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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Guy is treating this as cops and robbers. Paul is treating it as international politics.

Be interesting to know if the Guardians actually have anything to do with this. By the sound of it Guy and some other Lanterns decided that This Will Not Stand on their own initiative.
The Guardians have a habit of doing stuff like this so it wouldn't surprise if they ordered this. Plus I don't think Guy or any other lanterns knew about Priest beforehand so them rushing in to save him means they needed to be told about him.
Yes, Atrocitus and the other Inversions are still on Ysmault.
Well, there's still time so if I might make a suggestion?

Turn the other Inversions into real characters, people, instead of mere nameless aliens sacrificed for the Red central power battery. I vaguely recall you saying before Atrocitus isn't inclined to use "the weapons of his enemies" (lantern rings) so… if the "demons" don't die to Atrocitus' blind rage, then they have a chance.

I could see at least one of the Inversions having a lot in common with Superman from Injustice.
Well, there's still time so if I might make a suggestion?

Turn the other Inversions into real characters, people, instead of mere nameless aliens sacrificed for the Red central power battery. I vaguely recall you saying before Atrocitus isn't inclined to use "the weapons of his enemies" (lantern rings) so… if the "demons" don't die to Atrocitus' blind rage, then they have a chance.

I could see at least one of the Inversions having a lot in common with Superman from Injustice.
The other Inversions are demons who hang around Atrocitus because of all of the suffering he will inflict. They're not exactly deep in any canon.
The other Inversions are demons who hang around Atrocitus because of all of the suffering he will inflict. They're not exactly deep in any canon.
Wait, they're really demons? Huh. I though they were just alien magic-users that became dictators (only some of whom were genocidal). Figured they'd be equals who'd used terrible rituals to enhance themselves, hence why they survived crucifixion.

Whatever then… DC writers are weird.
Wait, they're really demons? Huh. I though they were just alien magic-users that became dictators (only some of whom were genocidal). Figured they'd be equals who'd used terrible rituals to enhance themselves, hence why they survived crucifixion.

Whatever then… DC writers are weird.

Hell, I think Atrocitus was also originally intended to be a demon before they changed him into an alien that looks something like a stereotypical depiction of a demon.
Wait, they're really demons? Huh. I though they were just alien magic-users that became dictators (only some of whom were genocidal). Figured they'd be equals who'd used terrible rituals to enhance themselves, hence why they survived crucifixion.

Whatever then… DC writers are weird.

Yeah. IIRC Atrociticus being one of the Inversions was a shoehorned-in retcon; he's the one who doesn't really fit.
Then what are they made out of?

I believe the original depiction the Oans made the Central Power Battery out of "solidified psychic power." Which of course begs the question, how are the rings technological at all if they are made out of solidified psychic power that the Guardians made without the assistance of any actual technology?

Then a Flash storyline revealed that rings and lanterns are made out of Oarum. Maybe the other way around. Ditto yellow rings made out of a substance mined on Qward, named Qwardite.

Fighting Dr Polaris who has magnetic powers, he actually made Kyle punch himself because Kyle's ring was apparently a magnetic substance, which implies the Oarum origin. Why would a psychic crystal be magnetic?

So as is often the case with DC it's a matter of which canon you like.

The red rings were made out blood thanks to magic.

The Star Sapphire rings were made from the crystal that grew out of hawkman/girl's skeleton.

Indigo rings were made out of an underground river of compassion.

Black and white rings were made whole cloth by cosmic entities.
I believe the original depiction the Oans made the Central Power Battery out of "solidified psychic power." Which of course begs the question, how are the rings technological at all if they are made out of solidified psychic power that the Guardians made without the assistance of any actual technology?

Then a Flash storyline revealed that rings and lanterns are made out of Oarum. Maybe the other way around. Ditto yellow rings made out of a substance mined on Qward, named Qwardite.

Fighting Dr Polaris who has magnetic powers, he actually made Kyle punch himself because Kyle's ring was apparently a magnetic substance, which implies the Oarum origin. Why would a psychic crystal be magnetic?

So as is often the case with DC it's a matter of which canon you like.

The red rings were made out blood thanks to magic.

The Star Sapphire rings were made from the crystal that grew out of hawkman/girl's skeleton.

Indigo rings were made out of an underground river of compassion.

Black and white rings were made whole cloth by cosmic entities.
Crazier and crazier.
These square rings make a circle.
A Waltz in Orange and Green (part 10)
10th September 2012
18:31 GMT


Green fire billows in the void, swelling into the shapeOf a fortified gate, heavy wood with iron reinforcement.

"Alright, heads up guys. Chief asshole incoming."

The other Green Lanterns turn away from the barrier, forming shield constructs.

"Guy, he punched Jordan through a planet."

Guy and Apros form multi-layered construct armour around themselves while the other two spread out into flanking positions.

"You feel like helpin' out, that's great."

"I feel like slapping you upside the head, you… Dummy."

Which if you're from 'Baldamore', serves both as a term of endearment and an insult. Which from Guy's smile, he knows that I know.

"Ayo, you do care."

"I'll try to make sure that you don't die if you agree to do the same."

"Hand on heart: I'll make sure I don't die too."

Which is actually what I want him to say.

"Illustres out."

Another surge of green flame and the door is thrown open. Something… I can't quite make sense of the flash of… Something beyond the door, but I see it clearly when Lord Malvolio storms out, the green fire surrounding the door appearing to stick to him.

"What scurrilous yaldson dares to intrude upon mine domain?"

Technically inaccurate, though I doubt that Guy would complain, true or false.

"To arms!"

And I immediately detect the closest fleets turn in our direction, while those a little further away change direction-. They're getting in position to intercept if the local Green Lanterns flee.

I fly towards Malvolio-. Is he going to have ring communications? I remember that Alan did, but that it had all sorts of technical problems. Try it; it's not like I can shout from here.

"Illustres to Lord Malvolio. Please respond."

I talked about it with Alan once, what it was like to try flying long distance in space without an AI. Apparently he and Doctor Knight went to the moon once, but when the two of them discussed the astrophysics of the system they both decided against trying to fly to Mars. No AI meant he'd have to rely on a construct telescope to see the object he was flying towards. No AI meant no speedometer. He could accelerate far harder than any rocket ship but FTL was a struggle requiring him to bend space manually with a full understanding of exactly what he was doing to spacetime. Essentially, he decided that it wasn't worth it.

Malvolio clearly has no such problem. Though I don't know where the door came from.

"Illustres to-."

He looks directly at me, and I raise my right hand in an awkward wave, slowing my travel as I do so.

"The manner of your leave-taking left a little to be desired."

"Sorry, but I felt that getting here ahead of you gave me the best chance of preventing bloodshed."

"And how fare you?"

"I haven't necessarily been entirely successful. But if you could give me a little more time-"

The door doesn't fade so much as get sucked into his flaming aura.

"-I'm reasonably hopeful that I can talk them down."

"Have they made aught progress in their maleficent designs?"

"Not as far as I could see."

"Then we shall see if my steel fares better than your honey."

The glow intensifies and he's gone, flying towards Guy at extremely fast sublight speed.

No. No. No…

"Illustres to Gardner. Look, you can probably get out before he reaches you if you make an effort."

"He know how to block Crumbler shots?"

"Ah, I haven't told him, but I can't guarantee-."

"This is th' job, Paul. Stand back and watch us kick his ass. Or you can always say-"

I watch him generate a minigun construct just big enough for crumbler ammunition.

"-you told me so."

Guy strikes a pose and opens fire, my ring tracking the trajectory of his shots. Malvolio sends forth a gout of green flame, causing the sophisticated anti-construct rounds to be destroyed without activating.

"Ah, sh-."

The ring communication cuts out as the fight takes all of his attention.

Apros is hanging back a little, his preferred avenue of attack being telepathy. Neither Malvolio nor his constructs seem perturbed, but Apros is able to space swim around Malvolio's burning beams.

Oh, for goodness' sake.

I don't want to attack either party. I want this to stop, preferably before anyone-

Having trained with me, Guy's much better at dodging Lord Malvolio's punches than Jordan was. He's having trouble, though. He should really have disengaged by now; that's standard protocol for Lanterns fighting super strong opponents.

-dies. What should I do?

Malvolio manages a glancing blow and Guy goes spinning through the void, construct armour exploding outward from where Malvolio's fist hit it. Ablative armour is great against crumblers, but not anything like as good for more simple attacks. Guy recreates his armour as I try and work out what he's doing. Is he intentionally tanking? That-.

Guy's a little slow recovering and this time takes a punch to the chest. He hurtles towards the barrier imprisoning Priest while Lord Malvolio goes in for a follow up attack.

Apros intercepts him, his construct tentacles being incinerated almost as quickly as they're being made.

I need to stop-.

I fly towards the barrier as the two Lanterns I don't recognise pelt Lord Malvolio with green bolts of energy, which as far as I can tell doesn't even distract him as he stops burning the tentacles and starts pulling them towards himself.

Okay, barrier, barrier.

I unfocus, searching inside for-. Ah, it's not decontaminated. We can feel the desires of those who were on the other side, and something of the patterns of their lives. We transubstantiate, flying along the corridors until we are where they were. And then we appear-.

"Oh dear. This really wasn't necessary."
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Guy, he punched Jordan through a planet."

And Guy is much stronger than Jordan.

Hand on heart: I'll make sure I don't die to."

'die too'

Another surge of green flame and the door is thrown open. Something… I can't quite make sense of the flash of… Something beyond the door, but I see it clearly when Lord Malvolio storms out, the green fire surrounding the door appearing to stick to him.

So this is Malvolio's version of the Honden, or ar least a transportation technique.

Add a "

Malvolio clearly has no such problem. Though I don't know where the door came from.

Probably just a transportation technique.

Or you can always say-"

I watch him generate a minigun construct just big enough for crumbler ammunition.

"-you told me so."

Pail always loves saying this.

Of course he does.


"Oh dear. This really wasn't necessary."

No time to be zen, Priest.
10th September 2012
18:31 GMT


Green fire billows in the void, swelling into the shapeOf a fortified gate, heavy wood with iron reinforcement.
Welp, looks like he did pull a Goku, and now he can teleport via Will. Well done, Guy and friends. At this point, all OL can hope for is that Malvolio takes a moment to look before he leaps... And that ain't likely.

"Alright, heads up guys. Chief asshole incoming."

The other Green Lanterns turn away from the barrier, forming shield constructs.
Dang Lanterns, bullheaded as ever.

"Guy, he punched Jordan through a planet."

Guy and Apros form multi-layered construct armour around themselves while the other two spread out into flanking positions.
And it'll do as much good as for hunters with sticks did against a mammoth....

"You feel like helpin' out, that's great."

"I feel like slapping you upside the head, you… Dummy."

Which if you're from 'Baldamore', serves both as a term of endearment and an insult. Which from Guy's smile, he knows that I know.
Save it for after the fight, along with the 'I told you so's...

"Ayo, you do care."

"I'll try to make sure that you don't die if you agree to do the same."
If only so you can kill him later for being a twit.

"Hand on heart: I'll make sure I don't die to."

Which is actually want I want him to say.
Now, will he follow through on that promise in the heights of stubbornness the Green Light can produce? We'll see...

"Illustres out."

Another surge of green flame and the door is thrown open. Something… I can't quite make sense of the flash of… Something beyond the door, but I see it clearly when Lord Malvolio storms out, the green fire surrounding the door appearing to stick to him.
Hmm... A glimpse of Will's Realm, or merely a powerful wormhole? Given that Greediporting is basically instantaneous, I'm leaning towards the latter... But OL did take longer when he first started using it...

"What scurrilous yaldson dares to intrude upon mine domain?

Technically inaccurate, though I doubt that Guy would complain, true or false.
I'm not sure what it means, but clearly it's not a pleasant term...

To arms!"

And I immediately detect the closest fleets turn in our direction, while those a little further away change direction-. They're getting in position to intercept if the local Green Lanterns flee.
Not bad. I assume that was some manner of comms call, as managed without the Ring VI.

I fly towards Malvolio-. Is he going to have ring communications? I remember that Alan did, but that it had all sorts of technical problems. Try it; it's not like I can shout from here.

"Illustres to Lord Malvolio. Please respond."
From the looks of it, he's not in a talking mood. This is going to need some fast talking.

I talked about it with Alan once, what it was like to try flying long distance in space without an AI. Apparently he and Doctor Knight went to the moon once, but when the two of them discussed the astrophysics of the system they both decided against trying to fly to Mars. No AI meant he'd have to rely on a construct telescope to see the object he was flying towards. No AI meant no speedometer. He could accelerate far harder than any rocket ship but FTL was a struggle requiring him to bend space manually with a full understanding of exactly what he was doing to spacetime. Essentially, he decided that it wasn't worth it.
Though I bet it was one hell of a trip. Not like many people before them had seen the Earth from space, nor the Moon up close...

Malvolio clearly has no such problem. Though I don't know where the door came from.

"Illustres to-."

He looks directly at me, and I raise my right hand in an awkward wave, slowing my travel as I do so.
Just in case he thinks you're coming at him with intent. Good move.

"The manner of your leave-taking left a little to be desired."

"Sorry, but I felt that getting here ahead of you gave me the best chance of preventing bloodshed."
Unfortunately, you've been foiled by Guy's bullheadedness...

"And how fare you?"

"I haven't necessarily been entirely successful. But if you could give me a little more time-"
And I can see Malvolio giving him a 'Really?' look.

The door doesn't fade so much as get sucked into his flaming aura.

"-I'm reasonably hopeful that I can talk them down."
And the Look deepens. I really don't think he's in the mood, OL.

"Have they made aught progress in their maleficent designs?"

"Not as far as I could see."
After all, they were probably trying to work out what sort of construct Malvolio had used... I doubt a Crumbler would have done much, no matter how large.

"Then we shall see if my steel fares better than your honey."

The glow intensifies and he's gone, flying towards Guy at extremely fast sublight speed.
Well, at least he isn't travelling FTL yet. Which is going to make him a very visible target for the Lanterns.

No. No. No…

"Illustres to Gardner. Look, you can probably get out before he reaches you if you make an effort."
Has Guy ever backed down from a fight he thought he had a chance of winning, OL? Do you really expect him to start now?

"He know how to block Crumbler shots?"

"Ah, I haven't told him, but I can't guarantee-."
For all you know, his aura will blow them away before they make contact with anything solid...

"This is th' job, Paul. Stand back and watch us kick his ass. Or you can always say-"

I watch him generate a minigun construct just big enough for crumbler ammunition.

"-you told me so."
Oh, he's gonna hold you to that, Guy. While he patches you up.

Guy strikes a pose and opens fire, my ring tracking the trajectory of his shots. Malvolio sends forth a gout of green flame, causing the sophisticated anti-construct rounds to be destroyed without activating.

"Ah, sh-."
I have the feeling the flame is working more like a tiny swarm of constructs. No crumbler will snuff more than a tiny bit of it...

The ring communication cuts out as the fight takes all of his attention.

Apros is hanging back a little, his preferred avenue of attack being telepathy. Neither Malvolio nor his constructs seem perturbed, but Apros is able to space swim around Malvolio's burning beams.
Someone never learnt to ignore natural reflexes while moving under Ring power, did he?

Oh, for goodness' sake.

I don't want to attack either party. I want this to stop, preferably before anyone-
Then do something, OL. You're going to piss someone off no matter what you do, so why not restrain all of them?

Having trained with me, Guy's much better at dodging Lord Malvolio's punches than Jordan was. He's having trouble, though. He should really have disengaged by now: that's standard protocol for Lanterns fighting super strong opponents.

-dies. What should I do?
Problem with backing off is, Malvolio will simply pursue. And making an FTL hop to open distance probably feels like retreating...

Malvolio manages a glancing blow and Guy goes spinning through the void, construct armour exploding outward from where Malvolio's fist hit it. Ablative armour is great against crumblers, but not anything like as good for more simple attacks. Guy recreates his armour as I try and work out what he's doing. Is he intentionally tanking? That-.

Guy's a little slow recovering and this time takes a punch to the chest. He hurtles towards the barrier imprisoning Priest while Lord Malvolio goes in for a follow up attack.
I can see it. Unfortunately, his squad-mates' DPS leaves a lot to be desired.

Apros intercepts him, his construct tentacles being incinerated almost as quickly as they're being made.

I need to stop-.

I fly towards the barrier as the two Lanterns I don't recognise pelt Lord Malvolio with green bolts of energy, which as far as I can tell doesn't even distract him as he stop burning the tentacles and starts pulling them towards himself.
Okay, that's impressive. Subverting a Lantern's constructs with a Light other than Orange? I suspect a lot of Malvolio's strength is that he doesn't know it's not possible...

Okay, barrier, barrier.

I unfocus, searching inside for-. Ah, it's not decontaminated. We can feel the desires of those who were one on the other side, and something of the patterns of their lives. We transubstantiate, flying along the corridors until we are where they were. And then we appear-.

"Oh dear. This really wasn't necessary."
Ah, going to haul Priest out of there and hope he can talk Malvolio down? At least we have confirmation that he is Enlightened.

I suppose busting the person the Green Lanterns came here to recover is one way to sort out the fight. Not going to make the 800-pound gorilla happy, but he's already in a bad mood, so I doubt things can get that much worse... Unless someone calls Ion in. Of course, there's still the matter of the bubble of Will holding Priest there.
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Hmm... A glimpse of Will's Realm, or merely a powerful wormhole? Given that Greediporting is basically instantaneous, I'm leaning towards the latter... But OL did take longer when he first started using it...
The issue where Hal enters the Green Central Power Battery is called Willworld. Mr Zoat may use that as the name for Willpower's equivalent of the Honden of Avarice.

Which is actually want I want him to say.
That should say 'what'.
Hinon returns to the corporeal universe a moment later, appearing as she did when we left. Parts of her robes glow with orange light, pulling away from her body almost like they're… Sticking to the place we just passed through. She glances at them, a faint hint of nervousness in her eyes as they fall into place.

Another surge of green flame and the door is thrown open. Something… I can't quite make sense of the flash of… Something beyond the door, but I see it clearly when Lord Malvolio storms out, the green fire surrounding the door appearing to stick to him.

Sure looks similar. Wonder if Malvolio did copy the technique by observing Paragon.
Are we not talking about Priest achieving Green Enligthenment?

I'm still waiting for one Paul to assemble a whole set, sooner or later.

I think we got Red, Orange, Yellow and Green so far.
who had yellow enlightenment

I think he's talking about Lord Protector.
Michael Siskin did too, though he's (probably) dead now.

Malvolio sends forth a gout of green flame, causing the sophisticated anti-construct rounds to be destroyed without activating.
Not sure how he managed this. I thought he would have just triggered them all in one go or something.

We now have three green-enlightened Lanterns in play (maybe four if Chaselon shows up- he's my first pick for who I would have sent to face someone like Malvolio). I'm not going to get my hopes up for Ion (because he's willpower, not hope) but things should be interesting.

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