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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

It was episode 98: Low Politics; where Manga Khan shows up to expand his business the Cluster Corps, all while Paul is dealing with politics from the UN and Atlantis, since Venturia has decided to peacefully separate from the greater kingdom and hires the Orange Lantern Corp to act as peace keepers while in the process. This happened due to Paul hiring archmages from Venturia to deal with sentient eyeball from the eyeball gauging planet of Tillettit, whom had a deal with the local religion which were wiped out by Paul and his new recruit, and Paul doesn't see the political issues as major problem because the only threat Manga Khan poses is introducing too much raw material or advance schematics to any potential buyer regardless of the consequences.

There was plenty of friction between him, King Orin, and Kaldur due to how he off hand he was about the situation because Manga Khan while technically a lantern under his command wasn't doing anything against corps rules especially since Venturia seemed ready to secede which could cause instability for the rest of Atlantis if other city-states decided to follow their example.

I always figured the only reason why Icon decided to avoid the situation that his specialty in law didn't cover galactic business and marketing, or he saw the situation with Manga Khan as too much of a head ache to deal with, and unlike the situation with Xor who could be dealt with reasonably trying to deal with multiple nations with no united laws or regulations regarding space trade wasn't.
7th April
17:48 GMT +2

"You know more about interstellar economics than anyone else on Earth."

"No, I… Don't think-" I frown. Who… Would..? "-I do."

Wait. Arnus would. I mean, I.. think he was more a corporate lawyer than a criminal lawyer anyway. Sure, he'd be a little out of date, but the broad principles should be the same. And Ploutos should be able to fill in the gaps. Yes, I can dump it on the pair of them.

"Ring, contact Icon."

"'Icon' not on Earth."


"Ring, contact Rocket."

"In progress."

I raise my left hand to the side of my head as it rings.


"Rocket, Orange Lantern h-."

"Are you why Nazigirl's been followin' me around?"

"Only indirectly. You're-. Um."

"Yeah? You wanna finish that sentence?"

"The most admirable black person she's met, and she thinks that you alone can break decades of racist cultural programming?"

I hear her huff.

"Okay, yeah, great, but the economy in Dakota City ain't so great and most a' the criminals I arrest are black too. It's not.. like, the best image she could get."

"Okay, but every criminal she's ever arrested before was white, so I doubt that she'll draw a conclusion based on that."

"Fine. What were you callin' for?"

"It occurred to me that Arnus' experience with interstellar relations would make him the man to take a lead on this whole business with ClusterCorp. Do you have any way to contact him?"

"Ah… No."

"Raquel, I don't like to call a team mate a-."

"I'm not supposed to contact him. Ah. Especially if you're asking."


"I ain't suppose to tell you unless the world's ending. Is it?"

"No, this isn't even-. Do you know if he's coming back soon?"


"Okay, I-. Clearly don't know what's going on here. If you get in contact with him please mention the ClusterCorp situation?"

Thank you for returning this to my attention. I'll try and do something with it in the future.
Well if you want to decl8war on me right here right now first I'd - not the very first thing but the very first objective I'd go for is - to destroy the moon city ship we are on now. It's both literally metaphorically metaphysically and conceptually your seat of power in the material universe and to the people here. They'd assume your dead, at least at first. Which amoung many important things stymie your flow of worship and rather discombobulate your attempts to counter attack or organize a resistance.
Good call try to start something here by the way.
After you are strained I'd kill who I could immediately so so then blast you all across the planet equal distance away from each other. Preferably while taking a lock if your hair or blood to better track with.
I'd probably destroy the planet itself if I wasn't afraid of having to deal with Sun Eaters on the loose but if I wasn't concerned with that then you'd be dead for sure already. Because you'd be dealing with someone not concerned with that.
Now shall we get on to business of finding the culprit or do you want me to set up a power point presentation siteing the times I've dealt with beings a tad bit tougher than junior gods?
I'd probably destroy the planet itself if I wasn't afraid of having to deal with Sun Eaters on the loose but if I wasn't concerned with that then you'd be dead for sure already. Because you'd be dealing with someone not concerned with that

I doubt he'd do this since the planet is inhabited by a sapient civilization who isn't inherintly evil like the Citadel, the Psions and to a lesser extent the Spider Guild.
I might have been planning something at the time, but I've got no idea what it was now.

I figured he was just occupied with something personal and didn't want to get interrupted.

...Either that or the league (under aquaman's leadership at the time) had him working on an Anti OL plan development and rocket didn't want to get show their hand.

but I think I'd rather hope he just had a date night or something normal and didn't want a Paul based distraction.
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Sungate (part 16)
11th September 2012
19:36 GMT

Phoebe lies on the bier, a slightly out-of-place bio-regulator system keeping her lungs and heart going. I can't see any other activity; her mind is… It's not even turning over as it might for someone in a coma. If she were a normal woman I'd say that she was brain dead. But… My definition of 'dead' and, frankly, how much that matters, has changed a good deal since coming to Universe 16.

Coeus is sitting on the floor beside the bier, her left arm trailing limply down so that he can hold her hand. He obviously looks distraught, though he tries to cover it up as he hears me approaching.

"It wasn't you, then. I'd…" He bows his head slightly. "Hoped that it wasn't, but I am.. not…"

I walk closer and sit down in front of him.

"Don't put on your mourning garb just yet. Gods can be remarkably resilient."

"Oh, do not give me false hope. I can read a neural scanner as well as you."

"I've been dead twice. If I can get better, so can she."

"W-?" He looks pained. "This isn't funny!"

"Neither is being stabbed in the brain with a burning sword by an angel or disintegrated by qwa-energy. But if we keep her body in one piece and work out where her soul went, we should be able to get her going again."

"We should-. Without a focus we have created, it could be-."

His face goes still, his pallor paling.

"Something occur? I haven't done any kind of arcane survey, so I-"

He rises unsteadily to his feet, his currently-late wife's hand slipping from his grip.

"-can't…" I stand as he heads towards the exit, local physicians cowering back as he goes. Mildly pleased to see that he wasn't turning his anguish on them. "Help in guiding us to her, but I know some.. people..?"

He's not paying me any attention, striding in the direction of… The room where I was introduced to the others, I think. Alright, so that-

**[Mr Cassidy points his trident at Mr Excalibris and fires off a gout of flame. Mr Excalibris sings, the fire being buffeted aside and Mr Cassidy collapsing, bleeding from dozens of places.]**

I grab Crius's hand and push it away from my head.

"That was uncalled for. I've been cooperating perfectly well. If you want to see it that badly-."

"Where was that?" He's staring at me. "Tartarus?"

"No. Hell. The monotheistic version of the Punishment Fields, with no hope of release and worse staff. That was where I got stabbed in the brain. Look, you clearly have advanced technology here. Why don't I just put recordings of the events on a multi-format crystal for you to review at your leisure?"

"I wouldn't-." He jerks his head in the direction of his brother. "Coeus!"

Coeus stops at the end of the corridor.

"You're distraught; I understand. I would be the same if it was Mnemosyne. But-."

"It's her." Coeus bows his head slightly. "It's obviously her. We were fools to think-."

"She can't-." Crius's eyes dart to me before returning to his brother. "If we could-."

He hurries after his brother.

"If we could discuss this in private, then-."

"And how well did keeping this to ourselves work out last time? We're lucky that-."

"Okay, look."

They look.

"The Controllers ignored this world for a billion years; it's no skin off their nose to ignore it for a billion more. I'd like to help, but to do that you'll need to tell me what's going on. If you don't want my help or are unwilling to give me the information I need in order to help, then I'll take my retinue and leave."

I raise my hands.

"Entirely up to you."


Crius holds up his right hand to silence his brother. "We can't decide that by ourselves. We will need to discuss it with our brothers and sisters."

"Fine, but the longer you take, the colder the trail gets."

Whatever… Sort of trail that might be. I don't think that gods just drop dead. Someone or something caused her to die-


-so this is an active combat zone until I hear otherwise. Ugh, wish I brought a thaumaturgist.

Crius nods, and lays his right hand on his brother's shoulder to encourage him to continue his journey. And since they're not around, ring, call Hinon.


"Can you be more precise?"

"Unable to connect to network."

I make a spork construct, then dismiss it. Constructs are still working, subspace storage is still working-. And since the things I put in subspace were still waiting for me, the subspace pocket remained associated with my ring, just inaccessible.

"Did my message from earlier get through?"


Fly out or stick around? Need to check on Melinoë first in either case. Interior map… Somewhat complete. Given that the place is warded I probably shouldn't try phasing through the walls or moving to the Honden, but I think I can justify impolite flying.

Scan for Melinoë.


Thin veins of orange briefly glimmer on the surrounding walls as the orange light overpowers the wards designed to prevent them. Depending on the system they've got set up they might re-establish themselves, but that's on them. But I've found Melinoë, and that's the main thing.

Plot course and fly, maximum speed.


Corridors flicker past as my current-generation armour with inertial dampeners and ring-power allows me to fly around -and occasionally through- the obstacles in my path. A bit of a surprise to the crew who get a half-second view of me as I appear through their heads, but I'm sure that they'll live.

And here I am. I leave the armour on as I land and walk through into the sitting area-. Soldiers, they've posted more soldiers. No, irrelevant.

"Was your time on the surface productive?"

"Arguably. What happened while I was gone?"
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Phoebe lies on the bier, a slightly out-of-place bio-regulator system keeping her lungs and heart going

Weird to be using that for a god.

My definition of 'dead' and, frankly, how much that matters, has changed a good deal since coming to Universe 16.

Especially since this is far from an ordinary person.

Where was that?" He's staring at me. "Tartarus?"

The Abrahamic version.

"It's her." Coeus bows his head slightly. "It's obviously her. We were fools to think-."

So it's Sparta.

Thin veins of orange briefly glimmer on the surrounding walls as the orange light overpowers the wards designed to prevent them. Depending on the system they've got set up they might re-establish themselves, but that's on them.

Probably shouldn't be doing that.

Some of them may still feel that you attacked them and destroying their property wouldn't endear you to them.
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Couldn't he make a different FTL comm construct?

It's not like him to have no communications backup

It seems Rhea tried to kill/eat her children as well...

Also, Crius, you twit, you're lucky you're not the next god in a coma.
11th September 2012
19:36 GMT

Phoebe lies on the bier, a slightly out-of-place bio-regulator system keeping her lungs and heart going. I can't see any other activity; her mind is… It's not even turning over as it might for someone in a coma. If she were a normal woman I'd say that she was brain dead. But… My definition of 'dead' and, frankly, how much that matters, has changed a good deal since coming to Universe 16.
For all you know, she's gone a-borrowin'. Though it's poor form not to leave a card saying 'I Aten't Ded' on the body. More likely, something metaphysical is the issue at hand. After all, we don't know how much thinking they do with the meat-brain in their avatar... Well, except maybe Hyperion, and it's not his upper head sometimes... :p

Coeus is sitting on the floor beside the bier, her left arm trailing limply down so that he can hold her hand. He obviously looks distraught, though he tries to cover it up as he hears me approaching.

"It wasn't you, then. I'd…" He bows his head slightly. "Hoped that it wasn't, but I am.. not…"
Yeah, those two really bonded during that little walking trip. The joy of being the most sensible people in the room.

I walk closer and sit down in front of him.

"Don't put on your mourning garb just yet. Gods can be remarkably resilient."
Just ask Melinoë about her arm. Or maybe don't, she might still feel a bit annoyed by the whole affair.

"Oh, do not give me false hope. I can read a neural scanner as well as you."

"I've been dead twice. If I can get better, so can she."
To be fair, in Greek Myth, staying dead can be as simple as agreeing not to leave Hades' Realms. Remember Sisyphus, who got brought back from the dead by arranging for his corpse to not be properly tended to... Or Eurydice, who would have been fine if Orpheus hadn't had that niggling doubt...

"W-?" He looks pained. "This isn't funny!"

"Neither is being stabbed in the brain with a burning sword by an angel or disintegrated by qwa-energy. But if we keep her body in one piece and work out where her soul went, we should be able to get her going again."
The trouble is that latter part. A God's soul should be quite the large, obvious mass of dream-stuff. I doubt you could miss it if it was floating about the material realm...

"We should-. Without a focus we have created, it could be-."

His face goes still, his pallor paling.
And evidently New Cronus isn't strong enough of a focus. Probably should have done that first thing upon arrival, or did finding the Sun-Eater factory interrupt the process?

"Something occur? I haven't done any kind of arcane survey, so I-"

He rises unsteadily to his feet, his currently-late wife's hand slipping from his grip.

"-can't…" I stand as he heads towards the exit, local physicians cowering back as he goes. Mildly pleased to see that he wasn't turning his anguish on them. "Help in guiding us to her, but I know some.. people..?"
OL, save your breath, I really don't think he's listening to anything right now...

He's not paying me any attention, striding in the direction of… The room where I was introduced to the others, I think. Alright, so that-

**[Mr Cassidy points his trident at Mr Excalibris and fires off a gout of flame. Mr Excalibris sings, the fire being buffeted aside and Mr Cassidy collapsing, bleeding from dozens of places.]**
Oh, that was rude! Just poking about in someone's head without permission. Who knows what - or who - you might have run into, hmm?

I grab Crius's hand and push it away from my head.

"That was uncalled for. I've been cooperating perfectly well. If you want to see it that badly-."
Yeah, I don't know how flexible the rules of Hospitality are, but I'm fairly sure that crossed more than a few lines.

"Where was that?" He's staring at me. "Tartarus?"

"No. Hell. The monotheistic version of the Punishment Fields, with no hope of release and worse staff. That was where I got stabbed in the brain. Look, you clearly have advanced technology here. Why don't I just put recordings of the events on a multi-format crystal for you to review at your leisure?"
Technically limited hope of release. I'm quite sure the current rulers have taken great pains to give the damned that slight hope. Because, to quote Morpheus: "What power would Hell have, if those here imprisoned were not able to dream of Heaven?"

"I wouldn't-." He jerks his head in the direction of his brother. "Coeus!"

Coeus stops at the end of the corridor.

"You're distraught; I understand. I would be the same if it was Mnemosyne. But-."
Not even his brother's platitudes will get through that shell of despair, Crius. You'll want to keep an eye on him, lest he do something... Dramatic.

"It's her." Coeus bows his head slightly. "It's obviously her. We were fools to think-."

"She can't-." Crius's eyes dart to me before returning to his brother. "If we could-."
Sparta, then. And evidently out to punish them painfully for.. something.. they did. Or that she believes they did, because their mother was the one at fault...

He hurries after his brother.

"If we could discuss this in private, then-."

"And how well did keeping this to ourselves work out last time. We're lucky that-."
Yes, perhaps this is a time you could use some outside help. I know you want to feel like the high and mighty gods you consider yourselves to be, but...

"Okay, look."

They look.
...Sometimes everyone needs a little helping hand.

"The Controllers ignored this world for a billion years; it's no skin off their nose to ignore it for a billion more. I'd like to help, but to do that you'll need to tell me what's going on. If you don't want my help or are unwilling to give me the information I need in order to help, then I'll take my retinue and leave."

I raise my hands.

"Entirely up to you."
Now, if they're remotely as smart as they presume themselves to be...


Crius holds up his right hand to silence his brother. "We can't decide that by ourselves. We will need to discuss it with our brothers and sisters."
...That's not a 'No.' Good, let's hope you're all about to have an attack of good sense.

"Fine, but the longer you take, the colder the trail gets."

Whatever… Sort of trail that might be. I don't think that gods just drop dead. Someone or something caused her to die-
And that person could be lurking anywhere, given the size of the planetoid.


-so this is an active combat zone until I hear otherwise. Ugh, wish I brought a thaumaturgist.
A pity you didn't have the foresight to call on Hecate before coming here.

Crius nods, and lays his right hand on his brother's shoulder to encourage him to continue his journey. And since they're not around, ring, call Hinon.

...Crap. Anytime the Ring says that, it's bad news.

"Can you be more precise?"

"Unable to connect to network."
The question is, for how long has it been disconnected? Since he entered the Factory? Since his initial arrival on New Cronus? Is the Ophidian still there?

I make a spork construct, then dismiss it. Constructs are still working, subspace storage is still working-. And since the things I put in subspace were still waiting for me, the subspace pocket remained associated with my ring, just inaccessible.

"Did my message from earlier get through?"
Or did it bounce undelivered? This could be critical.


Fly out or stick around? Need to check on Melinoë first in either case. Interior map… Somewhat complete. Given that the place is warded I probably shouldn't try phasing through the walls or moving to the Honden, but I think I can justify impolite flying.
Might need to let your hosts know if you need to step outside for a bit. I doubt they're in any mood to take you leaving well.

Scan for Melinoë.


Thin veins of orange briefly glimmer on the surrounding walls as the orange light overpowers the wards designed to prevent them. Depending on the system they've got set up they might re-establish themselves, but that's on them. But I've found Melinoë, and that's the main thing.
And from his tone, she's safe and sound. Presumably the other two are with her.

Plot course and fly, maximum speed.


Corridors flicker past as my current-generation armour with inertial dampeners and ring-power allows me to fly around -and occasionally through- the obstacles in my path. A bit of a surprise to the crew who get a half-second few of me as I appear through their heads, but I'm sure that they'll live.
Albeit in need of a change of undergarments... And muttering dark things about 'bloody irresponsible blokes flying about willy-nilly', perhaps...

And here I am. I leave the armour on as I land and walk through into the sitting area-. Soldiers, they've posted more soldiers. No, irrelevant.

"Was your time on the surface productive?"

"Arguably. What happened while I was gone?"
Because it's clear he can't count on the Titans being truthful with him. Better to get a second pair of eyes on things.

And the plot thickens. From the looks of it, Rhea did try to pull the Titan Seeds plan off at least once... Let's hope Sparta isn't in the mood to go after anyone other than the Titans, and smart enough not to try a frontal assault against the whole group together. I get the feeling it'll come down to OL having to try and talk her down in a hostage situation, or while she's got her finger in the activation trigger of the Sun-Eaters...
He's not paying me any attention, striding in the direction of… The room where I was introduced to the others, I think. Alright, so that-

**[Mr Cassidy points his trident at Mr Excalibris and fires off a gout of flame. Mr Excalibris sings, the fire being buffeted aside and Mr Cassidy collapsing, bleeding from dozens of places.]**

I grab Crius's hand and push it away from my head.

"That was uncalled for. I've been cooperating perfectly well. If you want to see it that badly-."

"Where was that?" He's staring at me. "Tartarus?"
I first assumed 'Crius's hand' was a metaphor for his psychic intrusion, but it looks like he actually physically touched Paragon's head when there's no indication he was in close proximity prior to this in the chapter. Did he follow Paragon from last chapter and was there the whole time or teleport or otherwise evade detection? Either way, Paragon might have to improve his capabilities for situational awareness.
Yeah, I don't know how flexible the rules of Hospitality are, but I'm fairly sure that crossed more than a few lines.

They might not follow those rules themselves.

The Greek rules of hospitality could have been created by the Olympians, so there's no reason for them to obey them.

Technically limited hope of release. I'm quite sure the current rulers have taken great pains to give the damned that slight hope. Because, to quote Morpheus: "What power would Hell have, if those here imprisoned were not able to dream of Heaven?"

Like Darkseid's torture methods.

A pity you didn't have the foresight to call on Hecate before coming here.

Might not have worked.

According to Donna, Hecate is weird and may not have helped him.

Let's hope Sparta isn't in the mood to go after anyone other than the Titans, and smart enough not to try a frontal assault against the whole group together.

You're back with Murphy.
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You continually claiming that in defiance of reality and multiple sources telling you otherwise isn't actually going to make it true...
I think he means no hope for like, the average joe. I guess there is technically the hope that humanity gets it's act together and invades, but it's not a hope if most people don't know it's possible.
The crew of New Cronus.
half-second few -> half-second view
Thank you, corrected.
I first assumed 'Crius's hand' was a metaphor for his psychic intrusion, but it looks like he actually physically touched Paragon's head when there's no indication he was in close proximity prior to this in the chapter. Did he follow Paragon from last chapter and was there the whole time or teleport or otherwise evade detection? Either way, Paragon might have to improve his capabilities for situational awareness.
Crius was lurking outside of the ward, and touched the SI's head when he left.
Unless he's making inertia wet, that should be dampers. Though admittedly Star Trek has been getting that wrong for *checks notes* a long frikkin while.
Paul needs to create some sort of psychic trap for that. Like how trying to fight Paul on a mental plane opens you up to being attacked by the Ophidian.
That seems a bit extreme cause I don't see that trap ending without someone getting permenately mind wiped or eaten.
I think he means no hope for like, the average joe. I guess there is technically the hope that humanity gets it's act together and invades, but it's not a hope if most people don't know it's possible.
Maybe, but that's still wrong.

The thing that keeps a soul in Hell is it's own guilt, once a soul gets over that it gets a door to heaven.
I don't remember the exact story content.
The author of Dungeon Crawler Carl recently reread his prior work, because even the authors need to do that from time to time to refresh themselves. He can only done 4 books and was starting on the fifth.

Zoat, I think you're due.
Just...bite the bullet. And then bite the other seventy some bullets behind that first bullet.

His eyes narrow. "We are gods, mortal."
Also, I need a refresher on the local magic taxonomy here.

I remember entities like Gaia being a different category of being, more powerful than gods.

But I cannot remember if Titans are distinct from gods on a structural level or not.
Are Titans in this this story the same species as gods, or something different?
Is the difference merely social or something more, and when did it occur?
Was Zeus's Father the same being as Zeus, but considered himself a Titan and Zeus a God (and that is why eating him was ok), or did they consider themselves the same thing, and the distinction only arose after Zeus won, as a term to differentiate New Management from Old Management?
Also, this seem like an error here. If these folks were made by Rhea to resurrect/recreate the Titans of Old, and names after them, why are they calling themselves Gods and not Titans?
Maybe, but that's still wrong.

The thing that keeps a soul in Hell is it's own guilt, once a soul gets over that it gets a door to heaven.

Aside from, you know, people that get dragged into Hell because they got sacrificed to a demon or something. They certainly aren't feeling guilty over being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Let's not pretend that DC Hell is at all consistent. It changes depending on the story line like every other thing in comics according to the needs of the story and the bias of the writer.
The author of Dungeon Crawler Carl recently reread his prior work, because even the authors need to do that from time to time to refresh themselves. He can only done 4 books and was starting on the fifth.

Zoat, I think you're due.
Just...bite the bullet. And then bite the other seventy some bullets behind that first bullet.

Also, I need a refresher on the local magic taxonomy here.

I remember entities like Gaia being a different category of being, more powerful than gods.

But I cannot remember if Titans are distinct from gods on a structural level or not.
Are Titans in this this story the same species as gods, or something different?
Is the difference merely social or something more, and when did it occur?
Was Zeus's Father the same being as Zeus, but considered himself a Titan and Zeus a God (and that is why eating him was ok), or did they consider themselves the same thing, and the distinction only arose after Zeus won, as a term to differentiate New Management from Old Management?
Also, this seem like an error here. If these folks were made by Rhea to resurrect/recreate the Titans of Old, and names after them, why are they calling themselves Gods and not Titans?

Titans are apparently different than ordinary gods here.

They appear to be on average more powerful than them and according to the statements of the characters in his fic, they're also more primal apparently.

It's possible that the Titans are different compared to average gods in both a political and magical way, as in they refer to themselves as Titans due to political reasons or something like that, and they're also probably different in a metaphysical way compared to your average god.

They may have born being different like that or eventually reached that point in their lives.

In mythology gods have given birth or created other beings that are not gods themselves.

It could be like distinctions between dogs.

German Sheppards and poodles are both dogs but there are differences between them, so the same may apply to the Titans and other gods.
The author of Dungeon Crawler Carl recently reread his prior work, because even the authors need to do that from time to time to refresh themselves. He can only done 4 books and was starting on the fifth.

Zoat, I think you're due.
Just...bite the bullet. And then bite the other seventy some bullets behind that first bullet.
Also, I need a refresher on the local magic taxonomy here.

I remember entities like Gaia being a different category of being, more powerful than gods.

But I cannot remember if Titans are distinct from gods on a structural level or not.
Are Titans in this this story the same species as gods, or something different?
Is the difference merely social or something more, and when did it occur?
Was Zeus's Father the same being as Zeus, but considered himself a Titan and Zeus a God (and that is why eating him was ok), or did they consider themselves the same thing, and the distinction only arose after Zeus won, as a term to differentiate New Management from Old Management?
Also, this seem like an error here. If these folks were made by Rhea to resurrect/recreate the Titans of Old, and names after them, why are they calling themselves Gods and not Titans?
In very simple terms, titans come from the Dream directly while gods come from the thaumosphere. Gods are more material.
In very simple terms, titans come from the Dream directly while gods come from the thaumosphere. Gods are more material.
I thought Primordials? like Gaia came from the Dream directly.

Gaia the Earth, Uranus the Sky, a few others. Born from the Dream. Primordials?

Cronus, and Rhea, born from Gaia and Uranus. Titans.

Zeus, Hera, born from Cronus and Rhea. Gods.

Clarify please?
I thought Primordials? like Gaia came from the Dream directly.

Gaia the Earth, Uranus the Sky, a few others. Born from the Dream. Primordials?

Cronus, and Rhea, born from Gaia and Uranus. Titans.

Zeus, Hera, born from Cronus and Rhea. Gods.

Clarify please?
I've described titans as primordial beings, but I don't believe that I've ever separated them as a class.

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