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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Which raises the questions of how the Controllers took them down once deployed. The 'powerful weapon' option, I suppose. Or did they just not give a fuck and let them run riot in the local area?

Maltusians are godlike beings so they may have also been able to overpower these things.

Ah, the Conspicuous CG effect again. I'm betting the New God device is meant to serve as a control system for the Sun-Eaters. And lets mere mortals bridge the functionality gap between them and a Maltusian in order to use the factory controls.

Seeing as the Seeds were mentioned I'm thinking it may be something like a high tech voodoo doll, as in using pieces of the Titans to hurt them.

Ah, so that's how they got it. Surprised he doesn't use a Hush Tube, though. Guess he didn't have all the materials needed to build one.

Grayven has separated from Apokolips so he may not have access to that much resources and equipment and needs to rely on other methods for some things in order to not waste what he has.
Maltusians are godlike beings so they may have also been able to overpower these things

They are called Controllers for a reason- they have telepathic mind control powers.

Clonus' mutant half-human monsterspawn took over entire planets.

They might be able to command them to turn over and play dead.

They normally store their sun-eaters in suspended animation, it's not like they are going to feed them in between stellacides.

They might have a device to force sun-eaters into such a state.
The Ophidian moves around me, becomes the area around me, living as the desires of the panicking people.

We better fix it then, hadn't we?

I step

Knowing your power ring was about to be useless is there any rational reason not to bond with Ophidian to take care of this before the people/world dies?

"Look, I don't know what's going on, but you can still mend your relationship with your Ascendants. I'm happy to help out with whatever's going wrong on-."

"Lantern." Doctor Impossible shakes his head, his hands moving over the console. "She's not that rational. Just fight it out and sort out who was right later."


Sparta leaps at me, arms outstretched!

Also altered mindset doesn't mean idiot and that is the territory your getting into. With a side of classic do the same thing over and over expecting different results insanity.
I'm surprised no one else noticed the threadmark is broken

Edit: Damn I've been ninja'd
"Look, I don't know what's going on, but you can still mend your relationship with your Ascendants. I'm happy to help out with whatever's going wrong on-."

"Lantern." Doctor Impossible shakes his head, his hands moving over the console. "She's not that rational. Just fight it out and sort out who was right later."


Refreshingly straightforward?
Sungate (part 40)
11th September 2012
21:17 GMT

I calculate her path and move to evade, then everything goes black-. It moved, the edge of the cloud moved-. I cringe in my armour as a lightning bolt hits my energy shield that isn't designed to handle that and dart back out.

Sparta's suspended in the air-. Aero-discs, she's using-.

She draws a sword and slashes at me, and this time I dodge left and try flying past her off-hand. She tries turning, but it's clumsy. The Karrakanians didn't use aero-discs, so… I suppose she hasn't had much practice? She's dropping into the black-.

The black retreats, still covering the cavernous depths of the factory but giving her enough space to regain her aerial balance.

"Careful Sparta; my control isn't that good."

"What are you even here for?"

Sparta snarls and then flies straight at me. I use my armour's cameras -caveman mode- to check, then fly for the empty space above me-. Then abort and dodge right as the dark cloud surges inward.

"Don't bother, Lantern. She's not-."

"I meant you."

New God technology works fine in here, but as I weave around the extruded tendrils of the Sun Eater I note that the owners can't necessarily capitalise on that. Sparta actually clips-


-the Sun Eater as she tries to follow me but can't corner sharply enough. She comes out squinting and with her left arm trembling. Okay, a lot stronger than me, not sure how tough. If my rings were working I wouldn't worry about a New God sword, but that's not where I am now. My shield gives wide-spectrum protection but is far weaker than what I'm used to.

The blackness retreats and Sparta glares at me as if she wishes she could erase me with the intensity of her stare.

What's their goal here? Kill me and hold the planet hostage for the other Seeds? But the… What do I call them now? Karrakanians, don't care about Minosyss, saving that letting the fighting between demigods ruin it would have extremely uncomfortable cultural overtones. Athyns might go for it, but without the gods… Why not just go back to Karrakan and use the Seeds he has?

"Now why would I tell you that?"

"I've lived with Canis Minor for months. New Gods love to grandstand."

"Some of us understand deferred gratification."

Can I actually hurt Sparta? Well… Probably-. No, arm and eyes look like they're back to full effectiveness. I stripped out the crumbler gauntlets to add this energy shield so I'd just be punching, and I suspect that she's a lot better at that than me.

Doctor Impossible looks a lot more-

"I'm not."

-vulnerable, due-. I didn't take out the telepathic shields. If he was that-.

"I'm not telepathic, people are just-"

I dodge around the command platform, keeping Sparta from being able to lunge or swing effectively as she awkwardly follows me.


Up onto the command platform, Doctor Impossible taking a few slow steps away from me, barely paying me any attention at all.

"Is this easily breakable?"

"It exists in more dimensions than your mortal mind can comprehend, so… No, not really."

"Imma punch it."

Sparta lands and deactivates her aero-discs, crouching slightly and drawing a knife in her left hand. Doctor Impossible holds up his right in a 'halt' gesture.

"No, wait, this could be instruct-"

She charges with a silent grimace and I move, voiding her first slice and swinging my left fist at her arm.

"-ive. Never-"

She takes the hit but doesn't appear hurt, cutting at my armour with her knife while she turns to face me again. I pull my arm aside to avoid her weapon. I want to get a better feel for her strength before trying the 'correct' way of dealing with a sword wielding opponent without using a weapon, which would be getting inside her reach. Because if it turns out that she's that much stronger than me I'd just die with no way to escape.


Back up, back up, see if she's berserk enough to attack Doctor Impossible's equipment. Light on the feet, use the armour's flight system and servo muscles to move faster than I should be-.

She tries a shallow slash and I slap aside the flat of the blade with my right gauntlet. Yes, you're going to have to commit more than that.

"Doctor, why not just cut your losses?"

Sparta comes at me, sword blade held near vertical and dagger ready to stab anything I use to turn it aside. Not much space to back away into, but she's thinking like an infantryman. I wait until her muscles tense for a sword swing and then rotate and drop, spinning myself to kick her legs. She spots what I'm doing a little too late but tries jumping over me anyway, meaning that rather than taking out her shins I just kick her feet hard enough to make her spin and slam face-first into part of the Seed control system.

He shrugs lazily. "Because I don't see myself losing anything either way."

Move, back away-. She kept the sword but lost hold of the dagger, grab it. Sparta's back on her feet and more cautious while Doctor Impossible is still unconcerned.

Probably won't work but fly back and stab him-. A hologram.


New visual location, sonic scan shows… Sound coming from somewhere else, but that's probably not where he actually is either.

"Sparta, I don't think he's actually here. Why don't you just give up?"



"-here, Lantern?"

Now he's wearing knuckle dusters which radiate dark blue strands, and must be at least somewhat close to where he appears to be.

"Amazing what they can do with drones these-"

This time I advance, marching towards Sparta as she extends her blade towards me in an attempt to keep me out of dagger range.


She makes a small slash and I slap the blade aside hard before flying into her with fist extended! I hit her face but I don't hear anything crunch, so I wrap my left arm around her right to try and force the sword into the machine-.


Doctor Impossible hit me again, and Sparta uses-.


Uses the distraction to throw me into the air! I stabilise and-. And Doctor Impossible tilts his head back, closing his eyes.

"It's too late."

Sparta glares at him. "What do you-?"

Athyns marches out of the blackness, six Seeds attached to his armour.
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The blackness retreats and Sparta glares at me as if she wishes she could erase me with the intensity of her stare

With her powers she might be able to do it.

, saving that telling the fighting between

'letting the'

Karrakanians, don't care about Minosyss, saving that telling the fighting between demigods ruin it would have extremely uncomfortable cultural overtones. Athyns might go for it, but without the gods… Why not just go back to Karrakan and use the Seeds he has?

The Karrakians on both sides may care since the planet may have been believed to be their second home.

Also Athyns may not go back since he doesn't know how to use the Seeds.

He may not be able to repair the planet with them.

"Is this easily breakable?"

"It exists in more dimensions than your mortal mind can comprehend, so… No, not really."

"Imma punch it."

There's your inner Goku.

move, voiding her first slice and swinging my left fist at her arm.

'avoiding her'



-here, Lantern?"

Missing a "
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Thank you, corrected.

Started watching the first episode of series 4. A month to Mars? None of the local Lanterns prepared to give you a lift?

They might be busy and fighting in space.

In the previous season it was mentioned that the GLC was fighting either Apokalips or the Reach, so maybe that's why they didn't give them a lift.
Thank you, corrected.

Started watching the first episode of series 4. A month to Mars? None of the local Lanterns prepared to give you a lift?
Maybe Mars set up interdiction fields.

Unrealistic jokes aside, I wonder what a Martian-tech Dyson sphere/swarm/bubble would look like. Telekinesis should count as a way to wirelessly transfer power… Does anyone think its components would awaken into a hive mind?
11th September 2012
21:17 GMT

I calculate her path and move to evade, then everything goes black-. It moved, the edge of the cloud moved-. I cringe in my armour as a lightning bolt hits my energy shield that isn't designed to handle that and dart back out.

Sparta's suspended in the air-. Aero-discs, she's using-.
Of course, using something doesn't mean she's any good at it, unless her divinity includes some manner of 'instant expert' ability. Still, with the bad Doctor here, this fight will be tough as hell.

She draws a sword and slashes at me, and this time I dodge left and try flying past her off-hand. She tries turning, but it's clumsy. The Karrakanians didn't use aero-discs, so… I suppose she hasn't had much practice? She's dropping into the black-.

The black retreats, still covering the cavernous depths of the factory but giving her enough space to regain her aerial balance.
And confirmation Doctor Impossible is in control of the Sun-Eater, then.

"Careful Sparta; my control isn't that good."

"What are you even here for?"
Encounter Balance, of course. With all the tricks OL has built into his armour, Sparta alone would be a much lesser challenge.

Sparta snarls and then flies straight at me. I use my armour's cameras -caveman mode- to check, then fly for the empty space above me-. Then abort and dodge right as the dark cloud surges inward.

"Don't bother, Lantern. She's not-."
Well, at least she's playing easy-to-deal-with. Full frontal assaults against a more manoeuvrable opponent? Evidently she's in no mood to fight smart.

"I meant you."

New God technology works fine in here, but as I weave around the extruded tendrils of the Sun Eater I note that the owners can't necessarily capitalise on that. Sparta actually clips-
Probably a measure of control lag, as the New God device interprets the command and translates it into the impulses a Maltusian would impart onto the control terminal...


-the Sun Eater as she tries to follow me but can't corner sharply enough. She comes out squinting and with her left arm trembling. Okay, a lot stronger than me, not sure how tough. If my rings were working I wouldn't worry about a New God sword, but that's not where I am now. My shield gives wide-spectrum protection but is far weaker than what I'm used to.
Be glad you've got the armour at least. I'm sure it's full of many useful devices...

The blackness retreats and Sparta glares at me as if she wishes she could erase me with the intensity of her stare.

What's their goal here? Kill me and hold the planet hostage for the other Seeds? But the… What do I call them now? Karrakanians, don't care about Minosyss, saving that telling the fighting between demigods ruin it would have extremely uncomfortable cultural overtones. Athyns might go for it, but without the gods… Why not just go back to Karrakan and use the Seeds he has?
That would require that he work out how to use the Seeds. And perhaps it's not actually possible? I doubt Sparta wouldn't be above lying about the ability of the Seeds to do so.

"Now why would I tell you that?"

"I've lived with Canis Minor for months. New Gods love to grandstand."
Now that, we can agree on. Just consider the Renegade's flashier battles...

"Some of us understand deferred gratification."

Can I actually hurt Sparta? Well… Probably-. No, arm and eyes look like they're back to full effectiveness. I stripped out the crumbler gauntlets to add this energy shield so I'd just be punching, and I suspect that she's a lot better at that than me.
Great, she gets a healing factor. As for the Doctor, let's just hope he's not read the Evil Overlord List...

Doctor Impossible looks a lot more-

"I'm not."
Oh, that asshole. He's either telepathic...

-vulnerable, due-. I didn't take out the telepathic shields. If he was that-.

"I'm not telepathic, people are just-"
...Or he's just real good at reading people. Well, as long as he's not so good at it that he can tell what you're going to do before you do it...

I dodge around the command platform, keeping Sparta from being able to lunge or swing effectively as she awkwardly follows me.

...He shouldn't be that hard to deal with. I doubt he's got many of the physical enhancements some New Gods gain.

Up onto the command platform, Doctor Impossible taking a few slow steps away from me, barely paying me any attention at all.

"Is this easily breakable?"
And what happens if it breaks? Do the Sun-Eaters go wild or will they go back to sleep?

"It exists in more dimensions than your mortal mind can comprehend, so… No, not really."

"Imma punch it."
Seriously, what are you even the New God of, anyway, Doc? Convoluted Plans? Supervillain Dickery? Ill-advised Taunting? :D

Sparta lands and deactivates her aero-discs, crouching slightly and drawing a knife in her left hand. Doctor Impossible holds up his right in a 'halt' gesture.

"No, wait, this could be instruct-"
Wait, you're seriously thinking about letting him punch your ace-in-the-hole?

She charges with a silent grimace and I move, voiding her first slice and swinging my left fist at her arm.

"-ive. Never-"
...I take it back, he's not the Anti-Mister Miracle, he's the Anti-OL. Like, all of OL's worst character traits turned up to eleven.

She takes the hit but doesn't appear hurt, cutting at my armour with her knife while she turns to face me again. I pull my arm aside to avoid her weapon. I want to get a better feel for her strength before trying the 'correct' way of dealing with a sword wielding opponent without using a weapon, which would be getting inside her reach. Because if it turns out that she's that much stronger than me I'd just die with no way to escape.

True. Letting a super-strong foe with a grudge get their hands on you, just ends with you getting cleaned up with a mop.

Back up, back up, see if she's berserk enough to attack Doctor Impossible's equipment. Light on the feet, use the armour's flight system and servo muscles to move faster than I should be-.

She tries a shallow slashes and I slap aside the flat of the blade with my right gauntlet. Yes, you're going to have to commit more than that.
Heh, handling aggro like a boss. Not bad for a skill monkey.

"Doctor, why not just cut your losses?"

Sparta comes at me, sword blade held near vertical and dagger ready to stab anything I use to turn it aside. Not much space to back away into, but she's thinking like an infantryman. I wait until her muscles tense for a sword swing and then rotate and drop, spinning myself to kick her legs. She spots what I'm doing a little too late but tries jumping over me anyway, meaning that rather than taking out her shins I just kick her feet hard enough to make her spin and slam face-first into part of the Seed control system.
Oof, I don't see that improving her mood any.

He shrugs lazily. "Because I don't see myself losing anything either way."

Move, back away-. She kept the sword but lost hold of the dagger, grab it. Sparta's back on her feet and more cautious while Doctor Impossible is still unconcerned.
Hmm... If Sparta wins, he gets the Sun-Eaters. I suppose if OL wins, he'll just fuck off with the Seeds he has for later study, and probably Sparta as well...

Probably won't work but fly back and stab him-. A hologram.

Of course he's not dumb enough to stand anywhere near the fight...

New visual location, sonic scan shows… Sound coming from somewhere else, but that's probably not where he actually is either.

"Sparta, I don't think he's actually here. Why don't you just give up?"
Never assume, OL. I doubt it's anywhere that simple.



-here, Lantern?"
Goddamn invisible enemies...

Now he's wearing knuckle dusters which radiate dark blue strands, and must be at least somewhat close to where he appears to be.

"Amazing what they can do with drones these-"
No doubt he's already slipped out of melee range. And that's assuming the knuckle-dusters aren't some kind of ranged weapon that just lets him punch from a distance...

This time I advance, marching towards Sparta as she extends her blade towards me in an attempt to keep me out of dagger range.

That better be some kind of feint, OL...

She makes a small slash and I slap the blade aside hard before flying into her with fist extended! I hit her face but I don't hear anything crunch, so I wrap my left arm around her right to try and force the sword into the machine-.

"Ah-ah, no tricks, Lantern..."

Doctor Impossible hit me again, and Sparta uses-.

Yes, the joy of a double-team boss fight... Unless you can outsmart them and trap them together to be pummelled... Well, it's gonna hurt.

Uses the distraction to throw me into the air! I stabilise and-. And Doctor Impossible tilts his head back, closing his eyes.

"It's too late."
Uh-oh, is that good for you, or for OL?

Sparta glares at him. "What do you-?"

Athyns marches out of the blackness, six Seeds attached to his armour.
Shit. Upside: Backup. Downside, he brought the Seeds. Just what the Doctor wanted.

I hope Athyns has managed to work out how to use their power, or this fight will just get annoying. On the other hand, it means they can turn the fight into a pair of one-one-one matchups. And Doctor Impossible is not likely to be much of a threat physically, even with his toys. So with a little luck, this can be over quickly, one way or another.
Seriously, what are you even the New God of, anyway, Doc? Convoluted Plans? Supervillain Dickery? Ill-advised Taunting? :D

During Renegade's imprisonment it was speculated that he may be connected to bondage or imprisonment.

A decent parallel to Scott Free.

...I take it back, he's not the Anti-Mister Miracle, he's the Anti-OL. Like, all of OL's worst character traits turned up to eleven

He and Truggs may have a lot in common.
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