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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Given that most of the garrison is Karrakanian, that's no great hardship. If anything, this whole tussle has felt like a very bloody fight between children.... And now an adult has stopped them fighting, they're licking their wounds and making friends...

Technically only one side is largely composed of children, or teenagers.

The Titans are at least in their thirties, about Paul's age.

Come on, Hinon, it's OL. You should have expected something to happen.

It's difficult to predict the type of stupid Paul will get involved in.
This is not something a genre savvy end goal prioritizing rationalist should be speaking.
Paul's dispassionate, focused on the picture, and has an understated contempt for genre conventions that overpowers even Warhammer Famtasy Paul's hatred for the Chaos Gods. He is none of the things you said.

Genre Savvy is the purview of Common Sense Paul.
Has it been mentioned which seeds Paul has and which Sparta has?
Instead of Paul volunteering the into unprompted.
I think corrective action needs to be taken.
Gets out spray bottle.
Sprays Mr Zoat on the nose with it.
Sprays him again for good measure.

"Bad Kitty! No villainous monologing!"
If the aim were to beat her in a fight, you would be correct. He's not trying to do that, he's trying to talk her down.
Maybe remove the ,
'at them for'
'though it...'
'to use'
Thank you, corrected.
Weren't Sun Eaters in the comics something like giant black clouds?
Depends which comic and which bit of the Sun Eater.
Paul's dispassionate, focused on the picture, and has an understated contempt for genre conventions that overpowers even Warhammer Famtasy Paul's hatred for the Chaos Gods. He is none of the things you said.

Genre Savvy is the purview of Common Sense Paul.
Ouch. I mean, yes, but ouch.
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Are the Titan Seed-gods Karrakanians or some other species or artificial creations of Rhea using the Titan Seeds similar to Diana and Donna? I'm still a bit hazy on the differences but Paragon brought up the latter comparison before so I assume it's that? I need to reread the episode after it's complete.

I'm wondering if Superboy, blessed by Helios as he is, would be able to use the Titan Seeds, even if just the ones associated with Helios's parents Hyperion and Theia.
Are the Titan Seed-gods Karrakanians or some other species or artificial creations of Rhea using the Titan Seeds similar to Diana and Donna? I'm still a bit hazy on the differences but Paragon brought up the latter comparison before so I assume it's that? I need to reread the episode after it's complete.

I'm wondering if Superboy, blessed by Helios as he is, would be able to use the Titan Seeds, even if just the ones associated with Helios's parents Hyperion and Theia.

They're creations of Rhea.

In mythology Rhea is connected to motherhood and fertility so she may be able to have children without a partner.
Sparta might not be activating any Sun Eaters, but she is certainly doing something around the factor area.

Can Boom Tubes be used to steal whole areas? Send the factory and all the Sun Eaters in them to her sponsors? That is a terrifying idea.

On another note, Mr Zoat you check out new season of YJ yet or naw? I understand if not interested at all at this point, just curious if you had an opinion in general on direction of show.
Are Hinon and Dox ever going to learn that they need to have at least 2 Lanterns accompanying Paul during missions due to the almost certainty of his missions going sideways?

That's just asking them to leave the Corps.

If they see the type of shit Paul gets involved in then they'll do everything in their power to get as far away from him as possible.

Manga did it after the giant Star Conqueror fiasco.
In Warhammer Fantasy, the world has two moons. One of them is made of solid warpstone and summons daemons across the world every apogee, which is once a year. That the version of Paul in the setting was famed for getting elves pregnant instead of removing the mass of warpstone in a wave of citrus indignation visible across the sky despite his ability to absorb- It's been corrected.
Sungate (part 39)
11th September 2012
21:14 GMT

People's desires shift when they're terrified; the short term becomes even more apparent than normal and longer aims become occluded almost entirely. A giant black textureless cloud appearing on the surface of your planet near a place which beings claiming to be gods have told you is very dangerous will do that.

I do not like the feel. It makes them simple.

The Ophidian moves around me, becomes the area around me, living as the desires of the panicking people.

We better fix it then, hadn't we?

I step

in, outside the area of the cloud but close enough that I can fly to the factory's entrance relatively quickly. Sun Eaters… They don't look like much. They certainly don't look like suns, not if they haven't fed recently anyway. Rather, they're clouds of ionised gas which use exotic energy absorption methods to suck just about any sort of energy that touches them. It looks like a perfect black body because it's absorbing… Almost the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

A glance aside shows one of the obvious consequences of that; the local grass and tree analogues have frozen solid as a novel life form designed to suck the heat from stars begins doing the same thing here. This is only a tiny part of a Sun Eater, but even this much exposure will kill the planet if it stays here.

I'm just glad that the Controllers didn't put it away fed. If they had, we'd be talking about Minosyss in the past tense.

Okay. These things aren't mentally complex enough to have language. The Controllers didn't build in commands because… That's basically impossible, and it was easier to just carry them to a place and release them. They can die, but it requires a rather powerful weapon and… Minosyss, past tense. They don't really drain power ring bubble fields, but…

The factory might shut down my shield, in which case…

I modify my armour, increasing insulation and adding exotic energy barriers which should prevent it draining me. The electric and plasma discharges that occur inside shouldn't be too much of a problem at this point in its feeding cycle; they're not that strong.


I try to feel for Sparta's desire set, but I get nothing.

Right, fine. I've got a map, and it's not as if there's a lot of stuff in there.

I fly at full speed into the blackness, using markers from the local terrain to judge my location before everything disappears. If anything much has changed then I'm about to ram into something at high velocity, but this part of a Sun Eater doesn't have a lot of mass to it. It probably hasn't altered the shape of the tunnel, and freezing the ground… Probably won't make it cave in worse.

Probably, probably.

From the speed I'm going, that certainly seems to be-.

There goes my shield bubble. My exotic shield takes the load, meaning that I have the distinction of being the only pink Orange Lantern. Fighting with this thing is going to be a pain, but less of a pain than freezing to death in the coils of a Sun Eater.

"Orange Lantern to New Cronus. Please respond."

"Orange Lantern Illustres to Controller Hinon. Please respond."


Nothing again. About what I expected.

Since I'm not delaying so that I can sound Coeus out or paying careful attention to my surroundings, the journey down is a lot faster than it was the first time. Okay, assuming that she's at the control station then I should drop down here, and-.

And the black isn't there any longer. It's behind me and below me and above-

"…twelve stones, Sparta. This isn't exactly a simple business."

-me and who's that?

"They already called for a Lantern."

"Yes, I noticed that. You used the Dream Exhorter before making your attack?"


"So he was here already. Unfortunate, but these things happen. You should worry more about what comes next."

Two figures on the control platform. Sparta, looking a little more like the rest of us in texture. And… A figure in black and purple. Doctor Impossible, not that one. Not sure exactly what he does or why he's here, but it would make sense for him to be the source of Sparta's New God technology.

Doesn't tell me who his source is. Is he working on his own initiative or at the behest of another?

"They'll still follow me. They can't restore Karrakan without me!"

"That's probably not true. Tell me: did this Orange Lantern offer to help them with that?"

"Yes. But only with the planet itself."

"The Orange Lantern Corps has magicians. They will almost certainly spot the other problems."

I'll definitely look for them, thank you. Getting a slightly better angle from underneath… The Seeds which Sparta kept are plugged into some sort of New God machinery which floats above the control platform, and they're doing that 'additional spatial dimension' thing that Sparta was doing a few minutes ago.

"Are the parasites at least suffering?"

"Not yet. As I said, without all twelve Seeds there's not much I can do. I did tell you that you should give them to me at the start."

"I needed to show some sign of my victory!"

"How did that work out for you?"

"They will come back to me. They must."

"That's hardly my problem. But if you can't get me the other Seeds, then… Well… I'm not sure what you're expecting me to do here."

"Teleport up to the bridge of New Cronus and take the Seeds, just as you did when you took it from Phoebe!"

"Firstly, catching a target distracted and alone is a very different proposition to taking them aware and defended. Secondly, they might be leaching the power but they're not dependent on it. Thirdly, the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps is directly below us and listening in on our conversation."

Surprised it took him this long, really.


I float upwards, just passing over the lip of the control platform.

"Look, I don't know what's going on, but you can still mend your relationship with your Ascendants. I'm happy to help out with whatever's going wrong on-."

"Lantern." Doctor Impossible shakes his head, his hands moving over the console. "She's not that rational. Just fight it out and sort out who was right later."


Sparta leaps at me, arms outstretched!
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"Look, I don't know what's going on, but you can still mend your relationship with your Ascendants. I'm happy to help out with whatever's going wrong on-."

"Lantern." Doctor Impossible shakes his head, his hands moving over the console. "She's not that rational. Just fight it out and sort out who was right later."


Sparta leaps at me, arms outstretched!

(I presume is what Paul was about to say)
A figure in black and purple. Doctor Impossible, not that one. Not sure exactly what he does or why he's here, but it would make sense for him to be the source of Sparta's New God technology.
The Renegade didn't remember that. I like how Paul can rely more on metaknowledge, while the Renegade needs to make do with whatever he remembers plus Grayven's memories/archives from his Fatherbox, and then Motherbox.

"Lantern." Doctor Impossible shakes his head, his hands moving over the console. "She's not that rational. Just fight it out and sort out who was right later."
I really hope this guy doesn't capture OL, leading to an arc or two of OL trying to escape. Also, I love how Doctor Impossible just tells OL to cut to the chase instead of trying to talk things out, since he knows it'll never work with Sparta.
And… A figure in black and purple. Doctor Impossible

So it's Grayven.

That's probably not true. Tell me; did this Orange Lantern offer to help them with that?"

"Yes. But only with the planet itself."

"The Orange Lantern Corps has magicians. They will almost certainly spot the other problems."

Ohh, so it looks like the magic on the planet was somehow damaged.

Not too surprising, seeing as it had a demigod war on it.

Teleport up to the bridge of New Cronus and take the Seeds, just as you did when you took it from Phoebe!"

So it was him.

Well if Paul manages to capture him I'm sure the Titans will be interested in showing him some of their hospitality.

Secondly, they might be leaching the power but they're not dependant on it

So even if they don't get the Seeds back they may still be revived.

Thirdly, the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps is directly below us and listening in on our conversation."

Well fuck.

Surprised it took him this long, really.

Or he knew you were there from the start and was preparing a trap.

Lantern." Doctor Impossible shakes his head, his hands moving over the console. "She's not that rational. Just fight it out and sort out who was right later."

Nice try Doctor, but what you don't know is that Paul isn't rational when it is most desperately needed.

That's Common Sense' ability.
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What happened to you Paul? Why not simply surprise capture and THEN talk?

You were supposed to be better than this.
Paul always prefers a peaceful resolution. He'll only go with pre-emptive strikes and immediate countermeasures when he's sure that that isn't possible. Also, keep in mind that Paul isn't operating at 100%, probably because of that Dream Exhorter that Doctor Impossible mentioned.

Maybe he can have those Venturians look into that, since Paul gave them the job of researching the Dream.
11th September 2012
21:14 GMT

People's desires shift when they're terrified; the short term becomes even more apparent than normal and longer aims become occluded almost entirely. A giant black textureless cloud appearing on the surface of your planet near a place which beings claiming to be gods have told you is very dangerous will do that.

I do not like the feel. It makes them simple.

Indeed, Ophidian. When it comes down to it, being that afraid does tend to wipe all other thoughts from your head, other than 'get away from scary thing'... At least OL won't have to worry much about the locals. Those that aren't fleeing are already dead...

The Ophidian moves around me, becomes the area around me, living as the desires of the panicking people.

We better fix it then, hadn't we?
Easier said than done, I'm afraid. One of these things took all the heroes and villains of Earth working together to stop, and some of them still didn't survive.

I step

in, outside the area of the cloud but close enough that I can fly to the factory's entrance relatively quickly. Sun Eaters… They don't look like much. They certainly don't look like suns, not if they haven't fed recently anyway. Rather, they're clouds of ionised gas which use exotic energy absorption methods to suck just about any sort of energy that touches them. It looks like a perfect black body because it's absorbing… Almost the entire electromagnetic spectrum.
And likely it'll just absorb anything your ring can throw at it too. This is going to be a tough one.

A glance aside shows one of the obvious consequences of that; the local grass and tree analogues have frozen solid as a novel life form designed to suck the heat from stars begins doing the same thing here. This is only a tiny part of a Sun Eater, but even this much exposure will kill the planet if it stays here.

I'm just glad that the Controllers didn't put it away fed. If they had, we'd be talking about Minosyss in the past tense.
...Because the planet would have evaporated in its' energy corona as it shifted into real-space? More than likely...

Okay. These things aren't mentally complex enough to have language. The Controllers didn't build in commands because… That's basically impossible, and it was easier to just carry them to a place and release them. They can die, but it requires a rather powerful weapon and… Minosyss, past tense. They don't really drain power ring bubble fields, but…

The factory might shut down my shield, in which case…
...Which raises the questions of how the Controllers took them down once deployed. The 'powerful weapon' option, I suppose. Or did they just not give a fuck and let them run riot in the local area?

I modify my armour, increasing insulation and adding exotic energy barriers which should prevent it draining me. The electric and plasma discharges that occur inside shouldn't be too much of a problem at this point in its feeding cycle; they're not that strong.


I try to feel for Sparta's desire set, but I get nothing.
Thought so, it;'s probably absorbing emotional spectrum energies too. Or she's got some kind of concealing device down here.

Right, fine. I've got a map, and it's not as if there's a lot of stuff in there.

I fly at full speed into the blackness, using markers from the local terrain to judge my location before everything disappears. If anything much has changed then I'm about to ram into something at high velocity, but this part of a Sun Eater doesn't have a lot of mass to it. It probably hasn't altered the shape of the tunnel, and freezing the ground… Probably won't make it cave in worse.
To be fair, if you do end up hitting something, your armour can tank it.

Probably, probably.

From the speed I'm going, that certainly seems to be-.
Don't get distracted, OL. Let's hope it doesn't sniff out the juicy morsel flitting about... Namely you.

There goes my shield bubble. My exotic shield takes the load, meaning that I have the distinction of being the only pink Orange Lantern. Fighting with this thing is going to be a pain, but less of a pain than freezing to death in the coils of a Sun Eater.

"Orange Lantern to New Cronus. Please respond."
Getting a real 'Spock flies into V'Ger' vibe here... Trippy.

"Orange Lantern Illustres to Controller Hinon. Please respond."
Yeah, that's to be expected. This thing is basically a black hole without the hypergravity, in terms of energy absorption...


Nothing again. About what I expected.
Well, shit. Looks like you're gonna be stuck with the old Righteous Face Punching when you find Sparta...

Since I'm not delaying so that I can sound Coeus out or paying careful attention to my surroundings, the journey down is a lot faster than it was the first time. Okay, assuming that she's at the control station then I should drop down here, and-.

And the black isn't there any longer. It's behind me and below me and above-
And now I'm picturing a black mist flowing along the walls all around him, heading for the surface... Spooky.

"…twelve stones, Sparta. This isn't exactly a simple business."

-me and who's that?
Ah, Sparta's sponsor, no doubt. Finally we get to find out who it is...

"They already called for a Lantern."

"Yes, I noticed that. You used the Dream Exhorter before making your attack?"
Which would presumably be what was futzing around with his head back during the fighting. Presumably meant to create a blockade against exotic travel methods, like Greediporting.


"So he was here already. Unfortunate, but these things happen. You should worry more about what comes next."
Yes, marvellous timing. Also known as 'stepping hip deep in the latrines'.

Two figures on the control platform. Sparta, looking a little more like the rest of us in texture. And… A figure in black and purple. Doctor Impossible, not that one. Not sure exactly what he does or why he's here, but it would make sense for him to be the source of Sparta's New God technology.

Doesn't tell me who his source is. Is he working on his own initiative or at the behest of another?
Ah, basically the Anti-Scott Free. The man with the convoluted plans.

"They'll still follow me. They can't restore Karrakan without me!"

"That's probably not true. Tell me; did this Orange Lantern offer to help them with that?"
...And he's worryingly genre savvy. Great.

"Yes. But only with the planet itself."

"The Orange Lantern Corps has magicians. They will almost certainly spot the other problems."
So, the Ascendant war messed up the world's Thaumic structure. Which probably goes some way to explaining why the Titans fled. The place is probably inimical to anything with a soul now.

I'll definitely look for them, thank you. Getting a slightly better angle from underneath… The Seeds which Sparta kept are plugged into some sort of New God machinery which floats above the control platform, and they're doing that 'additional spatial dimension' thing that Sparta was doing a few minutes ago.

"Are the parasites at least suffering?"
Ah, the Conspicuous CG effect again. I'm betting the New God device is meant to serve as a control system for the Sun-Eaters. And lets mere mortals bridge the functionality gap between them and a Maltusian in order to use the factory controls.

"Not yet. As I said, without all twelve Seeds there's not much I can do. I did tell you that you should give them to me at the start."

"I needed to show some sign of my victory!"
Ah, yes, the 'never gloat until all your enemies are dead' part of the Evil Overlord list... Critical failure there.

"How did that work out for you?"

"They will come back to me. They must."
Overestimating your importance a little, are we, little frog? Too bad the world outside your well is quite a bit more complex than you wish it were.

"That's hardly my problem. But if you can't get me the other Seeds, then… Well… I'm not sure what you're expecting me to do here."

"Teleport up to the bridge of New Cronus and take the Seeds, just as you did when you took it from Phoebe!"
Ah, so that's how they got it. Surprised he doesn't use a Hush Tube, though. Guess he didn't have all the materials needed to build one.

"Firstly, catching a target distracted and alone is a very different proposition to taking them aware and defended. Secondly, they might be leaching the power but they're not dependant on it. Thirdly, the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps is directly below us and listening in on our conversation."

Surprised it took him this long, really.
Or, as others have said, he knew you were there the moment you got near enough. Guy's a grade-A asshole.


I float upwards, just passing over the lip of the control platform.

"Look, I don't know what's going on, but you can still mend your relationship with your Ascendants. I'm happy to help out with whatever's going wrong on-."
No, OL, I don't this is going to be that easy.

"Lantern." Doctor Impossible shakes his head, his hands moving over the console. "She's not that rational. Just fight it out and sort out who was right later."


Sparta leaps at me, arms outstretched!
Predictable? Disappointing? Annoying? Yes, yes I suppose it is.

So, the final boss battle of the arc begins. Thankfully, Sparta's not got the power of the Seeds to call on right now. So it comes down to 'can OL manage to match her in Narrative Combat' while trying not to get killed physically. Talk about an acid test for his newfound knowledge of Godspeech...

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