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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

So looking at all these lantern cores I'm wonder how Necron is going to do blackest night. because as far as i know he needed the anti-monitor to make his black central power battery and there is only One of him in the multiverse. so how that works with the various universe that Necron does blackest night confuses me.
And also since Mr.zoat can use Death of the Endless without asking Neil Gaimen. I'm wondering how she would feel with someone like Necron trying to take over her since she isn't a embodiment but is Death and he's trying to Death to kill everyone and if someone like Paul would pull Gromweld and stop him and ask if she would like to run the corp after getting rid of him
So looking at all these lantern cores I'm wonder how Necron is going to do blackest night. because as far as i know he needed the anti-monitor to make his black central power battery and there is only One of him in the multiverse. so how that works with the various universe that Necron does blackest night confuses me.
And also since Mr.zoat can use Death of the Endless without asking Neil Gaimen. I'm wondering how she would feel with someone like Necron trying to take over her since she isn't a embodiment but is Death and he's trying to Death to kill everyone and if someone like Paul would pull Gromweld and stop him and ask if she would like to run the corp after getting rid of him
My Nekron is very different in origin to the canonical one. Necrons would manage Blackest Night fine due to not having hearts.
My Nekron is very different in origin to the canonical one. Necrons would manage Blackest Night fine due to not having hearts.
I... really want to turn this into a joke about British spelling, but now I'm wondering if Space Marines outside the Thousand Sons are especially vulnerable to Black Lanterns.
> Leman Russ

... you know, considering this fic crosses over with both Warhammer and MLP, I'm surprised that it wasn't until just now that I'd thought about Lemon Rush.
I... really want to turn this into a joke about British spelling
The listed creators of Nekron are Mike Barr, Len Wein and Joe Staton, and they're all American.
but now I'm wondering if Space Marines outside the Thousand Sons are especially vulnerable to Black Lanterns.
No, the Thousand Sons would be completely invulnerable. Black power rings reanimate bodies, and the Rubric Marines had their bodies reduced to dust by the Rubric of Ahriman.

I imagine that other marines could fight on with one heart, though presumably they'd still be feeling the emotion that cost them their first one.
I am rereading the story and i noticed at the end of "wing and dagger part 22" it showed Hades speech in Orange when paul told him about the Billions of souls he just put on his plate. and i was wondering if more souls in the underworld mean an increase Hades power and if it does by how much because right now he has more souls then every single Olympian combined (if I'm understanding it right please correct if im wrong).
I am rereading the story and i noticed at the end of "wing and dagger part 22" it showed Hades speech in Orange when paul told him about the Billions of souls he just put on his plate. and i was wondering if more souls in the underworld mean an increase Hades power and if it does by how much because right now he has more souls then every single Olympian combined (if I'm understanding it right please correct if im wrong).

The other Olympians don't really deal with souls.

Also I think it was mentioned that it doesn't increase his power.

If anything it decreases it since he's using it to give the souls more agency and personality.

He just really loves his job.
increase Hades power and if it does by how much because right now he has more souls then every single Olympian combined (if I'm understanding it right please correct if im wrong).

I think when this question was asked before the answer was that adding all of those souls would marginally *weaken* Hades, as he is splitting the power of Erebus between more souls as the Olympian gods don't actually gain any power from their worshippers or others within their demesne. Though the power loss was pretty negligible and unlikely to make a difference in anything that happens.
I think when this question was asked before the answer was that adding all of those souls would marginally *weaken* Hades, as he is splitting the power of Erebus between more souls as the Olympian gods don't actually gain any power from their worshippers or others within their demesne. Though the power loss was pretty negligible and unlikely to make a difference in anything that happens.

I think they may actually gain some powers from worship.

Or at least find it easier to use their full power in the mortal realm by the amount of worshippers they have.

Though Hades apparently hasn't used his full power since the Titanomachy so he isn't too bothered by losing some of it.
I think they may actually gain some powers from worship.

Or at least find it easier to use their full power in the mortal realm by the amount of worshippers they have.

Though Hades apparently hasn't used his full power since the Titanomachy so he isn't too bothered by losing some of it.

That might be correct. I think the discussion at the time was that "there was a god for every belief", which would translate to something like "there are versions of every god at every power level" in The Dreaming and which one exists in the world depends on the individuals' beliefs connecting each version from The Dreaming to the material universe.
That might be correct. I think the discussion at the time was that "there was a god for every belief", which would translate to something like "there are versions of every god at every power level" in The Dreaming and which one exists in the world depends on the individuals' beliefs connecting each version from The Dreaming to the material universe.

That's actually true to the Sandman comics, as in there are different versions of every god at varying power levels, but I don't think Zoat is going to add that element here.
That might be correct. I think the discussion at the time was that "there was a god for every belief", which would translate to something like "there are versions of every god at every power level" in The Dreaming and which one exists in the world depends on the individuals' beliefs connecting each version from The Dreaming to the material universe.
Well if this is the DC universe then that means we never see any God at full power. because of the fact that you have the god that you interact with in the individual universes and then you have their Godheads that are in the Sphere of the Gods outside of the DC universes and can't be brought to the regular universes without destroying them from their metaphysical Size/weight like when we are shown Darkseid Godhead. ( the best example i can think of to describe Gods and their Godheads is how the book series "The Chronicles of Amber" and Plato describes platonic ideals that everything has and ideal/perfect version of it self I'm not really describing it correctly). All the Gods in dc are just Emanations from their Godheads so you have hades the god in the various dc universes which are all connected to the Godhead HADES in the God Sphere.

Sorry for all the rambling i find it hard to put all this into words
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Well if this is the DC universe then that means we never see any God at full power. because of the fact that you have the god that you interact with in the individual universes and then you have their Godheads that are in the Sphere of the Gods outside of the DC universes and can't be brought to the regular universes without destroying them from their metaphysical Size/weight like when we are shown Darkseid Godhead. ( the best example i can think of to describe Gods and their Godheads is how the book series "The Chronicles of Amber" and Plato describes platonic ideals that everything has and ideal/perfect version of it self I'm not really describing it correctly). All the Gods in dc are just Emanations from their Godheads so you have hades the god in the various dc universes which are all connected to the Godhead HADES in the God Sphere.

Sorry for all the rambling i find it hard to put all this into words

I don't think Zoat is using the whole Godhead thing here.

The Darkseid in this story isn't part of some greater self, he's just an uber powerful demi god.

Though Old Gods like Hades apparently can create avatars to interact on the mortal plane.
Though Old Gods like Hades apparently can create avatars to interact on the mortal plane.

That was my impression as well from this story - that "Old Gods" are basically masses of The Dreaming with an outer shell created by beliefs. So they would be more malleable in form, and take on whatever form or powerset people give them. While "New Gods" are basically demigods or mortals who has achieved such a power that The Dreaming empowers them... Similar to Lords of Chaos/Order/Whatever, as mortals basically supplement/replace their natural soul/mystic energy with energies from another plane.
That was my impression as well from this story - that "Old Gods" are basically masses of The Dreaming with an outer shell created by beliefs. So they would be more malleable in form, and take on whatever form or powerset people give them. While "New Gods" are basically demigods or mortals who has achieved such a power that The Dreaming empowers them... Similar to Lords of Chaos/Order/Whatever, as mortals basically supplement/replace their natural soul/mystic energy with energies from another plane.

New Gods are actually just empowered by the Source, not the Dreaming.
New Gods are actually just empowered by the Source, not the Dreaming.

Close enough. Considering the SI has heard from multiple magic-researchers that messing about with The Dreaming has the potential for unmaking all existence (possibly hyperbole). My impression was that The Dreaming is basically a base boiling pot of energy with 'Reality' as a small crusty cheese curd forming at the top... so The Source vs. The Dream the distinction seems more arbitrary/irrelevant to the story. They're both reality-shaping mega power sources.

EDIT-- Sorry, I don't mean to say that I consider them to be the same. The Source and The Dreaming are different things. I am just seeing from this story that **if** you can say a mortal "connects" with the collective dream of a thing, like Renegade could have "connected" with the collected dreams of Conquest individuals in the universe may have had and thereby gain divine inspiration/guidance on all manner of Conquest... then saying it was a connection to The Source or to The Dreaming doesn't really make a difference... I don't remember seeing anywhere in the story where the distinction between The Source and The Dreaming was particularly relevant... but I am happy to be corrected if someone else has a better memory than me.
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I know what a T pose is I am wondering when a JoJo character posed like that. And what about it would be insulting enough that Gardener would make it to Malvolio as people are saying that's the JoJo pose he would totally make.
I don't think any Jojo characters have actually made that kind of pose, but... it doesn't have to be insulting, either. Rather, if Gardener's making a JoJo pose (instead of whatever pose he actually made), it'd be for the memes. T-Posing to assert dominance is just as much of a meme as JoJo poses, and therefor, if Gardener is meming on Malvolio, it's just as valid an option.
The 'strike a pose' pose from the 80's Madonna music video.

Because I see Guy having seen that video more likely then having watched JoJo.

He only went to prison after Malvolio got released, right? He's been there less than a year.
Yes and no. Malvolio was imprisoned on one side of the barrier. But "Now that I am freed from the need to confine Malvolio, I have the opportunity to continue my own studies of the green light of will," makes it sound like the cost of keeping Malvolio imprisoned on one side of the barrier was recruiting effectively chaining Priest on the other side of the barrier to constantly maintain it.
A Waltz in Orange and Green (part 12)
10th September 2012
18:37 GMT

Following Guy's desires back is simple, though I'm careful to

leave enough of a gap that I'm not immediately caught up in the melee. Ships… Yes, they're not too far away now. Close enough that they could get closer and join in the fight if Malvolio wanted them to. I'd guess that he doesn't think they're powerful enough to do much against a Green Lantern of Guy's power.

Guy fires a construct-American football at Malvolio's momentarily exposed head as Apros explodes spatial charges all around him. Malvolio catches the ball without looking and uses the connection to Guy's ring to pull him closer. Guy tries to strengthen the link and toss him aside, but with a small grimace realises that he can't. A shotgun construct appears next to him and shoots the green link connecting him to the ball, the crumbler round severing the link and allowing him to evade Malvolio's volley. Apros makes more mine constructs and does something to cause them to shrink before sending them in Malvolio's direction of travel.

Where are the other t-? Oh. Mohawk-ponytail is collecting bits of treeman, who glows as he tries to reassemble himself. Okay, no one dead yet, I've got a chance.

"Illustres to closest blond Green Lantern."

"Lan-." His face appears above my ring, clearly somewhat distracted by the ally he's shielding while he reassembles his torso. "You. Did you get Priest?"

"I spoke to Priest, and he's not impressed about this. He wants to stay here and for you to leave."


"Because he thinks he can turn Malvolio into a better Sector Lantern, and because he doesn't think that his imprisonment is worth killing over."

I transition over to them, block an instinctual energy bolt and play a purple ray over the treeman's injury. It responds reasonably well, dead and dying wood coming back to life and growing back into the whole.

"Mind telling me your names?"

"Green Lantern Avir. Sorry."

I glance at him. "What for?"

"Lantern Vinkent." Treeman Vinkent checks his torso for damage, but finds nothing. "Thank you, but I must return-."

I stick a construct harness around him.

"No. I healed you. If you get back into the fight then I've picked a side. You're sidelined."

Avir raises his ring.


"I wouldn't have been able to fight on."

"You could have your ring sub someone in, but around here that would probably result in it either going to someone who would support Malvolio, or to someone in your home Sector who wouldn't know what was going on."

Avir considers for a moment, glancing back to where the two Honour Guard Lanterns are sheltering under a shared shield as Malvolio bombards them with construct cannons.


He flies back towards the fight, fishing something out of his equipment harness as he does so.

"Right. Lantern Vinkent, please tell me exactly why you're here."

"To rescue former Lantern Priest and gain intelligence on Malvolio."

"And was that Guy's idea, or was he ordered to do it by the Guardians?"

"The Guardians-. He said they were okay with it."

So they didn't specifically order it, but given Guy I can't tell whether 'okay' means that they didn't protest or that they strongly advised it. Guy's not going to answer me while he's-

I'm mildly touched as I see that he's taken a leaf out of my book and switched to railguns with iron slugs.

-busy shooting his target. Who can tell me more? Whichever Guardian gave him his original orders and is presumably monitoring him a little more closely than they do most Green Lanterns, but I don't know which of them that is. No way to learn more, then. Who can tell Guy to knock it off? Illustres Chaselon, whoever the other Illustres is, Clarissi Salaak and any of the Guardians.

Who might actually take my call?

"Ring, contact Illustres Chaselon."


I hadn't bothered with sorting out an official Corps to Corps point of contact because I know that any of the Earth Green Lanterns would answer me and two of them are Honour Guard Lanterns. But between him and Salaak-.

Chaselon's eyes appear above my ring. He doesn't say anything.

"Guy Gardner, Apros and Avir are presently fighting Lord Malvolio, ruler of Sector One Six Three Four. Are they supposed to be?"

"Why are you asking?"

"Because I'd like them to stop and discuss their differences and not actually fight unless they were irreconcilable."

"What is your stake in who wins?"

"Ah, Guy's a friend of mine, and Malvolio has peacefully unified a Sector that had been at war with itself. Malvolio also has some non-standard ideas about what power rings can do that I'd like to study more myself."

He rotates away to look at something off-camera for a moment.

"Honour Guard Lantern Gardner's order to research esoteric Green Lantern abilities comes from the Guardians. I can't countermand it."

"Guardians or a Guardian?"

"I don't have access to that information. If the Guardians have disagreements, they resolve them in private."

"But if he hasn't specifically been ordered to fight or kill Malvolio?"

"Then he could be ordered to stop. But if a Guardian declines to make such an order, the rest will probably follow their lead and leave Lantern Gardner to it."

"I don't suppose you know which Guardian originally ordered Malvolio's death, do you?"


Ugh. Okay, it sounds like Chaselon is prepared to put me through to a Guardian. But that Guardian might want Malvolio dead or locked up. Or they might consider it to not be part of their range of responsibilities. That's why I'm not asking to be referred right to Apa Ali Apsa, who would probably find this Sector to be an interesting case study. Ganthet's usually Earth's go-to Guardian, but I know for a fact that he was also the one who backed Jordan's decision to remove Sinestro from office. Sayd, maybe? I don't have good records on the rest of the Guardians-.

"Ring, second channel. Message to Hinon. Need to stop Green Lantern fighting someone with weird green light powers before someone dies. Which Guardian do I ask? Send."

"Message sent. Response received. 'Guardian Broome Bon Baris'."

I suppose that you can't vivisect someone if they're dead

"Chaselon, could you put me through to Guardian Broome Bon Baris? I'll try and get her to call Guy off."

"Try. Yes."
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