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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

11th September 2012
20:24 GMT

Various parts of their armour glow in quick succession as I prepare for a new att-.

"I yield." "I strike my colours."

And there endeth the one-on-one. Along with the steady stream of Godspeech trash-talking, it seems. Time to tease out some intel, then. Hopefully by whatever code of honour they use, they'll be cooperative in hopes of a cheap ransom...

Their armour dims, and I feel a certain… Presence, vanish from the material.

"Accepted." I float back slightly, dismissing most of my offensive constructs. "You will remove any remaining weapons, though under the circumstances you can keep your armour for now."
Very sensible, given the ordnance that's likely still filling the local space.

My new prisoner -the voice was feminine, but let's not make assumptions with aliens- hesitates, then begins decoupling their gun's harness from their armour.

"Good effort, by the way. You did noticeably better than the other two Ascended I fought today."
...Who were likely friends, I suspect. And whose weapons you used to beat her into submission...

Their helmet momentarily turns to the spear I discarded and the sword I'm still holding. Ah, that was probably insensitive. Though with warrior cultures that isn't always the case so long as you make it clear-.

"They both fought bravely, but their tactics were inferior."
Unfortunately, said tactics were largely old-fashioned. Which tend to struggle in the face of modern military doctrines. Still, she was smart enough to surrender.

They let the removed parts of the harness fall to the deck, then remove what looks like an equipment harness. That appears to be all of the readily detachable parts of their armour. I reach out with orange strands, connect them to my metaphysique and then subspace them.

"Why do you not complete the ritual?"
...Ritual? Hmm. Something Sparta indulges in, or some part of their native culture?

"An ongoing misunderstanding. I'm not a god or titan. I just look a bit like one. I have no idea what ritual you're referring to."

Do I detect a hint of embarrassment and disappointment in that voice, ma'am? Hoping for a glorious death in battle, and your power going on to join a greater warrior's?

"If it's important to you, you can talk me through it once this battle is over."

"No, that's-. No."
Definitely something rather unpleasant for the defeated, then. Presumably the forceable removal of her Demi-Godhood.

"Right then. I'm going to be busy destroying this ship, so please fill me in with what you think this fight is about."

I like that. She's expecting him to be fully aware of what's going on, and he's all, "Huh?"

I send strands out, draining through the gun's shield and attaching myself to the gun itself.

"I was visiting New Cronus on an unrelated matter you're your attack started. I've only heard their version of events, and while I doubt that hearing yours will change things greatly it might affect the resolution I suggest."
Like maybe persuading Sparta to not try and commit deicide and familicide upon the Titants.

Okay, the gun seems… Reasonably responsive. I can make it traverse, that's… The control to deploy it, but the system appears to be damaged. Power comes from there… Huh. There doesn't appear to be anything stopping it firing internally.

"Or you can remain silent, but I will point out that doing so may be contrary to the interests of your faction."
Yes, it probably is damaged, OL, given you rammed that spear into the barrel... I suspect there's also a matter of overcoming its own machine spirit... Which you may have trouble with, lacking the appropriate spiritual parts needed to wrestle with it. :p

"What lies did they tell you?"

"Don't… Know."
True, for all he knows, their entire story about Karrakan was them spinning a tale and they were defeated conquerors fleeing a foe in the mood for vengeance...

With a creak and a scream of twisting metal, the gun comes free from its cradle, construct cabling maintaining the link to its fuel reserves and power source.

"Beyond a passing familiarity with some of Rhea's other descendants, I know nothing about what she did after leaving Earth beyond what they told me. Feel free to give me your version while I kill this ship."
Though can you leave off any imprecations about the Titans' parentage (other than Rhea), threats of violence and assorted other hateful comments? Just to save time, you know...

"If you're not one of them, why do you-."

Charging the gun… Seems straight forward enough, other than the tron lines. But I doubt that-.
Ah, there we go. It seems he's getting the hang of hot-wiring New God systems now.

"Stop! Please, stop."

"I take it this will work, then?"
Good to know he's probably walking around with the safety off. And when Mr. Safety is off, Mr Gun is not anyone's friend. Of course, given his position, that's good.

"The other Ascendants have already boarded New Cronus. The remaining crew are all mortal!"

"So it will definitely work, then. I'm not seeing that as a-"
So what you're saying, honey, is that he can casually wipe out the entire crew without breaking a sweat.

Construct cradle for the gun, point it towards where I… Think I felt the commands coming from. The tron lines covering the gun are fully orange at this point, glowing brilliantly as I prepare to actualise my desire to bring about destruction.

"-bad thing. War is all about killing because you couldn't accept an alternative."
Flashbacks to Early New God Renegade... All that dark grey and orange... As for his opinion on War, yeah, that sounds about right.

"What alternative could we accept?!"

"I don't know. It doesn't matter to me, and I would suggest that it will soon not matter to the crew of this ship, either."
And right about now, she's realising that, no, this Man is not entirely right n the head... By her people's standards at least.

"They murdered Grandmother Rhea for her power!"

"Ah. You believe that they gained those seeds by killing her, contrary to their claim that she died after creating them. What evidence do you have?"
To be fair, they could both be right, it's just a matter of the timing of the events involved. Was the creation of their Seeds contributory to the lady Rhea's demise, as it were... Or merely a side-effect of it?

"Their power-."

"I know of two demigoddesses brought to life after a titan infused clay with their power. What they say that Rhea did is possible, though it's true that they could be lying. Brace."
To be fair, that's probably not the craziest origin in Greek Myth anyway. Pandora, for example, is typically given a similar birth, merely empowered by the Olympians rather than a Titan or Primordial.


I fire and oh that's a bit spicy! The gun annihilates everything in its path… Yeah, yeah, I can see through a cylindrical section of hull… Not quite into open space, as the ship is quite long, but I can see sparks and lights going out, so I assume that I'm closer to achieving my objective than I was.
...And despite it being rather unlikely due to the energetic nature of the blast, I can't help but picture a shocked crewmember peeking their head past the still-sizzling edge of the hole in confusion...

My prisoner was slammed against the interior wall due to not bracing.

The gun's recharging, doesn't look like anyone can respond…
Probably because anyone close to the passage of the blast is now experiencing what being barbecued pork feels like.

"When I say 'brace', brace. Do you have any evidence?"

"I-." The New God picks themself up. "I don't-. Will you allow the ship to yield?"
...After that demonstration, I rather suspect they'd be happy to, assuming anyone with command authority is still intact enough to offer their surrender.

"That's actually my preferred option. Can you arrange it?"

"Ah…" They take a look at the white hot hole I just shot in the ship's interior. "I can see no way for them to survive. Yes. But… I will have to use my divine essence."
...Is this going to be a case of 'Look away, this will be a little embarrassing.'?

"I'm not stopping you."

"And yours. The crew will need to feel my submission."
Ah... Slight problem there.

"I have no idea how to do that, but if you just want me to plug myself into you then I can do that."

I release the hellwraith construct lantern.
Phrasing, OL! ,,,Though looking at Sparta, if this lady is anything like that, it'd probably be pleasant.

"If she does anything suspicious, eat her soul."

"Yes, Master."
Wonder what the lady thinks of that little display. Then again, it's probably more familiar than anything else OL has doen thus far.

The gun indicates that it's fully charged. It would probably be more helpful in the current battle if I just fired a few more time, turned this ship into a wreck and then left. But I'm trying to wean myself off genocide.

I extend filaments and attach myself to the New God, the orange forcing out the turquoise from their armour.
To be fair, it's bad enough that you have to think of it like that. Genocide should never be the first option, or anywhere above dead last.

"Does that work?"

"Yes. I will speak to them now."
...Just be very careful about what you say, hmm? Considering the number of guns, both figurative and literal, to your head right now.

"Good. Do-. What's your name?"


"Make sure that they understand their position, Thiva. I'd rather they live, but I'm not wedded to the idea."
Cute name. Better than calling her Gun-dummy. Even if she was fighting a bit like a Gundam...

Given that Thiva seems to operate under some manner of honour code, I doubt she'll try to betray OL at this juncture. Especially given that if she doesn't, he'll simply start taking pot-shots with that Beam Rifle wannabe. Still, if it means the battleship is effectively removed from the fight, that's a lot of pressure off New Cronus' defenders.
Ritual? Hmm. Something Sparta indulges in, or some part of their native culture?

Definitely something rather unpleasant for the defeated, then. Presumably the forceable removal of her Demi-Godhood.

She was able to take a seed, so she may use a ritual that allows her to steal divine power from her defeated foes.

And right about now, she's realising that, no, this Man is not entirely right n the head... By her people's standards at least.

I don't think he's right in the head by a lot of people's standards.

Phrasing, OL! ,,,Though looking at Sparta, if this lady is anything like that, it'd probably be pleasant.

And Paul doesn't care all that much about appearances.

Just ask the Spider Queen.
She should be able to see it's power level given she can use Godspeech.

If it was still an infernal contractor sure, but this wraith is drawing upon a bit higher tier power source than most, and by new god rules Thiva's got disadvantage on at least her next save against anything OL tries to pull.
If it was still an infernal contractor sure, but this wraith is drawing upon a bit higher tier power source than most, and by new god rules Thiva's got disadvantage on at least her next save against anything OL tries to pull.

The hell wraith has been marinating on the orange light for several months and has been feeding from demons, other magical creatures and I think it even managed to tag a couple of low tier or mid tier angels too.

A random hell shade it is not.
"I was visiting New Cronus on an unrelated matter you're your attack started.
Probably meant 'when' here.

"I have no idea how to do that, but if you just want me to plug myself into you then I can do that."
Oh my word, I do believe I feel the vapors!

Mr lantern kind sir, you can't just plug into a woman in public like this! Though a delicate thing like myself could hardly stop such an event, I must surely protest!
OL says he's not a god, I think it's...kinda academic at this point.

Plugged into a fundamental force of the universe he can manipulate with his inherent affinity towards it, plus the independence of his soul and body and his ever escalating frankensoul.

The only thing that keeps him from counting is that he can't quite call himself a jumped-up elemental yet.
OL says he's not a god, I think it's...kinda academic at this point.

Plugged into a fundamental force of the universe he can manipulate with his inherent affinity towards it, plus the independence of his soul and body and his ever escalating frankensoul.

The only thing that keeps him from counting is that he can't quite call himself a jumped-up elemental yet.

I guess you can say that he's a jumped up avarice elemental.
I assume Thiva is an original character? I'd have expected a link otherwise, though I don't remember if there was one for Sparta.
Yes. In canon, the population of the world Rhea went to first was entirely destroyed, and the seeds were people Rhea created. Here, because I have a different origin for Donna, I've changed things.
I'll have to reread after this episode is over since I might be forgetting something, but I'm confused why Rhea needed Titan Seeds if she was reproducing (relatively) conventionally and has a bunch of (new) divine/semi-divine descendants.
None of the characters have so far volunteered that information, if they know.
'when your attack'
Thank you, corrected.
No, he means 'the peace treaty he suggests' not 'he's suggesting that this is the case'.
No, that's correct.
Yes, it probably is damaged, OL, given you rammed that spear into the barrel... I suspect there's also a matter of overcoming its own machine spirit... Which you may have trouble with, lacking the appropriate spiritual parts needed to wrestle with it. :p
No, the ship-mounted gun. Not the gun used by the Ascendant.
I guess you can say that he's a jumped up avarice elemental.
Honestly, 'Avatar of the Ophidian' wouldn't be far from the truth.
When a mortal believes themselves to be a god and puts on godly airs, that's hubris, and it ends poorly like 100% of the time.

What Paul's doing, were he's basically a god, to the point that other gods in his presence can't tell the difference, but he believes himself to be a mortal, and puts on mortal airs, I don't think that's common enough to have a tragic trope named after it, but I'm sure it's going to end as badly or worse if he doesn't snap out of it soonish.
When a mortal believes themselves to be a god and puts on godly airs, that's hubris, and it ends poorly like 100% of the time.

What Paul's doing, were he's basically a god, to the point that other gods in his presence can't tell the difference, but he believes himself to be a mortal, and puts on mortal airs, I don't think that's common enough to have a tragic trope named after it, but I'm sure it's going to end as badly or worse if he doesn't snap out of it soonish.
I'm pretty sure the Greco-Roman pantheon at least see him more as a demigod. A powerful one, but a demigod nonetheless.
The Ancestor
January 8th, 1857

Bart takes another look around and then shakes his head, before looking over to his current employer. Though 'employer' might be a bit of an overstatement, given that no actual money had changed hands yet. Oh, he was confident that he could turn a profit somehow, but he didn't think it would come from the Indian tribe. If they could afford him, they wouldn't need him.

"Come on, fellah. I don't see no way there's anything worth fighting for 'round these parts. What's really got y'all so riled up?"

The middle aged Indian shifts slightly on his horse, then looks over to Scalphunter. Because once you've seen a person cut someone's scalp off their face, you're not going to be calling them 'Brian' or 'Mr. Savage' in a hurry. And just calling him 'Savage' didn't seem like such a good idea, however much it fit him.

"There are evil spirits in this land. If the white men-."

"I am a white man."

"If they come here, if they disturb the land, it may awaken again. The Ancestor told us to keep people away, but… But we are too weak."


Scalphunter wasn't looking at the local. Instead, he was watching the trees. Bart had no idea what for, but he was the better tracker between the two of them.

"So who's this 'Ancestor', then? Fellah who founded your tribe?"

"No. He was-. He was a white man, like you. He walked all across the world long before people from Europe came here."

Bart frowned. He could generally honestly say that he was the best educated amongst any band of wanderers and chancers he happened to join up with, but there weren't a lot of white men around who couldn't trace their forebears to Europe.

"An albino?"

"No. His eyes were orange. Not red."

"I don't wanna argue the point, but that's the kinda detail gets lost in the retelling."

"No, they glowed orange. That is part of his story."

Bart hadn't ever seen anyone with glowing orange eyes. Glowing eyes, once or twice. Out this far from civilization, things could get a little strange sometimes. There was a mesmerist that one time, and-. Glowing orange was new. And kind of specific.

"Before Columbus?"


"Think I remember something about the Vikings trying to settle North America before that. Called it 'Vinland', because the land was so good for farming."

"No. Before that, whenever it was. He walked the land before people were people."

That put a different spin on things. And that was why he was here. Some times superstition was just that; nothing to it. Sometimes there was something darn strange going on, but for a good reason. There was a stream in England that was supposed to turn things to stone, but that was just due to some chemical in the water. Strange to look at, but not much to worry about.

Or if you got real lucky, there was oil close to the surface killing off the plants and that was why the place had a bad reputation. In which case, his good friend Mr. Bissell would give them a few dollars for it. Minus a finders' fee.

And then sometimes there really was something going on, and if you were real lucky you made it through without soiling yourself. But for the life of him Bart couldn't work out what Scalphunter was seeing in the trees that would give him a clue what was happening here.

"The Kiowa also told tales of the Ancestor." Scalphunter leans down and pulls a small piece of chalk out of his pannier. Then he leaned over and drew a shape on the bark of a nearby tree. A small circle with lines coming out of it. Some kind of Indian writing? "This shape?"

"Yes." Their guide nods, looking a little relieved if Bart was any judge. "The sign of the Ancestor."

Scalphunter looks at Bart. "You don't recognize it? The stories say he walked all over the world."

A circle… With a 'v' cutting through it at the top, two little lines coming off it at the two and ten o'clock positions and another two at the five and seven. Looks a little like a man with arms and legs sticking out. It… Could be a Viking rune, but those were usually made up of straight lines. Not that he thought reading a couple of pulp Viking adventure stories when he was a boy made him any kind of expert. So, maybe some Viking sails to the New World, walks from the east coast through Colorado to California before other white men visited either and made a big impression on the locals.

"You got any idea when this Ancestor guy visited?"

"When he first visited us, or when he most recently visited us?"

"First time. Just trying to get some idea of how long he's been around here."

"He told us that he walked across the bridge between Siberia and Alaska and protected our ancestors from a Martian."


"I don't know what a Martian is, but he said that Alaska is the land to the furthest north of the west coast, and Siberia is across the sea from it."

"A Martian?" Jesus. "Is this some kind of joke?"

The guide looks at him with widening eyes. "You know what they are?"

"Martian. From…" Ridiculous. "Mars. It's a planet. You know what a planet is, right?" He shakes his head. He might have taken advantage of Indian superstition once or twice, but it sounds like someone took these guys for a ride.

"Another world, orbiting the sun. One place further from the sun than our world."

So some educated white man swung through here a few years ago, claimed that he was some Ancestor hero and spun a few tales… He couldn't imagine what the man wanted from them, but this was starting to sound like a waste of time. Back when the local Indians moved in… Did they even know the world was round back then? Galileo was around in the 16th century, and the Indians had been in America for a lot longer than that.

"Listen, I don't think-."

Scalphunter comes alert, and Bart finds himself instinctively ducking closer to his horse.

"Those aren't trees."

His hand snaps out, chalk stick striking-. Passing through a tree, the bark rippling like the surface of a pond when someone threw a stone into the water.

Ah hell. This was that kind of job.

And these were his good pants.

Bart smiles. "Guess he's not a Viking after all."

"No." The guide shakes his head and then shakes his reins, causing his horse to trot forward-. And vanish. "Come."

Bart looks at Scalphunter. "If he knows your tribe too, maybe… You better go next."

Scalphunter scowls. "Bat Lash, I will say this once. I grew up with the Kiowa after they stole me from my parents, but I was never one of them."

Bart raises his empty hands.

"I misspoke, and I apologise."

"Accepted. Don't do it again."

"I won't."

Scalphunter nods, and spurs his horse to follow the guide, vanishing with the same ripple he did.

Bart hesitates, then for a moment looks back longingly at the trail they used to get here.

For a moment longer.

Then he gives his head a small shake and follows them.
Last edited:
another look around and then shook


So who's this 'Ancestor', then? Fellah who founded your tribe?"

"No. He was-. He was a white man, like you. He walked all across the world long before people from Europe came here."

And probably longer than there were people in Europe.

Or if you got real lucky, there was oil close to the surface killing off the plants and that was why the place had a bad reputation. In which case, his good friend Mr. Bissell would give them a few dollars for it. Minus a finders' fee.

Exploitation of native populations.

Wonderful, just wonderful.

He told us that he walked across the bridge between Siberia and Alaska and protected our ancestors from a Martian."

A Burning one if I remember correctly try.

I think Vandal Savage killed it in the comics, though I'm not sure since I'm remembering this from another fanfic.

Scalphunter nods, and spurs his horse to follow the guild, vanishing with the same ripple he did.

'follow the guide'
I think Vandal Savage killed it in the comics, though I'm not sure since I'm remembering this from another fanfic.
It's from the comics. It was mentioned in JLA. Savage told the Justice League this in the story arc featuring the burning martian split personality of the Martian Manhunter.
January 8th, 1857

Bart takes another look around and then shook his head, before looking over to his current employer. Though 'employer' might be a bit of an overstatement, given that no actual money had changed hands yet. Oh, he was confident that he could turn a profit somehow, but he didn't think it would come from the Indian tribe. If they could afford him, they wouldn't need him.

"Come on, fellah. I don't see no way there's anything worth fight for 'round these parts. What's really got y'all so riled up?"
Interesting, another look at the tales of the Ancient Shaman Paul we saw last episode? And a look at some of the 'Wild West'-era DC heroes. ...Seriously, there was a period in the fifties when Cowboys, Crime, Horror and Romance comics outsold Superheroes. Then the Silver Age happened.

The middle aged Indian shifts slightly on his horse, then looks over to Scalphunter. Because once you've seen a person cut someone's scalp off their face, you're not going to be calling them 'Brian' or 'Mr. Savage' in a hurry. And just calling him 'Savage' didn't seem like such a good idea, however much it fit him.

"There are evil spirits in this land. If the white men-."
And, being the DC Universe, that's not hyperbole. There's a lot of true mythology in that world.

"I am a white man."

"If they come here, if they disturb the land, it may awaken again. The Ancestor told us to keep people away, but… But we are too weak."
Interesting. I'm guessing Oil Companies are pushing into the area, and looking for hot deposits. But from the sound of it, this deposit might be too hot to handle.


Scalphunter wasn't looking at the local. Instead, he was watching the trees. Bart had no idea what for, but he was the better tracker between the two of them.
Well, depending on what's about... The trees themselves could be the danger.

"So who's this 'Ancestor', then? Fellah who founded your tribe?"

"No. He was-. He was a white man, like you. He walked all across the world long before people from Europe came here."
Which matches what we saw in the Australian Aboriginal scene. In a way, he sounds like The Doctor from Stormwatch and the Authority, minus the line of serial empowerment. An elder being watching over Humanity and its cousins, making sure Earth lives on...

Bart frowned. He could generally honestly say that he was the best educated amongst any band of wanderers and chancers he happened to join up with, but there weren't a lot of white men around who couldn't trace their forebears to Europe.

"An albino?"
:rolleyes: Ah, that Euro-centric assumption so typical of white heroes of the era... Can't fault the guy, though, he only knows what he knows.

"No. His eyes were orange. Not red."

"I don't wanna argue the point, but that's the kinda detail gets lost in the retelling."
To be fair, I'm sure his tales have been exaggerated over the millennia Humanity has experienced... And often misattributed.

"No, they glowed orange. That is part of his story."

Bart hadn't ever seen anyone with glowing orange eyes. Glowing eyes, once or twice. Out this far from civilization, things could get a little strange sometimes. There was a mesmerist that one time, and-. Glowing orange was new. And kind of specific.

"Before Columbus?"
Because times got weird back in the day... Especially once the Cowboy types got rolled into the mainstream timeline.


"Think I remember something about the Vikings trying to settle North America before that. Called in 'Vinland', because the land was so good for farming."
Vinland, for reference. Though at this point in time, the idea probably sounds like a bit of a crackpot theory...

"No. Before that, whenever it was. He walked the land before people were people."

That put a different spin on things. And that was why he was here. Some times superstition was just that; nothing to it. Sometimes there was something darn strange going on, but for a good reason. There was a stream in England that was supposed to turn things to stone, but that was just due to some chemical in the water. Strange to look at, but not much to worry about.
Once again, to quote Planetary: The world is a strange place. It's the strangeness that's hostile that you have to worry about, though...

Or if you got real lucky, there was oil close to the surface killing off the plants and that was why the place had a bad reputation. In which case, his good friend Mr. Bissell would give them a few dollars for it. Minus a finders' fee.

And then sometimes there really was something going on, and if you were real lucky you made it through without soiling yourself. But for the life of him Bart couldn't work out what Scalphunter was seeing in the trees that would give him a clue what was happening here.
That may sound bad, but keep in mind, in those days, a Dollar was several month's wages for the average person. Which sheds a different light on the value of bounties. Still a bit of a dick move on the Company's part...

"The Kiowa also told tales of the Ancestor." Scalphunter leans down and pulls a small piece of chalk out of his pannier. Then he leaned over and drew a shape on the bark of a nearby tree. A small circle with lines coming out of it. Some kind of Indian writing? "This shape?"

"Yes." Their guide nods, looking a little relieved if Bart was any judge. "The sign of the Ancestor."
Heheh. I wonder how many small tribes around the world know that sigil on sight...

Scalphunter looks at Bart. "You don't recognize it? The stories say he walked all over the world."

A circle… With a 'v' cutting through it at the top, two little lines coming off it at the two and ten o'clock positions and another two at the five and seven. Looks a little like a man with arms and legs sticking out. It… Could be a Viking rune, but those were usually made up of straight lines. Not that he thought reading a couple of pulp Viking adventure stories when he was a boy made him any kind of expert. So, maybe some Viking sails to the New World, walks from the east coast through Colorado to California before other white men visited either and made a big impression on the locals.
Read: The Sigil of the Orange Light. Definitely Shaman Paul. As for walking across America... That's a long-ass way - around four thousand kilometres....

"You got any idea when this Ancestor guy visited?"

"When he first visited us, or when he most recently visited us?"
:confused: ...Just how long ago was the most recent stop-off? Because if it turns out he's still here...

"First time. Just trying to get some idea of how long he's been around here."

"He told us that he walked across the bridge between Siberia and Alaska and protected our ancestors from a Martian."
Otherwise known as Beringia. And that was the Burning Martian known as Fernus, if I remember my JLA correctly. Battled in canon by Vandar Adg aka Vandal Savage. Guess he wasn't alone in this timeline, assuming he took part in the fight at all.


"I don't know what a Martian is, but he said that Alaska is the land to the furthest north of the west coast, and Siberia is across the sea from it."
Yeah, gotta remember, most people of this era would rarely travel more than a hundred miles, and probably not have any education in world geography...

"A Martian?" Jesus. "Is this some kind of joke?"

The guide looks at him with widening eyes. "You know what they are?"
Alas, H. G. Wells' book is still quite a few years off at this point.

"Martian. From…" Ridiculous. "Mars. It's a planet. You know what a planet is, right?" He shakes his head. He'd might have taken advantage of Indian superstition once or twice, but it sounds like someone took these guys for a ride.

"Another world, orbiting the sun. One place closer to the sun than our world."
...No, that would be Venus. Though from a certain point of view, I suppose that would make sense.

So some educated white man swung through here a few years ago, claimed that he was some Ancestor hero and spun a few tales… He couldn't imagine what the man wanted from them, but this was starting to sound like a waste of time. Back when the local Indians moved in… Did they even know the world was round back then? Galileo was around in the 16th century, and the Indians had been in America for a lot longer than that.

"Listen, I don't think-."
Hey, Galileo didn't invent the concept of a round world. His big thing was heliocentrism...

Scalphunter comes alert, and Bart finds himself instinctively ducking closer to his horse.

"Those aren't trees."
...Is that good or bad? Because I'm sure Bat there would rather get some distance if it's the latter.

His hand snaps out, chalk stick striking-. Passing through a tree, the bark rippling like the surface of a pond when someone threw a stone into the water.

Ah hell. This was that kind of job.
Indeed. The weird stuff. The kind of thing you can't get paid enough to handle... But end up getting into anyway.

And these were his good pants.

Bart smiles. "Guess he's not a Viking after all."
Eh, that depends on how you view the history of England...

"No." The guide shakes his head and then shakes his reins, causing his horse to trot forward-. And vanish. "Come."

Bart looks at Scalphunter. "If he knows your tribe too, maybe… You better go next."
...Oh boy. Shaman Paul is right there, isn't he?

Scalphunter scowls. "Bat Lash, I will say this once. I grew up with the Kiowa after they stole me from my parents, but I was never one of them."

Bart raises his empty hands.

"I misspoke, and I apologise."
Touchy subject, but entirely natural given his origins...

"Accepted. Don't do it again."

"I won't."

Scalphunter nods, and spurs his horse to follow the guild, vanishing with the same ripple he did.
He's confident, if nothing else. "Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil... Because I am the baddest motherfucker there..."

Bart hesitates, then for a moment looks back longingly at the trail they used to get here.

For a moment longer.

Then he gives his head a small shake and follows them.
And that, folks is the mark of a real hero.

Let's hope it's not the kind of thing that results in someone saying "Well, that's the end of this suit." I find myself hoping they get to have an encounter with Shaman Paul, because this sounds a lot like some manner of magical disguise for a safe hideaway. I'm sure we'll see tomorrow, because there's another chapter of this coming.

...anything worth fight for 'round these parts.
...anything worth fightin' for 'round these parts. (Considering his accent and all.)
Called in 'Vinland', because the land...
Called it 'Vinland', because the land...

Vaermina said:
Still have no idea what this is supposed to be.
Neither do the rest of us. But I'm sure we'll be seeing what it is soon enough.
Seriously, there was a period in the fifties when Cowboys, Crime, Horror and Romance comics outsold Superheroes. Then the Silver Age happened.

And all the madness that followed it.

Well, depending on what's about... The trees themselves could be the danger.

Hmm, maybe there's an evil or dangerous Green elemental there.

That may sound bad, but keep in mind, in those days, a Dollar was several month's wages for the average person. Which sheds a different light on the value of bounties. Still a bit of a dick move on the Company's part...

They were a European company that was interested in American land.

They were all basically dicks.

Otherwise known as Beringia. And that was the Burning Martian known as Fernus, if I remember my JLA correctly. Battled in canon by Vandar Adg aka Vandal Savage. Guess he wasn't alone in this timeline, assuming he took part in the fight at all.

Now I'm wondering what has befallen that caveman in this universe.

If he met Paul then the encounter either went in two ways.

In one Paul gives him advice that makes him less of a piece of shit.

In the other, Paul assimilates him or throws him into the sun.

Hey, Galileo didn't invent the concept of a round world. His big thing was heliocentrism...

People knew the world wasn't flat for a long time, they just didn't travel to the other side since they didn't know if there was land and they would run out off supplies.

And that, folks is the mark of a real hero.

Or a lunatic.
Farther from the sun?
Mars. Where even is it?
'follow the guide'
Thank you, corrected.
Exploitation of native populations.

Wonderful, just wonderful.
Not particularly. Read up a little on companies like Standard Oil and you'll realise that they weren't picky about who they exploited.
Bat Lash, the prototype Batman? :D
Actually, no. They have basically nothing in common. 'Bat' is an abbreviation of 'Bartholomew'.
...anything worth fightin' for 'round these parts. (Considering his accent and all.)

Called it 'Vinland', because the land...
Thank you, corrected.

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