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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)


And the boom is probably the weekly disaster... that or RD practicing tricks again. I'd give a 50/50 chance of either.
I vote we spend the next ten episodes with Grayven just being a slice of life pony business consultant.
Not the strangest request I've had.
Thank you, corrected.
Present tense is correct because she's replying to his hypothetical which only happens to be based on past events.
No, I think he's right. If Grayven said 'get' instead of 'got' then you'd be right, but he was clearly referring to the situation that actually happened.
Absolutely aye!

[X] Aye

On the next episode of With This Business Plan-
Well. Sugar. I was going to send the SI back to Earth to deal with the Legion storyline, but that was four votes right there so With This Business Plan it is.
Considering that everyone's a pony, this is the kinkiest name ever!

Goodness. Do you people really want me to do that? Because I will.
You do the original dress and work out a pattern, and ponies with special talent relates to manufacturing do the actual stitching.
"Relating" I believe

While amusing, I'm not quite sure why he's so insistent on saying "fancy shop." He didn't even go with the "drapers" when she said it was an acceptable midpoint.
"How did you meeting go? Did your brother at least comment on your apparel?"

But… I understood that you had a personnel problem, and I though-."
I know this isn't a typo but it does horrible things to my OCD.:(

She rubs her chin with her right frog.
I'm not sure I understand what this is. Google only brings up the animal or the word's use as a verb.o_O
Apparently first two episodes of YJ season 4 is out online now, and they are... a lot.
Someone watch it and tell me if it's any good?

I like it so far at least. Without spoiling too much first two episodes actually take place on Mars.

Welp, if you're interested in some spoilers, albeit not that big ones, then here.

Mars' capital city is called Ma'Alaca'Andra

The Martians are ruled by a monarchy, and Prince J'emm is the son of the king and queen.

There are also Yellow Martians.

And apparently Yellow Martians are the ones that become Sorceror Priests.

Also they're not naturally born as Yellow Martians but are either Red, Green or White Martians who go through something that makes them Yellow and then train in mystical arts.

Oh and I think the Bio Ship had an orgy with a bunch of other Bio Ships and then flew off with what I'm assuming is either its offspring or sexual partner.

The scenery was also beautiful.
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What a contrast between activities. OL trying to stop an interplanetary war, while Renegade... Helps a pretty pony sell pretty dresses.

Honesty I don't care anymore about Oh El, not only is Renegade more interesting and human like after his character development, while Oh El is basically a "vulcan robot" despite running on "I want this" but I do not care about people we never saw before on a distant planet to read over thirty chapters about them.

More so because DC only good thing involving the Titans are Wonder Woman and Donna Troy anything else I just found not of my interest.

At least before on the other War we had Starfire that is a character I care about.
Sungate (part 34)
11th September 2012
20:51 GMT

We're escorted at walking pace through the interior of New Cronus. Burn marks, battle damage, broken bodies and blood are on display throughout the route of the attackers' advance, their own dead being tided up for eventual removal and final disposition. The dead of the defenders are mostly left where they fell, except where that left them in the way. Then they have been dragged aside and dumped.

That one has a wound-. They fell, were dragged and found to still be alive and they received a coup de grâce shot to the head.

Athyns' fists clench as he notices.

Heavy doors open in front of us and we emerge onto one of the upper gantries overlooking the launch bay. The cruiser is still attached to the entrance, blocking the view of space while giving an excellent view of its guns. Three are pointed in our direction, and while I'm confident that I could block them I'm pretty sure that would kill Athyns.

Below on the deck, the attackers have set up an ersatz medical bay. Their wounded are laid out on beds, medics treating their wounds while new arrivals are seen by a New God in glowing overalls. Some… I can't see any wounds. Some sort of stun effect? If they got hit with some sort of neural shock device but the attackers were pushed back, that's certainly possible.

"Here." The lead of our escort points to the open cargo entrance of a small cargo hauler. "We will fly around the exterior, that you might know the hopelessness of your position."

So. Confident of their control of the exterior, but less sure about the interior. That portion of the exterior, anyway. That's still worrying, because there were a lot of soldiers with Oceanus Junior. And… Oceanus himself, of course. Though I suppose that they might simply have retreated inwards or around the outer hull.

"My position is seldom hopeless." I step aboard and then turn. "But an overview-."

"Wait!" At One With My Mission.

Our escorts stop, and Athyns frowns as he turns to look along the gantry. The New God I saw a moment ago has left his patients and is heading up to us on a cargo lift.

"Hold!" The New God jumps up and heads towards us at a jog. "You, Lantern."

"Me, Lantern."

One of our escort steps towards him as he comes towards us.

"My lord, we are ordered-."

The Ascendant gestures with his right hand, and the soldier stops talking. Yes, that's the problem with deifying your leaders. There's nothing to stop them silencing you, even when you know something that they don't.

"Can I help you?"

He comes to a halt, hands hidden in voluminous sleeves. "Our soldiers in comas. Your doing?"

"I've been outside, fighting your starships. I haven't deliberately put anyone I've fought into a coma."

I take a look down towards… Spikes of yellow from the fear-filled dreams that Melinoë has given them.

"It wasn't the false gods or their-" A glance at Athyns. "-slaves. You are the only variable that remains unaccounted for."

"Oh, not true. There's-."

"Lord, Sparta herself has ordered us to take them to her."

"Then board. We will continue this while we travel."

Athyns and the guards climb in, Athyns taking position opposite me near the loading entrance. The Ascendant gets in last, standing between us as the transport lifts off -good inertia controls, I barely feel a thing- and flies into the cruiser's shuttle bay and then out into local space.

Good job I don't get motion sick any more.

"What is causing it?" Divine The Source.

"I suspect that it's one of my colleagues. Melinoë, Goddess of Nightmares and Madness. But since I was told that all of the gods are dead, there's probably nothing that can be done for them."

"How?" Divine Discipline Domin-.

"I can't exactly hear what you're doing, but we have a ceasefire. Keep violating it by trying to alter my behaviour and I'll assume that it's off."

He takes a half-step away, eyes widening.

Athyns shakes his head. "He said nothing of consequence."

"You.. heard-?"

"Yes, I am a demigod. A descendant of Rhea. This doesn't mean that I would go along with that insane-."

"Not… Helpful, Athyns. And the broad outline of the plan seemed sound to me, if the justification was… Reaching a little. But as for your soldiers, anyone Melinoë strikes ends up like that. As far as I know, if she's dead, that's it. Getting them out of it would require her or another nightmare deity." I'd raise my eyebrows but I'm wearing a full face helmet. "Do you have one?"

"No. But once Sparta takes Rhea's full power into herself, it won't matter. She will be able to do it herself."

Will she now?

I take a moment to look out of the hatch and I can see that the invaders do indeed have control of this portion of the surface. I can't see any fighting, so either both sides are hunkering down or it's going on inside. I can see patrols and guards around the remaining surface guns.

"So how's that going to work? Rhea created the gods to be compatible with her siblings' power."

"The mechanism by which it will occur is not my concern. But if healing my people requires this 'Melinoë's' assistance, then I will try to ensure that she is kept alive."


We land without a bump, smoothly sliding up to the same landing I left by at the start of the engagement.

"Though if any of them die while-."

"People die in combat. If you want them all unharmed, you can always leave. Or just have never come."

"I can do neither."

I step off, Athyns and the guards and the Ascendant following us.

"If it changes your answer, it works on gods, too."

No fighting here, as far as I can see. Either that, or they cleared the way with more thoroughness than they did their landing zone. Coeus might have retreated from the bridge if he could see that he was going to be overrun-.

Then the doors to the bridge open and I see Sparta, her Ascendant bodyguards, the recumbent forms of the gods and the Seeds floating around her. The physician escorts us in and the mortal guards form up to guard the door, which closes behind us.

The Seeds shimmer as Sparta stands, glowering at me as she takes a single step in my direction.

"I win."
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A bit of godspeech:
"My position is seldom hopeless." I step aboard and then turn. "But an overview-."

"Wait!" At One With My Mission.
"What is causing it?" Divine The Source.

"I suspect that it's one of my colleagues. Melinoë, Goddess of Nightmares and Madness. But since I was told that all of the gods are dead, there's probably nothing that can be done for them."

"How?" Divine Discipline Domin-.
The Seeds shimmer as Sparta stands, glowering at me as she takes a single step in my direction.

"I win."
The dead of the defenders are mostly left where they fell, except where that left them in the way. Then they have been dragged aside and dumped.

That one has a wound-. They fell, were dragged and found to still be alive and they received a coup de grâce shot to the head.

Athyns' fists clench as he notices.

I think Athyns is going to enjoy the eventual fight that's going to break out.

Our soldiers in comas. Your doing?"

"I've been outside, fighting your starships. I haven't deliberately put anyone I've fought into a coma."

Though Melinoe might have.

take a look down towards… Spikes of yellow from the fear-filled dreams that Melinoë has given them


But once Sparta takes Rhea's full power into herself, it won't matter. She will be able to do it herself."

Will she now?

You asking if she could or if she would do it?

Because I think it can be in her power, though I don't know if she'd do it if she thinks they failed her.

Though if any of the die while-."

'of them die'

The Seeds shimmer as Sparta stands, glowering at me as she takes a single step in my direction.

"I win.


You won the first battle, not the war.

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