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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

It's things like this that make me wish that Paul would either recruit him for the OLC or have a talk with Lonnie, either about becoming a superhero or finding a productive way of achieving social justice. This is just so that he doesn't go down the route of anti-villain.
Well, ReneGrayven is keeping an eye on his version after Lonnie came to ask questions at an interview, but I forget if ParaPaul has shown any concern/interest before now.
Sungate (part 18)
11th September 2012
19:47 GMT

And then there were nine.

And I feel slightly guilty for thinking that.

Ideally, these gods would either have a good deal more training before taking on planetwide responsibility, or would be in full on god mode and using their powers to aid people remotely. Ruling a planet while not actually all that powerful isn't a good place to start.

"My lords and ladies."

I incline my head rather than doing a full-on bow. They're seating in pairs at the head of the room, except Coeus and… Phoebe, obviously. He's standing next to his seat, his right hand resting on it for a moment before he jerks it off and steps away.


He reaches into his toga and pulls out… A small orb, of the same starry sky texture as his hair and clothes.

"Do you know what this is?"

I glance at Melinoë, who is staring at it in fascination. Whatever it is, it's setting off the magic detection system in my helmet something fierce.

"I can't say that I do."

He nods, and puts it away.

"Do you know why we left Karrakan?"

"I was planning to find out later. It didn't seem to be of primary importance."

"It isn't; there's barely anything left there, now. Mother… In her exile, our mother occasionally mated with some of the locals, begetting a new race of demigods. They fought amongst themselves, their great.. war, destroyed their civilisation. We were our mother's attempt to salvage the situation. That was my… Seed; the fragment of my uncle's magic which she used to grant me life. The intent was that she would guide us as we came fully into our powers, then we would use them to restore Karrakan. But the.. strain of creating us proved too much. And without her guidance…"

He shakes his head.

"There are a few amongst our followers who we brought with us, Athyns chief amongst them."

"He's one of Rhea's natural children, isn't he? I thought that something felt odd about him when he escorted us here."

"He's a descendant. We're not sure.. how closely related they are."

"Does he know?"

Hyperion's head blazes.

"Of course he doesn't know! His people tore their world apart when they thought they were blessed by a higher power! We will not make that mistake!"

"I understand where you're coming from, but I don't think that will work in the longer term."

"It doesn't have to. It just has to work long enough. Besides, it's not as if we can't deal with-" A corona of fire flares around him. "-a rogue demigod or two."

"I take it that Phoebe's sphere was missing?"

Coeus nods. "Yes. I don't know whether removing it from her was.. enough by itself to reduce her to her current estate, or if someone struck her with a weapon first. But it is gone."

"Do they have other uses?"

"It's a powerful focus of titanic magic. I imagine it would serve that purpose for anyone."

"Are there any magicians on board?"

Mnemosyne shakes her head. "Two, and I have already confirmed that they were not involved."

"Have you heard of New Genesis? It's a planet."

A few shaken heads.

"Aporia reported hearing a sound characteristic to their long range teleportation system. The New Gods usually don't care about the divinities of other races-."

Iapetus's eyes widen. "You know the perpetrators?!"

"The New Gods inhabit two worlds, and those two worlds are at war. Usually, when one world commits an evil deed, Apokolips is to blame, but New Genesis hardly has clean hands. For what I've learned of their morality, it's perfectly possible that they'd consider Athyns to be a peer and all of you to be rogue automata."

Hyperion blazes brighter. "They would dare-?!"

"I don't know. It's a possibility that I would investigate. I would think it more likely to have been Apokolips, on the grounds that ruining things and making people miserable are considered to be worthy goals in themselves by the Apokolipitians, but those are my leading suspects. Is it possible to track them?"

Iapetus shakes her head. "None of us have the knowledge of magic that would be required, even if it were."

"I do."

I keep my face blank. I did give Hades several books on modern thaumaturgy back when I wanted to get into Tartarus, but I hadn't gotten the impression that Melinoë was all that into them. Granted, she learned to make those nightmare conduit things relatively quickly, and her very physiology is proof that she's intimately familiar with titanic magic…


Coeus stares at her.

"You can?"

"I could track it within a single thaumatic environment." She tilts her head slightly to the right. "I might be able to track it through the Dream, though that would be a great deal more difficult." She strides up to Coeus. "Give me your seed."

Behind me, Aporia snorts.

But I get thinking. Okay, if a New God took it, they might take it home to study it. Study how to make it suffer in Desaad's case, or study how to make use of it for Metron or someone like him. But they wouldn't be coming back in either instance. They wouldn't hang around inside the thaumosphere of Minosyss or lurk in the Dream, they'd head right back to Apokolips or New Genesis. There are two reasons to hang around: the other gods and the maltusian storage depot. The depot's been here for a billion years, so unless they've only just heard about it… Which seems unlikely, because as far as I know there hasn't been any information travelling from Maltus to either New Genesis or Apokolips.

Grayven the obvious potential exception. But unless he's tracking me -which should be impossible- how the heck would he know about this place?

How advanced was Karrakan? Because they're the only people-.

"Yes, I can feel it. Distantly-."

There's a mighty banging on the door!

Iapetus glares at the faux-wood. "We are in council!"

"My lords and ladies! A fleet has been sighted, and they're heading this way!"
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And then there were nine.

So Charles Dance is behind this.

would be in full on god more and using

'god mode'

Have you heard of New Genesis? It's a planet."

Don't forget its fiery twin.

and her very physiology is proof that she's intimately familiar with titanic magic…

Due to her father having titanic magic running through him when he sired her.

She strides up to Coeus. "Give me your seed."

Behind me, Aporia snorts.

This was bound to happen.

The New Gods inhabit two worlds, and those two worlds are at war. Usually, when one world commits an evil deed, Apokolips is to blame, but New Genesis hardly has clean hands. For what I've learned of their morality, it's perfectly possible that they'd consider Athyns to be a peer and all of you to be rogue automata."

Hmm, if this is Sparta then maybe she was given, or took, Boom Tube tech from either of these sides, or from a rogue element.

Metron's probably not the only one that is independent.

Apokalips would have given her tech to spread misery, while New Genesis may have done it for noble but misguided reasons.

Rhea's little excursion to space led to a civilization collapsing, so they may think the Titans can only bring destruction with them and thought one if their victims should receive justice.
11th September 2012
19:47 GMT

And then there were nine.

And I feel slightly guilty for thinking that.
Well, if all goes well, Phoebe will be back amongst their number before long. The alternative... Well, presumably the perpetrator has good reason to continue attacking them, but they'll have to be much more circumspect about it.

Ideally, these gods would either have a good deal more training before taking on planetwide responsibility, or would be in full on god more and using their powers to aid people remotely. Ruling a planet while not actually all that powerful isn't a good place to start.
I don't know, some who attempt it generally do well enough, even if they end up muddling a few things here and there... Delegation would go a long way.

"My lords and ladies."

I incline my head rather than doing a full-on bow. They're seating in pairs at the head of the room, except Coeus and… Phoebe, obviously. He's standing next to his seat, his right hand resting on it for a moment before he jerks it off and steps away.
Yes, he's not taking this at all well, is he? I wonder how much they depend on their 'partner' in general...


He reaches into his toga and pulls out… A small orb, of the same starry sky texture as his hair and clothes.
And not doubt would look like a total special effects nightmare. Swing one way, it looks pasted on. The other way, it looks overdone...

"Do you know what this is?"

I glance at Melinoë, who is staring at it in fascination. Whatever it is, it's setting off the magic detection system in my helmet something fierce.
Well, on the upside, I doubt it's whispering dark thoughts into his mind about Rings and Power and hobbits...

"I can't say that I do."

He nods, and puts it away.
Please, do. Don't you know how rude it is to whip your balls out in public? :p

"Do you know why we left Karrakan?"

"I was planning to find out later. It didn't seem to be of primary importance."
...Unless, you know, the circumstances resulted in a very angry survivor, or something like that...

"It isn't; there's barely anything left there, now. Mother… In her exile, our mother occasionally mated with some of the locals, begetting a new race of demigods. They fought amongst themselves, their great.. war, destroyed their civilisation. We were our mother's attempt to salvage the situation. That was my… Seed; the fragment of my uncle's magic which she used to grant me life. The intent was that she would guide us as we came fully into our powers, then we would use them to restore Karrakan. But the.. strain of creating us proved too much. And without her guidance…"
And Karrakan was not the first, clearly. Just the one they know of. Interesting that she had these fragments of her siblings' power. A gift from the Dreaming, perhaps? I wonder if any previous Seeds still have their own empowering orbs?

He shakes his head.

"There are a few amongst out followers who we brought with us, Athyns chief amongst them."
Well, I suppose he does stand out compared to the locals.

"He's one of Rhea's natural children, isn't he? I thought that something felt odd about him when he escorted us here."

"He's a descendant. We're not sure.. how closely related they are."
An interesting change. Assuming that's an actual change, and not just their assumption. Remember the canonical Titan Seeds had their memories erased (though it didn't take for Sparta, and ultimately set off her little crusade...)

"Does he know?"

Hyperion's head blazes.
...Okay, his voice is now James Woods. Can you unhear it?

"Of course he doesn't know! His people tore their world apart when they thought they were blessed by a higher power! We will not make that mistake!"

"I understand where you're coming from, but I don't think that will work in the longer term."
Especially with you folks swanning about in your moonbase, being all divine at them...

"It doesn't have to. It just has to work long enough. Besides, it's not as if we can't deal with-" A corona of fire flares around him. "-a rogue demigod or two."

"I take it that Phoebe's sphere was missing?"
Sucker's Bet. And I have the feeling they'll have to deal with 'a rogue demigod' very soon... Quite possibly a rouge one, given her likely state of mind. :p

Coeus nods. "Yes. I don't know whether removing it from her was.. enough by itself to reduce her to her current estate, or if someone struck her with a weapon first. But it is gone."

"Do they have other uses?"
I bet they make a great paperweight and conversation starter! :V

"It's a powerful focus of titanic magic. I imagine it would serve that purpose for anyone."

"Are there any magicians on board?"
And more importantly, would they have the motive or ability to acquire it for themselves?

Mnemosyne shakes her head. "Two, and I have already confirmed that they were not involved."

"Have you heard of New Genesis? It's a planet."
To be fair, not leading with Apokalips is... Wise, but a bit of an oversight.

A few shaken heads.

"Aporia reported hearing a sound characteristic to their long range teleportation system. The New Gods usually don't care about the divinities of other races-."

Iapetus's eyes widen. "You know the perpetrators?!"
It's only a suspicion thus far. All he can guess is that their transportation method was involved...

"The New Gods inhabit two worlds, and those two worlds are at war. Usually, when one world commits an evil deed, Apokolips is to blame, but New Genesis hardly has clean hands. For what I've learned of their morality, it's perfectly possible that they'd consider Athyns to be a peer and all of you to be rogue automata."

Hyperion blazes brighter. "They would dare-?!"
Yes, New Genesis isn't all sweetness and light, but... Would they even care about the Titans? They rule one world. Hardly worth the effort of dispatching even a single warrior to take them down.

"I don't know. It's a possibility that I would investigate. I would think it more likely to have been Apokolips, on the grounds that ruining things and making people miserable are considered to be worthy goals in themselves by the Apokolipitians, but those are my leading suspects. Is it possible to track them?"

Iapetus shakes her head. "None of us have the knowledge of magic that would be required, even if it were."
Because of course none of them got lucky enough to be Gods of Magic...

"I do."

I keep my face blank. I did give Hades several books on modern thaumaturgy back when I wanted to get into Tartarus, but I hadn't gotten the impression that Melinoë was all that into them. Granted, she learned to make those nightmare conduit things relatively quickly, and her very physiology is proof that she's intimately familiar with titanic magic…
For all you know, she did know a few tricks back in the day, especially if she's been in touch with Hekate (who is sometimes described as the holder of Hades' keys.)


Coeus stares at her.

"You can?"
Man, I'm amazed he wasn't blue with hope.

"I could track it within a single thaumatic environment." She tilts her head slightly to the right. "I might be able to track it through the Dream, though that would be a great deal more difficult." She strides up to Coeus. "Give me your seed."

Behind me, Aporia snorts.
About the only way that innocent statement could have been funnier is if it was Hyperion she was.. propositioning.

But I get thinking. Okay, if a New God took it, they might take it home to study it. Study how to make it suffer in Desaad's case, or study how to make use of it for Metron or someone like him. But they wouldn't be coming back in either instance. They wouldn't hang around inside the thaumosphere of Minosyss or lurk in the Dream, they'd head right back to Apokolips or New Genesis. There are two reasons to hang around: the other gods and the maltusian storage depot. The depot's been here for a billion years, so unless they've only just heard about it… Which seems unlikely, because as far as I know there hasn't been any information travelling from maltus to either New Genesis or Apokolips.
Unless it's someone with, say, a more personal stake in matters.

Grayven the obvious potential exception. But unless he's tracking me -which should be impossible- how the heck would he know about this place?

How advanced was Karrakan? Because they're the only people-.
I'm guessing 'not an interstellar power'. And honestly, I would not be surprised if Grayven had acquired some manner of locating OL. After all, knowing where your enemies' greatest weapon is at any time is highly desirable for a conqueror.

"Yes, I can feel it. Distantly-."

There's a might banging on the door!
Always just as you get started with the foreplay...

Iapetus glares at the faux-wood. "We are in council!"

"My lords and ladies! A fleet has been sighted, and they're heading this way!"
...Now, who's commanding the fleet? Who makes up the bulk of its forces?

I bet OL's first thought will be 'Grayven', but I get the feeling this is something more closely related to the Titans... Perhaps survivors of Rhea's previous visitations, looking for some payback? For all we know, Phoebe's attack might have been planned as a distraction, since I can't think of any powers she might have that would make her useful in the defence of New Cronus. I'm sure tomorrow will answer some questions, at least...
Yes, he's not taking this at all well, is he? I wonder how much they depend on their 'partner' in general...

They may be able to function without them, mystically speaking, but they may be weakened somewhat.

Their respective spouses all share a domain so without them they may not be that effective.

Please, do. Don't you know how rude it is to whip your balls out in public? :p

Hey, ancient Greek art has the gods be nude like 90% of the time.

And Karrakan was not the first, clearly. Just the one they know of. Interesting that she had these fragments of her siblings' power. A gift from the Dreaming, perhaps?

Or she took them with her when she was banished, or Zeus or someone else gave it to her.

Okay, his voice is now James Woods. Can you unhear it?

Now I can't stop hearing it!

All he needs now is two incompetent lackeys for him to torture.

Yes, New Genesis isn't all sweetness and light, but... Would they even care about the Titans? They rule one world. Hardly worth the effort of dispatching even a single warrior to take them down.

Their mother played a part in the destruction of a civilization.

They may feel the Titans need to be stopped before another one is destroyed.

Add the fact that the planet they're trying to take over has Sun Eaters, and you can see why the New Genesians would have reason to stop them.

I bet OL's first thought will be 'Grayven', but I get the feeling this is something more closely related to the Titans... Perhaps survivors of Rhea's previous visitations, looking for some payback? For all we know, Phoebe's attack might have been planned as a distraction, since I can't think of any powers she might have that would make her useful in the defence of New Cronus. I'm sure tomorrow will answer some questions, at least

It's probably Sparta, though I wouldn't rule out Actually Grayven.

He could gave recruited her like he did with Astarte and this is what she wanted as payment for working for him.

And Phoebe is a moon goddess and New Chronus is a moon so maybe with her out of the picture the defensive and offensive capabilities the base has are lowered.
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I know Lonnie was mentioned once or twice but where did it say he's the Joker's son?

Here's one scene.

"Lonnie Machin. You're a long way from Gotham."


That actually wrong-foots him. He's… Nine at the moment, so he probably hasn't started using his brain reprogrammer yet. He's just the unusually cerebral and basically well-intentioned son of a man whose arms I crushed not so long ago. Not that he knows that at this point in his life. Actually, I should probably check-. Yes. And he's got a few of the neural abnormalities, too
I know Lonnie was mentioned once or twice but where did it say he's the Joker's son?

I believe it was in the part when Paul sees the Joker in the fight against the Injustice League.
Found it.

I've seen pictures of Jack Napier before, but since he isn't a threat to me I didn't study him at any length. He seems to have gone the canon failed comic to Red Hood to pasty nutter route. Scans of his Arkham records gave me his DNA, and it looks like Lonnie really is his son. Not sharing that piece of data.
Zoat already made his ruling so I'm not really arguing this, but I'm going to say that's not the simpler explanation because there aren't enough inconsistencies. To the contrary, all the myths are way too on point and true. Greek myths are suspiciously accurate to how how the gods seem to remember things, even for stuff that frankly doesn't make them look very good and you wouldn't think they'd be bragging to mortals about or correcting them to make sure the stories stayed accurate.

But hey, comics everybody! I can believe a man can fly; I can believe in accurate mythology.

Greek myths are full of conflicting accounts and contradictory versions.

They arent even close to as syncretic as modern pop culture perception. Each major city had their own versions of myths with different important gods. The perceptions of gods evolved over time.
"Hailing New Cronus. Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps, Ambassador of Maltus, here as requested. I'm requesting landing instructions."
Yeah, about that...

"I serve at the gods' will."
I going to be honest, you are writing this really badly the last several segments.

OL went there because they (the local conquerors) requested diplomatic talks with the Malthusian Controllers.
OL got sent there to represent the Controllers officially. To see that they wanted, and relay that to the controllers.
He isn't there as a lackey, or servant, or subordinate.

This and a couple previous segments feel like if the English or American ambassador to Afghanistan (after the Americans and English pulled out of the place ages ago as no longer interested in the place as a going concern) had the current Afgan Gov't come up to them (after having just conquered the place) requested the ambassador to see about getting them to disarm and remove a mine field they left behind when they withdrew.

And while the ambassador was there had a challenge to their new leadership, where the ambassador decided to help them because why not. And then, seeing how accommodating he was being, asked the ambassador to suck their cocks. To which the ambassador was all, "Sure, would you prefer if I spit, or swallow" not realizing that sucking the cocks of foreign heads of state while acting as an ambassador isn't making for very good diplomatic precedent.

What's with the bad writing, Zoat?
Yeah, about that...

I going to be honest, you are writing this really badly the last several segments.

OL went there because they (the local conquerors) requested diplomatic talks with the Malthusian Controllers.
OL got sent there to represent the Controllers officially. To see that they wanted, and relay that to the controllers.
He isn't there as a lackey, or servant, or subordinate.

This and a couple previous segments feel like if the English or American ambassador to Afghanistan (after the Americans and English pulled out of the place ages ago as no longer interested in the place as a going concern) had the current Afgan Gov't come up to them (after having just conquered the place) requested the ambassador to see about getting them to disarm and remove a mine field they left behind when they withdrew.

And while the ambassador was there had a challenge to their new leadership, where the ambassador decided to help them because why not. And then, seeing how accommodating he was being, asked the ambassador to suck their cocks. To which the ambassador was all, "Sure, would you prefer if I spit, or swallow" not realizing that sucking the cocks of foreign heads of state while acting as an ambassador isn't making for very good diplomatic precedent.

What's with the bad writing, Zoat?

I wouldn't go that far.

Paul is literary just trying to help them deal with whatever is going on.

It's one of the main things he does.

The worst they did to him was accuse him of harming one of them and one of them reading his mind for a bit.

Both aren't okay things but Paul has worked with people that have done far worse to him and his allies.

I honestly don't know where you're getting this whole bending over backwards to accommodate them thing.
Completely irrelevant to the current plot, but I'm pretty sure that Batman's emergency contingency to get rid of Paul if he needs to is that he's figured out Paul's real last name, and intends to surprise him with it to make his mental processes and control over his constructs lapse.
Problem with that plan is that Paul is generally wearing armor. And Batman wouldn't use lethal force in the brief window that creates, so Paul would have an opportunity to recover while in captivity.(if batman can even get past his armor to capture him in the first place. X-ionized tranquilizer darts maybe?) Also Paul could at any point fairly easily decide to copy the genetic modifications Truggs had to himself, in which case he might be quicker to purge knockout drugs, he just generally doesn't bother because they wouldn't appreciably improve his actual power level or ability to deal with the sorts of problems he generally runs into and may have unknown side effects.

I just was thinking back to when Paul got hit with a crumbler from an automated turret in the batcave and felt a need to share this.
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Sungate (part 19)
11th September 2012
19:52 GMT

The thirteen of us stand on the promontory which serves as New Cronus's bridge. Coeus has called up a holoscreen, and I don't recognise those ships at all.


Hyperion on the other hand clearly does, and from their expressions Tethys and Oceanus would rather that he'd kept his mouth shut. Theia on the other hand decides to support her husband.

"Some people just don't know when to die."

Hyperion nods. "Bring us over the horizon, Lord Coeus. It's been too long since I burnt something to cinders."

"Are your seeds proof against solar fire?"

Hyperion hesitates, his hands dropping slightly.

"Or don't you know? Were you going to attack without knowing whether or not it would cost you the chance to resurrect your sister?"

Coeus doesn't look around. "Lower your hands, Lord Hyperion."

"If we can identify the ship-."

"Lower your hands."

After a moment's hesitation, he lowers them.

"What else are we going to do?"


"The Controllers didn't volunteer for this because this system makes their powers act up. Normally, I'd say that a fleet that size wouldn't be a problem, but something odd is up with my rings at the moment. Who are they?"

"The people of Karrakan burned what was left of their world from orbit." Coeus pulls up their technical schematics and puts them alongside the results of New Cronus's scans. "We thought that we had already slain the survivors of that bout of self-destructive madness. But it seems that at least a few survived."

"Ring, contact the local Green Lantern."


"Any Green Lantern in the galaxy?"


Theia looks at me with condescension. "Having difficulty, Ambassador?"

"Yes. Please bear with me."

Okay. My armour has an integrated communications system. Less advanced than the ring, but it should still work. Call Maltus.

Ring, identify error.

No error in system.

Well, there's no such thing as an uninterruptible communication system.


Feeling a little ambushed right now.

"Coeus: intellect, night and the moon. Was Phoebe goddess of anything else?"

"What are you thinking?"

"Regular communication and ring communication are down. The Ophidian, a being closer to me than any other, isn't answering me. Something odd is happening with this system. How is that possible?"

Iapetus nods. "This world has spawned no gods. Once we fully bond with it, our power will be unrivalled for as far as the magic stretched. If another had beaten us to that goal, it… Might be possible for them to interrupt your technology. But stealing Phoebe's seed would not be enough on its own."

"Ex-cept that Apokoliptian technology lets them improve their natural abilities."

I vaguely remember it being mentioned during the period in which Supergirl was brainwashed by Darkseid that Apokolips had sorcerers. I don't remember any other mention of magic use outside of the New Gods own natural abilities in the comics, but it was too much to expect them to make a similar oversight in real life.

"How many demigods did Rhea birth?"

Coeus shakes his head. "I have no idea. Over the millennia, it was at least dozens. Including their children, it was hundreds."

"And you've got no idea who that is over there, or why they're coming after you?"

"The damage was too extensive for us to take a full accounting."

"So we don't know why they're here. We don't even know for certain that there's a demigod over there."

"There is. That's how they organised their forces."

"Um…" Gaudia awkwardly raises her right hand a little. "Can we just ask them? That's how things happen on Earth. 'Who are you, why are you doing this, what do you want?'"

I nod. "Are your communications working?"

Coeus checks. "Our communication laser array is working, but if their shields are up then they won't receive it. And since they're near the edge of the system it would take five hours for them to receive the message and another five for us to receive their response. Radio has the same problem. Real time communications systems are in full working order but can't send a message. Lord Crius? Lady Mnemosyne?"

They turn to face one another, clasping each others hands. Their eyes glow faintly… Reaching out with magic? Difficult, even in a thaumically active system. On the other hand, if there's a receiver at the other end… Maybe? The titans were better able to access the Dream than the gods, so it's possible-.

"Parasites. This is where you ran to."

The voice is quiet, emerging from the lips of Crius and Mnemosyne both. I don't recognise it, though my ring indicates that it's speaking a Karrakanian language.

Coeus glances away from the screen for a moment, but makes no move to address the speaker. A problem with having a council of nine-? Oh. No. He's waiting for Phoebe to answer it.

And in her absence it's Hyperion who steps up.

"Which one are you, scum?! Which of you wastes of our mother's milk clung on when you burned your world?"

"I am Sparta. I am here for the fragments of my grandmother that you stole. I will burn your false moon from the sky and then I will make this world a New Karrakan. I would suggest that you pray for your deaths to be swift, were it not for the fact that you have no one to pray to."


"God of the Sun, yes. But for how long?"

The lights in the eyes of Crius and Mnemosyne fade as they release their hands.

"That's that cleared up at least. What sort of naval assets do you have?"
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Well shit.

"Ex-cept that Apokoliptian


I don't remember any other mention of magic use outside of the New Gods own natural abilities in the comics

I remember Darkseid once criticizing Metron for dismissing magic, or something like that.

Including their children it was hundreds."

'children, it was'

but makes no more to address the speaker

'makes no move'
And while the ambassador was there had a challenge to their new leadership, where the ambassador decided to help them because why not. And then, seeing how accommodating he was being, asked the ambassador to suck their cocks. To which the ambassador was all, "Sure, would you prefer if I spit, or swallow" not realizing that sucking the cocks of foreign heads of state while acting as an ambassador isn't making for very good diplomatic precedent.

What's with the bad writing, Zoat?
Um. What?

He's being polite because he would like to help and doesn't want to destabilise the situation further. The wife of a man he got on well with has just died. They aren't his enemy, nor do they want anything it isn't in his interest for them to have.

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