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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Welp, time for Paul to once again shatter the basic self image of a civilisation. Must be a Wednesday.

If it turns out Sparta actually stole this tech from Apokolips they are going to be in BIG trouble.

Might even be the moment Paul meets Darkseid.
11th September 2012
20:32 GMT

"…believe that the collapse of Karrakanian civilisation was caused by the gods and not -as they claim- by the demigod descendants of Rhea amongst your own people?"

I'm guessing OL has been giving them the third degree over their backstory, and Thiva has been getting a little frustrated about him picking it apart. Though, to be fair, most of those aboard were probably young when all this went down. Not having a good read of their physique and age will muddy that, though.

With Thiva standing unhelmeted next to the non-Ascendant bridge crew, the physical difference between regular Karrakanians and Rhea's descendants like her is obvious. It's the difference between 'human with some reptilian characteristics' and 'actual reptilian alien'. She has a nose while they have nose ridges, her eyes are a little different… I suppose they must have told Athyns that he had an alien forebear.

"Do you have any physical evidence that you could show to me within a reasonable time span?"
So, Sparta is a typical example of the Ascendants, then. Makes them not half-bad looking, then. Unfortunately, there's not going to be time to fool around...

Thiva takes a moment to master herself. "I.. do not. I was young when New Cronus left, and the destruction was so widespread that I… Doubt that anything survives."

I frown. "You don't know?"
Like I said, it's probably been some time.

"Sparta recovered me from the planet after the town where I lived was frozen. I was a little girl, and I don't think there were any other survivors. We couldn't live on the planet now."

"Would you go back if you had the tools to restore it?"
Because, you know, the Maltusians can offer that. Might be a nice carrot to persuade the Ascendancy to stand down.

"That's-. We-."

A few of the bridge crew look mildly puzzled at the question. Thiva-.
Probably confused at why the pink-skinned God is asking all these weird questions...

"Wait, how old are you?"

...And what does that mean by the standards of your race? I mean, Arisia Raab is forty-odd years old by her people's count, but is a teenager on her world.

"Ah-. I know any number of competent adolescents-."

"Karrakanians are adults at fifteen."
Okay, good reference point. Physically and mentally, I assume? Some races hit one milestone before the other.

"Right, but they're not usually given ship command at that age. Who..?" I look around the other Karrakanians, but there aren't any obvious signs of high rank. "Has seniority here?"

None of them answer, a few awkwardly dropping their gaze.
Probably embarrassment at his questioning of her right to command.

"You." I point to one with a slightly nicer cuirass than the others. "What is your rank?"

"Steersman. I'm not one of the Ascendant."
Well, given you probably aren't decorated with tron lines, OL wasn't about to assume...

"Only the Ascendant have officer rank?"

The steersman looks at Thiva for… Direction? Permission? She nods.
...So all the purestrain Karrakanians defer to the Ascendant? Some aspect of their divinity, I'm guessing.

"Our divinity grants us insight that others lack."

Theocracy. No, deiocratic oligarchy. Authority comes from their relationship to Rhea, who… Apparently made quite a positive impression on their society, despite everything that happened. Or the current ruling coterie just made that the official line.
The former has nasty implications, that don't align well with a narrative of 'polite visitor'. The latter suggests Sparta is behind the new order.

They all seem rational, though. I can't imagine soldiers from Earth being this… Polite, to someone who forced their ship to surrender.

"And the New God technology? Where did that come from?"
Probably part of their code of honour. Doing as ordered by another God means surviving to live another day, while resisting would get you dead... Would be my guess...

"New..? God? You mean the Ascendant?"

I take the sword out of subspace once more.
Because if that tech ain't from the Fourth World planets, there's quite the case of convergent evolution going on, even if it's only their tech..

"I recognise the technology. The people of the planet Apokolips and the planet New Genesis use similar designs. Rhea wouldn't have been familiar with it, so either your people developed it independently or you copied it from them. And while I could understand a civilisation borne of a titan developing similar technology, it's too similar."

I pause.
...I'm guessing it doesn't help that Thiva seems to be somewhat low on the totem pole, even if she is commanding a major craft.

"You're looking blank. The upgrades you've made since leaving Karrakan?"

"We implemented those at Sparta's behest. She designed them."
Ah, there we go. A lead! Now, where did she get the tech?

"Do you have the evidence to prove that to a disinterested party? Because that may not be impossible it is pretty unlikely. I mean…"

I take a hologram generator out of subspace and project images of Canis, Scott Free and Grayven.
The evidence is pretty damning, really. But it could be a completely innocent coincidence...

"See the armour layout? The tron lines? How they glow?"

Thiva hesitates, but-. Ah. I've told her something that can't be incorporated into her current worldview, and she's trying to come up with any reason to ignore or reject it.
Probably going to settle on 'So they are similar to us? Or we to them? What does it matter?'

"Yes, I… See the similarity. But there are only so many ways to design armour."

"The workshop where Sparta came up with these designs. Is it on this ship?"
Oh, that would be too easy, wouldn't it?


"How about the boom tube generator?"

"You mean the wormhole device? No."
...That's not an incorrect description of the mechanics, I suppose...

"Does your current surrender agreement cover telling me where they are?"

Well, feck. Looks like he'll have to take the matter to Sparta, then. Ideally after beating her into surrender.

Obviously I could compel her, but the Geneva Conventions prohibit the use of mind control on prisoners. And I'd feel a bit bad about it without an imminent threat.

"Fair enough. Is this ship's drive still under power?"
Or did OL do too much damage in his little test-firing? Also, OL? These guys aren't exactly likely to have even heard of the Geneva Conventions.. No-one would know but you... But the fact you're deciding otherwise says a lot.

Thiva and the steersman both look at the bridge's control systems. The steersman appears to reach a conclusion, but hesitates to report it before his mistress can.
Read The Auguries.
"Yes. Slowly and clumsily. Though I will have to remain on board to operate the divine technology."
...Well, there's a proper little conundrum. Can OL trust you to continue playing nice, or will some part of your honour code give you permission to 'escape' your surrender? Or is it more chivalric, with your word binding you to do as ordered by your captor, within reason?

"Then please do so. Also, render aid to any escape pods that you can. I'm going to return to New Cronus to try and negotiate a truce. I'm convinced that Sparta has been keeping pertinent information from you, and it appears that the closest place I can investigate further is wherever she is. I assume that she has a way to contact you to confirm my version of events?"

"Yes, she will be able to communicate with me."
Hopefully it won't involve too much angry shouting at Thiva for surrendering.

"Then you have your directions. Carry on. Hellwraith, keep an eye on them."

I fly towards the nearest airlock, the location… Something about them surrendering to me made it… Easy to tell where things are on the ship. And its approximate state of repair. To sure whether I'm piggybacking on Thiva's New God abilities due to me dominating her, or if I'm sufficiently New God-like to do it on my own. I'd guess the latter, but I don't have the evidence.
Definitely a bit of both, perhaps. Until you release them from your bondage (of the 'captured but unrestrained prisoner' sort,) you're basically linked to them by metaphysical ties... Well, that's the most logical Narrative Combat explanation...

I do need to go home for a day or so to check up on things. I'll have Canis take a look at a few samples. Maybe… Not suggest that he visit. Though I think he would find my spiritual growth interesting.

That, or amusing.
...Yes, let's not give Canis any reason to be near these folks. Scot might be the better choice...

Flying out of the airlock I see that the cruisers are tractoring their crippled companions into the area of space they've established control over. They don't appear to be making any move to board and liberate the battleship, though if they have really deployed all of their Ascendants then they may not be able to.
Probably recognising the change of flags, so to speak. Unless OL gets beat down by an Ascendant, they're recognising that the Battleship and its crew are now non-combatants.

Wait. I didn't feel the battleship getting shot, and we're… Definitely within the field of fire on the gun Theia was occupying. Why didn't she shoot?

Concerning. I angle my body and fly towards it at top speed.
...Let's hope it's just that she felt OL gain control of it.

And now I'm looking forwards to the inevitable confrontation with Sparta. My bet on the origin of the New God Tech? She played the part on her world that Savage and Intergang would have on Earth: secret collaborator who would have enabled Apokalips to mount a discreet campaign of conquest. How accurate that guess will be is up to Mr Zoat, though...
So, Sparta is a typical example of the Ascendants, then. Makes them not half-bad looking, then

I'm getting images of Falleen from Star Wars.

Because, you know, the Maltusians can offer that. Might be a nice carrot to persuade the Ascendancy to stand down.

And the OLC can gain the help of several gods who don't lose much power away from a planet.

Okay, good reference point. Physically and mentally, I assume? Some races hit one milestone before the other.

Like humanity, in which in a lot of societies people can be considered adults even if they haven't finished maturing physically.

The former has nasty implications, that don't align well with a narrative of 'polite visitor'.

If Rhea left a positive impression then she was probably a benevolent goddess.

Yes, let's not give Canis any reason to be near these folks. Scot might be the better choice...

There's no 'might' about this.

And now I'm looking forwards to the inevitable confrontation with Sparta. My bet on the origin of the New God Tech? She played the part on her world that Savage and Intergang would have on Earth: secret collaborator who would have enabled Apokalips to mount a discreet campaign of conquest. How accurate that guess will be is up to Mr Zoat, though

My theory is that she's forking for Grayven, but this is definitely an interesting theory.
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'while that may not'
'Not sure whether'
Thank you, corrected.
The Geneva Conventions haven't stopped you before.
It's never too late to start following the Geneva Conventions.
The start of the sentence does not makes sense but I'm not sure how to fix it.
To sure -> I'm unsure ?
To sure -> Not too sure ?
Basically, the 'n' key on my keyboard is becoming unreliable and my autocorrect is over enthusiastic. I typed 'N O T', the computer saw 'O T' and turned it into 'T O'.
Basically, the 'n' key on my keyboard is becoming unreliable and my autocorrect is over enthusiastic. I typed 'N O T', the computer saw 'O T' and turned it into 'T O'.
Contact points under the key might be dirty. If so, it's fixable by opening the thing up and cleaning them off.
Well pretty much any POV other then mainline Paul's is better. OG Paul is pretty much the least interesting part of the fic at this point.
I don't know about that. I find the plot pretty interesting. It's cool that he's becoming new godly from a different direction than Grayven, and I'm curious what domain he'd develop absent identity theft. Avarice is kinda obvious but it's more of a tool for him. Perhaps Ambition or Progress?
That is either good news or bad. If your keyboard has hot-swappable switches a bit of googling should source you a replacement you can just pop in. If not, how good are you with a soldering iron?
I haven't touched one since Secondary School. That was 22 years ago.
I don't know about that. I find the plot pretty interesting. It's cool that he's becoming new godly from a different direction than Grayven, and I'm curious what domain he'd develop absent identity theft. Avarice is kinda obvious but it's more of a tool for him. Perhaps Ambition or Progress?

Well to give Mr Zoat credit even his least interesting bits are more interesting then some peoples entire fics but eh I am just not interested in Paul as a person so I get more enjoyment out of those he interacts with. The lesser known the less I can relate. Grayven is much more interesting as is his supporting cast. Shrug.
What I like about this story is Paul's methods of solving problems. He doesn't just beat the bad guy, he tries to do his best to improve the situation, and resolve issues on a more fundamental level. Like the entire Black Adam storyline. Or how he helped Michael Siskin, Blaze, Chantinelle, and Zatara. Or him setting up a less evil government in hell. I guess I also like stories where the threat can't just be busted through, or where Paul needs to depend on his diverse connections to find solutions.
What I like about this story is Paul's methods of solving problems. He doesn't just beat the bad guy, he tries to do his best to improve the situation, and resolve issues on a more fundamental level. Like the entire Black Adam storyline. Or how he helped Michael Siskin, Blaze, Chantinelle, and Zatara. Or him setting up a less evil government in hell. I guess I also like stories where the threat can't just be busted through, or where Paul needs to depend on his diverse connections to find solutions.
I know what you mean. I got a lot more interested in the outcome of this current conflict once OL decided to try and negotiate a settlement between the two groups instead of just trying to destroy the attacking group. It makes the universe seem far more fleshed out and not populated by purely evil races.
What I like about this story is Paul's methods of solving problems. He doesn't just beat the bad guy, he tries to do his best to improve the situation, and resolve issues on a more fundamental level. Like the entire Black Adam storyline. Or how he helped Michael Siskin, Blaze, Chantinelle, and Zatara. Or him setting up a less evil government in hell. I guess I also like stories where the threat can't just be busted through, or where Paul needs to depend on his diverse connections to find solutions.
I agree with what you're saying but I think a big problem for me is I like how Paul sees this world and how he wants to improve it but I don't like how separate this aspect of his life is from characters I really enjoy. I Like the team the Justice League and a lot of the side characters on Earth, a lot of the time I feel disinterested in Paragon Paul's storylines come from him being in space interacting with a lot of people I personally don't care for. In the Orange Lantern Corps I only really like Vril Dox II and Hinon Hee Hannan. This isn't me taking shots at Zoat for his work I think Paul's a great character it's just I like the earth-bound characters of the story more than all the others and feel disappointed when we don't get to see them.
To Godwin's Law this thing, I'm sure Hitler planned to start following it once the purges were complete, and he had killed all the people he planned on killing.
Yeah but I'm pretty sure that's still better than Hitler NOT following the Geneva Conventions after the purges. You gotta take what you can get sometimes.
Sungate (part 31)
11th September 2012
20:35 GMT


The heavy gun appears to be in one piece, but the bodies around it definitely aren't. Presumably, the attackers rerouted some of their forces here after their cruiser was hit. The… Defenders, have sunburst insignias, so I assume that they were Thia's bodyguard. The goddess herself isn't here. I'm trying to work out who won based on the position of the dead, but… I can tell who was attacking and who was defending…

Okay, defender corpses around the gun control booth would suggest that they were overrun. That's… Not what I'm seeing, but there… Are bodies which appear to have been shot from multiple directions, but that just means that they were flanked.

"Illustres to Lord Coeus. Please respond."

Any wounded? Doesn't… Look like it. Closest ongoing combat?


The gun appears to still be in working order, some minor cosmetic damage aside. But with the battleship in retreat on my order and the cruisers over the horizon there's no point in manning it.

"Illustres to Melinoë?"

I lift off the ground, forming a positron projector construct and a railgun construct. Missiles didn't seem to be a part of their arsenal so I skip flak. And… I release my remaining Construct Lanterns.

While assimilating them was the correct tactical decision, their blank staring eyes and general listlessness make these ones unnerving to be around. I'm still not entirely certain whether Construct Lanterns retain any sense of self normally, but these… People, had next to none when the Reach threw them at me. But seeing them as Construct Lanterns make it look like it was me who did that to them and not the Reach, even to me.

But with no idea where the gods are and with no authority to command their forces, I need some backup.

"Spread out, watch for attackers."

"Yes dominus."

They all say it as one. I didn't teach them that. I didn't want them to do that. Which means that's a response the Reach gave them.

I hope.

They fly off in all directions, while I head towards the closest fire fight. My objective now is a little different. I need to take one of the attackers alive, preferably an Ascendant. I'm fairly confident that Sparta is lying to the others… Assuming that Thiva was telling me the truth, and I can't think of any reason for her not to be.

Still don't know what actually happened on Karrakan. I think that whatever happens here I should try and find out. Thiva seemed earnest, but I think I'll want to get to know her a little better before giving her a power ring.

Hm. Maybe I should put Lord Malvolio in touch with Carol Ferris -14? From the sounds of it the organisation of green power ring users he's planning has more in common with her order of roving knights than the super police of the Green Lantern Corps. At the very least, hearing about another worked example will help him clarify his thoughts.

Movement up ahead. Defenders, retreating in a speedy but orderly manner and hunkering down. I drop to ground level and stand in the open to allow them to see me. We're on the rear of the upper crescent here, effectively a series of platforms and promontories build into the remaining moon rock. The defenders are retreating 'up' and 'back', away from the main habitation areas on the inside of the crescent. If that's replicated all over New Cronus it would suggest that we're in trouble, but the main point of the attackers' ingress is 'down' so it's hardly surprising that some soldiers retreated away from there if they were getting overrun.


Because I have actually been learning Themysciran Ancient Greek, even if they laugh at my accent. I don't want to have to wander the streets in someone else's trousers again.

The closest three fall prone, long arms immediately pointing at me. But they don't fire, which is a good sign for their discipline and the prospect of future cooperation.

"I'm the ambassador of the Orange Lantern Corps. I also dealt with that battleship."

One soldier glances at one of the other, while the third keeps his eyes and weapon on me.

"We were told that you were fighting."

"I have received information which suggests that the leader of the attackers is lying to her followers. If I can speak to them, that might be enough to persuade them to break off."

There's a hesitation, then they climb to their feet and point their guns in the opposite direction as more soldiers approach.

"How's it going?"

"We wouldn't be up here if it was going well."

"Yes, I spotted that. The surviving crew of the battleship said that they deployed most of their demigods to New Cronus."

They straighten slightly.

"It is a relief to know that we were not bested by normal soldiers."

"Weapons and armour with glowing lines all along them?" A nod. "Yes, that's them. Someone's giving them New God weapons, but Sparta's been telling them she invented them and they're all so devout that they accept it as a matter of faith."

"Does it matter where they come from?"

"It matters that she's lying to her followers. And it matters to me because there's a New God called Grayven active in the Reach warzone, and the New Gods of Apokolips are the enemies of everyone."

"They're not our enemies."

"Their ruler wants to remove the capacity for mental independence from all other beings in the universe. That makes them your enemies whether you know them or not."

"That's possible?"

"He thinks so. I'd rather not assume not and be proven wrong."

More soldiers, some wounded and supported by others. Walking wounded only. That could be because the weapons they use are so lethal that major wounds are always fatal, or because they abandoned them.

And then I see Athyns. A few scratches and scorch marks on his armour, but he doesn't look seriously injured.


"Lantern!" He checks his environment before walking over to me. "The battle in space is over?"

"The cruisers are pulling back and the battleship is my war prize. Unfortunately, Sparta-."

"Already boarded." He nods. "I saw her before we pulled out. Lord Hyperion charged in to fight her."

"Either way, we still need to fight. Do you have an overview?"

"The last I heard, there was fighting all across the residential areas. Their hold of the launch bays is uncontested. Where is Lady Thia?"

"Don't know. Some of her guard were dead, but I didn't see any sign of her. Or any survivors."

He grimaces. "Unfortunate. Then we-."

"Commander Athyns! Contact!"
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bodies around it defiantly aren't

'it definitely'

so I assume that they were Theia's


who won based on the position of the dead, but… I can tell who was attacking and who was defending…

'I can't tell'

Their hold the launch bays is uncontested. Where is Lady Theia?"

'of the launch'

Where is Lady Theia?"

11th September 2012
20:35 GMT


The heavy gun appears to be in one piece, but the bodies around it defiantly aren't. Presumably, the attackers rerouted some of their forces here after their cruiser was hit. The… Defenders, have sunburst insignias, so I assume that they were Theia's bodyguard. The goddess herself isn't here. I'm trying to work out who won based on the position of the dead, but… I can tell who was attacking and who was defending…
Let's hope she fled in the face of the assault, rather than being captured. The last thing this fight needs is Sparta getting more firepower. At least it explains why they didn't fire on the battleship. Impressive that they spotted the possible threat of the guns. Although I would assume they tried to attack all the gun positions on that side of the station...

Okay, defender corpses around the gun control booth would suggest that they were overrun. That's… Not what I'm seeing, but there… Are bodies which appear to have been shot from multiple directions, but that just means that they were flanked.

"Illustres to Lord Coeus. Please respond."
Could be that one of the Ascendants on the ground had mind control powers, and flipped some of the defenders...

Any wounded? Doesn't… Look like it. Closest ongoing combat?
That bodes ill, that sort of thoroughness. That's the behaviour of a force looking to kill, not to win.


The gun appears to still be in working order, some minor cosmetic damage aside. But with the battleship in retreat on my order and the cruisers over the horizon there's no point in manning it.
And much to large to pick up and carry, so at best, it's irrelevant now.

"Illustres to Melinoë?"

I lift off the ground, forming a positron projector construct and a railgun construct. Missiles didn't seem to be a part of their arsenal so I skip flak. And… I release my remaining Construct Lanterns.
Ah, right, he gained more a little while back. From the ghost fleets the Reach have running around in the periphery.

While assimilating them was the correct tactical decision, their blank staring eyes and general listlessness make these ones unnerving to be around. I'm still not entirely certain whether Construct Lanterns retain any sense of self normally, but these… People, had next to none when the Reach threw them at me. But seeing them as Construct Lanterns make it look like it was me who did that to them and not the Reach, even to me.

But with no idea where the gods are and with no authority to command their forces, I need some backup.
Disposable backup, at that. You really need to invest in drones, especially stealthed ones. Though I bet the Ascendants would detect them...

"Spread out, watch for attackers."

"Yes dominus."

They all say it as one. I didn't teach them that. I didn't want them to do that. Which means that's a response the Reach gave them.
:confused: ...Yeah, that's not creepy at all, nosiree...

I hope.

They fly off in all directions, while I head towards the closest fire fight. My objective now is a little different. I need to take one of the attackers alive, preferably an Ascendant. I'm fairly confident that Sparta is lying to the others… Assuming that Thiva was telling me the truth, and I can't think of any reason for her not to be.
If it isn't, and the Construct lanterns are responding to something subconscious, you might want to get that looked at...

Still don't know what actually happened on Karrakan. I think that whatever happens here I should try and find out. Thiva seemed earnest, but I think I'll want to get to know her a little better before giving her a power ring.
OL, you just met her. While she was trying to kill you. That's not a good estimate of whether you should put a ring on it...

Hm. Maybe I should put Lord Malvolio in touch with Carol Ferris -14? From the sounds of it the organisation of green power ring users he's planning has more in common with her order of roving knights than the super police of the Green Lantern Corps. At the very least, hearing about another worked example will help him clarify his thoughts.
A pity the Indigo are still operating in secret. They might have presented another data point. Not necessarily a good one, but any data is helpful...

Movement up ahead. Defenders, retreating in a speedy but orderly manner and hunkering down. I drop to ground level and stand in the open to allow them to see me. We're on the rear of the upper crescent here, effectively a series of platforms and promontories build into the remaining moon rock. The defenders are retreating 'up' and 'back', away from the main habitation areas on the inside of the crescent. If that's replicated all over New Cronus it would suggest that we're in trouble, but the main point of the attacker's ingress is 'down' so it's hardly surprising that some soldiers retreated away from there if they were getting overrun.
Boy, the geometry of this place... The joy of hollowing out a broken moon for a ship...


Because I have actually been learning Themysciran Ancient Greek, even if they laugh at my accent. I don't want to have to wander the streets in someone else's trousers again.
By context, I would guess that means 'Friendly!' or 'Ally!' ...Though what was that about the trousers? :confused:

The closest three fall prone, long arms immediately pointing at me. But they don't fire, which is a good sign for their discipline and the prospect of future cooperation.

"I'm the ambassador of the Orange Lantern Corps. I also dealt with that battleship."
Yeah, that last one might get them on your side much quicker.

One soldier glances at one of the other, while the third keeps his eyes and weapon on me.

"We were told that you were fighting."
...Yes, that is quite the understatement.

"I have received information which suggests that the leader of the attackers is lying to her followers. If I can speak to them, that might be enough to persuade them to break off."

There's a hesitation, then they climb to their feet and point their guns in the opposite direction as more soldiers approach.
Boy, they're twitchy. But given the circumstances, I am not surprised.

"How's it going?"

"We wouldn't be up here if it was going well."

"Yes, I spotted that. The surviving crew of the battleship said that they deployed most of their demigods to New Cronus."
See, that's useful information. Now, if you knew how many there were, that would be even more helpful... Though if there were, say, two per cruiser, and three on the battleship, besides Sparta... You killed two and defeated a third... There can't be too many Ascendants out there.

They straighten slightly.

"It is a relief to know that we were not bested by normal soldiers."

"Weapons and armour with glowing lines all along them?" A nod. "Yes, that's them. Someone's giving them New God weapons, but Sparta's been telling them she invented them and they're all so devout that they accept it as a matter of faith."
OL, I know you like to exposit, but these guys don't care about that. They just need to know enough to stay alive and fight off the attackers.

"Does it matter where they come from?"

"It matters that she's lying to her followers. And it matters to me because there's a New God called Grayven active in the Reach warzone, and the New Gods of Apokolips are the enemies of everyone."
Again, matters above their paygrade. Unless one of them is an officer...

"They're not our enemies."

"Their ruler wants to remove the capacity for mental independence from all other beings in the universe. That makes them your enemies whether you know them or not."
...And when you say it, it sounds kind of silly, doesn't it?

"That's possible?"

"He thinks so. I'd rather not assume not and be proven wrong."
True. Very true.

More soldiers, some wounded and supported by others. Walking wounded only. That could be because the weapons they use are so lethal that major wounds are always fatal, or because they abandoned them.

And then I see Athyns. A few scratches and scorch marks on his armour, but he doesn't look seriously injured.
Ah, finally someone with authority. And it looks like he's doing well.


"Lantern!" He checks his environment before walking over to me. "The battle in space is over?"
Eh, define 'over'... The enemy are still alive, after all, if defeated.

"The cruisers are pulling back and the battleship is my war prize. Unfortunately, Sparta-."

"Already boarded." He nods. "I saw her before we pulled out. Lord Helios charged in to fight her."
...And now I think I know where Thia went. Given that things aren't exploding right now, I'm guessing neither Titan is still engaged...

"Either way, we still need to fight. Do you have an overview?"

"The last I heard, there was fighting all across the residential areas. Their hold the launch bays is uncontested. Where is Lady Theia?"
Ah, city-fighting. Never fun. Especially when you can't bombard the contested buildings into rubble...

"Don't know. Some of her guard were dead, but I didn't see any sign of her. Or any survivors."

He grimaces. "Unfortunate. Then we-."

"Commander Athyns! Contact!"
But with who? Enemy soldiers? Surely OL would have noticed shooting... Hopefully an ally coming in.

Time for some down-and-dirty combat, eh? Too bad for the Karrakanians that OL brings quite the force multiplier to the field. But the disappearance of Thia, and presumably Hyperion, is worrying. If Sparta's Ascendants are taking down the Titans, this fight will be much, much harder to stop cleanly. And Coeus and Melinoë's silence was also concerning. Captured? Busy? I suppose we'll see...
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I do hope Melinoë isn't dead, I imagine it would take quite some effort to bring her back.

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