer my question. Why-?" "We're a lot alike. It would be more efficient-."

"I don't answer to you. I don't justify myself to you, or anyone else. I will rule supreme and alone, and when you are dead your power will become mine without the need for negotiation." "I conquer and take. 'Efficiency' is besides the point when I can replenish my reserves from what becomes mine."

"Well… Darn." I shrug. "Not much I can say to that. If you're committed to being an idiot-."

"I am not the idiot who split his power." The purple glow intensifies. "Do you know the difference between us?"

"I'm not a dick?"

"No. Her."

Purple beams flash out NO!
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The Godspeech conversation between the lines:
She ignores the incoming fire and frowns at me. "Are-? Is that Estrogina's head?"

Oh, right. "When I give simple instructions, I expect them followed at once." Respect My Authority.
"Pretender." "Disgusting lesser being with delusions of mediocrity. Know that you have written your own fate."

I smile, raising my right hand in greeting. "Hi bruh, what's up!" "Yeah, that was the aim. Why aren't you doing that instead of stealing mine?"
"This child. She is yours?" "There is nothing that you can have that I cannot take away."

"Yes indeed." "I don't have this problem with her other uncles."
"Why do you have..? Her? Why does she exist?" "Why does she feel like us?"

"Esak tried using her as a living Anti-Life broadcaster. I couldn't be having with that. So I got rid of it, and used my soul to restore her." "You might want to try investing in individuals some time."
"Look, if you're annoyed about both of us existing, take it up with Desaad or something. I don't know why we both exist. The first I knew that you were a thing was when that Citadelian got hold of you." I make a gesture of appeal. "But I don't understand the hostility. You want to fight the Reach? I'll help you fight the Reach. You having trouble with Father-?" Implicit Unity of Purpose.

"I do not believe for a moment that Darkseid is your father."

"You don't see the resemblance?" "You don't feel the resemblance?"

"Appearances mean little. I half-believe that when I cut you down, your face will change to back to that of whatever chimeristic being you truly are." "I feel a trespass."
"Okay, but that doesn't answer my question. Why-?" "We're a lot alike. It would be more efficient-."

"I don't answer to you. I don't justify myself to you, or anyone else. I will rule supreme and alone, and when you are dead your power will become mine without the need for negotiation." "I conquer and take. 'Efficiency' is besides the point when I can replenish my reserves from what becomes mine."
and I fly thought without bothering


" Respect My Authority .

Hello Eric Cartman.

hands held loosely at his sides and that is some gaudy armour

Don't forget the ugly hair.

Were getting a bro down!

dismiss Estrogina's head, causing it to decay to orange mist and flowing into my ring


Grayven hired them as elite fighters by guaranteeing them fights in their weight class.

Yeah, when they showed up in the Paragon chapter they were really into fighting.

She doesn't know anything about his wider ambitions.

And I doubt she cares.

"This child. She is yours?" "There is nothing that you can have that I cannot take away."

Ugh, big mistake there Big G.

Yes indeed." "I don't have this problem with her other uncles."

Well Scott is a good guy, Kalibak only showed up once and Orion may not know about her.

I gesture to the gordanians gradually being mashed, and they pause in their firing to put their guns under their chins before firing once more

Getting some Code Geass vibes here.

The rampaging gold women jogs dejectedly to a halt as her targets slump to the deck.

So she still has her fighting spirit.

I couldn't be having with that

Remove 'with'

The first I knew that you were a thing was when that Citadelian got hold of you."

Technically you knew before that.

"I do not believe for a moment that Darkseid is your father."

And you're right.

wasn't exacting purple.


His eyes start to glow with-. Purple light? I wasn't exacting purple.

I shake my head.

"Lady Mortalla is alive and-."

"Mortalla is one of Darkseid's concubines. She is not my mother." His eyes narrow. "So, you are not a duplicate. A true duplicate would know that as I do. Unless you actually are Mortalla's son by Darkseid, in which case this I can only see your existence as an attempt to replace me."

Ahh, so Zoat didn't change Grayven's origin here.

Ah. Well, that's what I get for jumping to conclusions

Yes, this is what you get.

Hopefully you'll lear...oh who am I kidding, you never learn.

And Mortalla wasn't likely to correct me over something like that, not as she was when she first arrived. She clearly knew Grayven when he was young, so perhaps..? She just thought I was referring to her maternal role rather than literally being my mother?

Also she may not remember it happening to her.

It's understandable why she wouldn't want to.

me for wanted Darkseid dead. One last attempt at cooperating…


Do you know the difference between us?"

"I'm not a dick?"

You are a dick.
While this would be an extremely terrible idea... Is it possible that Lynne incorporates the Omega Effect, rather than die from getting hit?

I'm not sure this will happen.

The only time I remember it happening in the comics was in the Justice League Odyssey comic where Jessica Cruz managed to gain control of a bit of it after Darkseid hit her with it.
Wonder why the beams are purple now, when Grayven's POV chapter image link showed orange. Variable effects depending on color

That, or they reflect his emotional state somehow and they're different now since this is more personal.

Or it could be both a variable effect depending on his emotional state.
1st September 2012
15:48 GMT

Space breaks at Persuader's axe-swing and I fly thought without bothering to issue new orders. She's in no shape to fight right now, but there aren't any opponents left where she is. She can soak in a purple healing ray until she looks less like an animated-
Good, remembering to take care of your subordinates. That's one thing Grayven-16 has shown a disdain for, beyond ensuring their usefulness remains apparent. That's going to give you an edge here...

EDIT: Whoops, had the 'who's controlling who' angle turned around... Still leaving the original comments in, though...
Two more golden women, one with Lynne under her arm, are taking fire from heavily armed and armoured gordanians in what appears to be Grayven 16's clan colour. They're not taking cover and their coordination is excellent-. Lynne's controlling them.

-corpse, and then she can join me.
Even better. At least they aren't immune to telepathic control. Though I'm surprised she hasn't taken the gordanians over too. Is the two femazons her limit, or are they just that difficult to hold on to, that she requires her full focus on them? Edit: Okay, really grabbed the wrong end of the stick there. Easy mistake to make... On the other hand, it shows just how good she is to control, what, dozens of gordanians at once, then?

As I watch the gold woman with both arms free charges a squad who appear content to maintain fire without trying to evade their attacker as she raises her fists and smashes down, cracking skulls and shattering ribs! The guns don't seem to be doing anything, but it's costing Grayven 16 resources so I can't complain.

**Daddy, what's the plan?**
Or maybe she's just being cautious. No point pushing herself to dominate the gordanians if Grayven-16 is bolstering them, and it brings her Godhead into conflict with his... To be fair, the controlled gordanians can't really use anything larger for fear of injuring Lynne... After all, powerful as she is, she's still a tween girl and thus very squishy..

The golden woman carrying Lynne glances back at me with a frown.

**Let's try…** I straighten slightly, a sombre expression affixing itself to my face. "Thank you for fetching her. I will take her now."
I don't think they're going to believe you're their boss, Renegade. For one thing, you have much better fashion sense.

She ignores the incoming fire and frowns at me. "Are-? Is that Estrogina's head?"

Oh, right. "When I give simple instructions, I expect them followed at once." Respect My Authority.
Ah, when Diplomacy fails, Intimidation comes into play...

"Just do what he says, girls."

She doesn't look completely convinced, while her colleague picks up a troop transport shuttle and sends it rolling end over end towards the largest concentration of gordanian soldiers, pancaking them into the deck.
Well, at least they're powerful dumb muscle...

"Where's the rest of-?"

Ah, here... We... Go! Grab your snacks and settle in for the snark-off!

A new tube opens, and… Grayven 16 walks through, hands held loosely at his sides and that is some gaudy armour. Some of the surviving gordanains shift their fire to him, but it doesn't do anything other than make him frown very slightly.

The boom tube closes, and he folds his arms behind his back.
Amusing. They're so confused, they don't know who to shoot, so they're just shooting everyone. Foolish. And good lord, that is terribly early-2000's design :rolleyes: (Or maybe late-90's...) Trying to be iconic, but so over-designed... Okay, their shooting him is clearly at Lynne's direction, then. Still an amusing image. Him just standing there as their fire plinks off him...

"Pretender." "Disgusting lesser being with delusions of mediocrity. Know that you have written your own fate."

I smile, raising my right hand in greeting. "Hi bruh, what's up!" "Yeah, that was the aim. Why aren't you doing that instead of stealing mine?"
Ah, Grayven-16... Trying to be lordly and regal, but he just comes across as pompous and insecure.

He looks me over, eyes alighting briefly on his henchwoman's assimilated severed head. I on the other hand take a moment to look around. Some sort of launch bay? Looks mostly empty, aside from the soldiers and a few armoured shuttles. I assume that their escort fighters are already outside. Either that or they deploy by boom tube.

I dismiss Estrogina's head, causing it to decay to orange mist and flowing into my ring. Ah, Zamaronian synthetic organics. That would explain the ring-proof skin. Grayven hired them as elite fighters by guaranteeing them fights in their weight class. She doesn't know anything about his wider ambitions.
And there's confirmation of their origins, in this story at least. And I was right, they're just dumb muscle. Still a better presumed fate than the Paragon timeline (believed lost in the burning of Wombworld.)

Ring, where are we?

Scans inconclusive.

That's a bother. This does look like an Apokoliptian ship, and those can certainly mess around with power ring scans. Especially with a powerful New God in command.
Which means you have the disadvantage in the battle of Godly Narrative. Unless you can somehow subvert his control of the ship from under him, he has the home-ground bonus.

Grayven 16 has moved from studying me to studying Lynne.

"This child. She is yours?" "There is nothing that you can have that I cannot take away."
Try it and you'll unleash the full force of the Renegade's Papa Bear mode..

"Yes indeed." "I don't have this problem with her other uncles."


"Why?" A stray plasma beam hits my right pauldron. "Ah, Lynne, poppet, could you..?"
To be fair, she hasn't actually met any of them. Scot is Highfather's son, after all.

I gesture to the gordanians gradually being mashed, and they pause in their firing to put their guns under their chins before firing once more. The rampaging gold women jogs dejectedly to a halt as her targets slump to the deck.

"Thank you."
Ah, so she could have done that at any time, or was the middle of a firefight just a bit too distracting? :p Again, my mistake on assuming who was being controlled, huh? Guess tall, golden and angry is a little annoyed she doesn't get to squish more lizards, though...

"Why do you have..? Her? Why does she exist?" "Why does she feel like us?"

"Esak tried using her as a living Anti-Life broadcaster. I couldn't be having with that. So I got rid of it, and used my soul to restore her." "You might want to try investing in individuals some time."
The difference between Grayven's 'Conquest by Force' and the Renegade's 'Conquest by Acquisition' in a single sentence.

"Your… Soul." His eyes narrow. "Fraud, my soul is not yours to give away."

"Look, if you're annoyed about both of us existing, take it up with Desaad or something. I don't know why we both exist. The first I knew that you were a thing was when that Citadelian got hold of you." I make a gesture of appeal. "But I don't understand the hostility. You want to fight the Reach? I'll help you fight the Reach. You having trouble with Father-?" Implicit Unity of Purpose.
Even know, the Renegade's trying to recruit him? Alas, this situation is beyond all diplomacy. This will come down to Righteous Face-punching.

"I do not believe for a moment that Darkseid is your father."

"You don't see the resemblance?" "You don't feel the resemblance?"
Especially given that Darkseid has endorsed the Renegade, whereas Grayven-16 isn't even acknowledged as existing by Him.

"Appearances mean little. I half-believe that when I cut you down, your face will change to back to that of whatever chimeristic being you truly are." "I feel a trespass."

The gold woman holding Lynne raises her over her head. "So do you want me to keep holding the girl-?"
Ah, Lynne's control weakening in the face of their Master? She'd better be careful, no telling what he may command. :eek: Knowing she's not in control of them makes this a lot scarier, honestly. Remember: squishy girl in the hands of a murderous, super-strong grunt...

Other Grayven takes his eyes off me for a fraction of a second to glare her into acquiescence. "Hold."

"You need to train them better, bruh. But, seriously, I get that you don't like me 'diluting your brand'. What I don't understand is why you're prioritising me? You had a good thing going with the Reach. You could have tried to kill me once you'd built up a bit. Or co-ordinated with me until it was just us. I'm sure that our mother would-."
Heh. Probably the best approach to take to put him off-balance. He wants to be taken seriously? Show the little edgelord how silly he is...

"My mother is dead."

His eyes start to glow with-. Purple light? I wasn't exacting purple.
...Huh, My choice of colour for his invisitext becomes eerily prescient. :D It's certainly in theme with his usual later colouring.

I shake my head.

"Lady Mortalla is alive and-."

"Mortalla is one of Darkseid's concubines. She is not my mother." His eyes narrow. "So, you are not a duplicate. A true duplicate would know that as I do. Unless you actually are Mortalla's son by Darkseid, in which case this I can only see your existence as an attempt to replace me."
...He's really trying to claim 'they aren't my real parents'? Talk about a drama queen.

Ah. Well, that's what I get for jumping to conclusions. And Mortalla wasn't likely to correct me over something like that, not as she was when she first arrived. She clearly knew Grayven when he was young, so perhaps..? She just thought I was referring to her maternal role rather than literally being my mother?

It seems to me that this man has exactly the same reason as me for wanted Darkseid dead. One last attempt at cooperating…
...And then the face-punching begins. Really, why are you still trying this? He's clearly not going to join forces with you...

"Okay, but that doesn't answer my question. Why-?" "We're a lot alike. It would be more efficient-."

"I don't answer to you. I don't justify myself to you, or anyone else. I will rule supreme and alone, and when you are dead your power will become mine without the need for negotiation." "I conquer and take. 'Efficiency' is besides the point when I can replenish my reserves from what becomes mine."
And there's the difference between them. The Renegade is a man, trying to make the world better. Grayven-16 is a child, screaming to the universe that he's big, tough and doesn't need any friends.

"Well… Darn." I shrug. "Not much I can say to that. If you're committed to being an idiot-."

"I am not the idiot who split his power." The purple glow intensifies. "Do you know the difference between us?"

"I'm not a dick?"
Well, that's up for debate. No, the proper response should have been "I make this look good."

"No. Her."

Purple beams flash out NO!
:mad: Oh, hell, no! Lynne's not going out like that... I foresee her making the femazon take the hit for her... Or not...

Oh, that's an evil cliffhanger, Mr Zoat. Now we have to wait to see how Lynne gets out of this. At least you're doing a good job of making us really hate Grayven. :sneaky: I'm so looking forwards to him realising how badly he's lost as the Renegade finishes him off... But hopefully not before he pays a toll in pain for all the trouble he's caused the galaxy...
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This makes it twice now that a Grayven had struck at Renegade's family and friends. Hopefully he'll react better than that time when he thought Sunset and Rex were dead.

That said, I'll be quite disappointed if Renegade doesn't at least retaliate with a faceful of radion blasts courtesy of invisible drones toting radion cannons.
Good, remembering to take care of your subordinates. That's one thing Grayven-16 has shown a disdain for, beyond ensuring their usefulness remains apparent.

Though his Earth 50 self may have been different in that regard, at least nudging by him taking Sinthia with him when she was hit with the Anti-Life.

Even better. At least they aren't immune to telepathic control. Though I'm surprised she hasn't taken the gordanians over too. Is the two femazons her limit, or are they just that difficult to hold on to, that she requires her full focus on them?

In the previous chapter she said she was having difficulty with them so she may not be able to do more.

Amusing. They're so confused, they don't know who to shoot, so they're just shooting everyone. Foolish. And good lord, that is terribly early-2000's design. Trying to be iconic, but so over-designed...

I think it was a 90's design.

Ah, Grayven-16... Trying to be lordly and regal, but he just comes across as pompous and insecure.

Because he is pompous and insecure.

Even know, the Renegade's trying to recruit him?

Deep down he's still a Paul, so trying to recruit people, even when they're evil and too dangerous, especially when they're evil and too dangerous, is gonna be a thing.

Especially given that Darkseid has endorsed the Renegade, whereas Grayven-16 isn't even acknowledged as existing by Him.

Just like his comic book self.

He's really trying to claim 'they aren't my real parents'? Talk about a drama queen.

Well to be fair, Mortalla isn't his mother and Darkseid was more of a gene donor.

And then the face-punching begins. Really, why are you still trying this? He's clearly not going to join forces with you...

Again, he's a Paul.

Expect this.

And there's the difference between them. The Renegade is a man, trying to make the world better. Grayven-16 is a child, screaming to the universe that he's big, tough and doesn't need any friends.

All so that daddy notices him.
Thank you, corrected.
No, that's correct.
Thank you, corrected.
Even better. At least they aren't immune to telepathic control. Though I'm surprised she hasn't taken the gordanians over too. Is the two femazons her limit, or are they just that difficult to hold on to, that she requires her full focus on them?
Ah, no. She's controlling the gordanians. As previously established the Zamarons are immune.
...He's really trying to claim 'they aren't my real parents'? Talk about a drama queen.
I try and be careful with this sort of question these days. Mortalla did not give birth to him.
So does every Grayven but Paul!Grayven sport a mullet?

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